HomeMy WebLinkAbout04d_Committee Discussion on Next Steps_Additional MaterialsFrom:Zdeba, Benjamin To:Lee, Amanda Cc:Ramirez, Brittany Subject:FW: SPON Comments - Steering Committee Meeting May 15 Date:Wednesday, May 15, 2019 12:07:35 PM Attachments:General Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting_190515.pdf image001.png FYI – This was sent to the GPUSC members this morning. BENJAMIN M. ZDEBA, AICP Community Development Department Associate Planner bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov 949-644-3253 From: SPON: Still Protecting Our Newport <Info@SPON-NewportBeach.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 9:08 AM To: Gardner, Nancy <NGardner@newportbeachca.gov>; James, Carlson <JCarlson@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Hara, Catherine <cohara@newportbeachca.gov>; Selich, Ed <ESelich@newportbeachca.gov>; Stevens, Debbie <DStevens@newportbeachca.gov>; Tucker, Larry <ltucker@newportbeachca.gov>; Watkins, Paul <pwatkins@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Campbell, Jim <JCampbell@newportbeachca.gov>; Zdeba, Benjamin <bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: SPON Comments - Steering Committee Meeting May 15 Dear Chair Gardner and members of the Steering Committee, Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration of the need, purpose, process and desired outcomes of the General Plan Update process. Over the past several years, SPON has sent a variety of messages to the City Council regarding the need for a General Plan Update (GPU). The letter we have attached for your consideration for tonight’s meeting simply reiterates some of those concerns and confirms our continued active attention and participation. The attached also specifically addresses our concerns about the consultant interviews which are on tonight’s agenda. If you have any comments or questions regarding the attached, please do not hesitate to ask. Marko Popovich President General Plan Update Steering Committee - May 15, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received PO Box 102 | Balboa Island, CA 92662 | VM/Text 949.864.6616 SPONNB.org | FB @SPONNB | YouTube Twitter/Instagram @SPONNewport SPON is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public education organization working to protect and preserve the residential and environmental qualities of Newport Beach. General Plan Update Steering Committee - May 15, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received PO Box 102 | Balboa Island, CA  92662 | 949.864.6616 A 501(c)(3) non‐profit public education organization working to  protect and preserve the residential and environmental qualities of Newport Beach.  www.SPON‐NewportBeach.org | Info@SPON‐NewportBeach.org  FB SPON‐Newport Beach | Twitter @SPONNewport  OFFICERS  PRESIDENT Marko Popovich  VICE PRESIDENT Vacant  TREASURER Dennis Baker  SECRETARY Allan Beek  ___  BOARD MEMBERS  Nancy Alston  Dennis Baker  Tom Baker  Bruce Bartram  Allan Beek  Jo Carol Hunter  Donald Krotee  Andrea Lingle  Elaine Linhoff  Bobby Lovell  Rita Phillips  Marko Popovich  Jeanne Price  Melinda Seely  Nancy Skinner  Jean Watt  Portia Weiss  May 14, 2019  City of Newport Beach  100 Civic Center Drive  Newport Beach, CA 92660  Attention:  General Plan Update Steering Committee  Re:  GPU Steering Committee Meeting May 15  Dear Chair Gardner and members of the Steering Committee:  Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration of the need, purpose,  process and desired outcomes of the General Plan Update process.  Over the past several years, SPON has sent a variety of messages to the City  Council regarding the need for a General Plan Update (GPU) and by this letter  simply wants to reiterate some of those concerns and continue our active  attention and participation.  In this case, our comments pertain to the choice of  consultant.  To cut to the chase, we believe there is only one of the five applications so far  that is complete and responsive to the City’s needs.  Kearns and West has  indicated its ability and capacity and experience in dealing with the General  Planning processes for many cities similar to our own.  Ideally you would seek at  least two more qualified firms to be interviewed.  The interviews themselves are  of value in building a strong consensus as to what and how the city is attempting  to be the best it can be.  General Plan Update Steering Committee - May 15, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received PO Box 102 | Balboa Island, CA  92662 | 949.864.6616 A 501(c)(3) non‐profit public education organization working to  protect and preserve the residential and environmental qualities of Newport Beach.  www.SPON‐NewportBeach.org | Info@SPON‐NewportBeach.org  FB SPON‐Newport Beach | Twitter @SPONNewport  May 14, 2019  Page Two  Subject:  GPU Steering Committee Meeting May 15  To elaborate a bit more on the matter of being the best city we can be, we believe there is a broad  range of possibilities in terms of public outreach and visioning.  There is also a broad range of  participation possible as the implementation and monitoring takes place.  Much of the  responsibility lies with the public itself and its motivation to do a good and responsible job.  That is  where SPON and other local organizations come in.  We are of the belief that we and others did not  do enough to engage fully in the final outcomes and implementation of the 2006 GPU and don’t  want that to happen again.    As an example, we were not paying enough attention subsequent to 2006 when some of the  implementation took place.  In 2010 there were changes made to the General Plan resulting in  undesirable and controversial projects now.   Two notable examples are the proposed Koll Center  15‐story luxury condominium towers project and the 3‐story office building now going up on Old  Newport Blvd. which was allowed 1.0 FAR rather than the .5 in the 2006 General Plan.  Other  examples which many are trying to call attention to are the 3‐story homes that seem to be out of  scale and character with the neighborhoods they are in.  To begin the process of being the best participants we can be, in September of 2017 SPON began to  educate as many as possible and draw attention to the need for enlightened and consistent  participation in the GPU process and follow‐up opportunities.  SPON held forums and provided  speakers to help us fully understand General Plans and what the best practices are for public  engagement.  Some of the attendees have become convinced that we need more attention to  design guidelines and have begun to study how other unique cities have found solutions.  Each city  is different and a great deal of public pondering needs to go in to making the right choices for  policies and implementation.  General Plan Update Steering Committee - May 15, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received PO Box 102 | Balboa Island, CA  92662 | 949.864.6616 A 501(c)(3) non‐profit public education organization working to  protect and preserve the residential and environmental qualities of Newport Beach.  www.SPON‐NewportBeach.org | Info@SPON‐NewportBeach.org  FB SPON‐Newport Beach | Twitter @SPONNewport  May 14, 2019  Page Three  Subject:  GPU Steering Committee Meeting May 15  With all that said, we believe that the consultant hired for the General Plan Update should be fully  qualified with successful work experiences in General Plans – not just public outreach.   Kearns and  West seems qualified but their proposal, at least as submitted in writing, does not seem  particularly innovative. It would seem that the appropriate action would be to revive the RFP with  slight modifications and seek at least two other qualified firms for comparison purposes and a  chance to explore the full array of services and methods that are available.   Once again, thank you all so much for giving your time to this important project.  Sincerely,  Marko Popovich President   cc: Steering Committee Members  Nancy Gardner, Chair  ngardner@newportbeachca.gov  James Carlson  jcarlson@newportbeachca.gov  Catherine O'Hara  cohara@newportbeachca.gov  Ed Selich  eselich@newportbeachca.gov  Debbie Stevens  dstevens@newportbeachca.gov  Larry Tucker  ltucker@newportbeachca.gov  Paul Watkins  pwatkins@newportbeachca.gov  Mayor Diane Dixon, Ex Officio Member  ddixon@newportbeachca.gov  City Staff  Seimone Jurjis, CDD Director Sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov  Jim Campbell, Deputy CDD Director jcampbell@newportbeachca.gov  Ben Zdeba, Associate Planner bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov  General Plan Update Steering Committee - May 15, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received