HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/2007 - Study SessionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session February 13, 2007 — 5:00 p.m. Present: Council Member Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosansky, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. In response to a question by Council Member Daigle, City Manager Bludau stated that the ordinance pertaining to Item No. 3 (animal nuisance) will allow staff to issue citations that will be upheld in court. Pertaining to Item No. 14 (CERT Grant), Council Member Daigle expressed concern that the community preparedness coordinator position is not being used as envisioned, since the intent was not to increase the CERT program. In response, Fire Chief Lewis stated that Matt Brisbois is the CERT Team Coordinator who is responsible for community awareness, including speaking before homeowners' associations, Rotary Clubs, etc. In addition, Mr. Brisbois conducts two to three CERT presentations per year, as well as any other speaking engagements pertaining to emergency response. Jen Schultz is now their Public Information Officer and has the responsibility for community education. Katie Freeman is responsible for the City's disaster preparedness, including handling of grants and Tsunami and. earthquake preparedness. Mr. Brisbois and Ms. Freeman each have defined responsibilities, and they do assist each other. Council Member Curry stated that he clearly supports Item Nos. 7 and 8, but will pull them at tonight's meeting for further discussion and to focus the public's attention on what is being done with these issues. Pertaining to Item No. S21, Mayor Pro Tem Selich questioned whether the condition of the ramp going down to China Cove will be able to handle the truck traffic and if adequate provisions exist for any repairs. Council Member Gardner stated she was assured by Tom Rossmiller that the road will be photographed beforehand, and the agreement contains provisions for any necessary repairs. Mayor Pro Tem. Selich stated that he will pull this item on tonight's agenda to suggest Exhibit C (Scope of Services), No. 7, of the agreement be amended to stipulate that trucks be required to shut their engines off rather than left to idle 2 -3 minutes. 2. INSURANCE RENEWALS - EXCESS GENERAL LIABILITY, EXCESS WORKERS COMPENSATION AND PROPERTY INSURANCE. Barbara Ramsey, Human Resources Director, reported on insurance renewals, Volume 58 —Page 31 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes February 18, 2007 noting the renewal date is March 1st. Mark Zahoryin will make a presentation, and Lauren Farley, Risk Manager, is also present to respond to any questions. This item will be brought to Council in two weeks for a vote. Mark Zahoryin, Brown and Brown, introduced himself and provided background information on his firm, noting they have served the City for the past 17 years. He provided an overview of the insurance renewal process, adding their recommendations to staff should be ready on Friday. Based on final indications today, his recommendation will include a 41% increase in the property insurance premium, which includes a 13% increase in overall insurable values. As far as the other coverages, they are expecting flat to 10 %, and it's coming in at a 4- 5% decrease. He expects the total annual premium to be no greater than 2% of what was paid on an annual basis in 2006, which is 2% greater. In response to a Council question, Mr. Zahoryin stated that he attributes the low increases to market conditions and the two underwriters wanting to retain the City's business. Mr. Zahoryin explained fidicuiary liability responsibilities to the Council noting that it is intended to cover the City's fidicuiary responsibility to its employees on employee benefit and retirement plans. This policy covers everyone who makes decisions on employee benefit plans. As far as low loss histories, Mr. Zahoryin indicated that it has been very positive and loss control by staff has also helped. In response to questions about coverage changes, Mr. Zahoryin explained that the only item that may change is under the liability insurance, and it is a positive change. He explained that the City currently has a $500,000 self - insured retention on all areas of public liability insurance, with the exception of employment practices which is at $1 million dollars. However, he is trying to reduce that amount,but may not be successful in accomplishing this. In response to .a question by City Manager Bludau regarding the 13% increase in total insured values, Mr. Zahoryin stated that not only were facilities added, but appraisals were also done on properties not previously appraised, which accounted for a good portion of the 13% increase. In response to a question by Council Member Curry, Lauren Farley, Risk Manager, indicated that a 10% increase on each insurance line item was budgeted this fiscal year for potential premium increases, and the overall increase is about 2 %. 3. PRESENTATION REGARDING THE ROLE OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM IN OUR COMMUNITY. Linda Katsouleas, Library Director, reported on the literacy program and introduced Cherall Weiss, Literacy Coordinator, and Carolyn Scheer, President of the Literacy Board. Ms. Weiss gave the definition for literacy as it has progressed through the years. Forty -four million adults in the United States fall in the low or inadequate literacy status. In Newport Beach, over 7,000 adults are considered illiterate or have low literacy skills. The National Institute for Literacy conducted a survey, and the Southern California literacy network came up with the local statistics based on economics and ethnicities. Volume 58 - Page 32 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes February 18, 2007 Ms. Scheer explained their mission is to improve the literacy skills of adults to enable them to achieve greater successes in their lives at home, work, and in the community. She reported they have a Literacy Advisory Board and further explained the role, membership, meeting schedule, and terms of the Board Members. She explained the relationship between the Library and the Board. Ms. Weiss provided information on tutor training and explained the program. Ms. Scheer described the programs offered: core program, book clubs for learners, conversation class, writing classes, pronunciation class, family literacy, and adult learner and tutor support groups. She provided information on the following new developments: joint venture with the Library to promote early literacy, celebration of International Literacy Day, presentation of the Rochelle Hoffman Memorial Award, publication of a quarterly newsletter, and launching of their website in November. They want to develop relationships and visibility in the community. To that end, Me. Weiss has been working with the Newport -Mesa Unified School District to make them aware of the literacy program and to solicit possible referrals to their program. Ms. Weiss has also made presentations to the OASIS Senior Center in an effort to lure tutors into the program. Ms. Weiss explained the services provided in their department: one -on -one tutoring to any English- speaking individual, and small group classes and workshops to support the learners in meeting their goals. Every year, they provide assistance to over 120 adult learners and work with over 50 families in the Families for Literacy program. They conduct a quarterly program to address early literacy issues with families in the area, and those have drawn 20 people quarterly. In the first six months of FY 2006 -2007, they have logged over 3,000 volunteer hours, and their learners have logged over 1,700 hours with their tutors. Their ages range between 25 and 72, and their common trait is they all have a desire to progress. Ms. Scheer reported that the learners set goals and reviewed the types of goals set. Their desires are to have more people aware of the program and to have more tutoring volunteers. Their needs are: 1) increased financial support from the community, so they can advertise to attract tutors and print promotional materials; 2) new learning resources, since materials go out of date; 3) classroom space; and 4) additional volunteer tutors, as they are the key to the program's success. Ms. Weiss stated their current budget is $80,000 and provided a breakdown of the funding sources. She noted that two funding sources were lost this year. As a result, they need to raise an additional $9,000 this year. In response to a question by City Manager Bludau, Ms. Weiss stated the students are required to either live or work in Newport Beach. PUBLIC COMMENTS -None ADJOURNMENT - 5:87 p.m. The agenda for the Adjourned Regular Meeting was posted on February 7, 2007, at 2:18 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. Volume 58 - Page 33 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes February 18, 2007 City Clerk � a 111• R. 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