HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1962 - Regular MeetingIndex Boyle Use Permit #899 CA 15 U 01019. re Sign, CA 103 0 ®1021 Conduct CA 74 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 16 - Page. 93 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: November 26, 1962 Time, of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. COUNCILMEN 1mP roN: rtac [toll Call: Present x x. x x 31 The reading of the Minutes of November 13, 1962 was waived,, the Minutes were. approved as written and ordered Motion r filed. All Ayes HEARING: 1.- Mayor Hart opened the.public hearing regarding the appeal of Clement C. Doyle from the: decision of the Planning Commission denying Application for Use Permit No. 899, requesting permission to construct four residen- tial units on a C -1 lot, Lot 25, Tract 27,: Zone. C -1; 412 Newport Road and 415 Westminster Avenue,. Newport Beach. The.findings of the Planning. Commission were presented. The following people participated in the.dis- cussion in favor. of .the applicant's request: Clement C. Doyle; Lester H. Schwager, architect.; and,Gerald.Sparks. Plarining.:Director J. W. Drawdy answered questions. The Motion hearing was closed. All Ayes The,findings of the Planning. Commission were. overruled Motion and Use Permit No. 899 was granted on the basis_ that the All Ayes applicant had fulfilled all the, requirements, of the zoning code, and. conditioned that the sketches submitted as part of the file be.the basis for the construction. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1019, being ; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING AND REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 5 OF ARTICLE VIII OF THE NEW- PORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SIGNS was presented for second reading. A letter. from - Theodor - Robins,: President of the - Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, requesting additional time to study subject ordinance, was submitted. Further consideration of Motion X Ordinance. No.. 1019- was diaried for December 10, 1962. Roll Call: Aye s x .x x x 2. Ordinance No.. 1021, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 4241 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE. RELATING TO CONDUCT, prohibiting loitering on sidewalks, was presented for second reading. A letter from Mr. Harvey Pease. Mayor TTEST: ity q1erk Page 93 X Index Exten sion o: time TR 4401 R -5686 CA 23 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume. 16 - Page.94 November 26,: 1962 I opposing the ordinance was presented.by Mayor Hart. Councilman 'Cook made a motion. to adopt Ordinance No. 1021. Mr. Ralph Hinger spoke. from the audience in .favor. of the ordinance. Ordinance.No. 1021 was adopted, BUSINESS: Resolution No. 5686, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to a subdivision agree- ment; extending the time for the completion. of improve - ments in Tract No. 4400 by Pacific Electric Railway Company to February 11,. 1964:subject to the subdividers making certain temporary improvements on Seashore Drive as designated in said amendment, was adopted. BUSINESS: Farkin6l. Resolution No. 5687,. establishing,a no parking area on R -5687 both sides. of Marine Avenue between Bayside Drive and CA 22 East Coast Highway, was adopted. Speed Limits CA 18 • Street Light Orchid Ave CA 28 Storm Drain Balboa Coves CA 154 • A memorandum dated November 21„ 1962 from the City Manager and Public Works Director was presented recom mending`Speed Limits on Arterial and Main Collector Streets. The recommendations were. accepted with.the following changes: That all of Jamboree Road have. a 45 mile speed limit; that Balboa Boulevard from 21st Street to Alvarado be kept at 25 miles an. hour, as at present; that the Public Works Director investigate,the. possibility of placing "Yield" signs. on streets coming into Bayside Drive; that the portion. of Irvine Avenue from Westcliff to 300 feet southerly of Francisco Drive.be. deleted.from the recommendations;: and the City. Attorney was. instructed to prepare the documents to implement the recommenda- tions. A memorandum was presented from the City Manager and Public Works Director recommending the installation. of an additional street light at the southeast corner of Coast Highway and Orchid Avenue. The recommendations were accepted and the City Manager was. instructed to proceed with the construction and to prepare the-Budget Amend- ment for the, transfer of funds. z. A memorandum dated November 21 from the City. Manage: and Public Works Director was presented recommending reconstruction of storm drain inlet on Coast Highway ad- jacent to Balboa Coves. The City Manager and the Public Works Director were instructed to proceed with.the.plan as outlined at the Study Session on November 26, provid- ing that there, is. a vent, installed, to carry away., the fumes. .TTEST: Mayor Page 94 & if/-I COUNCILMEN Motion Roll Call: Ayes Motion Roll Call: Ayes Motion Roll Call: Aye s Motion All Aye s Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes x 0 x x 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume, 16 —Page 95 City . 5. The City Manager's Activities Report for the City of New - Mgrs port Beach, 1961 -62 was received with. commendation and Report ordered filed. CA 87 Grand CAnal Dredge R -5688 C =820 CA 70 Award str mtx R -5689 C =827_ CA 29 r.A 4.9 • Sewer Relgnm bid reject CA 32 River Ave Impvmt Dist R -5690 CA 29 R -5691 R -5692 R -5693 • A memorandum was presented from the City Manager and Public Works Director regarding the receipt of two bids by the City Clerk on November 21 for the Grand Canal dredging, recommending the -award of contract to the. low bidder, Shellmaker, Inc., at the. contract price of $7700, Resolution No. 5688,. authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Shellmaker, Inc., at the contract price -of $7700, was adopted. A memorandum was presented from the City Manager ar. Public Works Director regarding the.receipt of two bids by the City Clerk.on November 21. for 1962 -63 street maintenance program and miscellaneous parks projects. Resolution No. 5689, authorizing the -Mayor and City Clerk to execute.a contract with.the low bidder, Warren Southwest, Inc., at the, contract price of $41, 115. 15, was adopted. A memorandum dated November 23, 1962 from the City Manager and Public Works Director regarding the recei of one bid by the City Clerk.on November 21 for sewer x alignment in Carnation Avenue, between Seaview Avenue and Bayside Drive, was presented. Subject bid was re- jected and the Public Works Director was authorized to readvertise for bids as soon as possible. The following action was taken in connection with the pro- posed River Avenue Improvement Assessment District ,(No. 47): (1) Resolution No. 5690, appointing and employing special counsel to assist in. the preparation of special assess- ment proceedings, was adopted. (2) Resolution No. 5691, making findings on Petition and Waiver (River Avenue,. Alley and Certain Other Stree and Easements), was adopted. (3) Resolution No. 5692, adopting plans, specifications and map of the assessment district for, the.constructior. of certain improvements.in River Avenue, Alley and Certain Other Streets and Easements in said City, was adopted. (4) Resolution No. 5693, being a Resolution of the City of Newport Beach, California, declaring its intention to ATTEST: Mayor City erk Page 95 go COUNCILMEN Motion All Ayes Motion Roll Call: .Ayes. Motion Roll Call: Ayes Motion All Ayes x Motion Roll Call: Ayes x x x Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x x Motion Roll Call: Ayes x xi x xx xx, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 16 - Page. 96 O `oimzo� o Index November 26,. 1962 order the construction of certain improvements, to- gether'with appurtenances and appurtenant work in con nection therewith, in River Avenue,- alley and certain other streets and easements. in said City; declaring the work to be -of more than local or ordinary public bene- fit and describing the district to be benefited by said work and to pay the. costs and expenses, and fixing a time and.place for hearing objections to said work (Fixing. December 17, 1962. at. 7:30 P. M. in the. Cham- bers. of the City Council is the City Hall of the City of Newport Beach,: California.as, the time and place for Motion x subject hearing),: was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes x xxx xxx A_ PPLICATIONS. FOR LICENSE: Licen n ses The following Applications for License were approved: Motion x CA 63 All Ayes 1. Craig's Catering,. by Regina A. Craig,, 1668 Palm, Santa Ana, for additional locations of portable.food stand.ser- vicing workers at. the. following locations: 6208 West Coast Highway, construction Opean House Motel; 3600 West Ne - port Boulevard, King's Lido Richfield Station. 2. B. V. Simmons, dba The Red Carpet, 109 Palm, .Balboa, for miniature pool table, previously licensed at this loca- tion, changing ownership of the game.to the proprietor of The Red Carpet. 3. Susan's of Hollywood, Inc., George F. Poirier,. repre- sentative,, 7962 Ramsgate Avenue, Los Angeles 45, for house to house. soliciting appointments to take, photograph in the home. 4. Mary Elizabeth Acito, representative of Colenbrander Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Co., 111 Via Eboli,, New- port Beach,. for house.to house soliciting the.cleaning of carpeting and upholstery. .5. Richard A. Newcomb„ dba Fairliner Newport, 2201 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, for boat rentals, Come Aboard U= Drive, 225 - 21st Street, Newport Beach. 6. Exempt; 'Student Committee American Field Service, Ingrid Buhler, by Jim Ray,. Harbor High School, for car washing by Harbor High School students, one day only, December 8; all proceeds, to be donated to - the. American Field Service which will purchase gifts for foreign stu- dents in the community. Mr. Jim Ray spoke from the audience regarding Applica- tion No. 6. Mayor ATTEST: L � NAX, SC' City Cl rk Page 96 index November 26, 1962 Monrovia 1 Ave Asse ment Dis CA 29 Partisa Politic al Labe CA 66 n LJ Commend Life Guard Service CA 83 Letters re Dogs CA 142 • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume, 16 - Page 97 TIONS - REFERRALS: A notice from -the: City of Costa Mesa stating that Decemb4 3, 1962 at 7:30 P. M. is, the time. to hear protests „to the .,confirmation of the Monrovia Avenue.and Certain Other Streets, Alleys and Easements (Assessment District No. 9); stating that the assessment of the City of Newport Beach -for Lot No. Pt. 1013, First Addition to Newport Mesa is in the. amount of $2320. 10, being Assessment No. 134, was referred to the City Manager and Public Works Director. Resolutions from .the City of Long Beach and the City of Huntington Beach vigorously opposing any legislation per- mitting or sanctioning the, use of partisan political. labels by municipal office candidates, were presented. The ,matter was referred to Mayor Hart to take proper action in opposition to the legislation. Mayor Hart read. an excerpt from a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Troxel, 1811 Oak Tree Drive, Los Angeles, commending the Lifeguard Service and the County Harbor District, stating in part, "Curtis Swanson (Mr. and Mrs. Troxel's son), a victim 'of a skin div'in'g . accident. on Sunday, Oct. 28th,; 1962, was given a second chance for life.because of the devoted lifeguards,of your city,” Subject letter was ordered filed. The following letters regarding dogs as a nuisance were presented: (a) Letter from Howard G. Williams, President of the Central Newport Beach Community Association, sug- gesting the strengthening of a section of the ordinance pertaining to control of dogs. (b) Letter.from Lewis N. Paul, 1820 West Ocean Front, desiring to "add a strong voice against dog litter along the walkways which are not only unsanitary for sand - lovers but are revolting to everyone including dog owners:" (c) Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Goen, 316 1/2 East Ocean Front, regarding and urging the tightening and new -laws. prohibiting, animals the, use of the:beachei and parks. (d) Letter from West Newport Improvement Association conveying the - feeling of its membership that dogs create an unsightly and unsanitary mess on the beaches .TTEST: Page 97 9f Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes COUNCILMEN x Ldex W P acif Tel & Tel CA 36 Frisbea Report CA 112 'Raim of CA 84 ,john Wilkes Oliver A King CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 16 - Page 98 November 26, 1962 The matter was referred to the City Manager to more ade quately enforce existing °.jaws', and the City .Att ney was or instructed to draw some new legislation setting up rules and regulations for dogs on leashes. Notice from the Public Utilities Commission regarding the investigation of Case No. 7409 of the Pacific Telephon and Telegraph Company that a prehearing conference will be held at 10:00 A.M. on December 12 and a second pre - hearing conference will be held at 10:00 A. M. on Decem- ber 19, was referred to the City Attorney for a report at the next Council meeting. The First Interim Report of Ira N. Frisbee and Company for the fiscal year 1962 -63, was ordered filed. The following Claims against the City were denied, and the City Clerk's action in referring the matters to the insurance carriers was confirmed: (a) Verified Claimant's Report of John' E. Wilkes II for damages to his car when he struck a manhole while proceeding westerly on 5th Avenue between Marguerite .and Larkspur. (b) Verified Claimant's Report of Oliver A. King (City em• ployee), for damage to his car when it was parked in the Corporation Yard and a City truck struck.it. Welcom 8. In compliance with the request of Dr. S. R. Newcomer, Signs a letter from him as President of the Exchange Club of CA 103 Newport Harbor, regarding proposed "welcome. sign" at each of the three entrances to the City, was diari.ed for December 10. TIONS - ADVISORY: • The following communications were ordered filed: Balboa Island 1. Balboa Island law enforcement: law enforce (a) Letter to City Manager Robert Coop from Charles W. ment Morse of the Toy Box, regarding "charges, made by a CA 74 Balboa Island merchant against the Police Department'' and stating that the charges do not reflect the thinking of all the merchants of the Island. (b) Letter from Balboa Island Improvement Association commending the Council, City Manager, and Chief of Police Glavas "and his hardworking officers for their excellence.in keeping our 'tight little island' under effective control on a particularly vulnerable evening.' • Mayor V Z_ ATTEST: Page 98 COUNCILMEN Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 16 - Page 99 Index W First: 2. Letter from A. W. Snyder, Chairman, Parks, Beaches Water- and Recreation Commission, stating that the State Park to- Commission has approved the registration of the site of Flight: the "First Water -to -Water Flight" from Balboa to Avalon CA 49 dedication date set -for May 10, 1963. CA 178 3. Copies of Applications for Alcoholic Beverage Control ABC License- Licenses (a) Person to person transfer, on -sale beer,. Rita's, 6450 60 West Coast Highway,. Newport Beach, from Mary L. and Thomas G. Bosque to Rita M. and Eugene' R. Fiebelkorn. (b) New off -sale beer and wine,. "Jad's ",. 3012 West New- port Boulevard, Newport Beach,. Jean A. Mayo and Donald P. Van Lanen. Bd of 4. Copies of Agendas of Board of Supervisors. meetings held November 13, November 14, November 20 and November ovs 21, 1962. Agenda CA 53 5. Letter from George A. Hill, District Engineer, State Coast: Division of Highways, District VII, stating that a resolu- Freeway tion adopted by the Council on October 29, relative,to the CA 69 location of the Pacific Coast Freeway in the vicinity of Corona.del Mar, has been received and forwarded to the Sacramento headquarters for transmittal to the California Highway Commission. Coasta • Copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of Laguna Freeway Beach requesting the State of California Highway Commis - CA 69 sion to designate a temporary connection for the proposed Coastal Freeway from Coast Highway northwesterly to an extension of Marguerite in Corona del Mar until such time as the Highway Commission adopts the freeway route southerly of Corona del Mar. ve 184 • Letter from George A. Hill, District Engineer, State Freewa3 Division of Highways, District VII,. acknowledging receipt CA 69 of the City Council's resolution adopted November 5 ap- proving the State Highway Engineer's.recommended loca- tion for the Route 184 Freeway and requesting that no additional public hearings be.required concerning this project. he meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P. M. Mayor ATTEST: Cit Clerk Page 99 Motion All Ayes