HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/30/1998 - Adjourned Regular Meeting• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Adjourned Regular Meeting November 30, 1998 - 5:00 p.m. INDEX ROLL CALL Present: Thomson, Debay, O'Neil, Hedges, Glover, Noyes, Mayor Edwards Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance — Council Member Hedges Invocation by Pastor Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Presentation of gifts to outgoing Mayor Edwards and Council Member Hedges by Mayor Pro Tem O Neil. Public Works Director Webb presented Mayor Edwards with a piece of the old Castaways Park fence and a Public Works Department cap; and presented Council Member Hedges with a collage of Sid Soffer's cars and a Public Works Department cap. • Council Member Hedges thanked God for his family and his wife, Maria, for her understanding during his eight year term and for her assistance in placing the term limit initiative on the ballot. He expressed the opinion that the decision by the electorate to place term limits on Council was the brightest moment of his tenure. Council Member Hedges stated that incumbents need to be regularly challenged as to their record and policy positions. He expressed the opinion that good government depends on the type and quality of people the electorate sends to public office and the willingness of the incumbents to make hard, thoughtful decisions. He said he believes that government is a taker by nature which gives back much less than it takes; and acts as though it is a co -owner of personal assets which takes as much as it wants with little justification as to how it is used. Council Member Hedges stated that his biggest disappointment came when his attempt to have Council pass a resolution to budget City resources failed. He stated that his goal was to restructure the budget to produce a surplus while still exceeding the basic and essential services that people have come to expect from their tax dollars. He said he thinks this goal is still attainable and urged Council to take steps to enact this proposal. He expressed the opinion that this may mean that Council will need to eliminate some things and contract out other services. Council Member Hedges said that his saddest moment came with the loss of Police Officer Bob Henry; however, he was proud of the way the community rallied behind the Henry family. • Council Member Hedges said he realizes that the biggest challenge for the community will be the ongoing commercial reuse of El Toro and pointed out that Council has been unanimous in this important issue. He expressed the opinion that Volume 52 - Page 227 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 30, 1998 1 1 it is appropriate to double the City's efforts and support the private community groups. Council Member Hedges described the Orange County bankruptcy as the darkest moment for the City, but noted that it appears that, four years later, the City will be little worse off because of it. He stated that this is an example of the requirement for the people to keep a watchful eye on its representatives. Council Member Hedges said that the biggest mistake Council can make is to allow themselves to be co -opted by the status quo, noting Council's relationship to its employees. He stated that it is Council's responsibility to enact policies and ordinances, and emphasized Council's need to do their homework and make their own decisions. Council Member Hedges admitted that, if taken seriously, being on Council is hard and time - consuming. However, if the reason for being on Council is public service and increasing the wealth of the community, then by Council's independent thought and hard work, the electorate chose wisely. Council Member Hedges said he believes that every member of Council is dedicated to the best interests of the City at this point. He cautioned to not believe everything that is in the newspaper as they thrive on a good tale. He expressed the opinion that most of the reporters try to do a good job but suffer under the bias of the editors. He took issue with the newspaper editors and the Chamber complaining that Council needs healing, expressing the opinion that vigorous debate is healthy for the democratic policy making and decision making processes; and that silence on a controversial issue usually indicates either a foregone conclusion or a failure to grasp the nuances of a decision. Council Member Hedges stated that the six guiding principles to apply to any law, policy, or ordinance are that it must be moral, understandable, enforceable, accomplishable, respond to a real and identified need, and able to be applied consistently. A failure to any of the principles will cause the law to be ignored, collapse of its own weight, and divide and engender the contempt of the citizenry. Council Member Hedges stated that it was an honor to serve the people of Newport Beach and to serve with his fellow Council Members. He also congratulated newly elected Council Members Gary Adams and Tod Ridgeway. In closing, as one last thought to the Council as they contemplate their responsibilities, Council Member Hedges quoted the Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Corinth as he reminded them of the fallibility of man: "The sting of death is sin. The strength of sin is the law. But give thanks to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Mayor Edwards stated that it was a privilege to serve the citizens of Newport Beach as it is an incredible community in which to live and work Mayor Edwards specifically thanked many City staff members and former City Manager Kevin Murphy who worked tirelessly on many issues. He stated that their efforts, along with his fellow Council Members', are deeply appreciated. He also Volume 52 - Page 228 • • E City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 30, 1998 expressed his eternal gratitude to his wife, Lisa, and daughter, Lauren, for putting up with the enormous amounts of time that were devoted away from the home. Mayor Edwards reiterated his theme of quality in the City and quoted historian Barbara Tuckman's criteria for quality. He said that intensity of effort requires a dedication of all concerned to work tirelessly to maintain the quality of life and noted that, in the past, the City and citizenry have illustrated that willingness. He expressed the opinion that, if the City is to continue to be a great city, everyone must have honesty of purpose. Mayor Edwards emphasized that no one can compromise quality with self - interest or self - promotion. He said he realizes that Council recognizes the need for maintaining quality at the highest level. He stated that the only criteria is what is best for Newport Beach and its citizens and to accept less is to be accustomed to less beauty, less elegance, and less excellence. He stated that he knows that this Council and the future Council are up to the challenge. Mayor Edwards wished the new Council the best of luck as they face the coming challenge and as they meet the problems that face the most outstanding city in Orange County. 1. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem O Neil to adopt Resolution No. 98 -77 declaring the results of the General Municipal Election held on November 3, 1998. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Debay, O Neil, Hedges, Glover, Noyes, Mayor Edwards Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None City Clerk Harkless called re- elected Council Members O'Neil and Glover, and newly - elected Council Members Ridgeway and Adams forward; administered the Oath of Office prescribed in the State Constitution to the elected officials; and delivered a Certificate of Election to each of them. 3. Council Members O'Neil, Glover, Ridgeway, and Adams were seated at the Council table. 4. After explaining the process to be used for the election of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, City Clerk Harkless placed all members of the Council on an equal basis to nominate and elect and asked for nominations for the Office of Mayor. Motion by Council Member Adams to nominate Mayor Pro Tem O'Neil as Mayor. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were closed. Without objection, the motion carried by acclamation. 5. City Clerk Harkless announced that Dennis O'Neil was elected as Mayor. 6. Mayor O'Neil took his proper place at the Council table. Volume 52 - Page 229 INDEX Elections (39) City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 30, 1998 Lie 111 DON • 7. Mayor O'Neil called for oral nominations for the election of Mayor Pro Tempore. Motion by Council Member Ridgeway to nominate Council Member Thomson as Mayor Pro Tempore. Motion by Mayor O'Neil to nominate Council Member Noyes as Mayor Pro Tempers. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were closed. The motion to elect Council Member Thomson as Mayor Pro Tempore carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Thomson, Debay, Adams, Ridgeway, Glover, Noyes, Mayor O'Neil Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None 8. City Clerk Harkless announced that Council Member Thomson was elected as Mayor Pro Tempore. 9. Mayor Pro Tern Thomson took his proper place at the Council table. • 10. With senior members having first preference, the Council decided on the seating arrangement and Mayor O'Neil presented the new City Council. 11. Mayor O'Neil stated that he was the City Attorney twenty -five years ago and never thought he would be Mayor of the City. He expressed his appreciation and stated that it is an honor. Mayor O'Neil stated that the City is again fortunate to have two fine new members on the Council and congratulated newly elected Council Members Ridgeway and Adams. He commended Council candidates Mike Kranzley, Len Miller, and Ron Winship for their willingness to participate in this most important and very worthwhile democratic process. Mayor O'Neil reviewed past election themes and said he believes this year's election theme was quality of life. He noted that there are many definitions of "quality of life." Mayor O'Neil stated that, for the coming year, he would like to promote a new theme based on better communication that is aimed at eliminating the public's misconception of what Council is and what the individual Council members stand for. He clarified that better communication means communication between Council and staff, and Council and board, commission, and committee members. He stated that he will be proposing that Council reinstate afternoon study sessions prior to each Council meeting. He said this will allow the Council to discuss, in a • more informal setting, pending matters and also foster the constructive interchange of information to the appropriate staff personnel. He invited board, commission, and committee members to meet with Council regularly Volume 52 - Page 230 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 30, 1998 II 1 to receive input on their activities. Mayor O'Neil said that having an airport at El Toro has been the goal for the last four years. He emphasized that this is fundamental in relieving the pressure to expand the John Wayne Airport. He also added that water and bay quality; the annexation of Newport Coast; the replacement of old infrastructure systems (including municipal buildings); maintaining the ability to provide the highest level of municipal services; recruiting and hiring a new City Manager; crime prevention; recreational services; a General Plan Update; maintaining the economic viability and vitality of the commercial and retail centers; managing the City's income property; protecting the environment; and balancing the City's budget are important goals. He said all these goals are significant and fall under the quality of life concept. Mayor O'Neil would like to see Council achieve these major goals, but also have a plan of implementation to work toward accomplishing short - term objectives based on quarterly reports. Mayor O'Neil stated that he alone cannot dictate policy or direction and must rely on the rest of Council to join together to carry out the goals of the City. He expressed the opinion that each member is on Council because they believe that being on Council is a worthwhile service and because they want to do what is best for the City. He said it is his hope that the Council is able to conduct City business in a manner so that the dignity of office is better acknowledged and recognized by those they serve. • Mayor O'Neil said he hopes that he has the necessary skills to provide the leadership entrusted to him as Mayor and is honored to accept the position. 12. Council Member Glover expressed the opinion that the most important issue before the Council now and for the next four years is whether or not El Toro becomes a reality. She emphasized that, if this does not happen, John Wayne Airport will be enlarged. She stated that this would totally change the way of life in Newport Beach. She noted that she is chair of the Aviation Committee and receives correspondence from citizens who believe that it would be a horrendous thing. She complimented Mayor Edwards' and Council Member Hedges' skill in this issue and expressed her appreciation for all they have done. She said she is hopeful that the City will still be able to use their expertise. Council Member Glover expressed the opinion that Council Members Ridgeway and Adams are very intelligent and open to diverse opinions. Further that things are going to change for the better. Mayor O'Neil introduced his wife, Thais; mother, Lillian; daughter, Molly; sister, Nancy; and niece, Bridgett. Mayor O'Neil also acknowledged former Mayors Evelyn Hart and Clarence Turner. • Council Member Ridgeway thanked the citizens of Newport Beach for electing him. He said he walked the entire City and thanked his wife, Kay, who walked with him from Peninsula Point to Cameo Highlands and Cameo Volume 52 - Page 231 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 30, 1998 I QP 1 `� Shores. He said hello to his children at home, Kyle, Scott, and Madison. Council Member Ridgeway said he ran on a campaign of balancing business and residential interests in the City and it is critical to know that the residents are supportive of the business community, but they want balance. This is the most critical point to them in their day to day living and unless a balance is created, their qualify of life will be impacted. He pointed out that traffic is a major issue. There have been some problems in Corona del Mar, there are problems in Eastbluff and he foresees a major problem in and around the airport. Council Member Ridgeway said it is important as an agenda item for this City to have a working relationship with the City of Irvine regarding any new buildings that are built at the City's border. He stated that there was a new 900,000 square foot building approved by the airport that is less than 200 feet from the City's borders, $18 million in fees were paid, and the City of Newport Beach didn't get one penny for traffic mitigation in the area. He said the first thing the new Council needs to do is get an agreement with the City of Irvine. Council Member Ridgeway stated that the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) has worked for the last ten years and he thinks it can continue to work with some modifications and consideration given to the proportionality test of it. Council Member Ridgeway said the main reason he originally ran for • Council was because of the debilitated state of the peninsula. He said he is dedicated to trying to make the peninsula a better place, infrastructure wise, for everybody in the City. He said the Balboa Theater project is an exciting project and hopefully some streetscape can be created. He said he is hopeful that the City will put pavers on the street and make an identity for Balboa Village. He said he met with the Balboa Village people and they are now in agreement that they can now be called Balboa Village, therefore signs will be erected on the entrances and exits to Balboa Village. Council Member Ridgeway said he also doesn't want to let the Irvine Ranch Water District continue to dump into the bay. Council Member Ridgeway expressed the importance and timeliness of re- negotiating the contract with the County on the noise abatement issues in order to limit the number of passengers that can use John Wayne Airport. He said the City probably needs to work with the federal government to allow some local control. The City needs to continue to limit the number of passengers out of the airport to 8,500,000. He said he thinks the City has a great opportunity with a new Council and a new City Manager coming on and there will be a new beginning for 1999. Council Member Adams thanked the electorate for electing him to the Council and thanked the volunteers that supported his campaign and worked for him by walking precincts, stuffing envelopes, etc. He also • thanked his wife, Birgitt, for all of her work and also thanked his treasurer, Ray Zartler, and Sharon Butfa. He said he is looking forward to the challenges and is honored to be serving the City. Volume 52 - Page 232 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 30, 1998 0 PUBLIC COMMENTS - None • ADJOURNMENT - 6:00 p.m. Mayor O'Neil announced that a reception honoring the outgoing and incoming Council Members will be held at the Cannery immediately following the meeting. The agenda for the Adjourned Regular meeting was posted on November 25, 1998 at 11:00 a.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. A�� V, � Recording Secretary Mayor FF wT� ay City Clerk Volume 52 - Page 233