HomeMy WebLinkAboutTS113 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the 3, ity for the following reasons: �� Although the application does not include the addition of an alcoholic beverage license, staff believes the applicant's disregard for the regulations which relate .to alcoholic beverage consumption will continue to the detriment of the neighborhood,which is located in an area with an h� over-concentrationof alcoholic beverage outlets. • Tke previous use or extension of off-site alcoholic bNerage license holders is not within the legislative inter�of the Municipal Code or the City Council Policy Guidelines. • Adequate parking is not available on-site for the proposeNse and the resulting parking demand cannot be accommodated by the available on- site parking Ad will be detrimental to surrounding, properties. • The potential for occupancy of the facility to exceed the recorQmended limitations both daytime and in the eveging has been increased by the expansion of the net public area which has already occurred within the facility. • Traffic and circulation proble,ms created by the narrow streets in the area are exacerbated by the attendees arriving and leaving within a shorter period of time. \\ • Noise impacts of the use-will advers@ly affect the neighboring residential uses in the dv�ng and nighttime hours. • The applicant has disregarded regulations and state law regarding alcoholic beverage consumption. \ SUBJECT: Bistango Restaurant(David Hohmann, applicant) item No. 3 900 Bayside Drive Use Permit No. 3619, • Use-Permit No.3619 iTraffic Study No. 113 and • Traffic Study No. 113 Negative Declaration • acceptance of a Negative Declaration To allow the construction of a full service restaurant and cocktail lounge Approved with outdoor patio dining. The application includes: • a request to allow a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the 6 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX no indicationthat alcohol was prohibited during the 90 day trial period • miscommunication Co issionerAd I s noted that the speciatevent permit that was issued for th events on December 11, 12, 13 and 14 is specifically conditioned that th sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption shall be p hhibited. 'PublicComrrl ntwas closed. Commissioner dams noted that on November 20th, Commissioner Ridgeway made motion to continue this application to February 19, 1998.and the oper ion to be accommodated through the use of special event permit(s) with the conditions and findings in Exhibit A and as amended by staff to • e used for these special event permit(s). In the minutes,Exhibit A states,"The sale or service of alcoholic beverage for on- site consumption shall b prohibited unless an amendment to the use permit is first approved b ,the Planning Commission to allow for the establishmentof a licensed al oholic beverage service facility including a determination that the propos d use serves the public convenience and necessity." So, on November, the applicant should have been fully aware that under no circumsta ces should alcohol be served at that facility. The bus issue was also a oncern noted at that meeting, the applicant said that the buses would qe parked at a remote off-site area and would not affect the neighborhooW. Motion was made by CommissionerAda \de,' ny Use Permit No.3614 as provided for in Exhibit"A". Ms.Temple noted an additional finding foal be added to,Exhibit A: The statement that, the applicant has disregard d regulations and state law.regarding alcoholic beverage consumption. Commissioner Selich stated that from a land use poi,t, the application is not compatible to this area. To bring that many peoi5 a into the area1n ri highly concentrated peod,of times,to bring buses on ib streets that are small whetherthey go off site to park or not is inapproprtat% Discussion continued to support the motion. With one abstaining, without objection and by show of hands, OTION PASSED FINDINGS: 1. The approval of Use Permit No.3614 will, under the circumstances of the ease be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, 5 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX use of tandem parking in conjunct ion with valet parking service, • a request to waive a portion of the restaurant development standards specified by Section 20.82.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, • live entertainment, • the sale and service of alcoholic beverages,and • continued service of alcohol after cessation of the regular food service before closing. Ms.Temple noted that this application would allow for the construction of a new restaurant on Bayside Drive next to the Pavilion's market,a site that was previously occupied by "Gladstone's for Fish". The complete analysis of the project is contained in the original staff report prepared for March 51h. A subsequent report has been prepared based upon a revised site plan provided by the applicant prior to this meeting. A more recent site plan has been provided which addresses the parking lot and its internal circulation. As noted in the reports, the primary issues of staff's concern are the number and arrangement of parking spaces for the facility. The proposal is to provide the restaurant with one parking space for each fifty square feet of net public area which is the least amount of parking permitted by the Code for the Planning Commission to establish for such a use. Staff believes this is an appropriate parking ratio for this operation given the nature of the restaurant's low turnover and the general operational characteristics limited by the conditions of approval. The primary concern with the original parking arrangement as well as the subsequent arrangement is the high number of tandem spaces used for valet service.The applicant has shown an aisle way through the parking lot which will provide internal circulation between the restaurant's parking lot and the adjoining parking lot for the supermarket and other stores. This should help with problems of ingress and egress. As indicated in the supplemental staff report,staff is of the opinion that the two valet parking spaces located along Bayside Drive should be removed. If removed,that would increase the number of spaces which could be used for self parking,which would be an important component of the project design. If the Commission supports this recommendation,it would require a further reduction of 100 square feet net public area. The new plan will allow for valet parking to be moved deeper into the property. At Commission inquiry Ms.Temple noted: • that there is no criteria in the Code to be used to evaluate the request to make a modification to approve tandem parking • there are a few restaurants along Mariner's Mile on Coast Highway that have an equally high level of valet spaces • hedges along the driveway will be trimmed back and will comply with the site distances standards • the noticing of this item was done within the 300 foot radius to owners only 7 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX • the Newport Marina apartment tenants were not notified • there is no formal arrangement fora reciprocal easement,agreement between the shopping center and the restaurant Public Comment was opened. Carol Hoffman,Vice President of the Irvine Company spoke on behalf of this application referencing an exhibit on the wall noted: • company renovated the center in 1986 which was built 1965 and has operated and maintained since then • location of a market,drug store,bank building and in-line stores • a restaurantwas intended for this location from the beginning • Bistango Restaurant is a high quality restaurant • there are two segments to the public's use of the restaurant parking lot -handicap location and valet parking with a covered walkway • operation relies on valet parking as preferred by patrons • all mechanical equipment is contained under the roof • there are two sections to the restaurant- one with an-outside patio that is 950 square feet,enclosed with glass panels which extend three feet above the top of a two foot planter and covered with both canvas umbrellas and wood trellis • no open windows to the outdoor patio • requested live entertainmentis totally enclosed within the building • speakers allowed on the patio are for background type music only • requested hours of operation to 1:00 a.m.daily applies to the interior of the restaurant only • patio closes at 10:00 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday and 12:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday • driveway location at the rear of the project will allow true circulation into the center,with a reciprocal easement agreement between the shopping center and the restaurant- the parking spaces eliminated will be re-striped within the existing parking lot with a result of no net loss • a meeting was held at the request of the Irvine Apartment Community managementteam for the residents of Promontory Point-with notices sent to owners within a 300 foot radius • would be willing to have a meeting with any other resident groups as requested • trash enclosure, located to the rear of the restaurant, is adjacent to the retaining walf*and will be screened with trash pick up prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m.and 8:00 a.m. • the site distance will be complied with for the hedges • the market will be contacted to review the revised site plan • Promontory Point was built in 1973-75 with a restaurant operation in the centersince 1965 8 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX At Commission inquiry, the applicant agreed to the following additional conditions: • no charge for valet parking • outdoor dining area enclosed by a five foot wall consisting of a landscape planter and glass panels • trash cannot betaken to the dumpster after 9:00 p.m. The following people spoke in support of the application: Martha Kim,Promontory Point Peter Cunliff,623 East Promontory(above the restaurant) Stuart Shrimpton,Promontory Point(above the restaurant) Noting: • within walking distance • well thought out plans • never had a problem with previous restaurant operations The following people spoke in opposition of the application: Stanley Marlin,Promontory Point Don Gregory,Via Lido Park Drive Gary Pomeroy,Promontory Point Joyce Henke,Promontory Point Annette Appleby,Promontory Point Noting: • with no air conditioning,will not be able to open windows at night due to noise • a traffic light will be necessary to accommodate ingress and egress into the lot with the additional traffic • suggested that the live entertainmentbe conditioned to be inside only and to completely enclose the outdoordining patio • use of restaurant is not compatiblewith the residences • noise will be a problem due to prevailing wind condition • tandem parking at night will add another noise element • reduction of hours to be 12:00 p.m.Friday and Saturday and 11:00 p.m. for the rest of the week • eliminate amplified music • restrict outdoor dining hours by 1 one hour • most residents at Promontory Point were not notified Staff noted that Coastal Commissioner requirements for noticing of renters is 100 foot radius and should reach some of the closer aligned tenants of Promontory Point and that there are seven restaurant categories in affect now. 9 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX Public Comment closed. Commissioner Ridgeway noted that the restaurant is well thought out and the applicant has addressed and agrees to every sensitive issue presented. This is a high end operation. Motion was made to approve Use Permit No. 3619, Traffic Study No. 113 and acceptance of a Negative Declaration subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit A. Chairperson Kranzley noted that the issue of noise is addressed in condition number 6 which includes any music emanating from the speakers. Condition number 3 addresses odors by the use of a high end, charcoal filtering system. Commissioner Adams noted the proximity to Newport Marina Apartments of the outdoor dining patio. There are conditions to address amplified music and the glass enclosure will help the situation. Should this be approved, if the restaurant does become a problem and affects the quality of life,let Commission know. Chairperson Gifford stated that this site is zoned to accommodate a restaurant and the proposal is for a very high quality restaurant. The applicant hasshown a great sensitivity to the neighborhood and in seeing the design and noting the conditions the applicant has agreed to supports this application. Commission has listened to the residents in Promontory Point, those that lived there during the time the site was previously occupied by a previous restaurant did not find it to be a problem. People who have recently moved there are apprehensive which is understandable. Commissioner Selich noted that in looking at the geography of Newport Beach,there is no place where a restaurant can be placed where it does not affect residential property. Commission has to evaluate these matters in a way that is properly conditioned and the two uses can co-exist. This is a well thought out concept except the original parking lot design. However,with the cut through in the driveway and the availability to use the shopping center parking,supports this application. Chairperson Kranzley asked that several additional and/or edited conditions that were presented and agreed to by the applicant, be added to Exhibit A: • no charge for valet parking • outdoor dining area enclosed by a five foot wall consisting of a landscape pianterand glass panels • trash can not be taken to the dumpsterafter9:00 p.m. • two valet spaces adjacent to the thirteen self parking spaces adjacent to Promontory be deleted commensurate reduction of a loss of 100 feet in the net public area - after deliberation, this condition 10 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX was deleteddue to the avoilabilityof the market shopping spaces. • reciprocal easement agreement (REA) between the shopping center and the restaurant shall allow for shared ingress, egress and shared parking with each use meeting it's own parking requirement • incorporate a cut-through driveway north to the site • hours of operation of the outdoor dining patio shall be limited to 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 midnight Friday, Saturday and holidays Public comment was opened Ms. Carol Hoffman agreed on behalf of The Irvine Company and restaurant proprietorto the additional conditions. Without objection and by show of hands MOTION CARRIED-all ayes Exhibit A: A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Accept the environmental document,making the following findings: Findings: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project,as conditioned,could have a significant effect on the environment; therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project,and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA,and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted,and considering the record as a whole there is no evidence before this agency that the proposed project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of'the California Code of Regulations(CCR) has been rebutted. Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 753.5(c)of Title 14,CCR. Mitigation Measures: 1. That erosion and siltation control measures of the construction operations shall comply with the City Excavation and Grading 11 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX Code(NBMC Section 15.04.140or applicable sections). 2. That the project shall conform to the requirements of the National Pollution Discharge(NPDES)and shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Department to determine compliance. 3. That adequate hood equipment with smoke and odor control capabilities shall be provided to serve the facility. Additionally, that the hood system shall include a charcoal filtering system for the control of odors and a grease collection system for the capture/removal of grease accumulation. The hood system shall be subject to approval by the Building Department and the Planning Director. The operator shall also provide for monthly cleaning,and maintenance of the hood vents, ducting and filters. The operator shall keep a maintenance schedule on-site with appropriate record keeping of equipment servicing available for inspection by the Code Enforcement Division upon request. 4. That the operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. The use of outside loudspeakers, paging system or sound system shall be included within this requirement. The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. That is, the sound shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods: Between the hours of Between the hours of 7:00 a.m,and 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.and 7:00 a.m. Interlo exterio Interio exlerior Measured at the property line of commercially zoned Properly: N/A 65 dBA N/A 60 dBA Measured at the properly line of residentially zoned property: N/A 60dBA N/A 50dBA Residential property: 45 dBA 55 dBA 40 dBA 50 dBA 5. That the doors and windows of the facility shall remain closed whenever live entertainment is performed within the restaurant facility. 6. That speakers located in the outdoor dining area of the restaurant or bar area shall be limited to no more than the noise level criteria specified in Mitigation Measure.No.4 above,and shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal 12 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX Code. Should any music emanating from the patio speakers or indoor live entertainment be heard across Bayside Drive or the property line of Promontory Point above,the patio speaker volume shall be reduced as determined by the Planning Director, to eliminate any noise impacts. Further,that the speakers shall not be utilized in conjunction with the sound system of the live entertainment or paging of patrons. The outdoor speakers will be utilized for ambient background noise effect and shall be limited to pre-recorded music only. 7. That the applicant shall retain a qualified engineer specializing in noise/acoustics to monitor the sound generated by the live entertainment to insure compliance with these conditions, if required by the Planning Director. 8. That the project shall be designed to eliminate light and glare spillage onto adjacent properties or uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer acceptable to the City,with a letterfrom the engineerstating that, in his opinion,this requirement has been met. That prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy or final of building permits, the applicant shall schedule an evening inspection by the Code Enforcement Division to confirm control of light and glare specified by this condition of approval. 9. That prior to the issuance of any building permit the applicant shall provide to the Planning Department, in conjunction with the lighting system plan, lighting fixture product types and technical specifications,including photometric information,to determine the extent of light spillage or glare which can be anticipated. This information shall be made a part of the building set of plans for issuance of the building permit. B. USE PERMIT NO.3619 Findings: 1. That the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan designate the site for "Retail and Service Commercial' uses and a restaurant is a permitted use within this designation. 2. That the proposed development will not have any significant environmental impact, based on information presented and incorporated into the negative declaration. 3. That the proposal includes no physical improvements which will 13 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large ,for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 4. That public improvements may be required of the developer per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 5. That Traffic Study 113 has been reviewed and approved by the Traffic Engineer and meets the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 6. That the purpose or intent of the restaurant development standards related to walls will not be achieved to any greater extent by strict compliance with those requirements for the following reasons: • Adequate employee parking will be provided on-site. • Walls in full compliance with the standards would adversely impact traffic circulation and access to the on-site parking spaces from Bayside Center. 7. The approval of Use Permit No. 3619 to allow the establishment of the restaurant facilitywill not,under the circumstancesof the case be detrimental to the health,safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City for the following reasons: • The restaurant use is compatible with the surrounding commercial and residential uses since restaurant uses are typically allowed in commercial districts and conditions of approval have been incorporated which will minimize lighting and noise impacts. • The issues related to access and site circulation have been adequately addressed by conditions of approval to prevent vehicle back-ups onto Bayside Drive. • That the limited hours of operation and use of outdoor patio speakers should limit potential noise impact on the neighboring residential uses. • No significant adverse traffic or circulation impacts are anticipated from the proposed project as determined by the project analysis in Traffic Study No. 113. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plan and elevations, except as noted below. 14 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX 2. That the hours of operation of the restaurant facility shall be limited to between 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., daily. That the hours of operation for the outdoor dining patio shall be limited to 10:00p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 midnight Friday,Saturday and holidays. Any increase in the hours of operation shall be subject to the approval of an amendment to this use permit: 3. That deliveries and refuse collection for the facility shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., daily, unless otherwise approved by an amendment to this use permit. 4. That one parking space for each 50 sq.ft. of "net public area" (80 spaces) shall be provided on-site. That a reciprocal easement agreement (REA) between the shopping center and the restaurantshall allow for shared ingress, egress and shared parking with each use meeting it's own parking requirement. 5. That all employees shall park on-site. 6. That the restaurant facility shall be operated in such a manner that valet vehicles will not be allowed to block access driveways. The valet parking lanes operation shall be monitored at all times by the applicants' representatives at the site. If back-ups occur, the incoming customers shall be directed to bypass the facility. If a traffic congestion problem occurs on Bayside Drive related to the restaurant facility that is not immediately corrected, the Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council revocation of this Use Permit. 7. That a valet operating plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of Building Permits. There will be no charge to customers for valetparking. 8. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flag-men. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. 9. That a drainage study be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. 10. That a landscape and irrigation plan for the site shall be submitted to the Building Deparlment in conjunction with plans for construction of the project and shall be approved by the Public 15 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX Works and'Planning Departments. That the outdoor dining area shall be enclosed by a five foot wall consisting of a landscape planter and glass panels.That prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy or final of building permits the applicant shall schedule an inspection by the Code Enforcement Division to confirm installation of the landscaping specified by this condition of approval 11. The landscape planter areas shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris. All vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in healthy condition at all times. 12. That the operator of the food service use shall be responsible for the clean-up of all on-site and off-site trash, garbage and litter generated by the use. 13. That storage outside of the buildings in the front or at the rear of the propertyshall be prohibited. Standard Requirements 14. That all signs shall conform to the provisions of the Municipal.Code, 15. That no temporary"sandwich"signs, balloons or similar temporary signs shall be permitted, either on-site or off-site, to advertise the food establishment,unless specifically permitted.Temporary signs shall be .prohibited in the public right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department in conjunction with the issuance of an encroachment permit or encroachment agreement. 16. That the proposed restaurant facility and related parking shall conform to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, including State Disabled Access requirements, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department. 17. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 18, That all mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets within the limits authorized by this use,permit, and shall be sound attenuated in accordance with Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code,Community Noise Control, 19. That the on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review by the City 16 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX Traffic Engineer in conjunction with the review of plans issued for building permits. That a cut-through drivewaynorth to the site shall be incorporated. 20. That the intersection of the private drives and Bayside Drive shall be designed to provide sight distance in compliance with the City's Sight Distance Standard 110-L. Slopes,landscape,walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. The existing advertising sign be relocated behind the sight distance limited use area. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-fourinches in height. 21. That dancing and live entertainment shall be permitted in accordance with a Cafe Dance Permit and Entertainment Permit issued by the Revenue Manager in accordance with Title 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 22. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code unless it is determined by the City Engineer that such undergroundingis unreasonable or impractical. 23. That a fire protection system acceptable to the Fire Department be installed by the developer and tested by the Fire Department prior to the storage of any combustible materials or the start of any structural framing. 24. That the project will comply with the provisions of Chapter 14.30 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code for commercial kitchen grease disposal. '25. That should this business be sold or otherwise come under different, ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing company. 26. That Coastal Commission approval shall be obtained prior to issuance of any building permits. 27. That a covered wash-out area for refuse containers and kitchen equipment shall be provided and the area drains directly into the sewer system unless otherwise approved by the Building Director and Public Works Director in conjunction with the approval of an alternative drainage plan. 28. That all trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure, or otherwise screened from view of 17 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March I9, 1998 INDEX neighboring properties except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. That the trash dumpsters shall be fully enclosed and roofed and the top shall remain,closed at all times, except when being loaded or while being collected by the refuse collection agency. That trash can not be taken to the dumpster after 9:00 p.m. 29. That the applicant shall maintain the trash dumpsters or receptacles so,as to control.odors which may include the provision of fully self contained dumpsters or may include periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters,if deemed necessary by the Planning Department. 30. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recommend to the-City Council the revocation of this Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit,causes injury,or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 31. That this Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.91.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. C. TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 113 Findings 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak-hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy L-18. 2. That the Traffic Study has been reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer and found in compliance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major;'primary-modified;or 'primary'street at any of the four intersections selected for evaluation by City staff and based on the characteristicsof the proposed development. 4. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour afternoon peak period at the intersections of East Coast Highway/Boyside Drive, East Coast Hwy./Jamboree Road, and 18 a r • • • a City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX Bayside Drive/Jamboree Road. Therefore,ICU analyses have been completed for these three study intersections during the PM peak hour. Further ICU analysis of the p.m. peaks for the intersection of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road, which currently operates at a LOS C, are forecast to deteriorate one service level and operate at LOS D (ICU of 0.88). All three intersections are forecast to operate at LOS D or better during the PM peak hour. ommissiontook a five minute break SUBJECT: Billo's Cafe(Dennis D'Alessio, applicant) Item No.4 325 Old Newport Boulevard Use Permit No.3622 Use Permit No. 3622 A use perm t for a 650 square foot, 20 seat, full-service, small-scale eating Approved and drinking stablishment (coffee shop). The application includes a request for a w S iver of all required off-street parking spaces. Commissioner Fulle confirmed with staff that the four parking spaces shown on the parking\oped. an are located on City property. Public Comment was Dennis D'Alessio Jr. and Sr., 32,5 Old Newport Boulevard spoke on behalf of their application. They hapsked for a waiver of parking due to the large lot located next door. T>e question came up as to how to approach this, with an encroach ,ent permit or parking site plan. The Planning Commission indicated a requirement to provide and maintain a minimum of four off-street parking spqces. At Commission inquiry, the applicant stated he has read and agree I to the findings and conditions of Use Permit No.3622. Commissioner Fuller confirmed that the appli ant will pave only these. four parking spaces with the ingress and egressfQ.those spaces and that will be accommodated by an Encroachment Per tt. Ms. Temple noted that if the conditions under which the use permit was approved should disappear, then the use permit woulVave to come back as a new application or the restaurant would have cease operation. Assistant City Attorney Clauson noted that there were no foreseeable plans to turn that lot into a Municipal Parking Lot. If it would be en included in the Encroachment Permit are provisions that the City could invoke its right to take over this use. At that time, it would be worked e'ut with whatever is available, i.e., an in lieu program or an additional 19 s City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 19, 1998 INDEX giver. Pu.151 Comment was closed. Motion',was made by CommissionerSelich to approve the Use Permit No. 3622 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit A. Without objection and by show of hands,MOTION PASSED. Findings: 1. That the Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for'Retaill and Service Commercial'uses and a restaurant is a permitted us&VIthin this designation. 2. That the projeXis located within 'the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Ds rict which permits eating and drinking establishments withhe approval of a use permit. 3. That this project has be n reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically xempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 4. That the approval of Use Perm No. 3622 to allow a full-service, small-scale eating and drinking establishment will not, under the circumstances of the case, be detl�imental to the health,safety, peace, morals, comfort and generb welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or blk or injurious to property or improvements in the neigfborhood or the general welfare of the City because the pr „posed coffee shop is compatible with the surrounding co�\erci,,al and nearby residential uses since restaurant 'uses areliy allowed in mixed commercial/residential districts. 5. Furthermore, the project is conditionedit the seating capacity to nine seats which is necessary to insure that the project would not result in additional off-street park ng demand. Conditions: 1. That a maximum of nine (9) seats shall be permitted. r 2. That no live entertainment or dancing shall be permitted mthe project site. 3. That no alcoholic beverages shall be sold or served on ihe' . 20 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes March 5, 1998 INDEX and will, not under the circumstances of the particular case be '*` materially,detrimental to the public welfare of injurious to property ir�hi provementsin the neighborhood because: • The.`applicant has designed a dwelling that substantially preserves views of the Bay enjoyed by residents in the vicinity oNe project. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in subs#antial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plan and elevations submitted for the Planning Commission meeting of March 5, 1998, including the bedroom,stairwell,deck and chimney modificbt'ons. 2. That all conditions of Variance 1202 be complied with. SUBJECT: Bistango Restaurant(David Hohmann, applicant) Item No. 3 900 Boyside Drive Use Permit No.3619 and (Continued from February 19,1998) Traffic Study No. 113 • Use Permit No.3619 • Traffic Study No. 113 Continued to 3/19/98 To allow the construction of a full service restaurant and cocktail lounge with outdoor patio dining. The application includes: • a request to allow a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the use of tandem parking in conjunctionwith valet parking service, • a request to waive a portion of the restaurant development standards specified by Section 20.82.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, • live entertainment, • the sale and service of alcoholic beverages,and • continued service of alcohol after cessation of the regular food service before closing. Applicant has requested a continuance of this item to March 191h. Motion was made by Commissioner Selich to continue this item to March 19th. Without objection and by acclamation MOTION CARRIED-All Ayes 5 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes February 19, 1998 INDEX SUBJECT: Bistango Restaurant(David Hohmann, applicant) Item No.5 900 Bayside Drive UP 3619 and Traffic • UP 3619 Study No. 113 • TS No.113 Continued to 3/5198 The project involves the approval of a negative declaration, use permit and a traffic study to allow the construction of a 10,014 square foot, full service restaurant with patio dining and related off-street parking. The use permit includes a request to allow a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the use of tandem parking in conjunction with valet parking service and a request to waive a portion of the restaurant development standards specified by Section 20.82.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The operational characteristics include live entertainment,the sale and service of alcoholic beverages and the continued service of alcohol after cessation of the regular food service before closing. The site is currently vacant and was formerly occupied by a full-service restaurant facility(G ladstones for Fish). Motion was made by Commissioner Gifford to continue this item to March 5'h. Without objection and by acclamation, motion passed -4 Ayes, 3 Absent. "�DDITIONALBUSINESS. Additional Business a.) City Council Follow-up - Oral report by the Assistant City Manager 9garding City Council actions related to planning- Mrs. Wood reported that'�the Use Permit for Windows on the Bay was called up for re- consiasrii stilon on five or six conditions of approval; Amendment for Rockwell s introduced and that a report was given by the Planning Director onow� standard conditions of approval are handfed. (Ms. Temple then gav a brief synopsis of her report for benefit of the Commission) b.) Oral report by the Pianni Director regarding the approval of Outdoor Dining Permits, Planning DAre tor's Use Permits, Modification Permits and Temporary Use Permits %v.,a Condominium Conversion was approved for 2700 Bayside Drive a E(404 Fernleaf Avenue; a Lot Line Adjustment was approved for 1871'`'R Westbourne Place and a Modification was approved for 1 Vintage D77�ibe. c.) Oral report from Planning Commission's represe aativeto the Economic Development Committee - Commissioner Seiich?I rted that he is assuming the chairman leadership role and will be app�igqted by the City Council on February 23, 1998. He expressed that his c6h erns of any possible conflict as a Commissionerhad been allayed. d.) Matters which a Planning Commissionerwould like staff to report on a subsequent meeting-none. 9 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Minutes February 19, 1998 INDEX e.) ers,which a Planning Commissioner may wish to place on a future' agen action and,staff,report-none. f.) Requestssfore�xcu sences-none. +. ADJOURNMENT: 8:20 p.m. THOMAS ASHLEY,SECRETARY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION 10 JAN 1 6 E N G I N E E R S MEMORANDUM DATE: January 15, 1998 TO: Jay Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FROM: Richard E. Barretto, Transportation Engineer III SUBJECT: BISTANGO RESTAURANT TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Newport Beach, CA The following pages and/or sections of the Traffic Impact Study for the Bistango Restaurant project have been revised based on an updated committed projects list provided by the City of Newport Beach on January 14, 1997. The enclosed copies of the above referenced report have been revised accordingly. Please discard all other copies of the Bistango Restaurant traffic study, dated November 24, 1997, or replace the following pages and/or sections of those reports with the attached copies. Title Sheet: lower right left corner has date of revision included Page 8: last paragraph has been revised Page 9: revised Table 2 reflects updated committed projects list Page 11: revised Table 3 reflects updated I% Traffic Volume Analysis Page 12: paragraphs 3 and 4 have been revised Page 13: revised Table 4 reflects updated ICU/LOS summary Appendix A Pages A 1 through A-4: Revised I%Traffic Volume Analysis Calculation Sheets Appendix B Pages B-1 through B-4: Revised ICU/LOS Calculation Sheets * * * * * * * * * * * * If you have any question, place call me. cc: 1923JD.DOC �gW PpRT : CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH V P.O.BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 e.< • C'9</Fp RN�P PLANNING DEPARTMENT(714)644-3206 January 15, 1998 David Hohman Architects 19100 Von Karman,Suite 230 Irvine,CA 92715 Attention: David Hohman Subject: Traffic Study No. 113 for Bistango Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive(a full-service restaurant) Dear Mr.Hohman: Enclosed please find a copy of a contract amendment from Linscott, Law and Greenspan (1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122,Costa Mesa,CA 92626)regarding revisions to Traffic Study No. 113. The requested Traffic Consultant fees have been reviewed by the City and are considered appropriate and warranted. The revised fees are as follows. Original Consultant Fees $3,500.00 Original City Fees(10%) $ 350.00 Additional Consultant Fees $ 750.00 (per attached amendment) Additional City.Fees(10%) $ 75.00 Total Request: $4,675.00 Previous Remittance: ($3,850.00) Current Request: $ 825.00 Please submit a check in the amount of$ 825.00 payable to the City of Newport Beach and sign and return the enclosed authorization. Your prompt response in this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, PATRICIA L.TEMPLE,Planning Director BY avier S. Garcia,AICP Senior Planner attachment: Contract Authorization,to be signed and returned Copy of Traffic Consultant Contract Amendment F:\USERS\PLN\SHARED\PENDING\BISTANGO\TS•COST2.DOC 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach aEvvPO,Qr CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH z e� P.O.BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658.8915 C"'I F019k PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714)644-3200 January 15, 1998 Linscott,Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Attn: Richard Barretto Subject: Traffic Study for construction of a full service restaurant, located at 900 Bayside Drive(Bistango Restaurant) CONTRACT AMENDMENT APPROVALIAUTHO1 R�,,IZATION.- Approved By: Javier S. Garcia QTau•. A!6 , Title: Senior Planner 1 Firm: City of Newport Beach Date: January 15, 1998 Traffic Consultant: Linscott,Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive, Suite 122 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Date of Proposal: September 16, 1997, copy on file Date of Amendment: January 13, 1998, copy on file Project Applicant: Bistango Restaurant (David Hohman, applicant) Applicant Approval: Signature (David Hohman, applicant) for Bistango Restaurant Project Address: 900 Bayside Drive PATRICIA L.TEMPLE,Planning Director BY veer S. Garcl , AICP Senior Planner F:\USGRS\PLN\SHARED\I PLANCOM\PENDING\BISTANGO\TS 113AP2.DOC 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach C,t�1998 TUE 17:46 FAX 714 641 0139 L L G ENGINEERS P901 ILINSCOTT LAW ` E N G I N- E E R S ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 • Costa Mesa,California 92626 Phone:714 641-1587 • Fax:714 641.0139 January 13, 1998 Mr.JayUau'cia,Senior Planner VIA FAX:(714)644-3250 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O.Box 1768 Newport Beady CA 92659-1768 I.L.G REFERENCE:2-971923-1 SUBJECT: ATTACHED CONTRACT AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM R BISTANGO RESTAURANT Dear Mr.Garcia: LLGr is submitting the attached Contract Amendment Request related to the proposed Bistaogo Restaurant to be located at SIM Bayside Drive m the City of Newport Beach This Contract Amendment is needed to revise the traffic study based on a change in project description(9,892 SF to 10,014 SF),as well as a change in the committed projects list recently provided by City staff- So as to provide expeditious service to our clients, we have developed the attached Contract Amendment Request form- You will note that the form refers to our orignal contract dated September 16, 1997, such that all terms and conditions agreed to in that doom em will continue to apply except as ammiled herein. If you concur, please have the original form countersigned by the appropriate person and return it immediately to our office if you have any questions,please catL Sincerely, LTNSCOTT,LAW&GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS Richard R.Barretto Transportation Engineer M attachment A1924-IAOC Plsillp M.LhucotL P.E.(Rn.) lack M.Greenspan,P E. WIIBaM A.Law,P.E.(Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,P.E. John P.Keating,P.E. David S.Shtndcr,P.E. Pasadena-818 796.2322 • San Diego-619 299-3090 • Las Vegas-702 451-1920 • An LG21A43 Company OIV13:98 TUE 17:46 FAX 714 641 0139 L L G ENGINEERS zoo-) E N C. I N t C R 5 January 13, 1998 CLIENT: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O.Box 1769 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 LLG REFERENCE:2-971923-1 PROJECT. BISTANGO RESTAURANT SCOPE OF WORK: 1) Update Traffic Impact Study for the proposed Bistango Restaurant based on change in project description. Traffic Study has been revised and was submitted on November 24, 1997. 2) Update November 24, 1997 traffic study based on revisions to the committed projects list and additional City staff comments. Revised information was provided by Janet Divan on January 13, 1998. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $3,500.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 AUTHORIZATION: $750.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $4,250.00 DATE OF FINAL PRODUCT'DEUV'BRY: one week after receipt of written authorization to proceed. Upon return of a frilly executed authorization, this service fee and condition sball become a part of the Contract Agreement dated September 16, 1997,except as amended herein. APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: LINSCOTT,LAW&GREENSPAN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH By: By: Title: Title: Date: 1 l3 Dom: 01/13/98 TUE 17:46 F-LX 714 641 0139 L L G ENGINEERS Q1001 � • �ruLd �6�t w�av(y` E N G I N- E, E R •S ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 ■ Costa Mesa,Calfforn(a 92626 Phone:714 641-1567 • Fax:714 641.0139 January 13, 1998 Mr,Jay Garcia, Senior Planner VIA FAX. (714) 644-3250 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O.Box 1768 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 LLG REFERENCE-2-97192;-1 SUBJECT: ATTACHED CONTRACT AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM 01 BTSTANGO RESTAURANT Dear N k. Garcia: LL.G is submitting the attached Contract Amendment Request related to the proposed Bistartgo Restaurant to be located at 900 Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach. This Contract Amendment is needed to revise the traffic study based on a change in project description(9,892 SF to t 0,014 SF), as well as a change in the committed projects list recetttly provided by City staff. So as to provide expeditious service to our clients, we have developed the attached Contract Amendment Request form. You will note that the form refers to our original contract dated September 16, 1997, such that all terms and conditions agreed to in that document will continue to apply except as amended herein_ if you concur, please have the original form countersigned by the appropriate person and return it immediately to our office. If you have any questions,please call Sincerely, LIINS�1CO-TtT,LAW&�GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS Richard F.Barretto Transportation En&4neer TF attachment eA. -* 1qj A197-34.doc I'hillp M.Llnscoty P.E.(Retd lack M.Greenspan,P.E. William A.Law,P.E (Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,P.E. lohn P.Keating,P.E. David S.Shender,P.E. Pasadena-818 796.2322 • San Diego-619 299-3090 • Las Vegas•702 451-1920 • An LG2W8 Company i 01/13/98 TUE 17:46 FAX 714 641 0139 L L G ENGINEERS 0 002 • • E N G 1 N E•E R 5 January 13, 1998 CLIENT: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O.Box 1768 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 LLG REFERENCE:2-971923-1 PROJECT: BYSTANGO RESTAURANT SCOPE OF WORK: 1) Update Traffic Impact Study for the proposed Bistango Restaurant based on change in project description. Traffic Study has been revised and was submitted on November 24, 1997. 2) Update November 24, 1997 traffic study based on revisions to the committed projects list and additional City staff'comments. Revised information was provided by Janet Divan on January 13, 1998. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $3,500.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 AUTHORIZATION: $750.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $4,250.00 DATE OF FINAL PRODUCT DELIVLRY: one week after receipt of written authorization to proceed Upon return of a My executed authorization, this service fee and condition shall become a part of the Contract Agreement dated September 16, 1997,except as amended berein. APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: LINSCOTT,LAW& GREENSPAN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH By. By: Title: Title: Date: 13��� Date: _. LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN • E N G I N E E R S TRAFFIC 11"FACT STUDY BISTANGO RESTAURANT Newport Beach,California Prepared For: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O.BOX 1768 Newport Beach,California 92659 Prepared By: LINSCOTT,LAW& GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS 1580 Corporate Drive, Suite 122 Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Phone: (714) 641-1587 FAX: (714) 641-0139 2-971923-1 November 24, 1997 Prepared By: Richard E.Barretto Transportation Engineer III �rav➢e LINSCOTT GREENS . . E N G I N E E R S ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 • Costa Mesa,California 92626 Phone:714 641-1587 • Fax:714 641-0139 November 24, 1997 ]Y1r. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 Subject: TRAFFIC EgTACT STUDY BISTANGO RESTAURANT Newport Beach, California Dear Mr. Garcia: Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) is pleased to submit this Traffic Impact Study for the Bistango Restaurant project. The project is a full service,Italian restaurant to be located at 900 Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach,California. Our study investigates the potential traffic impacts as well as circulation needs associated with the development of a 10,014 square-foot restaurant within the project study area. The analysis evaluates the relative traffic impacts of the proposed project at four study intersections for a near-term(1999) horizon year. Briefly, based on the results of our analysis, the proposed Bistango Restaurant will not have a sigaificant impact at any of the four study intersections. A summary of findings and conclusions can be found on page 16 of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this investigation for the City of Newport Beach. Should you have any questions regarding this analysis,please call us at(714) 641-1587. Very truly yours, uNSCOTT,LAW&GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS Richard E.Barretto Transportation Engineer III 1923COV.DOC Philip M.Lmscotq P.E.(Ret.) Jack M.Greenspan,P.E. William A.Law,P.E.(Ret) Paul W.Wilkinson,P.E. John P.Keating,P.E. David S.5hender,P.E. Pasadena-818 796-2322 • San Diego-619 299-3090 • Las Vegas-702 451-1920 • An LG2WB Company I E N G I N E E R S W Q 0 E N G I N E E R S TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DESCRIPTION NUMBER PROJECTDESCRIPTTON................................................................................................................. 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION................................................................................................. 1 PR07ECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT.......................................................... 5 TRAFFICIMPACT ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................5 SITE ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION.......................................................................... 14 I SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................... 16 APPENDICES: APPENDIX A: 1%Traffic Volume Analysis Worksheets APPENDIX B: ICU/LOS Calculation Sheets LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE DESCRIPTION NUMBER 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST.................................................. 4 2 COMMITTED PROJECTS LIST................................................................................9 3 1%TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS...................................................................... 11 4 PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY.......................................... 13 • E N G I N E E R S LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT PAGE NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 1 VICINITY MAP........................................................................................................ 2 2 PROPOSED SITE PLAN.......................................................................................... 3 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PATTERN.................................................. 6 4 2'/2 HOUR PEAK PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES........................:....................... 7 5 ACCESS AND CIRCULATION LAYOUT............................................................. 15 • E N G I N E E R S V al ti • E N G I N E E R S TRAMC IMPACT STUDY BISTANGO RESTAURANT Newport Beach,California PROJECT DESCRIMON The proposed project consists of a 10,014 square-foot, Bistango Restaurant. The project is a hill service, Italian restaurant to be located at 900 Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach. The project site is a 1.12-acre, vacant parcel of land, located north of Bayside Drive and east of Promontory Drive. Exhibit 1 presents a Vicinity Map, which illustrates the general location of the project and depicts the surrounding street system. Exhibit 2 presents the current site plan for the proposed restaurant project, as prepared by the David Pierce Hohmann,Architect.The proposed Bistango Restaurant will have a main indoor dining area, a cafe' section where the bar is located, a reception/lobby area, and kitchen/service area, all totaling 8,014 SF. A wine cellar totaling 2,000 SF is proposed in the basement of the building. As shown in Exhibit 2,there are 41 standard parking spaces (with 4 handicapped parking stalls) and 38 valet parking spaces. It is our understanding that valet parking will be provided during the hours of operations of Bistango (11:30 am to 1:00 am,daily). PROJECT TRIP GENERATION Traffic generation is expressed in vehicle trip ends, defined as one-way vehicular movements, either entering or exiting the generating land use. Generation factors and equations used in the traffic forecasting procedure are typically found in the Fifth Edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (PTE) [Washington, D.C., 1991 and February 1995 update) and San Diego Traffic Generators,dated December 1996,published by San Diego Associated Governments(SANDAG). Table 1 summarizes the trip generation rates used in forecasting the impact of the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. Trips generated by the proposed project were estimated using ITE Land Use 831 (Quality Restaurant)rates published in the February 1995 update to the Fifth Edition of Trip Generation. 1 $�yr •: p� xn ty r•(.-�we.wcsuY. :2-rw�,at .. (6�;'"�" J �Y.M1s, 4�IF`;�,' 'oa1��. 'ay'. , <3' ti; :i;},-:v Y`::'li . �v�v;�S�'•r.`)i'L .. 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L�fJ�j}'S•„1,3:�.'}'`.Ira1 h; {y- � - '�• .` .4a-S4�N)N-i c� Y�. 1 `3+ '/C+`Nl�YY��..++``Ti //��'�;AA;;;{{``��{{)).L,.:''�n {Y`< �aa !y.`•rv.•tyVy_��:-�.�.1`:i"-J"!�Jy�Ny, y_ w�}}'",p ��.(e, , - l I - U EXHIBIT 1 N NO SCALE UNSCorr CREENSP1IN NEERS WP BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEORT BEACH E R9I U MffSI•!YE Ix Tr ^1 �.--rL ANDO CAr! a�EA� j I O M1MII / oaxlDre.lerauw I ' tl ' v I tl H oY= ye � T o V x 1 t U u - � lxCiHi s'owe p CL19C) tPl1'J D U Y y � Y n ° Y v � <a a 4 Ji EXHIBIT 2 tO SCALE UNSCOTT LAW& PROPOSED SITE PLAN GVINENGINEERS BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH 3 • E N G I N E E R S TABLE 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Bistango Restaurant, Newport Beach Y^µ k {SL' GD / t�# + 4i'rt �Mt�Rk1t1IOUIis` , b§kM)N}'AIIO[ °.a= �XiOJEt�TT�bES�.GItIP�IUN€.%t.��Ya� Generation Factors: • 831: Quality Restaurant 95.99 0.81 0.06 0.87 4.95 2.44 7.39 (TE/1 SF)' Generation Forecast: Bistango Restaurant 960 8 1 9 50 24 74 (10,014 S :: .2%HOURAM'PEA K ::. 2%: QUR P1l�PEAK :. TN• . r.OUT T.OTAE.. • Il!1°, .. OUT .TOTAL 2%Hour Peak Factors: • 831: Quality Restaurant 1.62 0.12 1.74 9.90 4.88 14.78 E/1000 SF 2 2%Hour Peak Forecast: • Bistango Restaurant 16 2 18 100 48 148 10,014 SF TE/1000 SF=Trip ends per 1000 square-feet(SF) of development. Source: Trip Generation, 5th Edition,Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE),February 199S Update to the Sth Edition, [Washington,D.C.] 2 The peak hour trip potential of the project has been adjusted by a City approved factor of two(2)to anticipate the projeWs 2%:hour peak traffic generation 4 • E N G I N E E R S Review of Table 1 shows that, during a"typical"weekday, the restaurant project is expected to generate a total of 960 vehicular trips on a daily basis (480 inbound, 480 outbound), with 9 trips (8 inbound, 1 outbound)produced during the AM peak hour, and 74 trips(50 inbound,24 outbound) forecast during the PM peak hour. The AM and PM peak hour volumes have been adjusted upwardly by a City approved factor of two (2)to anticipate the project's 2'/2 hour peak traffic generation. During the AM peak 2'h hour period, a total of 18 vehicles are expected. A total of 148 vehicle trips are projected during the PM peak 2'/x hour period. PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT An arrivalldeparture pattem which illustrates the roadways that the site generated vehicles would utilize to enter/exit the site is depicted in Exhibit 3. Project traffic volumes in and out of the site have been distributed and assigned to the adjacent street system based upon the following considerations: 1)the site's proximity to major traffic carriers (e.g., East Coast Highway, Jamboree Boulevard, Dover Drive); 2) expected localized traffic flow patterns based on adjacent street channelization and presence of traffic signals; 3) ingress/egress availability at site driveways on Bayside Drive; 4) existing peak hour turning movement volumes, and 5)input from City staff. As shown in Exhibit 3,project traffic is evenly distributed to the surrounding street system Exhibit 4 presents the anticipated 2'/: hour AM and PM peak project traffic volumes at the key study intersections. The project traffic assignment was completed by distributing the project traffic volumes shown in Table 1 to the distribution pattern illustrated in Exhibit 3. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS City Methodology This traffic analysis follows the procedures set forth in the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance. (TPO). The TPO calls for a two step process to determine potential project impact, (1) an initial traffic contribution analysis at each designated study intersection, and (2) a complete volume to capacity analysis at those intersections identified as being impacted in the initial analysis. 5 0 25:L N C5z NEWPORT <25 DUNES W. COAST HWY ~ 30X�r RESORT 25z► � F, c CRESNIEW Oa_ Z tp a� LINDA A�OMo �a SLE m a OF R ON OR xk 2gy Ko 00 Rip- sox-1 � 5X 3XA PROJECT s' SITE s BALBOA ISLAND bt7 � o U KEY EXHIBIT 3 tN0 SCALE <XXX = OUTBOUND PERCENTAGE -4XX% = INBOUND PERCENTAGE LINSCOTT UR CEWEN9Pi1N PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PATTERN ENGINEERS BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH i� a NEWPORT W. coAsr ,-4Y DUNES RESORT RESORT f CRESMEW � ' co � �r 2 a`f LINDA p�Oy� SLE �o Qgys' �Ry / 'i 5/30 a O PROJECT SITE BAIL20A ISLAND z o s KEY v XX/YY = AM/PM PROJECT VOLUMES EXHIBIT 4 tw SCALE utocoTT CREENSPAN 2 1/2 HOUR PEAK PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES EM O,-NE E Ra BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH i E N G I N E E R S The initial traffic analysis, also called the "One Percent Traffic Test," compares 2'/2 hour AM and/or PM peak period project traffic to forecast future traffic volumes at intersections to be studied. If the proposed Bistango Restaurant project generates the equivalent of one percent or more of the forecast traffic volume on one or more approaches of a study intersection, that intersection is determined to be impacted by the project. The impacted intersection(s) are then subjected to a full traffic analysis.If the project traffic is less than.1% of background traffic, the project is not anticipated to have a significant impact on the operations of that intersection. The full project traffic analysis, called the "ICU Test," is conducted for the AM and/or PM peak hours, using the Intersection Capacity Utilization(ICU)method,and evaluates the following three conditions; 1. Ddstin - Volume to capacity ratio of base traffic year. Assessment of year 1996 and/or 1997 traffic(provided by City ofNewport Beach). 2. Existing &_Regional & Committed Projects - Forecast of future conditions, without the proposed project, resulting from regional traffic growth and other committed development. (Committed development traffic and regional traffic growth rates provided by the City of Newport Beach). 3. With Project - Analysis of future traffic operations resulting from the addition of project generated traffic. The "With Project' impact is determined based on TPO criteria. An intersection is considered to be impacted by project traffic when the ICU value (volume to capacity ratio) is greater than 0.90. Project impact is considered to be mitigated when system improvements modify the ICU value to less than or equal to 0.90, or project improvements modify an ICU value to less than the"Without Project'ICU. Committed Projects Table 2 presents a list of committed projects recently updated by the City of Newport Beach. The list shows three projects that are partially occupied and 13 projects that have yet to begin to be occupied. 8 E N G I N E E R S TABLE 2 COM UTTED PROJECTS LIST' Bistango Restaurant,Newport Beach hTVAMA TPR0JECTNAME OCCiTPtIED+:: 121 Newport Village 0 124 Civic Plaza 0 125 Corporate Plaza&West 13 129 Hoag Hospital Extension 2 134 Interpretive Center 0 142 Hoag Hospital Expansion 0 147 Balboa Bay Club Expansion 0 148 Fashion Island Expansion 2 152 Fletcher Jones Mercedes 0 154 Temple Bat Yahm Expansion 0 156 Corona Del Mar Plaza 0 157 Ford Development 0 158 TLA Drive Thru Restaurant 0 555 Ciosa-Irvine Project 0 910 Newport Dunes 0 930 City of Irvine Development 0 3 Source:City of Newport Beach 9 E N G I N E•E R S Analyzed Intersections Based on the location of the proposed restaurant, the following four intersections have been selected for evaluation by City Staff for this project. 1. East Coast Highway @ Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive 2. East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive 3. East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 4. Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard Traffic Data Provided by the City of Newport Beach As stated previously, existing traffic volumes, regional growth rates, and traffic to be generated by approved cumulative projects have been provided by City staff for each of the above intersections on an intersection approach basis. This data has been used to estimate the 2'/2 hour peak background traffic volumes. One-Percent(10/6)Traffic Volume Analysis Test Table 3 depicts the 1% peak background approach volumes, the 2'/2 hour project traffic volumes, and results of the 1% Traffic Volume Analysis test, for each of the intersections studied during the PM peak period. A 1% Traffic Volume Analysis test for the 2%2 hour AM peak conditions was not prepared since the proposed project is expected to generate only a nominal amount of traffic. As shown in Table 1 and Exhibit 4, the Bistango Restaurant project has a 2%2 Hour AM peak generation of 18 trips (2 inbound, 16 outbound), and at worst,will add a maximum of 10 trips to any of the adjacent study intersections. Detailed analysis sheets of the 21/2 hour PM peak conditions,using the City's methodology, are attached at the end of this report in Appendix A. As shown in Table 3, comparing the 2'h hour PM peak project traffic to the 1%background volumes for each intersection approach indicates that one of the four intersections' approach volumes are impacted by less than 1% of the background volume. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed Bistango Restaurant project will not have a significant impact at the study intersection of East Coast Highway and Dover DriveBayshore Drive. 10 • E N G I N E E R S TABLE 1%TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS' Bistango Restaurant,Newport Beach wn 4T iiLi 1.14 1. East Coast Highway @ NB 2 0 No Dover/Bayshore Drive SB 30 5 No EB 53 25 No WB 101 14 No 2. East Coast Highway @ NB 13 14 Yes BaysideDrive SB 39 0 No EB 72 30 No VvrB 75 0 No 3. East Coast Highway @ NB 17 29 Yes Jamboree Boulevard SB 44 30 No EB 81 0 No WB 57 30 No 4. Bayside Drive @ NB 5 3 No Jamboree Boulevard SB 10 60 Yes EB 7 33 Yes WB 4 5 Yes 4 Appendix A contains the 1%Traffic Volume Analysis Worksheets for each of the study intersections. E N G I N E E R S However, at the intersections of East Coast Highway/Bayside Drive, East Coast Highway/Jamboree Boulevard, and Bayside Drive/Jamboree Boulevard, the 2'/2 hour PM peak project traffic volume exceeds one percent of the background traffic volumes on at least one of the approaches. Therefore, ICU analyses have been completed for these three study intersections during the PM peak hour. Capacity Analysis(ICU method) Table 4 presents the results of the level of service analyses for East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive, East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard, and Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard. As shown, all three study intersections currently operate at Level of Service (LOS) C or better during the PM peak commute hour. The PM peak hour LOS at East Coast Highway and Bayside, and Bayside and Jamboree, are forecast to deteriorate one service level and operate at LOS C with the addition of background (ambient and cumulative)traffic. The level of service at East Coast Highway and Jamboree Boulevard also deteriorates. However,this study intersection is forecast to operate at LOS D (ICU= 0.88) during the PM peak hour with the addition of ambient and cumulative project traffic. The addition of project-related traffic volumes to these three key intersection is not expected to change the forecast background LOS during the critical evening peak commute hour. The project is not expected to increase the ICU values of these three intersections. All three intersections are forecast to continue to operate at LOS D or better during the PM peak hour. Based on the results of this analysis, we conclude that the proposed Bistango Restaurant project will not have a significant impact at the intersections of East Coast Highway/Bayside Drive, East Coast Highway/Jamboree Boulevard, and Bayside Drive/Jamboree Boulevard, as well. 12 E N G I N E E R S TABLE 4 PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY' Bistango Restaurant,Newport Beach rp Nn I• r nr•..ww.w �� pr• .rr.;r.r.".11•,•,r.r...._.•.,.n:n.�t ail�.!( att9,:aq•i u l"'i.'t ° 1i; "'ki, r7y• (7gtt�I w `i Fr99°BaC X tur 9�9+Itlrt�re PrQ �C , � 741kw�1� !(� +� it �•!tC ii+l 1. �� �r YID ryFh m 1 tik�3. r t rrr #l'1 ;#'• rk Y"�.t, � U�... ' '3�� � J•�: �1 "i,ltl l'l'lf•. .d4 •II,yN�Conlit�onsi,tl'��7F;',+y���','yy�n� ltltl It �4�!_�I{lI,XY 1t0 COC�.3r�1'Xatle '�j%kr-Is,�iiC[ ' r ykl, E�Ife atrifexs�cHen�akr .�'#s�'��Q,iJ �F<,�0���:�fl.Ciifl���iLOSi�3��~3rICII;��i€�t:+:I:OSr^•i1 v�z���•r:�.�t:�"�z�r •;�'� East Coast Highway @ Ba side Drive 0.68 B 0.79 C 0.79 C 0.00 East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 0.75 C 0.88 D 0.88 D 0.00 Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard 0.68 B 0.69 B 0.69 B 0.00 s Appendix B contains the PM peak hour ICU/I.OS calculation worksheets. 13 • E N G I N E•E R S SITE ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION Site Access Exhibit 5 illustrates the access and circulation layout of the proposed Bistango Restaurant and the existing Bayside Center (Von's Pavilion) located at 1000 Bayside Drive. As shown, access to Bistango will be provided by an existing driveway located on the northside of Bayside Drive, approximately 260 feet east of Promontory Drive. This driveway is one of three existing, full access unsignalized driveways that currently serves Bayside Center. Both left-turns and right-turns into and out of this entry/exit are now permitted. No changes to the existing driveway access configuration are recommended with the development of the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. Internal Circulation A review of the conceptual site plan presented in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 5 indicates adequate on-site circulation. No changes to the proposed parking layout are recommended. Review of the site plan indicates that a drive aisle, measuring 26 feet wide at its narrowest point, will be provided between the proposed valet parking spaces. As stated earlier, we understand that valet parking will be provided during Bistango's operating hours. However, to minimise vehicular conflicts, we recommend that the six spaces (three standard and three valet)in the upper northwest corner of the site be designated for employee/staffparking(See Exhibit 5). Further,to ensure that the project entry/exit driveway at Bayside is kept clear of project traffic at all times, we recommend that stacking storage for four(4)vehicles is provided. Assuming an average car length of 22 feet, approximately 88 feet of storage will be required. Sufficient storage can be maintained by requiring the first vehicle of a platoon to pull forward to approximately to the fourth valet stall(See Exhibit 5). 14 i I tt DESIGNATE AS "�d EMPLOYEE/STAFF PARKING n fry. ° J i a ' ♦ ww / � I9.ICL.w6 � • i� 1r it PULL FORWARD --...—_ ' — _r— »-»� .••, TO THIS POINT " ♦ Y'I smps fe iiR Y LtwL rtgg `'�• iltit�tl. 'I �E: =i't�:• ���.l�itit fi t t +4O ° I 1 • IC�w t1C I •1 O� .1 \\_ \ • t2 n:w��ti1 , ��Ysrd ''� �"�: •, jliilliljtiil � KEEP ENTRY/EXIT CLEAR AT ALL TIMES a .g A I" U (tNG SCALE EXHIBIT 5 UNSCOTT LAWeN PAN ACCESS AND CIRCULATION LAYOUT GREENGINEERS BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH 15 1 • E N G I N E•E R S SUMMARY 1. The proposed project consists of a 10,014 square-foot,Bistango Restaurant. The project site is a 1.12- acre,vacant parcel of land,located north of Bayside Drive and east of Promontory Drive,in the City of Newport Beach. ` 2. A total of 79 parking spaces is proposed, consisting of 41 standard parking spaces(with 4 handicapped parkingstalls)and 38 valet parking spaces. Valet parking will be provided at Bistango during all hours of operations. 3. The Bistango Restaurant project is expected to generate a total of 960 vehicular trips on a daily basis, with 9 trips produced during the AM peak hour, and 74 trips forecast during the PM peak hour. The project's 21/z hour peak period trips total 18 vehicles and 148 vehicles during the AM and PM peak 2'/z hour periods,respectively. 4. The results of the One Percent Test and the ICU Test, conducted pursuant to the Newport Beach TPO, indicated that project generated traffic is not expected to produce a significant traffic impact at any of the four intersections selected for evaluation by City staff. 5. Stacking storage for approximately four vehicles is required to ensure that the project entry/exit driveway at Bayside is kept clear at all times, especially during Bistango's peak hours of operation. 1923TT4AOC(Nov®bar24,19971036 XVO 16 I • E N G I N E E R S W • E N G I N E E R S APPENDIX A 1% TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS �r�WPOa,. • I % Traffic Volume Analysis Intersedon COAST HIGHWAY / DOVER DRIVE — BAYSHORE DRIVE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter/Spring 1997 PH ) Approach Existing Peak 2 112 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Re Tonal Projects Peak 2 112 Hour Direction Peak 2 1/2 Hour a Peak 2 i/2 Hour Peak 2112 Hour Volume Gro'� PEAK 2 1e Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume �9g� Volume Northbound 234 F} 23q r Southbound 2813 -770 5 Eastbound 4638 0131 2�; Westbound 9100 fez, (60b tDtO�b pt 14 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21/2 Hour Traffic Volume. ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than i% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis Is required. Y�Tf1��� IVd'I �"1l�NI DATE: PROJECT: A ' D fY1YQM O� z � • 1 % Traffic Volume Analysis �`eFOae`' Intersection COAST HIGHWAMAYSIDE DRIVE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter/Spring 49 96 — FM ) Approach Existing Peak 2 112 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Re tonal Projects Peak 2 112 Hour Direction Peak 2 112 Hour g Peak 2 1/2 Hour peak 21/2 Hour Volume Growth PEAK 2 1 Hour Volume Volumee Volume Volume Volume (� Northbound 1258 Southbound 137 -B Z� °i 3 111 •e Eastbound 6651 Div" �f$�' 'j2'27-7 Westbound 6732 207i � -7`f9 L' i5; Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. t�/1 Project Traffic Is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis Is required. �I�b►�1�1`' ��a •' �� DATE: PROJECT: A-?,- 0 tYtKll M Ili 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE/ (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage Inter Spring 1991 PM Peak 231 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projecte f Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 23; Hour Pea our Peak2hHour Peayotumeour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 484 southbound 907 �I2 1 V I l � ' i 33 , Eastbound 727 'e' 16; 17 Westbound 348 3 i'6 9 ' 5 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: A^3 FORM I 123 ` • 1 % Traffic Volume Analysis �+Xc1cona`r Intersec�on COAST MY / JAMBOREE RD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter I Spring 19 97 ) PM Approach Existing Peak 2 112 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Re tonal Projects Peak 2 iMt Hour Direction Peak 2 112 Hour g Peak 2 112 Hour Peak 2112 Hour Volume Growth PEAK 2 112 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume(RJq Volume Northbound 1682 1-6- AA- Southbound 3708 74. Eastbound 7093 go&v b Westbound 4874 1' ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Pi" ' GD DATE: �1Ito[ 17 PROJECT:0 �l 1/j tYMMR "( • E N G I N E E R S APPENDIX B ICU/LOS CALCULATION SHEETS CH306OPH • • �� 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Q�O � INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY&DOVER DRIVE/BAYSHORE DRIVE YYP 3060 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1997 PM I I EXISTING I PROPOSED I EXISTING I EXISTING I REGIONAL I COMMITTED] Y PROJECTED I PROJECT I PROJECT I I Movement I Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I V/C I I I Capacity I Capacity I Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume I w/o Project I I Ratio I I I I I I I I I Volume I I I I - - - - - - I NL 1 1600 1 I 11 1 0.01 I I �• -�_-_--^— I NT I I 63 � i — I I I I I I ---- 1 3200 - - 1 0.03 ---- I MR 32 1 1 I I I I SL 1 48001 1 9881 0.21 I ST 1 16001 1 881 0.06 I SR 1 16001 1 1731 0.11 I I I --_ —•- I I I EL 1 32001 1 1451 0.0S I I I I 1 ET I I I 17SI I I I I I I 4800 -_------ _.—__._ 1 0.37 _---_--'_ __---------------_ __ ____-___-_--'- I ER I 1 1 26 1 1 1 I I I -_--- -- ---•-- - --- -- ...._ _ .. _....... —.. .- ------------• •• -------------••—••• ----- — — I I WL 1 16001 I 34 ) 0.02 I I 1 1 I I __.._—.. .. . -.....__.-. .. -- ------------- -••••"'------------- -------------• -- --'._....__. I I WT 1 48001 I 2695 1 0S6 -'--•---... --.-___.__ i__.__-_.__-__ I._-..____. ._--. i I WR 1 N.S. 1 I 1593 I I EXISTING I.C.U. I 0.85 I I I EXISTING+REG GROWTH+COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I I 1 I EXISTING+COMMITTED+REGIONAL GROWTH+PROJECT I.C.U. 1 1 -1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.will be less than or equal to 0.90 1 - 1 _1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.will be greater than 0.90 1 -1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 1 -1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.with project Improvements will be less than I.C.U.without project Description of system Improvement: FORM 11 PROJECT CH306OPM � I CH5440PH INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY 8 BAYSIDE DRIVE 5440 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1996 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I IEXISTIHGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTIHGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio (Volume I V/C• 1 I ICapacitylCapacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume IW/o Projectl I Ratio I I l --------------------------- I ICI 1 I I Volume I I I j R� 1 1 472 1 ' 1 2. I ` I I I I--------) ------------------) y -3------------------ NT 4800 1 1 10 0.11 * � I _\ ' 1 O.1'L41 — 1b12 I--------) ------------------) -----------------�------------------- --------I MR 1 1 62 1 — I � I_... I - I I I--------------------------------- -------------- ----------- 1 SL 1 1600 1 1 13 1 0.01 1 -� 1 64 1 O,06 +1 -- 1 O,06* ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------I sT I 1 9 1 1 0 1 p,< I — 10,as I 1600 ------------------) 0.03 *---------__ --' - 1 SR 1 1 39 I I �Jlo "I I ^ I I I--------------------------------------------------------- -----------I EL 1 1600 1 1 73 1 0.05 * S- 1 7j,2; 1 ,01 "k1 — 1 .07 -it' I--------------------------------- ------ I --------------------- --- I 1 ET 1 4800 1 1 2.160 1 0.45 1 ( 5 I j S O I --- 151 I 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ER 1 1600 1 1 468 1 0.29 1 V4 1 O 1 s 3b 1 I"y( 1 .31 1 I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ......... WL 1 1600 I I 57 I 0.04 1I Z O�---' 4 WT 1 I I---3 - I -----'--) 6400 ^----------------) 0.49 * --I-- ---- WR 1 I 34 I iII 1 -eI ______ ___________________i--' -------------- _______________ _ - -I------- 1EXIST[HG 0.68 I1 1 I I' 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1 0,;'71 1 I --------------------------- ----I [EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U--------------- -------------I--1 q 1 ------------------------ -------- r4rojected + project traffic I.C.U. Will be less than or equal to 0.90 '1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. Will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement Will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic C.C.U. With project improvements will be less than I.C.U. Without project ---------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: ,P1scA1A&p �'��7 gel�►, PROJECT FORM 11 CH5440PM • • CH5055PM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY&JAMBOREE ROAD 5055 1997 PM EXISTINGTRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1' EXISTING I PROPOSED I EXISTING I EXISTING I REGIONAL I COMMITTED I PROJECTED I PROJECT 1 PROJECT 1 1 Movement I Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I Vic I I I Capacity I Capacity I Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume I w/o Project I I Ratio I Volume ------ - -- --- - ---- 1 NL 1 1600 1 I 55 1 0.03 I I f 0 1o,pq- I NT I I 528 I — I 1,---- 17, --'k l }I 0 3200 - ------ - --------- } 0.20 ` -------— - ---- 1 NR 1 1119 1 SL I 1600 I I 147 I 0.09 — -- ---- - -- -- -------- - -------- - ----- I ----- - --- — - ------- - ------ - — -- - - -- 1 ST I 32001 1 5,71 0.16 I �.a--- ----Z--- �r11----- g:__ 1 -------- - --------- - --------- - --------- - --------- - ---Z I SR I N.S. I I EL I 4800 1 --- 1 -- 942 1 0.20 I 221 I 0�i5 _Np ----- - ------ ----- - - -- - -------- I -- 0.27 _ ----- ------------ - —�--- - -------- i I ER I I 19 1 p I 4)L ---------- - ------------- - -------- - -------- I 1 WL I 3200 1 1 1731 0.05 1 3 I f?j I otC) , I f5 1 0,06 1 WT I 6400 1 1 16801 0.26 /�' _ -------- _ -------- _ __________ _ _____________ _ ________ _ ________ 1 WR I N.S. I 1 1641 ---- - ---- - --- — - --------- - ---- - ------- I EXISTING . I.C.U. 1 0.75 I EXISTING+REG GROWTH+COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I - - --------- - --------- - --------- - ---------- - - ------- --- - ----- -- - --- ---- I I XISTING+COMMITTED+REGIONALGROWTH+PROJECT I.C.U. IS i3- Projected+project traffic I.C.U.will be less than or equal to 0.90 1<I Projected+project traffic I.C.U.will be greater than 0.90 1_I Projected+project traffic I.C.u.w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 1.1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.with project improvements will be less than I.C.U.without project Description of system Improvement: - , - - - FORM II PROJECT CH5055PM {3-3 JA5485PM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE RD. & BAYSIDE * 5485 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1991 PM I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED 1PROJECTIPROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio [Volume I V/C I 1 ICapacitylCapacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume 1w/o Projectl 1,Ratio I I I I I I I \q`LOI I I volume I I I ----------------•----------------------------------------- I I ' NL 1 1600 1 1 165 1 0.10* 1 0 1 0."10 -jK4 1 10,101 " ------ ------------------------•--------____••-------I NT I I 230 1 11 0,to 1 D � 0(b 1 89 ------------- --------- 1------- ------------------------------•------------------------------•--.------------------1 3200 ---------------'--) 0.10 I NR 1 1 -r 1 0 1 I SL 1 1600 1 1 . 60 1 0.04 I 2S I Or 0`l 1 0 10.Cr -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ST 1 1600 1 1 5871 0.37*J I I, 1 D.381 6 1 --------------------------------------------------------------I 1 SR 1 1600 1 260 0.16 ( -- 11� D,( ( ��! 10, tq i-----------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I EL 1 1600 1 1 100 1 0.06 — I B 1 0,07 1 1+ I D,0$'1 I-----------•------------------------•--------------------------------------- --------------I I ET 1 1600 1 1 329 1 0.21* 1 0 1 01 21 4,1 I 1 0.?A I I---------------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------I I ER 1 1600 1 1 298 1 0.19 1 I a 1 0,,1ci 11 1 0,11 1 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_1 I WL 1 1600 1 1 1 1 0.00* - 1 a 1 D, LIV* & 101W I 1----- -----------i--------i----------------i--------i--O---------------i------------- WT 80 j-------- I WR 1 267 1 -- . 1 1 r� 1 1 0 1 I L -----I 1EXISTING I O.bB I I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I 01(pl- I I I-------------------------•----_-----_----------_..-_---------'•----••---------------- ----I [EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. I O P'I ------------------------------------------------------------- --•--- Projected + project traffic will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be Less than I.C.U. without project -•--.-..-•----------------------------------------------------------`-`-------------------- Description of system improvement: j��'fy�,/M.rfr 'I _ «1t0l�� PROJECT I- ll 124 JA5485PM f� I 1J ENGINEERS &PLANNERS ■ TRAFFIC, TRANSPORTATION , PARKING SEW Pp�T CIT?OF NEWPORT BE CH z U P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 c'9Cl pO0.N�P PLANNING DEPARTMENT(714)644-3206 September22, 1997 David Hohman Architects 19100 Von Karman,Suite 230 Irvine,CA 92715 Attention: David Hohman Subject: Traffic Study for Bistango Restaurant, 1000 Bayside Drive(a full-service restaurant) Dear Mr.Hohman: Enclosed please find a copy of a proposal submitted by Linscott, Law and Greenspan (1580 Corporate Drive, Suite 122, Costa Mesa, CA 92626) regarding a traffic study required for traffic phasing analysis for the proposed restaurant located at 1000 Bayside Drive. The proposal contains an outline of the required work,schedule of time, and estimated fee required for preparation of the task. The requested Traffic Consultant fees have been reviewed by the City and are considered appropriate and warranted. The fees are as follows. Consultant Fees $3,500 City Fees(10%) $ 350 Total Request: $3,850 Please submit a check in the amount of$ 3,850.00 payable to the City of Newport Beach and sign and return the enclosed authorization. Your prompt response in this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, PATRICIA L. TEMPLE,Planning Director avier S. Garcia,AICP Senior Planner attachment: Contract Authorization,to be signed and returned Copy of Traffic Consultant Proposal F:\USERS\PLN\SHARED\PENDING\BISTANGO\TS-COST.DOC 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach aEW pp�T • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH V P.O.BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 Cq�IFORN\P PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3200 September 22, 1997 Linscott,Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Attn: Richard Barretto Subject: Traffic Study for construction of a full service restaurant, located at 1000 Bayside Drive(Bistango Restaurant) CONTRACT APPROVALIAUTHORIZATZON.' Approved By: Javier S. Garcia ao� Title: Senior Planner Firm: City of Newport Beach Date: September 22, 1997 Traffic Consultant: Linscott, Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive, Suite 122 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Date of Proposal: September 16, 1997, copy on file Project Applicant: Bistango Restaurant (David Hohman, applicant) Applicant Approval: Signature �"' S igh a�U►� (David Hohman,applicant) cl for Bistango Restaurant Project Address: 1000 Bayside Drive PATRICIA L.TEMPLE,Planning Director BY avler S. Garc1 ,AICP Senior Planner F:\USERS\PLN\SHARED\I PLANCOM\PENDING\BISTANGO\TS 113-AP.DOC 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach ONSCOTT . . E N G I N -E E R s RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 • Costa Mesa,California 92626 SEP 191997 Phone:714641-1587 • Fax:714641.0139 Ad P1111 September 16, 1997 7i8l9� l2is5 6 Mr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES BISTANGO RESTAURANT @ BAYSIDE CENTER Newport Beach, California Dear Mr. Garcia: As requested, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional traffic engineering services related to the construction of a 9,892 square-foot (SF), full- service restaurant (Bistango Restaurant) located at 1000 Bayside Drive. The project site is currently vacant and is located on the northeast comer of Bayside Drive and Promotory Drive in the City of Newport Beach. Based on our discussions with the City of Newport Beach Planning and Traffic Engineering Staff, preparation of a Traffic Impact Study as defined by the following Scope of Work is required. The Traffic Impact Study will be prepared according to the procedures outlined the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, dated February 14, 1994. The potential project-related traffic impacts and possible improvements,if any,will be investigated and addressed in the Traffic Impact Study. SCOPE OF WORK Task I: Existine Traffic Volume Data As defined by the City Traffic Department,the following four intersections will make up the study area: 1. East Coast Highway @ Dover Drive Bayshore Drive 2. East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive 3. East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 4. Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard Philip M.Linscoll.P.E.(Ret.) lack M.Greenspan,P.E. William A.Law,P.E.(Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,P.E. John P.Keating;P.E. David S.Shender,P.E. Pasadena-818 796-2322 • San Diego-619 299-3090 1 Las Vegas-702 451-1920 • An LG2WB Company • Mr. Jale S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1991 Page 2 E N G I N E E a 5 It is our understanding that peak hour traffic volume data for each of these intersections is on file and will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. Task H' Proiect Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic anticipated to be generated the proposed Bistango Restaurant will be based on standard trip generation rates established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. The project related traffic will be distributed and assigned to the street system based on anticipated travel patterns to/from the site. The project-related traffic forecast and distributions patterns will be reviewed by City staff prior to incorporating this information in the traffic report. Task III: Intersection Analysis Using the City's two and one-half hour (2%2) analysis procedure, the four study intersections will be analyzed to determine whether a formal analysis using the Intersection Capacity Utilization(ICU) method will be required. As stated in City guidelines, if project generated traffic during the two and one-half hour (2'/2) period is greater than one percent (1%) of the total background (existing plus regional growth plus approved projects) two and one-half hour (2'/2) traffic volume, then an ICU analysis for the AM and/or PM peak hour will be completed for the following conditions: A) Existing traffic volumes,plus regional growth,plus approved projects' B) "A"plus project traffic Based on the ICU analysis, mitigation measures will be suggested/recommended to off-set any adverse traffic impacts caused by the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. Task IV: On-site Circulation Analysis and Parkins!Evaluation Review and comment on pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation for the proposed project. This analysis will include discussion on the following items in the traffic study for the project: • Pick-up/drop-off areas for valet parking • Sidewalks/pedestrian access between off-she and on-she parking areas and restaurant • Traffic controUlimitations at site driveways, including spacing, vehicular conflicts, sight lines, left-turn provisions from Bayside Drive, locations of proposed driveways with respect to existing(conflicting)driveways,striping configurations,and median modifications. • Calculate the parking requirements for Bistango Restaurant based on the City of Newport Beach off-street parking requirements. It is our understanding that the City will provide information on existing volumes,regional growth and approved project traffic volumes at the study intersections. i • Mr. Ar S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 E N G I N E E R S Page3 Task V: Traffic Impact Study A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared which will outline our findings and recommendations. this report will be consistent with the City of Newport Beach Traffic Study Format and include appropriate tables, exhibits, and appendix materials. Draft copies will be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for screencheck review. If necessary, the draft report will be updated based on City comments and final copies of the Traffic Impact Study will be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for approval. COST ESTIMATE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT We estimate that our fee for the services outlined in Tasks I through V, can be accomplished within a total cost,not to exceed$3,500.00,without your prior authorization. Our fees will be billed monthly on a time- and-reimbursable expense basis according to the attached Fee Schedule. SCHEDULING We estimate that our Draft Report can be available three to four weeks after we receive written authorization to proceed. This time estimate assumes issues of direct impact (ie. project description and development program) are well enough defined to allow our analysis to proceed effectively and that existing traffic counts and approved projects traffic volumes will be provided by the City within the first week of our authorization to proceed. ADDITIONAL WORK We will also be pleased to provide any additional support beyond the Scope of Services outlined above as you may require. Such additional tasks may include, but are not limited to the following: conducting manual turning movement counts, evaluating potential project related traffic impacts at other key intersections, preparation of conceptual mitigation improvement plans, and attendance at meetings with team members, City Staff and/or public hearings. Such tasks will be considered extra work and will be billed on a time and materials basis using the attached fee schedule or the fee schedule in effect at the time the those services are requested. For the additional services, a separate contract amendment will be prepared. AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, you may indicate approval by signing on the lines provided below and returning the original for our files, or by issuance of an appropriate purchase order or consultant contract. A copy of this proposal is enclosed for your records. • Mr. JaMr S. Garcia,'Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 Page 4 E N G I N E E R S This proposal is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. Should this proposal be accepted,the Client (represented by the signature below) agrees to limit Linscott, Law, &Greenspan's liability to the Client and to all Contractors and Subcontractors on the project due to Linscott, Law, &Greenspan's negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of Linscott, Law, & Greenspan to all those named shall not exceed $50,000.00 or Linscott, Law, & Greenspan's total fee for the services rendered on this project,whichever is greater.Please note that for the purposes of preparing contract paperwork, Linscott,Law&Greenspan,Engineers,is a DBA for LG2WB, Engineers,Inc., a California corporation. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with the City of Newport Beach on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal,please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, LINSCOTT,LAW& GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS fA�" el,� Richard E.Barretto Transportation Engineer III Attachment ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH V AS OUTLINED ABOVE,FOR A FEE NOT TO EXCEED $3,500.00 (Authorized Agent) (Title) (Firm) (Federal I.D. #) (Address) (Date) P29701033= • FEESCHEDULE E N� G I N E E R S Effective March 1, 1996 TI PER HOUR Principal PrincipalEngineer*.................................................................................................................$ 133.00 TwMportation Engineers Senior Transportation Engineer.......................................................................................I......$ 108.00 TransportationEngineer III.....................................................................................................$ 92.00 TransportationEngineer II......................................................................................................$ 79.00 TransportationEngineer I.......................................................................................................$ 60.00 Trawportation Planners Senior Transportation Planner................................................................................................$ 92.00 TransportationPlanner III.......................................................................................................$ 79.00 TransportationPlanner II........................................................................................................$ 60.00 TransportationPlanner I..........................................................................................................$ 55.00 Technical Support EngineeringAssociate II.........................................................................................................$ 65.00 EngineeringAssociate I..........................................................................................................$ 60.00 CADDDrafter/Senior Technician..........................................................................................$ 57.00 ModelingTechnician II...........................................................................................................$ 60.00 ModelingTechnician I............................................................................................................$ 55.00 Engineering Computer Analyst II...........................................................................................$ 55.00 Engineering Drafter/Technician..............................................................................................$ 52.00 WordProcessor/Secretary.......................................................................................................$ 45.00 Engineering Computer Analyst I............................................................................................$ 45.00 EngineeringAide II.................................................................................................................$ 39.00 EngineeringAide I..................................................................................................................$ 28.00 *Principal-In-Charge will be billed at$155 per hour. Public Hearing support may be charged at 125%of the base rate. Subcontractors and other project-related expenses will be billed at cost plus 15%. Consultation in connection with litigation and Court appearances will be quoted separately. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.50 times the standard hourly rates. Interim and/or monthly,statements will be presented for completed work. These will be due and payable upon presentation unless prior arrangements are made. A finance charge of 1.5%may be charged each month on the unpaid balance. Rev.311196 David Pierce Hohmann A R C H I T E C T To0irYmA-!�/1�'.� 9OD LETTER OFTRANShIMAL i3 3c& .I. �r�1&1110 19I00 Von Karman Avenue Suite220 Irvine.California 92715 (714)724-1599 Attention e-4 r 62 ,9'e}q' Facsimile(714)724-1399 We transmit Via Date a ❑Attached ❑US.Mail +❑fune day File No. ❑Under separate cover ❑U.P.S. ❑Next day Regarding/r j" 574iUG� Miffourier service ❑Telefax ❑Your pick up Total telefax copies including transmittal Co ies Dazed Deseri uon Sig. Fax. i These are transmitted as checked below: ❑For approval B'As requested ❑Your files ❑Documents returned L�r your use ❑For review and comment ❑Construction ❑ 1 Remarks Copy to If enclosures are not as noted,please inform us immediately, f�Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ❑Return enclosures to us. Sign �SEW�Rr CITIOF NEWPORT BERCH , P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658.8915 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: _C1 2q (Ct nn , TO: f'C c c Pnct✓Ir� U 1/✓L° O BUSINESS PHONE: FAX NUMBER: —0l?i-1 RE: _ Jl S 1 o4 0 1���C `� I S . THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS FROM: c) LlU VL�� CITY OF NEWPORT EACH 3300 NEWPORT BO LEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92663 ; i PHONE NO.: (714) 6+q 3?b(,o FAX NO.: (714)644-3250 NO. OF PAGES: SPECIAL $•t INSTRUCTIONS: (1.)� n G�t cs N.o&d ctt,cQ / PcP��s A: 1 A 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach t, 7 CITY OF NEW PORT BEACH U x P.O. BOX 1768. NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658.8915 a., c'141FORN�~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714)644-3200 September 22, 1997 Linscott,Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122, Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Attn: Richard Barretto Subject: Traffic Study for construction of a full service restaurant, located at 4908 Bayside Dr►ve(Bistanizo Restaurant) qoo CONTRACT A PPR 0 VA LIA UTHORIZA TION.- Approved By. Javier S. Garcia � ' Title: Senior Planner Firm: City of Newport Beach Date: September 22, 1997 Traffic Consultant: Linscott, Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive, Suite 122 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Date of Proposal: September 16, 1997,copy on file Project Applicant: Bistango Restaurant (David Hohman, t) Applicant Approval: Signature (D ,applicant) 900 for Bistango Restaurant Project Address: i•9A9 Bayside Drive PATRICIA L.TEMPLE,Planning Director . BY �J .avier S. Garc1 ,AICP Senior Planner F.\USERS\PLNISNAREDU PLANCOM\PENDYNGIAISTANGO\T5113-AP.DOC 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Mr. A S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 ENGINEERS Page This proposal is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. Should this proposal be accepted, the Client (represented by the signature below) agrees to limit Linscott, Law, &GreenVan's liability to the Client and to all Contractors and Subcontractors on the project due to Linscott, Law, &Greenspan's negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of Linscott, Law, & Greenspan to all those named shall not exceed $50,000.00 or, Linscott, Law, & Greenspan's total fee for the services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. Please note that for the purposes of preparing contract paperwork,Linscott, Law&Greenspan,Engineers, is a DBA for 1)02WB, Engineers,Inc.,a California corporation. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with the City of Newport Beach on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal,please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, LINSCOTT,LAW& GREENSPAN;ENGINEERS p &.ram-- Richard E.Barretto Transportation Engineer III Attachment ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH V AS OUTLINED ABOVE,FOR A FEE NOT TO EXCEED $3,500.00 (Autho zep IAgent) (Title) (Firm) 1 (Federal I.D.#) 33o0 lJ!,tper-t- Myd I Ark (Address) (Date P2970103.DM Hug MINIMUM E N G I N E E R S ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 • Costa Mesa,California 92626 Phone:714641-1587 • Fax:714641-0139 September 16, 1997 Mr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES BISTANGO RESTAURANT @ BAYSIDE C�NTE Newport Beach, California n Dear Mr. Garcia: f�q� g"I sia o - `D V t cf�e As requested, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers is p ased to submit this proposal to provide professional traffic engineering services related to the co ction of a 9,892 square-foot (SF), full- service restaurant (Bistango Restaurant) located at 8��. The project site is currently vacant and is located on the northeast corner of Bayside Drive and Promotory Drive in the City of Newport Beach. Based on our discussions with the City of Newport Beach Planning and Traffic Engineering Staff, preparation of a Traffic Impact Study as defined by the following Scope of Work is required. The Traffic Impact Study will be prepared according to the procedures outlined the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, dated February 14, 1994. The potential project-related traffic impacts and possible improvements,if any,will be investigated and addressed in the Traffic Impact Study. SCOPE OF WORK Task I: Existin2Trafffc Volume DataVolume Data As defined by the City Traffic Department, the following four intersections will make up the study area: 1. East Coast Highway @ Dover Drive Bayshore(hive 2. East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive 3. East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 4. Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard Philip M.Linscou,P.E.Met.) lack M.Greenspan,P.E. William A.Law,P.E.(Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,P E. John P.Keating,P.E. David S.Shender,P.E. Pasadena-618 796-2322 • San Diego-619 299-3090 • Las Vegas-702 451-1920 • An LG2W6 Company • Mr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 Page 2 E N G I N E E R S It is our understanding that peak hour traffic volume data for each of these intersections is on file and will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. Task II: Proiect Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic anticipated to be generated the proposed Bistango Restaurant will be based on standard trip generation rates established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. The project related traffic will be distributed and assigned to the street system based on anticipated travel patterns to/from the site. The project-related traffic forecast and distributions patterns will be reviewed by City staff prior to incorporating this information in the traffic report. Task III: Intersection Analysis Using the City's two and one-half hour (2'/2) analysis procedure, the four study intersections will be analyzed to determine whether a formal analysis using the Intersection Capacity Utilization(ICU) method will be required. As stated in City guidelines, if project generated traffic during the two and one-half hour (2%:) period is greater than one percent (1%) of the total background (existing plus regional growth plus approved projects) two and one-half hour (2%2) traffic volume, then an ICU analysis for the AM and/or PM peak hour will be completed for the following conditions: A) Existing traffic volumes,plus regional growth,plus approved projects' B) "A"plus project traffic Based on the ICU analysis, mitigation measures will be suggested/recommended to off-set any adverse traffic impacts caused by the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. Task IV: On-site Circulation Analysis and Parking Evaluation Review and comment on pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation for the proposed project. This analysis will include discussion on the following items in the traffic study for the project: • Pick-up/drop-off areas for valet parking and et rcu.tati o n of vatei oeernavt ° ° r' rty • Sidewall&pedestrian access between off-site and on-site parking areas and restaurant hPa ces . • Traffic controMimitations at site driveways, including spacing, vehicular conflicts, sight lines, left-turn provisions from Bayside Drive, locations of proposed driveways with respect to existing(conflicting)driveways, striping configurations, and median modifications. • .-Ealeul It is our understanding that the City will provide information on existing volumes,regional growth and approved project traffic volumes at the study intersections. f • Ivlr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 E N G I N E E R S Page Task V: Traffic Impact Study A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared which will outline our findings and recommendations. this report will be consistent with the City of Newport Beach Traffic Study Format and include appropriate tables, exhibits, and appendix materials. Draft copies will be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for screencheck review. If necessary, the draft report will be updated based on City comments and final copies of the Traffic Impact Study will be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for approval COST ESTIMATE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT We estimate that our fee for the services outlined in Tasks I through V, can be accomplished within a total cost,not to exceed$3,500.00,without your prior authorization. Our fees will be billed monthly on a time- and-reimbursable expense basis according to the attached Fee Schedule. SCHEDULING We estimate that our Draft Report can be available three to four weeks after we receive written authorization to proceed. This time estimate assumes issues of direct impact (i.e. project description and development program) are well enough defined to allow our analysis to proceed effectively and that existing traffic counts and approved projects traffic volumes will be provided by the City within the first week of our authorization to proceed. ADDITIONAL WORK We will also be pleased to provide any additional support beyond the Scope of Services outlined above as you may require. Such additional tasks may include, but are not limited to the following: conducting manual turning movement counts, evaluating potential project related traffic impacts at other key intersections, preparation of conceptual mitigation improvement plans, and attendance at meetings with team members, City Staff and/or public hearings. Such tasks will be considered extra work and will be billed on a time and materials basis using the attached fee schedule or the fee schedule in effect at the time the those services are requested. For the additional services, a separate contract amendment will be prepared. AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, you may indicate approval by signing on the lines provided below and returning the original for our files, or by issuance of an appropriate purchase order or consultant contract. A copy of this proposal is enclosed for your records. i FEE SCHEDULE E N G I N E E R 5 Effective March 1, 1996 TITLE PER HOUR fnci al PrincipalEngineer*.................................................................................................................$ 133.00 Transportation Engineers Senior Transportation Engineer..............................................................................................$ 108.00 TransportationEngineer III.....................................................................................................$ 92.00 Transportation Engineer II............................................. $ 79.00 ......................................................... TransportationEngineer I.......................................................................................................$ 60.00 Transportation Planners Senior Transportation Planner................................................................................................$ 92.00 TransportationPlanner III.......................................................................................................$ 79.00 TransportationPlanner II........................................................................................................$ 60.00 Transportation Planner I..........................................................................................................$ 55.00 Tecknical Suppport EngineeringAssociate II.........................................................................................................$ 65.00 EngineeringAssociate I..........................................................................................................$ 60.00 CADD Drafter/Senior Technician..........................................................................................$ 57.00 ModelingTechnician II...........................................................................................................$ 60.00 ModelingTechnician I............................................................................................................$ 55.00 Engineering Computer Analyst II...........................................................................................$ 55.00 I Engineering Drafter/Technician..............................................................................................$ 52.00 WordProcessor/Secretary.......................................................................................................$ 45.00 Engineering Computer Analyst I............................................................................................$ 45.00 EngineeringAide Ii.................................................................................................................$ 39.00 EngineeringAide I..................................................................................................................$ 28.00 *Principal-In-Charge will be billed at$155 per hour. Public Hearing support may be charged at 125%of the base rate. Subcontractors and other project-related expenses will be billed at cost plus 15%. Consultation in connection with litigation and Court appearances will be quoted separately. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.50 times the standard hourly rates. Interim and/or monthly statements will be presented for completed work. These will be due and payable upon presentation unless prior arrangements are made. A finance charge of 1.5%may be charged each month on the unpaid balance. Rev.3/1/96 EWE RECEIVED BY E N G I N E E R S PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 • Costa Mesa,California 92626 Z 9 199T Phone:714641-1587 • Fax: 714641-0139 � SE SEP '99 September 16, 1997 71a3�9�0�1i]2i1w�36141516 Mr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES BISTANGO RESTAURANT @ BAYSIDE CENTER Newport Beach, California Dear Mr. Garcia: As requested, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional traffic engineering services related to the construction of a 9,892 square-foot (SF), full- service restaurant (Bistango Restaurant) located at 1000 Bayside Drive. The project site is currently vacant and is located on the northeast corner of Bayside Drive and Promotory Drive in the City of Newport Beach. Based on our discussions with the City of Newport Beach Planning and Traffic Engineering Staff, preparation of a Traffic Impact Study as defined by the following Scope of Work is required. The Traffic Impact Study will be prepared according to the procedures outlined the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, dated February 14, 1994. The potential project-related traffic impacts and possible improvements,if any,will be investigated and addressed in the Traffic Impact Study. SCOPE OF WORK Task I: Existing Traffic Volume Data As defined by the City Traffic Department,the following four intersections will make up the study area: 1. East Coast Highway @ Dover Drive Bayshore Drive 2. East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive 3. East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 4. Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard Philip M.Lmscoll,P.E.(Ret.) lack M.Greenspan,P.E. William A.Law,P.E.(Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,P.E John P.Keating,P.E. David S.Shender,P.E. Pasadena-818 796-2322 • San Diego-619 299-3090 • Las Vegas-702 451-1920 • An LG2W8 Company I • Mr. 7a•S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 ENGINEERS Paget It is our understanding that peak hour traffic volume data for each of these intersections is on file and will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. Task It: Proiect Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic anticipated to be generated the proposed Bistango Restaurant will be based on standard trip generation rates established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. The project related traffic will be distributed and assigned to the street system based on anticipated travel patterns to/from the site. The project-related traffic forecast and distributions patterns will be reviewed by City staff prior to incorporating this information in the traffic report. Task III: Intersection Analysis Using the City's two and one-half hour (2%2) analysis procedure, the four study intersections will be analyzed to determine whether a formal analysis using the Intersection Capacity Utilization(ICU) method will be required. As stated in City guidelines, if project generated traffic during the two and one-half hour (2'/:) period is greater than one percent (19/o) of the total background (existing plus regional growth plus approved projects) two and one-half hour (2%) traffic volume, then an ICU analysis for the AM and/or PM peak hour will be completed for the following conditions: A) Existing traffic volumes,plus regional growth,plus approved projects' B) "A"plus project traffic Based on the ICU analysis, mitigation measures will be suggested/recommended to off-set any adverse traffic impacts caused by the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. Task IV: On-site Circulation Analysis and Parking Evaluation Review and comment on pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation for the proposed project. This analysis will include discussion on the following items in the traffic study for the project: • Pick-up/drop-off areas for valet parking • Sidewalks/pedestrian access between off-site and on-site parking areas and restaurant • Traffic control/limitations at site driveways, including spacing, vehicular conflicts, sight lines, left-turn provisions from Bayside Drive, locations of proposed driveways with respect to existing(conflicting)driveways, striping configurations, and median modifications. • Calculate the parking requirements for Bistango Restaurant based on the City of Newport Beach off-street parking requirements. It is our understanding that the City will provide information on existing volumes,regional growth and approved project traffic volumes at the study intersections. • 1VIr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 E NG IN EE Rs Page Task V: Traffic Impact Study A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared which will outline our findings and recommendations. this report will be consistent with the City of Newport Beach Traffic Study Format and include appropriate tables, exhibits, and appendix materials. Draft copies will be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for screencheck review. If necessary, the draft report will be updated based on City comments and final copies of the Traffic Impact Study will be submitted to the City ofNewport Beach for approvaL COST ESTIMATE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT We estimate that our fee for the services outlined in Tasks I through V, can be accomplished within a total cost,not to exceed$3,500.00,without your prior authorization. Our fees will be bled monthly on a time- and-reimbursable expense basis according to the attached Fee Schedule. SCHEDULING We estimate that our Draft Report can be available three to four weeks after we receive written authorization to proceed. This time estimate assumes issues of direct impact (ie. project description and development program) are well enough defined to allow our analysis to proceed effectively and that existing traffic counts and approved projects traffic volumes will be provided by the City within the first week of our authorization to proceed. ADDITIONAL WORK We will also be pleased to provide any additional support beyond the Scope of Services outlined above as you may require. Such additional tasks may include, but are not limited to the following: conducting manual turning movement counts, evaluating potential project related traffic impacts at other key intersections, preparation of conceptual mitigation improvement plans, and attendance at meetings with team members, City Staff and/or public hearings. Such tasks will be considered extra work and will be billed on a time and materials basis using the attached fee schedule or the fee schedule in effect at the time the those services are requested. For the additional services, a separate contract amendment will be prepared. AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, you may indicate approval by signing on the limes provided below and returning the original for our files, or by issuance of an appropriate purchase order or consultant contract. A copy of this proposal is enclosed for your records. • Mr. Javier S. Garcia, Senior Planner CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 16, 1997 E N G I N E E R S Page 4 This proposal is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. Should this proposal be accepted,the Client (represented by the signature below) agrees to limit Linscott, Law, &Greenspads liability to the Client and to all Contractors and Subcontractors on the project due to Linscott, Law, &Greenspan's negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of Linscott, Law, & Greenspan to all those named shall not exceed $50,000.00 or Linscott, Law, & Greenspan's total fee for the services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. Please note that for the purposes of preparing contract paperwork,Linscott, Law&Greenspan,Engineers,is a DBA for LG2WB, Engineers,Inc., a California corporation. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with the City of Newport Beach on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal,please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, LINSCOTT,LAW&GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS Richard E.Barretto Transportation Engineer III Attachment ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH V AS OUTLINED ABOVE,FOR A FEE NOT TO EXCEED $3,500.00 (Authorized Agent) (Title) (Firm) (Federal I.D. #) (Address) (Date) P29701031)OC FEESCHEDULE E N G I N E E R S Effective March 1, 1996 TITLE PER HOUR ri c' 1 PrincipalEngineer*.................................................................................................................$ 133.00 TrayAportatlon Engineers Senior Transportation Engineer..............................................................................................$ 108.00 TransportationEngineer III.....................................................................................................$ 92.00 Transportation Engineer II......................................................................................................$ 79.00 TransportationEngineer I.......................................................................................................$ 60.00 Transportation Planners Senior Transportation Planner................................................................................................$ 92.00 TransportationPlanner III.......................................................................................................$ 79.00 Transportation Planner II........................................................................................................$ 60.00 , TransportationPlanner I..........................................................................................................$ 55.00 Technical Super EngineeringAssociate II.........................................................................................................$ 65.00 EngineeringAssociate I..........................................................................................................$ 60.00 CADD Drafter/Senior Technician..........................................................................................$ 57.00 Modeling Technician II...........................................................................................................$ 60.00 ModelingTechnician I............................................................................................................$ 55.00 Engineering Computer Analyst II...........................................................................................$ 55.00 Engineering Drafter/Technician..............................................................................................$ 52.00 Word Processor/Secretary.......................................................................................................$ 45.00 Engineering Computer Analyst I............................................................................................$ 45.00 EngineeringAide II.................................................................................................................$ 39.00 EngineeringAide I..................................................................................................................$ 28.00 *Principal-In-Charge will be billed at$155 per hour. Public Hearing support may be charged at 125%of the base rate. Subcontractors and other project-related expenses will be billed at cost plus 15%. Consultation in connection with litigation and Court appearances will be quoted separately. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.50 times the standard hourly rates. Interim and/or monthly statements will be presented for completed work. These will be due and payable upon presentation unless prior arrangements are made. A finance charge of 1.5%may be charged each month on the unpaid balance. Rev.3/1/96 A ��W PORT • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH V z P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 11.1 FO RN PLANNING DEPARTMENT(714)644-3200 September9, 1997 Linscott,Law and Greenspan 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Attn: Mr.Richard Varretto Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for Bistango Restaurant(David Hohman,applicant 1000 Bayside Drive,Newport Beach Dear Mr.Varretto: The City of Newport Beach Planning Department has received an application for the construction of a full service restaurant on a site located at 1000 Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach. The proposed facility would require a TRAFFIC STUDY to determine the impact of the subject proposal on the City's Traffic Circulation System. The City invites you to submit a proposal to prepare a Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for this project. If you are interested, at your earliest convenience, please submit a proposal to the City including project tasks, budget,and timing. A copy of the site plan and conceptual building plans have been included for your information and use. For traffic data or technical questions please contact,Janet Divan in the City's Traffic Engineering Division at (714) 644-3349. Should you have any other questions or need additional information regarding this project,please contact me at the number above. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT PatriciaL. Temple,Director By \ � Jdvier S. Garcia, CP Senior Planner 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach R. Varretto September5, 1997 Page two Attachment: Enclosure from Traffic Engineering Letter from the Applicant Describing the Proposed Operation Copy of Proposed Plans F:\USERS\PLN\SHARED\I PLANCOM\PENDINGOISTANGO\TS 113RFP.DGC I� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TRAFFIC STUDY FORMAT 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3. LOCATION MAP 4. SITE PLAN 5. TRIP GENERATION (table and discussion) 6. TRIP DISTRIBUTION (map and discussion) 7. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS A. List committed projects B. Intersections to be analyzed C. 1% test (table and discussion) D. ICU test (table and discussion) 8. MITIGATIONS (if required) A. Discussion B. Schematic of proposed improvements C. Preliminary 40-scale layout (if improvement is complex or requires R/W) 9. ONSITE CIRCULATION AND PARKING 10. SITE ACCESS 11. SUMMARY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGIONAL TRAFFIC ANNUAL GROATS RATE COAST HIGHWAY East City limit to MacArthur Boulevard I% MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 1$ Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1$ Newport Boulevard to west city limit 1� IRVINE AVENUE All 1$ JAMBOREE ROAD Coast Highway to San Joaquin Hills Road 1� San Joaquin Hills Road to Bison 1� Bison to Bristol 14; Bristol to Campus 1% MACARTHUR BOULEVARD Coast Highway to San Joaquin Hills Road 1% San Joaquin Hills Road to north city limit 1% NEWPORT BOULEVARD Coast Highway to north city limit 1% Street segments not listed are assumed to have o% regional growth. David Pierce Hohmann A R C H I T E C T To " �F� ����/Ja/j�/ fj p� LM7EROFTRANSb1177AL 19100 Yon Karman Avenue Suite 220 Irvine.California 92715 (714)724-1599 Attention -J111 69 aelI,¢ Facsimile(714)724-1399 We transmit ova Daze ld'Attached ❑U.S.Mail ❑Same day Fit Na ❑Under separate cover ❑ups. ❑Next day Regarding -O'Courier service ❑Telefax ❑Your pick up Total telefax copies ❑ including transmittal Copies Dazed Description Sig. Fax. rg These am transmitted as checked below: ❑�For approval ❑As requested ❑Your files ❑Documents returned 0"For your use ❑For review and comment �❑Construction ❑ Remarks Copy to 1f enclosures am not as noted.please inform as immediately. IE'.Xcknowledge receipt of enclosures. ❑Return enclosures to us. ned �� i C G S F E F F F F F F =FF ^ / s � i � s � s S F F F F F F F S F F F S S S 4 S C C C G C C G G c S C C G G e G G w " S O S G C C C C C C C C C C e e e C N s c v�.�` O s s s S S S S P S S � � S STALL LEGEND S S PROPOSED SYMBOL DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF STALLS RESTAURANT S Standard 8'-6" x 18' parking stall 28 A F 45°8'-6'x 18' 21 R C Compact Stall 8' x 15' 34 O TOTAL 83 � T " O R Y o NOTES Q 1. 15 off site stalls being secured. PROPOSED 2 NHandicewpoap rt Beachgstaffbe recommended by City of RESTAURANT BAYSIDE DRIVE City of Newport Beach , California Parking Management Plan P.O.9 x 16635 �, Irvine,CA 92623 Scale: 1 --32' O l PPS 'i I (7141 223.8707 28 August 1997 fe (7141223.8715 II David Pierce Hohmann A R C H I T E C T To ! LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ' 19100 Von Karman Avenue _ Suite 220 Irvine,California 92715 (714)724-1599 Attention ` Facsimile(714)724-1399 We transmit Via Daze 7--7777 ❑Attached ❑US.Mail ❑Same day Fite No. �� ❑Under separate cover ❑U P.S. ❑Next day Regarding —50 -0 Courier service ❑Tekfax ❑Your pick up Total telefax copies ❑ including transmittal Copies Dated Description Sig. Fax. These are transmitted as cheeckkeed below: ❑For approval ;jikls requested ❑Your files ❑Documents returned ❑For your use ❑For review and comment ❑Construction ❑ Remarks Copy to If enclosures are not as noted,please inform us immediately. ❑Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ❑Ream enclosures to us. i9,y 1. Operating hours Cafe Section: Sunday thru Thursday--Lunch and dinner: 11:30 am to 10:30 pm Friday and Saturday—Dinner: 11:30 am to 11:3,0 pm Dinning Room: Monday thru Friday--Lunch: 11:30 am to 3:00 pm Sunday thru Thursday--Dinner: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm Friday and Saturday—Dinner: 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm Concept In order to attract a wide market share, like we have accomplished at Bistango in Irvine, our concept will offer high quality food combined with a fair pricing policy and an unmatched atmosphere in Newport Beach. The proposed Bayside Drive Restaurant will be convenient for the locals to walk or drive to for a casual lunch or dinner on the Cafe side or for a more formal experience on the dining room side. We also anticipate to draw tourists as well as business people from hotels in Orange County. 19100 Von Karman Avenue / Irvine, California 92715/(714) 752-5222 L August Twenty Nine Nineteen Hundred Ninety Seven o PPS ' i r. Jolin GnouKassian Owner Bistango Restaurant 19100 Von Karman Irvine, CA 92612 SUBJECT: Proposed Bayside Drive Restaurant City of Newport Beach Dear John: At your request, I have designed a parking management plan that should satisfy Newport's parking requirements. Some mitigating factors to consider that impact the current one space per fifty square feet ratio are as follows; • Fifteen off site spaces for employee parking. • Low table turnover resulting from high average ticket will result in less vehicle trips. • A substantial portion of your business will be from walk in's (local), and taxi's or vans (hotel). • Also in the last three years, as a result of tougher drunk driver penalties and education, vehicle loads have increased while vehicle trips have decreased due use of commercial transportation alternatives. Handicap parking was not addressed in this plan. I would suggest soliciting advice from City of Newport Beach staff as to appropriate placement of spaces, or if existing handicap spaces in adjacent existing spaces satisfies requirement. As we discussed this proposal is preliminary, please call me with any questions and or comments. I have also enclosed a reference list for your perusal. PPS looks forward to providing all your guests with a positive parking experience. Sn Sincerely' e Ge eranager /SP enclosures P.O. Box 16635 Irvine, CA 92713 tele[714] 223.8707 fax [714] 223.8715 e-mail PARKPPS@aol.com = PPS PARKING, Inc. -Professional References- WESTIN SOUTH COAST PLAZA SOUTH COAST PLAZA 666 Anton Blvd. 3333 Bristol Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 540-2500 (714)435-2000 Mr. John Gilbert Mr.David Grant General Manager Director of Operations PREGO RESTAURANT NEWPORT BEACH MARRIOTT 18420 Von Karman Ave. 900 Newport Center Drive Irvine, CA 92715 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 553-1333 (714) 640-4000 Mr.Franco Vessia Ms. Michele Stneck General Manager General Manager SAN RAMON MARRIOTT CALIFORNIA ANGELS 2600 Bishop Drive 2000 Gene Autry Way San Ramon, CA 94583 Anaheim, CA 92806 (415) 867-9200 (714)937-7282 Mr. Blaine Anderson Ms. Kimberly Andrew Dir. of Rooms Operations Community Relations PHOENIX CROWNE PLAZA ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING 111 N. Central Ave. ARTS CENTER Phoenix, AZ 85004 600 Town Center Drive (602) 257-1525 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Mr. Steven Cohn (714) 556-2122 General Manager Ms. Kathryn Glassmyer SPORTS CLUB IRVINE PHOENIX HILTON SUITES 1980 Main Street 10 East Thomas Road Irvine, CA 92715 Phoenix, AZ 85012 (714) 975-8400 (602) 222-1111 Ms. Chris Collett Mr.Lee Chipman General Manager General Manager FLETCHER JONES MCCORMICK & SCHMICK'S 1301 Quail Street 2000 Main Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Irvine, CA 92714 (714)955-1540 (714)756-0505 Mr. Garth Blumenthal Mr. Shawn Ghanbari General Manager General Manager L'OPERA LAGUNA CLIFF'S MARRIOTT 101 Pine Ave. 25135 Park Lantern Long Beach, CA 90802 Dana Point, CA 92629 (310) 491-0066 (714) 661-5000 Mr.Terry Antonelli Mr.Michael Miner Owner General Manager ****ADDITIONAL REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST**** - PAS PARKING,'Inc. -Professional References- WATERFRONT HILTON TORRANCE MARRIOTT 21100 Pacific Coast Hwy. 3635 Fashion Way Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Torrance, CA 90503 (714) 960-7873 (310) 316-3636 Mr.Terry Ashton Mr.Robert Dictor General Manager General Manager THE CATCH SAN FRANCISCO AIRPORT 1929 State College Blvd. MARRIOTT Anaheim, CA 92806 1800 Old Bayshore Hwy. (714) 634-1829 Burlingame,CA 94010 Mr.Don Meyers (415) 692-9100 General Manager Mr. Stan Moore NEWPORT LIDO General Manager MEDICAL CENTER INN AT THE PARK 351 Hospital Road, Ste 307 1855 S. Harbor Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 645-0500 (714) 756-1811 Ms.Madonna Molinari Mr. Russell Cox Property Manager General Manager NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB BOB BURNS RESTAURANT 720 W.Bay Drive 881 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach,CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 673-7730 (714) 644-2030 Mr.Brian Taylor Ms. Beth Burns Special Events Director Owner BIRTCHER PROPERTIES SPORTING CLUB 18101 Von Karman Ave.,Ste 1240 18007 Von Karman Irvine, CA 92715 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 955-5257 (714) 250-4422 Ms. Diane K. Scott Mr.Michael Alpert Property Manager General Manager CAJUN HOUSE BISTANGO 7117 E. 3rd Avenue 19100 Von Karman Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Irvine, CA 92715 (602)905-8366 (714) 752-5222 Mr.Matt Tractenberg Mr. John Ghoukassian General Manager Owner ****ADDITIONAL REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST**** (800) 701-3763 Ol •. - " IJ�+ .. � ., 1 , .��� a� �•; r - .�h . 1 •'"'r -� _ ` -. a 'L Ih �� '.ail t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1LAW LINSCOTT GREENSPAN E N G I N E E R S 1 �I LINSCOTT E N G I N E E R S 1 TRAFFIC EWFACT STUDY ' BISTANGO RESTAURANT Newport Beach,California ' Prepared For: ' CTTY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O.BOX 1768 ' Newport Beach, California 92659 ' Prepared By: ' LINSCOTT,LAW& GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS 1580 Corporate Drive, Suite 122 Costa Mesa,CA 92626 ' Phone: (714)641-1587 FAX: (714) 641-0139 ' 2-971923-1 November 24, 1997 ' Prepared By: Richard E.Barretto Transportation Engineer III 1®aylA 19➢8 iLINSCOTT 00 E N G I N E E R S ENGINEERS&PLANNERS • TRAFFIC,TRANSPORTATION,PARKING ' 1580 Corporate Drive,Suite 122 • Costa Mesa,California 92626 Phone:714 641-1587 • Fax:714 641-0139 November 24, 1997 ' l&.Javier S. Garcia,Senior Planner ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 ' Subject: TRAFFIC IlVIPACT STUDY BISTANGO RESTAURANT ' Newport Beach, California Dear IW. Garcia: Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) is pleased to submit this Traffic Impact Study for the Bistango Restaurant project.The project is a full service,Italian restaurant to be located at 900 Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach, California. ' Our study investigates the potential traffic impacts as well as circulation needs associated with the development of a 10,014 square-foot restaurant within the project study area. The analysis evaluates the relative traffic impacts of the proposed project at four study intersections for a near-term(1999) ' horizon year. Briefly, based on the results of our analysis, the proposed Bistango Restaurant will not have a significant impact at any of the four study intersections. A summary of findings and conclusions can be found on page 16 of this report. ' We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this investigation for the City of Newport Beach. Should you have any questions regarding this analysis,please call us at(714) 641-1587. ' Very truly yours, LINSCOTT,LAW&GREENSPAN,ENGINEERS Richard E.Barretto ' Transportation Engineer III 1923CDv.DDc 1 Philip M.Linscoa,P.E.1Retd ' lack M.Greenspan,P.E. William A.Law,P.E.(Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,P.E. John P.Keating,P.E. David S.Shender,P.E. ' Pasadena-818 796-2322 0 San Diego-619 299-3090 • Las Vegas-702 451-1920 • An LG2WB Company E N G I N E E R S t ` W O • E N G I N E E R S ' TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DESCRIPTION NUMBER PROJECTDESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 1 PROJECTTRAFFIC GENERATION................................................................................................. 1 ' PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT.......................................................... 5 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................5 ' SITE ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION.......................................................................... 14 ' SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................... 16 ' APPENDICES: APPENDIX A: 1%Traffic Volume Analysis Worksheets ' APPENDIX B: ICU/LOS Calculation Sheets LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE DESCRIPTION NUMBER ' 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST.................................................. 4 2 COMMITTED PROJECTS LIST................................................................................9 ' 3 1%TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS...................................................................... 11 t4 PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY.......................................... 13 E N G I N E E R S ' LIST OF EN BITS ' Ei XMIT PAGE NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 1 VICINITY MAP........................................................................................................ 2 ' 2 PROPOSED SITE PLAN.......................................................................................... 3 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PATTERN.................................................. 6 4 2'/x HOUR PEAK PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES................................................ 7 5 ACCESS AND CIRCULATION LAYOUT............................................................. 15 E N G I N E E R S i 1 t l V i • E N G I N E E R S ' TRAFFIC RVIPACT STUDY BISTANGO RESTAURANT Newport Beach,California PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' The proposed project,consists of a 10,014 square-foot, Bistango Restaurant. The project is a full service, Italian restaurant to be located at 900 Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach. The project site is a ' 1.12-acre, vacant parcel of land, located north of Bayside Drive and east of Promontory Drive. Exhibit 1 presents a Vicinity Map, which illustrates the general location of the project and depicts the surrounding ' street system Exhibit 2 presents the current site plan for the proposed restaurant project, as prepared by the David ' Pierce Hohmann,Architect.The proposed Bistango Restaurant will have a main indoor dining area, a cafe' section where the bar is located, a reception/lobby area, and kitchen/service area, all totaling 8,014 SR A wine cellar totaling 2,000 SF is proposed in the basement of the building. As shown in Exhibit 2, there are 41 standard parking spaces (with 4 handicapped parking stalls) and 38 valet parking spaces. It is our ' understanding that valet parking will be provided during the hours of operations of Bistango (11:30 am to 1:00 am,daily). ' PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ' Traffic generation is expressed in vehicle trip ends, defined as one-way vehicular movements, either entering or exiting the generating land use. Generation factors and equations used in the traffic forecasting ' procedure are typically found in the Fifth Edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) [Washington, D.C., 1991 and February 1995 update) and San Diego ' Traffic Generators,dated December 1996,published by San Diego Associated Governments(SANDAL). Table 1 summarizes the trip generation rates used in forecasting the impact of the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. Trips generated by the proposed project were estimated using TIE Land Use 831 (Quality Restaurant)rates published in the February 1995 update to the Fifth Edition of Trip Generation. 1 ' 1 �'t�i?zh`,;�.r,,� .. •I#lif_t';yx+ g �NSPF .S�e���` ¢t t» ,r'•+vvtr- ..;n .ko4• .it,Y4`s`,�` . qy::.R: Y ,t#^,�r-;: $ � iT�i' ' ., St�_'�M�#.. i,'.;( =!]e-" .:� cis •�4�'r�>::lh:t ir. $: �^r'J`,iyAr' TY:':`7' e::r x��+ :S r ��i,A. 't. ¢' :=s4 ?•.ti`;a/� tM! f`, 'L-r, . 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Esd'�' n ��•if' `r.`�fi„4'� � �:ry 9 �?�W., r�� �1�r�"^,"`qJ �'t..:': •�, �� ��`11Gh�'�t"''h.r5iw'Y,;L'^"7 '_ n�}':�z^:w:,. v,�:,•• 4;t, •sa* xy`r•vn's l„ `v`y'�,s �'� ',o'•l:n\ _ - , s- „ �,> ;ofi;.; ��(EA�1. ,� ,,`yr, y.; ,.< 'fs;•.r' S,nt<::11 !7�� ��tt S : x + <'jj Zy-,'rj•' `'` ,1 } :+.,{' ,f���K I.a�dj;F: .•h_.' ,�.._ .. _�,w.," ,__ .O vf'2�.,,.I'^�i 'Y��ti�.Y'�.,Iy.i> '' Vat .. - ��,.5 i'it:fi3s�yh�,�:j),Fr�ftf Sh�n,•.l is, yti^ts'�\•:]uf.. - •.�� , x �Y ;+.'£^'d tt- - °' 'u]tJ •.� .�i _ _. �%:.- i U (tNO SCALE EXHIBIT 1 UNSC07T uw & VICnNM MAP GREENSPAN E N97MEERS BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH 1 'I 1 %� 1 oaxw r.a.ieu.xo . C ' < W I i4 Y • r o j �QOP05=D I�STAL¢dM n u 1 Lw44 d1/ ^ L w v u � , txvi,nr•wm `� covn� ram n u < ry. Iie < 4t�. Y /fGCYI ar •4< \ ^ ^t < ,a r 1 Dp jVE 1 � m 1 �*1 EXHIBIT 2 y� NO SCALE UNSCOrr 1 LAW& y PROPOSED SITE PLAN E N 6 i N E 6 R 5 BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH i3 j�_ E N G I N E E R S ' TABLE 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Bistango Restaurant, Newport Beach �P {y�RUSE{ DFl"i} �i 1rr �lf. �I' ` . •, . .. „r, _,_..,;. AX #•a,s RbJigOiT+MES,GF.I$,�'i�� abAI O. ; g& , OIL .;,d'Q,T Generation Factors: • 831: Quality Restaurant 95.99 0.81 0.06 0.87 4.95 2.44 7.39 ' E/1000 SF ' Generation Forecast: ' • Bistango Restaurant 960 8 1 9 50 24 74 10,014 SF 2?/z IiOIIR A 1VI PAIL':. :: ::2'/x IIQUItrPMYEA ' T.OTAL. :.:-:LN .:.i'1:OUT.:: 'TOTAL, 2%Hour Peak Factors: • 831:QualiryRestaurant 1.62 0.12 1.74 9.90 4.88 14.78 E/1000 Slt z 2%Hour Peak Forecast: ' • Bistango Restaurant 16 2 18 100 48 148 10 014 S ' TE/l000 SF=Trip ends per 1000 square-feet(SF) of development. 1 1 ' Source: Trip Generation,A Edition,Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), February 1995 Update to the Sth Edition, [Washington,D.C.) 2 The peak hour trip potential of the project has been adjusted by a City approved factor of two(2)to anticipate theproject's Yahour ' peak tnaftgencrah . 4 E N G I N E E R S ' Review of Table 1 shows that,during a "typical'weekday, the restaurant project is expected to generate a total of 960 vehicular trips on a daily basis (480 inbound, 480 outbound), with 9 trips (8 inbound, 1 ' outbound)produced during the AM peak hour, and 74 trips(50 inbound, 24 outbound)forecast during the PM peak hour. ' The AM and PM peak hour volumes have been adjusted upwardly by a City approved factor of two (2)to ' anticipate the project's 2'/x hour peak traffic generation. During the AM peak 2'/z hour period,a total of 18 vehicles are expected. A total of 148 vehicle trips are projected during the PM peak 2'/z hour period. ' PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT ' An arrival/departure pattern which illustrates the roadways that the site generated vehicles would utilize to enter/exit the site is depicted in Exhibit 3. Project traffic volumes in and out of the site have been distributed and assigned to the adjacent street system based upon the following considerations: 1)the site's proximity to major traffic carriers (e.g., East Coast Highway, Jamboree Boulevard, Dover Drive); 2) expected localized traffic flow patterns based on adjacent street channelization and presence of traffic signals; 3) ingress/egress availability at site driveways on Bayside Drive; 4) existing peak hour turning movement volumes, and 5)input from City staff. As shown in Exhibit 3,project traffic is evenly distributed tto the surrounding street system tExhibit 4 presents the anticipated 2'/2 hour AM and PM peak project traffic volumes at the key study intersections. The project traffic assignment was completed by distributing the project traffic volumes ' shown in Table 1 to the distribution pattern illustrated in Exhibit 3. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ' City Methodology This traffic analysis follows the procedures set forth in the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing ' Ordinance. (ITO). The TPO calls for a two step process to determine potential project impact, (1) an initial traffic contribution analysis at each designated study intersection, and (2) a complete volume to ' capacity analysis at those intersections identified as being impacted in the initial analysis. 5 S o� gQ1�. 25� >K r5x NEWPORT �� 'n <25 DUNES W. COAST HWY 4k 30% RESORT 25X► , F CRESMEW c°q c� LINDA SLE o 6y NrORr R A' izov o F rn ROMONiORyOR x>K -wsz 5 sX7 � o X> 1! �Q 3x O PROJECT s3 SITE s BALBOA ISLAND x� 7 U KEY EXHIBIT 3 TNO SCALE <xxx = OUTBOUND PERCENTAGE �XX% = INBOUND PERCENTAGE UNSCOTT LAB N PNV PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PATTERN ENOIMEER! BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH i� % } 0 NEWPORT DUNES W. coA5r HWY RESORT �o CRESTVIEW ' 00, S a� LINDA A�Ob F�� SLE @qys/ OQY / tr 5/30 2 F ROM0NI0 OR y PROJECT SITE BALBOA ISLAND La KEY 3 V XX/YY = AM/PM PROJECT VOLUMES EXHIBIT 4 tNO SCALE UNSCOTF LAW A SPAN 2 1/2 HOUR PEAK PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES ENGINEERS BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH • E N G I N E E R S i The initial traffic analysis, also called the "One Percent Traffic Test," compares 2'/z hour AM and/or PM ' peak period project traffic to forecast future traffic volumes at intersections to be studied. If the proposed Bistango Restaurant project generates the equivalent of one percent or more of the forecast traffic volume ' on one or more approaches of a study intersection, that intersection is determined to be impacted by the project. The impacted intersection(s) are then subjected to a full traffic analysis. lithe project traffic is less than.l% of background traffic, the project is not anticipated to have a significant impact on the operations of that intersection. ' The frill project traffic analysis, called the "ICU Test," is conducted for the AM and/or PM peak hours, using the Intersection Capacity Utilization(ICU)method,and evaluates the following three conditions; 1. Existing - Volume to capacity ratio of base traffic year. Assessment of year 1996 and/or 1997 ' traffic(provided by City ofNewport Beach). 2. Existing &Regional & Committed Projects - Forecast of future conditions, without the proposed ' project, resulting from regional jtraffic growth and other committed development. (Committed development traffic and regional traffic growth rates provided by the City of Newport Beach). ' 3. With Project - Analysis of future traffic operations resulting from the addition of project generated traffic. ' The "With Project' impact is determined based on TPO criteria. An intersection is considered to be impacted by project traffic when the ICU value (volume to capacity ratio) is greater than 0.90. Project ' impact is considered to be mitigated when system improvements modify the ICU value to less than or equal to 0.90,or project improvements modify an ICU value to less than the"Without Project'ICU. ' Committed Projects Table 2 presents a list of committed projects recently updated by the City of Newport Beach. The list shows three projects that are partially occupied and 13 projects that have yet to begin to be occupied. 8 • E N G I N E E R S ' TABLE 2 ' COMMITTED PROJECTS LIST' Bistango Restaurant,Newport Beach PROUGT NAM' . ' : ':':' •:OGCUPi$b.? 121 Newport Village 0 ' 124 Civic Plaza 0 125 Corporate Plaza&West 13 129 Hoag Hospital Extension 2 ' 134 Interpretive Center 0 142 Hoag Hos ital Expansion 0 147 Balboa Bay Club Expansion 0 148 Fashion Island Expansion 2 152 Fletcher Jones Mercedes 0 154 Temple Bat Yahm Expansion 0 156 Corona Del Mar Plaza 0 ' 157 Ford Development 0 158 TLA Drive Thm Restaurant 0 555 Ciosa-Irvine Project 0 ' 910 Newport Dunes 0 930 City of Irvine Develo ment 0 ' 3 Source.City of Newport Beach ' 9 • E N G I N E E R S Analyzed Intersections ' Based on the location of the proposed restaurant, the following four intersections have been selected for evaluation by City Staff for this project. 1. East Coast Highway @ Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive 2. East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive ' 3. East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 4. Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard ' Traffic Data Provided by the City of Newport Beach As stated previously, existing traffic volumes, regional growth rates, and traffic to be generated by ' approved cumulative projects have been provided by City staff for each of the above intersections on an intersection approach basis. This data has been used to estimate the 2%: hour peak background traffic ' volumes. One-Percent(1%)Traffic Volume Analysis Test ' Table 3 depicts the 1% peak background approach volumes, the 2'/2 hour project traffic volumes, and ' results of the 1% Traffic Volume Analysis test, for each of the intersections studied during the PM peak period. A 1% Traffic Volume Analysis test for the 2'/2 hour AM peak conditions was not prepared since the proposed project is expected to generate only a nominal amount of traffic. As shown in Table 1 and ' Exhibit 4, the Bistango Restaurant project has a 2'/2 Hour AM peak generation of 18 trips (2 inbound, 16 outbound),and at worst,will add a maximum of 10 trips to any of the adjacent study intersections. ' Detailed analysis sheets of the 2'/z hour PM peak conditions,using the City's methodology, are attached at the end of this report in Appendix A. ' As shown in Table 3, comparing the 2'h hour PM peak project traffic to the 1%background volumes for each intersection approach indicates that one of the four intersections' approach volumes are impacted by less than 1% of the background volume. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed Bistango ' Restaurant project will not have a significant impact at the study intersection of East Coast Highway and Dover DriveBayshore Drive. ' 10 1 E N G I N E E R S ' TABLE 3 ' 1%TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSW Bistango Restaurant,Newport Beach I�,,1# '�� ,��C.� �� ,.ui I'1@�4�it I-I � �+d �, ry1r��l �tti ��r.�• 'ii��i i�fi `�Ij' ''� SI a�{{ ;. o.& �> T^F f,Aiy" ,� ?};. :ff t +�kCi.'. ...i� r<r� Y,, fN� ,.t!"�' "•'."'ili r + yi3q TRAYFi �OLlYlE _ 1.: k _AlY ',' 9 , t�......��:x• s;t�•.�i Fi. #c��2'/�cP�al��o 1. East Coast Highway @ NB 2 0 No Pover/Bayshore Drive SB 30 5 No ' EB 53 25 No WB 101 14 No 2. East Coast Highway @ NB 13 14 Yes Bayside Drive SB 39 0 No EB 72 30 No WB 75 0 No 3. East Coast Highway @ NB 17 29 Yes ' Jamboree Boulevard SB 44 30 No EB 81 0 No WB 57 30 No 4. Bayside Drive @ NB 5 3 No Jamboree Boulevard SB 10 60 Yes EB 7 33 Yes WB 4 5 Yes 4 Appendix A contains the 1%Traffic Volume Analysis Worksheets for each of the study intersections. ' 1) E N G I N E E R S ' However, at the intersections of East Coast Highway/Bayside Drive, East Coast Highway/Jamboree Boulevard, and Bayside Drive/Jamboree Boulevard, the 2'h hour PM peak project traffic volume exceeds ' one percent of the background traffic volumes on at least one of the approaches. Therefore, ICU analyses have been completed for these three study intersections during the PM peak hour. ' Capacity Analysis(ICU method) ' Table 4 presents the results of the level of service analyses for East Coast Highway @ Bayside Drive,East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard, and Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard. As shown, all three ' study intersections currently operate at Level of Service (LOS) C or better during the PM peak commute hour. ' The PM peak hour LOS at East Coast Highway and Bayside, and Bayside and Jamboree, are forecast to deteriorate one service level and operate at LOS C with the addition of background (ambient and cumulative)traffic. The level of service at East Coast Highway and Jamboree Boulevard also deteriorates. However, this study intersection is forecast to operate at LOS D (ICU = 0.88) during the PM peak hour ' with the addition of ambient and cumulative project traffic. ' The addition of project-related traffic volumes to these three key intersection is not expected to change the forecast background LOS during the critical evening peak commute hour. The project is not,expected to ' increase the ICU values of these three intersections. All three intersections are forecast to continue to operate at LOS D or better during the PM peak hour. Based on the results of this analysis, we conclude that the proposed Bistango Restaurant project will not have a significant impact at the intersections of East Coast Highway/Bayside Drive, East Coast ' Highway/Jamboree Boulevard, and Bayside Drive/Jamboree Boulevard, as well. 12 L • E N G I N E E R 5 ' TABLE 4 ' PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY' Bistango Restaurant,Newport Beach �« ' *•,j0 #E.'.:�4'. `_iE,L. J. T}'Fw+' E79�lei+.t}�.i�V' ik 1C on I in i4 '�•ih �IA " Condi tonffi B tls ,�.•._ .�•�"�n. 1�,u_J—'t.. MHO}iYM:i.it'-'2� FSiSi-i '[�✓ -.+�n"�iCC� «� yr 4+� ` ) I xCe Yens hOn t $ kr'CCU.` 0 5 E sZC[J LOOS WN1W EYI30S us # .; r, ' East Coast Highway @ Ba side Drive 0.68 B 0.79 C 0.79 C 0.00 East Coast Highway @ Jamboree Boulevard 0.75 C 0.88 D 0.88 D 0.00 Bayside Drive @ Jamboree Boulevard 0.68 B 0.69 B 0.69 B 0.00 t , 1 1 ' s Appendhc B contains the PM peak hour ICU/LOS calculation worksheets. 13 E N G I N E E R S 1 SITE ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION 1 Site Access 1 Exhibit 5 illustrates the access and circulation layout of the proposed Bistango Restaurant and the existing Bayside Center (Von's Pavilion) located at 1000 Bayside Drive. As shown, access to 1 Bistango will be provided by an existing driveway located on the northside of Bayside Drive, approximately 260 feet east of Promontory Drive. This driveway is one of three existing, full access unsignalized driveways that currently serves Bayside Center. Both left-turns and right-turns into and 1 out of this entry/exit are now permitted. No changes to the existing driveway access configuration are recommended with the development of the proposed Bistango Restaurant project. 1 Internal Circulation 1 A review of the conceptual site plan presented in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 5 indicates adequate on-site circulation. No changes to the proposed parking layout are recommended. Review of the site plan 1 indicates that a drive aisle, measuring 26 feet wide at its narrowest point, will be provided between the proposed valet parking spaces. As stated earlier, we understand that valet parking will be provided during 1 Bistango's operating hours. However, to minimize vehicular conflicts, we recommend that the six spaces (three standard and three 1 valet)in the upper northwest corner of the site be designated for employee/staffparking(See Exhibit 5). 1 Further,to ensure that the project entry/exit driveway at Bayside is kept clear of project traffic at all times, we recommend that stacking storage for four(4)vehicles is provided. Assuming an average car length of 1 22 feet, approximately 88 feet of storage will be required. Sufficient storage can be maintained by requiring the first vehicle of a platoon to pull forward to approximately to the fourth valet stall(See Exhibit 5). 1 1 1 14 1 ' DESIGNATE AS EMPLOYEE/STAFF PARKING n nr• / �lA ♦.t jIA— I IV ' �� • PULL FORWARD - -�_ _ __- - -- ^•» TO THIS POINT ' SHOPS _.. ) w.- • i tt < r� j woo ..m a l :1. I�.l'�:: ,..•L,j��jjj fzS . rri::: •", � y • fi;li�al 'i t� � '1jJt;• i�'•�`�I" „1 r :ZS ' t:¢•. f •\a< `•+<e t •� 4 1 .In� , 'Fip I, 1 ' � G] ..'{ 're 1 1 • 1_I i 12 -- to . ,...•� ;� KEEP ENTRY/EXIT CLEAR ' AT ALL TIMES a ' •9 7 a ' EXHIBIT 5 tw SCALE ' LINSCOTT ILAWNSPAN ACCESS AND CIRCULATION LAYOUT GUE' ENGINEERS BISTANGO RESTAURANT, NEWPORT BEACH 15 • t ' E N G I N E E R S SUMMARY ' 1. The proposed project consists of a 10,014 square-foot,Bistango Restaurant.The project site is a 1.12- acre,vacant parcel of land,located north of Bayside Drive and east of Promontory Drive,in the City of Newport Beach. 2. A total of 79 parking spaces is proposed, consisting of 41 standard parking spaces(with 4 handicapped parking stalls) and 38 valet parking spaces. Valet parking will be provided at Bistango during all hours of operations. ' 3. The Bistango Restaurant project is expected to generate a total of 960 vehicular trips on a daily basis, ' with 9 trips produced during the AM peak hour, and 74 trips forecast during the PM peak hour. The project's 2'/2 hour peak period trips total 18 vehicles and 148 vehicles during the AM and PM peak 2'Y2 ' hour periods,respectively. ' 4. The results of the One Percent Test and the ICU Test, conducted pursuant to the Newport Beach TPO, indicated that project generated traffic is not expected to produce a significant traffic impact at any of the four intersections selected for evaluation by City staff. 5. Stacking storage for approximately four vehicles is required to ensure that the project entry/exit driveway at Bayside is kept clear at all times, especially during Bistango's peak hours of operation. 19231YA.DOC(Novemb=24,19971036 A" 16 1 E N G I N E E R S 1 A a E N G I N E E R S 1 1 APPENDIX A ' 1% TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS 1' 1 I % Traffic Volume Analysis Guco R�`' Intersection COAST HIGHWAY / DoVER DRIVE — BAYSHORE DRIVE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter I Spring 1997 rM ) Approach Existing Peak 2 V2 Hour 9 Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2 1/2 Hour Re lonal Projects Peak 2 1/2 Hour Peak 21/2 Hour Peak 2 112 Hour Volume Cro'� PEAK 2 1 Hour Volume I Volumee Volume Volume Volume 9gg ' Northbound 234 E} -9 234 0 ' Southbound 2813 � �p ?jD(3 ZjD 5 ' Eastbound 4638 013 �jC(t7 JZZI Cj?j ' Westbound 9100 1$L j lot DIP ' Mill Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected 11 V�ll Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE. ' PROJECT: A I 0 iXRLUYM I % Traffic Volume Analysis "FOp r IlltefS0d011 COAST HIGHWAY/RAYSIDE DRIVE ' ( Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter I Spring 19 96 — PM ) Approach Existing Peak 2 112 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Re Tonal Projects Peak 2 112 Hour Direction Peak 2 1/2 Hour 9 Peak 2 1/2 Hour Peak 2112 Hour Volume Growth PEAK 2 1/2 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1258 ' Southbound 137 'B" ' Eastbound 6651 1i7O Westbound 6732 20v � / 15 1 ' Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. ' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ' IsT IGa mil' DATE: 1XIt�lOn V •'t—iA^i� _ ' PROJECT: tia IX4411YCOR 1 ' 1 1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 1 Intersection JAMBOREE/BAYSIDE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 1991 PM 1 Peak 231 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1n of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peaour Peak VolumeHour PeaVolumeour PeaVolumeour Volume Volume ig19•; Volume 1 3 Northbound 484 Southbound 1 907 Eastbound 112 �7�`� `-71b 33� I 727 49 i 1 Westbound 348 1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume 1 / Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ® Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 [VtOtll DATE: PROJECT: A-3 1 123 FORM I I °/o Traffic Volume Analysis COAST HWY / JAMBOREE RD Intersdon ' ( Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter!Spring 19 97 ) PM ' Approach Existing Peak 2 112 Hour Approved Projected I% of Projected Project Re Tonal Projects Peak 2 112 Hour Direction Peak 2 112 Hour 9 Peak 2 112 Hour peak 2112 Hour Volume Oro`'+ PEAK 2 1e Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume(Ray Volume Q ' Northbound 1682 r'� % ' Southbound 3708 74, �0Z "G /`j(�• ILA ' Eastbound 7093 pgv g Westbound 4874 ' ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. ' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of ,Projected Peak 2112 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ' UD � DATE: lilt 1 e 17 ' PROJECT: B tY44 ra - E N G I N E E R S APPENDIX B ICU/LOS CALCULATION SHEETS 1 1 1 ' CH3O6OPM 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY&DOVER DRIVE/BAYSHORE DRIVE 1 3060 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1997 PM I I EXISTING I PROPOSED I EXISTING I EXISTING I REGIONAL I COMMITTED I PROJECTED I PROJECT- I PROJECT I ' I Movement I Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I WC I I I Capacity I Capacity I Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume I w/o Project I I Ratio I I I I I I I I I Volume I I I N — - - •--- -- --_--_ _-- _ I NI. I 16001 I 11 1 I 0.01 I I 1 I I 1 63 1 I I I I I I NT I I _ NR 1 —__ 32 1 SL 1 48001 I 9881 0.21 • I I I I I ' I ST 1 16001 I 881 0.06 1 I 1 I 1 I SR 1 16001 I 173 1 0.11 I I EL 1 3200 1 I 145 1 0.05 1 ET I 1 I 1751 ' I ................ .. 4800 ......--........ .. ........----26 1 0.37 i...._... I ER I 1 1 WL 1 1600 1 1 34 1 0.02 I I I I•_---- �_—.. 1 I WT 1 48001 1 26951 0.56 WR I N.S. 1 1 1593 I EXISTING I.C.U. 1 I 0.85 I 1 1 EXISTING+REG GROWTH+COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I I I I ' I EXISTING+COMMITTED+REGIONAL GROWTH+PROJECT I.C.U. I -1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.will be less than or equal to 0.90 I _ 1 -1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.will be greater than 0.90 ' 1 _1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 1 -1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.with project Improvements will be less than I.C.U.without project I Description of system Improvement: Moir "1 ' PROJECT FORM II CH306OPM 1 1 ' CH5440PM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS ' INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY & BAYSIDE DRIVE 5440 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1996 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALIC OHM ITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio IVolume I V/C' I I ICapacitylCapacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I VOIUma IN/0 Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I Ifi I I Volume I I I ' -""-"-------------------------------"""----------------------"--------___-------I I NL I I 472 I — I ;y 1 • I "7 I 1 I ----- ) ----""---------- ?J" "--- I I - HT_ 4800 1 1 10 0.11 * 1 I 0. 17,4 1 — IO,12 --) ------------------) -------'"---- I I HR 1 1 62 1 — I t� I"... "-I__.. I I I___________________________________________________________ ___________ I"-St. 1---1600-1--------1- 131 0.01_1-�_._I_. _J___1_ 0,06_'Irl------IO-C,/,;,* --------------- _ I ST I 1 9 I I 1 0 1 0,0Sc I 10,or I 1600 ------------------) 0.03 *---------------- 3 I I SR 1 1 39 1 13b I I -- 1 1 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I EL 1 1600 1 1 73 1 0.05 * I- I J7� I ,o7 *1 — I ,07 ..a. I---------------"----------------------"------""---------------------------""----- --------I ' I ET I 4800 1 1 2160 1 0.45 1 (v5 1-'[( J 1 190 1 -- 1 ,5I 1 .__--------------------"-----"---------------------___"-----"--------""---'"----'__------"-I ER 1 1600 1 1 468 1 0.29 1 l4 1 Q I i &' I -- - ---- - --- - -- �3I I = I 1 WL I 1600 1 I s7 1 0.04 I Z I �� I ..07 I I �Oy_I I___WT --"---'-"I--'-----L 3112 ----'---'I'�,3"I----___'-- --___4- �1 6400 ------------------3 0.49 *-----------"--='- .�� '1 WR" 1 I 34 1 1 19 I - -------" (EXISTING I 0.68 I I �------'------'----------- --- '-----'"---'----------'----.___ 1 1-----"--------------------------"--------------.._'------------------------- I ' (EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1 0.11 1 1 I______________________________________________________________________________________ ____ (EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. 1011-II -----'"------"-"---"-------------"----- ..______ ' Nrojected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 t I_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 I_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be Less than or equal to 0.90 ' I_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: 1C.1 ell PROJECT FORM II ' CH5440PM CH5055PM 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UIILIZAIION ANALYSIS ' INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY&JAMBOREE ROAD 5055 - 1997 PM EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING I EXISTING I PROPOSED I EXISTING I EXISTING I REGIONAL I COMMITTED I PROJECTED I PROJECT I PROJECT I ' I Movement I Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume I V/C I I I Capacity I Capacity I Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume I w/o Project I I Ratio I I I I I �qq Volume I NL 1 1600 1 1 55 1 0.03 1 I D 1 0,,0+ I NT 1 I 528 0.203200 ` -------- - ---- --- I NR 1 I 119 I I SL 1 1600 1 I 147 1 0.09 - I ST 1 3200 1 I 9171 0.16 1 (0 I --------- - --------- - --Z— - -�A - - - - -- - I SR I N.S. I I 1111 I 1 2 I I I I I ' - 942 1 I 0.20 0 (�- ---- --- - - -22� - - --- 5- -I ------ 1 t 2 5 I EL 1 4800 1 I I I I — — --ET - - '--- —_--- —1709----- I —2 --- I _l=17 7 - -- - ----- JI I I ER 1 1 19 I p I ' I WL I 3200 1 --- 1 --173 1 — 0.05 I 3- 1 3 — 1 0, — 1 tS-- 1 0,06 1 WT I 64001 1 16801 0.26 " 3t� I Z"jI I b,3tI — 10,zl� ----- - -`------- - --- -------- - ------- - -------- I t I WR I N.S. I I 164 l 1 3 I I i I I —_ --__ _ ________ I I EXISTING . I.C.U. 1 0.75 1 I --- - - - --- - -- - -- - -- - ——— - 1 ' I EXISTING+REG GROWTH+COMMITTEDW/PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTSI.C.U. --------- - ---- -------- - -------- I D. ---- I I EXISTING+COMMITTED+REGIONAL GROWTH+PROJECT I.C.U. 00 IM Projected+project traffic LC.U.will be less than or equal to 0.90 — Projected+project tmffic I.C.U.will be greater than 0.90 1-1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 ' 1.1 Projected+project traffic I.C.U.with project Improvements will be less than I.C.U.without project Description of system improvement: - - - - •FORM 11 ' PROJECT CH5055PM ' �,•3 JA5485PM ' INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE RD. & BAYSIDE * 5485 tEXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING__-- --------------1991 PH- I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI ' IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK MR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio ]VOIume I V/C I ICapacitylCapecityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume 1w/o Project] [,Ratio I I I I I I I kcMol I I Volume I I i--------------------------------------------------------------------;---------------------- ' ] ' NL 1 1600 1 1 165 1 0.10* �' I C7 1'-OII -�-,---'I---1•(9,(0 1---NT------------I--------i--------------------------I--- O,Io 230 ]_ �. 1 0' 210(b I 1________) 3200 ------------------) 0.10 ------- MR 1 1 89 1 _T_31__ _______________1 0 1 I ______________________________________________ } _______________I SL 1 1600 1 1 . 60 1 0.04 — I 'L5 1 01015 10 10,C 1 i-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] ST 1 1600 1 1 587 1 0.3744 •r 1 11 I I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ' SR 1 1600 1 1 260 1 0.16 ] I IOr I 0.(M I -$K I n fq'I I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I EL 1 1600 1 1 too 1 0.06 — I 8 1 0,01 11+ 1 00g•1 I-----------------------------------------------_-------------- --I Y 1 ET 1 1600 1 1 329 1 0.21* --- I 0 1 01� Q I I 0,Z{ I !� ------------- --------------------------------I ER 1 1600 1 1 298 1 0.19 1 1 d 1 0,, 1CI 11 10,111 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 1 WL 1 1600 1 1 1 1 0.00* -- 1 a 1 O, VC,* b 1010) 1 ' 1--- ------------i--------i----------------i--------i-- ----------------i---------.-.--��---T O1 80 -------- 3200 ------------------) 0.11 --- -------------- ?3.t,---------- WR -I1 1 1 267 1 - I 1� I I C, I I ______________1 [EXISTING I O.bb I I 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1 0,(& 1 I ' I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 1EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. I � � _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ' Projected + project traffic will be less than or equal to 0.90 ' I_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 I_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 I_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project Des- ------------------------------- � "--___---- 1 ' Description of system improvement: {7J1 ., p PROJECT y ,1��_vv I-✓ I �^'' ll ll ' 1 24 JA5485PM i ENGINEERS &PLANNERS ■ TRAFFIC, TRANSPORTATION , PARKING