HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1976 - Regular Meeting201. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN \LLRegular Council Meeting �o�yPlace: Council Chambers Time:- 7:30 P.M. Date: November 22. 1976 MINUTES INDFX resent x x x x x x x Roll Call. On The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting x of November 8, 1976 was waived, and said.Minutes yes x x x x x x x were approved as written and ordered filed. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions otion x under consideration was waived, and the City yes x x x x x x x Clerk was directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor.Dostal opened the public hearing Permits regarding Ordinance No. 1700, being, 0 -1700 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 20.80.090 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REVOCATION OF PERMITS OR VARIANCES, Planning Commission Amendment No. 474, initiated by the City of Newport Beach, eliminating the extension of previously approved permits which have not been exercised within the time specified. A report was presented from the Community Development Department. own x The hearing was closed after it was determined y- x x x x x x x that no one desired to be heard. otion x Ordinance No. 1700 was adopted. yes x x x x x x x 2. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding General General Plan Amendment No. 76 -3: Plan 76 -3 -A: An amendment to the Land Use Element and Residential Growth Element to change the designation of four lots at the southeast corner of Dahlia and Fifth Avenues in Corona del Mar from "Retail and Service Commercial" to "Two- Family Resi- dential." 76 -3 -B: An amendment to the Land Use Element, Residential Growth Element, and Recreation and Open Space Element to revise the open space and paseo system in Harbor View Hills for consistency with adopted Planned Community development plans. 76 -3 -C: An amendment to the Land Use Element adjusting and clarifying Specific Area Plan boundaries for the Cannery . Village /McFadden Square and Central Balboa Specific Area Plans. Volume 30 - Page 281 :JLL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN p0�s 900 ""0�c MINUTES �9c0 cws SLZ CALL Nnvamhcr 79 107A 76 -3 -E: An amendment to the Land Use Element changing the designation of existing commercial uses on the south side of East Coast Highway easterly of Bayside Drive from "Recreational and Marine Commercial" to "Retail and Service Commercial," to reflect existing uses. 76 -3 -F: An amendment to the Land Use Element text and Residential Growth Element text adding a discussion of the possibility of residential development on the undevelope portion of the Aeronutronic -Ford site, to reflect the previously- adopted General Plan Amendment No. 31. 76 -3 -G: An amendment to the Land Use Element text adding a section pertaining to zoning and general plan consistency. 76 -3 -H: An amendment to the Land Use Element text adding a statement to the effect that the property near Island Avenue and Balboa Boulevard, currently zoned and developed for commercial purposes, may remain in a commercial district until the commercial uses are discontinued, at which time rezoning to a residential district will be considered. . 76 -3 -I: An amendment to the Land Use Element and Residential Growth Element changing the designation of property at 807 East Bay Avenue from "Retail and Service Commercial" to "Two- Family Residen- tial." 76 -3 -J: An amendment to the Land Use Element designating state -owned property, adjacent to West Coast Highway between the Santa Ana River and Newport Boulevard, for the preparation of a Specific Area Plan. 76 -3 -K: An amendment to the Land Use Element text revising the description of permitted uses in areas designated "General Industry" to permit separate office uses in certain areas. A report was presented from the Community Develop ment Department. A mailgram from A. J. Hill and a letter from Madolyn C. Penland opposing 76 -3 -C, and a letter from Marguerite Forgit regarding parking in Central Newport were received after the agenda was printed. The following people addressed the Council with questions regarding 76 -3 -C: Vivian Cramer, John Shea, Charlene Fannon, Marguerite Forgit and William Reed. Volume 30 - Page 282 COUNCILMEN c U �9r`�p�q! ROLL CALL \ November 22. 1976 9 Moti Ayes Moti Ayes Moti Ayes Moti Ayes A Moti Ayes Moti Ayes Abst 4 MINUTES IN f1ry The following people addressed the Council with questions regarding 76 -3 -H: Bob Durkee, George Perlin, George Mears and Marguerite Forgit. John Shea, President of the West Newport Improve- ment Association, addressed the Council with questions on 76 -3 -J. on x The hearing was closed after it was determined • x x x x x x that no one else desired to be heard. Resolution No. 8939, accepting the Negative R -8939 Declaration and approving the amendments to the Land Use, Residential Growth and Recreation and on x Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General • x x x x x x Plan (Amendment No. 76 -3), was adopted. 3. The Mayor opened the public hearing regarding the Harbor Commercial Activities Harbor Permit application by Permit Western Canners, Inc. to operate a combination entertainment and sightseeing vessel on the waters of Newport Harbor. A report was presented from the Marine Department. on x The hearing was closed after it was determined • x x x x x x that no one desired to be heard. on x The Commerical Activities Harbor Permit application ' x x x x x x x of Western Canners, Inc. was approved, subject to the conditions of approval by recommended staff. 4. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding Harbor the revocation of Harbor Permit #110 -1124 at 1124 Permit E. Balboa Boulevard, for failure to comply with Section 17.24.090 of the Municipal Code. A report was presented from the Marine Department. Mayor Pro Tem Barrett stepped down from the Coun- cil table due to a possible conflict of interest. Marine Director David Harshbarger gave a brief staff report. John Rau, owner of the pier at 1124 E. Balboa Boulevard, addressed the Council. on x The hearing was closed after it was determined that • x x x x x x no one else desired to be heard. Pier Permit #110 -1124 was allowed to remain in on x force inasmuch as the permit holder has brought • x x x x x his facility into compliance with the Municipal ain x Code requirement. Mayor Pro Tem Barrett resumed his seat at the Council table. 5. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing in connec- Weed tion with the Fall 1976 Weed Abatement Program. Abatement A report was presented from the Fire Chief regard- ing the abatement of weeds and other nuisances within the City and submitting the Assessment List for the Fall 1976 Program. Volume 30 - Page 283. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN po v o0 c�9 ROLL CALL November 22, 1976 Mi A, Mi A, M A M, A, M( A, MINUTES )tion x The hearing was closed after it was determined res x x x x x x x that no one desired to be heard. . Resolution No. 8939, confirming the report of R -8939 the Fire Chief concerning the cost of the abatement of weeds and other nuisances and requesting the Auditor - Controller of Orange County to enter the ition x amount of each assessment referred to in said ,es x x x x x x x report on the County Tax Roll, was adopted. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches Open Space and Recreation Commission regarding the Open Bond Space.and Park Bond Election. Election A letter from the Newport Harbor -Costa Mesa Board of Realtors was presented asking that the more expensive, controversial items be purged from the acquisition list. )tion x The following wording for the Bond measure was res x x x x x x x adopted: Shall the City of Newport Beach acquire land for open space and make minimum improvements on park sites by incurring a bonded indebtedness in the principal sum of Seven Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars, of which approximately 90% would be used for land acquisition and the remainder for park improvements,and all expenses incidental to or connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds? Ordinance No. 1701, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE 0 -1701 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON MARCH 8, 1977, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR ACQUISITION OF A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT AND CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION WITH THE NEWPORT - MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ELECTIONS TO BE HELD ON SAID ition x DATE, was introduced and passed to second reading ,es x x x x x x x on December 13, 1976. tion x The following resolutions were adopted: ,es x x x x x x x Resolution No. 8940 of the City Council of R -8940 the City of Newport Beach, California requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange to permit the County Clerk of said County to render specified services to said City relating to the conduct of a General Obligation Bond Election to be held in said City on March 8, 1977. Resolution No. 8941 of the City of Newport Beach, California requesting the Board of R -8941 Supervisors of the County of Orange to Volume 30 - Page 284 COUNCILMEN \ALL pN DOLLC \ \ November L Moti Ayes L� Moti Ayes I k 22. 1976 MINUTES I IU r%= Y consolidate the General Obligation Bond Election of said City to be held on March 8, 1977, with the Newport -Mesa Unified School District and Coast Community College District Elections to be held on said date. Resolution No. 8942 of the City of Newport R -8942 Beach, California determining that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition of a certain municipal improve- ment and making findings related thereto. Resolution No. 8943 of the City of Newport R -8943 Beach, California authorizing certain of its members to file a written argument for a City measure. on x 2. Councilman Ryckoff's appointment of Jane Bihler as Bicycle x x x x x x x a member of the Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory CAC Committee to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Helen Reeder was confirmed. 3. A report was presented from the Community Develop- Cost /Revenue ment Department regarding the evaluations received Systems on the economists' review of the Ashley Economic cost /revenue report. A letter from the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce was presented urging the City to give consideration to the Ashley report, and to its I acceptance as an alternative approach to the Present methods in use. Robert Dunham, President of Ashley Economic Services, Inc., addressed the Council and answered questions. on x The report of Ashley Economic Services. Inc. was x x x x x x x accepted and adopted as one of the tools to be used in making iudgments on costs and revenues for a one -year period to determine its effectiveness. 4. A report was presented from the Public Works Sundance Director regarding the Sundance Drive dedication, Drive Tract No. 7989. Dedication A letter was received after the agenda was printed from Welton & Company asking that Council reject the request of Newport Condominium Homeowners Association for vacation of the offer of dedication of Sundance Drive. The following people addressed the Council and asked that a hearing be held to consider the vacation of the offer of dedication: Stuart Parker, attorney representing the Newport Condo- minium Homeowners' Association; Chanceford Mounce, President of the Homeowners Association, Joseph ' Graham and Joan Hammer. Volume 30 - Page 285 VTY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN \ALLt< � T ROLL C \ \ November 22 • Mot Aye Mot Aye M Ay MINUTES MITI CW ion x It was directed that a public hearing not be Ayes x x x x x x x scheduled at this time. S. A report was presented from the Transportation CdM Traffic Plan Citizens Advisory Committee regarding the Survey Corona del Mar traffic survey. The following people addressed the Council in favor of the survey: Frank Jank, President of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, and Per Trebler. Calvin McLaughlin, Secretary of the Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee, addressed the Council regarding the Committee's report. John Cole and Roy Giordano addressed the Council and opposed the survey. _on x Councilman McInnis made a motion to establish a subcommittee to consist of six members from the Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee to be appointed by the Chairman, and six members from the Corona del Mar Coordinating Council of Com- • munity Associations to be appointed by the head of that organization, and to specifically direct this Committee to divide a questionnaire into two major parts with first consideration aimed at getting the community concepts of short -term problems that can be implemented by the Council within one or two years. At the time that report is brought back to Council, consideration can be given to developing a questionnaire for long -range solu- tions. Councilman Kuehn asked that the motion be amended to ask that the report be brought back to the first meeting in February, or sooner, which amendment was accepted by the maker of the motion. s x x x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman McInnis' amended motion, which motion carried. 6. A report was presented from the Marine Department Harbor regarding the request of Merlin Norton for per- Permit mission to transfer a harbor permit from his company to himself without paying the transfer fee. The request letter from Michael Lawler, Jr, for Merlin Norton was presented. �n x The request was approved. x x x x x x x Volume 30 - Page 286 i Tom Peckenpaugh, attorney representing the following people: Mr. and Mrs. McClellan, the landowners, Welton & Company and Darrell Starnes, addressed the Council and asked that another hearing not be held. COUNCILMEN 90 v P s\ FS y 9 �P1P ROLL CALL r \ L Mot Aye 4 Mot Aye Mot Ayo Mo Ay MINUTES Nnvamhar 22. 1976 INnEX 7. A verbal report was presented from the City Council Council Committees Review Committee. Committees jon x The staff was directed to prepare the necessary._ x x x x x x x modifications to the Council Committees, with the exception of the Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee, for formal presenta- tion to the City Council on December 13. S. Reports to the City Manager from the Marine Volleyball Director and the General Services Director were Regs presented with a proposed resolution establishing regulations controlling the installation and main- tenance of volleyball playing areas on the public beaches in the City of Newport Beach and rescind- ing Resolution No. 7282. The matter of volleyball courts on the ocean front ion x beach was referred to the Parks, Beaches and s x x x x x x x Recreation Commission for inclusion in the Ocean Front General Plan Study. 9. A report was presented from the Community Develop— Variance ment Department regarding the possibility of 1059 appeal in connection with Variance No. 1059, a request of Roland R. and Donna J. Hammond, Balboa Island, to permit interior alterations and first and second floor room additions on an existing single family dwelling which would exceed 1.5 times the buildable area of a lot in the R -1.5 ' District. ion x Consideration of the matter was postponed for s x x x x x x x inclusion in the public hearing set for Decem- ber 13 in connection with Variance No. 1059. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Public Works Alley Impr/ Director regarding Alley Improvements - Balboa Balboa Peninsula 1976 -77, Contract No. 1853. Penin 1976 -77 The informality contained in Sully- Miller Con- tracting Company's bid was waived; and Resolution R -8944 No. 8944, awarding a contract to Sully- Miller :ion x Contracting Company for Alley Improvements - :s x x x x x x x Balboa Peninsula 1976 -77, Contract No. 1853, was adopted. 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Curb Cut/ Director regarding the application of Ms. Mary Ann 107 "A" St Nethercutt for a curb cut at 107 "A" Street, Balboa (EP 76 -186). Mary Ann Nethercutt addressed the Council. :ion x Ms. Nethercutt's request for a'curb cut at 107 "A" as x x x x x x x Street, Balboa, was granted. 3. A report was presented from the Marine Department Council regarding an amendment to Council Policy H -1, Policy "Harbor Permit Policies," to prevent living aboard boats from private piers in residential areas. i Volume 30 - Page 287 COUNCILMEN 1 p � .fl N GF Ci cFpC'v < ROLL CALL �L \ \ • Motio Ayes Noes Motio Ayes Noes • Motic Ayes Motic Ayes Motic Ayes Motic Ayes 11 1 _ P R. • i 1 = A MINUTES November 22, 1976 lydnpv A letter from the Lido Isle Community Association was presented opposing live - aboards. Howard Conicoff addressed the Council and urged the adoption of the proposed amendment. z x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to refer the x x proposed amendment to the Joint Harbor Committee • x x x x and the Marine Division of the Chamber of Commerce for review and recommendation to Council, which motion failed to carry. i x Councilman Kuehn made a motion to change Council • x x x x x Policy H -1, "Harbor Permit Policies," which motion x carried, and Council Policy H -1 was amended as follows: 2. F. "The term live- aboard shall mean the use or occupancy of a vessel for living quarters either permanently or on a temporary basis for a period exceeding three days." 4. K. "In those areas of the harbor where the piers and floats are bayward of residential zoned areas and are re- served for the occupants of the abutting upland property, live- aboards shall not be permitted." 4. A letter from the Orange County Vector Control OrCo District was presented advising that the current Vector term for the City's representative will expire at Control the end of this year. n x Mayor Dostal's reappointment of Councilman Williams • x x x x x x as the City's representative on the Board of Trustees of the Orange County Vector Control District for a term ending December 31, 1978 was confirmed. n x S. Mayor Dostal's appointment of Councilman Rogers to City /School • x x x x x x the Citv- School Liaison Committee was confirmed. Liaison Cmte n x 6. Mavor Dostal's appointment of Councilman Rogers as Greenbelt • x x x x x x the City representative to the Santa Ana River/ Comsn Santiago Creek Greenbelt Commission was confirmed. 7. A report was presented from the Litter Control Litter Citizens Advisory Committee regarding appointments CAC to the Committee. n x (District 7) Councilman Williams' appointments of • x x x x x x members to replace Cathy Winters and William Lowance on the Committee were postponed to December 13. 8. A report was presented from the Environmental CEQCAC Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee regarding the resignation of Didi Moore. i Volume 30 - Page 288 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL \ \ November 22, 1976 MINUTES Didi Moore's resignation was accepted with regret Motion x and (District 2) Councilman McInnis' appointment Ads x x x x x x x of a replacement member was postponed to December 13. 9. A letter from the Newport Harbor Art Museum was Art presented asking for waiver of the construction or Museum related fees for the Art Museum at 850 San Clemente Drive. A report was presented from the Administrative Assistant to the City Manager showing practices in other Orange County cities. Councilman Kuehn stepped down from the Council table due to a possible conflict of interest. David Steinmetz, Past President of the Board of Trustees of the Art Museum and Chairman of the Building Committee, and Don Koll addressed the Council and urged that the fees be waived. Motion x The staff was directed to prepare the necessary Ayes x x x x x x ordinance revisions to be brought back to Council Abstain x on December 13 enabling the Council to waive fees. Councilman Kuehn returned to the Council table. 10. A letter from the Golden State Theatrical Produc- Business • tions, Inc. was presented concerning a refund on License license fees paid for selling tickets to events Fees held in Anaheim. A report was presented from the Finance Director. Motion x The request of Golden State Theatrical Productions Ayes x x x x x x x for a refund was approved. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion Ayes x x x x x x x affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The following resolutions were adopted: (a) Resolution No. 8945 requesting the Orange assessed County Assessor to furnish an estimate of the Property assessed valuation of property located within Valuations the City of Newport Beach for Fiscal Year R -8945 1977 -78. (Report from the City Attorney) (b) Resolution No. 8946 authorizing the Mayor and Balboa City Clerk to execute a supplemental coopera- Blvd tive financing agreement between the City of Widening Newport Beach and the State of California, R -8946 Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) for Balboa Boulevard widening - 44th Street to • Coast Highway. (Report from the Public Works Director) Volume 30 — Page 289 ii 111,11, iii COUNCILMEN � v oo P� Fc in ROLL CALL November 22, 1976 MINUTES IN nPV 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: • (a) To staff for reply, a letter addressed North Star to Mayor Dostal from Patrick F. Cadigan Beach opposing the development of the Upper Bay's North Star Beach. (Exhibit) (b) To the League representative to the OrCo Orange County Division of the League of Trans California Cities, a letter to Mayor Conan Dostal from the City of Buena Park requesting support for their Councilman James T. Jarrell as a candidate for appointment to the Orange County Transporta- tion Commission. (Exhibit) (c) To Pending Legislation and Ethics Committee, Airport a resolution from the City of Anaheim opposing any new study by Inter - County Airport Authority with respect to a new airport in Orange County. (Copies mailed to Council) (d) To the League representative to the Paramedics Orange County Division of the League of California Cities, a letter enclosing the position paper drafted by the League's Ad Hoc Paramedics Committee concerning the paramedic services for Orange County. • (Copies mailed to Council) (e) To staff for reply, a letter from Hugh Animal Mynatt protesting the fine for which he Control is liable on the second citation for allowing his dog to run unleashed; stating that the dog is usually restrained; and asking that the ordinance be amended to mitigate its severity. (Copies mailed to Council) 3. The following communications were referred to the City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (c) Resolutions from the Cities of Irvine, Fountain Valley and Orange requesting the Orange County Board of Supervisors to establish a County Service Area in unincorporated areas of the County. (d) A letter from James H. Lyons, attorney for Airport Service, Incorporated, advising they have applied to the California • Public Utilities Commission for an increase in rates. (Exhibit) i Volume 30 - Page 290 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN \90 y O0 'ps ROLL CALL \ \ November 22, 1976 MINUTES (e) Notice before the Public Utilities i • Commission of the application of Stuart Alan Messnick, dba, The Coordinators, and the Gray Line Tours Company for certificates of public convenience and necessity. (f) Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings of November 9, 10, and 16, 1976. (g) A resolution from the City of Santa Ana urging the California State Legislature to enact legislation authorizing local para- medic programs on a permanent basis. (Exhibit) 4. The following claims were denied and the City Claims Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Claim of Lois Byrd for personal injuries Byrd allegedly sustained when she fell on August 19, 1976, near 105 Main Street due to a broken and sunken sidewalk. (b) Claim of John Steven Cunningham for personal Cunningham injuries sustained when he was struck by an automobile at the intersection of San Joaquin Hills Road and Santa Cruz Drive, allegedly due to improper traffic regulations • for the area. (c) Claim of Norma G. Dill for personal injuries Dill allegedly sustained when she tripped over a defective sidewalk at 1541 Ocean Boulevard on October 6, 1976. (d) Claim of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Pacific Company for damage to their underground Telephone conduit at 15th & Westminster, claiming a water main valve was resting on the conduit. Damage was discovered on or about June 3, 1976, and the original claim was received by the City on August 16, 1976. (e) Claim of James M. Taylor for personal in- Taylor juries sustained on or about August 2, 1976, allegedly caused by an insecure meter hole cover that he had stepped on in the vicinity of Flagship Road parkway. (f) Claim of Kacie Wells (a minor) for personal Wells injuries sustained when she allegedly was involved in an accident with a City vehicle at the Corona del Mar State Beach on Septem- ber 2, 1976. i Volume 30 - Page 291 CI ROLL_( • u MINUTES November 22, 1976 5, The City Clerk's referral of the following Summons and Complaints to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Summons and Complaint of Beatrice Brockman for Damages (personal injuries), Municipal Court Case No. 26685. (b) Summons and Complaint of Ralph Norton for Damages, Case No. 25 -72 -31 in the Orange County Superior Court. 6. The application for Leave to Present Late Claim on Behalf of Claimants of Fred James Jacobi and Donald John Jacobi in connection with alleged false arrest was denied. 7. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was approved: (Report from the Citv Manager) (a) One Police Officer in the Police Department to fill a position now vacant. (b) One Storekeeper II in the Finance Department to fill a position to be vacant. 8. The plans and specifications for the Water Main Construction and Replacement, Corona del Mar 1976 -77, Contract No. 1808 were approved; and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M. on December 9, 1976. (Report from the Public Works Director) 9. The expense account of Councilman Williams in the amount of $246.69 was approved for attendance at the League of California Cities Annual Conference in San Diego on October 17 - 20, 1976. 10. The following budget amendments were approved: BA -30, $1,500.00 increase in Budget Appropriations for Stone and Youngberg consulting services for the open space bond issue, from Unappropriated Surplus to Administration, Services - Professional, Technical, etc., Parks, Beaches & Recreation Fund. BA -31, $26,315.00 transfer of funds and increase in Budget Appropriations for purchase of Model 4500 Xerox, from Unappropriated Surplus and Police, Office Supplies to Police, Office Equip- ment, General Fund. (Report from Police Departm to City Manager) BA -32, $200 increase in Budget Appropriations and in Revenue Estimates for purchase of folding tables for the Community Youth Center with funds donated by Tuesday Club, from Unappropriated Surplus and Donations and Contributions, Park and Recreation Fund. (Report from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director) Volume 30 - Page 292 Brockman Norton Jacobi CdM Water Main Const/ Replacement CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN oc� v oos�,c 'tom �c 9 \ F y �"�s ��?y Sys ROLL CALL \ \ November 27_ 1976 MINUTES BA -33, $640.00 transfer of funds for critique of Fiscal Impact Analysis Report, from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Community Development, • Services - Professional, Technical, etc., General Fund. BA -34, $5,449.95 increase in Budget Appropriations for interest on Library site, from Unappropriated Surplus to Newport Center Library Site, Building Excise Tax. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A letter to the City Attorney from Supervisor Orange Riley enclosing a draft resolution concerning the County policy for the future role of the Orange County Airport Airport was presented. Motion x The letter was ordered filed, and staff was Ayes x x x x x x x directed to prepare a letter asking Supervisor Riley to include discussion with Orange County Transit District and the Rapid Transit District to prepare the way for the City's park- and -ride facilities. 2. A letter from the Corona Highlands Homeowners CdM Traffic Association, was presented stating they were not Survey consulted by the Corona del Mar Chamber of Com- merce's traffic and parking study group during their formulation of the proposed traffic survey • and reaffirming their opposition to the 5th Avenue by -pass. Bob Stoessel and Nigel Bailey addressed the Council regarding the extensive contacts each had made with homeowners associations in connection Motion x with the survey. Ayes x x x, x x x x The letter from the Corona Highlands Homeowners Association was ordered filed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 P.M. to 7:30 P.M., December 6, 1976. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk d. t. i Volume 30 - Page 293