HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 - Appeal for The Garden Office and Parking Structure Proposed at 215 Riverside Avenue (PA2019-023) - Correspondencemanatt April 8, 2020 VIA EMAIL Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658 April 14, 2020 Agenda Item No. 9 - Correspondence Susan K. Hod Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Direct Dial: (714) 371-2528 shori@manatt.com Client -Matter: 63060-030 Re: 215 Riverside - City Council Hearing, April 14, 2020; Appeal of Coastal Development Permit No. CDP 2019-003 and Conditional Use Permit 2019- 003 Dear Mayor O'Neill and City Councilmembers: This letter is sent on behalf of Laidlaw Schultz Architects ("Applicant"), the applicant for a coastal development permit ("CDP") and conditional use permit ("CUP") to develop a 2,744 office structure and 41 parking spaces ("Project"), and 215 Riverside, LLC ("Owner"), the owner of the property on which the Project will be implemented. The Project was approved by the City's Planning Commission on October 17, 2019. An appeal of the Planning Commission's approval was filed on October 31, 2019 ("Appeal"), by four individuals whose homes are adjacent to the Project site ("Appellants"). The Applicant and Owner have waited almost six months for the City Council to consider the appeal. For the reasons listed below and our responses addressing the allegations in the Appeal submitted by the Appellants and their attorney, we urge the City Council approve the Project. This Project: • Is consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning; • Provides public access benefits in the coastal zone and Mariner's Mile area by providing additional parking; • Replaces a dilapidated building and parking lot with a building that is the same height, but almost 75% smaller and with considerably more parking at a lower elevation than the current parking lot; • Does not impact and provides greater setback from an existing wetland area; and • Will not impair any existing views as the Project's upper level of parking is at a lower elevation than the existing parking lot, and the new building is the same height as the existing building. 695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, California 92626 Telephone: 714.371.2500 Fax: 714.371.2550 Albany I Boston I Chicago I Los Angeles I New York I Orange County I Palo Alto I Sacramento I San Francisco I Washington, D.C. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 2 1. Approval of the Proiect Does Not Violate the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The Project is Exempt Under the Class 32 Infill Development Exemption. In compliance with CEQA, the City determined that the Project was exempt from environmental review because it fell within the category of projects covered by the Class 32 exemption for In -fill Development Projects. If a project satisfies the criteria set forth in Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code of Regs. § 15332), it is considered exempt from environmental review under CEQA. The City has prepared an Exemption Determination providing evidence in the record as to why the proposed Project qualifies for a Class 32 exemption. In summary, the criteria — and the facts supporting application of those criteria to the Project — are as follows: • The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. o The General Plan designation for the Project site is CG (General Commercial), the Zoning Code district is CG (Commercial General), Coastal Land Use Plan designation is CG -B (General Commercial) and the Coastal Zoning district is CG (Commercial General). These land use and zoning designations are to provide areas appropriate for a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. The proposed office building and parking are consistent with the land use and zoning designations. The site is currently developed with an office building and parking and the proposed Project replaces the existing structure with a considerably smaller structure with more parking that serves the same uses. The Project is also consistent with and implements various General Plan land use policies, including policies adopted for the Mariners' Mile area. • The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. o The Project site is 0.37 acres in size and located within the City of Newport Beach. The Project site is surrounded by commercial uses and residential uses. • The project site has no value, as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 3 o The Project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. There is a stand of cattails west of the Project site that has been delineated as "wetlands, " but the Project will not impact the wetlands and will increase the distance between the nearest developed structure and the wetlands. • Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. o The City concluded that no traffic study was required because the Project will reduce the number of daily trips as compared to the existing structure. The number of daily trips generated by a 2,744 square feet building will be less than what is generated by the existing 8,056 square feet building. Although the proposed Project provides more parking spaces, parking, in and of itself, is not a traffic generator. The uses, e.g., a restaurant, a store, that use the parking lot are the traffic generators, not the parking spaces themselves. Therefore, a comparison of the number of trips generated by the 2,744 square feet building as compared to the 8,056 square feet existing building is sufficient to support the determination that the Project will not have significant traffic impacts as compared to the existing, on-site conditions. A noise study has been conducted to examine the noise that may emanate from the parking lot area of the Project. The noise study concluded that the Project will not generate noise impacts to surrounding uses. In response to Planning Commission questions, the Applicant agreed to limit the parking on the upper level after 11 p.m. to further reduce any noise that may be caused by cars starting or car doors shutting. Neither construction air emissions or operational air emissions will exceed the significance thresholds adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District and are not considered significant. The Project will comply with all water quality regulatory requirements. As the current structure was built prior to the adoption of more stringent water quality regulations, the proposed Project will actually have a beneficial impact by being designed to meet the more stringent standards regarding water quality and runoff control than what currently exists on site. The Applicant has submitted a preliminary Water Quality Management Plan that has been reviewed by the City and which will address how the project will comply with water quality objectives. 0 The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 4 o The Project site is developed with an existing office building and parking lot and is served by all utilities and services. The proposed Project will replace the existing 8,056 square feet building with a 2,744 square feet building. Consequently, the amount of electricity, water, gas and other utilities used by the building coupled with more energy efficient construction for the proposed building will result in less utility consumption than under existing conditions. The use of categorical exemptions under CEQA is qualified under certain limited circumstances. The Appellants have alleged that two exceptions to the use of the Class 32 exemption are applicable. The Appellants have failed to demonstrate that the Project will result in the impacts alleged in Appellants' submittal. The first exception cited by the Appellants is the "cumulative impact" exception. The exemption might not be applicable if the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place over time is significant. There are no successive projects of the same type in the same place that are being proposed and therefore, the City did not identify any cumulative impacts that would cause a significant impact. The second exception is if there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. Again, the replacement of an existing building and parking lot with a smaller building and more parking, on an already - developed site, surrounded by commercial and residential uses does not present "unusual circumstances." On page 10 of Attachment A to the Appeal, the Appellants state that the 215 Riverside Project will result in significant impacts to the environment due to "unusual circumstances," because the project proposes a "parking structure is adjacent to, and as close as 24 feet, residential uses [sic] ...." The existing conditions at 215 Riverside consist of a commercial building with one, uncovered parking lot which is higher in elevation, i.e., closer to the elevation of the houses, than the proposed Project. Replacing an uncovered parking lot with a more well-designed, partially covered parking lot does not present "unusual circumstances." Moreover, the existing building and parking lot were already constructed and in operation before any of the Appellants' houses were constructed. The residences abut the Mariner's Mile commercial area, and the proximity of their residences to commercial operations in the Mariner's Mile area is not an "unusual circumstance." Lastly, the proposed Project actually lowers the elevation of the upper level of parking, and provides additional noise attenuation through additional landscaping and a trellis covering over a portion of the parking lot, than the current condition. Moreover, unlike the existing condition which has absolutely no time constraints on how late cars can park there, the Project will restrict cars accessing the upper level after 11 p.m. and limit exterior lighting on the upper level after 11 p.m. to reduce any potential noise and light impacts. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 5 2. The Technical Reports Submitted to the City Support the City's Determination and the Planning Commission's Approval. In support of its argument that the City should not have used a CEQA categorical exemption, the Appellants raise questions regarding the technical reports submitted by the Applicant. We address each below. Traffic As noted above, the City did not require a traffic study because the Project would not result in an increase in traffic over existing conditions, but would result in less trips because of the smaller building. The existing baseline for assessing traffic impacts is a commercial office building of 8,056 square feet. (See North County Advocates v. City of Carlsbad (2015) 241 Cal.AppAth 94, where the court held that for purposes of assessing baseline traffic conditions, the traffic study was correct in using trips from a fully -occupied Robinsons -May department store as the "existing condition," even though it had been vacant since 2006.) The number of trips from the proposed Project, a 2,744 square feet commercial office building, will be considerably less than the trips from a 8,056 square feet commercial office building. The Appellants argue that the City failed to consider the trips that would be generated by the parking spaces. Parking lots —unless they are a standalone public parking facility — are not traffic generators. They are accessory uses and are built to serve the approved "use" on the property, such as a commercial office building. It is the "use" that generates traffic, not the parking space. Further, if in the future, the parking spaces at 215 Riverside are leased to satisfy another business' parking needs, the City requires that a separate CUP be obtained which allows the City to analyze traffic hazards and traffic impacts. (NBMC The Appellants alleged that the use of the parking spaces at 215 Riverside by other restaurants in the area is an "intended and foreseeable use" of the parking spaces. This is sheer speculation as neither the Applicant nor the Owner have been approached by or solicited for the use of the parking spaces by others. And, should that occur in the future, the City will require a conditional use permit so that it can study the impacts of such an arrangement. Applications for off-site parking arrangements to support uses in the Mariner's Mile area of the City are not unusual. In fact, on October 3, 2019, when this Project was heard by the Planning Commission, the other application on the agenda was a Conditional Use Permit for Hornblower Yachts to use various parcels, including a Lutheran church, for off-site parking. The City's permitting process ensures that any future use of the parking spaces by anyone other than the commercial office tenants will be fully analyzed. The Appellants also expressed concerns that the parking spaces at 215 Riverside could be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week which would create traffic and circulation impacts. To repeat, parking spaces do not generate trips. Second, the Planning Commission limited the use of the upper levels of parking to 11 p.m. to avoid a 24 hour a day parking situation. Third, the manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 6 parking spaces are privately -owned and will be privately -managed which will avoid a situation of uncontrolled parking at all hours of the day every day. Lighting The Appellants have expressed concerns regarding the lack of a lighting evaluation from car lights using the upper level of parking. First, the Applicant provided an exhibit depicting the angle the light from cars using the upper parking area. The lights will not shine into any adjacent residences. Given the adjacent slope, the elevation of the upper level of parking and the angle of the cars as they approach the upper level of parking, the Applicant's lighting study demonstrated that there would not be car lights that would shine into the adjacent residences. Second, contrary to the Appellants' statements, the Planning Commission gave considerable thought to potential impacts from light spillage, and added several conditions of approval specifically to further minimize the potential for car lights to affect the nearby residences. Those conditions are: • Condition 60: The project plans shall be modified to extend the proposed trellis at the upper deck of the parking structure across the entire row of parking spaces along the southerly frontage facing Avon Street. • Condition 61: Exterior lighting shall be limited to the minimum necessary for site security after I I p.m. on the upper deck of the parking structure. • Condition 62: Vehicles shall not be allowed to enter the upper level of the parking structure 11 p.m. through 6 a.m. daily. • Condition 63: The conditional use permit shall be subject to a 6 -months review by the Planning Commission following issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the office and parking structure. Noise The Appellants also question the Noise Impact Analysis that was submitted in support of the Project. The Noise Impact Analysis studied the noise emanating from a parking lot that was used by an office building with 24-hour, round the clock employees, who were coming and going throughout the entire day and night. The Appellants criticized the data because they believe it is dissimilar to compare a parking lot that will be used for office purposes and potentially off-site parking, with an office building that operates 24 hours with employees coming and going throughout the day and night. The parking lot studied in the Noise Impact Analysis was considerably larger, and therefore generated more automobile movement and noise than the Project's proposed parking spaces, and therefore, actually a situation where more, not less, noise would be generated. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 7 Second, the Applicant requested its noise consultant to conduct additional noise monitoring at four different locations in Newport Beach that provided nighttime restaurant parking. (See Urban Crossroads, 215 Riverside Supplemental Noise Assessment, dated February 4, 2020 ("Supplemental Noise Study".) The selected locations were the parking lot at Mariner's Mile Square located along Avon Street and Riverside Avenue; The Landing commercial center at 32nd Street and Newport Boulevard; West Ocean Front and 22nd Street; and On the Rocks Bar and Grill. The Supplemental Noise Study supported the conclusions of the Noise Impact Analysis that the Project would not have significant noise impacts to the adjacent residences, and that the average nighttime noise level ranged from 35.7 dBA to 40.5 dBA at 50 feet. (The City's residential exterior noise standard for 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. is 50 dBA.) The Supplemental Noise Study also re -confirmed that the highest noise contributor from the proposed project was HVAC units, but these units would not be operating at night, and have been relocated to the lower parking level to help minimize sound emanating from these units. As discussed in the Noise Impact Analysis, the major contributor to the ambient noise level in this area is the traffic on Riverside Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway during the nighttime hours, not noise from the proposed project, including its upper level of parking. 3. The Planning Commission Approval of the 215 Riverside Proiect Does Not Violate CEQA's Prohibition Against Piecemealing A Project. The Appellants also raise an argument under CEQA that the 215 Riverside Project is part of a larger project, involving a proposed restaurant located at 2902 West Coast Highway, and that the 215 Riverside Project must be considered together with the application for the restaurant — which is still pending as incomplete before the City. By considering each application separately, the Appellants claim that the City has chopped a larger project into two smaller projects thereby minimizing environmental impacts, and has improperly "piecemealed" analysis of the project impacts. These two proposed developments are separate projects and the City's process is not "piecemealing." As an initial matter, the two properties are under separate ownership, and the applications were submitted separately by their respective ownership and development entities. Second, both projects can and will operate separate from the other. They each have independent utility and are not dependent upon each other. The building at 215 Riverside is not dependent or connected to a future nearby restaurant, and one is not a consequence of the other. Lastly, as the discussion in the prior section revealed, the impacts of the new office and parking at 215 Riverside have been fully analyzed and disclosed for the City decisiomnakers. Third, the piecemealing arguments raised on appeal were previously raised by the Appellants' attorney prior to the October 17, 2019, Planning Commission hearing, and were addressed in our letter to the Planning Commission, dated October 16, 2019, which is enclosed with this letter, and incorporated by reference. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 8 "Piecemealing" is a term that arises out of case law involving interpretation of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). To ensure that the totality of all potential environmental impacts of a project are considered, CEQA discourages "piecemealing" or cutting up a project into smaller pieces with the goal of minimizing the significance of potential environmental impacts of a project. Where you are dealing with two separate projects, whether they are "related" is a question to be determined by the facts and circumstances of each case. (Laurel Heights Improvement Association v. Regents of University of California (1988) 47 Cal.3d 376.) Where two projects serve different purposes or can be implemented independently, the city can review them separately. In Banning Ranch Conservancy v. City of Newport Beach, the court held that the City did not piecemeal its environmental analysis when it prepared one environmental impact report for the Sunset Ridge Park and a separate environmental impact report for the Banning Ranch development project even though the projects were adjacent and would share an access road. The Banning Ranch development was not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the park and access road. (Banning Ranch Conservancy v. City of Newport Beach (2012) 211 Cal.App.4th 1209.) Here, the office building and the restaurant proposal each have independent utility. If the office building and parking lot were not approved or constructed, the 2902 West Coast Highway proposal could still proceed to obtain permits and open for operation. The 215 Riverside Project is not dependent upon the proposed restaurant, and the proposed restaurant is not dependent upon 215 Riverside to address its parking needs. Nor is a proposed restaurant — whether it be located at 2902 West Coast Highway or anywhere else along Mariner's Mile — a reasonably foreseeable consequence of building a commercial office building and parking at 215 Riverside. Fourth, one of the main concerns raised in the appeal (see page 9, Attachment "A" to Appeal Application) is the anticipated — but not verified — impact that if the proposed restaurant were to be approved for late night operating hours, there would be traffic (vehicular and foot) between the proposed restaurant and 215 Riverside until after 1 a.m. Despite the most important fact that the owner of the proposed restaurant has no agreement to and is not relying upon parking at 215 Riverside, and therefore, the two projects are not connected operationally, this argument totally mischaracterizes the 215 Riverside Project for the City Council and ignores the operational conditions of approval that were adopted by the Planning Commission to ensure that the parking lot at 215 Riverside is NOT used for parking during late night hours. As the Appellants are fully aware, the Planning Commission adopted Condition of Approval 62 which limits the use of the upper level of the parking structure after 11 p.m. manatt Mayor Will O'Neill and City Councilmembers April 8, 2020 Page 9 4. Conclusion. In conclusion, the 215 Riverside Project and the proposed restaurant are two separate projects that will operate independent of each other. One is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the other. Consideration of two projects separately which are in mere proximity to each other does not equate to impermissible piecemealing under CEQA. There is no valid reason to require the City to delay consideration of the 215 Riverside Project until the restaurant application is deemed complete. For all the reasons set forth above, the Planning Commission's approval of the 215 Riverside Project should be upheld by the City Council. We appreciate your consideration of the information and analysis provided in this letter and request your approval of the Project. Very truly yours, Manatt Phelps & Phillips, LLP Sutra -+,v K. Ho-ry Susan K. Hori Enclosure Cc: Seimone Jurjis Gregg Ramirez James Campbell Makana Nova Yolanda Summerhill, Esq. Aaron Harp, Esq. Scott Laidlaw 325961513.1 manatt October 16, 2019 Via E -Mail: planningcommissioners@newportbeachea.gov Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Susan K. Hod Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Direct Dial: (714) 371-2528 E-mail: shori@manatt.com Client -Matter: 63060-030 Re: 215 Riverside Avenue (Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-003, Conditional Use Permit No. UP2019-003, and Modification Permit No. MD2019-003) Dear Chair Koetting and Commissioners: This letter is sent on behalf of Laidlaw Schultz, the applicant for the 215 Riverside Avenue project. We wish to respond to the letter sent to you by Berding Weil, dated October 8, 2019 on behalf of several adjacent homeowners ("Berding Letter"). The 215 Riverside Proieet is an Independent, Standalone Project that is Not "=Inextricably Linked" to a Pending Application for 2902 West Coast Highway. The Berding Letter begins by revisiting an issue that has been addressed by your Planning staff, and discussed by the Commission as to whether the commercial building proposed at 215 Riverside is part of a larger project that consists of a proposed restaurant located across the street at 2902 West Coast Highway. It is not. The 215 Riverside project is located in an area that is immediately adjacent to an existing retail center, The Garden, that is being renovated and redeveloped. The center includes the U.S. Post Office and the prior post office facility at 191 Riverside that is being redeveloped for retail/commercial uses. The August 22, 2019 Planning Commission staff reports notes that one of the functions that the 215 Riverside project could serve — but is not required to do so -- is to provide off-site parking for the adjacent, existing retail center. Included within that center is an existing building located at 2902 West Coast Highway that is proposed for future restaurant uses. Because of the proximity of 215 Riverside to proposed restaurant at 2902 West Coast Highway, questions have arisen as to whether the two projects should be considered together because they are part of one project, and to consider them separately as the City is doing, constitutes "piecemealing." It does not. 695 Town Center Drive, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa, California 92626-1924 Telephone: 714.371.2500 Fax: 714.371.2550 Albany I Boston I Chicago I Los Angeles I New York I Orange County I Palo Alto I Sacramento I San Francisco I Washington, D.0 manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 2 "Piecemealing" is a term that arises out of case law involving interpretation of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). To ensure that the totality of all potential environmental impacts of a project are considered, CEQA discourages "piecemealing" or cutting up a project into smaller pieces with the goal of minimizing the significance of potential environmental impacts of a project. Examples cited by the courts include requiring that the future expansion of a proposed university facility be considered because it was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the initial development (Laurel Heights Improvement Association v. Regents of University of California (1988) 47 Ca1.3d 376); or requiring that a county's rezoning of land be considered together with the subsequent specific development project because the rezoning was a necessary first step of the future development project which it intended to consider (City of Carmel-hy-the-Sea v. Board of Supervisors (1986) 183 Cal.App.3d 229). On the other hand, if two projects serve different purposes or can be implemented independently, the city can review them separately. In Banning Ranch Conservancy v. City of Newport Beach, the court held that the City did not piecemeal its environmental analysis when it prepared one environmental impact report for the Sunset Ridge Park and a separate environmental impact report for the Banning Ranch development project even though the projects were adjacent and would share an access road. The Banning Ranch development was not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the park and access road. (Banning Ranch Conservancy v. City of Newport Beach (2012) 211 Cal.App.41" 1209.) Although the 215 Riverside project is across the street from 2902 West Coast Highway, the proposed restaurant is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the office building and parking lot. Both can operate independently of the other, and one is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the other. A proposal that is related to another project, but has independent utility and is not necessary for the project to proceed need not be included as part of the project and may be reviewed as aseparate project. (Communities for a Better Environment v. City of Richmond (2010) 184 Cal .App.4"' 70.) Here, the office building and the restaurant proposal each have independent utility. If the office building and parking lot were never approved or constructed, the 2902 West Coast Highway proposal could still proceed to obtain permits and open for operation. The only link that is being drawn is the possible future use of the parking spaces at the 215 Riverside building by restaurant patrons. As the City is well aware, there are many instances where local businesses — in most situations, restaurants — are required to obtain off-site parking to meet its parking demands. Many of the restaurants that operate on Mariner's Mile, just a block away from 215 Riverside, require off-site parking. Those restaurants often enter into agreements with nearby property owners to utilize their parking lots. The proposed restaurant at 2902 West Coast Highway is no different and has entered into a memorandum of understanding to lease 35 parking spaces from the owner of the parking lot located at the southeast corner of Avon Street and Riverside Avenue, a copy of which was previously transmitted to this Commission. As the City staff report states, although the parking spaces at 215 Riverside can be used for future tenants and manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 3 patrons of The Garden shopping center, it can also be made available to other businesses and off- site uses in the area (such as boat charters or other visitor -service businesses) to address their parking needs. This is consistent with the current practice for some landowners with surplus parking, and reflected in the City's own General Plan and Coastal Land Use policies, such as: L U 6.19.16 Parking and Supporting Facilities for Waterfront Uses. Explore additional options for the development and location of parking and other supporting facilities for charters, yacht sales, and other waterfront uses. (Imp 16.10) Imp 16.10 Improve Parking Supply and Management. Parking Management Programs shall be considered for commercial and residential areas of the City with inadequate parking, such as Corona del Mar and the Balboa Peninsula. This may consider the development of public parking lots or structures, street parking permitting, valet programs, and similar techniques as feasible. Existing public parking lots should be evaluated for their accessibility, utilization, and proximity to the uses they support. Possible relocation should be considered where they do not effectively support surrounding land uses.... Although the Mariner's Mile area of the City was not identified as an area with inadequate parking like the Balboa Peninsula, as many residents who have submitted comments have stated, the availability of street parking in the residential areas is severely compromised and it goes without saying that additional parking spaces in a structured lot could help relieve the lack of street parking experienced by the adjacent residential community. In conclusion, the commercial office building and its parking lot is not inextricably linked to the application for a future restaurant at 2902 West Coast Highway. The proposed restaurant is not solely dependent on the construction of the parking lot at 215 Riverside to satisfy its parking needs. One is not a necessary first step for the other. There are a number of options to address its parking needs, including other off-site parking lots, which the restaurant applicant has already pursued in the event the commercial uses at 215 Riverside are not approved by the City or built in the future. 2. The City's CEOA Determination is Supported by Substantial Evidence in the Record. The Berding Letter next takes issue with the City's determination that the 215 Riverside project is an infill development project, and therefore exempt from CEQA. The CEQA Guidelines establish 33 classes of projects which are exempt from the requirement to prepare a negative declaration or environmental impact report, because the State has determined that they will not have a significant effect on the environment. (14 Cal. Code of Regs. § 15300.) The City has determined that the 215 Riverside project is exempt from CEQA because it is an infill development project that satisfies the following 5 criteria set forth in the CEQA Guidelines: manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 4 (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. (14 Cal. Code of Regs. § 15332.) The August 22, 2019 Staff Report included an Exemption Determination setting out the facts in support of the City's conclusion that the 215 Riverside project qualifies for the Class 32 infill development exemption. For the reasons discussed below, the Berding Letter's attacks on the City's CEQA determination are unfounded, unsupported, and inaccurate. As an initial comment, the letter states that the applicant made the CEQA determination that the project is exempt. The determination as to whether a project is subject to CEQA or exempt from CEQA, and what type of environmental documentation is appropriate is a decision that is made by the city, not the applicant. The applicant is not the lead agency to whom authority is vested under CEQA to make this determination. Second, the Berding Letter reiterates its claim that the 215 Riverside project is part of a larger project that includes the proposed restaurant at 2902 West Coast Highway, and the two separate applications must be considered and processed together as one project. As discussed above, the restaurant is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the commercial building and parking lot and vice versa. Both can be developed and operated independent of the other. For these reasons, the City's decision to process each application separately does not constitute improper "piecemealing." Third, the City's analysis of the 215 Riverside project and why it satisfies each of the five criteria for a Class 32 exemption from CEQA is supported by substantial evidence in the record before you. That evidence also demonstrates that there is no reasonable possibility the project will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, or that there are significant cumulative impacts from successive projects of the same type in the same place over time. manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 5 a. The 215 Riverside Proiect is Consistent With Applicable General Plan Policies. The Exemption Determination that accompanied the City's August 22, 2019 Staff Report reviewed the applicable General Plan policies and identified how the project is consistent with those policies. The Berding Letter cites three General Plan policies in an attempt to fault the City's General Plan consistency determination. L U S. 2.2 Buffering Residential Areas Require that commercial uses adjoining residential neighborhoods be designed to be compatible and minimize impacts through such techniques as: Incorporation of landscape, decorative walls, enclosed trash containers, downward focused lightingfixtures, and/or comparable buffering elements; Attractive architectural treatment of elevations facing the residential neighborhood; Location of automobile and truck access to prevent impacts on neighborhood traffic and privacy. (Imp 2.1) Because the 215 Riverside project includes a parking structure adjacent to residential development, it is required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. That entitlement process provides a mechanism to ensure that the design and siting of the parking is compatible and does not adversely impact the adjacent residential community. The 215 Riverside project provides a number of buffering elements, including enhanced landscaping on the slopes adjacent to the existing residences, partial coverage of the upper level to minimize the amount of surface area exposure, downward facing lights, and a retaining wall. The project will pull back the proposed parking area from the footprint of the existing parking lot by removing portions of the existing retaining wall, and landscaping those areas with vegetation that will screen much of the upper level of parking. More significantly, the elevation of the proposed upper level is actually lower than the current elevation of the surface lot, thus further distancing and separating the cars on the upper level of the parking structure than currently exists. There is no evidence to support the Berding Letter's claim that the 215 Riverside parking areas will be used "far more frequently and in a substantially more intrusive manner" than the current configuration. Currently, there are 17 uncovered, parking spaces provided at the parking lot which is at a higher elevation and closer to the existing residences than what would be provided by the proposed 215 Riverside project. With project implementation, the upper level will have 22 spaces, 5 of which will be located under a lattice covering, and 17 spaces — the same number of spaces as the current surface parking lot -- will be uncovered. These spaces, however, will be located further away from the property line and will be surrounded by enhanced landscaping as compared to the existing condition. If used for off-site parking for an existing manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 6 commercial enterprise — which the building owner would be entitled to do -- the 17 existing spaces could be used by any number of restaurant or boat charter patrons and there is no evidence to support the claim that the 215 Riverside project's use of that lot would be any less or more intrusive than what could be done under current conditions. L U 6.19 Mariner's Mile. A corridor that reflects and takes advantage of its location on the Newport Bay waterfront, supports and respects adjacent residential neighborhoods and exhibits a quality visual image for travelers on Coast Highway. The Berding Letter reiterates its allegation that the proposed 215 Riverside project's parking lot fails to respect the adjoining residences without any consideration of facts that the proposed upper level of parking with its lattice covering, reduced elevation and enhanced landscaping will actually provide a much more attractive and compatible parking area than if the existing lot were re -used to its full capacity. CE 7.1.8 Parking Configuration. Site and design new development to avoid use of parking configurations or management programs that are difficult to maintain and enforce. The Berding Letter's primary concern appears to be the issue of tandem parking which was originally proposed as being potentially difficult to manage. In response to the concerns expressed by Chair Koetting, the applicant modified the application to remove the request for tandem parking. The number of parking spaces has been reduced from 41 to 35 spaces. b. The Berding Letter's Selective Reading of the C ty's Genera! Plan Ignores the Policies that Support the Proiect. The Berding Letter selectively excerpts various General Plan policies while ignoring policies that both support and encourage the type of use proposed in the 215 Riverside project. The following policies demonstrate the Project's consistency with the City's General Plan and the appropriateness of the categorical exemption. L U 5.3.6 Parking Adequacy and Location. Require that adequate parking be provided and is conveniently located to serve tenants and customers. Set open parking lots back from public streets and pedestrian ways and screen with buildings, architectural walls, or dense landscaping. (Imp 2.1) As discussed above, the parking structure meets all of these design parameters as it is set back from Avon Street and Riverside Drive, conveniently located to serve the tenants as well as customers of The Garden, the architectural features are a vast aesthetic improvement over the manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 7 existing building and providing improvement to the property values in the area, and additional landscaping both in front of and behind the structure help buffer and soften the appearance of the building. LU 6.19.16 Parking and Supporting Facilities for Waterfront Uses Explore additional options for the development and location ofparking and other Supporting facilities for charters, yacht sales, and other waterfront uses. (Imp 16.10) CE 7.1.7 Shared Parking Facilities. Consider allowing shared parking in mixed use and pedestrian oriented areas throughout the City. The provision of additional parking in the Mariner's Mile area is consistent with these two policies that encourage the provision of parking to support the visitor serving uses in this area. C. The Project Satisfies Criteria (d) and (e) for a Class 32 Infill Development Exemption. The final two criteria for use of the Class 32 Infill Development exemption are as follows: (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. As part of its application, the applicant submitted traffic and noise studies, a view analysis, as well as sewer and water demand studies as requested by the City. The traffic study concluded that the project would not generate any significant traffic impacts on the existing street network. Given the limited number of vehicle trips generated by the project which is the major source of air pollutant emissions, and the requirement that the project comply with all applicable South Coast Air Quality Management District rules and regulations, such as watering the site to minimize dust during construction, the City concluded that the project would not result in any significant effects related to air quality. For the reasons discussed previously, the 215 Riverside project is not part of a larger project and the traffic study scope which limited its analysis to trips from the proposed 215 Riverside project was appropriate. It should also be remembered that the operation of The Garden retail site is considered part of the existing background in terms of traffic and that the manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 8 assumptions used for The Garden assumed full occupation of the retail space, including the building at 2902 West Coast Highway. A noise study was also prepared that examined the potential noise that would be generated by the proposed project including use of the parking areas during the evening. The study applied the City's day time and night time noise standards to the noise that was estimated to be emitted from project operations, including use of the parking lot during the evening, and concluded that there were no significant noise impacts. Although many of the comments received on the project from nearby residents expressed concerns regarding noise, it is important to take into consideration the fact that the 215 Riverside project site is within an area that is already exposed to high levels of ambient noise due to the volume of traffic on both Riverside Avenue and West Coast Highway. Moreover, the design of the project helps reduce the potential noise impacts from cars in the parking lot. For example, the proposed upper level of parking is approximately 7-8 feet below the elevation of the existing parking lot. The lower elevation of the parking area helps reduce the noise from cars using that upper level of parking. With respect to water quality, the project will comply with the required Best Management Practices ("BMPs") set forth in the required Water Quality Management Plan ("WQMP") which has been reviewed by the City. Compliance with the required regulations and requirements of the WQMP avoids any significant water quality impacts. Lastly, while not a water quality issue, the City also examined the presence of a wetland area to the west of the project site that is present at the base of the slope that ends at Avon Street. The wetland area has been substantially disturbed by the construction of staircases on the slope, and street improvements along Avon. The project does not drain into and will not have any adverse impact on the wetlands. To the contrary, the project will actually provide a beneficial impact by increasing the open space area between the wetland area and new retaining wall for the proposed project; a conclusion supported by the study prepared by the City's wetland consultant, Glenn Lukos Associates. Although not one of the impacts areas identified in subsection (d) of the Class 32 exemption, the applicant also provided a view analysis of the project from the park on Cliff Drive. As the commercial building is reduced in size as compared to the existing structure, and the parking area will actually be 7-8 feet lower in elevation as compared to the existing surface parking lot, there will be no impact on existing views. With respect to concerns expressed about impacts from car headlights on the upper level, the applicant also prepared a headlamp beam spread analysis using the criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration which shows that light from cars using the upper level of parking will not impact the adjacent residences but would be shielded in large part by the retaining wall, slope, and landscaping on the adjacent slope. Lastly, the project site is an already -developed site that is served by existing utilities and surrounded by urban development, and thus satisfies the final criteria to use a Class 32 exemption. To ensure that the new building and its demands could be adequately served by the manatt Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 9 City, a sewer and water demand study was prepared and adequate capacity and water supply was identified. In conclusion, the redevelopment of 215 Riverside is the textbook example of infill development and the City's determination that it is exempt under the Class 32 exemption of CEQA is supported by substantial evidence in the record. It is an already -developed site, surrounded by urban uses, and served by existing improvements and utilities. The project is consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning, and all relevant policies, and will not have any significant impacts on the environment. 3. There are no "Unusual Circumstances" that would Preclude Use of the Infill Development CEQA Exemption. The project does not present "unusual circumstances" that create significant environmental impacts. A commercial building and parking lot currently exist on site. The existing building and parking lot will be replaced by a new project that consists of the same combination of uses. The traffic and noise from a 35 space parking lot was fully analyzed and no impacts were identified. The replacement of an existing structure for the same use does not represent "unusual circumstances" and certainly not a circumstance that presents significant impacts. The Berding Letter identifies the requirement to obtain a Conditional Use Permit as evidence of "unusual circumstances." The fact that the City has in its ordinance a mechanism by which parking can be permitted adjacent to residential areas demonstrates that the juxtaposition of these two uses occurs with sufficient frequency in the City as to warrant a provision in the City's Municipal Code setting forth the manner in which these projects are to be examined. Moreover, even if this structure were not adjacent to the residences, it would still require discretionary approvals because of its location within the coastal zone. The Berding Letter implies that only the proximity to residential uses trigger a discretionary approval and therefore, it should be considered "unusual." To the contrary, the City's Code contemplates the need for the City to examine the appropriateness of these two uses being developed adjacent to each other, and regardless of the CUP requirement, the project would require discretionary approvals from the City. 4. Conclusion. In conclusion, there is no basis for the City to require that consideration of the 215 Riverside project be held until the application for 2902 West Coast Highway is deemed complete and staff has completed its analysis. The projects are independent of each other and the City has not improperly piecemealed the applications. The City's CEQA determination is supported by substantial evidence in the record demonstrating that the project is an infill development that is Planning Commission October 16, 2019 Page 10 exempt from CEQA. We appreciate your consideration of the information and analysis provided in this letter and request your approval of the 215 Riverside project. Very truly yours, Susan K. Hori Cc via email: James Campbell, Deputy Director Makana Nova, Associate Planner Yolanda Summerhill, Assistant City Attorney Scott Laidlaw 325338771.1 From: Ramirez, Gregg Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 1:56 PM To: City Clerk's Office; Brown, Leilani Cc: Nova, Makana Subject: Fw: Protest City Council Hearing 4/14 - 215 Riverside From: Hal Woods <hal@centerstone.com> Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 12:27 PM To: Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Nova, Makana <MNova@newportbeachca.gov>; Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com>; EVC Management Services <evcmanagement@centerstone.com>; Stefanie M. Sitzer <ssitzer@sitzerlawgroup.com>; Aaron Ehrlich <aehrlich@berdingweil.com>; Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com>; Coralee Newman <cora@govsol.com>; dave@earsi.com <dave@earsi.com>; Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com>; Sandra Ayres <ssayres@me.com> Subject: Protest City Council Hearing 4/14 - 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Gregg and City Council Members, My name is Hal Woods and I live at 2919 Cliff Drive, directly above the subject property at 215 Riverside. I am in strong protest of the city's determination to hear the appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project in light of the current health risk to do so. There is no urgency with regard to this project. As noted by my prior email, it does not appear that all due diligence has been undertaken in a prudent manner. I urge the council to move this appeal to a time when the residents have the opportunity to come face to face with the council and have their case heard in person. Some of us are at risk, I for one being 65 or older, have strong concerns about the accessibility for my participation in the hearing. I appreciate you taking the time to consider this request, and trust you will take it seriously as we have. Sincerely, Hal Woods 2919 Cliff Drive Newport Beach 714-200-4915 From: Ramirez, Gregg Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 1:58 PM To: City Clerk's Office; Brown, Leilani Subject: Fw: 215 Riverside - Garden Project From: Hal Woods <hal@centerstone.com> Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 12:07 PM To: Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Nova, Makana <MNova@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com>; EVC Management Services <evcmanagement@centerstone.com>; Stefanie M. Sitzer <ssitzer@sitzerlawgroup.com>; Aaron Ehrlich <aehrlich@berdingweil.com>; Coralee Newman <cora@govsol.com>; Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com>; dave@earsi.com <dave@earsi.com>; Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com>; Sandra Ayres <ssayres@me.com> Subject: 215 Riverside - Garden Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. G regg, Several months ago, I came into the counter, and met with Makenna, regarding the 215 Riverside application. I asked for a full geology report, signed by a licensed geologist, with respect to slope, grading, over excavation, and new retaining walls. She said she would look into it, and needless to say, I never received it. Some 30 years ago, when we constructed the Mariners Point project, which consists of the 4 homes directly above the subject property, at 215 Riverside, we worked with our geologist and constructed a very expensive caisson wall to protect the integrity of the slope we were constructing on. We, the homeowners, are very concerned that the proper analysis has not been closely studied with respect to the integrity of the slope during construction, over excavation analysis, and the grading of the 215 Riverside project. We have not been provided any proof or reports from a licensed company, that indicate this has been analyzed in the proper manner. As homeowners, we want assurances that the proper geological analysis has been followed, to ensure our greatest investments are protected and that the consultants and contractors working on this portion of the project, carry the proper licenses, insurance and errors and omissions Insurances. Please keep in mind, collectively, the values of the 4 properties above the subject property in totality are well in excess of 20 Million Dollars. The due diligence on this project has been very lax as attested by their lack of knowledge of the easements that pertain to the project. It should also be noted that some of the utilities serving the four homes above the subject property, connect into Riverside Ave., running directly behind the retaining walls aforementioned. What analysis and efforts have been made to maintain their integrity? I'm sure no one would like to have a ruptured sewer system running down Riverside Ave and into the bay. Gregg your attention and immediate response to this email is critically important to the outcome and subject approvals of this project. We the homeowners expect your immediate response and ask that you provide the homeowners with the requested reports and expert staff analysis of these reports. Bearing in mind that we have just been informed that there will be a public hearing on April 14th, which we are in protest of, due to health and safety concerns. Best regards, Hal Woods 2919 Cliff Drive Newport Beach CA 92663 714-200-4915 Received After Agenda Printed April 14, 2020 Agenda Item No. 9 From: Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 5:14:24 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Leung, Grace <gleung@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Garden Project Hearing [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, At this time, I am requesting that the April 14th hearing for the 215 Garden Project be postponed due to the City's shutdown until May 3, 2020. This project has not been fully vetted within the community, despite Mr. Jabara and his applicant's consultant and attorney have stated in the past. The project and its cumulative impacts are in complete defiance of the City's Strategic Vision Plan that outlines the following principles: The distribution of parking is to be along the Pacific Coast Highway corridor and discourages transportation policies and engineering practices which promote increased traffic volumes and speeds in residential neighborhoods. The diagram from the Mariner's Mile Design Framework and its references clearly does not include have a parking structure abutting a residential neighborhood; however, it further encourages a "village" feel and to promote pedestrian safety. (The proposed parking structure is in complete contradiction to the City's Mariner's Mile Design Framework.) The City's document also states that Newport Heights in an integral part of Newport Beach, one of the most affluent communities in Orange County, entailing generally held expectations for a higher level of quality, higher design standards and greater expectations for the physical environment. This includes the residential community, Newport Heights Elementary, Ensign and Newport Harbor schools, as well as, the California Coastal Commission's protected wet -land adjacent to the proposed parking structure. The document also outlines the sensitivity to existing neighborhoods with the proposed uses and developments and projects are to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Mitigation of potential impacts to existing residents should be considered and balanced against the business interests of Mariner's Mile / Newport Heights. The references and supporting documents: The formulation of the Mariner's Mile Design Framework was based on the comprehensive analysis of collected base information and a review of the City's existing program, the site and the Mariner's Mile Business and Citizen's Advisory Committee Study Recommendations. This effort was conducted in order to uncover the keyDesign Issues and Opportunities affecting the current conditions along Mariner's Mile and the abutting residential neighborhood. A list of references and supporting documents follows. Copies of these documents are available for review at Newport Beach City Hall. 7.11 Mariner's Mile Specific Plan (Ord. 20.42, Dist. #5) 7.12 Mariner's Mile Advisory Committee Recommendations (1997) 7.13 T.O.T Revenue Enhancement Study (PKF, 1997) PLEASE NOTE: The City has already laid-out the framework and the foundation for this specific area, I am asking that each of you follow these guiding principles, in the event the Council moves forward with the 215 Garden Project Hearing. Thank you for your consideration. Peggy V. Palmer Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision - Parking Distribution Plan 215 Garden Project Parking Structure From: Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com> Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 5:56 PM To: Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Nova, Makana <MNova@newportbeachca.gov>; EVC Management Services <evcmanagement@centerstone.com>; Stefanie M. Sitzer <ssitzer@sitzerlawgroup.com>; Aaron Ehrlich <aehrlich@berdingweil.com>; Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com>; Coralee Newman <cora@govsol.com>; dave@earsi.com <dave@earsi.com>; Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com>; Sandra Ayres <ssayres@me.com>; 'hal@centerstone.com' <hal@centerstone.com>; Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com> Subject: 215 Riverside - Garden Project / Parking Structure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Gregg and Council Members, My name is Jack Staub and I live at 2911 Cliff Drive, just 24 feet from the proposed parking structure. My home is also at a lower elevation than my neighbors' homes, only 8 feet above the proposed structure. I have 2 children who live with me, ages 11 and 14. Their lives will be adversely impacted by this development, with its added traffic, noise, scanning headlights and safety concerns that come with any busy parking structure just feet away without a roof, particularly one operating late into the night. We live on a slope, with Cliff Drive Park on one side and the proposed project on the other; on April 28, 2014 the City denuded the park slope adjacent to our homes by cutting down the old-growth trees, creating an ongoing potential for slope instability that will play out for decades, as the roots of those trees decay. This has been extensively documented by your geotechnical experts and ours. By its own actions in 2014, the City created an ongoing obligation to maintain a stable slope and provide lateral support to our properties; but to permit the excavation of the other side of our homes, without any geotechnical assessment, seems unconscionable and reckless. Sincerely, Jack Staub 2911 Cliff Drive Newport Beach 949-400-1319 Received After Agenda Printed April 14, 2020 Agenda Item No. 9 From: Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 5:14:24 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Leung, Grace <gleung@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Garden Project Hearing [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, At this time, I am requesting that the April 14th hearing for the 215 Garden Project be postponed due to the City's shutdown until May 3, 2020. This project has not been fully vetted within the community, despite Mr. Jabara and his applicant's consultant and attorney have stated in the past. The project and its cumulative impacts are in complete defiance of the City's Strategic Vision Plan that outlines the following principles: The distribution of parking is to be along the Pacific Coast Highway corridor and discourages transportation policies and engineering practices which promote increased traffic volumes and speeds in residential neighborhoods. The diagram from the Mariner's Mile Design Framework and its references clearly does not include have a parking structure abutting a residential neighborhood; however, it further encourages a "village" feel and to promote pedestrian safety. (The proposed parking structure is in complete contradiction to the City's Mariner's Mile Design Framework.) The City's document also states that Newport Heights in an integral part of Newport Beach, one of the most affluent communities in Orange County, entailing generally held expectations for a higher level of quality, higher design standards and greater expectations for the physical environment. This includes the residential community, Newport Heights Elementary, Ensign and Newport Harbor schools, as well as, the California Coastal Commission's protected wet -land adjacent to the proposed parking structure. The document also outlines the sensitivity to existing neighborhoods with the proposed uses and developments and projects are to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Mitigation of potential impacts to existing residents should be considered and balanced against the business interests of Mariner's Mile / Newport Heights. The references and supporting documents: Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:46 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Appeal -----Original Message ----- From: SANDRA L AYRES <ssayres@mac.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:53 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Appeal [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members I am writing concerning the 215 Riverside Appeal scheduled to be heard on April 14. I join my voice with others asking that this appeal be delayed until a time when it can be fairly attended by concerned citizens. At a time when the Council has voted to shut down the Boardwalk, the City offices, etc until May 3 and the population must self isolate - how can a fair hearing be held? I strongly disagree with the suggestion that anyone who wants to participate can do so remotely. Many in our community would not have the needed skills or experience with telecommunication - myself being one. It would be wrong to deny their participation in our civic discourse. Being that this project has many issues attached and long lasting effects on our neighborhood, an open and transparent hearing is required. If the date is not postponed, citizens will be left with the impression that there may have been influences and pressures on the outcome. The question could be asked if there was a hope to keep the vote results under a veil. It would be unfortunate for the City and the Applicant if this issue went to further legal wrangling and expense. There is no need for this type of situation to occur. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sandra Ayres Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 10:04 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Protest City Council Hearing 4/14 - 215 Riverside From: Bruce Bartram Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 10:03:47 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office; Dept - City Council Cc: pvpalmer@icloud.com Subject: Protest City Council Hearing 4/14 - 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mr. Ramirez and City Council Members I strongly protest the City's apparent decision to hear the appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project in light of the current health risk to do so. A review of the Staff Report and supporting documents reveals hundreds of pages of correspondence from concerned residents regarding the merits of the project. Given this level of public interest the City's proposed telephonic public participation option is simply inadequate under the circumstances and offends basic principles of due process of law. From the Staff Report, there appears no urgency regarding the City Council hearing the appeal. Therefore, I request that the City Council continue the appeal so that the public can be heard in person by the Council and fully participate in the determination of the merits of this project. Thank you for your expected cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Bruce Bartram 2 Seaside Circle Newport Beach Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:53 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside From: Harry Barton <harrybarton@me.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 10:13 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Gregg and City Council Members, My name is Hal Woods and I live at 2919 Cliff Drive, directly above the subject property at 215 Riverside. I am in strong protest of the city's determination to hear the appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project in light of the current health risk to do so. There is no urgency with regard to this project. As noted by my prior email, it does not appear that all due diligence has been undertaken in a prudent manner. I urge the council to move this appeal to a time when the residents have the opportunity to come face to face with the council and have their case heard in person. Some of us are at risk, I for one being 65 or older, have strong concerns about the accessibility for my participation in the hearing. I appreciate you taking the time to consider this request, and trust you will take it seriously as we have. HarryBarton@me.com M 949.290.9596 H 949.200.9636 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:43 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: City Council Hearing 4/14 - 215 Riverside From: HYLA BERTEA <myredshoes@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 1:54 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: City Council Hearing 4/14 - 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To our City Council, The City of Newport Beach facilies are closed to the public through May 3 to slow the spread of COVID-19. This includes indoor facilities such as City Hall, the Senior Center and recreation centers, and outdoor facilities such as playground equipment, sports fields, tennis, basketball and paddleball courts, and the dog park. The May 3 date is an estimate based on guidance from the State and County using the most current information available. The date may change based on future recommendations from the State and County. As the number of cases grows in Orange County, it is imperative that we all follow the Governor's "stay at home" order to limit transmission of the coronavirus during these times. I Think because of these unusual circumstances the city must postpone hearing the appeal scheduled for April 14th of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project in light of the current health risk to do so. There is no urgency with regard to this project. I urge the council to move this appeal to a time when the residents have the opportunity to come face to face with the council and have their case heard in person. I appreciate you taking the time to consider this request, and trust you will take it seriously as I have. Since I don't live in this neighborhood I can only imagine what an impact this commercial project would have on a quiet neighborhood as theirs is. Best Wishes and Stay Safe and Healthy, Hyla Bertea 173 Shorecliff Road Corona del Mar Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 2:27 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: Fwd: Newport Heights Parking Structure Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Laurie Booth <lovelylfb@aol.com> Date: April 13, 2020 at 2:25:16 PM PDT To: Dept -City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Heights Parking Structure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Newport Beach City Council, I would like to express my opposition to the proposed parking structure at the corner of Avon Street and Riverside in Newport Beach. This corner is heavily travelled by hundreds of bicycles on school days and beach days. Drivers must exercise extreme caution in this area at all times. A parking structure would add more congestion to a very dangerous intersection. Please consider my request in opposing this structure. Most sincerely, Laurie Fraser Booth Newport Beach Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 2:01 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Short Term Lodging Public Notice From: Brenan, Ellen <EBrenan@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 1:19 PM To: Rieff, Kim <KRieff@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short Term Lodging Public Notice Hi Kim, I work in the Revenue Division, and handle most short term lodging emails and calls. My supervisor, Monique Navarrete, said you may be able to help me out. I have had a few questions from property owners engaging in short term lodging stating they did not hear about the emergency short term lodging Council meeting last Friday. Are you able to let me know when was the public notice sent, and how was the public informed? Any information you can provide will be helpful. Thank you, Ellen Ellen Brenan City of Newport Beach Revenue Division I Short Term Lodging 100 Civic Center Dr I Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.644.3027 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:53 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Project -----Original Message ----- From: Alice Brewer <abrewer3@me.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 9:33 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To all the City Council, You cannot ethically hold a hearing on this project without the city's citizens being able to attend. Please postpone this hearing. Alice Brewer Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:52 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Postpone any hearing on the RIverside 215 project issue. -----Original Message ----- From: G Brokate <georgebrokate@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 7:00 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Postpone any hearing on the RIverside 215 project issue. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. the public has the right to attend. it is not legal, or constitutional, to set in a system wherein you use the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to conduct our residents and city business outside the view, the participation, and the reaction ,of the citizens affected. what is the proper address ,and person's name, and title, as recipient, for individuals ,and groups,to file civil litigation ,and criminal,complaints, regarding these citizen and property owner and occupier rights? we know what Zoom is, and what it is not. thank you for your very prompt response,and your careful consideration of the people's business here in our unique nautical village venue. please advise me by reply that you have received this communication from someone who has resided in Newport Beach since 1966. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:49 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Project -----Original Message ----- From: Gene Brooks <bbrooks1000@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 4:14 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I request you postpone the council hearing In April 14 regarding the proposed 215 Riverside Project until AFTER THE NEWPORT BEACH QUARANTINE IS LIFTED AFTER In the beginning Of May. This quarantine prevents any Newport Beach residents from attending the April 14 Hearing which is not fair to the residents who Will be affected by this project next to their Homes. Thank you for your time . Regards Brian Brooks Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:48 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Protest City Council Hearing 4/14/2020 concerning 215 Riverside From: Valerie Carson <valcarson@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:58 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Nova, Makana <MNova @newportbeachca.gov>; Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com>; EVC Management Services <evcmanagement@centerstone.com>; "Stefanie M. Sitzer" <ssitzer@sitzerlawgroup.com>; Aaron Ehrlich <aehrlich@berdingweil.com>; Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com>; Coralee Newman <cora@govsol.com>; dave@earsi.com; Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com>; Sandra Ayres <ssayres@me.com>; Portia Weiss <portiaweiss@gmail.com> Subject: Protest City Council Hearing 4/14/2020 concerning 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Gregg & City Council Members - My name is Val Carson and I live on San Bernardino Ave. 4 houses from Cliff Drive. I am in agreement with many of my neighbors in strongly protesting the city's determination to hear the appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project in light of the current health risk to do so. There is no urgency with regard to this project. I also agree that it does not appear that all due diligence has been undertaken in a prudent manner. In fairness to the residents who will be impacted by this noisy project but cannot be at the meeting due to Covid 19 health risks I urge the council to move the appeal to a time when it is safe for the residents to participate. #1 the project will be noisy. I remember all the disturbances caused by open air steel bands in the building on PCH where Amaries is now located. The whole restaurant had to be shut down because the noise resonated up in Newport Heights as well as across the Bay on Lido Island. I'm sure you have records of all those complaints. This is a family oriented neighborhood. We all cherish our peace and quiet and deserve a say in this matter. Thank you for taking the time to consider our request, and trust that you will be fair in this matter that affects many pre existing family neighborhoods 360 degrees around this project. It is only fair that we residents are able to attend when it is safe for our health. Thank you...Val Carson and family 949.683.6324 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:45 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: please postpone the April 14, 2020 meeting re: 214 Riverside From: Paula Castanon <paula@dreastanon.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:42 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: please postpone the April 14, 2020 meeting re: 214 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. The meeting is scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, April 14, as we the local residents have a right to input our opinions regarding this project. paula@dreastanon.com 3 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Ramirez, Gregg Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 4:02 PM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: Fw: 215 Riverside (Garden office & Parking Structure) Public Hearing re Appeal Here's another From: EVC Management Services <evcmanagement@centerstone.com> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 1:40:37 PM To: Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov>; Nova, Makana <MNova @newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside (Garden office & Parking Structure) Public Hearing re Appeal [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mr. Ramirez, I am one of the homeowners adjacent to the proposed 215 Riverside improvements. As some of my neighbors have already expressed, it is necessary for the April 14 hearing to be postponed so that we may receive critical documentation that was requested by Hal Woods (and perhaps others) months ago during a personal visit to the City's planning counter. We have yet to receive those documents, which need to be studied and reviewed in conjunction with determining the impact on our slopes and retaining walls. Until a proper analysis can be conducted, including earlier inquiries being responded to, the hearing should be postponed. In addition, some of the affected owners are under quarantine due to the Covid-19 virus which affects our ability to participate in a practical fashion. We do not believe the City has provided us with proper and reasonable accommodations to electronically or telephonically participate in this hearing and thus it should be postponed until we can do so. Most of us prefer to participate in person, as is our right. It is also my understanding that our legal counsel's (Berding Weil) emails of April 2 and April 6, 2020 have not been responded to in detail and I would like to know why the City has yet to respond. If you wish to discuss the matter, you are welcome to call me. However, in my opinion, the City should continue the scheduled April 14 hearing to a later date when most, if not all, affected parties can fully participate, allow time for access to critical documentation, and to allow a proper forum for providing testimony in a fashion that is fair to all. Regards, Ernest V. Castro, President EVC Management Services, Inc. (949) 375-4190 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Jurjis, Seimone Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 1:54 PM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: Fwd: 215 Riverside Parking lot Comments For agenda item #9 Seimone Begin forwarded message: From: Kathe Choate <choateoncliff@gmail.com> Date: April 11, 2020 at 1:28:56 PM PDT To: "Jurjis, Seimone" <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: "Herdman, Jeff" <jherdman@newportbeachca.gov>, Mayor Will O'Neill <oneill4newport@gmail.com>, "Brenner, Joy" <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>, Portia <portiaweiss@gmail.com> Subject: Re: 215 Riverside Parking lot [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Thank you Seimone. I am very disappointed that the city council has decided to go ahead with this meeting at this time. Many of our neighbors are very anxious about this "project" and many of them are not able to make this connection through a link. And even if they could I think it would be chaotic. Why can't this hearing be postponed? The developer does not care about our wonderful Newport Heights neighborhood. He doesn't live here. I'm sure if this project was going to be built in front of his house he would be screaming bloody murder. It simply is not fair. I fear my request will fall on deaf ears. A postponement is the best way to go. Really, what's the rush? Kathe Choate Sent from my iPhone On Apr 11, 2020, at 11:39 AM, Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov> wrote: Good Morning Kathe The item is on the Tuesday night, April 14 City Council agenda for the City Council's consideration. We have changed the format for public participation. If you click on the link below it will take you to the agenda. The first page of the agenda give the instructions of how to participate during the City Council meeting without having to leave your home. Here is the link: https://newportbeach.legistarl.com/newportbeach/meetings/2020/4/2478 A City Co uncil 20-04-14 Agenda. pdf?id=30b79d42-6ad5-4Od6-8c6f-f6436cbf194b Please let me know if you have any questions? Thankyou Seimone From: Kathe Choate <choateoncliff@gmail.com> Date: Friday, April 10, 2020 at 12:59 PM To: "Jurjis, Seimone" <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: 215 Riverside Parking lot [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Seimone, Jeff Herdman suggested I send my email to you regarding the proposed project at 215 Riverside Drive. I, among others, are very interested in attending this public hearing and would like to be notified of a date when this present crisis is under control. Thank you. Kathe Choate Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Kathe Choate <choateoncliff@gmail.com> Date: April 10, 2020 at 8:50:55 AM PDT To: citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov Subject: 215 Riverside Parking lot The meeting to discuss this project is scheduled for April 14. Obviously the public will not be able to attend this meeting. It needs to be postponed so that those who will be adversely affected by this intrusion into our neighborhood can be heard. I see no reason for the developer to take advantage of our current health crisis. YOU MUST RESCHEDULE THIS HEARING. We would like to be informed of the rescheduled time. Thank you, Kathe Choate. Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:01 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Reschedule this meeting -----Original Message ----- From: Kathe Choate <choateoncliff@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 7:20 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Mayor Will O'Neill <oneill4newport@gmail.com> Subject: Reschedule this meeting [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I'm adding my voice once again to this request to reschedule the meeting on a Tuesday April 14th. It's needs to be a public forum not conducted by telephone. It is terribly unfair to all of us who live around this "project" and who will be adversely effected by this parking lot. Our voices need to be heard loud and clear. Please reschedule. What is the hurry?? Kathe Choate Sent from my iPhone 10 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 8:57 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside parking structure -----Original Message ----- From: Bill <williamcool@sbcgloba1.net> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 5:07 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside parking structure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the City Council, It is my understanding that there is to be a hearing on the 215 Riverside parking structure project, but the public will not be allowed to attend and must respond via phoning in. The local residents appears to object to this project and it is important for them to voice their opinion on any revised plan of the developer. Phoning in would make it much harder for those who want to speak. Please postpone the hearing until the public is allowed to attend the meeting. Thank you. Bill Cool 11 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:44 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Postpone Riverside Project From: Gregory Cox <GCox@pacificsymphony.org> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:41 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Postpone Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please postpone Best, Gregory Gregory Pierre Cox Vice President of Development and External Relations I Pacific Symphony t: (714) 876-2398 m: (310) 882-8259 1 e: GCox(�i.)PacificSymphony.org Charlie and Ling Zhang Center for Musical Arts and Education 17620 Fitch, Suite 100 1 Irvine, CA 92614 Reception: (714) 755-5788 1 Tickets: (714) 755-5799 PacificSymphony.org I facebook I instagramtwitter lyoutube U Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:52 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Cancel 215 Riverside projectI From: mammacub2@reagan.com <mammacub2@reagan.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 8:18 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Cancel 215 Riverside projectI [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please do not continue with the process of approving this project when City Hall is shut down, we citizens can not participate or give any input. This really is inappropriate and unbecoming to our City and its citizens. Vicki Cubeiro Newport Beach 4 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:44 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside From: luke@thedrufamily.com <luke@thedrufamily.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:02 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear council I believe that the approval of the project at 215 Riverside is very contentious, and I do not think this issue should be addressed by the council where the public can not be present. I don't think this is good civic responsible action. Please see the copy below of the letter from a resident that is directly affected by this project. Regards Luke W. Dru 949.642.2001 Copied letter: Gregg and City Council Members, My name is Hal Woods and I live at 2919 Cliff Drive, directly above the subject property at 215 Riverside. I am in strong protest of the city's determination to hear the appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project in light of the current health risk to do so. There is no urgency with regard to this project. As noted by my prior email, it does not appear that all due diligence has been undertaken in a prudent manner. I urge the council to move this appeal to a time when the residents have the opportunity to come face to face with the council and have their case heard in person. Some of us are at risk, I for one being 65 or older, have strong concerns about the accessibility for my participation in the hearing. I appreciate you taking the time to consider this request, and trust you will take it seriously as we have. Slncerely, Hal Woods 2919 Cliff Drive Newport Beach 714-200-4915 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:50 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Riverside Project -----Original Message ----- From: Bill Dunlap <bill@wedunlap.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 5:40 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To All, During these challenging times I would propose that you postpone the scheduled meeting ( 4/14/20) regarding the above referenced project. Thank you for your consideration . Bill Dunlap Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:31 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Riverside project From: Marsha Ferrall <marshaferrall@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:13 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Riverside project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please postpone hearing until quarantine is lifted. Thank you. Marsha Ferrall marsha ferrall design 949.929.5809 10 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:44 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Protesting April 14 meeting re: 215 Riverside/Garden Project From: Jeanne Fobes <jeannefobes@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:01 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com> Subject: Protesting April 14 meeting re: 215 Riverside/Garden Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am dismayed and angry that the "leaders" of our city of Newport Beach, where my husband and I have lived for almost fifty years, have scheduled a meeting on a matter that is vitally important to us at a time when we are unable to attend. We are elderly, have underlying health issues, and are following the ORDER of our Governor to "Shelter in Place"!! And you dare to schedule a meeting that would require us (and our fellow Newport Beach neighbors) to risk our lives to attend!! Explain that to us voters!! We live one block from Cliff Drive, have in the past expressed our horror at the prospect of this so-called "Garden Project." So now that you know that we citizens will not be able to safely attend your meeting, you schedule one! We ask you to reconsider this rash decision and plan to wait until the pandemic is gone before you meet on this issue. Urgently, Jeanne Fobes Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 8:57 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside parking structure -----Original Message ----- From: Cyndi Gitibin <cgitibin@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 3:53 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside parking structure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Whom It May Concern, Mr. and Mrs. Kavous Gitibin are STRONGLY against the proposed 215 parking structure on Mariners Mile!!!! Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Cyndi Gitibin Romans 8:28 12 April 12„ 2020 City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Patrick Gormley 2441 Marino Drive Newport Beach, California 92663 T 949-650-4024 F 949-650-1126 pfg 1941 ggmail.com Working together, let's Imagine the possibilities of building a community coastal city for people to enjoy now and in the future. Stewardship: Together all of us are expected to be good stewards, caretakers, or custodians of our neighborhoods and the greater Newport Beach community. Community involvement and citizen input is a prerequisite for the City of Newport to fulfill it's primary responsibility of stewardship. The City of Newport Beach has essentially shut -down the City due to COVID-19, until at least May 3, 2020. Recently, the City of Newport Beach has decided to hear the appeal from the developers of the 215 Riverside Project this Tuesday, April 14, 2020. This development project consists of a roof- top restaurant and an open parking structure that would abut up to the Community of Newport Heights. There is no urgency with regard to this project. The residents need to be able to understand this project and its cumulative impacts to the community. Community Concern: This parking structure is right in the heart of Newport Heights, where 4,300 children attend three different schools in the Heights and more than 1,500 Junior Lifeguards travel to and from the beach on this route on Riverside Drive and Avon Ave. The dangers of the ingress and egress of bicyclists, pedestrians, and children commuting to and from Newport Heights has not been studied nor made available to the public. According to the City's Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision Plan, a parking structure should not be allowed to abut against nor be in a residential neighborhood. The resident caretakers and custodians of the surrounding neighborhoods (1) can not physically attend this meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) will only be allowed to live stream the meeting and (3) will only be able to express their concerns and comments telephonically and not provide supporting evidence. Due to the magnitude of this project and its impact along Mariner's Mile, I request that this hearing be postponed until the residents and the public can physically attend this meeting. Your neighbor, Patrick Gormley Past President Bayshores Community Association Pagc 1 of 2 77 r+ A r. April 12„ 2020 City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Patrick Gormley 2441 Marino Drive Newport Beach, California 92663 T 949-650-4024 F 949-650-1126 pfg 1941 ggmail.com Working together, let's Imagine the possibilities of building a community coastal city for people to enjoy now and in the future. Stewardship: Together all of us are expected to be good stewards, caretakers, or custodians of our neighborhoods and the greater Newport Beach community. Community involvement and citizen input is a prerequisite for the City of Newport to fulfill it's primary responsibility of stewardship. The City of Newport Beach has essentially shut -down the City due to COVID-19, until at least May 3, 2020. Recently, the City of Newport Beach has decided to hear the appeal from the developers of the 215 Riverside Project this Tuesday, April 14, 2020. This development project consists of a roof- top restaurant and an open parking structure that would abut up to the Community of Newport Heights. There is no urgency with regard to this project. The residents need to be able to understand this project and its cumulative impacts to the community. Community Concern: This parking structure is right in the heart of Newport Heights, where 4,300 children attend three different schools in the Heights and more than 1,500 Junior Lifeguards travel to and from the beach on this route on Riverside Drive and Avon Ave. The dangers of the ingress and egress of bicyclists, pedestrians, and children commuting to and from Newport Heights has not been studied nor made available to the public. According to the City's Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision Plan, a parking structure should not be allowed to abut against nor be in a residential neighborhood. The resident caretakers and custodians of the surrounding neighborhoods (1) can not physically attend this meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) will only be allowed to live stream the meeting and (3) will only be able to express their concerns and comments telephonically and not provide supporting evidence. Due to the magnitude of this project and its impact along Mariner's Mile, I request that this hearing be postponed until the residents and the public can physically attend this meeting. Your neighbor, Patrick Gormley Past President Bayshores Community Association Pagc 1 of 2 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:03 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Postpone Please -----Original Message ----- From: Doug Hayes <hayes_dc@yahoo.com> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 8:39 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Postpone Please [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I'm a 41 year resident and homeowner in Newport Beach. Some of the more recent years of aggressive development in our city concerns me as I feel we're losing the charm we once had. This project is too important to gloss over with limited remote resident involvement. We need to be involved in live, in-person discussion. Please postpone this meeting until COVID-19 issues subside. Sincerely, Doug Doug Hayes Newport Beach, CA 949-735-6070 hayes_dc@yahoo.com Sent from my iPhone Z Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Project - Postpone the meeting From: Jennie Heinke <Jennie.heinke�s_bcglo_ bal.ne_t> Date: April 13, 2020 at 2:06:07 PM PDT To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Project - Postpone the meeting [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, It is my understanding that the City of Newport Beach has decided to hear the appeal of the 215 Riverside Project this Tuesday, April 14, 2020 and the public will not be able to attend this meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was also informed that the community will only be allowed to live stream the meeting and if the public wants to make comments they will have to do so telephonically. I am requesting that due to the magnitude of this project and its impact along Mariner's Mile, that this project meeting be postponed until the residents and the public can physically attend the meeting. It is of utmost importance that the public is able to review the project and its cumulative impacts for the safety of our children and our entire community. It would be very underhanded and questionable to hold this meeting at a time when the residents are not able to attend. Thank you for this extremely important consideration. Regards, Jeannette Heinke Mulvey, Jennifer From: Kerri Hirsch <keljackea@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 1:31 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Fwd: Against - 215 Riverside Project Categories: Jenn [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. > Once again the city council is trying to pass something that the community is against and the city again avoids due diligence This should be a green light vote and every time you have some bogus report that it doesn't exceed the car trips per day trigger. > This is a NO for me. Traffic is already horrible and this will only make it worse. > Kerri Hirsch > 949-533-4035 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:51 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: postpone the hearing Re: Riverside development From: Jennifer I <winifreex@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 5:55 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: postpone the hearing Re: Riverside development [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, Please postpone the hearing regarding 215 Riverside project scheduled for April 14th. I will not be able to attend and I woud like to be present during this hearing. There are many of us that want to have the opportunity to be present. Thank you, Jennifer Irani Resident and homeowner in Newport Heights Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside ave Project Public Hearing #9 From: Brion Jeannette <BrionJ@bia-inc.com> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 12:07 PM To: O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.eov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Jurjis, Seimone <siuriis@newportbeachca.eov>; Bonnie Jeannette <bonniei@bia-inc.com> Subject: 215 Riverside ave Project Public Hearing #9 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mr. Mayor O'Neill and members of the City Council Bonnie and I are residents of Newport Beach for over 45 years and live in the Newport Heights community on Santa Ana ave. We are in complete support of this project, and request the City Council uphold the approval granted by the Planning Commission. We were properly noticed of the hearing. This structure has been a vacant restaurant for many years and is certainly in need of redevelopment. The developer has done a terrific development at the Garden project. It is no longer an eye sore as you enter the Heights community. The new office building will not negatively impact the views from the park or the homes surrounding the site. It will help clean up a problem corner at Avon street. We will also be in support of a local restaurant in the future. We often walk down to many of the restaurants on Coast Highway and frequent the many shops in the area. Please approve the Garden Office building Thank you Brion & Bonnie Brion Jeannette Architecture Custom Architecture I Energy Efficient Design 470 Old Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 T: 949.645.5854 ext. 212 F: 949.645.5983 brionj@bja-inc.com www.customarchitecture.com houzz Follow us on Houzz and see what we're up to CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this e -Mail message, including any accompanying documents or attachments, is from Brion Jeannette Architecture and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, and is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying or use of the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. Due to the vulnerabilities associated with electronic communications this message and any attachments should be checked for destructive content prior to executing. BJA is not responsible for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:27 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Delay of the public hearing From: Thomas Kinder <kinderthomasl@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 7:21 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Delay of the public hearing [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please delay the review of the proposed parking structure for 215 Riverside due to the fact that the community can not attend the meeting and voice their concerns. Thomas L. Kinder 2900 Cliff Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.283.5555 skype catalina_tk 12 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 3:59 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: April 14 City Council Meeting - Item #XVIII - 9 Appeal of Planning Commission Approval for The Garden Office and Parking Structure Proposed at 215 Riverside Avenue From: Dorothy Kraus <dorothyjkraus@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 3:48 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: April 14 City Council Meeting - Item #XVIII - 9 Appeal of Planning Commission Approval for The Garden Office and Parking Structure Proposed at 215 Riverside Avenue [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, I respectfully object to the manner in which this Appeal will be conducted insofar as the inability for full and fair public participation due to COVID-19. Is there some procedural rule that dictates that this Appeal go before the Council on April 14Th? Additionally, there needs to be a cumulative environmental impact analysis taking into consideration existing development and "on -the -books" planned development in the surrounding area. Was the interpretation of rules governing the need for an EIR too narrowly interpreted? Perhaps the interpretation needs to be loosened. Noise, lighting, GHG, air quality and traffic, at minimum, need to be assessed. Safety is also a huge issue with residential communities close by, and parks and schools located throughout the surrounding communities. The quality of life for these communities is at risk if this project is approved. Let's please pause, consider doing a CEQA analysis for cumulative impacts, and allow full public participation of this important community issue by postponing the Appeal hearing until COVID-19 mandates are lifted. Thank you, and thank you for your service. Sincerely, Dorothy Kraus Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:20 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Parking Structure Appeal -----Original Message ----- From: Lynda Lane <laylalane@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 2:48 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Parking Structure Appeal [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I oppose having this meeting at this time due to the Coronavirus and the inability for people who are confined in their homes to attend and have adequate time for questions and input. It is surprising that the City would move forward with this meeting as it would appear that you are trying to push this project forward while the public is in a critical state. This meeting should be postponed. Lynda Lane 2708 Cliff Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-466-2020 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:06 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: NHIA Message - 215 Riverside Drive Parking Deck City Council Meeting set for 4/14 at 7pm -----Original Message ----- From: Susan E. Leal <sue.leal@me.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 12:30 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: NHIA Message - 215 Riverside Drive Parking Deck City Council Meeting set for 4/14 at 7pm [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am very interested in attending the virtual meeting. How can I do that? Sent from my Whone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:52 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 riverside project -----Original Message ----- From: Elaine Linhoff <elinhoff555@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 6:03 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 riverside project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. The hearing scheduled for April 14 on the project at 215 Riveerside. s The public should not be denied the opportunity to express opinions on the proposed project. How can you have a hearing when nobody is allowed to come and hear? Elaine Linhoff 1760 E. Ocean Blvd. Newport Beach Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:49 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Riverside/ Garden Project -----Original Message ----- From: Lynn Lorenz <lynnierlo@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 4:44 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Riverside/ Garden Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable City Council Members and Mayor: There must be some mistake. Surely, you aren't planning on holding such an important meeting as one on the controversial Riverside Garden Project while the CV quarantine is in place? Many of those concerned about this inglorious project are over 65. We are the residents most familiar with this neighborhood- what it can bear, and what it cannot bear. I think it would be morally correct for you to schedule this meeting when everyone interested in this project can safely attend in person. Please reconsider your meeting date. Thank you. Respectfully yours, Lynn Lorenz Redlands Avenue Newport Heights Sent from my iPad Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:46 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: April 14 meeting! -----Original Message ----- From: valerie miller <wasabismom@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:08 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: April 14 meeting! [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. It is not right that this meeting is being held while we are on lockdown. Please postpone! James and Valerie Miller 619 St James Rd Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:45 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Richard Osborne 14 April Meeting on the 215 Riverside Project From: Rick Osborne <rickusc@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:49 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Richard Osborne 14 April Meeting on the 215 Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I have become aware of the city's plans to hold a meeting on Tuesday, April 14, during the time that the city is essentially shutdown due to COVID-19 - until 3 May 2020. As these meetings must allow for the participation and feedback of affected residents, this meeting MUST be postponed until such time as the city is open, and the affected residents, and those who wish to participate are, once again, allowed such access. Please advise of your actions taken. Thank you. 2 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:42 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Hal Woods April 9 E Mail to City council Members From: Roger R. Otte <roger.otte@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 1:51 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Hal Woods April 9 E Mail to City council Members [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I believe he has correct request to you all and presents a fair idea to allow the residents to be present in a review of this project. I really do not understand your action to do this without the live attendance of those who are most impacted. Look in the mirror and pretend this is your property you are EFFECTING. ROGER OTT521 KINGS RD Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside secret meeting From: O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 8:21 AM To: darcypost@gmail.com Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: 215 Riverside secret meeting Hi Darcy, I think you've received some bad information if you think the meeting is behind closed doors. You're able to both watch the meeting and participate in the meeting if that's what you want to do. Here is more information that has been posted on our City's website: https://www.newportbeachca.gov/Home/Components/News/News/38108/2803?fsiteid=l Will O'Neill Mayor of Newport Beach Visit www.newportbeachca.gov/covid19 to see our City's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Please sign up for City updates. From: Darcy Post <darcypost@gmail.com> Reply -To: "darcypost@gmail.com" <darcypost@gmail.com> Date: Monday, April 13, 2020 at 8:14 AM To: Dept - City Council<CitVCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside secret meeting [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members: I am writing to voice my opposition and protest to the secret meeting, being held behind closed doors on Tuesday, April 14, 2020. There is no rush for this hearing regarding the 215 Riverside parking structure. Rather than having secret meetings you should be looking out for the public and enabling all to review the project and its cumulative impacts for the safety of our children and our entire community. According to the City's Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision Plan, a parking structure should not be allowed to abut against nor be in a residential neighborhood. I am sure you have it in you to make the right choice. Best Regards, Darcy Post Darcy Post newpoN beach, california 949.395.9566 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:48 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Proposed 215 Riverside Project -----Original Message ----- From: GARY RAYMOND RANES <zone24@att.net> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:18 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Proposed 215 Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. It is urgent to postpone the ApriI14 hearing for development of 215 Riverside. My fellow neighbors and I are unable to attend due to Covid-19 precautions. The public attendance and input at the hearing is essential for fair proper process. Resident Broad Street Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:48 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Project 2 -----Original Message ----- From: Janet Reuter <janet@3thirty3nb.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:43 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Can you please reschedule to a later date the very important mtg for 215 Riverside during the COVID Crisis so I and many others can attend in a safe environment. Thank you for prompt consideration. Janet Reuter Sent from my iPad City of Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 April 13, 2020 Re: Resolution No. 2020-33: Appeal of Planning Commission Approval for The Garden Office and Parking Structure Proposed at 215 Riverside Avenue (PA2019-023) Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, First off, I would like to say that the Newport Heights community truly appreciates the Newport Beach City Council historically protecting the boundaries of dissimilar uses next to one another, which is the crux of this appeal. The applicant asked for a 'Conditional Use Permit' because he wants to place a 2,750 square foot office building along with a 41 -space 'open' rooftop parking garage 24 feet below adjacent residential properties. A conditional use permit such as this has never been granted in the past. Instead, the City of Newport Beach has always protected residential neighborhoods from incompatible adjacent land uses by requiring that parking structures adjacent to residential properties be enclosed. For example: the original Jaguar dealership (now Sterling BMW) located at 3000 West Coast Highway and the retail center, Mariner's Pointe, located at 100 West Coast Highway were both opposed by neighboring residents and subsequently required to cover their parking structures so as not to negatively affect the quality of life for residents and mitigate the potential to generate noise such as: car horns, car alarms, car audio systems, car engines idling, loud car engine start-ups, people talking, in addition to, glaring illumination from vehicle headlights. I would also like to mention that both Auto Nation and Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church had their parking structure conditional use permits denied by the City of Newport Beach because of the negative impacts imposed upon the neighboring residents. So, why would the applicant for the office and 'open' rooftop parking structure located at 215 Riverside Avenue not be held to the same standards as prior applicants asking for the same type of conditional use permit? The Newport Heights community has a great concern over building an 'open' rooftop parking structure adjacent to residential properties because as it was discussed at the 8/19/19 Planning Commission meeting by both members of the Planning Commission and Associate Planner, Makana Nova, that the proposed parking structure would not be used as strictly a day -use parking structure for the office building, but would also be open for late-night use as well (parking in the Mariner's Mile is limited and this parking structure would provide space for many of the late night establishments' customers —Associate Planner Nova). It is extremely difficult to understand how the Planning Commission could approve the conditional use permit for this project when 'late-night use' was never included in the Noise impact study or Light impact study! I believe that there is a 'win, win' option for this appeal. I was present at the 8/22/19 Planning Commission Meeting when the architect, Scott Laidlaw, said that there was an alternative design for the office building at 215 Riverside Drive. He proposed a design that would spread the office building over a 'covered' parking structure that would actually increase the parking spaces to 50 spaces! This type of covered parking structure and office building would certainly help to buffer any negative affects to the quality of life for neighboring residents. Furthermore, it would allow the City of Newport Beach to continue its long- standing protection of residential properties and consistent requirements of developments that are adjacent to boundaries of dissimilar use, while allowing the applicant to proceed with constructing his office building and 'covered' parking structure. Thank you for your time in considering this alternative approach that essentially offers a collaborative strategy and resolution to this conflict. Sincerely, Siobhan Robinson Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 8:56 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Dr Project Appeal -----Original Message ----- From: John Carlos Rowe <johnrowe@usc.edu> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 3:53 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Dr Project Appeal [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Public commentary is crucial and telephonic comments on livestreaming impractical. You have ignored good technical advice about secure zooming. Please postpone this review until the public may attend and/or more easily comment digitally. John Rowe 700 Kings Rd 92663 Sent from my iPhone 13 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:47 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: City council meetings during closure -----Original Message ----- From: John Carlos Rowe <johnrowe@usc.edu> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:00 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: City council meetings during closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please Zoom ALL meetings during closure or postpone them. Zoom is really easy, and the public needs a voice. John Rowe/ 700 Kings Rd 92663 Sent from my Whone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 8:55 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside -----Original Message ----- From: Susan Skinner <seskinner@me.com> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 10:07 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council: I would like to ask that any project that may be controversial for its neighbors not be brought before the city until the stay at home order expires. Thank you, Susan Skinner 14 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:42 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Project hearing date. -----Original Message ----- From: Carrie Slayback <carrieslayback@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 1:03 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Project hearing date. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Mayor and Members of Newport Beach City Council, A May 3rd hearing is scheduled for the 215 Riverside Project. Due to the COVID-19 closure of all city -related events, citizens cannot be part of the hearing. Even if the city does open on May 3, people will hesitate to gather so soon after the virus threat. There is no such thing as a "hearing" without input from all parties. Please notify me and Newport Heights Improvement Assoc as well as Cliff Have as to new proposed date, after virus threat has been greatly lessened. Sincerely, Carrie Luger Slayback 426 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 646-5902 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:20 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project From: Gary Sokolich <Gary_Sokolich@dslextreme.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 3:20 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: NewportHeightsCliff haven <newportheightscliffhaven @gmail.com> Subject: Appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To: Members of the Newport Beach City Council\ Fr: Gary Sokolich Re: Appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project I do not consider the appeal of the 215 Riverside/Garden Project to be an urgent matter. Accordingly, I am joining several others in the Newport Heights Community to request that the hearing on this matter be postponed and rescheduled until such time as potentially impacted residents have the opportunity to come face to face with the council and have their case heard. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Ramirez, Gregg Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 6:01 PM To: City Clerk's Office; Brown, Leilani Subject: Fw: 215 Riverside - Garden Project/ Parking Structure Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Categories: Leilani Hello - Making sure you received this. Thanks From: Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com> Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 5:56 PM To: Ramirez, Gregg <GRamirez@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Nova, Makana <MNova@newportbeachca.gov>; EVC Management Services <evcmanagement@centerstone.com>; Stefanie M. Sitzer <ssitzer@sitzerlawgroup.com>; Aaron Ehrlich <aehrlich@berdingweil.com>; Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com>; Coralee Newman <cora@govsol.com>; dave@earsi.com <dave@earsi.com>; Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com>; Sandra Ayres<ssayres@me.com>; 'hal@centerstone.com'<hal@centerstone.com>; Jack Staub <jstaub@criticalio.com> Subject: 215 Riverside - Garden Project / Parking Structure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Gregg and Council Members, My name is Jack Staub and I live at 2911 Cliff Drive, just 24 feet from the proposed parking structure. My home is also at a lower elevation than my neighbors' homes, only 8 feet above the proposed structure. I have 2 children who live with me, ages 11 and 14. Their lives will be adversely impacted by this development, with its added traffic, noise, scanning headlights and safety concerns that come with any busy parking structure just feet away without a roof, particularly one operating late into the night. We live on a slope, with Cliff Drive Park on one side and the proposed project on the other; on April 28, 2014 the City denuded the park slope adjacent to our homes by cutting down the old-growth trees, creating an ongoing potential for slope instability that will play out for decades, as the roots of those trees decay. This has been extensively documented by your geotechnical experts and ours. By its own actions in 2014, the City created an ongoing obligation to maintain a stable slope and provide lateral support to our properties; but to permit the excavation of the other side of our homes, without any geotechnical assessment, seems unconscionable and reckless. Sincerely, Jack Staub 2911 Cliff Drive Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:47 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Please Temporarily Suspend Public Meetings From: dave@earsi.com <dave@earsi.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:15 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com>; Peggy Palmer <pvpalmer@icloud.com>; 'Aaron J. Ehrlich' <aehrlich@berdingweil.com>; 'Hal Woods' <haI@centerstone.com> Subject: Please Temporarily Suspend Public Meetings [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council, I have received confusing information from the City including an email yesterday entitled "City Extends Facility Closures through May 3". This email states " This includes indoor facilities such as City Hall". The Council Chambers are part of City Hall and are indoors. I and other residents are unsure if the previously noticed April 14 City Council meeting will occur or has be continued. Given the President's stay at home directive during the Month of April; the rising number of COVID-91 cases in Orange County (1,079); the increasing number of cases in Newport Beach (81); and the high percentage of high risk residents like myself that are likely to participate in public meetings, I ask the Council to continue all non-essential public activities, including public meetings and adhere to the recommendations provided by the United States Government and Orange County public health authorities until these health professionals declare it safe to conduct such meetings in the manner proposed by the City. I know everyone is eager to restart our economic engines. I am a business owner, I feel the pain. I hope Newport Beach is nearing the peak of its curve. Even in this time of pain we must not lose sight of what is most important - public health and safety. I know each of you is deeply concerned for everyone's health and safety. Restarting the economic engine too soon, even if permitted by State Executive Order could be disastrous for Newport Beach residents. This circumstance is not something we have practiced. The rule of thumb is you don't want to be the first to try something new, wait and see what works. I suggest the City research a virtual meeting alternative, to see if under these circumstances this format can be used temporarily as an emergency measure. However, this will not work for everyone. Some residents I have spoken with are in self -quarantine and do not have access to the internet and many who do, don't understand how this technology works. They have said they do not feel safe to attend public gatherings, let alone a grocery store at this time. They also believe they are doing their part as Americans for the greater good of the Country. I ask the City do its part for the greater good of the Country and error on the side of caution. Let's make sure the risks don't outweigh the benefits. Don't obligate others to do what you won't do yourself. Don't do anything you wouldn't allow your family, your kids, your grand kids to do. One thing is certain, If you schedule public meetings people will attend out of their love for Newport Beach. 1 Newport is strong. Newport will recover. We need to think this through to make sure we act in the best interest of the Country as Americans, and in the best interests of the City as residents. Please postpone all non-essential public activities until health experts tell the City it is safe to proceed in the manner proposed. Thank you, Dave Tanner 223 62nd Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 949 233-0895 cell Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:03 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: parking structure -----Original Message ----- From: James & Nancy Turner <noturner@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 9:16 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: parking structure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. We do not need a parking structure in our Residential Neighborhood. Dont want the noise- the honking horns, the smog,and the screeching tires. We are overcrowded now > Stop this project. Nancy and Jim Turner 435 Irvine Avenue Newport BeAch Ca. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 2:06 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: Fwd: Mariner's Mile Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Barbara Wall <barbaraonlido@aol.com> Date: April 13, 2020 at 2:02:32 PM PDT To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Mariner's Mile Reply -To: Barbara Wall <barbaraonlido@aol.com> [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am requesting the the Newport Beach City Council delay any further approvals or meetings regarding the Mariner's Mile project until the citizens of Newport Beach are able to attend the meetings. This is a high profile project that effects many and we need to be heard in public and not via a telephone. Please postpone this agenda item. Sincerely, Barbara Wall Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:20 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: City Council meeting re: 215 Riverside project From: ttaw50@aol.com <ttaw50@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 3:49 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: City Council meeting re: 215 Riverside project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. As a resident of Newport Beach I oppose the City Council meeting currently scheduled for April 14, regarding the 215 Riverside project. Given the unusual circumstances due to the necessity of social distancing it makes it impossible for concerned residents to attend this meeting in person. I strongly urge you to reschedule this meeting for a later date when all those concerned and impacted can attend and have themselves heard. Sincerely, Teri Watson 2209 Cliff Dr Newport Beach Sent from AOL Mobile Mail Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:49 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: April 14 meeting on Riverside restaurant and parking From: Judy Weightman <judyweightman@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 4:29 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; gramirez@newportbeacjca.gov Subject: April 14 meeting on Riverside restaurant and parking [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council and involved parties, Could you please delay the meeting and consideration on the Riverside restaurant and parking until after the City opens up again? As an "elderly" folk lacking computer skills I would like to attend the discussion in person. And..... regardless of one's computer skills, I think it's only appropriate to give neighbors a chance to speak in person when there is so much contention on an issue. Thank you for your consideration and hopefully your sensitivity to your constituency. Judy Weightman 2001 Cliff Drive AH yes, directly across the street from Ensign and another resident who has HEARD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FROM NMUSD regarding the banana parking issue. 1a Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:21 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Please postpone April 14 City Council Meeting Hearing re: 215 Riverside Project From: Portia Weiss <portiaweiss@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 5:43 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Please postpone April 14 City Council Meeting Hearing re: 215 Riverside Project [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council - I am a resident of Newport Heights and request that the April 14 hearing of the appeal to the proposed 215 Riverside Project be postponed. The majority of our community is experiencing unexpected, immediate and tremendous challenges at this time due to the current health pandemic, and understandably, many will not be able to participate in this critically important meeting. There is shared concern that the project as currently proposed may host a very negative and permanent impact upon our daily lives. We need more time to understand the project and review how it could change our neighborhood. We all want a project which we can feel confident will enhance our neighborhood quality of life. Respectfully, Portia Weiss Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:04 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 215 Riverside Dr -----Original Message ----- From: JULIE WILSON <wilsonbay@me.com> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 12:44 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 215 Riverside Dr [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members, We think that this is a great project and should be approved immediately. Respectfully, Julie and Justin Wilson Sent from my iPad Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:21 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: April 14 Meeting regarding 215 Riverside -----Original Message ----- From: Ann M Winthrop <annwinthrop@sbcgloba1.net> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 3:57 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: April 14 Meeting regarding 215 Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I do think it would be wise to postpone this meeting so that everyone concerned can participate and be heard in person. Not everyone is comfortable with dial -in meetings and technology. Thanks, Ann Winthrop 3016 Cliff Dr Newport Beach Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Beach, City of: Today's city council meeting. From: Philip Bettencourt Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:33:06 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: O'Neill, William Cc: City Clerk's Office; 'Philip Bettencourt' Subject: Newport Beach, City of: Today's city council meeting. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mr. Mayor and city council members, we are not sure if there will be a telephone call-in opportunity this afternoon so we wanted to leave a short message just to receive and file. (We will certainly be following the meeting on line - the General Plan and Housing Element matters, especially.) Thank you for all you are doing as a city team during these trying times. Thank you especially to our first responders, of course, and to all of your infrastructure specialists who keep the city running 24:7. May we respectfully recall the words of the late John Wayne: "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." Philip F. & Meredith Bettencourt Real Estate Development Planning & Stewardship 14 Corporate Plaza, STE 120 1 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7995 From: Sent: To: Subject: Rieff, Kim Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:17 AM Mulvey, Jennifer FW: No parking structure!!! -----Original Message ----- From: Christine Meyer Elerding <christyelerding@icloud.com> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 6:01 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: No parking structure!!! [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. On riverside drive @ Avon in newport Heights.... C. Elerding Sent from my Whone Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:48 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Comments for tonight's NB City Council Mtg Attachments: petition_signatures,jobs_20202002_20200411161852.csv; petition_signatures,jobs_ 20202002_20200411161852.x I sx From: Kari Dietrich Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:48:04 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Brown, Leilani Cc: Rieff, Kim; City Clerk's Office Subject: Comments for tonight's NB City Council Mtg [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the Newport Beach City Council, Say Yes to Choice (OC Community Choice Energy) Outside all due recognition and attention paid to the urgent matters surrounding Covid-19, we humbly ask to likewise continue discussions with the City of Irvine and work to accept their invitation to join their Community Choice Energy program. As of now, the matter continues to be on the Irvine City Council agenda for May 12. We want the business development, freedom of choice, and affordable and sustainable energy that a Community Choice Energy program offers. Thank you, Mayor O'Neill and other council members, for doing everything to keep us safe, as well as your being open to this important step, especially at this singular time. Sincerely, OC Families for Consumer Choice Newport- and OC -area petitioners are listed here; original petition letter and full signature list are attached. Name & City Gialisa Gaffaney CdM Anne Parzick CdM Brenda McCroskey CdM Patricia Nichols CdM Beverly Carmichael CdM Maeve Courtney CdM Dillon Henry NB Teri Bassman NB Carol Crane NB Joni Nichols NB Anne Gordinier NB Susan Lew NB 1 Eileen Penan NB Amy Henry NB Laura Oatman NB Maxine Stomber NB Dennis Bress NB Lara Horgan NB Toni Rios NB Mark Tabbert NB Gena Reed NB Nicole Nelson NB Bobbi Dauderman NB Cheryl Fischer NB Patricia Gwin NB Pamela Gilmour NB susan skinner NB Kathy Andrews NB JOHN FREYTAG NB Laurie Hoagland NB Claudette Shaw NB Esther Behnam NB Nancy Geerlings NB Catherine Han NB Kelly Wright NB Jerry Dauderman NB Carol Lind NB Michelle Jordan NB shari garcia Chevez NB Bridget Skinner NB Tracey Prever NB Jamie Simons NB Nicole Surratt NB Lisa Kassel NB Anne Bohn NB Sandra Jackson NB Sara Johnson NB John Dietrich NB Julie Montgomery NB Milvi Vanderslice NB April Negrete NB Brian Courtney NB Karisa Botch NB Victoria THOMAS NB Vicki Morris NB Christine Thomas NB Faye Hezar Newport Coast 2 Stephanie Sandoz Newport Coast Deborah Liu Newport Coast Xandra Laskowski Newport Coast Cecily Burke Newport Coast Russell Baldwin Costa Mesa Kay Simpkins Costa Mesa Susan Anderson Costa Mesa Ashley Bigonger Costa Mesa Vanessa Handy Costa Mesa Linda Law HB Marcia Stroup HB Kathleen Treseder Irvine Sue Ellen Oconnor Irvine chloe liu Irvine Irene Kinoshita Irvine Melissa Biebel Irvine Janet McNeil Irvine Louise Beckerman Irvine Carolyn Hacker Irvine Mary Carter Laguna Beach Ginger Osborne Laguna Beach wendy wu Laguna Niguel Brendan Horgan Mission Viejo Michael Rotcher Mission Viejo Bonnie Felt Mission Viejo Marjorie Cano Santa Ana Moira Nonnweiler Santa Ana Virginia Bernal Santa Ana Passally Torres Santa Ana Kari Dietrich Content Strategist & Climate Advocate Irvine, CA 323.244.1642 3 change.org OC Families for Consumer Choice cid_ 1 Newport Beach City Council, Council Member Diane Dixon, Mayor Pro Tem Brad Avery, Council Member Duffy Duffield, Council Member Kevin Muldoon, Council Memberjeff Herdman, Council Memberjoy Brenne... Letter Greetings, Tell Newport Beach City Council: Say Yes to Choice (CCE) Now Please continue discussions with the City of Irvine about their invitation to join their Community Choice Energy program. We want the business development, freedom of choice, and affordable energy that a Community Choice Energy program offers. Thank you, Mayor O'Neill, for your being open to this important step! Signatures Name Location Date Kathleen Treseder Irvine, CA 2020-02-07 Gialisa Gaffaney Corona del Mar, CA 2020-02-08 CL Miller San Francisco, CA 2020-02-08 Dillon Henry Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Teri Bassman Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Carol Crane Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Joni Nichols Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Anne Gordinier Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Susan Lew Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Oneis Amparo san juan, US 2020-02-08 Russell Baldwin Costa Mesa, CA 2020-02-08 Sue Ellen Oconnor Irvine, CA 2020-02-08 Anne Parzick Corona del Mar, CA 2020-02-08 Eileen Penan Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Amy Henry Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Sarah Henry Anaheim, CA 2020-02-08 Maria del Pilar Uscategui Miami Beach, US 2020-02-08 Laura Oatman Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Sandra Del toro torres Daytona Beach, US 2020-02-08 William Petty Greensboro, US 2020-02-08 Name Location Date Brenda McCroskey Corona del Mar, CA 2020-02-08 Maxine Stomber Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Marjorie Cano Santa Ana, CA 2020-02-08 Rose C. Maly, MD Los Angeles, CA 2020-02-08 Faye Hezar Newport Coast, CA 2020-02-08 Donald Ruston Burbank, CA 2020-02-08 Stephanie Sandoz Newport Coast, CA 2020-02-08 Deborah Liu Newport Coast, CA 2020-02-08 Dennis Bress Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Carrie Gleason Littleton, CO 2020-02-08 Barbara Sloate Los Angeles, CA 2020-02-08 Lara Horgan Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Everest Veliu Columbus, US 2020-02-08 Mary Carter Laguna Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Brendan Horgan Mission Viejo, CA 2020-02-08 Toni Rios Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-08 Michael Rotcher Mission Viejo, CA 2020-02-08 Kay Simpkins Costa Mesa, CA 2020-02-09 wendy wu Laguna Niguel, CA 2020-02-09 Brandon Dutton Monroe, US 2020-02-09 Mark Tabbert Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-09 Gena Reed Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-09 Name Location Date Xandra Laskowski Newport Coast, CA 2020-02-09 debi Yearwood Los Angeles, CA 2020-02-09 Liz Richardson Anaheim, CA 2020-02-09 Moira Nonnweiler Santa Ana, CA 2020-02-09 Ginger Osborne Laguna Beach, CA 2020-02-09 ND McNeil Atlanta, US 2020-02-09 Linda Law Huntington Beach, CA 2020-02-10 sally guo Stone Mountain, US 2020-02-10 Hazim Guster Wethersfield, US 2020-02-10 Josie Calderon Mammath Lakes, US 2020-02-10 Hunter Hamlet New York, US 2020-02-10 Monica Benitez Sonoma, US 2020-02-10 Elias Buchhop Defiance, US 2020-02-10 Alfie Hohnen-weber Los Angeles, US 2020-02-10 chloe liu Irvine, US 2020-02-11 Nicole Nelson Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Irene Kinoshita Irvine, CA 2020-02-11 Bobbi Dauderman Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Cheryl Fischer Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Susan Anderson Costa Mesa, CA 2020-02-11 Sully Abbatemarco Mansfield, US 2020-02-11 Doris Wilson Saint Louis, US 2020-02-11 Name Location Date Patricia Gwin Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Melissa Biebel Irvine, CA 2020-02-11 Janet McNeil Irvine, CA 2020-02-11 Louise Beckerman Irvine, CA 2020-02-11 Patricia Nichols Corona del Mar, CA 2020-02-11 Charity Belton Gainesville, US 2020-02-11 Pamela Gilmour Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Scottia Evans Whittier, CA 2020-02-11 Susan skinner Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Kathy Andrews Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-11 Kory Barnes Corpus Christi, US 2020-02-11 Virginia Bernal Santa Ana, CA 2020-02-11 JOHN FREYTAG Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-12 Laurie Hoagland Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-12 Makenna Bettag Troy, US 2020-02-12 Chow Yong Flushing, US 2020-02-12 Elin Kim Santa Clara, US 2020-02-12 Jake Puestow Orange, US 2020-02-12 Claudette Shaw Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-12 Esther Behnam Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-12 Karen Patton Chicago, IL 2020-02-12 Margaret Lawrence Long Beach, CA 2020-02-12 Name Location Date Ken Tanaka Los Angeles, CA 2020-02-13 Nancy Geerlings Newport beach, CA 2020-02-13 Marcia Stroup Huntington Beach, CA 2020-02-13 Bonnie Felt Mission Viejo, CA 2020-02-13 Catherine Han Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Cecily Burke Newport Coast, CA 2020-02-22 Kelly Wright Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Jerry Dauderman Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Carol Lind Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Carolyn Hacker Irvine, CA 2020-02-22 Michelle Jordan Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 shari garcia Chevez Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Masoumeh Behzadian Newark, US 2020-02-22 Bridget Skinner Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Nahid Unesi New York, NY 2020-02-22 Daniel Liu Chula Vista, US 2020-02-22 Julie Ray Atlanta, GA 2020-02-22 Tracey Prever Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Jamie Simons Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Nicole Surratt Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Lisa Kassel Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Beverly Carmichael Corona del Mar, CA 2020-02-22 Name Location Date Anne Bohn Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-22 Barbara Heffernan Orange, CA 2020-02-23 zay castro Hayward, US 2020-02-23 Alfredo Aguilar Canyon Country, US 2020-02-23 Jason Inchcliff Dahlgren, US 2020-02-23 Audrey Leder Modesto, US 2020-02-23 Racheal Spencer Meridian, US 2020-02-23 Bucas Vilaca Torrance, US 2020-02-23 Ashley Bigonger Costa Mesa, US 2020-02-24 Harley Matthews Howard, US 2020-02-24 Victor Sanchez Garden Grove, US 2020-02-24 Krista Cook Baker City, US 2020-02-24 Sandra Jackson Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-24 Mark Surprenant Fernandina, US 2020-02-24 Yingzi Lin Amherst, US 2020-02-24 Bray Hunter West Des Moines, US 2020-02-24 Janice Highfill San Antonio, TX 2020-02-24 Sara Johnson Newport Beach, CA 2020-02-29 Marie Vecere Lindenhurst, NY 2020-03-02 John Dietrich Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-03 Vanessa Handy Costa Mesa, CA 2020-03-03 Julie Montgomery Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-06 Name Location Date Milvi Vanderslice Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-10 Maeve Courtney Corona del Mar, CA 2020-03-10 April Negrete Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-10 Brian Courtney Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-11 Karisa Botch Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-11 Victoria THOMAS Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-24 Maixee Yang Sacramento, US 2020-03-24 Deyan Doychev Orange, US 2020-03-24 Andrea Onofre Sebastopol, US 2020-03-24 Caleb Laverty Olympia, US 2020-03-24 Zachary Bissemberg San Bernardino, US 2020-03-24 PassaIly Torres Santa Ana, US 2020-03-24 Harry Maemura Los Angeles, US 2020-03-24 Barbara Harris High Point, US 2020-03-24 Brittany Escalante Atlanta, US 2020-03-24 Nathan Brinkley Concord, US 2020-03-24 Luis Epasa San Francisco, US 2020-03-24 Nana adwoa Mensah Woodbridge, US 2020-03-24 Adam Kaluba Burleson, US 2020-03-24 Ou Saephan Oroville, US 2020-03-24 Tijon Spalding Trenton, US 2020-03-24 Vlad Lavric Los Angeles, US 2020-03-24 Name Location Date caleb jenkins Lawrenceville, US 2020-03-24 Eugene Canel Fresno, US 2020-03-24 Rachel Delgado Lake Havasu City, US 2020-03-24 Michael Lindell Lewiston, US 2020-03-24 Christian Clement Midlothian, US 2020-03-24 nya mooney new roads, US 2020-03-24 Ismael Mendez San Antonio, US 2020-03-24 Taylor Bragg Lake Dallas, US 2020-03-24 Mark Estes Conyers, US 2020-03-24 Ariana Gonzalez Santa Maria, US 2020-03-24 Angel a Rodriguez roto Cape May, US 2020-03-24 Rebecca Wells Washington, PA 2020-03-24 Devon Lawler Edgewater, US 2020-03-24 jiashu Chen Boston, US 2020-03-24 Dena Obrien Gainesville, US 2020-03-24 Milad Oraha Sterling Heights, US 2020-03-24 Maggie Hackworth Winston Salem, US 2020-03-24 Courtney Hearn Cairo, US 2020-03-24 Mabel Larrama Cypress, US 2020-03-24 Chris Ruszala Sykesville, US 2020-03-24 Victoria Interiano Los Angeles, US 2020-03-24 Lindsey Murdock Glenwood, IA 2020-03-24 Name Location Date Eliana Barreiros San Diego, US 2020-03-24 Marvin Wigley Washington, PA 2020-03-24 Mariangely Aquino Lawrenceville, US 2020-03-24 Aliviya Freeman Atlanta, US 2020-03-24 Cristina Smith Orlando, US 2020-03-24 Amber Krajewski Richmond, US 2020-03-24 Brandon Harrison Jacksonville, US 2020-03-24 Ryan Hockenberry Westfield, US 2020-03-25 Mina Fatoohi Sterling Heights, US 2020-03-25 Oziel Perez Shelby, US 2020-03-25 Helen Zabad Washington, US 2020-03-25 Brianna Snipes Gladstone, US 2020-03-25 Derek Holloway Gainesville, US 2020-03-25 Sonya Hussein Saint Paul, US 2020-03-25 Hunter Straup Pullman, US 2020-03-25 Chelsea Cosner Atlanta, US 2020-03-25 austin Simmons Whittier, US 2020-03-25 Pilar Montes Miami, US 2020-03-25 Akira Holmes San Antonio, US 2020-03-25 Kamaria Smith Milwaukee, US 2020-03-25 Daniel Raines Fairhope, US 2020-03-25 amari lakes Baton Rouge, US 2020-03-25 Name Location Date Emilyn Nay Charlotte, US 2020-03-25 jada p Spartanburg, US 2020-03-25 Mishal Azhar Brooklyn, US 2020-03-25 Antonio carmen Lexington, US 2020-03-25 Aaron Leyva San Antonio, US 2020-03-25 Dylan Slusher Lake Charles, US 2020-03-25 Joy Gaskin Orlando, FL 2020-03-25 Evan Russell E Helena, US 2020-03-25 Inelda Ramos Tampa, US 2020-03-25 Naazhim Bell Glen Burnie, US 2020-03-25 khord Mehl Salt Lake City, US 2020-03-25 Sophia Pleat Clifton Park, US 2020-03-25 Ruby Redstone Cathedral City, US 2020-03-25 Chels F US 2020-03-25 Alex Densan Missouri City, US 2020-03-25 Karla Serafin Fontana, US 2020-03-25 Owen Reuter Clemmons, US 2020-03-25 Diana Guerrero Buda, US 2020-03-25 Kala Spires Georgetown, US 2020-03-25 Andrew Mohrman Rochester, US 2020-03-25 Yue Huang Pittsburgh, US 2020-03-25 Dilmurod Rasulov Orlando, US 2020-03-25 Name Kenda Alhajali Casey Osborne Andres Rocha Stephanie Carrillo Tanner Delcourt Luis Mendez shannon barnstead Blake Woodhall Vicki Morris Christine Thomas Location Date Sugar Land, US 2020-03-25 Glendale, US 2020-03-25 Katy, US 2020-03-25 Lawrenceville, US 2020-03-25 O Fallon, US 2020-03-25 Gaithersburg, US 2020-03-25 Commerce, US 2020-03-25 Springville, US 2020-03-25 Newport Beach, CA 2020-03-26 Newport Beach, CA 2020-04-02