HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/23/1957 - Regular MeetingDecember 23, 1957 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular Regular session. session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7:30 P.M. ' The roll was called, the following members being present: Roll call. Councilmen Hart, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie and Hill; Councilmen MacKay and Ridderhof being absent. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie _Approval of and carried, the reading of the minutes of December 9, 1957, and m nuts es. December 16, 1957, was waived, and the minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. The Clerk read her report regarding the opening of bids, in Re bid opening for her office on December 19, 1957, for the construction of sewers and construction water main, North Speedway, Collins Avenue and Opal Street, Balboa sewers amd water Island. The Council was furnished with a list of the seven bids mabn a oa received, to wit: Is a- `]Ind- James I. Gallacher $38,612.50 Bidders. L. Castillo 41,598.20 Edwin L. Barkley 45,675.00 alLoal�oa Ace Pipe Line Construction 59,843.50 request "that the City remove the ornamental trees planted in the Barnett Bros. 632842.50 A. H. Famularo 64,925.00 M. Miller Co. 77,786.50 and replace them with a pedestrian 'safety island' for walkers caught The City Manager stated that it was his recommendation and the R -4719, awarding recommendation of the Public Works Director, that the contract be contract to James awarded to James I. Gallacher, the low bidder, at the contract price Y. Gallacher, of $38,612.50. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Council- a opted man Higbie and carried, Resolution No. 4719, awarding the contract ' for said construction to James I. Gallacher at the contract price of On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman $38,612.50, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said contract, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: Electronic AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Hill J. Phillips, Chairman of the Industrial Delegation, regarding the NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay, Ridderhof On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie Appropriation and carried, the following Appropriation Request was approved: Request No. 78. No. 78, in the amount of $23,300, from Surplus - Approved. Water Bond, 1957, Construction Fund to Water Reservoir - Land Improvements; funds for Balboa Island water line deficiency replacement. On motion of Councilman Higbie, seconded by Councilman Stoddard Appropriation and carried, the following Appropriation Request was approved: Request N7. No. 77, in the amount of $22,350, from Surplus - Approved. General Fund to Sewers - Land Improvements; funds for Balboa Island sewer replacement. COYMNICATIONS The Clerk presented the Claim for Damages of Adeline W. Hoffmann, Claim for Damages ' in the amount of $2,000, for injuries sustained on September 28, 1957, of Adeline W. at or near 304 Marine Avenue, Newport Beach, allegedly caused by a Hokfmann. defective sidewalk; which claim had been received by the Clerk in the mail on December 16, 1957. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, said claim was denied and the action of the City Clerk in referring the matter to the insurance carriers on December 16, 1957, was confirmed. The Clerk presented the Claim for Damages of J. Christopher Claim for Dameges Miller, a minor, by his legal guardian and mother, Barbara Rusch, in oC rash gopher the aggregate amount of $6,000, for injuries sustained on September 20, 1n°JLiLer< 1957, on Breakers Drive, Corona del Mar, allegedly caused by the minor colliding, while on a bicycle, with an unmarked chain which had been placed across the roadway at the bottom of the hill. Said Claim for Damages was served on the City Clerk on December 18, 1957. On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, said claim was denied and the action of the City Clerk in referring the matter to the insurance carriers on December 19, 1957, was confirmed. A letter was presented from Dr. Irving E. Laby, President of Re trees planted the Central Newport Beach Community Association, containing the alLoal�oa request "that the City remove the ornamental trees planted in the Boulevard. circles at the ends of center dividing strips along Balboa Blvd., and replace them with a pedestrian 'safety island' for walkers caught midway while crossing busy Balboa Blvd." On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, said letter was referred to the City Manager for study and report. ' On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Re National Wilder and carried, a letter- report was ordered filed from William Electronic J. Phillips, Chairman of the Industrial Delegation, regarding the Con`Yence. National Electronic Conference held October 7 -9, 1957, in Chicago. A Discussion re clearing u�' 9ui�et titles on RiveF Avenue which are to be used in trade for Channel Place lots. Parks Beaches and ecreation Commission's a prova o ro osa s o Tec pica Advisory ommittee on master planning or Corona del Mar beach. A letter was pre Beaches and Recreatio Channel Place Park ha his study and to be t Penney to clear up qu to be used in trade f apparently desiring t activities, recommend of a lease to be made well as a contract to so that the City woul property." A discuss to proceed with an in investigation, to con the adjoining "triang be given to the possi pending acquisition. Councilman Stoddard a Attorney for report. On motion of Cou and carried, a letter the Parks, Beaches an Commissioners were en the Technical Advisor del Mar beach are ext Vandervort, seconded that the Commission a wholeheartedly endors nted from Tom Norton, Chairman of the Parks, Commission, stating that the material regarding just been given to the new City Attorney for ned back to former Acting City Attorney Jack t titles on the River Avenue lots,.which are Channel Place lots. The Commission, use the park area next summer for recreational that the Council "investigate the possibility in Channel Place lots #1 and #2, Block 145, as urchase or trade on an established price basis then be in a position to make use of the in was had, and the City Attorney was requested stigation of the matter and, during his .ct Mr. Earl Stanley regarding the acquisition of property." It was suggested that consideration lity of a lease of the properties involved, t motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by carried, the matter was referred to the City ilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder as ordered filed from Tom Norton, Chairman of Recreation Commission, stating that "The usiastic in their 'belief ,that the proposals of Committee on master planning for the Corona mely good, and a motion was made by Commissioner Commissioner Burton, and unanimously carried, roves this report, dated December 16, 1957, and the Council's action on this plan." Report re master planning On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Hart o Corona a Mar State and carried, the report of the Technical.iAdvisory Committee for the Beach a opte an master planning of the! Corona del Mar State Beach, dated December 16, approve 1957, was adopted and approved. Tabulation and re ort On motion of Councilman Hart, seconded by Councilman Wilder and re c1 —'lan ei a of– carried, the following tabulation and report from the City Clerk of the City. all communications received to and including December 23, 1957, regarding the proposed change of name of the City of Newport.Beach was ordered filed: Those who want the question on the ballot 371 presented for Exempt License, non - profit, of F.F. K. Meyers, re Frank Milburn Meyers, 1370 Alametis, Long Beach, for house to house ick u so illicit tion Those who doi not want the question on the ballot 89 Those who have specifically stated they want the name changed to Newport Harbor applicances and salvagable material by the Salvation Army." 240 Those who hive specifically stated they want the of Miss Rosemary Waters, name to remain the same Santa Ana, for the sane 56 Those who have specifically stated they want the name changed to Balboa 3 Statements of Councilman Stoddard commented that, in his opinion, so far Counc man Stoddard sufficient evidence had not been shown that it is to the interest of re name c ange. the majority of votersi that the proposed change of name be on the ballot in April. 1 LICENSES Exempt License of An Application was presented for Exempt License, non - profit, of F.F. K. Meyers, re Frank Milburn Meyers, 1370 Alametis, Long Beach, for house to house ick u so illicit tion soliciting to pick up discarded clothing, household appliances and or the salvation salvagable material for the Salvation Army, 1370 Alametis, Long Beach. Army. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, said application was approved with the substitution of the word "by" for "for" in the phrase "pick up discarded clothing, household ......... applicances and salvagable material by the Salvation Army." Exem t Li.cense._for On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard sa e o eanuts and carried, an application was approved for Exempt License, non - profit, Camp Fire it s. of Miss Rosemary Waters, Region V Field Adviser, 118 West Fifth Street, Santa Ana, for the sane of peanuts by Camp Fire Girls, on and between the dates of January 1!7, 1958, through.February 3, 1958. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Discussion had re The City Manager stated that an application had been made for a appi scat on for building building permit by Mr. Max Walter on Lot 26; Block A -35, Corona del Mar permit bv Mr. Max Subdivision. He stated that the subject; lot is a bluff lot facing the Walter, o26, Block parking lot on the Corona del Mar main beach, and is one of the several A- 35 Corona del Mar privately owned lots which have been considered for a long period of z,iF vision. time for acquisition liy the State in the plans for the development of the Corona del Mar State Beach. Confirming his statements, the City Manager read a telegram, received on December 23,. 1957, from Newton B. Drury, Chief of the Division of Beaches and Parks, which contains the following statement: "State Park Commission previously agreed subject lands, Corona del Mar, logically belong in Park when they approved Orange County Master Plan. We hope that properties with which City is concerned can be acquired for park purposes, although no State 1 funds are available." The City Manager stated that he had been advised that consideration would be given immediately by the State to an attempt to transfer funds so that some steps could be taken towards the acquisition of subject property in accordance with the Five Year Master Plan adopted by the State in 1956. Mr. Walter was in the audience, as was his contractor, Mr. Charles Masters. They both verbally agreed that ' they would take no action in regard to this matter until after the Council meeting to be held January 13, 1958, to enable the Council to determine, if possible, a means to acquire the subject property. The Clerk announced that five letters had been received on December 23, 1957 opposing the use of said property for any use except as proposed in plans for the public beach. Councilman Stoddard stated that a sixth letter in opposition had been received, and he handed the letter to the Clerk. Councilman Stoddard stated that it was time for the City to take definite action either towards acquisition of the property by the State or by the City, or to enable the owners to proceed with their building plans. The City Manager presented a draft of a proposed letter to be sent to the State Department of Public Health in opposition to the State's proposal to establish minimum safety regulations for the public use of water - contact sports areas. The City Manager stated that it seems a necessary function of the State to regulate the quality of water in terms of sanitation and bacteriological standards, but that the manner of the public's use of the water and beach areas should be administered by the local government as it would be better able to determine the safety standards necessary. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the proposed letter was approved. MR, Discussion re pro- pose etter to-be sent to Stage. Ne arc tm nt eea o Pu I Health in o�osi�tgon to state s Drop al to establish minimum afe raga atzons re eac es. Discussion had re licensing of games and devices in t e Penn -- Arcacies. Public - bnten hearin re Rt to annex "Jamboree TZoad Annex." Ord. No. 840. , A rovin or I a� me Road nnex . Ord. No. 840 asscond reading. Ap ro riation Request 1'0. 6 approved. A letter was presented from Max Hurwitz of Hurwitz and Hurwitz, Attorneys at Law, representing James Marksity, owner and operator of the Bay Arcade, Richard Sandoval, owner and operator of the Playland Arcade, and Harold W. Hannaford, owner and ' operator of the Fun Zone Arcade. Said letter requests that the Council review Sections of-the Municipal Code pertaining to the licensing of games and devices in the Penny Arcades and the license fees charged therefor. A discussion was had. It was stated that apparently the intention of the Council in the past has been to eliminate from licensing the games which are games of chance, as opposed to games of skill, and which pay off to the customer. The City Attorney pointed out that it was difficult to draw a line at the point where a game is to be considered a pay -off game when the games pay off in such things as charms, marbles, et cetera. It was brought out that games of chance in a Penny Arcade presented a less difficult policing problem than similar games spread throughout the City since, under one supervision, illegal pay -offs would be relatively easy to ascertain. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, the letter from Hurwitz and Hurwitz was ordered filed. The City Manager and the City Attorney were requested to study the matter and to determine an equitable solution to the license fee schedules involving Penny Arcades and to clarify the descriptions of machines which may be licensed and those which may not be licensed. Upon being questioned by Councilman Stoddard, the City Attorney stated it might take longer than thirty days to arrive at a solution and to prepare necessary amendments to the Code to clarify the situation, and in view of the Council's request for recommendations, enforcement of Section 6113.1(c) of the Code will not be undertaken on January 1, 1958. Mayor Hill declared the meeting open for a public hearing intention regarding Resolution No. 4702, being a resolution of to annex "Jamboree Road Annex." There were no protests and Mayor Hill closed the hearing. Ordinance No. 840, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND KNOWN AS "JAMBOREE ROAD ANNEX," was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, the first reading of said ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, Ordinance No. 840 was passed to second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay, Ridderhof On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Hart and carried, Appropriation Request No. 76 was approved in the amount of $13,830.28, from Water Fund Surplus to Water Administration - Professional Services; for financial consulting services of Stone and Youngberg in regard to Water Bonds, 1957; for legal services of O'Melveny & Myers; for charges of Jeffries Banknote Company and Beckner Photo Service. MR, Discussion re pro- pose etter to-be sent to Stage. Ne arc tm nt eea o Pu I Health in o�osi�tgon to state s Drop al to establish minimum afe raga atzons re eac es. Discussion had re licensing of games and devices in t e Penn -- Arcacies. Public - bnten hearin re Rt to annex "Jamboree TZoad Annex." Ord. No. 840. , A rovin or I a� me Road nnex . Ord. No. 840 asscond reading. Ap ro riation Request 1'0. 6 approved. W1 Resignation of Robert S. ingr c�r�om t o ositio- ri Director o P� arms Beaches and Recreation receive a.- R -4720 adopted re Mutua. i ire Protect ion reement witTi 'City ot San Clemente. The City Manager pr with Levanas and Riley f proposed Corona del Mar A.I.A., and Raymond Leva 1957, agreed to prepare detailed estimate of the said services to be comp to be credited to a futu if they are authorized t of Councilman Stoddard, City Manager was authori Levanas as proposed, and Surplus to the Library B The resignation of of Parks, Beaches and Re Council. Mayor Hill exp work that Mr. Gingrich h of Councilman Hart, seco of the resignation of Mr The report of the C the Appellate Court opin and Virginia L. Kling, w states that it is his op Supreme Court. On motia Wilder and carried, said was agreed that action a S. and Virginia L. Kling would be taken at the Co The recommendation concurred, that the City of San Clemente, was pre by Councilman Hart and c and City Clerk to execut City of San Clemente, wa AYES, C NOES, -C ABSENT, R -4721 adopted, The revised Master receiving the Master Associates, having been P an setting a pu is 1957, was presented to t eiearing Neon of r — dated December 20, 1957, January , and The Irvine Company, date fired ctin —City e k tosuggestions regarding th pu is notice. Councilman Stoddard, sec letter from The Irvine C at the time of the heari Wilder, seconded by Coun being a resolution recei setting a public hearing City Clerk to publish a roll call vote, to wit: AYES, C NOES, C ABSENT, Appropriation _Request On motion of Counc No. approved. carried, Appropriation Surplus - Water Bond, 1 Improvements for funds from Newport Island to Re case of Harriman vs. the City of Io ort eac ut orizati.on re services o R. L. Patterson. Meeting adjourned. The City Attorney s Complaint in the case of requested that the Counc Patterson, the former Ci familiar with the proper motion of Councilman Har the City Manager and the services of Mr. Patterso On motion of Counci and carried, the meeting ATTEST: sented for consideration the proposed agreement r preliminary plans and cost estimates for the ranch Library. Architects Herbert E. Riley, as, A.I.A., in a letter dated December 23, reliminary plans for the library building and a cost of construction for the sum of $1500, eted on or before January 20, 1958, said fee e fee contract for complete plans and supervision complete the plans for the project. On motion econded by Councilman Hart and carried, the ed to employ said Herbert E. Riley and Raymond an additional appropriation from Library Fund daet. was authorized. bert S. Gingrich from the position of Director eation, was brought to the attention'of the ssed the appreciation of the Council.for - the done in developing his Department. On motion ed by Councilman Wilder and carried, the notice Gingrich was received with regret. ty Attorney, dated December 23, 1957,.regarding on on the Resubdivision Application of Donald S. s presented. In said report, the City Attorney pion that a hearing should not be sought in the of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman report of the Cityivtitorney was accepted. It proving the Resubdsion A ?plication of Donald and rescinding the Council s prior action, ncil meeting on January 13, 1958. ,f the Fire Chief, in which the City Manager enter.into a Mutual Aid Agreement with the City ented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded rried, Resolution No. 4720, authorizing the Mayor a Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement with the adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: Hart, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Hill None MacKay, Ridderhof lan submitted by the firm of'Hahn, Wise and dopted by the Planning Commission on December 19, e Council with two transmittal letters, each from the Planning Commission. A letter from December 20, 195T,, commenting and making Master Plan was.also presented. On motion of nded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the mpany was ordered to be held over for discussion g on the Master Plan. On motion of Councilman ilman Stoddard and carried, Resolution No. 4721, ing the Master Plan from the Planning Commission, thereon for January 13, 1958, and directing the otice of said hearing, was adopted by the following Hart, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Hill None MacKay,.Ridderhof n Wilder, seconded by Councilman.Hart and est No. 79, in the amount.of $2895, from Construction Fund to Water Reservoir - Land the installation of a submarine water main boa Coves, was approved. ated that he had filed an Answee and Cross - Harriman vs. the City of Newport Beach. He 1 authorize the employment of Mr. R. L. y Engineer of the City of Newport Beach, who is y involved in the action, as consultant. On , seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, City Attorney were authorized to obtain the in connection with this action. .man Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder was adjourned. My-or 1