HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO030_NEWPORT PLACE (BILL LANGSTON) *NEW FILE* rrooao I I C�Al 4i�iSlC^ -- =.--MINLZES✓ June 7, 1984 e 7c f o m v x C' of N t Beach u s 6 p o ROLL CALL INDEX A. Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Amendment'No. 8 Item #7 (Discussion) Newport Request to approve an amendment to the Newport Place Traf- Place fic Phasing Plan so as to transfer development space from Traffic "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Phasing offices Site 5". Plan Amendment --AND No. 8 B. Amen :ent No. 608• (Public Hearin ) A pry oved Condi- Request to amend the 1 rt Place Planned Community tionally Development Standards so as ansfer the remaining 4,130 sq. ft. of allowable buildin ea from "General AND Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and ess Offices Site 5". The proposal also includes the accept of Amendment an environmental document. �� No. 608 LOCATION: Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 57-12 (Resub- Approved division No. 386) and Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 40-31 (Resubdivision No. 319) located at the northwesterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Newport Place Drive in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5" of the Newport Place Planned Community. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Bill Langston, Newport Beach OWNER: McLachlan Investment Company, Newport Beach The public hearing was opened in connection. with this item and Bill Langston, Applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission and requested clarification of Condition No. 1 and Condition No. 6 of the staff report, which pertain to the total development permitted on the subject building site, and the Fair-Share contribution for circulation system improvements and noise walls, respectively. r v44- � COMMISSONERS A 7, 1984 MINUTES � x C of Ne%M"t Beach ROLL CAU INDEX There being no.others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion x Motion was made that the Planning Commission accept the Ayes x x x x x x Environmental Document and approve the Traffic Phasing Absent x Plan, subject to the Findings and Conditions contained in Exhibit "A", which'MOTION CARRIED. Environmental Document: Findings: 1. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Envi- ronmental Quality Act and that their contents have been.considered in the decisions on this project. 2. That based upon the information contained in the environmental document, the proposed project will not have a significant environmental impact. The project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures so that any presently anticipated negative environmental effects of the project would be eliminated. Traffic Phasing Plan: Findings: 1. That environmental documentation on this proposed pro- ject has been prepared in compliance with the Cali- fornia Environmental Quality Act and City Policy K-3 and that its contents have been considered in decisions on this project. 2. That the Phasing Plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community Develop- ment Plan for Newport Place. -45- ' COMMISSIONERS Ju117, 1984 • MINUTES � x r o a at a 5 o City of NeNmt Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 3. That based on the Phasing Plan and supporting informa- tion submitted therewith, there is a reasonable cor- relation between projected traffic at time of comple- tion and the capacity of affected intersections. 4. That the establishment, maintenance of operation of the use of the property or building will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detri- mental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neigh- borhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neigh- borhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions: 1. That the total development permitted on the subject building site shall not exceed 30,365 sq. ft. of net floor area (and 185,764 sq. ft. of net floor area for the entire area of "Professional and Business Offices Site 59 as defined in Section 20.87.184 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. That parking be provided at a ratio of at least one parking space for each 225 sq. ft. of net floor area. 3. That a maximum of 25 percent of the parking spaces be compact size spaces. 4. All mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from public streets, or adjoining properties. 5. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport . shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the •project and shall be included in any Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which may be recorded against the site. -46- COMMSSIONERS 17, 1984 • MINUTES :E r c- ity ofNewport Beach o ROIL CALL INDEX DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, herein, acknowledge that: a) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to pro- vide adequate air service for business estab- lishments which rely on such service; b) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of'jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c) The City of Newport Beach will continue to oppose additional .commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose any action taken• by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. 6. .The project shall contribute to Fair-Share for circu- lation system improvements and noise walls, to be established by ordinance adopted by the City Council. 7. Development of the site shall be subject-to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 8. The Fire Department shall review design plans to ensure adequate access and emergency exits. 9. The final design and composition of on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation sys- tems shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 10. Handicap and compact parking spaces shall be desig- nated by a method approved by the City Traffic Engi- neer and the Planning Department. The quantity and design• of such spaces shall comply with all City Codes. 11. Parking arrangements during the construction period shall be approved by the City Planning Department and the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of any grading and/or building permits. -47- COMMISSIONERS s 7, 1984 MINUTES � x City of NeNwt Beach 3 ROLL CALL INDEX 12. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 13. That each building be served with individual water services and sewer laterals unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 14. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory com- pletion of the public improvements if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 15. That the intersection of the streets and drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 35 miles per hour. Slopes, landscaping, walls and other obstructions shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight distance line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be appropriately modified at non-critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 16. That landscape plans shall be subject to review hnd approval of the Parks, Reaches and Recreation Depart- ment and Public Works Department. 17. That the drive approaches be constructed or recon- structed to conform with City Std. DWG 166-L and any unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Dove Street and Newport Place Drive frontages, and that all the work be com- pleted under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 18. That an access ramp be constructed per City Std. 181-L at the intersection of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 19. That prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facili- ties will be available for the project. Such demon- stration shall include verification from the Orange County Sanitation District and the City's Utilities Department. -48- . COMANSSIONERS sU07, 1984 MINUTES � x f ; a 7to City of NeNWt Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 20. That all on-site drainage be put directly into the public storm drain system unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 21. That the maximum slope of ramps shall be fifteen percent and that ramps with direct access to parking stalls shall not exceed five percent slope. Motion x Motion was made for approval of Amendment No. 608, subject Ayes x x x x x x to the Findings contained in Exhibit "A", which MOTION Absent x CARRIED'. Findings: 1. That the request to transfer 4,130 sq. ft. from "General Commercial Site 4" to the total permitted building area in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5" is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan. 2. That based upon the information contained in the Traffic Study, the proposed transfer of building area will not result in an adverse impact to the existing circulation system in the vicinity of the subject property. 3. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any, easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. -49- Planning Commission Meeting June 7, 1984 Agenda Item No. 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department ( SUBJECT: Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Amendment No. 8 (Discussion) Request to approve an amendment to the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan so as to transfer development space from "General Commercial-Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". AND Amendment No. 608 (Public Hearing) S Request to amend the Newport Place Planned Community Development Standards so as to transfer the remaining 4,130 sq.ft. of allowable building area "from "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and .Business Offices Site 5". The proposal also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION: , Parcel No. I of Parcel Map 57-12 (Resubdivision No. 386) and Parcel No. 1 of . •Parcel Map 40-31 (Resubdivision No. 319) located at the northwesterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Newport Place Drive in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5" of the Newport Place Planned Community. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Bill Langston, Newport Beach OWNER: Mc Lachlan Investment Company, Newport Beach Application These applications are a request to amend the Newport Place Planned Community Development standards so as to transfer the remaining 4,130 sq. ft. of allowable building area from "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices Site ,5". The proposal also includes a request to amend the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan in conjunction with the proposed transfer of development rights. Amendment procedures are outlined in Chapter 20.84 of the Newport I TO: Planniraommission - 2. Beach Municipal Code. Traffic Phasing Ordinance procedures are set forth in Section 15.40 of the Municipal Code. Environmental Significance An Initial Study 'has been prepared for the proposed development pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and City Council Policy K-3. Based upon information contained in the Initial Study, it has-been determined that the project will not result in a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is attached for Planning Commission review and consideration. Conformance with the General Plan "Professional and Business Offices Site, 5" is designated for "Administrative Professional and Financial Commercial" uses on the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The office use to be established on said property is permitted within said designation. Background At its meeting of November 27, 1978, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 9472 amending the development standards of various Planned Communities, including Newport Place, to require the preparation of Traffic 'Phasing Plans consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. At its meeting of March 12,. 1979, the City Council approved the Traffic Phasing Plan for the remaining allocable development on vacant parcels in the Newport Place Planned .Community, pursuant to Resolution No. 9472. Subsequently, the approved Traffic Phasing Plan.has been amended seven times, as noted in the following outline: Boyle Engineering - 1501 Quail Street add 12,000 sq.ft. (net) for occupancy in 1981 Lucas Development Co..'- 1101 Quail Street + add 17,000 sq.ft. (net) for occupancy in 1981 Far West Savings and Loan - 4100 Mac Arthur Blvd. add 17,000 sq.ft. (net) for occupancy in 1982 + University Athletic Club - 1701 Quail Street add 516 sq.ft. conference room Sheraton Hotel. - 4545 Mac Arthur Blvd. add 185 rooms for occupancy in 1985 TO: Planninlommission - 3. Quail Street Partnership - 1100 Quail Street add 1,091 sq.ft. (net) for occupancy in 1984 Bill Langston - 1400 Dove Street add 16,154 sq.ft. (net) for occupancy in 1986 At its meeting of March 8, 1984, the Planning Commission approved Amendment No. 604 which was a request to amend the previously approved Newport Place Planned Community District regulations so as to allow the construction of 16,154 sq.ft. (net) of office floor area on the subject property. Said floor area included a 3,672 sq.ft. addition to the existing office building and 12,482 sq.ft. for a new office building. Said amendment was approved by the City Council at its meeting of March 26, 1984 as recommended by the Planning Commission. A Traffic Phasing Plan and a modification to the Zoning Code to permit 25% of the parking spaces to be compact parking spaces were also approved by the City. Analysis The applicant is now proposing to expand the, previously approved new office building at 1400 Dove Street by transferring the remaining 4,130 sq.ft. of allowable building area from "General Commercial Site 4", located at the northeasterly corner of Bristol Street, and Spruce Street to the subject property located in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". Said transfer will permit the proposed new, office building to be expanded to 16,612 sq.ft. (net) . Inasmuch as the proposed building, is only 16,297 sq.ft. (net)-, 315 sq.ft. of allowable office development will remain on the site ;for future expansion. The following outline reflects the -major physical characteristics of the revised office development: Lot Size: 2001 (w) x 300' (d) 60,000 sq.ft. (1.37 AC) Setbacks: Required Proposed Front: (Newport Place Dr.) 30' 30' Side: (Dove Street) 30' 30' Interior Side: 0' 45'-4" Rear: 0' 63'-7" Buildable Area: 54,000 sq.ft. Net Floor Area: Existing: 14,068 sq.ft. (1) Proposed: 16,297 sq.ft. Total 30,365 sq.ft. (1) This figure includes the 3,672 sq.ft. addition approved in con- junction with Amendment No. 604 although it has not been constructed.. TO: Planningemmission - 4. �. Gross Floor Area: Existing Building 14,534 sq.ft. Proposed Building 17,611 sq.ft. Total 32,145 sq.ft. Floor Area Ratio: Existing: .27 x Buildable Area Proposed: .60 x Buildable Area Allowable Building Height: Six Stories Existing Building Height: 26 ft. to highest point of flat roof-two stories Proposed Building Height: 41 ft. to top of mechanical screen- three stories Off-Street Parking: Required: 1 space/225 sq.ft. 135 spaces ! Proposed: 135 spaces ' 4 • Percent of Compact Spaces: 25 percent (34 spaces) ' It should be noted that implementation of the proposed parking lot plan will result in the removal of several of the existing 30' wide landscaping berms. Parking spaces are proposed to be located 10 feet from the Dove Street and Newport Place Drive property lines. However, this location is permitted within the Newport Place Planned Community. Traffic Phasing Plan Inasmuch as the Traffic Phasing Plan for Newport Place Planned Community establishes allowable development in accordance with the development sites as identified within the Planned Community text, it is necessary to amend the Traffic Phasing Plan when transferring allowable building area from one site to another. %4 In order to address the possible effect of the proposed development transfer on the surrounding circulation system, the applicant has submitted an analysis by Weston Pringle and Associates, Traffic and Transportation Engineers (copy attached) . The analysis was based on the Traffic Report . dated December 14, 1983, which examined the traffic related to an additional 19,000 sq.ft. of office use on the subject property. As indicated previously, the Planning Commission and City Council at . that time, ' approved a 16,154 sq.ft. of development. As indicated in the attached letter from Weston Pringle, the addition of 4,130 sq.ft. of allowable development to the northeast corner of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street will not cause a traffic impact. 0 TO: Planning 0mmission - S. !, 0 1 Amendment No. 608 in order to construct the the second building on the site containing 16,297 sq.ft. of net floor area, it is necessary to amend those sections of the Newport Place Planned Community Development Regulations pertaining to the total square footage permitted in "Business and Professional Offices *Site No. 5". It should also be noted that the subject development site consists of 1.37 acres or 20.2 percent of the 6.757 acre "Business and Professional Offices Site No. 5". With the additional 4,130 sq.ft. of allowable, development, a total of 185,764 sq.ft. of total development is permitted in "Professional Business' Offices Site No. 5. The total of 30,365 sq.ft. of net •floor area on the subject property represents 18 percent of the total development permitted within this site. Fair-Share Contribution In the discretionary review of projects, the City has required { contributions by -developers to the "fair-share" improvements to the ultimate circulation system and also to the construction of sound attenuation barriers in the West Newport area, adjacent to Irvine Terrace and adjacent to Eastbluff. Based on the draft Fair-Share Ordinance, the amount of the fair-share contribution for the new office building is $121.50 per trip at a. rate 'of 11 trips per 1,000 sq.ft. of net floor area, which would require a contribution of $25,746.00. t Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the approval of Amendment No. 8 to the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan and Amendment No. 608. Should the Planning Commission concur with staff's recommendation, the Findings and Conditions of Approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By "w• Vj&rc Vl L), W. William Ward W b°4 Senior Planner WWW:dvh + Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Letter from Wes Pringle and Associates dated May 17, 1984 Excerpt of Planning Commission minutes dated March 8, 1984 Replacement pages to Newport Place Planned Community Regulations Negative Declaration Plot plan, floor plans and elevations TO: Planninc*mmission - 6. 0 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AMENDMENT NO. 8 to the NEWPORT PLACE TRAFFIC PHASING PLAN`and AMENDMENT NO. 608 Environmental Document: FINDINGS: 1. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 2. That based upon the information contained in the environmental document, the proposed project will not have a significant environmental impact. The project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures so that any presently anticipated negative environmental effects of the project would be eliminated. Traffic Phasing Plan FINDINGS: 1. That environmental documentation on this proposed project has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental . Quality Act and City Policy K-3 and that its contents have been considered in decisions on this project. 2. That the Phasing Plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place. 3. That based on the Phasing Plan and supporting { information submitted therewith, there is a reasonable correlation between projected traffic at time of completion and the capacity of affected, intersections. 4. That the establishment, maintenance of operation of the use of the property or building will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use of be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. TO: Planninloommission - 7. CONDITIONS: 1. That the total development permitted on the subject building site shall not exceed P0,365 sq.ft, of net floor area (and 185,764 sq. t. of net floor area for the entire area of "Professional and Business Offices Site 5") as defined in Section 20.87.184 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. That parking be provided at a ratio of at least one parking space for each 225 sq.ft. of net floor f area. 3. That a maximum of 25 percent of the parking spaces be compact size spaces. 4. All mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be , screened from public streets, or adjoining properties. 5. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants Conditions, and Restrictions which- may be recorded against the site. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, herein, acknowledge that: a.) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; i b.) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete -phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; , c.) The City of Newport Beach will continue to I oppose additional commercial area service i expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d.) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose any action taken by the City' of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. TO: Planning*Mission - e. 6. The project shall contribute to Fair-Share for circulation system improvements and noise walls, to be established by ordinance adopted by the City Council. 7. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 8. The Fire Department shall review design plans to ensure adequate access and emergency exits. * 9. The final design and composition of on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 10. Handicap and compact parking spaces shall be designated by a method approved by the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. The quantity and design of such spaces shall comply with all City Codes. 11. Parking arrangements during the construction period shall be approved. by the City Planning Department and the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of any grading and/or building permits. 12. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 13. That each building be served with individual water services and sewer laterals unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 14. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements if it is }, desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 15. That the intersection of the streets and drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of ! 35 miles per hour. Slopes, landscaping, walls and other obstructions shall be considered in the sight, distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight distance line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight dis.tance requirement may be appropriately modified at non-critical locations, subject to approval of the t Traffic Engineer. 1 16. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and Public Works Department. TO: Planninoommission - 9. 17. That the drive approaches be constructed or reconstructed to conform with City Std. DWG 166-L and any unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Dove Street and Newport Place Drive frontages, and that all the work be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 18. That an access ramp be constructed per City Std. 1 181-L at the intersection of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 19. That prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available for the project. Such demonstration shall include verification from the Orange County Sanitation District and the City's Utilities Department. 20. That all on-site drainage be put directly into the public storm drain system unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. a 21. That the maximum slope of ramps shall be fifteen percent and that ramps with direct access to parking stalls shall not exceed five percent slope. AMENDMENT NO. 608 FINDINGS: 1. That the request to transfer 4,,130 sq.ft. from "General Commercial Site 4" to the total permitted building area in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5" is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan. 2. That based upon the information contained in the Traffic Study, the proposed transfer of building area will not result in an adverse impact to the existing circulation system in the vicinity of the subject property. 3. That the- desi4n of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large - for access through or use of property within the proposed development. _ w / ( vy.gKRE\J / woi Rt s ANT Aft, 8 , AWO .. :'�;'�'«..�.e..�„ Icy �. MlL if K ' .YDIWI./ I Il y, �.RYIIK. wL K i ♦� Mu.I.n.e s�n�. e K / ♦ �% I"wlovitoJ.�n:rrl n. ni x / �SY Jwnrl.or l..c, K� �1, l 0 J AM/lut DK. \1� i 16 5MCNILIr I �Il I /it \ X IAGr M(tYlIA4// rFfMu \ �• ? eo t a .r.r � I m�Jrt \�\ MA¢trp/4i�_. IN NEWPORT PLACE .� LAND USE t a MEWPORI BE CALIFORNIA «� � MLILown��alEk"CAI FOR _ EMKAY DEVELOPMENT AND REALTY COMPANY wu:tx iow Wealm PVgk and AwtiaW TRAFFIC 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING May 17, 1984 'Mr. William Langston Snyder:Langston, Inc. 17962 Cowan Irvine, CA 92714 Dear Mr. Langston: 1This letter summarizes traffic factors related to the proposed transfer of 4,130 square feet of General Commercial use from Site 4 to Site 5 in the Newport Place development in the City of Newport Beach. The study is based 'upon information provided by you, discussion with City Staff and previous ,studies. ' A report dated December 14, 1983, was prepared by our firm which examined the traffic factos related to adding 19,000 square feet of office use to the northeast corner of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street. This study was completed to conform to the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordi- nance of the City of Newport Beach. The results of that study indicated that no traffic impacts would be anticipated based upon the criteria esta- blished by the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. It is understood that the City approved an increase of 16,154 square feet. The current transfer proposal would add 4,130 square feet to the previously approved 16,154 for a total of 20,284 square feet. As indicated in our December 14, 1983, report all intersections passed the "One Percent" test with a 19,000 square foot project. An increase to 20,284 square feet would Jadd two inbound trips and four outbound trips to the project during the 2.5 hour peak period which would not change the results of the previous study. In addition, Newport Place is an "excepted" project and the "two percent" 'condition would apply. This would further reduce the potential for a traffic impact under the terms of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 2651 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE • SUITE 110 • FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 • (714) 871-2931 1 I In summary, the transfer of 4,130 square feet of General Commercial (office) use to the northeast corner of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street would not result in a traffic impact as defined by the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. This conclusion is based upon the analyses and findings of our December 14, 1983, study of this site. We trust that this review will be of assistance to you and the City of Newport Beach. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, # WESTON PRINGLE & ASSOCIATES "'/4z' Weston S. Pringle, P.E. Registered Professional Engineer State of California Number C16828 & TR565 WSP:bas #83570 I - LUM1V\155K_NtK.*) MINUTES March 8, 1984 • i X � a : a City of Newport Beach15 ROLL CALL INDEX A. Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Amendment No. 7 Item #2 (Continued Public Hearing) Request to approve an amendment to the Newport Place p, Traffic Phasing Plan to permit the construction of i NEWPORT 1 16,154 sq. ft. (net) office building on property PLACE located in "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". TPP #7 A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to permit a portion of the parking spaces to be compact sized parking spaces. , i AND AND 1 B. Amendment No. 604 (Continued Public Hearing) Request to amend the previously approved Newport Place AMENDMENT y Planned Community regulations so as to allow the NO. 604 1 construction of a 16,154 sq. ft. (net) office building on property located in the "Professional and Business `Offices Site 5", and the acceptance of an'environmental document. LOCATION: Parcel No. -1 of Parcel Map 40-31 (Resubdivision No. 319) , located at 1400 BOTH Dove Street, on the northeasterly corner APPROVED of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street, CONDI- in the Newport Place Planned Community. TIONALLY ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Bill Langston, Newport Beach OWNER: McLachlan Investment Company, Newport Beach The public hearing opened in connection with this item and Mr. Bill Langston, the applicant, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Langston stated that the total square footage of net floor area proposed on the site in the two structures will be .5 times the buildable area of the site, which is an acceptable and reasonable ratio. He further stated that the parking will remain surface parking. i Planning Director Hewicker referred to Exhibit "A" for Amendment No. 604, and suggested that Finding No. 2 be deleted. • -4- COMMI MINUTES * March 8,01984 � � Cc .., a n = City of N rt Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. William Laycock, Current Planning Administrator, stated that the fair-share contribution for the circulation improvements and the sound attenuation barrier for the new building would be approximately � . $38,142.00. He stated that the fair-share contribution" for the circulation improvements and the sound attenuation barrier for the expanded, existing building would be approximately $11,232.00. He stated that the total fair-share contributions for circulation improvements and sound attenuation barrier would amount to approximately $49,374.00. In response to a question posed by Chairman King, Planning Director Hewicker explained how the £air share contributions are calculated. He stated that credit is given for the existing building, as it currently exists. He stated that the fair-share contribution is calculated by the increase in the new square footage. Motion X Motion was made for approval of the Environmental Ayes X X X X X Document and the Traffic Phasing Plan, subject to the Absent *' * following findings and conditions, which MOTION CARRIED: ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FINDINGS: 1. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration tl: have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 2. That based upon the information contained in the environmental document, the proposed project will not have a significant environmental impact. The project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures so that any presently anticipated negative environmental effects of the project would be eliminated. -5- COMANSSIONERS • MINUTES March 8, 1984 m 05 n aa City of - Newports ;Beach ROLL CALL INDEX TRAFFIC PHASING PLAN FINDINGS: 1. That environmental documentation on this proposed project has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and City Policy K-3 and that its contents have been considered in decisions on this project. 2,. That the Phasing Plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community Development Plan for Newport Place. 3. That based on the Phasing Plan and supporting information submitted therewith, there is a reasonable correlation between projected traffic at time of completion and the capacity of affected intersections. -4. That the establishment, maintenance of operation r of' the use of the property or building will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use of be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general Welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification to permit 25% of the parking spaces to be compact sized spaces is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. PCONDITIONS: 1. That the total development permitted on the site shall not exceed 26,550 sq.ft. of net floor area as defined in Section 20.87.184 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. That parking be provided at a ratio of at least one parking space for each 225 sq.ft. of net floor area. 4 3. That a maximum of 25 percent of the.parking spaces be compact size spaces. 4. All mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from public streets, or adjoining properties. ' -6- COMMISSIO ERS MINUTES ` March% 1984 • � e � Ci of Beach S o NeAWt o � a ROM cnu INDEx S. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants Conditions, and Restrictions which may be recorded against the site. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, herein, acknowledge that: a.) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; b.) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; g c.) The City of Newport Beach will continue to oppose additional commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d.) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose any action taken by the Cityof Newport Beach to phase out or. limit et �+Po P j air service at the John Wayne Airport. 6. Prior to issuance of any building permits authorized by the approval of this application, the applicant shall deposit with the City Finance I { Director the sum proportional to the percentage of future additional traffic related to the project in the subject area, to be used for the construction of a sound attenuation barrier on the westerly side of Jamboree Road between Eastbluff Drive and Ford Road, and along the southerly side of West Coast Highway adjacent to Irvine Terrace and in West Newport. 7. Development 'of the site may be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. C8. The Fire Department shall review design plans to- ensure adequate access and emergency exits. -7- /J� 'COMMISSIONERS MINUTES • March 8, 1984, e;i x n ° a City of Newport Beach ROLL. CALL INDEX 9. The final layout and composition of surface - parking shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning•Department. , ` i lo. Handicap and compact parking spaces shall bd designated by a method approved by the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. The quantity and design of such spaces shall comply with all City Codes. 11. Parking arrangements during the construction period shall be. approved by the City Planning Department and the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of any grading and/or building permits. 12. That prior to -the issuance of grading or building permits the project -shall contribute a sum equal to its "fair-share" of future circulation system improvements, as' §hown on the City's Master Plan r of Streets and G Highways.•' .n y . 13. That ' improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department: 14. That each building be served with individual water services and sewer laterals unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 15. That arrangements be made with .the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the 'public improvements if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. ! 16. That the intersection of the streets and drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 35 miles per hour. Slopes, landscaping, walls and other obstructions shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight distance line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height The sight distance requirement may be approximately modified at non=critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer: 17. That landscape plans shall be subject to review �> and approval of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and Public Works Department. I -8- 1 COMMSSKNERs • March 8, 1984 MINUTES m o City of N t Beach . ROLL CALL IN06 18. That the drive approaches be constructed or reconstructed to conform with City Std. DWG 166-L and any* unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk along the f {, Dove Street and Newport Place Drive frontages, and" that all the work be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 19. That an access ramp be constructed per City Std. 181-L at the intersection of Newport Place Drive and Dove Street under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 20. That prior to issuance of any grading or building 1 permits for the site, the applicant shall 1 demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available for the project. Such demonstration shall include ^' verification from the Orange County Sanitation District and the City's Utilities Department. AMENDMENT NO. 604 Motion X Notion was made to adopt Resolution No. 1114, RESOLUTION Ayes x X X X X recommending approval of Amendment No. 604 to the City NO. 1114 Absent * * Council, to amend the Newport Place Planned Community Regulations, deleting Finding No. 2 as suggested by staff, which MOTION CARRIED, as follows: FINDINGS: 1. That the request to add 16,154 sq.ft. to the total permitted building area in "Professional and Business Site 5" is. consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan. 2. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. r A =9- ` V Planned Community Development Standards for Newport Place - Ordinance No. 1369 adopted by the City of Newport Beach on December 21, 1970. Amendment No. 1 December 13, 1971 by Resolution No.. 7572 A-305 Approved November 18, 1971 Amendment No. 2 June 12, 1972 by Resolution No. 7706 A-325 Approved June 1, 1972 i Amendment No. 3 October 24, 1972 by Resolution No. 7846 A-341 Approved September 21, 1972 Amendment No. 4 January 8, 1973 by Resolution No. 7901 A-349 Approved December 14, 1972 Amendment No. 5 July 23, 1973 by Resolution. No. 8054 A-369 Approved April 5, 1973 Amendment No. 6 June 10, 1974 by Resolution No. 8262 A-429 Approved May 16, 1974 Amendment No. 7 September 8, 1975 by Resolution No. 8588 A-450 Approved August 21, 1975 Amendment No. 8 February 9, 1976 by Resolution No. 8693 A-462 Approved January 15, 1976 Amendment No. 9 April 11, 1977 by Resolution No. 9050 A-488 Approved March 17, 1977 Amendment No. 10 May 23, 1977 by Resolution No. 9091 A-490 Approved May 5, 1977 Amendment No. 11 April 10, 1978 by Resolution No. 1003 A-504 Approved March 16, 1978 Amendment No. 12 July 11, 1978 by Resolution No. 9393 A-510 Approved June 15, 1978 Amendment No. 13 November 27, 1978 by Resolution No. 9472 A-514 Approved October 5, 1978 Amendment No. 14 June 11, 1979 by Resolution No. 9563 A-530 Approved May 10, 1979 Amendment No. 15 March 23, 1982 by Resolution No. 10003 A-560 Approved February 19, 1981 Amendment No. 16 March 26, 1984 by Resolution No. 8422 A-604 Approved March 8, 1984 Amendment No. 17 April 23, 1984 by Resolution No. 8430 A-597 Approved March 22, 1984 • fq C. a Amendment No. 18 ,1984 by Resolution No. Approved ,1984. k i i, Y k D. 200 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PART 11. COMMEP,CIAL/PP.OFESSIONAL& Et9SINESS OFFICES ; A. Building Sites Site 1 & 2.:..38.5 acres Site 3A........5.2 acres(5) Site 4.........9.0 acres 1 Site 5.........7.4 acres Site 6 ........ 1.9 acres Site 7........ 2.5 acres.......:.:........................ 64.5 acres ! B. Building Area *Site 1 & 2 . . .734,502 square feet(5) (14) (17) Site 3A . . . . . 115,530 square feet(5) Site 4 . . . . . . 201,180 square feet Site 5 . . . . . . 181;61-4:185 '764 sq.ft. (18) Site 6 .. ... . . 42,420 squa a feet - Site 7.. . .. . 55,860 square feet .. . ... . . . .... . .. . 1,331,126 square feet The following stdtistics are for informal! n only. Development may Include but shall not be limited to the following. i C. Bulldino Area // Story heights shown are on average building height. The buildings within each parcel may-vary within these ranges. Site 1 & 2 . . .. . . ... . 734,502 square feet(5)(14) (17) a. Two Story . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .8.42 acres b. Three Story 5.61 acres C. Four Story . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .. 4.21 acres d. Five Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.37 acres e. Six Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.81 acres Site 3A . . . . . . . . . . . 115,530 square feet(5) z a. Two Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.33 acres b. Three Story . . ... . . . . . . . . . ..88 acres C. Four Story . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .66 acres} d. Five Story.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 acres e. Six Story . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . .44 acres f. Seven Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 acres g. Eight Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..33 acres *Commerclal/Professional and Business Office Site 1 and 2 have been reduced by 36,119 feet with the reduction allocated to the allowed building area for Parcels 1 & 2 of Resubdivision 585. The allowable building area for Parcel 1 & 2 of Resubdivision 585 Is now 272,711 square feet. (14) -5- �� Site 4........20I,180 square feet a. Two Story................. 2.31 acres b. Three Story................ 1.54 acres C. Four Story.................. 1.15 acres d. Five Story................. .92 acres e.1 Sir. Story ................. .77 acres ! Site 5 ......*47 1817694 185;764 sq.ft. (18) i a. TWO Story................. 1.90 acres b. Three Story................ 1.27 acres C. Four Story ................. .95 acres d. Five Story ................ .76 acre e. S{x.Story ............u... .63 acre Site 6 ......:..42r420 square feet a. Two Story................. .49 acres b. Three Story ................ .32 acres • C. Four Story,.........a..a.... .24 acre d. Five Story ................. .19-acres •. Six .Story 16 acre Site 7....:....55r860 square feet • a. TWO Story ..•..•........... .64 oCte ' b. Three Story................ .43 acres Co Four Story ,................ .32 acres d. Five Story................. .26 acre to Six Story.................. .21 acres D. Parking (Criteria: 1 space/225 sg tt (a 363 sg ft /space) Site 1 & 2.. . . . 3,260 cars . . . . . . . . 27.17 acres (5r14) ¢� Site 3A . . . . . . . 514 cars. . . . ... . . 4.28 acres(5) Site 4 . . .. . . . . 894 cars . . . , . . . . 7.45 acres Site 5 . . . . . . . . 735 cars . . . . . . . . 6.13 acres Site 6. . . . . . . . 18B cars . . 1.57 acres Site 7 . . . . . . 248 cars . . , , , , . , 2.07 acres 5r839 cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.67 acres STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PART 11 AUTO CENTER AND GENERAL COMMERCIAL (8)(9) 1 PERMITTED USES — Part 11, Section 11, Group II.A a F A. Auto Center Building Sites Site lb ............ 3.0 acres Site 2a . .......... .. 2.9 acres .5s9 acres B. General Commercial Building Sites (8) Site 1 ............ 3.0 acres Site 2 ............ 1 .0 acre- (9) Site 3 ............ 3..9acres (9) ' Site 4 ............ 2.0 acres (9) , 9.9 acres (9) C. Building Area Site I ' 35,000 sq.ft. ......... 0.80 acres *Site 2 11,700 sq.ft. ......... 0.27 acres (9) *Site 3 48,300 sq:ft. ......... 1.11 acres (9) **Site 4 1 25,000 sq.ft. 0.57 acres (9) 120,000•sq ft 2,75 acres (9) \J *Restaurants are permitted uses in Sites 2 and 3. If restaurants arc developed,.each square foot of gross floor area devoted to restaurants shall reduce the amount of permitted commercial floor area by 2 square feet. The maximum amount of gross floor area devoted to resuaront uses shall not exceed 8,000 square feet in Site 3. (9) "If the development of General Commercial Site 4 is limited solely to Professional and Business Office use, then the Allowable Building Area shall not exceed;34F349 '30;On0 sq,ft, (].8) !; The following statistics ale fdr information only. Development may include, but shall not be limited to the following. (8) D. Parking (Criteria 4 spaces/1.000 sq.ft. @'363 sq.ft./space) (9) Site 1 ............ 140 cars 1.17 acres Site 2 47 cars ............. 0.39 acre Site 3 ............ 193 cars ............. 1.61 acres Site 4 ............ ' 100 cars ............. 0.83 acres— ors Cors .00 acres --1222— r/ FOOTNOTES (Cont.) (15) Planned Community Text Amendment No. 15, dated 'March 23, 1981, incorporating the following changes: a. Specification of a maximum building height of seven (7) stories on Parcel No. 2 of Resubdivision No. 585. (16) Planned Community Text Amendment No, 16, dated March 8, 1984 incorporating the following changes: a. Increase of 16,154 square feet of office space in Professional and Busines Offices Site 5. (17) Planned Community Text Amendment No. 17, dated April 23, 1984, incorporating the following changes: a. Increase of 1,091 square'feet of office space in Professional and Business Offices Sites 1 and 2, _ (18) Planned Community Text Amendment No. 18', dated " " ' (1984 incorporating the 'following changes:. a. Reduce the allowable building area of General Commercial Site 4 by 4,130 square feet. b. Increase of 4,130 square feet of office $pace'in Professional and Busines Offices Site 5, �4 II • NEGATIVE DECLARATION • TO: Secretary for Resources FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1416 Tenth Street CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Sacramento, CA 95814 P.O. BOX 1768 x� Clerk of the Board of NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 I Supervisors P. 0' Box 687 NAME OF PROJECT: ' Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Amendment No. 8 and Amendment No. 8)8 PROJECT LOCATION: 1400 Dove Street, Newport Beach CA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED I ' FINDING: Pursuant to the provisions of Fity Counri'il Policy K-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: SEE ATTACHED ' 4 . INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: Patricia Tempire 1/�lPc Environmental Coordinator, Date: may 15, 1984 _M ."•.-.ram '. :i'u':F..»...ia'. i Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan Amendment No. 8 1 Request to approve an amendment to the Newport Place Traffic Phasing Plan so as to transfer development space from "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". AND Amendment No. 608 Request to amend the Newport Place Planned Community Development Standards so as to transfer the remaining 4,130 sq.ft. of allowable building area from "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". The proposal , also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. i Mitigation Measures A608 A8 to NPTPP r 1. That the total development permitted on the site shall not •exceed 30,365 sq.ft. of net floor area as defined in Section 20.87.184 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. That parking be provided at a ratio of at least one parking space for each 225 sq.ft. of net floor area. 3. That a maximum of 25 percent of the parking spaces be compact size spaces. 4. All mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from public streets, or adjoining properties. 5. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants Conditions, and Restrictions which may be recorded against the site. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee, his: heirs, successors and assigns, herein, acknowledge that: a.) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; b.) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c.) The City of Newport Beach will continue to oppose additional commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d.) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase .out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. Mitigation Measure A608 A8 to NPTTP 6. The project shall contribute to Fair-Share for circulation system improvements and noise walls, to be established by ordinance adopted by the City Council. 7. Development of the site may be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 8. The Fire Department shall review design plans to ensure adequate access and emergency exits. 9. The final layout and composition of surface parking shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. 10. Handicap and, compact parking spaces shall be designated by a method approved by the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. The quantity and design of such spaces shall comply with all City Codes. 11. Parking arrangements during the construction period shall be approved by the City Planning Department and the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of any grading and/or building permits.