HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/1960 - Adjourned Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Minutes. of ADJOURNED Page.77 - Volume 14 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: . October 31,: 1960 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Index T»...e s COUNCILMEN F T� O a N N�c2'F City Clerk � r \� -v Roll Call. Present . x x x x x Traffic Mr. Alexander. Hutchison, Director of .the Institute -of Traffic engnrg Engineers, presented an award plaque to Mayor Stoddard, recog- being. a Certificate. of Recognition. to: Newport Beach, for: mai - nition taining, a high. level of performance in. traffic engineering, as CA 83 reported.to. the Annual Inventory of Traffic Safety Activities for 1959. Mayor Stoddard, on behalf of the. City, accepted .the, plaque. with appreciation and cited Mr.. J. B. Webb; City Traffic Engineer, as -the, man responsible for the City,a receipt of the honor. City Mgr Mayor Stoddard commended the =City Manager. and.the City & City Attorneyfor, the, presentation. of erudite. papers .at.the:recent Atty ..International City Managers' Association - Conference:in San commende lFrancisco, and at .the recent League of California Cities Co - CA 87 CA 94 ference:in- Los- Angeles, respectively. The reading. of the Minutes of October 10,.1960,. October 18, 1960, October 24, 1960,. was.waived,. the Minutes were Motion x approved. as, written and ordered.filed. All Ayes HEARINGS: 1. ,(Agenda.Item F -1) Mayor Stoddard opened the: hearing re garding .the, Tentative Map for Tract No. 3867,• located. on Tentative the, north and south- sides of Bayside 1 Drive between Coast Map Highway and Jamboree Road. Tr 3867 CA 23 The City Clerk. summarized a.letter from The Irvine - Company, dated October 26,. 1960, requesting...that Tract No.. 3867 be withdrawn from consideration„ pending de- velopment by The. - Irvine Company. of a general plan for its undeveloped areas. Petitions, bearing fifty -six signatures. of Beacon Bay property owners, _and. a letter from the Balboa Island Improvement Association, opposing some of the propose zoning,, were presented. All material in regard. to the matter was - ordered filed. Motion x All Ayes Z. .(Agenda, Item F -2) Mayor Stoddard opened. the. public Pier hearing, regarding Pier Permit No. A- 1175,: issued.to H. Permit . A. Mathisen, owner of Lot 7, Tract. 1723, being 7 Collin A -1175 Mathisen Island,(approved . by,the= Council„ July 11,, 1960). CA 130 It.was the, recommendation of the. Joint Harbor Committee, on September 20,; 1960,. that said pier permit. be. revoked, and that a new pier permit be, issued subject to the. follow ing conditions:. (a) that no,use be, made of .the. slip for the mooring of boats, until such. time as a house is constructe and sanitary facilities are- available; (b), that at no time shall a boat, be, moored channelward of .the. southeasterly finger of the. slip. Mr. Mathisen was present and agreed to. abide. by the Conditions.proposed. under new pier per it ATTEST: Page 7 City Clerk � r \� -v Index (October.-31,. 1960) Ai'. ex CA Doi API CA pr( 1 CA L ti ta] blc CA Shc lir Wat CA May. Was Dis Res CAc B &P C lu req CA Mal let CA 49 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 78 - Volume, 14 COUNCILMEN a N� mcZ`G2��on ' The hearing, was closed. Motion x All Ayes Pier Permit No. A -1175 was. revoked„ and authorization was, given . for the issuance of a.new permit„ subject to Motion x the; conditions, set forth above. All Ayes COMMUNICATIONS: rpor 1. _(Agenda -Item G -1) A letter. from the Mariners Community Sans onAssociation.regarding the realignment and. lengthening_ of 64 the, Orange- County Airport runway from 4780 feet to. 5800 .feet, requesting consideration. of "additional factors.ad- verse to,the, airport expansion program, " was ordered Motion x filed. All Ayes Z. (Agenda,Item 0-2) A notice .that,. in the.matter of the igla - Application of Albert Lipps, dba Douglas Bus Lines,, Inc. Li esfor. authority to .transfer operating rights, et cetera,, before the Public Utilities Commission,. an Order had been. issue i1 ° 36 extending the time to- January 31,. 1961,: within which Albert Lippe may transfer his operative. rights. and. equip- Motion x ment to Douglas Bus Lines, Inc., was, ordered. filed. All Ayes )p. 3..(Agendaltem G -3) A copy of a.resolution..adopted by the Board, of Supervisors of Orange County on October 4, 53 1960, endorsing Proposition.l. on.the 'November: 8 ballot, Motion x was ordered filed. All Ayes re 4. (Agenda Item G -4) A letter from F. C. Wood, Jr.,,. 1119 1 West Bay, Avenue,. requesting, that before. employing, "plan Igs ° ning experts" .the Council reconsider the. recommendation 15 and..the. wishes of the: residents of the City, was. ordered Motion filed. All Ayes re_ 5. (Agenda Item G -5) A brochure from the Shoreline Plan - �e & ning Association. of California, regarding the Shoreline and Waterways Conference, to be. held 'December 2,and 3 Motion x at the Villa. Hotel,; San Mateo, was.ordered filed. All Ayes erw ys 31 6. (Agenda, Item G -6) A .letter .from the State of California, ine State Water Pollution, Control Board, submitting a "Sum - te mary of Marine Waste Disposal Research Program .in pos 1 %California," describing the: origin,: nature,. scope,. aims, ear h progress significant findings, and future plans. of the gra „ entire, marine waste. disposal. research program in Motion x California,;.was.ordered filed. All Ayes W 7...(Agenda._Item G -7) The request of the Business and•Pro- b fessional Women's Club for permission.to use, the Balboa ues Parking Lot, at no charge, for its Annual Christmas Motion x 35 Preview on,December 2 and 3, was,granted. All Ayes loy_ 8. (Agenda _Item G -8) A letter was ordered filed. from David Motion x ter 74 J. Malloy, 411 Grand Canal, Balboa.Island,. submitting All Ayes newspaper clippings,regarding uncontrolled obs in Newport, Rhode Island,. and. atingthat in ig nt per - �IvV /I ATTEST: Mayor ZRA ..4 � eg P:A� UAI, wratk M5 Page 78 Index .(October.-31, 1960) Projec branch librar CA 65 • E CA 29 n U CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page: 79 - 'Volume. 14 vision.by the Council and.effective Police-Departmeiit efforts, in Newport Beach, California,. have. prevented similar riots -in -this. area. I. ,(Agenda Item G -9) A letter: was. presented from Leon Ware, Chairman:.of the Board. of, Library Trustees, stating that the Board. had-received word. of .the, availa- bility of the Cliff Drive, property and that it had,unani- mously agreed upon-the. following, priority for projected `d branch libraries: (1): Cliff Drive.- Newport Heights., ,(Z) Mariners Park Westcliff, ,(3) Somewhere east of g Upper Bay, along MacArthur. A motion was made by Councilman - Atkinson..that said letter be filed. Mr. Charles Colesworthy, President of the Mariners Community, Association,. requested that said letter be read. The City Clerk read Mr. Ware's.letter. Mr., Roy Holm„ opposing .the location -of the library on Cliff Drive and,urging the location - of.the library in Mariners Park,, spoke, from the, audience as a represe tive. of .the Mariners Community Association. Mrs. D. D. McCallum, wholives. in.the. area. adjacent to Cliff Drive Park,, spoke from the audience, opposing locating,,a library in Cliff Drive Park and.in favor of the library being built in Mariners Park. Mr. Henry Vaughn and Mr. G. M. Dysart opposed the Cliff Drive location, of the. library. A vote. was taken on Councilman Atkinson's motion, which carried unanimously. Mr.. John: Vogel and Mr. Leon Ware. spoke in favor. of the Cliff Drive location. Councilmen Kingsley and Atkinson were. instructed to con - sider both sides, talk with the Parks, Beaches andRecre• ation Commission, the Library Board, and. interested people in the neighborhood, and to report back to the Council .their recommendations. 0.(Agenda -Item G -10) A letter was presented from Lester H d, Schwager and Walter G. Beck, regarding a previous re- quest for dedication of an abandoned. waterway between Balboa. Boulevard, and the City park, objecting to the re- quirement of .the Engineering Department. that a cul -de -sa .be. constructed at the. end of .the. street, and. requesting that the Council authorize the. drafting, of assessment dis- trict papers. Councilman -Hart stated that he was meeting. with the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, at subject site, on November 1, to determine what may, be worked out in regard to a propos looping of the all e in lieu of the construction of a cube -,sac. ATTEST: a, G 4 r )c Page 79 City Clerk M Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes an- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page. 80 - Volume. 14 Index lnrtnlawr 11 _ 196(11 • Mr. Beck and Mr. Schwager spoke from the audience, an were informed.they could attend,the. meeting. The: letter was ordered filed. Motion .x All Ayes Master. Plan 1l.A. letter from C. M.. Nelson, of the Orange County Board Airspace of Supervisors, transmitting, a Master Plan of Airspace Motion x CA 64 of Orange County, was, received. and ordered filed, Ali Ayes City AIZ.The City Clerk's letter,, transmitting her Five Year Clerk's Report,. 1955- 1960,. was.ordered filed, and she.was Motion x 5 Year commended for her "-thorough and. intelligent Report, " All Ayes Report CA 93 PPLICATIONS. FOR LICENSE: 1. (Agenda.Items H -2,; 3, 4, 5) The. following -Applications Motion x for License.were approved: All Ayes • (a) Exempt; A. R. McKenzie, Director of Orange County Chapter. of The March of Dimes, 2024 Newport Boulevard, License appli- Costa Mesa, soliciting. for the- Annual March. of Dimes, cations c which includes. placing of cannister s, in. retail establish- CA 63 ments, Mothers' March, street sale of various: items, an generally.the. same procedure: as, engaged. in traditionally by-the March of Dimes; approximately 600, volunteer workers; drive. to be conducted. January 1, 1961,... through ,January 34 1961. (b) Exempt,. Jack E, Tague„ representing, National Circu- lating, Company,: -5358 West Loma Linda, Los Angeles, sale of magazines-for. above: company,. New York City; .local office Hillis Subscription Service,. 5617 Hollywood Boulevard, 109, Los. Angeles. (cy Earl E. Fullinwider,, dba -Cafe Express,. 147 Flower Street, Costa Mesa, additional locations. for portable.food • stand: Service Construction Company at the Newport Beach School. site job,(for the Corona del Mar High °,School ; job site. at Cliff and Dover, Medical Building Company of America; Gino's, Pizza,. 2810 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach. ,(d) Temporary, John R. McIntosh and James L. Gray, dba Reuben's, 251 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach, for restaurant and. on -sale, general alcoholic: beverage. 2. (Agenda.Item H -1), A discussion was had,: and. was. con- tinued until later in the, meeting;. regarding .the Applicatio for License. of B. W. Turner, President, Warren Turner Real Estate Investment Co., Inc.„ 2602 -04 Lafayette -Street, Newport Beach,: for boat launching ramp and storage. TIER PERMITS: _ .. _ . • (Agenda. Items I -1, 2, 3, 4a 5) The followi p rmits, ATTEST: Ma City Clerk kc, Page 80 Index Pier Permit CA 130 • r � �J R 5324 Com Resery 4 & 5 CA 12 Water Plans Cmte report CA 12 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 81 - Volume, 14 ,(October. 31„ .1960) Z A� p O a N N <y FjOO, having been recommended -for: approval by .the Joint Harbor Committee. at its meeting held October. 18,:. 1960, were. ap- M Motion proved,. conditioned. as, indicated: A All Ayes 1. The American Legion, to complete construction,of a seawall bayward of Lot 4,: T -6 -S, 'R -10 -W, Sec.. 33, S. B. B. M.,. being. 215. - 15th Street, on. condition,that.the parties. enter into an amendment.. to. the. agreement betwee ..the Newport Harbor Post No. 291 of .the - American- Legion the City of Newport Beach, and Trautwein Brothers, to reflect.the. additional obligation assumed by the American Legion, 2.• The American Legion,; .to complete, construction of boat slips bayward of Lot 4, T -6 -S, R -10 -W, Seca 33, S. B. B. M.,, being. 215.- 15th'- Street, on. condition Ahat .the parties enter into.an. amendment to .the. agreement betwee the Newport Harbor Post No. 291 of .the- American Legion ,.the- City of Newport Beach, and Trautwein Brothers,, to reflect.the.additi�onal obligationassumed . by.the American Legion. 3. A. S. Nahas, to- construct pier and slip, bayward of Lot 4, Tract No. 2094, being 2115 Bayside Drive, subject.tothe approval of the County, of Orange. 4.• Stewart Babcock, for revision of pier and. float bayward of Lot 889 and.1 /2,of Lot 888, Tract No.. 907,. being. 213 Via Lido Soud; subject to approval of.the U. S. Corps. of Engineers. 5. Charles. B. Stanford, for revision of pier and float bay- ward of Lot 3, and 1 /2,of Lot 4, Tract No.. 907,. being 609 Via'. Lido Soud; subject to approval of the U. S. Corps of Engineers. DDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. ,(Agenda Item J -1) Resolution No.. 5324, abandoning,a water reservoir and. a portion of pipeline. easement and M Motion x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page. 82, - Volume 14 Index (October 31,; 1960) COUNCILMEN •325 Resolution No. 5325,, being, a resolution of intention of m •325 Resolution No. 5325,, being, a resolution of intention of the: City Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring 1st Addn its :intention. to, annex to ,the, City certain.. property known Motion x Harbor as. First Addition,.to Harbor View Annex and giving notice Roll Call View Annex thereof; setting the, hearing for December. 12,. 1960„ was Ayes x x x:x x x CA.108 adopted. Noes x 4. (Agenda.Item J -4) The:employment of C. B. Bennett and C B Associates: for the. purpose, of making. a study of the Bennett present zoning regulations, with respect to building employ- heights, and. suggested changes: in;the. regulations neces- ment CA 15 sary to achieve adequate control. of maximum height, density,, bulk of buildings, yard space,: and similar Motion x matters,: was approved, All Ayes The City Manager and City Attorney were authorized and directed.to, work. with a. Joint Committee. on .this. subject to prepare. a contract for. the employment with C. B. Motion • Bennett and Associates for the work. All Alms Bayside 5. ,(Agenda -Item J -5) A report from the City Manager and Drive Public' Works 'Director regarding additional stairways. on stairways, Bayside Drive westerly of Marguerite • Avenue, dated CA 29 tOctober 21„ 1960, was presented. ,.It was agreed that stairways at Heliotrope and1ris were impractical,: and the City Manager and Public Works Director were directed to prepare the necessary papers to implement .the, construction -of stairways. on Larkspur Motion x at Bayside,Drive. and to report. back to,the Council. All Ayes Geiduk 6. ,(Agenda. Item J -6) The report from the City Manager and request Public Works Director, dated October'28,. 1960,, recom- CA 29 mending that no action be taken regarding :the request of Jacob A. Geiduk.for the: release_ of .easement for street purposes; Lots.: 16 -and 17, Block 46, River Section, was Motion x .approved. All Ayes •e St J. (Agenda:Item J -7) The. plans and specifications, for Fire Sc Libra y Station No. 1,. and .the addition to the. Balboa Library, addn were approved, and the City Clerk was, authorized. to Motion x - 705 advertise forbids to be, received on November'23,. 1960. All Ayes ,[argare • (Agenda Item 3-8) The report from the City Manager and )rive Public Works Director recommending the acceptance. of Lmprs . Margaret Drive. street improvements, constructed. by R. 698 J. Noble Company„ from approximately 800 feet westerly of Irvine, to approximately 250 feet westerly .thereof; and the. recommendation that the City Clerk be authorized to release,.the bonds and file. a Notice of Completion„ were Motion x approved and authorized. All Ayes Z 5326 9. (Agenda•Item J-9) Resolution No. 5326,. authorizing.. the itate Mayor. and City Clerk to execute. an agreement the Motion iighway ,(with . Division.. of Highways). for. -the, maintenance of State. high- Roll Call g�inten nce ays..in the City of Ne rt Beach„ was Opted., Ayes .. x x x x x x a 69 706 ATTEST: May City erk n' ' ~� Page 82 r L R r R G R r it C1 L� P: P4 C2 R Gi E: C' R re Sc if, pe C1 E). cl CA. EN cl CA Ci Ha mo ti CA Tu li ap CA Ad CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page: 83. - Volume. 14 Index (October 31„ 1960) COUNCILMEN 10.(Agenda,Item J -10) Resolution No. 5327, designating, area 5327 1 in alleys for vehicle, parking, permitting parking on..those portions. of the alleys, running in a north - south. direction, irking between Island Avenue and 9th Street, running from Ocear Motion k 22 Front to, the -first alley southerly of and parallel to Balboa Roll Call: Boulevard„ was.adopted. Ayes ,K x x x x x x 5328 11,(Agenda Item I -11) Resolution No.. 5328,: limiting, -the Motion park parking of vehicles on certain streets, to two hours,. be- Roll Call: lg tween 8::00 A. M., and 6:00 P. M.,, was. adopted. Ayes ; x. . x x, x x x x 1 22 eurel 12•A petition, bearing eleven signatures, requesting that _ace Laurel Place be designated as a street with two -hour !tition limited parking,, except on Saturdays, Sundays.. and Motion x 22 holidays, .was referred to the Traffic Committee. All Ayes 5329 giant o 3.(Agenda Item J -12) Resolution'No. 5329,; authorizing a Lsement Grant of Easement to..the-$outhern Counties Gas Company to permit the relocation- of a 6 -inch gas main now located Motion x 14 in the portion of First Street which was, recently, vacated, Roll Call: was adopted. Ayes . x x x .x x.x x 5330 14.,(Agenda.Item J -13) Resolution No. 5330„ amending Schedule "A" adopted by Resolution No. 5256, and amend d hedul It by Resolution No. 5319, relating to Classification and rsonn 1 Compensation, deleting title "General Services, Foreman" 45 from salary range No. 31,: adding title, "General Services Superintendent" to salary range No. 32, removing. title "Chief Mechanic" from salary range -No. 31 .and placing said .title within salary range No.. 32, and removing title Motion x "Accountant" from salary range, No...32..and- placing said Roll Call: title within salary range No. 33,: was - adopted. Ayes . x x x x x x pense.l5.(Agenda Item J -14) The Councilmen's expense, claims for aims the League of California Cities Conference held in Los Motion x 91 Angeles on October 23 through 26,. 1960,: were. approved. All Ayes 16.(Agenda.Item J -15),, The City Manager's. expense claims pense for attendance at the ICMA Conference. in San Francisco, aims 87 October. 16-19,, and the League. of California Cities Con- Motion x ference, October 24 and 25, were approved. All Ayes ty 17.(Agenda Item J -16) The, request from the City Manager 11 for authorization to proceed, with the City Hall modificatio s dific - was held over for pr esentation on November. 14„ .1960. ons 88 18.(Agenda _Item H -1) Attention was again given to. the Appli- rner cation. for License of B. W.. Turner for boat launching cense ramp and storage at 2602 -04 Lafayette Street, Newport Pl. Beach. The,appli cation was - approved. with the condition 63 that parking, as, shown on the, plot plan attached to, the application for Use Permit.,: be maintained and provided Motion x .that a valid Use - Permit is. in. effect. All Ayes journ. 19.The.meeting was adjourn Motion x '. All Ayes ATTEST: r C Mayor City Cl rk Vk� Page 83