HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO052_2751 W. COAST HWY IIIIIIII IIII III III IIIIIII IINI IIIIII NII III IlU TP0052 F E4:. > MINUTES CbMMISSIONERS January 5, 1989 Gt^ c' y�9Py < a CITY OF IVEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Mo on was voted on to deny Use Permit No. 3070 (Ame ad) subject to the findings in Exhibit MOTION IED. FINDINGS: 1. That the pr osed addition of baking and service of ' sandwiches to a take-out restaurant represents an intensification use that will result in an increased parking and for the area. 2. That existing problems ith the unkempt sidewalk and storage of trash wi be aggravated' by the intensified use. 3. That the approval of this amen t to Use Permit No 3070 will, under the circums nces of this came, be detrimental to the health, s ety, peace, •. morals, comfort and general welfare persons residing or working in the neighborhood o to the general welfare of the City. A. Traffic Study No 52 (Public Hearing) Item No.6 Request to approve a traffic study in connection with a TS N0.52 restaurant in the "Recreation and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. UP3328 AND Aroroved B Use Permit No 3328 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the establishment of a nighttime only restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverages, live entertainment and valet parking on property located in the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan. The proposal also includes a request to approve an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the required off-street parking to be located in the Mariner's Mile Commercial Center, at 2700 West Coast Highway. LOCATION: A portion of Lot H, Tract No. 919, located at 2751 West Coast Highway, on the southerly side of West Coast Highway ' at the southerly terminus of Riverside Avenue (restaurant site) ; and Parcel 2, -21- K MMISSIONERS Q. ! MINUTES ` _ '0CL 10am�c^� smmm January 5, 1989 mG3% N 9�9.p9yvc CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Parcel Map 73-23, located to the rear of 2700 West Coast Highway on the northerly side of West Coast Highway (off-site parking lot) in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 APPLICANTS: James and Sharon Carter, Anaheim Commissioner Winburn requested a report from staff regarding the Harbor Permit approved for the subject j site. James Hewicker, Planning Director, reported that the Harbor Permit that was approved for boat slips bayward of the subject property included boats within those slips that are for sale through yacht brokerages, or used by the businesses on the premises. He explained that the existing Harbor Permit does not allow any of the boat slips to be rented or leased to private boat owners. Discussion ensued between Commissioner Pers6n, Mr. Hewicker, and Bill Laycock, Current Planning Manager, regarding the 32 on-site parking spaces and related off- site parking spaces required for the nighttime restaurant, based on one parking space for each 40 square feet of "net public area". Commissioner Pers6n emphasized that a primary concern is to be certain that no valets park customers' automobiles on the northerly side of West Coast Highway, and he wanted the applicant to be aware of the seriousness of his concern. Commissioner Pers6n forewarned the applicant that if he observed a valet crossing West Coast Highway that he would immediately call up the use permit for revocation. He commented that valets from at least one restaurant are shuffling automobiles across West Coast Highway and that said restaurant is not subject to a use permit. The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. James A. Carter, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Carter stated that he concurs with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A" with the exception of Condition No. 21 which states "that a 10 foot wide easement be granted to the City along the bay frontage. . ." , and he explained how "sawtoothing" the glass facade of the building enhanced the design of the building which would reduce the easement to between eight and ten feet, wherein he requested that said condition be modified. -22- j. C4OMMISSIONERS MINUTES %y o A4 yc^mm�rmmm January 5, 1989 mG'i�yoy9�t�'9yvt CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX In reference to Condition No. 16, which states "that all signs shall conform. . .", Mr. Carter requested that "new" be inserted; however, he said that the existing sign could be refurbished. In reference to Condition No. 6 requesting a revised parking plan, Mr. Carter explained that the parking lot was restriped two years ago, and when the applicants gave the six foot easement to the City there was an area that would allow additional parking. Mr. Carter requested that universal parking spaces not be required inasmuch as the original parking plan would provide an additional four compact parking spaces. In reference to Condition No. 8, Mr. Carter requested that the subject restaurant be open for lunch on Saturdays and Sundays inasmuch as The Chart House Restaurant is closed for lunch on weekends and additional parking is available. In response to questions posed by Mr. Hewicker, Mr. Carter replied that he could provide an off-site parking agreement inasmuch as he is half-owner of the adjacent property. Mr. Hewicker commented that the applicant would be required to provide an off-site agreement that meets the requirements of the City. Mr. Carter stated that he intends to park all of the customers' automobiles onsite on weekends for brunch, and that employee parking would probably be offsite. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Pers6n, Mr. Carter replied that a valet service will manage the valet operation. Mr. Carter stated that the applicants will police the operation to be certain that the valets do not cross West Coast Highway. Commissioner Pers6n emphatically expressed his comments that it is not in the best interests of the applicants or the community- at-large that the valets cross West Coast Highway. In response to questions posed by Commissioner Winburn regarding the Harbor Permit that is in existence and the number of yachts that are maintained for the yacht brokerages, Mr. Carter replied that all of the yachts that are bayward of the property are with yacht brokerages; however, there are some boats that dock there and park offsite. Commissioner Winburn referred to Condition No. 27 which states that ". . . .the applicant shall obtain the required harbor permits and provide . . .75 parking spaces for each marina boat slip and .75 parking spaces for each 25 feet of available mooring space. .". In response to Commissioner Winburn's -23- / 7 ; 'roMMISSIONERS MINUTES 0 03 0 •'y o c^ c*�o LPm January 5, 1989 B�•+L�99o9��y0909,�, ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL statement that no boat charters would be permitted onsite, Mr. Carter assured the Planning Commission that the situation would be taken care of immediately. Mr. Jim Tester, an associate of Burke-Lester, 77 Sea Island, appeared before the Planning Commission on U behalf of the applicant. Mr. Lester described the revised parking layout that had been reviewed by staff, i and he stated that the universal parking requirements could be met; however, he said that four compact parking spaces would be lost which the applicant would like to maintain. Discussion ensued between Mr. Lester and Chairman Pomeroy regarding the configuration of the parking layout which is where said compact parking spaces would be lost if universal parking spaces were established. Commissioner Pers6n concluded that the parking layout be refined using the universal parking spaces to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer in accicdance with Condition No. 6. Commissioner Pers6n suggested that he would like to set for a discussion item or a study session the concept of a use permit requirement for all boat charters operating from upland uses inasmuch as said operations could be associated with traffic and parking circulation problems. Commissioner Di Sano concurred with Commissioner Pers6n1s recommendation. Mr. Sid Safer, 900 Arbor Street, Costa Mesa, appeared before the Planning Commission to state that the City's stringent parking requirements, including in=lieu parking fees, is not only going to affect new restaurants but will affect established restaurants. Mr. Sofer referred to the staff report's comments regarding the requirement of dedication of land adopted by the Coastal Commission, and he commented that he has always opposed said dedication. Mrs. Gail Demmer, , 2812 Cliff Drive, representing the Newport Heights Community Association, appeared before the Planning Commission to state that said Association supports the proposed project inasmuch as the restaurant meets the Traffic Phasing Ordinance requirements and parking requirements. Dr. Jan VanderSloot, 2221 - 16th Street, appeared before the Planning Commission to state his concerns regarding discrepancies in the Traffic Study and the ICU as it relates to the subject restaurant. Don Webb, City Engineer, responded to Dr. VanderSloot's concerns as -24- MMISSIONERS MINUTES �LPej January 5, 19B9 ?mo'S�9a 99 qP 9y q� o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL follows: he said that the General Plan Amendment calculations indicated 1987 data, and that the 0.98 p.m. ICU at the intersection of West Coast Highway and Riverside Avenue is incorrect inasmuch as the consultant counted two critical moves together instead of counting them separately. Mr. Webb stated that the ICU should be 0.78, which is .02 higher than 0.76 used in the current Traffic Report which is the latest traffic count. Mr. Webb explained that the 0.98 vs. 0.78 does not affect the General Plan because the information was not carried forward to 2010 data inasmuch as that was figured separately. In reference to the total number -of project volumes shown to be 17 trips as opposed to 27 trips, Mr. Webb stated that the 10 trips not shown would be trips that would be exiting the site, all in the northbound leg, which is a non-critical move. He stated that the changed a number from .01 to• .02 was not a change in the ICU because it is a non-critical movement, it is moving at the game time as a critical movement, and that the ICU shown is correct at 0.89. Mr. Webb commented that the information submitted is not in error, that the calculations and all of the data shown have deficiencies but would not affect the overall number used. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Mr. Webb referred to Condition No. 16 regarding signs, and he explained that Standard 110-L is used by the Public Works Department to be certain that there is adequate sight distance at driveways. He commented that if the sign impairs the sight distance, it would need to be corrected. Discussion ensued between Chairman Pomeroy, Commissioner Merrill, and Mr. Webb regarding Condition No. 21 so as to maintain the requested 10 foot wide easement but to also permit the encroachment of the sawtooth windows. Motion * Motion was made to approve Traffic Study No. 52, Use Permit No. 3328 and the Off-Site Parking Agreement subject to the findings and modified conditions in Exhibit "A". Commissioner Di Sano addressed the traffic study as it was presented by Dr. VanderSloot and Mr. Webb, and he made the following modifications to conditions of the use permit. Condition No. 8: approval of an off-site parking agreement on the property adjacent to the subject property if validated by the City, and to permit the applicant to open forbrunch ablo Saturdays and Sundays when ps g i a -25- tt l MINUTES "�MMISSIONERS J . ;0. p�%.P January 5, 19B9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL Following discussion regarding how Condition No. 21 could be revised to permit the sawtooth design as requested by the applicant and to permit an additional encroachment, the condition was amended to state "that an 8 foot to 10 foot wide easement be granted to the .City for public access and to also accommodate the proposed design of the sawtooth building. . ." Following discussion regarding boat charters, Condition No. 27 was modified to state that "boat charters bayward of the site shall not be allowed without the approval of an amendment to this use permit." Commissioner Merrill stated that he would not support the motion and he expressed his concerns regarding the concentration of restaurants in Mariner's Mile, and he pointed out the similarity of the hours of operation to other restaurants in the area. Commissioner Merrill referred to restaurant row on La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles and he commented that the congestion chok0d some of the restaurants out of business because it became almost impossible for the traffic to circulate. He commented that the trend appears to be that an office site that is used during the day will also be used for a nighttime restaurant inasmuch as there would be available parking. Commissioner Merrill suggested that the restaurants spread out throughout the City inasmuch as they are a good tax revenue. Motion was voted on to approve Traffic Study No. 52, Use Permit No. 3328 and the off-Site Parking Agreement Ayes " ' ' subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", No as previously reviousl modified. MOTION CARRIED. Absent * " A. Traffic Study No. 52 Findings: 1. That a traffic study has been prepared which analyzes the .impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the project- generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any "major", "primary-modified", or "primary" street. 3. That the traffic study indicates the project- generated traffic will be greater than one percent -26- �I l MINUTES kMMISSIONERS s,a .0'eM �u� January 5, 1989 mG'i�9v,PPi vP 9y v,,, CITY OF NE'WPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on one leg of one critical intersection, but will not add to an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at the critical intersection which will have an ICU of .90 of less. g, Use Permit No. _3328 Findines 1. That the proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. The proposed restaurant will not have any significant environmental impact, providing that parking demands are met. • 3, The Police Department has indicated that they do not contemplate any problems. 4. The off-site parking area is located so as to be useful to the proposed restaurant use. 5. Parking on such lot will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area. 6. That the applicant has entered into appropriate leases for the off-site parking spaces, which are of sufficient duration for the proposed restaurant use. 7. That adequate parking exists to serve the proposed development. 8. That the waiver of development standards as they pertain to walls, landscaping and parking lot illumination will not be detrimental to the adjoining properties. 9. That the hours of operation of the proposed restaurant facility and the existing remaining office uses are such as to allow joint use of the on-site parking area. 10. That the proposed modification to the Zoning Code so as to permit valet parking will not, under the circumstances of this particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, -27- ' MMISSIONERS MINUTES January 5, 1989 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be ` detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 11. The approval of Use Permit No. 3328 will not, under the circumstances of this scasemorals,e detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That an off-site parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council, guaranteeing that a minimum of 20 parking spaces shall be provided to the rear of 2700 West Coast Highway, on property located on Parcel 2, Parcel Map 73-23 for the duration of the subject restaurant use. 3. That valet parking service may be provided in conjunction with the proposed restaurant's hours of operation. However, at least 4 on-site parking spaces shall be designated for self-parking and shall be identified in a manner acceptable to the City Traffic Engineer. 4. That the off-site parking aMa shall be used for employee parking only and than all employees shall park in the off-site parking location. A sign informing employees of this requirement and the location of the off-site parking shall be kept posted on the employee bulletin board. 5. That no compact parking spaces shall be permitted within the proposed development, unless otherwise. approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 6. That the on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer, to -28- ' �MMISSIONERS �' . MINUTES i Dim January 5, 1989 mG�t^�Q�•y1�9yY'L 9J- jfy9°�y �`O�0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL include the design and operation of the valet parking service. The applicant shall also prepare a revised parking plan which is consistent with the newly adopted universal parking design standards. Said parking plan shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 7. That a minimum of one parking space for each 40 square feet of "net public area" shall be provided for the proposed restaurant. 8. That the hours of operation for the proposed restaurant shall be limited between 5:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. daily. The applicant shall record a covenant against the property, the form and content to be approved by the City Attorney, which will guarantee that all nighttime on-site parking shall be for the exclusive use of the subject restaurant, and that all other uses on'the site will be closed after 5:00 P.M. The restaurant facility may also be open for brunch on Saturdays and Sundays, provided that an off-site parking agreement is approved by the City Council guaranteeing that the required additional parking spaces are provided on the adjoining property located at 2801 West Coast Highway for the duration of the subject restaurant use. 9. That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from West Coast Highway or adjoining properties. 10. That kitchen exhaust fans shall be designed to control odor and smoke to the satisfaction of the Building Department. 11. That a washout area for refuse containers be provided in such a way as to allow direct drainage into the sewer system and not into the Bay or storm drains, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department. 12. That grease interceptors shall be installed on all fixtures in the restaurant facility where grease may be introduced into the drainage systems in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department. i -29- " MMISSIONERS ,) % MINUTES ti o .00;��"°°'N°�B January 5, 1989 dG'+��9oT',p v�9y9s. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL 13. That a trash compactor shall be installed in the restaurant facility. ^ 14. That no dancing shall be permitted unless an amendment to this use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 15. That all mechanical equipment shall be sound attenuated to 55 dBA at the property lines. Chapter .06 of 16 Thahet all si Newport Beach Municipas shall l C Code, and shall conform nform to Std. 110-L. 17. That the development standards as they pertain to walls, landscaping and parking lot illumination shall be waived. 18. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 19. That the intersection of the private drive and West Coast Highway be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 45 miles per hour. Landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping and walls within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. 20. That a condition survey of the existing bulkhead along the bay side of the property made byaa civil or structural engineer, and that the .be repaired in conformance with the recommendations of the condition sun^.y and to the satisfaction of the Building Departmenc and Marine Department. The top of the bulkhead is to be a minimum elevation of 9.00 above M.L.L.W. (6.27 MSL). 21. That an 8 foot to 10 foot wide public easement be granted to the City for public access so as to accommodate the proposed design of the sawtooth building along the bay frontage, so as to provide unobstructed public access across the entire project. Said easement shall be improved with a concrete sidewalk or other materials meeting the approval of the Public Works Department. -30- A C9MMISSIONERS MINUTES 1p^ c^G aim January 5, 1989 mG'Vi�1+N•pP,p 9 9f, 9y9o�Gy f��Nyo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX 22. That 'a 6 foot wide easement be granted to the City along the easterly side property line between West Coast Highway and the bay in order to provide unobstructed public access to the bay. Said easement shall be improved with a concrete sidewalk or other material meeting the approval of the Public Works Department with signs to inform the public of its existence. 23. That the entrance drive be reconstructed to conform to City Std. 166-L. This work will require a Caltrans Encroachment Permit. 24. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on-site parking area and shall be used solely for handicapped self parking and shall be identified with one handicapped sign on a post for each handicapped space. 25. That the applicant shall obtain Coastal Commission approval of this application prior to the issuance of building permits. 26. That no outdoor sound or paging system shall be utilized on-site and all music from the live entertainment shall be confined to the intekior of the building and all doors and windows shall be closed while the live entertainment is performed. 27. That no commercial, marina operated, boat docking facilities shall be permitted bayward of the site unless the applicant shall obtain the required harbor permits and provide the necessary upland support facilities i.e. , restroom facilities for the boat slip users and .75 parking spaces for each marina boat slip and .75 parking spaces for each 25 feet of available mooring space not classified as a slip. Boat charters shall not be allowed bayward of the property unless an amendment to this use permit is approved. 28. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit, 17'u health causes injury, or is detrimental to the , safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. -31- COMMISSIONERS 1 MINUTES 0 January 5, 1989 ROLL CALL�y9os.yffo�,0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX 29. That this Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Y reconvened at 9:10 p.m. Use Permit No 3336 (Public Hearin Item No.7 Reques to permit the establishment of an automobile UP3336 cosmeti and restoration facility which will include body an fender work, painting and detailing of Approved automobile on property located in the M-1-A District. Said propos al-- , includes a request to install a paint booth and was rack for automobiles. LOCATION: A portion of Lot No. 8124, Newport Mesa Tr t, located at 825 16th Street, on the sou erly side of 16th Street between Place is Avenue and Monrovia Avenue, in the We Newport Beach Triangle Area. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Steve Kourac /Auto Cosmetic Inc. , Costa Mesa OWNERS: Tim and Steve Bro kshire, Newport Beach The public hearing was opened in onnection with this I item, and Mr. Steve Kouracos, applic t, appeared before ' the Planning Commission. Mr. Koura os described his business as working with prototype auto biles that come from Detroit and he explained the requirl,,d equipment to cast the clay and fiberglass molds. He rther stated that he provides color chips to Detroit fo automobiles in the far future. Mr. Kouracos stated that n wash rack is required inasmuch as he sprinkles automobiles down and chamois them off. He stated that he conc s with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". In response to questions posed by Commissioner Met 11 regarding Metalcrafters, Mr. Kouracos explained that s a former employee, his facility is currently adjacent t -32- II _- - a Report 'On: TRAFFIC & CIRCULATION STUDY ANDREW'S RESTAURANT PACIFIC MARINE CENTER 2751 W. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1 TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE l Prepared For: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MS. PATRICIA LEE TEMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 Prepared By: JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 207 SOUTH BREA BOULEVARD BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 December 12, 1988 Our File F633 ' L/Jnn V O' INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the present time the development at 2751 West Coast Highway in the City of Newport Beach is a multi-use type of complex containing approximately 6,719 square feet. The building is two stories of which the first story contains 3,437 gross square feet and the second contains 3,282 gross square feet. The proposal is to remodel the first floor in order to accommodate an Andrew's Restaurant. The subject building is located on the south side of Coast Highway within the Pacific Marine Center. Also within the Pacific Marine Center, is the Chart House Restaurant building which contains a Restaurant and a mixture of office uses. Directly north of the center is the John Dominis Restaurant, south of it is the Rusty Pelican and across Coast Highway is the Mariners Mile shopping center. Figure 1, Below is a photograph for the subject center, Figure 2 Page 31 illustrates the project site vicinity map and Figure 3, 4, and 5 on the following pages illustrate the project site plans. ' EXIS iING CHAR. :k10US PROPOSED .ANDREW'S / WE( STAURA RESTAURANT ,•_-�` 1' FIGURE 1 Looking south toward Pacific Marine Center. Andrew's Restaurant is proposed to be constructed at the building to the left. Land uses at the Chart House Restaurant } building (to the right) will remain the same. JUSTIN F. FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. /� ' 1 The purposes of this repo rt are to: 1 ) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic associated with the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting office land uses (first story) to an Andrew' s Restaurant. 2) Assess the impact the project may •have upon the adjacent street system, per the City' s Traffic Phasing ordinance. 3) Address project driveway volumes and impact (if any) on general traffic pattern on Pacific Coast Highway. 4) Review and evaluate the new site plan internal circulation. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts, additional -traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the pages which follow. If JUSTIN F. FARMER 2 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. / �- r EDWHLOa ' GOV I�NDR S7 • {{� � z b'a ' �>.0 v,ciu+'^ ? /Y:`:'•yM: ''ti ow,{ •' GCOv[lNon •` `' �� i> .• 'f( , S '' i' JTOPIA 5T n>r � of J, i a Ioo ]..own on !�n' a.:` $Ti is •• C� W •� � 3 aMr•Rb u' ■ v,C Sf .•<P •TS:sv• I � � a > a PUIIAo RL� w i •.,. :: .'Sx �j o_ '� )W� ✓eCOxATri'wu �� C/y'q,fC'f q/ ✓'�:i.;l��% ?• �.i 'r:z ��.'•• < j :x R„slo'.�L<fii � NAMILION' ..- .wo ~I ' '>„�:.z� ,unra � ?2�. t > OM1N':St. < .i:1.%S' .. i •:t .•�.::•�r.nL PL' o .•,. ,. 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T. • v m OP SM PARKNO KN } PAnKW y I r..a...-��. .✓w. �., j KN n UZ Y ITY YAP KN -•� I a PLOT PLAN rN w - - - - �� II 1 - av O C N i)� VEn a Ln Z 1 I �Q q•Qq� i c Z m J { � a —zi C m Cl) •. o -- > E � aCA -- -- - - - ---------- --- - -- - O 7 Z m c: ' '' C r KN �� I �d I C :m 3E VIV lee fNj\ fn !s+ i•.1 I TI t uw •I � r > -n 7 n mtn m mn F cr) Y C0 m mo 7. � -fl I n �- 7. a z ZZ _ .. SECOND FLOOR PLAN KN it - - TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the site, or it maybe a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the journey. Because of the nature of the proposed project and the surrounding vicinity land uses. It is anticipated that there will be a considerable number of walk-in trips; however, they are not considered in this analysis i.e. , all project trips will leave the site and utilize one or more of the key study intersections. Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for "the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic, thus reflecting the a net change. It should be noted, however that trip generation forecast was made only for the area of which land use would change i.e. only the first story of the project building or 3,437 square feet. Table 1, on the following page, summarizes the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for the decrease during the morning peak and the increase during the evening peak is the different type of land use and operation associated with the proposed Andrew's Restaurant, as compared to the general office uses. .J 4 JUSTIN F. FARMER 7 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 3'� } TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST ANDREW'S RESTAURANT 2751 WEST COAST HIGHWAY 3,437 GROSS SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Andrew's Restaurant 3,437 Square Feet 1.0 0.5 5.0 34 217 10 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 8 4 34 20 Existing band IIse (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 3,437 Square Feet 7 2 2 6 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 4 12 Net Change - 3 _ +15 +4 - Peak 1 Hour 6 _ +30 +8 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours NOTE: Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours as per City of Newport Beach 1 JUSTIN F. FARMER 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. :J" TRIP DISTRIBUTION It is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary considerably, depending upon the type of land use proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an office complex, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time periods. The predominant trip maker during both peak hours is the employee and the trip will be primarily a home-work journey. As a consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location of residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns are, however, different for a restaurant such as the one proposed herein. The critical time period is the evening peak hour only and the 'trips are made predominately by customers and staff. Additionally, average trip length associated with restaurants is generally less than those associated with general office, i.e. , the restaurant is expected to attract more trips from the surrounding vicinity that the general office. Based on familiarity with traffic patterns near the study area, the location of potential users and observations of peak hour traffic, directional distribution patterns were determined and were used to forecast the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch as Table 1 indicates a net decrease in trips during the AM peak hour, morning peak hour trip distribution is not considered for this analysis. The critical time period is therefore the PM peak. Figure 6, on the following page, graphically illustrates the evening peak one hour trip distribution for the subject project. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Inasmuch as the trip generation forecast presented in Table 1 indicates that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour as a result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis. A. Cumulative Projects The City of Newport Beach' s traffic engineering staff has prepared a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City's street network. The list includes 106 projects, of which approximately 42% are not occupied, 42% are fully occupied, and 16% are partially occupied. JUSTIN F. FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION F.NGINEFRS,INC. 1 N' . 7�7 . h NOT TO SCALE sr n / Q`oQ 0� �M a�v JR NO,y N`` �. OM COAST w VIA SITE ��^�ry/ 'oM LIDO / 2 H7cH SAY NI i 7 Y'J a 7,yy syo9�_,aQ R PM PEAK HOUR IN 15 OUT 4 " NOTE : PEAK 1 HOUR' IS 50% OF PEAK 2.5. HOURS 'c VOLUMES REPRESENT NET INCREASE IN TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 6 PEAK 1 HOUR JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a list of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are summarized as follows: Newport Boulevard Coast Highway to North City Limits 1% Coast Highway. Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% Newport Boulevard to West City Limits 2.5% C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has determined that the primary impact from project traffic will be on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Coast Highway / Balboa Blvd. - Superior Avenue 2) Coast Highway / Riverside Avenue 3) Coast Highway / Tustin Avenue/Balboa Boulevard j 4) Coast Highway / Dover Drive - Bayshore Drive 5) Newport Boulevard / Hospital Road 6) Newport Boulevard / Via Lido Figure 71 on the following page, illustrates the locations of these intersections. D. "One Percent Test" The methodology presented below for the 1% traffic volume analysis is , the one utilized by the City of Newport Beach; Viz. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes- Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1990*, 2 years hence using Regional annual growth rates. Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersection. 1 year after project completion USTIN F. FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. r J _ �, . GRESS S7 +� •.�, °`c3 R .� Y i�c a ' ?r.4' GAA w. OV NOR ST s>. r ."pr',NI i•as V.cro+�w J: .�N '•'� vL�:co-+/LR�rMS,n � ?> �� - I= m lD I• rVICIDFIA 57 tt_:on 2,r^e4 � „+. pn ICIVrw 1 :r., 4 SN^ `: [] oPIL1M• It^ � ■ l at,q/Bf f MUNI, I4 IM S i ' , < >I • ' .. soo�^ msu 4iyr fpr N F 'I n HH i. VIN[ rl ..:�: ?u �' �'.;�,_ fi a >•+F � � NAMIlTON' •;i• . •it • G••• r �OAKI•ST > J :i r.iu:� ,+. r00 ,.:..... 500 I ••.,.• .,v roN .,e Q 22ye Q: 0.Q• d-:. C. o f P.•1:-� ,l •t 5,.:�.:T KNOWELL%. QQ L.I: +mpgg Rx °� OEN DL' t. J'tf 2 > AT•i"':. t �, S.' K 't� yv' � 2.a .2 W 4 v:S' iS�� '7 U y. i BAY $T •n BAY`= - Qt Ott t /n 4�V0 pt' i S �• :� o :.T r< Ea..., oY�•r:" .'�Sl �•+' Ca I t • , 'mar E o I z i• • "t.. :< GOV� DRKSNIR6$ .' C y'',,T'Z N' efw4 upz '• •�-:•;> :{�" R � a EAL STa •�:K ::�.:':: . .f'al � ,Ci .. it Ig; nt 'c :20^'u;'" ?Q .�„ '' fd STt ✓ ' I:� ;..rc q `,I;S cl;:.t,G: ' '!. 9p• wq' $ S F a •y;d 11 7 n. Xi*'' „ GROSS ST� �+•< : a �S .RD:,,.rr nfa + Ot'. A ra 1. Jt�S'tt��.yyyY� •rY 1 "A"[VEFCJIFEN"PL' �,','(7 G;"l• J "`'1'Ilr' ".�a_ - ,I �1 �" •n' . •, CN l�i'a.•r �1 .n OOGY•OOD � J' 9 t � {` Kf ¢SURF Si..k .,.t RER RD.u';f' ST�.U•�t� "4:�'t d} R • t.l�.1. WWW �w,n` ! PJ° 'r YEON'R R la :� C a BEACH Sf �71 Y�i� .Jitr•I'< .:•+ '• sA LL1l C'+£'�1J- 1 �;ui „ i alv� ., � a 1 � +'ll .,arrW ��clay i+-�s . S-i10DN �� Ip 1 'tr -5: �+iar •��°'9 ')nl.�..,�,t, 1'•�,a�' :.197t1rr�'c&I�+.�'! '.. a'_ �'�, �( 5 '��"�"` , . ,J{ ',py��* Aa�4T'•�,f, ��9°L ,t, *114j i ♦ t. ':R' jy.'�,+3/yU-�r:PL MER ST>t'*"b:1'r 8"''e "+� �'S Ind`.•"�y,,•�1^T, r r. + va a� q 4 "8; •t:•fi+:vt�d,.'•�?^r.°:S}is ��� :r h�. ��9.,b��(�Cyy�'pd''�,_+i�'f}r dP��jj,,L fnu.wtt YOYR+tit]IN WE DR1 ¢ n a'i w osiA tJ Y. ,J+, -'nryl `°T r 1•`kL} /� N �Rsi �P our Gt D 1"f •q tom' I.• .'q{t�'Rir'� x .�erAj .\�,, 7•. 9y. i, 4 ary*`,t 1• ra � -,. SCV 1�.�° aS.fK.tl `y�r <'y, � 'F'Br's_r•sN. ''�' °+r . xutcr Ie.. +am _ t z ' , ,�2 g.',"�L'� 'w '}'4•x.+.`?P 9`'v. `� + ADO ++\ /HMsbt uoa.M 'L n , ♦� a M y, ea.11�� Ex rtr_ • SETnT11R' Son, a }dv�, wy,, ' ''i`;p' v" % ALIM `� `r2 tT' N3'+• 09 's��,. <^ 7 r L� . ttr p .•IERy,�K�E y �:o. �F•+?�aT.# A�, �.''IS'o.�y- k•` �•• rr' �•I tea. " 'i' }- urcrsta J )CI y�~ �• DD 'i . q y 4B,.a Qg _''F7a� AST V,J r,,h CI,act I P i m r JQ�' _b t x •. ie�4�' 9 � W bi�dta .r J •O Ste}. o ,aD � F ,, A°Cb�F� y �. Vn }µ; �� 1191 DO r r., � 0+ •rl��a� '�e�f4 f ��P im`�i on + c PRDDUCTION I QR. �";T.t'•� '_ ,5,, •,c' f "•M x�.r �,� 1 s� �$G o s � = d, , /Sr+ 4 .• .�;r o�•��w p•"4�7 ti�rp � +'lq,, � `ui•,J 1��3`'°tea �� y° 5 ��0 q o.� 'ero3 #• .~, /'�';.,�,'Z"t"�P,y�'� rC�� y `l � o1J' I ya�M} .wo+ �;; �otlaF� ?°'✓S.y �°<y,[*ra4�`�"'+J o° R � p d' 'a .J 0. COAST S`r yir 1 d" r M.+r" P eyq 0p r 0. ' • r+ Zfl <4R /srL �^' 4 �STC 14Y tee.' 7°r+3_ ,P'J rrvL` y N a Q'Y +✓ P NflYPOflJ � J[t ¢ 1 a w i xuvfofl 0 4 =�•\1' whw � w L I Q/ FD S��AV P Hr inr�vwlrmw t +�, <Y t a r 4 b° O� uNMn4:rr ..°}`pV`�.�.. b♦ ft Z .AVO_i-moo �AVh" 4" P"� •fP •rl � itw+[o'ou�J:!•:yyi'f, ti Z�` 's .. r� w OOOfX ¢ n ♦ \ c I. .'Y'Sy3�A+'.•'1SF�AAb1t'7•. 9S . •�„F[lRi t�1 l� $ ~, � \ �.M„S. =c �'�ice:pl�'J,I�" '(C A1.A1'2•• Tt• o O �t, a:r., I � �� 9` : z _ � .` �• i•�-Ir•+•;u''V 'A1.4`�r ' �•';a�':� ..t'i;'A•tP�'S'.:,, ; • '1 CO,q '+s°•.G?='I�t`:._.Ipl•: ,`�3�$,�l5 °a '�'. I srw I ^f+r �e�,,{{��gqdee,9,�}'•v' s°A'v�iu[�1�3r[o�p D •. � , I..l �•: 'd^:. ti` ;NP'1��♦ ^SP . •. S �tv[G +' .•er .,-I•�+7.•� a Ot N,at, I -' ; �yi 4 •. +' �. 4 may,. Q�'R Jt[�.. �•,•:'• ,...,.2i tiN Nirro,?RT 16�r 1 Nsuu P9 N_ {. ��' ''xT I �� Y !pypl y r`t rT YACHF CCvCMTCf "N COIUNS ISLE k (. uG lrtr *.e^':.'II, fV• �VrJ R 'M�^ x NNft AA Is �4..'"Tiipr ..A� `• Jg5 OCE H :O//}ALB1Q A xtrtOti t ? �v. t Y FHD` A•, N NM[Ot DC! Irtn, .ice 1. tl ���"^.H '. •• 8 . : r STUDY INTERSECTIONS FIG7 I 1.2 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS'INC, / JUSTI� F. FARMER � The 18 test conducted at the six study intersections during the evening (worst case) peak period indicates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak except, at the intersection of Coast Highway and Riverside Avenue. A level of service analysis was therefore conducted at that intersection using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) procedure. City data forms entitled "18 Traffic Volume Analysis" for the evening peak hour is included . in the Appendix attached hereto. E. The ICU Test The ICU test consists of comparing the capacity of the inter- section (as developed by the City of Newport Beach) to the traffic volume on that approach and making a calculation as to what percent of the green traffic signal time is required to satisfy that- specific approach demand . City of Newport Beach traffic phasing ordinance forms were used in the calculation of the Intersection Capacity Utilization. Those sheets are also presented in the Appendix attached hereto. The City assumes that the peak one-hour• traffic will be 50% of the peak 2 1/2 hours; evening peak hour traffic volumes in Figure 6 on Page 10 , are listed on the capacity calculation sheets. Results of that ICU Analysis are listed in the Table 2, below: TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF ICU/LOS COAST HIGHWAY AT RIVERSIDE AVENUE EVENING SCENARIO _ PEAR 1. EXISTING (1988) 0.76/C 2. 1990 + CUMULATIVE 0.89/D 3. 1990 + CUM. + PROJECT 0.89/D A close look at the. ICU calculation sheets suggests that the project will have a nominal or no impact upon the intersections of Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue. The volume/capacity ratio did not increase (level of service was not worsened) after adding project trips. JUSTIN F. FARMER 13 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 1 The intersection is currently operating at 0.76/C (ICU/LOS) and will be increased to 0 .89/D after adding the committed projects volume. The volume to capacity ratio will not increase i.e. , level of service will not worsen after adding project traffic. site Access/Parking and on Site Circulation Currently there is one driveway serving the existing land uses and the parking entrance is guarded during the evening hours. The same driveway with the same configurations is proposed to serve the entire site at full build-out of Andrew's restaurant. However, the existing guard shack will be removed and the parking will be converted to 100% valet parking. t •M F;jyYs:l. FIGURE 8 Looking' south toward the .proposed projected building from the entering driveway. The arrow _points to the guard shack. A concern has been expressed by the City Traffic Engineer as to the impact of the parking Guard operation upon traffic on Coast Highway and the chance that cars waiting to enter stamped might "spill over" and impede traffic on Pacific Coast Highway. As previously explained, the existing parking will be changed to 100% valet parking. After 5:00 PM all auto will enter the Pacific Marine driveway and the driven to the restaurants front door, and drivers will surrender their cars to the valet attendant there. Cars would then be parked at the Pacific Marine lot or at the JUSTIN F.FARMER 14 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Mariners Mile Shopping Center where an additional 20* spaces are available for site users. This valet parking service would minimize any impeding of site users upon Pacific Coast Highway. At the present time their are 59 vehicles entering the Pacific Marine Center during the evening peak hour. This volume is expected to increase to 74 vehicles per hour (see Table 1, on page 8) . At full build-out of Andrew's restaurant such volume equates to 37 vehicles every 15 minutes assuming peak 15 minutes arrivals and a 200% surge factor. For purposes of assessing the impact of these 37 vehicles per 15 minutes, a comparison was made between a conventional parking lot driveway and the subject driveway. Experience has shown that a conventional, uncontrolled driveway can accommodate an entering volume of 200 vehicles during a peak 15 minute period. Experience has also shown that a sharp right angle turn after entering the facility can reduce th6 capacity of the driveway by as much as 40%. Such a right angle turn is the case here, as shown in the photograph in Figure 9, on Page 16. Based upon the above, a driveway with a sharp turn 1 can accommodate 120 vehicles per 15 minute (i.e. 200 - 40% _ ,! 120) . The demand in the subject case is 37 vehicles or only 31% of the driveways capacity. * Per agreement between the Project Owners and the Marine Mile Company, there will be 20 parking spaces available for site users after 5:00 PM. JUSTIN F. FARMER 15 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. I 1 e ` (Dft** 2 _ :F v..r FIGURE 9 Looking north from the project parking lot arrow 1 points to the •right-turn from Coast Highway and' -arrow 2 points to the immediate right-turn. Based upon the foregoing discussion, future driveway volume and future parking operational conditions, it is anticipated that the driveway can easily handle future volume and that their will be no impedance of traffic on Coast Highway. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert a portion of the general office building located at 2751 W. Coast Highway, first story, to accommodate of approximately 3,,437 square feet of restaurant. (Andrew's Restaurant) o The site is currently occupied by a mixture of offices and a restaurant and is served by one driveway onto Coast Highway. Parking is now restricted and the drivers have to have a time stamped parking ticket, where as in the future, it is proposed to be 100% valet attendant type of service. o Trip generation forecasts for the existing and future developments are summarized on the following pages. c, JUSTIN F. FARMER 16 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. I L TRIP GENERATION FORECAST ANDREW'S RESTAURANT 2751 W. COAST HIGHWAY 3,437 GROSS SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed band Use (FUTURE) Andrew's Restaurant 3,437 Square Feet 1.0 0.5 5.0 3.0 4 2 17 10 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 8 4 34 20 Existing Land Use (NOW) General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 3,437 Square Feet 7 2 2 6 ` Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 4 12 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour - 3 - +15 +4 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours - 6 - +30 +8 o Inasmuch as the conversion of the ground floor to a restaurant use will result in a decrease in the morning peak hour volume but an increase in the evening peak hour Traffic, the analysis of this report was based only on the PM peak hour. o The City' s Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information from the City Traffic Engineer was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth factors. (l J JUSTIN F. FARMER 17 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. /'� I o The following intersections were selected to be analyzed using the above referenced Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 1) Coast Highway/Balboa Boulevard-Superior Avenue 2) Coast Highway/Riverside Avenue 3) Coast Highway/Tustin Avenue 4) Coast Highway/Dover Drive-Bayshore Drive 5) Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road 6 ) Newport Boulevard/Via Lido o When the 18 test was conducted, project trips were found to be less than 1% of the future 2 1/2 hour volumes for all intersections, except for the intersection of Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue. An intersection capacity analysis was then conducted at that intersection. The ICU/LOS for the subject intersection is as follows: SUMMARY OF ICU/LOS COAST HIGHWAY AT RIVERSIDE AVENUE EVENING PEAR SCENARIO ICU/LOS 1. EXISTING (1988) 0.76/C 2. 1990 + CUMULATIVE 0.89/D 3. 1990 + CUM. + PROJECT 0.89/D o Project traffic will not change the ICU or the level of service at the intersection of Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue. The ICU/LOS will be less than 0.90 after adding the committed projects volume and future Andrew' s Restaurant tripsr therefore mitigation measures is not needed. JUSTIN F.FARMER 18 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. o Under future driveway volume and valet service, the .parking operation is expected to be efficient and the project driveway will easily accommodate the Pacific Marine traffic. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Tusti N F, FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. n F. Farmer, P.E. , President JFF:SYG/dr Q�QFESS/ONE . C�' y 0186 n w Exp.3 3f' 2 d *sj TRAFF�� 9TF OF JUSTIN F. FARMER 19 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. •- ,.1 p•pii;D1 .Y• `T♦ IJ/yJ .,.N.1 • I AN ,L9 ,.w^�D+r Ko ' • " 'I �� �(••tF•Y10 • �. � ._. ` Crtn. t ^C'� u.l. 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DPF DA �� a c '�•I 1•'ra- 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 1 Intersection VolumesSaseTon AveraAeBOint,. pring 19g�VpM Traffic (Existing 9 Peak 2y Hour Approved Region°) Projects Projected 1", of Projected N I Approach Existing Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2; Hour `Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Volume volume VolumeVolume Northbound 261526 southbound 3020 3020 120 3140 3 Eastbound 510 � 55-611 4817 5058 westbound 4348 689 5037 50 =2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: AN PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 1 Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/RIVERSIDE AV (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter pring 19ga pM Peak 2)s Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1, of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour i Peak2l meour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 53 53 53 8 southbound 1241 1241 64 1305 13 4 I i Eastbound 4820 4916 i • 729 5645 Westbound 5571 5682 840 6522 6 JA 5 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ANDREW'S RESTAURANT DATE: 11-22-88 PROJECT: FORM I � .-ln 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 1 Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/TUSTIN AV _ (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter Pr nng 198g PM Peak Zh Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1± of Projected Project I Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour I PeeYolumeour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I i Northbound 15 15 11 26 — c 2 Southbound 270 270 26 296 Eastbound 4693 4789 1 712 5625 ' 56 ' 4 Westbound 6009 6129 836 6965 70 ' 12 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersectidn Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ANDREW'S RESTAURANT DATE: 11-22-1988 PROJECT: FORM I ��� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/DOVER DR—BAYSHORE DR (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter prin9 19 pM Peak 2h, Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak lumeour Peak 2'sHour I Peak kolumeHour ' Peak Hour Volume Volume I li me Northbound 315 315 0 315 3 2 Southbound 2 3250 43 3293 33 4 i Eastbound 4565 662 5227 52 Bestbound 8321 8487 811 9298 93 4 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ANDREW'S RESTAURANT DATE: 11-22-1988 PROJECT: FORM I � 7 I 1 1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection NEWPORT BL/HOSPITAL RD (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter p a ng 1988 PM Peak 214s Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth . Peak 2h Hour Peak 2§ Hour Peayolumeour i PeaVolumeour Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3633 3706 245 3951 40 Southbound 4551 4642 144 4786 48 4 Eastbound 1688 1688 364 2052 i 21 ' i Westbound 1042 107 1149 11 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23, Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization 1 (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ANDREW'S RA DATE: 11-22-1988 PROJECT: FORM I �fG y 1% Traffic Volume Analysis .l Intersection NEWPORT BL/VIA LIDO (Existing Traffic Volumes a onse verage Inter pring 19E8 PM Peak 2$ Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1P a Projected Project k 2y Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2h Hour Peakk lu Hour i Peak our Volume Directio n Pea Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2761 2816 60 29 4 sorthbound 4918 5016 83 5099 51 Eastbound --- , i Westbound 1410 1410 — 1AIn14 -- Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of "Projected Peak 21, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization j (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. f ANDREW'S RESTAURANT DATE: 11-22-1988 PROJEgT: FORM I r�J CH263OPH .� INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY A RIVERSIDE AVENUE 2630 19BBPH EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC wINtER/SPRING - - 1 (EXIST ING(PROPOSED IEXI STING IEX I STING REG ZONAL ICCMMI TIED I PROJECTED 1PROJECTI I I I INovementl Lanes I Lenes I PX HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio (vulvae I ICapeeitylCepacftyl Volune I Ratio I VOIu I Voly 1W/V . `r ect' ........ ........ ......... ..•-----.-_......._._......1 .-.--•- I .....___. i.. NL ....._..__. . I e ► _ I — 1---•-------- 1 1 I 1 NT ) 1600 i._...._.i- ( 4 D.ot I — i — I 0.01 I _ 10.011 . i...NR• ) I I 6 1 _ 1 2 1 I I _________________________ ____________________ 1 1..._.__._. 88 I I 1 SE I I I 1 - 22 0.07*---------- ) t600 ..................) 0.06 1.. ST I 1 4 1 I — 11 1 I ........................ , �•- 6R- 1 •.1600 I I 356 1 0.22 1 — 1 10 i 0.35 . ................. _ ................•--________ -EL --i-- 1 I 1 362 1 0.23*1 7 1 25 �. j2.25 -----------------2 •... _-------------•-I 1 2000 I40 340 0 75 - •-• _ 0.75 i........ ------------------) 0.63. ---- I 1 ' .I1 1 1 13 1 — I — 1 1 6 1 I IER ----------------------•---------I & 1 uL 1 1600 ) i 1 0.03 1 I____._..I___Or0 ._!__7__.IQs9�-1 ...UT --� 4800 1 1 2278 ( 0.47146 1418 i 0.57* — �0:57*� ..................� 11600 11 134 i 0.08 1 '3 11 I 0.09 I — 10.09 ...._-•-•--•-I 11 1EXISTING 0.76 __________________ .. I_- -•................... • r 0.89 -_........� 1EXIST + REG GROwTN + COMMITTED U/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I----------_I 1- - -- ­ ................................................... 1EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWN + PROJECT I.C.U- ---------------••-•..._.-•-I 0:89-- .. ............:........................................•--- &Projected 4 project traffic will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic 1-C.U- will be greater than 0.90 1-1 Projected + project traff1C I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 I—I Projected + project traffic I.e.U. with project fmprovements will be less than I.C.U. without project •. Description of system improvement: ANDREW'S RESTAURANT FORM It PROJECT CH263OPH 02-219- 01 p ` TRAFFIC STUDIES �LY'.CrY�S 2fyr4u�rMr/' APPLICANT: CONSULTANTS: NAME: ' - SA.tUlE fiRdyk',.LVLcK7dA4�.� .TLs�ry f• AA,Zw/.OX, ��'/I- (P4�^tFtlA MVffv6J 77 1" GV4fXefx9/?WCY/kA4J7 A r 4.4�0=,,e Awx #/�9L3 ZOO �zyrt Zjtb4 �A^itsvdlD QNgN.ET� G��iCs'hsvr,4 611,EA� C,dcxfc�P,vra 9zBrp- 9z6z/ PHONE: y / PROJECT NAME: DESCRIPTION: A.vox.Fw�y PJ 2•?S/HGFST cm4Y/i/s�l�rAy' DATE DEPOSIT J FEES PAYMENT REMAINING BALANCE /fee boo•oo `�00 °a oG9.00 aSR�RNud21/ N01 3� 89a:3S /42, bS �s .... �►r�Y��r��r�r��7r aEwPo+A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT a' d NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 25429 <IiOPN�' 19 dA CD ss1 RECEIVED FROM FOR: t1 ACCOUNT NO. o to DEPARTMENT By .�..w.w.�.�.w.w.�...r.w.r.....«.....M.r.r.�......w.�..r.w.r �.w..w..r.� DfPm.� Anr•00z-z j di e ,d?l•XGZ apl�•.00t 1 ym.�y D.eYoiss- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COPY DEMAND FOR PAYMENT Date January 4, 1989 Demand Of: Justin F. Farmer Address: 207 South Brea Boulevard Brea California 92621 in the amount Of $ 3,697.35 ITEM OF EXPENDITURE BUDGET # AMOUNT Professional services rendered re Traffic Study - Andrews 'Restaurant - File #F633 02-219-01 I. f TOTAL $3,897.35 Approved For Payment: Departme t Head ' � �te Approved: Finance Director s JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. BREA BIND. Q� A, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 S � t@E��t�`ttT City of Newport Beach S J'a :°) December 29 , 1988 Ms . Patricia Temple JAN�319g9 Or Environmental Coordinator Newport Beach, Ca 92658 Frr, bttr �tF• Re: Traffic Study Andrews Restaurant Our File #F633 Billing Period : November 9 , 1988 through December 19, 1988 FOR THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: Visit project site, conduct a traffic analysis , and prepare and deliver the report. . Justin F. Farmer 4 hrs . @ $85.00 $ 340.00 Trans . Engineer 42 3/4 hrs . @ $65.00 2,778.75 Technician 3 hrs . @ $37.50 112.50 Word Processor 21 1 /2 hrs . @ $30.00 645.00 Reproduction Charges 21 . 10 Total Amount Due $3,897.35 LF !ar;mer .ustin P.E. , President JFF:sf APPROVED FOR N NET 30 DAYS (Y�/h��y,� s tviENT • Pla ing Direcior ' QUNT N0.: - zil-o/