HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO024_NEWPORT PLACE 9LUCAS DEV. CORP TP0024 _ ;# COMMISSIONERS ztober 23 , 1980 -MINa-ES N City of Newport Beach _ ROLL CALL INDEX `.ordinances of the City , all applicable general o' ,specific plans and the Planning Commission is tisfied with the plan of subdivision . 2 . That the roposed resubdivision presents no problems f" m a planning standpoint. Conditions : 1 . That a parcel map be iled . 2. That all improvements be nstructed as re- quired by Ordinance and the ublic Works Department . 3. That each unit have individual sew laterals and water services unless otherwise a ,roved by the Public Works Department. Request to consider an amendment to the Newport Item #8 Place Planned Community Traffic Phasing Plan for TRAFFIC a proposed 17 ,000 square feet office condominium PHASING project and the acceptance of an Environmental PLAN Document . APPROVED_ CONDI - AND 710NALLY To permit the establishment of a single building Item #9 'site for office condominium purposes so as to permit the construction of a ,17 ,000 square feet RESUB- ± office condominium project located in the DIVISION Newport Place Planned Community . N0 66� LOCATION : Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 87-50 APPROVED (Resubdivision No . 531 ) , located at CONDI - 1101 Quail Street between Spruce TIONALLY Avenue and Dove Street in the Newport — Place Planned Community ZONE : P-C APPLICANT: Lucas Development Corporation , Newport Beach OWNER: Same as Applicant TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Herman Kimmel and Associates -19- . COMMISSIONERS October 23 , 1980 MINUTES � s i5 m � a y N City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Agenda Items Nos . 8 and 9 were heard concurrently due to their relationship. The public hearing was opened in connection with these items and Mr. Charles Hofmann , representing the applicant and the owner, appeared before the Commission and urged approval of the Traffic Phasing Plan and Resubdivision No. 669. Commissioner Allen asked staff how this relates to the history of the overall density reduction . Mr. Fred Talarico , Environmental Coordinator, stated that with the approval of the original traffic phasing plan for Newport Place, there was a reduction in permitted square footage in terms of 24 percent for the Emkay properties and one or two of the other large vacant sites . The proposed development in this case, comes out of what was designated at that time as expansion area . Commissioner Beek stated that the standard waiver for the Orange County Airport should be included in the conditions for approval . Commissioner McLaughlin concurred and stated that she would include this in her motion for approval . Motion X Motion was made to accept and certify the En- All Ayes X X X X X vironmental Document and approve Resubdiviston Absent * No. 669 and Amendment No . 2 of the Phasing Plan , subject to the findings and conditions as follows , which MOTION CARRIED : ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Findings : 1 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 2 . That based upon the information contained in the environmental document , the proposed pro- ject will not have a significant environmental impact, the project subject to the conditions listed below incorporates sufficient mitigatio -20- COMMISSIONERS O�•ber 23 , 1980 MINUTES a n+ 0 � E x � = City of Newport Beach ROLL CALLLZU INDEX ,.:,mw��.,.xaa�':�z �rm��w�. rr ,,"`�. ur.Cmsw-ta'ar ••..a w� measures so that any presently anticipated negative environmental effects of the project would be eliminated . TRAFFIC PHASING PLAN Findings : 1 . That environmental documentation on this pro- posed project has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and City Policy K-3 and that its contents have been considered in decision on this project . 2 . That the Phasing Plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place . 3. That based on the Phasing Plan and supporting information submitted therewith , there is a reasonable correlation between projected traffic at time of completion and the capacity of affected intersections . 4 . That the applicant has taken into consideratio in the preparation of his plan characteristics in the design of his development which either reduce traffic generation or guide traffic ont less impact arterials or through intersections _ in the least congested direction . Conditions : 1 . That the occupancy of the proposed development shall not occur prior to 1981 . 2. That the total floor area of the proposed building shall not exceed 17 ,000 square feet of net floor area . 3 . Final design of the proposed project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water using facilities . 4. Prior to the occupancy of the proposed struc- ture , a program for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid wastes for the site shall be developed and approved by •the Plannin Department . -21 - COMMISSIONERS 6 _ober 23, 1 980 MINUTES 0 N in-, 7 City ®f Newport Beach ROLL CALL � 1; .. �,L t., INDEX 5 . The applicant shall provide for weekly vacuum . sweeping of all parking areas . 1 6 . The landscape plan of the existing site shall be reviewed by a licensed landscape architect The existing landscape program shall be f modified to include the concerns of Condition 7 and 8 below to the maximum extent practicable that can maintain the character of the existi g landscape program of the site and the Newport Place Planned Community . Any change (s ) in said existing program as a result of this review shall be phased and incorporated as a portion of existing landscape maintenance . 7. The landscape plan shall include a maintenanc program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 8 . The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vege- tation and be irrigated via a system 'designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering . 9 . The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 10 . The following disclosure statement for the City of Newport Beach ' s policy regarding the Orange County Airport shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants , ; Conditions and Restrictions which may be re- corded against the property . Disclosure Statement : The Lessee herein , his heirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that: a ) The Orange County Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such services ; b) When an alternate air facility is 'availab`le , a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the Orange County Airport ; -22- COMMISSIONERS ? MINUTES October 23 , 1980 x -I w y r I City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX c ) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commercial air service expansions at the Orange County Airport; d ) Lessee , his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any actions taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the Orange County Airport. RESUBDIUISION NO. 669 Findings • 1 . That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code , all applicable general or specific plans and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision . 2 . That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. Conditions • 1 . That a Parcel Map be filed . 2. That all improvements be constructed as re- quired by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3 . That a 6 foot wide P . C . C . sidewalk be construc ted along Quail Street frontage of the propert . 4 . That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee the satisfactory completion of public improve- ments , if it is desired to record the Parcel Map prior to completion of the public improve- ments . The Planning Commission recessed at 8 : 45 p.m. and reconvened at 8: 55 p . m. -23- ;• Plannin'g Commission P2ting October 23 , 1980 Agenda Item No ! 8 & 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO : Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Phasing Plan (Public Hearing) Request to consider an amendment to the Newport Place Planned Community Traffic Phasing Plan for a proposed 17, 000 square feet office condominium project and the acceptance bf an Environmental Document. AND Resubdivision No . 669 ( Public Hearing) To permit the establishment of a single buil'ding site for office condominium purposes so as to permit the construction of a 17 ,000 square feet + office condo- minium project located in the Newport—Place Planned Community. LOCATION : Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 87-50 (Resubdivision No . 531 ) , loca.tdd at 1101 Quail Street between Spruce Avenue and Dove Street in the Newport Place Planned Community. ZONE : P-C APPLICANT: Lucas Development Corporation , Newport Beach OWNER: Same as Applicant TRAFFIC ENGINEER : Herman Kimmel and Associates Application Lucas Development Corporation has requested the approval of an Amend- ment to a Phasing Plan to comply with Resolution No . 9472 of the Newport Beach City Council , Amendment No . 514 as it pertains to the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place , and City Council actions in approving the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan . Additionally , . the applicant requests the acceptance of an Environmental Document and a Resubdivision for the purpose of establishing a single lot subdivison for an office condominium. Section 19 . 10 . 030 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that a parcel map (Resubdivision ) shall be required for all subdivisions creating four or less condominiums. Re- subdivision procedures are contained in section 19 . 12 . 040 of the Municipal Code . TO : Planning Commission -2.• Items ft 8 & 9 General Plan The proposed project is consistent with the various elements of the Newport Beach General Plan . Environmental Significance The City of Newport Beach Environmental Affairs Comm,ittee has reviewed the proposed project and determined that although the project could have a significant effect on the environment , there will not be a significant effect in this case if the mitigation measures described, in the attached Negative Declaration are incorporated into the project. Proposed Project The applicant proposed to construct a 16 ,929 square foot office build- ing on a one acre portion of industrial site 1 -A , of the Newport Place Planned Community. The proposed building will be divided into three office condominium units . One of the proposed offices will be used as the corporate offices of the Lucas Development Corporation . The proposed plot plan indicates that 75 common offstreet parking spaces are .proposed for the office condominum project. However , the plans will have to be revised slightly, inasmuch as 76 parking spaces are required (16 ,929 square feet : 225 square feet = 75 . 2 or 76 spaces ) . Furthermore , eleven of the proposed parking spaces are for compact automobiles , which must be approved by the Modifications Committee . ' Phasing Plan The applicants have indicated thatshould the Planning Commission approve the Traffic Phasing Plan Amendment , it -is their intention to start construction December 1 , 1980, and occupy the structure by August 1 , 1981 . Resolution No . 9472 Attached for the Planning Commission ' s consideration is a copy of the applicant ' s response to the Planning Commission guidelines for review- ing the Phasing Plan , as modified by the City Council . Traffic Report A traffic report was prepared for the applicant by - Herman Kimmel and Associates which analyzed the six critical intersections identified * for analysis by the City Traffice Engineer . The findings of the Traffic Report indicate that the project will not increase traffic volumes on any said intersections by 2 . 0% . Staff Analysis The proposed project consists of a two-story , 17 ,000 + square foot office building located on one of two lots on industrial site 1 -A of the' Newport Place Planned Community . Said construction constitutes approximately one-half of the allowable floor area for site 1 -A r TO: f P1•anning Commission Items # 8 & 9 ( 34 , 130' sq . ft. ) as stated in the planned community text. The City Council in approving the Traffic Phasing Plan for Newport Place on March 12 , 1979 , phased construction of development within the Planned Community subject to the conditions indicated below. Conditions 1 . Occupancy of the floor space considered for construction in 1979 shall not occur until a third lane is developed on Mac Arthur Boulevard in each direction at the Campus Drive intersection and the Corona del Mar Freeway connection is made to the west and the San Diego Freeway . 2 . The occupancy of buildings shall not occur until the Mac Arthur/ Ford improvements are ,completed. 3 . The opening of the Von Karman overcrossing and the addition of a northbound lane on Jamboree Road by the City of Irvine shall be accomplished prior to occupancy of any buildings . 4% Future development in the Emkay-Newport Place Planned Community shall occur in accordance with the Phasing Plan . - 5 . Prior to the issuance of any building permits the applicant shall indicate in writing to the Plannina ,Deoartment 1 ,2, and 3 abova and that the improvements indicated above shall be 'as defined in the R. Crommelin & Associates ' report and as approved by the Public Works Department. On May 8, 1980 , the Planning Commission approved Amendment No . 1 to the original Traffic Phasing Plan , which involved a 12 ,000 square foot office addition to the Boyle Engineering Facilities located at 1501 Quail Street in Newport Beach . - The proposed 16 ,929 square foot office building will come from the 178,262 square foot of expansion space remaining after the development of the undeveloped parcels noted below: DEVELOPMENT PHASING REMAINING FOR FOR FOR ALLOWED OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY OWNER SQ . FT. 1979-SQ. FT. 1980-SQ . FT. 1981 -SQ . FT. Undeveloped Parcels : Emkay 292 , 388 0 206 ,269 66 ,442 Bear Brand Ranch 61 ,000 61 ,000 0 0 ' Air California 40 ;951 0 40 ,951 0 Ketchum 87 ,019 87 ,019 0 0 Boyle Engineering • Addition 12 ,000 0 0 12 ,000 Subtotal : 493 ,358 148,019 247 ,220 78,442 TO : Planning Commission -4!0 Items #8 & 9 Expansion Space: Various Parcels : 1782262 Sq . ft. TOTAL NEWPORT PLACE : 671 ,620 Sq . ft . Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission accept and certify the Environmental Document and approve Resubdivision No . 669 and- Amendment No . 2 of the Phasing Plan , with the Findings and subject to the cond- itions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D . HEWICKER, DIRECTOR r W. W i I m and Senior Planner WWW/klk ATTACHMENTS : Exhibit "A" Letter from Gin Wong Associates Traffic Phasing Plan Vicinity Map Negative Declaration Tentative Parcel Map C 1 �• � t -5- EXHIBIT "A" RECOMMENDED FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Environmental Document : Findings : 1 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 2 . That based upon the information contained in the environmental document , the proposed project will not have a significant environ- mental impact , the project subject to the conditions listed below incorporates sufficient mitigation mesures 'so that any presently anticipated negative environmental effects of the project would be eliminated . Traffic - Phasing Plan Findings : 1 . That environmental documentation on this proposed project has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Qualtiy Act and City Policy K-3 and that its contents have been considered in decision on this project. 2 . That the Phasing Plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community Development . Plan for Newport Place . 3 . That based on the Phasing Plan and supporting information submitted therewith , there is a reasonable correlation between projected traffic at time of completion and the capacity of affected inter- sections . ` 4. That the applicant has taken into consideration in the preparation of his plan characteristics in the design of his development which either reduce traffic generation or guide traffic onto less impact arterials or through intersections in the least congested direction . Conditions : 1 . That the occupancy of the proposed development shall not occur - prior to 1981 . 2 . That the total floor area of the proposed building shall not -exceed ' 17 ,000 square feet of net floor area . 3. Final design of the proposed project shall provide for the• incorpor- ation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water - using facilities . 4 . • Prior to the occupancy of the proposed structure, a program for the coring of recyclable material from other solid wastes for the site shall be developed and approved by the- Planning Depart- ment . EXHIBIT "A" Con ' t . -6- 5 . The applicant shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all parking areas . 6 . The landscape plan of the existing site shall be reviewed by a licensed landscape architect . The existing landscape program shall be modified to include the concerns of Conditions 7 and 8 below to the .maximum extent practicable that can maintain the character of the existing landscape program of the site and the Newport Place Planned Community. Any change( s ) :in said existing program as a result of this review shall be phased and incorporated ,as a portion of existng landscape maintenance . 7 . The landscpae plan shall include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 8 . The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought- resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 9 . The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department . RESUBDIVISION 669 Findings : 1 . That the, map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach , Municipal Code , all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision . 2 . That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a plan- ning standpoint. Conditions : 1 . That a Parcel Map be filed . 2 . That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3 . That a 6 foot wide P . C . C . sidewalk be constructed along Quail Street frontage of the property. 4. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying sure to be provided to guarantee the satisfactory completion of Public improvements , if it is desired to record the Parcel Map prior to completion of the Public improvements i THE N EW PORT ENSIGN This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) A STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. County of Orange, - Notice I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the Proof of Publication of County aforesaid;I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled Resubdivison ##669 matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Newport Harbor Ensign newspaper of general circula- tion, printed and published weekly in the city of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which news- _ PUBLIC NOTICE paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING n. circulation b the Superior Court of the Count of Or- ng Commission 1.hereby giof thel Ilia 0! y p y carp aI.heby v that the of ange, State of California, under the date of May 14, Newport Beech will hold a public Leer. mg on the application of LUCAS 1951, CASE NUMBER A-20178 that the notice, of DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION lot a which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not Re.ubdlvlelon No. 609, Traffic study smaller than nonpareil) has been published in each 10 properly located at Quell gee p p to propel the at.d t 110 of a it St, regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in building .Ile for office condominium an supplement thereof on the following dates to-wit: Purposes of as, lc square! the con- y pp g building on roper equate loot the Newport on property d Co a the Newport Place Planned Community, O and the appion with 01 a helllc proposed d Oct . 8 e 1980 devconelopment. with the pnpo..d sees............... ....... ............... NOTICE I9 HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Lea been prepared by the City of Newport Beech In connection with the appllca. .............. ...... . .............. .... ` �� 1 vtlono lionl at thee Cityle oe acrcept esent the Negative Declaration and supporting i J document.. Th. City encourage. �, members of the general public to review end comment on this dooumen- ��(].O!' ,O lellon,Copes of the Negative,Declame lion and supporting documents ero t- tj ..liable for public review and lv- + S' epsilon at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beech, 3300 W. I certify(or declare) under penalty of perjury that th �\ Q /1 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Ca fo is tru and correct. Dated at Newport - � 92663.(714)040.2216. Notice is hereby further given that. each,Ca ornia,e this$ day of Oc 80 V 1 / said public hearing will be held on the �/ /�)�--'�� 23rd day of October,1980,at the hour fl i 01 7:30 p.m.m the Council Chambers -Jr�` oI the Newport Beach City Half at which Ilme and place any and all per. .oar Interested may appear and be .. .. .. ........ ... ..7.... heard thereon. George Coke., Secretary, Planning Commesslov,City of Newport Beach, Publish-Oct.8,1980In The Newport Emlgn. NES78 Signature THE NEWPORT ENSIGN 2721 E.Coast Hwy.,Corona del Mar,California 92625. PROOF OF PUBLICATION 74NE0 Gin Wong Associates Planning and Architecture TRAFFIC PHASING PLAN INFORMATION CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 9472 ITEM A The site is a 1 acre undeveloped parcel.' Proposed is a two-story 16,929 square foot building. ITEM B Currently there is no traffic being generated by the site since it is vacant. A study by Herman Kimmel and Associates, Inc. indicates the traffic generated during peak hours will be: Inbound 21 hour rate = 1.2 T.E./K.S.F. Inbound 2J hour volume = 1.2 x 17 = 20 Outbound 2J hour rate = 3.4 T.E./K.S.F Outbound 21 hour volume = 3.4 x 17 = 58 ITEM C All streets adjacent to the site have previously been improved. The critical intersections identified by the City's Traffic Department for the two (2) percent check are listed and analyzed in the enclosed re- port by Herman Kimmel. ITEM D Existing traffic volumes of the intersection described in Item C above are listed in the report by Herman Kimmel. ITEM E As concluded by the Herman Kimmel report, there will be volume in- creases at the indicated intersections no greater than 2% thus having no significant impact on the street system. ITEM F The limited street frontage allows only one driveway to the public way. The on site traffic circulation has been designed to afford ease in manuverability near the street as thus smiting the amount of con- gestion on the street. 1666 West Third Street Los Angeles California 90017 Telephone 213 483 8822 1 ITEM G As indicated in the report by Herman Kimmel, the projected traffic volumes generated by the proposed project will not significantly impact the intersection or street systems shown. ITEM H The street improvements currently in place and proposed as neces- sary for approval of other projects are considered permanent. J ~ * • • 111 Gin Wong Associates Planning and Architecture September 26, 1980 Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Re: Amendment of Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Quail Business Center GWA Project No. 0831.0 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission: Lucas Development Corporation is proposing to build an office building on Quail Street near the intersection of Quail and Dove Street. The site is located within "Newport Place Planned Community" on the sub- divided industrial site 1A. The two-story project will house professional and business offices in its three (3) attached condominium units with the parking area and landscaping being maintained commonly. Lucas Development intends to locate their corporate offices in one of the units. The site is a one (1) acre parcel and is currently undeveloped and relatively level. Adjacent sites•have been fully developed and landscaped conforming to the City of Newport Beach requirements. We propose to construct a two story, 16, 929 square foot building with 75 parking spaces at grade; 141 percent of the spaces will be compact stalls. Based on P. C. Standards, the maximum allowed building area is 17,065 square feet which the project does not exceed. We, therefore, would like to amend the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan to allow the proposed project. City Council resolution number 9472 sets forth guidelines for "The Test of Reasonableness" to be used in evaluating such projects. A study conducted by Herman Kimmel and Associates, Inc. concludes that none of the intersections will experience traffic volume in- creases greater than 2% as a result the proposed project. It is our belief that the report has been prepared in conformance with City requirements thus correctly indicating that the project will not impact the street system. Enclosed along with the Traffic Phasing Plan are the responses to the in- formation requested by resolution number 9472. 1666 West Third Street Los Angeles Calitornia90017 Telephone 213 4838822 r' Planning Commission City of Newport Beach September 26, 1980 Page Two We trust this information is adequate to assist you in your evaluation of the project. Should you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Rick Poulos RP/pin cc: Chuck Hofmann, Lucas Development 0 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ® Fjerman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E•6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 (714) 546.9B14 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON September 19, 1980 Lucas Development Company c/o Gin Wong Associates 1666 West Third Street Los Angeles, California 90017 Attention Mr. Rick Polus 2% Traffic"Analysis Quail Business Center City of Newport Beach Dear Mr. Polus: The proposed office project at 1101 Quail Street has been analyzed in accordance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance . The following outlines the analysis for a 2% traffic increase in a 2'k hour peak period at intersections identified by Mr. Rich Edmonston, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The planned 17, 000 square foot office building site is located on the south side of Quail Street, midway between Spruce Street and Dove Street. Adjacent land uses are a commercial office building and a Mercedes-Benz dealership. The surrounding area is comprised of similar office and commercial facilities (see Vicinity Map) . TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Traffic generation rates, as identified by the City 's Traffic Department, are as follows,: ADT Rate = 13 T.E./K.S.F.* ADT Volume = 13 x 17 = 221 Total 2'k Hour Rate = 4 .6 T.E./K.S.F. Total 23-2 Hour Volume = 4 .6 x 17 = 78 *K.S .F. = 1000 Square Feet ti Page 2 • Sept. 19, 1980 Lucas Dev. Co . Inbound 2k Hour Rate = 1.2 T.E./K.S .F. Inbound 2'k Hour Volume = 1.2 x 17 = 20 Outbound 2'k Hour Rate =. 3 .4' T.E./K.S .F. Outbound 2'k Hour Volume = 3 .4 x 17 = 'S8 Exhibit 1 shows both percentage of traffic distribution and directional 2'h hour volume in the- analysis area . INTERSECTION ANALYSIS The critical intersections identified by the City's Traffic Depart- ment for the "Two Percent" check analysis include: 1. Bristol Street North at Jamboree Road 2. Bristol Street North at Birch Street 3 . Bris-tol Street North at Campus- Drive 4. ' Jamboree Road at Bristol Street 5 . Jamboree Road at Campus Drive 6 . MacArthur Boulevard at Campus Drive Existing and projected 2;1 hour -traffic volumes are shown on attached forms for each intersection. CONCLUSIONS The analysis shows that none of the intersections identified .by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Department will experience traffic volume increases greater than 2%, as 'a result of the proposed project. If you have any questions, please contact our office . Respectfully. submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL & ASSOC. , INC. H. William Dickson RCE No. 19417 w RTR No. 39 rlUN 12IAIF per" L VICINITY &W TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ®Ferman CONSULTANTS Ql1A1L13U5 �7 IN G�iAI'(C�i klmmei and Associates.Inc. gip(I�p 5% 200 A) ArION r 1QVINE 5 o/o OU% p�O,�,N'C'Dl5TS2.t8�Yl'lUN 00 21/2NUv2 'D12r-,=9AL,VIcJ'RlT6Url0N C2ITICAI. II. t2 6F. ION �j tN �iXU 1T31'f 1 5% 920J M-f -MA?r1C 10% 'f�a�f2113WIQl.I TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ®Herman CONSULTANTS klmmeI and Associates,Inc. 1 5Plpr.,80 QUAIL,f3U5Ii`I155GWM-2 2% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St./Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 2+ Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected iProject Mirection , Peak 2is Hour Regional Projects Peak 2+1 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour' I ; Vol w.e Growth Peak 211 Hour Vol we Volume Volume i, Vol une Volume 5614 7&89 154 2 INorthbound ' iSouthbound 2063 5 C �!'Q". O Eastbound 4862 105 �(6 ' 31 119 Aiestbound � .� i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 2% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than Z.% of Projected Peak 23-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. QUAI L IENUEA E= DATE: PROJECT: FOR14 I Z% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Jamboree Road/Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/5pring. 198o)' Approach Existing Peak 21, Hour Approved Projected 11 of Projected Project Direction j Peak 2h Hour Regional Projects, Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour I Volume Growth Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume J Volume Volume IHorthbound 2944 la 770 5 lei iSouthbound j 2773 17 eO 31-77i 6e) 4 j 'Eastbound 2015 85. 4:-5 --)550 151 1 1 stbound 1802 7& 4& l9 as Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 2% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than ?% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization. (I.C.U. ) Analysis is •required. QUAIL 'P. �IN4✓SS Gi✓NT `� DATE: (W,9/80 I� nnn icrT. Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St. (N)/Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980 Approach Existing Peak 21s Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project i Direction Peak 21s Hour Regional Projects Peak 2§ Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k'Hour' ' I Volwme Growth Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume I i Aolume Volume , 7 Northbound ! 2644 1 428 3183 eA 12 i iSouthbound ; 3552 149 8G 0 � I Eastbound estbound 9636 708 ZZgCo 17,,0c30 ZAZ 33 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 2% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 21 of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U. ) Analysis is required. G1UA L, 'E3U J1 N DATE: (;/1C)/80 PROJECT: FORM I 2$ Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St. (N)/Brich St.. se (Existing Traffic Volumes bad on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach ' Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project tDirection Peat 2y Hour Regional Projects Peak 2)1 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hourl I ; Volume Growth Peak 2+1 Hour Volume Volume Val ume ; Volume Volume ' (Northbound I 904 Zt2 IllCo ZZ O lSouthbound 2729 5�Z l �05 go 'Eastbound �estbound 7220 5CD 1922 �298 18(0 ?A Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 2% of Projected Peak 22 Hour,Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 2% of Projected Peak 2= Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. WAIL DATE: 9 ezao PROJECT: FOR14 I 2% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19.80) Approach Existing Peak 2h Hour Approved Projected 1L of Projected Project 0l rection ; Peak 2k Hour Regional Projects Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2)s Hour' Volume Growth Peak 2k Hour volume Volume Volume i •Volume volume i Northbound 6131 I&S 8 iSouthbound 3003 / 1 � I (Eastbound — —~ !Hestbound 1600 35 4CO 2035 41 1 J ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than Z% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 2% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume: Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. I A 8US1 t�It=SS CSt�t 1_-1z. QU 1 L T PROJECT: FORM i 2% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MacArthur Blvd./Campus Drive .(Existing Traffic Vo umes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction ; Peak 25 Hour Regional Projects Peak 24 Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour' I Volune Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume i Volume Volume A ^/�� Northbound 2921 15? / `� 89 J' �southbound 2738 7 rJ�OB 3P 1 (,Eastbound 2043 SCo 0,25 235-1 4-7 0 1 Westbound I 2469 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 2% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than a% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. QU�.I L �1h11✓�� G�t�1Tt✓2 DATE: qznh/ U Don icrT- 0 Gin Wong Associates Planning and Architecture September 26, 1980 Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Re: Amendment of Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Quail Business Center GWA Project No. 0831.0 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission: Lucas Development Corporation is proposing to build an office building on Quail Street near the intersection of Quail and Dove Street. The site is located within "Newport Place Planned Community" on the sub- divided industrial site IA. The two-story project will house professional and business offices in its three (3) attached condominium units with the parking area and landscaping being maintained commonly. Lucas Development intends to locate their corporate offices in one of the units. The site is a one (1) acre parcel and is currently undeveloped and relatively level. Adjacent sites have been fully developed and landscaped conforming to the City of Newport Beach' requirements. We propose to construct a two story, 16,929 square foot building with 75 parking spaces at grade; 141 percent of the spaces will be compact stalls. Based on P. C. Standards, the maximum allowed building area is 17,065 square feet which the project does not exceed. We, therefore, would like to amend the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan to allow the proposed project. City Council resolution number 9472 sets forth guidelines for "The Test of Reasonableness" to be used in evaluating such projects. A study conducted by Herman Kimmel and Associates, Inc. concludes that none of the intersections will experience traffic volume in- creases greater than 2% as a result the proposed project. It is our belief that the report has been prepared in conformance with City requirements thus correctly indicating that the project will not impact the street system. Enclosed along with the Traffic Phasing Plan are the responses to the in- formation requested by resolution number 9472. 1666 West Third Street Los Angeles Calirornia90017 Telephone 213 4838822 r Planning Commission City of Newport Beach September 26, 1980 Page Two We trust this information is adequate to assist you in your evaluation of the• project. Should you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Rick Poulos RP/pin cc: Chuck Hofmann, Lucas Development I f r• Gin Wong Associates Planning and Architecture TRAFFIC PHASING PLAN INFORMATION CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 9472 ITEM A The site is a 1 acre undeveloped parcel.' Proposed is a two-story 16,929 square foot building. ITEM B Currently there is no traffic being generated by the site since it is vacant. A study by Herman Kimmel and Associates, Inc. indicates the traffic generated during peak hours will be: Inbound 21 hour rate = 1.2 T.E./K.S.F. Inbound 21 hour volume = 1.2 x 17 = 20 Outbound 21 hour rate = 3.4 T.E./K.S.F Outbound 21 hour volume = 3.4 x 17 = 58 ITEM C All streets adjacent to the site have previously been improved. The critical intersections identified by the City's Traffic Department for the two (2) percent check are listed and analyzed in the enclosed re- port by Herman Kimmel. ITEM D Existing traffic volumes of the intersection described in Item C above are listed in the report by Herman Kimmel. ITEM E As concluded by the Herman Kimmel report, there will be volume in- creases at the indicated intersections no greater than 2% thus having no significant impact on the street system. ITEM F The limited street frontage allows only one driveway to the public way. The on site traffic circulation has been designed to afford ease in manuverability near the street entrance thus lmiting the amount of con- gestion on the street. 1666 West Third Street Los Angeles California 90017 Telephone 213 4838822 ITEM G As indicated in the report by Herman Kimmel, the projected traffic volumes generated by the proposed project will not significantly impact the intersection or street systems shown. ITEM H The street improvements currently in place and proposed as .neces- sary for approval of other projects are considered permanent. Emkay-Newport Place The following breaks down the remaining allowable expansion of Newport Place. Square footage figures are provided indicating what has been approved based upon a traffic phasing plan and additional expansion that will require another phasing plan: Permitted Expansion Expansion Under By P.C. Text Under T.P.P. Requiring T.P.P. Constrn. Industrial 1-A 34,130 - 34,130 - 2-B 63,138 - 37,396 - 3-A (Bear Brand �B3 Ranch) 81 ,162 61 ,i-62 - 49,633 Air California 40,951 40,951 - - 4- 288,254 - 34,044 - 507,635 102,113 105,570 49,633 Commercial/Professional 1 & 2 (Emkay) 3580830�� 272,711 - - 3-A 115,530 - 37,463 - 4- (Ketchum) 87,019 87,019 - - 5- 165,480 - - - 6- 42,420 - 6,582 - 7- 55,860 - - 835,139 359,730 44,045 - Retail Commercial 1- 56,500 - - - 2- 8,250 - - - 64,750 Commercial/Hotel 1-A & 1-B 186,844 - - - Auto Center 1-B 13,000 - - - 2-A 31 ,752 - - - 44,752 General Commercial 1- 35,000 - - - 2- 11 ,200 - 6,850 - 3- 48,300 - 6,949 - 4- 34,130 - 4,130 - 129.130 17,929