HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO046_NEWPORT SUPERIOR MED. PLAZA TP0046 09/24/92 17:13 V1 818 967 2485 C, B, B, & B zool/003 Cnfljarnia S/Ne Anna Toxrr /Op NanA Barraxta Sinxr,llrA F/nnr War Caufnn•Calijnrnin 91791 Tole i a w2LMMJd4/ ':•<+nlfrr qI Trlejax dJ8ti77Z•56n0 Grawkord, Bacon, Bangs & Briesemeister A 1'wr.nrHp lyd,XKr 1Mh,xe,rrwpo•«7rrt Telef "X Dalt 2 77ma DtliutrTo r jr,u Number { l y— !'rom * Ir} 1 M4.0 m Re• File # 'fatal Pages SmlIncluding This Pagt 1r• YOU n0 NOT REGEIVF..ALL 7WA PAgES,MrASE TELT PlIONI US AT 818-Pff-1641 AS SOON A POSSIBLE. 1n117vc1ian5 'ri•T13 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE IS CONFIDENTIAL, AND MAYALSO BE ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED. TILE INFORI AIK MON IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE. OF rtlr; INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE TO DELIVER IT TO THE IN'i't:NDRD, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED T14AT ANY USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. lr rnu TIAVr RECETW,,D THE FACSIMILE IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US i;Y 'rrr F.PHONR AND RRTURN "I HE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT '1 HE ADDRESS A13OVCs VIA 'I'I lE U.S. T'OSTAL,Sf:RVICE. THANK YOU. 09/24/92 17:13 $1 818 967 2485 C, B, B, & B 0 002/003 Law Qhl=Of Crawford, Bacon, Bangs & Brlesemeister A Partnership Including a PrafessiwW Corporation Robert L.Bacon William J.Crawford Shaeton A,Bangs Wilfmd B.Bdesemelster Theodore E.Bacon John D.Meyer Giuseppc L Antondli September 24, 1992 B.Scott Holbrook,Jr. Carolyn A.Bekhor Stephen M.Taylor File No. 27520007.992 Rebc=Olatarda Daniel Coiner John F.Norris oP Cottowd Michael 1L Gradlsher VIA FA IM ]✓ weedy L Smith Deborah L.Russo Patricia A.Ewing Mr. Javier "Jay" Garcia Senior Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92659 RE: 1501 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Garcia: Enclosed is the release document regarding the restriction as to use as medical offices of the build(Ug at 1501 Superior Avenue. Please have it reviewed by the City Attorney. I did not have the date in any of the documents I have as to when permit 3102 was granted, please let me know that date. I believe you are aware of the need to'get this document executed so the proposed purchase of the building can be made. We have a loan commitment which will shortly expire and hope to avoid that problem. Obviously, we will be happy to make any changes which you or the city attorneys deem necessary Sincerely, LAW OFFICES OF CRAWF'ORD, BACON, BANGS & BRIESEMEISTER BY: � C7� ROBERT L. BACON For the Firm RLB:pa Enclosure 100 Norsk Bwni=St., lltk Floor,West Covina, C40mw 91791 Telephone 818-915-1641 TeW"818-332-5604 Printed on Re cycled Paper er P RECORDING REQUESTED AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 EXEMPT: Gower ent Code Section 6103 r TERMINATION OF OFF-SITE PARKING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, (hereinafter "Owner") , is the owner of certain real property located at (hereinafter the "property") in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California and more particularly described as: WHEREAS, on , the City of Newport Beach approved Use Permit No. for the operation of the and conditioned the approval on the provision of at least ( ) off-street parking spaces. WHEREAS, the applicant for Use Permit No. i a (hereinafter "Lessee") entered into a written agreement with Owner which granted to the applicant the non-exclusive right to use ( ) automobile parking spaces on the property, which agreement required that it be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of orange. WHEREAS, the agreement was recorded on as Instrument No. (hereinafter "Off-Site Parking Agreement") and provided that the owner may notify City that the -1- S ( Lessee had lost the right to possession of the property and request i( that the City record a document which renders the Off-Site Parking Agreement null, void and of no effect. WHEREAS, Owner has notified City that Lessee has lost the right to possession of the property due to PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Off-Site Parking Agreement recorded on , as Instrument No. is hereby terminated and rendered null and void and of no further effect. ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this day of , 1992. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A Municipal Corporation By: j Kevin J. Murphy ! City Manager OWNER By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY {, -2- SEW POD ° CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH UT P.O.BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 e. Cq<lFp FN�P I September 3, 1992 W. Greg Strong AMERICAN REAL ESTATE GROUP 18785 Von Karman Avenue Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92714 Re: 1501 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Strong: You have inquired about obtaining a variance in order to fully comply with a recorded covenant dated October 5, 1984. Please be advised that no variance is , required in order to operate the entire building as a medical facility. The ,eiky- 9140 n Nv� �rN�NISf��h of Newport Beach on May 19, 1988 approved Traffic Study No. 46 which allowed the conversion of the remahung 23,800 Sq. Ft. of general offices to medical office use. The building is still subject to the fair share fee for that portion of the building that has not been occupied as medical use (approximately 11,128 sq. ft.). Please understand that this building is still subject to any applicable laws and regulations currently in effect. Sincerely, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Javier "Jay" GarciaJa y Senior Planner Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach I Recording requested by and „�N,,ay, 84--439817 -when- recorded mail to: CI'-Y CLERK Cit; of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663-3884 A6COApEOINONOCfAI.tI Onos EXEMPT I OF OP.ANGC COIfNTY CAUFOANIA 0 C9 WMEOA -4 se PM OCT 24.84 COVENANT `••'7'tG'*��^!++-1...�°a�aie . . Occupancy • i i The City Of Newport Beach has granted Rothery Rnh Developmont Group, a California general partnership which is the owner ar'd developer, 10691 Los Alamitos Boulevard, LOs Alamitos, California 90720, of that certain property locatri at,1501 superior Avenua, City of Newport Beach, under use permit ,NOi 1102. In consideration 4r granting the use permit, the City Of' Newport Beach has recqulr�ed and Rothery Rob Development Group has agreed, that the building can be ocoupied by physicians Operating medical practices, commonly.seferrad to :as medical offices, but said occupaney .shall not exceed' 13t square feet,' or one ficor �f the building area. This covenant shall bind Rothery Bob Development Group and any, successors in ints�est in .perpatuity relative to the restrictiOn of allowable medical offices in the building. Should the applicant wish, to havo medical offices occupy more than 13,004 spare. feet, he must apply to yhe City of Newport Beach for said variance and must follow the normal1procedures as set down by the City of Newport Beach relative to Obtaining such A discretionary variance. ;. i ° EXECUTED this day of 1984. FO E R(/ DE T L A ` N General partn'RY er `—�~I CANNA M. ROH General Partner J .. .. . . ... ....�._.��— ... ....... .. ...3. ua..... ... .........�.... — .. _. Od zoo 9s : 00 60-60-z661 COMMISSIONERS MINUTES May 19, 1988 92 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Traffic Stud} No. 46 (Public Hearing) Item No.2 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the S No. 46 conversion of 23,800 sq.ft. of general office space to medical office use. %pproved LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 124-24, 25 (Orange County Tentative Parcel Map No. 77-108) located at 1501 Superior Avenue on property between Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenue, northerly of Fifteenth Street, in the Northwest Newport area. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT: Newport Superior Medical Plaza, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Scott Whisant, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission, wherein he stated that he concurred with the contents of the staff report. Mr. Chris Hansen appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the Newport Crest Homeowner's Association. Mr. Hansen requested that the southbound Superior Avenue on-street parking be eliminated between Placentia Avenue and Hospital Road because of the heavy volume of traffic on Superior Avenue. 'In response to questions posed by the Planning Commission, Don Webb, City Engineer, explained that parking prohibitions on streets are under the jurisdiction of the City Council, the recommendation of the Traffic Affairs Committee or the Traffic Engineer. He stated that the Planning Commission cannot direct or condition a project with on-street parking provisions'. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. James Hewicker, Planning -Director, referred to the Fair Share Fee, and he explained that inasmuch as the project will be redesignated from "general office" to "medical office" that there will be additional trips generated as a result of the additional 23,800 square feet of medical office space on the site. Mr. Webb commented that the Fair Share Fee will total approximately $55,000.00. -3- ` COMMISSIONERS MINUTES 9%0 May 19, 1988 yd i 'AN9 AA 9f, 9y CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Commissioner Debay referred to page 12 of the staff report, "Cumulative Projects", which states that "the list includes 93 projects, of which approximately 65% are not occupied, 10% are fully occupied, and 25% are partically occupied.", and she inquired if the traffic analysis took future trips generated into consideration? Mr. Webb agreed that the traffic analysis took the 93 projects into consideration assuming that the projects are going to be fully occupied, and also future regional growth. Commissioner Merrill and Mr. Webb discussed the data proposed for the Traffic Projection Model. Motion x Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study Ayes x x x x x x No. 46 subject to the Findings in Exhibit "A". MOTION Absent x CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of service on any major, primary-modified, or primary street. Item No. 3 Req t to permit alterations and additions to an UP3314 existin ilm store with an existing drive-up photo window on p arty located in the C-1 District. The Continued to proposal also in des a modification to the Zoning Code 6-9-88 so as to permit; a ortion of the required off-street parking to encroach 10 et into the required 10 foot rear yard setback, adjacen o an alley; to allow the construction of a new tras enclosure that also encroaches 9 feet 6 inches into t required 10 foot rear yard setback; and to allow the a of compact parking spaces for a portion of the require ff-street parking. -4- I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 5. 1988 / _ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X_TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: URrove traffic study to allow conversion of 23. 800 so ft. of general office to medical office. LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 19, 1988 COMMENTS: /�CG l�r�r�Gr�/Jc�J �o�✓Oi T�r��v r d� �O�/�✓.OL / T,t/,4 � STisrs � L�.✓i .� � �c-T/k«r1"./J 'A�o.�/G /J r , Si nature I �J/ r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 5. 1988 ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION ~ _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY _GRADING APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: Approve traffic study to allow conversion of 23, 800 sa.ft, of general office to medical office_._ LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: Mav 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 19, 1988 COMMENTS: / ?,!/.4 T J'Tilrl �T- /iG-✓i �d �� r�/.��Ti-J '.4t.oN G' Sip-nature: Date: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 5. 1988 _ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X_PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: Approve traffic study to allow conversion of 23, 800 sa.ft. of general office to medical office. LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: MU 19, 1988 COMMENTS: Signature: Date: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May_5. 1988 ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X_PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X_TRAFFIC ENGINEER _FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. _PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Newport Superior Medical Plaza FOR: Traffic Study No. 46 REQUEST TO: Approve traffic study_to allow conversion of 23. 800 so ft. of general office to medical office. LOCATION: 1505 Superior Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 13, 1988 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 19, 1988 COMMENTS: Signature: Date: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Newport Superior Medical Plaza for Traffic Study No 46 on property located at 1501 Superior Avenue, Request to aprove a traffic study to allow conversion of 23,800 sc.ft. of general office to medical office. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 19th day of May 1988, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call (714) 644-3200. Janice Debay, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. -171 Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 1988 Agenda Item No. 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study No. 46 (Public Nearing), Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the conversion of 23,800 sq.ft. of general office space to medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 124-24, 25 (Orange County Tentative Parcel No. 77-108) , located at 1501 Superior Avenue on property between Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenue, northerly of Fifteenth Street, in the Northwest Newport area. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT: Newport Superior Medical Plaza, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant implication This is a request to approve a traffic study to allow conversion of 23,800 sq.ft. of existing general office space to medical office use. Traffic Study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The project has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) , and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under Class 1 - Existing Facilities. Conformance with the General Plan The subject property is designated for "Retail and Service Commercial" land use. This designation allows retail sales, personal and professional services, hotels and motels and commercial recreation. The proposed use is consistent with this category. TO: Planning Commission - 2. Background On March 22, 1982, the City Council sustained the recommendation of the Planning Commission of February 4, 1982, and conditionally approved Use Permit No. 2046 and a Traffic Study. Those approvals permitted the con- struction of ±37,588 sq.ft. for bank and commercial office use. On July 22, 1982, the Planning Commission approved a Traffic Study to allow medical offices in a portion of the building. Ana sis The applicant now wishes to receive approval of a traffic study to allow the entire building to be used for medical office use. The traffic study prepared assesses the impact of the traffic increases expected as a result of the use of the building for medical office use exclusively. The project is existing, and full occupancy of the project is expected in 1988. Analyses were, therefore, completed for 1989. A trip generation analysis of the conversion of land use indicated that morning traffic generation of medical office is less than general office. Traffic phasing analysis was conducted for the evening peak hours only. The City Traffic Engineer identified seven (7) intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy. The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 18 traffic volume analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) is required. The 18 volume analysis identified one (1) intersection where traffic exceeded the one percent criteria. The following chart summarizes the results of the Intersection Capacity Utilization analysis for the project. ICU SUMMARY - 1989 EXISTING 89 EXISTING 89 +COMMITTED CRITICAL +COMMITTED +GROWTH INTERSECTION EXISTING +GROWTH +PROJECT Superior Avenue @ Placentia Avenue 0.54 0.56 0.56 In order to meet the criteria of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, a project must be found to neither cause nor make worse an intersection capacity utilization of 0.90 for the year of analysis which includes all TO: Planning Commission - 3. committed traffic and regional growth. As shown by the above chart, the project does not worsen an ICU over 0.90. Therefore, the project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Specific Findings Specific findings and conditions must be made to approve a project pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, and are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Should the Commission wish to approve the Traffic Study, findings for approval are set forth in the attached Exhibit "An The criteria to approve a Traffic Study pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance are objective, rather than subjective. If a project meets all the criteria as set forth in the ordinance, the project should be approved. The criteria of the ordinance can be summarized, as follows: 1. The project does not cause, nor make worse, an ICU in excess of 0.90. 2. That if an ICU at ,an intersection is made worse and is over 0.90, an improvement shall be completed prior to occupancy which will result in the ICU being reduced so as to meet criteria 1. 3. That if an improvement is planned by the City or another agency within four years of the project, a proportional share of the improvement cost shall be paid to the City of Newport Beach. It is staffs opinion that the project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, in that the project does not cause nor make worse an ICU in excess of 0,90. No exhibit for denial has, therefore, been provided. i PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director PABY G�.-- Patricia L. Temple Principal Planner Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Vicinity Map 3. Traffic Study PLT/WP WP\PC\TS46.'SR1 TO: Planning Commission - 4. EXHIBIT "A" Findings for Approval Traffic Study No. 46 FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of service on any major, primary-modified, or primary street. I i Report On: TRAFFIC & CIRCULATION STUDY HERITAGE BANK SITE NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE Prepared For: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MS. PATRICIA LEE TEMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 Prepared By: JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC- 207 SOUTH BREA BOULEVARD BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 May 10, 1988 Our File F571 � b ` T VICINITY MAP TRAFFIC STUDrNO. 46 Re . .. T <� CLWP Ar/ON rAmp C•� C/1'Y oA IVIAWl Nr B<ACH W c-2 a 2� •,`, t uq Cy M spa BJECTPROPE ^' �^ 0 M-1-A .� a�tti�p1 i A-P G+1 EE�� �^ �y � n.nos n ww• n gldt � _e_ R•3 a +� R 3 r o R3 Qs 09 ..m : it AI' •••• R•3 .''cr A-P A-P-H Q �p NOiP/rAL J ca r1f4E� 0Lp A-P L A-P-H \d P•C r INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the present time the development at 1501 Superior Avenue in the City of Newport Beach is a multi-use type of development containing both General and Medical offices. The general office building contains approximately 23,801 square feet and the medical office contains 13,400 square feet. The proposal is to convert the general office to medical office building, i.e. , the entire project would produce a total of 37, 201 square feet of medical office building. Existing accesses to the site are from Placentia Avenue to the west, Superior Avenue to the east and 15th Street to the south. Figure 1, on the following page, illustrates the Project Site Vicinity Map while Figure 2, Page 3, is the Project Site Plan. The purposes of this report are to: 1) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic of the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting the existing land uses to medical office only. 2) Assess the impact the project will have upon the adjacent street system, per the City' s Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts, additional traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the following pages. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1 000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is P , q defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to br from the site, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed project, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. R5 INC. JU5'I'IN �, FARMER TRANSPORTATION 6NG[N)Vr , e j TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 Trip Generation Forecast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 1 - Site Vicinity Map 2 Figure 2 - Project Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table 1 - Trip Generation Forecast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trip Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Traffic Impact Analysis . . . . 5 Figure 3 - Project TripDistribution 6 Figure 4 - Study Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Table 2 - Summary of ICU/LOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SUMMARYAND CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 APPENDIX JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 7 'u 4 n I I L jt.a•t J Ile I s � a. I J ! „ VN!•y f w ® ske plan FIG PROJECT SITE PLAN 2 JUSTIN F. FARMER 3 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 10 r qq !IA ',}•«( ,• da e� Xx L• •rJ i ;:r ..-. �� da •e elyYY . .. p.. - �• •, ., HOM.r 111Vy W t+J $ .+✓ ,G:l '� 500 i.,! tY !00� ! z CI' ■A',- ,t: n l", .Ii M uiYi v t:; ,` i"" •S� ' ,?", IiAh" Yl •'•ir�.�'i'Jiil'!-A ,��l�+r S J9;'iGPs.'1JQ�",. . t�j COV 6@ T'. hh;' + t 4 , N ww..w i..e�• y�qu ° '?�•,P ' ppgg y ,,po .,�K 6�i•i� ' �'r °F �it� xl > • , f ! 1 i1 1'> o - mrrA�+{ .�, r• FF.,9 3A b�� �� _ $I •.HSA.Iu rt•'�4;' rG "%;, c «, a < •r.x urrar � -.�, . ?, r�,�, � .. Fis• r tAOY v W e 7M ;e � , r: �.•�':. ✓ "'r• r;p�,�l� ,I YtDAp9 P1. ,. � EAGI ' !" �'�t 5 „�,s,.•^- ;'.�' �,�''... b ��� °mod �9rK S iRIF rruwaa r T � r RTi yy OFJA , • li' ' '�`95i�'r r' � ji, .a I � . ,Iwo X er vlay on rz.. , r Al'JY pp !P IGC,. r 1• �y, ••a .l; ,. Ora JURSTO uucr Moo RM �s {fit n: T L iwimr'�gYI'o,tt i SI ,� N I _ P 'h� \ '.1,. + "'.. .�Zi;• �:' Jti' 4i "', •-'4 "dir i i'wuu'wu p y{tC �� I`,t( p� • `'� � � w fir' ['R51Q C� rN "qf tr kJ,, �� "� 81 � y� '♦r bl �' d,�a ' � � ,lp< 'iyYy.� Sr � ��FF �'�� awrn Tr I fr ,�pP e -c"4q r �0 0 Nyff o ,, COAS r3 d Yat, ��.' 'Y M1J Y >£+v o1 ct �p�+`"�ta �� �" � 9�'�'L s �1• 4+wy 2,. oy^� AV r .. e� roe HWY I a!p1��3 <" °/W � sr u! _m"�^o ., OOCF 4 S �Y A r.> �:(I ,b�;a s♦ /� :� It M HS c 6 j ' '�.�r�'t�: i Af'A ♦ \` i, I t 'fie: •I y. y yr 4 a rt �. . urcwr aA Lfii . `.�ikvi?� + \l' ..`'r5 <r J r� �I }Jiy:Gvoa JS ,Y +' {l {;'• i:iYyr rq'yff n..ry�C�;�a PoRT,..a� r, •'L f`,. LP't, q tYG' Y•000ISla Y .•' , Wr ,t"' 4::!-•N •:.� Coma 13L IV ,:�q *.,�`'YAGIiC F ?�""'.` .,}� I`- a'Y• •�1?'� '.',' 7�,i�� T, r �„• `fir tWnna L ` ;}{�' Jl lttt i •:i. x• "af• .:.,`r+�l�fr G� 1 •-.:,p.'�y .r •,, ., r � \e, � � Fa it �oq .n . . '. xolr°0uor + • •� Y M.,tl MY, I EC Air \.4 Map Source : Thomas Bros. FIG SITE VICINITY MAP 1 JUSTIN F. FARMER 2 TRAr+SroRTArioN i.—NoN —,Rs,ue. 1 TRIP DISTRIBUTION It is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary considerably, depending upon the type of land use proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an' office development, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time periods. The predominant trip maker during both hours is the employee and the trip will be a home-work journey. As a consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location of residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns are, however, different for a medical office building where trips are made predominantly by patients and medical staff. General trip length associated with such proposed medical office building would be less than those associated with general office, i.e. , the medical office is proposed to attract more trips from the surrounding vicinity than general office would. Based on familiarity with traffic patterns near the study area, the location of potential users and the observation of peak hour traffic, directional distribution patterns were determined and were used to forecast the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch as Table 1 indicates a net decrease in trips during the AM peak hour, morning peak hour trip distribution is not needed for this analysis. Figure 3 on the following page, graphically illustrates the evening peak hour trip distribution for the subject project. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Inasmuch as the trip generation forecast presented in Table 1 es that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during 4 the morning peak hour as a result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis. A. Cumulative Projects The City of Newport Beach' s traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City' s street network. The list includes 93 projects, of which approximately 65% are not occupied, 10% are fully occupied, and 25% are partially occupied. JUSTIN E FARMER 5 , TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. , Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the existing development was calculated and compared with future t traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes E the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning, peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for the decrease during the morning peak and the increase during the evening peak is the different type of land use and operation associated with the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE 36,888 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) I Medical Office Building 37,201 Square Feet 0.6 0,.2 1. 9 8.4 22 7 71 89 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 44 14 142 178 Existing Land Use (NOW) i - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 23,801 Square Feet 47 10 14 40 - Medical Office 0.6 0.2 1.9 2.4 13,400 Square Feet 8 3 25 32 Total 55 13 39 72 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 110 26 78 144 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -33 -6 +32 +17 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -66 -12 +64 +34 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours as per City of Newport Beach JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. I i B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a list of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are summarized as follows: Newport Boulevard Coast Highway to North City Limits 1% Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% Newport Boulevard to West City Limits 2.5% C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has identified that the primary impact from project traffic will be on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Superior Avenue @ Placentia Avenue 2) Hospital Road @ Newport Boulevard 3) Coast Highway @ Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4) Coast Highway @ Prospect Street 5) Coast Highway @ Orange Avenue 6) Coast Highway @ Riverside Drive 7) Coast -Highway @ Dover Drive, Bayshore Drive Figure 4, on the following page, illustrates the locations of these intersections. D. "One Percent Test" The methodology presented below for . the 1% traffic volume analysis is the one utilized by the City of Newport Beach. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes. - Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1999, 11 years hence. - Regional annual growth rates were used. - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. - If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersection. JUSTIN F. FARMER 7 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. '`� 6p b�. r OpN � �Ojsd N K 6 ^ H n Y N Y J y 3AV n7 VI1N30V'Id O = O y n = x n y a I 3AV VIAOHNOW ^X Kn 4 0 1.00 P t T f0 Y r I+ 103dSOkld -� S I }. n i w i w w ' us ,O F T k K^ w a z 0 1S 30NVHo az NOTE: Peak 1 Hour is 50% of Peak 2 1/2 Hours FIG PROJECT TRIP D41STRIBUT'ION 3 PEAK 1 HOUR JUSTIN F. FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENCINF;ERS.INC. �� 13 The 1% test conducted at the seven study intersections indi- cates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 18 of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak except, at the intersection of Superior Avenue with Placentia Avenue. A level of service analysis was therefore conducted at that intersection using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) procedure. City data forms entitled "l% Traffic Volume Analysis" for the evening peak hour is included in the Appendix attached hereto. E. The ICU Test The ICU test consists of comparing the capacity of the inter- section (as developed by the City of Newport Beach) to the traffic volume on that approach and making a calculation as to what percent of the green traffic signal time is required to satisfy that specific approach demand. City of Newport Beach traffic phasing ordinance sheets were used in the calculation of the Intersection Capacity Utilization. Those sheets are also presented in the Appendix attached hereto. The City assumes that the peak one-hour traffic will be 50% of the peak 2 1/2 hours; evening peak hour traffic volumes were determined and are illustrated on the capacity calculation sheets. A close look at the ICU calculation sheets suggests that the project will have a nominal or no impact upon the intersections of Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue. The volume/capacity ratio did not increase after adding project trips. Results of that ICU Analysis are listed in the table below: TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF ICU/LOS SUPERIOR AVENUE AT PLACENTIA AVENUE EVENING PEAR EXISTING (1988 ) 0.54/A 1999 + CUMULATIVE 0.56/A SAME + PROJECT 0.56/A JUSTIN F. FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. �� ..St',. � ' � •!/{.�^, , � ,�� •" t fit'-....'ILf w . '� �@-� y't,.�•�'a�n? ✓v}�ii1 S .r q - � "r//�,>, .C,.��;' ('rrt f I.�`����Fr.• "7 . ,'Fsjf'y � �� IR �:.+�.. � .� �•qy�'�o� ���r."t`y/��Jr")��!����'� ry�/v:� � ' _� 7• � t-•r•r a�' it:.. s1•�'.7�S•JA�Gy�. "IARr♦��yW,/IM%. �� � �`,7� t�'�r% \' IT11!'�: r,.r�i.J++[�YS.I..<.+'������,w��V��+����,� �•,,�r�''}�. �'�����{/C�jy/(�G��,y�" '1 ., � Q 4 PIN t TF P<i'r , � r �LAa� L �v ieL �r.� I�I �f '�, ► j {.1 3�\' j.(r�KKS iif 1;�<7fn (' r. t � � �.. ''r�I PVC`"�t0 �r ���i(��i ••" IT7 r� � r 11��i t;' LJ ` t.....� :J�1►��' � "' n`ryS,�I r1�A�r�� '' 2 ,k}I• L ._+I•' S -.r- �'] J• j� a �� r'Sr�; Ifl ' ^•Ir11�t ' I lr { r•i II lip t ♦U ,LI f r 7 t_a 'f5 '.i J,•.� ' ..-7�"t/•� y 0 , 3 I l r!JZ.II _ + +.n �� i:T•t /� Y/' rcCy.R�.r-vN!><l.T'� . ( :r 7 44 al � � r i n o Inasmuch as the conversion to Medical Office Building will result in a decrease in the morning peak hour traffic -and an increase in the evening peak hour traffic, the analysis of this report was based only on the PM peak hour. o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth factors. o The following intersections were selected to be analyzed using the above referenced Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 1) Superior Avenue @ Placentia Avenue 2) Hospital Road @ Newport Boulevard 3) Coast Highway •@ Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4 ) Coast Highway @ Prospect Street 5) Coast Highway @ Orange Avenue 6) Coast Highway @ Riverside Drive 7) Coast Highway @ Dover Drive, Bayshore Drive o When the 1% test was conducted, project trips were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour volumes for all intersections, except for the intersection of Superior Avenue with Placentia Avenue. An intersection capacity analysis was then conducted at that intersection. o Project traffic will not change the ICU or the level of service at the intersection of Superior Avenue with •Pl'acent:'ia•••- Avenue. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, JUSTIN F. FAMM�ySyR�, 'TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. Justin F. Farmer, .P.-E. , President JFF:SYG/lp JUSTIN F.FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. B SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General/Medical Office Complex located at 1501 Superior Avenue in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 37,201 square feet of Medical Office Building. o The site is currently occupied and it is served by three driveways; from Placentia Avenue to the west, Superior Avenue to the east and 15th Street to the south. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows: TRIP GENERATION FORECAST NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 37,201 Square Feet 0.6 0,2 1.9 8.4 22 7 71 89 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 44 14 142 178 -Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0,.4 0.6 1.7 �3.1801 Square Feet 47 10 14 40 - Medical office 0.6 0.2 1.9 2.4 13,400 Square Feet 8 3 25 32 Total 55 13 39 72 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 110 26 7.8 144 Net Change - Peak i Hour -33 -6 +32 +17 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -66 -12 +64 +34 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 2 1/2 hours = Peak 1 hour x 2 (as per City of Newport Beach) JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION'ENGINEERS,INC. 17 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W N/S Intersection SUPERIOR AVENUE/PLACENTIA AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter prldg 1.9 87 PM Peak 24 Hour Approved � Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected of,grojected PCoject Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak Zti,govr ,Peak ik.Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume -Volume I1 Northbound 981 981 53 1034 10 16 I� Southbound 1715 1715 43 1758 18 8 it Eastbound 1813 - _ 1813 95 1908 19 18 Westbound 2002 2002 70 2072 21 10 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Pr-W ected Peak 2: Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. (At northbound approach) Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5'9'2 PROJECT: FORM I J • �}J �{ I,};� Ii�ln.' uro: t+:Lf:l.Il "!hl �f "Yr Ylfoo ;.'.'':: M ....• I.�:� wiry.-.7y pl• K31•15 ern ^ 1 r•• ,� L L {- r ro w Arx fAt t•'� •1 Y9 _PJ tf" KlL�•_. •�..tl..� —�-•^lR ,. n.-rs^ 1 •'/•� $' /F tY `l. o�. •t :'fltU(f'r:.t w M'2 e•.I , U.vetl \moot r ,� �, r `i K\��� '-f 4 1Y,.1yl!f•.�4 ••,.o .':'1.: •. I•, ,^.w r. rn 11✓(1, 1: .. Lrq ' E"'i I %➢IJw , n '�fyory`[�v' Y- rp7 E�°i �.>•. 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J '�' Y� i;.ii/�f�% nr0 ` y�♦ ,t••+Aw f rry- y 1• 55 y4 : ... ,r •t7•r llaO lfl[ WT Mims YU v Y . , i..y , •ai�1r F^ r,cnr ctn vl • : .,'sr,.•�;' t�f,:.;% `;••'L�lo\ •�.�•� n�W—�-^ �: a.Nft .. .,, ntc '�'Ar,. \'/la h�` y��'i'j>.�jk,"+ � � . .o, n .. : �. :1 5 N •,. °j Lr:.'.lYrGl P+I \ fiAllW nt.ro:irtwf°4irrt,� ? �C [{:�•, ^I t (J n r .r•unR .'. ^' \ Y a°•M _f t.t y� NUrftNr .,I♦ � ` 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/BALBOA BOULEVARD—SUPERIOR AVENUE (Existing Traffic V.'olumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 8 PM Peak 21s Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected f Project Direction Peak 2h Hour I Growth Peak 2)1 Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2r Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume.' 'kolyme Northbound 1861 I 1861 44 1905 19 4 �t Southbound 3758 3758 60 3818 38 10 ;i l nd 4794 6114 648 6762 ! 68 8d 4784 5310 794 6104 61 4 ?; 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capatity Utilization. (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. < Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: PROJECT: ,;• r'ORt4 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/o Intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/HOSPITAL ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 9 87 PM Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Eiisting Regional Projects Projected 1' of Projected Project Direction Peak 24 Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 4430 4917 263 5180 52 14 Southbound 3896 4325 197 4522 1 45 0 Eastbound 2016 2016 1 60 2076 1 21 _ 8 ! westbound 1045 1045 10 1055 11 2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [� Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9=88 PROJECT: I_� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W NIS Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/ORANGE STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 87)PM Peak 2 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1. of Projected . ,Project Direction Peak 2+ Hour Growth Peak 2>f Hour Peak 21s Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k Hour i Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume volume i I Northbound 452 452 0 452 5 2 5outhbound 205 205 0 205 2 0 �I Eastbound 3970 i_5062 1 650 5712 57 4 Westbound t_ 6185 _^ 7886 860 8746 87 4 R Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: J � 1% Traffic Volume Analysis N/s Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/PROSPECT STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Inter pring 9 87 PM Peak 2y Hour Approved l Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 11' of Projected Project i Direction i Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y Hour II II ' Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ?� Northbound 302 302 0 302 3 0 I Southbound 304 304 1 0 304 3 2 Eastbound 1 3819 4869 l 654 5523 ! 55 6 Westbound if ! 63 n 3_.. ..__ 8036 860 8896 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected R Peak 2)-2 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak'-22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: YJ 1% Traffic Volume Analysis NS Intersection COAST /HIGHWAY/DOVER DRIVE—BAYSHORE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 87) PM Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected In of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 245 245 0 245 2 0 ' .i Southbound 2990 2990 85 3075 31 4 Eastbound 3683 4088 948 5036 50 2 Westbound 8270 9180 1123 10303 103 2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume O Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: �6 d 1% Traffic/FVolume Analysis N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/RIVERSIDE AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes base on AVerage Winter/Spring 19 _ PM Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1' of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2h Hour ' Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume t-- -- �' Northbound 61 61 0 61 1 0 Southbound 1247 1247 62 1 1309 1 13 1 2 i Eastbound -5217 5791 1 967 6758 ! 68 4 Vestbound I Sg' 16 6478 1031 7509 75 6 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected R Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C,U. ) Analysis it required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: SUPERIOR AVE (E&W) & PLACENTIA AVE (N&S) 2565 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON. AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1987 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- I I EXISTIN(j PROPOSEDI EXISTIN(j EXISTIN(j REGIONAII COMMITTED( PROJECTED I PROJECTI PROJECTI I Movementl Lanes I Lanes I PEER I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I V/C I I I Capacityl Capacityl Volume I Ratio Volume I Volume I w/o Projectl' I Ratio ] I I I I I i • I I Volume I I I I 1 -------------------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------- I ------- 23 -- NL 1 I 1 - 1 5 1 1 1 I I NT 3200 1 1 311. 0.12 l 1 16 1 III 0.13 4 1 0.13 --------) ----------------- --------- ------ NR 1 1 60 I 1 6 4 - ----------------- ------- SL -1II 1 1600 1 ___---- 1 it 1 0.01 I 1 0 1 0.01 1 2 1 0.01 1 I ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------1 I ST 1 1600 1 1 263 1 0.16 * - 1 10 I * 0.17 1 1 0.17*1 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------I SR 1 1600 1 1 463 1 0.29 1 -_ 1 13 1 0.30 1 2 1 0.30 I --------------------------------------------� -------------------------------------I EL 1 1600 1 ____-_-I 2181 0.14 _ 1 8 I * 0.14 I 4 1 0.14*1 --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------i ET i 3200 1 __-__-_ 1 442 1 0.14 1 ___-__- 1 3 1 0.16 1 5 1 0.16 1 I ------------------ ---------------- _-_-- _-- -----I I ER I N.S. 1 1 20 1 I I 9 I 0.03 I 1 -0.03 1 I ----------------------------------------------- --- ------- ---------- ------I WL 1 16001 1 55I 0.031. 1----12 0.04 I I 2 I 1 0.04 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I WT 1 3200 1 -_---_- 1 7681 0.24 " --_-I 22 I * 0.25 1 13:. 1 0.25*1 ---------------------- -------------------------------------I I WR I N.S. I 1 5 1 ------- -------- 2 1 ---------- 1 1 ( EXISTING I.C.U. 1 0.54 1 1 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ( EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I 0.56 1 I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------I 1EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. i 0.56 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IXI Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 I J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 IJ Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 l 1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will- be less than I.C.U. without project ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------^------- Description of system ,improvement: Newport Superior Medical Plaza PROJECT FORM II ��'' a�..�.�--�C '7t�.-8% .•wt. CC v..�I _✓ae, /�te.�tL.. Ce»-n� G•ai. 1501 Superior 196 J `� ✓ ' 2j* L tl Newport Beach CA o "'-- ?, 12 ��P1f7a� 300' ListingCa n6 �v -727i4 424-161-09 April 7, 1988 '`" (�4.Q..c-t�j (J. lGao-�.-. �.LL••-caLGG-o//v yy.r-°-..e.w Ga'�• Page 1 �n� �� ✓�c�, fir. G Allen Boerner/Harbor Newport Richard Johnson Thomas Hallis 1534 Placentia 811 W 15th St #2D 819 15th St #4D Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-161-02 937-36-008 937-36-016 Sue Ann Duesler Deborah Des Jardins John Schild 823 15th St #lA 821 W 15th St VA 815 W 15th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-001 937-36-009 937-36-017 John Bloecher Nora McUnber T A Dobbie Jr 823 W 15th St #lB 821 W 15th St #3B 2722 Bayshore Dr Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-002 937-36-010 937-36-018 Joseph Doino Mary Wu Connie Bernhart 1622 OakSt 864 Cortez Ln 815-05 W 15th St Burbank CA 91506 Foster City CA 94404 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-003 937'-36-011 937-36-019' I James McGuire Hugh Milligan Wieslawa Hamrick 823 W 15th St 1D 821 15th St #3D 815 15th St#6C Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92651 937-36-004 937-36-012 937-36-020 Richard Horner Anthony Williams Charle Hargrave 811 W 15th St #2A 819 15th St #4A 813 15th St #6D Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92651 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-005 937=36-013 937-36-021 Alfred Newman John Schild Jeffrey Koester 811 S 15th St #2B 16 Greenmore 741 Prospect Dr Newport Beach CA 92663 Irvine CA 92715 Glendale CA 91205 937-36-006 937-36-014 937-36-022 John Bloecher Joy Brown Ernest Detmers 1111 Town & Country Rd #22 819 W 15th St #4B 813 W 15th St #6B Orange CA 92668 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 937=36-007 937-36-015 937=36-023 1501 Superior 196 Page 2 David Goad George Wilson Robert Caughill 813 15th St #6A 1504 Beech St 426 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 South Pasadena CA 91030 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-024 424-161-05 425-373-02 No Ruth Richardson Marry Morrison Jack Vance 891 Maple Ave Rt 1 Box 206 218 Morning Canyon Rd Lindsay CA 93247 Millfield OH 45761 Corona Del Mar, CA92625 424-011-12 424-161-08 425-373-03 Southland Corp Superior Avenue Medical/ Union Lynne Valentine 2828 N Haskell 1600 N Broadway 15 Toulon Dallas TX 75204 Santa Ana CA 92706 Newport Beach CA 92660 424-012-01 424-16.1-09 425-373-04 Americana Land Associates Rothery-Roh Development Group Russell Carpenter 13921 Artesia Blvd 3561 Howard Ave #102 436 Bolero Way Cerritos CA 90701 Los Alamitos CA 90720 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-151-04 424-1611-10 425-373-05 Oshowa Industries Hughes Aircraft Cc F Bruce Twichell 1525 Placentia Ave P O Box 45066 Bldg Cl/8116 202 La Jolla Newport Beach CA 92663 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Newport Beach CA 92660 424-151-05 425-181-01' 425-373-06 i Mark Kornwasser Donna Warndahl E C Twichell 8222 Melrose Ave 418 Bolero Way 751 Via Lido Soud Los Angeles, CA 90046 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-151-06 425-372-01 425-373-07 Newport Seaside Inc Milton Meehan Donald Fiduccia P O Box 1974 2319 Margaret Dr 3278E Leah Dr Costa Mesa, CA 92628 Newport Beach CA 92663 Dana Point CA 92629 424-161-01 425-372-02 425-373-08 Ben Indes/K & M Enterprises Jeffry Hummel Helen Hix 10000 Jefferson Blvd 15520 Rockfield Blvd #G 452 Bolero Way Culver City CA 90230 Irvine CA.92781 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-161-02 425-372-03 425-373-09 Roland Peterson James Massey Mary Dyer 129 E Bay St 979-C W Pine St 454 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92661 Upland CA 91786 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-161-03 425-373-01 425-373-10 1501 Superior 196 . Page 3 Larry Hurlbet Lucille Eglett Frances 0' Meara 456 Bolero Way 455 Bolero Way 425 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92b63 425-373-11 425-373-20 425-373-29 August Reisen Sam Hilton John Randall 460 Bolero Way 453 Bolero Way 425 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-12 425-373-21 425-373-30 Yandel Snell Wanda Schwaneke Marie Pugh 464 Bolero Way 451 Bolero Way 4305 Dana Rd Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-13 425-373-22 425-373-51 Thomas Straza Daniel Shehan Jr Cecelia Clock 468 Bolero Way 439• Bolero Way 4307 Dana Rd Newport BeachCA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-14 425-373-23 • 425-373-52 Peyton Callaway H Bruce Denton Jr Eleanor Olis 467 Bolero Way 437' Bolero Way 4305 Hilaria Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport BeachCA 29663 425-373-15 425-373-24 425-373-40 Margaret Sowers Jacqueline Dover Daniel Denison 465 Bolero Way 435 Bolero Way 4307 Hilaria Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-16 425-373-25 425-373-41 Henry Storti Nicholas Parker Floriene Launt 463 Bolero Way 433 Bolero Way 4308 Hilaria Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport BeachCA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-17 425-373-26 425-373-42 Forrest Baldwin Annette Kanzler Edward Lutze 5845 Normandie Pl 429 Bolero Way 4304 Hilaria Way Riverside CA 92504 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-18 425-373-27 4425�-37,3x-43 Dorothy George Edna Little 457 Bolero Way 427 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-19 425-373=28 /� - 1501 superior 196 • Newport Beach CA SUSAN W. CASE 300' Listing OWNERSHIP LISTING*SERVICE 424-161-09 April 7, 1988 1461 Glenneyre Street, Suite F Page 1 Laguna Beach, California 92651 714/494-6105 Allen Boerner/Harbor Newport Richard Johnson Thomas Hallis 1534 Placentia 811 W 15th St #2D 819 15th St #4D Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-161-02 937-36-008 937-36-016 Sue Ann Duesler Deborah Des Jardins John Schild 823 15th St #lA 821 W 15th St #3A 815 W 15th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-001 937-36-009 937-36-017 John Bloecher Nora McUnber T A Dobbie Jr 823 W 15th St #1B 821 W 15th St #3B 2722 Bayshore Dr Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-002 937-36-010 937-36-018 Joseph Doino Mary Wu Connie Bernhart 1622 OakSt 864 Cortez In 815-05 W 15th St Burbank CA 91506 Foster City CA 94404 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-003 937-36-011 937-36-019 James McGuire Hugh Milligan Wieslawa Hamrick 823 W 15th St 1D 821 15th St #3D 815 15th St#6C Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92651 937-36-004 937-36-012 937-36-020 Richard Horner Anthony Williams Charle Hargrave 811 W 15th St VA 819 15th St #4A 813 15th St #6D Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92651 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-005 937=36-013 937-36-021 Alfred Newman John Schild Jeffrey Koester 811 S 15th St #2B 16 Greenmore 741 Prospect Dr Newport Beach CA 92663 Irvine CA 92715 Glendale CA 91205 937-36-006 937-36-014 937-36-022 John Bloecher Joy Brown Ernest Detmers llll Town & Country Rd #22 819 W 15th St #4B 813 W 15th St #6B Orange CA 92666 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 937=36-007 937-36-015 937-36-023 15&1 Superior 196 . • Page 2 David Goad George Wilson Robert Caughill 813 15th St #6A 1504 Beech St 426 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 South Pasadena CA 91030 Newport Beach CA 92663 937-36-024 424-161-05 425-373-02 No Ruth Richardson Marry Morrison Jack Vance 891 Maple Ave Rt 1 Box 206 218 Morning Canyon Rd Lindsay CA 93247 Millfield OH 45761 Corona Del Mar, CA92625 424-011-12 424-161-08 425-373-03 Southland Corp Superior Avenue Medical/ Union Lynne Valentine 2828 N Haskell 1600 N Broadway 15 Toulon Dallas Tx 75204 Santa Ana CA 92706 Newport Beach CA 92660 424-012-01 424-161-09 425-373-04 Americana Land Associates Rothery-Roh Development Group Russell Carpenter 13921 Artesia Blvd 3561 Howard Ave #102 436' Bolero Way Cerritos CA 90701 Los Alamitos CA 90720 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-151-04 424-1611-10 425-373-05 Oshowa Industries Hughes Aircraft Cc F Bruce Twichell 1525 Placentia Ave P O Box 45066 Bldg C1/8116 202 La Jolla Newport Beach CA 92663 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Newport Beach CA 92660 424-151-05 425-181-01: 425-373-06 Mark Kornwasser Donna Warndahl E C Twichell 8222 Melrose Ave 418 Bolero Way 751 Via Lido Soud Los Angeles, CA 90046 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-151-06 425-372-01 425-373-07 Newport Seaside Inc Milton Meehan Donald Fiduccia P 0 Box 1974 2319 Margaret Dr 32786 Leah Dr Costa Mesa, CA 92628 Newport Beach CA 92663 Dana Point CA 92629 424-161-01 425-372-02 425-373-08 Ben Indes/K & M Enterprises Jerry Hummel Helen Hix 10000 Jefferson Blvd 15520 Rockfield Blvd #G 452 Bolero Way Culver City CA 90230 Irvine CA,92781 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-161-02 425-372-03 425-373-09 Roland Peterson James Massey Mary Dyer 129 E Bay St 979-C W Pine St 454 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92661 Upland CA 91786 Newport Beach CA 92663 424-161-03 425-373-01 425-373-10 1501 ,Superior 196 • • Page 3 Larry Hurlbet Lucille Eglett Frances 01 Mears. 456 Bolero Way 455 Bolero Way 425 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-11 425-373-20 425-373-29 August Reisen Sam Hilton John Randall 460 Bolero Way 453 Bolero Way 425 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-12 425-373-21 425-373-30 Yandel Snell Wanda Schwaneke Marie Pugh 464 Bolero Way 451 Bolero Way 4305 Dana Rd iVdwport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-13 425-373-22 425-373-51 Thomas Straza Daniel Shehan Jr Cecelia Clock 468 Bolero Way 439' Bolero Way 4307 Dana Rd Newport BeachCA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-14 425-373-23 425-373-52 Peyton Callaway H Bruce Denton Jr Eleanor Olis 467 Bolero Way 437 Bolero Way 4305' Hilaria Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport BeachCA 29663 425-373-15 425=373-24 425-373-40 Margaret Sowers Jacqueline Dover Daniel Denison 465 Bolero Way 435 Bolero Way 4307 Hilaria Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-16 425-373-25 425-373-41 Henry Storti Nicholas Parker Floriene Launt 463 Bolero Way 433 Bolero Way 4308 Hilaria Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport BeachCA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-17 425-373-26 425-373-42 Forrest Baldwin Annette Kanzler Edward Lutze 5845 Normandie P1 429 Bolero Way 4304 Hilaria Way Riverside CA 92504 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-18 425-373-27 425-373-43 Dorothy George Edna Little 457 Bolero Way 427 Bolero Way Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663 425-373-19 425=373.28 3004 RADIOS Q 1 Y I 1 0 I y (n i � n i Y ~ i pp 1 PCACENAA AVEAVE E — PLACENT/A /VENUE ` e • ® Vr 44 ��f \ 4*• pa°a s 4 C 44 d 4644` 'i��C `0,04 O+ibe �o 9� ti Ownership Map 02-219- 01 TRAFFIC STUDIES APPLICANT: CONSULTANTS: NAME: ' /Sb/ SoyAklZb,T ��:+rA.t6lrf:Wr.Tt✓�rufE�i tve. //00 .iNP/x/ .S,TidtarA/ „� ,Sro7Af AW AV44-;0M ,54�v�4 ,4ro4� ('r�/1,toll/6Q yraaL f�-T/FA� (.bG7rolvs,Q 926Z/ dsrs.�/ /r/Fm6,z�5/JA PHONE: v PROJECT NAME: DESCRIPTION: /Sbr �JI`i/tGVf .44zYAL ;pW44 (kayo6Ufdv of sm7 7v4 1,d1GD.T.rG -A fir7la'E "rNbL+Zl4G o 137P.SA�D✓ Rx lbr7uY.Tiifd! r1E f.FXwrr� p�if�E lZClry' DATE DEPOSIT FEES PAYMENT REMAINING BALANCE "vex /Z. 'ro sa CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT i --p�' '� O ������ NEWPORT��H. CALIFORNIA 92683+�1 �AIO 17794 ^ I,1 r 1 RECEIVED FROM 1501 O`w FOR: • ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT r DEPARTMENT BY I .�j..w..r.w.�..�..�..�.�..�..�.:r:�.w.r..r.�..w.r.�.r....,r.�..�..�..�..�..wr..........r.w....�..«.r+�t.�. � Aar•�oz-zi�e/ L Do �'l�- N v�F l CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEMAND FOR PAYMENT COPY Date June 14, 1988 Demand Of: •Justin F. Farmer Address: 207 South-Brea Boulevard Brea, California 92621 In the amount of $ 2,712.50 ITEM OF EXPENDITURE BUDGET # AMOUNT Professional services rendered re traffic and circula- tion study for medical office building - Superior Avenue Invoice #F571 02-219-01 TOTAL $2,712.50 Approved For Payment: epartmen Head A dited nd Approved: Finance Director JUSJIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. f ; 5. BREA BLVD. A, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 INVOICE City Of Newport Beach June 8, 1988 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca. . 92658 Attn: Ms . Patricia Lee Temple Environmental Coordinator Invoice #F571 Re: Traffic and Circulation Study Medical Office Building Superior Ave. Newport Beach Our File #F571 Billing Period: April 12, 1988 through June 8, 1988 FOR THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: Visit Project Site, Analyze One Site Plan, Prepare and Deliver Traffic Study Total Lump Sum Bid $2,712.50 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $2,712.50 pyou. . •Farmer. P.E. , President ' JFFesf APPROVED FOR Pffit"MENT BY • Plan, Ong D ci�r A UN T NO.: oz- 2if-o/ - I � -I -I-.---I —. � ,- .�..�—, - . ---- ----- r-----�'-I -- I --- - II -\)—�. ­------- _'_. --.I-­I� ­ -_.—. _ _ I I ­. _ --_--_ I/ -- - I I - - I I - . I-I —�II, _­ - II 1I - ,t T�P,�77 _ I- -T- �1,.I 1I�, '. �-',I p"" , " 4' � � L' "'�'- 11F I,, , I I I %, . I I I �1�, " �, ; l ' � . ( ,.j � ,l -I- 11 �l 0,,, '', , � � , �� i I.; 1,� ,lI "i � ,j ,,e � �Fr 11 l" l� . �I I" - " 1.,ri- lI��I�.I'1 . ,-ii4 I, I IrI- I I. � I I 1 �.I' ;�..I., ,t,. 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PATRICIA LEE TEMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 Prepared By: JUSTIN F. FARMER, ^- TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 207 SOUTH BREA BOULEVARD BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 May 10, 1988 Our File F571 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Trip Generation Forecast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 1 - Site Vicinity Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 2 - Project Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table 1 - Trip Generation Forecast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trip Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Traffic Impact Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 3 - Project Trip Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 4 - Study Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Table 2 - Summary of ICU/LOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 APPENDIX JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the present time the development at 1501 Superior Avenue in the City of Newport Beach is a multi-use type of development containing both General and Medical offices. The general office building contains approximately 23,801 square feet and the medical office contains 13,400 square feet. The proposal is to convert the general office to medical office building, i.e. , the entire project would produce a total of 37, 201 square feet of medical office building. Existing accesses to the site are from Placentia Avenue to the west, Superior Avenue to the east and 15th Street to the south. Figure 1, on the following page, illustrates the Project Site Vicinity Map while Figure 2, Page 3, is the Project Site Plan. The purposes of this report are to: 1) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic of the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting the existing land uses to medical office only. 2) Assess the impact the project will have upon the adjacent street system, per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts, additional traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the following pages. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the site, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed project, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. JUSTIN F. FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. I Tl�/'N'>ryS;,TWfr'�r•uvLLw'a DANNLLL a, � ... _� • :I .x f0"Y i.S,"'r�f_ o i.. � . .,.�'<`h", � '`5 "� � 4NY¢:r :i., i•< $� ,d v]oo•z,�ae �.. e H .p �! 4 :aruL£�.,r'+ J PITPL ST .� 'J`•L =g ,500 1. ��., r Yi .0 :..{• S n �Aw.t`rMF•: > DAPI AL'STw+'••<I� S ✓a >i�:m rY'" z��i t t�;B?.. ,.. r,.. 6�:' ! '6M/ t+p '�M,r„",'r`fv� r!;c$ENA E"+57 I6'r,`L3 �E55 5T� >. }. �r:y�,.: :,�.e,'(w��,...,: ]� ~o& u'eA' •LL I•� ^:, ry r' t' y W". EGJGRE55 i'� .ST{ NOR 5T i• .i' �S�,y..•�,ki i% �-1 r:u'f'-:s'.�'^vtiOmA � •:• r• J' eF �: ODV - "•r",�' � .r s°wnaros^: '�„ ? 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FARMER 2 TRANSPORTATION ISNCINrKRS, INC. I^ • V '�t �� ♦ � Y ♦ VTR li I1 — m � m 1 li- I .a 11 A I I ' r I I •y. '�• 'YI7 � ik. • � Peto }� I 1, c r� r, I a ul I `• - r r \ lol 4 I ,�tgx F yy f�l= 4 !� ® slfe plan FIG PROJECT SITE PLAN 2 JUSTIN F. FARMER 3 i'KAnlSrokrA-no-, r';n'clNei:kS. IN'c. �I Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for the decrease during the morning peak and the increase during the evening peak is the different type of land use and operation associated with the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. W TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE 36,888 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 37,201 Square Feet 0 .6 0.2 1. 9 8.4 22 7 71 89 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 44 14 142 178 Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2. 0 0.4 0.6 1.7 23,801 Square Feet 47 10 14 40 - Medical Office 0. 6 0.2 1. 9 2.4 13,400 Square Feet 8 3 25 32 Total 55 13 39 72 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 110 26 78 144 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -33 -6 +32 +17 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -66 -12 +64 +34 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours as per City of Newport Beach JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. li TRIP DISTRIBUTION It is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary considerably, depending upon the type of land use proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an office development, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time . periods. The predominant trip maker during both hours is the employee and the trip will be a home-work journey. As a consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location of'residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns are, however, different for a medical office building where trips are made predominantly by patients and medical staff. General trip length associated with such proposed medical office building would be less than those associated with general office, i.e. , the medical office is proposed to attract more trips from the surrounding vicinity than general office would. Based on familiarity with traffic patterns near the study area, the location of potential users and the observation of peak hour traffic, directional distribution patterns were determined and were used to forecast the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch as Table 1 indicates a net decrease in trips during the AM peak hour, morning peak hour trip distribution is not needed for this analysis. Figure 3 on the following page, graphically illustrates the evening peak hour trip distribution for the subject project. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Inasmuch as the trip generation forecast presented in Table 1 indicates that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour as a result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis . A. Cumulative Projects The City of Newport Beach' s traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City' s street network. The list includes 93 projects, of which approximately 65% are not occupied, 10% are fully occupied, and 25% are partially occupied. JUSTIN F. FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. bo N _ Ny i 13, Q1sy e N KN 'fib Nx ., odM3,y a - 1 aN r 7' a wN �� I N yX J 0 3AV VIIN3DVld a Kb � 'CR«y, Y y = O O = O co e x 0 CO 60�6d 0 d� SAY VIAoaNON _X V� P�B0 P (p Y �Y IOUS08d N is Nw 2� QO LL yh wq 5 IL IS 39Nva0 EO a r � z a _ NOTE: Peak 1 Hour is 50% of Peak 2 1/2 Hours FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 3 PEAK 1 HOUR JUSTIN F. FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENCINEERS,lNC. B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a list of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are summarized as follows: Newport Boulevard Coast Highway to North City Limits 1% Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% Newport Boulevard to West City Limits 2.5% C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has identified that the primary impact from project traffic will be on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Superior Avenue @ Placentia Avenue 2) Hospital Road @ Newport Boulevard 3) Coast Highway @ Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4) Coast Highway @ Prospect Street 5) Coast Highway @ Orange Avenue 6) Coast Highway @ Riverside Drive 7) Coast Highway @ Dover Drive, Bayshore Drive Figure 4, on the following page, illustrates the locations of these intersections. D. "One Percent Test" The methodology presented below for the 1% traffic volume analysis is the one utilized by the City of Newport Beach. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes. _- - Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1999 , 11 years hence - Regional annual growth rates were used----- - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. - If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersection. JUSTIN F. FARMER 7 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. P4 ' �y'4 .fa y G�l'+y-. J�/�"{S� 3 •'r', r` o . 'rRp n>a .qI`' +:.;,:?:n�Y is i _ � �• •'Ifj ILI }'aN9le. �'Sn'�n�Ar ',6' hA•b �0�.�'y+kr TN+ u+•Wn x hyr a. `$ I t;3y>y ,a r�. "� < �t ,y` Y1 �+r PL� a f3°� > 'J sl Ti b0 MVrb r� +.. 1 I , , J S f P-1 Q �i•; I.� ° °x a�r�?? ° 4'M '>+�t e � Yi, s x 3�H�, ro°M o! i� •'T I 1 1 5 rvrnn ' s ,r 1 ! 'd `� �. .�'o O`PN t� E_ � M>dta .�hts°, aJ: f � -•t1\\`♦ 9� /ew?, _ e• �• 4�;a0' '�, b�i�N>.:s d� �y,� ,"`�b3o •r3aC��i�j3��,��',',n�'t 8 � +` �• 1£ry ,, ~n� `Cr• ;. r; •Jtisr$.�Vv Q' �b�. -:I;�_�el ! E W'pi �. 'T/ t O * y•i�„ur r�0 P O ^G f � y wlOP ��^' Q. •a.Yi'=rn'/` Y ', C,y 0 ' � �`i;�! n`o. °''�. > _ ,�R } •t�4 `'S s°+ ay bN0 � ' i O x^ /y ,.. ���;`ux y° !l0�2ItlH 5 YI ��$ 'a- ,�� ;? 9• °Nr0'O�b r✓'rb c nF +'9 ;S� '��1„��� „ m � M � •`awl. a" .�7. n�, °j 3,'`� sp<� _u: a y., :�° ws, ¢, °0a1. o Orb �.ili4 � lSyll 3Htl � a. a s 9i by✓�� , B aSVPf x y -<>'•L"•s � a0.ihL�N n °'� isr, r `i• .$, 1 3_ $a ... ,. •.'+4 'N Jxa'aay� '�J P, a`v2at o ``(` l_ 3 C°0 ���Q�a��'GCGW�e�ga"" 1 fr< y.I \�• as�� i . ..�,� �a� � - :. 'YWr>'li?-aP'-' r0 te•.5:.�.;. �.`.,�,.7��. .,t..n'};, �k`Y� , �.a.�'�"aCl I r>'yt .•--i. 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'' s• �J �"""�5'.g"8""'>' kj'T_..•r-. �;I �l.-.d..�7,,..-�.it• , ��'nn "x: nxx .. d7,s, /y:1��N a.l�y'.k?�.�'af'....F`�.,•`ri Y�8..:38�.-oC��'�u'�sn�.ws. t�.•i j, ,1' IJ 7I rk�n��� iuu6• _ F .1,A * _s(.(r_ 'T,*' it w::1.4Ui+G'EJga/ti411'Y£`.`.MJT>iP.�..`^•.�:k:`W;'A1L�Y..w"w��':wb�:i'.'L�p-•��a-�{� rt '>tI''".�1� i STUDY INTERSECTIONS FIG 4 JUSTIN F. FARMER 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS. INC. I The 1% test conducted at the seven study intersections indi- cates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak except, at the intersection of Superior Avenue with Placentia Avenue. A level of service analysis was therefore conducted at that intersection using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) procedure. City data forms entitled "1% Traffic Volume Analysis" for the evening peak hour is included in the Appendix attached hereto. E. The ICU Test The ICU test consists of comparing the capacity of the inter- section (as developed by the City of Newport Beach) to the traffic volume on that approach and making a calculation as to what percent of the green traffic signal time is required to satisfy that specific approach demand. City of Newport Beach traffic phasing ordinance sheets were used in the calculation of the Intersection Capacity Utilization. Those sheets are also presented in the Appendix attached hereto. The City assumes that the peak one-hour traffic will be 50% of the peak 2 1/2 hours; evening peak hour traffic volumes were determined and are illustrated on the capacity calculation sheets. A close look at the ICU calculation sheets suggests that the project will have a nominal or no impact upon the intersections of Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue. The volume/capacity ratio did not increase after adding project trips. Results of that ICU Analysis are listed in the table below: TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF ICU/LOS SUPERIOR AVENUE AT PLACENTIA AVENUE EVENING PEAR EXISTING (1988 ) 0 .54/A r' 19* CUMULATIVE 0.56/A SAME + PROJECT 0.56/A JUSTIN F. FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General/Medical Office Complex located at 1501 Superior Avenue in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 37,201 square feet of Medical Office Building. o The site is currently occupied and it is served by three driveways; from Placentia Avenue to the west, Superior Avenue to the east and 15th Street to the south. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows.: TRIP GENERATION FORECAST NEWPORT SUPERIOR MEDICAL PLAZA 1501 SUPERIOR AVENUE AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 37,201 Square Feet 0.6 0.2 1. 9 8.4 22 7 71 89 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 44 14 142 178 Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1. 7 23,801 Square Feet 47 10 14 40 - Medical Office 0.6 0.2 1. 9 2.4 13,400 Square Feet 8 3 25 32 Total 55 13 39 72 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 110 26 78 144 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -33 -6 +32 +17 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -66 -12 +64 +34 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 2 1/2 hours = Peak 1 hour x 2 (as per City of Newport Beach) JUSTIN F.FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. o Inasmuch as the conversion to Medical Office Building will result in a decrease in the morning peak hour traffic and an increase in the evening peak hour traffic, the analysis of this report was based only on the PM peak hour. o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth factors. o The following intersections were selected to be analyzed using the above referenced Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 1) Superior Avenue @ Placentia Avenue 2) Hospital Road @ Newport Boulevard 3) Coast Highway @ Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4 ) Coast Highway @ Prospect Street 5) Coast Highway @ Orange Avenue 6 ) Coast Highway @ Riverside Drive 7) Coast Highway @ Dover Drive, Bayshore Drive o When the 1% test was conducted, project trips were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour volumes for all intersections, except for the intersection of Superior Avenue with Placentia Avenue. An intersection capacity analysis was then conducted at that intersection. o Project traffic will not change the ICU or the level of service at the intersection of Superior Avenue with •Placentia— Avenue-. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. Z2 �pr Justin F. Farmer, P.E. , President JFF:SYG/lp JUSTIN F. FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. lo,7.jl+ to; X KIP AT 7 -W,4 p cw ml.. KEAST :2 'to 500 w1a CT "'Voct, KWE C,ro MIMI,cl �Iln 11 It ,).N. CT M.91.0c, C I 4 L.'ITWCCI "D.Ncca. PRODUCI G cc let NotorlOA pu�'v Ai N PoflT Slow, y MCI tips U a 4, BA( 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W NIS Intersection SUPERIOR AVENUE/PLACENTIA AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 87)PM Peak 2; Hour Approved �� Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1� of Projected Pro'ect FDirection Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 21, Hour Peak 2s Hour Peek 2i Hour Peak 24 Hour i Volume I Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I� Northbound 981 981 53 1034 10 16 southbound 1715 — 1715 43 1758 18 8 Eastbound 1813 _ 1813 1 95 1908 19 18 Westbound IL 2002 _ _ 2002 70 2072 21 10 i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. (At northbound approach) Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: GnDM T 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/o Intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/HOSPITAL ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes. based on Average inter Spring 19 87)PM Peak 215 Hour Approved I' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1' of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 21s Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume -r_ 1 Northbound 1 4430 4917 263 5180 52 14 5outhbound 3896 E4325 197 4522 45 0 li i Eastbound 2016 _ 2016 60 2076 ! 21 8 i westbound I 1045 1045 10 1055 11 2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza Ao Pe DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/BALBOA BOULEVARD—SUPERIOR AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter pring 19. 8 PM r Peak 215 Hour Approved Approach Existing I Regional Projects Projected I of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour 1 Growth Peak 211 Hour Peak 235 Hour Peak 2, Hour Peak 2h Hour l� Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume � Northbound 1861 1861 44 1905 19 4 Southbaund 3758 3758 I 60 3818 i 38 10 � ;i Eastbound 4794 6114 i 648 6762 68 - 8 Westbound 4784 5310 794 6104 61 4 :i a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is -estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: FORM 1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/PROSPECT STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 87) PM r-- Peak 2h Hour Approved ` 11 Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected U of Projected Project li II Direction t Peak 2� Hour I Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2$ Hour I� Volume Volume Volume Volume volume Volume ' I 'i tlortnbound 302 302 0 302 3 0 i. Southbound I 304 I 304 0 1 304 3 2 I� t_ l� Eastbound ` 3819 4869 j 654 5523 55 6 Westbound ! If ! 6903 i 8036 860 8896 89 6 I Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected FRI Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W I N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/ORANGE STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 87)PM Approach � Peak io Hour Approved Rporaach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project ! Direction Peak 2k Hour I Growth Peak 2> Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2> Hour I) Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume it Northbound 452 452 0 452 5 2 i. Southbound i 205 205 0 205 2 0 j Eastbound 1 , i i 3970 _5062 i 650 5712 ! 57 4 Westbound 6185 7886 860 1 8746 87 4 I Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected M Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PRn,lprr• 1% Traffic Volume Analysis A/W N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY RIVERSIDE AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage Winter Spring 19 EFPM —_ Peak 2� Hour Approved approach Existing Regional Projects Projected I. of Projected Project Direction Peak 2a, Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2's Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume :iorthbound 61 61 0 61 1 0 j Southbound 1247 1247 62 ( 1309 13 2 ' Eastbound jf-- 1 5217 i 5791 i 967 6758 68 _ 4 Westbound i 6478 _ 1031 1 7509 75 6 O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected O Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C,.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PRI1,lFfT 1% Traffic Volume Analysis E/W N/S Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/DOVER DRIVE—BAYSHORE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 19 87 PM Peak 2; Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 10. of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 245 245 0 245 2 0 Southbound 2990 2990 1 85 3075 1 31 4 t Eastbound 3683 + 4088 I 948 5036 i 50 2 Nestbound 8270 9180 1123 10303 103 2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Newport Superior Medical Plaza DATE: 5-9-88 PROJECT: INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: SUPERIOR AVE (E&W) & PLACENTIA AVE (N&S) 2565 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1987 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I IEXISTING PROPOSEDIEXISTING EXISTING REGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED I PROJEC71 PROJECI'l I Movementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I V/C I I I Capacity) Capacity) Volume I Ratio I volume I Volume I w/o Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I I I volume I I ' I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i I NL 1 1 23 1 _ 1 5 1 1 1 I --------} ------------------} -----------------------------------------------I I NT 3200 1 1 311. 0.12 1 _ 1 16 1 0.13 1 4 1 0.13 I --------} ------------------} -----------------------------------------------I I NR 1 1 60 1 - 1 6 I I 4 1 I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 1 SL 1 1600 1 1 11 1 0.01 1 - 1 0 1 0.01 1 2 1 0.01 i I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 1 ST 1 1600 1 1 263 1 0.16 * _--- 1 10 1 * 0.17 1 1 0.17*1 I ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------I 1 SR 1 1600 1 1 463 1 0.29 1 _--_ 1 13 1 0.30 1 2 1 0.30 I ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------I I EL 1 1600 1 1 2181 0.14 * __-- 1 8 I * 0.14 1 4 1 0.14*1 I ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------I 1 ET 1 3200 1 1 442 1 0.14 1 _ 1 3 1 0.16 I 5 1 0.16 1 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I ER I N.S. 1 1 20 1 1 __-1 9 I 0.03 I 1 0.03 1 I ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------I I WL 1 1600 1 1 55 1 0.03 1 _--- 1 12 1 0.04 1 2 1 0.04 1 I ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------I I WT 1 3200 1 1 %68 1 0.24 * --__ 1 22 1 * 0.25 1 3 1 0.25*1 I ------------------------------------------------- --------=----------------------------i i WR I N.S. I 1 5 1 1 - 1 2 1 ---------- 1 1 I --------------------------- ---------------1 ( EXISTING I.C.U. 1 0.54 1 I 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i ( EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1 0.56 1 i 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------I ( EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. 1 0.56 i --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• iXl Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than-oi- equal to 0.90 I J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will,. be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: Newport Superior Medical Plaza PROJECT FORM II