HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/1956 - Regular Meeting?i 3�
Councilmen Stoddard and
In connection i:,ith the above matter, on motion of
Higbie appointed to work
Mayor Hill, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried,
with C. Mgr. and Co Eng.
Councilman Stoddard and Councilman Bennett were ap-
and Co Atty= as a committee
pointed to work with the City Manager, the City Engineer,
to confer with The Irvine
and the City Attorney as a committee to confer with The
Company re water proposals.
Irvine Company on certain decisions that are to be made
Improvement to be
in connection with water proposals.
Plans and specifications for
The City Manager stated that the plans and speci-
the Trailer Park Improvement
fications for the Trailer Pabk Improvement were now
were approved.
ready for the consideration of the City Council, On
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Higbie and carried, the plans and specifications for
the Trailer Park Improvement, submitted by the City
Engineer, were approved by the following roll call vote
to wits
AYES, COUNCILMEN- Bennett, Wilder, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
City Clerk auth to advertise
On motion of
Councilman Wilder, seconded by
for bids for Trailer Park
Councilman Bennett
and carried,
the City Clerk was in-
strutted to advertise
for bids
for the Trailer Park
Improvement to be
submitted on
or before the hour of
4 :00 P.M., Friday,
February 20,
19569 by the following
roll call vote, to
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
C. Mare instructed to use his The City Manager called to the Council's attention
o_wrnjud.ment in nurchgsing that the large furnace in the City Hall was burned out
ta;�legs steep f rnace for and that a replacement was needed. Two bids for a
he c; .v Ha �a atnric- e_ncZt stainless steel furnace were received from the Roy D.
to ex e d 9n1.C,�C.O Gawthrop Company in the amount of $875, and from Smith
Brothers in the amount of $964.96. On motion of Council-
man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried,
the City Manager was instructed to use his own judgment
as to which firm would furnish the best service and
maintenance, and to proceed with the purchase of the
furnace at a price not to exceed $1,000, by the follow -
ing roll call vote, to wit-
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
Adiournmente On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman Wilder and carried, the meeting was ajournedo
, (�
February 13, 1956
Regular Session° The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met
in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall at the hour of 7 :30 F.M.
Roll Call. The roll was called, the following members being
present: Councilmen Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie,
Ridderhof, and Hill, Councilman Wilder being absent.
Approval of Minutes. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by
Councilman Bennett and carried, the reading of the
minutes of January 23, 1956 was waived and they were
approved as written. On motion of Councilman MacKay,
seconded. by Councilman Bennett and carried, the reading
of the minutes of January 27, 1956 was waived and they
were approved with a correction.
On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Council- Regular order of business
man MacKay and carried, the reg1la;7 order of business waived.
was waived in--,order to hold the hearing on Resolution
of Intention No. 4421.
' The Mayor announced that the hour of 7030 o'clock Hear_ nn on Resolution of In-
P.M. having arrived, this was the time and place fixed tentLon_ Nof 21.
by the City Council for the hearing of protests or
objections to the proposed work, the extent of the as-
sessment district, or any and all other objections to
the contemplated improvement set forth in Resolution
of Intention No. 4421, passed and adopted by the City
Council on the 27th day of December, 1955°
The Clerk announced that the Resolution of Inten-
tion was duly and regularly published and that due
notice of this hearing and of the adoption of said
Resolution of Intention.was duly made and given, all
as prescribed by law, and that affidavits of such com-
pliance were on file in her office,
The Mayor then inquired of the Clerk if any writ- One written protest re R -4421
ten protests or objections against the work or district receivedo
had been filed with her in said matter. The Clerk re-
ported that one written protest had been filed with her
prior to the time set for hearing.
The Clerk then read to the Council said protest 6dritten protest of Mr. and Mrs.
from Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Deane, Claxton Deane was read.
The Mayor then.announced that this was the time
and place set for the hearing of protests or objections 92=,P-
against the work or the assessment district, each as
set forth in the Resolution of Intention herein before
mentioned, and asked if any one present desired to be
heard in said matter.
No one present desired to be heard.
The protests were referred to the Engineer for Prot2_ts referred to Co E�ag.
checking and report as to the percentage of the area
represented thereby. The Engineer reported that pro-
tests represented less than 1% of the total area of
the assessment district.
After a full, fair and impartial hearing and an Protests overruled and denied,
opportunity having been given to all persons desiring
to be heard, it was moved by Councilman MacKay, sec-
onded by Councilman Bennett and unanimously adopted
that all protests be overruled and denied.
On motion of Councilman, Bennett, seconded by R=4 8 o8 orderi the work da -
Councilman MacKay and unanimously carried, Resolution Gibed i , Res. of znt. No 4427
No. 4438, being a Resolution ordering the work des-
cribed in Resolution of Intention No. 4421, was unani-
mously adopted by the following roll call vote, to
AYES, COUNCILMEN. Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 44305
ascertaining and determining the prevailing rate of
wages to be paid for the work described in Resolution
of Intention No. 4421, was unanimously adopted by the
following roll call vote, to wit.
AYES, COUNCILMEN. Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman MacKay and unanimously carried, Resolution
No. 4440, directing that the work set forth in Resolu-
tion of Intention No. 4421, be done under the direc-
tion of the City Engineer, and that the materials used
shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer in-
stead of the Superintendent of Streets, and that the
assessment to be made in said proceedings shall be
made and signed by the City Engineer instead of the
Superintendent of Streets, vas unanimously adopted by
the following roll call vote, to wit.
AYES, COUNCILMEN. Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
9_asceraini�nd deter=
kae_p: ' ai ' rate of
for eaork described in
R- 2i.
R-4440 directing tie work to
be done u d the direction of
Citya2giaaeexe R� 21.
��� �E
Opening of bids for the furnish- The Mayor announced that this was the time and
.ne of light standards, lum- place fixed for the opening of bids for the furnishing
3mries and ballasts. of light standards, luminaries and ballasts.
Two bids received. The Clerk announced that she had received two
bids, whereupon, all bids were publicly opened, ex-
amined and declared, from the following bidders, to
Pacific Union Metal Company $3,995.64
Joslyn Pacific Co. $p39995 -74
Bids referred to the City On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by
b gineer. Councilman Bennett and unanimously carried, the bids
were referred to the City Engineer for checking and
report back to the Council as to the lowest regular
responsible bid.
Meeting returned to the re- On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by
gular order of business. Councilmen Wilder and carried, the meeting was re-
turned to the regular order of business.
Councilman Wilder joined the Councilman Wilder joined the meeting at this
meeting. time.
William D. Clark re the Doti- The Clerk presented a letter from William D.
tion circulated re "Tustin Clark which enclosed a copy of a letter sent to the
Ave. and 22nd Street Annex" Globe- Herald in response to its editorial on annexa-
tion, said enclosure explained that the City of New-
port Beach in no way initiated the petition circulated
in the Tustin 22d and 23d Streets area. On motion of
Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay
and carried, the letter was ordered filed.
Peter Staargaard re a license A letter from Peter Staargaard, San Gabriel, re-
to operate a lunch -wagon atc questing information as to the possibility of obtain -
the Helipot plant. Ref. to ing a license to operate a lunch -wagon at the Helipot
9 Mgr. for answering. plant if and when the territory is annexed to Newport
Beach, was presented, and on motion of Councilman
MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried,
said letter was referred to the City Manager for
Southwestern Rom Associates The Clerk presented a letter from the South -
sta ing that the Western spriaagwestern Rowing Associates, dated February 8, 19569
championship Rowing Regatta stating that the Western Spring Championship Rowing
mill be eliminated this year. Regatta at Newport Harbor on May 19, 1956, has been
eliminated due to the expense of participating in
Olympic Rowing Trials at Syracuse. On motion of
Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett
and carried, said letter was ordered filed.
American Red Cross re sound
truck to announce the Red
Cross Bloodmobile which will
be at the American Legion on
March 2, 1956. Ref. to City
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Her -
grraves_approving "ilst Street
zm roy p nt.
Petitions and letters reouest-
ii an ordinance prohibiting
dogs on beaches on Lido Isle.
Aef. to C. Atty.
Union Oil Company requesting
permisslon t0 install adoi-
tiona7 concre e p ing at its
nalpoa arine Station. Ap=
prove su Jec o approval of
Building Departmento
A letter was presented from the American Red
Cross, requesting the Council to allow a sound truck
to drive through the streets of Newport Beach on
Friday, March 2, 1956 announcing the Red Cross Blood-
mobile which will be at the American Legion Hall on
that date. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded
by Councilman Wilder and carried, said letter was
referred to the City Manager.
The Clerk read a card from Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J.
Hargreaves approving 31st Street Improvement. On
motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman
Bennett and carried, said card was ordered filed.
The Clerk presented petitions and letters re-
questing an ordinance whereby signs may be posted
along beach fronts prohibiting dogs on beaches, on
or off leashes. A discussion was had, Mr. Stabler
and Mr. Earl Sparks, 413 Via Lido Soud, speaking
from the floor regarding the necessity of an ordin-
ance of this nature. In regard to the same matter,
the Clerk read a letter from Robert Bogan of Lido
Isle. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by
Councilman Ridderhof and carried, this matter was
referred to the City Attorney for his recommendations.
The Clerk presented a letter from the Union Oil
Company requesting permission to install additional
concrete piling at its Balboa Marine Station to com-
pensate for additional weight and size of proposed
improvements, the plans for this installation being
on file with the Building Department. On motion of
Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and
carried, said request was approved subject to the
approval of the Building Department.
Pojicv of the Citv established Councilman Stoddard brought to the attention of
-to have certain installations,the meeting that for certain installations, it is
jf_deemed necessar�bv the necessary to retain the services of a structural
Building Department, checked engineer rather than a civil engineer. After discus -
Jw a structural engineer. sion, on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by
Councilman MacKay and carried, a policy of the City was
established that the proponent of plans, if deemed neces-
sary by the Building Department, shall have such plans
checked by a structural engineer.
' .The Clerk presented a copy of the Minutes of the
Boundary Commission of Orange County, January 23, 19569
stating that the boundaries of the proposed Tustin
Avenue and 22nd Street Annexation are reasonably defi-
nite and certain. On motion of Councilman Bennett,
seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said com-
munication was referred to the Planning Commission.
The Clerk presented a letter from John C. Penney,
Assistant City Attorney, concerning the inquiry of
Bradford Bishop and Ronald Currie as to whether a busi-
ness license could be obtained for towing water skiers
in Upper Newport Bay during the summer of 1956. Mr.
Penney °s letter stated that such license could be
Minutes of the Boundary Comm.
stating that the proposed
6°Tustie_Ave. and -22nd Street
Annexation °P are reasonably
definite and certain. Ref. to
Planning Commission,
&e° Inciui,ry of Bradford Bishop
and Ronald Currie re license
for towing water skiers in per Newport Bay_ durina summer
obtained under certain conditions. On motion of Council-
man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried,
the City Attorney was instructed to answer said communi-
cation outlining the conditions that a United States
Coast Guard motor boat operator's license to carry pas-
sengers for hire must be obtained and that the proper
public liability insurance must be carried.
The Clerk presented letters from John C. Wilson,
M.D. Wells Morries, and C.M. Stromberg, Jr., protesting
to the Council, the granting of Use Permit No. 212 for
zoning change requested by Mr. Charles Kramer at F.
Street and Balboa Boulevard. On motion of Councilman
Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried,
the Council set February 27, 1956 at the hour of 7030
P.M. as the date and hour for hearing in the Council
Chambers of any and all persons in regard to the ap-
plication of Charles Kramer for Use Permit No. 2125 and
the City Clerk was instructed to publish and post no-
tice of said public hearing and to advise the corres-
pondents in this matter.
The Clerk presented a letter from Paul R. Banker,
dated February 6, 19569 regarding the possibility of
obtaining a license to operate a concessionaire boat
(prepared grill foods such as hamburgers, hot "'dogs, and
soft drinks) selling to stationary boats anchored either
in the bay or to the shore which would include boat
landings. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by
Councilman Wilder and carried, said request was denied.
of 1956.
Re Use Permit No. 212 of
merles Kramer. Letters from
John C. Wilson, M.D. Wells
Morries, and C. M. Stromberg
protesting said use permit.
Heari set for Februar 279
Paul R. Banlees�uestin�
�oss_bility o2' obtaining a
license to operate a boat con-
cessionaire. Degied.
Four copies of Application for "_Alcoh.ol.ic Four _copies of App._SopAlco-
Beverage Licenses: Guy T. Matticks, 50C South holAc__Beveraae License of Guy
Bay Front, Balboa Island; Guy R. LeValley, LeValley °s T Matticks Gum LeVallev,
Food Mart, 112 McFadden Place; Mary I. Dennison, Dennie °s, Mary 1 Deranison. and Norma
2849 East Coast Boulevard, Corona del Mar; Norma H. H. Elliot.
Elliot, Sport Fishing Boat "Jet," 632 31st Street,
Newport Beach, were presented. On motion of Council=
man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and car-
ried, said copies of application were ordered filed.
A letter from the Shoreline Planning Association
of California, stating that "Matching requirement is
a terrific handicap," was presented, and, on motion of
Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and
carried, said letter was referred to the Park, Beach
and Recreation Commission, and was ordered to be filed
with the correspondence on this matter.
The Clerk read a letter from Fred B. Woodworth
regarding damage incurred on October 14, 1955 to his
Cheverolet by a tree branch raking the side of his
car, said alleged damage in the amount of $77.22. On
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Ridderhof and carried, said claim was denied and refer-
red to the insurance carrier for the City of Newport
A letter from G. M. Engelke, president of the West
Newport Improvement Association, regarding the unsightly
appearance of the Pacific Electric Right -of -Way property
from the Santa Ana River to 36th Street, was read, and
on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Ridderhof and carried, said letter was referred to the
City Manager.
The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager
' stating that a request had been received from Mr. Pete
Korales for the purchase of irrigation water again this
year, and stating that in the past the City has sold
water to Mr. Korales at $8.50 per acre foot. After
discussion, on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded
by Councilman Ovilder and carried, said request was
Shoreline P1 a ni n Association
oP Cal f. stating that "Match -
inaa� �s a ten ific
handican.t1 Ref. to_thg PB & R
Fred B Woodworth re damage
incurred to his Cheverolet.
Ref. to the insurance carrier
for he City.
G. M. Enzelke re unsigntly an=
nearance of Pacific Electric
Right -of -Way nronertva Ref.
to the Cit"y� M_Kanage.�o
Reouest from Pete Koral�to
purchase irrigation water again
t1n��ear> Aenied.
11 I
Letter from the City Manager
re two recommendations from
the Tecbnkcal Oi_1__ Advisory
Comm tte .
The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager
regarding two recommendations from the Technical Oil
Committee, i.e., that immediate steps be taken to
contract for the sale of natural gas being produced
from the tidelands; that since the present producing
wells in City -owned submerged lands are draining
areas east of the East of the present limits of the
so- called Elliott Contract, if it is ever felt desir-
able to take steps to offset this production, it would
probably be necessary to solicit bids for a similar
type of contract now in effect with the Monterey Oil
Company and then upon selecting a contractor the whole
matter must be presented to a vote of the people under
the provisions of our present Charter. On motion of
Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett
and carried, said communication was ordered filed.
Mary E Burton re the timefor The Clerk presented a letter from Mary E. Burton,
publishing the proposed amend -Vice- Chairman, Citizens Committee for Parks and Recrea-
ment to the Charter as set tion, stating that the time for publishing the pro -
forth in R -4436, posed amendment to the City Charter regarding the
public use of bayfront land as set forth in Resolution
No. 4436 would expire on February 13, 1956. Since the
publishing had already been made, on motion of Council -
man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried,
said letter was ordered filed.
Mrs. Winifre .The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Winifred
Luesting modification of ra- Kingsley requesting modification of the ordinance per -
bies ornnance, taining to inoculation of dogs. On motion of Council -
man Bennett, seconded by Councilman. Ridderhof and car-
ried, said letter was ordered filed since action is
being taken in connection with the modification of the
Mrs. Tracy E. Thompson pro-
The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Tracy E. Thomp-
testine rabies ordinance,
son, 710 Heliotrope Avenue, Corona del Mar, addressed
to Councilman Sandy MacKay, protesting the ordinance
whereby all dogs must be inoculated for rabies, and
requesting the enforcement of the dog leash law. As
this matter had already been discussed, on motion of
Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and
carried, said letter was ordered filed.
Communicative from Orange
The Clerk presented a mimeographed copy of a com-
munication from the Health Department of the County of
rabies ordinance,
Orange regarding ordinances making rabies vaccination
manditory. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded
by Councilman Wilder and carried, the City Clerk was
directed to send a copy of this communication to all
residents of Newport Beach who have written to the
City Council protesting said ordinances.
Mrs 7 T &ai}xd re the
The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. J. T. Baird
bursting ofc_a h water
regarding expenses incurred through the bursting of a
eater d DresentinLr a bill
hot water heater,alleged to have been caused by the
of A .9 The claim was
water pressure being changed by the City,and present-
ing a bill in the amount of $64.95 for alleged damages.
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Council=
man Ridderhof and carried, said claim was denied.
Mr James M Montgomery re-
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. James M. Mont -
auesting an extension of
gomery in connection with a report on a master plan
time for the completion of
of development and expansion of our water system.
his water survey report on a
Said report was to be completed by February 10, 1956
master plan. C. Eng, in-
and said letter requests an extension of time for the
strutted to obtain a clarifi-
completion. In view of the fact that The Irvine Com-
cation of said letter,
pany had requested a similar study and report and be-
cause of the inter - relationship of the study, the ex-
tension of time was requested. On motion of Council-
man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and car-
ried, the City Engineer was instructed to obtain a
clarification of said letter regarding the extension
of time due to the inter - relationship of the report.
appropriated from Con-
The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager
tingenc� kinds for the in-
requesting that the sum of $425 be appropriated from
s allion of =o_ne radio for
Contingency Funds to dover the cost of one radio to
the newly purchased 9ce
be installed in the newly purchased Police Car. On
motion of Councilman. Stoddard, seconded by Councilman
Bennett and carried, said appropriation was granted
by the following roll call vote, to wits
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay,
Stoddard, Higbie, Rid-
derhof, Hill
The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager
requesting the approval of the appointment of Mr. So
V. Pfuntner as Assistant Director of Civil Defense and
accepting the resignation of Mr. David Olmsted in said
capacity, effective January i5, 1956. On motion of
Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett
and carried, said recommendation was approved.
The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager
recommending that Class Grade 14 be assigned to the
position of Lifeguard Captain. On motion of Council-
man Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried,
said recommendation was approved by the following roll
call vote, to -wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay,
Stoddard, Higbie, Rid -
derhof, Hill
The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager
recommending that the position of Maintenance Electri-
cian be upgraded from Class Grade 11 to Class Grade 12.
On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman
Bennett and carried, said recommendation was approved
by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay,
Stoddard, Higbie, Rid -
derhof, Hill
S,z V. Pfuntner appointed as
Assistant Civil Defense
and Dav3� Olmsted to be e-
lieved in said ca ac
,1,,i df-
fective January 1 19
Class Grade 14 aid to the
position of Lifeguard Captain:
The position of Maintenance
Electrician upgraded from
Class_ Grade 11 to Class Grade
12. -
The Clerk presented the notice of order fixing Re: Bankruptey matter of
time for filing objections to discharge in the bank- Charlotte W. Munro and Robert
ruptcy matter of Charlotte W. Munro and Robert C. Munro. C. Munro. Ref, to the Finance
On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Department.
Bennett and carried, said notice was referred to the
Finance Department.
The Application for License of Helen R. Bowles to Helen R. Bowles, 701 Edge-water
operate a Cafe at 701 Edgewater, Balboa, being a change Balboa. Approved subject to
of ownership, was presented, and was approved subject approval of Health Department.
to the approval of the Health Department on motion of
Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and
The Application for License of John J. Foster,
Manafacturing Company, for Newport General Machine Works,
415 30th Street, Newport Beach, to conduct tool and die
making business, being a change of ownership, was pre-
sented. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman Wilder and carried,' said license was approved.
The Application for License of Irene A. Annala for
a restaurant at 113 22d Street, Newport Beach, (Mexican
and Spanish dinners), doing business as "Casa don
Carolos," being a change of ownership, was presented.
On motion of Councilman Behnett, seconded by Councilman
Wilder and carried, said license was approved subject
to the approval of the Health Department.
The Application for License of H. C. Shaw, Health
Foods and Vitamins, 353 North Newport Street, Newport
Beach, for the retail sale of vitamins, health foods,
juices and food juicers and blenders, being a change
of ownership, was presented. On motion of Councilman
Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried,
said license was approved subject to the approval of
the Health Department.
A discussion was had as to whether or not the
licenses that bear the notation "change of ownership"
are thoroughly investigated as to the,type of business
and equipment involved in the change. On motion of
Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and
carried, the City Manager was instructed to investi-
gate the matter and report back to the Council.
Mayor Hill declared a five minute recess at this
ICouncilman MacKay left the meeting at this time.
John Jo Foster, Mfg._Coo. 415
30t�Y _Stree ,, Newport Beach.
Irene A Anna - 113 22d Streer
Newport Beach dR�a "Casa
Cafoloso°° Approved subject to
Health Department approval.
j� C aJ���ieal o
Vitamins No Newport Scree;
Newport Beach Appxoved sub -
ect to Health Department a -p
jQqLity_9MAaxLa_geT ins ructed to in-
vestigate licenses that bear
the notation "change of owner -
Five minute recess.
Councilman MacKay left the
Z .Z Z
Committee to be appointed to
investigate the commencement
and cost of the construction
of t e proposed terminal re-
c -yo r " --
City Engineer instructed to
draw plans and specifica-
tions and to call for bids
for Water lines in the back
bay to serve Harbor Hi- ghlanddg>
Councilman Stoddard gave a report regarding the
construction of the proposed terminal resevoir. He
indicated that Laguna Beach and Costa Mesa had been
noncommittal in their attitude toward the proposal.
He stated that it would be necessary for the City of
Newport Beach to "go it alone if necessary" since
we could not allow our water supply to become as
dangerously low as it was last year. He suggested
that the Mayor appoint a committee composed of the
City Manager, the City Attorney, the City Engineer,
two or three Councilmen, and representatives of The
Irvine Company to determine how soon construction
might begin. He estimated the installation would
cost approximately one half million dollars and sug-
gested a super tax or a one dollar override tax on
a two year basis as the possible means of starting
the financing of this project. On motion of Council-
man Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and car-
ried, the Mayor was authorized to appoint a committee
suggested by Councilman Stoddard.
A further discussion was had regarding this
matter and regarding the matter of water lines in
the back bay to serve the Harbor Highlands area and
also to serve the latest subdivision proposed up
there. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded
by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the City Engineer
was instructed to draw up plans and specifications
and to call for bids for said water lines by the fol-
lowing roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN- Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Oath of Office of Reserve The Oath of Office of Reserve Police Officer,
Police Officer. Henry H. Hill, Henry H. Hill, wqs presented, and on motion of
Aj2proyed. Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder
and carried, was approved..
Oath of Office of Re erve The Oath of Office of Reserve Police Officer,
Police Offic r. Ben.iaman Van Benjamin Van Deavender, Jr., was presented, and on
Deavender Jr. QDproyed. motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman
Ridderhof and carried, was approved.
Ordinance No. 768, being
First reading waived. regarding holidays, was presented. On motion of
Passed to second reading. Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman D %Iilder
and carried, the first reading of Ordinance No. 768
was waived. On motion of Councilman Bennett, sec-
onded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No.
768 was passed to second reading by the following
roll call vote, to wit-
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Emergency Ordinance No. 769, being
Emergency Ordinag�ce No 769
a paragraph to Municipal Code. TION 4110 OF ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER I OF
was introduced and read by the City Attorney. A dis-
Ordinarice No. 769 adop end. cussion was had regarding the request of dog owners
that an exception be made for dogs whose lives would
be endangered by inoculation as made manditory under
emergency Ordinance No. 767. Said Ordinance No. 769
modifies Ordinance No. 767 by providing exceptions
to the manditory inoculation for dogs whose lives
would be endangered by inoculation. On motion of
Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder
and carried, emergency Ordinance No. 769 was adopted
by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Hill
The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4437, being
a resolution of acceptance of a certain conveyance of
sanitary easement to the City of Newport Beach, ex-
ecuted by The Irvine Company, and the certain consent
to conveyance of a sanitary sewer easement to the City
of Newport Beach, executed by Warren E. Howland and
Eva C. Howland. On motion of Councilman Bennett, sec-
onded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No.
4437 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to-
' AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Councilman Bennett moved that the City Attorney
be instructed to draw up an amendment to the City
Charter to be submitted on the ballot in the General
Municipal Election on April 10, 1956, that the Council
men receive $200 per month for services and the Mayor
receive $300 per month for services. Said motion was
seconded by Councilman Ridderhof. A discussion was
had, in which it was brought to the attention of the
meeting that the Councilmen were devoting a great
deal more time to City business than had been antici-
pated and this was causing a financial handicap on
some of the members. The motion was carried by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Ordinance No. 770, being
was introduced. Said ordinance eliminates the re-
striction on classified employees from living out-
side the territorial limits of Newport Beach. On
motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman
Higbie and carried, the first reading of Ordinance
No. 770 was waived. On motion of Councilman Wilder
seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Ordin-
ance Noe 770 was passed to second reading by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4437, being
a resolution of acceptance of a certain conveyance of
sanitary easement to the City of Newport Beach, ex-
ecuted by The Irvine Company, and the certain consent
to conveyance of a sanitary sewer easement to the City
of Newport Beach, executed by Warren E. Howland and
Eva C. Howland. On motion of Councilman Bennett, sec-
onded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No.
4437 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to-
' AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Councilman Bennett moved that the City Attorney
be instructed to draw up an amendment to the City
Charter to be submitted on the ballot in the General
Municipal Election on April 10, 1956, that the Council
men receive $200 per month for services and the Mayor
receive $300 per month for services. Said motion was
seconded by Councilman Ridderhof. A discussion was
had, in which it was brought to the attention of the
meeting that the Councilmen were devoting a great
deal more time to City business than had been antici-
pated and this was causing a financial handicap on
some of the members. The motion was carried by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
The City Engineer presented the application of
George Buccola, 657 Via Lido Soud, to construct a
pleasure pier and slip baT.iard of Lot 18, Tract 907.
On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Counci
man Bennett and carried, said application having been
approved by the Harbor Committee was granted by the
Council subject to War Department approval.
Ordina ce No 77�
Eliminates the restriction on
classified employees from liv-
ing outside the territorial
limits of the city.
first r�adin� waived.
Passed to second reading.
A o lication of the Union Oil
company o�reloca e_ s_ a oa
Marine Station float bayward
of Newport Bay 10 feet out
beyond the project line, Said
request was denied by the Har-
bor Committee. Mr. Tom Mc-
Dougle spoke from the flooro
Ref. to the City Engineer for
recommendation at the adjourn.:
meeting to be held February 2C,
AD licat °on of George Buccola,
6 7 is Lido Sou . to construe
a oleasure_flier and sli ba
�- ward of ILot 1 . Tract 907.
Approved subject to War Depart
ment approval.
The City Engineer presented the application of Application of Mrs. M._ Jones
' Mrs. M. Jones, 1602 South Bay Front, Balboa Island, 1b02 S. Ba�FrontQal�oa Is-
to construct a pleasure pier and float .bayward of land to construe at�leasure
Lot 2, Block 2, Section 5o On motion of Councilman f oa aywar o£ fb�2; Bloc
Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and car- 2 Section 5. ran subject
ried, said application, having been approved by the oo atment approval.
Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council subject
to War Department approval.
The City Engineer presented the application of
the Union Oil Company for permission to relocate its
Balboa Marine Station float bayward of Newport Bay
10 feet out beyond the project line. The extension
has been requested by the Union Oil Company to elim-
inate difficult maneuvers by craft approaching and
leaving the Union Oil dock, 'due to the Balboa Island
Ferry extending beyond the front of the Union Oil
float, and thereby avoiding loss of business. The
request of the Union Oil Company has been denied by
the Harbor Committee. A discussion was had, Mr. Tom
McDougle speaking from the floor on behalf of the
Union Oil Company. On motion of Councilman Wilder,
seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, this
matter was referred to the City Engineer for recom-
mendation at the adjourned meeting to be held Febru-
ary 20, 1956.
The City Engineer presented the application of
George Buccola, 657 Via Lido Soud, to construct a
pleasure pier and slip baT.iard of Lot 18, Tract 907.
On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Counci
man Bennett and carried, said application having been
approved by the Harbor Committee was granted by the
Council subject to War Department approval.
Ordina ce No 77�
Eliminates the restriction on
classified employees from liv-
ing outside the territorial
limits of the city.
first r�adin� waived.
Passed to second reading.
A o lication of the Union Oil
company o�reloca e_ s_ a oa
Marine Station float bayward
of Newport Bay 10 feet out
beyond the project line, Said
request was denied by the Har-
bor Committee. Mr. Tom Mc-
Dougle spoke from the flooro
Ref. to the City Engineer for
recommendation at the adjourn.:
meeting to be held February 2C,
AD licat °on of George Buccola,
6 7 is Lido Sou . to construe
a oleasure_flier and sli ba
�- ward of ILot 1 . Tract 907.
Approved subject to War Depart
ment approval.
The City Engineer presented the application of Application of Mrs. M._ Jones
' Mrs. M. Jones, 1602 South Bay Front, Balboa Island, 1b02 S. Ba�FrontQal�oa Is-
to construct a pleasure pier and float .bayward of land to construe at�leasure
Lot 2, Block 2, Section 5o On motion of Councilman f oa aywar o£ fb�2; Bloc
Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and car- 2 Section 5. ran subject
ried, said application, having been approved by the oo atment approval.
Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council subject
to War Department approval.
ADDlication of G. Warm
ado Soud� to cons
le u^e ier and slit
of Lot 10 Tract No.
Granted subject to War
ment approval.
in_ Eton°
uc a
The City Engineer presented the application of
G. Warmington, 827 Lido Soud, to construct a pleasure
pier and slip bayward of Lot 308, Tract No. 907. On
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Ridderhof and carried, said application, having been
approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the
Council subject to War Department approval.
A pl canon of Service Afloat, The City Engineer presented the application of
2 1 Coast HiehwaY Newport Service Afloat, 201 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, to
Beach, to add a slip float to add a slip float to existing slip. Applicant is
exia 1p&=,s1 . Granted sub- lessee of a portion of Lot 94, Irvine Subdivision.
ject to War Department ap- On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Council -
proval. man Higbie and carried, said application, having
been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted
by the Council subject to War Department approval.
bb The City Engineer presented the application of
51 Via a L Lido Nord to construct The
Shultz, 518 Via Lido Nord, to construct a
a 1 as re Dier nd flo t ba - pleasure pier and float bayward of Lot 5CO, Tract No.
Ord of Lot 00. Tract No 907.907. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Granted subject to War Depart Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said application,
ment approval. having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was
granted by the Council subject to War Department ap-
6A dd:QYdW44 ..b .- The City Engineer presented the application of
Smith. 1.1 E. Bav,- to con- Mrs. William Smith 1417 East Ba to construct a
st:-:-ct a Measure bier and pleasure pier and slip bayward of Lot 10, Block N,
slip bavward of Lot 10 Block Bayfront Section. On motion of Councilman Bennett,
N. Bayfront Section. Granted seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said
subject to War Department ap- application, having been approved by the Harbor Com-
proval. mittee, was granted by the Council subject to War
Department approval.
A lie io
Rober Dalto ,
The City Engineer presented the application of
3 �2 is Onorto,s,
mains on 13th Street between Balboa Boulevard and
to construct
Robert Dalton, 3452 Via Oporto, to construct a bulk-
- � b " head
of Lots
head bayward of Lots 1125, 1124, and a portion of
1125 112
a portion of
1123, Tract No. 907. On motion of Councilman Rid -
1123 ��cact
�OZ. Granted
derhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried,
subject to
Department ap-
said application, having been approved by the Harbor
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Committee, was granted by the Council subject to
War Department approval.
Plans and specifications or
The City Engineer presented the plans and speci-
the recons ruction of sanitary
fications for the reconstruction of sanitary sewer
sewer_mai s on 13th Street
mains on 13th Street between Balboa Boulevard and
ketween Balboa Blvd. and Bay
Bay Avenue and in the first alley southwesterly of
Avenues p2Noved and the
Lake Avenue between 36th Street and 38th Street. On
City Engineer was authorized
motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Council -
to call fot bids.
man Bennett and carried, the plans and specifications
were approved and the City Engineer was authorized
to call for bids and the City Clerk was authorized
to advertise for bids by the following roll call
vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Plans and specifications for_
The City Engineer presented the plans and speci-
re gang an or a cons ruc-
fications for dredging at the Newport Beach Trailer
-ion -o ro ns a e ra er
park and the plans and specifications for groins at
arm were approve an e
the Newport Beach Trailer Park. A discussion was had,
C t En ieeer was author zed
Mr. Edward T. Healy, speaking from the floor, re-
to call for bids.
garding the placement of the groins. On motion of
Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof
and carried, the plans and specifications for the
dredging were approved, and the plans and specifica-
tions for groins were approved as altered, and the
City Engineer was authorized to call for bids and the
City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids, by
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Re41+41, Orders the vacation
The City Engineer brought to the attention of
an a an onmen o cer n a -
the meeting that the City of Newport Beach had or-
leys n orona a ar as set
dered the abandonment of certain alleys in Corona
or in r inance No. on
del Mar, as set forth in Ordinance No. 547, on July
Ju y
159 1946, but that no formal order of abandonment was
ever drawn and therefore never recorded. The City
Engineer stated that he recommended the adoption of
Resolution No. 4441, ordering the abandonment of said
property so that title to the property could be
cleared. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded
by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4441
was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard,
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
Councilman Wilder left the meeting at this time.
The City Manager presented the Application for
License of Henry Placencia, 2530 West Coast Highway,
Newport Beach, for a parking lot adjacent to his
restaurant, known as "Henry's Grill." The City Man-
ager stated that an investigation had been made and
he recommended that this license be approved. On mo-
tion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Ridderhof and carried, said license was approved.
Councilman Wilder 1 ®ft the
Application for License of
Henri acenc a9 2 ® d��oast
Hz wior a park3ngio
a jacent to his restaurant,
"Henry's Grill," was approved
in concurrence with the City
Manager °s recommendation.
The City Manager presented the request of Harold o1d T ws n° reou�st for
T. Lawson for permission to have concessionaire's a congess o_ ire °s lease at
lease at Little Corona Beach. On motion of Council- Little Corona Boa h was denied
man Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and
carried, said request was denied.
The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 44429
being a Resolution of Intention to approve an amend-
ment to contract providing for participation in State
Employees Retirement System. On motion of Councilman
Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried,
Resolution No, 4442 was adopted by the following roll
call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by
Councilman Bennett and carried, the above Resolution
of Intention No. 4442 was set for public hearing on
March 12, 1956, at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. in the Coun-
cil Chambers of the City Hall, and the City Clerk was
instructed to publish notice of public hearing re-
garding this matter.
The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 44439
being a resolution authorizing the City Attorney to
dispose of the volumes of California Jurisprudence
and the supplements thereto when and as the supple-
ments covered in each of said volumes are replaced by
new volumes of California Jurisprudence 2d. On mo-
tion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman
Bennbtt and carried, Resolution No, 4443 was adopted
by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
The City Attorney presented a memo regarding
the steps proposed to be taken to remove the Pacific
Electric Railway Company holdings from Newport to the
West Newport area. The City Attorney discussed at
length the vacation by Pacific Electric of their rail-
way properties arrest to a point in West Newport about
opposite of Prospect Street and the work, agree-
ments, abandonments, et cetera, involved, He also
presented the estimated cost to the City for such
relocation and value of the land taken as submitted
by the Pacific Electric Railway Company. The recapi-
tulation of estimated costs is as follows:
Land acquisition
Removal of present sta-
tion and tract facili-
ties in station area and
Balboa Boulevard.
Removal of balance of line
TOTAL estimated cost
to the City
The City Attorney stated that "The land values
placed by the Pacific Electric Railway Company are
values placed thereon by their appraisers, The
Pacific Electric is willing to credit against the a-
bove cost, the Value of the City- os•;ned property lo-
cated immediately north of other property owned by
the railway company and adjacent to the railroad
facilities as shown on said map. As indicated,
R -4442. Resolution o9Intention
to approve an amendment to coa
trac ti co
State Employees Retire
men& System.
Resolution of Intention No,
_EE was for ublic hear n
on March 12 l
The recapitulation of estimate,
affligRn-i ized to nary coz :-
n hi�xp
Adjourned regular session,
Roll Call.
Mr. Pat Mich"-
of the Militar
Rg ole Heart,
"P ace Officer
Police Officer
l s__b_ehal
y Ordgr_of the
presented the
° s Meda 1f t .
William Fe Tal-
these facilities would end at the northerly line of
Neptune Avenue. In addition, the Pacific Electric
is willing to have the City remove their present sta-
tion, facilities, and "tracks along Balboa Boulevard.
In.this event, the cost of $16,870.00 would be elim-
inated." The City Attorney stated that the proce-
dure suggested in connection with this matter would
be for the City.and the railway company,to enter
into tentative agreement,�,ath the local offices of
the railway company. On motion of Councilman Rid -
derhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett, and carried,
the City Attorney was authorized to work out the
preliminary contract as indicated in his memo to
the City Council, by the following roll call vote,
to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by
Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the meeting was
adjourned until 4 :00 P.M. February 20, 1956 for the
purpose of canvassing the vote of the Harbor High-
lands Annexation Election and for the acceptance of
Trailer Park bids and fbr other regular business.
Mayor ,
M� g �
City Clem
February 20, 1956
The City Council of the City of Newport Beach
met in adjourned regular session in the Council Cham-
bers of the City Hall at the hour of 4 :00 P.M.
The roll was called, the following members being ,
present: Councilmen Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Hig-
bie, Ridderhof, and Hill, Councilman MacKay being
Mayor Hill announced that Mr. Pat Michaels was
in the audience for the purpose of making an award
on behalf of the Military Order of the Purple Heart
to Police Officer William F. Talbert. Mr. Pat
Michaels presented the "Peace Officer's Medal" for
exceptional heroism in the line of duty on April 18,
1955. The Mayor expressed the appreciation of the
City of Newport Beach for the honor bestowed upon
Officer Talbert.
Opening o bids for th_e Trailer The Mayor announced that
RarrX Improvement. place fixed for the opening o
Park Improvement.
Three bids received. The Clerk announced that
bids, whereupon,all bids were
amined and declared, from the
this was the time and
C bids for the Trailer
she had received three
publicly opened, ex-
following bidders, to
Sully- Miller Contracting (a)$73s397.05
Company (b) 72,297.05
Griffith Company (a) 729154.44 '
(b) 71,104,44
J. S. Barrett (a 92,100.60
(b 9C9200.60