HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/2011 - Study SessionWWOU ! i1: Q n ;fr � City Council Minutes Study Session March 22, 2011 — 5:00 p.m. I. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selich, Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle II. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. Regarding Item 5 (Phases 4 & 7 of the Traffic Signal Modernization Project), Council Member Curry asked staff to provide a timeframe for the remaining phases of the project. In response to Mayor Henn's question regarding Item 4 (Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies), Administrative Services Director McCraner explained that staff was not aware of why certain fees were excluded from the Master Fee process in the past and assured Council that all fee change recommendations will be reviewed with Council in the future. Regarding Item 5 (Phases 4 & 7 of the Traffic Signal Modernization Project), he asked staff to provide a demonstration to him on how the signal synchronization will work on the Peninsula. 2. CONTRACTING. OUT PARKING METER OPERATIONS AND PARKING METER ENFORCEMENT - CENTRAL PARKING SYSTEM INC. AGREEMENT AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH. Administrative Services Director McCraner utilized a PowerPoint that included current parking operations and enforcement, parking meter models in other cities, the Request For Proposals (RFQ) evaluation criteria, top three RFQs chosen, final selection criteria, staffs recommendation, and other terms included in the RFQ. In response to Council questions, Administrative Services Director McCraner stated that the City is guaranteed to receive $3 million in net revenue, noted that there is a merchant fee charged for credit card usage, believed that banking fees should be minimal, discussed staff and revenue changes that the contract will bring, explained the contractor's operator cost, talked about multi -space and single - space meters, and provided information about the maintenance of the meters. Jerry Skillett, Central Parking System's Vice President, discussed how fees are charged to use pay -by -cell, noted that they have not experienced a great deal of cell phone transactions, described the fees in relation to gross revenues, highlighted the benefits of using credit cards to pay for meter use, and expressed confidence in Volume 60 - Page 86 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session March 22, 2011 Central Parking's ability to fulfill the contract. Council Member Daigle suggested adding a flow chart to explain the fees and make it easier to understand. In response to Council questions, Deputy City Attorney Torres explained that revenue information is defined in the revised contract. Council Member Curry expressed support for credit card usage at parking meters, stated that the machines are user- friendly and convenient, and believed that new infrastructure will also benefit the City. In response to Council questions, Robert Kamper, Central Parking System's Director of Municipal Operations, explained the difference between single and multi -space meters, stated that credit card meters will be placed at spaces that cost at least $1.00 per hour, discussed maintenance of the meters, explained how issues with the meters will be addressed, addressed staffing, talked about community outreach, indicated that photos of the meters will be provided at the regular meeting, discussed the durability of the meters, explained how the wireless component works, and expressed reasons why utilizing a pay- and - display system is not desired. Council Member Hill clarified that the contractor is willing to hire current City staff, discussed equipment funding, expressed concern about the current parking structure, questioned the ownership of the parking meter titles once they are installed, and asked about the maintenance of the meters after the contract ends. In response to Council questions, Administrative Services Manager McCraner clarified that the equipment will belong to the City at the end of the contract, stated that there is no current revenue data for each meter, clarified that the City will control the citation aspect of the parking meters, noted that a location map of the meters that will be replaced will be brought back to Council, stated that she does not foresee a problem with the contract, reported that the City will continue to collect the citation revenue, and noted that the addition of new meters can result in a change to the contract. Mr. Skillet stated that the equipment is not proprietary, noted that there are no mark -ups for the purchase of the equipment, and indicated that the new technology will not result in an increase to parking fees. Mayor Henn expressed support for more meters, asked for an incremental analysis of the revenue for the next three years, and expressed concern that the contract does not address what the City will do if the revenue increases. Council Member Daigle agreed that credit card usage at parking meters is convenient. Bruce Brandenburg, Pier to Pier, urged Council to keep rates the same and expressed opposition to having meters in residential areas. Dan Purcell thanked Council for focusing on cell phone usage for meters, but expressed concern about customer's financial information being available to the contractor. Jim Mosher expressed concern that Exhibit B did not correlate to staffs presentation and stated that the start year and threshold are not clear in the Volume 60 - Page 87 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session March 22, 2011 contract. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None IV. ADJOURNMENT - 6:31 p.m. The agenda for the Study Session was posted on March 18, 2011, at 3:25 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. 4v� City Clerk Recording Secretary Mayor Volume 60 - Page 88