HomeMy WebLinkAboutIS036_NEWPORT PLACE EXPANSION (2) IIUIIII IIII III NVI hlllll IIIII IlUll III III IIII *NEW FILE* 130036 xsoab 0 - v-Xizj9t i� 04,qTMc*4 clK Vz4cg Ire •rr I�tJr 3Ww+HIS, W4.11 w r � u,. r 30 to .:_ m ItW 1 k L r •'0 t 1 t y . "�1 marie e. gil liam, aicp urban plannin 1825 westcliff nve, suite177 newport beach, ca. 92660 714-645-0939 October 28, 1983 Mr. Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Proposal for Initial Study - Bank of America Expansion, Newport Place. Dear Fred: I am pleased to submit this proposal to prepare an Initial Study for the proposed expansion of 'a commercial bank building and construction of a second office building to be located on the site of Bank of America in Newport Place. I have developed a scope of work which I believe will determine if any potentially significant environmental impacts might result from the proposed project. In accordance with our conver- sation, the proposed budget includes the preparation of a screencheck and draft Initial Study and attendance at public hearings. Any other services will be considered extra items. Traffic analyses, which will be performed by Weston Pringle & Associates, will be considered an out-of-pocket expense for the purposes of this contract and will be billed as a separate item. The attached scope of work represents an estimated budget which includes both my services as well as Wes' estimated costs. I hope this proposal responds adequately to your concerns regarding this project. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely� Marie E, illiam, AICP✓J MEG/if Enclosures of A • • PROPOSAL FOR BANK OF AMERICA EXPANSION NEWPORT PLACE October�, 9 3 Introduction The following scope of work has been formulated to determine if any potentially significant environmental impacts are likely to occur as a result of the proposed project. The report will be prepared in accord- ance with all the requirements of the City of Newport Beach and the State of California. Scope of Services Marie E. Gilliam will prepare an Initial Study which will contain the following information and will explore the following environmental issues with regard to the proposed project: 1. Project Description: A description of the proposed project including location, prject characteristics, description of the project's '• relationship to relevant plans, regulations and ordinances and a listing of permits and required approvals will be prepared. 2. Identification of the Existing Environmental Setting: In each area of environmental concern, a reef description of existing conditions will be prepared. 3. Identification of Potential Environmental Effects and Measures to Mitigate Impacts: eInitialu y will explore the following issues based on the City's identification of potential impacts and will outline measures to mitigate adverse impacts to an acceptable level. a. Air Quality: The Initial Study will briefly comment on the po eor deterioration of ambient air quality due to the proposed project. b. Water Quality: The Initial Study will briefly comment on the en tia po l7or impacts related to surface run-off and other pos- sible concerns. c. Noise: Potential increases in existing noise levels will be explored. d. Land Use and Aesthetics: The potential for the proposed project ro_7re_s—u7Yin the a eration of present or planned land use and intensity of development in the surrounding area will be explored. In addition the project will be reviewed for compatibility with the aesthetic environment and design character of Newport Place. I h • • • e. Traffic/Circul4a ion: , The Initial Study will incorporate investi- ga ion o ra is and circulation concerns by the firm of Weston Pringle & Associates. Anaysis will address traffic generation, effects on parking facilities and demand for parking, and impacts on existing transportation systems. (A copy of the proposal for this project by Weston Pringle & Associates is attached.) f. Public Services and Utilities: The Initial Study will include a brief identification of any potential impacts on public services and utilities. Other environmental concerns contained in the CEQA Guidelines including soils and geology, plant and animal life, light and glare, depletion of non-renewable natural resources, housing, population, and energy are not considered to be potential environmental issues due to the limited scale of the proposed project. Other concerns such as human health, hazardous wastes, recreation, and cultural resources are not applicable to use involved. A checklist of these items will be included in the Initial Study. Project Budget This study will be prepared on a time and material basis for a maximum of $8,660. This fee will include the following services: • Screencheck Initial Study $2 600.00 Draft Initial Study & Hearings $ 00 Printing and related expenses $1_ 00066 Traffic Consultant $3',9b0:'Oa Project Schedule The preparation of the screencheck will be completed three weeks from the date of authorization provided that the project does not undergo any significant changes during the course of the study and that all necessary information is obtained from the project appl ci ant and any other source in a timely manner. The Draft Initial Study will be com- pleted within two weeks, barring unforeseen circumstances. *Printing and related expenses includes the estimated cost of printing and binding approximately 60 copies of the Initial Study (screencheck and Draft) and the cost of services of a graphic artist, I • W + A TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING October 27, 1983 Ms. Marie Gilliam 1825 Westcliff Drive, Suite 177 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Ms. Gilliam: We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering services for a traffic study of a proposed Bank of America expansion on Newport Place in the City of Newport Beach. This proposal is based upon discussions with you and Fred Talarico of the City and our understanding of the needs of the study. In general , the work would consist of preparing a traffic study as required • by the Traffic Phasing Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach. Estimates would be made of trips to be generated by the project. Potential traffic impacts would be identified and mitigation measures recommended as may be required. A report would be prepared summarizing our findings and recom- mendations. We would envision the following specific tasks to be required for this study. TASK 1 - DATA COLLECTION We would assemble all available data pertinent to the study. This would include development plans, existing traffic volumes, committed project traffic, planned circulation improvements, previous studies, and similar data. We would meet with you to review the project and ensure our under- standing of the planned expansion. A meeting would be held with City Staff to review the study and obtain data. Field data is not envisioned to be required for this study.. • 2651 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE • SUITE 110 • FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 • (714) 871-2931 • • -2- • TASK 2 - TRIP GENERATION AND ASSIGNMENT Estimates would be made of daily, 2.5 hour peak and PM peak hour trips to be generated by the project and other potential projects. These estimates would be based upon trip generation rates utilized previously in Newport Beach. A geographic trip distribution pattern would be de- veloped for the site based upon previous studies. The estimated pro- ject trip generation would be assigned to the street system in confor- mance with the distribution. TASK 3 - ANALYSIS Existing, committed project and regional growth traffic would be deter- mined for the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for evaluation. As required by the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, a "One Percent" test would be completed for these intersections. -For those intersections failing the "One Percent" test, additional analyses in the form in Inter- section Capacity Utilization (ICU) analyses would be completed. Any • intersection with an ICU value greater than 0.90 would be further ana- lyzed to determine methods of reducing the ICU value to an acceptable leve. Consideration would be given to circulation improvements required by other projects and planned by governmental agencies. TASK 4 - REPORT AND MEETINGS A report would be prepared summarizing our findings and conclusions. The report would contain the required supportive data and be suitable for submission to the City. We would meet with you, City Staff and -others as may be required during the course of the study. Attendance at five (5) ,public hearings is included as a part of this proposal . We would be prepared to begin work on this study upon receipt of authorization. It is anticipated that approximately three (3) weeks would be required to com- plete the study. • • -3- • Our fee for the work outlined in this proposal shall be based upon personnel charges plus direct expenses as indicated in our Standard Rate Schedule, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereto. In no case would the total fee exceed $3,800.00 without prior approval from you or your representative. Since it is not possible at this time to estimate the time required for addi- tional meetings and/or presentations concerning this project not mentioned in this proposal , our staff would be available with the fee based upon our Rate Schedule in addition to the previously stated maximum. The additional work shall be conducted when requested by you or your representative. Statements shall be submitted monthly for work in progress or upon completion of the work at our option. As may be noted in the Rate Schedule, statements are payable within 30 days after submission; after 60 days, unpaid invoices shall have a 1 .5 percent per month service charge added. We shall have the option of halting work on your project when statements are unpaid and overdue unless mutual agreement is achieved. • This proposal' may be considered as effective for six months from the date of this letter. If the project is not completed within six months after the scheduled completion date (due to no fault of Weston Pringle & Associates) additional reimbursement will be the subject of negotiation and mutual agreement between both parties. This letter can serve as a memorandum of agreement and our authorization to proceed. Please sign one copy and return it to us for our files. We are looking forward to serving you on this most interesting project. Respectfully submitted, WESTON PRINGLE & ASSOCIATES CONTRACT APPROVAL Approved by: Title: Weston S. Pringle, P.E. Firm: WSP:bas Date: • W P A WaW PWqt W AaaniaW dOb Oft • TRAFFIC 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING STANDARD RATE SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 1982 Professional Staff Hourly Rates Firm Principal $ 65.00 Senior Engineer 50.00 Associate Engineer 30.00 Assistant Engineer 25.00 Support Staff Engineering Draftsman $ 25.00 Field Supervisor 15.00 Secretary 10.00 Clerical, Field Enumerator 10.00 General • 1. Travel, reproduction, telephone, supplies, and other non-wage direct costs are billed at cost plus ten (10) percent. 2. Hourly rates apply to travel in addition to working time. 3. Statements will be submitted monthly for work in progress or upon com- pletion of work. Statements are payable within 30 days of receipt. Any invoice upoaid after 45 days shall have service charges added at a rate of 1.5 percent per month (or maximum permitted by law) on the unpaid balance. 5. Compensation for services performed will not be contingent upon the necessity of client to receive payment from other parties. Any controversity or claim arrising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitrat- ion Association and judgement upon the reward rendered by the arbitration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 6. These rates are based upon procedures and methods outlined in the American Society of Civil Engineers ' Manual on Engineering Practice Number 45. • 2651 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE • SUITE 110 • FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 • (714) 871-2931