HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/1970 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN 1i 'i'9ZC�O'� yy C ocF 9� yOG 0�.�9A,n ��,9 ROLL CALL " PYe9E &bser. Motio Ayes Abser L Motic Ayes Absei • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX nt x x x x x x Roll Call. .t x n x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of X x x x x x November 23, 1970 was waived, and said Minutes were Lt x approved as written and ordered filed. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the continued public hearing Npt E regarding appeal of Newport Arches Marina, Inc. , Mari by Richard G. Greenberg, attorney, from the decision of the Planning Commission denying an Amendment to Use Permit No. 1302 requesting inclusion of a boat to be used as a 150 -seat floating restaurant at the Arches Marina property, portion of Lot 170, Block 2, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 3333 West Coast Highway, on the south side of West Coast Highway between Newport Boulevard and Riverside Drive. Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a brief staff report and introduced Richard Greenberg, attorney for the appellant,who requested a month's continuant and that the matter be reheard before the Planning Commission. ,n x The matter was referred back to the Planning Com- x xxxxx mission without prejudice. It x 2. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing to determine Hart whether or not Harbor Permit Application No. 152- Perr 345 approved by Council on November 9, 1970 for Revc revision to slip bayward of 351 East Bay Front, Balboa Island, should be revoked. Notices of hearing had been mailed to the applicant, Kenneth Dixon, and all residents within 300 feet. City Clerk Laura Lagios stated a letter had been received from the Balboa Island Improvement As- sociation respectfully requesting denial of said Harbor Permit. Harbor and Tidelands Administrator George Dawes presented a petition addressed to Mayor Hirth signed by 44 homeowners in favor of subject pier improvements. Volume 24 - Page 308 �r the s na or nit cation COUNCILMEN y om n ROLL CALL y LN mp Z w CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14. 1970 MINUTES i NnFY Applicant Kenneth Dixon spoke from the audience. . John Sweeney, representing the Balboa Improve- ment Association, reaffirmed the Association's opposition. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes x x x x x x Absent x Motion x The Council's previous approval of Harbor Permit Ayes x x x x L No. 152 -345 was sustained. Abstain q x Absent x 3. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding Dist Maps Ordinance No. 1369, being, 34 & 35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMEND- ING DISTRICT MAPS NOS. 34 AND 35, Planning Commission Amendment No. 273, request of Emkay Development Corporation to rezone pro- perty, presently owned by Lockheed Aircraft Corpo- ration, from an Unclassified District to a P -C (Planned Community) District to provide for the classification and development of approximately 196 acres of land, located northeast of the intersection of Palisades Road and Birch Street, for light industry, research and development, business and professional offices, recreation and commercial facilities, portion of Block 50, Irvine's Subdivision. A report from the Planning Director was presented. Planning Director Larry Wilson reported on the findings of the Planning Commission. Robert Crommelin, consulting traffic engineer, spoke regarding possible impact on the airport and gave a traffic projection report. The following people spoke in favor of subject,re= zbnin'g: Ernest Wilson, architect responsible for the overall design of the project; Mr. Robert A. Alleborn, President of Emkay Development Corpo- ration; George Hewitt, resident of Newport Beach and owner of an industrial building near subject site. Volume 24 - Page 309 COUNCILMEN t� P� S CP �O T A0��o nm N`9 FP Z Y N ROLL CALL N $ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX The following people spoke against subject rezoning: • Charles Curry, President of Newport Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce; Jim Taylor, General Planning Administrator, and Dick Reese, Vice President of Planning for The Irvine Company. Dan Emory suggested that such rezoning be con- ditioned to provide that future tenants must be informed that Orange County Airport jet flights will eventually be phased out. Mr. Alleborn, President of Emkay Development, stated he was not against the phasing out of jet air- craft from Orange County Airport. Motion x Ordinance No. 1369 was introduced and the hearing Ayes x x x x x was continued to December 21, 1970. Absent x yio�- X xo ,&RECESS for five minutes was declared by Mayor Hirth. �a The Council reconvened with all members present, including Councilman Kymla who arrived during recess. Mayor Hirth announced that due to the large number of • interested persons in the audience, and with the unani- mous consent of the Council, Agenda Item D -2, Ordi- nances for Introduction, would be taken out of order. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: A proposed, ordinance, being, Tidelandi Use Fees AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING CHAPTER 17.33 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, "PIER REGISTRATION AND TIDELAND USE FEES, " was presented. Letters from D. W. Frick, George Michaud, Kenneth Volk, Jr. and Clark Miller opposing the tidelands use fees were presented. City Clerk Laura Lagios announced that additional letters had been received from Byron Farwell, George Michaud and Miss Margene Musser opposing the tidelands use fees. • Volume 24 - Page 310 COUNCILMEN y �� Po .yZ� �� �A mN ROLL CALL u v . < $� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INOEX The following people spoke from the audience opposing • the tidelands use fees: Larry Miller, Chairman of the Tidelands and Beach Committee of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce; R. C. Chupland, Newport Beach resident; John Payne, owner of boat yard on Coast High- way; Mrs. Emory Moore, representative of the Balboa Peninsula Point Association; Cotton and Max Sturgis, Newport Beach residents; and Roy B. Woolsey who stated he had an additional petition opposing the fee which has been signed by 1, 251 Newport Beach residents, 700 Orange County residents outside Newport Beach and 274 outside Orange County. Motion x Councilman Parsons made a motion that further consi- deration of the ordinance be tabled until an opinion from the Attorney General was received. Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Rogers made a substitute motion to Ayes x x x introduce the proposed ordinance, which motion failed Noes x x x x to carry. Ayes x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Parsons' motion, which Noes x x x motion carried, and the matter was tabled. Councilman Dostal read in full a resolution urging the • Board of Supervisors to conduct further studies prior to adopting interim rental charges for the private use of tidelands claimed by the County of Orange. Motion x Councilman McInnis made a substitute motion to amend R -7320 Ayes xxxxxxx the resolution wherein the Council asks the Board of Supervisors to withhold any action on tidelands use fees on County tidelands to no earlier than July 1, 1971, with no retroactivity; and amended Resolution No. 7320 was adopted. The regular order of business was resumed. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONTINUED: 4. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding CATV Ordinance No. 1364, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 5. 44. 040 OF CHAPTER 5.44 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE DURATION OF COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELE- VISION FRANCHISES. • Volume 24 - Page 311 COUNCILMEN ?. 1- 9 ��� O y?i O � ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Bob Harkey spoke from the audience against granting • an extension to the Newport Beach Cablevision franchise. Wayne Hauser, Vice President/ General Manager, Newport Beach Cablevision, Inc. spoke from the audience. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxx Motion x Ordinance No. 1364 was adopted after the reading Ayes xxxxxxx of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 5. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding CATV Ordinance No. 1365, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1197 WHICH GRANTED A NONEXCLUSIVE FRAN- CHISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELE- VISION SYSTEM TO WARNER BROS. TV SERVICES, INC., A PREDECESSOR OF NEWPORT BEACH CABLEVISION, INC., THE EXISTING FRANCHISE HOLDER. • No one desired to be heard. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxx Motion x Ordinance No. 1365 was adopted after the reading Ayes xxxxxxx of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 6. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding Dist Map Ordinance No. 1367, being, No. 52 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMEND- ING A PORTION OF DISTRICT MAP NO. 52 AND PREZONING UNINCORPORATED TERRI- TORY ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH IN THE EVENT OF SUBSEQUENT ANNEXATION, Planning Commission Amendment No. 272, pre - zoning a portion of Block 97, Irvine's Subdivision, presently outside of the Newport Beach City limits, • Volume 24 - Page 312 COUNCILMEN ?i �< y ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX from an R -3 -B to an R-1 -B District and portions of • Tracts 6152 and 6634 in Harbor View Hills from an R -3 -B to an R-1 -B District. No one desired to be heard. Motion X The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxx Motion X Ordinance No. 1367 was adopted after the reading Ayes x x x x xx of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent Abstain x of the Council. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1366, being, Annex 71 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND KNOWN AS THE ACACIA- PALISADES ANNEXATION - ANNEXATION NO. 71, • was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1366 was adopted after further Ayes xxxxxxx reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 2. Ordinance No. 1368, being, Business License AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Tax BEACH REPEALING CHAPTERS 5.04 AND 5.08 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW CHAPTERS TO SAID CODE: 5.04, ENTITLED "GENERAL PROVISIONS "; 5.08, ENTITLED "LICENSE FEE CATEGORIES "; 5. 11, ENTITLED "SPECIAL REGULATIONS, " was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1368 was adopted after further Ayes xxxxxxx reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. • Volume 24 - Page 313 COUNCILMEN �tf9osomov 'y�o%'�onm s�9mtNs ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1370, being, Prezoninl Cagney AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Prop BEACH PREZONING UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY LOCATED NORTH OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AND EAST OF SUPERIOR AVENUE, ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, IN THE EVENT OF SUBSEQUENT ANNEXATION, Planning Commission Amendment 274, request of William J. and James Cagney to prezone unincorpo., -." rated territory adjoining the City for the purpose of determining the zoning that will apply to such pro- perty in the event of subsequent annexation to the City, requesting the establishment of a P -C (Planned Community) District to provide for the development of approximately 26.5 acres of land located north of Pacific Coast Highway and east of Superior Avenue for development as residential garden apartments and condominiums using up to three story buildings with private recreation facilities and both under- ground and surface parking. A report was presented from the Planning Director. Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a report on the findings of the Planning Commission. Thomas Peckenpaugh, attorney for James and William Cagney and for Donald J. Scholz and Com- pany, the prospective purchaser and developer, requested that the abandonment of the oil wells be made a condition of the annexation rather than of the prezoning by requiring the developer to put up a bond guaranteeing the abandonment of any existing oil wells on the property in accordance with County and State standards. The Council agreed that the developer should post a bond to guarantee correct abandonment procedures and the staff was instructed to come back with a recommendation for the amount of bond prior to completion of annexation. Motion x Ordinance No. 1370 was introduced, and the City Ayes x x x x x x x Clerk's setting a public hearing for December 21, • 1970, was confirmed. Volume 24 - Page 314 COUNCILMEN $�95c+ov Zy � OCF 9� 9pGON�TN �,r9 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX . CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report from the City Manager regarding proposed Civic agreement with the County of Orange for sale of Center property providing for Harbor Judicial District courts in the new Civic Center Complex.was pre- sented with an excerpt of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors Meeting held on November 24 declaring the Board's intention to continue the pro- posed purchase of the Harbor Judicial Court site from December 15 to December 23, 1970. Frank Moser, of Welton Becket and Associates, gave a brief report. Charles Curry, President of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, urged execution of the contract. John Macnab, of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Board of Directors unanimously agreed that this contract should be entered into and police facilities should be built. Harvey Pease and Dee Cook spoke from the audience opposing execution of the contract. Resolution No. 7321, authorizing execution of an R -7321 agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the County of Orange for the sale of Civic Center 00tion property to the County of Orange for construction of x Municipal Court facilities, was adopted after the Ayes x x x x x x reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous Noes x consent of the Council. Mayor Hirth appointed Councilmen McInnis, Croul Civic and Dostalto serve on a Council Civic Center Bldg. Center Committee, to work with the architects and to work Bldg. out the best possible wording of the proposition to be Cmte on the ballot to go to the voters. 2. Reports were presented from the Parks, Beaches . Finch and Recreation Commission and from the Newport Memori Beach City Arts Committee regarding Braden Finch memorial. Motion x The Braden Finch memorial, as proposed by the Ayes x x x x x x Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, was ap- Noes x proved. 3. A report was presented from the Public Works Crab Director regarding request of the Crab Cooker to Cooker install a clock on the sidewalk at 2200 Newport Boulevard. Volume 24 - Page 315 al COUNCILMEN 'fi �'P 5C�0o ZN 9oc`m�y�°`oA9 ROLL CALL - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX otion x The installation of the clock was approved, subject yea xxxxxxx to conditions recommended by the Public Works Director. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A letter was presented from the Orange County OrCo Mosquito Abatement District requesting Council to Mosquito reappoint Mr. A. Sandy Steiner to the Board of Abatement Trustees. Dist The reappointment of A. Sandy Steiner to the Board of Trustees of the Orange County Mosquito Abate - Motion x ment District for a two -year term ending Decem- Ayes x x x x x x x ber 31, 1972 was approved. Motion x 2. Mayor Pro Tem Rogers and Councilman Parsons Trans - Ayes x x x x x x x were appointed as advisory members of the Trans- portation portation Plan Committee, Robert Milum was ap- Plan Cmte pointed as the representative of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and Hal Pinchin as the representative of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce; the Chamber appointments to be on the condition that representatives are residents of • Newport Beach. 3. A report was presented from the Planning Director Tract regarding the findings of the Planning Commission 7323 in connection' with the Tentative Map of Tract 7323, request of The Irvine Company to divide 8. 8 acres into 25 residential lots, portion of Blocks 56 and 92 of Irvine's Subdivision, located southerly of Ford Road between MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree Road in the "Big Canyon" Planned Community. Motion x The Tentative Map of Tract 7323 was approved, Ayes x x x x x x x subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. 4. A report was presented from the Underground Under - Utilities Coordinating Committee regarding proposed ground underground utility districts. Utility District The following revised order of priority for estab- Priorities Motion x lishing underground utility districts was approved, Ayes xxxxxxx and the staff was directed to proceed with the • Volume 24 - Page 316 COUNCILMEN t,� Po 2 oP °0 9 y?i c+Pao,na+ ROLL CALL \-\0 �yCNQL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Under- formation of an underground utility district along ground • Pacific Coast Highway from the Arches to Dover Utilities Drive: Dist No 2 I. Ocean Boulevard (Poppy Ave. to Heliotrope Ave. ) Z. Hospital Road (Newport Blvd. to Super Ave. ) and Placentia Ave. (Hospital Road to Superior Ave. ). 3. Pacific Coast Highway (Arches to Dover Drive). 4. El Paseo Drive (Bayside Drive to Pacific Coast Highway) and Bayside Drive (El Paseo Drive to Marine Ave.). 5. Newport Blvd. (30th Street to McFadden Place). 6. Balboa Blvd. (33rd Street to McFadden Place). 5. A report from the Public Works Director regarding Traffic Motion x traffic signal needs and priorities was continued to Signal Ayes xxxxxxx December 21, 1970 with the request that the matter Priorities also be placed on the Study Session agenda. 0 6. A report was presented from the City Manager Collins regarding capital improvement requests from Radio Collins Radio. Motion x The staff was directed to advise the management of xxxxxxx Collins Radio Company that the City is unable to :yes approve its request for capital improvement financing in view of the conflict it creates with existing Council Policies and the precedent which it would be establishing. 7. A report from the City Manager regarding Council Council Policies D -1, "Cooperative Beach Erosion Control Policies Motion x Project" and K -1, "Pollution Control" were con - Ayes xxxxxxx tinued to December 21, 1970. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion af- Ayes xxxxxxx firming the actions of the Consent Calendar: 1. The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: Copy of Protest and Petition of Air West before Public Utilities Commission in the matter of the application of Air California for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. • Volume 24 - Page 317 COUNCILMEN $ 'f� 1+ °may � 00 ROLL CALL '^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Letter from California Council on Intergovernmental • Relations enclosing first phase report on Council project to develop recommended shifts in allocation of public service responsibilities. Letter from Walter J. Koch, Chairman, Citizens Pacific Coordinating Committee, stating that two petitions Coast with reference to the proposed Coastal Freeway Freeway were filed on December 3, 1970, with the City Clerk and that when an election date is set, the Committee has no objection to the Council's selecting a date in conjunction with any other local election early next year. Agenda of Board of Supervisors meetings held November 24, 25, December 1, 2, 8 and 9, 1970. Excerpt from Minutes of Board of Supervisors Or Co meeting of November 17 indicating request of the Airport Board that the Airport Commission is to hold hearings on the Ralph M. Parsons Report, Phase LI, Master Plan of Air Transportation within the af- fected areas and present its findings to the Board of Supervisors prior to the hearing set for Decem- ber 16, 1970. Two letters from Local Agency Formation Com- mission: (1) Notifying of hearing set for Decem- ber 23, 1970 in connection with proposed Annexation No. 4 to Orange County Sanitation District No. 5; and (2) Asking that the City's report in connection with said proposed annexation be received no later than December 11, 1970. Letter from Local Agency Formation Commission requesting report no later than December 11 in connection with proposed Detachment No. 7 from the Irvine Ranch Water District which has been set for hearing on December 23, 1970. Letter from the South Coast Transit Corp., notifying that the Corporation has filed with the Public Utilities Commission an application to increase rate s. Notice from Western Union Telegraph Company that application has been made to Public Utilities Com- mission to make certain changes in rates for intra- state service in California. • Volume 24 - Page 318 COUNCILMEN ;�f9s000 � o ti3 oP�o ti'N�9 LPN ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • Notice from Public Utilities Commission regarding Application of Southern California Edison Company for rate increase. Z. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- Mariners mission, letter from A. E. Folkedal addressed to Park Councilman Dostal regarding the newly installed field lighting at Mariners Park. Referred to Planning Commission for inclusion in Balboa current study, copy of letter from Mrs. Anne T. Wharf Lunday, Corresponding Secretary for the Woman's Civic League of Newport Harbor, addressed to Planning Director Larry Wilson, recommending strongly that the proposal for rezoning lands ad- jacent to Balboa Island, Balboa Wharf, be denied. Referred to Planning Commission for inclusion in Balboa current study, letter from Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Wharf Boswell, residents of Balboa Island, stating they are against the development of The Irvine Company's Balboa Wharf complex on Bayside Drive. • Referred to staff for reply, letter from Lionel Beach Heller, 110 37th Street, regarding the undesirable Erosion condition of the sand on the beach, and requesting to be advised what the future plans are to correct the situation. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Kenneth Commen- Riedman, 912 Alder Place, commenting on the dation superior job done by a City street sweeper employee and also commending the City's trash pickup depart- ment. Referred to staff for inclusion in study, petition Neufeld signed by 221 property owners and /or residents of Appeal the City of Newport Beach requesting approval of the proposed residential project on the old Rendez- bous property. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, reso- Pollution lution of the City of Modesto urging the League of California Cities and the County Supervisors Associ- ation of California to seek action to alleviate the problem of litter and waste disposal created by the sale of beverages in disposable, non - returnable containers. Volume 24 - Page 319 COUNCILMEN 3 IL m y o 0 0 �'`9 LPN y ROLL CALL ^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX » Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, reso- SCAG • lution of the City of Buena Park urging that Southern California Agency of Governments (SCAG) consider the adoption of a policy to oppose any bill on a state or federal level which does not involve local govern- ment in the decision - making process regarding the orderly physical development of a region. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, reso- Obscenit lution of the City of Anaheim requesting action to stop the flood of smut and obscenity in our Country and State. Referred to staff for reply, petition addressed to Civic Mayor Pro Tem Rogers and bearing signatures of Center seventeen Balboa residents asking that they have a chance to vote on the proposed new City Hall. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Mrs. P. R. Trailer/ Drake stating that she hopes that Greyhound bus Campers campers will not be outlawed in Newport -Costa Mesa area. 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous • consent of the Council: Resolution No. 7322 authorizing the execution of an Resub 2 agreement between the City of Newport Beach and R -7322 The Irvine Company for public improvements in connection with Resubdivision No. 284 for storm drain construction in San Joaquin Road and new MacArthur Boulevard. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented. ) Resolution No. 7323 expressing Council's concern POW over the inhumane treatment being given to Ameri- R -7323 can prisoners of war held by the Government of North Vietnam, and urging the citizens of Newport Beach to request the Government of North Vietnam to comply with civilized standards for treatment of American prisoners of war, as expressed in the Geneva Conventions. (A report from the City Attor- ney was presented. ) Resolution No. 7324 accepting the dedication for Tract public street purposes of portion of MacArthur 6623 Boulevard and Ford Road within Subdivision Tract R -7324 No. 6623. (A report from the Public Works Director regarding street dedications was presented.) • Volume 24 - Page 320 » COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES Z �09G 0 Z Gr2( ROLL CALL 3 9 �n 4L ^ December 14, 1970 INDEX Resolution No. 7325 accepting the dedication for Tract • public street purposes of a portion of MacArthur 6624 Boulevard within Subdivision Tract No. 6624., R -7325 Resolution No. 7326 accepting the dedication for Tract public street purposes of a portion of MacArthur_ 6565 Boulevard within Subdivision Tract No. 6565. R -7326 Resolution No. 7327, a resolution of intention Water Lin declaring Council's intention to order the vacation Vacation of a water line easement at Hoag Hospital. (A R -7327 report from the Public Works Director was pre- sented.) Resolution No. 7328, a resolution of intention Sewer Lin declaring Council's intention to order the vacation Vacation of a sewer line easement at El Paseo Drive and R -7328 Bayside Drive. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7329 designating one -way streets, Traffic establishing one -way traffic northbound on 61st R -7329 Street from Coast Boulevard to Lancaster Street and westbound on Lancaster Street from 61st Street to 62nd Street. (A report from the Public Works • Director was presented.) 4. The City Clerk's referral of the following claims to the insurance carrier was confirmed: Claim of Thomas E. Johnson for damages to his car Johnson on September 19, 1970, allegedly caused when it was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. Claim of Frederick M. Grazer, M. D. for damages Grazer to his car on November 13 at Goldenrod and Harbor View Drive, allegedly due to improper barricading of a construction project by a City contractor. Claim of Charles B. and Janet C. Reinhardt for Reinhardt personal property which had been stolen on or about January 1, 1970 and which had allegedly been re- covered and improperly disposed of by the Newport Beach Police Department. Claim of O. E. Bottorff for damages to his recircu- Bottorff lating hot water pump allegedly caused when City employees shut off the water on November 10, 1970. • Volume 24 - Page 321 COUNCILMEN 3'F95C0'a y y ��' ,r�r N ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES RLDI:u • Claim of F. M. Wilcox for repair of a 6 -foot high redwood fence damaged during a windstorm, Wilcox allegedly by a falling tree limb from a City -main- tained tree. Claim filed by Farmers Insurance Group for them- Whitehea selves and for Marianne Whitehead for damage to Farmers Miss Whitehead's car on October 30, 1970 at 313 Insuranc Marine Avenue, Balboa Island, allegedly caused Group when a tree whose roots had been cut for removal fell on her car. 5. The request of the Fashion Island Merchants Associ- Christma ation to place a decorative Christmas angel on the Decora- utility lighting pole in the median strip at the tions entrance to Fashion Island, Newport Center off Pacific Coast Highway was approved. (A report from the City Manager was presented.) 6. The main line storm drain improvements constructe Storm in conjunction with Tracts 7028 and 7029, were ap- Drain proved, and the City Clerk was authorized to re- Imprvmt; lease Faithful- Performance Bond No. 7103748 and to release Labor and Materials Bond No. 7104151 in six months provided no claims have been filed. • (A report from the Public Works Director was pre- sented.) 7. The sewage pump station constructed in conjunction Sewage with the North Bluff planned residential development Pump was accepted, and the City Clerk was authorized to Station release Faithful Performance Bond No. SC 7103320 and to release the Labor and Materials Bond in six months provided no claims have been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was pre- sented.) 8. The expense accounts of City Manager Harvey Hurl - burt for attendance at the ICMA Conference in San Diego on September 20 -23 and for attendance at the League of California Cities Conference in San Diego on October 25 -28, 1970, were approved. 9. The following Budget Amendments were approved.: BA -35, $200 transfer of Budget Appropriations for purchase of two Davis "bomb blankets" from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Police, Equipment, NOC, General Fund. (A report from the City Manager was presented. ) Volume 24 - Page 322 d/ COUNCILMEN �¢�P02 2 � C� �•� POG ON�y'p" ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX • BA -36, $500 from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Nondepartmental, Services -Prof. & Technical, etc. for consultant services in prepa- ration of Mobilehome Park Master Plan of Develop- ment for presentation to City Planning Commission for 40 -acre City dump site at the west end of 19th. Street. (An interim report from the City Manager regarding sale of surplus City property was pre - sented.) BA -37, $800 transfer of Budget Appropriations for ducted heating system for the City Sign and Paint Shop from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Field Maintenance, Equipment, NOC, General Fund. (A report from the City Manager was presented with a memorandum from the General Services Director. BA -38, $9, 300 increase in Budget Appropriations and Revenue Estimates for placement of coin oper- ated duplicating machines to be placed in each branck library and increase in Sale of Maps and Publication Library Fund. (A report from the City Manager was presented.) BA -39, $435 transfer of Budget Appropriations for • replacement of book return receptacle at Mariners Library from Capital Outlay, Object No. 7090 to Object No. 7093, Library Fund. (A report from the City Manager was presented.) ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A letter from R. E. Thomas, County Admimistrative Human Officer, enclosing a redraft of Statement of Goals Relations and Organization in connection with Study Task Cmsn Force - Proposed .County Human Relations Com- mission was continued to December 21, 1970, by unanimous agreement of the Council. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. A request of the Lido Shops Association was pre- Parking sented regarding suspension of parking meter oper- Meter ation during the holiday season in the Lido Shops Holiday area, comprising Via Lido, Via Malaga, Via Suspensior Oporto, Central Avenue, and the off - street lot on Via Oporto at Central. Volume 24 - Page 323 COUNCILMEN 3.��so o �% � oc y�po$'P�9pJ, ROLL CALL T %u' Wotion yea Motion Ayes 10 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 14, 1970 MINUTES INDEX x A Minute Resolution was adopted suspending parking xxxxxxx meter operation in the Lido Shops area from December 15 to December 28, 1970. x The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 A.M. X X X X X X Mayor ATTEST: 'Clerk City Clerk Volume 24 - Page 324