HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/1964 - Regular MeetingIndex ® -: TR CA CA Au Ar 4 CA 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 41 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: September 14, 1964 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers COUNCILMEN s1 1p1U o z -� Roll Call: Present x x x Absent The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 24, 1964, and the Regular Adjourned Meeting of Motion August 31, 1964, was waived, and the Minutes were Ayes x x x approved as written and ordered filed. Absent Mayor Gruber presented to Judge Walter Charamza a' plaque and a proclamation in appreciation of his service with the City from 1957 to 1964. HEARINGS: L096 1. Mayor Gruber opened the continued public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 1096, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT ' BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDIN DISTRICT MAP NO. 5, rezoning Lot 2, Tract 444 from R -2 to R -1; located 444 at 341 La Jolla Drive; Planning Commission Amend- ment No. 188. The hearing was closed. Motion Ayes x x s Absent 10 23 Ordinance No. 1096 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x x 3 Absent Stan 2. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing regarding 9 the appeal of Frank O. and Lorraine E. Austin from the action of the Planning Commission on Resub- ' division No. 189 at their meeting of July 16, 1964, denying their application for creation of two lots on property described as Lot 35, Tract 3138, commonly known as 2315 Heather Lane, Newport Beach. No one desired to speak from the audience. The hearing was closed. Motion a Ayes x x a Absent -1.29 The action of the Planning Commission was sustained. Motion Ayes C X) Absent NVayor ATTEST: �Cit Clerk Page 41 Index September 14, 1964 &1' R T`: CA C� CA C. CE F, U; rE of Ci S< :�T I' L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 42 COUNCILMEN Councilman Stoddard joined the meeting. ,Z oA �0P f A x Councilman Stoddard joined the meeting. r -6016 3. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing regarding Resolution No. 6016, being a resolution of intention to order vacation of a drainage easement in Lot 32, Tract 3201. 6026 The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes XXXXX XX 8 3203 Resolution No. 6026, ordering the vacation of a k =111 drainage easement in Lot 32, Tract 3201, was adopted Motion x Roll Call: Ayes XXXXX ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1097 1. Ordinance No. 1097, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 6110.5 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT- ING TO SIGNS ON WATERCRAFT, � -63 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes XXX xxxx •1098 2. Ordinance No. 1098, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3250.5 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT- ING TO THE NEWPORT BEACH ONE -WAY STREETS AND ALLEYS, a -1041 was adopted. Motion Roll Call: Ayes x xxxx N 31 CONTINUED BUSINESS: ,e of 1. A memorandum from the City Attorney stating that !plic there is no provision in the City Charter or in the Municipal Code concerning the use of a replica of .ty the City Seal and the statement that he has found no :al provision in the state law that limits the use of a -90 replica of a city seal, was ordered filed. Motion x Ayes XXXXX xx Maebr ATTEST: ity Clerk Page 42 Index 0 Tsfr of Fier Ream. CA -130 •e- 6027 CA -14 R -5028 September 14, 1964 2 CA -14 • Speed ] ski zone CA -70 I Up1054bI • TR5740 TR5741 CA -15 CA -23 Tent maps TR5740 TR5741 CA -23 • e 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 43 COUNCILMEN s a c n o a A memorandum from the City Attorney regarding transfer of pier permits was presented. An ordinance incorporating the recommendations frorr the City Attorney was ordered prepared. Motion Ayes xx xxxxx Resolution No. 6027, adopting a map showing a portion of a certain street known as Ocean Front which is proposed to be vacated, closed up and Motion x abandoned, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes xxxx xxx Resolution No. 6028, declaring intention to order the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Ocean Front, setting the hearing thereon for the 13th day of October, 1964, at Motion x 7:30 P. M. , was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes xx xxx XX :URRENT BUSINESS: A memorandum from the City Attorney regarding establishing a speed zone and a ski zone in Newport Harbor and designating the hours during which such uses are permitted, was presented. The matter was diaried for September 28 and referre to the City Attorney for rewording of item No. 3 of Motion x. the Resolution. Ayes x x xxx x x (a) A letter from the Planning Commission recommending approval of Use Permits No. 1054B and 1054C, George M. Holstein & Sons, Block 52, Irvine's Subdivision, Zone R- 4 -B -2- UL, located in the Eastbluff Area, for permis- sion to have planned residential developments, consisting of: 15.42 acres divided into 75 lots and 1 green area lot (Tract 5740), and 8. 54 acres divided into 42 lots and 1 green area lot (Tract 5741) was presented. Use Permits No. 1054B and 1054C were approve . Motion x Ayes xxx xxxx (b) The Tentative Maps for Tracts No. 5740 and 5741, located in Block 52, Irvine's Subdivision in the Eastbluff Area, consisting of: 15. 42 acres divided into 75 lots and 1 green area lot (Tract 5740), and 8.54 acres divided into 42 lots and 1 green area (Tract 5741) were presented with the findings of the Planning Commission and the recommendations from the Public Works Department. ATTEST: S ayor C' y Clerk 43 Page Index September 14, 1964 _,W 'inal 5692 .revised i? 1054A 7 -6029 n 5692 :A-23 Akhead i_Vo 5_ :4 -0 :igy Mgr .bs :A -g7 ner in Pnn4 n nstr :A -49 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 44 The Tentative Maps for Tracts No. 5740 and 5741 were approved, as conditioned by the Planning Commission and the Public Works Motion Department. Aye s 3. The Final Map for Tract 5692, located in the East - bluff Area, Vista Del Oro at Mar Vista Drive, and Revised Use Permit 1054A were presented with recommendations from the Planning Commission and Vicinity Map and the recommendations from the Publ Works Department. The Final Map for Tract No. 5692 was approved subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and the Public Works Depart- ment, and subject to the further conditions that the map not be signed and recorded until the City has received a Notice of Addition of Territory for said tract under the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions applicable to Tracts Nos. 5463 and 5480 and approved and executed the same and has received a grant deed conveying fee title to Vista Del Oro in Tract No. 5692 and accepted and authorized Motion the recording of the same. Ayes Mr. Bein, Engineer for George M. Holstein & Sons, spoke from the audience. COUNCILMEN s cnoa � O➢ m m 0 O Y Resolution No. 6029, authorizing the execution of an agreement with The Bluffs, subdivider, for the construction of improvements in Tract No. 5692, Motion was adopted. Roll Call: Aye s 4. A recommendation from the City Manager regarding replacement of the existing City bulkhead adjoining the 38th Street Beach on the Rivo Alto was presented Motion and approved. Ayes 5. The request from the City Manager regarding his absence from September 23 to October 1, while attending the International City Manager's Conference Motion was granted. Ayes 6. The recommendation from the City Manager and the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department for an increase of $1. 00 on registration fee for the adult tennis instruction program, said increase to be earmarked in the special revenue account for tennis court construction, was approved, and the matter referred to the City Attorney for appropriate action. ATTEST: Page 44 Motion Aye s -R© 0© x 94" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 45 \\�X Index September 14, 1964 NV p Ba Fie re �A, Bal cup CA- Za4 'td all .DSi 3xc KIM-' 'av _ :A- ,np .ic 4 t Sc plans and specifications for the Newport and Balboa lboa ocean pier repairs and alterations was presented. r �aixs Plans and specifications were approved and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids, to be Motion x 41 opened at 10:00 A. M. on October 7, 1964. Ayes x x x_ x x yZ 8. A memorandum from the City Manager concerning a -b cut curb cut application at 413 Orchid Avenue, Corona del Mar, was presented. Mrs. Bernice Baltz of Baltz Mortuary, 413 Orchid Avenue, Corona del Mar, spoke from the audience. The matter was referred to the City Manager for further study and report to be presented to the Motion 30 Council on September 28. Ayes x x x x x : tnree 9. A memorandum from the City Manager regarding re- plans and specifications for the realignment of gnmt Jamboree Road was presented. The plans and specifications were approved and the 29 City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids, to Motion x be opened at 10 :00 A. M. on October 21, 1964. Ayes x x x x x 10. A memorandum with recommendations from the City dging Manager regarding dredging in Bay Island Channel was presented. Mr. Maul was given permission to dredge around his 73 float, at no expense to the City, subject to Public Motion x Works Department checking it. Ayes x x x x x ug. 11. A memorandum from the City Manager regarding S Ave paving on Monrovia Avenue near Production Place was presented. . The recommendation from the City Manager in connection with the paving of a 16 -foot center strip �� on Monrovia Avenue near Production Place, at an Motion x estimated cost of $1, 500. 00, was approved. Ayes x x x x x 7 APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES: The following Applications for Licenses were approved: Motion x Ayes xxx xxa 1 for 1. Exempt, Dale L. Finn, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, 1360 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, house -to -house soliciting on World Book Encyclopedia. ' ATTEST: Ma ?6r ity Clerk / Page 45 C M X 7. A memorandum from the City Manager regarding C M X CA- pie Per ;A =. 4 ie'. ' eri -:A-. 1r _ :A -7 ire r nci , :A =) Index September 14, 1964 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 46 COUNCILMEN ov m' Z � A • 2. J. W. Olson, Balboa Fun Zone, for Kiddie Ride (Car). 63 3. J. W. Olson, Balboa Fun Zone, for Kiddie Ferris Wheel. APPLICATIONS FOR PIER PERMITS: The Minutes of the Joint Harbor Committee meeting held hits September 8, 1964, were presented. 1. The following Applications, as conditioned, were approved: Motion Aye s xxx x A -637 -R Mrs. George Vibert L30 A -1426 A. H. Linn ' Z. The following Pier Permit Transfers recom- mended for approval were approved as tsg conditioned: Motion Ayes x x x A -283 John P. Horman to Charles L. and Elizabeth M. Kirchner A -291 John P. Horman to Charles L. and Elizabeth M. Kirchner A -309 Bank of America to Charle M. and Nea B. Wickett A -1168 Donald W. Eastvold to Cameron and Eunice Watt 30 A -1368 Newport Harbor Homes, 1 Inc. to Donalda Renee Woo 3. Other Business: .rum (a) The application of Dr. Jack Wolfrum, A -1353, for time extension of one year, .30 effective October 14, 1964, was approved Motion as conditioned. Ayes xx X X: igrom (b) The request of Monogram Industries for sewage pumping facilities in the area was considered. .30 Shore facilities were permitted, the installation and equipment used to be ' ATTEST: M or ty Clerk Page 46 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 47 Index September 14, 1964 COUNCILMEN s a Y O Y m m O C fie subject to the approval of the Public Works Department, and the Public Works Depart- ment was requested to draw up a rule for the Harbor Policies which will suitably Motion x cover these installations. Ayes xxx xxx x y Dock (c) The proposed changes to the County Dock Property Lease Plans were approved as filed with the Public Works Department, with the reservation that parking spaces be subject to approval of the Public Works Department insofar as City regulations are concerned, and that the public walkwa be extended from its present end at the westerly extent of the property clear to the westerly boundary line of the property, A =1 30 and the sidewalk along the street be Motion x connected with the present sidewalk. Ayes xxx x x x • COMMUNICATIONS REFERRALS: :g for I. The following Claims for Damages were denied, and the Deputy City Clerk's referral of the matters to the insurance carriers was confirmed: Motion x Ayes xxxx xxx (a) Claim of John J. McKerren for alleged damages to his premises on August 19, 1964, by a broken water main. (b) Claim of Ronald Owen Jones for alleged damage arising from malicious procurement of a warran of arrest, false arrest, false imprisonment and deprivation of rights, privileges and immunities secured by the Federal and State Constitutions. (c) Claim of Joseph Phillips for alleged damages • arising from an accident on August 22, 1964. (d) Claim of Robert Milton Harrison, Jr., for alleged damages to the windshield of his automo- bile on June 25, 1964, by a ball from a game at Newport Harbor High School. riilt 2. The following claim was denied and the Deputy City !G 8: Clerk's referral of the matter to the insurance carriers was confirmed. Summons and Complaint for Damages, served on the Deputy City Clerk on September 8, 1964, in Orange County Superior Court Action No. 127747; Betty J. Tritt, Plaintiff, vs. City Motion x :A -84 of Newport Beach, Defendant. Ayes xxxx xxx ATTEST: Mayo tea, ¢Fta� C' y Clerk T/ � Q Page 47 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 48 s 9 0 Index September 14. 1964 AG 3. A copy of a letter dated August 26, 1964, from K. E. PL Johnson, President of the Board, Newport Island stand Incorporated, requesting repair and maintenance on Motion x ridge the Island and the bridge bulkhead, was ordered filed. Ayes NXXXXXX A -70 nrsltalb4. A letter dated September 2, 1964, from Mrs. Elizabeth njuies M. Marshall regarding injuries sustained by her side- husband in a fall at Crystal and Bay Front on August lk rep 31, and requesting repair to avoid other accidents, wa A -30 ordered filed after the advice of the City Manager that Motion x this repair was being done. Ayes x x xxxx x urfing 5. A letter dated August 28, 1964, from Mrs. W. B. Jurgens, 647 West 18 Street, Costa Mesa, regarding Motion A °49 problems in the area of 39th Street was ordered filed. Ayes XXXKXXX 6. The following letters were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes xxx xxxx (a) Letter dated August 28, 1964, from Kenneth E. uriing Watkins, 3815 Seashore Drive, stating that he A,-49 opposes any action of closing the beach to surfing. arfing (b) Letter dated August 27, 1964, from Bill Dunlap, =�a9 3007 Donnybrook Lane, Costa Mesa, opposing any proposed ban on surfing. bandon- 7. A letter dated August 21, 1964, from Robert M. Allan, Jr., 321 Lindo, regarding abandonment of the motor & courts at Sixth and Balboa Avenue, was referred to Motion x ao94 the City Manager for reply. Ayes xxx xxx x mice 8. A letter dated August 20, 1964, from Elmer Eberhardt runt 2152 Orchard Drive, Santa Ana, protesting his treat- ment by a police officer several months ago, was Motion x ordered filed. Ayes xxx xxx x , 9. e A letter dated September 1, 1964, from Mr. and Mrs. =aCh md. Mel Norman, 3601 Seashore Drive, Newport Beach, regarding problems in the area of 36th to 42nd Street, Motion x \_49 was ordered filed. Ayes xxxx xxx °rest:s 10. A letter dated September 3, 1964, from Bess DeNardi `A -Ar Juvenile Protection Chairman, Costa Mesa High , ''ayxng bchs School P. T. A. , 2510 Carnegie Avenue, Costa Mesa, together with a newspaper clipping, regarding arrest and fine of young people on the beach for playing ae39 guitars, was referred to the City Manager for proper Motion x action. Ayes xxx xxxx j ayor ATTEST: C' y Clerk Page 48 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 49 z N r c n c o r m m o Index September 14, 1964 1I Irvi Ave CA-1 gays nr w ing CA-2 side ail jAe I i N. B _Aeg ' laq ,eo tag :A =� .;nr t� Ae3 ;- —1�1 A =1 • ;Choi nx�sm :nngi I[] p iii 10 11. A letter dated September 1, 1964, bearing thirty Wage signatures, concerning drainage condition on the ne Southeast side of Irvine Avenue between Highland Avenue and Dover Drive, was referred to the staff Motion x 54 for investigation and recommendation. Ayes x x XXX ide 12, A letter dated September 4, 1964, from The Irvine ides Company regarding widening of Bayside Drive at Pacific Coast Highway was referred to the staff for 9 investigation and report and diaried for the meeting Motion of September 28, Ayes x x x x ware 13. A letter dated August 27, 1964, from Tidewater Oil myer Company concerning hearing regarding revocation of 30 permit to maintain pier and float in Newport Bay, was Motion ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x ay 14. A letter from the United States Committee for* the 7 United Nations regarding the President's U. N. Day Proclamation, urging appointment of a United Nations Motion x Day Chairman, was ordered filed. Ayes X x x x x ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: ae 1, American Field Service student, Giovanni Donelli, `"n`-'9 from Legnano, Italy, presented a plaque and a letter y a7 from the Mayor of Legnano, Italy, to the Mayor and the City Council. 2. The following Minute Resolution was adopted: Motion x -- BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby highly Ayes X xxxx commends the Newport Beach Police Department for 'e taking timely and effective action to suppress the riot which occurred on September 13, 1964, at the 15th Street Beach. ,g 3. Councilman Cook discussed a discrepancy between the approved budget and the working budget, pertaining to A the authorized ranges in classification of employees or page 108. The matter was referred to the City Manage r for clarification and report. A 4. Mayor Gruber appointed a School Liaison Committee ?on to meet with the School Board, said Committee to consist of Councilman Stoddard, as Chairman, Motion Councilman Cook and Councilman Elder. Ayes x x x x The City Attorney was requested to contact the District Superintendent to set up a meeting, I COMMUNICATIONS - ADVISORY: The following communications were ordered filed: Motion Ayes xxxx °at:s 1. Telegram from Robert Shelton containing congratulations for award received for s outstanding achievement. O ATTEST:y Mayor /yam/ C #y Clerk Page 4.9 p iii 10 Index -:A =83 fnp" L,_ A-49 :A =108 ex C1b :A -308 K C,.ty ;;mil :A =39 of C • :e96 Ed :erg :A -53 I -rds :A -99 Sup A -53 • i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 50 September 14, 1964 2. Letter from Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. , University Y 0 2. Letter from Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. , University of California, Irvine, containing congratulations for award received for outstanding achievement. 3. Letter from The Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor containing congratulations for award received for outstanding achievement. 4. Letter from Woman's Civic League of Newport Harbor containing congratulations for award received for outstanding achievement. A. letter dated August 20, 1964, bearing signatures of ten residents expressing appreciation on the fine work of Ralph Cooper as lifeguard at Station No. 44, 10th and Bay Beach, Motion x Balboa, was ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x The following communications were ordered filed. Motion x Ayes N x x x x 1. Letter dated August 21, 1964, from County of Orange Local Agency Formation Commission giving notice of date of review of City of New- port Beach Annexation No. 56, to be held September 10, 1964, at 2:30 P.M. 2. Letter dated August 21, 1964, from County of Orange Local Agency Formation Commission giving notice of proposed annexation to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District (Engineer's No. 84), to be September 10, 1964, at 2:30 P. M 3. Copy of letter dated August 26, 1964, to Chief B. James Glavas regarding inspection of sanitary facilities of the Newport Beach City Jail, together with evaluation form attached. 4. Copy of Minutes of Regular Meeting of Board of Directors of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, August 17, 1964. 5. Copy of Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, dated August 19, 1964, amend- ing the mutual aid agreements between cities. 6. Letter dated August 31, 1964, from the California Committee to Eliminate Railroad Featherbeddin , signed by John F. McCarthy and Senator Hugh M. Burns regarding Proposition 17. 7. Newsletter from the Desk.of- Supervisor Alton E. Allan dated August 26, 1964. AWyor �ATTEST: 1- /% C�GeZU/ v V C ty Clerk ' Page 50 Index September 14, 1964 �I sod -sow vat A_ 07 f nng �- "M -,,C Zd -A -53 ? i ghcays -A -69 cCtater P,.st -A -12 �p6 atps 3A-46 r �;uf.t o Dns5t -A-59 'up �A -53 w.c�ag ^aa -aYi.a :.armies �A =55 & ?Journ • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 51 8. Release dated August 20, 1964, from the State Board of Equalization regarding ratio of count assessed property value to full cash value. 9. Application of Greyhound Lines, Inc. , Western Greyhound Lines Division, for an order author- izing a statewide increase in intrastate passeng fares other than commutation fares in PeninsulE Contra Costa and Marin Commutation Services. 10. Agendas of Orange County Board of Supervisors Regular Meetings of August 25, August 26, September 1 and September 2. ll. Copy of Minutes of Annual Meeting of Metropo] tan Transportation Engineering Board, August 6, 1964. 12. Copy of Minutes of Regular Meeting of Board of Directors, Orange County Water District, August 19, 1964. The following communications were ordered filed: 1. Copy of letter dated August 27, 1964, from Westover and Currey, Attorneys at Law, 2855 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, regardi Workmen's Compensation claim of Captain Edward Bates together with a copy of the Minu of Hearing before the Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California. 2. Copy of Minutes of the 211th Meeting of Board of Trustees, Orange County Mosquito Abaterr. District, August 20, 1964. 3. Agendas of Orange County Board of Supervisors Regular Meetings of September 8 and Septembe 10. 4. Letter dated September 3, 1964, from League of California Cities. Subject: Annual League Conference and Special Session on International Municipal Cooperation. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P. M. ATTEST: wtzZjCyy Clerk yor Page 51 Motion Ayes Motion Ayes COUNCILMEN s 1 o v m IM X X