HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1970 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN 3 �� 9° 2 nA o T �y2� °� s9"� Ir7 ROLL CALL ,v CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P. M, Date: November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX •Present x x x x x x x x x x x x x x R Roll Call: 4kotion x The reading of the Minutes of the Adjourned Regular x M Meeting of October 19, 1970 was waived, and said Minutes Ayes x xxxxxxx w were approved as written and ordered filed. Mayor Hirth, on behalf of the Council, presented a Certi- ficate of Appreciation to Mr. Roger Hardacre for his services to the City of Newport Beach as a member of the Library Board of Trustees since 1966 and commended him for his many other civic activities. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection U Under- 91 )1 COUNCILMEN 3'F9y00'o 1 0 9 0 9 y?iG�O.PP ✓'�9 �9m ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9. 1970 MINUTES INDEX • Cablevision, spoke from the audience regarding requested rate increase. • Resolution No. 7303, approving an increase in the R -7303 rate schedule for cable antenna television service to Motion x include custom installation, as amended, was adopted Ayes xxxxxxx after further reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council; and the hearing was continued to November 23, 1970 for consideration of franchise. 3. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding the Zoning appeal of Rolly Pulaski, for Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Amend - Neufeld, from the decision of the Planning Com- ment mission denying Zoning Amendment No. 270 request- No 270 ing to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 11 from a C -1 to a C -2 District, and Use Permit Application Use • No. 1487 requesting approval of a forty -four unit Permit apartment building with 88 on -site parking spaces; the No 1487 building to be seven stories in height, including two levels of parking, with additional mechanical equip- ment space on the roof; overall height to be sixty - three feet to the roof of the main building and seventy- two feet overall; Lots 9 through 16, Block 8, Balboa Tract, located at 600 -614 East Ocean Front, on the northerly side of East Ocean Front, between Palm Street and Washington Street (old Rendezvous Ball- room site). A report from the Planning Director was presented with a letter from John Negus, 1200 E. Balboa Boule- vard, stating that the question of high rise is of initial importance to the peninsula property owners and their desires should be given the prime consider- ation before any variances are approved, a letter • from the President of the Balboa Improvement Associ- ation stating the Association unanimously agreed to the proposed change, and a petition bearing 267 signatures of residents and /or property owners of the area asking Council approval of the residential project on the "Rendezvous" property stating that it would be an asset to the community. Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a staff report on the findings of the Planning Commission. Rolly Pulaski, architect for the project, spoke from the audience. John Negus, Sally Lyon and Gerald Brown spoke from the audience opposing —high rise developments on the peninsula. Volume 24 - Page 275 COUNCILMEN $ 'f- 9 2 C' O 'o 2 'li OC p.� � Oin�y9 sC9 7 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES November 9, 1970 INDEX ;,ity �3 The following people spoke in support of subject project: Bill Williamson, resident of Balboa; Phil Tozer, President of Davey's Locker and operator of the Balboa Pavilion; Ernest Neufeld, owner of subject property; Hazel Jones, realtor; and Tom Hyans, President of the Central Newport Beach Community Association. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Mayor Pro Tem Rogers made a motion to overrule the Planning Commission and to change zoning from a C -1 District to an R -4 District with a Specific Plan. Motion x Councilman Dostal made a substitute motion to reopen Ayes Cxxxxxx the hearing and to continue the hearing to the Adjourne Meeting of November 17 and to the Regular Meeting of November 23, 1970, which motion carried. 4. Mayor_Hirth took Agenda Item G -4 out of the regular order of business to be considered at this time: A revised Council policy statement on the future City Irvine i Motion x of Irvine was adopted; and the staff was instructed to Ayes xxxxxxx forward a copy of the Policy to the Local Agency goFormation Commission. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection Annex ' with proposed annexation to the City of Newport Beach of certain uninhabited territory known as the Collins Annexation, Annexation No. 73. A report was presented from the City Attorney. Robert Shelton, Governmental Relations Consultant, stated that he was authorized to say, for the record, that the Irvine Industrial Complex, as fee owner of the property in question, recognizes that a policy. statement is not legally binding but is willing to respect the one that was just adopted as a firm, good faith declaration of City Council intent and to assume . that the City Council will likewise respect it. With that understanding, the Collins Annexation will not be protested. Robert Johnson, Vice President and General Manager of Collins Radio Company, expressed thanks to the City and staff for efforts put forth on this proposed annexation. Volume 24 - Page 276 ;,ity �3 COUNCILMEN 3��PDS 2 '% G' s`9 ��in ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • Resolution No -. 7304, determining that a majority R -7304 protest has not been made by owners of one -half • of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Newport Beach pursuant to the annex- ation proceeding known as the Collins Annexation - Motion x Annexation No. 73, was adopted after the reading of. Ayes x x x x x x x the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. Ordinance No. 1363, being, 0 -1363 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND KNOWN AS COLLINS ANNEXATION - ANNEXATION NO. 73, *Motion x was introduced and passed to second reading on Ayes x x x x x x x November 23, 1970. Mayor Hirth called a recess for ten minutes. The Council reconvened with all members present. Due to the -large number of interested persons in the audi- ence, Agenda Item D -1 was taken out of the regular order of business and considered at this time: ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. being, Business License AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Tax • BEACH REPEALING CHAPTERS 5 -04 AND 5.08 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW CHAPTERS TO SAID CODE: 5. 04, ENTITLED "GENERAL PROVISIONS "; 5. 08, ENTITLED "LICENSE FEE CATEGORIES "; 5. 11, ENTITLED "SPECIAL REGULATIONS", was presented with letters from the following pro- testing the proposed gross receipts business license tax: Safeway Stores, Inc. , Corona del Mar Travel Service, Lido Shops Association, The Flag Shop and Minney's Ship Chandlery, and also five signed news- paper clippings opposing the proposed business license ordinance. • Volume 24 - Page 277 COUNCILMEN S 3���osoA �y °N'm ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • A letter from the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce opposing the proposed ordinance and a letter from the President of Fashion Island Merchants' Association endorsing the Chamber of Commerce pro- posals were presented at the meeting. The following people spoke from the audience opposing a gross sales business license fee: Charles Curry, President of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce; Jack Curley, General Manager of Daily Pilot; Bob Kausen, owner of The Artisan's Bench;•Blackie Gadarian, owner of Blackie's Boatyard; Bruce Black- man, representing Lido Shop Association; Hugh Mynatt, General Manager of Richard's Market, and Dee Cook, former Newport Beach Councilman. Frances Horvath, realtor, spoke from the audience. Wotion x Councilman Kymla made a motion for Council to adopt business license fee of $50, and to direct staff to explore the possibility of using a percentage of these funds in cooperation with the Chamber of Com- merce for business promotion programs. Councilman Dostal requested the motion be amended to direr staff to prepare an ordinance that would increase existing fee, with 5% being used for business development, which amendment was accepted. Motion x x x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Kymla's amended motion, and the staff was directed to prepare an ordinance that would increase the existing business license fee from $25 to $50, with 5% being used for business development programs, and said fee to be effective for the calendar year 1971. •Z. A proposed ordinance, being, Water Bills AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 14-12.170 AND DELETING SECTION 14. 12. 180 OF THE NEW- PORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ELIMINATE SECOND NOTICE PROVISION IN CONNECTION WITH PAYMENT OF WATER BILLS, was presented. with a report from the City Manager. Motion x The staff was directed to prepare a Budget Amend - Ayes x x x x x x x ment restoring $1, 250 to the Finance Department budget for postage to continue second notice mailing in connection with payment of water bills. Volume 24 - Page 278 COUNCILMEN '2 �O O0 ROLL CALL N YP `9�PNy ` �4N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Novembe r 9. 1970 MINUTES INDEX • The regular order of business was resumed. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1362, being, Beach Closing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 11. 08.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH UNIFORM BEACH CLOSING CUR- FEW HOURS, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1362 was adopted after the reading of Ayes x x x x x x x the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. • CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion af- Ayes xxxxxxx firming the actions of the Consent Calendar: 1. The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: • Staff report from Public Works Director regarding Corp Yard soil and geological investigation at Corporation Yard. Letter from Local Agency Formation Commission Irvine Cit) inviting the City to send a representative to the meeting held October 28 to discuss a hearing date for the proposal for the incorporation of the City of Irvine. • Notice from Local Agency Formation Commission regarding hearing to be held November 12 regarding the proposed Incorporation of the City of Irvine. Copy of Preliminary Agenda of Local Agency Forma- tion Commission for meeting of November 12 indi- cating the items to be heard as follows: (a) Proposed Incorporation of the City of Irvine. (b) Proposed Annexation to the City of Newport Beach, Superior Avenue- Hospital Road Annexation No. 74. Letter from Alex Robertson Company expressing appreciation for the opportunity to speak at the • Volume 24 - Page 279 COUNCILMEN 7 ROLL CALL 3 3 P n y m N y 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • meeting of October 19 and thanking Council.for what they feel to be an expeditious and fair manner of • handling the award of the Newport Center Fire Station project. Copy of Ordinance No. 2429 of the County of Orange regarding towing of persons in the waters of a harbor. Copy of Ordinance 2430 of the County of Orange re- garding ski zone regulations. Agenda of Board of Supervisors meetings held October 20, 21, 27, 28, November 3 and 4, 1970. Notice of Prehearing Conference before Public Utili- ties Commission in regard to Application No. 52092 of Westgate - California Corporation in connection with ® Golden West Airlines, Inc. Communication from League of California Cities regarding Highlights of 1970 Legislation Affecting Citie s. News release from California Water Resources Asso- ciation regarding restoration of the salmon and steel - head runs on the San Joaquin River system, main- tenance of the environment on the lower American River and protection of the ecology of the Delta, Suisun Marsh and other areas. Communications from sixteen persons protesting the Upper Newport Bay land exchange. 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to the Planning Commission for inclusion in Promon- study, the following communications regarding Pro- tory montory Point development: Point (a) Letter from Harvey D. Pease protesting Council action regarding the proposed Promontory Point and "Ports -O -Call (Balboa Wharf)" developments of the Irvine Company along Bayside Drive. (b) Letter from Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission recommending that consideration be given to the need for including public access and view space in the development plans for proposed Promontory Point. • • I Volume 24 - Page 280 COUNCILMEN t� Po � 22 � F � GG N� Pin ROLL CALL O CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9. 1970 MINUTES Referred to staff for reply, letter from William C. BI Pub Hardesty regarding three foot strip of public right of way surrounding Balboa Island. r. o. w. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Morgan Stanley, President of Irvine Terrace Homeowners' Association, expressing appreciation for the removal of the power poles that had been placed across Balboa Bay Bridge. Referred to staff for appropriate action, notice from Annex 74 Local Agency Formation Commission of hearing to be held November 12 regarding proposed annexation to the City of Newport Beach designated as the Cagney Property, and asking for report no later than October 30. • Referred to staff for reply, letter from Richard Schad, President of Student Residential Services, seeking contract with the City to stencil street ad- dress numbers for the entire city. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, copy of resolution of the City of Long Beach requesting the League of California Cities and the member cities and State and National Legislators to approve the program of utilizing surplus military aircraft in fighting forest fires. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, letter from Sea and Sage branch of National Audubon Society enclosing copy of an ordinance of the City of Bowie, Maryland prohibiting the sale of certain non- returnabl or disposable beverage containers within the City of Bowie. Referred to staff for reply, letter from John D. Lusk expressing his thanks and appreciation, to the City for having such an experienced and well= trained Police .Department, to the Department for their expert handling of the case involving the abduction and release of his nephew, and to the individual officers involved. Referred to staff for forwarding to appropriate Pac Coast officials of the County and the State Division of High- Fwy ways, letter dated September 25, 1970 signed by Presidents of the following Associations supporting and endorsing the Citizens Coordinating Committee's two initiative referendum petitions now being circu- lated regarding a freeway through the City of Newport • • Volume 24 - Page 281 COUNCILMEN �1,t Pp 9n� O9 y�o ROLL CALL ^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • Beach: Corona del Mar Civic, Corona Highlands Property Owners, Cameo Community, Harbor View Hills Homeowners, Harbor View Hills Community, Bay Shores Community, Mariners Community, Dover Shores Community, West Newport Beach Improvemenk Upper Newport Bay, Harbor View - Broadmoor Com- munity, Balboa Island Improvement, Central New- port Beach Community, Balboa Coves Community, Newport Island, Inc. and Balboa Peninsula Point Associations. Referred to staff for review and report back, letter Resub 27 from Carl H. Quandt regarding condition attached to Resubdivision No. 274, and requesting to withdraw from the matter. 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the • reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous consent of the Council: Resolution No. 7305 authorizing execution of an agree Resub 28 ment with The Irvine Company, subdivider, for the R -7305 construction of improvements in Resubdivision No. 284. (A report from the Public Works-Director was presented. ) Resolution No. 7306 authorizing execution of an agree- Resub 28 ment with The Irvine Company, subdivider, for the R -7306 construction of improvements in Resubdivision No. 287. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7307 authorizing the Mayor and City Npt Cente Clerk to sign a grant of easement to the Southern Fire California Edison Company for a 6 -foot wide electrical Station easement over a portion of the Newport Center fire R -7307 station site. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented. ) • 4. The City Clerk's referral of the following claims to the insurance carrier was confirmed, Claim of Faye Clark for damage to her car on October Clark 19 which she states was caused when she hit an allegedly unbarricaded exposed manhole cover on 2nd Street between Poinsettia and Poppy in- Corona del Mar. Claim of Lucinda L. Huntley and her parents, Mr. Huntley and Mrs. William R. Huntley, filed by Julius Aarons, their attorney for injuries to Miss Huntley allegedly received when she was struck and run over by a City vehicle. Volume 24 - Page 282 r COUNCILMEN y �� '2 N�9 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9. 1970 MINUTES Imnry Claim of A. G. Barstow for damage to his automobile Barstow on September 30, 1970 when the right front wheel dropped into an allegedly unprotected hole left by the removal of a water meter at 1436 West Bay Avenue, Newport Beach. Claim of Isaac Romero, submitted by California Romero Casualty Indemnity Exchange, for damage to Mr. Romero's car on September 7 which was allegedly caused by a mechanically coin - operated toll -gate in the 26th Street parking lot. Claim of James Greer filed by his attorney, Richard Greer A. Higbie, for damages to Mr. Greer's car allegedly occurring on August 20 and on or about September 3, 1970 in instances involving trash collection at 1208 North Bay Front, Balboa Island. • 5. The plans and specifications were approved for 32nd St. demolition of houses for the 32nd Street Widening Widening project, Contract No. 1152, and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be opened at 9:30 A. M. on November 23, 1970. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 6. The plans and specifications were approved for the Balboa improvement of the Balboa Parking Lot, Contract Prkg Lot • No .1260, and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be opened at 10:00 A. M. on December 8, 1970. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented). 7. The public improvements ctinstructed.in conjunction Resub with Resubdivision No. 221, Eastbluff shopping center 221 and Tennis Club, were accepted, and the City Clerk was authorized to release Faithful Performance Bond No. 261201 and to release the Labor and Materials Bond in six months provided no claims have been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 8. The following business license was approved: Application of Alvin A. Batchelder, owner of Al's Lunch Service, 13242 Lucille Street, Garden Grove, to operate a catering truck. (A letter requesting this service has been received from the Bouse Manu- facturing Company, 4000 Campus Drive, Newport Beach.) - 9. The expense accounts of Mayor Hirth, Councilman . McInnis and Councilman Parsons in connection with the League of California Cities Conference in San Diego, October 25 -28, were approved. Volume 24 -Page 283 COUNCILMEN f� 90 OP O v y3O NT �PiPS p ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • 10. The following Budget Amendments were approved: • BA -26, $23, 975 net decrease in Fund Balance, being a decrease in Budget Appropriations of $50,215. 89 for Fire Apparatus and Furnishings and Plans -Santa Ana Heights Fire Station, and an increase in Budget. Appropriations of $74, 190. 89 for Plans, Construction and Site of Newport Center Fire Station, Building Excise Tax Fund. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) BA -27, $1, 655 transfer of Budget Appropriations for additional funds. for the purchase of three trucks underbudgeted in the 1970 -71 fiscal year, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Electrical, Rolling Equipment, General Fund. • BA -28, $1, 100 decrease in Fund Balance for addition - al funds for the purchase of two trucks underbudgeted in the 1970 -71 fiscal period from Unappropriated Surplus, Water to Water, Rolling Equipment, General Fund. BA -29, $245. 36 transfer of Budget Appropriations for civic ceremonies honoring Mr. William P. Ficker in connection with Ficker Day, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Nondepartmental, Advertising and Public Relations, General Fund. BA -30, $2, 245 transfer of Budget Appropriations for purchase of parking meter repair parts necessary for conversion of meters increasing parking meter fees (from 25� to 50�) in designated areas per reso- lution adopted by Council on June 22, 1970, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Traffic and Parking, Special Departmental Supplies, General • Fund. BA -31, $10, 000 transfer of Budget Appropriations for extension of the Fernleaf Storm Drain from the original contract planned connection in First Avenue at Carnation Avenue downstream in a southerly direction to an existing drain junction structure northerly of Bayside Drive in Begonia Park, from Reconstruct Sewer - First and Dahlia to Construction Phase II - Fernleaf Drainage System, General Fund. (A report from the Public Works Director was pre- sented.) • Volume 24 - Page 284 COUNCILMEN �s�9 °200.0 ROLL CALL \d\ pNS ` CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • CONTINUED BUSINESS: Bal Port • 1. A report.from the Public Works Director regarding Triangle improvements to Balboa Boulevard between 47th Street Shopping and Pacific Coast Highway was presented with a letter Center from the President of the West Newport Improvement Traffic Association regarding traffic control at the 47th and Balboa intersection and attaching a petition bearing 144 signatures of concerned residents of West New- port and the merchants of the Bal_ Port Triangle Shopping Center requesting improved safety by better traffic control and a 1 e t to r from Minnie Ballard, Secretary of the Lido Sands Community Association, supporting the West Newport Association's efforts in the above matter. Traffic Engineer Robert Jaffe gave a brief staff report • Mike Johnson, President of the West Newport Beach Improvement Association, urged that something be done as soon as possible. Motion x The staff was directed to meet with members of the Ayes xxxxxxx West Newport Beach Community Association and the Lido Sands Community Association and the business- men of the Bal Port Triangle Shopping Center, and to come back to Council on November 23 with recom- mendations. Bill Hellings spoke from the audience requesting that 46th Street be included in the traffic control. Z. A report was presented from the Public Works Irvine A, Director regarding Irvine Avenue traffic safety. Traffic Robert Chapter, representing John Graham and the petitioners from the Irvine Avenue area between Santa Isabel and 22nd Street, read a letter from Mr. Graharr expressing appreciation for attention shown to their petition and commenting on suggested realignment. Motion x The staff was directed to prepare a Budget Amend - Ayes xxxxxxx ment to provide for lighting improvement installations in this year's Budget. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report from the Planning Director regarding Annex 7( Annexation No. 70 (Harbor View Hills - Phase 3) was • Volume 24 - Page 285 ie COUNCILMEN �1,�, �O S%n9 X09 y�os'AO�nm �'`9 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9, 1970 MINUTES INDEX .ve ay ys uses presented with a copy of the Local Agency Formation Commission's resolution authorizing the City Council of the City of Newport Beach to annex such territory without notice and hearing and without an election. Jim Kaylor, representing The Irvine Company, spoke from the audience. Motion x The matter was, postponed to November 23, 1970. Ayes XXXXXXN Z. A report from the Public Works Director regarding First A a driveway approach on the south side of First Drivew Avenue east of Carnation Avenue in Corona del Mar Closin was presented with a letter from William Blocker, 2515 First Avenue, protesting the proposed driveway closing. William Blocker, representing residents on First Avenue, and Mrs. Florence Kapinski spoke from the audience asking that the driveway be kept open. Motion x The matter was - postponed to November 23, 1970. Ayes x x x 3. A report was presented from the Public Works BI Alle Director regarding alleys on Balboa Island. IdMotion x The staff was authorized to determine the cost for Ayes xxxxxxx the City to acquire a corner cutoff with a radius of 15 feet, from the northeast corner of Lot 15, Block 14, Section 4, Balboa Island (331 Marine Avenue) and come back with a Budget Amendment for Council consideration; and the Planning Commission was requested to assign a high priority to their study of the problem of narrow alleys. 4. A report was presented from the City Manager Vehicl( regarding purchase of budgeted trucks. Purcha The purchase of one Parks, Beaches and Recreation truck, which exceeds the budgeted amount by more Motion x than 10% but with no additional funds being necessary, Ayes x x x x x x x was approved. HARBOR PERMITS: 1. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tide- Lawsoi lands Administrator regarding Harbor Permit Appli- • Volume 24 - Page 286 .ve ay ys uses COUNCILMEN � 9 Z ° ° -o a ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9. 1970 MINUTES INDEX L_Zj wy cation No. 116 -1212 of Mr. Howard B. Lawson to revise the slips bayward of 1210 and 1212 West Bay Avenue. Motion x Harbor Permit Application No. 116 -1212 was ap:- Ayes xxxxxxx proved. 2. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tide- Beacon lands Administrator regarding Harbor Permit Appli- Assoc cation No. 200 -059 of the Beacon Bay Association to revise the float bayward of the easterly portion of Beacon Bay. Motion x Harbor Permit Application No. 200 -059 was approved. Ayes xxxxxxx 3. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tide- Dixon lands Administrator regarding Harbor Permit Appli- cation No. 152 -345 of Mr. Kenneth W. Dixon to revise the slip bayward of 351 East Bay Front, Balboa Island. Harbor and Tidelands Administrator George Dawes gave a brief staff report. Mr. Vail, representing the Balboa Island Improve- ment Association, spoke from the audience opposing the permit. Mr. Kenneth W. Dixon spoke from the audience. Motion x Harbor Permit Application No. 152 -345 was approved. Ayes xxxxxxx ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Brad Johnson, Newport Harbor High student, pre- Pacific sented a petition bearing 928 signatures of Newport Coast F Harbor, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa high school students, calling themselves the Student Freeway Fighters, stating that as citizens of tomorrow they implored that Newport Beach be planned without a freeway and supported the idea of placing the matter on the ballot, and asking adults to sign the two referendum petitions being circulated in the City. Said petitions were received by the Council and turned over to the City Clerk. • Volume 24 - Page 287 L_Zj wy COUNCILMEN 'k ���PaZnoA y C 9 AO �n yA ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 9. 1970 MINUTES IIJU7y.1 2. The City Council Policy Statement H -2 entitled, Upper Motion x "Upper Bay Land Exchange ", was amended to reflect Npt Bay yes xxxxxxx the scope of the project and planning consideration as Land stated in the Upper Newport Bay Cooperative Plan- Exchange ning Committee's objectives. Motion x 3. The staff was instructed to prepare resolutions Res of Ayes xxxxxxx expressing appreciation for services rendered by Appreci- Supervisors Alton Allen and William Hirstein for ation their services on the Orange County Board of Super- visors to be presented at their retirement dinner. 4. The one bank, one account policy for the active Council Motion x (demand) checking account policy was adopted; the Policies) Ayes x x x x x x x Council Policy Statement F -1 entitled, "Deposits, Finance Withdrawals and Investment of Funds" was amended; and the staff was directed to go to bid for the con- solidation of the- City's checking account in one bank located in Newport Beach, following the procedure outlined in the City Manager's report dated Novem- ber 3, -1970. Mayor Hirth stated that the regularly scheduled Study Session for November 16, 1970 would not be held. I Mayor Hirth declared the meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., November 17, 1970 at the Mariners Library ' Multipurpose Room for a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Mayor ATTEST• I-_. City Clerk Volume 24 - Page 288