HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/1971 - Adjourned Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADJOURNED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING y P S O'n'o n Place: Council Ch ambers Time: 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL N Date: September 20, 1971 Pr • Mc Ay Mc Ay Mc Ay Mc Ay Nc A esent xxxxxxx Roll Call: PRELIMINARY ACTIONS: 1. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeti, tion x September 13, 1971 was waived, and said Minut es x x x x x x x were approved as written and ordered filed. 2. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolut tion x under consideration was waived, and the City Cl es x x x x x x x was directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing. in connec with Ordinance No. 1404, Tieing, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPO BEACH.ADDING SECTIONS 20.02. 182, 20. AND 20. 38.035 AND AMENDING SECTION 20. 38.030 t�ND 20.40.030 OF THE NEWPO BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE OF. STREET PARKING STANDARDS FOR OFFI AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, Planning Commission No. 297, amending the oft street parking standards for retail stores and o] buildings. City Clerk Laura Lagios announced that special cation of the Legal Notice of Hearing was publis the Daily Pilot on September 10, 1971 to meet t1 publication requirements. ition x The hearing was closed. es xxxxxxx )tion x Ordinance No. 1404 was adopted. es xxxxx x es x ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1409, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPC BEACH AMENDING SECTION 12. 24. 080 O] NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE REI TO PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS, Volume 25 - Page 264 MINUTES INDEX ag of �s ions erk tion Off - street Parking R.T 32. 1 RT CE 'lice publi- hed in ie RT 'THE ,ATIN( Speed Limits COUNCILMEN C �� PO S CiP 00 9 �y qi G� sC9 �yN S < Z ROLL CALL • Motic Ayes Motic Ayes E Motic Ayes Moti( Ayes Motif Wyes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES September 20, 1971 INDEX age ion ssmt 54 '.ante_. ards establishing 35 mile per hour speed zones on Newport Hills Drive East, Newport Hills Drive West and Port Seabourne Way, was presented with a report from the Public Works Director. n x Ordinance No. 1409 was introduced and passed to x x x x x x second reading on October 12, 1971. 2. Amended Ordinance No. 1403, being, Garbs AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 6.04 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, EN- TITLED "GARBAGE, REFUSE AND CUTTINGS ", n x was diaried to October 12, 1971. xxxxxxx CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Public Works Alley Director regarding request of the Newport Harbor Vacat Yacht Club for vacation of a portion of an alley adjacent to the west side of Lot 19 (720 W. Balboa Boulevard), Block 5, East Newport Tract, adjacent to 8th Street. ,n x The request of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club was x x x x x x x denied without prejudice. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Public Works Asse Director regarding preliminary report on proposed Dist Assessment District No. 54 (Alley Paving in Newport Heights and Balboa). At the request of the committee representing the Newport Heights Homeowners Association, proposed in x Assessment District No. 54 was continued to x x x x x x October 12, 1971. 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Npt C -- Director regarding awarding a contract for light Light standards in Newport Center, Contract No.,1382. Stand The request of Douglas Industrial Painting to with - >n x draw their low bid of $8, 134. 50 was approved, the x x x x x x x City Clerk was directed to return their bidders bond; and the following resolutions were adopted: Volume 25 - Page 265 age ion ssmt 54 '.ante_. ards COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL • Motion Aye s • Motion Ayes Motion Ayes u CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 20, 1971 MINUTES INDEX Resolution No. 7530 authorizing the execution of R -7530 a cooperative financing agreement between The Irvine Company and the City for financing of sub- - ject contract. Resolution No. 7531 awarding the contract for the R -7531 painting of the street light standards in. Newport Center, Contract No. 1382, to the second lowest bidder, Robison - Burnat Company, Inc., for $28,569. 3: A report was presented from the City Manager re- garding Council Policy Statement o n; m'6 t e r = feeding regulations. Council Policy N -2, entitled "Meter. Feeding," was adopted. 4. A letter was presented from Hans J. Lorenz regardin an application before the Public Utilities Commission regarding possible conflicting ownership interests in Golden West Airlines and airport connected ground transportation systems and suggesting that the City intervene in this case on behalf of the people of New- port Beach and that the Council urge the County of Orange to take a similar action urging the Public Utilities Commission to forbid any controlling owner- ship connection between Air California and Golden We st. The City Attorney was directed to reply to Mr. Lorenz stating the City's reasons for not intervening in the above suit. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were approved by one motion the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The. following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: Copy of letter from the West Newport Beach Improve- ment Association addressed to City Manager Robert Wynn expressing appreciation for the "extra effort and effective assistance" received from Mr. Rod Gunn, Planner in the Community Development Depart- ment. Letter from Cleo Crabough, Santa Ana, regarding inadequate beach parking in Newport Beach. Volume 25 - Page 266 Meter Feeding Policy OrCo Airport COUNCILMEN �f�9�2 Cp 09 %N rc`�N�y ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 20. 1971 MINUTES INDEX • Notice of Public Utilities Commission hearing on application of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for authority to increase certain intrastate rates in an amount necessary to offset increases in wage and salary rates. Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meeting held September 14, 1971. 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to staff for appropriate action, letter from C. P. Avery regarding construction materials obstructing the sidewalk west of 1123 East Balboa Boulevard. Referred to staff for inclusion in study, letter from "A" & the Balboa Peninsula Point Association stating that Street. its Board of Directors requests that the plan to install Alley an alley between "A" and "B" Streets in Balboa be abandoned. Referred to staff for inclusion in study, Petition "A" & bearing 109 signatures of property owners and resi- Streeti dents of Newport Beach and Balboa requesting the Alley City Council and Planning Commission to abandon the plan to delete from public use any portion of the Ocean Front walkway between "A" and "B" Streets in Balboa. 3. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 7532 declaring that weeds and other Weed public nuisances exist upon streets, alleys, sidewalks, Abater parkways, and private property within the City, R -753; declaring that said weeds and public nuisances must be abated, setting the time and place for a public hearing at which the City Council will consider pro- tests from persons objecting to the proposed destruc- tion or removal of such public nuisances by the City, and directing the Fire Chief to give notice of the passage of this resolution and of the public hearing; setting the public hearing for October 12, 1971. (Weed Abatement, Fall 1971 Program) Resolution No. 7533, being a Resolution of Intention to Retire approve an amendment to contract between the Board Systen of Administration of the Public Employees Retirement R -753: System and the City Council of the City of Newport Beach. (A report from the City Manager was pre- • sented.) Volume 25 - Page 267 9 WI vent ment COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL • • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES September 20, 1971 INDEX Resolution No. 7534 limiting the parking of vehicles on 15th St 15th Street near Harbor High School office; establish- Parking ing two -hour parking in front of 1801 15th Street on R -7534 schooldays. (A :report from the'. Public" WOrkS Depart ment was presented. ) Resolution No. 7535 authorizing the execution of an Transpor- engineering services agreement with Alan M. Voor- tation hees & Associates for Phase I of the Newport Beach Study Transportation Study. (A report from the Public R -7535 Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7536 adopting a supplemental report Select and map recommending proposed additions and System deletions to the select system of City streets and of Streets requesting that said report and map be approved by R -7536 the California Department of Public Works. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7537 declaring intention to enter into a I PEP contract with the County of Orange in connection with R -7537 the Public Employment Program (PEP); and authgriz- ing the City Manager to execute said contract, (A report from the City Manager was presented. ) 4. The following claims for damages were denied, and I Claims the City Clerk's referral of the claims to the insuranc carrier was confirmed: Claims of Chubb Pacific Indemnity Group (as subro- Nickerson gated to the rights of Nola Nickerson) and of Cochran, Dickerson & Shepphird, attorneys at law, for auto- mobile damages sustained in a collision at the inter- section of Riverside and Clay Avenues on July 14, 1971, allegedly because a stop sign was obscured. Summons and Complaint for Personal Injury and Pro- Carlson perty Damage dated and filed with the County Clerk on February 9, 1971, Wesley Charles Carlson, Plaintiff, Superior Court Case No. 180985. 5. The following requests to fill personnel vacancies wer approved: (Report from City Manager) Refuse crewman in the General Services Department to fill a position now vacant. Assistant Planner in the Community Development Department to fill a position now vacant. Volume 25 - Page 268 COUNCILMEN y �� Po 5 n O q i2 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Seutember 20. 1971 MINUTES 1 NnFY . 6. The following staff report was received and ordered filed: Progress report from the Parks, Beaches and Lawn Recreation Director to the City Manager regarding Bowling status of future location of Senior Citizens' lawn bowling facilities. 7. The following Budget Amendments were approved: BA -27, $5, 875 increase in Budget Appropriations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for settlement of lawsuit entitled Coxco, Inc. , et al vs City of Newport Beach from Unappropriated Surplus, State Gas Tax Fund to Improve Jamboree Road - Eastbluff to Pali- sades, State Gas Tax Fund. BA -28, $23, 569 transfer & increase in Budget Appro- priations and increase in Revenue Estimates for The Irvine Company's contribution ($22, 855.20) toward the repainting of street light standards in Newport Center and the balance ($713. 80) to be. provided by the City from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve and Donations & Contributions to Repaint Street Light Standards in Newport Center, General Fund. . ITEMS - REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A letter from Debbie Otto urging the establishment of Drugs. Motion x a Drug Abuse Training Program Committee was Ayes x x x x x x x referred to staff for report back. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. "City of Newport Beach - Orange County Negotiating OrCo Motion x Team" was established, and said Team was charged Airport Ayes XXXAAXN with negotiating with the Orange County Board of Supervisors and submitting a report regarding existing Orange County Airport leases; the;Team, on or before November 5, 1971, is to complete recommendations so that the report can be reviewed with the City Council on or before November 8, 1971 (which is the termination date of the Air California lease); the Team to, meet with the concerned Citizens Airport Noise Abatement Committee prior to initial meetings with the Orange County Board of Supervisors, in order to have some specific particulars for negotiation particularly in regard to actions the City Council of Newport Beach took on August 10, 1970 by the adoption of Resolution No. 7251 stating the City's official . position on the optimum development plan for Orange County Airport. Volume 25 - Page 269 ROLL CAL u Motio Ayes Motio Aye s Wotio Ayes is COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES September 20, 1971 INDEX It was agreed by the Council, as suggested by Council-I Airport man Kymla, to instruct the staff to review the possiblel Authority creation of an Airport Authority and report back to Council on October 12 regarding the impact on the City of Newport Beach and other cities- Mayor Hirth nominated Councilman Kymla, Council- OrCo man Dostal, and Mayor Hirth to make up the City of Airport Newport Beach- Orange County Negotiating Team (Air- port), which nominations were approved. 2. The ad hoc Freeway Negotiating Committee was re- Pac Coast activated, with the previous members, Vice Mayor F'wy Rogers and Councilman McInnis, serving. Ted Monroe and Roy Collins, representatives of the New- Alley port Harbor Yacht Club, sppke from the audience regardinE Vacation the Club's request for a proposed alley vacation adjacent to 8th Street which was discussed earlier in the evening under "Continued Business. " They were informed that the request had been denied without prejudice, and they could bring their request back at any time. The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 P.M. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Volume 25 - Page 270