HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/1969 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN ROLL CALL \''rP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P. M. Date: August 25, 1969 MINUTES INDEX Dr Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. • Mayor Marshall extended the City Council's appreciation and thanks to Police Officers Ed Cibberalli, Jim Bradley, Bill Jessee, John Simon, Reed Gloshen, Frank Brown, Dennis Gilman, Arb Campbell and Craig Johnson for their active and effective volunteer participation in the Harbor Area Baseball Program this summer as coaches and man- agers of Little League baseball teams. Mayor Marshall read a letter addressed to the City Council from J. P. Ingram, Zone 4 Chairman, Bill Moran, Zone 5 Chairman and Rod MacMillian, Baseball Commissioner of the Harbor Area Baseball Program extending their thanks and grati- tude to the officers for their fine volunteer work and statin the officers are indeed a credit to the Police Department, community, city, and above all they are Men of Good Will. J. P. Ingram spoke from the audience and stated that the officers soon became the youngsters' friends, coaches and, in many cases, their advisors, and that this was a very noteworthy accomplishment on the part of the officers Mayor Marshall presented Certificates of Commendation to the officers. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion •Ayes xxxxxxx x August 11, 1969 was waived and said Minutes were ap- as written and ordered filed. proved HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Marshall opened the public hearing in accord- Bayside ance with Resolution No. 7044, being a Resolution of Vacatiox Intention of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its intention to order the closing up, • vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive (also known as Jam- boree Road). No one desired to be heard. Mayor Marshall closed the hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council. Resolution No. 7058, ordering the vacation, closing R -7058 up and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive (also known as Jamboree Motion x Road), was adopted after the reading of the resolution Ayes xxxxxxx was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. • Volume 23 - Page 36 Dr COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH \\J4 ROLL CAL Au ust 25, 1 • Motion Ayes • • • Motion Aye s • • 1969 MINUTES Z. In compliance with a letter of request from Robert L. Barnes, representing Robert S. Callender, asking that the matter be continued to September 8, the con- tinued public hearing regarding the appeal of Robert S. Callender from the decision of the Planning. Com- mission denying Resubdivision Application No. 266 which requests division of an R -1 lot into 2 parcels (both of which would have less area than required by ordinance); Lot 512 and southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 511, Tract 907, located at 544 Via Lido Nord, north side of Via Lido Nord between Via Nice and Via Orvieto, was continued to September 8, 1969. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1310, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 5.14 TO TITLE 5 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REGULATING THE USE AND OPERATION OF AMBULANCES, was presented with a report from the City Attorney. Don Seals, owner of Seals' Ambulance, spoke from the audience opposing the requirement that ambulance attendants must be at least 21 years of age and also opposing the $15. 00 application fee. Bill Hudson, administrator at Hoag Hospital, inquired if the ordinance applied to the transferring of patients from the hospital to the hospital convalescent home. Carlos Paladini, District Manager of Schaefer Ambulance Service, expressed no objections to the ordinance. Police Chief Glavas spoke briefly on the age require- ment and the requirement for filing reports with the Police Department. Ordinance No. 1310 was introduced and passed to second reading on September 8, 1969. Volume 23 - Page 37 INDEX Callender Appeal Ambulance Regs COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL L Z 2 9 txugusc ao, i7oy INDEX • Z. Proposed Ordinance No. 1311, being, District Maps AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT 50, 52 & BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING 32 DISTRICT MAPS NOS. 50, 52 AND 32, Planning Commission Amendment 258, rezoning property of The Irvine Company located at the north- east corner of San Joaquin Hills Road and MacArthur Boulevard from an R -3 -B District to a C -O -H District and property located on the south side of San Joaquin Hills Road between Crown Drive North and Marguerite Avenue from a C -N -H District to an R -3 -B District, was presented with a report from the Planning Di- rector regarding the findings of the Planning Com- mission. • Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a staff report. Motion x Ordinance No. 1311 was introduced and set for public Ayes xxxxxxx hearing on September 8, 1969. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 1312, being, District Map 24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING • DISTRICT MAP NO. 24, Planning Commission Amendment 259, rezoning property of The Irvine Company located southerly of Bayside Drive, southeast of the intersection of El Paseo and Bayside Drive, from a C -1 -H District to an Unclassified District, was presented with a report from the Planning Director regarding the findings of the Planning Commission. • Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a staff report. Motion x Ordinance No. 1312 was introduced and set for public Ayes xxxxxxx hearing on September 8, 1969. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion affirm - Ayes x x x x x x N ing the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The following advisory communications were ordered filed: Letter from Charles W. Benson, dated August 12, Encroac • 1969, agreeing to remove the eighteen -inch high ment 308 S. E Front • Volume 23 - Page 38 ay COUNCILMEN ROLL CALLZy� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 25. 1969 MINUTES .11 L-V fence which has been constructed on City property in • front of his home at 308 South Bay Front, Balboa Island, within 30 days from date in accordance with City Council decision. Letter from Vaughn L. Clark stating that he would Encroach- remove the 18" high fence on the City easement at ment 310 South Bay Front, Balboa Island, by September 11, 310 S. Bay 1969, as ordered by the City Council. Front Resolution of the City of Costa Mesa urging provision and protection of public access to the beaches and shoreline of Orange County. Letter from City of Yorba Linda stating that its Council had voted to support Newport Beach's reso- lution recommending that the Pacific Coast shoreline and beaches should be for preserved public use. Excerpt from Minutes of Board of Supervisors' meeting of August 5 indicating that R -7033 of City of Newport Beach, relating to protection of beaches and shoreline, was received and ordered filed. Resolution of Board of Supervisors dated November 26 1968 authorizing execution of freeway agreement for • portion of Route 73 Freeway between 0. 4 mile north of San Joaquin Hills Road and Paularino Avenue, and requesting provision fora new crossing of said free- way at Bison Avenue. Resolution of Board of Supervisors declaring that portion of Tustin Avenue, between University Drive and Palisades Road, lying within the City limits of Newport Beach, to be a County highway during the • period of improvement of said road by the County of Orange. Proposed annexation to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District designated Engineer's No. 122 (Northwesterly corner of Baker Street and Westerly Frontage Road. ) Proposed annexation to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District designated Engineer's No. 124. (South- easterly of Newport Blvd, and southwesterly of Palisades Road. ) Proposed annexation to the Costa .Mesa Sanitary District designated Engineer's No. 125. (Westerly of Platte Drive and southerly of Paularino Road. ) • . Volume 23 - Page 39 COUNCILMEN \ryZ�a \ \\\pGA CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL �=^�°Z�1���#) Zr9 August 25, 1969 IND • Proposed Red Hill Industrial Area Annexation to Industrial Park County Service Area No. 10. (South- erly of Red Hill Ave, between MacArthur Blvd, and Barranca Ave.) Proposed annexation to Orange County Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 12 - Tract No. 6956 (Tentative), located between Baker St, and Frawley Dr., and between Red Hill Ave. and Airway Ave. and easterly of Airway Ave.) Letter from Assemblyman Robert E. Badham acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 7036 relating to need for greater local control of private patrol or security agencies. Letters to City Clerk's office from Assemblyman • Burke and Senator Whetmore acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 7053 in opposition to Senate Bill 1414 and Assembly Bill 374, Senator Whetmore advising that neither bill was passed by the Legis- lature before the session ended; AB374 died in the Senate Governmental Efficiency Committee, and the subject matter of SB 1414 was referred for interim study. • Letter to City Clerk's office from the City of Cypress acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 7053 and stating that its City Council went on record in op- position to Senate Bill 1414 and Assembly Bill 374. Post card from A. J. Lancaster opposing Upper Bay land exchange. Agenda of the Board of Supervisors' meetings held • August 12, 13, 19 and 20, 1969. Notice of Application No. 51205 of Southern Pacific Company before the Public Utilities Commission to modify the requirements of General Order No. 75 -B relating to the use of backlights in connection with the operation of Standard No. 8 grade crossing signals. Order in Case No. 8950 before Public Utilities Com- mission instituting investigation to establish a list for 1970 of railroad grade crossings of city streets or county roads most urgently in need of separation, or existing separations in need of alteration or re- construction as contemplated by Section 189 of the Streets and Highways Code. • • Volume 23 - Page 40 EX COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL 1' 0M 6 S -* CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 25, 1969 MINUTES INDEX • Resolution of Division of Highways by which a section Npt Fwy of Route 55 Freeway in Orange County extending be- • tween Route 1 Freeway and Bay Street in the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach was adopted and declared to be a freeway. Letter from Lucile Casolain regarding the weed abate- ment on their lot, and copy of reply from Fire Chief. Resolution of the City of Costa Mesa relating to Corps of Engineers work on the Santa Ana River, urging expediency therefor. Letter and policy statement of California Council on Intergovernmental Relations. Report from Personnel Officer advising that Frederic • Salyer had been elected Chairman and Alvin Kellam elected Vice Chairman of the Civil Service Board for the 1969 -70 fiscal year. 2. The following communication was referred as in- dicated: Referred to staff for reply, letter from Jack Toon Balboa regarding "the disgraceful condition in front of the Fun Zone • Balboa Fun Zone. " 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous consent of the Council: Resolution. No. 7054 awarding a contract for Buck Buck Gul' Gully Bottom Control Structure, Contract No. 1239, Bottom to R. W. McClellan and Sons for $7,117. 00. (A Control • report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Structure Resolution No. 7057 authorizing purchase of sixteen Hwy Highway Patrol cars through cooperative purchase Patrol agreement with the State of California. (A report Cars from the City Manager was presented.) 4. The City Clerk's referral of the following claims to Clms for the insurance carrier was confirmed: Dmgs Claim of John C. Searle, Jr. for loss of radio Searle allegedly picked up by trash men on July 25 in alley in back of his home. Claim of Warner A. Johnson for damage to his auto- Johnson mobile tire allegedly caused by a faulty City traffic • counter. • Volume 23 - Page 41 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL 10Ot% s 9 August 25, 1969 INDEX 5. All bids were rejected on the Street Reconstruction Street 1969 -70, Concrete Repairs, Contract 1240. (A report Recnstr . from the Public Works Director was presented.) 1969 -70 6. The plans and specifications were approved for the Mariners Library Patio Enclosure, Contract No. Mariners 1202, and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise Library for bids to be opened on October 7, 1969. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 7. Councilman Gruber's expense account was approved Expense in connection with trip to Sacramento on August 20 to Accts attend monthly meeting of Highway Commission re- garding freeway priority funding. 8. The following Budget Amendments were approved: . BA -8, $420.00 transfer of funds for purchase and installation of two second hand air conditioners, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Budget Ap- propriation, Finance, Furniture and Fixtures, General Fund. (A report from the City Manager was presented.) BA -9, $500.00 transfer of Budget Appropriations for installation of lights on top of the restroom-dres sing . room building at the Corona del Mar State and City Beach Park, from Unappropriated Contingency Re- serve, General Fund, to Parks, Parkways, etc. - Maintenance and Repair Materials, Park & Recreation Fund. (A report from the City Manager was pre=, sented.) BA -10, $47, 920. 00 increase in Budget Appropriations for 1968 -69 carry -over Capital Improvement Projects, . from Unappropriated Surplus, to Budget Appropriation, Sewer Pump Station, Annual Street Reconstruction, Storm Drain - Westcliff Drive, General Fund. BA -11, $41, 820. 00 increase in Budget Appropriations and a decrease in Unappropriated Surplus from Un- appropriated Surplus, State Gas Tax to Budget Ap- propriation, Public Works, Westcliff Reconstruction, General Fund. BA -12, $13,000.00, increase in Budget Appropriation and a decrease in Unappropriated Surplus from Un- appropriated Surplus., State Gas Tax Contribution to Budget Appropriation, Public Works, Westcliff, Reconstruction, General Fund. Volume 23 - Page 42 1, ti, COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES 19LL CALL \N \°ti� \� \�� \2�9\ August 25, 1969 IND BA -13, $29, 180. 00 increase in Budget Appropriations • and a decrease in Unappropriated Surplus, Building Excise Tax to Budget Appropriation, Mariners Library Patio, Buffalo Hills Park, General Fund. BA -14, $10, 690. 00 increase in Budget Appropriations for 1968 -69 carry -over of Water Main Replacement Program from Unappropriated Surplus, Water to Budget Appropriation, Water, General Fund. BA -15, $110,865.00 increase in Unappropriated Surplus, being a decrease in Budget Appropriations, decreases in Annual Street Reconstruction ($65, 000) and Exit and Entrance Control at Corona del Mar Beach ($15, 000) and an increase in Estimated Revenues ($30, 865. 00) to provide for balancing the . Budget as a result of reduced assessed valuation, General Fund. BA -16, $23, 610. 00 transfer from Unappropriated Surplus, General Fund to Unappropriated Surplus, Park and Recreation Fund to cover excess Budget Appropriations over Estimated Revenues resulting from reduced assessed valuation. . BA -17, $18, 980. 00 transfer from Unappropriated Surplus, General Fund to Unappropriated Surplus, Library Fund to cover excess Budget Appropriations over Estimated Revenues resulting from reduced assessed valuation. BA -18, $23, 325. 00 transfer from Unappropriated Surplus, General Fund to Unappropriated Surplus, Retirement Fund to cover excess Budget Appropri- ations over Estimated Revenues resulting from reduced assessed valuation. BA -19, $58, 430. 00 transfer from Unappropriated Surplus, General Fund to Unappropriated Surplus, Capital Improvements Fund, reduction of $20, 090 from the $78, 520. 00 originally approved in the Pre- liminary Budget transfer, to reconstruct the Ocean Front Parking Lot. BA -20, $10, 000 increase in Budget Appropriations for that portion of Jamboree median landscaping that was not completed in 1968 -69, from Unappropri- ated Surplus, State Gas Tax (2106) Fund to Budget Appropriations, Landscape Medians in Jamboree . Road. Volume 23 - Page 43 4:1 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL \ \ \� \�\_% August 25, 1969 INDE BA -21, $258. 25 transfer from Unappropriated Con- tingency Reserve, General Fund to Budget Appropri- ations, Nondepartmental, Dues and Subscriptions, General Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A report from the City Attorney regarding member- ship in the Southern California Association of Govern- SCAG ments (SCAG), was presented with proposed reso- lution, agreement, bylaws and letter from SCAG. Resolution No. 7056, authorizing the City of Newport R -7056 Beach to become a member of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and directing the • Mayor and City Clerk to execute a joint exercise of Motion x powers agreement on behalf of the City, was adopted Ayes x x x x x x after the reading of the resolution was waived by Noes x unanimous consent of the Council. 2. A report from the Public Works Director and a legal Seal opinion from the City Attorney regarding the awarding Coat of :Contract No. 1237 for the 1969 -70 Seal Coat Pro- Progra gram were presented. 1969 -7 _ Slurry • Resolution No. 7055, awarding a contract for a Seal Seal Coat Program, 1969 -70, Slurry Seal, Contract No. 1237, to R. W. McClellan and Sons for $39, 087. 00, R -7055 Motion, x as amended, was adopted after the reading of the Ayes xxxxxxx resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 3. A letter from Roland W. Landrigan regarding costs in Assess Assessment Districts 51 and 53 and a copy of the repl ment • from the Public Works Department were presented. Distric 51 & 5: ,Roland Landrigan spoke from the audience in con- nection with his letter. Motion x Subject letter was ordered filed. Ayes xxxxxxx CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches and Ocean Recreation Commission regarding Council Policy Front relating to ocean front street -end improvements. Str Enc Motion x Council Policy I -12 relating to ocean front street -end • Ayes XXXXXXN improvements, as amended, was adopted. • Volume 23 - Page 44 :X m is Is COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES FjQLL CALL \F^\OOM"ISII xN August 25, 1969 INDE 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Private • Director regarding proposed policy statement on Encroa private encroachments in public rights of way,. ment in Publ Donald A. Pennington, representing the Balboa Island Rights Association, spoke from the audience and requested Way, postponement of the matter. Councilman Hirth made a motion to postpone the matter to September 22, 1969. Motion x Vice Mayor Parsons made a substitute motion to Ayes x x x x x X adopt the policy statement as recommended by the Noes x Public Works Director, which motion carried. 3. A letter from the Corona del Mar Chamber of Com- City • merce regarding the installation of a sign at the east Entran< entrance to the City of Newport Beach, was presented Sign with a report from the Planning Director. Motion x The Planning Director was directed to work with the Ayes x x x x x x x Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce to combine the Corona del Mar identification sign with the City of Newport Beach entrance sign and to present it to the Orange County Planning Commission for approval. • 4. The matter regarding authorization for the City City M� Motion x Manager to enter into certain contracts was rediaried Ayes x x x x x x x for September 8, 1969. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the City Manager re- Civic • garding special architectural services for Civic Cente3 Center site master planning. Motion x The City Manager was authorized to contract the Ayes x x x x x x x services from Welton Becket & Associates in connection with the master planning of a possible post office in the Newport Civic Center site, such services to be limited to a maximum of $2, 000; and the City Manager was directed to advise the post office officials that they will be expected to assume one -half the cost of such master planning services in the event they do decide to locate in the Civic Center site, and that such cost will be added to the cost of the property. • • Volume 23 - Page 45 :X ch- w of :e r. COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL \Z�\oy� \� \�� \�9 August 25, 1969 INDE 2. A report was presented from the Planning Director Annexn • regarding annexation of tidelands seaward from Shore- No. 68 cliffs and Cameo Shores (Annexation No. 68). The staff was authorized to initiate annexation pro - Motion x ceedings and the expenditure of necessary funds for Ayes x x x x x x x survey and boundary description was authorized. 3. Resolution No. 7059 fixing the tax rate at $1.225 on Tax Rai each $100 of assessed value and levying a tax upon all of the taxable property within the City of Newport R -7059 Beach which is taxable therein for municipal purposes and levying a special assessment tax upon the taxable property located within the Assessment District No. 50 (Balboa Islan d Street Lighting District), was Motion x adopted after the reading of the resolution was waived . Ayes xxxxxxx by unanimous consent of the Council. 4. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tidelands Administrator regarding request of Corps of Engi- Beach neers for fill easements and right of entry permits Erosion for disposal of Santa Ana River sediment on the ocean beach as part of the Beach Erosion Control Project. Harbor and Tidelands Administrator George Dawes . presented a staff report. Motion x The necessary easements and right of entry permits Ayes xxxxxxx were granted. 5. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tidelands Administrator regarding street end construction at 26th /Rh 26th Street and The Rhine. Street E Harbor and Tidelands Administrator George Dawes a staff gave report. Blackie Gadarian, owner of Blackie's Boat Yard, spoke from the audience in opposition to a boat launching ramp. Motion x The matter was referred back to the staff for Ayes XXXXXXN additional study and for report back to Council. 6. A letter from Philip J. Rapp requesting a refund of Rapp $125 filing fee for a resubdivision application was Refund presented with a report from the -Planning Director. Motion x The refund of $125 to Philip J. Rapp was approved. Ayes xxxxxx2 Volume 23 - Page 46 :e ine :nd COUNCILMEN \\1 07 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES %LLL CALL_ 11fflM1r \7�\ 1\ August 25, 1969 IND 7. A letter from Ralph G. Caso, Presiding. Supervisor, Or Co Town of Hempstead, N.Y., for the Town - Village Aircra] Aircraft Safety & Noise Abatement Committee, Noise stating that he and Mayor William Goedike of Ingle- Abate wood, Calif. are sponsoring a seminar in Washington, D. C. on October 8 and 9 for representatives of areas who are also plagued by aircraft noise, was presented. Motion x The City Manager was authorized to attend the Air - Ayes x x x x x x craft Noise Abatement Seminar in Washington, D. C. 8. A report was presented from the City Manager re- Capital garding amendment to Section F(3) of Council Policy Outlay F -10 regarding Capital Outlay. Policy • Motion x The Capital Outlay Council Policy Statement was Ayes x x x x x x amended as recommended by the City Manager. HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATIONS: 1. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tidelands Administrator regarding Harbor Permit Application No. 104 -1801T of Walt Disney Productions to erect _ four temporary finger floats at the Balboa Yacht Club and to use the floats and other Balboa Yacht Club facilities in connection with a movie production. Harbor and Tidelands Administrator George Dawes gave a staff report and stated the application was for a period of approximately two months commencing September 7. Irving Temaner, representing Walt Disney Pro - • ductions, spoke from the audience and stated they would be shooting weekdays only. Motion x Harbor Application 104 -1801T was approved, subject Ayes x x x x x x to approval of the Joint Harbor Committee. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion x 1. The following Budget Amendment was approved for a Newpor Ayes x x x x x x Report Release Reception to be held September 23, Tomor 1969 for the final General Meeting of 'Newport To- morrow' project participants, which will include all members of 'Newport Tomorrow', their spouses, City officials, members of the press and guests invited by the Steering Committee: BA -22, $1, 000 transfer from Unappropriated Con- Budget gency Reserve, General Fund to Budget Appropri- Amend - • ations, Nondepartmental, Travel and Meetings, ment General Fund. Volume 23 - Page 47 EX ment row COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES RQLLCALL 1�1101�"\�\�� \T-P August 25, 1969 INDEX Motion x 2. Approval was given for any or all City Councilmen Council •Ayes x x x x x x x and their dependents to continue to participate in the Health health insurance program as contained in the City's Insuranc policy with the Aetna Insurance Company, with Councilmen paying the full premium cost. 3. In accordance with the request of the League of Cali- League c Motion x fornia Cities, Mayor Doreen Marshall was designated Californi Ayes x x x x x x x as the voting delegate and Vice Mayor Lindsley Cities Parsons as the alternate voting delegate to represent the City of Newport Beach at the annual League Con- ference in San Francisco, September 28 - October 1, 1969. Motion x 4. The staff was instructed to seal the entrance to the Ayes x x x x x x x larger cave at Pirate's Cove at Corona del Mar beach Pirate's • in accordance with Plan 11, a, b and c as recommende Cove by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director; and the staff was directed to make additional studies of the caves down coast from the Corona del Mar beach as to the degree of similar police problems, and to make recommendations for corrective measures. Motion x 5. The Mayor was directed to request the Orange County Super - Ayes x x x x x x x Division of the League of California Cities to review visors' the apparent inadequacies for salaries for members Salaries • of the Orange County Board of Supervisors with a view toward supporting a more realistic compensation plan in view of the magnitude and responsibilities of the job and the desire of all citizens to attract the most qualified candidate for these important positions. ADDITIONAL ITEMS: • 1. Dale Wollner spoke from the audience regarding installation of sidewalks on Balboa Boulevard between 45th and 47th Streets. Motion x The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Ayes xxxxxxx Mayor ATTEST: City Clerl • Volume 23 - Page 48 a