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osx5486\pvpg\posy3028\absw1368\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 March 5, 2001\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1569\pvpg\posy11635\absw1243\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \i \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 FINDINGS:\par \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs42 \b \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs42 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH\par \pard \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 \f3 \fs22 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (949) 644-3200\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 MODIFICATION PERMIT\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Mr. James Tomkinson\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 19 Cherty Hills Lane\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, California 92660\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1512 \colsr1627\colno2\colw3657 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Application \f3 \fs22 \b No:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \b0 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PA2001-029 for\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Modification Permit No. MD2001-018\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2841 \colsr292\colno2\colw2577 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Applicant:\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Address of Property Involved:\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Legal Description:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 James Tomkinson\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 19 Cherry Hills Lane\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Lot No. 72, Tract No. 7438\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Request as Modified and Approved:\par \pard \par uired 15 foot rear yard setback.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Original Request:\par \pard \par the required 15foot rear yard setback.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear Mr. Tomkinson:\par \pard \par application request as modified based on the following findings and subject to the following \f3 \fs22 conditions.\par \pard \par improvements in the neighborhood and that the modification as approved \f3 \fs22 would be consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, \f3 \fs22 and made the following findings:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs26 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs26 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach\par \pard \page\par March 5, 2001 \f3 \fs22 Page - 2\par se. The existing residential structure is consistent with this \f3 \fs22 designation. The structure is accessory to the primary use.\par \pard \par California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 \f3 \fs22 (Accessory Structures).\par \pard \par ort Beach Municipal Code and is a logical use of the property \f3 \fs22 that would be precluded by strict application of the zoning requirements for this District \f3 \fs22 for the following reasons:\par \pard \par iginally requested.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx432 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 The structure is a minor encroachment into a sloping yard that is below the level of\line \tab \f3 \fs22 the residential pad immediately adjacent.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx432 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 The highest point of the proposed structure will not exceed the height of the back yard\line \tab \f3 \fs22 grade of the property located at the rear property line.\par \pard \par ghborhood or increase any detrimental effect of the \f3 \fs22 existing use for the following reasons:\par \pard \par lding and grading requirements enforced by the \f3 \fs22 Building Department will ensure the safety of the residence overlooking the subject \f3 \fs22 property.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx432 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 The proposed structure will not affect the flow of air or light to adjoining residential\line \tab \f3 \fs22 properties because it is built below the neighboring properties at the rear.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx432 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 The proposed structure will not obstruct views from adjoining residential properties\line \tab \f3 \fs22 because there is no view from this location that will be affected.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \li360\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 The proposed rear yard setback encroachment is minor in nature.\par \pard \page\par March 5, 2001 \f3 \fs22 Page - 3\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1569\pvpg\posy11107\absw691\absh264\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 JSG:gr\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1574\pvpg\posy11654\absw1257\absh288 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Attachments:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1584\pvpg\posy12216\absw1113\absh552 \f3 \fs22 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Letters of\par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Opposition:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1584\pvpg\posy13324\absw1065\absh552 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Appeared \f3 \fs22 in Support:\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs22 \i \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 CONDITIONS:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par as noted in the following conditions.\par \pard \par other approvals in the vicinity or Citywide constitute a \f3 \fs22 precedent for future approvals or decisions.\par \pard \par encement of the construction.\par \pard \par ecified in this approval shall require submittal of a new \f3 \fs22 modification permit application.\par \pard \par 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code.\par \pard \par o issuance of the building permits or \f3 \fs22 issuance of revised plans.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 By (~,~t ~-.--\par \pard \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Javier 4' ~arcia, AICI~, Senior Planner\par \pard \ql \fi720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Chairperson\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2870 \colsr1603\colno2\colw1742 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Vicinity Map\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Jane Perry, 8 Torrey Pines\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Gary Singer, 10 Torrey Pines\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Janes Family, 12 Torrey Pines\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 None\par \pard \column \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 James Tomkinson\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\phpg\posx518\pvpg\posy403\absw480\absh230 \f1 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 FROM\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2736 \colsr1094\colno2\colw2620 \f2 \fs16 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs16 PHONE NO. : 949 644 2298\par \pard \f1 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 Feb. 28 2001 11:2?AM P1\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Jane Perry \f3 \fs22 8 Torrey Pines Lane \f3 \fs22 New0ort Beacl~ CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 February 28, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 VIA FACSIMILE (949) 644-3250\par \pard \par \f1 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs22 Mr. Jay Oamia\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs22 Senior P|anaing Director\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs22 City of Newport Beach\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs22 Nevcpost Beach Pl~ning Delmrtment\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 3300 Newport Boulevard\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, CA 92663\par \pard \par Permit No. MD 2001-018\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear lvk\_ Oarcia:\par \pard \par ere is no \f3 \fs22 reason for the proposed encroachment given the significant lot size of the propotty. \f3 \fs22 Finally~ the encroaching struet~e will interfere with the view of several property owners, \f3 \fs22 includdng the undersigne~\par \pard \par d an opportunity to study them and make our \f3 \fs22 positions more formally known at your public hearing.\par \pard \par \qj \fi720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs22 Please do not hesitate to call me at (949) 640-8022 ill can provide any add/tional \f1 \fs22 information.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Sincerely,\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Jane Petty\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\cols1\f2 \fs16 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs16 GARY J. SINGER\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1771 \colsr144\colno2\colw2985 \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 February28,2001\par \pard \column \f2 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 RECEIVED BY\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 PLANNING DEPARTMENT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs16 CITY O[: NEWP~I::\}T 8EACH\par \pard \tx144 \tqr\tx2160 \tx2448 \tab \tab \f2 \fs28 I'IAR 0 b 2061\line \tab \f2 \fs28 \b AM\tab \tab \f2 \fs28 PM\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 VIA FACSIMILE (949) 644-3250\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Mr. Jay Garcia\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Senior Planning Director\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 City of Newport Beach\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach Planning Department\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 3300 Newport Boulevard\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, CA 92663\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b \tx720 \f3 \fs22 Re:\tab \ul \f3 \fs22 \i Property qf James Tompkinson - 19 Cherry Hills Lane\ulnone \line \tab \f3 \fs22 PA2001-029 - Modification Permit No. MD 2001-018\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear \f2 \fs22 Mr. \f3 \fs22 Gareia:\par \pard \par .\par \pard \par ve had an opportunity to study \f3 \fs22 them and make our positions more formally known at your public hearing.\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\phpg\posx2524\pvpg\posy5577\absw364\absh273 \f3 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 Re:\par wport Beach, Ca 92660\par \pard \f2 \fs22 \b \tqc\tx1440 \tab \f2 \fs22 RECEIVED BY\line \tab \f2 \fs22 \b0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT\line \tab \f2 \fs22 CITY O~ ~gwoc~'r ~EACH\line \tab \f2 \fs30 FEB 2 8 001\par \pard \tx288 \tx2448 \tab \f2 \fs30 \b AM\tab \f2 \fs30 PM\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 February 28, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 VIA FAX (949)6~3250\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Mr. Jay Garcia\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Senior Planning Director\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 City Of Newport Beach\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 l'qewpoR Beach Planning Department \f3 \fs22 3300 Newport Boulevard\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, Ca 92663\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 19 Cherry Hills Lane, Newpor~ Beach. Ca\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 ]ames Tompkinson-PA2001-029 Modification Permit No, MD 2001-018\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear Mr. Garcia,\par \pard \par re has what appears to he a \f3 \fs22 fireplace with a proposed flue or stack that in our opinion may emit smoke that may \f3 \fs22 interfere or endanger us as well. This is a bad proposal, please do not approve it.\par \pard \par 2 the slope? I am sure they can design a nice secluded office that will meet their needs and \f3 \fs22 won't endanger the upslope properties,\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 12 Torrey Pines Lane\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, Ca 92660\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 '714-335-9822 Cell Phone\par \pard \page\par \par \par \pard\phpg\posx969\pvpg\posy10180\absw1243\absh379\nowrap \f2 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs20 "7 '-0\f2 \fs20 \up ~{\'80} \f1 \fs20 \plain \f1 \fs20 O~\par 20 | ~t the foregoing statements and answers herein containea\par \absw792 {\fs64 i~1} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 (~y\f3 \fs20 \dn ) \f3 \fs20 \plain \f3 \fs20 (our) knowledge and belief.\par \par \pard\phpg\posx739\pvpg\posy12878\absw5097\absh1920 \f3 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 and the information herewith submitted are in all respects t~\par \ql \li3600 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Signature(s)\par \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written anthorizatio!\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols2 \colno1\colw5068 \colsr345\colno2\colw4320 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 COMMUNII~ AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 PLANNING \f3 \fs16 DEPARTMENT\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 (949\} 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3250\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PART h Cover Page\par \pard \par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \ul \f3 \fs20 \i Project Common Name \f3 \fs20 \i0 (if applicable):\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ulnone par \pard \par \f3 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 PA2001-029 for MD2001-018\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 19 Cherry Hills Lane\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 James Tonlkinson\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3369 \colsr144\colno2\colw5875 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 APPLICANT (Print):\par \pard \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 ~e9 \f2 \fs24 "T'oPa~ ~$ orb\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Mailing Address: [~[\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs32 bb ~"i\f3 \fs32 \up ~'. \f3 \fs32 \plain \f3 \fs32 i\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \tx720 \tx1440 \tab \f3 \fs20 ('~q{\'b0}9)\tab \f3 \fs20 \i :~q~ ~ \f1 \fs20 9~o\line \f3 \fs20 \i0 Pkone:\line \tab \tab \f3 \fs32 \b ~ ?I1% Fax (\par \pard \f3 \fs86 \absw360 {\fs86 I} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b0 CONTACT PERSON (if different):\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs28 \b ~d[15 ~ Mailing Address: ~ (o2-~O\par \pard \par \phpg\posx4310\pvpg\posy5174\absw1560\absh1286 \f3 \fs32 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs32 lw~.\_t, iC4.\par \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs28 \b )\par \par \pard \phpg\posx5990\pvpg\posy6048\absw4195\absh393 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Phone: ('l~'l) 6,~;.7.6,'/~ Fax (~WI) O31\par \par \pard\sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \sl480 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Properly Owner (ff different.from above): \f3 \fs20 Mailing Address:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \tx2736 \f3 \fs20 Phone: ( )\tab \f3 \fs20 Fax ( )\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \b \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PROJECT ADDRESS:\par \pard \par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b0 Project Description and Justification (describe briefly)\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \b \ql \li3600 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PROPERTY OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 \b0 involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, nnder penalty of perj~\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 "rom the record owner is filed with the application,\par \pard \page\par P.C. Heating \f3 \fs22 Date\par \par \pard\phpg\posx777\pvpg\posy14716\absw1315\absh273 \f2 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 C.C. \f3 \fs22 Hearing.\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6528\pvpg\posy14673\absw1156\absh288 \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 C.C. Action\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Work to be done: '~O c~'q c)~ ~a~ I~'~\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx4896 \tx7056 \f3 \fs22 Existing Nonconformities: -~, ~ r-~.~.\tab \f3 \fs22 !~t \_~,~ c,..~\_\tab \f3 \fs22 \_\_ \_ .\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx3168 \tx6048 \tx7056 \f3 \fs22 Proposed Nonconformities:\tab \f3 \fs22 \i en~,,,~,t..a: ~ ~ ^ ~'~\tab \f3 \fs22 ~,~\tab \f3 \fs22 ~\_~.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Present Use: \_ \f3 \fs22 \ul b~.x,',\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 ~'~.~\line \f3 \fs22 Open space\line \f3 \fs22 Parking spaces\line \f3 \fs22 Buildin~ height\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Previous Modifications, Use Permits, Variances, etc.:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long\_, attach separate sheet)\par \pard \ql \fi720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs32 Lo\f3 \fs32 \dn T \f3 \fs32 \plain \f3 \fs32 --fz-\par \pard \par Permits, Use Permits, Variances, etc.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx5184 \tx8064 \f3 \fs22 General Plan Designation:\tab \f3 \fs22 Zoning District:\tab \f3 \fs22 Coastal Zone: YES or NO\par \pard \par \tqc\tx5040 \tx7200 \f3 \fs22 DateFiled: \f3 \fs22 \i ~[/~/tg]\tab \f3 \fs22 \i0 FeePd:]~\f3 \fs22 \up t \f3 \fs22 \plain \f3 \fs22 /-/C~eT, O"0\tab \f3 \fs22 ReceiptNo:\par \pard \par \tqc\tx5040 \f3 \fs22 Date Deemed Complete:\tab \f3 \fs22 Hearing Date:\line \f3 \fs22 Posting Date:\tab \f3 \fs22 Mailing Date.:\par \pard \par \qj \li3600\fi-3600 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Modifications Committee Action: ~/t~ L~(~ ~p~'r~, Subject to Conditions Denied (check one) \f3 \fs22 (Date)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2404 \colsr3360\colno2\colw710 \f3 \fs22 \sl480 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Planning Director Action \f3 \fs22 Date\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Appeal\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Appeal\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\page\par \f3 \fs24 Jim Tomkinson\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 19 Cherry Hills Lane\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \f2 \fs24 \b0 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs24 REGE[VF-U 157\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs24 PI\_ANNING DEPARTMENT \f2 \fs24 CITY OF NEV~ImO~'r BEACH\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 \b 2 6\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs24 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 March 21, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs24 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 City of Newport Beach\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 Planning Department\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 3300 Newport Blvd.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 P. O. Box 1768\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 Newport Beach, CA 92658\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 FAX: 949-644-3250\par \pard \par \f3 \fs24 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 To: Jay Garcia\par \pard \par has been called up by the \f3 \fs24 planning commission, wish to withdraw the application at this time.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 rnkinson\par \pard \par \f3 \fs24 \b \tqc\tx1440 \f3 \fs24 CC:\tab \f3 \fs24 David Janes\line \tab \f3 \fs24 \b0 Gary Singer\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\cols1\f3 \fs42 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs42 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH\par \pard \qj \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b0 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915\par \pard \qj \fi720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b PLANNING DEPARTMENT - (949) \f3 \fs22 \b0 644-3200\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 March 23, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 David Janes\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 12 Torrey Pines\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 SUBJECT: Modification Permit Appeal (PA 2001-029, for Mod MD2001-018)\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear Mr. Janes:\par \pard \par after the 14 day appeal period specified by Section 20.93.055 of the \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach Municipal Code. Therefore, your filing fee of $714.00 will be refunded to you in its \f3 \fs22 entirety.\par \pard \par pproval or reverse the decision and deny \f3 \fs22 the request.\par \pard \par lations relative to \f3 \fs22 the required setbacks.\par \pard \par do not hesitate to contact me at the number above.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Sincerely,\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Javier ~G~ia, ~@~ \f3 \fs22 Senior Planner\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 cc: to File PA 2001-029, for Modification Permit No. MD2001-018\par \pard \par \f3 \fs26 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs26 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach\par \pard \page\par ddress:\par \par \pard\cols1\f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ll;2a No.OOS P.UI\par \pard \par \f2 \fs30 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs30 IITY OF NEWPORT BEACH\par \pard \par \f2 \fs22 \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 APPLICATION TO APPEAL DECISION OF THE MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE\par \pard \par \tx5040 \tx6048 \tldot\tx6192 \f2 \fs18 \b0 \ulnone Name of Appellant ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\tab \f2 \fs18 ~\tab \f2 \fs18 \b t~ ~o~ ~ ~E~\line \f2 \fs18 \b0 or pem~ firing: \tab \tab \tab \f2 \fs18 Phone:\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 Date of Modifications Committee decision: "~/~:. .... 20\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 Regarding application of: ..... ~" \f2 \fs22 \b P,w~.E-.~ "-'V o ~ V ~%o ~\par \pard \par \f2 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 (Description of application filed with Modifications Committee)\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \b0 \ul \f2 \fs18 ReasonaforAppeal:(~u<,.,~\f2 \fs18 \up " \f2 \fs18 \plain \f2 \fs18 \ul ~.,,=~co~--~..~ ~.~=-r~ \f1 \fs18 Zo~m~- ~s\par \pard \par \tx288 \tldot\tx4032 \tx5472 \tx8928 \ulnone \tab \ul \f2 \fs18 \ulnone ~'\_~ \f2 \fs18 \b ~ ~ \f2 \fs18 \b0 /(, \tab \f2 \fs18 ~\tab \f2 \fs18 Bate~-/~- ~/ \f2 \fs18 \b \_\tab \f1 \fs18 o~\par \pard \par \tx6048 \tx7344 \tx9216 \f2 \fs18 \b0 P~NNING DEPT, SECRETARY or STAFF\tab \f2 \fs18 ~o~\tab \f2 \fs18 ~ \f2 \fs18 \up ~ \f2 \fs18 \plain \f2 \fs18 ~-D\tab \f2 \fs18 ~ ~ c~\line \ul \f2 \fs18 \b FOR OFFICE USE ONBy\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \b0 \ulnone Date App~I fllod an~ ~s~t~ Fee m~ived: ,20 ~\par \pard 18 (NBMC Sec. 20.95.0~)\par \pard \f2 \fs18 c{\'a2} ~lb~\par \pard \ql \li360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 Pl~nbg (F~ o~ s~ of maglng ~B for m~llng)\par \pard \ql \fi360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 File\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 APPEALS: Municipal Code $e{\'80}. 20.05.040B\par \pard ard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \ul \f2 \fs18 \b0 (Deoosit funds with C~shier in Account\par \pard \f2 \fs18 \ulnone \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\cols1\f3 \fs22 \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PUBLIC NOTICE\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PA2001-029 for\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Modification Permit No. MD2001-018\par \pard \par in the PC District (Big Canyon Planned Community District).\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Property located at: \f3 \fs22 \b 19 Cherry Hills Lane\par \pard \par f the California Environmental Quality Act.\par \pard \par ose issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in \f3 \fs22 written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public heating.\par \pard \par 200.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant.\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\cols1\f3 \fs24 \b \i \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 SUSAN W. CASE, INC.\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 \b0 OWNERSHIP LISTING SERVICE\par \pard \par \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1972 \colsr667\colno2\colw1473 \f1 \fs18 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ~9 C~ERRy HILLS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 i00' L~STII~G \f1 \fs18 442 221 42\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Fi~U~RY \f1 \fs18 6 2001\par \pard \column \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 FILE#0201140\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3360 \colsr532\colno2\colw3043 \colsr964\colno3\colw3244 \f1 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 032 59\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1 BIG CANYON DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \tx2592 \f1 \fs18 442 221 06\line \f1 \fs18 E & W ENTERPRISES\tab \f1 \fs18 LLC\line \f1 \fs18 633 17TH ST #3000\line \f1 \fs18 DENVER CO 80202\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \tx2304 \f1 \fs18 442 221 07\line \f1 \fs18 DENNIS & JOANNE\tab \f1 \fs18 GEILER\par \pard \f1 \fs18 6 RUE DEAUVILLE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3504 \colsr364\colno2\colw3168 \colsr849\colno3\colw3225 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 28\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 CANYON POINT COMMUNITY A\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 96 CORPORATE PARK #300\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 IRVINE CA 92606\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 35\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ANDREW HUNTER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 12 TORREY PINES LN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 36\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 GARY & MELAI~IE SINGER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 \b i0 \f1 \fs18 \b0 TORREY PINES \f1 \fs18 \b LN \f1 \fs18 \b0 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3201 \colsr691\colno2\colw3196 \colsr820\colno3\colw3216 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 37\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JANE PERRY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 8 TORREY PINES LN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 41\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JEROME & SHERRI NOURSE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 17 CHERRY HILLS LN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 42\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JAMES TOMKINSON\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 19 CHERRY HILLS LN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3196 \colsr691\colno2\colw3196 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 43\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROBERT MILLER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 22 CHERRY HILLS LN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 WILLIAM B. GUIDERO\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 342 62\f3 \fs18 \up ND \f3 \fs18 \plain \f3 \fs18 STREET\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 442 221 44\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 BRIAN BURKE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 20 CHERRY HILLS LN \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660\par \pard \par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 "~k~ ON CRESTHOM\_.M~WNERS \f1 \fs18 ASSOL~ /7. ,\par \pard \par \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 ~ ~ 92625\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 CANYON CKEST COMMUNITY ASSOC\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 PROGRESSIVE/KAREN ISENBERG\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 27405 PUERTA REAL 300\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 MISSION VIEJO CA 92691\par \pard \page\par 20 SOURCES.\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs20 \b0 \i \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 SUSAN I~. CASE, INC.\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 0 WNERSI~IP LISTING SERVICE\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 917 Glenneyre Street, Suite 7, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 \f3 \fs20 PHONE (~49) 494-6105 {\'95} FAX (~49) 494-7418\par \pard \par \f1 \fs16 \b0 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS LIST\par \pard \par DARIES OF THE\par \pard \par \f1 \fs16 \ql \li720\fi-720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 THIS\tab \f1 \fs16 INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED THROUGH TRANSAMERICA INTELLITECH, A\par \pard \par \ql \li720\fi-720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 DATA\tab \f1 \fs16 .SOURCE UTILIZING TKECOUNTY ASSESSMENT RoLLs AND OTHER DATA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 THIS INFORMATION IS GENERALLY DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT IS NOT GUARANTEED.\par \pard \par \f1 \fs20 \b \ql \li1080\fi-1080 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs20 SUSAN\tab \f1 \fs20 W. CASE, INC.\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt288\margl720\margr720\margb1152\sbknone \plain\page\par \f3 \fs22 2O\par \par \pard\cols1}