HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1976 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers MINUTES EA p. w'1 ROLL CALL m a9��N�s12 Unit: i .JV r.ra. it Date: April 26, 1976 INDE Present x x x x x Y Roll Call. Absent x The MoOn x reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Ayes x x x x x 2 April 12 and of the Adjourned Meeting of April 20, Absent x 1976 were approved as written and ordered filed. Motion x The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions Ayes x x x x under consideration was waived, and the Acting City Absent x Clerk was directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing in accordance Ambula with Section 5.14.150 of the Newport Beach Rates Municipal Code for the purpose of determining whether ambulance rate schedules for Seal's Ambulance Service and Schaefer's Ambulance Service should be changed to increase their base rates from $35.00 to $45.00, their mileage rate from $1.50 to $2.00 per mile and stand -by time from $20.00 to $30.00 per hour. Request letters from Seal's Ambulance Service and from Schaefer's Ambulance Service were presented. A report was presented from the Chief of Police to the City Manager. Larry Seals and Walter Schaefer addressed the Council regarding the increases in the cost of their services. Mayor Rogers declared the hearing closed after it was determined no one else wished to be heard. Motion x Resolution No. 8751, amending the rates for R -8751 Ayes x x x x x x ambulance service within the City, as Absent established by Resolution No. 8134, was adopted, increasing the basic rate, the mileage and the stand -by rate. 2. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing in connection Weed with the Spring, 1976 Weed Abatement Program in Abatem compliance with Resolution No. 8743. Motion x The public hearing was closed after it was Ayes K x X x x x determined no one else wished to be heard. Absent j Resolution No. 8752, ordering the Fire Chief to R -8752 Motion x1 abate weeds and other public nuisances existing Ayes x x x x x upon streets, alleys, sidewalks, parkways and Absent private property within the City, was adopted. Volume 30 - Page 89 :X ace ant ROL Mot Aye Abs Mot Aye Abs COUNCILMEN iv-1\710�\\i - -CC CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES L C A L L INDE 3. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing in connection ParkinE with Ordinance No. 1663, being, Pools AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0 -1663 AMENDING CHAPTER 20.30 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 20.30.035(C) DEALING WITH PARKING REQUIREMENTS OF PARKING POOLS, Planning Commission Amendment No. 463, a request initiated by The Irvine Company, Newport Beach, to amend Chapter 20.30 (formerly 20.38) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the parking requirement for office buildings based on the size of the parking pool. A report was presented from the Community Development j Department. jRon Hendrickson from the Commercial Division of The Irvine Company addressed the Council stating The Irvine Company supported the recommendations of the staff and the Planning Commission. Fred Kilbourne addressed the Council stating he was against any change in the parking requirements. :ion x Councilman Kuehn made a motion to close the ;s x x x x x hearing after it was determined no one else desired to be heard. x Ordinance No. 1663 was adopted. 's x x x x x oent 4. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing in connection Home with Ordinance No. 1666, being, Occupa I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING TITLE 20 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 20.87.209 DEFINING "HOME OCCUPATION" AND ADDING SECTION 20.10.040 ESTABLISHING PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR HOME OCCUPATIONS AND AMENDING SECTIONS 20.12.015(c), 20.13.015(b), 20.14.015(c), 20.15.015(c), 20.16.025 AND 20.17.025 RELATING TO PERMITTED USES IN THE R -A, R -1, R -1 -5, R -2, R -3 AND R -4 DISTRICT, Planning Commission Amendment No. 464, a request initiated by the City of Newport Beach to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Code which would allow "Home Occupations." A report was presented from the Community Development Department. Mr. Wynn, the City Manager, announced that Francis Horvath of the Newport -Mesa Board of Realtors had Volume 30 - Page 90 t;._- COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL N a � N * 2 N April 26, 1976 phoned and asked Council to continue the hearing thirty days. • i May Marlowe and Jacqueline Kilbourne addressed t1 Council in favor of the ordinance. Phil Scheid addressed the Council opposing the ordinance. Motion x Councilman McInnis made a motion to close the he4 J. R. Blakemore for Harbor View Hills Community i ation, and Paul Hummel addressed the Council oppi the ordinance. Motion x Mr. Blakemore was granted an additional minute f, Ayes I x x x x x presentation. Absent The following people addressed the Council in fa the ordinance; Frank Jank, President of the Cor del Mar Chamber of Commerce; Sally Twombly and F Kilbourne. Ayes C x x x A vote was taken on Councilman McInnis' motion, Noes x x the hearing was closed. Absent Motion x Ordinance No. 1666 was tabled. Ayes C x x x Noes x x Aft 5. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing in connec with Ordinance No. 1665, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 20.54 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE CREATING THE "- HISTORICAL" COMBINING DISTRICT, Planning Commission Amendment No. 465, a request initiated by the City of Newport Beach to consid an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to add a Historical Combining Dis A report was presented from the Community Develc Department. Phil Tozer addressed the Council in opposition t ordinance and requested the reinstatement of an optional clause including the owner's consent wt was deleted by the Planning Commission. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined r Ayes C x x x x else desired to be heard. Absent Motion x Mayor Rogers made a motion to have the clause re serted,to reintroduce the ordinance and pass to • reading May 10. Councilman Barrett arrived and took his seat at the table. Motion x Councilman Kuehn made a substitute motion to tai Ayes I x x x Ordinance No. 1665, which motion carried. Noes K x Abstain t Volume 30 - Page 91 INDEX for fie firing. issoci- )sing )r his ror of )us red ind tion er trict. pment o the ich o one in- second ouncil le Historical District COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL u a9r N *12 a April 26, 1976 INOE7 6. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing regarding the Newport application of Newport Water Taxi for a Commercial Water Activities Harbor Permit to operate a taxi service Taxi • on the waters of the Lower Bay. A report was presented from the Marine Department. A report was presented from the Chief of Police. James Porter addressed the Council and stated he was a partner in Newport Water Taxi and was present to answer any questions. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined Ayes 3 > no one else desired to be heard. x x x x x Motion x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to approve the Ayes x x x x x 2K Commercial Activities Harbor Permit subject to the twelve conditions listed in the staff report. 7. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing regarding Ocean F the acquisition by the City of privately owned Propert parcels on the Ocean Front on Balboa Peninsula. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director. The following people addressed the Council stating their opposition to the acquisition of the property by the City: Justin Marshall, Paul Balalis, Kurt Zimmerman and Sue Picker. Tully Seymour, representing the owners of Parcels 1 and 2, addressed the Council and stated his clients were in favor of the acquisition by the City. Motion The hearing was closed after it was determined Ayes x x x x x X no one else desired to be heard. Motion The staff was directed to commence proceedings Ayes x x x x N I to acquire those lots where the owners favor x x City acquisition. ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1664, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Speed AMENDING SECTION 12.24.070 OF THE NEWPORT Limits BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A SPEED 0 -1664 LIMIT ON BIRCH STREET FROM BRISTOL STREET TO JAMBOREE BOULEVARD, was presented for second reading. Moo Ordinance No. 1664 was adopted. x I Ayes K x x x x x Volume 30 - Page 92 rt ROL Mot Mo Ay Mo Ay COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES L CALL \u+� Y7,r70N�'" 1' O� April 26, 1976_ INDEX CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Community Development Land . Department regarding Planning Commission recommends- Trade tion on possible public acquisition of "Land Trade Remnant Remnant "; an 8.8± acre parcel, zoned R -3 -B, located on the east side of the Upper Bay, adjacent to the Bluffs residential neighborhood. David Neish of The Irvine ComDany addressed the Council and requested the Council to continue the matter for thirty days. Robert Montgomery, representing the Natural History Foundation of Orange County, addressed the Council regarding the scientific and educational value of the parcel. W. E. Spencer and John Stuart addressed the Council in favor of the acquisition of the property. tion x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to direct the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission to consider this property along with other properties under.consideration, and to make a recommendation to Council regarding the acquisition of these properties for open space areas. tion Z Councilman McInnis made a substitute motion to post - x x x x N pone the matter to the first meeting in June, which motion carried. The staff was directed to come back with a proposal for appraisal of the two pieces of property; i.e., the "Land Trade Remnant" and the Castaways. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Administrative City Arts Assistant to the City Manager regarding the request Festival from the City Arts Commission for installation of temporary signs and banners for the Arts Festival 1976. tion x The request was approved for the installation of es x x x x x temporary signs and banners at various locations throughout the City. 2. The Mayor presented the following reorganization of Council Council Committees: Committee. (a) The following ad hoc committes were deleted: 1. Freeway Affairs Committee 2. Land Development Responsibilities Committee 3. Procedural Ethics Committee 4. Offshore Mooring Fee Committee (b) The Pacific Coast Highway Bay Crossing Plan Citizens Advisory Committee was deleted. Volume 30 - Page 93 _ROLL CALL F% NCILMEN CITY OF NEWPO`RT BEACH 26 MINUTES INDEX (c) The following new committee was created to replace the Offshore Mooring Fee Committee, expanding its duties to cover all tidelands • problems within the City: Tidelands Affairs Committee Mayor, Ex- officio Paul Ryckoff Ray Williams Director of the Marine Department It was directed that this committee be placed on the agenda for the next Study Session. (d) The remaining committees were reorganized as follows: COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES Modifications Committee Community Development Director Public Works Director Building Division Supervisor (or designated representatives) Pending Legislation and Ethics Committee City Attorney, Chairman Milan Dostal Paul Ryckoff • City Manager Proclamation Committee Mayor Milan Dostal Underground Utilities Coordinating Committee City Manager, Chairman Public Works Director District Representative, Southern California Edison Company Senior Engineer, Public Improvement, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Pete Barrett, Council Representative Water Committee Paul Ryckoff Donald McInnis COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEES Budget Committee Paul Ryckoff Lucille Kuehn Business License Restructuring Committee Pete Barrett • Off- Street (All) Parking Committee Howard Rogers, Ex- officio Pete Barrett Volume 30 - Page 94 INDEX COUNCILMEN �99� O10 ROLL CALL L J 0 E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ion INDEX April 26, 1976 Appointments Committee Paul Ryckoff Lucille Kuehn Donald McInnis REPRESENTATIVES TO JOINT GOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEES City - School Liaison Committee Pete Barrett Lucille Kuehn City Manager Inter -City Relations Committee Lucille Kuehn Donald McInnis Joint Harbor Committee Paul Ryckoff League of California Cities Mayor Milan Dostal, Alternate Environmental Quality Control Committee Milan Dostal Joint Technical Committee on Underground Utilities Pete Barrett National League of Cities Environmental Quality Control Committee Milan Dostal League of California Cities - Orange County Division Mayor Milan Dostal, Alternate and Voting Representative City Selection Committee Mayor Milan Dostal, Voting Alternate Newport- Irvine Waste Management (NIWA) Paul Ryckoff Ray Williams Ontario International Airport Study Task Force Howard Rogers, City Representative Richard Hogan, Alternate Orange County- Cities Unified Disaster Organizat City Manager, City Representative Paul Ryckoff, Alternate Orange County Health Planning Council Harry G. Bubb, City Representative Volume 30 - Page 95 ion INDEX COUNCILMEN m p. X94 0•fo ROLL CALL • 2 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES o f N T 2 e A 2 Orange County Mosquito Abatement District Board of Trustees Ray Williams, City Representative Orange County Sanitation Districts 5, 6 & 7 District 5 Mayor Ray Willaims, Alternate Donald McInnis District 6 Mayor Paul Ryckoff, Alternate District 7 Mayor Pete Barrett, Alternate Public Cable Television Authority Committee Milan Dostal, Council Representative City Attorney, Staff Representative Administrative Assistant to City. Manager, Staff Representative Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency Donald A. McInnis, Member Ray Williams, Alternate Santa Ana River/Santiago Creek Greenbelt Commissio Pete Barrett, Representative Donald A. McInnis, Alternate SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments) Mayor, City Representative Mayor Pro Tem, Alternate Environmental Committee Pete Barrett TICMAP Committee (The Irvine Company Coastal Community Multi - Agency Planning Program) (Downcoast Planning) Lucille Kuehn Howard Rogers Community Development Director Newport Bay Ecological Reserve Development _Upper Committee Howard Rogers, City Representative Paul Ryckoff, Alternate CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEES (Council Liaison Members) Bicentennial Citizens Advisory Committee Donald McInnis Pete Barrett Volume 30 - Page 96 INDEX COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL Motion Ayes Motion Ayes u Motion Ayes • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES gd y91 0 A M T Z� Anril 26, 1976 Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory Committee Paul Ryckoff Ray Williams Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee Lucille Kuehn Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee Lucille Kuehn Pete Barrett Litter Control Citizens Advisory Committee Ray Williams Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee Donald McInnis Ray Williams x The deletion, creation and reorganization of committees x x x x x 7 11 was aooroved. 3. A letter was presented from Ann Holstein resigning from the City Arts Commission effective July 1, 1976. Mrs. Holstein's resignation was accepted with regret, x x x x x x 2 the staff was directed to prepare a Certificate of Appreciation, and the matter was referred to the Appointments Committee. 4. A letter from Margaret M. Butt was presented regarding vandalism in Corona del Mar and asking to appear before Council. Mrs. Butt addressed the Council regarding vandalism and police protection in Corona del Mar. It was agreed that the staff would investigate the problem and report back to Council and to Mrs. Butt. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were approved by one motion affirming x the actions on the Consent Calendar: x x x x X 1. The following ordinances were introduced and passed to second reading on May 10, 1976: (a) Ordinance No. 1667, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 17.33.050 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE PERCENTAGE AMOUNT OF THE PENALTY FEE FOR FAILURE TO PAY PIER REGISTRATION FEES. (Exhibit) (Report from the Marine Department) Volume 30 - Page 97 INDEX City Arts Comsn CdM Vandalismi Police Prorecti.- Pier Registrar tion Fees 0 -1667 RC COUNCILMEN Ir P pt\A\01 O mZ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES LL CALL �'in a9C?t!• 2 22� A April 26, 1976 IND (b) Ordinance No. 1668, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE A Animal CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 1.12.020 C Control OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING 0 0 -1668 • O SUBSECTION (3) THEREOF AUTHORIZING MARINE DEPART- MENT PERSONNEL TO MAKE ARRESTS FOR VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTERS 7.04 "DOGS," 7.16 "ANIMALS AT LARGE" AND 7.20 "ANIMAL NUISANCES" OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, authorizing the Marine Department to issue citations for dog violations on the beaches. (Exhibit) (Report from the Administra- tive Assistant to the City Manager) 2. The following resolutions were adopted: (a) Resolution No. 8753 restating offshore mooring O Offsho fees and establishing a late payment penalty M Mooring pursuant to Section 17.22.050 of the Newport F Fees Beach Municipal Code. (Exhibit) (See report R R -8753 with Agenda Item H -la) (b) Resolution No. 8754 recommending recognition of S Special local, municipal, county and state governmental P Postage bodies as qualified agencies to receive permits R Rates from the U. S. Postal Service for third class R R -8754 (special) bulk rates. (Report from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director) (c) Resolution No. 8755 establishing the duties and T Transp responsibilities of the Transportation Plan a ation Citizens Advisory Committee, and repealing P Plan • R Resolution No. 8659, adding a member of the C Citize Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. A Adv Cm t EX re ort- ns o ark ROLL r L_ r L r L COUNCILMEN \v pAn O�.Q @pO�F; CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES CALL �N a1 ➢r�P����'t�N�April 26, 1976 INDEA Proposition 15 means a vote for the potential elimination of nuclear power from California. ' (Copies sent to Council) (d) To Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Prop 15 Committee, resolution from the City of Garden Grove supporting the development of nuclear energy in California. (Copies sent to Council) (e) To Traffic Affairs Committee, letter to Mayor Coast McInnis from Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Benson regarding Highway traffic conditions around the Bay Bridge and Bridge offering suggestions for improvement; and attaching his letter to the State Highway Commission and their reply. (Exhibit) 4. The following communications were referred to the Acting City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: (a) Letter from the City of Garden Grove regarding appointments by the City Selection Committee to the California Coastal Conservation Commission. i (Copies sent to Council) (b) Resolution of the City of.Yorba Linda opposing the development of an airport in the Chino Hills and supporting the feasibility of locating an airport at Ontario International Airport or at Camp Pendleton. I (c) Copy of letter to Assemblyman John F. Foran, Chairman Ways and Means.Committee, State of California, from Environmental Coalition of Orange County urging support of AB 2948, Assembly- man Hart's Coastal Acquisition Bill. (Copies sent to Council) (d) Copy of letter to Senator John A. Nejedly, Chairman Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee, State of California, from Environmental Coalition of Orange County urging support of SB 1579, Senator Bielenson's California Coastal Conserva- tion Act of 1976. (Copies sent to Council) (e) Notice of Hearing before the Public Utilities Commission on the application of Balboa Island Ferry, a California Corporation, to adjust rates. (f) A resolution of the City of Seal Beach opposing any plan to remove the Navy from administration of the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station and supporting the current level of operations at LANAS as the maximum, compatible, safe use of the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station. (g) A resolution of the City of Garden Grove ' supporting the maintenance of operations control Volume 30 - Page 99 COUNCILMEN 1rii0\7010\00n0_1\1010 $F y MINUTES ROLL CALL tN a � � 12 ifl April 26, 1976 INDEX of the Naval Air Station at Los Alamitos by the Department of the Navy. (Copies sent to Council) • (h) Letter from Paul Wickman expressing appreciation I for his appointment to the Civil Service Commissio Board. (Copies sent to Council) (i) Letter to Robert L. Wynn, City Manager, from William Woollett, Jr., City Manager of the City of Irvine, enclosing their staff report and proposed resolution designating Environmental Management Agency of Orange County for the City's Industrial Waste Disposal Ordinance. (Exhibit) (j) Agenda of the Board of Supervisor's meetings held April 13, 14, 20 and 21, 1976. (k) Letter to Mayor McInnis from John Garthe, Mayor of Santa Ana, with suggestions for improving the Orange County Division, League of California Cities. (Exhibit) (1) Letter to Mayor McInnis from Dennis E. Carpenter, State Senator, expressing appreciation for the Council's views relative to SB 1500, a proposal to effect consolidation of Superior, Municipal and Justice courts wherein revenue to the state would be derived at the expense of local cities. (Exhibit) 5. The following claims were denied and the Acting City Claims Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Claim of Louisa Hirsch for damage to her automo- Hirsch bile allegedly caused when she drove over a water line that was being repaired in the alley behind 2105 E. Balboa Boulevard, Balboa on April 19, 1976. (b) Claim of Patricia C. Lockman for personal Lockman injuries sustained when she slipped and fell on Marine Avenue on January 3, 1976 due to the condition of the sidewalk. (c) Request of Peggy Meggs White for Leave to Present White Late Claim; and Claim for Personal Injuries and damages received when she collided with a parked car on Eastbluff Drive near Mar Vista on April 10, 1975, allegedly due to negligence on the part of the City. (d) Application for Permission to File Late Claim of Williams Michael Dale Williams, and proposed claim for false arrest and imprisonment, personal injuries and for damages sustained in connection with his arrest on August 13, 1975 in the City of Newport Beach. (e) Claim of Barbara Smith for damage to her automo- Smith bile when her brother was arrested in her car Volume 30 - Page 100 ROLL r� Moti Ayes Moti Ayes Ayes COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES CALL N A Yf �S T 11 N INDEX and the lock was allegedly broken by the officers in connection with his arrest. (f) Summons and Complaint of Delveta Mae Griggs for l Griggs False Imprisonment and False Arrest, Case No. I 244407 in the Orange County Superior Court, incurred when she was arrested on July 16, 1975 in the vicinity of Bungalow 5, 100 Block of B Street, Newport Beach. 6. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was approved: (Report from the City Manager) (a) Two (2) laborers in the General Services Depart - went to fill a position now vacant and a position to be vacant. 7. The following staff reports were received and ordered filed: (a) Report from the City Attorney regarding con- flicts of interest. (Exhibit) 8. The following budget amendments were approved: BA -66, $20,000 transfer of funds and increase in Budget Appropriations and increase in Revenue Estimates for drilling of gas wells in West Newport and Caltrans contribution toward project, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve and Donations and Contributions, General Fund. BA -67, $535.00 increase in Budget Appropriations for ' City Librarian and three Library Trustees to attend the California Library Trustees and Commissioners Conference in Sacramento on June 4th and 5th, 1976, from Unappropriated Surplus, Libraries, Travel and Meetings, Library Fund. (Report from Board of Library Trustees) BA -68, $1,200 Transfer of Budget Appropriations from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to General Services - Field Maintenance, Special Departmental Supplies, General Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A resolution requesting legislation which would Power on require utility companies to mark power lines that Lines Ix x x x x N could be hazardous to air travel was ordered filed. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. The City's representative to the Orange County Prop 15 on x Division of the League of Cities was directed to x x x x x support the League's resolution in opposition to Proposition No. 15. x 2. The City's financial participation in the cost of the BirPntann; x x x x N Bicentennial bandstand in Peninsula Park was approved. Bandstand Volume 30 - Page 101 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES :)LL CALL 9u�a ➢� pN o s2 i4 Anril 26- 1976 3. A letter from the Orange County Transit District was presented asking for Council support on AB 2752 which • would eliminate the buy -out procedures required of the Orange County Transit District prior to establishing any new transit service or system which may compete with an existing transit system. otion x Councilman McInnis made a motion to direct the Mayor to send a letter to the Assembly Committee on Trans- portation expressing Council's support for Assembly Bill 2752. Curt Stewart, staff member of the Orange County Transit District, addressed the Council in behalf of the District. yes x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman McInnis' motion, which motion carried. 4. A report was presented from the Marine Department regarding floating debris in Lower Newport Bay. The six staff recommendations were approved, and the staff was directed to proceed with immediate implementation of all six and to come back with a Budget Amendment for the $7,500 necessary for con - otion x tracting for debris pickup over City controlled yes x x x x x tidelands behind the U. S. Pierhead Line for a one year trial program. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Rogers at 10:55 P.M. Mayor ATTEST: City Cler L U • Volume 30 - Page 102 INDEX OCTD Bay Pollution