HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/27/1966 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 157 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: December 27, 1966 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. Index playa of Maatina• Cnr,ncil Chamhars .4 Mrs re R -6469 Vacata+ Por OCc Front CA-14 R °6484 CA -38 R-6485 Hrg we baba tea® proses Cry °bb COUNCILMEN 3 p Y P z a o p m m oym C, N ( p Z Roll Call: Present X x x x x' Absent x x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x December 12, 1966 was waived, and said Minutes were Ayes X x x x x approved as written and ordered filed. Absent x x HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Pro Tern Marshall opened the public hearing in accordance with Resolution No. 6469, being a Resolu- tion of Intention of the City Council of the City of D� Newport Beach declaring its intention to order the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Ocean Front. No one desired to be heard. The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes x X X Absent x x With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Pro Tern Marshall stated that the further reading of the resolution was waived. Resolution No. 6484, ordering the vacation, closing up Motion x and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known Roll Call: as Ocean Front, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x Resolution No. 6485, accepting a Grant Deed from Motion x Juanita Denni, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes X X X Absent x x �d 2. Mayor Pro Tem Marshall opened the public hearing for protests to the 1965 -66 Weed Abatement Program f (Autumn 1966), under the provisions of Resolution is No. 6420, and the Council considered the Report of the Superintendent of Streets dated December 8, 1966, copy of which had been posted for more than three days on the bulletin board of City Hall. The above - mentioned report from the Superintendent of Streets on the cost of weed abatement in certain localities in the City, in accordance with Resolution No. 6420 and Chapter 10.48 of the Municipal Code, with attached assessment list, was presented with a memorandum from the Public Works Director dated December 27, 1966. No one desired to be °heard. The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes x x x x x ATTEST: Absent x x i Mayor ro mpore Page e A tink City Clerk Index December 27, 1966 0 -1199 • CA_ 10 0 -1200 CA-20 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 158 Resolution No. 6486, confirming report of the Street Superintendent on the abatement of weeds and other nuisances and requesting the addition to the tax roll of the City's assessments for such abatement and the collection thereof by the County Tax Collector, was adopted. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Emergency Ordinance No. 1199, being, AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH EXTENDING THE EXPIRATIO] DATE OF CERTAIN INTERIM ZONING REGULA- TIONS PROHIBITING OUTDOOR RESTAURANTS AND DRIVE IN OR TAKE OUT RESTAURANTS IN COMMERCIAL ZONES AS PROVIDED IN ORDINANCE NO. 1174, was presented for introduction and adoption with a memorandum from the City Attorney dated December 20, 1966. The reading of the ordinance in full was waived by unanimous vote. Councilman Shelton made a motion to adopt Emergency Ordinance No. 1199 extending the expiration date of the moratorium, as set forth in Ordinance No. 1174, to April 24, 1967. Mr.. Dick Pomeroy, representing Jack -in- the -Box, Inc. spoke from the audience and read a letter from Thomas Carver of Trippet, Yoakum & Ballantyne Law Offices requesting extension period of the emergency ordinance be for 30 days only. A vote was taken on Councilman Shelton's motion, and Emergency Ordinance No. 1199 was adopted. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 1200, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 12. 12. 040 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 12.44. 030 OF SAID CODE RELATING TO PARKING METERS ON CITY HALL PROPERTY, ATTEST: Acting City Clerk f` 1 11 � — a _ I _ Page 158 Motion Roll Call: Ayes Absent Motion Aye s Absent Motion Roll Call: Ayes Absent x x Ix Ix x X Index IJ 0 °1191 • 0 -1198 • CA-179 December 27 1966 Le 1. E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 159 i P Z f�A Fc�2 N was presented with a memorandum from the City Attorney dated December 21, 1966. Ordinance No. 1200 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading on January 9, 1967. Roll Call: Ayes x x x x Absent x x RDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Revised Ordinance No. 1191, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTIONS 10.28.040 AND 10.28.050 TO CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE NEWPOR BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO NOISE ARISING FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, was presented for second reading. With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor I Pro Tem Marshall stated that the further reading of the ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1191 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xxx x Absent x x Ordinance No. 1198, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS. 5.44. 130, 5.44. 150, AND 5.44. 173 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS, was presented for second reading. With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Pro Tem Marshall stated that the further reading of the ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1198 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x X x, Absent x x 00 All. �IIJ�Q ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tempore c Acting City C rk Page 159 I N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 160 Index 27 10l.f, 3 c N ZG C� AC K X -096 3. Ordinance No. 1196, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GRANTING TO COMMUNITY CABLEVISIO COMPANY A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM WITHIN SAID CITY, was presented for second reading. A-179 With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Pro Tern Marshall stated that the further reading of the ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1196 was adopted. Motion Roll Call: Ayes x x x • Absent x °1197 4. Ordinance No. 1197, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GRANTING TO WARNER BROS. TV SERVICES, INC. A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM WITHIN SAID CITY, was presented for second reading. A-179 With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Pro Tern Marshall stated that the further reading of the ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1197 was adopted. Motion de Roll Call: Ayes xxx Absent x CONTINUED BUSINESS: ATV 1. A memorandum was presented from the City Attorney dated December 21, 1966 regarding Community Antenna Television Systems documents. . -6487 Resolution No. 6487, approving the proposed rates Motion and charges to subscribers of Community Cablevision Roll Call: °179 Company, was adopted. Ayes x x x Absent x I ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tempore C Acting City Cl, •k Page 160 I K X Index December 27, 1966 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 161 A discussion was had regarding the rates and charges to subscribers of Warner Bros. TV Services, Inc. , a because of pending hearings of the F. C. C. and the telephone companies, rates could not be established until after.the hearings. A resolution approving the proposed rates and charges I Motion to subscribers of Warner Bros. TV Services, Inc. Ayes was tabled without prejudice. Absent R °6488 Resolution No. 6488, declaring intention to hold a public hearing for the purpose of considering the adoption of certain rules and regulations governing the operation of Community Antenna TV Systems within the City and setting the public hearing for January 9, 1967, was adopted. 2... A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Chq M of Director dated December 20, 1966 regarding the claim City for extra work of the contractor, R. C. Rodriquez consts Co dba City Construction Company, in connection with the re C °b®® 1965 -66 Sewer Replacement Program Contract (C- 1001). COUNCILMEN Motion Roll Call: Ayes Absent Subject claim of R. C. Rodriquez dba City Construction CA -84 Company was denied, and the City Attorney was Motion authorized to defend the City against any legal action Ayes in connection with subject claim. Absent Re6489 3. Resolution No. 6489, accepting a Grant Deed from The Motion Tr 3357 Irvine Company, Sunny Homes, Inc. and various other Roll Call: CA°23 lessees, by which Lots B and C of Tract No. 3357 Ayes CA -38 are granted to the City, was adopted. Absent CURRENT BUSINESS: 4 1. The matter of the Harbor Area Baseball Program mar are4 Policy Agreement between the City of Costa Mesa, the Baseball City of Newport Beach, and the Harbor Area Boys' Arot IEaoll Club, was considered. grm C °1089 The City Manager was authorized to enter into a new Motion agreement for the Harbor Area Baseball Program. Ayes CA -49 Absent ATTEST: lAayor Pro Tempore Acting City Page 161 A X PA 0 x x x x x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 162 Index December 27, 1966 COUNCILMEN U Y Pig U rr A ANdom 2. A request from the City Manager to accept and display a Freedom Shrine to be donated by the Exchange Club Shrine of Newport Harbor was considered. CA-178 The City Manger was authorized to accept subject Motion x display and use to the best advantage for the City. Ayes x x x Absent Exp acct 3. The following expense accounts were approved: Motion Ayes x x x Absent (a) Councilman Cook's expense account for attend- ance at the California League of Cities Conference in San Diego from October 16 to October 19, 1966. (b) Mayor Gruber's expense account for attendance CA-87 at the National League of Cities Annual Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada from December 4 to 0 December 7, 1966. Imp Bsy- 4. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works side Dr. Director dated December 27, 1966 regarding the IPCH $o receipt of five bids by the Acting City Clerk on Aloha Dr December 19, 1966 in connection with the improvement C -1064 of Bayside Drive from Pacific Coast Highway to R- ,6490 Aloha Drive (C- 1064). E.L. White Co Resolution No. 6490, awarding contract for subject Motion x work to E. L. White Company at the contract price Roll Call: CA-29 of $41, 089. 09, was adopted. Ayes x x x Absent x Imp of 5. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Jamboree Director dated December 27, 1966 regarding contract Ford to Palisades for engineering services for the improvement of Jamboree Road from Ford Road to Palisades Road. A91 Resolution No. 6491, authorizing the execution of a Boyle contract for engineering services with Boyle Engineer- Motion Eng ing in connection with the improvement of Jamboree Roll Call: Road from Ford Road to Palisades Road, was Ayes x x x CA-29 adopted. Absent x CA -127 anon, it ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tempore cting City-Cleo( ap Page 162 x x x Index water t2ratff �e uStin/ lUnb to Pilisadc R -6492 Jammees lei Mont- gomery CA-12 CA-127 December 27. 1966 Corp Yfa rr, P�kg bldg C -1067 CA-22 CA-38 P±kg AP e PCH- 8 re to Baiyside R -6493 CA -22 S ldevva 1 9 cons t= 38th park 1 R -094 Coates, Herr furrt England C °1088 CA -46 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 163 COUNCILMEN s o v N A o m m o ymno Arm G1 Z A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 27, 1966 regarding the Upper Bay water transmission main in Tustin Avenue from northerly of University Drive to Palisades Road. Resolution No. 6492, authorizing the execution of a Motion x contract for engineering services with James M. Roll Call: Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., was Ayes x x x x x adopted. Absent x x A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 27, 1966 regarding the Corporation Yard parking building (C- 1068). Subject plans and specifications were approved and the Motion x City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be Ayes x x x x x opened at 10:00 A.M. on January 12, 1967. Absent x x A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Department dated December 27, 1966 regarding Coast Highway parking regulations and recommending no parking at any time along the southerly side of Pacific Coast Highway between Dover Drive and Bayside Drive. Resolution No. 6493, establishing a no- parking area Motion x on a portion of Pacific Coast Highway, was adopted. Roll Call: Ayes x x x Absent x x A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Department dated December 27, 1966 regarding sidewalk construction at 38th Street Park. The sum of $80 was authorized to be appropriated to Motion x Account No. 10- 7797 -043 from the Park and Recreation Ayes x x x x x Fund. Absent x x ). Resolution No. 6494, authorizing the execution of a contract with Coates, Herfurth and England, Consulting Actuaries, to perform services required by Section 20127 of the State Employees' Retirement Motion x Law for the purpose of determining the rate of the Roll Call: City's contributions under its contract with the State Ayes x x x x x Employees' Retirement System, was adopted. Absent x x Mayor Pro Tempore .ATTEST: Acting City le Page 163 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 164 Index December 27, 1966 COUNCILMEN V 11. A memorandum was presented from the City Attorney sa IQ of dated December 21, 1966 regarding sale of South South Coast property to Anthony Pools, Inc. Coal sg Prop to Anthony A resolution finding certain City -owned water front Pools, not. suitable for use as a public beach or park and a Inc. resolution authorizing the execution of a Grant Deed to Anthony Pools, Inc. were presented. CA-38 Mayor Pro Tem Marshall stated that it would require six affirmative votes of the City Council to adopt the first - mentioned resolution. The matter was diaried for January 9, 1967. Motion Ayes Absent Csrderner 12. A memorandum was presented from the City Manager • dated December 23, 1966 relative to reclassification Reollass, of one Groundsman Gardener to one Senior Groundsman Gardener. CA-45 The Table of Authorization was amended to add one Motion Senior Groundsman Gardener.and to-delete one Ayes Groundsman Gardener, effective December 31, 1966. Absent APPLICATIONS FOR HARBOR PERMIT: larb 1. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works PC= Director dated December 27, 1966 regarding Harbor Vallely Permit Application No. A -1484 of Roland F. Vallely to maintain an existing pier and floats bayward of A-1484 Lots 5 and 6, Block 9, Section One, Balboa Island (508 and 510 South Bay Front). CA-130 Harbor Permit Application No. 1484 was approved, Motion and the harbor permit application fees were waived Ayes • as recommended by the Public Works Director. Absent COMMUNICATIONS - REFERRAL: Refund 1. A letter dated December 19, 1966 from the California to Calif Bench Company requesting a refund of the unused Bench Co portion of its City license for outdoor advertising lic gees benches on private property was presented. The staff was authorized to refund unused portion of Motion CA =63 license fee from November 20, 1966 to June 30, 1967 Ayes to the California Bench Company. Absent ATTEST: 1 7�Y<O QaR,aV 1 �1�iC((i1Ii1 Mayor Pro Tempore city Clery Page 164 COUNCILMEN V F, Cs Ar. Cc HC CG Lc Sit lik tci S] C1 C� Cl a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 165 InA.W December 27. 1966 K x x ggg 2. A letter addressed to Mayor Gruber, from the State gS of California Arts Commission, requesting permission mm. Ate to use a touring Art Mobile in the City during the bile fiscal year 1967 -68 was considered. The request of the California Arts Commission was approved and the matter was referred to the staff to Motion -35 work out details of locations consistent with the Ayes x x x public interests in the City of Newport Beach. Absent x x gis 3. A letter dated December 7, 1966 from Frank Lanterma i, dy re Member of Assembly, Forty- Seventh District, quisi- California Legislature, with request for City to fill ®n St out attached questionnaire in connection with the traffif Assembly Ways and Means Subcommittee on Procure - .gns egg ments and Contracts' study of local agency practices Motion =6� in the acquisition of street and traffic signs, was Ayes x x x referred to the City Manager for reply. Absent x x .MS dmg 4. The City Clerk's referral of the following claims for damages (a, o, d, and e.) to the insurance carrier was Motion x confirmed, and the City Attorney was authorized to Ayes x x x defend the City in the matter of claim (b): Absent x x (a) Summons and Complaint of Anita Ward, Case �e169 No. 7781 in Municipal Court of Newport Beach Judicial District, for damage to the Ward automobile on May 8, 1966 on Highway 101 and Jamboree Road, allegedly caused when the Ward car was struck by a City police car. (c). Claim of Daniel S. Hayes alleging financial I-84 damage suffered as a result of news release by the Newport Beach Police Department following his arrest on or about September 27, 1966. (d) Claim of James M. Zeiger alleging damage to his parked car caused by storm drain backing up on November 7, 1966. (e) Claim of Arlene Folsom on behalf of William A. Folsom, minor, alleging damages caused to a surfboard by a `sand moving truck on November 1, 1966. ATTEST: Maf6r Pro Tempore Acting City er z Page 165 I K x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 166 Index December 27, 1966 COUNCILMEN s • (b) Summons and Complaint of Patrick M. Ryan, dba Orange County Research Bureau, plaintiff, C���b� vs. Richard Baugh, Chief of Police of the City of Brea, the City of Brea; B. James Glavas, Chief of Police of the City of Newport Beach; the City of Newport Beach, et al, Case No. 150819 in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Orange; alleging great and irreparable injury to plaintiff in that defendants have threatened to continue forcing plaintiff to pay for copies of motor vehicle accident reports instead of permitting plaintiff to inspect and make copies of the report as is his right under the laws of the State of California. Problems 5. A letter from R. J. Garnaus, President of the Bay re Or Co Area Citizens' Council, dated December 21, 1966 requesting Council consideration of problems Aort connected with the increasing use of the Orange County Airport, was presented. Councilman Forgit made a motion to refer subject Motion N letter to the staff. Jack Garnaus, Oscar Bean and Milan Dostal spoke from the audience and requested the Council to establish effective noise abatement procedures and flight pattern procedures in the air above the City. Councilman Forgit amended his motion, and the City Manager was directed to report facts to the Council Ayes x x x N pertaining to the three points raised in subject letter; Absent x x the staff was authorized to represent the City at any CA -64 hearings of the Public Utilities Commission regarding proposed use of the Orange County Airport for flights t San Francisco and /or Sacramento and to offer • Newport Beach facilities for such hearings; and it was directed that the Mayor write a letter to the Orang County Board of Supervisors expressing interest and concern regarding possible expansion of the use of the Orange County Airport and requesting to be advised of any future developments. !�ilOOan, 1lA ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tempore TX.. '._.s -�� City 'Clery Page 166 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 167 Index December 27, 1966 COUNCILMEN a ya .nm 0 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: pr®pgy 1. The City Council endorsed in principle the proposal X04 for the City to lease from the State certain property Riveraidc at 204 Riverside Avenue and subsequently make subject Ave. property available to the Harbor Power Squadron under CA-79 conditions to be stated, and the staff was directed to Motion prepare the necessary agreements and to bring them Ayes x x x x to the Council for final action. Absent x x Flag Z. The staff was authorized to purchase twelve 5' x 7 -1/2' parchEse nylon flags and one hundred 3' x 5' flags from the Motion x Pacific Athletic Company at a cost of approximately Ayes X x x X3 CA -143 $1500. Absent x x Year end 3. The following Minute Resolution was adopted: Motion 3 Res, Ayes x x x x$ Absent x x • As the year 1966 draws to a close it is fitting to reflect on the developments of the past year and to give credit for progress made. The City Council is pleased to recognize that during 1966 substantial accomplishments have occurred in all City operations and programs. There have been major gains in the fields of CA-83 public works, planning, public safety, sanitation, beautification, administrative efficiency and other activities. In addition, groundwork has been laid for moving forward systematically to solve old problems and meet new opportunities. Recognizing that these gains are the product of cooperative action, the Council wishes to express special appreciation to the City Manager, the City Attorney, the City Clerk's Office, all Department Heads, members of Boards and Commissions and all employees for their initiative, their diligence, their patience, and their invaluable assistance to citizens, community groups, and the Council. Most of all, we appreciate their demonstrated personal interest in advancing good government for Newport Beach. 1966 was a year of solid progress. The Council is confident that 1967 will be another such year and extends its thanks and best wishes to all members of the City family. ATTEST: Mayor Pro empore ng City Cle k Page 167 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 168 Index December 27, 1966 COUNCILMEN s V Y C 9 N )rn gu 4. The staff was directed to make any emergency repairs ¢� needed to preserve the bottom control structure in 1amoo the gully between Shore Cliffs and Cameo Shores, and Mores to see if a cooperative plan can be developed for Motion x controlling the storm waters.in the vicinity of and Ayes x x x x :A =1154 downstream from the City -owned Sewer Pump Station. Absent x x BUDGET AMENDMENTS: % udget 1. The following budget amendments were approved: Motion x k mandmt z Ayes x x x x Absent x x C -30, $80, being a decrease in Unappropriated Surplus and an increase in Budget Appropriations from Park 8c ,A -102 Recreation to Park & Recreation, Land Improvements, 38th Street Park Sidewalk, for additional funds for construction of concrete sidewalk in 38th Street Park. • C -31, $8,900, being a decrease in Unappropriated Surplus and an increase in Budget Appropriations, State Gas Tax, and $21, 000, being an increase in Estimated Revenue, Capital Improvement Fund, Donations and Contributions; $29, 900 for the widening of Bayside - Pacific Coast Highway to Aloha and contribution by The Irvine Company toward the project. C -32, $1500, transfer to Budget Appropriations from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Non- Depart- mental, Special Departmental Supplies for purchase of 112 City flags. COMMUNICATIONS - ADVISORY: The following communications were ordered filed: Motion Ayes x x x x: Absent x 1. A statement of all votes cast in the General Election -076 held November 8, 1966 in the County of Orange, State of California, from the County Clerk. 2. A letter dated December 12, 1966 from Attorney CA-169 Donald D. Harwood congratulating the Council upon its decision to leave the matter of prosecution of misdemeanor cases in the hands of the District Attorne and his staff. ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tempore 9 Acting City CltXk Page 168 I Index December 27, 1966 049 V4WA CA -69 CA -69 CA -53 • CA -179 WMIEW CA -33 CA -7® CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volue 20 - Page 169 3. A letter dated December 14, 1966 from Robert G. Flyte and sixteen signatures of Southern Oregon Colleg students proposing a repeal of the City's surfboard law. 4. A letter dated December 14, 1966 from the Fontana Chamber of Commerce inviting the Council to be its guest at the Annual Steeler Bowl in Fontana, Midget Pop Warner Football Team, on December 28, 1966. 5. A notice of California Highway Commission meeting to be held January 18, 1967 in Sacramento. 6. A notice of the California Street and Highway Conference at the University of Southern California to be held February 2 -4, 1967. 7. Agenda from Board of Supervisors' meetings held December 12 and 20, 1966. 8. The December 1966 issue of the Orange County Press Club Reporter and an announcement of the club's traditional Christmas meeting on December 22, 1966. 9. A resolution of the Board of Supervisors approving the Plans and Specifications submitted December 13, 1966 for the construction of the Newport Arches Marina Building "A" on the County Dock property. 10. College of Medicine at the University of California- Irvine: (a) A resolution of the City of Fountain Valley supporting the establishment of a College of Medicine at the University of California- Irvine. (b) A resolution of the City of Brea supporting the establishment of a College of Medicine at the University of California- Irvine. 11. A letter from Alton E. Allen, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, responding to Mayor Gruber's letter regarding the recent report on the Orange County Harbor District. O. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Motion x Ayes x x x Absent x x ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tempore Acting City C er z Page 169 I