HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/1971 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN 3��AOyOOo �y ?i G 'A' �O min 9P �C9 �"r < A N4i ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scouts Don Thousand and John Callis, who will be attending the 13th . World Boy Scout Jamboree in Japan. Present x x x x x x Roll Call: Absent x Motion x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Ayes x xxxxx July 12, 1971 was waived, and said Minutes were approved Absent x as written. and ordered filed. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the continued public hearing. in Dist connection with Ordinance No. 1391, being, Map 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 1, Planning Commission Amendment No. 291, request of Patrick O'Connor to change Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 8 and Lot 9, Block 7 of Seashore Colony Tract, located at 207, 209, 210 and 211 Orange Street north of West Coast Highway and south of Newport Shores Drive, —" . from a C -1 -H District to an R -2 District. No one desired to speak from the audience. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes x xxxxx Absent x Motion x Ordinance No. 1391 was adopted after the reading of Ayes x x x x x x the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Absent x Council. Z. Mayor Hirth opened.the public hearing in connection Dist with Ordinance No. 1397, being, Map 10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 10, Planning Commission Amendment No. 295, request of City of Newport Beach to rezone all that property located on the south side of West Bay Avenue between Island Avenue and 6th Street from a C -1 District to an Volume 25 - Page 203 ROLL CAL • Motion Ayes Absent Motion Aye s Absent • Motion Ayes Absent • COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES R -3 District, and to establish a front -yard setback of four feet along the southerly side of West Bay Avenue. Acting Community Development Director Jim Hewicke: gave a brief staff report. No one desired to speak from the audience. The hearing was closed. Ordinance No. 1397 was adopted after the reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 3. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection with the Spring, 1971 Weed Abatement Program. A report from the Fire Chief dated July 2, 1971 and the Assessment List on abatement of weeds and other nuisances within the City were presented. Said report and assessment list had been posted and published in accordance with the requirements of Section 10.48 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. No one desired to speak from the audience. Inspector Topping of the Fire Department commented on the report from the Fire Chief. Mayor Hirth closed the hearing. Resolution No. 7484, confirming the report of the Fire Chief assessing the cost of the abatement of weeds and other nuisances and requesting the Auditor - Controller of Orange County to enter the amount of each assessment referred to in said report on the County tax roll, was adopted after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1398, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 20.08. 150 OF THE Volume 25 - Page 204 INDEX Weed Abatement R -7484 Rear Yard Setbacks COUNCILMEN �� s�9 ROLL CALL • Mot Aye Abs Mot W Ab ye S Mot • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Tulv 26. 1971 MINUTES 'BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO EQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO tD SETBACKS. aission Amendment No. 289, pertaining etbacks in residential districts having :ar of lots or building sites. m the Community Development Depart - ented. 1398 was introduced and set for public ust 9, 1971. nance No. 1399, being, ANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT ZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING MAP NO. 1, aission Amendment No. 296, request )'Connor to change the zoning of Lots 4 of Seashore Colony Tract located Cedar Street at the southwest corner t and Newport Shores Drive from a to an R -2 District. resented from the Community Develop - .nt. 1399 was introduced and set for public ust 9, 1971. nance No. 1400, being, ANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT DING CHAPTER 12.66 TO THE 'BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO FOR THE APPLICATION OF CALIFOR --LE CODETO PRIVATE STREETS. the Irvine Company requesting applica- .fornia Vehicle Code to all private .thin or hereinafter established in Big ed by San Joaquin Hills Road, 1, Ford Road and MacArthur Boulevard with a report from the Acting City .rsons made a motion to introduce 1400 and pass to second reading on igers asked that a Council Policy be sought back for consideration at a ender which the private streets the acceptable to the Police Department it of the California Vehicle Code, and Tolume 25 - Page 205 INDEX 1 Canyon vate NEW POR' REVISE R REAR YA: Planning Com: to rear yard so alleys to the r4 The report fro ment was pres ion xi Ordinance No. S x xxxxx hearing on Aug ent 2. Proposed Ordi AN ORDIr BEACH R, DISTRICT Planning Comr from Patrick ( 7 and 8, Block at 209 and 211 of Cedar Stree C -1 -H Distric' A report was I ment Departm, ion x Ordinance No. s x xxxxx hearing on Aug ent 3. Proposed Ordi AN ORDIP BEACH A NEWPOR' PROVIDE NIA V EHI A letter from tion of the Cal streets now w Canyon, bound Jamboree Roa was presented Attorney. ion x Councilman P: Ordinance No. August 9, 1971 Vice Mayor R( prepared and 1 Study Session City accepts b for enforceme MINUTES 'BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO EQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO tD SETBACKS. aission Amendment No. 289, pertaining etbacks in residential districts having :ar of lots or building sites. m the Community Development Depart - ented. 1398 was introduced and set for public ust 9, 1971. nance No. 1399, being, ANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT ZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING MAP NO. 1, aission Amendment No. 296, request )'Connor to change the zoning of Lots 4 of Seashore Colony Tract located Cedar Street at the southwest corner t and Newport Shores Drive from a to an R -2 District. resented from the Community Develop - .nt. 1399 was introduced and set for public ust 9, 1971. nance No. 1400, being, ANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT DING CHAPTER 12.66 TO THE 'BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO FOR THE APPLICATION OF CALIFOR --LE CODETO PRIVATE STREETS. the Irvine Company requesting applica- .fornia Vehicle Code to all private .thin or hereinafter established in Big ed by San Joaquin Hills Road, 1, Ford Road and MacArthur Boulevard with a report from the Acting City .rsons made a motion to introduce 1400 and pass to second reading on igers asked that a Council Policy be sought back for consideration at a ender which the private streets the acceptable to the Police Department it of the California Vehicle Code, and Tolume 25 - Page 205 INDEX 1 Canyon vate COUNCILMEN yy G>� %-` OG \TIP i�, S l ROLL CALL CITY OF July 26, 1971 NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES INDEX ement act iment r & nds lip ors if the tract cannot comply with this, the City will deny • it, and that this be brought back to a Study Session. Ayes x x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Parsons' motion, Absent x which motion carried. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 1401, being, Retire Contr; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Ameno BEACH AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIRE- MENT SYSTEM. A .report was presented from the Acting City Manager. Motion x Ordinance No. 1401 was introduced and passed to Ayes x x x x x x second reading on August 9, 1971. Absent x CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A letter was presented from the City Manager's of- Harbo . fice to the Commander of American Legion Post 291 Tidela • inviting them to appear at the meeting to explain Boat S their changes in connection with slip rental for Rental the City boat. Acting City Manager Philip Bettencourt stated that a check had been received from the American Legion for the amount of the boat rental income which had been deducted from the payments to the City for the use of the property. It was the consensus of the Council that the matter be considered closed. 2. A report from the Acting City Attorney regarding an reak electric gate at the entrance to Breakers Drive was Drive presented with letters from Donna and William Gate Reimers and from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vilas, opposing the installation of an electric gate at the entrance to Breakers Drive. Carl Kegley, representing the Breakers Drive Associ- ation, spoke from the audience. Virginia Claus spoke from the audience, objecting to the gate. • Volume 25 - Page 206 ement act iment r & nds lip ors COUNCILMEN ?i t ? � O y3CPjO� Ao s`9 ��N Z < <N5 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Julv 26. 1971 MINUTES imnFx Resolution No. 7485, as amended, consenting to the R -7485 Motion x erection of an electric gate at the entrance to Breaker es x x x x x x Drive, was adopted after the.reading of the resolution sent x was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 3. A report was presented from Tully Seymour, City's West legal consultant, regarding title to the Santa Ana Newport River Channel and the proposed park site adjacent to Park Newport Shores Tract. Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Cal Stewart gave a brief staff report. Motion x It was directed that as an alternative to involving the Ayes x x x x x x City in litigation to quiet title to the parcel in question Absent x at this time, the staff contact all those parties pro- fessing to have an interest in the subject property, for the purpose of working out an agreement to allow the site to be used for park purposes by the citizens of Newport Beach whereby the status quo would be main- tained and the alleged property rights of all parties involved would not be in any way diminished or change and would be held in abeyance pending the final determination of ownership. Councilman McInnis asked that the West Newport Park Committee be asked to sit in on a negotiation meeting. • RECESS for 15 minutes was called by Mayor Hirth. The Council reconvened with all members present except Councilman Kymla who was absent. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report from the Acting City Manager regarding Special the special Civic Center financing election was pre- Bond sented with a letter from Stone & Youngberg, financial Election consultants, furnishing financial data. Ernest Bodnar of Stone & Youngberg spoke from the audience explaining the financial data contained in their letter of July 23. The following actions were taken: Motion x (a) The reading of the ordinance and resolutions in Ayes x xxx x x full was waived. Absent x • Volume 25 - Page 207 ROLL CALI Motio: yes bsen Motio; Ayes Absen Motiol Ayes Absen .otior Ayes Absen Motio7 Ayes Absen COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX (b) Resolution No. 7486, determining that the public R -7486 interest and necessity demand the acquisition and construction of a certain municipal improve- ment. and making findings related thereto, was adopted. (c) Ordinance No. 1402, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDINGFOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ON OCTOBER 5, 1971, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY FOR A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT; appointing election officers, designating polling places and providing for the opening and closing of the polls, was introduced and passed to second reading on August 2, 1971. (d) A resolution authorizing certain members of the City Council to file a written argument for a City measure was tabled to August 9, 1971. (e) Resolution No. 7487, authorizing execution of a Letter Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers for legal services as bond counsel for the Civic Center Bond Election, was adopted. (A report from the Acting City Manager was presented. ) Z. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department regarding Final Map of Tract 6885, subdividing 9.135 acres into 55 lots and two lettered lots (Unit T -IH of Northbluff), being a portion of Block 52, Irvine's Subdivision, located on the north side of Vista Del Oro westerly of Vista Del Sol. Robert Bein, engineer for the developer, spoke from the audience. The Final Map of Tract 6885 was approved; and: the fol lowing resolution was adopted after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council: Resolution No. 7488 authorizing the execution of an agreement with IDH, a Joint Venture, subdivider, for the construction ofimprove- ments in Tract 6885. Volume 25 - Page 208 -1402 -7487 f�7 COUNCILMEN 1i 'f 9 y C, ° 'a ROLL CALL CITY OF July 26, 1971 NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES INDEX 3. A letter from Dick Wandrocke announcing that the Hobie Cat annual Ancient Mariner Hobie Catamaran Point Race Sailing Regatta would beheld on August 21 and 22, and re- Regatta questing overnight storage of the boats on the beach was presented with a report from the Harbor & Tide- lands Administrator. Harbor & Tidelands Administrator George Dawes gave a brief staff report. Councilman Dostal made a motion to waive the storage prohibition and boat launching hours at the bay beach at 18th Street and the area between 15th and 16th Streets on August 21 and 22 to permit the Southern California Hobie Catamaran Association to hold its annual sailing regatta. Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Rogers made a substitute motion to waive the storage prohibition and boat launching hours at the bay beach at 18th Street and the area between 15th and 16th Streets on August 21 and 22, and to classify this as a special event to be handled by the City Manager as a special event in the future. Acting City Manager Philip Bettencourt explained that the regatta did qualify as a special event which could be set by the City Manager but this particular event had been brought before Council at this time because of Council's current consideration of such matters. Ayes x x x x x x A vote was taken on Mayor Pro Tem Rogers' motion, Absent x which motion carried. 4. Letters from Mrs. Howard Mansur and Mrs. Betty W. Hart asking why Mr. P. A. Cassel has not re- placed the strip of sidewalk over the northeasterly fourteen feet of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 2, Balboa Bayside Tract, per Council instructions of May 24, were presented with a report from Tully Seymour, City's legal consultant. Mayor Pro Tem Rogers made a motion to refer the matter to the Acting City Attorney for reply. Motion x Councilman Dostal made a substitute motion to Ayes x x x x x table the matter to August 9• Noes x Absent x Volume 25 - Page 209 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES 3.�FP S c+oA y�OC 4,�Ap07� ,n�9 ���'S ROLL CALL ✓ July 26, 1971 1001=01 5. A report was presented from the Public Works De- One -way partment regarding proposed one -way traffic Streets plan for Lafayette Avenue and Villa Way. Resolution No. 7489, establishing sections of R -7489 Lafayette Avenue and Villa Way as one -way streets, Motion x was adopted after the reading of the resolution was Ayes x xxxxx waived by unanimous consent of the Council; and Absent x the staff was directed to initiate proceedings setting public hearings to determine if Lafayette Avenue should be removed from the Master Street and High- way Plan. 6. A report was presented from the Harbor and Tide- Private lands Administrator regarding proposals for Public Marina Utilities Commission to regulate rates and charges Rate in private residential marinas. Regs Motion x The staff was instructed to intervene and become a Ayes x x x x x x party in any formal proceedings. Absent x CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion affirm - Ayes x x x x x x ing the actions on the Consent Calendar: x �bsent 1. The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: Letter from Allie Jones protesting the ordinance Animals on banning dogs from the beaches. bchs Letter from Mrs. John C. Durkee suggesting a program to alleviate the problem of bicycle thefts in the City; and reply from Chief of Police. Copy of a letter to Mayor Hirth from International City Security, Inc. regarding a competitor. Letter from Robert F. Downer protesting the Boat ordinance banning boat launching from street ends Launching and enclosing copy of a previous letter to Council, an article from the Daily Pilot and a note from his doctor. Copy of a letter to Mr. Ronald E. Powell from Local Readers Service, Inc. regarding a business trans- action in which they were involved. • Volume 25 - Page 210 COUNCILMEN y m s o o A ry� O y� c �o ��' �yN ROLL CALL '^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX Letter from Richard Dean Lewis protesting the re- Beach • moval of the City volleyball court from the China Cove beach; and a memorandum from the Parks, Volleyball Court Beaches and Recreation Director to the Acting City Manager identifying the action that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission took on the matter at their meeting of August 20. Notice of meeting of Orange County Health Planning Council at 7:30 P.M., July 19, and of public hearing - of the Health Facilities Review Committee of the Council at 7:00 P. M., August 3, 1971, and listing among items for review the Raleigh Hills Hospital, 1501 E. 16th Street, Newport Beach, a proposed 36 -bed short -term acute alcoholism treatment and rehabilitation hospital. Resolution of the Board of Supervisors exempting City of Newport Beach from the County Structural Fire Protection Fund tax levy for the fiscal year 1971 -72. Letter from California Water Resources Associa- tion enclosing copy of a letter sent by the Associa- tion to editors of 27 major newspapers which con- tained reasons why three major river basins in • Northern California should not be given "wild river" status at this time, and soliciting support of its position that pending legislation to designate the Klamath, Trinity and Eel River basins as "wild rivers" should be shelved pending formulation of overall water management plans for these areas. Agenda of Orange County Board of Supervisors meetings held July 13, 14, 20 and 21, 1971. Letter from Gary Schaumburg regarding Council - meetings. Copy of letter from the Orange County Harbor District to the State Department of Navigation and Ocean Development transmitting a resolution of the Board of Supervisors accepting, as satisfactorily completed, stage 4A of the Federal Erosion Control Project. Letter from Ernest Oberschmidt and Mrs. Erma White regarding a pipe pole in the alley east of the Balboa Motel. • Volume 25 - Page 211 COUNCILMEN ?� 9� 5 oP \TIP y� oROLL CALL 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES Kn:" 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, resolu- Or Co Air - tion of the City of Buena Park urging action by the port Land Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange to Use abolish the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange Cmsn County. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, resolu- Criminal tion of the City of Downey urging support of legisla- Justice Sys tion proposed by the Attorney General for the better- ment of our criminal ,justice system. Referred to staff for reply and referral to State Traffic Division of Highways, letter from C. P. Avery with suggestions regarding signing to help the peninsula traffic. Referred to staff for inclusion in study, letter from Surfing Mrs. Washbon urging no change in surfing hours. Referred to staff for study and report back, excerpt Harbor of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors regarding Dist Court realignment of property lines of Harbor Judicial District Court and their intention to seek an extension of time on the option to purchase. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Donald Bus Lic Johnson protesting the business license fee. Fees Referred to staff for reply, letter from Gloria Gartz Zoning regarding R -2 zoning. 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous consent of the Council: Resolution No. 7490 authorizing execution of an Univ Dr Arterial Highway Financing Program agreement Impr between the City of Newport Beach and the County R -7490 of Orange for the improvement of University Drive North from Jamboree Road to MacArthur Boulevard. (A report from Public Works Director was presented. ) Resolution No. 7491 authorizing execution of an Balboa Blvd Arterial Highway Financing Program agreement Impr between the City of Newport Beach and the County R -7491 of Orange for the improvement of Balboa Boulevard from Coast Highway to 32nd Street. Volume 25 - Page 212 COUNCILMEN Or �1,�AOS CP ZN T ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX Resolution No. 7492 authorizing the execution of an Balboa engineering services agreement between the City of Blvd Newport Beach and Williamson & Schmid, civil Widening engineers, for the design of the Balboa Boulevard R -7492 widening from Coast Highway to 44th Street, Contract No. 1369. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7493 authorizing the execution of an Balboa agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Blvd George Hamilton Jones, M. A. I., for appraisal of Widening property in connection with the widening of Balboa R -7493 Boulevard from River Avenue to 44th Street. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented. Resolution No. 7494 authorizing the execution of a Traffic cooperative financing agreement between the City of Signal Newport Beach and the City of Costa Mesa for the Placentia installation of a traffic signal at Placentia Avenue and 16th 16th Street. (A report from the Public Works Direc- R -7494 for was presented.) Resolution No. 7495 authorizing execution of a Water Water System Capital Improvement Reimbursement Agree- R -7495 ment between the City of Newport Beach and Eastbluff Newport, Inc. (A report from the Public Works Di- rector was presented.) Resolution No. 7496 authorizing execution of a Water Water System Capital Improvement Reimbursement Agree- R -7496 ment between the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Industrial Complex. Resolution No. 7497 authorizing execution of a co- Channel - operative financing agreement between the City of ization/ Newport Beach and the State of California for the Coast Hw channelization of Coast Highway from the Arches to R -7497 Tustin Avenue. (A report from the Public Works Di- rector was presented. )- Resolution No. 7498 authorizing execution of an agree Soil Tests ment between the City of Newport Beach and the R -7498 County of Orange in connection with soil tests and material control tests. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7499 dedicating portions of Civic Civic Center Drive and Avocado Avenue adjacent to the Center Dz proposed Civic Center site in Newport Center for Avocado public street purposes. (A report from the Public Dedicatn Works Director was presented.) R -7499 Volume 25 - Page 213 COUNCILMEN ?i 'F9Z00'� y 3 c 'A o O y ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES July 26. 1971 INDEX Resolution No. 7500 awarding a contract for the Big Canyon construction of Big Canyon Reservoir Entrance, in Reservoir • the amount of $42, 632. 4-1, to R. W. McClellan. &Sons, Entrance Inc., Contract No. 1348. (A report from the Public R -7500 Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7501 authorizing the Acting City Street Manager to enter into a Joint Exercise of Powers Sweeping/ Agreement providing for street sweeping at the Orange Or Co County Airport. (A report from the Acting City Airport Manager was presented.) R -7501 4. The following claims for damages were denied, and the City Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier and referral of the Summons and Complaint to the Acting City Attorney for appropriate action was confirmed: Claim of Warner A. Johnson for damage to his car Johnson while it was parked on Bay Avenue on July 12, 1971, allegedly caused by a City vehicle. Claim of Michael D. Babcock for expenses when his Babcock car was caused to be towed away by the Police Depart- ment on July 8, 1971, allegedly in error. Claim of Crispin and Joan Torres for damage to their Torres • vehicle on June 28, allegedly caused when it was struck by a City vehicle at Balboa Boulevard and 20th Street. Summons and Complaint to Quiet Title and Establish Quiet Boundaries to Real Property in connection with the Title northerly boundary line of the City of Newport Beach along the north bank of the Santa Ana River. 5. The following staff reports were ordered filed: Memorandum from the Acting City Manager regarding STEP participation in "Supplemental Training and Employ- Program ment Program" (STEP). Memorandum from the Acting City Manager regarding Conservn land and water conservation fund grants. Grants Memorandum from the Public Works Department Irvine Ave regarding Irvine Avenue "S" curves, traffic accidents. Accidents Memorandum from the Public Works Department Balboa . regarding traffic controls, Balboa Boulevard. Blvd Traffic Controls Volume 25 - Page 214 ROLL CALL 0 • • COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 Opinion from the Acting City Attorney regarding alleged conflict of interest in Citizens' Committee appointments. 6. The following Board and Committee reports were ordered filed: MINUTES INDEX Conflict of Interest Letter from the Board of Library Trustees stating Board of the officers for 1971 -72 are Dr. Thomas A. Blakely Library as Chairman, and Mrs. Bertrum C. Coffey as Secre- Trustees tary. Letter from the Newport Beach City Arts Committee NB City stating that Ron Yeo has been reappointed as their Arts Cmte Chairman for 1971 -72. 7. The work on Jamboree. Road Median Irrigation Systei Contract No. 1344, was accepted; and the City Clerk was authorized to file a Notice of Completion and to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Com- pletion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 8. The work on the Installation of Traffic Signals; Jambo- ree Road at Eastbluff Drive North and Irvine Avenue at Santiago Drive /22nd Street, Contract No. 1259, was accepted; and the City Clerk was authorized to file a Notice of Completion and to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 9. The Bulkhead at 43rd Street and The Rivo Alto, Con- tract No. 1323, was accepted; and the City Clerk was authorized to file a Notice of Completion and to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Com- pletion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 10. The following request to fill a vacancy was approved (a report from the Acting City Manager was presented): Assistant Civil Engineer in the Public Works Depart- ment due to resignation. Jamb Rd Median Irrig System Traffic Signals- Jamb/East- bluff & Irvine/ Santiago Bulkhead 43rd & Rivo Alto 11. The improvements constructed in conjunction with JResub 283 Resubdivision No. 283 were accepted. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Volume 25 - Page 215 COUNCILMEN ��f�P020009 NC9 F�1 C 7N ROLL CALL u CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX 13. The following Budget Amendments were approved: BA -5, $13, 490 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for salary adjust- ment from Unappropriated Surplus to Libraries, Regular, Seasonal and Part -Time, Library Fund. BA -6, $44,985 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for retirement contributions resulting from salary adjustments from Unappropriated Surplus to Retirement, Retirement Fund Contribution, Retirement Fund. BA -7, $1, 545 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for salary adjust- ments from Unappropriated Surplus to Marinapark, Regular Salaries, Retirement Fund Contribution, Marinapark Fund. BA -8, $29, 465 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for salary adjust- ments from Unappropriated Surplus to Park and Recreation, Administrative, Recreation, Parks, Parkways, etc. , and Recreation -Self Supporting, Parks and Recreation Fund. BA -9, $9, 890 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for salary adjust- ments and retirement contributions from Unappro- priated Surplus to Water, Salaries, Retirement Fund Contribution, Water Fund. - BA -10, $274,635 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for Salary Adjustments from Unappropriated Surplus to Salaries, General Fund. BA -11, $2, 415 transfer of Budget Appropriations for salary adjustment and insurance from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to City Clerk, Regular Salaries and Nondepartmental, Health and Life Insurance, General Fund. BA -12, $185 increase in Budget Appropriations for increase in retirement contributions for City Clerk from Unappropriated Surplus to Retirement, Retire- ment Fund Contribution, Retirement Fund. BA -13, $13, 365 increase in Budget Appropriations for Water Fund payment to General Fund for increase • Volume 25 - Page 216 COUNCILMEN 3 �� 90 2 Cy 00 9 y NAT N ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX cost of Administrative Support, from Unappropriated . Surplus to Water, Services- Professional, Technical, Administrative Services, Water Fund. (Report from Acting City Manager was .presented. ) BA -15, $30, 000 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Fund Balance for 1970 -71 carry -over Capital Improvement Project from Unappropriated Surplus to New Entrance Big Canyon Reservoir Site, Water Fund. BA -16, $14, 000 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Fund Balance for 1970 -71 carry -over Capital Improvement Project from Unappropriated Surplus to Annual Street and Alley Program, General Fund. BA -17, $1, 250 transfer of Budget Appropriations for legal services of the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers as bond counsel for the Civic Center Bond Election from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Non - departmental, Services -Prof. , Technical, etc. , General Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A report was presented .from the Acting City Manager Marina regarding construction of a cabana on attendant's park trailer at Marinapark. Budget Amendment No. BA -14, being a $750. 00 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for materials to construct Motion x a cabana on attendant's trailer at Marinapark from Ayes x x x x x x Unappropriated Surplus to Marinapark, Maintenance Absent x and Repair Materials, Marinapark Fund, was denied. 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Stop Director regarding the establishing of a stop Signs control at intersection of Newport Boulevard and Balboa Boulevard midway between 22nd and 23rd Streets. Motion x Councilman McInnis moved that this work not be Ayes x x x x x x performed, which motion carried. Absent x Volume 25 - Page 217 COUNCILMEN 3 f�9QS /22 cR` P'k PGGO`��y�in ROLL CALL % pis • Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Lotion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes sent CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 3. A report was presented from the Public Works Director regarding street improvements between Newport Shores Drive and the Pacific Coast High- way. MINUTES The matter was taken off the Consent Calendar to be brought back to Council in Study Session on August 9 with a full staff report. INDEX Npt Shores Dr Impr 4. A petition sent to the Mayor with 25 signatures of Alley - owners and residents of property located between A/B Sts "A" and "B" Streets on the Balboa Peninsula was presented. opposing the proposed alley between "A" and "B" Streets. The matter is to be brought back to Study Session on August 9 with alternatives as to how the City can proceed to construct the alley in this area. 5. A report was presented from the Acting City Attorney Crude Oil regarding purchase of crude oil by Champlin Petro- Cont leum Company. Robert Armstrong spoke from the audience. Resolution No. 7502, authorizing the execution of an R -7502 agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Champlin Petroleum Company for the purchase of crude oil, was adopted after the reading of the reso- lution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council 6. The following letters protesting Police helicopters Police were presented: I Helicopters Letter from John C. Glithero, with reply from Chief of Police; letter to Mayor Hirth from George Ball, with reply from Chief of Police; and letter to Council- man Parsons from Fred Kopp. Leonard Davis spoke from the audience protesting the helicopters. The letters were ordered filed. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Use Permit Application No. 1487 was referred back Neufeld to the Planning Commission for consideration and Appeal Volume 25 - Page 218 COUNCILMEN 3 t� P° s oy °0 9 �/'`9 LPN ROLL CALL • Motio Aye s Absex Motio es sex Motic Ayes Absex • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 26, 1971 MINUTES INDEX public hearing on amendments as proposed by the applicant; and it was directed that Amendment No. 270 be withdrawn and that appellant file a letter with the City Clerk requesting withdrawal. 2. The recreation area parking rates for the Ocean Ocean Front Parking Lot at the Newport Pier were dis- Front cussed. Parking Lot Vice Mayor Rogers made a motion to reaffirm the action taken by the adoption of Resolution No. 7218 dated June 22, 1970, establishing parking meter fees of 50� per hour in the Ocean Front Parking Lot. n x Councilman McInnis amended the motion to establish parking meter fees of 50� per hour in the Ocean Front Parking Lot between March 1 and October 14, and to revert to the fee existing on July 26, 1971 during the other months. The amendment was accepted by Mayor Pro Tern X x x x x x Rogers, and a vote was taken on Councilman McInnis' it x amended motion, which motion carried. n x 3. Appointments to the following positions were approved: x xxxxx it x Appointment of a Building Maintenance Man I to fill a position now vacant. Appointment of a Refuse Crewman to fill a position to be vacant on July 30, 1971. ,n x The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. to 7:30 P. M. , x xxxxx August 2, 1971. it x Mayor A/T]TEST : y� (� City Clerk' Volume 25 - Page 219