HomeMy WebLinkAbout3a_Draft minutes of October 16, 2019CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2019 REGULAR MEETING – 6 P.M. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 6 p.m. II.WELCOME AND ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT:Chair Nancy Gardner, James Carlson, Catherine O'Hara, Ed Selich, Debbie Stevens, Larry Tucker, Paul Watkins, Mayor Diane Dixon (Ex Officio Member) MEMBERS ABSENT: None Staff Present: Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis, Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Associate Planner Ben Zdeba, Administrative Assistant Clarivel Rodriguez III.CONSENT CALENDAR a.Review Minutes of the September 12, 2019 Meeting Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of September 12, 2019. Motion by Committee Member Selich, seconded by Committee Member Tucker, to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2019 meeting as presented. Motion passed 5-0, Selich and Stevens abstaining b.Review Minutes of the September 25, 2019 Meeting Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of September 25, 2019. Motion by Committee Member Selich, seconded by Committee Member Tucker, to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2019 meeting as presented. Motion passed 7-0 IV.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Jim Mosher suggested staff present a summary of recently passed housing laws and their impacts on the City of Newport Beach to the Steering Committee (Committee) and during the Listen and Learn process. V.CURRENT BUSINESS a.October 26, Launch Event and Website Updates No action required. Jenna Tourje, Kearns & West, reported outreach and notifications for the launch event include a Mayor's announcement during the most recent Council meeting; a listing in the City calendar; mentions in City e-blasts; campaigns on Facebook, Nextdoor, Instagram, and Twitter; press GP Update Steering Committee - November 6, 2019 Item No. 3a- Attachment 1 Draft minutes of meeting 10/16/2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes October 16, 2019 Page 2 of 4 releases; and print and digital ads beginning October 18, 2019. Eighteen organizations have confirmed their participation in the launch event and are issuing invitations to the event. Outreach began approximately a week and a half prior to the meeting. Five educational boards about a General Plan, General Plan elements, the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), trends for future General Plan updates, and call-outs will accompany activities. Unfortunately, the Fire Department will not be cooking for the launch event. City departments attending the event will be Fire, Police, Utilities, Public Works, Recreation and Senior Services, and Community Development. Booths will be located in the Community Room and outdoors while Listen and Learn activities will be held on the lawn. An acoustic duo, TK Burgers, and a fire truck will be present. The estimated cost for the event has increased from $5,125 to $6,882. Jim Mosher recommended the General Plan Update and Steering Committee webpages within the City website refer readers to the new General Plan website and mention the launch event. Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis clarified that the notice of the launch event was loaded to the City's main webpage the day of the meeting. Hoiyin Ip questioned the cost and usefulness of door prizes. Committee Member Stevens indicated a notice has appeared in the Stu News, a City email, and a SPON email. Ms. Tourje related that the website is live. The home page lists key dates, project phases, and a link to the General Plan. Each page provides an opportunity for the public to register, comment, and ask questions. Questions and their responses will be published on the website. The "About" tab provides information about the Listen and Learn process. The "Our General Plan" tab lists a description of each General Plan element that links to the existing General Plan elements. In the future, the descriptions will link to the brochure for each element. The public must register on the website in order to provide comments and receive information. Committee Member O'Hara remarked that the "register here" button needs to be more enticing. Nancy Scarbrough noted the list of neighborhoods when registering is not exhaustive. Many people will upload photos to Instagram. Ritch LeGrand asked if the list of elements were those contained in the Newpor t Beach General Plan or a list of State-mandated elements. Jim Mosher suggested the use of Council Districts rather than neighborhoods for registration and placing a map of districts alongside the question for ease of reference. Perhaps the webpage for the community fair could include a means for the community to provide electronically the input they would provide at the community fair. The website should allow the community to include things they do not like about Newport Beach. The General Plan webpage needs more introductory language. Committee Member Carlson suggested placing the Land Use, Circulation, and Housing Elements at the top of the page. In response to questions, Associate Planner Ben Zdeba advised that the Nextdoor post has garnered two “thanks” and 543 reactions. Staff will respond to questions posted on Nextdoor. Ms. Tourje suggested Committee Members may staff the information booth and/or greet attendees during the community fair. The engagement activities will obtain participant input, and participants GP Update Steering Committee - November 6, 2019 Item No. 3a- Attachment 1 Draft minutes of meeting 10/16/2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes October 16, 2019 Page 3 of 4 may complete the online survey. Deputy Community Development Director Jim Cam pbell stated staff will respond to all questions submitted through the website or to Committee Members. Ms. Tourje related that equity is not currently a General Plan element, but it is a General Plan trend. The document library will provide links to community workshop summaries and Steering Committee minutes. The "Get Engaged" page will list upcoming events. Approximately 180 people have visited the website since it went live. Newport Beach is less engaged in social media than other cities; therefore, the team is testing a social media campaign for storytelling week. The Public Information Office approved the use of "free" regarding the community fair. Announcements will change as the process progresses. The launch event has not been advertised outside the City. A map cannot be placed alongside the registration question, and many people do not know the district in which they live. The connection to Newport Beach question will be changed to allow multiple selections. b. General Plan Policies vs. Zoning Code Regulations Recommended Actions: Discuss the difference and how it will be addressed through the Listen & Learn Process. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell anticipated receiving questions concerning zoning and development standards and requested the Committee discuss ways to address those questions. Committee Member Tucker recommended staff elicit details when members of the public pose questions and concerns that relate to Zoning Code issues. Ms. Tourje advised that an educational tool regarding the difference between the General Plan and the Zoning Code will be included in the community fair and placed on the website. Committee Member O'Hara suggested the General Plan webpage include what the General Plan is not. Jim Mosher hoped someone would share the distinction between a General Plan and a Zoning Code, if one exists, during the Listen and Learn process. The General Plan should contain a definition of compatibility. Charles Klobe remarked that General Plan policies manifest in Zoning Code and development standards issues for residents. The public is complaining that the Zoning Code rather than the General Plan is incorrect. Mayor Dixon hoped to set community expectations that a Zoning Code update could follow the General Plan Update. Committee Member Tucker anticipated the Zoning Code would need to be amended to be consistent with recently enacted housing laws. VI. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Committee Member Watkins reiterated a request for a discussion of a statistically significant survey. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell related that the Council District workshops are tentatively scheduled for November 12, 14, 18, 20, and 21 and December 11 and 12. Staff anticipates each workshop extending for approximately two hours. GP Update Steering Committee - November 6, 2019 Item No. 3a- Attachment 1 Draft minutes of meeting 10/16/2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes October 16, 2019 Page 4 of 4 Committee Member Tucker requested a discussion of the role of Committee Members during the District workshops. Chair Gardner and Deputy Community Development Director Campbell expected Committee Members would not lead discussions but could attend and listen during workshops. Chair Gardner assumed the next meeting will include a recap of the launch event and more information about Council District workshops. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell indicated the next agenda will include an item for discussion of traffic. VI.ADJOURNMENT – 7:14 p.m. Next Meeting: November 6, 2019, 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers GP Update Steering Committee - November 6, 2019 Item No. 3a- Attachment 1 Draft minutes of meeting 10/16/2019 November 6, 2019, GPUSC Agenda Comments These comments on items on the General Plan Update Steering Committee agenda are submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item III.a. Review Minutes of the October 16, 2019 Meeting Corrections to the passages from the draft minutes shown in italics below are suggested in strikeout underline format. Page 3 of 4, opening (partial) paragraph, second full sentence: “Ms. Tourje related that equity is not currently a General Plan element, but it is a General Plan trend.” [It would seem wise to present the minutes in the same order statements appear in the video. That is not the case here (part of this paragraph memorializes dialog occurring before the public comments and part made after them). This comment about “equity” appears in response to an inaudible question (committee members should turn on their microphones!) at 29:19. I am guessing the questioner may have been thinking about “environmental justice,” which may be a required element of some revised general plans. The state Office of Planning and Research discusses the difference between environmental justice and the broader concept of “social equity” in the “Equitable & Resilient Communities” chapter of its 2017 General Plan Guidelines (see bottom of page 197).] Page 3 of 4, opening (partial) paragraph, line 6: “Newport Beach is less engaged in social media than other cities; therefore, the team is testing a social media campaign for storytelling week to see if it is effective.” [This statement appears at 32:15 in the video. It seems important to include the qualification that the test was to see how much “bang for buck” the campaign delivered. As explained in the video, the Instagram campaign sought pictures to post on the Newport, Together website. Since no photos have been posted, it appears the bang was “zero.”] Page 3 of 4, Item “b.”, paragraph 3: “Ms. Tourje advised that an educational tool regarding the difference between the General Plan and the Zoning Code will be included in the community fair and placed on the website.” [Undoubtedly said, but I have been unable to find this tool.] Page 4 of 4, paragraph 3: “Deputy Community Development Director Campbell indicated the next agenda will include an item for discussion of traffic.” [Undoubtedly said, but this does not seem to have happened.] Item III.b. Review Kearns & West Invoice for August 2019 I appreciate the public disclosure of this, but no explanation has been provided of what the Steering Committee is supposed to “approve,” or if their approval is required for the consultant to be paid. General Plan Update Steering Committee - November 6, 2019 Items No. III(a)(b)(c) and V(a)(b)(c) 2 Additional Materials Received