HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1965 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 128 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: December 13, 1965 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. Index Pl f M fi n Council Chambers S to< res: CA -! 1 R -6 She App CA- CA- 0 -1 Ame Dis 22 ffA 4 COUNCILMEN 9 G '^o ace o ee Roll Call: Present x x x x x x x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 22, 1965, was waived, and said Minutes were Motion x approved as written and ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x x x Idard The City Clerk read a letter from James B. Stoddard .gnatn dated December 8, 1965, requesting acceptance of his l resignation as a member of the City Council, effective immediately, because of recent medical unpleasantness, and expressing appreciation for the honor and privilege to have served as a member of the Newport Beach City Council. Mayor Gruber and other members of the Council highly. commended Councilman Stoddard for his long leadership and service to the City as a member of the Council. The request of Councilman Stoddard was accepted with Motion x deepest, deepest regret, and it was directed that proper Ayes x x x x x x documents and other mementos be forthcoming for him as Abstaining x- soon as possible. Councilman Stoddard left the dais. The City Clerk declared the position of Councilman for District Seven vacant. 251 Resolution No. 6251, making an appointment to the Council lton from the Seventh District, appointing Robert H. Shelton to tmt fulfill the unexpired term of Councilman James B. Motion x 91 Stoddard until the first Tuesday following the next Roll Call: General Municipal Election, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x 56 The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Robert H. Shelton, and Mayor Gruber invited him to take his place as a member of the Council. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: 147 Ordinance No. 1147, being, nding t HapE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE & 25 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ESTABLISHING A SETBACK LINE AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP 10 NO'S. 22 AND 25, establishing a 10 foot front building setback line from Newport Boulevard for Lots 6 and 7, Tract 5854, was yor ATTEST: • l " ` m q = CIty Clerk Page 128 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 129 AA f G c o C O A ', O Y m m 0 0 0 Index llarom hPr i �_ 1Qk; Z A p F a Z 0-1145 Boat launching & hauling CA -70 0 -1146 Animal nuisances CA_ 109 R -6252 Anchovy legis. CA -66 • presented. A memorandum from the City Attorney dated December 9, 1965 was presented. Ordinance No. 1147 was introduced and set for public Motion x hearing on December 27, 1965. Roll Call: Ayes xxx xxx x ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1145, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 10202 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOAT LAUNCHING AND HAULING, was presented for second reading. A discussion was had Ordinance No. 1145 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x xxx xx Abstaining x 2. Ordinance No. 1146, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 4119 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO NUISANCES COMMITTED BY ANIMALS, was presented for second reading. The City Clerk mentioned that letters opposing the pro- posed dog control ordinance and letters in favor of the ordinance had been received and were set forth in the Agenda under "Communications - Advisory." She advised the Council of four additional letters opposing the ordinance and five additional letters in favor of the ordinance. Ordinance No. 1146 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xx xxxx Abstaining x CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Resolution No. 6252, deploring the approval by the California Fish and Game Commission of the Experi- mental Anchovy Reduction Program and pledging that Motion x the Council will continue its efforts to protect the Roll Call: anchovy resource, was adopted. Ayes X X X X X X X yor ATTEST: CitV Clerk Page 129 Index December 13. 1965 • Decency Araendmt CA -66 R -6253 Cty < • Oranj Beach replenishmi CA -49 Multiple liability ins. R -6254 CA -6B I� \J Assessment District 45 CA -2S C -1010 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 130 s 2. Consideration was given to a report from the City Attorney dated December 7, 1965, concerning the "Decency Amendment," and a note from Supervisor Warren M. Dorn enclosing Initiative Petition and explanatory material concerning the "Decency Amend- ment" which had not accompanied the letter from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors which was presented to Council on November 22. The correspondence was ordered filed, and it was Motion x directed that the Mayor acknowledge Supervisor Dorn's Ayes x x x x x x letter but the Mayor should state that, while the Council supports the aim of this Initiative, the Council does not feel that this handles the broad problem which is the urgent need of cities in re- establishing home rule, and does not clarify the subject of pre - emption. 3. Resolution No. 6253 authorizing the execution of an f Agreement regarding Costs of Emergency Beach Replenishment Project, providing payment by the County to the City of the sum of $67,155. 31, being the cost of said sand replenishment in the vicinity of 40th Street in Newport Beach, and reimbursement of said Motion x sum to the County as more particularly set forth in Roll Call: the Agreement, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x 4. A report dated December 10, 1965 was presented from Donald E. Elder, Chairman of the Council Insurance Committee, regarding comprehensive liability policy recommendations. The Insurance Consultant, Charles L. Robinson, was commended for his assistance. Resolution No. 6254 authorizing the purchase of a Motion x multiple liability insurance policy, and an Agreement Roll Call: through the broker, MacKay and Dicks, was adopted, Ayes x x x x x x including excess liability in the amount of $1, 000, 000. Abstaining CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 49: The City Clerk announced that this was the time and place fixed by the Council to consider the Clerk's written report of the bids received pursuant to Notice Inviting Bids for the Construction of Street Lighting Improvements and Appurtenances and Appurtenant Work in Assessment District No. 49 in said City as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 6213. The City Clerk stated that pursuant to the authority granted her by Resolution No/.. 6235 of this Cit , she M or ATTEST: \"\2 .9=LA'1 City Clerk Page 130 . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 131 3 1 a m r c n� N = d W O O 9 O Index liaram hPr 1'i. 1965 � � A �° � 0 • R-6255 Fire Dept lldq t rs CA -73 C -1005 R -6256 ughw Vandervort CdW Beach Park facill C -944 rev. 1t -6257 David Young CA -49 J did on December 8, 1965, publicly receive, open, I examine and declare three bids. Reference is hereby made to the bids on file with the City Clerk for the details as to the unit prices and kinds or classes of work to be done. The City Clerk presented a letter from Donald C. Simpson of Simpson & Stevlingson, Consulting Civil Engineers, dated December 8, 1965, attested to, as to the receipt of bids, by City Clerk Margery Schrouder, being a written report upon said bids so received and being the Engineer of Work's report on the checking and tabulation of the bids received as described in Resolution of Intention 6213. Said letter indicated that the bid of Paul Gardner Corporation, $53, 167. 00, is the lowest, regular bid received for said improvement, and that the Engineer of Work's estimate for this work was $64, 000. Resolution No. 6255, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, awarding a contract for the work described in Motion x Resolution of Intention No. 6213 of said City to Paul Roll Call: Gardner Corporation at the contract price of $53, 167, Ayes x x x x x x was adopted. Abstaining Attorney Jack Rimel spoke from the audience and confirmed the procedure taken. 2. A memorandum from the City Manager dated December 13, 1965, regarding receipt of one bid by the City Clerk on December 8, 1965, in connection with the addition to and alterations of the Fire Department Headquarters (Contract No. C- 1005), was presented. Resolution No. 6256 awarding a contract to Hughes & Motion x Vandervort at the contract price of $9, 840 (for the Roll Call: base bid plus added Items 1 and 3 ) , was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x 3. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works s Director dated December 13, 1965, regarding the Corona del Mar State and City Beach Park dressing and toilet facilites (Contract No. 944 (Revised)). A discus- sion was had as to an error in the Fred Beck Construc- tion Company bid. Resolution No. 6257 awarding a contract for the construction of the Corona del Mar State and City Motion Beach Park dressing and toilet facilities to David Roll Call: Young, Builder, Inc. , at the contract price of Ayes x x x x x $43, 350, was adopted. Noes x ayor ATTEST: C ty Clerk Page 131 Index December 13. 1965 I* Kitchell Curb Cut CA -30 Accept Imprvmts Resub 144 CA -129 Accept McFadden Place -Oce; Front Channeliz C -993 CA-114 Sever Main Replcmt 1965, 66 Bid Call C -1001 CA -32 Tent Map Tr 6113 CA -23 11 CITY OF NEWPORT 'BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 132 Y m 4. A letter dated November 10, 1965 from Laurence Mitchell requesting permission to increase the per- mitted thirty foot curb cut at 4621 Tremont Lane, Cameo Shores, to thirty -three feet, was presented with a memorandum from the Public Works Director Dated December 13, 1965, regarding subject request. I The application was approved. Motion x Ayes xxx xxx Abstaining x 5. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 13, 1965, recommending acceptance of the improvements in Resubdivision 144, St. Mark's Presbyterian Church property, Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive, and recommending authori- zation to the City Clerk to release the bond. The recommendations were authorized. Motion x Ayes x xxxx x Abstaining x 6. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 13, 1965, regarding acceptant n of McFadden Place - Ocean Front Channelization (C -993 and recommending acceptance of the work, authorization n to the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion, and authorization to the City Clerk to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been filed. The recommendations were authorized. Motion x Ayes xx xxx x Abstaining x 7. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 13, 1965, regarding plans and specifications for the Sewer Main Replacement Program of 1965 -66 (C- 1001). The plans and specifications were approved, and the Motion x City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be Ayes X X X X X X opened at 10:30 A.M. on January 5, 1966. Abstaining x 8. The Tentative Map for Tract No. 6113, being a pro- posed subdivision of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine's Subdivision consisting of 25 acres divided into seventy R -1 -B lots, located east of MacArthur Boulevard and north of Tract 2202 (Harbor View Hills), was presented with the findings of the Planning Commission, the recommendations of the Public Works Department, a yor ATTEST: City Clerk Page 132 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 133 s � j°i•Zro m oa`1 o v m m o o p Index December 13. 1965 • Sully- Miller excavation pie at Cie dump site CA -38 i R -6258 per diem wages - pu' Works C.A -127 • Traffic Signal mod Jamboree & Riverside CA -19 0 report from the Planning Director dated December 10, 1965, and a letter from The Irvine Company dated December 9, 1965. Richard A. Reese, Manager of Planning of The Irvine Company, spoke from the audience. The Tentative Map for Tract 6113 was approved as Motion x recommended by the Planning Commission and Public Ayes x x x x x x Works Department, with the addition to Item 13 in the Abstaining x Public Works Department report that access rights to Goldenrod Avenue from Lots 38 and 39 be dedicated. 9. A memorandum was presented from the City Attorney dated December 9, 1965, regarding a proposed agreement with Sully- Miller Contracting Company concerning a hazardous excavation pit located at the City dump site. The City Manager reported on exist- ing conditions. A motion was made by Councilman Elder to adopt the resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with Sully- Miller Contracting Company to stipulate a fence arrangement. Councilman Marshall offered a substitute motion, and Councilman Elder withdrew his previous motion. The matter was diaried for consideration at the Motion x meeting to be held December 27, for a more extensive Ayes x x x x x x report from the staff, and in the meantime Sully- Abstaining x Miller Contracting Company is to be requested to install the fence as promptly as practical. 10. Resolution No. 6258 ascertaining the general prevail- Motion x ing rate of per diem wages to be paid upon Public Roll Call: Works Projects,' was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx 11. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 13, 1965, regarding traffic signal modifications on Pacific Coast Highway between f. Jamboree Road and Riverside Drive, recommending authorization for City participation in the cost of the modifications and adoption of budget amendment appropriating Section 186. 1 Gas Tax Funds for the City's share of the work. Said recommendations of the Public Works Director Motion x were approved. Ayes X x x x x x % Abstaining x yor ATTEST: City Clerk Page 133 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 134 �Lm '�oN�cno(,e Index December 13. 1965 Accept imprvmnts Tr 4705 CA -23 8obele pub. add. permit CA -123 • l,ic . app l . CA -63 L J Harbor Permits CA -130 A- 1227 -R -1 Union Oil 12. A memorandum from the Public Works Director dated December 13, 1965, recommending acceptance of improvements in conjunction with Tract 4705, " Eastbluff- Newport, " Jamboree Road at Eastbluff Drive (south), was presented. The recommendations of the staff were authorized, Motion x and the City Clerk was authorized to release the Ayes x x x x x x x bond. 13. The request from Sam Bobele on behalf of the Balboa Island Business Men's Association for a permit to operate a public address system at the Balboa Island Music Store on Marine Avenue, for Christmas music, children's choir singing, between the hours of 5:00 to 91:00 P.M. from December 15 through December Motion x 23, 1965, was approved. Ayes x x x x x x x LICENSES: The following applications for license were approved: Motion x Ayes x x x x x (a) Exempt, Henry E. Lack, Jr. , Sponsor of E. Y. C Abstaining x x St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal Church, Marguerite and 5th, Corona del Mar, door to door solicitation selling mistletoe, December 18 (Saturday) and December 19 (Sunday), 10:00 A. M to 4:00 P.M. ; members will be working in teams money earned from the sale will be used two ways - one -half for Fiji Mission and one -half to help buy a tent for E. Y. C. campouts. (b) William C. Flanagan, Salesman, Servisoft of Orange Coast Corp. (Water Treatment Corp.), house to house solicitation; applicant will greet prospective customers and offer them a brochure concerning the service. APPLICATIONS FOR HARBOR PERMIT: 1. Application No. A- 1227 -R -1, of H. A. Platt for Union Oil Company of California to replace and shorten the deteriorated portion (approximately 740 sq. ft. ) of the existing fueling floats of the marine service station; reposition three existing guide piles; and eliminate the narrow open water space between the existing pier and floats; bayward of 504 South Bay Front, Balboa Island; Lots 3 and 4, Section One, Tract Balboa Island, was presented. A memorandum from the Public Works Director dated December 13, 1965 regarding sub'ect Pier Permit, MaKor ATTEST: o...cf —� City Clerk Page 134 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 135 A ✓ f G ( O n= O O O P Index December 13, 1965 O Y m m Z P P l a Z `I A -1394 Stoneman r1 U Recess Clns for Damages CA -g4 Kirk • WelOman Rlurock fc Sherman Foundatioe seq. aband of alley CA -14 0 was presented. A discussion was had. Mr. H. A. Platt spoke from the audience. The recommendations of the staff were approved and Motion x the Permit was granted subject to the prior approval Ayes x x x x x x x of the U. S. Corps of Engineers. 2. A letter from Donald R. Stoneman requesting per- mission to be heard at the Council meeting on this date regarding Harbor Permit No. A- 1394, which had been considered and acted upon by the Council on November 22, 1965, was presented. Donald R. Stoneman spoke from the audience requesting re- consideration of the restrictions imposed by the Council on November 22. He stated that it would be impossible for him to dock his 33 foot boat under the conditions stipulated. A discussion was had. It was stated that the Council had rendered a decision in this matter and the previous action of the Council was confirmed and reiterated, indicating again that Motion x if the float is not made to conform with the original Ayes x x x x x x permit, a public hearing for the purpose of consider- Noes x ing revocation of the permit will be held. RECESS for ten minutes was declared by Mayor Gruber. The Council reconvened with all members present. COMMUNICATIONS - REFERRALS: 1. The following claims for damages were denied, and the City Clerk's referral of the claims to the insurance Motion x carrier was confirmed: Ayes x x x x x x x (a) Claim of H. C. Kirk for damage to his car when it was allegedly struck by a garbage truck be- longing to the City of Newport Beach on November 12, 1965. (b) Claim of William W. Wellman, presented by the Pacific Indemnity Group of Long Beach, for damages to his vehicle on September 2 allegedly caused by a Newport Beach Police Department unit being negligently driven. r 2. A letter was presented from William E. Blurock 8c Associates dated December 9, 1965 in behalf of the M. H. Sherman Foundation, Mr. Arnold Haskell, t requesting the City to dedicate a new alley together with abandonment of existing alley, reserving to City easements for existing utilities, accompanied by drawing. The letter was referred to the staff for report and Motion x recommendation. Ayes x x x x x x x yor ATTEST: !'\ C tl Clerk 'Page 135 Index l7acember 13. 1965 F_ 1 LI It Shores Co.mn.Assoc re Santa Ana River Channel CA -70 Budget Amendments CA -102 • 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 136 COUNCILMEN s y in Z O� O A a 3. A letter dated December 6, 1965 was ordered filed Motion x from Robert N. Broxon, President, Newport Shores Ayes xxx xxx x Community Association, enclosing a copy of a re- solution adopted by its Board of Directors indicating a desire to be kept informed of all developments affecting the present waterway bounding the Newport Shores community. (The City Manager will contact the Association and explain the impossibility of keep- ing the Association directly informed. ) BUDGET AMENDMENTS: 1. The following Budget Amendment was approved: Motion x Ayes xx xxxx C -29, being a transfer of Budget Appropriations for Abstaining x two 175 watt Mercury Vapor Street Lights at the end of Channel Road as per Council's instructions at meeting of November 22, 1965; $1500 from Unappro- priated Contingency Reserve ( #1487) to Electrical, Land Improvements, Channel Road Street Lighting. 2. The following Budget Amendment was approved: Motion x Ayes x x x x C -30, being a transfer of Budget Appropriations for Noes x clear windows and glass door in City Clerk's office Abstaining x x at a cost of $259 and an additional $9 to complete total cost of contract($10, 768) which included change orders totaling $519; $268 from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve ( #1487) to City Hall, Structures, Remodel City Hall. 3. The following Budget Amendments were approved: Motion x Ayes xxx xxx C -31 in the amount of $11, 000 (decrease in Unappro- Abstaining x priated Surplus), being an increase in Budget Appropriations from Unappropriated Surplus State Gas Tax Fund to General Service - Traffic, Land Improvement, Traffic Signal Modifications, Pacific Coast Highway at Jamboree, Dover, Riverside, Tustin C -32, being a transfer of Budget Appropriations for funds to complete the remodeling of Fire Department Headquarters; $1000 from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Fire, Land Improvement, Remodel Fire Department Headquarters. C -33 in the amount of $3660 (net transfer from Un- appropriated Contingency Reserve) being a transfer of Budget Appropriations for additional funds needed to complete City Hall Annex and budget to proper accounts for maintenance and rental. M or A�TJTEST:ru �Jf� 1 - \ C�✓lQ t�� y `�W4r�- W ity Clerk Page 136 Hi Ho Wi 1W R- As Le Ra C_ CA Wa PM Co Ct Di CA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 137 Index Tlecemher 13. 1965 COUNCILMEN i pyw � c n o�1 o v m m �FAA��Z o 0 C -34, being a transfer of Budget Appropriations for an additional premium for the purchase of liability insurance coverage; $3,645.33 from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Non - departmental Insurance, as indicated. C -35 in the amount of $788 (decrease in Unappro- priated Surplus) being an increase in Budget Appropriations for additional premium for the pur- chase of liability insurance coverage; $788 from Unappropriated Surplus Water to Insurance: Com- prehensive Liability, Comprehensive Fleet Liability, Auto Material Damage. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. The following Minute Resolution was unanimously Motion x n.Res. adopted: Ayes x x x x x x x ay shss The City Council extends to all City officers, City -83 employees and their families its best wishes for a joyous holiday season. As this year closes, the City Council wishes to thank all City employees for their faithful and conscientious service during the past year and to commend them for the notable progress made. The City Council appreciates their constant efforts to improve our community and serve our residents well. We look forward to continuing progress and success in 1966. 6259 2. Resolution No. 6259 approving assignments of a Motion x ssehhoold leasehold estate by Deeds of Trust and authorizing Roll Call: Pes t. the execution of a consent to such assignments, was Ayes x x x x x x lub adopted, regarding Balboa Bay Club, Inc. lease. Abstaining x 519 -38 3. The staff was instructed to advise the Costa Mesa, Motion x ive County Water District that the City Council has Ayes x x x xx x is fm waived payment in the amount of approximately Abstaining x sta Mesa $19, 630. 50, under the terms of the City's contract y Water with the District to provide storage capacity rights St. -12 for the District in the Big Canyon Reservoir from December 1, 1965. ayor ATTEST: Ci y Clerk Page 137 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 138 s s. P rN f G n O Z f A A F y Index December .13, 1965 0 Gas funds Police Depl CA -39 Cnnsus Apr 1966 CA -98 R -6260 Jamboree R( 8eyfigpmen • CA -2! Martian & Chapman election supplies CA -76 C /man Cook to serve Tech Oil Cmte CA -60 C /man Eldei to Jt Harbi Cmte & Parsons alternate • CA -60 Marshall to Charter Amendmt Cmte CA -60 Parsons 2d member Dist 5 Or Cty San.Dist. ;. . t . 40. 4. The transfer of $400 from Police Department Account No. 2001 Salaries to Account No. 2090 Capital Outlay, Motion x for the purchase of four tables, two side arm chairs Ayes x x x x x x and six non -side arm chairs, was authorized. Abstaining 5. Consideration was given to authorization for population census by the State of California as of April, 1966. The recommendation of the staff that a population census be taken by the State at an estimated cost of $8300 was approved, and it was directed that the Motion x census be taken at a time the staff believes would be Ayes x x x x x x most advantageous to the City, probably as of April 1, Abstaining 1966. 6. Resolution No. 6260 requesting the County of Orange Motion x to include within the Arterial Highway Financing Roll Call: Program the development of Jamboree Road, was Ayes x x x x x x adopted. Abstaining 7. The recommendation of the City Clerk and the City Manager w as approved, and the City Clerk was Motion x authorized to employ the services of Martin and Ayes x x x x x x Chapman as election suppliers for the forthcoming Abstaining April, 1966 General Municipal Election. 8. Mayor Gruber nominated Councilman Cook to serve as a member of the Techical Oil Committee, replacing Councilman Stoddard resigned, and designated Councilman Cook as Chairman of the Committee. The Motion x appointments were confirmed. Ayes x x x x x x 9. Mayor Gruber nominated Councilman Elder to the i r permanent position on the Joint Harbor Committee to replace Councilman Stoddard resigned, and de- signated Councilman Parsons as an alternate, and proposed approval that either alternate may serve in the absence of either of the members. Said Motion x nominations and recommendations were approved. Ayes x x x x x x 10. Mayor Gruber nominated Councilman Marshall to serve on the Charter Amendment Committee to replace Councilman Stoddard resigned, and designated Councilman Parsons Chairman. Said appointments Motion x were approved. Ayes x x x x x x 11. Mayor Gruber nominated Councilman Parsons as the second member of District 5 of Orange County Motion x Sanitation Districts. Said appointment was approved. Ayes x x x x x x yor ATTEST: OA City Clerk Page 138 xl xi xl to 0 m Index December 13_ 1965 • CA -66 CA -70 0 CA -132 CA -55 CA -109 CA09 CA -70 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 139 COUNCILMEN s y N = O 011A oa mmoc+O COMMUNICATIONS - ADVISORY: The following communications were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes xx xxx xx 1. A letter from Richard Carpenter, Executive Director and General Counsel, League of California Cities, thanking City Clerk for copy of Councilman Parsons' report of the Assembly Committee meeting in San Diego October 28 -29, and discussing the hearing of the same Committee on November 22 when it consider- ed billboard and junkyard legislation in connection with the Highway Beautification Act. 2. A copy of memorandum from Orange County Flood Control District regarding its meeting of November 19 concerning Keys Marina which was sent to Mayor Gruber by H. G. Osborne, Chief Engineer. 3. Two letters from William O. Muff, D. D. S., regard- ing the proposed ordinance requiring fire proofing of all canvas or fabric boat covers, one letter dated November 19 and one letter dated November 29, 1965. 4. A letter from City of Fountain Valley enclosing copy of a letter sent to League of California Cities, Orange County Division, regarding the League's primary objective and operation. 5. Letters opposing the proposed dog control ordinance from the following: J. Clark Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ballif, Annabel Montgomery, Arthur Weissman B. Renard and W. E. Van Os, Mrs. Ernest Ballif, Mrs. S. M. and S. D. White, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Toombs, Mrs. Richard Henniger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander, Edwina M. Hoffman. 6. Letters in favor of a dog control ordinance from the following: Lewis N. Paul, Dorothy McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mitchell (telegram), Joseph R. Grothus, Earl L. and Mary T. Banta, Mrs. L. H. Meyer, Mrs. C. E. Washbon, Mrs. Barbara Silzle, L. H. Meyer, Mrs. Phebe Chaffin, Mrs. Dora Treater, Frank J. Tomezak, Sophia M. Mack, Charle Walker, H. R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wassall. 7. A copy of a letter to Lt. Governor Glenn M. Anderson, Chairman State Lands Commission, from Edgar F. Hirth, President Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, urging approval of the Upper Bay land exchange. Mayor ATTEST: Cit Clerk Page 139 Index December 13. 1965 s CA -69 CA -99 CA -53 CA -66 • CA-65 CA -69 CA -12 CA -180 CA6 CA -55 CA -53 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 140 s Y, �,yiomoo�� ovmmoc+ 8. A letter to Councilman Marshall and Council from F. Seasons enclosing an editorial and urging legis- lative action as a solution to the Coastal Freeway. 9. Minutes of Metropolitan Transportation Engineering Board Meeting held November 18, 1965. 10. Copies of the Agenda of Board of Supervisors meetings held November 23, 24, 30, December 1, 7 and 8, 1965. 11. (a) A letter to Mayor Gruber from Senator Schmitz acknowledging receipt of the resolution concerning the "Molotov Cocktail ". (b) A letter from the City of Long Beach expressing appreciation for Council's response in urging legislation regarding the "Molotov Cocktail ". (c) A reply from Governor Brown's office regarding the request of the City of Newport Beach for legisla- tion in connection with the "Molotov Cocktails ". 12. A letter from Mrs. John H. Trebler regarding the need for a larger library in Corona del Mar. 13. A notice from Robert T. Martin, Assistant Secretary, California Highway Commission, stating that the Commission will meet December 15, 1965, in the Public Works Building, 1120 "N" Street, Sacramento. 14. Minutes of meeting of Board of Directors, Orange County Water District held November 17, 1965. 15. A resolution of the City of Fountain Valley supporting those institutions and ideals in the United States which have been fought for and preserved at great cost. 16. Application for Alcoholic Beverage License, person to person transfer, retail package off -sale general, Safeway Stores, Incorporated, 1000 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, from AZXY Corporation, 12031 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove. 17. A letter from League of California Cities regarding General Assembly Resolutions adopted at the Annual League Conference in San Francisco, October 13, 1965 18. A notice from the City of Orange that December 24 and December 31 will be observed by the County of Orange, the Orange County Flood Control District and the Orange County Harbor District as a holiday. MjWor ATTEST: �l cvtct one, -City rlerk Page 140 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 141 s A 7N f C n C O Y T m O Index December 13 1965 CA -g9 CA -91 11 i • ADDITIONAL ITEMS: 1. Mayor Gruber stated that the Study Session regularly scheduled for December 20 will not be held. 2. Mayor Gruber was instructed to write a letter to the Motion x two people who had offered to serve the City of Ayes x x x x x xi Newport Beach as a member of the Council for the Seventh District and thank them for making themselves available. II The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P. M. Motion x Ayes xx xxx x yor ATTEST: `/ p Cit Clerk Page 141 XI xl