HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/1956 - Regular MeetingX44 Trailer Park, -at a cost of $6,900.00, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Adjournment. On motion of Counci and carried, the meeting ATTEST: City MerM Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill None None Lman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof was adjourned sine die. , k, V Mayor August 13, 1956 Regular session. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. Roll call. The roll was called, the following members being present: Councilmen Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, and Hilly Councilman Higbie being absent. Approval of minutes. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the reading of the minutes of July 239 1956, was waived, and they were approved as written and ordered filed. Opening of bids for The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the installation of water opening of bids for the installation of a water pipe line from 17th pipe line from 17th Street and Cliff Drive to Irvine Avenue and 20th Street. The Street and Cliff Drive Clerk announced that eleven bids had been received. Said bids were to Irvine Avenue and then publicly opened, examined and declared from the following 20th Street. bidders, to wit: Eleven bidders. S E Pipeline Construction Company of Nevada Item 1 $117970.00 Item 2 15,525.25 Shacklett & Bradfield Item 1 4,845.00 Item 2 10,700.48 Bosko Engineering Co. Item 1 11,400.00 Item 2 14,331.00 Graven & Company Item 1 95690.00 Item 2 10,509.40 J. S. Barrett Item 1 109602.00 Item 2 179197.20 J. E. Young Pipeline Contractor, Inc. Item 1 1C,402.50 Item 2 13,85 .30 W. A. Robertson & Son Co. Item 1 $,20$.00 Item 2 129306.60 A. H. Famularo Item 1 129369.00 Item 2 109891.50 Long, Marker & Howley Construction Co. Item 1 99120.00 Item 2 11,703.65 Wm. DeMotte, Inc. Item 1 5,985.00 Item 2 89980.76 Ward Construction Co. Item 1 79524.00 Item 2 71643.20 Bids referred to The City Engineer requested that the bids be referred to him for City Engineer. examination and recommendation. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said request was granted. The Mayor announced that the hour of 7 :30 P.M. having arrived, this was the time and place for persons owning real property within . the proposed "Tustin Avenue and 22d Street Annexe to protest said annexation. The Clerk announced that no written protests had been received. No protests were made from the floor and the Mayor closed the hearing. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Council- man Hart and carried, Resolution No. 4531, being a resolution calling a special election to be held on the 16th day of October, 1956, per- taining to the annexation of "Tustin Avenue and 22d Street Annexe to the City of Newport Beach, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Higbie i 7 The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for persons R-4532, ordering the objecting to the vacation of certain streets and alleys in Section B vacation of a portion Newport Beach, as set forth in Resolution of Intention No. 4524, to of certain streets a- be heard. The Clerk announced that no written protests had been alleys in Section B received. No protests were made from the audience and the Mayor Newport Beach. closed the hearing. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Contro ler as to Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Resolution No. 4532, being a Motor Vehicle License ' resolution ordering the vacation of a portion of certain streets Fee Fund. and alleys in Section B Newport Beach, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Summons & Complaint Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill in action of Joan C. NOES, COUNCILMEN: None Smith and F. W. Smith: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Higbie COMMUNICATIONS The Clerk stated that sixteen letters and /or cards protesting an Letter protestin. increase in the tax rate for Newport Beach had been received from the increase in tax rate. following people: Everett Kruwell; Mrs. E. M. Martin; Edgar J. Bartlett; Velma O'Brien; Russell C. Stephens; Mrs. Ray E. Wenger; Willis A. and Elsa I. Burns; David R. Thomas, Louise D. Thomas; Stephen Deak, Harold E. Brown, Alicia W. Brown, Margaret Deak, Lillian C. Sloan; Mrs. H. E. Gustkey; E. B. and Edna M. Eliker; Mrs. Lillian A. York; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Voorhees; Harold E. Mitchell; Janette L. Baetz and H. B. Baetz; and Henry Verfurth. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said communications were ordered filed with the other correspondence on this matter. The Clerk read a letter from the West Newport Improvement Letter from the West Association, dated July 25, 1956, commending the Council's attitude Newport Improvement ' as set forth in its statement of policy and intention concerning Association commendir_- fixing of property tax rate. Said letter states that the Association Council's attitude is in accord with any tax adjustment needed to meet the current year's as to ax rate. requirements and also to provide a safe and sound margin in the City's reserves to meet unanticipated expenditures. The letter expresses an intense interest in the Council's intention to form a Citizen's Committee. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said letter was ordered filed. Two letters from Attorney Robert A. Schwamb regarding an appeal of G. Lyle Harbour, 604 Via Lido Nord, from an adverse decision of the Planning Commission, were presented. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the communications were ordered filed and public hearing on the Application for Use Permit No. 253 of G. Lyle Harbour was set for August 27, 1956, and the Clerk was instructed to post and publish notice of said hearing. Public hearing set for August 27, 1 6 re Application for Use Permit No. 253. A copy of the Application for Transfer of Alcoholic Beverage Vincent Drugs No. 2. License, Vincent Drugs No. 2, Inc., 3021 East Coast Highway, was pre® Inc.. Application for sented and ordered filed on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded Transfer of Alcoholic by Councilman Wilder and carried. Beverage License. The Clerk presented the report from the State Controller, dated Report from State August 2, 1956, regarding Motor Vehicle License Fee Fund, apportion- Contro ler as to ment of Trailer Coach Fees, for the period of December 1, 19559 Motor Vehicle License through May 319 1956, as to counties. On motion of Councilman Fee Fund. Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said report was ordered filed. ' The Clerk stated that a Summons & Complaint in the action entitled Summons & Complaint Joan C. Smith and F. W. Smith, plaintiffs, vs. the City of Newport in action of Joan C. Beach, defendant, Superior Court, Orange County No. 69428, was served Smith and F. W. Smith: on her on August 3, 1956. ( "Trip and fall case "; location, 22d and Ocean Front; aggregate damages in prayer of complaint $8,447.00.) On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the action of the City Clerk in referring this matter to the insurance carriers, Anderson and Anich, was confirmed. The Clerk stated that Claim for Damage of Benny Dewain West and Claims of Benaay_Deumi_i Claim for Damage of Jewel West were served on her on August 6, 1956. West and Jewel West. (Alleged accident on May 12, 1956, at Corona del Mar Beach; aggregate damages prayed for $220,000.3 On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said claims were denied and the action of the City Clerk in referring the matter to the insurance carriers was confirmed. A petition signed by twenty-three residents of Balboa, protesting Petition re shore the installation of shore mooring #1022 at the end of F Street, Balboa, mooring 1022 at the was presented. The petition states that swimming is hampered and main- end of F Street. tains that two shore moorings should be the maximum allowable at this location. Councilman MacKay stated that he had explained to the protestants that the shore mooring #1022 was a temporary measure and r the matter would be corrected before next summer. On motion of Council- man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the petition was ordered filed. The letter from the Shoreline planning Association of California, Convention of the stating that the convention of said association will be held November Shoreline Planning 15, 16, and 17, in San Mateo, was presented. On motion of Councilman Associationo ME Approval of pier On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, permits. said applications were approved as presented and as recommended by the City Engineer. Letter re traffic A letter from "a long suffering group of Fernleaf and Seaview Avenue tax - on Fernleaf and payers" requesting that something be done about a dangerous situation of Marguerite. congested beach traffic on Fernleaf and Marguerite, was presented. Said matter has been referred to the Traffic Committee. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said letter was ordered filed. Letter from Mrs. A letter from Mrs. William K. McLain, 610 Aldean Place, expressing concern W. K. McLain re about the ability of children to cross the streets and walk in the street to traffic condition attend school at Santa Ana and 15th, was presented. Said matter has been at Santa Ana and referred to the Traffic Committee by the City Manager. On motion of Councilman 12th- MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said letter was ordered filed. The Clerk read a letter from W. C. Pearson, 722 Goldenrod, opposing the proposed increase in water rates. A discussion was had, W. C. Pearson, Arthur Kramer, and Colonel Andrew Smith speaking from the floor. An explanation was given by Mr. Shelton and Mr. Webb of the need for increasing the water rates in order to obtain sufficient revenue to correct major deficiencies in the water system as recommended by the James M. Montgomery report. On motion of Council- man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the communication from W. C. Pearson was ordered filed. LICENSES Julius Stern. for The Application for License of Julius Stern, auctioneer, to conduct a one one day auction day auction sale on August 14, 1956, for Wayne Backer, 220 - 20th Street, sale. Newport Beach, woodworking machinery and lumber, was presented and approved on motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried. J J. 7akoskv The Application for License of J. J. Jakosky, for boat slips at 3420 Via for boat slips. Oporto, slip rentals to tenants of apartments at the same address, being a change of ownership, was presented and approved on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried. Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the letter was referred Discussion re to the City Manager to determine what procedure has been followed in the past business license in regard to said - meetings and for a report back to the Council. AApplication of M The Application of M & S Maintenance & Construction for permit to & S Maintenance & install one 550 U. L. underground tank for paint thinner, at 408 North Newport Construction for Boulevard, Newport Beach, was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, permit for under- seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said application, having been ground tank. approved by the Fire prevention Bureau and the Building Department, was approved. Applications for A letter from the City Engineer recommending approval of the following pier permits. applications for pier and bulkhead permits was presented: Tom p3linn and H. C. Tom Quinn and H. C. Erickson, to construct concrete Erickson. slab bulkhead on bulkhead line bayward of a portion of Lot 894, Lots 895, 8969 897, and a portion of Lot 898, Tract No. 907, Lido Isle. Stewart Babcock. Stewart Babcock, to construct concrete slab bulkhead on bulkhead line bayward of Lot 889 and southeasterly R -4533. agreement zJ of Lot 888, Tract No. 907, Lido Isle. Morris Smith. Morris Smith, to install slip for existing pier Washer Service bayward of Lots 457 and 4569 Tract No. 907 Lido Angineers. for Trailer Park. Isle, subject to approval of the Corps of Approval of pier On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, permits. said applications were approved as presented and as recommended by the City Engineer. Letter re traffic A letter from "a long suffering group of Fernleaf and Seaview Avenue tax - on Fernleaf and payers" requesting that something be done about a dangerous situation of Marguerite. congested beach traffic on Fernleaf and Marguerite, was presented. Said matter has been referred to the Traffic Committee. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said letter was ordered filed. Letter from Mrs. A letter from Mrs. William K. McLain, 610 Aldean Place, expressing concern W. K. McLain re about the ability of children to cross the streets and walk in the street to traffic condition attend school at Santa Ana and 15th, was presented. Said matter has been at Santa Ana and referred to the Traffic Committee by the City Manager. On motion of Councilman 12th- MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said letter was ordered filed. The Clerk read a letter from W. C. Pearson, 722 Goldenrod, opposing the proposed increase in water rates. A discussion was had, W. C. Pearson, Arthur Kramer, and Colonel Andrew Smith speaking from the floor. An explanation was given by Mr. Shelton and Mr. Webb of the need for increasing the water rates in order to obtain sufficient revenue to correct major deficiencies in the water system as recommended by the James M. Montgomery report. On motion of Council- man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the communication from W. C. Pearson was ordered filed. LICENSES Julius Stern. for The Application for License of Julius Stern, auctioneer, to conduct a one one day auction day auction sale on August 14, 1956, for Wayne Backer, 220 - 20th Street, sale. Newport Beach, woodworking machinery and lumber, was presented and approved on motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried. J J. 7akoskv The Application for License of J. J. Jakosky, for boat slips at 3420 Via for boat slips. Oporto, slip rentals to tenants of apartments at the same address, being a change of ownership, was presented and approved on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried. 1 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Discussion re Mayor Hill announced that at the regular Council meeting of August 27 1956, business license a new business license ordinance would be presented which would establish �usiness ordinance. license fees of $25.00 for each business operated in the City of Newport Beach. Councilman Ridderhof requested that all business license fees be paid as presented and that refunds would be made, if in order, under the new business license ordinance which would be effective as of the beginning of the fiscal year 1956 -57. The City Manager suggested that, since the ordinance would be introduced on August 27, 1956, businessmen, who were uncertain as to the amount of their fees, wait until August 28, 1956, and then pay promptly the amount due. Mr. J. B. McNally and Mr. Roland F. Vallely made inquiries from the audience regarding this matter. Mr. Braden Finch, and Mr. Lou Reed representing the Chamber of Commerce, each spoke from the audience, commending the Council's action in preparing the new business license ordinance. Councilman Wilder explained to the audience that a great deal of time and thought had been given to the changes to be incorporated in the new business license ordinance and that it was the hope of the Council that it would work out to the satisfaction of everyone concerned. R -4533. agreement The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4533, being a resolution authorizing the with Orange County Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the Orange County Meter Washer Washer Service Service for the installation of coin operated laundry equipment at Newport for Trailer Park. Marinapark. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, Resolution No. 4533 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMENs Higbie 1 The Clerk read the resignation of Joseph P. Guerin from the Civil Service Board. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Council- man Wilder and carried, said resignation was accepted with regret and with appreciation for the excellent services rendered by Mr. Guerin while serving on the Civil Service Board. Mayor Hill announced that she would like the approval of the Council of the appointment of Mr. ' A. K. Phelps as a member of the Civil Service Board to complete the term of Mr. Joseph P. Guerin. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said appointment was confirmed. Ordinance No. 797, being AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION (b) (1) OF SUBSECTION 6 OF SECTION 2200 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENTITLED "CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN" %`' Resignation of Josh P. Guerin from the Civil Service Board. Ao ointment of A. K. Pae1Ps confirmedo Ordinance No. 797. "Classification and Salar Plan" was presented. Said ordinance authorizes the City Manager to appoint Passed to second new employees at the initial compensation up to and including the third reading. step of the salary range for the class. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the first reading of said ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 797 was passed to second reading by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Higbie The report of the City Manager, regarding salary adjustments, was Report re salary ad� read by the City Clerk. Said report recommends that the Council adopt ustments y City one of three alternate plans for salary adjustments. "Plan C" provides Manager, R= 3 ' a 71% general increase for all police, fire and harbor personnel, and adopting Schedules increases of 5% for most clerical positions and increases of 2g'.% or 5% in Compensation Plan, for most other positions, at a net annual cost of approximately a_do _pted. $38,000.00. Said report sets forth the fact that police and fire salaries are low in relation to other comparable jurisdictions and that .clearly the salary for clerical positions is also low. The plans presented in said report provide increases in relation to relative difficulty of recruitment, comparative salaries in comparable jurisdictions, and current effect of the longevity pay system, and adjust inequities in the salary relationships. Mr. Edward Healy and Mr. H. J. Lorenz spoke on behalf of the police and fire departments. Mr. Arthur Kramer also spoke from the floor. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4535, being a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 4335, and adopting Schedules "A" and "B" effective July 1, 1956, and incorporating "Plan C" establishing classes of positions and salary ranges therefor in the Compensation Plan of the City of Newport Beach, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Higbie The City Manager reported on the status of the General Fund account Discussion on General as of June 30, 1956, and the anticipated balance in said account as of Fund account and tax June 30s 1957= It was brought out that it is possible that there could increase. Ft= 3 a be a deficit of $47,000 in the Submerged Oil Land account as of the end fixing tax rate at t_r_:= of the 1956 -57 fiscal year. Attention was also directed to the fact that rate of §U.;24 on each the Council had authorized salary increases in the amount of approximately '`100.00 of value. $38,000 which had not been contemplated in the 1956 -57 budget. It was pointed out that if the Council decided to proceed with the seven capital outlay improvement projects deemed to have the greatest priority, it would be necessary to increase the over -all tax rate by ten cents in order to have a safe operating margin in the General Fund account as of June 30, 1957, in the amount of $220,000, as recommended by the auditors. A discussion was had, Mr. Lorenz, Colonel Andrew Smith, Mr. William Harvey, Mr. Edward Healy, Mrs. Burton, Mr. Braden Finch, Mr. Fred Singer, and Mrs. Duncan Stewart speaking from the floor. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay, Resolution No. 4534, being a resolution fixing the tax rate per centum and levying a tax upon all the taxable property within the City of Newport Beach, which is taxable therein for municipal purposes, at the rate of $1.24 on each $100.00 of value, allocated as follows: General Purpose Tax .89 Allocation of tax. (.03 thereof to be allocated for sewer maintenance and replacement) Park Tax .08 Library Tax .08 Advertising Tax .01 Retirement Tax .11 ' General City Bond Tax .0 l was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN. None ABSENT, COUNCILMENs Higbie Revised Page 45 After further discussion, on motion of Councilman Stoddard seconded by to be inserted in Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Item 3, in the August 13, 195, revision of budget. Page 45 of the Budget, was specifically authorized to read if Sub - station in the Upper Bay Area," and the City Manager was instructed to insert said revised Page 45, referring to Capital Outlays Fund - General, as Page 45 in the 1956 -57 Budget. Recess. The Mayor declared a three minute recess at this time. The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4536, being a resolution accepting a deed of easement by The Irvine Company in connection with the 200 in width over a portion of Lot 164, Block 53, Irvine Subdivision.. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES; COUNCILMEN. None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. Higbie The City Attorney announced that he had been in consultation with the General Counsel for the Pacific Electric Company and that it was agreeable with Pacific Electric that the hearing before the Public Utilities Commission be continued for six months. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to request the Public Utilities Commission to grant a six months continuance of hearing on the Pacific Electric matter. Authorization The City Manager requested authority to advertise for bids on ten to advertise for automotive units. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman automotive units. Wilder and carried, said authorization was granted. Transfer No. 1, The City Manager requested authorization to transfer $450.00 from the Fire Department Budget to the Lifeguard Budget, being Transfer No. 1, for the replacement of a radio on the lifeguard truck on the police frequency band, and the radio removed from the lifeguard truck to be used by the Fire Department. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said request was granted. Transfer Nog 2. The City Manager requested authority to transfer $500.00 from the Park Department Budget to the Lifeguard Budget, being Transfer No. 2, for replace- ment of a radio which will be put on the lifeguard truck on the police frequency band, and the radio removed from the lifeguard truck to be used by the Park Department. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said request was granted. Appropriation The City Manager requested authority to transfer $300.00 from Council Request Contingencies Fund to Street Department Budget, being Appropriation Request No. 3, for desk transmitter and receiver for main station "0". On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said request was granted. Appropriation The City Manager requested authority to transfer $500.00 from the Parking Request. Meter Fund to Street Department Budget, being Appropriation Request No. 4, for mobile radio for new parking meter maintenance truck. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said request was granted. Appropriation The City Manager requested authority to transfer $3,000.00 from the Parking Request No. 5. Meter Fund to Parking Meter Budget, being Appropriation Request No. 5, for a new truck to replace the 1947 Willys Jeep now being used for parking meter collection. Mr. Donald Means and Mr. Lou Reed spoke from the floor in regard to this matter. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said request was granted. Report of Council- Councilman Leland Wilder gave a report on the.meeting held in Sacramento on man Wilder re August 6, 1956, of the Senate Interim Committee on Bay Development and Small Boat meeting on Bay Harbors. He stated it was worthwhile to have the City of Newport Beach represented Development and at said meeting. He stated that the Committee is in the preliminary stage of Small Boat Harbors. developing its plans and program. A report was given by Colonel Putnam, of the State Lands Commission, on his survey of the needs of all the counties for harbors and waterways. He further stated that consideration is being given to small boat harbors of refuge spaced along the California coast, giving shelter to yachtsmen in coastwise travel. Great interest was shown in the development of the Upper Bay and he stated that Mr. Joe Beek is a consultant to the Committee and will be of great help to the City of Newport Beach in expressing our needs to the Committee. Anderson & Anich's The City Manager presented the bids of Jay & Renfro and Anderson & Anich for bid of 7.301.32 comprehensive general liability policy by the City of Newport Beach for the for City insurance period August 15, 1956, to August 15, 1957. The bid of Jay & Renfro was in the accepted. amount of $105960.00, and Anderson & Anich's bid was in the amount of $7,301.32. The City Manager recommended the acceptance of the low bid. On motion of Council- man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the recommendation of the City Manager was approved by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. Higbie Authorization to The City Manager requested authorization to employ Calvin C. Stewart as employ Calvin C. Park Foreman at the third step of the range 15A. On motion of Councilman Stewart as Park Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said authorization was Foreman. granted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN- Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMENs None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN- Higbie The City Manager presented the offer of Jacton Corporation to purchase ' City -owned property located on Balboa Boulevard, westerly of Channel Place, for the sum of $2,000.00. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said offer was accepted and the City Attorney was instructed to open an escrow in this matter. Councilman Hart stated that at the previous meeting he had requested an opportunity to inquire about the value of said property. He further stated he had made an investigation and had received offers to purchase the property at a higher amount than $2,000.00 offered by Jacton Corporation, but that in conference with the City Manager and the Secretary of the Planning Commission, he had learned that the City was under a moral obligation to sell the property to the original owner as requested by Jacton Corporation. The request of Mr. Keith F. Rima to transfer his lease for operating sportfishing boats and barge from the Newport Pier to Mr. Paul Elston, was presented. The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4537, being a resolution consenting to assignment, sale and transfer of license agreement, from Keith F. Rima to Paul Elston, and giving terms and conditions thereof. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4537 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN- Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN. None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. Higbie Ordinance No. 793, being AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7211 ESTABLISHING WATER RATES was presented for second reading. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 793 was waived. Councilman Ridderhof moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 793, which motion was seconded by Councilman MacKay. A discussion was had, Colonel Andrew Smith spoke from the floor and stated that he thought that the people who use more water should pay more money and should pay an increased cost per cubic foot after the minimum rate. He also stated that the Water Department should pay its own way. Mr. Arthur Kramer requested that Ordinance No. 793 be read and the Clerk complied with this request. Councilman Stoddard raised the question of whether or not the statement "Water rates may be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach" was clear, as it was not clear to him. It was the opinion of the City Manager and the City Engineer that said statement should be deleted from the ordinance. The City Attorney stated that the ordinance would give authority to the City Council to change the 12 cents water rate by resolution. A further discussion was had; and Ordinance No. 793 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits was presented for second reading. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the second reading of said ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 796 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN- None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN-. Higbie Ordinance No. 7959 being AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH was presented. Mayor Hill stated that this was the time and place for ' anyone to speak who wished to be heard in regard to the changing of the zoning in Seaquist Annexation. No one spoke, and the Clerk stated that no written protests had been received. Mayor Hill closed the hearing. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 795 was waived. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 795 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits RR 111 Offer of Jacton orporation to purchase City- vfned property. Ordinance No. 793 Water rates. Ordinance No a opd her discussion discussion re wa ear rateso Ordinance No. 796 Excluding dogs from certain are. within the City. Ordinance No. 796 adopted. OrdinanceNo._.795 Zon�in � _chnan&ee SeaauisT Annexation. Ordinance No. 7�j5 adopted. AYES, COUNCILMEN. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN. None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. Higbie ' Ordinance No. 796, being AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4107 AND 4107.1 OF CHAPTER 1 OF ARTICLE IV OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH EXCLUDING DOGS FROM CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH was presented for second reading. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the second reading of said ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 796 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN- None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN-. Higbie Ordinance No. 7959 being AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH was presented. Mayor Hill stated that this was the time and place for ' anyone to speak who wished to be heard in regard to the changing of the zoning in Seaquist Annexation. No one spoke, and the Clerk stated that no written protests had been received. Mayor Hill closed the hearing. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 795 was waived. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 795 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits RR 111 Offer of Jacton orporation to purchase City- vfned property. Ordinance No. 793 Water rates. Ordinance No a opd her discussion discussion re wa ear rateso Ordinance No. 796 Excluding dogs from certain are. within the City. Ordinance No. 796 adopted. OrdinanceNo._.795 Zon�in � _chnan&ee SeaauisT Annexation. Ordinance No. 7�j5 adopted. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Higbie The City Engineer stated that he had examined the bids received earlier in the evening and that he recommended the acceptance of the low bid of Wm. ' DeMotte, Inc., in the amount of $14,965.76. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4538, being a resolution awarding the contract for the installation of water pipe line from 17th Street and Cliff Drive to Irvine Avenue and 20th Street, to Wm. DeMotte, Inc., at the contract price of $14,965.76, and the City Manager was authorized to transfer funds from the unappropriated balance of the Water Department Budget for payment of said contract, was adopted by the following roll call. vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Higbie Contem 1 ted visit Mayor Hill announced that members of the City Council were going to o tE e Counc o Riverside to be the guests of the Mayor and Council of the City of Riverside he city Of and members of their Citizens Committee. It was hoped that through this R versidea meeting, the City of Newport Beach would be aided in the development plans ffrom for its Citizens Committee, which will be appointed in the near future. Service agreement The City Engineer presented the proposed service agreement of Frawley ro tole v lion Hotel Radio - Television, Inc., to service and maintain the television system in the in the Trailer Park. The City Engineer recommended entering into such an Trailer Parko T agreement for at least one year. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Resolution No. by Councilman Hart and carried, the City Manager was instructed to proceed with the execution of the agreement on said basis for one.year from November following roll call vote, to wit: 19 1956, at the cost of $236.00. Authorization to The City Manager presented a bill from Pacific Air Industries, in the ' oay Pac Air amount of $1,086.451 for a topographical map, which represents a part of ndu tries the total project of preliminary engineering which James Montgomery has done, 1 "0 . for a and which is being jointly financed by this City, The Irvine Company and topographical other agencies. Councilman Stoddard stated that he thought that only the maoo City of Newport Beach was in a position to do anything constructive about the reservoir at this time and that we should pay the bill and recover later from others benefited by the proposed reservoir. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, the City Manager was instructed to pay said bill and transfer the necessary funds from Council Contingencies, by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN:. Higbie Discussion re The City Manager stated that the final report on the water system and waterrssyst -m and proposed reservoir, being compiled by James M. Montgomery, will be distributed br000sed at the end of this week. It will then be necessary for the Council to decide reservoir. whether or not to submit the question of incurring bonded indebtedness to finance the proposed reservoir to the electors of the City of Newport Beach on the November 6th ballot, and whether or not the Board of Supervisors will place the question on the ballot. A discussion was had, and Councilman Stoddard and Councilman Hart, who have served on the Committee studying this matter, stated that it would be to the City's advantage to undertake the building of the reservoir, with the thought in mind that when the other , interested agencies are able to contribute financially we will be willing to share the reservoir with them. Councilman Ridderhof agreed that Newport Beach should not allow anyone else to delay our action in this matter. Re bond issue and On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and necessary_ pro- carried, the City Manager was authorized to keep in touch with bond counsel cedureso for the procedures involved in presenting the proposition of a bond issue to the voters. R = The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4539, being a resolution deed of easement accepting deed of easement from Douglas B. Hoit, et al; for the right to ffrom Dou la . construct, maintain, operate and use storm drain and appurtenances across oit et al certain real property. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Resolution No. 4539 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None Request of Lido Mr. Bunster Creely, representing the Lido Isle Community Association, Isle CO ty spoke from the audience regarding the closing of certain streets on Lido Isle Assoc. re use of for a Mid - Summer Fete on August 18, 1956. Mr. Creely was informed that this s rests. matter would be handled by the City Manager. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the meeting was adjourned sine die. A�.V.� Mayor ATTEST: City ale.-VT