HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/25/1979 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN .A �o y9G22 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:00 P.M. Date: June 25, 1979 MINUTES INDEX Wesent x x x x x x A. ROLL CALL. sent x B. The Minutes of the meetings of May 14 and June 11, 1979 were presented for approval. The City Attorney pointed out that, on June 11, the Minutes of May 14 had been referred back to staff to meet with Councilman Williams with respect to a number of conditions relating to the Harbor Point subdivision; namely, the conditions dealing with Lot 21, and specifically, Condition 46 which stated that Lot 21 be designated as a "not buildable lot," that if Lot 21 were to be designated as a "not buildable lot," then there were some other inconsistent conditions that required clarification. Mayor Pro Tern Williams stated that originally Condition 46 stated that Lot 21 should be designated as "not buildable," and that the proposed revision for this condition would read as follows: "That the elevation of the building ridge line and the maximum height of trees on Lot 21, Tentative Tract No. 10625 shall be limited to a height of 227 feet above mean sea level. The building on the site shall be located so as not to obstruct view planes." Mayor Pro Tern Williams further stated in connec- tion with Condition 50 that it may not really be proper to have a community association be able to have some say over an area that is outside their boundary, so the proposed revision for this Condition would read as follows: "Construction shall be permitted on Lot 21 subject to review of the Broadmoor Hills Community Association as to view plane and other impacts and the approval of the City Council." Mayor Pro Tern Williams also stated that The Irvine Company had agreed to the above modifications. Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Williams made a motion to approve the Minutes of May 14, as amended, and the Minutes of June 11 as presented. Motion x Councilman Heather made a substitute motion to All Ayes continue the Minutes of May 14 to the next Council meeting to have the background and the agreements of both parties presented in writing, and to approve the Minutes of June 11, which motion carried. Motion x C. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions All Ayes under consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. I i i Volume 33 - Page 172 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES G�Bi ROLL CALL 9�vs'T 9ss INDEX • D. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Ryckoff opened the continued public hearing Robinson and Council review of appeal of Dr. Tom W. Appeal Robinson from the decision of the Planning (3270) Commission on May 10, 1979 denying a request (Resubdivision No. 625) to create two parcels of land for single - family residential development where a portion of one lot now exists, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document on property located at 2327 - 16th Street, on the southwesterly side of 16th Street between Tustin Avenue and Irvine Avenue in Newport Heights; zoned R -1. A report dated June 11 was presented from the Community Development Department with a copy of the appeal application. The City Manager stated that the applicant has requested that this item be removed from the agenda. Motion x The item was removed from the agenda in compli- All Ayes ance with the applicant's request. 2. Mayor Ryckoff opened the continued public hearing Legal regarding the bid received by the City Clerk on Notices June 11, 1979 from the Newport Ensign to publish (547) legal notices for the year ending June 30, 1980 at the rate of $3.25 per column inch. A report from the City Clerk was presented with a copy of the bid from The Newport Ensign. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined that All Ayes no one desired to be heard. Motion x Resolution No. 9577, awarding a contract to The R -9577 All Ayes Newport Ensign for the publication of legal notices and other matters and designating an official news- paper for publication of notices for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980, and rescinding Resolution No. 9365, was adopted. 3. Mayor Ryckoff opened the public hearing and review UP 1053 of City Council direction to staff on May 14, 1979 in (3247) connection with Use Permit No. 1053, amended, a request of Yves Briee and Yvan Humbert to amend a previously approved Use Permit which permitted the establishment of a restaurant facility with on -sale alcoholic beverages on the site, located at 414 North Newport Boulevard. Proposed changes include (1) the elimination of all off -site parking, (2) the construction of two -level parking structure on site, and (3) the construction of a screen wall and landscaping with an exit only onto Westminster Avenue. I i i i i Volume 33 - Page 173 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH jW MINUTES ROLL ')S 1070 INDEX iA report was presented from the Community Development Department. Mr. Williams, a resident in the neighborhood, addressed the Council and opposed the Use Permit. Brion Jeannette, architect on the project, addressed the Council and pointed out that the restaurant will now be providing its own parking. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined that All Ayes no one else desired to be heard. Motion x The revisions to the approved plan and the findings All Ayes and conditions as set forth in the staff report were approved. E. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1814, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Animal NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION Control 7.20.020 OF AND ADDING SECTION 7.20.030 0 -1814 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL (862) CODE PROHIBITING ANIMAL NUISANCES • ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, was presented for second reading. Virginia Herbert addressed the Council and asked for clarification of the ordinance, which was given. Motion x Ordinance No. 1814 was adopted. All Ayes F. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the City Manager West Npt regarding alternatives for leasing the former West Library Newport Childrens Library. (1459) The following people addressed the Council and urged leasing the building to the Y.M.C.A.: Margot Skilling, Dorothy Parker, Mike Johnson and Jim De Boom, Executive Director of the Y.M.C.A. who stated his belief that the Y.M.C.A. and the Power Squadron could share the facility, and asked that a joint use be tried for a period of 90 days. Herman Folgner and Robert Vandegrift addressed the Council and urged leasing the building to the Power Squadron. Motion I x The use of the facility by both the Y.M.C.A. and the 18 l Ayes Power Squadron was approved in concept, and the ,II f Volume 33 - Page 174 V CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES A oti F s T s ROLL CALL �d'� � s INDEX • staff was directed to prepare the necessary docu- ments for the sharing, not only of the space, but also the attendant costs, and bring back to Council at the next meeting, with the facility to start in operation on June 26, 1979. 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Balboa Department regarding added walkway width for the Island Balboa Island Bridge. Bridge (725) A letter received after the agenda was printed from John W. and Helen R. Reeder in favor of the added walkway width was presented. The following people addressed the Council in favor of the proposed added walkway width for the Bridge: Doug Dreyer, Chairman of the Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory Committee who stated the Committee favored Option 1 in the staff report; Bob Millar; Joe Mariscal and Allan Beek. Motion x Option 1 in the staff report, which provided for a All Ayes separation of pedestrians and wheeled users at the end of the bridge, was approved, with the inclusion of $84,000 for the widening of Balboa Island Bridge • sidewalks in the 1979 -80 Budget; and Resolution No. Budget 9278, adopting the Budget for the 1979 -80 Fiscal 1979 -80 Year, and rescinding Resolution No. 9565, was R -9578 adopted. (3271) 3. A report dated May 31 from Wayne Schwammel, Civil Secretary to the Civil Service Board, was presented Service submitting the names of three candidates Board recommended by the Board for the vacancy created (357F) by the expired term of Newton Ruston. A copy of City Charter Section 710 was presented with a portion of Council Policy A-4. Green x x x x x x The Mayor assigned the green light to Newton White Ruston, the white light to Alexander Bowie and the Red red light to Edwin Ramsey for voting on the candidates and Newton Ruston was appointed for a four -year term ending June 30, 1983. 4. A letter dated June 5, 1979 from SPON with OrCo suggested actions to be taken in regard to the Airport Orange County Airport was presented. (195) i i Volume 33 - Page 175 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX • A letter received after the agenda was printed from Lawrence Gates supporting SPON's proposals was presented. Letters from the Airport Action Association and from the Mariners Community Association were presented offering the names of two people from each of the respective associations and each suggesting Councilman McInnis and Councilman Hummel as the Council representatives on the interview team. Councilman McInnis withdrew his name from consideration for the proposed interview team. The following people addressed the Council in favor of the SPON proposals: Jean Wegener of the Airport Action Association, and opposing, as an individual, the coordination with Supervisor Riley's proposed committee; George Oschner and Jane Courtney. . Motion x The City Attorney was directed to prepare a All Ayes resolution setting forth the duties, responsibilities • and membership of a committee for presentation on July 10. 5. A letter from James J. Tapper, D.V.M. was Animal presented requesting the opportunity to address the Control Council regarding the reassignment of the City's (862) animal shelter contract. A letter from Shari Burr regaring the cancellation of Dr. Tapper's contract was also presented. Dr. Tapper addressed the Council regarding his operation of the Newport Beach animal shelter. Eleanor Hastings and Carol Wesley addressed the Council and expressed their dissatisfaction with Dr. Tapper's animal shelter operation. John Hayden addressed the Council in support of Dr. Tapper and his operation of the animal shelter. iNo Council action was taken. I i i i f i Volume 33 - Page 176 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES A �e rG y9G 22 F is ROLL CALL ��T 1, „P'5 ia7q INDEX • 6. Appointment to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation PB &R Cmsn Commission: (431F) Green x x x The Mayor assigned the green light to Douglas Red x x x Ammerman and the red light to William Tappan for voting purposes, and the voting resulted in a tie vote. Green x x x x A second vote was taken and Douglas Ammerman Red x x was appointed for a four —year term ending June 30, 1983. 7. The offer made by developers for funds for road Road improvements was considered. Improvements (3280) A letter was presented from Mayor Pro Tern Williams. Motion x The Public Works Department was directed to All Ayes prepare a list of non - controversial road improvements consistent with the current Circulation Element and the estimated costs to be brought back to Council on July 23. G. CURRENT BUSINESS: • A report from the Traffic Affairs Committee regarding the Newport Heights /Cliff Haven areas was presented along with a sample of the petitions Npt Hgts/ bearing 443 signatures of residents in those areas Cliff Haven urging the installation of stop signs in various Traffic Plan locations. (3281) Motion x Carrie Slayback, representing the homeowners in All Ayes Newport Heights and Cliff Haven, presented their traffic plan, and was granted five additional minutes for her presentation. Traffic Engineer Rich Edmonston gave a brief staff report on textured pavement. Ron Monnie, representing Muller Supply Company, addressed the Council regarding the textured paving and stated he was available to answer questions. Motion x Councilman Hart made a motion to adopt the following resolutions: Resolution No. 9579 designating intersections R -9579 at which vehicles are required to stop and directing the Traffic Engineer to erect necessary stop signs (Newport Heights /Cliff Haven Traffic Plan). • f I i i i i Volume 33 - Page 177 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES �3��A�i'1p y9G22 ROLL CALL d' June 25. 1979 INDEX • 1 Resolution No. 9580 adopting the Budget for I R -9580 1979 -80 Fiscal Year, and rescinding Resolution No. 9578; $115,000 for 2 —year program in textured paving in Newport Heights /Cliff Haven area. Mayor Pro Tern Williams asked that the motion be amended to install the stop signs on a 90—day trial basis, which was accepted by the maker of the motion. After discussion, the Council agreed to extend the trial period for the stop signs to November 1. Bob Newberry addressed the Council and asked if the amendment regarding the 90 —day trial basis applied only to the four disputed stop signs. Mayor Pro Tern Williams stated that the disputed stop signs (Westminster at Clay, 15th at Aliso, 15th at Kings Place and Tustin at Ocean View (Lower and Upper) were the only ones that need review. The following people addressed the Council in favor of the textured paving: George Lackey and Brion Jeannette, who stated that their research had indicated that maintenance was minimal. Bob Cooper of the homeowners association • addressed the Council in response to a question by the Mayor and stated that the Association could not assume the difference in cost of the maintenance of the textured pavement. Ayes x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Hart's motion, Noes x x which motion carried. 2. A report was presented from the Community Devel- Tract 9676 opment Department regarding the request of McLain Development Company for approval of the grading and off -site drainage plan for the Tentative Map of Tract No. 9676 (Sea Island). Sue Ficker, representing the Central Newport Beach Association Bay Committee, addressed the Council and asked if the grading schedule could be arranged during the summer season. The following people addressed the Council regarding siltation and run -off: John Shoemaker of McLain Development Company, and Ed Krisher, engineer on the project. Jim Evans, City Grading Engineer, gave a brief staff report. • I i I i I i Volume 33 -Page 178 � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES G�°?y ,A l �9G'LZ ROLL CALL J T 9ss June 25. 1979 INDEX tion x The grading and off -site drainage plan was approved 1 Ayes as recommended by the Department of Fish and Game and the Grading Engineer. Motion x 3. A report from the Marine Department regarding CdM Beach All Ayes traffic control at Corona del Mar main beach Prkg Lot parking lot was continued to a later date, and the (1312) staff was directed to bring back additional information. H. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following actions were taken as indicated except for All Ayes those items removed: 1. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: None. 2. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) Resolution No. 9581 supporting the Safer Off- Safer Off - System Roads Program and requesting Con- Systems gress to appropriate the remaining funds Roads authorized for the 1978 Fiscal Year and Program appropriate the full authorization for the R -9581 1979 Fiscal Year. (A report from the Public (2995) Works Department) (c) Resolution No. 9582 awarding a contract to San Joaquin Griffith Company in connection with the San Hills Road Joaquin Hills Road Resurfacing (C- 2082). (A Resurfacing report from the Public Works Department) R -9582 (3268) (d) Resolution No. 9583 awarding a contract to Cecil Mays in connection with the addition to Mariners Lib Mariners Library (C- 2090). (A report from R -9583 the Public Works Department) (64) (e) Resolution No. 9584 authorizing the closure Street of Seashore Drive on July 3 and 4, 1979, Closure pursuant to CVC Sec. 21100. (A report from R -9584 the Police Department) (300) (f) Resolution No. 9585 amending Subsection A Revenue of Section 12 of the Harbor Permit Policies Measures relating to the schedule of fees for permits to R -9585 become effective July 1, 1979, and rescinding (1948) Resolution No. 9353. (A report from the City Manager) (g) Resolution No. 9586 establishing mooring fees Revenue and a late payment penalty pursuant to Measures Section 17.22.050 of the Newport Beach R -9586 Municipal Code and rescinding Resolution No. (1943) 9354. (See report with H -2f) i I Volume 33 - Page 179 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES F '9 0T y GS Z�S F ROLL CALL �� INDEX • (h) Resolution No. 9587 establishing sign permit Revenue and residential building record fees in con- Measures nection with Title 15 of the Newport Beach R -9587 Municipal Code, and rescinding Resolution (1948) No. 9355. (See report with H -20 (i) Resolution No. 9588 establishing filing, Revenue appeals and other fees relating to zoning Measures actions in connection with Title 20 of the R -9588 Newport Beach Municipal Code to become (1948) effective as of July 1, 1979, and rescinding Resolution No. 9356. (See report with H -20 (j) Resolution No. 9589 establishing resubdivision Revenue and tentative map filing fees in connection Measures with Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal R -9589 Code and rescinding Resolution No. 9357. (1948) (See report with H -2f) (k) Resolution No. 9590 establishing a fee of Revenue $265.00 for permits for commercial activities Mesures on the waters of Newport Harbor and rescind- R -9590 ing Resolution No. 9358. (See report with (1948) H -2f) (1) Resolution No. 9591 opposing court - mandated Metropolitan cross - district and /or cross - county' student Plan transportation. (Attached) R -9591 (3187) • (n) Resolution No. 9592 continuing the contract with the Prudential Insurance Company of Health Ins America to provide group health and life R -9592 insurance benefits for City employees. (A (627) report from the City Manager) (n) Resolution No. 9593 approving employee Disability group disability income insurance with Wage Cont Standard Insurance Company. (A report from Ins the City Manager) R -9593 (727) (o) Resolution No. 9594 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract between Sewage the City and the Costa Mesa Sanitary R -9594 District. (A report from the Utilities (3283) Director) 3. COMMUNICATIONS - For referral as indicated: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) To staff for reply, a letter from John R. Rader of the Balboa Bay Club urging continuance of the CPR classes being held by the Fire Department. (Attached) (311) i i i i Volume 33 - Page 180 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES F 9 OT y Gs Z�� ROLL CALL INDEX • (c) To Pending Legislation and Procedural Ethics Committee, a letter from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors enclosing a resolution adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors opposing Assembly Bill 787 - California Professional Sports Team Siting Act, and urging the cities of Orange County to adopt a similar resolution. (Attached) 0243170 (d) To the City's representative to the Orange County League of California Cities, a letter from Mayor Bernie P. Svalstad of the City of Fountain Valley urging support of Councilman Marvin P. Adler for the position of Second Vice - President of the Orange County Division (2527) of the League. (Attached) (e) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (f) To staff for report back, a letter from the Newport Condominium Association requesting the City to take the necessary action to vacate and abandon the dedication of Sundance Drive and to return the street to the property owners and the association as a private street. (Attached) (2380) (g) To staff for report back on July 9, a letter from the Newport Beach Townhouse Owners • Association requesting modification of Council policy regarding security gates for their resident property. (Attached) (3284) 4. COMMUNICATIONS - For referral to the City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: (a) A resolution of the Governing Board of the Newport -Mesa Unified School District regarding Local Control of School Systems and the Proposed Metropolitan Plan. (3187) (Attached) (b) A letter from George Osborne, President of Street Superintendents and Maintenance Association to Robert Wynn, City Manager, advising that the City's Field Operations Foreman Merle Milne was elected to a position of great honor in their association; namely, a member of their Board of Directors. (Attached) (20) (c) A letter from Walter Schilling in support of a proposed ordinance requiring contractors to post completion bonds for any work done within the City of Newport Beach. (20) (Attached) (d) A letter from G. Emmett Raitt, Attorney for • Christian Ebsen, in the matter of Ebsen vs Beek regarding ownership of the pier and requesting that they be notified if any new i I hearings are to be held. (Attached) (304F) i Volume 33 - Page 181 Cot COUNCILMEN MINUTES � v 0� F ROLL CALL` �tp 9 lima 75. Ig7q INDEX • (e) A letter from the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce expressing appreciation for Council action regarding the parking on Pacific Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. (3261) (Attached) (f) Letters from James H. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jennings and Norm Berman to members of the Council requesting that Ordinance No. 1804 regarding dwelling units be withdrawn. (Attached) (685) (g) A letter from Mrs. William D. Redfield, President of the Orange County Music Center Inc. regarding the 5 -acre parcel of land donated by the Segerstrom Family for the new music center in the South Coast Plaza Town Center. (Attached) (20) (h) Notice of public hearing before the Local Agency Formation Commission on June 27 in connection with an annexation to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District designated as Engineer's No. 180 on property bounded by Sunflower Avenue, Bear Street, Gisler Avenue and San Leandro Lane in Costa Mesa. (20) (i) Notice of public hearing before the Local • Agency Formation Commission on June 27 in connection with an annexation to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District designated as Engineer's No. 183 on property located westerly of Canadian Drive at Canadian Drive and Olympic Avenue in the City of (20) Costa Mesa. (j) A cartoon regarding rollerskating from the Miss Beachcomber Beauty Salon. (Attached) (2330) (k) An excerpt from the Minutes of the Orange County Board of Supervisors authorizing legal action to collect audit fees owed by Newport Dunes, Inc. (Attached) (46) (1) 197 letters from persons in support of Operation Safe Skate by N.O.R.M.A. and Chief Gross as an alternative to any further legal restrictions on rollerskating in Newport Beach. (A sample letter attached) (2330) (m) Notice of hearing on June 20 to determine if funding of the City of Garden Grove's Hare School, Lake School, Twin Lake Freedom Park and Village Green development projects should be undertaken by the Harbors, Beaches and Parks Districts. (20) i i Volume 33 - Page 182 • k 11. COUNCILMEN MINUTES - "sGy kiy�y�s'�3p ai O yG2i c^ s ROLL CALL 3sT pis limp 75. 1979 INDEX • (n) Notice of Filing Application for Charges for Directory Assistance Service before the California Public Utilities Commission by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. (20) (o) Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings held June 12, 13, 19 and 20, 1979. (20) (p) A letter from the Parent - Teacher Association of the Newport Beach Elementary School thanking the City Council for considering and urging their support of a grass playing field at the Newport Elementary School. (Attached) (240) (See H -8a) 5. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES - For denial and Claims confirmation of the City Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier: (a) Claim of Dorothy E. Ensign for property Ensign damage allegedly sustained on May 30, 1979 (3285) when Mrs. Ensign was standing near a trash truck in front of her home at 318 - 62nd Street and was sprayed with oil. (b) Claim of Kenneth C. Kingsley for damage to Kingsley his home at 649 Via Lido Soud, allegedly (3286) caused when a City vehicle struck the rain • gutter on March 29, 1979. (c) Claim of JoAnn Hughes for damage to her car Hughes in a Municipal parking lot at the Balboa Pier (3287) on May 12, 1979. alleging the accident was due to parking directions given her by the parking attendant. (d) Claim of William F. Orchard for damage to Orchard his garage at 6301 Seashore Drive on June 11, (3288) 1979 allegedly caused when a City vehicle backed into the garage. (e) Claim of Donald Steele for personal injuries Steele sustained when he fell on the sidewalk at (3289) 2407 Buckeye on December 23, 1978 allegedly because of faulty sidewalk alignment caused by a tree root. (f) Claim of Darrell Wayne Mitchell for personal Mitchell injuries on April 13, 1979 when he was (3290 involved in a car accident at Balboa Avenue and 41st Street allegedly caused by lack of visability at the intersection. (g) Claim of Darryl J. Youle for property damage Youle on May 30, 1979, allegedly caused when his (3291) car was struck by a City vehicle while it was i parked in the Police Department parking lot. I i i i Volume 33 - Page 183 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES �C, ���gpyG2� F tp ROLL CAL L< INDEX • 6. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTS: For confirmation of the City Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier: (a) Summons and Complaint of Roy Kunkle and Kunkle/ Smith Bacon for property damage, Case No. Bacon 31 -50 -70 in Orange County Superior Court. (2968) The original claim was for property damage allegedly sustained when the entire sidewalk of the 300 block on Heliotrope in Corona del Mar sloped toward the Kunkle and Smith property causing water to drain onto their property. (b) Summons and Complaint of Elvia and Gonzalo Perez Perez by their guardians Romona and Javier (3256) Perez for personal injuries, Case No. 313787 in Orange County Superior Court. The original claim was for personal injuries allegedly sustained when struck by a Police vehicle while in a crosswalk on March 22, 1979. For confirmation of the City Attorney's referral to the County Counsel, and authorization to the County Counsel to appear and defend the interest of the City of Newport Beach in these proceedings: • (a) Summons and Complaint of Southwest Realty Southwest Company v. County of Orange, Cities of Realty Santa Ana, Huntington Beach and Newport Company Beach for recovery of taxes. (A report from (3292) the City Attorney) (b) Summons and Complaint of Security Pacific Security National Bank v. County of Orange, et al for Pac Natl recovery of taxes. (A report from the City Bank Attorney) (3293) 7. NOTICE TO FILL. PERSONNEL VACANCIES For ap- proval: (A report from the City Manager) (1203F) (a) One Library Assistant in Library Services to fill a position now vacant. (b) Two Firemen in the Fire Department - Sup- pression Division to fill positions now vacant. (c) One Utility Specialist in the Utility Depart- ment to fill a position now vacant. (d) One Refuse Leadman in General Services to fill a position now vacant. (e) One Equipment Mechanic I in General iServices to fill a position now vacant. i Volume 33 - Page 184 COUNCILMEN MINUTES R5� ROLL CALL s I'm. �5_ iq�q INDEX 8. STAFF, COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE • REPORTS - For Council information and filing: (a) A report from the Chairman of the Parks, Npt Elem Beaches and Recreation Commission School regarding turf and irrigation installation at (240) Newport Elementary School. (Attached) (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (c) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (d) A report from the City Clerk regarding Elections Charter Amendment Initiative Petition filed (12F) by Michael Christianson. (Attached) 9. RESUBDIVISION NO. 600 - For release of Faithful Resub 600 Performance Surety (Time Certificate of Deposit (3135) No. 1417) and Labor and Material Surety (Time Certificate of Deposit No. 1415) for improvements in Resubdivision No. 600 located on the north- easterly corner of Villa Way and 30th Street in Cannery Village (Ambrosia Restaurant). (A report from the Public Works Department) 10. STABILIZATION FUND - For adoption of Council Council Policy F -5 regarding the Stabilization Fund. Policy (Council Policy F -5 attached) (430F • 11. BUDGET AMENDMENTS - For approval: BA -059, $6,500.00 Transfer of Budget Appropriations for purchase of a Life Pak ECG Monitor and Defibrillator, from Fire -Admr- Regular Salaries to Fire - Emergency Medical Services, Equip- ment- N.O.C., General Fund. BA -060, $1,000,000.00 transfer to Public Liability Self- Insured Retention, General Fund. (A report from the Council Budget Committee) BA -061, $100,000.00 transfer to Uninsured Medical Benefits, General Fund. (See report with BA -060) BA -062, $1,000,000.00 transfer of Budget Appropria- tions from Unappropriated Surplus to Reserve for Future Workers' Compensation Claims, General Fund. (See report with BA -060) BA -063, $1,250,000.00 transfer to Corporation Yard, General Fund. (See report with BA -060) BA -064, $150,000.00 transfer to Airport Growth Control, General Fund. (See report with BA -060) BA -065, $113,952.00 increase in Budget Appropriations for Helicopter Purchase, from • Unappropriated Surplus to Patrol, Equipment, N.O.C., General Fund. I I I Volume 33 - Page 185 COUNCILMEN MINUTES �o �9 `r ROLL CALL �s s June 25 1279 INDEX • BA -066, $10,000.00 increase in Budget Appropriations for retention of consultant to oppose oil lease sale, from Unappropriated Surplus to Nondepartmental, Services - Professional, Technical, etc., General Fund. I. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x 1. A letter from Dolores Jeans - Valencia regarding the All Ayes City's need to recognize the tract known as "Anniversary Estates" as part of Newport Beach and offering suggestions regarding noise and excise taxes was referred to staff for report back at the next (600) meeting. Motion x 2. A letter from Irene Hardage regarding the All Ayes landscaping along Newport Boulevard and Jamboree Road was referred to staff for reply. (600) 3. A report was presented from the Community Off -site Development Department regarding the request of Parking Manto, Brady Enterprises, Inc. dba La Strada, for an La Strada off -site parking agreement in conjunction with the (3282) establishment of a restaurant facility with on -sale alcoholic beverages in the former Baltz Mortuary facility (Use Permit 1908), located at 3520 East Coast Highway, on the northeasterly side of East • Coast Highway, between Narcissus Avenue and Orchid Avenue in Corona del Mar. Motion x Councilman Hummel made a motion to defer to July 23 a proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Off —site Parking Agreement between the City and Manto, Brady Enterprises, Inc., dba LaStrada, in connection with Use Permit No. 1908. Lois Jeffrey of the law firm of Alexander Bowie addressed the Council and asked that action be taken on the parking agreement. Lee Muir, architect, addressed the Council regarding proposed landscaping. Ayes x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Hummel's motion, Noes x x which motion carried. 4. A report was presented from the Transportation PCHwy/ Plan Citizens Advisory Committee regarding Corona Orchid del Mar Chamber of Commerce requests. Traffic Sig (3294) Motion x The staff was directed to implement the recom- prkg All Ayes mendations of the Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee with the understanding that the prohi Prohi Prohibitions installation of the traffic signal is going to require the coordination and approval of Caltrans. I i i Volume 33 - Page 186 COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL ��'F F,p S tion Ayes Motion Ayes Noes Motion All Ayes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes • s A y i 1. r t June 25. 1979 MINUTES INDEX Senior Citizen Facility (2784) Cncl Right of Review Nat'l Ed Organization (3295) CdM Dev Stds (3296) x 5. A report from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director regarding the OASIS Center was received and ordered filed, with the understanding that Councilman Hart would report back further on the OASIS Center after meeting with the Friends of OASIS. J. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: x 1. Council review of the traffic study for the National x x x x Education Organization at 4401, 4423, 4443 Birch x x Street was set for public hearing on July 23, 1979. x 2. The proposed development standards for old Corona del Mar were referred to the Planning Commission for preparation of changes to the appropriate codes and return for appropriate action as promptly as possible. x The staff was directed to bring back on July 10 for x x x x x consideration an emergency ordinance that would x prevent issuance of building permits for new units in old Corona del Mar until the problem of new standards is resolved. x 3. Councilman Hummel made a motion to set a public x x x hearing for July 23, 1979 for Council review of Use x x x Permit No. 1908, the establishment of a restaurant facility with on -sale alcoholic beverages in the former Baltz Mortuary facility at 3520 East Coast Highway in Corona del Mar, which motion failed. 4. James Curran of Huntington Beach was told that his complaint regarding police procedure would be handled by regular procedures in that department. 5. John McLaughlin, representing Meridan Construction Company, contractors for Dr. and Mrs. Leon Brooks at 1628 W. Ocean Front asked how Ordinance No. 1804 applied to their operation at that location, and was told to consult with the staff. There being no further business to come before the Council the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on July 10, 1979. The meeting was adjourned in honor of City Attorney Dennis O'Neil since this was his last Council meeting before leaving the City. OR A=T: 1 i i CITY CIEM Voluln e 33 - Page 187 INDEX Senior Citizen Facility (2784) Cncl Right of Review Nat'l Ed Organization (3295) CdM Dev Stds (3296)