HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1957 - Regular Meeting"Pursuant to the written agreement dated April 3, 1957 between the City of Newport Beach and this corporation, you are hereby advised that we approve the description of the reservoir site and the description of the easements for water transmission mains and access road as described and set forth in the written plans therefor prepared by James M. Montgomery, engineer of the roject, on Sheet No. 1 thereof entitled 'Reservoir Site Parcel -R" and on Sheet No. ' 2 entitled "Right of Way Sketch Parcels T -1 and T -2" and on Sheet No. 3 entitled "Permanent Access Road to Reservoir Site ". "Yours very truly, THE IRVINE COMPANY W. B. Hellis, Vice President" November 12, 1957 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session Regular session. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7:30 P.M. The roll was called, the following members being present: Councilmen Roll call. ' Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Higbie and ApSproval of carried, the reading of the minutes of October 28, 1957, was waived, and eanutes. the minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. Mayor Hill introduced Walter Charamza and announced his appointment introduction of as City Attorney commencing November 18, 1957. City. ttorney. This being the time and place for the opening of bids for the Bids for the construction of a concrete bulkhead on Central Avenue, the Clerk stated construction of that three bids had been received. Said bids were then publicly opened, concrete bulkftead examined and declared from the following bidders, to wit: on Central-Avenue Croft & Neville, Inc. $4,092.60 Three bids Trautwein Bros. 3,837.24 received. Gillis & Derby 4,206.60 On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie and Bids referred to carried, said bids were referred to the City Manager and the Public Works C t Managge—rand Director for report and recommendation later in the meeting. Pu is Worrs Director. This being the time and place for the opening of bids for the 7R�d or resur- resurfacing of certain streets in the Cliff Haven area, the Clerk announced as certain that three bids had been received. Said bids were then publicly opened, ts stree 1n Cuff examined and declared from the following bidders, to wit: Haven area. ' Sully - Miller Contracting Co. $23,752.00 Three bids R. J. Noble Company 240879.50 rece� v Griffith Company 24,600.00 On motion of Councilman Higbie, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and Bids referred to carried, said bids were referred to the City Manager and the Public Works d5 an�& Pu l_9_. Director for report and recommendation later in the meeting. Wo6sDirector. This being the time and place for the opening of bids for the Bids for furnish- furnishing and installing of reinforced concrete storm drain pipe on in an ,nsta `�-7 -- Bayside Drive, the Clerk announced that nine bids had been received, rein £or� cm es cone –e Said bids were then publicly opened, examined and declared from the itorm�x�ain- following bidders, to wit: on Wyse r vie. Anro Construction Company $9,858.90 vine bids Edwin L. Barkley 8,460.60 received. ived. Leonard Castillo 8,779.20 Long, Marker & Howley Construction Company 7$82.68 Ace Pipeline Construction Co. 10,283.70 Mussro Contracting, Inc. 8,782.74 Dow Moran 9,812.00 Wulff Excavating Company 6,425.10 James I. Gallacher 8,425.20 On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and Referred to City carried, said bids were referred to the City Manager and the Public Works F nager and Pu s Director for report and recommendation later in the meeting. ','ors Direct3r. Mayor Hill announced that, with the unanimous consent of the Council, Irvine Company the order of business would be changed to present the matters concerning, yetter re the construction of the Big Canyon reservoir. The Clerk read a letter rise® r from W. B. Hellis, Vice President of The Irvine Company, which is quoted in its entirety below: "November 11, 1957 "Honorable City Council of "The City of Newport Beach, "City Hall, "Newport Beach, California "Pursuant to the written agreement dated April 3, 1957 between the City of Newport Beach and this corporation, you are hereby advised that we approve the description of the reservoir site and the description of the easements for water transmission mains and access road as described and set forth in the written plans therefor prepared by James M. Montgomery, engineer of the roject, on Sheet No. 1 thereof entitled 'Reservoir Site Parcel -R" and on Sheet No. ' 2 entitled "Right of Way Sketch Parcels T -1 and T -2" and on Sheet No. 3 entitled "Permanent Access Road to Reservoir Site ". "Yours very truly, THE IRVINE COMPANY W. B. Hellis, Vice President" MY Discussion regarding The City Manager sta reservoir. Rheault, representing Jame in the audience to present the reservoir and to answo member of the Council a c Construction of the Big C+ (Second Edition). Mr. Rho specifications involved tl main in the realignment o: Coast Highway, and the re+ Bayside Drive on Marine A, A discussion was had regal the completion of all worl construction would be lows time for the construction probably be received. Tha were extended from the or: 15, 1959, no hardship wou: It was agreed that certaii be completed by June 1, 11. the Ford Motor Aeronutron: County to pave the lower 1 Council examined the trac: proposed construction of i transmission mains. On ma Councilman Ridderhof and o was ordered filed and spro hereinabove. On motion o: Hart and carried, approva: the meeting to enable the and to place his signature Return to regular Mayor Hill announced or. er. regular order of business Letter from Mrs. Phili Burton re S ore ane P a�nnna_nn, ssoc7�iat o o_f — California. ADDroval by State re zncluain eventeent Street aty s system of mayor city streets. Coov of letter from Nort Harbor Chamber Opp Commerce to the Subcommittee on Pro�ert Taxation re ssem y Bill B Letter from Chamber o Commerce re parking committee. Letter from Chamber 0 ommerce re committee to study matter o re use service charge. Letter or omm from ittee on "Ne ort ar un ay -C osing. The Clerk read a let attendance as A represent Shoreline Planning Associ Monica on September 27, 1 by Councilman Hart and ca to express the gratitude at said conference and to the City's withdrawal fro On motion of Council and carried, a letter was Division of Highways, Dis had approved the request State Highway Route 60 to of major City streets. On motion of Counci carried, a copy of a let Chamber of Commerce to t. Interim Committee on Rev, consideration of said Coi providing for the return income, derived by the S such specific areas. On motion of Councili carried, a letter was ord, Commerce stating that mer vitally interested in the of their business activit parking near their variou states that the Newport H "parking committee" compr . shopping areas and busine interests as they pertain is desirous of aiding its resolving the current and Mr. Wm. L. O'Bryon, Prest spoke from the audience s is a problem which is fun The Clerk read a let relative to a committee e the matter of a refuse se seconded by Councilman Wi with appreciation for the Council would welcome the The Clerk (presented Sunday - Closing,' dated Oc resolution be discussed a endorses a Sunday - Closing of January 1, 1958; that hours; and that all membe, a voluntary basis." On mi :ed that Mr. Russell Kenmir and Mr. Gene as M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineer, were : the amended plans and specifications for !r any questions. Mr. Rheault gave each apy of the Specifications for the anyon Reservoir and Transmission Mains aault stated that the major changes in the ee addition of 600 feet of 30" transmission the main from the golf course down to the alignment of the main from Coast Highway to Penue with an additional length of 18" main. .-ding the date to be inserted on page A -1 for :. Mr. Kenmir explained that the cost of ar if the contractors were given additional work, and that more competitive bids would consensus was that if the completion date .ginal date of December 15, 1958, to March .d ensue to the City or The Irvine Company. a portions of the transmission mains should 158, to assist The Irvine Company in serving .cs System, Inc., plant, and to enable the aortion of Jamboree.Road before summer. The .ngs submitted by James M. Montgomery for the :he reservoir and installation of the otion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by :arried, the letter from The Irvine Company :ad upon the minutes, which has been done Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman of the plans was postponed until later in Public Works Director to examine the tracings thereon. that the Council would now return to the COMMUNICATIONS :er from Mrs. Philip Burton regarding her ative of the City of Newport Beach at the ation of California conference held at Santa X57. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded -Tied, said letter was referred to Mayor Hill of the Council to Mrs. Burton for her attendance determine whether or not Mrs. Burton recommended a the Shoreline Planning Association. an Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof ordered filed from the State of California, rict VII, stating that the Division of Highways f Newport Beach that Seventeenth Street, from Irvine Avenue, be included in the City's system n Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and was ordered filed from the Newport Harbor Subcommittee on Property Taxation, Assembly e and Taxation, urging the favorable ttee regarding the Assembly Bill (AB ,2624) the areas of origin a reasonable portion of e as a result of the extraction of oil from ian Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and red filed from the Newport Harbor "Chamber of pants and other business men in the area are matter of parking and that the future success es depends greatly upon the accessibility of places of business; said letter further rbor Chamber of Commerce has organized a sed of representatives from each of designated s areas, from a cross- section of business to specific parking needs; and said committee members in working; with City officials in project parking problems affecting the community. ent of the Newport'Harbor Chamber of Commerce, ating that the merchants realized that parking amentally the merchants'. er from the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce tablished by the Chamber of Commerce to study vice charge. On motion of Councilman Hart, der and carried, said letter was ordered filed interest shown and with the comment that the Chamber's offer of help in studying the matter. letter from the "Newport Harbor Committee on ober 28, 1957, requesting that the following d voted upon: "RESOLVED, that this organization program for the Newport Harbor Area to begin as ssential business be limited to certain specified s be encouraged to participate in the program on tiori of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman 1 1 Stoddard and carried, said letter was ordered filed. It was stated by members of the Council that this was a problem to be solved by the merchants themselves and that the City government should not intervene. Mr. Wm. L. O'Bryon, President of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, spoke from the audience and stated that the Chamber of Commerce had appointed a committee to make recommendations in regard to the matter. ' On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, a letter was ordered filed from Alexander R. Tobin, Deputy County Counsel of San Bernardino, expressing appreciation for courtesy and consideration given to his application for the position of City Attorney. The Clerk presented a letter from the Business and Professional Women's Club requesting use of the Balboa Parking Lot without charge on December 6th and 7th, in connection with the organization's Annual Christmas Preview at the Rendezvous Ballroom. On motion of Council- man MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said request was granted. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, a letter was ordered filed from the State of California, Department of Public Works, stating the quarterly allocation of 5/8 cents gas tax funds to Newport Beach, for the period ending September 30, 1957, is the amount of $16,940.06, and that the annual engineering aid money for the fiscal year is $5,000. The Clerk read a "City Council Statement of Policy Regarding Newport Marinapark," dated November 12, 1957, which states that the City has no plans under consideration for either the sale or lease of Newport Marinapark or City -owned property adjacent to it; the City is not considering a plan for enlargement of Marinapark; Marinapark is not operating at a financial loss to the City, on the contrary, revenues from the park are expected to exceed operating expenditures at the park in the current fiscal year by a substantial margin. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said statement was declared an official statement of Council policy and the Clerk was directed to file said statement in the records of Council policy. Said statement was authorized for issuance to the Press and to other interested parties. LICENSES On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the following Applications for License were approved. Application for License of Charles 0. Fink for on -sale beer, pre - packaged foods, dancing, at "Charlie Browns," 109 Palm Street, Balboa, being a change of ownership. Application for Exempt License of Joseph John Rumore, 215 Atlantic, Long Beach, for house to house soliciting of funds from residents and business establishments for "Lower Lights Gospel Mission," 526 East Fifth Street, Los Angeles. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS A letter signed by the City Manager and the Public Works Director was presented, recommending that the request of South Coast Company be granted for permission to demolish a certain City -owned dock located bayward of City -owned property, under lease to South Coast Company. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said request was granted, the South Coast Company to demolish said pier at no cost to the City and under no obligation to reconstruct a pier. The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4704, recommended for approval by the Public Works Director, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Easement to the Southern California Edison Company to construct an electric line on a strip 10' in width lying within Lot 164, Block 53, of Irvine's Subdivision (19th and Irvine). On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4704 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. A. K. Phelps, Chairman of the Civil Service Board, recommending that Edward T. Lynch, a former member of the Newport Beach Police Department holding a position of Police Patrolman, be reinstated to his former position, stating that Chief of Police John Upson approved of the request for reinstatement. ' On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said request was granted. Letter from A. R. 'robin re his ap`pp cat for ® of city Attorney. Rest of BPW for use owl o� par cIing ot Re allocation of 5/8 cents gas tax �s aannual engineering EY' money to t e city. :`City Council Statement ot Policy RegarNewp®rt Marinapark." Approval of License Z�.ications: — -- C. 0. Fink C a�'I ; owns." Exempt License of J. J. Rumors Lower Lights Gospel Mission." South Coast Company_ granted permission to emo zs a it�e owned dock. R =4+704. authorizin execution of Easement to Southern California Emfasoaa Company. Request granted to reinstate E wad'�T. Lynch _� to position o�°Po act e Pagr©kian 0 Fund Transfer - ro riation Request No. 57-58-62- grante . Fund Transfers - ppropriat on Requests: No. 57- 58 -58. No. 57- 58 -59. The City Manager sta 1955 -56 and 1956 -57 holid personnel were entitled t had not been granted. He that such compensation be a compensatory time -off b revealed that the use of would result in the savin Transfer - Appropriation dictating equipment for P Expense, N:O,C., to Polic motion of Councilman Wild Fund Transfer - ADVrooria On motion of Coun carried, the following approved. Fund Transfer to provide for which has not off or paid ov 1956 -57, $450, Holiday Wages. Fund Transfer - to provide for h personnel which as time -off or p and 1956 -57, $2, to Police - Over ed that a computation had been made of the ys for which some of the Police and Fire receive compensation, but for which compensation further stated that it was the Chiefs' recommendation paid to said personnel in funds rather than on sis. He reported further that investigation ictating equipment by the Police Department of time. In regard to these matters, Fund equest No. 57- 58 -62, to cover the purchase of lice use, in the amount of $950, from Council - - Work Equipment, N.O.C., was presented. On r, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said ion Request was granted. an Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and d Transfers - Appropriation Requests were ,ropriation Request No. 57 -58 -58 day compensation for Fire personnel previously granted either as time - ie, for fiscal years 1955 -56 and i Council - Expenses, N.O.C., to Fire ppropriation Request No. 57 -58 -59 liday compensation for Police as not been previously granted either id overtime, for fiscal years 1955 -56 30, from Council - Expense, N.O.C., ime Salaries. Report of Actin Cit A memorandum from John C. Penney, Acting City Attorney, entitled ttorney re nvestment "Investment of Money Raised by the Reservoir Bond Issue," was presented. of o-Ln re ais�— Mr. Penney quotes portions of Sections 53601 and 53602 of the Government reservoir on�assue. Code pertaining to authorized investments which municipalities may make. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said report was ordered filed. Re ort of Special Councilman Wilder ma, Counci Committee re Committee, comprised of C nvestment o money Higbie, appointed to cons: r"om s e2 F Water from the sale of the Wate Bonds, an agent . for the redemption selection o scal after consideration and c, agent or t e re em- Bank, the Bank of America tion o on s. Security -First National B, proposals from said.banks the Bank of America Natioi the fiscal agent. Counci receipt of $1,782,890.88 , in U. S. Treasury bills, i was the recommendation of Trust and Savings Associa proceeds from the sale of for the investment of sucl R -4705 adopted, Councilman MacKay ma incorporating adopt Resolution No. 4705 recommendations of the Council Committee, as set Special Council stated that he wished to Committee. in the Bank of America, 1 and that he would not vot 4705 was adopted by the f AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, COUNCILMEN ABSENT COUNCILM Councilman Stodd Discussion re The City Manager b insta anon of involved by the install C ristmas ecorations public property. After �rivate parties on by Councilman Ridderhof public property. City's agent in authori property by merchant or such organizations name with $100,000/$300,000 period that such decora Discussion re the Councilman Wilder st, deposit procedure. proceeds from the.sale of ater on s`T.) the City Treasurer on Novo Company, upon the deliver., the balance of moneys due in the amount of $1,729,4! America National Trust an4 for inter -bank transmitta: Mr. William L. O'Bryon an4 that as a matter of local Newport Beach bank. Couni of the check, no chance sl had been requested to depi e a report on behalf of the Special Council uncilman Wilder, Councilman Hart, and Councilman der the best investment of the proceeds received Bonds, 1957, and the selection of the fiscal f the Water Bonds. Councilman Wilder stated that nsultation with representatives of the California National Trust and Savings Association, and the nk of Los Angeles, and upon receipt of written it was the recommendation of the committee that al Trust and Savings Association be selected as man Wilder stated that the City would be in nd that the funds could be invested by the City otes and bonds with various maturing dates. It the committee that the Bank of America National ion be designated as the depository for the the Water Bonds, 1957, and the, consultant bank funds, as directed by the City of Newport Beach. e a motion, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof, to incorporating the recommendations of the Special forth by Councilman Wilder. Councilman Stoddard ave the minutes show that he has a remote interest ss than 5% statutory and less than 3% Charter, on Councilman MacKay's motion. Resolution No. llowing roll call vote, to wit: . Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill None None refrained from voting. ht to the attention of the meeting the hazards n of Christmas decorations by private parties.on cussion, on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded carried, the City Manager was designated as the the placement of Christmas decorations on public nations in said City, and it was directed that City of Newport Beach as an additional insured ly injury and $100,000 property damage, for the s are in place in the City of Newport Beach. .ted that in connection with the investment of the the Water Bonds, 1957, a check would be received by mber 15, 1957, in the offices of Jeffries Banknote by her of the signed bonds. Since said check for $53,400 having been previously received, would be 0.88, the deposit would be made in the Bank of Savings Association's main office in Los Angeles to the Newport Beach Branch of the Bank of America. Mr. Ben Reddick spoke from the audience and suggested interest, the check should be deposited at a ilman Wilder explained that because of the amount ould be taken and that, therefore, the Treasurer sit it in Los Angeles. . u r I' , On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and Lund Transfer - carried, Fund Transfer - Appropriation Request No. 57- 58 -60, transferring ®ropriaton funds for the reallocation of Storekeeper II position from Purchasing No78�64D. and Warehousing - Regular Salaries, to General Services - Automotive Shop - Regular Salaries, in the amount of $2,880, was approved; approval was also given for the transfer of said position from the Finance Department, Purchasing and Warehousing, to Automotive Shop. The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4706, authorizing the Mayor and R -4706 adopted City Clerk to execute a lease for space at 414 - 32d Street, Newport re ease a ®f space Beach, for the office of the City Attorney, at $60 per month. On motion Toro ice o City of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Attorney. Resolution No. 4706 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The report of D. Jackson Faustman, Consulting Traffic Engineer, relative to street improvements in the vicinity of Balboa Boulevard, Newport Boulevard and McFadden Place, dated November 5, 1957, was presented. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the report was ordered received and filed; the City Manager was instructed to have a master map prepared by the staff to show the relationship of the alternatives suggested by Mr. Faustman; and the City Manager was instructed to determine the approximate cost of the alternatives. Mr. Donald Harwood, Attorney representing William Cagney, spoke from the audience. He stated that the inability of Mr. Cagney to make use of.his property was costing Mr. Cagney $700 per month. Mr. Harwood said he was offering the statement as a reminder that a financial burden was being placed upon his client until a decision was made by the Council. Councilman Wilder stated that the Faustman report indicated that Mr. Cagney's property would not be needed for the solution of the traffic flow problem. Mr. Harwood inquired whether or not this was a "go- ahead' for Mr. Cagney. Other members of the Council said that it was not since a complete report had not been received from Mr. Faustman as yet and there might be other uses for the property under consideration. Councilman Wilder and Councilman Higbie agreed that a cloud had been placed upon the property, and, until a decision is reached by the Council regarding the proposed condemnation suit, it would seem unwise for Mr. Cagney to proceed. It was brought out that further information would be received on November 25, 1957, regarding street widening, street extension and parking in the subject area. The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4707, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Robert Dorris for the construction of a lifeguard rescue boat for the sum of $12,539.80. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4707 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: Resort of D. sac son Faustman. Discussion nebo as to street widening, 6t ext sion Asa _park ng . R -4707 adopted, re contract with R. Dorris for the construction of a iseguar rescue AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Fund Transfer - Appropriation Request No. 57- 58 -61, in the amount Fund Transfer of $15,000, from Surplus - General Fund, to Lifeguard - Work Equipment, A roprxation N.O.C., for the purchase of a lifeguard rescue boat and equipment, was N ' presented and approved on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried. The City Manager presented a report from Thomas Childs, AdministrativeRe ort on school Assistant, regarding a Survey of School Bus Safety Programs in Newport us sa ety. Beach." The City Manager stated that the practices which are being followed now in the City of Newport Beach appeared satisfactory. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the report was ordered filed and the matter was left to the discretion of the City Manager for further checking as to the necessity of an appropriate ordinance. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and A proval of plans carried, the plans as proposed by the Orange County Road Commissioner tor rea agnment of for the realignment of Marine Avenue at US 101 -A, submitted by the Marine Avenue at Public Works Director; were approved and the City's share, in the US amount of $6,000 of County funds for this purpose, was approved. The Clerk presented a letter from the Public Works Director presenting the Application of Nick Delaney for permission to construct a commercial pier, bayward of 2800 Lafayette Avenue; Lot 1, Block 425, Lancaster's Addition Tract, which had been approved by the Joint Harbor Committee. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said application was granted. Acting City Attorney John C. Penney presented a report wherein ' he stated that representatives of the Linda Isle Company and Dr. Forbes Farms, Inc., both assert they are entitled to the $7,000 cash deposit of Dr. Forbes Farms, Inc. Mr. Penney stated that it is his opinion that the City Council should not return the $7,000 deposit until the Superior Court of Orange County has determined who is rightfully entitled to this fund. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said report was accepted. Approval re auo`ication of N. nelaney to constj:., cc.=: Ordinance No. 839. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 839, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE -CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 9252.11, 9252.22, 9252.32, 9253.119 9253.52, 9254.1.5, 9254.33, 9254.36, 9255.27; DELETING SECTION 9252.33 AND ADDING SECTIONS 9254.14(f) AND 9255.28(b) OF , ARTICLE IX- 1/21TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF,THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Subdivision On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder Ordinance. Passed to and carried, the first reading of said ordinance was waived. The second reading and set recommendations of the Planning Commission set forth in a letter or public hearing dated October 3, 1957, regarding said ordinance, had been presented Novem er 2.5, 19.57. previously to the Council. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder andlcarried, Ordinance No. 839-was passed to second reading and set for public hearing on November 25, 1957, by the following roll call vote; to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder,, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None R -4708 ado ted re In accordance with the recommendation of the City Manager and away o contract for the Public, Works Director, on motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by concrete bulkhead on Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No.. 4708, awarding the Central Avenue to contract for the construction of the concrete bulkhead on Central Avenue, Trautwein Bros. at a cost of $3,837.24, to the low bidder, Trautwein Bros., was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN:. Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, I Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ' ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None R -4709 rere In accordance with the recommendation of the City Manager and the jdogted awar�c o cf ontract• for Public Works Director, on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by resur acin streets in Councilman Hart and carried, Resolution No. 4709, awarding the contract �f a�ven area to for the resurfacing of certain streets in the Cliff Haven area, at a u y- Liler Contract- cost of $23,752, to the low bidder, Sully - Miller Contracting Co., was - ing Co. adopted by the following roll call vote, to,wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, I Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Award of contract for Upon the recommendation of the City Manager and the Public Works furnishing and install-Director, on motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder rei orce concreteand carried, the awarding of the contract for the furnishing and storm n pipe on installing of reinforced concrete storm drain pipe on Bayside Drive, Bayside, continue . was continued to the next Council meeting for recommendation. Re chap es in The Public Works Director having.further examined the Specifications S�eci cations for the for the Construction of the Big Canyon Reservoir and Transmission Mains, Construct on o i recommended that said plans be approved with an insertion on page A -1 anon Re�ser_vo r and to make the last paragraph read as follows: "All work shall have been ransT mission a�ins. completed by March 15, 1959, although certain portions of the transmission mains shall be completedby June 1 ,1958;" and.by completing Section 56 on page C -2 to,read as follows: , "56. Beginning and completion of work. shall belcommenced within fifteen (15) calendar days after award of the contract and all work, including filling and testing the reservoir shall be completed by March 15, 1959. '.'(b) The work under Schedule II shall belcommenced within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after award of the contract. The following portions of the transmission mains shall be completed and tested (except for installation of valves) by June , 1958: Sta. + to ta. 7 +60 l L8 -inch transmission main ta. + to ta. 0 +48.56 "The balance of the work .under Schedule II shall be compldted by ' March 15, 1959;1° as indicated in the City Clerk's copy of said Specifications, presented at this time. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, the Specifications for the Construction of the Big Canyon Reservoir andTransmission Mains (Second Edition) and drawings thereof contained on Sheets 1 through 46 inclusive, and as indicated by the official copy thereof filed with the City Clerk, were approved and the Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be opened on December 9, 1957. 051 ; .. The Acting City Attorney made a recommendation that Resolution No. R °4705 adopted. __ 4705, previously adopted this evening, incorporate and be amended to Amene "to anc ude include the designation of the City Manager and the City Treasurer as recommendations tgoner the City's agents with respect to the investment of the Water Bonds, Xctlng Caty 1957 funds, and the designation of the City Treasurer to be the Attorney. person to deposit the proceeds from the sale of the Water Bonds, 1957 ' funds in the main office of the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association in Los Angeles for transmittal to the Newport Beach Branch of the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4705 was amended to incorporate the said recommendations of the Acting City Attorney by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Stoddard refrained from voting. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Hart Adjourned. and carried, the meeting was adjourned. / mayor ATTEST: November 25, 1957 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular egular session. session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. The roll was called, the following members being present: Roll call. Councilmen Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Higbie Approval of minute and carried, the reading of the minutes of November 12, 1957, was ®f Nov — em er waived, and the minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. 5L5% A letter was presented from Mrs. Robert P. Rea, Corresponding Letters re the Secretary of the Woman's Civic League of Newport Harbor, requesting acquisition o that the Council investigate the feasibility of the acquisition of a land currently parcel of land adjacent to, and currently being used by, the being used by the Community Youth Center in Corona del Mar, to be used for recreational th — Co! un ty Youth purposes. A letter was also presented from Tom Norton, Chairman of Center. the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, making a similar request and describing the land involved as, a strip of land bordered by Goldenrod Avenue on the west, Fifth Street on the south, the Catholic Church property on the east, and the Harbor View School area on the ' north. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, the City Manager was requested to conduct such an investigation with The Irvine Company, owner of the land bounded as set forth above, to investigate the boundaries, and to talk with the School Board and find out if they would be willing to let the City have the land on which the Community Youth Center building and the Boy Scouts' building are located. The Clerk presented two letters, one from Mary Jo Lansdowne, Letters and Secretary of the Newport Harbor Lady Anglers, and.one from W. C. a.scu scion regard Pearson, President of the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club, ing c anggng t e requesting that the question be placed on the ballot in the Spring Nam -- e of the Cites election as to whether or not the City's name should be changed from to ewport ar or. Newport Beach to Newport Harbor. Mayor Hill stated that the Council is willing to place the matter on the ballot if it is determined that a majority of the people want to vote on the matter. She requested that the newspapers cooperate by placing a ballot form in the newspapers for the citizens to submit, expressing a point of view. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, the aforementioned letters were ordered filed with the other correspondence on this subject. . The Clerk presented a letter from Kenneth Sampson, Harbor Re transfer of Manager, requesting that the Council of Newport Beach and the Board retirement enefi_ of Supervisors of Orange County take the necessary action to agree for Aber$ Oberg upon the transfer of retirement benefits for Albert Oberg, Acting aaa��rtrIgiace Harbor Master, and Arthur Mace, Harbor Patrolman, from the Newport from C t to Beach Employees' Retirement System to Orange County Employees' County mp oyees° Retirement System, as provided by the Government Code. On motion Retirement System. of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, said letter was referred to the City Attorney for report at the next Council meeting.