HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1981 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT REACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING PLACE: Council Chambers TIME: 7:30 P.M. A DATE: March 9, 1981 • Present x x x x x x x Motion x All Ayes Motion All Ayes n- 0 x MINUTES The Flag and Pledge of Allegiance was presented by an Adventure Club from Orange County Council of Campfire, Incorporated. Proclamation honoring Campfire, Incorporated`s 71st Birthday, was presented. A. ROLL CALL. B. Reading of the Minutes of the Meeting of February 23, 1981, was waived, and the Minutes were approved, as written and ordered filed. C. The reading of all ordinances and resolutions under consideration was waived and the City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. D. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Heather opened the public hearing regarding proposed Ordinance No. 1876, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 20.10.035, 20.10.045, 20. 10.050, 20.83.070, 20.83.090, 20.87.320 and 20.87.260 AS THEY PERTAIN TO MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE, NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES AND USES, AND RESIDENTIAL PARKING STANDARDS, Planning Commission Amendment No. 557, a request initiated by the City of Newport Beach to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the powers and duties of the Modifications Committee; nonconforming structures and uses; and residential parking stan- dards; and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Planning Department reports dated February 23, and March 9, 1981, were presented. Mayor Heather submitted a letter for the record fror Allan Beek, Planning Commissioner, requesting that Council consider amending the proposed ordinance to increase the minimum width of a carport to 8h feet, instead of the 8 feet now provided. Brion Jeannette, Architect, addressed the Council i support of the proposed ordinance; however, he did feel that the 26 inch side yard space could present problems, and that the parking standards currently in effect were adequate. Allan Beek addressed the Council in support of his request to change the minimum width of a ca to 811 feet. Judy Franco, President of the Lido Isle Community Association, addressed the Council in support of proposed ordinance, as presented. Volume 35 - Page 70 Zone Amnd (94) • Motion Motion x Ayes x Noes x x Ayes x x Noes x Motion 1� x x x x x x x MINUTES March 9, 1981 Gordon Glass, Architect, addressed the Council in support of the proposed ordinance. He also stated that he felt the requirement of 8 feet minimum for the third parking space was sufficient and workable. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made to: a) accept the Environmental Document, b) adopt Ordinance No. 1876, amending the Newport Beach Municipal Code as it pertains to the powers and duties of the Modifications Committee; nonconforming structures and uses; and residential parking standards, and c) add Section 20.83.090 as enumerated on Page 36 of the Planning Department report. Amendment was made to said motion, changing the parking space to 8111 feet as provided in Section 20.87.260, which motion FAILED. A vote was taken on the main motion, which carried. The City Attorney advised that, inasmuch as the pro- posed ordinance had been amended by the Council, Ordinance 1876 will be required to come back at the next meeting for adoption. 2. Mayor Heather opened the public hearing regarding PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDMENT NO. 558, a request of Greenwich Plaza, a Partnership, Newport Beach, to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport to allow the transfer of allow- able square footage within the Planned Community, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Property located at 4601 Von Karman Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Von Karman Avenue between Campus Drive and Birch Street in the Koll Center Planned Community. A report was presented from the Planning Department. Hearing no one wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made to accept the Environmental Document including the Findings and Conditions as set forth in Exhibit A, and to adopt a resolution amending the Planned Community Development Plan for Koll Center Newport, including the Findings as set forth in Exhibit A. Discussion ensued relative to the amount of allow- able square footage transferable within the Planned Community, wherein it.was noted that there was a difference between the figures presented to the Planning Commission and those presented to the City Council. Volume 35 - Page 71 P/C Amnd 558 (94) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C o ^, , \IW: k\AN MINUTES ,wncv Motion x In order to resolve said difference,, motion was All Ayes made to.reopen the hearing and continue to March 23. There being no objections, Planning Commission Amendment No.. 558: was referred back to the Plan- ning Commission for comments relative to the square footage figures with a verbal report to Council on March 23, 1981.. 3. Mayor Heather opened.the public hearing regarding P/C Amnd PLANNING COMMISSION.AMENDMENT NO. 559, a request of 559 JM Peters and Company Inc., Newport Beach, to amend (94) the Planned Community Development Standards for the Aeronutronic Ford.Planned'Community to consider a change in the proposed housing types and a change of various development standards for the residential areas.of the Planned Community. Property bounded by Bison.Avenue on the north, MacArthur Boulevard on the east, Ford Road on the south, and Jamboree Road on the west; zoned P -C, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 11377, a request of JM Tr 11377 Peters and Company Inc., Newport Beach, to subdivide 66.5 +'acres into 93 numbered lots for detached single- family residential purposes, two numbered lots for residential condominium purposes, and three lettered lots for common landscape purposes. Property bounded by Bison Avenue on the north, MacArthur Boulevard on the east, Ford Road on the south, and Jamboree Road on the west; zoned P -C: • A report was presented from the Planning Department. Jim Peters, representing the applicant, addressed the Council, advising that the proposed changes were minor as compared with the previously approved plan. They feel the revised plan.is an improvement and it will provide a better image for the community. They propose no. changes in the basic circulation plan, density, character of grading, or infringement into the noise corridors, than what was.previously ap- proved. With the subject plan approved .there would be A total of 286 units. Area.8 would come back to Council for review and final approval if a change i proposed. They also requested the Planning Commis - sion to delete the requirement for a car wash facil- ity within each residential area (Condition No. 40) as it would be compatible with the development. As requested by the Mayor, Mr. Peters gave a brief report on their erosion control plan and the current status of the site and surrounding area as a result of the recent rains. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed. 0 Volume 35 - Page 72 Motion All Ayes • • 40 MINUTES In order to resolve said difference, motion was made to reopen the hearing and continue to March 23 There being no objections, Planning Commission Amendment No. 558 was referred back.to the Plan- ning Commission for comments relative to the square footage figures with a verbal report to Council on March 23, 1981. 3. Mayor Heather opened the public hearing regarding PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDMENT NO. 559, a request of JM Peters and Company Inc., Newport Beach, to amend the Planned Community Development Standards for the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community to consider a change in the proposed housing types and a change of various development standards for the residential areas of the Planned Community. Property bounded b} Bison Avenue on the north, MacArthur Boulevard on the east, Ford Road on the south, and Jamboree Road on the west; zoned P -C, 0 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 11377, a request of JM Peters and Company Inc., Newport Beach, to subdiv 66.5 + acres into 93 numbered lots for detached single - family residential purposes, two numbered lots for residential condominium purposes, and th lettered lots for common landscape purposes. Property bounded by Bison Avenue on the north, MacArthur Boulevard on the east, Ford Road on the south, and Jamboree Road on the west; zoned P -C. A report was presented from the Planning Department Jim Peters, representing the applicant, addressed the Council, advising that the proposed changes wer4 minor as compared with the previously approved plan They feel the revised plan is an improvement and it will provide a better image for the community. They propose no changes in the basic circulation plan, density, character of grading, or infringement into the noise corridors, than what was previously ap- proved. With the subject plan approved there would be a total of 286 units. Area 8 would come back to Council for review and final approval. They also requested the Planning Commission to delete the requirement for a car wash facility within each residential area (Condition No, 40), as it would be compatible with the development. As requested by the Mayor, Mr. Peters gave a brief report on their erosion control plan and the current status of the site and surrounding area as a result of the recent rains. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed, Volume 35 - Page 72 P/C Amnd 559 (94) Tr 11377 Motion 11 Ayes Noes • Motion All Ayes .0 Ma. -...6 O 1QQ1 MINUTES ution No. 9986 amend - lopment Standards for unity, and to approve incorporating by ditions of Approval of mission, with the the height limit as mmel. as taken on the sed the Council with ort issue. He stated for for "Airport to pull together all ctivists within the it is their desire tc County of Orange in He cited the various ups who had responded eir hope to have the lies which would mean It is also their ith the City in their possible. Factual to the various com- few weeks relative he group action il, Mr. Williams was tang of the Airport indicated except for ublic hearing on 77, being, AN ORDI- DRT BEACH AMENDING NEWPORT BEACH MUNI- NMERCIAL VEHICLES 3M OPERATING ON E CITY LIMITS (GOLDE SECOND AVENUES). (A Efairs Committee) 73 R -9986 O/C John Wayne Airport Trf /Veh. 0-1877 (85) x Motion was made to adopt Resol ing the Planned Community Deve Aeronutronic Ford Planned Comm Tentative Tract Map No. 11377, reference the Findings and Con recommended by the Planning Co deletion of Condition No. 40. Staff reviewed the changes in requested by Council Member Hu x 'x x x x x Following discussion, a vote w x motion, which carried. E. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 1. Tom Williams, resident, addres respect to the John Wayne Airp that he was Coordinating Direc Coalition," who are attempting homeowner groups and airport a City. Once this is completed, file a legal suit against the its operation of the airport. groups contacted and those gro in the joint effort. It is tb support of at least 1,000 fami approximately 4,000 litigants. intent to work cooperatively w pursuit against the County, if information will be mailed out munity groups within the next to their attempt to organize t lawsuit. Following remarks by the Couuc invited to attend the next mee Aviation Committee. F. CONSENT CALENDAR: x The following actions were taken as those items removed: 1. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: For introduction and set for p March 23, 1981: (a) Proposed Ordinance No. 18 NANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWP SECTION 12.32.020 OF THE CIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT CO EXCEEDING 6,000 POUNDS FR CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN TH ROD, HELIOTROPE, IRIS AND report from the Traffic A Volume 35 - Page MINUTES ution No. 9986 amend - lopment Standards for unity, and to approve incorporating by ditions of Approval of mission, with the the height limit as mmel. as taken on the sed the Council with ort issue. He stated for for "Airport to pull together all ctivists within the it is their desire tc County of Orange in He cited the various ups who had responded eir hope to have the lies which would mean It is also their ith the City in their possible. Factual to the various com- few weeks relative he group action il, Mr. Williams was tang of the Airport indicated except for ublic hearing on 77, being, AN ORDI- DRT BEACH AMENDING NEWPORT BEACH MUNI- NMERCIAL VEHICLES 3M OPERATING ON E CITY LIMITS (GOLDE SECOND AVENUES). (A Efairs Committee) 73 R -9986 O/C John Wayne Airport Trf /Veh. 0-1877 (85) u • • F� MINUTES March 9, 1981 2. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: (a) Resolution No. 9987 authorizing the Mayor and 0/S Pkg City Clerk to execute an Off -Site Parking Bk Npt Agreement between the City of Newport Beach R -9987 and the Bank of Newport in connection with C -2255 Resubdivision No. 654. (A report from the (38) Planning Department) (b) Resolution No. 9988 authorizing the Mayor and Subdiv /Agmt City Clerk to execute a Subdivision Agreement Salmonson between the City of Newport Beach and Richard R -9988 W. Salmonson in connection with the public C -2256 improvements required with Resubdivision No. (38) 670. (A report from the Public Works Depart- ment) (c) Resolution No. 9989 awarding a contract to All All Amer /Asph American Asphalt in connection with the Corona R -9989 del Mar Beach Parking Lot (east side) redesign C -2224 and resurfacing (C- 2224). (A report from the (38) Public Works Department) (d) Resolution No. 9990 approving the destruction Fire Dept of certain records in the Fire Chief's office. R -9990 (A report from the Fire Department) (41) (e) Resolution No. 9991 of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach indicating its intent to pursue implementation prior to December 31, 1982, of the herein defined "reasonably avail- able control measures" from the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan. (A report from the City Manager) (f) Resolution No. 9992 declaring its intention to hold a public hearing to consider a request by Community Cablevision Company for a rate increase in the fees and charges for cable antenna television service. (A report from the City Manager) (g) Resolution No. 9993 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Premiere Printing for the printing of a history of the City in conjunction with its 75th Anniversary. (A report from the 75th Anniversary Committee) (h) Resolution No. 9994 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a License Agreement between the City of Newport Beach, and Fashion Island Merchants Association, the Taubman Company and The Irvine Company for the 1981 City Arta Festival. (A report from the Arts Commission) Volume 35 - Page 74 Air Qlty (61) Cable TV (42) Prntg /75th C -2252 (38) 1981 Arts Festival R -9994 C -2253 (38) • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES March 9, 1981 (i) Resolution No. 9995 authorizing the.Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Simonis Morelanc Accountants, Incorporated, certified public accountants in connection with auditing serv- ices for the fiscal years 1980 -81 and 1982- 83. (A report from the Finance Department) (j) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (k) Resolution No. 9997 creating a City Council Ad -Hoc Local Coastal Planning Committee. (Attached) 3. COMMUNICATIONS - For referral as indicated: (a) To the Traffic Affairs Committee for inclusi in their records, a letter from the Newport Crest Homeowners Association acknowledging t response of the Public Works Director to the letter of January 22, 1981, and expressing their thanks for authorization of a traffic study at the intersection of Ticonderoga and Superior. (Attached) (b) To the Planning Department for reply, a letter from Raymond C. Ramirez requesting Planning Commission minutes relative to the Properties West Incorporated development approval. (Attached) (c) To the Police Department - Animal Control for reply, a letter from Nancy Krichman protest the hours stipulated by the City that dogs not allowed on the beaches. (Attached) (d) To the Pending Legislation and Procedural Ethics Committee, a letter from SCAG urging support for SB -2 establishing a uniform pub hearing process relating to the State agen- cies' hearings. (Attached) (e) To the Pending Legislation and Procedural Ethics Committee, a letter from the Amigos de Bolas Chica, urging opposition to a request solicited by 'Ocean Access and Recreation" in support of their resolution regarding a marina orientated development in the Bolas Chica. .(Attached) (f) To staff for inclusion in their ongoing study, a letter requesting that the LCP be corrected to reflect the recently approved Open Space zoning for the Balboa Yacht Club parcels. (Attached) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Volume 35 - Page 75 Simonis Moreland/ Accountants R -9995 C -2254 (38) LCP Ad -Hoc R -9997 (24) Ticonderoga/ Sup Trf Stdy (85) Planning (68) PD /Anml Control (70) SCAG (61) Bolas Chica Marina (77) Planning (68) • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES March 9. 1981 (g) To staff for reply, a letter from Ann Duncan regarding trash and litter in the vicinity of East Coast Highway and Marguerite. (Attached) (h) To the City Attorney.for report back, letters from Peter B. Denniston, Project Manager and Thomas H. Nielsen, Senior Vice President, The Irvine Company, regarding Council review of Big Canyon, Area 10 (Tentative Tract No. 10814). (Attached) (i) To staff for reply, letters from Henry Vor- gang, Curator, Old World Art Gallery, and Ron Morgan, Newport Beach Alarm System, for a request to consider waiver of business license renewal late penalty. (Attached) 4. COMMUNICATIONS - For referral to the City Clerk for inclusion in the records: (a) A letter from Betty Heckel, Laguna Beach, expressing her concern regarding the migration pattern of the whales. (Attached). (b) Letters from the following in opposition to any expansion of John Wayne Airport and the Master Plan adopted by the County Board of Supervisors: David F. West; Plaza Home Owners Community Association Officers and Board of Director Members; Wilson V. and Celia S. Woodman; Paul Vinnicof; Mr. and Mrs. George Ciampa; Mr. and Mrs. Garratt; Kathryn De Grasse; Madge Payne; R. H. Maxson; Mrs. R. L. Bean; Joan M. Cooper; and Betsy Banton. (At- tached) (c) Letters of appreciation from Clem M. McColloch and Glenn P. Allen for the City's proclamation commending them for service as a Board Member of the Municipal Water District of 'Orange County. (Attached) (d) Orange County Division - League of California Cities communications regarding: (Attached) 1) Minutes of February 5 General Meeting; 2) Division Report of meeting of February 5; 3) Tentative Agenda of General Meeting of March 12. (e) Communications from the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County regarding:, (At- tacked) 1) Minutes of January 28; 2) Minutes of February 11; 3) Preliminary Agenda - March 11. (f) Orange County Board of Supervisors Agendas for meetings of February 24, and 25 and March 3 and 4, 1981. Volume 35 - Page 76 Trash /Litter (44). Tr 10814 Bus /License (27) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C L MINUTES y s�A G R01 8r_A\11'0 d�� 9 March 9. 1981 INDEX 5. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES: - For denial and confirmation (36) of the City Clerk's referral to claims adjuster: (a) Claim of Jerry Haas for return of personal Haas • property, or damages as the result of the alleged action by the City's Police Department on November 14, 1980. (b) Claim of Timothy Lindsay for damages; claim- Lindsay ant's dog alledgely injured by use of tranquil- izer gun by Animal Control Officers on December 12, 1980. (c) Claim of Robert K. Cartin for property damage Cartin allegedly sustained to his vehicle, which was driven by his employee Elizabeth May Garrison, as the result of an accident with Animal Control Truck on January 16, 1981 at 125 Mesa Drive, Costa Mesa. (d) Claim of Mission Insurance, Subrogee of Park Mission Newport Apartments, for property damage sus- Ins /Prk Npt tained on November 2, 1980, allegedly due to City water supply being shut -off without notice; then suddenly turned on. (e) Claim of Olympus Financial Corporation for Olympus Fin/ damages sustained on January 12, 1981, as the S.A.I. result of paid parking citations'allegedly not entered into S.A.I. Computer, thereby causing delay in renewal of registrations. •_ (f) Claim of Sylvia Goddard for property damage Goddard sustained on December 3, 1980 at 438 Dahlia Street, Corona del Mar, when the City sewer system allegedly flowed in the home through the toilet and shower. (g) Claim of William James Edwards as a partici- Edwards pant in a lawsuit (Alvin Salvati vs. City of Newport Beach) for alleged personal injury when claimant slipped and fell on sidewalk at 3905 Channel Place on December 7, 1977. 6. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTS: - For confirmation of the City Clerk's referral to the claims adjuster: (a) Summons and Complaint from United.States U/S Dist Crt District Court, Central District of California, Healy Case No. 81 -0103, relative to the claim of Matthew Kevin Healy, which was filed with the City on July 25, 1980. (b) Summons and Complaint of Jean Wright for Wright personal injuries involving City police officer; the original claim was filed with the City Clerk's office on January 15, 1981. Volume 35 - Page 77 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES (c) Summons and Complaint of Larry Scott Davis for personal injuries,,Case No. 348965, Superior Court, County of Orange; original claim filed with the City on July 14, 1980. (d) Summons and Complaint of Ali Roushan for personal injuries, Case No. 349023, Orange County Superior Court; original claim filed with the City on July 9, 1980. (e) Summons and Complaint of Armstrong Petroleum Corporation for Order to Show Cause, and Declaration of Robert H. Buchanan, Attorney, in support of said Order to Show Cause, Case No..348743, Orange County Superior Court. (f) Summons and Complaint for personal injuries of Brehaut Burt Lloyd Brehaut, Superior Court of Orange County, Case No. 35- 06 -28; original claim filed with the City on August 26, 1980. 7. REQUEST TO FILL PERSONNEL VACANCIES - For approval: (66) (A report from the City Manager) (a) One Systems Analyst, Data Processing Division, to fill a vacant position. (b) One Programmer - Analyst, Data Processing Divi- sion, to fill a vacant position. (c) One Traffic Painter, Traffic Signs and Mark- ings Division, to fill a vacant position. (d) One Equipment Serviceworker, Equipment Mainte- nance Division, to fill a vacant position. (e) One Refuse Leadman, Refuse Division, to fill a vacant position. (f) Three (3) Refuse Crewmen, Refuse Division,.to fill vacant positions. (g) Four (4) Police,Officers, Police Department, to fill vacant positions. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS: For information and approval: (a) Report from the Assistant to the City Manager W /Npt Libr regarding the Joint Lease of the Former West (50) Newport Library Building. (Attached) C -2109 (38) (b) Report from the City Attorney concerning the 0/C Airport Expenditures for the Airport Growth Control (58) Fund. (Attached) (c) .Removed from the Consent Calendar. Volume 35 - Page 78 Motion All Ayes 0 Ix CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES For information and filing: (d) Report from the Assistant City Attorney re ing Newport Dunes Development. (Attached) 9. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULING: - For public hearing on March 23, 1981: (a) PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDMENT NO. 560, a request of WZMH Group, Inc., Irvine, to con- sider an amendment to the Planned Community Development Standards for the Newport Place Planned Community to permit the construction of a seven =story office building where exist- ing development standards presently limit building heights to six stories on the site; and the acceptance of an Environmental Docu- ment. Property located at 1500 Quail Street on the southeasterly corner of Westerly Place and Quail Street in the Newport Place Planned Community. (A report from the Planning Depar ment) 10. RESUBDIVISION NO'. 678 - Authorize staff to accept right -of -way dedication for University Drive across frontage of Deane Property at 2222 University Drive (between YMCA and Santa Ana Delhi Channel). (A report from the Public Works Department) 11. BUDGET AMENDMENTS: None. G. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Report from the Litter Control Citizens Advisory Committee concerning the 7 -Up Bottling Company proposal, was presented. Council Member Strauss expressed his concern as to whether it was wise to enter into an agreement of this type with a particular company, inasmuch as it could set a precedent for dealing with other similar competitors in the future. Hearing no objections from other Council Members, the proposal of the 7 -Up Bottling Company was approved,, as recommended by the Litter Control Com- mittee. 2. Proposed resolution approving the application for 1980 -81 grant funds under the Roberti -Z °Berg Urban Open Space and Recreation Program for lighting of tennis courts•at San Joaquin Hills Park, was pre- sented. Council Member Strauss pointed out that initially it was the City's desire to light two tennis courts in West Newport. As a result of the West Newport Beach Improvement Association opposing such a proposal, lighting will be installed on all four tennis courts at.San Joaquin Hills Park., only. Volume 35 - Page 79 Npt Dunes (59) P/C Amnd 560 (94) Resub 678 (84) LC /CAC 7 -Up Botlg (24) PB &R SJH /Tennis Court Lights (62) Motion All Ayes -0 Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes MWn A Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes 0 X x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES Resolution No. 9996 approving the application for R -9996 1980 -81 grant funds under the Roberti- Z'Berg Urban Open Space and Recreation Program for lighting of tennis courts at San Joaquin Hills Park, was adopted. H. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: None. I. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. APPOINTMENTS TO THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEES FOR A ONE -YEAR TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1981: Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory Committee (District 4) Mayor Heather's appointment/reappoint- ment, was deferred to March 23, 1981. (District:6) Council Member Hummel's appointment of Tammie Fraser was confirmed. J. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report from the Public Works Department regarding VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF LAKE AVENUE BETWEEN 32ND STREET AND THE MARKET BASKET PARKING LOT; that portion of Lake Avenue, 40 feet wide, shown as Parcel "G" on the map recorded in Book 32, Page 41 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder, State of California, was presented. The following resolutions were adopted with one motion: Resolution No. 9998 adopting a map showing the right -of -way portion of Lake Avenue between 32nd Street and the Market Basket parking lot which is proposed to be vacated, closed and abandoned; /i. �9 Resolution No. 9999 declaring Council's intention to vacate, close and abandon the right -of -way portion of Lake Avenue between 32nd Street and the Market Basket parking lot, and setting a public hearing for April 13, 1981. K. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Council action taken on June 28, 1976, relative to an easement for Back Bay Trunk Sewer, was reaffirm as recommended by the Director of Public Works. 2. Public hearing pertaining to proposed eminent domain proceedings on property owned by John Jakosky, Jr., as recommended by the City Manager, was scheduled for 7:30 p.m., March 23, 1981. Volume 35 - Page 80 (24) Lake Avenue Vac /Abandmt (90) R -9998 Back Bay Trunk /Swr (79) (73) /Prpty s M1 Motion All Ayes • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES G 9 1981 INDEX x 3. Claim of Ron Soderling filed on July 11, 1980, was Soderling denied and referred to the City's insurance adjust- er, as recommended by the City Manager. L. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m., to 2:00 p.m., March 10, 1981. ATTEST: City Clerk Volume 35 = Page 81 ��� A