HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/1977 - Regular Meeting.•.; •,�. '.� �. he is , �.. COUNCILMEN MINUTES m p 3 Regular Council Meeting o C q9�n \G�n C Place: Council Chambers c�pC�q PF �o� gy2 Time: 7 : 3 0 P.M. s ?'s ^` `� Date: January 24, 1977 am i _A1 i iancv Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. J An award of audiovisual equipment presented to the Fire Department paramedic unit for outstanding Motion x service by the Far West Services, Inc. was accepted Ayes x x x x x x x on behalf of the City. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Motion x of January 10, 1977 was waived, and said Minutes Ayes x x x x x x x were approved as written and ordered filed. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions .Motion x under consideration was waived, and the City Clerk Ayes x x x x x x x was directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding Canyon the appeal of Canyon Crest Condominiums, c/o Crest Virtue & Scheck, Inc., Newport Beach, from Condominiu the decision of the Planning Commission on Appeal December 2, 1976, approving Use Permit No. 1784, Resubdivision No. 515 and an Environmental Document, being a request of the Lutheran Church of the Master, Newport Beach, to permit the construction of a Senior Citizen Housing Development containing approximately one hundred dwelling units at 2900 Pacific View Drive; property zoned R -3 -B. • A report was presented from the Community Development Department. A letter from the League of Women Voters was presented in favor of the development. A letter from Marie Ware Meyer was presented opposing the development. The following people addressed the Council in favor of the project: John Trittipo of William Blurock & Partners, architect for the applicant; Robert Cummings, housing consultant for the project; Lee Schonek and Wayne Holman. The following people addressed the Council in opposition to the project as proposed: Richard Brahms, Irving Selden, Bob Benner presented pictures of the units facing the project, Bianca Jewell, Robert Kerr and Priscilla Fritz. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined Ayes x x x x x x x that no one else desired to be heard. Motion x The Environmental Impact Report was certified; s x x x x x x x and the decision of the Planning Commission was sustained, incorporating by reference the conditions and findings of the Planning Commission, and with an additional condition requiring a sprinkler system or such other fireproofing as may be required by the Building Code. Volume 31 - Page 12 RM COUNCILMEN OC V �0 A �G Sii ���v �i^ C��,�gy ?Z s ROl -I CAI1 \ January 24, 1977 MINUTES - - INDEX - !ON: ,WPORT Alarms ? THE 0 -1704 M REQUIRE :ISTRATION IER CHANGES, .m agents tempted by .m systems, arding the Atherton aith the Initiative L lands was ance petitioned. hamber of a continuation irculator acil. hamber of d asked for hamber's rdinance. o refer the creation bruary 14. ion to has and lanning meeting on rried. rine Department Council 16, "Bulkheads" Policy .from the nflict of ;ave a brief Council and •esent bulkhead if the Balboa a letter from ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPT: 1. Ordinance No. 1704, being, • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF X BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 5.49 U. NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ' PERMITS FOR ALARM SYSTEMS, RE, OF ALARM AGENTS AND MAKING 07 eliminating City regulation of ala and alarm businesses which were pr the State, and regulating only ala was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1704 was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x x CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report from the City Manager reg Initiative Petition in connection dedication of park and recreations presented with a copy of the ordin A letter from the Newport Harbor C Commerce was presented requesting of thirty days. Dr. Gene Atherton, proponent and c • of the petition, addressed the Cou Jodeane Barlow, representing the C Commerce, addressed the Council an a thirty -day delay to permit the C Land Use Committee to review the c Motion x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion t issue to the Parks, Beaches and Re Commission for a report back on Fe Motion x Mayor Dostal made a substitute mot Ayes x x x x x x x refer the issue to the Parks, Beac Recreation Commission and to the E Commission for reports back to the February 14, 1977, which motion ca 2. A report was presented from the Me regarding the revision of Section to Council Policy H -1. Mayor Pro Tem Barrett stepped dowt Council table due to a possible ct interest. Marine Director Dave Harshbarger I staff report. The following people addressed th4 • expressed their approval of the pi policy: Kee E. Ewing, President c Peninsula Point Association, read Volume 31 - Page 1: MINUTES - - INDEX - !ON: ,WPORT Alarms ? THE 0 -1704 M REQUIRE :ISTRATION IER CHANGES, .m agents tempted by .m systems, arding the Atherton aith the Initiative L lands was ance petitioned. hamber of a continuation irculator acil. hamber of d asked for hamber's rdinance. o refer the creation bruary 14. ion to has and lanning meeting on rried. rine Department Council 16, "Bulkheads" Policy .from the nflict of ;ave a brief Council and •esent bulkhead if the Balboa a letter from COUNCILMEN �� G���9� p�C�T,�yy yy ROLL CALL • Motion x Motion x Ayes x x x x Noes x x Abstain x Motion x Ayes x x x x x x x 0 Motion Ayes Noes LUX Motion Ayes x x x X X x x X X x x Motion x Ayes x x x x x x MINUTES January 24, 1977 INDEX the Association; Charles Cotton; Patrick Ayres, President of the Marine Division of the Chamber of Commerce; Willard Voit; Harvey Somers and Steve Barrett. Councilman Rogers made a motion to amend Council Policy H -1, "Harbor Permit Policies," as recom- mended by the Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee. Stan Cole, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee, addressed the Council in support of the present policy on bulkheads with the additional requirement that the permittee be responsible for maintaining the intertidal zone, as recommended by the Committee. Councilman Kuehn made a substitute motion to reaffirm the existing Council Policy H -1, "Harbor Permit Policies," which motion carried. Mayor Pro Tem Barrett resumed his seat at the Council table. 3. The appointments to the Citizens Advisory Com- Citizens mittees were postponed to February 14, 1977 to Advisory allow the City Clerk to post notices of vacancies Committees on the Committees as required by new legislation effective January 1, 1977. 4. Amendments to Council Policy A -9: Councilman Kuehn made a motion to amend Council Policy A -9 as recommended with a change in the residency requirement for Citizens Advisory Committees to include people employed within the City of Newport Beach, which motion failed to carry. Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to amend Council Policy A -9, "City Council Committees," as recom- mended by the City Council Committees Review Committee, which motion carried. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department regarding the appeal of Brion S. Jeannette, architect for JPD Development Company, Orange, from Conditions of Approval imposed by the Planning Commission on January 6, 1977, regarding Site Plan Review No. 3, a request for a site plan review of four duplexes on Dahlia Avenue, Corona del Mar, in a Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not.been adopted. Property located at 714, 716, 718 and 720 Dahlia Avenue; zoned C -1 -Z. A letter from Brion S. Jeannette on behalf of JPD Development Company and the owner, George Hauser, appealing the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission was presented. Brion Jeannette addressed the Council, and was granted three additional minutes for his presentation. Volume 31 - Page 14 Council Policy Jeannette Appeal COUNCILMEN `o y oos ROLL CnII \ January 24, 1977 MINUTES it r r 9 INDEX Curb Cut/ 6711 Seashore Resub 495 R -8974 R -8975 R -8976 Coast Hwy/ Balboa Blvd. Alignment Anne Brummett and Hal Pinchin addressed the Counc and opposed the site plan and the rezoning which would enable the building of the four duplexes at • this location. Motion x Mrs. Brummett was granted an additional minute fo Ayes x x x x x x x her presentation. Motion x Site Plan Review No. 3 was denied. Ayes x x x x x x Noes x 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Director regarding the application of Mike Keeler for a curb cut at 6711 Seashore Drive. John Loomis, architect for the applicant, ad- dressed the Council. Motion x The curb cut at 6711 Seashore Drive was approved Ayes x x x x x x with the additional condition that an automatic Noes x garage door opener be installed. 3. A report was presented from the Public Works Director regarding Resubdivision No. 495, located north of West Coast Highway and westerly of Highland Street; Subdivider, Properties West, Inc Motion x The following resolutions were adopted, the �s x x x x x x x public improvements constructed in conjunction with Resubdivision No. 495 were accepted, and the City Clerk was authorized to release the security for faithful performance and to release the security for labor and materials in six months provided that no claims have been filed; Resolution No. 8974 accepting a corporation grant deed from Properties West, Inc., for Lot 3 in Block 11 of Seashore Colony togethe with the southeasterly half of the alley adjoining Lot 3 to the northeast. Resolution No. 8975 accepting a grant deed from David B. Kagnoff, M.D. and Susan J. Kagnoff for the northeasterly half of Lot 12 in Block 11 of Seashore Colony Tract, to- gether with the southeasterly half of that portion of Nordina Street and the north- westerly half of the alley adjoining the northeasterly half of Lot 12. Resolution No. 8976 authorizing the Mayor an City Clerk to execute a license agreement with David B. Kagnoff, M.D. and Susan J. Kagnoff. 4. A report was presented from the Public Works • Director regarding the Alignment and Intersection Study for Balboa Boulevard - Coast Highway - 15th Street and Superior Avenue. i Volume 31 - Page 15 it r r 9 INDEX Curb Cut/ 6711 Seashore Resub 495 R -8974 R -8975 R -8976 Coast Hwy/ Balboa Blvd. Alignment t COUNCILMEN 10 �c�9'vFT %yy yy� any i Al i January 24, 1977 MINUTES Motion x The staff was directed to work with CALTRANS to Ayes x x x x x x x prepare a precise plan for the Balboa Boulevard - Coast Highway - Superior intersection utilizing Study Alignments A, A -1, and any others that are subject to prior commitments on the part of the State and /or potential developers in the area; and the staff was further directed to ask the State to reserve sufficient right -of -way along Coast Highway and Superior Avenue to construct roadway improvements. 5. A report was presented from the Finance Director De regarding uncollectable accounts receivable. Ac Motion x The request to write off the uncollectable Ayes x x x x x x x. accounts was approved. 6. A report was presented from the Bicycle Trails Bi 'Citizens Advisory Committee requesting that Tr funds be budgeted to include the cleaning of the City's bicycle trails twice a month. Motion x The staff was directed to prepare the necessary Ayes x x x x x x budget amendment to expand the street sweeping Noes x program to include the bicycle trails. 7. A letter from Jane A. Bihler was presented resign- Bi ing from the Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory CA Committee. on x Jane Bihler's resignation was accepted with s x x x x x x x regret, and (District 5) Councilman Ryckoff's appointment of a member to replace Mrs. Bihler was postponed to February 14. 8. A letter from Maria C. Johnson, owner of the BI Westcliff Hair Fashions, was presented protesting Li the penalty in connection with the business WE license for her gift shop operation and requesting FE that it be rescinded, alleging she had not been notified of its due date. - A report was presented from the Business License Supervisor. Motion x The request for waiver of the penalty in connec- Ayes x x x x x x x tion with the business license fee for the gift shop was denied. 9.. A letter from Claudia Hirsch was presented re- P: questing a moratorium on the property known as the S: "Castaways." The following people addressed the Council in . favor of a moratorium and /or a rezoning of the Castaways property: Claudia Hirsch; Shirley Knutsen; Dorothy Doan, President of the Dover Shores Homeowners Association; Jean Watt and Ray • Sinclair. Volume 31 - Page 16 _INDEX linquent counts cycle ails cycle C siness cense iver e rk 6 View .tes l - COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL January 24, 1977 MINUTES Motion x The letter was referred to staff, and the City Ayes x x x x x x x Attorney was directed to come back to the next meeting with a report reviewing the requirements • for establishing a moratorium. 10. A letter from the Santa Ana River /Santiago Creek Greenbelt Commission was presented recommending steps to be taken to terminate the Commission. Motion x The City Attorney was directed to prepare the Ayes x x x x x x x necessary resolution to terminate the agreement with the Greenbelt Commission. 11. A letter from Dr. Irwin D. Hoffman was presented resigning from the Environmental Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee. Motion x Dr. Hoffman's resignation was accepted with regret, Ayes x x x x x x x and (District 7) Councilman Williams' appointment of a member to replace Dr. Hoffman was postponed to February 14. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion Ayes x x x x x x x affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. Removed from the Consent Calendar. 2. The following resolutions were adopted: • (a) Resolution No. 8977 authorizing the execution of an auditing services agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Hurdman and Cranstoun, Certified Public Accountants, for the fiscal year 1976 -77. (b) Resolution No. 8978 authorizing amendment to Project No. 06 -00365 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program (Ocean Front Lot Acquisition). (Report from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director) (c) Resolution No. 8979 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks District for lifeguard services in the unincorporated areas. (Report from the Marine Department) (d) Resolution No. 8980 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the Newport - Mesa Unified School District in connection with the development of a swim program at Newport Harbor High School. (Report from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director) • (e) Resolution No. 8981 awarding a contract to Uribe Company of Baldwin Park in connection with the Goldenrod Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Repairs, Contract No. 1783. (Report from the Public Works Director) Volume 31 - Page 17 INDEX Greenbelt Comsn CEQCAC Audit Report R -8977 Ocean Frt Property R -8978 Lifeguard Services R -8979 Swimming Program R -8980 Goldenrod Pedestrian Bridge R -8981 � i. {� �' a _ �� it COUNCILMEN Po v Da PA �G\ c� !i \4p 990Ps ! T y N ROLL CALL \ \ January 24, 1977 MINUTES �f11DE X id St tin tin .on cs ty M- Resolution No. 8982 endorsing the priority Nejedly. plan for expenditures from the Nejedly -Hart Hart State, Urban and Coastal Park Bond Act of Park Boi 1976 for jurisdiction within the County of Act Orange. (Report from the Parks, Beaches and R -8982 Recreation Director) (g) Resolution No. 8983 awarding a contract to Bristol Rogers and Davies in connection with Water Water MF Main in North Bristol Street (Birch Street to R -8983 Campus Drive), Contract No. 1885. (Report from the Public Works Director) (h) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (i) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (j) Resolution No. 8984 awarding a contract to Traffic Baxter - Griffin, Inc. for traffic signal at Signal Campus Drive and Von Karman Avenue, Contract R -8984 No. 1875. (Report from the Public Works Department) (k) Resolution No. 8985 awarding a contract to PCHwy S Witon Construction Company, Inc. for 12" Npt Blv� Water Main Connection at Pacific Coast Water ME Highway and Newport Boulevard, Contract No. Connects 1710. (Report from the Public Works Depart- R -8985 ment) • 3. The following communications were referred as indicated: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) To the Traffic Affairs Committee, a letter Transpot from Marshall V. Huddleston regarding the 5th tation Avenue bypass and the Upper Bay Bridge. Plan (Copies mailed to Council) (c) To staff, a letter to Mayor Dostal from the Interim Building and Construction Trades Council of Coastal Orange County, regarding coastal cities and Comsn counties assuming the functions of interim Permits permit agencies in connection with building permits normally approved by the old Coastal Commission until the new State Commission begins processing such permits. (Exhibit) (d) To staff, a minute order by the Board of Paramedi Supervisors setting a hearing for February 1, 1977 regarding the proposed policy for paramedic training. (Copies mailed to Council) (e) To staff for inclusion in on -going study, a Universi letter from the Mayor of the City of Irvine Drive stating that they oppose any further design Extensio • or preparation of environmental reports pertaining specifically to the proposed University Drive extension. (Copies mailed to Council) I Volume 31 - Page 18 id St tin tin .on cs ty COUNCILMEN �n c�PCV�p�� CT��y ZZ ROLL CALL i :fir i T9104 ; _, January 24, 1977 MINUTES _INDEX larking leters ulkheading ;dM Traffic Rudy leripheral ;anal peed limits (f) To Traffic Affairs Committee, a letter from F Hugh Mynatt suggesting that parking meters P should be extended to a two -hour rather than a one -hour time limit. (Copies mailed to Council) (g) To staff for inclusion in on -going study, a F letter from SPON submitting information on sedimentation and changes in the current in connection with bulkheading. (Copies mailed to Council) (h) To the Corona del Mar Traffic Questionnaire Task Force Subcommittee, a letter from the F Harbor View Hills Community Association refuting some statements made by one of their members concerning the lack of information on the Corona del Mar traffic study group and the contents of the questionnaire. (Copies mailed to Council) (i) To the Water Committee, a letter and reso- lution from the Orange County Chamber of Commerce supporting the construction of the Peripheral Canal. (Copies mailed to Council) (j) To the Mayor for reply, a letter from Roger Weiss, a U. S. Government teacher, stating that some of his students would like to get together with the Council to discuss the • "Guides for City Councilmen" which was prepared by their class. (Exhibit) (k) To the Traffic Affairs Committee, letters £ from Harbor View Community Association and J. I S. Taylor regarding the speed limit on Newport Hills Drive, East and West. (Exhibits) 4. The following communications were referred to the City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: (a) Letters from H. R. Dettwyler, Don Balch, Janet McDonell, Mark Suchomel, and R. S. Elliott, III opposing the one -way couplet in connection with Mariners Mile Specific Area Plan. (Copies mailed to Council) (b) A letter from Norm Huffnagle regarding the resolution concerning the Department of Motor Vehicles selling names and addresses of registered car owners. (Copies mailed to Council) (c) A letter from the Balboa Island Improvement Association urging the Council to deny the Harbor Permit application of W. P. Ritter. (Exhibit) • (d) A letter from The Irvine Company addressed to Councilman Lucille Kuehn expressing appreci- ation for the cooperation of the Bicentennial i Volume 31 - Page 19 _INDEX larking leters ulkheading ;dM Traffic Rudy leripheral ;anal peed limits COUNCILMEN �o 9 OO �G\ 1p c� �qo F� ryy ROLL CALL r \ \ January 24, 1977 MINUTES _INDEX laims arkin cGahan 'Rourke Committee and the staff in the celebration of our Country's 200th birthday. (Copies mailed to Council) (e) A copy of a letter to SCAG from Mrs. Frances R. Wood, a member of the City of Fullerton's Council, announcing that she would not seek another term as an Alternate member of the SCAG Executive Committee. (Copies mailed to Council) (f) A letter to Mayor Dostal from the City of Orange stating that they had not made a determination as yet as to their continued participation on the Greenbelt Commission. (Copies mailed to Council) (g) A notice from the Local Agency Formation Commission regarding a hearing on January 26, 1977 in connection with the proposed annexa- tion to the City of Laguna Beach designated Abalone Point Knoll Annexation located adjacent to and contiguous with northerly boundary of Laguna Beach. (Copies mailed to Council) (h) The Annual Report 1975 -76 of the State Board of Equalization. (Copy on file in City Clerk's office) • (i) A report from the County of Orange Health Agency to Chief Glavas regarding the annual inspection of local detention facilities. (Copies mailed to Council) (j) Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings of January 11, 12, 18 and 19, 1977. (k) A resolution from the City of Yorba Linda supporting the redistribution of sales tax revenues on the basis of population. 5. The following claims were denied and the City C Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Claim of Edward J. Larkin II for damage to L his car allegedly sustained when it was struck by a City vehicle on December 19, 1976 on 38th Street in Newport Beach. (b) Claim of Mariann K. McGahan for damage to her N car allegedly sustained when it was struck by a City vehicle at the intersection of Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue on December 7, 1976. (c) Claim of Robert O'Rourke, an employee of the C • City's Marine Department,_ for reimbursement for loss of his glasses on November 7, 1976 when he was involved in a boat rescue at 10th and Ocean in Newport Beach. Volume 31 - Page 20 _INDEX laims arkin cGahan 'Rourke COUNCILMEN �O 9 OO ROLL CALL \ January 24, 1977 ! ° i MINUTES LND-EX -- -- ffic (d) Claim of Russell N. Otten for damage to his Otten car when he was struck by another vehicle at the intersection of Port Margate and Newport Hills Drive West in Newport Beach on October 25, 1976, alleging City negligence due to the omission of proper markings to avoid such incidents. (e) Claim of Dennis Prior for personal injuries Prior allegedly sustained in connection with his arrest on or about October 8, 1976. (f) Claim of Gary Gene Bagley for property damage Bagley allegedly sustained when a City vehicle ran over his microphone at 2229 East Coast Highway on October 7, 1976. 6. The City Clerk's referral of the following Summons and Complaints to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Summons and Complaint of Dale Warren Offstein Offstein for personal injuries, assault and battery and false imprisonment, Case No. 26 -04 -16 in the Orange County Superior Court. (b) Summons and Complaint of James S. Gano for Gano personal injuries, Case No. 26 -01 -29 in the Orange County Superior Court. The original claim stated that he was struck by two Police • Officers and allegedly injured. 7. The following Applications for Leave to Present Late Claim were denied: (a) Application for Leave to Present Late Claim Jones of Patricia B. Jones for damage to her car allegedly sustained when a tree branch fell on her car at 308 Poppy Avenue between September 4 -12, 1976. (b) Application for Leave to Present Late Claim City of of the City of Irvine in connection with an Irvine accident which occurred June 21, 1976 at Von Karman Avenue and Campus Drive, alleging City liability is involved. 8. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was approved: (Report from the City Manager) (a) One Parking Control Officer in the Police Department to fill a position now vacant. (b) One Utilities Serviceworker in the Public Works Department to fill a position now vacant. 9. The following staff report was received and • ordered filed: (a) A report from the City Attorney regarding the CdM Tra Expenditure of Public Funds - Corona del Mar Study Traffic Survey. (Exhibit) i Volume 31 - Page 21 ffic COUNCILMEN P� < �0 yp ip 93 �t�A 0 1 ��J+ R/11 I Cel I \\ January 24. 1977 M ; a a ', 1W MINUTES L QEX 10. The following budget amendments were approved: (a) Mid -year adjustments: BA -50, $594,119.12 increase in Fund Balance, a net increase in Budget Appropriations of $102,225.88, and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $696,345.00, General Fund. BA -51, $4,005.00 increase in Fund Balance, a net decrease in Budget Appropriations of $1,865.00, and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $2,140.00, Park 6 Recreation Fund. BA -52, $2,884.30 decrease in Fund Balance, a net increase in Budget Appropriations of $3,859.30, and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $975.00, Library Fund. BA -53, $45,725.00 decrease in Fund Balance and in Revenue Estimates, Federal Revenue Sharing Fund. BA -54, $7,250.00 increase in Fund Balance, an increase in Budget Appropriations of $7,750.00 and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $15,000.00, State Gas Tax Fund, Section 2107. BA -55, $40,000.00 decrease in Fund Balance, • an increase in Budget Appropriations of $54,000.00 and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $14,000.00, State Gas Tax Fund, Section 2106. (Report from the Public Works Director) BA -56, $35,000.00 decrease in Fund Balance and in Revenue Estimates, Traffic Safety Fund. BA -57, $31,100.00 increase in Fund Balance and in Revenue Estimates, Parking Meter Fund. BA -58, $40,380.00 increase in Fund Balance and in Revenue Estimates, Tide and Submerged Lands Fund. BA -59, $254,725.00 increase in Fund Balance and in Revenue Estimates, Building Excise Tax Fund. BA -60, $330,167.45 increase in Fund Balance,__ a net increase in Budget Appropriations of $19,457.55, and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $349,625.00, Water Fund. BA -61, $200,000.00 transfer and a decrease in • Fund Balance to provide reserve funds for Corporation Yard, General Fund. (b) Current Business Budget Amendments: BA -44, $1,037.00 increase in Budget Appropri- ations and in Revenue Estimates for Library Volume 31 - Page 22 COUNCILMEN MINUTES 9 �/ v 00 ��[L�G\ OCR (�i g0 19 ROLL CALL \ \ January 24, 1977 IN f1FY 3ga Books for Newport Center Branch with funds donated from Estate of Jan Bowles, from Unappropriated Surplus and Donations and Contributions to Libraries, Special Depart- ment Expense, Library Fund. BA -45, $4,200.00 transfer of Budget Appropri- ations for purchase of a Monitor Defibrilla- tor as a back -up for present equipment from Fire - Regular salaries to Equipment, N.O.C., General Fund. BA -46, $4,000.00 transfer of Budget Appropri- ations for payment of Assessment and Treatment Service Center from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Police, Services - Professional, Technical, etc., General Fund. BA -47, $7,000.00 transfer of Budget Appropri- ations for purchase and installation of roll- over protective structures and seat belts for six pieces of automotive equipment from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to General Services -Field Maintenance, General Fund. BA -48, $650.00 increase in Budget Appropri- ations and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for purchase of equipment storage box, to PB &R- Recreation, Equipment, N.O.C., Park & Recreation Fund. • BA -49, $5,100.00 transfer of Budget Appropri- ations for completion of funding for construction of 12 -inch water maim connection at Pacific Coast Highway and Newport Boule- vard (C -1710) from Water Main Replacement Program to Complete Loop - Pacific Coast Hwy /Newport Boulevard, Water Fund. BA -62, $500.00 transfer of Budget Appropri- ations for Patio Furniture for Employees' Coffee Room from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Nondepartmental, Furniture and Fixtures, General Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A letter from the Newport Crest Homeowner's Ticonden Association was presented requesting that Street Ticonderoga be vacated from a public street to a private street and stating that if vacated, they would assume the responsibility for the main- tenance in the future. Motion x The letter was referred to staff for a report back Ayes x x x x x x x on February 14. 2. A report was presented from the Community Develop- District • ment Department regarding Planning Commission Map 16 Amendment No. 478, a request initiated by JPD Volume 31 - Page 23 3ga CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN pp �y� 9 00 9� ¢G %iC VIP ROLL CALL \ \ January 24, 1977 MINUTES INDEX _ -- Development Co., Orange, to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 16 from a C -1 -Z District to an R -2 District. Motion x Councilman Kuehn made a motion to refer a proposed ordinance, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE.CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICTING MAP NO. 16, to the Planning Commission for inclusion in their February 17 public hearing on General Plan amendments to change this zoning from R -2 to C -1 -Z. Brion Jeannette addressed the Council and opposed the rezoning tom r d A -i �- -7 7 Ayes x x x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Kuehn's motion, which motion carried. 3. A report was presented from the Public Works Resub 52 Director regarding Resubdivision No. 527, located at the northeast corner of Newport Boulevard and 30th Street, Myrna M. and Francis M. Delaney, subdivider. Mayor Pro Tem Barrett stepped down from the Council table due to a possible conflict of interest. Motion x The following resolutions were adopted: es x x x x x x stain x Resolution No. 8986, approving a Parcel Map and R -8986 accepting the Offer of Dedication of a corner cutoff at Newport Boulevard and 30th Street and vehicular access rights to Newport Boulevard in connection with Resubdivision No. 527. Resolution No. 8987, authorizing the Mayor and R -8987 City Clerk to execute a subdivision agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Francis and Myrna Delaney in connection with Resubdivision No. 527 (northeast corner of Newport Boulevard and 30th Street). Mayor Pro Tem Barrett resumed his seat at the Council table. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion x 1. A proposed amendment to the Residential Growth General Ayes x x x x x x Element of the General Plan to revise the defini- Plan Noes x tion of "buildable area" was referred to the Planning Commission for inclusion in their public hearing on General Plan amendments to be held on February 17, 1977. 2. A report was presented from the City Manager in West New connection with the noxious gas seepage problem port • in West Newport. Gas Odox Motion x The staff was directed to begin preparation Ayes x x x x x x x immediately for the scavenging system for the three gas producing wells into a 50/50 Volume 31 - Page 24 COUNCILMEN 9p y pO�'p G+ !i P'A \ F� 2 FMS q� S ROLL CALL • • • MINUTES Tanuary 24. 1977 9 _INDE X arrangement with the State on the financing, not only of the scavenging system, but the resultant delivery system of the gas to the ultimate user. Mayor Dostal declared the meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. Mayor ATTEST; City Clerk Volume 31 - Page 25 9 _INDE X