HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/1970 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING < o p o o Place: Council Ch ambe rs Time; 7:30 F.M. Date: August 24, 1970 ROLL CALL � $ iP INDEX Present x x xxxx Roll Call. �bsent x On behalf of the Council, Mayor Hirth presented Certi- ficates of Appreciation to Mrs. Penny McManigal for her services on the Newport Beach City Arts Committee from November, 1965 to July, 1970 and to Mrs. Dorothy M. Berry for her services on the Newport Beach City Arts Committee from January, 1966 to July, 1970, and also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Walter J. Koch for serving on the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission from July, 1962 to November 1970. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x August 10 and of the Special Meeting of August 15, 1970 Ayes x x x x x x was waived, and said Minutes were approved as written Absent x and ordered filed. • HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection BBC with Planning Commission Resolution No. 724 East End recommending that the City Council deny Specific Redevelql Plan No. 1 proposed by Balboa Bay Club, Inc. to ment construct a 96 -unit apartment building having an overall height of approximately 182 feet on the easterly portion of the City -owned property under lease to the Balboa Bay Club, Planning Commission Amendment No. 267. A report from the Planning Director regarding the findings of the Planning Commission was presented with the following letters opposing the proposed 182 foot high -rise building: Robert S. Barnes, repre- senting Bayshgre Community Association; J. H. Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eastman, Paul J. Shettler and Edward A. Pielemeier, residents of Bayshores; William Stroup, President of Harbor View Hills Homeowners Association; Walter J. Koch, President of Mariners Community Association; Daren Groth, President of Park Lido Association; and a letter to Councilman Kymla from Larry H, Holsinger, a Bayshores resident. City Clerk Laura Lagios stated that a letter had just been received from Roland Saye urging denial of subject high rise apartment building. Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a staff report. Richard Stevens, Executive Vice President of the • Volume 24 - Page 210 3- COUNCILMEN �� Po 5 0� oo v ROLL CALL s�9 p ` CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Balboa Bay Club, spoke from the audience. William L. O'Bryon spoke from the audience as a resident of Newport Beach and as Chairman of the Bayshores Community Association opposing Balboa Bay Club Specific Plan No. 1 and presented letters urging denial of the proposed Balboa Bay Club high -rise apartment building from the Irvine Terrace Home - owners' Association, Turtle Rock Hills Community Association, Corona Highlands Property Owners Association, Inc., Central Newport Beach Com- munity Association, Four Fours Association, Lido Isle Shop Association and Balboa Island Improvement Association. The following people spoke from the audience opposing Balboa Bay Club Specific Plan No. 1: Earl Hardage, member of the Lido Isle Community Association, presented a petition from 150 residents of Lido Isle requesting denial of subject zone change; Mrs. Joseph Gallant, President of Cliff Haven Community Associ- ation; Roland Landrigan, representative of the Board of Directors of the Newport Heights Association and Kenneth Hartman, Bayshores resident. Sam Barnes, Bayshores resident, requested adoption of an interim emergency ordinance declaring a • moratorium on rezoning shoreline property. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xx xxxx Absent x Specific Plan No. 1 proposed by the Balboa Bay Club, Inc. to construct a 96 -unit apartment building having Motion x an overall height of approximately 182 feet on the yes x x xxxx easterly portion of the City -owned property under bsent x lease to the Balboa Bay Club was denied. Motion x The matter was referred back to the Planning Com- Ayes x x x x x mission for consideration of some of the alternate Noes x plans. Absent x RECESS for ten minutes was declared by Mayor Hirth. The Council reconvened with all members present except Councilman Rogers. • • Volume 24 Page 211 - COUNCILMEN 3 'F� 9p 5 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24. 1970 MINUTES INDEX ar :es ck gyps ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1350, being, Vehicul NuisanS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 12.64 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO VEHICULAR NUISANCES, was presented for second reading with letters from Harbor View Hills Community Association and Cameo Community Association urging adoption of said ordinance. Motion x Ordinance No. 1350 was adopted after the reading of Ayes x x x x x x the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the �bsent x Council. 2. Ordinance No. 1351, being, Livesto AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 7. 12. 010 AND REPEALING SECTION 7. 12. 020 OF THE NEW- PORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING T THE KEEPING AND STAKING OF "LIVESTOCK, It • was presented for second reading with a report from the Planning Director recommending certain amend- ments proposed by the Planning Commission. The recommended amendments of the Planning Com- Motion x mission were approved, and amended Ordinance No. Ayes x x x x x x 1351 was introduced and set for second reading on Absent x September 14, 1970. • ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1352, being, Dist Me 50 & 52 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAPS NOS. 50 AND 52, Planning Commission Amendment No. 264, request of The Irvine Company to amend a portion of District Maps Nos. 50 and 52 from an R -3 -B District to an R -3 District, portion of Block 96, Irvine's Subdivision, located on east side of Marguerite Avenue between San Joaquin Hills Road and Pacific View Drive, Zoned • • Volume 24 - Page 212 ar :es ck gyps COUNCILMEN �yy 9�' ROLL CALL N Ns CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Ls 1B at R -3 -B, was presented with a report from the Planning • Director regarding the findings of the Planning Com- mission. Motion x Ordinance No. 1352 was introduced and set for public Ayes x x xxxx hearing on September 14, 1970, Absent x 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 1353, being, Upper Harbor AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT View Hil: BEACH ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN OF Apt Site DEVELOPMENT FOR THAT CERTAIN PROP- ERTY DESIGNATED AS "UPPER HARBOR VIEW HILLS APARTMENT SITE 1B ", • Planning Commission Amendment No. 269, request of The Irvine Company to adopt specific plan of development for property comprising a portion of Block 96, Irvine's Subdivision, as shown on District Maps Nos. 50 and 52, located on the east side of Marguerite Avenue between San Joaquin Hills Road and Pacific View Drive. Proposed plan of develop- ment provides for a 64 unit multiple- family resi- dential complex consisting of 11 buildings, each two stories in height, with accessory recreation facilities, • 64 off - street parking spaces in carports and 60 un- covered off - street parking spaces, requesting zone change from R -3 -B to R -3, was presented with a report from the Planning Director regarding the findings of the Planning Commission. Motion x Ordinance No. 1353 was introduced and set for public Ayes x x xxxx hearing on September 14, 1970. Absent x • 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 1354, being, Weed Abateme: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Publi- BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 10. 48. 040 AND cationE 10. 48. 100 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICI- PAL CODE TO DELETE PUBLICATION RE- QUIREMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH WEED ABATEMENT REGULATIONS AND HEARINGS, was presented with reports from the City Manager and the City Attorney. Motion x Ordinance No. 1354 was introduced and passed to Ayes x x xxxx second reading on September 14, 1,970. Absent x • Volume 24 - Page 213 Ls 1B at COUNCILMEN 3�msoo� 2 3 °° �, 9a NC9 i 7 N ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX CONSENT CALENDAR: etion x The following items were approved by one motion Ayes x x x x x x affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar: Absent x I. The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: Letter from W. Allen Grubb commending Council on its position in regard to the Badham bill; on objecting to any expansion of the Orange County airport, and any increase of jet operations; and on denying permits for helicopter landing pads. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Tarbox thanking Council for its actions relative to the airport and also the freeway. Copies of letters sent to the Board of Supervisors objecting to any expansion of the Orange County Air- port from Mrs. Mae C. Gardner; Clint Rygel; Wm. L. O'Bryon, Chairman, Bayshores Community Associ- ation; and William J. La Plante, President, Balboa Island Improvement Association. . Letter from Azimuth Equities, Inc. regarding develop ment for the McDonnell - Douglas Astropower site and Azimuth Annex advising that the two pending proposals before Local Agency Formation Commission pertaining to the annexation of the property to the City of Newport Beach have been terminated. Letter from Local Agency Formation Commission Azimuth notifying Council that at the request of McDonnell Annex Douglas Corporation and of Azimuth Equities, Inc. , • the "Campus- Airport" Annexation of approximately fifty acres and the "McDonnell Douglas" Annexation of approximately 227 acres were withdrawn, and the only annexation to the City of Newport Beach to be on Collins the Commission's Agenda for the August 26, 1970 Annex meeting will be Annexation No. 73 (Collins Annex- ation). Letter from Local Agency Formation Commission regarding hearing on August 26 in connection with proposed annexation to Costa Mesa Sanitary District designated Engineer's No. 131. (Easterly of Red Hill Avenue between Paularino and McCormick Avenues. ) • Volume 24 - Page 214 COUNCILMEN ?i %' 0 S C� O '� � o � y o 9 'r`9 ��N 5 < < 4L ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Excerpt of Minutes of Board of Supervisors meeting Or Co • of August 4, 1970 indicating that a letter dated Airport July 23, 1970 from the Orange County Airport Com- Cmsn mission, regarding the design for the Airport Way South - Fire Station Driveway at the Orange County Airport, was ordered referred to the Road Depart- . ment, City of Newport Beach and the Airport Depart- ment for further study and report to the Board of Supervisors by the Airport Commission upon com- pletion of said study. Report from Personnel Officer advising that the Civil Civil Service Board had elected W. Jay Moseley, Chairman Service and W. Ed Klinger, Vice Chairman for 1970 -71. Board Agenda of Orange County Board of Supervisors . meetings held August 11, 12, 18 and 19, 1970. Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition and Affidavit Pacific of Publication of same filed with the City Clerk on Coast August 17, 1970 regarding a proposed amendment to Freeway the City Charter in connection with freeway or expressway agreements. Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition and Affidavit of Pacific • Publication of same filed with the City Clerk on August 17, 1970 regarding existing agreement in con- Coast Freeway nection with Pacific Coast Freeway. Ordinance No. 2409 of the County of Orange regarding outdoor gatherings. Minutes of Orange County Mosquito Abatement District meeting of July 31, 1970. • 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to staff for reply, letter from Axelson Placentia/ Fishing Tackle Mfg. Co., 1559 Placentia Avenue, Production stating that a hazardous traffic condition exists on the Traffic corner of Production Place and Placentia Avenue, and asking that the matter be investigated. Referred to staff for study and reply, letter from Stan Airplane Wilson regarding an airplane trailer advertisement. Advertise- ment • • Volume 24 - Page 215 COUNCILMEN �o s oy a f�9 Pin 5 f ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT August 24, 1970 BEACH MINUTES INDEX Referred to staff for reply, letter from Clifford J. Alpaugh • Alpaugh regarding parking problems existing at his Prkg home in Newport Beach. Referred to staff for reply, letter from City of Sea- Shoreline side urging Council to oppose the Shoreline Control Control Measure, AB 2131 (Wilson). Referred to staff for reply, letter from A. L. Wallace, Or Co Jr., Colonel, USAF (Ret) asking that Council attempt Airport to get FAA assistance in controlling noise from Orange County Airport. Referred to staff for appropriate action, petition Annex 71 requesting annexation of uninhabited territory, Lots 72 through 81 inclusive, Tract 706, County of Orange (proposed Acacia - Mullan Annexation, Annexation No. • 71). Referred to staff for appropriate action, letter from So. Calif. Southern California Gas Company regarding merger Gas Co. of Southern Counties Gas Company and Southern California Gas Company. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Buena Park Buena Chamber of Commerce inviting City of Newport Beach Park • to participate in their 13th Annual Silverado Days Silveradc Parade, Saturday, October 10, 1970. Days Parade Referred to staff for reply, letter from Thomas Allen Police objecting to the purchase of helicopters. Heli- copters Referred to Council Sound Amplifying Permits Ad Sound Hoc Committee for information and consideration, Ampli- letter from Balboa Peninsula Point Association and a fying petition bearing 340 signatures in opposition to the Permits use of any sound amplification equipment in the city parks that would disturb the use and enjoyment of the facilities by the general public or cause an undue . amount of noise to local residents, and urging Council to pass a revised ordinance prohibiting such use of sound amplification equipment. • • Volume 24 - Page 216 COUNCILMEN G � O � A O 9 2!r 9 C��il• S' G( �� y ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX a/ Pi is 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the • reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous consent of the Council: Resolution No. 7254A rescinding Resolution No. 6534 Balboa which established certain parking regulations on a . Blvd, Pj portion of Balboa Boulevard. (A report from the Prohi- Public Works Director was presented.) bitions R -7254A Resolution No. 7255 designating an intersection at Placenti which vehicles are required to stop and directing the Pro - Traffic Engineer to erect necessary stop signs on duction Production Place at Placentia Avenue. (A report Stop Sig: from the Public Works Director was presented.) R -7255 Resolutions determining and declaring that the public 32nd St interest, convenience and necessity of the City of Widening Newport Beach require the acquisition of certain real property to be used by said City in connection with the widening of 32nd Street and declaring the intention of the City to acquire said property under eminent domain proceedings, and directing the City Attorney of said City to commence an action in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for • the County of Orange, for the purpose of acquiring said real property as follows: (A report from the Public Works Director was presented) Resolution No. 7256 for Lots 1 and 2, Block 231, R -7256 Lake Tract from Lawrence H. Holsinger. Resolution No. 7257 for Lot 7, Block 131, Lake R -7257 Tract from Arthur S. Larson. • Resolution No. 7258 for 205 - 32nd Street from R -7258 Robert W. and Barbara J. Pettit. Resolution No. 7259 for 207 - 32nd Street from R -7259 Mildred K. Snidow. Resolution No. 7260 for 202 - 32nd Street from R -7260 Alfred M. and Laura C. Berg. Resolutions determining and declaring that the public Balboa interest, convenience and necessity of the City of Blvd Newport Beach require the acquisition of certain real Widening property to be used by said City in connection with the widening of Balboa Boulevard and declaring the intention of the City to acquire said property under • Volume 24 - Page 217 a/ Pi is COUNCILMEN �t�PDS C1A O9 �y� 9 CFj �Z 0( NA ROLL CALL N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24. 1970 MINUTES INDEX Ig VA sta eminent domain proceedings, and directing the City • Attorney of said City to commence an action in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Orange, for the purpose of acquiring said real property as follows: Resolution No. 7261 for 3202 and 32022 Balboa R -7261 Boulevard from Frank L. and Aileen Fredericks. Resolution No. 7262 for 3204 Balboa Boulevard R -7262 from Terry and Theresa H. Waren. Resolution No. 7263 for 203.- 39th Street from R -7263 Margaret Rader Resolution No. 7264 accepting a grant deed from Balboa • Margaret Rader for the southwesterly half of Lot 13 Blvd and the northeasterly 3. 57 feet of Lot 14, Block 139 Widenir Canal Section in connection with the widening of R -7264 Balboa Boulevard. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7265 authorizing the execution of an Pac Vie amendment to that certain sewer service agreement Park between the City of Newport Beach and Pacific View Sewer Memorial Park to provide for the commencement of Service • annexation proceedings as to certain cemetery pro- R -7265 perty. 4. Referral of the following claims to the insurance Claims carrier was confirmed: Claim of Harry Galdeira for damage to his car on Galdeir July 31, 1970 when he was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. • Claim of James Louden & Co, for damage to one of Louden their company cars on July 19, 1970, allegedly caused when it was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. Claim of Lawrence H. Rothrock , filed by Samuel Rothroc Frizell, alleging false arrest. 5. The work was accepted on the Annual Water Main Annual Replacement, Corona del Mar Area and in Vista Baya, Water 1969 -70, Contract No. 1247, and the City Clerk was Main authorized to file a Notice of Completion and to re- Replace lease the bonds 35 days after Notice of Completion ment has been filed. (A report from.the Public Works CdM /Vi Director was presented.) Baya • Volume 24 - Page 218 Ig VA sta COUNCILMEN 34-9 2 91P0 N yPN ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX 6. The improvements constructed in conjunction with Resub 25 • Resubdivision No. 253 - Units 1 and 2 (South Bay Club and Oakwood Garden Apartments) were accepted, the City Clerk was authorized to release the Faithful Performance Bonds Nos. 3934158 and 3934159 and to release the Labor and Materials Bonds in six months provided no claims have been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 7. The following Budget Amendment was approved: BA -12, $182. 00 transfer of Budget Appropriations for installation of microphone and boom in Council Chambers, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Nondepartmental, Services - Professional, Techni- cal, General Fund. • ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Legislative Bulletin of the League of California Cities SB 941 Motion x recommending opposition to SB 941 (time and one- AB 2182 Ayes x x x x x x half for Policemen) and AB 2182 (joint powers Absent x financing) was ordered filed. 2. A letter to Councilman Parsons from Marshall Fant Heli- • in behalf of the Board of Directors of the Harbor View copters Hills Homeowners Association regarding the Marine helicopters flying very low over the homes in that Motion x area and stating they would appreciate any help or Ayes x x x x x x information Council can provide on how to alleviate Absent x this problem was referred to staff. 3. A report from the City Manager regarding a library Library consultant services agreement was presented. Consultar. Resolution No. 7267, authorizing the execution of an R -7267 agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Motion x Raymond M. Holt for library consultant services, was Ayes x x x x x x adopted after the reading of the resolution was waived Absent x by unanimous consent of the Council. 4. At the request of the Saint Jarnes Episcopal Church, its request to use the Balboa Pier Park for a wedding on September 9 was withdrawn. 5. A report from the Public Works Director regarding Fernleaf bid opening on the Fernleaf Storm Drain -Phase II, Storm Contract No. 1287, was presented. Drain • • Volume 24 - Page 219 COUNCILMEN 3 �� �o s nP °0 9 2� 9cFN�y °� a` ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Aueust 24. 1970 MINUTES LT1 R. L. Farmer, low bidder, spoke from the audience . and requested permission to withdraw his bid because of an error in his bid. Resolution No. 7266, awarding a contract to Bebek R -7266 Corporation for storm drain and miscellaneous improvements (Fernleaf Storm Drain, Phase II), Contract No. 1287, in the amount of $116, 282. 00 Motion x (Alternate "B "), was adopted after the reading of the Ayes x x x x x x resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Absent, x Council. 6. Mayor Hirth was designated as the voting representa- League Motion x tive and Vice Mayor Rogers as the alternate voting Voting Ayes x x x x x x representative for the Annual League of California Repre- Absent x Cities Conference in San Diego on October 25 -28, sentativc • 1970. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Planning Director The regarding Use Permit No. 1475 granted on May 25, Gallery 1970 permitting live entertainment at The Gallery, 810 E. Balboa Boulevard, for a trial period of ninety • days. Marge Thompson, representing Mr. Figge, spoke from the audience and requested extension of the Use Permit. Motion x The matter was continued to September 14 for a public Ayes x x x x x x hearing, and it was directed that nearby residents be Absent x notified of the hearing. • CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the City Manager Volleybal regarding Resolution No. 6539 which pertains to on Beach playing volleyball on the beaches in Newport Beach. Motion x The matter was referred back to the Parks, Beaches Ayes x x x x x x and Recreation Commission for further study and Absent x recommendation. 2. A letter from Dr. K. J. Smallwood asking for clari- Ocean fication of the height restrictions on Ocean Boulevard Blvd Heig relative to proposed addition to the rear of an existing Restricti non - conforming garage at 3729 Ocean Boulevard was presented with a report from the Planning Director. • Volume Page 24 - 220 COUNCILMEN �� ao s n o A �y�y�o��p5ao`o�< °2 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a brief staff report. Motion x An addition to the rear of an existing non - conforming Ayes x x x x x x garage at 3729 Ocean Boulevard was approved. Absent x 3. A report was presented from the City Manager Athena's regarding application of Vady Van Chase for a busi- Massage ness license in connection with Athena's Massage establishment located at 211 -62nd Street. The following witnesses were sworn in by the City Clerk and were questioned by the City Attorney and members of the Council: Edward Ulman, attorney for Mr. Van Chase; Vady Van Chase, applicant, and Mrs. Van Chase; David R. Cadwell; Stan Hirschberg, • License Supervisor for the City of Newport Beach; Detective John Andrew Simon, Vice Investigator for the City of Newport Beach. Motion x Because of possible future litigation, the Council Ayes x x x x x x adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:55 P. M. Absent x The Council reconvened at 11:05 P.M. with all 2 members present except Vice Mayor Rogers. Attorney Ulman called Stan Hirschberg and Detective Simon to the stand. Motion x The hearing was continued to September 14, and the Ayes x x x x x x staff was directed to investigate Athena's, Sunset - Absent x Newport Company and their franchise. • 4. Resolution No. 7268, fixing the tax rate at $1.225 on Tax Rate each $100 of assessed value and levying a tax upon all of the taxable property within the City of Newport R -7268 Beach which is taxable therein for municipal purposes and levying a special assessment tax upon the taxable property located within Assessment District No. 50 Motion x (Balboa Island Street Lighting District), was adopted Ayes x x x x x x after the reading of the resolution was waived by Absent x unanimous consent of the Council. 5. A letter was presented from Newport Beach City Arts NB City Committee proposing expanded role and responsibili- Arts ties for the Committee in municipal affairs. Cmte Volume 24 - Page 221 COUNCILMEN 'F�'P� P n4+ O 9 y 3 G J O A NAY LPN ROLL CALL N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 24, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Motion x The City Manager was instructed to place the matter x x x x x x on the Study Session agenda of September 14, 1970 "yes Absent x for review with the Committee. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Councilman McInnis stated that the proposed Collins Annex 73 Annexation would be heard before the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission on Wednesday, August 26, 1970, and recommended that an elected official appear at the hearing and present the City's position. Motion x Councilman Carl Kymla was designated as the City's Ayes x x x x x representative to appear at the hearing. �bsent x Abstain x Motion x 2. The Mayor was directed to appoint a standing Council Employe( Ayes x x x x x x committee, consisting of two members, for the pur- Group Absent x pose of making recommendations to the Council Insuranc( dealing with, but not limited to, insurance benefits, C mte specifications, analysis of coverage and costs and appointment of broker or consultant. -wotion x 3. The City staff and Planning Commission were directed Lower Ayes x x x x x x to explore the desirability, legality and feasibility of Npt Bay Absent x creating a Lower Newport Bay Civic District following Civic the Newport Tomorrow and proposed City General District Plan program for the purpose of protection of the public interest in certain major public developments and public assets in connection with all property adjoining tidelands in the lower Newport Bay as to establishing standards including, but not limited to, • height restrictions, architectural vocabulary, open space, exterior appearances, landscaping, exterior lighting and other physical characteristics including signs. Mayor Hirth adjourned the meeting at 11:20 P. M. Mayor ATTEST: • City erk • Volume 24 - Page 222