HomeMy WebLinkAboutIS045_FORD ROAD WIDENING I IIEIIII IIII III II I @Illll lull flllll llll111llll ,goy CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �41poaN� May 4, 1978 Raymond Heatherington Community Development Department City of Irvine P. 0. Box 19575 Irvine , Calif. 92713 Subject: Initial Study Ford Road Widening Project Dear Mr. Hetherington : The City of Irvine ' s Environmental Assessment for the Ford Road Widening Project has been reviewed , as well as the previous Environmental Documentation for Harbor View Hills Sector IV prepared by the City of Newport Beach . Before an environmental determination on the project, the following information would be necessary : 1 . Traffic Information : Our records indicate that the existing A.D .T. on Ford Road easterly of MacArthur Boulevard is 9,000. This is higher than the 7 ,650 shown in the environmental descrip- tion. It appears that the traffic projections for Ford Road need to be reviewed .and adjusted to reflect the known increase in existing traffic and resultant increases in future projections . The "Ford Road-MacArthur Boulevard Traffic Analysis--October , 1975" prepared by Herman Kimmel and Associates , Inc . has the basic information needed for update and revision of volumes . 2. Noise Impacts : The noise impacts should be reviewed using the revised traffic projections requested above. The ultimate traffic volume used should be that generated by the developments presently served by Ford Road . It should be noted that the proposed construction will have a beneficial short-term effect on noise by moving west- bound traffic 30 ' ± away from the existing homes . 3. Grading : Specific recommendations for erosion control (during construction and permanently) should be required as a - mitigation measure for the grading operation . Your standard grading regulations may cover this . The City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 1 IJ TO: Raymond Heatherington - 2 . attachments we received did not show the borrow site. This should be corrected. 4. Archaeological Impacts : Results of the test level investigation are necessary prior to a determination of environmental significance . These comments are being forwarded in response to your request for input to the Initial Study of this .project. It would appear that the types of potential impacts described above could be mitigated by incorporating specific recommenda- tions into the project. However, at this time, additional information is required to make a final determination on the Environmental Impact of the project. If we can be of further assistance , please feel free to call me at 640-2197 or Ben Nolan at 6402129 . Please keep us informed of any determinations by the City of Irvine regard- ing this project. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V . HOGAN , DIRECTOR By ` -- Beverly ood, Enviro ental Coordinator BW/sh I ' `� SECONQ SUBMITTAL - HAjb RRIED 2/23/78 � ER'VIROE C_G_YOR�NY 5"S0NnwpoitCail,rDnvc fJcwpor( Boach, California 92663 (714) 044-3011 January 23, 3.978 Ms. Andi Adams City of Irvine 17200 Jamboree Irvine, California 92715 Subject: Transmittal of Environmental Description Dear Ms. Adams: Enclosed is a completed Environmental. Description form and rcLated attachments to assist you in making an environmental determination on the proposed Ford Road project. By way of background, Ford Road is within both the City of Newport Leach and City of Irvine. The widening of Ford Road was a condition of approval of harbor View Hills Sector IV in Newport Beach. An agreement for the roadway improvement project between the cities of Newport Beach and Irvine and The Irvine Company was executed on- 9/13/77 and it identifies the City of Irvine to art as the lead agency and initiate the necessary environmental assessments for the project-. The Ford Road widening project was referred to in the 1974 EIR prepared for harbor View Hills Sector IV by the City of Newport Beach. With the assistance of our environmental planning consultant, Larry Seeman, we have reviewed the project and available documents. We have initially identified that the project may have environmental effects as a result- of: 1) disruption of two archaeo- logical sites, 2) increased traffic noise levels on ultimate development, and 3) potential siltation from grading and borrow areas. Mr. Seeman has suggested that additional information concerning these points may be necessary to support an environmental documentation based on either the previous Newport Beach EIR or Potential Impacts Mitigated. Please review the enclosures and advise us of any additional information necessary for you to make an environmental determination. Attached to the Environmental Description is a proposal from ARM to conduct a test level archaeological investigation. ARM indicates they would be available to ini- tiate the recommended work program in early March and complete their effort by the end of April 1978: We request that the City' s Historical Archaeological Preservation Committee review and confirm the ARM scope of services at the earliest possible time and direct the Company to initiate the investigation. city Of IrvineJrnuary 23, 1978 Pago 2 so. Seeman indicates that the noise section of the Newport Peach EIR evaluated noise impacts to ad3acent rcuidrncOs along Ford Road Or an nitimale trnfl.ic level. of 10,000 ADT. The widened roadway would have an ultimate capacity of 27,000 ADT, although the volume .forecast is only 16,000 ADT. However, this is the basis for potential concern. Appropriate measure, to control siltation and oroninn can be incorhoraterl ill the project design. Your recommendations in this regard would be appreciated. We hope to obtain the necessary City approvals for the project- by June 1978 so that approval conditions for Harbor View dills can be satisfied on schedule. our project schedule can be met if you could provide us with a direction to proceed by February 15. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or. comments. Sincerely, Ronald J. �onas Program Engineer RJJ:lab Enclosures CC: Mr. William Dye, City of Newport Beach -• � lCLat Stud�l CITY OF IRVINE ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION This Environmental Description is required for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Acc of 1970 (CEQA) •_',rich requires that an Environmental impact Report ( 71o ) be prepared for projects which may have sign ficint adverse impacts upon the environment . In order to determine whether any significant adverse impacts may result _`tom the proposed project and to d_cem ine whether an EIR should be prepared , this Env4ron:nencal DescriDtion should be completed in detail and submitted to the Planning Services division , This de rem inacion must be made prior to the onset of all City processin- . As soon as possLbLe , the Man.iger or PL_nnL Sery Ices wtll aecermine wnecher or not the ,project aill require an EIR and 4i11 notiEy the applicant ' s "contact person ." If an 'IR is required , the City will hire a consultant to prepare the document . Contact Person Ronald J. Jonas OR Tarry Seeman Urban Asajst Address The Irvine Company, 550 Newport Center Drive 610 Ncwport Cotter. Dr, Suite 64'• ., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone No . 714) 644-3]93 Phone_: 714)640-6363 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 . Project title and number of permit application Lord Road widening (refer to Ford Road Agreement, attachment 1) 2 . List and describe any other related per.ii.cs or public approvals required for this project (such as a Conditional Use Pe m it , Variance or Rezoning) Grading permit 3. Project location (describe the address and location n_Lacive to adjacent streets closest intersection and general area ) Widen Ford Road from 700' westerly of Newport- ❑ills Drive west to San Niquel Drive from the existing two lane: to the ultimate Cour lanes (refer to attcachmenL. 2) 4, Proposed use of site Arterial roadway I fair lanes divided 5 . Project description (be specific , include site size , square footage , amount of pEf-street parting , proposed scheduling , associated projects , anciciDated deveLopment ) . 'Acrach plans or maps . See Items 3 and 4 above and refer to Attachment 3. i v of (, ., ) dwellin ( I)) parkin (c) landscape ; • -�� (d ) can;c oC salu pr •.rs or renter type of household and household size . £r 3 ,uactys k: (a) Type of use proposed ; gross square footage of (b) buildings ; (c ) parking ; (d ) landscape . Yihtt4,,; a'l:: (a ) Type of use proposed ; Gross square footage of (b ) buildings ;. (c ) outdoor manufaccuring or storage ; (d ) parking ; (e ) landscape ; ( f) estimate of employment . Institutional : (a) `tajor function ; ;rocs square footage of (b ) buildings ; (c ) parking ; (d ) landccape ; ' (e) estimated employment shift ; ( f) estimated occupancy ; (g) community benefits to be derived from project . (a) Circulation (b ) 0 (c) 0 (d) N A (e) ( f) (g) implementation 6 . The proposed project consists of Nan acres/square feet , of which N/A - shall be covered by buildLng pad , par:.u)g , access drives , sidewalks , or some ocher ty?e of paving or covering . 7 . Give the intended starting dates for the following : (a) Grading July 1973 (b) Construction Aurlust 1978 S . The preliminary grading plan requires 7,000 cubic yards of cut and 35,000 cubic yards of fill . (Borrow area shown on attachment 3) 9 . Any further information pertaining to the proposed Project ' s description and goals : 10 . Please furnish the following maps with this form : ( a) One U.S.G.S . topographic quadrange map depiccin? the proposed- projecc ' s location and boundaries . (attachment 2) (b) One preliminary grading plan indicating existing trees , trees to be removed , significant 'eacures of the finished project . (attachment 3) 3. DESCRIPTION Or E:IVIROM-(EHTAL SETTING Attach ac least three photos illustrative of existing site conditions . (attachment A 1 . Are the following icem7 applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary) . YES 1I0 WKNOWN LAND RESOURCES x Any alteration to land form ( if yes , please include a grading plan showing existing and proposed topography and a preliminary soils and geology report) . (attachment 3) x project is in an area characterized by unique physical features , near the shoreline , near any natural or partially channeltz2d flood plains , or on any hillside:; visible to surrounding properties . L 11CS NO U111 KNOWN x Affects natural , ecoLogical , historical , cultural or — — scenic resources or national , state or local concern/ x An archaeological or paleontological survey has been —' conducted on the prop�rcy . If yes , please a[tach .Preliminar report on Bonita Mesa by ARI, February1975 (attachment 5; map) x Affects the potential use , extraction or conservation — of a natural resource . x Site is on filled land or on slope of 10'. or note-. limited area PgYSICAL FACTORS x• Change in dust , ash , smoke , fumes or odors in vicinity . from grading x* Site is located near a flight pattern of public , private —' — or military airport or within 500 ' of a railroad righc- of-w•ay . ( If' year , please include a description of existing noise contours) .*Palisades 11elicopter corridor x Change in ocean, bay , lake , scream or ground -.:aver quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns . x Increases fossil fuel consumocion (oil , electricicy , natural gas , etc . ) . x Significant amounts of solid •.,aste or letter . x Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials , such as toxic substances , flanables or explosives . BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES k Disruption or displacement of any wildlife or unique vegetative communities . x Disruption of any wildlife migration patterns . x Site is habitat for protected rare or endangered — species of flora and/or fauna . ,IUMeltl FACTORS x Affects the continued use of a recreational area or area of imporcanc aesthetic value . X. Affects scenic vieos or vistas from existing during construe — — residential areas or public lands or roads . tion x Change in demand for City services ( police , fire , cater , sewage , ecc . ) .Road maintenance (attachment 1, - paragraph 8) x Relationship to a larSer project or, series of Projects . — Pord/MacArthur intersection improvement project, development of x Creates health hazard or potential health hazard . TT8725 ii, Newport L" The proposed project site is located aooro•r,imaCely 0 feet from a si,,nificanc noise source ( such as major arterial , industrial development or comWercial center ) . Include existing and projected CrafEic votunes and capacities on public streets .,ithin 300 ' of t;;e projected site . Existing Ultimate Existing Ultimate Capacity Capacity Ford Road 7,650 16,000 13,000 27,000 Newport hills Drive West 2,800 2,800 13,000 13,000 Newport Nills Drive Last 2,800 2,800 3.3,000 13,000 San Miguel Drive 3,150 16,000 27,000 27,000 r J '•Jn L" extent coulo ; rin- noise : :' Ls be into by this project i� including durin; its constructiun p i '1? Consinrctixon noisr. mny af.feect cxi:sing resi- dr_ntial uses on south _;irlc of cxLs(-.iny rural Roac wJ C uu Newport L'uach) and noise resulti, Access to the finished project wi1L be provided by Ne'.apor.t Hills Dr.East and West local streets , consiscins; of a width of 64 feet of pavnmenc .and 11•'. feet of right-oE-way . These local streeCs connect to Pord Nond .and arterial hi;;h4ays . presently the proposed project sire 'is served by N/A . 'dater District which is available for connection within of the site . Liquid waste ser• ices shill be provided by N/A with crunklLne connection available within N/A feuc of th— a site. Electrical power and telephone tines are avaiiable for connection wirhin N/A feet of the site . Solid waste services shall be provided by fl A Company for collection and thereafter be deposited in the WFA— site of the County of Orange Refuse Disposal sanitary andfill . tlatural ;,as pipelines are available for connection within feet of the project site . C. SOURCES OF I;IEOFt} UI0N List all federal , state or local agencies and other organizations and private individuals consulted in preparing this form. Include : 1 . flame of agency, organization or individual . See below 2 . Section , subsection and item of this form consultation concerns . 3 . dame and telephone number of person we may contact should question, arise . D . SU ARY OF GRA HIC )'L4TERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED 1 . one U.S.G.S . copo raphic quadrange map depicting the proposed projacc , s location and boundaries . (attachment 2) 2. One preliminary grading plan indicating exisCi.ng trees , trees to be removed , significant features of the finished project . (attachment 3) 3 . Any additional plans or maps to describe project ( Cracc map, site plan, etc . ) . (Agreement - attachment 1) 6. Three photos illustrative of e:cisting site conditions . (attachment- 4) 5. Nap showing archaeological sites (attachment 5) . 6. Proposed scope of: services for archaeological Lust level investigation (attachment 6) r. Source of Information 1. Newport Beach Public Works Department (Ben Nolan, Bill Dye) 2. Newport Beach Planning Department (Beverly Woncl) 3. harbor View Hills EIR (Newport Beach) . 4. Irvine Company project files (Ron Jonas, 644-3193) 5. Larry Seeman (640-6363) . 6. Simpson-Steppat Engineers (644-0563) . EOE 'S:r` AG-6 CI1'i CI frjI ; Cl;Y 'F f'"'v'1'i)ir M.-AC: i FORD ROAD ACRL'EL.IEUT 1'l1IS ACRlil;lt'iNl', made and entered into this l:L /j', day ofr',,i/„�yf J 1977 , by and ber,w ., n Fhu Irvine Comparly, a Michigan corporation hereinafter referred to as C(LWANY, ch,! City of Newport BPach, a ;municipal corporation hcruivafter referred to as NEWPORT BEACH, and the City Of Irvine , a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as 111VIVE. WTTHESSETH: WHEREAS , CO'r'1PANY proposes to subdivide land within Newport Beach known as 'tentative Tract Nulaber 8725, and WHERFAS, NEWPORT BEACH conditionally approved said Tentative Tract on October 116, 1975, and INMERLAS , one of Lhe conditions of approvsl reyuirud that Ford Road between old MacArthur Boulevard and new MacArthur BouLevar:d (now San Miguel Drive) he widened to four lanes by the developer, including construction of the portion on p•srmanunC ,Ilii;nmcnt connecting to old i•IacArthur Boulr_v.-Ird (Lhu present connection to old MacArthur Boulevard is on temporary alignment) , and WHEREAS, said condition of approval furthur provided that, construction shall be scheduled 1.0 start at such time as certiF. icates or, occupancy have been issu,2d for 25" of the homes in Tentative 'tract No. 8725, and Wi; a(EAS , the improvement of Ford koad from MacArthur Boulevard to 700 feet easLurly has been provided by separate agr•zement and security in conjunction •.ai.th Tentative. Tract No. 3787 ; and WHEREAS, portions of said Ford Road i.mprovemenLs arc within IRVINE, and WHEREAS, Lhe parties hereto desire to execute an agreement providing for the improvement of the remaining segment of Ford Road . '1-111-.RFFORE., in consideration of Lheir mutual p(omises , the parl.i.es hereto al rue as Follow; : I . PROJECT shall cnns.isc of widening Ford R,)ad 1-o four lanes (ulLinlat,>) frrm Sall ;Iigue.l Drivu wo5terly along the 0%istinP alignment to join existing lm:provoment5 anpVO .11'WLely 700 linear- f;:!•C %Just Of N--ewpolL Hi.1Ls 1)1-Lve Wyst , as imJicaCai on E:c!, ibit A, attached her%-to and by reference made a part hereof, 1 - W 11 \%L h including complaLi,,n of curb and guLtor , street. Iighling , and median c Ohl)lestone Cnvemr:nl: aL new lint turd puckeUr , but rxclnding other pnrltway improvenumts or landscaping of PNOJ6t0, 2, CO.NVANY agrees to complule said PROJECT in ,accordance AA plans and spaci.fivnt ion a approved by the Public Warlcn Directors oC TRY INE and Nl•P.li'oRT L'E,1GII Co!;VANY Uur(Il/:r at,rees to nCart PRO.]ECT no Incur rhsn each Ciaru as certificates of oc•c•upancy have boon issued (or 25 of thc, dwelling units within TonLative Tract R,r . h125, and to complete the PROJECT to the snLinC;r.:tian of thr: Public ;lurks Directors of JRVINE still N1tllPORT UEACII, J , C04IPAN`i ::I till, provide NEWPORT BEACH with performnoce cecuriLy for PROJECT in accord::ace wi.Lh Section 19, 16. 170 of Newport ilescll' s Municipal Code , In the event CONPARY shall fail to complete PROJECT in accordance with the provisions of chin agreement or Title, J9 of Newport. Deech' s Municipal Code , Cnrteiture of security shall be in accordance with Section 19, 16, UM of. said . title . ' 4 . . "il•;'dPORT I;EACH a;,reen to release security upon written nur.horizalion by IRVII•II, and in aCcordanr.a with Seccion 19 , 16. 190 of Nr.wli.ct Peach' s Municipal Code , 5 , IRVIHE agrees to he Lhe lead agency and initiate Go necessary cnv •roonieuLal aesusnuient to' nntinfy Cho requiremonCs Or the California L•nvirun.. � L mental Quality Act ( CGQA) for PROJECT, In the event an I:nvironmcntal Impael • Report (EiR) is norossary Cor PROJECT, CONPANY shall deposit the estimated cost of the ELR with THVIN6 and pay for nil costs related thereto for tno r_ I4, ` F;cloctiun of the E I R consul tan L shall be subject to COMPANY and 111;WPORT BEACH concurrence , U?V1NK shall initiate environmental asseso,nent upon written request of COMPANY and conclude as early as feasible consistent with LRVIHEi priorities and workload , 6, NEWPORT REACH and IRVINE shall review and approve the plans and specificncion•: Cur PROJECT and provide. ;ill n :censaey inspection services , CON PAY•i oprur:s La ruimbursa TRUNIi for Lima ,.nd. uttrunf,as in•_urrcd , at eu..L , for plan checkxno• .iud inapuclion sarvi.eon zn n r. nul. l of the pc'rforrr, mce of this ate'' "�y''" • • ' 7. If, upon completion of the GIR for the project , final accounting of expenses incurred by IRVINE for the GIR chows the total cost to COMPANY to be less than Lhe deposit therefor , IRVINIS shall promptly reimburse COUPANY for the difference baLween the deposit and actual cusL . If, upon completion of PROJECT, final accounting shows the total cost to CM11 ANY Lo be more than the deposit, CO�MPA,,IY shall proeptly reimburse IRVING for the difference between the deposit and actual cost.'- 8 . ' An easement for street and highway Purposes for the PROJECT area shall be granted by COMPANY to IRVINE and shall be accepted by IRVINE when requested by CWLPANY. Upon completion of the improvements in accordance with the approved plans , IRVINE and NEWPORT BEACH shall accept the portion of PROJECT within their respective jurisdictions and responsibility for maintenance thereof. 9. The time within which PROJECT must be commenced as specified herein may be extended by City Council of NEWPORT BFACII upon requesL of IRVINE or COMPANY when L-ne City Council of NEWPORT BEACH determines that circumstances justify an extension of time. I0, ExOcta ion o!' l.his ar.reerent shall satisfy the conditions imposed on Tentative Tract 8725 by NEWPORT BEACH relating to the completion of. PROJECT as described herein. 11 . COHPANY -tgrees to indemnify and hold harmless IRVINE and NEWPORT BEACH and its officers, agenLs and employees from all demands , claims, Losses or liability on account of injury or damage Lo persons or property suffered or claimed to be sulfared in, on or around PROJECT by any person as it result of any act of omission by COMPANY or its agents or employees which injury or damage and act of omission occurs between the date COHNMY bet;ius work on PROJECT and the date the improvements arc completed and .accepted by IRVINE. 3 - f Va' IN WITNESS 1•illl'RE0G, COMPANY, NEWPORT I3EACII and IRVINE have mach caused this agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officers or representatives , respectively oa the day and year first above: written. Approved as to Suff.ic.itancy: CITY Of NEWPORT BEACII j. By Newport Beach Cit -Afars, gc Approver) as to Porn: By �/ t '• o. p_. _ LrE i7ewport 1lauch City Attorney CITY OF IRVINE By 1tayov Approved as o form: Irv1.nCI y At t o r I i e y THE IRVINE C01•LPANY 1` 11NCOHi")RAM1 ,r / ,Vice President 1976 a. �;�;•. ); ssistant ,ecretary WN: Ps 60- t-91OB - 4 - i r U FORD F.OAD A.GREFP+iENT ,` • � / EXHIBIT Q �; may. n. HIGHLA iG RANCH It:�C " \ 4� " _\` , } J. fir''• "�!�''[a: t '• '� ' i- ' =� •\\ ^ `\ ♦/ /J -- ' iI i , -i ' Ir.��'+ \L•S:F`_•l:�•.\:t� '` •, Qr�-1JL{ 'i r - �L \\" \'\�\• 1`, / /, "a 1�:, v ' , [ 'J rl f Orc�.�12�i,i,\'�C.{.�;�`�� _!' �• ��a"! �/rt>-•,_ ; a '�1 ..y • ' - Ns J \f"'. f/. :.n{ \vat\ �)21 f 'i_ a ^I . ._ \ . v'• i ` '.'•�\ __ \ • \ i ` 1 Oral-220 . �:: 1; G y_1t r 0 .fl� / / _ \G 1' �•\\ 't- ••I: ` 'f •G [�_ ,J /� ,f�r r - I '"'- .:' `l is �i'� f1\��^' ,l•! - - ,' _ ' r, '- •••\bbb`\1.\ \ v aff, _ Or-2-207 t I \ `• 1 (` r / _ �. r F. i /✓ \ �. \. - - i-r:.' rr rG_�Q ra--' c�1 n r.t' \ ,\'.•��\ : ',,z , ' bra-209 ' ''..` _-• ::;\i.•v ._, 1 . \ \\\w \ [ / _ i i ,lit: o� - ORD AER0NUTF- QFvfCS_ - ��•. '� ,': ' .` - _. a\v _�1\�`C�t„\`\ y<,Y //�_ \\\, .�_ t-- '"Jli�f'� �\�� i r�. �" / 1 1 rlt�� i vll-/ i Arcliaeolo icall3e 9 source Itilanaguiient Cori). December 9, 1977 Larry Seeman c/o The Irvine Company i 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 645 , Newport peach , California 92660. Proposal to Conduct Test Level Investigations of Two Archaeological Sites - CA-Ora-483 and CA-Ora-106 Archaeological sites CA-0ra-483 and CA-Ora-106 will be adversely impacted by two projects currently being proposed by the Irvine Company. The Widening of Ford Road will directly impact both sites , since the widening will destroy approximately one half of CA-Ora-433 and one fourth of CA-Ora-106, The remaining area of site CA-Ora-106 is currently being considered for a borrow area which will destroy the remainder of the site. In accordance with C[RA and the policy of the City of Irvine, the research potential of both archaeological sites will have to be determined prior to the recommendation of mitigation measures. The areal extent of the sites needs to be defined as well as the cultural complexity mani- • fested at the sites. This goal can be accomplished by conducting a test level investigation at the sites. The test level investigation will : 1. Define the areal extent of each site. 2. Determine the amount of disturbance and/or destruction which has occurred at the sites as a result of previous construction activities . 3. Determine the cultural affiliation of the sites in terms of placing them into a time-space cultural framework. 4. Determine the types of cultural activities which occurred at 'the sites. 5. Determine the scientific research potential of the sites to the " region. 6. Recommend mitigation measures. f` 1 12900 Garden Grove filvd. • Suite 230 • Garden Grove, CA 92647 • (714) 530-6380 ,•, Seeman • Y�t. Page Two A METHODS CA-Ora-106 A. 7 days in the field with 1 supervisor and a crew of 5. B. Conduct a 25% surface collection to determine sit^ boundaries and areas of concentration. Hand excavate G test units to determine depth of midden. C. The recovered artifactual material will be analyzed to determine the temporal placement and the function of the site. The result and data will be used to ascertain the cultural importance of the site. D. Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,174.00. (Optional ) 2 Radio-carbon dates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00. $6,574.00. E. Budget Breakdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Borrow Area. . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,500,00. Ford Road Widening. . . . . .$2,074.00. CA-Ora-483 A. 4 days in the field with a supervisor and a crew of 5. B. Flag boundaries of artifact and shell distribution to generate an accurate map of the site boundaries. (land excavate six units in the area to be affected by the road widening. C. Analyze recovered artifactual material . D. Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,795.00. Radio-carbon date. . . . . . , 200.00. $3,995.00. 9 Marie G. Cottrell President MGC:jh foe ` _' �•%�4_.-.�/` // sow ,\ � \ • `'✓�C/��Jr�) ��('y) ' 1/l))ll(//\ !'` a ( > ` p t11 V 49 D. \y ,17' ix x R� g l�' zt 13 5```•+1 �l( sc� /-� (�; �-J t n \ \ P y50 0 Q, tg sil .. •* " 4 •( Cam \ I' i ,'(,. ko it •• NEWPORT CENTER � � •♦ '' it •� "``\•\+ ��I_ �•�I ^V,� `il��//�'i .v `iA IIII �\y;e 11 / .� }'� � " .'-^ � �. �(♦i._�I) �i C'�F1 �I�f/r' H jl 1 K�L[� Sr Q �l'�.��� �' yly � y �4 \i�.�tll�r''T�i'✓�',�. :�.�+�` ,r ,1Y^ +t 1i .�k� pOr��Z , �•4..6� ' .. y,v) ' , ' 1 � M1Y��� .��f�A ny�+.d�,k�:.1:Y \' i�r� a ��Tdj�`7 Y dab')�,�n l�'` '�i�r.2��h•1•cs' rti'.�i;i'��•`•'�?' • •r re —• Q�F\ t , .!.♦.e.,ki .c.Ri.rnF...r;S«. \ .�na�•a:11..'�i���` '$'�•, �rY• r:'E�' ��•'" � . « � *.r . I � - I `'IN -- - ., . „ , . . . - 11 ��}�DSlep - tI . . , �` . EX/ST..ST�PEE7-LLlihyT _ - .. 1 . " . , . I �", - /-, . ., . " 1 . I -; 9� I, I , i EX/ST..S/DEW41-K C�R�CI��D i • I ! . ; �. `r �r EX/ST. P.4li/ND .' 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PRELIM.lNA-'RY IMP�R, OVEMENT PLANS ' IN", ` 1,.`v /' SCALE. . I �� = 44' /' ` FOR . , v` , r = _ ' ", N, . . } , ,, . . , . . ' , �a`' p a ;, ��v #l�fuY51 .0 - �• f o _.� b " d= 'K �Ip 67 fSn j 6 l . .... - .. y'�„�a .. GW „ -�...,.,.. , . . �l,"�, " ':,i •. 1v • . 'I n��"r l �orr+ip !"1 A T LVD �,/ �' � F�R O MI DATE 23/9/1977„ „ 7 0 EAST 0 MAC R H U R �... 1 r ", ;, TO •,,.." „„ � a��I ry° � ��" 'fir M; I � � � SHEET 1 0 F 3 . . W '- r SAN MIGUEL DRIVE r }') � A I {fJ1� ,;J 4 M Y 4 x G'1'I I nY, " , . , . . v - oor-n ^t�5L /41 �'� �:` �� r r;sh } it � �� � � � ' � •"�:� � ��''� � � � t " , i �.� ( e/ �} ` S Y/1n,_. „f, , ., c»_ „«.,...,...... W r,'S ,,, ,.a' a .,,a 1 "„ \ ..,N"••`^" .,,tip - ± e , / r ` CDNST. X. _ IV Oro k' p� r , ry� C . � �' } � . \ 1. �► .( � "+. ~'`. I I,i.i. � _ / 1 .. ,i.wTM `/ � 1 "•. I � I e.- ,"� f. ., r"" l \ �. �fr0 m• �,� ���+-�, •�. .,. ,1"..._.,,, y,,,"" ,p r'/r �'+q-✓.:'' �.r" J +'. 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