HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_Annual Review of Hoag Hospital DA_PA2009-064 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT a November 14, 2019 �qt/FoaN`� Agenda Item No. 2 SUBJECT: Annual Review of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Development Agreement (PA2009-064) • Development Agreement No. 5 SITE LOCATION: 1 Hoag Drive APPLICANT: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian OWNER: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian PLANNER: Chelsea Crager, Associate Planner 949-644-3227, ccrager@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Coastal Land Use Category: PI-B Private Institutions (0.0 — 0.75 FAR) • Coastal Zoning District: PC 38 (Hoag Hospital) • General Plan: PI (Private Institutions) • Zoning District : PC 38 (Hoag Hospital) PROJECT SUMMARY An annual review of Development Agreement No. 5 for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, pursuant to Section 15.45.080 of the Municipal Code and Section 65865.1 of the California Government Code. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find the annual review is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA°) pursuant to Section 15321, Class 21 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3; 3) Receive and file the Annual Report of Development Agreement for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (Attachment No. ZA 2); and 4) Find that the applicant has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of Development Agreement No. 5. 1 Annual Review of Hoag Hospital Development Agreement (PA2009-064) Zoning Administrator, November 14, 2019 Page 2 DISCUSSION Section 15.45.080 of the Municipal Code requires the City to periodically review development agreements to determine if the applicant has complied with the terms of the agreement. This review should be conducted at least once every 12 months and should occur in April pursuant to the development agreement. The development agreement was amended in July 2019, which delayed this year's consideration of the annual review. The applicant is required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement, and should the Zoning Administrator find that the applicant has not complied in good faith with the terms of the agreement; the Zoning Administrator should refer the matter to the City Council. Background Development Agreement No. 5 (DA) was signed in 1994, and it relates to the long-term development and expansion of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). In May 2008, the DA was amended to allow the hospital to increase the intensity of future development on the upper campus with a commensurate reduction in intensity of future development on the lower campus. The Hoag Planned Community Development Plan was also amended in 2008 to reflect the amended DA and to require additional landscape screening improvements and noise mitigation. In July 2019, the DA was amended to provide additional public benefits' and to extend the term an additional 10 years, expiring in 2029. The 1994 DA, the 2008 amendment, and the 2019 amendment are available online at: htti)://www.newi)ortbeachca.gov/develor)mentagreements. The last annual review hearing was conducted on September 27, 2018. The Zoning Administrator found Hoag to be in good faith compliance with the Development Agreement. Annual Review On April 30, 2019, Hoag submitted its 2019 Development Agreement Annual Review Report (Attachment No. ZA 2) and a noise compliance report prepared by ARUP Noise Consultant. Staff reviewed and provided comments to Hoag. A noise report was submitted on August 27, 2019. This most recent noise report, dated August 22, 2019, can be found as Attachment No. ZA 3. 1 Additional public benefits include payments of$300,000 per year paid directly to one or more nonprofit community partner(s)determined by the City Council upon recommendation of the Homeless Task Force and the continued funding of the Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living Tmplt.01/12/18 Annual Review of Hoag Hospital Development Agreement (PA2009-064) Zoning Administrator, November 14, 2019 Page 3 A summary of the Development Agreement Annual Review Report is as follows. 1. Proiect Status Report (Section 1 of the Annual Review Report): A project status report includes various updates on the status of mitigation measure compliance and construction activities within the past year. Construction this past year has largely been limited to interior improvements with no significant new construction or expansion of buildings within the Hoag campus. A list of improvement projects and mitigation measure compliance is provided in the Project Status Report Section within Attachment No. ZA 2. 2. Lower Campus Landscaping Areas (Section 2 of the Annual Review Report): The submitted photos of the most recent annual review report show 2018 and 2019 conditions of various areas of the lower campus. On-going maintenance and watering has resulted in continued coverage and health of all the plantings. The Co-Gen Plant green screen wall has been adequately implemented through a combination of the raised planters, vines, care, and watering. Staff found each of the landscape areas in compliance and has no ongoing concerns about landscaping. Hoag shall continue their efforts going forward. Staff conducted a site inspection on October 17, 2019, and verified the health and coverage of the plantings. 3. 2019 Acoustical Measurement Test Report (Section 3 of the Annual Review Report): A summary of the August 22, 2019, Annual Noise Report prepared by ARUP Noise Consultant is as follows: A. Nighttime noise measurements were taken at adjacent properties of Versailles and Villa Balboa to document the 2018/19 levels. Daytime measurements were not conducted as previous years' measurements have suggested that mechanical equipment is not audible above ambient noise conditions. B. Nighttime ambient noise measurements were taken at three locations to determine if ambient conditions had changed since last measured in 2016. The results show that at two of the three locations, ambient noise levels have increased. Noise levels at these two locations are primarily dominated by traffic pass-bys. C. Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 10.26.025 states that the measured ambient noise level shall be the noise limit if the ambient exceeds the limits defined in the Code. D. Nighttime measurements near both the main loading dock and dietary loading dock were taken and found to be in compliance with applicable standards. Tmpl[:01/12/18 3 Annual Review of Hoag Hospital Development Agreement (PA2009-064) Zoning Administrator, November 14, 2019 Page 4 E. Co-Gen Plant in proximity to residences at Villa Balboa: 1. The ARUP report shows that exterior noise measurements are in compliance with the 50 db(A) nighttime standard. 2. The ARUP report shows that interior noise to the most affected unit can exceed the nighttime 40 db(A) standard by 1 db(A). These levels were measured in a dining room with an open window consistent with the interior noise measurement requirements of the Community Noise Control Ordinance. ARUP indicated that the dining room was furnished with minimal soft furnishings, and that if more sound-absorbing finishes were installed noise levels could be reduced. It is also important to note that the Co-Gen Plant was operated with fans at full speed during the testing, which is not the normal operating condition. Staff does not believe the Co-Gen Plant operated in violation, understanding that the plant is normally operated close to 80 percent capacity and the unit in question is minimally furnished. Staff recommends that noise from the plant be tested before the next review while operating under normal conditions. F. Upper Central Plant near the residences at Versailles Condominiums: 1. Exterior noise measurements at the location representative of the nearest second floor balcony to the plant exceeds the exterior nighttime 50 db(A) standard by 1 db(A). This is consistent with 2017 and 2018 measurements. The particular location is approximately 15 feet east of the south facing balcony and since it is easterly of the building itself, the measurement may not be entirely indicative of the sound of the southerly facing elevation of the building. Staff recommends that Hoag work more closely with Versailles before the next review to take a measurement from the balcony itself. 2. The ARUP report shows that all other exterior noise measurements are in compliance with the 50 db(A) nighttime standard. 3. Noise levels were measured inside a unit at Versailles for the first time this year. The noise levels were measured at 43 db(A) at a distance of 3 feet from the open window, which exceeds the nighttime standard of 40 db(A). Short- term measurements were made at multiple locations within the bedroom, and compliance with the noise standard could be achieved at 10 feet from the open window. 4. Since last year's review, Hoag has made improvements to the Upper Central Plant to reduce noise levels. Staff recommends that Hoag continue exploring and implementing methods of noise reduction. Tmp1C.01/12/18 Annual Review of Hoag Hospital Development Agreement (PA2009-064) Zoning Administrator, November 14, 2019 Page 5 G. Since the last annual review, Code Enforcement staff has received no noise complaints related to Hoag Hospital. This is an improvement over years prior and is evidence of Hoag's ongoing commitment to controlling their operations and vendors appropriately. 4. Co-Gen Weather Plume Report (Section 4 of the Annual Review Report): Hoag continues to operate the Co-Gen facility in concert with the weather station to reduce the water vapor plume from the cooling towers. Plume reduction protocols continue to operate between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. starting November 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After reviewing the attached annual report and its supplemental noise reports, Hoag's willingness to continue to address its operational noise, and improvements to the planting and maintenance of the lower campus's landscaping areas, staff believes that Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian has remained in good faith compliance with the terms of Development Agreement No. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This annual review is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15321, Class 21 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. This section exempts actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regulatory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this review was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. TmpIC 01/12/18 Annual Review of Hoag Hospital Development Agreement (PA2009-064) Zoning Administrator, November 14, 2019 Page 6 APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: Chelsea Crager Associate Planner GBR/cc Attachments: ZA 1 Vicinity Map ZA 2 April 30, 2019 Hoag Development Agreement Annual Report ZA 3 August 22, 2019 Noise Compliance Report Tmplt:01/12/18 Attachment No. ZA 1 Vicinity Map VICINITY MAP �... s' d ^e� Subject Property � �' vaF ew^yy'� T1• ! �� \ ~�y �•. .I � { { ti' J yi1 `� � 7 _ �. J 1 pn�� ` r, wry. y Annual Review of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Development Agreement (PA2009-064) 1 Hoag Drive G Attachment No. ZA 2 April 30, 2019 Hoag Development Agreement Annual Report 9 Development Agreement Annual Review Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian April 1 , 2018 thru March 31 , 2019 Prepared for: The City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 Prepared by: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian One Hoag Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 10 0 D O N O r ffi 0 r ;z rt r 3 i � C D D 3z � � z = c � D On w r � � m > N G r m D 22 (� � HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERiAN ®�/fy'7 One Haag Drive,PO Box 8100 �,.�lj/il Newport Beach,CA 92658-6100 April 30, 2019 Ms. Chelsea Crager Associate Planner City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: Hoag Hospital — Development Agreement 11th Annual Review Dear Ms. Crager: Please find enclosed the required documentation to demonstrate Hoag's compliance with the Development Agreement between Hoag Hospital and the City of Newport Beach. As you are aware, this Development Agreement was adopted by the City Council on April 22, 2008 by the Ordinance No.2008-10 and is known as the Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 6. The Development Agreement was also recently extended for 6 months by the City Council to work on a longer term extension. Per Section 5.2 of the Development Agreement, "The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual reviews should be scheduled in April of each year." However, as we discovered last year, due to the extreme testing parameter requirements that have been previously requested by city staff, Hoag is not able to conduct the acoustical testing based on weather conditions. Hoag is not able to ramp up the plants to the heightened conditions that are requested to simulate worst case scenario due to the weather conditions being too cold through the winter and spring. Therefore, Hoag is submitting the DA report at this time without the acoustical testing results, however, the first round of testing (for Central Utility Plant and Versailles) was conducted by Arup on April 21, 2019. The second round of testing (Villa Balboa/Cogeneration plant) is being scheduled for May 2019. It is our understanding that Hoag would be targeting a May Zoning Administrator hearing per the above noted requirement, but Hoag will await the direction from the City Planning Commission on how to proceed for scheduling. The enclosed Project Status Update is for the period of time from April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019. Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Hoag Hospital Irvine One Hoag Drive 16200 Sand Canyon Avenoe Newport Beach,CA 92663 Irvine,CA 92618 1i xhoag.org HDAG MEMDRIAL HOSPITAL PRE58YfERIAN hoag One Hoag Dave PO Box 2658-0 Newport beach,CA 92688-6100 Sincerely, HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Sanford L. Smith Senior Vice President, Real Estate, Facilities and Construction Enclosure: Project Status Update 4/1/18-3/31/19 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Hoag Hospital brine One Hoag Dave 162005and Canyon Avenue Newport Beach,CA 92663 Irvine,CA 92618 :LW-44v11oag.org g Development Agreement Annual Review April 1, 2018 thru March 31, 2019 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian 1 . Project Status Report 2. Landscaping Photos 0 (Attachment 1) 3. Acoustical Measurement Program Test Report (Attachment 2) 4. Co-Gen Weather Plume Reports (Attachment 3 and Flash drive) Prepared for: The City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Prepared by: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian One Hoag Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 14 . i 2� oa Project Status Report Thru April 1, 2018 thru March 31, 2019 Tenth Annual Review of the Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach And Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Introduction & Overview On April 22, 2008, the City of Newport Beach ("City) approved an amended Development Agreement between the city of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag") which is known as the "Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No. 6". This Amended Development Agreement was adopted by Ordinance No. 2008-10 on May 13, 2008. Per Section 5.2 of the Amended Development Agreement: "The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual Reviews should be scheduled in April of each year'. This Amended Development Agreement was part of Hoag's Master Plan Update which included revised Development Agreement provisions, a revised Planned Community Text ("PC Text") and associated standards, and certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("SEIR") with mitigation measures. The Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 1991071003) was certified by adoption of City Council Resolution No. 2008-27. As part of the SEIR adoption, a Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program was required which shall be utilized as the basis for the Development Agreement Updates as it relates to mitigation measures. For the purposes of this Development Agreement update, and those subsequent annual updates, this update shall serve as the Tenth Annual Review for the Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No. 6 Project Status for the Eleventh Development Agreement Annual Review As will be described in detail below, over the last year, Hoag has made a diligent, good faith effort in completing as many of the mitigation measures and associated requirements for both the Development Agreement & Planned Community Text as required in this timeframe. Development Agreement Specific Terms & Obligations In the separate terms of the Development Agreement requirements (not found in either Mitigation Measures of PC Requirements), the following have been completed: Section 5.4 "5.4 Mitigation Review—The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained with the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall also include a noise regulation compliance assessment that includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly basis. The noise assessment shall identify noise regulation compliance issues 3 10 <J t oag and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views depicted in the EIR. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review." Hoag has complied with this section of the Amended Development Agreement with the submittal of this detailed report which demonstrates good faith compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan, as noted below. Additionally, Hoag has complied with annual noise regulation compliance assessments. Noise analyses were performed on April 22, 2019 and May 29, 2019. Hoag was not able to have these conducted prior to this timeframe because the weather was too cool to force the plant equipment up to higher operating parameters that has been requested to simulate worst case scenario conditions. The testing report will be known as Attachment 2. No view analysis was necessary for this Annual Development Agreement review, as only interior building remodels have occurred and there were no new additions on the Hoag Campus during this timeframe. 2018-2019 Update Construction activities have been largely limited to interior tenant improvements with no new O buildings or expansions taking place in this year. These improvements have included the following items: Central Utility Plant Cooling Tower fan upgrade - Hoag replaced the motor, gearbox and complete fan assembly for one cooling tower and replaced the fan assembly on the other. The cooling tower fan assemblies were upgraded to a Quiet type as part of infrastructure upgrades in March 2019. These are specially designed to reduce noise that is generated while maintaining cooling efficiency. Mechanical/Facility/Infrastructure Upgrades—Various projects scheduled throughout the Newport Beach Campus addressing routine repairs, proper maintenance, planned refurbishment, and upgrades of the infrastructure. Some projects include air handler upgrades, flooring replacements, door replacements and building management system upgrades. Main Operating Room/Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) Renovation — Provided 2 new ORs and the replaced 14 bay PACU with the latest technologies suited for Brain and Spine surgery and built a new PACU in an existing space in the hospital. PACU occupancy started June 2018. OR replacement started July 2018 and was completed in February 2019. Acute (Physical) Rehabilitation Unit- Provide a dedicated department for the acute physical therapy needs of our patients in an existing area of the hospital. Therapy garden is being — built between the Women's Pavilion and the North Building. Completed in May 2018. l Women's Pavilion Cosmetic Interior Renovation: Refreshing all patient rooms and corridors in the Women's Pavilion. Project completed in July 2019. 4 27 hoag HHNB Nurse Call Replacement: Complete replacement of the Newport Beach nurse call system/tracking system. The project completed in 2018. HHNB Seismic Upgrades: Continue with the review of multiple on-campus buildings under the guidelines of the OSHPD SPC 4-D seismic model, enabling the extension of building use as acute care beyond 2030. Still in material testing phase. Breast Center Renovation: Cosmetic upgrades and an MRI Replacement. Construction started in August 2018. Project completed August 2019. Medical Records relocation: Medical records will relocate to ease navigate for patients and visitors to the Women's Pavilion lobby. Construction started August 2019 and will continue through end of 2019. Cancer Center Infusion: Renovation of 2nd and 31d floor of the Cancer Center. Currently is in design phase. OSHPD review through 2019. Cancer Center Tunnel Roof Replacement: Replaced highly visible roof to Villa Balboa in the cancer center tunnel that was reaching life expectancy in 2019. Section 8.5— Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment "8.5 Hoag shall install a weather station capable of identifying ambient conditions necessary in documenting cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather station shall be tied into the cogeneration plant controls in order to maximize automatic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operation changes and load shifting, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations. Hoag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers within the Hoag Lower Campus. Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such reduction shall be measured from a baseline (to be measured at the cooling towers) of operating three existing generators and absorption chiller at 100% of design capacity. This reduced capacity operation shall be implemented daily between November 11 and April 301, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit." 2018-2019 Update: Hoag has complied with all requirements regarding the Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment and has attached a letter from Hoag's chief engineer of record, Peter Moore, Yorke Engineering, which certifies the plant has been in operation in accordance with curtailment requirements as feasible. Daily Cogeneration Plant Reports for the dates of November 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019 are attached for your review. (Attachment 3) On May 29, 2019, sound testing was conducted at Villa Balboa. In addition, sound testing was conducted at various locations previously identified by previous noise consultant to measure ambient noise. The results indicate that the ambient noise in surrounding areas was 56dB and that all external measurements should be compared to 56dB, since the code references 50dB or ambient, whichever is greater. In addition, all internal measurements should be compared to 46dB, since the code references 40dB, whichever is greater. 5 12 coag Mitigation Measures and PC Text Requirements In that no new major construction or additions has occurred over the last year, Hoag's focus is to fulfill the requirements that were oriented to noise mitigation and aesthetic improvement. For your reference, the relevant mitigation measures and PC Text requirements are addressed below. Mitigation Measure 3.4-9 Cogeneration Plant Noise Although the last sound testing showed compliance at the cogeneration plant, Hoag continues its diligence to operate and maintain the plant below the required sound levels. The Hoag team is focused on continually reducing the noise levels in and around the plant. Some of the ongoing improvements include: • A custom built sound enclosure has been installed around the flare blower. • Nightly rounds conducted by the operators outside the plant to ensure quiet operation. • Shutting down any excess cooling tower fans and motors on cooler nights. • Securing of engines when Hospital load decreases in the evenings. • Slowing down the engine room supply fan on cooler nights or when engines are secured. • Ensuring that scheduled maintenance is completed on time for all sound emitting equipment. • Ensuring that all cogen plant doors are properly sealed and closed tight. Noise —West Hoag Drive 1 Mitigation Measure: Reduce noise levels around the Central Plant ' In the last year no new structure or structures on the Upper Campus were constructed requiring the transfer of buildable square footage from the Lower Campus. 2018-2019 update: Central Utility Plant Cooling Tower fan upgrade - Hoag replaced the motor, gearbox and complete fan assembly for one cooling tower and replaced the fan assembly on the other. The cooling tower fan assemblies were upgraded to a Quiet type as part of infrastructure upgrades in March 2019. These are specially designed to reduce noise that is generated while maintaining cooling efficiency. Hoag continues to keep the roll down door that was installed last year in the closed position as much as possible and only open during activities that require it to be open for direct repair or maintenance. Planned Community Requirements — Landscaping Lower Campus Area 7a—West Parking Area Islands 2018-2019 update: All trees and increased island groundcover areas installed in the Sunset View Lot has substantially increased the visual quality of this area and continue to thrive. Ongoing landscape rounds identify any plants requiring replacement, treatment, irrigation adjustments, pest management, etc. Area 9— North Slope above Retaining Wall 2018-2019 Update: On-going maintenance of this area continues and remains compliant (See photos Attachment 1). 6 1J° a Area 12 Pacific Coast Highway Green Screen This mitigation measure has been completely satisfied per the 2012 Development Agreement Update. 2018-2019 Update: On-going maintenance of this area continues and has remained compliant (See photos Attachment 1). Area 13— Future Parking Lot at base of Wall behind ATP Building 2018-2019 Update: The grid arrangement of canopy shade trees intermixed with plant squares of drought tolerant shrubs continues to thrive, while on-going maintenance of this area continues, this area remains compliant (See photos Attachment 1). Hoag has found a colony of gophers so has initiated pest management and will replace a few damaged plants. Cogeneration Plant 2018-2019 Update: On-going improvements in the growth and coverage of the vines and the trees that were planted last year have taken hold. The vines and trees are reaching full maturity and are providing optimal coverage. A continued maintenance and monitoring program is in place, which will continue to ensure the full maturity of the vines (See photos Attachment 1). 7 20 �\ ��_/ 1 �_ �� I �� 2019 HOAGD . TE - LANDSCAPING PHOTOS Picture# 1: Sunset Lower Parking Lot Landscape (2018) Picture# 2, Sunset r � - Lower Parking Lot Landscape (2019) Created March 2811, 2019 1 Hoag I' Update 2019 2019 HOAG DA UPDATE . • • go Picture #3: Sunset Lower Parking Lot Re-Landscaping (2018) Picture 4: Sunset n Lower • • Re-Landscaping (2019) 2019 HOAG DA • • Picture #5: Lower Sunset Lot Tree island (2018) A � Picture#6 Lower Sunset Lot Tree island (2019) 1 V� l K YY 5 R y a Created March 28", 2019 3 HoagIA Update 2019 2019 HOAG DA UPDATE - LANDSCAPING PHOTOS Attachment# 1 i r= Picture#7: Behind ATP Re-Landscaping (2018) Picture#8: Behind ATP Re-Landscaping (2019) Created March 28t4, 2019 4 Hoag DA Update 2019 20 e, P -4 zn � ._i d ss ric � a � /• _ __ Div P 1. ti C j > L 2019 HOAG DA UPDATE - LANDSCAPING PHOTOS Attachment# ? 1� Picture# 11: Cogen Screen Wall (2018) \\ P f jy a. � i ')� FA Y,a�,, tx s I ` �• r � [� P Picture# 12: Cogan Screen Wall (2019) Created March 28". 2019 6 Hoag DA Update 2019 22 r r4' � L ;4S S? ' ••- 00 Picture 14: r h ••_ 1 • • J , J UPDATE LANDSCAPING • • J `fir. '.,,„,�tt�•m.3`.'r{`�ykri. 'I it •. i4 Elm, � r 4' �t^ T ..- . . . � ' .. p 1 Ati '' A f`: gy�pp{ s$ :ib' �i > �V�xy� 1 1 j ,� ��_ � � � '' r F '4� � , � � Hy. ,: „Ar L 4 k'� r yY r 1 ti �y Y ��` � I t 3 ` � _ � yy YYI�__ i -, {k. 5 ��� �; � {�- e s,,,3 Gt '...: 4 �i R r, ;^ a , �.Y •�- � s C a. .� ��i v� • 4y 't/ `f ��f� }� tl1M'� � � �.). �? r � T }py.�. *� 6 li � 5 � � tA:1�� 'I f Y � xs a x ���,; �y �r o-:H i § �,� "i � .� . �. '.jt �,v ,C l 1 z.,, £ r'� 1 ' -.rr • � � i � ��: '+ � �' �sr' ,;: {� a '�+�,�� <`q"��.'����lr' •�- � �dl s � - _ k� - i A f •` '- an oA Z a x Ail is �ryF, _ ,4k, - 3ip l . ••- 1 _ e`: •�� i 'ter, -L t �{F T t � t .w E Lowerrren, Slope Replanted (2019) Created March 280, 2019 11 HoagDA Update ,f M., ti a '.P i � • 1.1 �• II. 1 • i 35 ATTf�fi,N�tL�1T 3 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN hoag One Hoag Drive, A9265O Box 100 61 Newport Beach,CA 92658-61 OD August 14, 2019 Re: Plume Report Dear Ms. Crager The following pages are the annual plume reports, which normally automatically comes through Crystal Report writing software. In some cases the Crystal report writer did not run correctly, so we had to manually run the reports directly from the system. Therefore, you may notice 2 variations in the way the report looks but Hoag has not modified the data regarding the plume,heat rejection, outside temperature and humidity. Please do not hesitate to contact me should there be any questions. Thank you. Best regards, Roxanna Bryant, MPH, MCR, CHFM Executive Director of Corporate Facility Services Real Estate Facilities Construction & Operations (REFCO) Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian direct 949/764-8010 roxanna.bryant(a)hoag.org I www.hoag.orq Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Hoag Hospital Irvine One Hoag Dnve 16200 Sand Canyon Avenue S�/ Newport Beach,CA 92663 Irvine,CA 92618 .�/"hoag.org Y4Prke ENGINEERING, LLC www.YorkeEngr.com April 15, 2019 Mr. Erik Lidecis Manager of Utilities/Operations Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian One Hoag Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658 E-mail: Erik.Lidecisna Hoal:.org Subject: City Mitigation Measure—Cogen Plume Review Monitoring Period: November 1, 2018—March 31,2019 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian,Newport Beach, CA Dear Mr. Lidecis: Yorke Engineering, LLC (Yorke) reviewed the meteorological data and cooling tower operating data for the subject period to evaluate Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian's (Hoag's) compliance with Section 8.5 of the Development Agreement("Agreement"). SUMMARY Meteorological data was collected from the weather station located at the cogeneration plant for the period starting November 1,2018, and ending March 31, 2019 ("Monitoring Period"). Cooling tower operating data is available for the period from November 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019. The data for this period shows that whenever the ambient temperature was less than or equal to 55 degrees Fahrenheit ff)and humidity was greater than or equal to 60%n, cooling tower heat rejection was reduced at least 33% from the maximum heat rejection capacity. According to graphed data (see attachments), there were no instances during which the temperature and humidity reached plume conditions and the cooling towers exceeded 46.4 million British thermal units per hour(MMBtu/hr) (67%) heat rejection. The meteorological station was out of service and temporarily replaced by the meteorological station from the Upper Campus for the periods from January 23rd to February 13th, and February 276' to March 8". The data from the replacement station was provided, along with the regular cooling tower heat rejection data. Within the Monitoring Period, cooling tower heat rejection was reduced by a minimum of 33% each day regardless of weather conditions,with only one exception(February 15, 2019). Based on the available data, Hoag complied with the Agreement. BACKGROUND Hoag is party to a Development Agreement with the City of Newport Beach entitled Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment in which it agrees to curtail cogeneration plant operations when certain meteorological conditions exist that may result in the formation of a visible plume from the cooling towers. Section 8.5 of the agreement requires Hoag to install a weather station and monitor temperature and humidity. Between November 1st and April 30th, between the hours of 7:00 AM I OS ,ANGELES/OR.ANGE COUNTY/RIVERSIDENENTURA/SAN DIEGO/FRESNO/BERKELEY/BAKERSFIELD 31726 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 218 ♦ San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 ♦ Tel: (949) 248-8490 ♦ Fax: (949) 248-8499 37 Mr. Erik Lidecis April 15, 2019 Page 2 of 3 and 7:00 PM, whenever the relative humidity is greater than or equal to 60% and ambient temperature is less than or equal to 55°F, Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection at the cooling towers by 33%from maximum design capacity. Cooling Tower Heat Rejection Calculation Heat rejection for the cooling towers is calculated as follows: Q = 500 x(Flow I I +Flow 12 +Flow 13 +Flow 14)x(Temperature In—Temperature Out) Where: • Q =heat rejection rate (Btu/hr); ■ Flows 11 to 14 are the water pump flow rates(gal hour)for each of the four cooling towers; ■ Temperature In is the water inlet temperature (°F)to the cooling towers; and • Temperature Out is the water outlet temperature (°F)from the cooling towers. Cooling Tower Maximum Capacity Maximum cooling capacity is calculated assuming all four water pumps operate at 3,150 gallons per minute and the maximum difference between inlet and outlet temperatures is l 1°F. Qmax=500 (3,150 + 3,150+ 3,150+ 3,150) (11)/1,000,000=69.3 MMBtu/hr Heat Rejection Percentage C Heat rejection is calculated on an ongoing basis as the combined heat rejection of the four cooling towers. The percentage reduction from maximum is calculated as: Q°l reduction=(Q—Q—)/Qmax CONCLUSION 1. Hoag operated weather stations that collected temperature and humidity data during the Monitoring Period. 2. Temperature and humidity data were provided to the cogeneration system operators, who are directed to reduce heat rejection from the cooling towers by at least 33% from maximum capacity during the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM whenever temperature is less than or equal to 55°F and humidity is greater than or equal to 60%. 3. For the period of available cooling tower data,from November 1,2018,through March 31, 2019, there were no incidents in which the cooling tower heat rejection was less than 33% reduced from maximum when temperature and humidity both exceeded their trigger thresholds. 1 orke Engineering,LLC 38 Mr. Erik Lidecis April 15, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at(949) 248-8490 x226. Sincerely, 4 V Corina Chang Senior Engineer Yorke Engineering, LLC C Chang_ckYorkeEngr.com cc: Duane Suby,Hoag Hospital Brian Yorke, Yorke Engineering, LLC Peter Moore, Yorke Engineering, LLC Corey Luth, Yorke Engineering, LLC Cyril Jose, Yorke Engineering, LLC Enclosures: 1. Attachment 1 —Section 8.5, Restated Development Agreement, Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment 2. Attachment 2—Daily Reports: Temperature &Humidity& Cooling Tower Heat Rejection (November 1, 2018—March 31, 2019) Yorke Engineemng,LLC 3 C' Attachment No. ZA 3 August 22, 2019 Noise Compliance Report 40 AT1ACHUtENT 2 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting COGen Plant and Upper central Plant Noise Measurements Vpur ref A RU P Our net File ref 12777 West Jefferson Boulevard Suite 100 Building D Roxanna Bryant Los Angeles Hoag.Memorial Hospital Presbyterian CA 90066 One Hoag Drive, United States of America Newport Beach,CA 92658 t+I 310 578 4400 d+1 310 578 4592 f+1 310 8619029 matthew.willdnson/&arup,com www.arup.com 22 August 2019 Dear Roxanna, Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting As requested,please find attached a summary report detailing the recent nighttime noise measurements at Hoag Hospital. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries. Yours sincerely Matt Wilkinson PhD Associate Douglas Nordham Rod 1 Rev D 122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page 1 L �. �:w�rwamu_c"�"Eoauew"ex`"mwwura�xasi'resm��vomrurnhsrwo-os.,4war�asrsmwvomoe- J l Hoag Memonal Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Nose Reporting CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements Executive Summary • As part of their development agreement with the city of Newport Beach; Hoag Hospital performs yearly monitoring of the noise levels from the hospital property. • Arup has conducted nighttime noise measurements at the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian and at adjacent properties (Versailles and Villa Balboa Communities) in Newport Beach, CA to document the 2019 levels. Daytime measurements were not conducted as previous year's measurements (by others)have suggested that mechanical equipment is not audible above traffic noise and other sources during the day. • Measurements were performed on April 22id and May 29t', 2019. As part of this year's measurements ambient noise level measurements were repeated at locations previously measured in 2016 by others. The noise levels measured at locations close to major roadways have increased. • At the Upper Central Plant,external measurements were made at the property line and at an elevated location at approximately 20ft above the raised planter area. Measurements were also made at a location inside the bedroom of unit#217. • The level measured at the elevated external position at Versailles was 51dBA Leq. The level measured inside apartment#217 with the window O fully open was 43dBA Leg. • Noise measurements along the property line at 5ft above ground level adjacent to the Upper Central Plant were all found to be compliant with City Code Requirements. • Noise measurements were made adjacent to the loading dock areas and these measurements were all found to be compliant with the levels in the development agreement. • At Villa Balboa,measurements were conducted on the balcony and the interior of a residence (013) located on the fagade facing the CoGen Plant. • The external level measured at Villa Balboa was 48dBA Leq. The interior noise level measured at Villa Balboa was 41 dBA Leq. • Since our measurements in 2018,the following upgrades have been made to the equipment in the Upper Central Plant. o Cooling Tower#1 —Motor, gearbox, fan assembly. o Cooling Tower#2—fan assembly RN RR.`D 1222 A.gust 20191 Arup North America Ltd Paget O xmR.1 aswEcr onrnum eam rso�eaa sxorsmie3orsxasE rssnxcvorsm _ _ _ uc rani uunuseresnx_u o Hoag Memonal Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting COGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements 1 1 Introduction This report was prepared by Atop North America Ltd("Arup")at the request of and for the benefit of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian("Hoag") in Amp's contractual capacity as Acoustic Consultant to conduct nighttime noise measurements at the adjacent residences for the purposes of Hoag's annual reporting obligation to the City of Newport Beach("the Report"). The limited purpose of this Report is to present a summary of recent ambient noise surveys conducted by Amp at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, CA on April 22'and May 291h,2019. The Report takes into account Hoag's particular instructions,requirements and priorities at this time and is meant to be read as a whole. As part of the development agreement(DA)between the hospital and the adjacent residential developments,Hoag monitors the noise levels yearly from mechanical equipment noise. The DA states that noise from the Hoag Hospital property must not exceed the code requirements from Newport Beach City Municipal code. The two most significant noise generating sources on the Hoag Hospital Campus are the Upper Central Utility Plant Building and the CoGen Plant Building. As shown in Figure 1 below,the Upper Central Plant building is located at the Northeast of the Hoag Hospital Campus. It is bounded by Hospital Road to the North and the Hoag Road to the West. The Versailles community is located to the west of Hoag Road and the nearest residential building is highlighted below. R041 Rev D 122 August 20191 Arup North Amehca Ltd Page an'.tvrzc:ec _aewxn r..arumsrzc:xs:e xn:>uoiss:ssaxcamsoo- Haag Memorial Hospital Presbytenan Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting CoGem Plant and Upper Central Rant Noise Measurements __— it 7 i' d ` s ' h r , 1 I Y L v� is r>y� l � tx Til Figure I -Location of the Upper Central Utility Plant Building(highlighted blue)and the nearest noise sensitive receiver(highlighted in red). The red-dotted line shows the approximate location of the property line. [Source:Google Earth] The CoGen Plant is located to the southeast of the Hoag Hospital Campus adjacent to Superior Avenue,Pacific Coast Highway.The most southeasterly building located at the Villa Balboa development is the nearest noise sensitive receiver in this case. The relative locations are shown in Figure 2 below. R041 RevD122 August20191 Arup Notlh America Ltd Page O srvaLoae:eer_or.rIuas xeaaers waw.nves¢a:scs:e ao:srvwse tesnru¢o:sos _ ...asnTAlcw[rvc.nruwuxrrvoisssssnrvc xsvo.mcx l Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Nose Reporting CoGen Plant art Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements I I 6_�• k _F S . d a t a 6r fix• 4,��. a 4. :4 v Figure 2 -Location of the CoGen Plant Building(Highlighted blue)and the nearest noise sensitive receiver(highlighted in red). The red-dotted line shows the approximate location of the property line. [Source: Google Earth] 2 City of Newport Beach Noise Standards The most recent amendment to the development agreement between Hoag Hospital and the City of Newport Beach states in clause 1.17 that the noise generated and originating from the property be governed by the City Municipal Code. The relevant sections of Chapter 10.26 of the City Municipal Code are quoted or described in Section 2.1 below. 2.1 Noise Criteria Noise level criteria for external and internal areas of noise sensitive spaces established by the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code are quoted below: Section 10.26.025-Exterior Noise Standards The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all property with a designated noise zone: �i R041 Rev D 122 August 2019I Amp North Amanda Ltd Page 5 xi e�wmw�rvn'anctpao)[ci wing,wsAsaoaiywaannvasnoisosie�ois xus[rasnrvanauz :r,..e seetire..a.nurmrse.e:nr<aeom�x 45 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reposing Corson Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements O NOISE TYPE OF LAND USE ALLOWABLE EXTERIOR NOISE ZONE LEVEL E uivalent Noise Level.L, 7 a.m.to 10 .m. 10 .m.to 7 a.m. I Single-.two-or multi le-famil -residential 55 dBA 50 dBA II Commercial 65 dBA 60 dBA III Residential poniotIS of mired-use ro erties 60 dBA 50 dBA IV Industrial or M an UffiCUITing 1 70 dBA 70 dBA If the ambient noise level exceeds the resulting standard,the ambient shall be the standard. B. It is unlawful for any person at any location within the incorporated area of the City to create any noise,or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person,which causes the noise level when measured on any other property,to exceed either of the following: 1. The noise standard for the applicable zone for any fifteen-minute period; 2. A maximum instantaneous noise level equal to the value of the noise standard plus twenty(20) dBA for any period of time(measured using A-weighted slow response). C. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds the noise standard,the maximum O allowable noise level under said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level. R The Noise Zone III standard shall apply to that portion of residential property falling within one hundred(100)feet of a commercial property, if the intruding noise originates from that commercial property. E. If the measurement location is on boundary between two different noise zones, the lower noise level standard applicable to the noise zone shall apply.(Ord.95-53 § 1, 1995; Ord. 95-38 § 11 (part), 1995) Section 10.26.030Interior Noise Standards. A. The following noise standard,unless otherwise specifically indicated,shall apply to all residential property within all noise zones: NOISE TYPE OF LAND USE ALLOWABLE INTERIOR NOISE ZONE LEVEL lE uivalent Noise Level,La 7 a.m.to 10 .m. 10 .m.to 7 a.m. I Residential 45 dBA 40 dBA III Residential portions of mixed-use properties 45 dBA 40 dBA BEA[Rev 0122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page �l 1 cw x_ _ rSoNTA_'G-":x.`e�aN.n°iaurimorrTS�.apREvomc,v�z.re«.r,�ororniserernw�r�. v Haag Memorial Hospital Presbyteden Hoag Hospital Newpont Beach Annual Noise Report, CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements If the ambient noise level exceeds the resulting standard,the ambient shal I be the standard. B. It shall be unlawful for any person at any location within the incorporated area of the City to create any noise or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such a person which causes the noise level when measured on any other property, to exceed either of the following: I. The noise standard for the applicable zone for any fifteen-minute period: 2. A maximum instantaneous noise level equal to the value of the noise standard plus twenty(20)dBA for any period of time(measured using A-weighted slow response). C. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds the noise standard,the noise standard applicable to said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level. D. The Noise Zone III standard shall apply to that portion of residential property falling within one hundred(100)feet of a commercial property, if the intruding noise originates from that commercial property. E. If the measurement location is on a boundary between two different noise zones,the lower noise level standard applicable to the noise zone shall apply. (Ord. 95-53 §2, 1995; Ord.95-38 § 1 I (part), 1995) The measurement methodology described in the municipal code states that`the location selected for measuring interim noise levels shall be made within the affected residential (� unit. The measurements shall be made at a point at least four feet from the wall, ceiling or floor, or within the frame of a window opening, nearest the noise source. The measurements shall be made with widows in an open position. (Ord 95-38§ 11 (part), 1995)' 10.26.015 Decibel Measurement Criteria. Any decibel measurement made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be based on a reference sound pressure of twenty(20)micropascals as measured with a sound level meter using the A-weighted network(scale)at slow response.(Ord.95-38 § 11 (part), 1995). The ratio of sound pressures which we can hear is a ratio of 106:1 (one million:one).For convenience,therefore,a logarithmic measurement scale is used. The resulting parameter is called the [sound pressure level' (Lp)and the associated measurement unit is the decibel(dB). As the decibel is a logarithmic ratio,the laws of logarithmic addition and subtraction apply. dBA is the unit used to define a weighted sound pressure level,which correlates well with the subjective response to sound. The `A' weighting follows the frequency response of the human ear,which is less sensitive to low and very high frequencies than it is to those in the range 500Hz to 4kHz. In some statistical descriptors the `A' weighting forms part of a subscript,such as LAaq for the 'A' weighted equivalent continuous noise level. R04I Rev 0122 August 20191 Amp North Amence Ltd Page 7 anupaw.cirodtEnrt Nd_a DccX :sacisasie xoaxcis=i[snw'u[vsm. v_ _ GwSNT Cocspcarvrwmrurtxoiseiesiirvs_�vo.vrx I� Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Nei Beach Annual Nose Reporting CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements The Newport City Code uses a typical index for assessment for overall noise exposure, O this is the equivalent continuous sound level,Lq. This is a notional steady level which would, over a given period of time,deliver the same sound energy as the actual time- varying sound over the same period. Hence fluctuating levels can be described in terns of a single figure level. 2.2 Site Ambient Noise Level In section 10.26.010 of the city code,the ambient noise level is defined as 'the all- encompassing noise level associated with a given environment, being a composite of sounds from all sources, excluding the alleged offensive noise, at the location and approximate time at which a comparison with the alleged o,�ensive noise is to be made.' In this case the ambient noise level would be affected by sources such as traffic, aircraft and mechanical services equipment(from all buildings other than those located on the Hoag Hospital Campus). To determine the 'ambient noise' level representative measurements would need to be made at locations with representative levels of traffic and other such noise sources but with minimal contribution from hospital equipment and operations. Site ambient noise measurements were conducted(by others)during the 2016 measurements ('2016Acouslical Measurement Test Report'-RSAcoustics). Locations were chosen to minimize the contribution from hospital equipment. The locations are shown in Figure 3 below together with the locations of the CUP and CoGen Plant buildings. l l 2 ` e 3 I s% a . Figure 3 -Locations for Ambient Noise Measurements(Measurements conducted by others,March 2016). Nighttime measurements were made at these locations on May 29`h, 2019 between the hours of tam and 4am to determine whether the ambient conditions have changed since the reported levels measured in 2016. R041 Rev D 122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page—iscill /`\ vaaJurtwuatiFoivu moisEte rvc e ' 11r x en—I r_ aw ae. v..e s2eo a caasei _ -mac x _ omu / Q Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbytenan Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Ri,,Ho, CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements Loc ltion' Location_description. ._ Measured Noise Gevel;01 A Leg tsm;n ;. Daytime Nighttime Nighttime - (2016) (2016) (2019) 1 Superior Ave&Sunset 58 50 56 View Park 2 Hoag Rd& Sunset View 62 54 46 Park 3 Old Newport Blvd& 69 54 59 Catalina Dr Table I -Measured'Ambient'Noise levels dBA Lg(2016 measurements by RS Acoustics) At location 1,the ambient noise was dominated by traffic pass-bys,where cars were noted passing by approximately one per minute. The cooling towers from the CoGen plant were audible between car pass-bys. Noise was also noticeable from an exhaust fan at what we understand is a vault housing AT&T equipment,approximately 50ft from the measurement location. The noise level measured at this location is higher than that measured in 2016. Location 2 is very close to the hospital grounds,the noise levels at this location are dominated by mechanical noise from the hospital H VAC equipment with occasional contributions from cars exiting the Parking structure. The sprinklers from the adjacent Villa Balboa grounds also turned on during the measurement. Noise levels at location 3 were dominated by noise from traffic on Old Newport Road and Newport Blvd. This location was also affected by helicopter pass-bys. Section 10.26.025 of the municipal code(See Chapter 2.1) states that the maximum measured ambient noise level shall be the noise limit if the ambient exceeds the limits defined in the code. The measured ambient noise levels exceeded the prescriptive code limits at the two locations exposed to the most traffic. It can be argued that the noise levels closest to the Villa Balboa unit(Location 1)should be used as the ambient noise level in this case, setting a limit of 56dBA for external measurements. Ambient noise levels were not measured at a location representative of the measurement location at the Versailles fapade. Further measurements are required to determine R041 Rev 0122 August 20191 Amp North Amerira Ltd Page 9 rut as avesmisas.e m xnse+ernrcvmeoe. �q Hoag Memorial Hosptal Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Repseng CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements whether ambient noise levels have increased at this location as a composite of all noise O sources. 3 Survey Methodology 3.1 Dates and Times 3.1.1 Daytime Noise Levels Noise levels measured by others during the 2016 noise assessment note that they ,observed the majority of ambient noise was due to traffic on Superior Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway, ocean waves, and noise from the underground transformer on Superior Avenue was also slightly audible. Noise from the cooling lowers and cogeneration facility were inaudible during the daytime tests.'(`2016 Acoustical Measurement Test Report'-RSAcoustics)The contribution from the mechanical equipment could not be effectively isolated from the ambient noise sources during daytime measurements. As the traffic systems do not appear to have been altered since these measurements were made,it is assumed that the contribution from traffic,the most dominant source,remains the same. In addition, the typical operation of the central plant has not increased over the last year,and all efforts have been made to reduce noise levels where possible. It was therefore concluded that the mechanical equipment could still not be isolated from the daytime ambient noise,and the focus of the noise measurements should be limited to the O nighttime noise levels. 3.1.2 Nighttime Noise Levels The most recent nighttime measurements were conducted by Joey Panlertkitsakul, Matthew Wilkinson and Jeffrey Friedlander from Arup on Monday,April 22"2019 from 12am to 4:00am,with further measurements on May 29°i 2019 between 2am and 4am. These are typically the time periods with the lowest expected ambient/background noise (from traffic activity and other sources)to isolate equipment noise. aoal Rev o,PznuguEl Eo*sinrnv Nenb Amenea ua Page tO O - - - aE 1„�eein�j.��E Haag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport capon Annual Noise Reporting ceder Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements 3.2 Survey locations and Methodology 3.2.1 Upper Central Plant measurements I-ouption I. t approx.1�C55}-^.• "-^--. 30 bo eraised d,ls Plmnv area 6 s low! i MussurrodnilF -a rcpnurmplivc ofY°fir Wlcom, incrophers,at approx.5' 349 from h,adc — above ground IcveS at the gProximae property line a, A 3 Is � 1 �- �' Louxtion3-M<aarmJ r.iN -croVhonc nt vppmx 5 l _ - approxanaepropcm lin< 0 LaauionJ-wresrcd 1,11h rophone a approx abme ground ic.xi.st@e 'Proximate property line p Figure 4-Nighttime measurement locations at Upper Central Plant[Source: Google Earth]. C� Attended measurements were conducted around the Upper Central Plant site(see Figure 4) at the property line. These locations were chosen to be representative of the property line measurement locations measured in previous years. Measurements were also made at an elevated position near the center of the fagade of the nearest residential building in the adjacent Versailles gated community. This measurement location is representative of the levels which may be experienced at the nearest balcony area. These measurements were at least 15 minutes or more in duration,to extract the background noise levels of Hoag Hospital equipment without the contribution from transient events such as ambulance and traffic pass-bys. RN I Rev p 122 August 2019I Amp Norm America Ltd page 11 22 wrpxw[c*J.wrn'ana_v vaars rvrew.nvesao�setie mis xdsa iesnro¢msx _ _ nwas�lcoc rvcemast.vuvrwrs[i[says�rtiomcx 51 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Haag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements 3.2.2 COGCn Plant Measurements Location 9- pti.. Closest fagode at Unit 4313. Attended measurements were made in accordance with the guidance in the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 10.26.030 at Unit 9313 in the Villa Balboa complex.A measurement was made at the balcony and within the dining room(as previously measured) in the unoccupied unit on the fayade facing the CoGen Plant Bui]ding and representative of the unit with the worst case exposure to noise. 0 R041 Rev D 122 August 20191 Arup North America Ltd Page 12 �\ xx aw'r 2�s'w'°° hTEE A'ROo�nuTn TA'�ix R'e�°Anvss201 bnj fangs=resnn'ao14oa. 0 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Nevryan Beach Annual Noise Reporting Concert Plant and Upper Central Rant Noise Measurements I 1 3.2.3 West Road/]Loading Dock Measurements Lo,mmns M,rovhl�omsn r � ' y _ � aboty floorinel opposh.the J y IN dic[an Iaadw6 dod � � it I Lo,zuonfi Microphooc at I } H spit 1p pm'1 � 'r- 'I .APP t 1 Sfifl from tM1c � oil Bp Lu tu] M tho cat V ele Ipo Y Isemthe sJJJ II P[Ip pin Ile.App ly fifl h ,the >aa R 11 it, <p I I� r � -� �IlllllAlU I Ip Loca on 8 Mi,repliorit u ,icvetcdp 1 loth, ,."u i p P n lint. O Noise IP 5 ffl the BoBart Ya ppo loading _J d & t� is Figure 5-Measurement locations on the West Road Attended measurements were made along the west road at the hospital to measure the noise levels generated by mechanical equipment associated with the loading docks and the hospital buildings. Locations were chosen to be in line with the measurements made in 2016 by RS Acoustics. Elevated positions were used to measure at a location closer to the elevation of the noise source. { Roo I Rev D[22 August 20191 Arno Nolan America Ltd Page 13 szo,a.o6Ii3—,uIse.s,,,w,— ir`«�_ c' vut�acelKemwisurl"wis:e3:`ri°AEyo aow,nve Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoa9 Hospital Newport Beall Annual Noise Repoding CeGen Plant and Upper Central%ant Noise Measurements 3.3 Egnipment Settings The following settings were applied to the equipment at each site during the measurements: CoGen Plant. • 4 Cooling Towers running,with 3 fans running. The fans were set to manual during the measurement period and the drives set to full speed. These operating conditions would only occur at extreme conditions and not typical. Upper Central Plant • The following equipment was operational during the tests. These operating conditions are representative of all year round conditions and will not be exceeded barring emergencies.These are the maxhnum nighttime operating conditions which were adopted as a result of the previous hearings. 0 2 Chillers 0 2 Cooling Towers—Fans set to manual at 80% speed 0 3 Condenser pumps at 80%duty o Sand Filter off o Boiler room door closed 'the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services(CMS),Title 22 Health and Safety Code (state) and Title 24(building code)requires hospitals to maintain proper temperature and O humidity within the hospital and for special areas such as procedural areas, operating rooms,sterile storage, sterile instrument processing, labor and delivery rooms, critical care rooms,preop,recovery areas(which is almost the entire hospital). CMS and California Department of Public Health references ASHRAE,NFPA and AORN to ensure tight parameters for temperature which vary by type of area and humidity between 30-60%. To maintain these narrow ranges of temperature and humidity, Hoag must utilize the central utility plant and cogeneration plant to stay in compliance. Hoag has stated their commitment to managing these utility plants to the highest efficiency and minimizing equipment usage (and therefore noise)as much as possible while maintaining compliance. 3.4 Equipment The equipment used for the measurements was as follows: • Rion NL-52 Sound Level Meter • Rion Preamplifier NH-21 • Rion Microphone UC-59 • Rion Calibrator type NC-74 • Rion Microphone Extension Cable EC-04B(3011.) R04 I Rev D 122 August 2019 I Amp North Ametioa Ltd Page 14 O ix1+a<l�ncexosgai-%nLeoe[�[rvrw,�vu.*uciss-�iasR No�vo m�nv[s'taiecb+e,oiervois[*[snrw'to+wm r Hoag Mereenal Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Ne,,ort Beach Annual Hase Reporting CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements • Rion AS-70 waveform software • Bruel and Kjaer 2270 • Bruel and Kjaer Calibrator type 4231 The sound level meters and microphones used for these measurements were calibrated before and after use,to confirm there was no significant drift in meter response.The meters are regularly calibrated and this calibration is traceable to international standards. The noise levels were recorded as real time calibrated uncompressed audio(*.wav tiles) and post processed using the `Slow' weighting required by the Newport Beach Municipal code- 4 Sound Level Results 4.1 Post Processing To isolate the steady noise levels generated by the equipment,measurements were taken to be longer than the required 15 mins and post processed to determine the level without transient events such as traffic. This is effectively the same process as manually "pausing"the measurement during these events but reduces the influence of manual measurement error to better isolate the steadier mechanical equipment noise source. Figure 5(i)below shows an example un-processed measurement with the transient events in the time history. The time history shown in Figure 5(ii) below is the same measurement with the transient events removed- Once the transient events have been removed the equivalent sound level(dBA Lag) is re- calculated to determine the noise level generated by the mechanical equipment. R04 I Rev U 122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page 15 rouJm[ervelmm=_ei ain'.wsA`Pop*sJUAannvas¢otecsm�manoise ieSn G$a n p p crosPi -e�_nra.r=�.xvaieErecn.G p rawc, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Nose Repommy CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements i Transient events such as traffic pass-bys lll��Vllli/�111 temporarily produce k ® II hitch noise levels I y ° Ji OI 1� I p l l 16 i '1 I ( II , I rid �litl I I � IHI 1 nt 1���_ . I 'l t, I�� 1 I �It ) �� 'iI ! [� 11J I��rU,�l'i� 1a'1 1 1 V' � ♦ � I P � A '� Yt♦' Mechanical noise is e - I steady noise source and makes up the background noise level ,Eftten ' I:, _ v . V vJ �} Y.;v v Y'AP Vi_%.`j O Mechanical noise is a VV steady noise source and still can be identified after transient events have been removed Figure 6—Villa Balboa Unit 9313 Balcony measurement-before and after transient events (marked with red circles)have been removed R041 Res DI22August2019lAmp Nona America Ltd Page 16 O 'i2 RO uAGKo AnTACC,aa�'eE«r'a°J`n`.Tm o5:fr8TiIN aRS2aa x ve:voscsie_:oisewse,e:nncz„ara. A_umoe Hoag Memorial Hosptal Presbyterian Hoag Hospital Newport Beall Annual Noise Reporting '^\ C.Gen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements 10 t— 4..+YJ1-"ILv�..y_W - - -- - ---- --- -- -- --- - - -- - ----- -- - ---- - ---- - --- - Figure 7 -Elevated measurement at Versailles approximately 20ft above raised planter area before and after transient events (marked with red circles)have been removed Roo l Rev D 122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page 17 I Iv e alA,I. �rs Ntq%VFFssOl osmC ees:ejnarvalSE:esnr.cvoiwv XaSpT' CCE N urviNolaajgmqEae, 22 August 2019 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting CoGen plant and Upper Central Rant Noise Measurements 4.2 Subjective Observations O The background noise levels during the measurement periods were dominated by the noise from mechanical services in both the CoGen plant area and the Upper Central Plant area. As can be seen from Figure 5 and 6 there were several traffic passbys during measurements. The dominant noise source along the west road was mechanical noise from hospital buildings. Other noise sources included distant aircraft noise, hospital activity and occasional distant site traffic. 4.3 Noise measureinents 4.3.1 Upper Cartral Plant _ Measured Newport City Noise Level, Code dBA L,y Requirement;' Location Date/T ne - dBA L:a. Location 1,Elevated microphone 529/19- 51 50 or measured position at 20ft above raised planter 359a1n ambient noise area,34it from the fagade, level representative of the nearest 2aa floor balcony. Location I(a)—inside the bedroom 4/22/19— 43(approx.3ft 40' of apartment 217 in Versailles with 2:23am from the open the window filly open. window) 42(approx.5ft —2 min measurement) 40(approx. loft-2 min measurement) Location 4—microphone 5ft above 4/22/19- 49 50 or measured ground level at the property line 3.09am ambient noise between the tennis courts and the level Upper Central plant. Location 3—microphone 5ft above 4/22/19- 46 50 or measured -.round level at the property line 3.46am ambient noise location located between the fagade level R04 1 Rev D 122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page 18 O SwmwJrvi[rzrve�pamEciy<in'wnA`-aoarzJrmaeirv[:'onaesfe�oiervo¢E iEsnw'¢uaro �_ _ crvcsE _ Er._Exifuseurrtrvws[i[sn,w-x- mcx 22 August 2019 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting CoGen Rare ar d Hipp.,Central Rant Noise Measurements - Measured Newport-CRY - - _ - Nmsc Level, Code - - - dBA-L__.g _Requirement; -' Location - _ Date%Time dBA Lsq of the Versailles condominiums and the Upper Central Plant. Location 2—microphone 5ft above 4/22/19 48 50 or measured ground level at the property Irate 3.28am ambient noise close to the intersection of Hoag Rd level and Hospital Road. Table 2 -Measured Noise Levels, 15 minute dBA Ley(re 20µPa) *lfthe e.viernal noise criterion is increased based on the measured ambient level. the internal criterion should increase by the same anion. 4.3.2 CoGen Plant Building - - Measured NewporPURY Noise Level, 'Code - - _ - dBA Ley Requirement; Locatlon . Date/TIare - - dBA 1,q - Location 9(a)-Villa Balboa,Unit 5/29/19- 48 50 or measured 4313,Outdoor Balcony 2:OOam ambient noise level Location 9(b)-Villa Balboa,Unit 5/29/19- 41 40* #313,Inside dining room with large 2.58am sliding window hilly open (microphone at4ft from window opening) Table 3-Measured Noise Levels in Unit 9313, 15 minute Ley, dBA(re 20µPa) "Lj1he external noise criterion is increased based on the measured ambient level,the internal criterion should lnerease by the same amount. R04 I Rev D 122 August 20191 A,up North America Ltd Page ig �t=n„Ee.e,r. arPoarz was„NE:,:o,a�,e,e,sna:E.E:„ ,:e, n a o�osoi ni �ar+�en*zaouxrnwseremxv ee,naoCx �9 22 August 2019 Hoag Hospital Nenpon Beach Annual Noise Regarding CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements 4.3.3 West Road/Loading Dock Measurements ' - ,Measured Development Noise Level; �Agreement - ABA G,y 12e4uireagent, Location Date/TLme dBA Ley Location 5,microphone 511 above 4/22/19— 49 55 ground level opposite the dietary 1.45am loading dock Location 6—Microphone located at 4/22/19- 50 55 elevated position on telescoping 1.22am tripod opposite the ancillary building Location 7—Microphone located at 4/22/19- 51 55 elevated position on telescoping 0.43anr tripod opposite West Tower Location 8—Microphone located at 4/22/19- 51 55 elevated position on telescoping 0.22am tripod opposite the main loading dock 4.4 Discussion O 4.4.1 Ambient noise measurements Ambient noise measurements were repeated this year at the locations measured by the previous acoustic consultant. These measurements show that ambient noise levels have increased at the locations exposed to the major traffic routes and has reduced at the location closest to the hospital grounds. The noise levels measured at the exterior location across the site due to the mechanical equipment only are significantly lower than the contribution from the major traffic routes at the quietest time of night. 4.4.2 CoGen Plant Noise levels measured at the external location at Villa Balboa are below the 50dBA Le,1 nighttime criterion required by the Newport Beach City Noise Code. Noise levels measured at the interior location at Villa Balboa exceed the nighttime internal noise code requirements by 1 dB. It should be noted that these measurements were taken in a furnished dining room and with the large sliding window in this area fully open. This measurement was made at the minimum required distance from the window. Noise levels further from the opening are likely to be below this level and compliant with the noise code requirements. RN I Rev a 122 August 2019 I Arup North America Ltd page 20 O ERNAURaECr_oetwu REPOR7SJ Raernemotsmi 1_2moN oise rZsnvavmo-m n_ _ exesvi n=wEucEx+Rr.s>uxmassrEsnus ItEv000cx 00 22 August 2019 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise RepoNng CoGen Plant and Upper Central Plant Noise Measurements It should be noted that the dining room was fully famished with hard flooring, gypsum board walls and ceilings and minimal soft furnishings. If more sound absorbing finishes were installed in this space this could potentially halve the reverberation time. Although the level at 4ft from the open window may be dominated by the direct noise level,the reverberant noise level build up would be reduced with the soft furnishings and it is reasonable to expect that a 1 dB reduction could be achieved. The dining room location was chosen as the worst case with a window facing the CoGen plant. The bedroom, as the apartment is currently set out, has a window which does not overlook the CoGen plant building and as such would likely experience lower noise levels if this space was tested. In our experience, both the exterior and interior measurements would not both be measured to determine compliance. The external measurement is generally set to ensure that the internal level can be achieved. In addition, it was noted in section 2.2 that the ambient noise level from all sources measured at this location has increased and that it could be argued that 56dBA should be used as the external noise criterion. As such, if the external criterion is increased, the internal criterion should also be increased to 46dBA. 4.4.3 Upper Central Plant Noise levels from the Upper Central Plant measured at the Versailles property line adjacent to the residential fagade at street level are below the 50dBA Leq nighttime criterion required by the Newport Beach City Noise Code. The Noise level measured opposite the entrance to the Upper Central plant and adjacent to the tennis courts now achieves code requirements after the installation of the roll up door at the entrance to the Central Plant. The Noise level measured at the elevated position at the Versailles fagade exceeds the nighttime requirements by 1dB. This 1 dB exceedance of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code, is not subjectively audible. The human ear does not generally perceive decibel differences of less than 3dB. Noise levels were measured inside a unit at Versailles for the first time this year. Due to the layout of furniture within the bedroom, it was not possible to locate the meter at 4ft from the open window, therefore the location was marginally closer at 3ft. This measurement was 43dBA which exceeds the city code requirements. Short term (2 min) measurements were made at other locations within the bedroom, at 5ft from the window, slightly off axis, and at loft from the window on the other side of the bed. A reduction in level was noted as the distance from the window increased and at 1 Oft from the window, the code requirements could be achieved. Hoag Hospital has made material changes at the Upper Central Plant to reduce noise levels at the property line and fagade. These upgrades have been completed since last years' measurements. These include: • Cooling Tower#I —Replacement of motor, gearbox and fan assembly. • Cooling Tower 42—Replacement of fan assembly. R04I Rev D 122 August 20191 Amp North America Ltd Page 21 �•./ s��M=_nwiaao�[cipnin'.wsAEPoms w.wuirvssxacse xoia nds[resnrcioisa^ � 3aonmu coce�ain.numaosararnip nepnpoex �2 22 August 2019 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Annual Noise Reporting Cease Plant and Upper Central Rant Noise Measurements A comparison of the noise levels measured at the Versailles facade location in 2016, 2017 and 2018 is shown in Figure 8 below(It should be noted that the operating conditions for the 2016 values were slightly different from the following years,the CTs were both running at 75%). 65.0 - - - - - - - 60.0 55.0 .— 0 45.0 - I 40.0 - — - - 35.0 'o 30.0 25.0 20.0 63 125 250 500 lk 2k 4k 8k Octave Band Center Frequency(Hz) —2018-atfa6ade —2017-at facade —2016-atfa4ade —2019-at farade V Figure 8-Spectral noise levels treasured at the Versailles fapade There is a slight increase in level at high frequency, however, the low frequency elements have reduced, potentially due to the cooling tower fan upgrade. This low frequency element is audible at the Versailles location due to the line of sight to the CT fans. 4.5 Garit5cations Arup's services are performed within the limits of the project as prescribed by Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in a manner consistent with the level of skill and care currently exercised by members of the same profession practicing in similar conditions in the same locality. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is included hereunder. The Report has been prepared for the exclusive benefit of Hoag and no other party. No responsibility is undertaken to any third party in relation to the Report and Arup assumes no liability to third parties with respect to the use of any information, opinions or findings disclosed in the Report. END OF REPORT Roo l Rev D 122 August 20191 Amp North A,nenca Ltd Page 22 t / namuJu;[xant=a�.[ri w;�.ws_aerov;sl+,e.u:rv[s'tafwz,n)o,ervws=i[snxcxu,sas \/