HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/1965 - Adjourned Regular MeetingN 0 L V 1.1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 280 Minutes.of ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNC Date of Meeting: June 7, 1965 p?,11p1`` Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. 2 o m o n x Roll Call: Present x x x x x} The corrections submitted by the City Clerk for Page 265 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held May 17, 1965, adding Items 6, 7 and 8 which were inadvertently ommitte , were approved and the additions were authorized; and the Motion x Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 24, 1965 were ap- Ayes x x x x x z proved with a typographical correction indicating the - Minutes of the Regular Adjourned Meeting of May 17, 1965 (instead of May 14) had been approved. I Current Business: xgrg 1. A letter dated June 4, 1965 from Richard A. Reese, E�SLe -.' Manager of the Planning Department of the Irvine Ian of Company, regarding suggested procedure for review Lv _ne of the Engineering Master Plan for major new develop 9. and ments of The Irvine Company Ranch and consideration ,1e:_= of Annexation No. 57 (Centerview), was presented. ew Mr. Reese spoke from the audience. A report en- titled "The Engineering Master Plan for the proposed Centerview Development10, prepared for The Irvine Company by Simpson and Stevlingson, consulting civil engineers, was presented by Donald Simpson. Mr. Simpson gave an oral review of said Master Plan. Raymond Watson, Vice President of The Irvine Company and Gordon Jones of The Irvine Company, spoke from the audience. The water and drainage systems were discussed. Streets and traffic flow were mentioned. The Public Works Director indicated that he felt that, in so far as drainage and water were - concerned, the Council could set Annexation No. 57 for hearing on June 14; but that as far as the financing of the water and drainage systems was concerned, the Public Works • Department was not in a position to report at this tim e. 6155 Resolution No. 6155, being a Resolution of the Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its intention to annex to the City certain property known as Annexation No. 57, C e nt e:r..v i'e w : A nn.e xa ti o n:, and giving notice thereof; setting the hearing thereon Motion x x_108 for 7:30 P. M. on June 14, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes xx xxI Abstain x Mayor ATTEST: 5 C ty Clerk Page 280 Index 'rights :pct of 1964 _ce .,ib:ca _•y CA -65 Cu.• bi_ng r_ at L `.,.e= gd Fdgtz CA -61 Budget 1965 -66 hTonde- pa tment • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 281 June 7, 1965 COUNCILMEN s A y= Q G 1 Z f p m N f P Z. A letter dated June 3, 1965 was presented from John A. Hopwood transmitting an opinion from the Legislative Counsel, concerning the applicability of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the Newport Beach City Library. Attorney John A. Hopwood spoke from the audience. The City Manager was authorized to sign U. S. Motion Department of Health, Education and Welfare Form Ayes x x 441 which will enable the City's public libraries to Noes x borrow from and use the consulting services of the Abstain State Library. 3. The recommendation of the City Manager to place curbing along the drive to the Lifeguard Headquarters Motion station was approved. Ayes x x x Consideration was given to the Preliminary Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 1965 -66 as presented by the City Manager. 1 1. Consideration was given to the Nondepartmental Budget. It was directed that $250 be deleted from Account Motion No. 1439, proposed for Chamber of Commerce maps. Aye's:. x x x : It was directed that an additional $100 for Miscel- Motion laneous Promotional Expense be deleted from Ayes x x x Account No. 1439. A motion was made to accept the recommendation of Motion the City Manager to have $650 in Account No. 1442, Ayes x Public Relations. Said motion failed to carry. Noes x x It was directed that Account No. 1442 be reduced $20Q, Motion x Miscellaneous Expense. Ayes x x x Noes To correct an error, it was directed that Account Motion No. 1416, Office Expense, be changed from $30 to Ayes x x x $200. (The City Manager stated during the discussion of subject Budget that Account No. 1478, Professional Services - Other, was indicated as $11, 200 and should have been indicated as $10, 600. ) Mayor ATTEST: (\ City Clerk Page 281. x x x x Ix :grar:+ X xxx x X x X[ C x1 x tae: Index • • Couinc -1 CAI-101 E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 282 June 7, 1965 Consideration was given to a previous request of Commodore Henry K. Mackel of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club for $2, 000 to assist in carrying out the hosting of the International Star Class Yacht Race Association World's Championship Regatta. The request for $2, 000 for said International Star Motion Class Yacht Race was denied. Ayes Noes The City Manager was directed to so advise Com- modore Mackel. Councilman Stoddard made a motion to reduce Motion Account No. 1487, Unappropriated Contingency Ayes Reserve in the amount of $50, 000, by $45, 000. Said Noes motion failed to carry. 2. Brief consideration was given to the City Manager's letter of transmittal. 3. Consideration was given to City Council Budget. It was directed that the salary for proposed half- Motion time employee, the $35 office equipment posture Ayes chair, the furniture and fixtures at $135, and the maintenance of office equipment at $35, aggregating $2 „'545, be deleted from the Council Budget. It was directed that all items under Conference and Motion Travel, Account No. 0136, be deleted except funds Ayes for League of California Cities Conference in San Noes Francisco and the Mayors and Councilmen's. Institute, reducing the account to $1, 950. The meeting was adjourned at 10.50 P. M. to 7.30 P. M. on June 8, 1965. ATTEST: Cit Clerk 10V i%. . Page 282 COUNCILMEN xlxlx XIx X X X x x