HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/1964 - Regular Meeting.9 aSLi c1' CA CAP 1'1a CA� 4 0 -1 CA- i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 78 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: October 26, 1964 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. Inrlcv Alma of Mootinu• Rnnnril Chamhara COUNCILMEN -'a F P Roll Call: Roll Call: Present x x x 39 X x x The reading of the Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of October 19, 1964, was waived and it was directed that said Minutes be presented for approval at Motion the next Council meeting, Ayes xxxyXxx HEARINGS: iv36 1. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing regarding hrg Resolution No. 6036, being a resolution of intention to order the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Ocean Front. No one desired to speak from the audience. The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes xxx 31 N xx R4 Resolution No. 6044, ordering the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain Motion x 1�5 street known as Ocean Front, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes xxx xx ig 2. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing on Planning D Imp Commission Resolution No, 667, adopting a new in element of the Master Plan, entitled "Master Capital Improvement Plan ". No one desired to speak from the audience. The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes xxx3NXX i045 Resolution No, 6045, adopting a new element of the -128 Master Plan entitled "Master Capital Improvement Motion x Plan ", was adopted, Roll Call: Ayes xxxxxxx ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: _ .102 1. Ordinance No. 1102, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING SECTIONS 7211. 1 AND 7245 OF,' AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 7211.1 TO, THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE SERVICE OF WATER AND 12 RATES THEREFOR, was presented. IvIetyor ATTEST: CiJVy Clerk Page 78 7 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 79 i a 0 O 9 T O G Y Index October 26, 1964 -50 C� -6 -60 CA-7 T7 5 T3 5 Fnna Mi aps _IN v�50 T 5 T 7, 5 CA -2 T7 4 T;2 5 T2 G Ta 5 CA -2 41 Ordinance No. 1102 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading. Roll Call: Ayes x x x x 39 x x CONTINUED BUSINESS: !>6 1. Resolution No. 6046, being a resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach urging support Motion x of County Propositions A and B appearing on the Roll Call: November 3, 1964, Ballot, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x Abstained !s7 2. Resolution No. 6047, adopting Addendum No. 2 and Standard Drawing No. STD - 609 -M for race committee platforms as supplements to the Harbor Permit Motion x Policies and Standard Drawings for Harbor Installa- Roll Call: tions, was adopted. Ayes X x x x William Ficker spoke from the audience. Drawing I No. 2 submitted by Mr. Ficker for the Balboa Bay Club race committee platform was approved subject to the condition that the over -all height be reduced Motion x 0 to 16 feet. Ayes x x x x x x x CURRENT BUSINESS: 740 1. The Final Maps for Tracts 5740 and 5741, located in 741 the Eastbluff Area, Block 53, Irvine's Subdivision, I were presented with recommendations dated October 20, 1964, from the Planning Commission and the recommendations dated October 9, 1964, from the Public Works Department. The Final Maps for Tracts 5740 and 5741 were approved subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and the Public Works Motion x Department, Ayes xxx x x x x I !s8 Resolution No, 6048, authorizing the execution of an Agreement with The Bluffs, subdivider, for the Motion x construction of improvements in Tract No. 5740, was Roll Call: adopted. Ayes x x xxxx x 6•9 Resolution No. 6049, authorizing the execution of an 750 Agreement with The Bluffs, subdivider, for the Motion 741 construction of improvements in Tract No. 5741, was Roll Call: 3 adopted. Ayes x x x x x x 2. A memorandum dated October 22, 1964, from the 892 City Manager regarding Acceptance of Improvements .018 in Tracts No, 4892 and 5018, was presented. B92 018 3 1 c yor ATTEST: q�f 'City Clerk Page 79 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 80 Y 0 O Y F T O G Y Index October 26, 1964 The public improvements were accepted and the City Motion x Clerk was authorized to release the bonds, Ayes x x x 3. N x x 3. The following resolutions authorizing the execution of Agreements for payment of property owners' share of cost of construction of improvements under Miscellan Motion x eous Storm Drain Construction under Contract No, Roll Call: 925, were adopted. Ayes x x x x x Z °6053 (a) Resolution No. 6050 authorizing an agreement with Warren C. Woodward. 1 °6051 (b) Resolution No. 6051 authorizing an agreement with W. H. Henry Gould. 3 °6052 (c) Resolution No. 6052 authorizing an agreement with Joseph A. Wilson, Jr. (d) Resolution No. 6053 authorizing an agreement ;00,53 with Beverly B. Hall. °6054 (e) Resolution No. 6054 authorizing an agreement with Jeremy C, Hill. 0 °5055 (f) Resolution No. 6055 authorizing an agreement with Hal Will Smith, Jr. 1 °6056 (g) Resolution No. 6056 authorizing an agreement with Hal Will Smith. APPLICATIONS FOR HARBOR PERMITS: :acnes The application of Sam Karnes was presented, requesting e= peen the following: (a) Permission to construct a patio deck which will overhang an existing bulkhead; (b) Permission to relocate the existing float in order to accommodate the • mooring of two twenty -five foot boats. Stephen Siskind, architectural designer for Mr. Karnes, spoke from the audience, requesting approval of this matter. Approval of Part "a" was granted on the basis that this is landward of the established bulkhead line; Part "b" was Motion x denied as this does not conform with the standard drawings. Ayes x x x x x x x COMMUNICATIONS REFERRALS: 1. The following Claims for Damages were denied, and f5lay6r ATTEST: ypj, j�j, ity Clerk Page 80 :SF ixr A- _rm say arc �A. Jt!` az 1 of 'A. Kol cu? =A` CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 81 Y 0 Index nrtnhor 2.A_ iQA4 ? A P F a the Deputy City Clerk's referral of the matters to the Motion insurance carriers was confirmed: Ayes x x x x x x s fox (a) Claim of Leon F. Boisseranc for alleged damage vu`s to a house owned by Mr. Boisseranc at 105 - 30th Street, when it was hit by a truck belonging to the City on July 4, 1964. (b) Claim of Michael Howard Strauss for alleged personal injuries sustained by him at 3207 West Coast Highway when the land gave away on August 31, 1964. (c) Claim of Larry Neal Canady for alleged damages arising from false arrest, invasion of privacy, loss of freedom of movement, humiliation and loss of wages. . (d) Claim of William I. Wilson for alleged damages arising from false arrest, invasion of privacy, loss of freedom of movement, humiliation and 04 loss of employment. lus 2. A letter dated October 19, 1964, from Engineering and .ety Grading Contractors Association, 1Z351 Westminster le Ps re T Boulevard, Santa Ana, regarding revision of the Industrial Safety Orders in connection with construc- tion work, was presented. The matter was referred to the City Manager for report to be returned to the Motion x Aco Council on November 9, 1964. Ayes xx Y x x x x !t:eboar e. A letter from Bob Porlek, complaining about skate- boards and requesting that some action be taken to Motion -30 eliminate them on the sidewalks, was ordered filed. Ayes xx x x x x x t4� 4. A letter dated October 21, 1964, from the Newport ;ale Harbor Chamber of Commerce regarding the annual . Sand - castle Contest and requesting permission to use It:est the Corona del Mar State Beach on November 8, between the hours of 12 :00 noon and 3:00 P. M. , was presented. Jack Barnett, Manager of said Chamber of Commerce, spoke from the audience. Approval Motion .49 of the request was granted. Ayes x x x x x x x rn- -on 5. A letter dated October 19, 1964, from B. B. Boynton, -b cut 503 East Bay Avenue, Balboa, requesting permission to break red curb for driveway purposes was presents together with a memorandum dated October 23, 1964, from the City Manager. B. B. Boynton spoke from •30 the audience. ayor ATTEST: .-_..._.C.. City Clerk .Page 81 :a. CU'. CA p A. �, DS r �l Na: Be- ;r CA N': Sol CIA' CA Bd CA- S t: s a: CA. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 82 s a 0 Index October 26, 1964 P P o The curb cut was approved; elimination of any on- Motion x street parking spaces on the opposite side of Adams Ayes x xxxx x Street was not allowed. Noes x ° -1+7at 6. A letter dated October 1, 1964, from Macwat Corpor- ation, 633 Lido Park Drive, requesting a curb cut at .b cu- 2524 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar, was presented together with a memorandum from the City Manager dated October 21, 1964. W. Fred McDonald spoke froni the audience requesting approval of the curb cut. -30 The curb cut was approved. Motion x Ayes xxx x Noes x mng 7. A letted dated October 23, 1964, from Alvan C. am Ann Clemence, Chairman of the Planning Commission, ?(;0 transmitting the annual report, was presented and ordered filed With thanks for a good report to the Motion x Planning Commission. Ayes x x X x x x x .bor 8. A letter dated October 18, 1964, from Harvey Somers, i Stdy 1709 East Bay Front, Balboa, offering assistance and D use of records of the Harbor Development Study 70 Group of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Capital Improvements was presented and ordered filed with Motion x thanks. Ayes xx X xxxx ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: l L�Pe A letter dated October 23, 1964, from J. B. Larson i curb requesting a postponement of the hearing to consider the rev revocation of the curb cut permit at 3024 Breakers Drive, was presented. -30 The matter was postponed to November 23, 1964. Motion x Ayes xx xxxx COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY: 1. The following communications were ordered filed, with an expression of thanks to the Police Department Motion x for Nos. 3 and 4: Ayes x x x xxxx sup 1. Copy of Agenda of Board of Supervisors Regular •53 Meeting of October 20 and 21, 1964. sde 2. Letter dated October 15, 1964, from the City of as tal Westminster and a copy of Resolution No. 623 adopted by the City Council of the City of West - 107 minster requesting the elimination of State Sales Tax on certain items. ayor ATTEST: ity Clerk Page 82 0� =03 m =A° �T �g JSil` CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 83 Index October 26, 1964 3. Letter dated October 20, 1964, from the Newport PC Harbor Chamber of Commerce expressing appreciation to the City law enforcement officers for the efficient and effective manner in which 39 they handled the recent attempted riot on the 83 beach. e� 4. Letter dated October 16, 1964, from Mrs. Sandy sm -nci Elster, 141 South Las Palmas Avenue, Los 33 Angeles, extending congratulations on the Newport II3 Beach police force and appreciation for assistanc by one of the police officers. on 5. Newsletter from the Desk of Supervisor Alton E. PM Allen dated October 21, 1964. 53 L "em 2. The report from Ira N. Frisbee & Company on the 112 examination of the Financial Report dated June 30, Motion x 1964, was presented and ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x x x The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P. M. Motion Ayes xx x xxxx C- yor ATTEST: City Clerk Page 83 1