HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/1976 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN ROLL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: January 12, 1976 MINUTES INDEX General Plan R -8676 Reverend William McQuoid of St. Mark Presbyterian Church gave the invocation for the first Council meeting held in the new Council Chambers. Present t c x x x x x OLL CALL. Thomas Blandi presented the City with a Bicentennial Flag. Motion x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Ayes c x x x x x x ecember 22, 1975 was waived, and said Minutes were ap- proved as written and ordered filed. Motion x The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under Ayes x x x x x xconsideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing to consider General Plan Amendment No. 33, an amendment to the Land Use and Residential Growth Elements of the General Plan to change the designation for one lot, and possibly a larger area, in the "County Triangle" area (15th Street west of Superior Avenue) from "Multi - Family Residential" to "General Industry ". A report was presented from the Community Development Department. A.letter from Perry B. Shirley to the Planning Depart- ment was presented asking that Amendment No. 33 not be approved. The following people addressed the Council in op- position to General Plan Amendment No. 33: Carol Hunt, Mrs. Krueger, Donald Jackson,.Ron Dick, Bertha Coldoff and Ed Paull, who presented a petition signed by twenty -four property owners and /or residents of the area. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined that no Ayes K x x x x x one desired to be heard. At the request of a member of the audience who had Motion x arrived after the hearing was closed, the hearing was Ayes K x x x x x reopened. Bill Anderson, representing the owner of the Newport Terrace Mobile Home Park, and John Rawlins addressed the Council and opposed General Plan Amendment No. 33. ion x The hearing was reclosed. 46; x x x x x Motion x Resolution No. 8676, amending the Land Use and Resi- Ayes x x x dential Growth Elements of the Newport Beach General Noes K x x Plan (County Triangle - Amendment No. 33), was adopted. Volume 30 - Page 1 General Plan R -8676 COUNCILMEN �p�0; gym\ 01O �A'k � 7 ROLL CALL A T 9f N12 • Motion Ayes K x x Motion Ayes K x x Motion Ayes � Ix Ix Monon Ayes F 12, 1976 MINUTES 2. Mayor McInnis opened the combined public hearings in connection with the following: Ordinance No. 1650, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ESTABLISHING A PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR BROADMOOR- PACIFIC VIEW (AMENDMENT NO. 457), Planning Commission Amendment No. 457, and proposed certification of the Environmental Impact Report. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department. A letter was presented from the Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee. Ordinance No. 1651, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICTING MAPS 53 AND 64 (BROADMOOR- PACIFIC VIEW), portion of Blocks 92 and 97, Irvine's Subdivision, located on the southeasterly side of New MacArthur Boulevard, adjacent to the Big Canyon Reservoir, in Harbor View Hills. Tentative Map of Tract No. 9047, subdividing 50.0 acres for single - family residential development in accordance with the Planned Community Develop- ment Standards for "Broadmoor- Pacific View," located on the southeasterly side of New MacArthur Boulevard, adjacent to the Big Canyon Reservoir in Harbor View Hills, Unclassified zone. Larry.Lizotte, Vice President of Broadmoor Homes, and Robert Bein of Raub, Bein, Frost & Associates, engi- neers for Broadmoor Homes, addressed the Council. Mr. Bein was granted two additional minutes for his presentation. The hearing was closed after it was determined that no one else desired to be heard. Councilman Store made a motion to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for clarification. The hearing was reopened. In answer to Council's question, Larry Lizotte stated he preferred that the matter not go back to the Planning Commission. The hearing was reclosed. Volume 30 - Page 2 INDEX Broadmoor - Pac View PC Dist Maps 53 & 64 Tract 9047 COUNCILMEN \\\ 9 ROLL CALL Motion AoN Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Motion Ayes Noes MINUTES \Aol ➢� \Z \1Z \a\��\ January 12, 1976 INDEX x Councilman Barrett made a substitute motion to certify X x x x the Environmental Impact Report and to adopt Ordinance x No. 1650, which motion carried. x Ordinance No. 1651 was adopted. x x x x X The Tentative Map of Tract 9047 was approved, subject x to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission, x x x with the exception of the deletion of Condition No. 8 x x and with the addition of Condition No. 35 which requires that all prospective buyers be notified of the noise factor from the airport unless said factor is worked out by the developer and staff, and the findings made by the Planning Commission were incorpo- rated by reference. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Ordinance No. 1652, being, Annexations 0 -1652 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 1.30 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED "ANNEXATION ", requiring voter approval of annexations to the City in excess of 100 acres, was presented. Councilman Rogers made a motion to introduce Ordinance No. 1652 and set for public hearing on January 26, 1976. Councilman Ryckoff made the following statement for the record: "If this Council will go no further than to enact an ordinance requiring a public vote on major annexations, I will support it. However, I believe it is a sign of strength to be willing to submit a major issue to the voters - not buck - passing or indecisive- ness. Further, to ask the voters if they want the requirement in the Charter is a responsible move. "An ordinance can be changed by a Council and taking this approach retains Council option on whether or not public vote is desirable on such a major issue. The Charter approach enables public determination of whether such a major issue should be submitted to the voters, and if the voters decision is to do so, man- dates it until changed or deleted by public vote. ",if the Council is willing to take the ordinance but not the Charter approach, it seems to indicate flexi- bility or keeping an option to remove an option from the voters." x Councilman Ryckoff made a substitute motion to in- corporate the language of the ordinance into a Charter amendment to be presented to the voters at the earliest possible election. Margot Skilling addressed the Council and opposed Ordinance No. 1652 because she felt all annexations should be placed before the electorate. x A vote was taken on Councilman Ryckoff's motion, which x x x x motion failed to carry. Volume 30 - Page 3 COUNCILMEN \� MINUTES ROLL CALL m \ * \9f \in \=2 \a \?N\ January 12, 1976 INDEX Councilman Rogers amended his motion to include the provision that the ordinance could not be amended nor • rescinded without a public hearing. Ayes K X x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Rogers' amended motion, and Ordinance No. 1652 was introduced and set for public hearing on January 26, 1975. 2. Ordinance No. 1639, being, Animal Control AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0 -1639 AMENDING SECTION 7.04.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING ANIMALS ON PUBLIC BEACHES AND PARKS. A letter from L. K. Homyer was presented regarding animal nuisances in the City. A letter from SCOOP, Society Concerned Owners of Pets, was presented requesting an extension of time to make their presentations to Council. Motion x The matter was continued to January 26, 1976. Ayes K x x x x x 3. The following appointments to the Transportation Plan Trans - Citizens Advisory Committee were confirmed: portatior Plan Motion x (District 2) Mayor McInnis' appointment of Citizens aA x x x x Richard Clucas. Adv Cmte Moon x (District 2) Councilman Barrett's appointment of Ayes K X x x x x X John Haskell. Motion x (District 4) Mayor Pro Tem Dostal's appointment Ayes K x x x x x x of Herman Basmaciyan and David Tosh. Motion x (District 5) Councilman Ryckoff's appointment of Ayes K x x x x x x Brett Klyver and Virginia Vosburg. Motion x (District 6) Councilman Kuehn's appointment of Ayes K x x x x x x Crystal Hopper and Gordon Jones. Motion K (District 7) Councilman Store's appointment of Ayes K x x x x x Dr. Calvin McLaughlin. It was agreed that the remainder of the appointments would be postponed to January 26, 1976. Motion x 4. Consideration of the installation of a Parcourse in Parcourse Ayes K x x x x x x Irvine Terrace Park was postponed to January 26, 1976. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A letter from William Selwyn was presented resigning Com Dev from the Community Development Citizens Advisory Citizens Committee. Adv Cmte Ion x Mr. Selwyn's resignation was accepted with regret; and Ayes K x x x x x X consideration of an appointment to fill the vacancy was postponed to January 26. Volume 30 - Page 4 COUNCILMEN \\004\11 \ \\ \0\ • r • S ROLL CALL OA s AyN aN January 12, 1976 2. A letter from Claude Moran, senior citizen, was p. sented requesting an exemption of a business licei for his small gardening business. Motion x Mr. Moran was granted a one -year exemption of his Ayes K x x x business license fee. Noes x x x 3. A report was presented from the Environmental Qua. Control Citizens Advisory Committee regarding the beach air pollution problem. Gary Lovell addressed the Council and urged favor action on the request for monitoring of the beach for air pollution. Motion x The Mayor was authorized to send a letter to the Ayes K X x x x x X Pollution Control District requesting recording o chemical measurement of visual opacity and color if possible, to coordinate these data with meteor logical data on a time basis; to include Gary Lov letter as well as the letter from the Environment Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee and t send copies to other beach communities asking for their support in this request. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion affirm Ayes K x x x x x x the actions on the Consent Calendar: ` 1. The following ordinances were introduced and pass to second reading on January 26, 1976: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (c) Proposed Ordinance No. 1655, being, AN ORDIN OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, PERTAIN TO THE REGULATION OF TATTOOING ESTABLISHMENT OPERATIONS. (Exhibit) (Report from the City Attorney) (Letter from the Orange County He Department) 2. The following resolutions were adopted: (a) Resolution No. 8677 authorizing the executio a Joint Powers Agreement with the Orange Cou Harbors, Beaches and Parks Department to est lish responsibilities for anchorages and moo in Newport Harbor and repealing Resolution N 8485. (Report from the Marine Department) (b) Resolution No. 8678 setting mooring fees pur to Section 17.22.051 of the Newport Beach Mu ipal Code. • (c) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (d) Resolution No. 8679 reaffirming various stan and ad hoc City Council committees; establis and /or deleting standing and ad hoc committe (establishing an ad hoc Business License Re- structuring Committee), and repealing Resolu No.. 8651. VnL°mo In — Pnan 9 MINUTES INDEX .e- Bus °se License Fee Waiver Lity ible as kir ind , r all °s it Ing �d WCE 5.20 LNG i AND alth Air Pollution Tattooing of Moorings 1ty R -8677 ab- . rings >uant Mooring iic- Fees R -8678 ling zing :s Lion Council Cmtes R -8679 COUNCILMEN MINUTES ROLL CALL - -o 2 I pm 9f iP �a mp 2 a tp January 12, 1976 INDEX (e) Resolution No. 8680 awarding a contract to Traffic Grissom and Johnson, Inc. for modification to the Signal Traffic Signal at Coast Highway and Dover Drive, R -8680 Contract No. 1597. '(Report from the Public Works Department) (f) Resolution No. 8681 authorizing the execution of OrCo an agreement with the City of Santa Ana in con- Burglary nection with their continued participation in the Prevention Orange County Burglary Index. (Letter from the Index City of Santa Ana,and report from the Chief of 0 -8681 Police) 3. The following communications were referred as in- dicated: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (c) To the City's representative, Harry Bubb, letter OrCo to the Mayor from the Orange County Health Health Planning Council asking that someone representing Planning the City attend a meeting of the Council and Council reiterate the City's support for the Health Planning Council's 'application for Health Systems Agency designation and enclosing changes in its application for such designation. (Exhibit) (d) To Traffic Affairs Committee, letter from James Irvine Ave • F. Blauer expressing concern over the failure of Traffic operators of cars and trucks to recognize the rights of pedestrians and bicycles on Irvine Avenue at the intersections of 15th through 17th. (Exhibit) (e) To Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, Park & letters to the Mayor from N. A. Rousselot urging View Sites acquisition by the City of the two vacant lots adjoining Inspiration Point and from George T. Hall urging the City to make a strong recom- mendation to the Regional Coastal Commission that the Inspiration Point property be placed as a high priority item on the acquisition list for the state to purchase as a part of the imple- metation of the Coastal Plan. (Exhibit) (f) To staff for reply, letter from Brian J. Loftus Green questioning the amounts of green area to be Areas conserved in future commercial developments. (Exhibit) (g) To Bicentennial Committee for recommendation, Masonic letter from the Masonic Coordinate Bodies Bi- Bicen- centennial Committee inviting the City to partici- tennial cipate in the Masonic Bicentennial parade and Parade program to be held in Long Beach on May 22, 1976. • (Exhibit) Volume 30 - Page 6 COUNCILMEN MINUTES ROLL CALL opm * yr i�s2 ampa January 12, 1976 INI 4. The following communications were referred to the City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: (a) Letter from Abraham Lincoln Middle School Parent Teacher Association thanking Council for its decision to place two boulevard stop signs along Marguerite Avenue and to hire a crossing guard to help students across the intersection of Pacific View Drive and New MacArthur Boulevard, and expressing support of the use of hand -held radar on Marguerite. (Exhibit) (b) Letter from the County Tax Collector- Treasurer enclosing a copy of Minutes of the Board of Supervisors approving the sale by sealed, bid of certain tax deeded property in the City on January 16, 1976 (Lot 24, located on the alley between La Jolla Drive and Santa Ana Avenue). (Exhibit) (c) Invitation to Councilmen, or their represen- tatives, from the League of Women Voters of Orange County to attend a seminar on Political Reform Act of 1974 to be held on January 19, 1976. (Exhibit) (d) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (e) Preliminary Annual Report of the City of Placentia • (f) Greenbelt Progress Report from the Santa Ana River /Santiago Creek Greenbelt Commission for the period 8/30/75 - 11/30/75. (g) Resolution of the City of Santa Ana condemning the resolution of the United Nations falsely accusing Zionism as being racist and urging that the United Nations rescind this resolution. (h) Resolution of the City of Burbank establishing policy guidelines in connection with the possible future acceptance of the Master Plan Report on the Hollywood- Burbank Airport and the imple- mentation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report in connection therewith. (i) Letter from the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council listing resolutions received since December 1, 1975. (j) Order Instituting Investigation by the Public Utilities Commission in connection with railroad grade separation projects. (k) Agenda for Board of Supervisors meetings held December 16, 17, 23, 1975 and January 6 and 7, 1976, (1) Letter from the Newport Hills Community Associ- ation supporting the immediate installation of crossing guards at the junction of New MacArthur Boulevard and Pacific View Drive. Volume 30 - Page 7 DEX ROLL CALL • UNCILMEN i�n..e. -.. 1 9 1 07A r MINUTES II. (m) Letter to Mayor McInnis from Congressman Hinshaw advising that the Committee on Public Works and Transportation has approved the pending marina survey resolution but that he had learned that the Army Corps of Engineers would not be able to include the approval and proposed funding in its fiscal 1976 -77 budget request. (Exhibit) (n) Letter from Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency regarding Santa Ana River Flood Protection Project Update. (Exhibit) (o) Resolution of the City of Laguna Beach urging the Board of Supervisors to give serious con- sideration to Ontario International Airport as the solution to the future air transportation needs in Orange County. (p) Letter to Mayor McInnis from Preston E. Pyeatte, Jr. complimenting the City Fire Department in handling "an impossible situation" in connection with the fire at 116 East Ocean on January 1, 1976. (Exhibit) (q) Copy of a letter to the Board of Supervisors from Jan Scherfig suggesting points to be covered in an Environmental Impact Study for Orange County Airport. (Exhibit) 5. The following claims were denied and the City Clerk's Claims referral to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Claim of June Ann Steiner (Sutphin) for Personal Steiner Injuries, Demand for Payment of Damages and (Sutphin) Property Damage allegedly sustained on Novem- ber 14, 1975 when a City vehicle struck her car which was stopped at a crosswalk at the inter - section of Marine and Balboa, Balboa Island. (b) Claim of Donna J. Cowie for property loss Cowie incurred when City trash men allegedly picked up her car mats which were drying in the sun in the Acacia Street alley on December 30, 1975. (c) Summons and Complaint of Theda Plass for Damages Plass and Personal Injuries, Case No. 239142 in Orange County Superior Court. (d) Claim of Walter Prior for personal injuries Prior allegedly sustained when he was arrested on October 10, 1975 in the City of Newport Beach. (e) Claim of Edward A. Pillar for reimbursement of Pillar towing charges incurred when his car was towed away from Seashore Drive on November 18, 1975, allegedly in error. . 6. The City Clerk's referral of the following claim to the City Attorney for appropriate action was con- firmed: Petition for Writ of Mandate, Complaint for Declara- NBPEA, tory Relief, Accounting and Damages and Points and Donaldsot et al Volume 30 - Page 8 COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL • • • l yY Cg. k fT Xtl .. • 9 � �•� I\ .� f tl �.. tl. 6 f January 12, 1976 Authorities in Support Thereof by Newport Beach Police Employees Association, James Donaldson, Frederick Heinecke and Lee Roberts, Plaintiffs and Petitioners. MINUTES 7. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was approved: (Report from the City Manager) (a) One Refuse Crewman in the General Services Department to fill a position now vacant. (b) Three Police Officers in the Police Department to fill positions now vacant. IIfLZ *7 (c) One Water Billing Clerk I in the Finance Depart- ment to fill a position now vacant. 8. The following staff report was received and ordered filed: Litter (a) Report from the Litter Control Citizens Advisory Control Committee regarding its 1976 officers and pro- Citizens grams. (Exhibit) Adv Cmte 9. The staff was directed to request the County of PCH Orange to re- activate the project to complete the St Impr West Coast Highway Improvements adjacent to the Orange Coast College Intercollegiate Rowing and Sailing Base (County -owned property). (Report from the Public Works Director) 10. The final design of the preliminary design report for Balboa Balboa Avenue Storm Drain Improvements, Marine Avenue Drainage to the Grand Canal, was authorized, based on Alter- nate 1, a gravity system, Contract No. 1683. (Report from the Public Works Director) 11. The plans and specifications for the Traffic Signal Traffic at Balboa Boulevard and 23rd Street, Contract No. Signal 1779, were approved; and the City Clerk was author- ized to advertise for bids to be opened at 10:30 A.M. on January 29, 1976. (Report from the Public Works Department) 12. The following Harbor Permit application was approved, Harbor subject to the approval of the U. S. Army Corps of Permit Engineers: #124 -601 by 601 Lido Homeowners Associ- ation to dredge and haul to sea 237 cubic yards of material beneath the northerly part of their slips. (Report from the Marine Department) 13. The following maintenance dredging harbor permit Harbor applications were approved, subject to the conditions Permit of approval under the blanket maintenance dredging permits issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers: #175 -912, Gil Wayne, 912 Via Lido Nord; #154 -123, H. D. Twitchell, 123 E. Bayfront; #153 -225, Eva M. Casner, 225 E. Bayfront. (Report from the Marine ,Department) Volume 30 - Page 9 COUNCILMEN Pt O 7i \xiPAS', N ZO ROLL CALL • 0 MINUTES * yr 6+1Z aPN January 12, 1976 14. The expense accounts of Mayor McInnis for attendance at the Congress of Cities in Miami Beach from November 28 through December 3 and of Mayor Pro Tem Dostal for attendance at the Congress of Cities and conducting the Board of Directors Meeting of NOISE in Miami Beach on November 28 through December 3, were approved. 15. The following Budget Amendments were approved: BA -37, $240 transfer of Budget Appropriations for purchase of a Chain Saw from Tools, Instruments, etc. to Rolling Equipment, Parks and Recreation Fund. (Report from Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director) BA -38, $1275 transfer of Budget Appropriations for employment of a School Crossing Guard at Pacific View Drive and New MacArthur Boulevard, from Unappropri- ated Contingency Reserve to Police, Seasonal -Part Time, Special Departmental Supplies, General Fund. tX,41 BA -39, $2,000 transfer of Budget Appropriations for the cost of a supplemental report prepared by Moffat and Nichol in connection with the National Flood Insurance Program from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Nondepartmental, Services - Professional, Technical, etc. (Report from the Public Works Director) ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A report was presented from the Community Development H Department regarding the second year HUD Block Grant Program. Councilman Ryckoff requested that the following state- ment be made a part of the record: "H -2(c) is a resolution for adoption authorizing our participation in the second year HUD funds program through the County. I have opposed City participation in the past. Now the City is executing assurances on Form OMB63 -R1471 which impose various detailed restrictions and requirements, and is asked to execute a cooperation agreement. "This agreement states, 'parties agree to cooperate in the undertaking, or assisting in undertaking, essential community development and housing assistance activities,; especially urban renewal and publicly assisted housing.' "Then: 'City shall comply (space) with the housing assistance plan (space) developed pursuant to said application.' "To support this application the City has prepared Table 1 'Survey of Housing Conditions' and states there are 401 units suitable for rehabilitation in Newport Beach. In Table II, 'Housing Assistance Needs of Lower Income Households,' it states that 1803 households currently require assistance, and that 186 additional are expected. In Table III 'Annual Goal Volume 30 - Page 10 v� it] INDEX ROLL CALL J Motion A Noes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes 0 COUNCILMEN muary 12, 1976 for Housing Units,' it lists 100 new units as the annual goal for housing assistance, such help anti- cipated from the 'private sector'. MINUTES "I can only go by the language I read in this appli- cation, and do not want my name listed in support of a program in which it appears that subterfuge or deception is required to obtain federal funds." Councilman Ryckoff then made a motion to reject the cooperative agreement with the County of Orange. Robert Coles, Vice Chairman of the Community Develop- ment Citizens Advisory Committee,_ addressed the Council, and urged the City's participation in the second year HUD Block Grant Program. Elaine Linhoff, member of the Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee, presented her minority position against the HUD Block Grant. Robert B. Cummings, consultant in housing development and management for the Lutheran Church, urged adoption of the Newport Beach housing element of the HUD Block Grant Program. Reed Flory, Housing Planner with the Orange County Environmental Management Agency, briefly reviewed the proposed housing goal commitment. A vote was taken on Councilman Ryckoff's motion, which motion failed to carry. INDEX Resolution No. 8682, authorizing the execution of a R -8682 Cooperation Agreement with the County of Orange in connection with the Second Year HUD Block Grant Pro- gram, was adopted. Proposed Ordinance No. 1653, being, AN ORDINANCE OF Animal THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 7.04.060 Control/ AND 7.16.050 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO Fees PROVIDE FOR A REDUCTION OF FEES FOR PERSONS SIXTY- 0 -1653 FIVE YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER IN CONNECTION WITH ANIMAL LICENSE FEES, was presented with a report from the City Attorney. Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to disallow the pro- posed ordinance, which motion failed to carry. Ordinance No. 1653 was introduced and passed to second reading on January 26, 1976. Proposed Ordinance No. 1654, being, AN ORDINANCE OF Animal THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 7.10.010 Control/ OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR Cats A REDUCTION OF FEES FOR PERSONS SIXTY -FIVE YEARS OF 0 -1654 AGE OR OLDER IN CONNECTION WITH THE IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR CATS.was presented. Volume 30 - Page 11 COUNCILMEN 4-A 0p yxim', F MINUTES OLL CALL F * SZ p a�pN January 12, 1976 INDEX Motion x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to disallow the pro - X x x posed ordinance, which motion failed to carry. X Motion 21 Ordinance No. 1654 was introduced and passed to Ayes K x x 31 second reading on January 26, 1976. Noes x x x 4. A letter from Jean Morris opposing the proposed hotel Holiday Motion x at the corner of Jamboree and Coast Highway was re- Harbor Ayes K x x x x x I ferred to the Planning Commission. 5. A letter from the Bluffs Home Owners Association Holiday protesting the proposed Holiday Harbor project and Harbor asking that the Council establish a policy of low - Motion x density development for the entire coastal corridor Ayes x x x x x x was referred to the Planning Commission. 6. A copy of a letter from the Environmental Management Industrial Agency to the City of Irvine requesting that the Waste Agency Director be named as administrator of Irvine's Industrial Waste Disposal Ordinance to enable enforce- ment of the ordinance in the Irvine Industrial Complex, Motion x was referred to the Intercity Relations Committee to Ayes I x x x x x x meet with the City of Irvine representatives. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. The Newport Beach Element for Youth Services of the CCCJ/ California Council on Criminal Justice Region 3 Plan Youth was presented. Services Resolution No. 8683, endorsing the Newport Beach R -8683 Motion x Element of the California Council on Criminal Justice Ayes x x x x x Region 3 Plan, was adopted. Mayor McInnis adjourned the meeting at 11:00 P.M. May ATTEST: L, A,- a,, City Cle • Volume 30 - Page 12