HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/22/1966 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 43 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: August 22, 1966 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. Index Place of Meeting: Council Chambers COUNCILMEN s oAz�a0 • Roll Call: Present x x x x x Absent x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 8, 1966 and the Adjourned Regular Meeting of August Motion x 15, 1966 was waived, and said Minutes were approved as Ayes x x x x x written and ordered filed. Absent x HEARINGS: lub bra 1. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing regarding °1175 Ordinance No. 1175, being, °1® AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 20. 02. Z8.5 OF CHAPTER 20. 02 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE DEFINI- TION OF "STORY," Planning Commission Amendment No. 221 which pro- poses to add the word "entirely" to clarify the defini- tion of the term "story ". The Acting Planning Director spoke from the audience. i The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes x x x x x Absent x With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor'> Gruber stated that the further reading of the Ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1175 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xxxx x • Absent x 'mb bra 2. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing regarding the ?"-"pmt to recommendations from the Planning Commission to insgcr stre t the City Council as contained in its Resolution No. 689 ' Eighrmy recommending the adoption of certain amendments to Ilan the Master Street and Highway Plan as shown on Planning Department map entitled Exhibit "A'.' amend- ments to Master Street and Highway Plan dated July 7, 1966. ayor ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Page 43 x Fn Index R -6/x26 DT. ssndo appeal CA-100 �a =1® • • 0 -1176 KI CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 44 August 22. 1966 COUNCILMEN T p p1C11 X K K K X X 93 Gordon Jones, representing The Irvine Company, spoke from the audience. The hearing was closed. Motion Ayes x x x Absent x Resolution No. 6426 adopting a revised Master Street Motion and Highway Plan, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes x x x x Absent x r 3. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing regarding the appeal of Dr. Andrew R. Sandor from the decision of the Planning Commission and the Building Department denying his request to add a second story to his home at 3431 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del. Mar (interpreted by the Building Department to be a third story and upheld by the Planning Commission). Letters from Everett D. Sadler and James E. Harring- ton and a petition signed by 15 homeowners were pre- sented in opposition to subject request. The Acting Planning Director; Leslie L. Penn, 367 North Newport Boulevard, representing Dr. Sandor, in favor of the request; James E. Harrington opposing the request, spoke from the audience. The hearing was closed. Motion Ayes xxxx Absent x The appeal was denied. Motion x Ayes X X Absent Mayor Gruber welcomed Robert Coop, former City Manage of Newport Beach, and Mrs. Coop, who were in the audience. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1176, being, May ATTEST: ,' Deputy City Clerk Page 44 I X K K K X X 93 Index Q_29 I-1 U 0 -1177 Q-10 • 0 -1178 0ATV 0A =7179 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 45 August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING SECTIONS 20. 02.115, 20. 02. 225, 20. 02. 235 AND 20. 08.290 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AND AMENDING SECTIONS 20. 08. 150, 20. 08. 270 AND 20. 08. 280 OF SAID CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF RIGHTS -OF -WAY FOR PROPOSED STREET WIDENINGS AND THE OPENING OFMAPPED STREETS, Planning Commission Amendment No. 217. A memorandum dated August 18, 1966 from the City Attorney was presented with the findings of the Plan- ning Commission. Ordinance No. 1176 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading on September 12, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes x x X Absent x 2. Ordinance No. 1177, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 9, Planning Commission Amendment No. 223 proposing to amend Districting Map No. 9 of Article IX of the Newport Beach Municipal Code in order to add the " -H" factor (off- street parking) to Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 219, Section A, Newport Beach Tract and a portion of Section 33, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, of the San Bernardino Meridian, located at 221, 223 and 225 - 19th Street, Newport Beach. Findings of the Planning Commission were presented. Ordinance No. 1177 was introduced and set for public Motion x hearing on September 12, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes x x Absent 3. Ordinance No. 1178, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF, AND ADDING CERTAIN SECTIONS TO,CHAPTE 5.44 OF TITLE 5 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS, Mayor ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Page 45 Index 4 • • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 46 August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN was presented with a memorandum from the City Attorney dated August 19, 1966. Councilman Marshall made a motion to introduce Motion x Ordinance No. 1178 and pass to second reading Septem- ber 12, 1966. Bryan Moore of Warner Bros. T. V. Services, Inc., spoke from the audience. A discussion was had. Jack Frost of Warner Bros. T. V. Services, Inc. spoke from the audience. Councilman Parsons made a motion to amend the Ordinance to show a term of 15 years and 3% of gross receipts,which motion was withdrawn. A vote was taken on Councilman Marshall's motion, Roll Call: and Ordinance No. 1178 was introduced and passed to Ayes x x x x second reading on September 12, 1966. Absent Motion was made by Councilman Parsons to authorize Motion I x the City staff to solicit for proposals for CATV franch- ises on the basis of 3% of gross receipts to the City, and on the basis of ten and fifteen year terms. Jack Frost of Warner Bros. T. V. Services, Inc. and Wayne Hauser, Operation Manager of the CATV Division of The Irvine Company, spoke from the audience. A vote was taken on Councilman Parsons' motion, whichAyes x x x motion carried. Absent Councilman Parsons made a motion that the staff be Motion x authorized to retain a CATV consultant, and that a list of proposed consultants be submitted to the various bidders to see if they have any objections. A discussion was had. Mayor ATTEST:: Deputy City Clerk Page 46 I n a i 1 Index 0 -1179 O.4 -107 • 0 -1180 Q-107 • 0 -1181 CA-18 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 47 Aiiaust 22. 1966 COUNCILMEN s q D Councilman Parsons restated his motion, removing the qualification that a list of proposed consultants be submitted to the various bidders, and a vote was taken on the motion that the staff be authorized to retain a Ayes x x x x CATV consultant, which motion carried. Absent x 4. Ordinance No. 1179, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING SECTION 3.08. 030 OF, AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 3. 08. 030 TO, THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TRANSFERRING PROPERTY TAX DUTIES TO THE COUNTY, was presented with a memorandum from the City Attorney dated August 19, 1966. Ordinance No. 1179 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading on September 12, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes xxx x Absent x 5: Ordinance No. 1180, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3. 08. 010 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIN TO AMOUNT OF TAX LEVY, was presented with a memorandum from the City Attorney dated August 19, 1966. Ordinance No. 1180 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading on September 12, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes xxx x Absent x 6. Ordinance No. 1181, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 12.24. 070 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT- ING TO PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS, Ma r ATTEST: 1 De' puty City Clerk Page 47 If "s\ f a 9 Index • Gill V. City C4=fl69 • R -6427 M -69 IFim lkps Tr 6228 6 Tr 6229 CA-233 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 48 Anonnt 2.2. 1QAA COUNCILMEN was presented with a memorandum from the Public m A1s v � o1°p� Works Department dated August 22, 1966. was presented with a memorandum from the Public Works Department dated August 22, 1966. Ordinance No. 1181 was introduced and passed to Motion second reading on September 12, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes x x x x Absent CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A memorandum dated August 1Z, 1966 was presented from the City Attorney reporting on the case of Gill v. City of Newport Beach, et al. The City Attorney was authorized to take any necessar Motion legal action against Lloyds of London to cover cost of Ayes x x x x attorney's fees expended by the City in defense of Absent said case. 2. Resolution No. 6427 requesting a public street cross- Motion x ing of the proposed Route 1 Freeway, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes x x;x x Absent CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. Final Maps for Tract 6228, a proposed subdivision of a portion of Blocks 93 and 96 of Irvine's Subdivision consisting of 43.36 acres divided into 105 lots located north of 5th Avenue and easterly of Marguerite extende (Harbor View Hills Area), and for Tract 6229, a pro- posed subdivision of a portion of Block 96 of Irvine's Subdivision consisting of 2.07 acres divided into 6 lots located north of 5th Avenue and easterly of Marguerite extended (Harbor View Hills Area), were presented with recommended setbacks, findings of the Planning Commission and recommendations from the Public Works Department. The Acting Planning Director spoke from the audience. The Final Maps for Tracts 6228 and 6229 were approve Motion x subject to the recommendations of the Planning Com- Ayes x x x x mission and the Public Works Department. Absent M or ATTEST: tea-{ Deputy City Clerk Page 48 I i x a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 49 Index August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN p O m m O 7 m O C f-1 Aa Resolution No. 6428 authorizing the execution of an Motion x agreement with Eastbluff- Newport, Inc. , subdivider, Roll Call: for the construction of improvements in Tract 6228, Ayes x x x x x. was adopted. Absent x R -6429 Resolution No. 6429 authorizing the execution of an Motion x agreement with Eastbluff- Newport, Inc., subdivider, Roll Call: for the construction of improvements in Tract 6229, Ayes x x x x was adopted. Absent x Kin Res A Minute Resolution authorizing an agreement with Motion x Uater COMER Eastbluff- Newport, Inc. for payment of water con- Roll Call: Oh88 nection charges, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x CA-12 Absent x Rcsvr F:Ln E@p 2. Revised Final Map for Tract 5878, being a proposed TT 5878 & subdivision of a portion of Block 52, Irvine's Sub - Us ern division consisting of 22.42 acres divided into 91 lots 10547 of a Planned Residential Development, located in the CAv23 Eastbluff area, was presented with the findings of the CA-15 Planning Commission and recommendations from the Public Works Department. The Acting Planning Director; Sam Barnes,represent- ing the applicant; Robert Bein, engineer for Mr. Holstein; and Robert Holstein, developer, spoke from the audience. A discussion was had. The revised Final Map for Tract 5878 and Use Permit 1054 F were approved subject to the recommendations Motion x of the Planning Commission and Public Works Depart- Ayes x x x x x ment,and the approval of the City Attorney. This Absent x approval covers the adoption of the following resolutio s: Resolution No. 6437 authorizing the execution of an R-103 7 agreement with The Bluffs, subdivider, for the con- struction of improvements in Tract No. 5878. a -6438 Resolution No. 6438 authorizing execution of an agree- ment with The Bluffs, subdivider, for the construction of street improvements for Vista Del Playa and Street "A" in Tract No. 5878, Ma or ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Page 49 i Index R =0039 E ncronchots rA°l53 Recess • Ids. Manst curb cut 01a° 30 Hill= Curb cut CA-30 • u.4,mds� II:nlca trgLes =:an bid _=ill °1063 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 50 August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN i ✓ � l A x -� Z Resolution No. 6439 approving a Notice of Addition of Territory for Tract 5878 under the Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions applicable to Tracts Nos. 5463, 5480 and others, and authorizing its execution on behalf of the City. I The Council expressed its concern over the time taken already to solve the problem of encroachments in Planned Residential Developments, and its regret if the Planning Commission did not understand previousl that the Council felt that this was ar_ urgent problem. The Planning Commission was instructed to proceed Motion x with all due diligence in resolving this matter, and Ayes x x x x to bring a recommendation to the Council at the next Absent x regular meeting. RECESS for ten minutes was declared by Mayor Gruber. Council reconvened with all members, except Councilman Cook, present. 3. A memorandum from the Public Works Director dated August 22, 1966 regarding request by Dr. Burt, owner for permission to cut curb and construct access road in Ocean Boulevard for Lots 13, 14 and 15, Tract 1257 (3601, 3611 and 3617 Ocean Boulevard), was presented Curb cut application and access road construction Motion x were approved with the condition that the plans be Ayes x x x x prepared by a licensed civil engineer and approved Absent x' by the Public Works Department. 4. A memorandum was presented dated August 22, 1966 I from the Public Works Director regarding request of Leroy Hillman, owner, for a 21 foot curb cut at 538 South Bay Front, Balboa Island (Lot 1, Block 15, Section 1). The curb cut application was approved. Motion x Ayes x x x x Absent x, d 5. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director, dated August 22, 1966 regarding construct- ion of the Harbor Island - Linda Isle 8 inch diameter submarine water main. M r ATTEST: Dep uty City Clerk Page 50 i xlx xlx Index • R -64+30 CA-22 8-6431 04L=22 • Harbor VLGU pressure red atm. CA-12 Pnc viou Nesorizl pnr1k saner comr, CA-32 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 51 August 22. 1966 COUNCILMEN The plans and specifications were approved, and the Motion x City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be Ayes x x x x x opened at 10:00 A. M., on September 20, 1966. Absent x 6. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Department dated August 22, 1966 regarding parking time limits on Agate Avenue. Resolution No. 6430 limiting parking of vehicles on Motion x Agate Avenue between Park Avenue and South Bay Roll Call: Front to three hours duration on Saturdays, Sundays Ayes x N x x and Holidays, was adopted. Absent x 7. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Department dated August 22, 1966 regarding West Coast Highway parking regulations. Resolution No. 6431 establishing temporary loading Motion x zones and parking prohibitions on portions of the south Roll Call: side of West Coast Highway, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x Absent x 8. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated August 22, 1966 regarding Pressure Reducing Stations in the Harbor View Hills area. City participation in the cost of constructing two Motion pressure reducing stations in the Harbor View Hills Ayes x x x area, in the total amount of $3, 700. 00, was approved. Absent x 9. A letter, dated August 18, 1966, was presented from John A. Vibert of Pacific View Memorial Park asking permission to connect to the City sewer system at an existing manhole located between Lincoln Junior High School and the Lutheran Church site on Pacific View Drive. The matter was referred to the staff with the recom- Motion x mendations made at the Study Session relative to the Ayes x x x x x City providing the requested services with the under- Absent x standing that annexation proceedings will be initiated on the administrative portion of the cemetery, approxi- mately 15 acres, within one year after the sewer service is in performance, and a requirement for annexation of the remaining portion within approxi- mately five years, with details to be worked out befor the next meeting. M or ATTEST- - D" eputy City Clerk Page 51 I x Index Storm drain comet 1966 -67 bid call 0 =976 Q -154 R-6432 Q -154 a -6433 0 =722 CA-179 • Tar. rate CA -101 CA-107 R-6434 Q-107 S Ale ®ff S ®.cosstt property re Charter ^a e38 Ll CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 52 August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN N Y c+ N is (n O 7 m 10. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated August 22, 1966 regarding the storm drain construction of 1966 -67 (C -976). The plans and specifications were approved, and the Motion x City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be Ayes x x x x opened at 10 :30 A. M. on September 20, 1966. Absent x 11. Resolution No. 6432 accepting a Grant of Easement Motion x from Leon Green, Jr., and Eleanor B. Green for Roll Call: construction, maintenance and repair of a storm drain Ayes x x x x and appurtenances in Tract No. 1116, Lot 111, was Absent x adopted. 12. Resolution No. 6433 authorizing the execution of an Motion x extension pursuant to amended license agreement with Roll Call: Success Broadcasting Company, extending the term of Ayes x x x x the license agreement to November 30, 1971, as appro- Absent x ved by the City Council on August 8, 1966, was adopted. 13. A memorandum from the City Manager dated August Motion x 19, 1966 regarding 1966 -67 Budget balance was Ayes x x x x presented and ordered filed. Absent x The tax rate of the City of Newport Beach was raised Motion x by one cent. Ayes x x x Noes x Absent x Resolution No. 6434 fixing the tax rate and levying a Motion x tax upon all of the taxable property within the City Roll Call: of Newport Beach which is taxable therein for munici- Ayes x x x pal purposes for fiscal year 1966 -67 and levying a Noes x special assessment tax upon the taxable property. Absent x located within Assessment District No. 50 (Balboa Island Street Lighting District), was adopted. 14. A memorandum was presented from the City Attorney dated August 17, 1966 giving a progress report on the sale of the South Coast property to Anthony- Pools, Inc. and recommending a special municipal election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors a pro- posed Charter amendment which would authorize the City Council to sell and convey a small parcel of City -owned waterfront property free of the restriction on the sale of such property as set forth in Section 1402 of the Charter, and would request the Board of Ma or ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Page 52 M r \\ Z x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 53 Index August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN s 'O 9 t1 P Z r T isSupervisors of Orange County to consolidate said special municipal election with the statewide general election to be held on November 8, 1966. : -6435 Resolution No. 6435 calling a Special Municipal Motion Election to be held in said City on the 8th day of Roll Call: A °76 November, 1966, for the purpose of submitting to the Ayes x x x x qualified electors of the City a proposed Charter amen Absent x ment to add Section 1402 (e) to the City Charter, and requesting the Board of Supervisors of Orange County to consolidate said Special Municipal Election with the statewide General Election to be held on said date and to canvass the returns thereon, was adopted. COMMUNICATIONS - REFERRALS: 1. A letter dated August 8, 1966 from Robert J. Ball, is 235 Iris Avenue, Corona del Mar to Councilman ,s Shelton asking that the City construct a bikeway for 4-49 safe and pleasant bicycle riding, was presented. The letter was referred to the City Manager for Motion i discussion with the departments concerned. Ayes x x x x Absent x ,velon 2. A letter from the City of Avalon, dated August 16, 1srbar 1966 asking the Council to express formally to the Motion x Small Craft Harbor Commission its support and Ayes x x x x a-70 interest in Avalon's harbor plan, was ordered filed. Absent x :1M fart 3. The claim of Margaret S. Reynolds for bodily injury logs sustained on June 25, 1966 when she fell on Balboa Island south of Onyx Street on Balboa Avenue, allege- dly due to a defective condition in the sidewalk, was presented. • The claim was denied and the City Clerk's referral Motion x of the matter to the insurance carriers was confirmed. Ayes x x x x Absent x ACT ra 4. A letter from Cameron W. Watt dated August 16, 1966 piles enclosing a letter written to the Board of Directors, *rZAt Lido Isle Community Association, regarding a decisio of the City Council at Public Hearing August 24, 1964 _ =fl3® instructing the Watts to complete transfer of Pier Permit No. A -1168 and ordering them to remove the Motion x float until such time as there is a structure on the Ayes x x x x property, was referred to the staff for investigation. Absent i M or ATTEST: Deputy City Cler F °se 53 s Z Cu KI: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 54 Index August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN s S Y p Y N T m o v m o • Budget BUDGET AMENDMENTS: Aoslmdmmts The following Budget Amendments were approved: Motion 0A -1103 Ayes x x x x Absent x 1. C -5, being a return to Surplus of $18,444.44, princi- pal (Third installment) on sale of Parcel H (2807 Newport Boulevard) under Resolution No. 5969, from Surplus appropriated for Notes Receivable, and increa e in Revenue Estimates of $2, 295. 14 (interest), increas in Unappropriated Surplus and Capital Improvement Fund. 2. C -6, being an increase in Budget Appropriations; transfer of $3, 700. 00 from Unappropriated Surplus to Budget Appropriations; City share of cost of • construction of pressure reducing stations in Harbor View Hills area. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: R -6436 1. Resolution No. 6436 expressing the support of the Motion x Upper Bay City Council for the proposed land exchange in Upper Roll Call: Lmd arch Newport Bay, was adopted. Ayes x x x x Absent x =70 querterlly 2. The Quarterly Activity Report is to be discontinued, Motion x acttvityr and in its place an Annual Report is to be prepared, Ayes x x x x a report probably on a calendar year basis and tailored more Absent x to commentary and highlighting key things that took M -07 place during the year. • COMMUNICATIONS - ADVISORY: al o_49 i. A letter signed by nine members of "The Breakers C&=37 Drive Association," protesting the refuse bin in the northeasterly corner, and five lights at the new Motion x rest room at Corona del Mar State Beach, was Ayes x x x x referred to the City Manager for answer. Absent x MayqV ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Page 54 i Index CGS -54 Chi -36 • C -680 CA-63 CA -95 tz =153 -se�3 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 55 A"",.+ 22 1 QAA COUNCILMEN i O p O 2. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion Ayes x x x x (a) A letter from the City of Buena Park enclosing a Absent x copy of a resolution of that city recommending and urging the Orange County Board of Supervisors to submit the Orange County Flood Control District bond issue to the vote of the people at the earliest possible date. (b) Public Utilities Commission: (1) Application of Greyhound Lines, Inc., Wester Greyhound Division, for an order authorizing a Statewide increase in intrastate passenger fares including fares in the Peninsula, Contra Costa and Marin services. (2) Order in Case No. 8496 instituting investigation for the purpose of establishing a list for the year of 1967 of railroad grade crossings of city streets or county roads most urgently in need of separation, or existing separations in need of alteration or reconstruction as contem i plated by Section 189 of the Streets and Highway Code. (c) Excerpt of Minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting of July 26 indicating approval of the agreement with the City regarding soil tests and material control tests. (d) A letter from Mrs. Eric A. Egge, 425 Belvue Lane, Balboa supporting the licensing of surf- boards and commending the Council on the enforce ment of the litter law. (e) The Agenda for Board of Supervisors meetings held August 9, 10, 16 and 17, 1966. (f) A letter from Mrs. Robert B. Powell, 916 West Ocean Front, protesting the appearnace of gas stations, some of the multi -unit apartment com- plexes, and traffic. (g) A letter from the Newport Harbor Convalescent Home commending the Fire Department for their quick response, hard work and friendliness when they were called m August 5 due to a plumbing malfunction which caused one entire patient wing to be flooded. May ATTEST: D" eputy City Clerk/7 Page 55 Index August 22, 1966 Cm CA -12 Q -108 r 1 L • CA-106 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 56 COUNCILMEN O C 3. A notice from the Coastal Municipal Water District advising all members that the Board of Directors of Coastal Municipal Water District will consider securing further operation of Coastal Municipal Water District and requesting an expression of wishes of such an engineering study in writing for consideration at the next board meeting to be held on September 8, 1966, Motion was diaried to the Adjourned meeting on August Ayes x x;x x x 30, 1966. Absent x 4. The following items from the Local Agency Formation Motion x Commission were ordered filed: Ayes x x x x x Absent x (a) A notice of hearing September 14, 1966 at 2:00 P. M. regarding proposed annexation to the City of Newport Beach designated as Annexation No. 58, located northwest corner of Hospital Road and Placentia Avenue. (b) A notice of hearing September 14, 1966, at 2:00 P. M. regarding proposed annexation to the City of Costa Mesa designated as Sunflower No. 3 Annexation, located between Bear Street and Orange County Flood Control Channel, annexation to a line 12 feet north of center line of Sunflower. (c) A notice of hearing September 14, 1966 at 2:00 P. M. regarding proposed annexation to the City of Santa Ana designated as Sunflower No. 1 Annexa tion, Located between Bear Street and Orange County Flood Control Channel, and lying north of a line 12 feet north of center line of Sunflower. 5. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion Ayes x x x x x Absent x (a) An invitation from the City of Costa Mesa and Costa Mesa Historical Society to attend the official dedication of the Estancia Adobe, corner of Mesa Verde Drive West and Adams Street, Sunday, August 28, 1966, at 2:00 P.M. Mafer ATTEST: a Deputy City Clerk Page 56 x x Index • CA-70 • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 57 August 22, 1966 COUNCILMEN (b) A notice from the State Lands Commission that C O f N Z G fi O � O (b) A notice from the State Lands Commission that the meeting of the Commission on August 25, 1966, previously scheduled for Sacramento, will be held at 10:00 A. M. in Room 1138 Junipero Serra Building, 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :20 P. M. to 7:30 P. M., Motion x August 30, 1966. Ayes x X X x x x Absent x yffr ATTEST: - �� L� Deputy City Clerk Page 57 i