HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/1972 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN P� �L p0 900 WA x%30 Z 0�A O ROLL CALL T ��pN s _ yr v0 E M4 A) M4 A) M A,. M A, 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX jsent xxxxxxx Roll Call. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of rtion x October 10, 1972 was waived, said Minutes were approved es xxxxxxx as written and ordered filed. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under )tion x consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed es xxxxxxx to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Public hearing regarding the Environmental Impact Tract 7817 Statement from Robert H. Grant Corporation for the Tentative Map and the Final Map of Tract 7817 (New- port Crest), subdividing 23.6111 acres into four lots for condominium development, located on the westerly side of Superior Avenue, north of Pacific Coast High- way at the southerly end of Monrovia Avenue, zoned R -3 -B -2 and Unclassified. The amended Environmental Impact Statement was presented with a report from the Community Develop- ment Department. No one desired to be heard. ation x The hearing was closed. res xxxxxxx Resolution No. 7845, accepting as sufficient the R -7845 Environmental Impact Report of the Robert H. Grant otion x Corporation for Tentative Map and Final Map of res xxxxxxx Tract 7817 (Newport Crest), was adopted. 2. Public hearing regarding request of Emkay Develop- Npt Place ment Co., Inc. to amend the PC Development Stan- dards for "Newport Place" to permit an additional site in the industrial section for an automobile center, located on the southwesterly corner of Spruce Avenue and Quail Street. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department. Edward J. Ruwaldt, Vice President of Emkay Develop ment Co., Inc. was present in the audience to answer any questions. ' No one desired to be heard. Volume 26 - Page 299 COUNCILMEN 9� �� 0 \PPC�P f03 0�-1ROLL CALL T ' l- p^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX •ition x The hearing was closed. fes xxxxxxx Resolution No. 7846, amending the Planned Com- R -7846 munity Development Standards for Newport Place Motion x Planned Community (Planning Amendment 341), was Ayes xxxxxxx adopted. 3. Public hearing in connection with Ordinance No. 1473, District being, Map 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICTING MAP NO. 1, Planning Commission Amendment No. 334, request of Patrick O'Connor to rezone property located at 210 Grant Street, between West Coast Highway and Canal Street in Newport Shores, from a C-1 -H District to an R -2 District. No one desired to be heard. Motion x The hearing was closed. ves xxxxxxx otion x Ordinance No. 1473 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx Due to the large number of interested people in the audi- ence, it was unanimously agreed by the Council to consider the first item under Continued Business at this time. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the City Manager Police regarding noise reduction possibilities for the Police Helicopter helicopter. Letters were presented from Donald A. Strauss, member of Helicopters Limited, regarding Police helicopters in Newport Beach, and from Mr. and Mrs. J. Messmer and Helen Ballantine protesting Police helicopters. The following people spoke from the audience: Allan Beek, John Fox and Donald Strauss, representing Helicopters Limited; Paul Crawford; Tom Stevens; Paul Freed; Larry Miller, Assistant Manager of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce reaffirmed Volume 26 - Page 300 COUNCILMEN p(i FLp� n C N fOS 0 ROLL CALL T ' Z O N.1 O pN w c yt pm CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24. ]972 MINUTES imnFY • the Chamber's position; Owen Minney; Sally Barrett of Costa Mesa; Joseph Slowikowski, who read a letter to the Council; Blackie Gadarian, supporting the pre- sent program; and Joe Bell. Councilman Store made a motion that a Council sub- committee be created to evaluate the merits of viewing apparatus requested by the Police Department in terms of noise reduction, privacy and cost impacts, and to evaluate routine patrol effectiveness. Councilman Kymla asked that the motion be amended to state that the subcommittee should work hand in hand with Helicopters Limited, which amendment was accepted by Councilman Store. Motion x Councilman Dostal made a substitute motion to ap- prove the City Manager's recommendations that a daily log of Police helicopter activity be maintained and made available to the public, that the Citizens Environmental Committee be charged with the responsibility of evaluating the Wyle report andto help present input into the General Plan regarding the noise element, and that cost data that has been avail- able and maintained be made available to the 0 public; and to direct the s t a f f to prepare a report with respect to a night level viewing system. Ayes x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Dostal's substitute Noes x x motion, which motion carried. RECESS for ten minutes was declared by Mayor McInnis. The 'Council reconvened with all members present. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1471, being, Hotel/ Motel AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Guest BEACH AMENDING SECTION 5. 36.030 OF THE Registra- NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLE tion "SIZE AND FORM OF REGISTER AND CARDS - RETENTION OF RECORDS, " requiring hotel and motel guest registration cards to be retained for one year, presented for second reading. Won Ordinance x No. 1471 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx Volume Z6 - Page 301 COUNCILMEN 9� �` p0 FO 3 F Z� O �a O ROLL CALL T 9 pN N (y( CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX • Z. Ordinance No. 1472, being, Excise Tax AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Credit BEACH ADDING SECTION 3.12. 135 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "EXCISE TAX CREDIT," establishing building excise tax credit, at Council discretion, for dedication of land or improvements, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1472 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. A proposed ordinance, being, District Map 46 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO, 46, Planning Commission Amendment No. 330, rezoning portion of Lot 1, Tract 463 from an R -4 -UL District to an R -3 District, located on the westerly side of Lion Superior Avenue, north of Pacific Coast Highway x (Newport Crest), was postponed until November 27, Ayes xxxxxxx 1972. Z. Proposed Ordinance No. 1474, being, Speed Limit i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 12. 24.080 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A SPEED LIMIT ON BIG CANYON DRIVE, establishing 35 mph prima facie speed limit on Big Canyon Drive, was presented with a report from the Public Works Department. Motion x Ordinance No. 1474 was introduced and passed to Ayes xxxxxxx second reading on November 13, 1972. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 1475, being, District Map 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 1, • Planning Commission Amendment No. 335, request to rezone property at 209 Fern Street between West Volume 26 - Page 302 COUNCILMEN \q\�NI�P "a o ROLL CALL vs m yt 9� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 W01141 INDEX • Coast Highway and Canal Street in Newport Shores I from a C -1 -H District to an R -2 District, was pre - sented with a report from the Community Develop - ment Department. Motion x Ordinance No. 1475 was introduced and set for public Ayes x x x x x x x hearing on November 13, 1972. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 1476, being, Garbage/ Trash AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 6. 04.240 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTI- TLED "VIOLATION AN INFRACTION, " making any violation of Chapter 6. 04 (Garbage, Refuse iand Cuttings) an infraction, was presented with a report from the City Attorney. Motion x Ordinance No. 1476 was introduced and passed to Ayes xxxxxxx second reading on November 13, 1972. CONTINUED BUSINESS: • 1. The matter of Police helicopter noise reduction Police measures was taken out of the regular order of Helicopter business and considered immediately following the public hearings. f 2. Phase III Report regarding the Balboa Coves Noxious West Npt Gas Project was presented from George P. Zebal, Gas Odor Consultant. Motion x The five minute time limitation was waived, at the Ayes xxxxxxx request of James Schultz, President of the Balboa Coves Community Association, for his presentation. Mr. Schultz urged the City to put out for bid the system recommended by George Zebal in his Phase III report. Mrs. David Grant and Peggy Pertuleit, residents of Balboa Coves, urged the City to do whatever was necessary to eliminate the odor. Motion x The staff was directed to prepare specifications to be Ayes xxxxxxx developed from the consultant's report, go out to bid, and prepare the necessary documents, including Budget Amendments, with the goal to be that the pro - ject will be under construction no later than December 1, 1972. Volume 26 - Page 303 ROLL CALI • Moti Aye: Moti Aye; • Mot Aye Mot Aye COUNCILMEN CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH October R4. 1 q72 MINUTES INDEX I 3. A report was presented from the City Manager Mobile regarding trailer park inspection. Home Parks on x The staff was directed to proceed with trailer park x x x x xix x inspections and to employ a part -time person for thirty days to provide a concentrated effort of inspections. 4. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission regarding a non - profit corpo- Park Sites ration as a way to finance parks. Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Chair- man Claudia Owens stated the Commission did not favor the deletion of the five park sites to meet the qualifications for a non - profit corporation. on x The staff was directed to prepare an analysis showing �x x x x x x x two alternative ways of financing the acquisition and development of parks. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Public Works Spyglass Director regarding Contract No. 1351 for the Spyglass Hill Hill Reservoir project. Reservoir The bid of Rhein Corporation, as the second lowest bidder, was rejected due to irregularities in their proposal; and Resolution No. 7847,, awarding,a con- R -7847 tract for the Spyglass Hill Reservoir, Contract No. on x C -1351, to E. L. Yeager Construction Company, Inc. > x x x x x x x in the amount of $294, 100. 00, was adopted. Z. A report was presented from the Public Works Lido Director regarding Use Permit No. 1620 (Lido Condo- Condominium), located on the northeasterly side of minium Lido Park Drive near the intersection with 28th Street. Resolution No. 7848, authorizing the execution of an R -7848 agreement with 633 Lido Park Drive, subdivider, for ,on x the construction of improvements in conjunction s x x x x x x x with Permit No. 1620,. was adopted. 3. A report was presented from the Public Works Bicycle' Director regarding bikeway from MacArthur Boule- Trails Volume 26 - Page 304 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH pt \<9 \0-\T%Iro C+� - ROLL CALL y( PO October 24, 1972 MINUTES • I i vard along southwesterly boundary of Tract No. 7031 to Buffalo Hills Park. Vi I Resolution No. 7849, authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company for a bikeway from MacArthur Motion x Boulevard along the southwesterly boundary of Tract Ayes x x x x x x x No. 7031 to Buffalo Hills Park, was adopted. 4. A letter from the City Manager regarding Christmas decorations and Christmas parking controls was pre- sented with a letter from the Balboa Island Business Association requesting permission to decorate Marine Avenue with Christmas lights. The requests from community and /or business associ- ations for Christmas lights and decorations on City Motion x streets and changes in parking controls was approved, Ayes Ix lx x xx x xJ subject to the conditions recommended by the City Manager. 5. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department regarding the Final Map of Tract 7693, request to subdivide 4.777 acres into sixteen • lots for single—family residential development, located on the westerly side of Irvine Avenue between Fran- cisco Drive and 22nd Street, Newport Heights Tract, zoned R- 1 -B -2. Motion x The Final Map of Tract 7693 was approved, subject to Ayes xx x x x x x the conditions recommended by the Planning Com- mission; and Resolution No. 7850, authorizing execution of an agreement with Louis D. O'Connell, Nancy E. O'Connell, George H. Robinson, Lorena L. Robinson, subdivider, for construction of improve- ments in Tract 7693, was adopted. RECESS for five minutes was declared by Mayor McInnis. f The Council reconven, -d with all members present except Councilman Ryckoff, who had become ill. 6. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department with Environmental Impact Statement regarding the Tentative Map of Tract No. 7953 (Revised), request of Collins Radio Company to subdivide 166. 343 acres into fifteen lots for com- mercial and industrial development, located at the northeasterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and • Jamboree Road, zoned Unclassified. Volume 26 - Page 305 INDEX R -7849 Christmas Deco- rations Tract 7693 R -7850 Tract 7953 COUNCILMEN P��`o� P Q N� fo��m22o "a o ROLL CALL T v PN a 9C Pi^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX •tion x � I The Tentative Map of Tract No, 7953 (Revised) was �,es I xlix x x x approved, subject to the conditions recommended by Noes ; jx! I the Planning Commission and subject to the additional Absent ,x j condition that no Building Permits will be issued until the Environmental Impact Statement has been reviewe and accepted by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. 7. A report was presented from the Community Develop- Tract 7953 ment Department with Environmental Impact State- ment regarding the Final Map of Tract 7953, request of Collins Radio Company to subdivide 166. 343 acres into fifteen lots for commercial and in develop I ment, located at the northeasterly corner of Mac- i Arthur Boulevard and Jamboree Road, zoned Unclassi fied. Motion I x The Final Map of Tract 7953 was approved, subject to Ayes x x x x x the conditions recommended by the Planning Com- Noes lx I 1 mission and to the additional condition that no Building Absent Ix Permits will be issued until the Environmental Im- pact Statement has been reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission at a public hearing; and the following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 7851 authorizing the execution of R -7851 an agreement with Koll Center Newport, sub- divider, for the construction of improvements in Tract No. 7953/In -Tract Development. Resolution No. 7852 authorizing the execution of R -7852 an agreement with Koll Center Newport, sub- divider, for the construction of improvements in Tract No. 7953 /MacArthur Boulevard. Resolution No. 7853 authorizing the execution of R -7853 an agreement with K611 Center Newport, sub- divider, for the construction of improvements in Tract No. 7953 /Jamboree Boulevard. Resolution No. 7854 authorizing the execution of R -7854 an agreement with Kell Center Newport, sub - divider, for the construction of improvements in Tract No, 7953 /Campus Drive. 8. A report was presented from the Community Develop- Tract 7845 ment Department with Environmental Impact State- ment regarding the Final Map of Tract 7845, request of Donald L. Bren to subdivide 39. 0 acres into a Volume 26 - Page 306 COUNCILMEN Ftr)I I r.AI 1 �'T �CNZN CCS9f ply CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Clrtnher 74 1 Q77 • I Planned Residential Development consisting of residential lots, located southerly of Ford Row easterly of New MacArthur Boulevard and nort] I of Eastgate Drive, zoned P -C. Robert Bein, engineer representing Donald L. spoke from the audience. Motion x The Final Map of 'Tract 7845 was approved, su Ayes xix x x x x the conditions recommended by the Planning C< Absent x mission and subject to the additional condition Building Permits will be issued until the Envir mental Impact Statement has been reviewed an( cepted by the Planning Commission at a public I and the following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 7855 authorizing the execut i ! an agreement with Donald L. Bren Compal subdivider, for the construction of improv in Tract No. 7845/In -Tract Development. I I Resolution No. 7856 authorizing the execut an agreement with Donald L. Bren Compa: 1 subdivider, for the construction of improv • in Tract No. 7845 /MacArthur Boulevard. Resolution No. 7857 authorizing the execut I an agreement with Donald L. Bren Compa: subdivider, for the construction of improv in Tract No. 7845 /Spyglass Hill Road. i i 9. A letter was presented from the Chairman of t'. I Intergovernmental Council Committee of SAM( regarding a joint powers agreement and appoin of City representatives. Motion x I Mayor McInnis was appointed as spokesman ar Ayes x x x x x x Councilman Dostal as alternate to serve as spf Absent x and representatives of the City at the General bly meeting on Monday, October 30. I CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion a Ayes x x x x x x the actions on the Consent Calendar: Absent x 1. The following Advisory Communications were filed: Letter from Doreen Marshall commending Cox its decision to refuse extension of the Marinap Volume 26 - Page 307 MINUTES INDEX 118 1, ierly Bren, 3ject to om- ;hat no on- I ac- hearine ion of R -7855 lY, e me nt s ion of R -7856 ly, ements :ion of R -7857 1y; ements ie SAMCO tment d :akers kssem- ffir ordered ncil for Marina - ark I park COUNCILMEN Lf�<\ \P\P�o p p 3 a ROLL CALL T v � 9r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX • trailer site leases; commending Council and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission for their active policy to improve and expand the City's park and open space resources; and expressing regret over the i Council's action to delete from its park program the proposal to expand the sidewalk -bike trail in West Newport. Letter from Louise Forbes protesting a Mariners Bicycle bike trail. Trails Letter from the City of Costa Mesa advising that its OrCo Council went on record as opposing Resolution 7751 Airport opposing any State legislation which would abrogate the decision of the California Supreme Court in the case of Nestle v. City of Santa Monica, as it relates i to nuisance actions brought against public airport operators. Resolution of the City of San Buenaventura opposing Coastal Proposition No. 20, the California Coastal Zone Develop - Conservation Act, ment Notice of application before the Public Utilities Com- mission of Southern California Gas Company for increase in rates. Order before Public Utilities Commission instituting investigation into methods of compliance with the Environmental Quality Act of 1970. Snvitation'to Council to November meeting of Orange County Trial Lawyers Association to hear the counsel for the "Friends of Mammoth. " Agenda for Board of Supervisors meetings held October 10, 11, 17 and 18, 1972. Letter from Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce expressing appreciation for the use of Big Corona Beach for the 12th Annual Sand Castle Building Con - test. Z. The following communications were referred as indicated; Referred to City Clerk to be included in official City Tract 60 record, letter from Southern California Edison Com- pany advising that the division and development of the • property shown on the final map of Tract No. 6027 Volume 26 - Page 308. 27 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Fj-oto V, POLL CALL o�P 9a N v ➢i m October 24. 1972 • will not unreasonably interfere with the free an `. plete exercise of any easement(s) held by South California Edison Company within the boundariL said tract. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, tvL ordinances recently adopted by City of Lodi whi (1) calls upon the District Attorney of San Joaqi County to prosecute to the fullest extent of the I those persons accused of selling and /or transp- drugs; and (2) urges the Judges of the Superior of San Joaquin County to impose the maximum tence permitted by law upon those persons so c victed. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, le from City of Torrance stating that although the Company has now agreed to move the utility toN the City feels that the placement of electrical t mission towers will be a growing problem, and they therefore intend to continue their fight to i placement of the poles to locations which will h the least adverse impact upon the environment daily lives of citizens and asking support in the • resolution. ` 3. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 7858 authorizing the.execution i cooperative financing agreement between the C Newport Beach and the State of California, Div of Highways, traffic signal modification at the section of Ford Road with MacArthur Boulevar report from the Public Works Department was sented.) Resolution No. 7859 authorizing the execution cooperative financing agreement between the C Newport Beach and the State of California, Div of Highways, for traffic signal modification at intersection of Balboa Boulevard and Coast Hif Contract No. C -1369. (A report from the Pub' Works Department was presented.) Resolution No, 7860 establishing Big Canyon D a through street between its two intersections , San Joaquin Hills Road. (A report from the n Works Department was presented.) • Resolution No. 7861 authorizing the execution .� agreement between the City of Newport Beach Volume 26 - Page 309 MINUTES 1 com- �rn :s of 0 ch Lin aw Lrting Court Len - on- tter Edison Hers, .ans- that estrict ave and it of a lty of ision inte r - i. (A pre- )f a ity of ision the hway, is rive as vith .blic )f an ind the INDEX Narcotics Power Lines Traffic Signal R -7858 Traffic Signal R -7859 Big Canyon Drive R -7860 Pop Est R -7861 COUNCILMEN 9p\Ir? 3\ O Na Tp Z O A O ROLL CALL vP w Ir c vm CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX • Department of Finance of the State of California relating to population estimates. (A report from the City Manager was presented. ) jResolution No. 7862 determining and declaring that Cliff the public interest, convenience and necessity of the Parl City of Newport Beach requires the acquisition of R -7'. certain unimproved real property to be used by said City as the site for a park, and declaring the intention of the City to acquire said property under eminent domain proceedings, and directing the City Attorney of said city to commence an action in the Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of Orange, for the purpose of acquiring said real pro- perty (Arthofer property). 4. The following claims were denied, and the City Clerkle Clai referral of the claims to the insurance carrier was confirmed: Claim ofInterinsurance Exchange of Auto Club of Sch w Southern California, subrogee of Richard D.Schwartz, for damage to Mr. Schwartz' automobile on July 17, 1972, allegedly caused when a City sign fell against • his car. Claim of John T. Stowers Estate for property damage Stow at 3601 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar on August 25, 1972, allegedly caused by a City vehicle. Claim of Moyra Patricia Bandiera for personal Ban injuries sustained on September 9, 1972 near 40621 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island, where she fell over an irregularity in the sidewalk, allegedly due to City negligence. Claim of Elizabeth McClurg, Manager, Cameo Villa Mc Apartments, for property damage on August 28, 1972, allegedly caused by Police officers in the performance of their duties. Summons and Complaint in Inverse Condemnation; Ups for Negligence; for Injunction; for Damages for Nuisance; and for Flowage Easement of Robert L. and Susan W. Upson, Case No. 195361 in Orange County Superior Court. Claim of Ramon Alviso Mendoza for loss of personal Me property in connection with his arrest and confine - ment on October 11, 1972 with letter dated October 15, 1972 withdrawing claim. Volume 26 - Page 310 Dr m ms artz ers diera Clurg on ndoza COUNCILMEN 9n f< p0 ; 9 O N� FO 3` �m ZZ C Na O ROLL_ CALL V. ? s 'u� 1r 9C p0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24. 1972 • Claim of Dr. Paul R. Kuhn for dam „ allegedly caused when it was hit by the City Hall parking lot on October 5. The following requests to fill person were approved: (A report from the presented) One Assistant Civil Engineer in the Department to fill a position to be v One Pump Operator in the Public W 1 to fill a position now vacant. Two Maintenance Man I in the Publi I ment to fill positions now vacant. One Police Clerk I in the Police Dei position now vacant. i 6. The following staff reports were rep filed: Report from the City Manager rega. • ' noise abatement in Newport Beach. Copy of a report from the Communi Department to all resident homeowr regarding residential density altern projections in connection with the G gram. 7. The following matter was set for pu November 13, 1972: Weed Abatement Program, Fall, P List. 8. The following Harbor Permit was a to approval of the U.S. Corps of En Harbor Permit Application No. 120 Jean Belden to relocate the existing mately 40 feet bayward to the U. S. 2406 Newport Boulevard. (A repor Safety Director was presented.) 9. The Financial Report of the City of from the City Manager and the Fine • the fiscal year ending June 30, 197; opinion from Binder, Mestyanek, J City auditors, was received and fil4 Volume 26 - Page 311 MINUTES Lge to his car, L City truck in 12, 1972. .nel vacancies City Manager was Public Works ;cant. arks Department Works Depart- >artment to fill a :eived and ordered INDEX Kuhn :ding motor vehicle Noise ty Development General ere and businesses Plan atives and land use eneral Plan Pro- blic hearing on 72, Assessment 3proved, subject gineers: -2406 of Mrs. bulkhead approxi- Bulkhead Line at : from the Marine Newport Beach nce Director for with auditor's ohnson & Co., ;d. Weed Abatement Harbor Permit Belden Financial Report COUNCILMEN \�% �L p0 '� O ROLL GALL N N C 9( pP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24. 1972 • W Npt Prk :y Clerk Greenville - Led at Banning rom the Channel 10. The application of the First Church of Christ Tracts i East- 7027, evelop- 7028 & !acts 7030 es; and Scientist to use an R. C. A. amplifier at the Ed ful Newport Cinema Theater for the overflow atte: at a free lecture in the theater and parking are Saturday, November 4, 1972 from 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon was approved. 11. The plans and specifications for the Grading o. Newport Park at the Greenville- Banning Chan Contract No, 1477, were approved; and the Ci was authorized to advertise for bids to be opei 10:30 a. m, on November 7, 1972. (A report 1 Public Works Director was presented.) 12. The improvements were accepted which had b4 constructed in New MacArthur Boulevard fron gate Drive to the southeasterly corner of the c ment in conjunction with the development of T: 7027, 7028 and 7030, Upper Harbor View Hon the City Clerk was authorized to release Faitk.. Performance Bond Nos. 7103857, 7103747 any 7104551; and the City Clerk was authorized to Labor and Material Bond Nos. 7103857, 7103 7104551 in six months provided no claims hav1 filed. (A report from the Public Works Direc • L presented.) 13. The schematics of the Police substation on Ja. Road were approved, and preparation of const drawings was authorized. 14. The following Budget Amendments were apprc BA -14, $10, 000 increase in Budget. Appropria and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for do payment on purchase of Newport Center Unite Methodist Church from Unappropriated Buildi: Excise Tax to Park and Recreation, Acquire r Church Site, General Fund. BA -15, $87, 500 transfer of Gas Tax Funds fo expenditures of maintenance ($80, 000) under 2107 S & H Code and for engineering services ($7, 500) under Section 2107. 5 S & H Code. BA -16, $1, 300 increase in Budget Appropriat and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus, loan Reserve for Tennis Court Construction for thi chase of a kiln and 6 potters wheels, from Re • for Tennis Courts to Recreation -Self Supporti Volume 26 - Page 312 MINUTES RNWO Sound Amp wards Permit idance �a on to ' West tel, W Npt Prk :y Clerk Greenville - Led at Banning rom the Channel :en Tracts i East- 7027, evelop- 7028 & !acts 7030 es; and ful release 50 and been for was nboree Police ruction I Facility ved: Lions awn i ig r iection ions from pur- serve ag, COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL Fm 9mNZN �NyC F CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24. 1972 MINUTES INDEX • I Park & Recreation Fund. (A report from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director to City Manager Robert Wynn regarding the establishment of a special { fund for ceramics equipment was presented.) BA -171 $8, 000 increase in Budget Appropriation and Revenue Estimates for Contributions by Others for consultant services in connection with the Coastal Element of the General Plan, Resolution No. 7776, from Unappropriated Surplus to Community Develop - ment, Prepare Shoreline Studies, General Fund. BA -18, $4, 000 transfer of Budget Appropriations for additional funds to cover Resolution No. 7790 autho -' ' rizing consultant services agreement for NOISE Element Study for General Plan, from Prepare Com- munity Design Studies to Prepare NOISE Element Study, General Fund. I, ` I BA -19, $22, 100 increase in Budget Appropriations for construction of Spyglass Hill Reservoir, from Unap- propriated Surplus to Construction Spyglass Hill i Reservoir, Water Fund. I • I i ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: . ,viotion x 1. A letter from Kermit Dorius offering solutions to Coast Hwy Ayes x x x x x x traffic backup at back bay bridge was ordered filed. Bridge Absent x 2. A copy of a letter from Dr. H. Ward Bissonnette to Parking/ the Harbor District Clerk of the Municipal Court Harbor regarding a citation and impropertly posted parking High signs in the Harbor High School area was presented. Motion x The staff was directed to report back with recom- ayes x x x x x x mendations on how to alleviate the situation. Absent x 3. A copy of a letter to the Board of Supervisors from Recycled the Citizens Environmental Quality Control Advisory Paper Committee thanking the Board for passage of its resolution calling for purchase of recycled paper was presented. Motion x The Mayor was directed to write to the Board of Ayes x x x x x x Supervisors commending them on their resolution. Absent x • Volume 26 - Page 313 COUNCILMEN pn \I[P \(:('% N fpZA O ROLL CALL vN 9r pvl CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 24, 1972 MINUTES INDEX • 4. Consideration of an eight month's extension of Ordi- BI _ nance No. 1459, an emergency ordinance establishing Zoning Motion x interim development standards for the R -2 District Ayes x x x x x x on Balboa Island, was set for public hearing on Absent x November 13, 1972. 5. A letter from Mrs. W. Andresen urging Council to Cliff Di Motion x purchase all eight lots on Cliff Drive for view sites View Ayes x x x x x x was referred to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Sites Absent x Commission. 6. A letter from the Woman's Civic League of Newport Woman Harbor expressing appreciation for the long hours of Civic work the Council expends on behalf of the Community League was presented. Mayor McInnis, on behalf of the Council, thanked the League for their concern and kind words. Motion x Subject letter was ordered filed. Ayes xxxxxx . ^absent x 7. It was agreed that a letter from the Citizens Advisory Bicycle Bicycle Trails Committee requesting a Councilman Trails •to be in attendance at each of their meetings would be referred to Councilman Ryckoff, the Council liaison Cmte V I representative. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion x 1. Councilman Dostal was authorized to attend the Nat'l Ayes x x x x x x National League of Cities conference in Indianapolis League Absent x on November 26 - 30, 1972. Conf 2. A letter was presented from Raub, Bein, Frost & Canner Associates requesting an off -site parking agreement Restau for the Cannery Restaurant. rant Larry Wilson, representing Raub, Bein and Frost, spoke from the audience. Resolution No. 7863, authorizing the execution of an R -7863 Motion x agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Ayes xxxxxx Western Canners Company, Limited, regarding off - Absent X site parking, Use Permit 1521, was adopted. 3. Resolution No. 7864, awarding a contract to the Aetna Emploi Motion x Life and Casualty Company providing group health and Health, x x x x x life insurance benefits for City employees, was Life In Is cain x adopted. R -786! Absent Councilman Kymla abstained due to a possible conflict of interest. Volume 26 - Page 314 's y gee COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH p3 m2g0 NA O ROLL CALL r v N N C 9C m October 24. 1972 MINUTES INDEX ` (x -- - - I{II -- - 4. An extra November Council meeting will be held on lMotion .ye =, I !x xlxlx x November 20, 1972. Noes x Absent ,x i Motion _ ' x� The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Ayes Ixxxxxx Absent x may (5r i ATTEST:. it j City Clerk J I I , III i I �i� i y Volume 26 - Page 315