HomeMy WebLinkAboutIS014_HANS DICKMAN BOATYARD I54, < ❑ 500 newport center drive, suite 525 • newport beach, california 92660 phone (714) 640.6363 ❑ 2927 newbury street, suite c Uma berkeley, california 94703 phone(415) 841.6840 LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. to 3� lip•- INITIAL STUDY Os a REDEVELOPMENT OF c �° HANS DICKMAN BOATYARD IFILE CC U DO NOT REMOVE PREPARED FOR BEACH '• 3300YNEEWPORTPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PREPARED BY LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 500 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 525 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (714) 640-6363 • OCTOBER 24, 1979 Lsa INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF STUDY This initial study has been prepared in order to assist the City of Newport Beach in assessing the individual and cumulative impacts of the proposed redevelopment of the Hans Dickman Boatyard,,, This study addresses all of the areas where the project could potentially have a significant impact on the environment. • This study has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Guidelines and the City of Newport Beach. PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project is located on the southeast corner of Lafayette • Avenue and 30th Street, in the Cannery Village area of Newport Beach. The site fronts on the Rhine Channel , south of the Cannery Restaurant. The project location is shown on Figure 1 . PROJECT DESCRIPTION • The site is the historic location of the Hans Dickman Boatyard. , -The proposed project would continue the use of the site as a boat yard but would require the demolition of all existing structures and facilities and the construction of new structures and facilities. Specifically, the proposed project would include a new building which would be somewhat larger than the existing building (with a partial second story) . A new bulkhead would be -• constructed along the U.S. Bulkhead Line, and the existing marine railways would be replaced by a marine elevator. The capacity of the boat yard would be increased by approximately one-third. PERMITS • The proposed project would require a use permit, a grading permit, a harbor permit, an Army Corps of Engineers permit and a Coastal Commission permit. • �. FIGURE 1 2 PROJECT LOCATION Lsa a^;\,tae •'i 1 M.T1 -, EceT�B�:' s '. 1 ,f 'yCa •;•, r.,. Ian ' . r'f 1<•• :!. 11 •�`• r•'so, i /O/c• , ,,r06' rr A �x (Zile _ c t �- "' a �' as :i • ��C '��'o�—� r.� [i,� TankS��i—j�=1-�-�`'�,�j \C��� _ � ",p S�- ,� _ � ♦ `�' • ter _ . �- ;� rsifer _P �_<'.-<^ -,Il� -�I( t'r�_-y-�iii?.,,�.(, /.'ll{ r,,9r s•� `Neljp t' to �.,� 9 ♦�n� • 1`tt L� �:,', \� 5t•�• �\ `,�iiO4i �;1� i Js� '4 �O �. •�,�` V�iB1 40 mamn ` \ �_ a-^� i3•- �� l,- O� Q�\ C ter . � :Ale \ - ����•Y � `�nela i � • -. .... moo: -. -1 � � \_--_ /�`\,L•�` � 9 ar ���G . � r aP A'c LiNnt "uU : ° -i \1`NHarbbr �000It • - : .-����'. �.� ' 331ooLighL „ �\ '\ \P.,k\ Ar au �- s, re,as 'Light n � o Par rz j�A 34 e NB PORT BH Bay l' • � �._.�, : 3 U�a' • ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS This study focuses on six issues which potentially could be impacted by the proposed project. These issues include land use, demolition, bulkhead construction, water quality, circulation and access, and parking. LAND USE Existing Conditions. The site is located in Cannery Village, an area, of mixed commercial , light industrial , marine, and visitor-serving facilities. • The site itself has been used for many years as a boat yard. Major uses in';the immediate vicinity of the site include the Bank of Newport, the Cannery Restaurant, the Snug Harbor Restaurant, various retail outlets, and a marine contractors yard. . The site is designated on the land use element of the General Plan as a • mixture of Recreation/Marine Commercial and Industrial . The General Plan calls for the development of a Specific Plan for the Cannery Village. There have been several studies completed in the area; but no plan has yet been adopted. The zoning for the site is M-i . Impacts. Tha proposed project includes as a primary use, the continuation • of the existing boat yard. This is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning for the site and will not adversely impact adjacent uses. The applicant pro- poses to provide additional walkway adjacent to the water and a view area where-people could watch the activities in the boat yard. This project would enhance the marine character of the Rhine Channel area and would preserve much needed marine services. • A secondary use for the project includes approximately 1000 feet of office space on the second floor of the structure. Provided that this office space is used for marine related purposes, it is also consistent with the General Plan and Zoning. 1'he' office space will however, require a use permit in the M-1 zone. Mitigation Measures. None are required. DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION Existing Conditions. The site is immediately adjacent to the Rhine • Channe whic because of its relatively poor water circulation has generally poor water quality. - In addition, debris collects at the end of the channel , and while this is not a serious environmental problem, it is aesthetically unpleasing. a UO Impacts. All of the existing structures will be demolished and removed from the site and new structures constructed. During the demolition process and subsequent construction, there is the potential for debris and pollutants to be spilled into the bay. This is a normal condition adjacent to the bay and the potential impacts can be readily mitigated. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measure is recommended: 1. During demolition and construction activities, debris zviU be prevented from entering the bay through the use of traps and containment booms in a manner satisfactory to the Community • DeveZopment and Marine departments. BULKHEAD CONSTRUCTION Existing Conditions. The site is primarily developed with marine railways and is therefore not bulkheaded. There are small non-structual • bulkheads along portions of the waterway.. Properties on both sides are fully bulkheaded, although the bulkhead to the south is not built out on the Bulkhead Caine. Even though the site is not currently bulkheaded, the ramps are concrete and no inter tidal zone exists on the site. • Impacts. Representatives of the State Department of Fish and Game. (Richard Nitsos) , the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service (Jack Farcher) , and the Nation Marine Fisheries Service (Robert Hoffman) have reviewed the project on-site with members of the City staff. Due to the absence of any inter-tidal zone and the assumed levels of heavy metals in the vicinity of the boat yard, it was generally agreed that the proposed bulkhead would .not have a significant effect provided that the bulkhead is located behind the Bulkhead Line so that there would be no reduction • in the water volume of the Rhine' Channel . Figure 2 shows the proposed project, with the bulkhead at the • Bulkhead Line'between 30th Street and the marine elevator. This configur- ation would maximize boat repair area but would not be acceptable to the Fish and Wildlife Services. Figure 3 shows Alternative A with the proposed bulkhead angled between the existing bulkhead at 30th Street and the existing bulkhead to the south. Because of the area to be dredged for the marine elevator, this configuration would be acceptable to the Fish and Wildlife. • Services, but would severely reduce the land area available for boat . servicing. FIGURE 2 5 PROPOSED PROJECT Lsa NEWPORT BAY PROPOSED MAR [-NE PROPOSED eELEVATOR BULKHEAD U. S . BULKHEAD .LINE 3 • 0 10 20 30 60 LAFAYETTE AVE. FIGURE 3 6 ALTERNATIVE A Lsa NEWPORT BAY PROPOSED . MARINE PROPOSED '- - ~ ELEVATOR BULKHEAD U.S. LKHEAD _LINE O • o 10 zo ao so LAFAYETTE AVE . 7 Lsa . In order to resolve the-conflict between boat repair area and water volume in the Rhine Channel ,' LSA prepared Alternative B (Figure 4) which shows the bulkhead setback from,but parallel to,the Bulkhead Line between" the marine elevator and 30th Street. This maximizes the service area and provides the same water volume as Alternative A. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation is recommended: 2. The project will be redesigned in accordance with Alternative B (Figure 4) and resubmitted to the appropriate agencies for approval. • WATER QUALITY Existing Conditions. As mentioned above, the Rhine Channel has poor water circulation and limited flushing action. Previous water sampling studies have indicated that the water quality in the Rhine Channel is poor. Low levels of dissolved oxygen, concentrations of heavy metals, lack of clarity., and floating debris are the primary problems in the channel . It is assumed that there is a heavy concentration of heavy metals in the immediate vicinity of the existing boat yard from marine paints and petro- leum product-uses in operating and maintaining the vessels using the yard. • Impacts. Construction and demolition impacts, and the potential re- duction in water volume in the channel have been discussed above. There- fore, this section will address the impacts of operating the new yard. Any boat yard operation, because of the nature of the operation and its • proximity to the bay, poses potential water quality problems. Because of the design of the existing facilities, with the concrete ramps leading to ' the water, it is difficult to prevent pollutants from entering the channel . - The proposed -project; with the flat work area and surrounding bulkhead, represents a significant improvement from a water quality perspective. .Runoff can be controlled and pollutants and debris cleaned up prior to entering the bay. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measures are recommended: 3. The applicant will maintain the site in a clean and orderly manner and will provide for periodic debris collection and disposal. • 4. The applicant and the City will explore the feasibility and desirability of providing a drain connection to the sewer system. The drain would be designed and located to allow for the periodic "washing down" of the work area without adversely impacting the -water quality of the Rhine Channel. • FIGURE 4 B ALTERNATIVE B L NEWPORT BAY PROPOSE-D . i -- M,A.RI N E PROPOSED -- ! - - — �- ELEVATOR BULKHEAD - U.S.- BULKHEAD LINE n l i ` 0 10 20 ao so LAFAYETTE AVE . g Lsa CIRCULATION, ACCESS, AND PARKING The following analysis is based on a study prepared by William Kunzman and Associates. • Existing Conditions. The site is located on the southeast corner of Lafayette Avenue and 30th Street. Lafayette Avenue is one-way northbound with one travel lane and parking on both sides. The, existing boat yard provides vehicular access from Lafayette..Avenue: Thirtieth Street has been constructed as a 15 foot wide half-street • which serves as a loading area for adjacent sites. IMPACTS. Traffic Generation. The traffic generation of the proposed project will be minimal . Office land use generates 13 trips per day per 1000 square feet. The modification to the boat yard will probably not increase traffic genera- tion of that which exists today for this site. The total additional generation will be 10 to 20 trips per day which •is insignificant, and in fact undetec- table on the street system.' Garage Access 'to 30th Street. The proposed plan shows a primary access • point on Lafayette Avenue, but also shows access to four garage spaces from 30th Street. To provide garage access to the boat yard via this street poses several problems. Discussions with the City Traffic Engineer reveals that the. minimum width enabling garage access is normally 20 feet. The 15 foot width will also not 'accommodate two-way traffic, which will result with the garage accessing 30th Street. Lastly, the 15 foot width will not provide • sufficient turning radius for vehicles turning into the garages. To enable sufficient turning radius for vehicles parking, stalls approximately 11 feet wide will be required: For* the City to allow garage access, three variances will be required according to the City Traffic Engineer. First, a variance is needed to allow access to' a 15 foot street. Second, a variance is needed to allow two-way traffic on a 15 foot street. Third, a variance is needed • to allow oversized parking spaces. Parking Requirements. . Parking requirements call for four spaces per thousand square feet of office. Determining parking needs for the boat yard is difficult, but six spaces appears adequate. There are four employees, and six spaces allow two visitor spaces beyond the employee parking needs. If sufficient spaces are not provided on-site, the result will be on-street parking. On-street parking is currently a problem in the general area, and additional on-street parking will add to the problem. 10 lsa ♦ The best alternate to the 30th Street garage spaces appears to be addi- tional on-site spaces accessed from Lafayette Avenue, although this would probably reduce the boat service area. Mitigation Measures. The following mitigation measure is recommended: • 5. The garage access from 30th Street should be eliminated. if addi- tional spaces can be provided from Lafayette Avenue without reducing the boat service area, they should be required. Otherwise, the City shouZd consider waving a portion of the parking requirement. • • •STATE OF CALIFORNIA—RESOURCES AGENCY . • EDMUND G. BROWN 1R, Gov,rnor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD— SANTA• ANA REGION o,, so�)v 6809 INDIANA AVENUE, SUITE 200 ' RO".\o`?`e RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92506 6 ```Oq�,pc2�g'fgr' _ PHONE: (714)'684-9330 S ,Uy 3• OL RZ 9EPG ;"_ $/ NAP GPI\P• �q July 10, 1979 L rn Environmental Protection Agency - Permits Branch U. S. Army District, Los Angeles - Corps of Engineers - Permits Section NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service State Water Resources Control Board, Chris Sproul , Legal Division State Department of Water Resources State Department of Fish and Game - Marine Resources Region State Department of Health Services - Los Angeles State Coastal Zone Conservation Commission, South Coast Region Orange County Flood Control District Orange County Water Pollution Department Orange County Health Department City of Newport Beach ✓ Gentlemen: Enclosed is tentative Order No. 79-131, NPDES No. CA 0105864, which contains requirements for the discharge of wastes into the waters of the United States by Balboa Boat Yard. These requirements are scheduled for consideration at the Board's August 31, 1979, meeting. Your comments are requested to be available prior to August 9, 1979. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Mohinder Sandhu of this office. Sincerely, Original Signed By JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer Enclosure: Tentative Order No. 79-131 cc: Kay S. Ceniceros MSS:pk California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region August 31, 1979 ITEM: SUBJECT: Waste Discharge Requirements for Balboa Boat Yard, Order No. 79-131 (NPDES No. CA 0105864) , Orange County. DISCUSSION: Balboa Boat Yard was previously operated as Blackie's Boat Yard under a different ownership. The waste discharge requirements for the former Blackie's Boat Yard are currently contained in Order No. 75-144. The above change in ownership necessitates revision of Order No. 75-144. The boat yard operation results in wastes consisting primarily of marine organisms and paint residues. The site is maintained in a broom cleaned condition and all wastes are disposed of at a solid waste disposal site. The treated boat washing water is discharged to Lower Newport Bay. Settled solids from a treatment sump are periodically removed and disposed of along with other solid wastes. The beneficial uses of Lower Newport Bay include navigation, water contact recreation, ocean commercial and sport fishing, marine habitat, and shellfish harvesting. The control procedures outlined in the proposed require- ments should be adequate to protect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters. This order also rescinds Order No. 75-144, NPDES No. CA 0105864. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Order No. 79-131, NPDES No. CA 0105864, as presented. rS\V • )' .ir= __OAl it 9T w' fa ipma'! eA--a.�f ! Trailer & i y j t • Perk r., '�d ti � p �' ��, w 1 i j •/ 40n ,'t' /�•.. ' ' ��•C• it c p Trai :McNiItY •� :� ``• P. it — orr. M e+ + 0,+t=- �•I •Y•^50 i( ± LLB-� � /fypy hj;� ' . a\.,•a�w < �� 9� "•na Iq WENT ,� t\ `h (•FrC a Y9�=IP�'k�!j� _ 3, �' Ts••ewl __ '.� o�° !t a) c`p•: d •> ••Y i-Sch.=..�"yII Parm a[I�a tW iy"" { %{r i -�°°' c� z � .. '�� f .r:r.,i�,r• C' o/h s �v .Fire �.. a.. I s �P6 41� r � fallar-'.�:;:*I �rrr Trailer '`-,oq •T�l .. ..aF a e ,+,Park• :. �}'^�Park n a ` 'O n • lk,7r .N ;^7 •+++ fir"-rU. m 'J §aT 'i✓� •ems. • j :�KIJ r>,w !zJLlli st,J,"a /06 s f7 Mti PO ♦A +�� / �:'�� II Trailer �M �, ti.,d • •{ � •-_,I Parkal 14 it o to �{ 1 y Tank �• plxlj.L rite st� ' / 6 .��9` • a • 7- SGV ' r Tanks Illla:f�f. - i Scii .., •/:.�-'"t..' 1 � .�- 11 _ r r `.�'�fx • 1„ .\ .: •Vri=er / •.k�d,'�/' . •r'�=arinenl r T .11,� .:,,♦ - s�•:� y' Y '^+�` � � -{ •• F�/(�) `;•� /.AAA •/'� ~hy' ?i 'o-.' t I I`!=�-, ,.,�.. 1 _A, ey _ �__�_._�_,� •.a1f Y.3'iN LrY1' >� Val t n !� r4ehler'a+. belt S / ? �y'`�•, °? ° Bcam :::.'�Mr9 \a �. +` 3��i•G � •,{���'�'•- mortal Hos � F'It J ``ddy •" ���•~ h �eTexgoh Gvlarl',C,�o �' aln e I +- \\ Tarn{ x .� .C��Stir ,� -�,--J, + t Clt \\ 8a1(n ., .,+ ItlP' _ t s� ,•°r' ++ a `�I •�� \ - `w lr - ._ - ___ ParV "may r7 '+rY- 26 _\ i \ \ `y'.y�• �C 1 'pipt r tagnn Harlior .9 P Ligntu- 33tooLight /' Pa rklna Ark t par knas .....-,I ,�" Light fi a� Collins= e 1 NEWPORT BED AG�H 4 `� A 34 Ba Y Q tif o qgy QQ •� r t� ti Pori --,1 ParkIs �d'�g• yp�e + <4 Sol oo J ' as s� ` c I l /!a California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region ORDER N0. 79-131 NPDES No. CA 0105864 O Waste Discharge Requirements for Balboa Boat Yard Orange County The-California Regional Water Quality Contro�ard, Sa a Ana Region (here- inafter-Board) , finds that: 1. Balboa Boat Yard (hereinafter sc rge submitted application No. CA 0105864 for a permit to sch under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System on May 23, 1979. 2. The waste discharge fromVaatyard ty is currently covered under requirements contained in75-144. A change in owner- ship requires revisioR of75-144. W Wastes are dischar a fro o eration into Ne ort Ba , 3. WP �•'P Y a Water of the U d tes, at .a point in Section 33, T6S, R10W, SBB&M. 4. The Board ad g a Wate Quality Control Plan on April 11, 1975. The Plan c s ater quality objectives and beneficial uses of Newport 5. The re ui em ontained in this order are necessary to imple- ment e at�rality Control Plan. 6. Th ne cipuses of Lower Newport Bay include: Navi tion, Water contact recreation, can commercial and sport fishing, rive habitat, Sh c.e. ell€ishh harvesting. 7. Effluent limitations, national standards of performance, and toxic and pretreatment effluent standards established pursuant to Section 208(b) , 301, 302, 303(d) , 304, 306, and 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto are applicable to discharge at Discharge Point 001. 8. The Board has notified the discharger and interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe'waste discharge requirements for the discharge and has provided them with an opportunity for a public hearing and an opportunity to submit their written views and recommendations. 0 Order No. 79-131 (NPDES No. CA 0105864) - continued Page 2 Balboa Boat Yard 9. The Board, a P g in public meeting, heard and considered all comments pertaining to the discharge. 10. The issuance of these waste discharge requirements is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 ,et sdq.) in accordance with Section 15079, Chapter 3, Title 14, California Administrative Code. 11. This order shall serve as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimina- tion System permit pursuant .to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto and shall become effective 10 days after date of its adoption provided the Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, has no objection. If the Regional Administrator objects to its issuance, the permit shall not become effective until such objection is withdrawn. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Balboa Boat Yard, in order to meet the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder and the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder, shall comply with the following: A. Receiving Water Limitations This discharge shall not cause a violation of any applicable water quality standard for receiving waters adopted by the Regional Board or the State Water Resources Control Board as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and regulations adopted thereunder. If more stringent applicable water quality standards are promulgated or approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, the Board will revise and modify this order in accordance with such more stringent standards. B. Provisions 1. Neither the treatment nor the discharge of pollutants shall create a nuisance or pollution as defined in the California Water Code. 2. This order includes the enclosed "Standard Provisions and Reporting Requirements" with the exception of the following items: A.4., 6, 11, and 18; B.I. through 5; C.1. through 4, 7, and 9-; D.2., 3, 4, and 6; and E.1. through 7. 3. This order includes Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 79-131. 4. The discharger shall maintain the work areas in "broom cleaned" conditions at all times. The broom cleaned wastes shall include, but not be limited to, trash, scale, rust, paint chips, spent sandblasting abrasive, paint, marine growths, and oil and grease. Order No. 79-131 (NPDES No. CA 0105864) - continued Page 3 Balboa Boat Yard 5. This order expires on August 1, 1984, and the discharger must file a report of waste discharge in accordance with Title 23, California Administrative Code, not later than 180 days in advance of such date as application for issuance of new waste discharge require- ments. 6. In the event of any change in control or ownership of land or waste discharge facilities presently owned or controlled by the discharger, the discharger shall notify the succeeding owner or operator of the existence of this order by letter, a copy of which shall be forwarded to this Board. 7. This order also rescinds Order No. 75-144 (NPDES No. CA 0105864) , the previous requirements for this boatyard. I, James W. Anderson, Executive Officer, do hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region, on August 31, 1979. JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SANTA ANA REGION August 31, 1979 STANDARD PROVISIONS AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. General Provisions 1. The requirements prescribed herein do not authorize the commission of any act causing injury to the property of another, nor protect the discharger from his liabilities under federal, state, or local laws, nor guarantee the discharger a capacity right in the receiving waters. 2. The discharger shall permit the Regional Board and the Environmental Protection Agency: a. Entry upon premises in which an effluent source is located or in which any required records are kept; b. Access to copy any records required to be kept under terms and conditions of, this order; C. Inspection of monitoring equipment or records; and d. Sampling of any discharge. 3. All discharges authorized by this order shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this order. The discharge of any pollutant more frequently than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by this order shall constitute a violation of the terms and Conditions of this order. 4. The discharger's wastewater treatment plant shall be supervised and operated by persons possessing certificates of appropriate grade pursuant to Chapter 3, Subchapter 14, Title 23, California Adminis- trative Code. 5. The discharger shall maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible any facility or control system installed by the discharger to achieve compliance with the waste discharge requirements. 6. Collected screening, sludges, and other solids removed from liquid wastes shall be disposed of in the manner approved by the Executive Officer of the Regional Board. 7. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, this order may be terminated or modified for cause, including, but not limited to: -4- a. Violation of any term or condition contained in this order; b. Obtaining this order by misrepresentation, or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; C. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge. 8. If a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Federal water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge authorized herein and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation upon such pollutant in this order, the Board will revise or modify this order in accordance with such toxic effluent standard or prohibition and so notify the discharger. 9. If more stringent applicable water quality standards are approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Federal water Pollution Control Act,, or amendments thereto, the Board will revise and modify this order in accordance with such more stringent standards. 10. The provisions of this order are severable, and if any provision of this order, or the application of any provision of this order, or the application of any provisions of this order to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circum- stances, and the remainder of this order shall not be affected thereby. 11. Safeguard to electric power failure: a. The discharger shall maintain in good working order an - alternate power source sufficient to protect the waste- water treatment and disposal facilities; or if such alternate power source is not in existence, the discharger shall b. halt, reduce, or otherwise control all discharges upon the reduction, loss, or failure of the primary source of power. -5- 12. Any diversion from or bypass of facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of this order is prohibited, except (a) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe property damage, or (b) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage any facilities necessary for compliance with the effluent limitations and prohibitions of this order. The discharger shall promptly notify the Board and the Regional Administrator of EPA in writing of each such diversion or bypass. 13. Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, all reports prepared in accordance with terms of this order shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Regional Administrator of EPA. As required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statements on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 309 of the Act and Section 13387 of the California Water Code. 14. The discharger shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any adverse impact to receiving waters resulting from noncompliance with any effluent limitations specified in this order, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge. 15. In the event of any change in control or ownership of land or waste discharge facility presently owned or controlled by the discharger, the discharger shall notify the succeeding owner or operator of the existence of this order by letter, a copy of which shall be forwarded to this Board. 16. The discharger shall ensure compliance with any existing or future pretreatment standard promulgated by EPA under Section 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto for any discharge to the municipal system. 17. The discharge of any radiological, chemical, or biological warfare agent or high level radiological waste is prohibited. 18. The discharger shall require each industrial user to submit periodic notice (over intervals not to exceed nine months) of progress toward compliance with applicable toxic and pretreatment standards developed pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto. The discharger shall forward a copy of such notice to the Board and the Regional Administrator. B. Provisions for Monitoring 1. Water quality analyses shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants", promulgated by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2. Chemical, bacteriological, and bioassay analyses shall be conducted at a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health. -6- 3. The laboratory which performs the sample analyses must be identified in all monitoring reports submitted to the Regional Board Executive Officer and the Regional Administrator (EPA) . 4. Effluent samples shall be taken downstream of the last addition of waste to the treatment or discharge works where a representative sample may be obtained prior to mixing with the receiving waters. 5. All monitoring instruments and devices used by the discharger to fulfill the prescribed monitoring program shall be properly maintained and calibrated as necessary to ensure their continued accuracy. C. General Reporting Requirements 1. The discharger shall submit to the Board on or before each compliance report date, a report detailing his compliance or noncompliance with the specific schedule date and task. If noncompliance is being reported, the reasons for such noncompli- ance shall be stated plus an estimate of the date when the discharger will be in compliance. The discharger shall notify the Board by letter when he has returned to compliance with the time schedule. 2. In the event the discharger does not comply or will be unable to comply with any prohibition, daily maximum effluent limitation, or receiving water limitation of this order for any reason, the discharger shall notify the Executive Officer by telephone (714)684-9330 as soon as he or his agents have knowledge of such noncompliance, and shall confirm this notification in writing within two weeks. The written notification shall state the nature, time, and cause of noncompliance and shall describe the measures being taken to' prevent recurrences. 3. This Board requires the discharger to file with the Board within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this order a technical report on his preventive (failsafe) and contingency (cleanup) plans for controlling accidental discharges and for minimizing the effect of such events. The technical report should: a. Identify the possible sources of accidental loss, untreated waste bypass, and contaminated drainage. Loading and storage areas, power outage, waste treatment outage, and failure of process equipment, tanks, and pipes should be considered. b. Evaluate the effectiveness of present facilities and procedures and state when they became operational. Describe facilities and procedures needed for effective preventive and contingency plans. C. Predict the effectiveness of the proposed facilities and procedures and provide an implementation schedule containing interim and final dates when they will be constructed, imple- mented, or operational. (Reference: Sections 13267(b) and 13268, California Water Code.) -7- s � This Board, after review of the technical report, may establish conditions which it deems necessary to control accidental discharges and to minimize the effects of such events. Such conditions may be incorporated as part of this order, upon notice to the discharger. 4. Monitoring reports shall be submitted on forms to be supplied by the Board to the extent that the information reported may be entered on the forms. The results of all monitoring required by this order shall be reported to the Board, and shall be submitted in such a format as to allow direct comparison with the limitations and requirements of this order. Unless otherwise specified, discharge flows shall be reported in terms of the 30-day average and the daily maximum discharge flows. 5. The discharger shall file with the Board a report of waste discharge at least 120 days before making any material change or proposed change in the character, location, or volume of the discharge. 6. The results of any analysis of samples taken more frequently than required at the locations specified in the Monitoring and Reporting Program shall be reported to the Board. 7. The discharger shall file a written report with the Board within ninety (90) days after the average dry-weather waste flow for any month equals or exceeds 75 percent of the design capacity of his waste treatment and/or disposal facilities. The discharger's senior administrative officer shall sign a letter which transmits that report and certifies that the policy-making body is adequately informed about it. The report shall include: a. Average daily flow for the month, the date on which the peak flow occurred the rate of that peak flow, instantaneousp � and the total flow for the day. b. The discharger's best estimate of when the average daily dry-weather flow rate will equal or exceed the design capacity of his facilities. C. The discharger's intended schedule for studies, design, and other steps needed to .provide additional capacity for his waste treatment and/or disposal facilities before the waste flow rate equals the capacity of present units. (Reference: Sections 13260, 13267(b), and 13268, California Water Code.) d. If required to have a source control program, the discharger shall send an annual report of the effectiveness of that program to the Regional Board's Executive Officer. This_ report Is a part of the annual report due by January 30 under Reporting Requirements for Monitoring - 2. Such report shall contain at least the information outlined in the State Water Resources Control Board's "Guidelines for Determining the Effectiveness of Local Source Control Programs." 8. The discharger shall notify the Board not later than 180 days in advance of implementation of any plans to alter production capacity of the product line of the manufacturing, producing, or processing -8- facility by more than 10 percent. Such notification shall include estimates of proposed production rate, the type of process, and projected effects on effluent quality. Notification shall include submittal of a new report of waste discharge and appropriate filing fee. 9. The discharger shall notify the Board of (a) new introduction into such works of pollutants from a source which would be a new source, as defined in Section 306 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, if such source were discharging pollu- tants to the waters of the United States; (b) new introductions of pollutants into such works from a source which would be subject to Section 301 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amend- ments thereto, if it were discharging such pollutants to the waters of the, United States; (c) a substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into such works by a source introducing pollutants into such works at the time the waste discharge requirements were adopted. Notice shall include a description of the quantity and quality of pollutants and the impact of such change on the quantity and quality of effluent from such publicly owned treatment works. A substantial change in volume is considered an increase of 10 percent in the mean dry-weather flow rate. The discharger shall forward a copy of such notice directly to the Regional Administrator. D. Reporting Requirements for Monitoring 1. For every item of monitoring data where the requirements are not met, the discharger shall submit a statement of the actions undertaken or proposed which will bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time, and shall submit a timetable for such corrective actions. The discharger shall submit such informa- tion, in writing, within two weeks of becoming aware of noncompliance. 2. By January 30 of each year, the discharger shall submit an annual report to the Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graphical summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous year. In addition, the discharger shall discuss the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned which may be needed to bring the discharge into full compliance with the waste discharge requirements. 3. The discharger shall maintain records of all sampling and analytical results, including strip charts; the date, exact place, and time of sampling; the analysts name; analytical techniques used; and results of all analyses. Such records shall be retained for a minimum of three years. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge or when requested by the Board. Monitoring results shall be submitted on forms provided by the Board. 4. The discharger shall file with the Board technical reports on self-monitoring work performed according to the detailed specifica- tions contained in any Monitoring and Reporting Program as directed by the Executive Officer. -9- 5. All reports shall be signed by: a. In the case of corporations, by a principal executive officer at least of the level of vice president or his duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge originates; b. In the case of a partnership,, by a general partner; C. In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; d. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility; by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or other duly authorized employee. 6. The discharger shall submit to the Board, by January 30 of each year, an annual summary of the quantities of all chemicals listed by both trade and chemical names which are used for cooling and/or boiling water treatment and which are discharged. 7. The discharger shall mail a copy of each monitoring report on the appropriate form to be supplied by the Board and any other reports required by this order to: a. California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region 6809 Indiana Avenue, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92506 b. A copy of such monitoring report for those discharges designated as a major discharge shall be mailed to: Regional Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Region IX, Attention: ENCMB 215 Fremont Street San Francisco, CA 94105 E. Definitions 1. The daily discharge rate is obtained from the following calculation for any calendar day: Daily discharge rate (lbs/day) 8N34 ' E Qi Ci Daily discharge rate (kg/day) = 3N78 E Qi Ci 1 in which N is the number of samples analyzed iu any calendar day. Qi and Ci are the flow rate (MGD) and the constituent concentration (mg/1) respectively, which are associated with each of the N grab -10- samples wh• may be taken in any calendar y. If a composite sample is taken, Ci is the concentration measured in the composite sample and Qi is the average flow rate occurring during the period over which samples are composited. 2. The "30-day, or 7-day, average" discharge is the total discharge by weight during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, respec- tively, divided by the number of days in the period that the facility was discharging. Where less than daily sampling is required by this permit, the 30-day, or 7-day, average discharge shall be determined by the summation of all the measured discharges by weight divided by the number of days during the 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period when the measurements were made. If fewer than four measurements are made during a 30, or 7-day, consecutive calendar day period, then compliance or noncompliance with the 30, or 7, day average discharge limitation shall not be determined. For other than 7-day or 30-day periods, compliance shall be based upon the average of all measurements made during the specified period. If fewer than four measurements are made during the period, compliance shall be based upon the last four consecutive samples. 3. The "daily maximum" discharge means the total discharge by weight during any calendar day. 4. The "30-day, or 7-day, average" concentration, other than for fecal or total coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of measurements made during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, respec- tively. The "30-day, or 7-day, average" concentration for fecal or total coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of measurements made during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, respectively. The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of n numbers. if fewer than four measurements are made during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, then compliance or noncompliance with the 30, or 7, day average concentration limitation shall not be determined. 5. The "maximum daily" concentration is defined as the measurement made on any single grab sample or composite sample. 6. A "grab" sample is defined as any individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes. 7. A composite sample is defined as a combination of no fewer than eight individual samples obtained over the specified sampling period. The volume of each individual sample shall be propor- tional to the discharge flow rate at the time of sampling. The compositing period shall equal the specific sampling period, or 24 hours, if no period is specified. .-11- 8. An "industry" is defined as any facility identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under the following divisions: a. Division A - Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing; b. Division B - Mining; C. Division D - Manufacturing; d. Division I - Services. A facility in the divisions listed may be excluded if it is deter- mined by the Board that it introduces primarily domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences. 9. "Prohibited wastes" are any of the following wastes which shall not be introduced into the treatment works: a. Wastes which create a fire or explosion hazard in the treatment works; b. Wastes which will cause corrosive structural damage to treatment works, but, in no case, wastes with a pH lower than 5.0 unless the works are designed to accommodate such wastes; C. Solid or viscous wastes in amounts which would cause obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the treatment works; or d. Wastes at a flow rate and/or pollutant discharge rate which is excessive over relatively short time periods so that there is a treatment process upset and subsequent loss of treatment efficiency. -12- California Regional Water Quality Contro Boa Santa Ana Region Monitoring and Reporting Program o. 79-131 for Balboa Boat Yard/\ NPDES No. CA 01 86 1. The discharger shall submit repor certifying either compliance or ompliance with all conditions of the Wa er Po on Control Plan. If noncompliance is r o the reasons for such noncompliance sha a toted. 2. The discharge all su t a log stating the volume and t e o wastes and name and address of waste h er or h waste originating from the boat ing p'ration". 3. All re orts shall be submitted on a quarterly has by the la t day of January, April,-July, * and ctAijZer. These reports shall be signed by a r s s ompany official or a duly tk� rize mployee and submitted under penalty Ordered by n JANES W. ANDERSON [vi Executive Officer August 31, 1979 -13- r STATE OF CALIFORNI/—RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G BROWN 1R, Go.�rno. CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD- SANTA ANA REGION ,' 6809 INDIANA AVENUE, SUITE 200 ', '�' RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92506 m• . PHONE: (714) 654-9330 July 10, 1979 Environmental Protection Agency - Permits Branch U. S. Array District, Los Angeles - Corps of Engineers - Permits Section NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service State Water Resources Control Board, Chris Sproul , Legal Division State Department of Water Resources State Department of Fish and Game - Marine Resources Region State Department of Health Services - Los Angeles State Coastal Zone Conservation Commission - South Coast Region Orange County Flood Control District Orange County Water Pollution Department Orange County Health Department City of Newport Beach✓ Gentlemen: Enclosed is tentative Order No. 79-132, NPDES No. CA 0106569, which contains requirements for the discharge of wastes into waters of the United States by Robinson Development Company dba Larson Shipyard. These requirements are scheduled for consideration at the Board's August 31, 1979, meeting. Your comments are requested to be available prior to August 9, 1979. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Mohinder Sandhu of this office. Sincerely, Original Signed By JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer Enclosure: Tentative Order No. 79-132 cc: Kay S. Ceniceros MSS:pk r California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region August 31, 1979 ITEM: SUBJECT: Waste Discharge Requirements for Robinson Development Company (dba Larson Shipyard) , Order No. 79-132 (NPDES No. CA 0106569), Orange County. DISCUSSION: Robinson Development Company currently discharges wastes from its operation of the Larson Shipyard. The boatyard operation results in wastes consisting primarily of marine organism residues and paint scrapings. The site is maintained in a broom cleaned condition and the wastes are disposed of at a solid waste disposal site. The discharger has submitted a Water Pollution Control Plan for the proposed installation of a clarifier for the removal of settleable matter from the operation. The proposed requirements include a time schedule for full implementation of the proposed Water Pollution Control Plan. The boatyard operation is located in Lower Newport Bay area: The beneficial uses of Lower Newport Bay include navigation, water contact recreation, ocean commercial and sport fishing, marine habitat, and shellfish harvesting. The control procedures outlined in the proposed requirements should be adequate to protect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Order No. 79-132, NPDES No. CA 0106569, as presented. ��. � � ».'.'•.'"•M, `'!ll"'.•-1, � � � �1 + Pt'h17 i� C•'•' ;tlev Troller . D It 1--_•'•_7 k P . i Ir Park ' Res❑ n -' x ' t1 I _ ,1t • i cps! its ' �) iTb �r r r_ :�lr\a�ly W ^ • i++ sr Tea, 111114" �I o�4- `� �gq�Qi'• lI `a •-smS�-' :r.__�._, ::.� �_._ .� y rACll _i Q + tJdatJ o, . M1> �'4.. }.;p "•.,,r•_4°�-+�.ccK_*ce.�,,. ,•.,�,:� 34 bras_ //. P; �., t\ y' �h .le:i.•�. �: r ♦_ .-�•- � °.:n la: � � �� 2`sw>✓neire.e.x M'.. ;.�.0�'/ `ry< .. ea, .fir+ ,;.e.��s\•,'. �'�•"°:ys� .:�w. ..:'q'hlttle^I o _ j�f.,'"? 9 '/l� •'+. 4y''4 •'f"'�/ .1✓` J ark r01 •n. �" %...•11 _. •.. .r IaYM_ eiar. AIL f' Cbur hire ?ud r e. 'r ^� k • ��. •, {i'i: � �..:::=' 1 ` �Il�ai:t - •st�x�a+``�l`� �'a .„!P4r ' � • •i� Trailer Park $�'�+ 3 S �',� y _�:: < 'xY e4.'s k ...ra •. -•li a> ..�• I /�D `@�•�y.'^•4� •1�p4`.r, r °u <, t�ir"�. ._i:.:I,4f 1.�' tw r -i: s_ -ea ,4 ` ,✓/' <�o �,� :�`°I t,s` . `y a.• y` �'' I ;oiq 1 C �ios Mai Trailer so Y-s I'— �`'\'r'',p'At'° ,<...°a� '.�o.�_°_,II -r_{r.t3:+._ �r��L�" S j.IWIM.�:drR�'K�`�i•rs 4# ` u ./ �ty Sd V n. yy ,,- a r •w erTanks ' _I' . { fi *� tar k•_ a �ti; •}farmers. r l�. ^ / Sch • , .�."g,�y N 1 j ,�h/�%y 1�k?nii � � d�� �`�`,'�� A',fi i`• r' •i0aY+ St1:A?%'B a LARSON SHIPYARD r\ 'mortal klo•.Pi1M4t p .1gp��r"jj g«�n^h Z w'~'• !!F� s ` „/ \ �' w;Y^✓�,q '�t/ '\:•.t '♦� \aw4wrt Rarwr•.p. "i '•� \�. 1' all sa'� t es. �O liish €�">. t D \ £-te _ ll -,I U-9 � ,v'4 26 i t•�� � r J^ _ pp•ya \ � y wA•.•�1 _ . tndi _ Is -1 \ t , 'i, " \` h �•'�U ht? ✓ j ,gqq�ty:, LCr:Mart:or ti'�r/ a At a '^d--},-as Arenas __ _. '� oLiBht +1 Collins Perk _ W 34 re REWPORT BEACH d YJ ' e°Y� r ✓ ,1 �l` r New _. •� hor! _. Park�r`�,� h �11i•6{ ! J"rti to - - each b y sra�v� j O i 44 i f • <s as i a, •' 60 1 ' I� California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region ORDER NO. 79-132 NPDES No. CA 0106569 Waste Discharge Requirements for Robinson Development Compan (dba Larson Shipyard) Orange County The California Regional Water Quality Cont o oard, nta Ana Region (here- inafter Board), finds that: 1. Robinson Development Company ( ein r discharger) submitted application No. CA 0106569 for a permit to discharge waste from its Larson Shipyard unde the. 'o al Pollutant Discharge Elimination System on May 1979 2. Wastes are discharge romtyard operation into Lower Newport Bay, a wat �o the n' ed States, in a portion of Section 28, T6S; , SBB&M. 3. The Board adopt W er, uality Control Plan on April 11, 1975. The Plan co water a n a s lity objectives and beneficial uses of Newport Bay. 4. The requ4 ained in this order are necessary to imple- ment t1y�Wa Quality Control Plan. 5. The nei ses of Lower Newport Bay include: vi ton, Wat ontact recreation, Ocea commercial and sport fishing, d. Marine habitat, ellfish harvesting. 6. Eff uent limitations, national standards of performance, and toxic and pretreatment effluent standards established pursuant to Section 208(b) , 301, 302, 303(d) , 304, 306, and 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto are applicable to discharge at Discharge Point 001. 7. The issuance of these waste discharge requirements is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) in accordance with the California Administrative Code, Title 14, Section 15079. Order No. 79-132 (NPDES No. CA 0106569) - continued Page 2 Robinson Development Company (dba Larson Shipyard) 8. The discharger has submitted a Water Pollution Control Plan which proposes that the boat cleaning and painting areas will be kept broom cleaned. In addition, a clarifier will be installed to prevent settleable solids from the boatyard operation from entering Newport Bay. 9. The Board has notified the discharger and interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge and has provided them with an opportunity for a public hearing and an opportunity to submit their written views and recommendations. 10. The Board, in a public meeting, heard and considered all comments pertaining to the discharge. 11. This order shall serve as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimina- tion System permit pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto and shall become effective 10 days after date of its adoption provided the Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, has no objection. If the Regional Administrator objects to its issuance, the permit shall not become effective until such objection is withdrawn. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the discharger, in order to meet the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder and theprovisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder, shall comply with the following: A. Receiving Water Limitations This discharge shall not cause a violation of any applicable water quality standard for receiving waters adopted by the Regional Board or the State Water Resources Control Board as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and regulations adopted thereunder. If more stringent applicable water quality standards are promulgated or approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, the Board will revise and modify this order in accordance with such more stringent standards. B. Provisions 1. Neither the treatment nor the discharge of pollutants shall cause a nuisance and/or pollution as defined in the California Water Code. 2. The discharger shall comply with the following time schedule regarding the implementation of the Water Pollution Control Plan: Order No. 79-132 (NPDES No. CA 0106569) - continued Page 3 Robinson Development Company (dba Larson Shipyard) Task Completion Date Report Due Progress report 9/1/79 9/15/79 Full compliance 1/1/80 1/15/80 3. The discharger shall maintain all work areas in a broom cleaned condition at all times. The broom cleaned wastes shall include, but not be limited to, trash, scale, rust, spent sand blasting abrasive, old paint chips, new paint, marine growths, and oil and grease. 4. This order includes the enclosed "Standard Provisions and Reporting Requirements" with the exception of the following items: A.4. , 6, 11, and 18; B.I. through 5; C.2. through 4, 7, and 9; D.2., 3, 4, and 6; and E.I. through 7. 5. This order expires on August 1, 1984, and the discharger must file a report of waste discharge in accordance with Title 23, California Administrative Code, not later than 180 days in advance of such date as application for issuance of new waste discharge require- ments. 6. This order includes Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 79-132. I, James W. Anderson, Executive Officer, do hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region, on August 31, 1979. JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SANTA ANA REGION August 31, 1979 STANDARD PROVISIONS. AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. General Provisions 1. The requirements prescribed herein do not authorize the commission of any act causing injury to the property of another, nor protect the discharger from his liabilities under federal, state, or local laws, nor guarantee the discharger a capacity right in the receiving waters. 2. The discharger shall permit the Regional Board and the Environmental Protection Agency: a. Entry upon premises in which an effluent source is located or in wbich any required records are kept; b. Access to copy any records required to be kept under terms and conditions of this order; C. Inspection of monitoring equipment or records; and d. Sampling of any discharge. 3. A11 discharges authorized by this order shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this order. The discharge of any pollutant more frequently than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by this order shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this order. 4. The dischargerts wastewater treatment plant shall be supervised and operated by persons possessing certificates of appropriate grade pursuant to Chapter 3, Subchapter 14, Title 23, California Adminis— trative Code. 5.. The discharger shall maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible any facility or control system installed by the discharger to achieve compliance with the waste discharge requirements. 6. Collected' screening, sludges, and other solids removed from liquid wastes shall be disposed of in the manner approved by the Executive Officer of the Regional Board. 7'. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, this order may be terminated or modified for cause, including, but not limited to- -4— i a. Violation of any term or condition contained in this order; b. Obtaining this order by misrepresentation, or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; C. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge. 8. If a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge authorized herein and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation upon such pollutant in this order, the Board will revise or modify this order in accordance with such toxic effluent standard or prohibition and so notify the discharger. 9. If more stringent applicable water quality standards are approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, the Board will revise and modify this order in accordance with such more stringent standards. 10. The provisions of this order are severable, and if any provision of this order, or the application of any provision of this order, or the application of any provisions of this order to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circum- stances, and the remainder of this order shall not be affected thereby. 11. Safeguard to electric power failure: a. The discharger shall maintain in good working order an alternate power source sufficient to protect the waste- water treatment and disposal facilities; or if such alternate power source is not in existence, the discharger shall b, halt, reduce, or otherwise control all discharges upon the reduction, loss, or failure of the primary source of power. -5- 12. Any diversion from or bypass of facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of this order is prohibited, except (a) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe property damage, or (b) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage any facilities necessary for compliance with the effluent limitations and prohibitions of this order. The discharger shall promptly notify the Board and the Regional Administrator of EPA in writing of each such diversion or bypass. 13. Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, all reports prepared in accordance with terms of this order shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Regional Administrator of EPA. As required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statements on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 304 of the Act and Section 13387 of the California Water Code. 14. The discharger shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any adverse impact to receiving waters resulting fsom noncompliance with any effluent limitations specified in this order, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge. 15. In the event of any change in control or ownership of land or waste discharge facility presently owned or controlled by the discharger, the discharger shall notify the succeeding owner or operator of the existence of this order by letter, a copy of which shall be forwarded to this Board. 16. The discharger shall ensure compliance with any existing or future pretreatment standard promulgated by EPA under Section 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto for any discharge to the municipal system. 17. The discharge of any radiological, chemical, or biological warfare agent or high level radiological waste is prohibited. 18. The discharger shall require each industrial user to submit periodic notice (over intervals not to exceed nine months) of progress toward compliance with applicable toxic and pretreatment standards developed pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto. The discharger shall forward a copy of such notice to the Board and the Regional Administrator. B. Provisions for Monitoring 1. Water quality analyses shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants", promulgated by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2. Chemical, bacteriological, and bioassay analyses shall be conducted at a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health. -6- A 3. The laboratory which performs the sample analyses must be identified in all monitoring reports submitted to the Regional Board Executive Officer and the Regional Administrator (EPA) , 4.' Effluent samples shall be taken downstream of the last addition of waste to the treatment or discharge works where a representative sample may be obtained prior to mixing with the receiving waters. 5. All monitoring instruments and devices used by the discharger to fulfill the prescribed monitoring program shall be properly maintained and calibrated as necessary to ensure their continued accuracy. C. General Reporting Requirements 1. The discharger shall submit to the Board on or before each compliance report date, a report detailing his compliance or noncompliance with the specific schedule date and task. If nonaompliance• is being reported, the reasons for such noncompli- ance shall be stated plus an estimate of the date when the discharger will be in compliance. ,The discharger shall notify the Board by letter when he has returned to compliance with the time schedule. 2. In the event the discharger does not comply or will be unable to comply with any prohibition, daily maximum effluent limitation, or receiving water limitation of this order for any reason, the discharger shall notify the Executive Officer by telephone (714)684-9330 as soon as he or his agents have knowledge of such noncompliance, and shall confirm this notification in writing within two weeks. The written notification shall state the nature, time, and cause of noncompliance and shall describe the measures being taken to prevent recurrences. 3. This Board requires the discharger to file with the Board within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this order a technical report on his preventive (failsafe) and contingency (cleanup) plans for controlling accidental discharges and for minimizing the effect of such events. The technical report should: a. Identify the possible sources of accidental loss, untreated waste bypass, and contaminated drainage. Loading and storage areas, power outage, waste treatment outage, and failure of process equipment, tanks, and pipes should be considered. b. Evaluate the effectiveness of present facilities and procedures and state when they became operational. Describe facilities and procedures needed for effective preventive and contingency plans. C. Predict the effectiveness of the proposed facilities and procedures and provide an implementation schedule containing interim and final dates when they will be constructed, imple- mented, or operational. (Reference: Sections 13267(b) and 13268, California Water Code.) -7- This foard, after review of the technical report, may establish conditions which it deems necessary to control accidental discharges and to minimize the effects of such events. Such conditions may be incorporated as part of this order, upon notice to the discharger. 4. Monitoring reports shall be submitted on forms to be supplied by the Board to the extent that the information reported may be entered on the forms. The results of all monitoring required by this order shall be reported to the Board, and shall be submitted in such a format as to allow direct comparison with the limitations and requirements of this order. Unless otherwise specified, discharge flows shall be reported in terms of the 30-day average and the daily maximum discharge flows. 5. The discharger shall file with the Board a report of waste discharge at least 120 days before making any material change or proposed change in the character, location, or volume of the discharge. 6. The results of any analysis of samples taken more frequently than required at the locations specified in the Monitoring and Reporting Program shall be reported to the Board. 7. The discharger shall file a written report with the Board within ninety (90) days after the average dry-weather waste flow for any month equals or exceeds 75 percent of the design capacity of his waste treatment and/or disposal facilities. The discharger's senior administrative officer shall sign a letter which transmits that report and certifies that the policy-making body is adequately informed about it. The report shall include: ' a. Average daily flow for the month, the date on which the instantaneous peak flow occurred, the rate of that peak flow, and the total flow for the day. b. The discharger's best estimate of when the average daily dry-weather flow rate will equal or exceed the design capacity' of his facilities,. C. The discharger's intended schedule for studies, design, and other steps needed to provide additional capacity for his waste treatment and/or disposal facilities before the waste flow rate equals the capacity of present units. (Reference: Sections 13260, 13267(b), and 13268, California Water Code.) d. If required to have a source control program, the discharger shall send an annual report of the effectiveness of that program to the Regional Board's Executive Officer. This report is a part of the annual report due by January 30 under Reporting Requirements for Monitoring - 2. Such report shall contain at least the information outlined in the State Water Resources Control Board's "Guidelines for Determining the Effectiveness of Local Source Control Programs." 8. The discharger shall notify the Board not later than 180 days in advance of implementation of any plans to alter production capacity of the product line of the manufacturing, producing, or processing -8- 4 l facility b•more than 10 percent. Such nolittication shall include estimates of proposed production rate, the type of process, and projected effects on effluent quality. Notification shall include submittal of a new report of waste discharge and appropriate filing fee. 9. - The discharger shall notify the Board of (a) new introduction into such works of pollutants from a source which would be a new source, as defined in Section 306 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, if such source were discharging pollu- tants to the waters of the United States; (b) new introductions of pollutants into such works from a source which would be subject to Section 301 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amend- ments thereto, if it were discharging such pollutants to the waters of the United States; (c) a substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into such works by a source introducing pollutants into such works at the time the waste discharge requirements were adopted. Notice shall include a description of the quantity and quality of pollutants and the impact of such change on the quantity and quality of effluent from such publicly owned treatment works. A substantial change in volume is considered an increase of 10 percent in the mean dry-weather flow rate. The discharger shall forward a copy of such notice directly to the Regional Administrator. ' D. Reporting Requirements for Monitoring 1. For every item of monitoring data where the requirements are not met, the discharger shall submit a statement of the actions undertaken or proposed which will bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time, and shall submit a timetable for such corrective actions. The discharger shall submit such informa- tion, in writing, within two weeks of becoming aware of noncompliance. 2. By January 30 of each year, the discharger shall submit an annual report to the Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graphical summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous year. In addition, the discharger shall discuss the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned which may be needed to bring the discharge into full compliance with the waste discharge requirements. 3. The discharger shall maintain records of all sampling and analytical results, including strip charts; the date, exact place, and time of sampling; the analysts name; analytical techniques used; and results of all analyses. Such records shall be retained for a minimum of three years. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge or when requested by the Board. Monitoring results shall be submitted on forms provided by the Board. 4. The discharger shall file with the Board technical reports on self-monitoring work performed according to the detailed specifica- tions contained in any Monitoring and Reporting Program as directed by the Executive Officer. -9- 5. All reports shall be signed by: a. In the case of corporations, by a principal executive officer at least of the level of vice president or his duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge originates; b. In the case of a partnership, by a general ,partner; C. In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; d. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or other duly authorized employee. 6. The discharger shall submit to the Board, by January 30 of each year, an annual summary of the quantities of all chemicals listed by both trade and chemical names which are used for cooling and/or boiling water treatment and which are discharged. 7. The discharger shall mail a copy- of each monitoring report on the appropriate form to be supplied by the Board and any other reports required by this order to: a. California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region 6809 Indiana Avenue, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92506 b. A copy of such monitoring report for those discharges designated as a major discharge shall be mailed to: Regional Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Region I%, Attention: ENCMR 215 Fremont Street San Francisco, CA 94105 E. Definitions 1. The daily discharge rate is obtained from the following calculation for any calendar day: 8.34 N Daily discharge rate (lbs/day) = N 1 Qi Ci Daily discharge rate (kg/day) = 3.78 N Qi Ci 1 in which N is the number of samples analyzed in any calendar day. Qi and Ci are the flow rate (DIGD), and the constituent concentration (mg/1) respectively, which are associated with each of the N grab, -10- y samples A may be taken in any calenda*y. If a composite sample is taken, Ci is the concentration measured in the composite sample and Qi is the average flow rate occurring during the period over which samples are composited. 2. The "30-day, or 7-day, average" discharge is the total discharge by weight during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, respec- tively, divided by the number of days in the period that the facility was discharging. Where less than daily sampling is required by this permit, the 30-day, or 7-day, average discharge shall be determined by the summation of all the measured discharges by weight divided by the number of days during the 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period when the measurements were made. If fewer than four measurements are made during a 30, or 7-day, consecutive calendar day period, then compliance or noncompliance with the 30, or 7, day average discharge limitation shall not be determined. For other than 7-day or 30-day periods, compliance shall be based upon the average of all measurements made during the specified period. If fewer than four measurements are made during the period, compliance shall be based upon the last four consecutive samples. 3. The "daily maximum" discharge means the total discharge by weight during any calendar day. 4. The "30-day, or 7-day, average" concentration, other than for fecal or total coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of measurements made during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, respec- tively. The "30-day, or 7-day, average" concentration for fecal or total coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of measurements made during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, respectively. The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of u numbers. If fewer than four measurements are made during a 30, or 7, consecutive calendar day period, then compliance or noncompliance with the 30, or 7, day average concentration limitation shall not be determined. 5. The "maximum daily" concentration is defined as the measurement made on any single grab sample or composite sample. 6. A "grab" sample is defined as any individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes. 7. A composite sample is defined as a combination of no fewer than , eight individual samples obtained over the specified sampling period. The volume of each individual sample shall be propor- tional to the discharge flow rate at the time of sampling. The compositing period shall equal the specific sampling period, or 24 hours, if no period is specified. -11- a.... ...+.... .� �. ... —a.`r... ...-,�.......wa rn r..�..�. .. �.. ... .n..�. u.nric S'•«�. .mow. M�a.�tiF.�. ..�. �w..ia. w B. An "industry" is defined as any facility identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under the following divisions: a. Division A - Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing; b. Division B - Mining; C. Division D - Manufacturing; d. Division I - Services. A facility in the divisions listed may be excluded if it is deter- mined by the Board that it introduces primarily domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences. 9. "Prohibited wastes" are any of the following wastes which shall not be introduced into the treatment works: a. Wastes which create a fire or explosion hazard in the treatment works;, b. Wastes which will cause corrosive structural damage to treatment works, but, in no case, wastes with a p1i lower than 5.0 unless the works are designed to accommodate such wastes; C. Solid or viscous wastes in amounts which would cause obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the treatment works; or d. Wastes at a flow rate and/or pollutant discharge rate which is excessive over relatively short time periods so that there is a treatment process upset and subsequent loss of treatment efficiency. -12- California Regional Water Quality Control Santa Ana Region Monitoringand Reporting Program 79-13 P g g for Robinson Development Co an (dba Larson Shipya NPDES No. CA O10 1. The discharger shall subm�repo certifying either compliance or noncomplianc with all conditions of the Wa er ution Control Plan. If noncompliance is rted, he reasons for such noncompliance sh a tated. 2. The dischargeSfo a log stating the volume and-tye and name and address of waste ha h waste originating from the boatclaation. 3. All report'shall, be submitted on a quarterly basi, t day of January, April, July, andese reports shall be signed by a re n e company official or a duly a, rize ployee and submitted under penalty f Ordered by JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer August 31, 1979 -13- STATE OF CALIFORNIA—RESOURCES AGENCY • • EDMUND G. BROWN 1R, Gonrnor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD— SANTA ANA REGION 6809 INDIANA AVENUE, SUITE 200 '. '�' • 1s. .c• RIVERSIDE, CAUFORNIA 92506 PHONE: (714) 684-9330 July 18, 1979 Environmental Protection Agency - Permits Branch U. S. Army District, Los Angeles - Corps of Engineers - Permits Section NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service State Water Resources Control Board, Chris Sproul , Legal Division State Department of Water Resources State Department of Fish and Game - Marine Resources Region State Department of Health Services - Los Angeles State Coastal Zone Conservation Commission, South Coast Region Orange County Flood Control District Orange County Water Pollution Department Orange County Health Department City of Newport Beach ✓ Gentlemen: Enclosed is tentative Order No. 79-137, rescinding requirements for the discharge of boatyard wastes into Newport Bay by Anchor Marine Company. These requirements are scheduled for consideration at the Board's August 31, 1979, meeting. Your comments are requested to be available prior to August 17, 1979. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Mohinder Sandhu of this office. Sincerely, Original Signed by: Darrell J. Smith JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer Enclosure: Tentative Order No. 79-137 MSS:pk RECEIVED PUBLIC WORKS q 19�9 ' it J U L 2 01979 sb- c� ;,rs�• ( CITY OF S 30 oN4 NEWPORT BEACH, C\K{%e. l ,j CAUF. NE.p)4�P�\F � California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region August 31, 1979 ITEM: SUBJECT: Rescission of Waste Discharge Requirements issued to Anchor Marine Company (Order No. 75-171, NPDES No. CA 0105911) , Order No. 79-137, Orange County. DISCUSSION: Order No. 75-171 (NPDES No. CA 0105911) was issued to Anchor Marine Company for the discharge of wastes associated with its boatyard operation into Newport Bay. The discharger has closed the boatyard facility permanently, eliminating the need for waste discharge requirements. Therefore, the requirements contained in Order No. 75-171 (NPDES No. CA 0105911) are no longer necessary. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Order No. 79-137 as presented. California Regional Water Quality Control Board n Santa Ana Region O ORDER N0. 99-137 Rescinding Waste Discharge Requir nts \\\v for Anchor Marine Company (Order No. 75-171, NPDES No. CA 1 11) Orange County The California Regional Water Q it ontrol Board, Santa Ana Region (hereinafter ar fi s that: 1. Order No. 75-171 (NPDES No. A 0105911) was issued to A arine Company on September 12, 1 for a discharge of wastes from its at&V operation to Newport Bayer 2. Anchor ri a Comp has informed the Board ett dated June 15, 1979, that the b a ar £ac' ity has been closed pe ne.. ly. 3. the requirements contained in L! td=_N" "' 5-171 '(NPDES No. CA 0105911) [/��da o longer necessary. IT I HERRBYF RED that Order No. 75-171 (NPDES No. CA 1 escinded. I, James W. Anderson, Executive Officer, do hereby ert the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy o n order adopted by the California Regional Water Qua ty Control Board, Santa Ana Region, on August 31, 1979. JAMES W. ANDERSON Executive Officer Pry s`�n� snaa Nar���� rnan L3oc1Cd _�.�� ,.�.______�S�S�.e►� �S��lt£'x �rive,�,,l�te 5z`�-._L�i.U� I� aLIQ_���.� cz 50 ✓ `�O�l -- I �gWPpR� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT p<< dm NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 06036DATE # (/-RECEIVED FROM // / LGLi,`� �� s 111` FOR: ! 1+ T {' E IACCOUNT NO T' ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT / BYjf Iq,.,«__.. ....—--_—___.«___ ______— I - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT �6W PpRT i d_ NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 07129 i �4poRa�P D 19 DATE Q �,,7/ O(� i III 4 RECEIVED FROM `N1 7 i FOR: t iACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO '77I��� DEPARTMENTA BY_,aCLt (✓iC1n2� t �••�-*tE�— XXXXK 640-9197 July 24, 1979 Mr. Howard Bishop 1748 Bonn Aire Newport Beach , Cal'ifornia 92663 Subject: Initial Study Hans Dickman Boatyard Dear Mr. Bishop : Please find enclosed a copy, of the proposal for the, preparation of the ,Initial Study on the proposed .P-C development of Hans Dickman Boatyard, Your architect, Brian S.. Jeannette', has authorized the initiation of this work and it is near, com- pietion. Please remit the_ total amount listed below at your earliest convenience. Consultant Fee $1850 City Fee 130 Total Fee $1980 The City staff looks forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, DEPARAD CO UN Y DEVELOPMENT R. V. Di ct by R Environmental Coordinator FT/kk CC; Brian Jeannette 504 North Newport B1,vd. j Newport Beach, CA . 92,663 " • AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this 29th day of June, 1979, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and LARRY SEEMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. , hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the CITY has determined that an Initial Study is necessary in conjunction with the redevelopment of Han's Dickman Boat Yard, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT has submitted to CITY a proposal to prepare said Initial Study; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to accept said proposal . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare the subject Initial Study in accordance with the requirements set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Agreement. CITY agrees to remit to CONSULTANT the amounts set forth in paragraph 3 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The subject Initial Study will be prepared in accordance with the CONSULTANT'S proposal dated May 31 , 1979, which is attached to this Agreement marked as Exhibit "A" and by reference incorporated herein at this point as if fully set forth. 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis and inn no event shall the maximum amount of this Agreement exceed One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1 ,850.00). Partial payments shall be made by CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT'S presentation of statements verifying the time and material costs incurred by it in connection with this Agreement. - 1 - 4. FAITHFUL POORMANCE CONSULTANT. shall use diligent efforts to complete this contract within twenty-one (21 ) days after execution of this Agreement. The subject Initial Study must meet the approval of the Environmental Affairs Committee of the City. In the event additional work is required due to input during the public hearings, said additional work shaTI bd� subject to a separate contract. 5. TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination by the CITY at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH By City ttkorney re or ' AiDi uni Kr— Com t evelo rentDepartment CITY LARRY SEEMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS By 1e,,�/nwa4 i� �' trt CONSULTANT RECEIVE® Commnaiiy Developraod Der:. JUL171979D,- 10 CITY OF_ NEWPCA.EENCHa lr f ti L% ♦ 1t ❑ 500 newport center drive, suite 525 newport beach, california 92660 phone (714) 640-6363 ❑ 1050 northgate drive, suite 554 san raise[, california 94903 LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES phone (415) 479-3370 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS May 31 , 1979 Mr. Fred Talarico �cp Environmental Coordinator 6 of ' �g�g Community Development Dept, �Nys O City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevardvoy�F' 4 Newport Beach, CA 92660 SUBJECT: REDEVELOPMENT OF HANS DICKMAN BOATYARD ti Dear Fred: Larry' Seeman Associates is pleased to su0mi't thi's proposal to pre- pare an Initial Study for redevelopment of the Hans Dickman boatyard. The proposed project will consist of the demolition and reconstruction of the existing boat repair facilities, addition of +1 ,000 sq. ft. of office space, construction of a new bulkhead, and modification of the existing slips. SCOPE OF WORK In order to provide the City with all of the information required to evaluate the environmental significance of the project, we propose to investigate the following areas: 1 . Demolition impacts. We will review the method of demolition proposed by the applicant and propose any mitigation measures necessary to protect the Rhine Channel during the demolition process, 2. Water quality and biological resources. We will review the proposed project, including construc- tion of the bulkhead, with appropriate Federal , State, and local agencies. Potential impacts will be identified and mitigation measures will be pre- pared. 3. City policy. We will review the proposed project with respect to City policies, the General Plan, zoning provisions, and other applicable standards. Mr. Fred Talarico May 31 , 1979 Page 2 LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES I, 4. Circulation/access/parking. We will review the pro- posed site plan to determine the adequacy of the onsite circulation and parking provisions and identify any potential offsite traffic impacts. 5. Other potential impacts. If, in the course of our investigation, any additional potential impacts are identified, we will prepare the necessary mitiga- tion measures, STAFF Mr. William Foley will direct this study and will be responsible for liaison with the City, the applicant, and other agencies. FEES We will prepare the Initial Study and attend the Environmental Affairs Committee meeting for a fee of $1 ,850.00. SCHEDULE We will prepare and submit the Initial Study within two weeks of acceptance of this proposal . If you have any questions or need further information, please con- tact me. Sincerely, LLA, a�� R'RYSEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. W I.c o P F� William R. Fole CP Vice President WRF:mab