HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/1957 - Regular MeetingThe Acting City Attorney made a recommendation that Resolution No. 4705, previously adopted this evening, incorporate and be amended to include the designation of the City Manager and the City Treasurer as the City's agents with respect to the investment of the Water Bonds, 1957 funds, and the designation of the City Treasurer to be the person to deposit the proceeds from the sale of the water Bonds, 1957 ' funds in the main office of the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association in Los Angeles for transmittal to the Newport Beach Branch of the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4705 was amended to incorporate the said recommendations of the Acting City Attorney by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Stoddard refrained from voting. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ayor ATTEST: M 5� Miry er November 25, 1957 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. The roll was called, the following members being present: Councilmen Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, the reading of the minutes of November 12, 1957, was waived, and the minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. A letter was presented from Mrs. Robert P. Rea, Corresponding Secretary of the Woman's Civic League of Newport Harbor, requesting that the Council investigate the feasibility of the acquisition of a parcel of land adjacent to, and currently being used by, the Community Youth Center in Corona del Mar, to be used for recreational purposes. A letter was also presented from Tom Norton, Chairman of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, making a similar request and describing the land involved as, a strip of land bordered by Goldenrod Avenue on the west, Fifth Street on the south, the Catholic ' Church property on the east, and the Harbor View School area on the north. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, the City Manager was requested to conduct such an investigation with The Irvine Company, owner of the land bounded as set forth above, to investigate the boundaries, and to talk with the School Board and find out if they would be willing to let the City have the land on which the Community Youth Center building and the Boy Scouts' building are located. The Clerk presented two letters, one from Mary Jo Lansdowne, Secretary of the Newport Harbor Lady Anglers, and. one from W. C. Pearson, President of the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club, requesting that the question be placed on the ballot in the Spring election as to whether or not the City's name should be changed from Newport Beach to Newport Harbor. Mayor Hill stated that the Council is willing to place the matter on the ballot if it is determined that a majority of the people want to vote on the matter. She requested that the newspapers cooperate by placing a ballot form in the newspapers for the citizens to submit, expressing a point of view. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, the aforementioned letters were ordered filed with the other correspondence on this subject. The Clerk presented a letter from Kenneth Sampson, Harbor Manager, requesting that the Council of Newport Beach and the Board of Supervisors of Orange County take the necessary action to agree upon the transfer of retirement benefits for Albert Oberg, Acting ' Harbor Master, and Arthur Mace, Harbor Patrolman, from the Newport Beach Employees' Retirement System to Orange County Employees' Retirement System, as provided by the Government Code. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, said letter was referred to the City Attorney for report at the next Council meeting. `I °4705 adopted. Amended de to Include recommen atlons or_ Acting Cit Attorney. Adjourned. Regular session. It call. Ap oval of mY n"i-n OWOVe —fir �2, Letters re the acquisition � ofd� Fel�us by t he Community Youth Center, Letters and Iscu�regard- Ing c angle t� name C� bi�t7�y? to Newport arsor. Summons and First Notice of hearings re sanitation, et cetera ot ocean water sports areas. Re minutes of Orange �Co��u_n_���t__yy__Mosquito ate�istrict. A Summons and First entitled Russell Harrima City of Newport Beach, e City Clerk of November 2 seconded by Councilman W Attorney who was authori complaint., and the neces A State of Californ Public Hearings regardin Healthfulness, and Safet ordered filed on motion Ridderhof and carried. which have,been set will the Regional Water Pollu On motion of Counci carried,'a letter was ox Manager of the Orange Cc the Board of Trustees ha monthly meeting to each the District and enclosf meeting of the District. mended Complaint to Quiet Title in an action and Peyton Harriman, Plaintiffs, vs. the al., Defendants, which were served on the 1957, were, on motion of Councilman MacKay, der and carried, referred to the City d to file an answer, and possibly a cross ry expense therefor was authorized. ., Department of Public Health, Notice:of Regulations Relating to the Sanitation, of Ocean Water - Contact Sports Areas, was Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman uncilman Stoddard stated that the hearings e similar to the hearings which were held by on Control Board. ian Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and red filed from Jack H. Kimball, District ty Mosquito Abatement District; stating that voted to send copies of the minutes of each the governing bodies which are `members of a copy of the minutes of the November. . Copies of Alcoholic On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder beverage Applications. and carried, the following communications were ordered filed: The Blue Room. 1. Copy of Appilication for Transfer of Alcoholic .Beverage License of Arthur Silver and Ben Tobert, The Blue Room, 206 -08 Palm' Street, Balboa, person to person transfer of bn -sale general. Lido Park Cafe. Newport Sea Shanty, Incorporate . Re uest of Fife & Nic o s Music OCom an or public res system. RR�eppo��r�__t� of Jacac s stman 2. Copy of Ap Beverage L Lido Park Newport Be wine. 3. Copy of AF Beverage I Shanty, In Street, Ne Cosby, Jr. general. The Clerk presented to operate a public addr Company store at 223 Mar music between the hours December 15., 1957; and b December 15, 1957, to Ja seconded by Councilman S with the restrictions as against this request. Mr. D. Jackson Faus the Council and the audi the Lido Shops Associati parking situation with a parking conditions. Mr. Council, at noon on Nove improvement of traffic.f Boulevard, 30th to McFad, recommendations for the i off - street parking space cation for Alcoholic ase of Grace E. Morgan, 2801 - 31st Street, , off -sale beer and ication for Alcoholic ense of Newport Sea rporated; 630 East 31st ort Beach, Frederick N. President, on -sale n application for permit of George 0. Nichol s system in front of the Fife & Nichols Music e Avenue, Balboa island, to broadcast holiday 10:00 A.M'. to 6:00 P.M., December 1, 1957, to ween the hours of-10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., ary 1, 1958. On motion of Councilman Higbie, ddard and carried, said request was granted et forth above. Councilman Wilder voted an, Consulting Traffic Engineer, addressed ce, and stated that he had been retained by to review the existing curb and off-street Sew to developing plans for improving existing austman had previously presented to the er 25, 1957, his recommendations for the w in the Lido, Newport Boulevard, Balboa n, area. A brief summary of Mr. Faustman's st efficient usage of existing curb and is as follows: 1. Impose a time limit on all curb spaces in the Lido shopping area to insure the usage of 318 spaces for short -time parking. 2. Install parking meters for said curb spaces to aid in the enforcement of time limits and to obtalin revenue estimated in the amount of aft least $10,000 annually. 3. Install lefjt -turn channelization on Newport Boulevard opposite the entrance to Richard's and, the City parking lot. 4. Instigate one or two -hour time limit parking in major customer parking lots, eliminatinglor minimizing long -time employee parking. 5. Install pax public lot. 6. Re- design B 7. Conduct add plan of off farther ren area to acc employer ps ing meters in the City Hall chard's east parking lot. tional studies to develop a street parking facilities ved from the core of the Lido mmodate long -time employee - kers. I On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the report of D. Jackson Faustman on Parking Improvement Plan, Lido Shopping Area, was ordered received and filed. Attorney James Penney, representing the Lido Shops Association, spoke from the audience. Mr. Penney stated that said Association had ' adopted the seven recommendations of Mr. Faustman, hereinbefore summarized and, on behalf of said Association, made a request that the Council immediately take steps to acquire unimproved property in the area to accommodate the long-time parkers who will be displaced through the enforcement of the above plan. Mr. Penney stated that the plan would be of benefit to the whole-community. Mr. Al Forgit spoke from the audience and stated that $50,000 had been collected in the Lido shopping area to be used in the acquisition of land or construction of the proposed parking area and that $1200 had been collected in his immediate area for this purpose. Mr. Ben Reddick spoke from the audience and stated that in order to keep the merchants in business, parking facilities must be available and that the City must make it possible for the merchants to be able to pay sales tax. Mr. Penney was queried as to whether or not the Lido Shops .Association especially meant that the City acquire the Pacific Electric "Y" property. Mr. Penney said that he believed that it was the only unimproved land in the area available. Councilman Hart stated that there was property at 32d facing the fire station, running easterly to Lafayette; however, he thought that the cost of the property might be excessive. ' attorney Donald Harwood, representing Mr. William Cagney, spoke from the audience and pointed out that one acre of land on 32d Street recently went into escrow for a price of $200,000, also that Mr. Cagney will provide the needed off- street parking. During the discussion, it was brought out that the "Y" property contained over three acres and various estimates of the value were placed at between $2.00 per foot and $4.00 per foot, placing the value of the "Y" property at several hundred thousand dollars. The City Manager stated that a previous estimate which had been obtained for the cost of improving the property was in the amount of $65,000, including meters. L7 A discussion then ensued as to the use of the "Y" property in the solution to.the traffic flow problem, and it was stated that the recommendations of Mr. Faustman did not involve the "Y" property. The various plans for traffic flow, which had been submitted by Mr. Faustman, were then considered. The problem and means of obtaining the necessary moneys for land acquisition, land improvements for traffic flow and parking were considered. Bond issues, assessment district, parking meters and contributions were mentioned as sources. The Council was anxious to render some decision in this matter but it was thought that sufficient information had not been obtained. Councilman Wilder left the meeting during the discussion and was absent for a little over a half hour. Dr. Edward W. Milum spoke from the audience and stressed the dire need of the merchants for parking area. Mr. A. B. Cubbage, representing the West Newport Improvement Association, spoke from the audience and stated that the West Newport Improvement Association was on record as not being in favor of the acquisition of the "Y" property for public parking and stated that Mr. Cagney had offered to provide parking in the subject area at no cost to the City and that his development of the property would bring increased revenue to the City. Mr. 0. W. Dick Richard spoke from the audience and stated that the parking problem was acute and that the City should recognize its obligation to assist the merchants in making more parking space available. Mayor Hill stated that since there was a definite need for more information, perhaps the discussion should be continued to an adjourned meeting. Councilman Stoddard stated that in order to do some negotiating with the Pacific Electric Railroad, a statement of intent was necessary. Councilman Stoddard made a motion, which was seconded by Mayor Hill and carried, that it is the City Council's intent and desire to acquire the Pacific Electric property from 30th Street to McFadden Place for street and parking purposes, to install channelization at McFadden and to widen Balboa Boulevard in subject area. Councilman Wilder voted no. A further discussion was had regarding the value of the property proposed to be acquired. Councilman Wilder stated that he was of the opinion that the sum involved was too large to be expended for the benefit and use of one specific area. Report of D. ,Na- s Rsson F austvman receive d an iTed . Statements of Attorney Penn re resentx g Lido Suers )2s Assoc at on. Statements of Al For` gig Statements of Ben Re xc . Statement of Attorney Penney re E- P�aca-.x:�c E ectr c r�roperty. Statements of Councilman Hart. Statements of 'attorney Harwood, representing xam agney. Estimates re value of ''Y ' property. Previous estimate igure . Further discussion re soot ion to r-EI zc a_ Yow proms` em. Councilman Wilder .eft the mee 1rfa Dr. Edward W. � -_lum spoke: Statements of A. B. Cu age of O. 97Dg- ck chards. Statement of !mayor Hi re continuing discussion. Cit Council °s ntent re AFLtic Electric property. Statements o Councilman Wilder. 6 Statements of Steve Mr. Steve Smith spoke from the audience and stated that Santa Ana m t . had failed to take advantage of an opportunity to purchase an area at a moderate price, which is now owned by Buffum's, and which would be a very desirable area for Santa Ana parking purposes at this time. He ,pointed out that NewportlBeach might be in a similar circumstance if we did not acquire the land'At this time. Statement of Council- Councilman Wilder stated that it would take four years to get a man Wilder re return return from parking metes since the cost of the improvement would be rom parking meters. high. .Council statement re On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay formation of parkin and unanimously carried,lit was established that the City Council will U1strlcts. look favorably upon the formation of parking districts and that the Council would further help defray the cost of said districts by the use of parking meter funds generated within the districts. Motion of Councilman Councilman Stoddard made a motion, which received no second, that Stoddard re tat the City entertain a study to determine the approximate means and costs hall dollar." of acquiring "that half dollar" (lots easterly of 32d Street between Newport Boulevard and Balboa Boulevard). Recess. Mayor Hill declared a four minute recess at this time. Inquiry of Mr. Harwood. Mr. Harwood inquired whether or not the matter had been definitely deferred until December 2d,'and he was answered in the affirmative. Relueest of Parks eH ac�ies and Recr— eat3on for a ladder truck. Parks, Beaches and Recreation. letter re C ina Cove area Re imarovements for ]L9th Street Bay each. rroo_�rirat on Re uest No. ° Re installation of rain pi e or "Clitt Drives ark." Re plac_in_g__of Boy Scout u6i1d "ing on 'C =lgf —Drive Par area. A letter from Tom Norton, Chairman of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, was presented, which,letter requests the Council to appropriate an amountlnecessary to purchase a ladder truck equipped for pruning, costing approximately $8,300. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the matter was referred to the City Manager for appropriate study and report with the instruction that, if possible, the truck should be obtained.• The Clerk presentedla letter from Tom Norton, Chairman of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, stating that a letter had been received from the Chief of the State Division of Beaches and Parks advising that, while it would be desirable to add the China Cove area to the park, no appropriations may be used for this purpose. Said letter requests that the Council obtain legislative assistance for the future acquisition of. the subject underwater lots. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder andlcarried, the letter was referred to the City Manager for his information and possible action. The Clerk presented a letter from Tom Norton, Chairman of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, stating that the proposed improvements contemplated for the 19t$ Street.Bay beach were estimated to cost $378.25. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Appropriation Request No, 57- 58 -65, being a transfer from General Fund to Park and Recreation Fund and an additional appropriation of $380 to Park and Recreation Budget, was authorized. (The $100 donated by the Woman's Civic League is thereby being transferred to the Park and Recreation Budget, with an appropriation ofl$280.) A letter from Tom N Recreation Commission, w installation of drain pi the Council proceed with the Council was on recor Stoddard, seconded by Co ordered filed. A letter from Tom N Recreation Commission, w moving a Boy Scout build approval of lease arrang Commission. A letter wa Chairman of Troop Commit Post No. 182, requesting house on the "City's Cli to be donated by Richard the many qualifications, the proposed project. M organization, was in the Recreation Commission an agreement u$on the use o in Mr. Boyd Vs letter. C was not a park, but was the audience and stated building for community a the building two nights community activities, in of the week. On motion Ridderhof and carried, t placing a Boy Scout buil referred the two letters involved and a recommend should be defined, and a should be executed. rton, Chairman of the Parks, Beaches and s presented, transmitting a report regarding the e for "Cliff Drive Park" and recommending that the installation. The City Manager stated that as endorsing this idea. On motion of Councilman ncilman Ridderhof and carried, said letter was )rton, Chairman of the Parks,.Beaches and is presented; recommending a proposed project for :ng to the "Cliff Drive Park" area subject to the aments by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation also presented on this subject from John Boyd, :ee, Boy Scouts of America Troop 182, and Explorer's the Council to approve the placing of the Boy Scout `f Drive Park" property, which building is proposed >on's Yacht Anchorage. A discussion ensued as to stipulations and legal technicalities involved in .. Fred Singer, representing the Boy Scouts' audience and stated that the Parks, Beaches and I the Boy Scouts' representatives had come to the building and the other provisions contained )uncilman Ridderhof stated that the property involved i dedicated street. Robert Gingrich spoke from :hat there was a great need for this type of :tivities and that as proposed, the Scouts would need i week, leaving the building available for other ;luding Scout activities, during the other nights >f Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman ie Council approved in principle the proposal of ling on the area of,the "Cliff Drive Park" and to the City Manager for an estimate of costs ition on what is meant by "priority use," how it recommendation ,for the type of agreement which a e 2 LICENSES On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and R. A. Carlson carried, the Application for License of Richard A. Carlson, dba Scandia Scandia Imports. Imports, 5910 East 2d Street, Long Beach, to conduct the business of slip rentals (6), Scandia Imports, at 3446 Via Oporto, Newport Beach, being a change of ownership, was approved. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the Application for License of Dick Luebbert, dba Golden West Amusement, for one skill game (miniature pool) at The Sand Dollar, 101 Palm Street, Balboa, was approved. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Mayor Hill stated that the resignation of Louis W. Briggs from the Planning Commission had been received. Resolution No. 4711, being a resolution expressing appreciation to Mr. Briggs for his untiring and loyal service to the City of Newport Beach and for his assistance in constructively planning for the growth of the City, was presented. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, Resolution No. 4711 was adopted by the,following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Mayor Hill stated that Mr. Briggs' resignation was being accepted with regret, and on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to forward to Mr. Briggs a Certificate of Appreciation. Mayor Hill announced that Mr. Austin Sturtevant had consented to serve on the Planning Commission to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Briggs. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, the appointment of Mr. Austin Sturtevant to serve on the Planning Commission until July 1, 1960, was ratified. .The City Manager recommended that R. J. Briscoe be appointed Assistant Director of Civil Defense and Disaster. On motion of Council- man Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said appointment was approved. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Fund Transfer No. 57- 58 -55, $27.56, from Council - Expense N.O.C. to Council - Promotional Expense for expense of publicity photographs for Easter Week, 1957, was authorized. The City Manager and the Public Works Director recommended that the contract for the furnishing and installing of reinforced concrete storm drain pipe, on Bayside Drive, be awarded to Wulff Excavating Company, the low bidder, at the contract price of $6,425.10. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4710, awarding said contract to Wulff Excavating Company at said contract price, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said contract, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Appropriation Request No. 57- 58 -63, in the amount of $6,500, from Surplus - General Fund to General Services - Streets -Land Improvements, for the work involved in the aforementioned contract, was approved. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, Appropriation Request No. 57- 58 -64, in the amount of $4,000, from Surplus- General Fund to General Services - Streets -Land Improvements to provide funds for construction of a bulkhead at the end of Central Avenue, was approved. The Clerk presented for second reading and public hearing, Ordinance No. 839, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 9252.11, 9252.22, 9252.32, 9253.11, 9253.52, 9254.15, 9254.33, 9254.36, 9255.27; DELETING SECTION 9252.33 AND ADDING SECTIONS 9254.(£) AND 9255.28(b) OF ARTICLE IX -1/2 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. (Subdivision Ordinance) Mayor Hill opened the meeting for a public hearing. Since no one wished to comment on the proposed ordinance, on motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said public hearing was closed. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the second reading of said ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 839 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: Dick Luebbert, sl;i 1 gam- ames R -4711 adopted, e 11 pp _ — ,pressing ,T —s a ec3at�on to Louis W. �3' = =ggs. Certificate of Appreciation to be sent to mr. BY'i ggs . A. Rturtevant �ppointeo to serve on t PTanning Co¢nmiss on. R. J. Briscoe, Asst. Dior of U-1—vil De tense Arad D_ts�' aster. Fund Transfer No. R -4710 adopted award of contract ::e concrete storm rain���R_ig� o__n_ Bash e e to Wu Excavating: Company. Appropriation Request �No. 537 8Y3 Appropriation Request No. Ord. No. 839. Subdivision Or manes. Public hearing. Ordinance No.--'U39 a opts . a i AR AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Re em to ent of The City Manager requested authorization to employ a consulting Geo_rgeeLLi.nn architect's services in connection with the proposed enlargement of the City City Hall. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Stoddard enlargement. — and carried, the City Manager was authorized to employ Mr. George Lind to assist with the planning of the City Hall enlargement. Re architect for The City Manager stated that the Board of Library Trustees would proposed Corona del probably submit a recommendation for the appointment of a consulting Mar Branch Library. architect's services in connection with the proposed Corona del Mar Branch Library. R -4712 adopted, re water main extension on Jamboree Road. Re reimbursing Jo 10 n C. Penney for legal services. Resubdivision No. 0. In order to establi of the water main extens developments, Resolution Stoddard, seconded by Co being a resolution stati intention to participate the extent of one -half t of title to the main as adopted by the following AYES, COUNCILM NOES, COUNCILN ABSENT, COUNCI On motion of Counci carried, authorization w services rendered from N basis of his previous sa The Clerk presented W. and Jeannette K. Hami SEly W, Block 032, Cor two building sites, whic the subdivision would cr to the Subdivision Ordin by Councilman MacKay and was upheld and said appl Resubdivision No. The Clerk presented Charles D. Wagner, Parce Streets, Block 27, East creation of two building Commission since the sub Subdivision Ordinance, w On motion of Councilman carried, said applicatio Re bids for the The Public Works Di rep acement o existingthe replacement of exist sewer In Nort of Marine Avenue to 1st Spee ay, et cetera of new transite water ma and Opal Avenue. On mot Wilder and carried, said City Clerk was authorize Thursday, December 19, 1 Meeting adjourned. On motion of Counc and carried, the meetin 1957, at 8:30 A.M. ATTEST: V Adjourned regular The City Council session. session in the Council Roll call. The roll was call Hart, Wilder, MacKay, being absent. h the City's intent with regard to the financing .on on Jamboree Road to service the Upper Bay No. 4712 was presented. On motion of Councilman ncilman Higbie and "carried, Resolution No. 4712, .g that the City of Newport Beach.signifies its in the cost of said water transmission main to ie cost of design and construction upon acceptance urther conditioned in said resolution, was roll call vote, to wit: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill None EN: None n Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and given to reimburse John C. Penney for legal mber 18, 1957, to November 30, 1957, on the Application for Resubdivision No. 60., of Warren ton, 1301 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar; Lot na del Mar Tract, Zone R -1, for the creation of had been denied by the Planning Commission as ate two subnormal lots and would not conform nce. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded carried, the decision of the Planning Commission cation was denied. Application for Resubdivision No. 61, of s 1 and 2, NW corner Balboa Boulevard and K ide Addition to Balboa, Zone R -1, for.the sites, which had been approved by the Planning ivision would conform to the conditions of the iving the requirement for filing the Final Map acKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and was approved as conditioned. ector presented the plans and specifications for ng sewer in North Speedway from 1st MH Westerly H Westerly of Collins Avenue; also installation ns in portions of North Speedway, Collins Avenue on of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman plans and specifications were approved and the to call for bids to be opened in her office on 57, at 10:00 A.M. Lman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof was adjourned to Monday morning, December 2, ( i . 2ftjz mayor December 2, 1957 the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned regular cambers of the City' Hall at the hour of 8:30 A.M. the following members being present: Councilman dard, Ridderhof and Hill; Councilman Higbie L 1