HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/2007 - Study SessionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session October 9, 2007 — 4:00 p.nL I. ROLL. CALL Present: Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosansky, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner Excused: Council Member Henn H. 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. In response to a question by Council Member Gardner pertaining to Item No. 5 (Stop Signs at Intersection of Clay Street and Riverside Avenue), Public Works Director Badum indicated that he believed the consultant notified the residents of the proposed installation of the stop signs, as this is part of the Newport Heights traffic calming process. Regarding Item No. 6 (Citizen Survey Contract Award), Council Member Gardner questioned whether staff had put together its list of five comparison cities. City Manager Bludau responded that they will work with the consultant on establishing this list. Council Member Webb stated that he doesn't consider any of the cities listed by the consultant as being comparable to Newport Beach and questioned how to verify or look at the data to ensure that the cities truly are comparable. City Manager Bludau stated that the consultant has access to other information and it's really about working with this firm to arrive at a list of cities that are the most comparable and meaningful to the City. He added that this list could also include cities that the consultant has not previously surveyed. Additionally, the Finance Committee might also suggest cities to be compared. He noted that the list could be brought to Council to ensure everyone is in agreement on the cities to be surveyed. In response to Council Member Daigle's question pertaining to Item No. 10 (OCTA Cooperative Agreement), Public Works Director Badum stated that, due to their financial situation, the TCA will be unable to provide funding for this project and that, with the new Measure M competitive program starting soon, the City may be in a good position to receive a substantial amount of funding for this project in that process. 2. FLUORIDE IN DRINKING WATER. Utilities Director Myrter provided the staff report using a PowerPoint presentation. He spoke to Metropolitan Water District (MWD) changes in the fluoride level and water supply sources, and to the public notification requirements pertaining to fluoridation changes. Volume 58 — Page 284 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes October 9, 2007 Edgar G. Dymally, MWD's Water Quality Section, provided a brief report on the fluoridation implementation program. He noted that the optimal fluoridation level for dental health is determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the rationale behind the fluoridation project is medically related (dental health). In response to Council questions, he stated that the fluoridation of water is a practice that has been in existence since the 1970s; there are several water districts, including Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach, that have a long history of fluoridating their water; he is unsure why the MWD Board had not previously changed the fluoridation level; and that Orange County is represented on the MWD Board. In response to a question by Council Member Curry, Mr. Dymally stated that the fluoridation of water is not a discretionary decision of the Council, and this matter is before the Council as part of the notification requirements. Mr. Dymally reviewed the fluoridation facilities construction schedule, noting that the Diemer plant that services Orange County will begin fluoridating its water on November 19th. He discussed the cost estimates and the reasoning behind staggering fluoridation implementation, and displayed a map indicating when fluoridation will begin He explained their outreach program, which is a regional message given to approximately 350 agencies that receive MWD water. He noted there has been a lot of information/misinformation and their job is to give the facts as accepted, not just by MWD but by other regulatory agencies. He reviewed their roles and responsibilities as a water wholesaler. Utilities Operations Manager Murdoch reviewed the City's water supply, the estimated concentrations of fluoride in the distribution system, and maps depicting pressure zones and flouride levels of the City's ground water and MWD water supplies. He added that flouride levels will vary between 0.2 and 0.8 PPM, the water supply will determine flouride levels, a fluoride monitoring program will be initiated in November 2007, and flouride levels are included in the annual water quality report. Dr. David Kennedy, Fluoride Information Officer for the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, displayed a PowerPoint presentation. Dr. Kennedy stated that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants receive no fluoride; a baby bottle of fluoridated water delivers a dose that would be considered gross malpractice, as it contains a higher dosage than any doctor can currently prescribe; and cities have a duty to inform their water customers of this potential harm to their children. He added that the use of fluoridated water during a child's formative years (pre -birth to approximately 8 years old) can lead to dental fluorosis (i.e. spotting or browning, mottling, more prone to fractures); and the American Dental Association recommends that, if liquid concentrate or powdered infant formula is the primary source of nutrition, it be mixed with fluoride -free water to reduce the risk of fluorosis. In California, dental fluorosis is a proven adverse health effect, which is costly to fix. He recommended that MWD and each of its member agencies warn their water customers. He referenced a presentation available for viewing on You Tube entitled "Poisoned Babies" prepared by Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, who sat on the National Academy of Science for 3 112 years reviewing fluoride issues. He reported that the National Academy of Science voted unanimously that the public health goal for fluoride was not protective. He further stated that cities have a duty to provide water to its constituents that is safe for everyone to drink. Volume 58 - Page 285 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes October 9, 2007 Jeff Green, National Director of Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, stated that MWD is not mandated to fluoridate the water it supplies to communities; the communities never had an opportunity to decide if that was wanted; and, in San Diego, it was indicated there would be no cost to fluoridate the water, however, the cost was concealed in a water treatment charge which is also being seen in other communities. He noted that, since 1988, there have been no Federal safety standards for direct water additives, and the CDC has no jurisdiction over water quality. He added that there are things Council can do, such as 1) ask MWD if they have a study on hydrofluosilicic acid for review and 2) to ask for the data that shows the hydrofluosilicic acid meets United States standards for water additives, has earned certification for use per California law, and completely disassociates. He believed that this is Council's protective duty. As far as passing on the cost of fluoridation, he feels this is not an appropriate Proposition 218 increase, inasmuch as it's not passing on an increase from a supplier for water treatment, but rather it is an additional service. Kristine Carr spoke against flouridating water. Dick Nichols stated that fluoridating water does not help anyone and isn't needed for dental reasons. He questioned the safety of the chemicals, as they are only tested once a year, and how MWD arrived at the correct amount so that the water is safe for all to consume. He added that the decision on fluoride should be made individually. Kathleen Turpin stated that she is horrified about the flouridation of water and is concerned with child endangerment. She requested to know the toxicity of the water she is drinking and stated it is not appropriate to have fluoride snuck into the water supply. She further stated that the voters need to be notified; she will notify all her friends and loved ones about this potential endangerment; fluoridated water does not belong in Newport Beach; and it will decrease property values. Larry Porter urged Council to do everything possible to thwart the addition of fluoride to the water supply. He distributed handouts prepared by the Fluoride Action Network, Lono Kahuna Kupua Ho'ala, and John Emsley. He stated that fluoride is not a benign addition to the water supply for all the reasons expressed by Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Green; fluoride should be applied topically, not ingested; and the health of the City's residents will be better without this chemical. Dolores Otting distributed a pamphlet entitled "Highlights of Congressional Testimony on Fluoride" and displayed a book entitled "The Fluoride Deception" written by Christopher Bryson. She noted that the last paragraph on the third page of the pamphlet cited a comparison between Newburg, NY, which has fluoridated its water for 50 years, and Kingston, NY, which does not fluoridate its water, and they found there was no appreciable difference in the rate of dental decay; however, children living in Newburg did experience higher rates of fluorosis. She added that Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in young men has also been linked to drinking fluoridated water. She believed that the City will expose itself to liability by distributing fluoridated water. She questioned whether fluoride levels in the City's water system will increase over the years, whether evaporation will affect fluoride levels, and whether public pools will be tested regularly. She added that this is a serious issue, as inhalation and absorption of fluoride is at 100 %. She requested copies of the contracts with MWD and Fountain Valley. Barbara Caldwell stated that she purchased Dr. Kennedy's book, as well as Volume 58 - Page 286 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes October 9, 2007 another dentist's book on the matter, has done extensive research on the internet, and is upset that no one gets to vote on this. She asked Council to do anything it can to stop this. Ila Johnson, Costa Mesa resident and registered dental hygenist, stated that she will also be affected by this and is adamantly opposed to this imposition of medication on them. She added that this is being imposed on everyone, while only children in their formative years will benefit from it, if there is truly a benefit. She asked Council not to impose it on its residents and hoped Costa Mesa will do the same. Blythe Fair distributed a handout on fluoride poisoning and stated that she is opposed to being medicated against her will. She implored Council to represent and protect its resident. She indicated that she does not want to have to purchase reverse osmosis, bottled water, or pay more taxes to receive something she doesn't want that may cause health - related issues in the future. She added that learning disabilities and behaviorial disorders, as well as many other health conditions, are often associated with fluoride. She noted that Dean Burk, Chief Chemist at the National Cancer Institute, testified at Congressional hearings that 40,000 cancer deaths in 1981 were directly attributable to fluoride. Chris Sullivan stated that she is opposed to flouridation and being medicated against her will and there are a large number of residents that don't want fluoride added to the water. She asked what alternative the City is offering to them. She believed that Council does have a choice in this matter since they decide whether to purchase water from MWD. She also expressed concern that water runoff into the ocean and bay will impact marine life and plants. She asked that Council not blindly rush into accepting this issue, but to think about the long -term impact on its residents. Portia Weiss pleaded with Council to take into consideration the information presented today and feels they all deserve the freedom of choice not to be medicated and to have pure water. She stated that many of them are trying to eliminate the use of bottled water, as it's linked to carcinogens, and it is not necessary to add another chemical to the environment that could be detrimental to their health. Council Member Gardner believed that this is not public outreach when it's a done deal and this process should have taken place before a decision was made. Since there are so many concerned residents, she suggested asking for a delay in the fluoride implementation process to address the concerns. In response to questions by Mayor Rosansky, Utilities Operations Manager Murdoch stated that the only water supplies are groundwater and MWD water; there are no other alternatives; as members of the Orange County Water District, 82% is the maximum established basin pumping percentage for all pumpers, which is based on the availability of water in the basin; should the City pump more than this percentage, there is a risk of being penalized at three times the cost of the water; if the water demand is reduced, the amount pumped is still only 82% of the water demand; and the City risks being dropped from the Orange County Water District basin for over pumping. Council Member Curry stated that reducing the water demand could result in a drought, which is not an acceptable alternative; and the residents have raised a variety of health issues. He requested that staff listen to the meeting tape and Volume 58 - Page 287 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes October 9, 2007 prepare a series of interrogatories for MWD to respond to relative to the health issues and then post it on the City's website. In response to a question by Council Member Daigle regarding rationing of MWD water, Mr. Dymally stated that he wasn't the appropriate person to address those issues. He added that, when the MWD Board was deliberating the fluoridation issue, many of the concerns expressed today were also heard by the Board; MWD has invested billions of dollars in the safety and treatment of water; and the Board would never do anything to compromise the health of the residents. He further stated that, if the City has questions regarding the health and safety of the water, the appropriate public health official should appear before Council to address those issues; and they have had Federal, State, and local public health officials address their Board, and those officials have insisted that the level being practiced by MWD is safe. Council Member Gardner requested that someone from the Orange County Public Health Agency appear before Council since they initiated this request, and have them answer these questions. a. UPDATE ON CITYWIDE WI -FI (WIRELESS FIDELITY) NETWORK, INCLUDING SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL FROM METRO -FI - Continued. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Dolores Otting stated that, after going through the appropriate health agencies, she finally had to come before Council to address the air conditioning problem at the nursing home where her mother -in -law was staying. IV. ADJOURNMENT- 5:46 p.m. The agenda for the Study Session was posted on October 10, 2007, at 12:10 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. City Clerk Recording Sec tary Mayor Volume 58 - Page 288