HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/1959 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 75 - Volume 13 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: October 26, 1959 Time of- .Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Index Place of Meeting! Council Chambers COUNCILMEN Roll Call: Present 31 xx x xx x The reading of the minutes of October 13, 1959, was waived, the minutes were approved as written Motion x and ordered filed. All Ayes HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Stoddard opened the meeting for a publi Publie sale of City -owned property, being a portion sale of Section 8, Township 6 South, Range 10 West 86 acres in the Rancho Las Bolsas, City of Huntington Brook urst Beach, County of Orange, State of California; and Adams located at Brookhurst and Adams; being approx - Hunti gton mately 86 acres, Zone A -1, as set forth in Beach Resolution No. 5081. CA -38 Mayor Stoddard opened a sealed bid, in the amount of $452,600, from Roy K. Sakioka, whit bid was accompanied by the required deposit, conditioned as follows: • 1e Ninety day escrow. 2. Total cash down including the $452;6000 0 deposit shall be $226,300.00 at the close of escrow. 3. Balance of $226,300.00 to be paid in three annual payments as follows: (a) First payment of $75,433.33, one year from close of escrow. (b) Second pay- ment of $75,433.33. (c) Third payment of $75,433.34. 4. Purchaser herein is desirous of an option to have the first refusal of that portion indicated in section 1. of subject resolution, "Also Except the North 350.00 feet of the West 340.00 feet thereof ". 5. The above balance shall be secured by a first trust deed and note with interest at 6% per annum. Russell Ford inquired from the audience whether or not a broker was involved in the sale. Mayor Stoddard stated that Sam Keyes was the broker. The Mayor stated he would accept oral bids, it accordance with procedures set forth in Resolution No. 5081. There were no oral bids The bidding was closed and the final decision as to the sale of subject property to Roy K. Motion x Sakioka was continued until November 9, 1959. All Ayes 2. Mayor Stoddard opened the meeting for a public hearing regarding the Application for Varianc Var. No. 567 of the Darnell Development Company re 567 questing permission to maintain existing car - CA -13 ports at 5201, 5205, 5209, 5215 and 5219 River Avenue, Newport Beach. The reasons given by the Planning Commission for denial of subject Variance we a ad. A telegram from W. and S. Vern a ,and t1ATTEST: Ctry l, a Page 75 Index 0 Minut Resol endor World Fair South Calif CA -14 L 01 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 76 ® Volume 13 (no tchav 9A IQSQ) COUNCILMEN p N N< Z m o Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Strang, property owners i the area who were in favor of the subject Variance, was read. Carter Darnell spoke froir the audience. The hearing was closed. Motion x All Ayes The findings of the Planning Commission were overruled and Application for Variance No. 567 Motion x of the Darnell Development Company was granted. All Ayes COMMUNICATIONS: 1. (Agenda Item F ®1) A letter from The Thomas Shaheen Company, urging that the City adopt a resolution endorsing the project of having a World's Fair in Southern California, was pre- sented. The following Minute Resolution was adopted: Motion x Roll Call WHEREAS, a non-profit California corpo- Ayes x x x x x ration has been created and duly incorpo- rated and its offices opened in Los Angels Lion for the purpose of sponsoring a World Fair sing in the Los Angeles area in 1963; and IS in WHEREAS, in the past, four World Fairs have ern been held in California, two in San Diego rnia and two in San Francisco, but none in Los Angeles; and WHEREAS, the 1963 World Fair will be dedicated to the promotion of science and industry in our new age of space; and WHEREAS, the consummation of a World Fair in Los Angeles in 1963 will bring renown, prestige and innumerable economic advantages to our entire State, and particularly to the Los Angeles area; and WHEREAS, no greater contribution to peace and international good will could be made than to demonstrate to the world that the people of the State of California are dedicating the next five years to the preparation and consummation of the greatest exhibition of peaceful pursuits ever held in the history of the world; and WHEREAS, this 1963 World's Fair has been endorsed by the California State Legislature, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the Los Angeles City Council, and many other civic and governmental bodies, now therefore be it RESOLVED: That the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, endorse the holding of a World °s Fair in Los Angeles County in 1963; and all California Congressmen and United States Senators are requested to suppo legislatio p ing (y ATTEST: -Mayor City glerkI 76 Page CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 77 - Volume 13 Index (Octoher 26_ 1959) COUNCILMEN F ➢� a zm3�omy • United States government support of such a fair. 2. (Agenda Item F -2) A letter was ordered filed Motion x CdM with other communications on the subject from All Ayes State David T. Smiley, President, Corona del Mar Beach Chamber of Commerce, stating that the Board concessions of Directors of said Chamber had reaffirmed CA-4S its stand "favoring competition on the State Beach to guarantee excellent food and service." 3. (Agenda Item F -3 (a), (b), (c)) The following verified Claims for Damage were denied, and the action of the City Clerk and her deputy, in referring the matters to the insurance Motion x carriers, was confirmed. All Ayes (a) Harry A. Field, alleging damages for the Claims impound of a house trailer by Newport for Damages Beach Police. CA -8 4. • (b) Norma Simons, alleging damages through the negligence of the City allowing broken pieces of concrete to lie along the walk during sidewalk construction. (c) Richard Clifford Pleger, alleging unlawful arrest by Newport Beach Police Officers in connection with a warrant which had been cancelled by the issuing court. Mr. Field was present in the audience. Mr. Simons spoke from the audience as to the action being taken by the Council. The City Attorney explained the Council procedure re- garding Claims for Damage. 4. (Agenda Item F -4) Letters from Alden L. and Helen A. Doesburg, 908 West Ocean Front; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, 1112 West Ocean Front; • and Mrs. Peter Arth, 1124 West Ocean Front; objecting to the unsanitary condition created by dog owners allowing their dogs to use the property of ocean front residents for daily Dogs oi defecation, were presented. beach CA -37 The subject letters were referred to the Motion x City Manager for action. All Ayes 5. (Agenda Item F -5) A letter was presented Use from Mrs. M. B. Prescott, being an appeal Permit from the decision of the Planning Commission 557 denying Application for Use Permit No. 557, set foi requesting permission to retain an existing pub bumper guard located within the 5' rear yard 1 95 setback; 112 Apolena Avenue, Balboa Island. -15 The matter was set for public hearing on Motion x November 9, 1959. All Ayes Report 6. (Agenda Item F -6) A letter was ordered filed Motion x on from the State Water Pollution Control Board All Ayes feanoi regarding a report entitled "Oceanographic Survey raphi(Survey of the Continental Shelf Area ok Southern California," co c aining ge7n dl n CA -12 ATTEST: alxm Page 77yOT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 78 -Volume 13 Inei.x /A..f..1...w IA 9.0 CO\ COUNCILMEN v� O O O Z O c 2 N N< Z m o . conclusions reached during the survey. 7. (Agenda Item F -7) The request of the Business Parking and Professional Women's Club to use the reque t Balboa parking lot at no charge on December CA-M 4 and 5, 1959, for the Thirteenth Annual Christmas Preview of said organization, was Motion x granted. All Ayes 8. (Agenda Item F -8) A letter was ordered filed Motion x Phoenix with other communications on the subject from All Ayes protest Mrs. Dorothy Phoenix, stating that she is CA -81 entering a formal protest of the demolition o her buildings at 806 East Ocean Front, Balboa 9. (Agenda Item F -9) A letter was presented Alley y from Charles W. Masters, requesting abandon - aband nmentment of the unimproved alley which runs request diagonally from Poppy to Hazel, to provide CA -14 access to property for which he has a 55 -year . lease, and which abandonment will double the fee facilities. private no parking The matter was continued to November 9, 1959. Motion x All Ayes Hawai 10. (Agenda Item F -10) The acknowledgment from ackno ledg -the Executive Chambers of the State of Hawaii ment of the receipt of the Council's Minute Minute Resolution forwarded to the State of Hawaii ReSOl tion regarding outrigger canoe racing, was ordered Motion x CA -49 filed. All Ayes Pets. 11. (Agenda Item F -11) Petitions were ordered Motion x weed filed with other communications on the subject All Ayes remov 1 from the following, requesting that the Council Tr. 7 CA -11 2 take the necessary steps to remove the weeds from City streets in Tract No. 772: Mabel Pritchett; Anna S. Hopping; R. C. Christt; Helen W. Henger; Walter L. Winstrom; Mrs. C. G. Bryan for Mrs. Jean Zontek; Robert Anderson, . Glennis Anderson; Donald Stein; Leanor Adams Beall; George W. Lord; Edna M. Ford; Jennet Clime. 12. (Agenda Item F -12) A copy of an Application ABC for Alcoholic Beverage License for new off - licen e sale beer and wine, Market Basket, 3100 West CA -63 Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, was ordered Motion x filed. All Ayes Farns 13 (Agenda Item F -13) The recommendation of the ort°h Chairman of the Board of the Balboa Angling lease Club and the Chairman of the Junior C -594 Tournament, that the lease of Kenneth 0. Farnsworth be extended or renewed, was ordered filed with other communications on the Motion subject. All Ayes 14. (Agenda Item F -14) A letter was presented March March Arthur R. McKenzie, Chairman, Orange of County Chapter of The National Foundation for Dimes CA-i3 The March of Dimes, requesting permission to . conduct the 1960 March of Dimes campaign in the City, and that Janus y be proclaimed "March of Dimes Month." � (1 ATTEST: � ' ";e�Y7 \(J Page 78yor u CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 79 - Volume 13 Index (October 26. 1959) F N Nm-<Z m O The subject communication was referred to the Motion x City Manager with instructions that proper All Ayes application forms be forwarded'to'The National Foundation for The March of Dimes. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: 1. (Agenda Item G -1) The Application of Gilbert Seal, 2912 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Licenses for transfer of location, Ambulance Service, CA -63 to 485 North Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, from 2912 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Motion x was approved. All Ayes ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. (Agenda Item H -1) A report, dated October 23, Group 1959, was presented from the City Manager's Health office on group health insurance coverage for Insurance City employees. City •empl yees It was agreed that the City would contribute Motion x CA -6 50% toward the employees' premiums for combined All Ayes base and major medical coverage, and the following Budget Amendments were approved: Budget C -31, in the amount of $5,925, being an Amendments Increase in Budget Appropriations from C -31, -32 Unappropriated Surplus, General, to Budget approved Appropriation, General; City contribution to CA-102 health insurance plan for all employees, except Water personnel, for the period of November 1, 1959, through June 30, 1960. C -32, in the amount of $475, being an Increase in Budget Appropriations from Unappropriated Surplus, Water, to Budget Appropriation, Water; City contribution for health insurance plan for all Water personnel for the period of November 1, 1959, throng June 30, 1960. 2. (Agenda Item H -2) A letter from Donald B. Ayres, Jr., regarding the development of Tract Tr. 772 No. 772, which had been referred on October develo ment 13, 1959, to the City Manager and Public Work CA -29 Director for discussion with the Signal Oil Company and for recommendations back to the Council, was presented. After discussion, the matter was referred to Motion the Planning Commission with the request that All Ayes the necessary steps be taken to amend the Master Plan to delete Lancaster Street. Harold Glass spoke from the audience. Police 3. (Agenda Item H -3) The report and recommendations Bldg. ids of the City Manager and Public Works Director C -644 regarding the receipt of bids by the City Clerk on October 23, 1959, for the construction of Additions to the Police Building, were presented. Resolution No. 5105, authizing the o a ATTEST: M 4 yr a... /page City C r 79 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 80 - Volume 13 Index 10rtnhar 96; _ 1 QSAI COUNCILMEN Z A Zi tC/� N Gl • R 5105 City Clerk to execute a contract with the low authorizing bidder, Don Hickey Construction Company, in contract the amount of $76,443.00, for the construction Motion x adopted of Additions to the Police Building, was Roll Call. adopted. Ayes x x x x x x x Las 4. (Agenda Item H -4) A letter was presented from Arenas the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Park enclosing a plan of the third revision of the CA -49 layout for Las Arenas Park, which was unanimously approved by the Commission on October 20, 1959, and approved by the Central Newport Beach Community Association on the same date. The subject revision involves the deletion of a parking area at the east end of the proposed Park. Harold Glass and Richard Abernethy, Director, Parks, Beaches and Recreation, spoke from the audience. • The report was received; the recommendations of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission and the revised layout of Las Arenas Park Motion x were approved. All Ayes R 5106 5. (Agenda Item H -5) Resolution No. 5106, re key rescinding Resolution No. 5035, and personnel designating department head and other key adopted personnel positions to add the position of Motion x CA -46 Assistant City Attorney to the list of key Roll Call: personnel, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x x 6. (Agenda Item H -6) A report from the Planning Tentati a Commission, dated October 19, 1959, regarding Map Tentative Map of Tract No. 3519, located Tr. 351 north of Coast Highway adjacent to Corona CA -23 Highlands, was presented. J. Leslie Steffensen spoke from the audience. The Tentative Map for Tract No. 3519 was approved subject to the following conditions Motion All Ayes x as set forth in the report from the Planning Commission, dated October 19, 1959: 1. That the street designated as Somerset Drive be changed to another name as we already have in the City a street name ° "Somerset Lane;" 2. That the applicant initiate action at the time of the filing of the final ma to have property zoned R -1 -B; 3. That recommendations of the Fire Department as set forth in a communication dated September 15, 1959 be complied with; 4. That the recommendations as outlined in a communication from the Public Works Director dated Se tember 259, be complied with; l (\ L;t�7 \O ATTEST: ^ -; o S Mayor City er Page 80 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 81 - Volume Index fnnf-nhcv.9A 1QgQ1 COUNCILMEN 13 - ------ -- ---- 5. That street tree planting be in _ accordance with recommendations of the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Department 6. That service road adjacent to a major highway as required under Section 9245.15 Article IX4 of the Municipal Code be waived; 7. That all utilities be installed underground; 8. That a retaining wall adjacent to Coast Highway be established in order to prohibit vehicular or pedestrian acces to Coast Highway; and with the added conditions that there be a V strip deeded to the City along Coast Highway and a deed or lease restriction be placed on the road forbidding access to Coast • Highway, and that the City Engineer work out the technical details so that money will be available for the traffic signal system at Coast Highway. R 5107 7. As required in connection with the approval o re access the Final Map of Tract No. 2202, Resolution N Tr. 22C2 5107, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to and Tr. execute a contract with The Irvine Company fo 3542 the improvement and dedication of certain Notion x adopted streets to guarantee access to Tract No. 2202 Roll: Call: CA -23 and Tract No. 3542, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x x 8. (Agenda Item H -7 (a), (b), (c), (d)) The Motion x Budget following Budget Amendments were approved: All Ayes Amendments C -27, -28, (a) C =27, in the amount of $1075, being an C -29, -30 Increase in Budget Appropriations from approved Unappropriated Surplus, Capital Improve - CA -102 ments, to Land Improvements, Richards -Vi Oporto; estimated cost of materials for new street lights in conformance with contract with Richards Market Corporation. (b) C -28, being an Increase in Budget Appropriations in the amount of $100 fro Unappropriated Surplus, General,'to Electrical, Utilities Expense, and an Increase in Revenue Estimates in the amount of $1122.70 for total contributio from Richards for installation of additional street lights on Via Oporto and additional cost of electrical energy for remainder of fiscal year. (c) C -29, in the amount of $80,373.02, being an increase in Revenue Estimates; adjustments to Estimated Revenues as detailed by the Finance Department on subject Budget Amendment. (d) C -30, in the amount of $28,342.48, being an Increase in Estimated Revenues of ,Water Bond 1957 Co truetion Fu , / ATTEST:. M S or ar. C city er Page 81 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - COUNCILMEN Page 82 - Volume 13 =rpO? 5 InAev In_�_i_� nC �nen\ 7p N N . representing return of unused portion of $60,000 meter deposit with'Coastal Municipal'Water District for Big Canyon Reservoir. 9. (Agenda Item H -8) Ordinance No. 899, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3250.1 OF AND ADDING SECTION 3250.7 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ONE -WAY STREETS Drd. 899 AND ALLEYS, re one -way street (causing Irvine Avenue from the point 330' and alleys southerly of Westcliff Drive northerly to 2nd re ding Holiday Road to be a one -way street, direction waived of traffic will be northeast only) was pre - Ord. 899 sented for second reading. adopted CA-114 The second reading of subject ordinance was Motion waived and Ordinance No. 99 was adopted. Roll Call . Ayes xxxxi 10. (Agenda Item H -9) In connection with the sale of Parcels A and B, Lot 11, and Parcels C and D, Lot 12, Block 50, River Section, the R 5108 City Attorney stated that it would be in R 5109 order to adopt resolutions authorizing the R 5110 execution of Grant Deeds to the respective R 5111 buyers. Grant Beds River Resolution No. 5108, authorizing the execution Ave. 1 is of a Grant Deed to the high bidder for Parcel Motion x adoptel A, Frank C. Cortese, and /or person or persons Roll Call CA -38 designated by him, was adopted. Ayes x x x x: Resolution No. 5109, authorizing the execution of a Grant Deed to the high bidder for Parcel B, Beamish, Diggins and Kalmbach, and /or Motion x person.or persons designated by them, was Roll Call adopted. Ayes x x x x : Resolution No. 5110, authorizing the execution Grant Deed to the high bidder for Parcel Motion x of a C, Robert E. Peters, and /or person or persons Roll Call designated by him, was adopted. Ayes x x x x: Resolution No. 5111, authorizing the execution of a Grant Deed to the high bidder for Parcel Motion D. Gerard Wooters, and /or person or persons Roll Call designated by him, was adopted. Ayes x x x x 11. (Agenda Item H -10) Resolution No. 5112, R 5112 accepting a Deed of Right of Way from The Deed r Irvine Company, conveying to the City an easemeirt easement for public road purposes over a adopted portion of Lot 157, Block 52, Irvine's Sub - Deeds division (proposed extension of Irvine Avenue northerly of 21st Street); authorizing the City Clerk to execute and attach a Certificate Motion x of Acceptance and Consent to the recording, Roll Call was adopted. Ayes x x x 12. Approval was given for the reimburseme t of Council members' expens r at the Lea e Motion All es x ATTEST: S Mayo r City Clerk Page 82 AU CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 83 - Volume 13 Index October 26- 1959 - -p Ci CA R re c or adc C -. 0 D ou Bus CA 0 COUNCILMEN tie -91 13. The City Attorney stated that the Humble 0il & Refining Company had requested the City to consent to an assignment of the natural gas contract by Humble Oil & Refining Company, a Texas corporation, to Humble Oil & Refining Company, a Delaware corporation, in anticipation of a corporate merger; the Delaware corporation to assume the obligations of the Texas corporation. X113 Resolution No. 5113, authorizing the execution gas of a consent to the transfer of interest under itr ct a natural gas contract with Humble Oil & td Refining Company, a Delaware corporation, and directing the City Manager to execute and transmit a letter as requested by Humble Oil Motion x & Refining Company to evidence this consent, Roll Call was adopted. Ayes xxx xx 14. The City Attorney presented a report regarding the Application of Albert Lipps, doing .glas business as Douglas Bus Lines, to include Li es within the territory served by him portions -99 of the City of Newport Beach along MacArthur Boulevard, Pacific Coast Highway, Dover Drive, Cliff Drive, Kings Place and 15th Street; passenger stage service for transportation of employees of the Douglas Aircraft Plant in Long Beach. The City Attorney advised the Council that the report was submitted for information only and, unless the Council felt the City of Newport Beach should take a stand on the application, no appearance will be made. 15. The meeting was adjourned. Motion All Ayes ATTEST: Mayor City er Page 83 League C California Cities meeting held October 19 Calif. t through 21, 1959.