HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 - Amending the NBMC Restrictions for Short Term Lodging; and Emergency Ordinance: Restricting the Short Term Rentals on Newport Island to a Minimum of Four Consecutive Nights - CorrespondenceReceived After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@coretechleasing.com> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 1:55 PM To: Muldoon, Kevin; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; O'Neill, William; Navarrete, Monique; Contino, Brian; Jurjis, Seimone; Rieff, Kim; Moss, Heidi; Brenner, Joy; Martin O'Hea; Chris Harano; 'Mark Markos'; Larry Leifer; Richard Wolpow; Jeff Friedman; Jim Miller; Ken Keirstead; Herdman, Jeff; Maglinti, Avery; citycouncil@newportyca.g; Roger Saxton Subject: Ban Short Term Rentals on Newport Island this Tuesday ( Please also see prior email and pictures from one weekend ) Attachments: IMG_7924.PNG; ATT00001.txt; IMG_7923.PNG; ATT00002.txt; IMG_7922.PNG; ATT00003.txt; IMG_7921.PNG; ATT00004.txt; IMG_7920.PNG; ATT00005.txt; IMG_ 7919.PNG; ATT00006.txt; IMG_7918.PNG; ATT00007.txt; IMG_7917.PNG; ATT00008.txt; IMG_7916.PNG; ATT00009.txt; IMG_7915.PNG; ATT00010.txt; IMG_7911.jpg; ATT00011.txt; IMG_7910.PNG; ATT00012.txt; IMG_7909.PNG [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Honorable City Council, City Manager and City Staff, I hope all is well. I will start off with a reminder of one weekend on Newport Island pre-Covid-19. Please see the attached pictures and prior email below. I have a lot more pictures and video of other Newport Island STR issues if anyone would like to request. Next Tuesday is a big day for Newport Island and other neighborhoods that are negatively impacted by Short Term Rental businesses that are being run out of our neighborhoods. It is a time for the Newport Beach City Council and the City of Newport Beach to take responsibility for issuing STL permits on Newport Island which is a residential Island regardless of what the current zoning states or how the STR permits are currently issued or enforced. That is another entirely connected Newport Beach planning issue. You can't run a business without policies, rules, regulations and enforcement which could include closure. There are over 100 plus homes on Newport Island and less than 30 lots listed as duplexes. Out of the less that 30 lots some are utilized as single family homes. Newport Island is a true residential Island that is different than other neighborhoods that are mostly duplexes with some single family houses. We did not have a STL problem or awareness until they showed up next door and around the Island which have two addresses. Two or three prior to over 16 in just over a year. We still have not seen the full impact because of Covid-19 regulations. I am asking for a complete STR ban on Newport Island. STR's do not work and will never work on a true small residential Island that the vast majority of residents do not want STR's. Newport Island does not have the shape, parking, space, lot size, house size, access, noise controls, regulations and enforcement to support it. The vast majority of Newport Island does not want any more disrespect, noise, dog issues, parties, crime, traffic, speeding, trespassing, fireworks, intimidation, etc. due to unacceptable increase of STR permits in the last year. The person who signs the lease. The others who stay that aren't on the lease. The others who visit during the day. The others that party at night. Unlike other surrounding areas Newport Island is still a true residential neighborhood that did not have a STR issue until last year. It can still be solved with a City Council Vote and presenting solid support to the Coastal Commission. A vast majority of the Newport Island residents do not want STR's. Especially anyone who lives next to one. There is one resident who lives and the property and has a STR permit. The other exceptions of people who want STR's on the Newport Island don't live permanently on the Island. They also have the right to voice then opinion. However, some might be the same people fighting any short term rentals that might be in their permanent neighborhood and would not want one next door if they lived on the island. SPON has a great report out on STR's. So does CDM. Newport Island's survey will be released shortly. Huntington Beach does not allow short term rentals. Laguna has very few and they are highly regulated. The trend is to get rid of them all together or regulate the hell the out of them. Wake up Newport... I have called the different departments in the City of Newport Beach and asked for traffic studies or other studies that support the City issuing STR Permits on Newport Island. I have not found one yet. What I do know is a triangle is the worst possible shape to be in for an island if it needs parking spots. I am sure that is the reason that Newport Island is one, if not the only neighborhood in Newport Beach that has permitted parking because of the long known parking issues on the island. Forget, construction, City water pump trucks, maintenance workers and regular family visitors. How do the STR fit into the equation with their multiple cars, dogs, family, friends and volume of people for their summer parties? Short Term Rentals park illegally by blocking fire lanes, sidewalks, garages, alleys and the main streets causing major safety and liability issues. Let's not forget about putting 10 plus people in a 1,900 square foot house on a 2,300 lot which was a 2 bedroom converted to a 4 bedroom ( 3717 Channel, feel free to google ). One bedroom used to be a closet the other room was a dining room. The renters can't fit inside so they go outside and make all the noise outside which travels over the water or next door into our bedroom. They should have no more than 6 people in a house like that and that is pushing it. Still no Code Enforcement investigation after 6 months because they can't enter? This is the same house that has one small garage that a large truck, SUV or Van cannot fit in and there is not a driveway so they park illegally over the sidewalk for part in the red emergency vehicle zone. Not having one legitimate parking space but letting 10 plus people over? This is where Code Enforcement should be earning its money and come up with solutions to the problems they see instead of saying they can't do anything about it? Don't issue anymore STR permit's until the holes are filled. Simple. If you see a problem work on fixing it like we all have to do. How can the permanent City employees not see what's going on? One of the many things that we all agree on is that the owners, operators and renters should all be held accountable. This means getting rid of the bad owners, operators, no more STR subleases, punitive fines ( make it hurt ), kicking problem tenants out immediately, taking permits away. Any nuisance such as illegal parking and mortars should count towards revoking a permit. The owner will have to think twice if they have the space or parking to support more than 4 or 6 people in their house. We as a neighborhood are not taking it anymore and will be calling the owners and owners of the operators in the middle of the night after we call the police if their tenants keep us up for any reason. The owners should have skin in the game. If they want to rent for less than 30 days then they should have to also live on the property. I am sure that would fix most issues quickly. Since most of the STR' permits were approved in the last year very few are impacted by having to rent more than 30 days. Please do the right thing and ban Short Term Rentals from Newport Island. Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss. I am here to assist. Best regards, Scott McFetters 714-343-1657 -----Original Message ----- From: Scott McFetters Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 9:40 AM To: hmoss@nbpd.com Subject: Short Term Rentals Issues from this weekend! Specifically 3717 and 3806 Channel ( Avantstay.com) I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have attached the following pictures and police call logs from this weekend! Just and another 10 guys staying next door at 3717 Channel and another 10 of their friends staying next door at 3806 Channel is a residential neighborhood. What could go wrong? Please see all the attached pictures. This is going to become a legal issue soon if the city does not step up and protect our quality of life and our overall security. 2 3806 recently had all its patio furniture stolen and 3717 had a Kayak stolen. Please not that the police call log does not note specific addresses. It does not reflect all calls and it proves that the officers go out and ask people to move their cars instead of ticket. The same group of guys just kept doing it all weekend and got away with it. They said the officer let them off on Friday because it was the first night. They took full advantage the rest of the weekend with the 8 plus cars between the two houses. The 3717 does not even have a legitimate one car garage. You cannot fit a SUV in with without blocking the sidewalk. I called Friday at 4:04 PM about 3717 Channel. Truck blocking sidewalk and fire lane. Officer had them move. Called at Saturday at 8:04am Same truck blocking sidewalk and fire lane. Per the picture the truck at 3806 was parked illegally all weekend. Blocking the sidewalk and also leaving the gate blocking the sidewalk. Saturday morning the guys left their drunk friend passed out one foot from falling in the channel per the pictures. By the way my dog was barking all night because that guy was making noises outside all night. No one was home and I contacted Avantstay. Gets better. I go on a walk the dog when I get home around 10:OOpm and one of the short term rental guys at 3717 was asking if I complained about noise and that they are getting a bunch of harassment for parking as his white car was parked illegally in the fire lane. He continued to tell me was to drunk to drive and was only going to move it in the driveway. I told him there is 10 of them so one of them can move it or they will get a ticket. They said there is no parking on the island so they had other cars parked at Pavillion's. They said that Avantstay gave them no special rules for the neighborhood or parking. He never moved so I called about all three cars that were parked illegally at 3717,3806 and the end of 38th. To my knowledge none were cited. However they arrested someone in front of my house and my guess is it was one of the drunk short term renters. You call can investigate that one. A picture is attached. Anyone who thinks it is an enforcement under current protocol is nuts. You should use the call log and not the actual cited complaints as your reference. It is not accurate. Everyone that comes in does the same thing. I am asking that 3717 and 3806 get their permits pulled. 3806 is and ongoing party house and was mentioned about the naked woman and pot. I witnessed it along with many others including at lease 4 police cars if not 6. Let's not forget two large dogs at 3717 jumping of the dock on low tide and running all over the low tide habitat and leaving two large dog craps that are probably still floating around the channel. Some of you have already seen the pictures. I am sure it destroyed some eel grass? We haven't even discussed possible code violations that have already been brought up regarding both houses. When will that be enforced? Enough is enough. Best regards, Scott McFetters 714-343-1657 3 « K \ � - - \ « - \. V I M I W 01 MIA Abe 0- 0 r7l�� IMF d me, fid 4 f,2 , , Po ir a T AlA MOML6 *a .a 0 ; ;r i l -- WIN- 0. ;Event� :9 Type:ILLEGAL _' r_ (' IL C vNe.' i.. - -'00 1 -fir,. - - NIi .Y N n i - — tar r^ Od C mnl No- -.- 2) OCL? 2 80 15 77 t, JIM m-� Feb 28, 2ID20 -4-04 I LLE G A LP NG i GK CHANNEL Pt i SPIO si I oal." GON F 0 N AORRWAL Sir 44^ Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Alex Batley <alex@nbvacationproperties.com> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 2:53 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: SHORT TERM LODGING PERMIT ISSUANCE [EXTERNAL EMAIL) DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, I would like to raise the question as to why the emergency ordinance that was put in place temporarily banning short- term rentals was only partially lifted. I understand you are discussing Newport Island's Vacation Rentals on Tuesday. However, are you aware that the emergency ordinance also put a hold on the issuance of any new short term lodging permits? Why? Speaking with City Staff there are approximately 15-20 new permits sitting in a stack to be processed once the emergency ordinance is lifted or changed. That is not a lot. Currently, there are roughly 1500 short term lodging permits, with roughly 20 new ones to process and many many more than that coming off the books as City Staff culls through unused and newly lost due to Covid permits. Replacing those lost with a few new permits is not going to negatively impact the city, but it does make a large impact on the individual families/owners that are seeking those permits, as well as businesses like mine that rely on the tourism industry to soldier on and hopefully make up for some of the lost income we have already had to endure. Real estate is constantly changing hands in the city. Some owners selling, others passing their properties on to their children, and others deciding they'd like to use/enjoy the property more and thus rent it out on a short-term basis. Due to the shutdowns, a few vacation rental businesses folded, one of which indirectly held 30+/- permits with the city that have since been vacated or will soon. We happen to have just one of the few owners applying for the STL permit in queue but they have been remodeling their home since before the Epidemic and would like to recoup some of their investment and move forward with their plan that had been in the works for over a year to rent their property on the Balboa Island Bayfront while being able to enjoy it themselves. The alternative is to remove the furniture they already purchased, and rent the property on a long-term basis, losing money in both rent and the loss of expenditures already outlaid as well as the opportunity to enjoy a multi -generational and shared family vacation home. The point of all of this is that vacation permits coming and going do not cause problems for the city or any increased risk with Covid-19 any more than hotel visitors, restaurant patrons, beach visitors, etc. etc. They do bring in TOT tax and $$ spent by visitors who enjoy what Newport Beach has to offer and keeps alive the small businesses which are hurting so badly at this current time. Since the temporary ban on short-term lodging was already lifted with some continued restrictions in place, please consider lifting the hold on the issuance of any new permits. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Alex Batley 949-293-4629 Newport Beach Vacation Properties 709 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92661 www.nbvacation.com Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Corona del Mar Residents Assn <Info@Comra.org> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 3:48 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: City Clerk's Office Subject: Public Comments: June 23 Agenda Item 19: Short -Term Lodging Attachments: Survey ShortTermLodging Repo rt_2020-06.pdf; Survey ShortTermLodging Google 2020-03.pdf; Survey Short-term Lodging 2006 Redacted.pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Clear Mayor O'Neill and City Council Members, Attached are the results of a survey that Carona del Mar Residents Association (CdMRA) conducted on short-term lodging regulations. We did this in concert with Councilmember Brenner and City staff. I plan to address the Council on Tuesday evening during public comments on this agenda item. Let me know if you have any (questions regarding the attached. Thank you. I1ehl�r."e S�e���rzs• President C,�,)rf �Yki (Y Corona del Mar Residents Association PO Box 1500 i Corona del Mar, CA 92625 VM/Text 949.478.2454 Comra.org i Fzcebook C9'CdMRA _Ins [agram_ & Twitter @CdMRA92625 Corona del Mar Residents Assn (CdMRA) is a 501(c)(3) public charity (ID 4*!.8.3-09280.52). Donations to CdMRA are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows. 1 C`Corow del C% ar R[SIDFN"rS ASSOCIATION PURPOSE SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING cis MARCH -APRIL 2020 ca In response to a great many concerns expressed by residents and property owners about short- term lodging (at least 1 day but no more than 30 consecutive days) in residential neighborhoods, Councilmembers Joy Brenner (D6), Jeff Herdman (D5) and Diane Dixon (D1) were appointed to an ad-hoc committee on short-term lodging (STL) to review and propose updated regulations. Councilmember Brenner, the STL Ad Hoc Committee and Community Development staff were interested in feedback from CdMRA members about changes to the existing short-term rental ordinance. The survey was later circulated by SPON to their members, but 75% of all respondents were from Corona del Mar. BACKGROUND Several years ago, the City Council voted to ban short-term lodging in single-family neighborhoods (zoned as R-1) but does allow them in neighborhoods with condos and duplexes (zoned as R-2). The City of Newport Beach has the potential for over 10,000 short- term lodging rentals. Newport Beach has issued 1,536 permits so far, which is 2 -to -3 times more than other cities in Orange County or along the Southern California coast. The next largest coastal city with short-term lodging is the City of Carlsbad with 650 active short-term lodging permits. Renting a residential unit for 31 days or more is a property right, but renting the unit or any portion of it for 30 days or less is not. This is a very important distinction, and the reason why cities can regulate short-term lodging activity. City staff prepared the questions for circulation to CdMRA's membership. SURVEY STATISTICS Corona del Mar Population: 6,400 residential households CcIMRA Membership: 700 residential households (11% of CdM households) CcIMRA Survey Recipients: 643 households with email addresses (10% of CdM households) Corona del Mar Household Responses: 232 (75% of 311 total responses) Page 1 crs CdMRA I P.O. Box 1500 1 Corona del Mar CA 926251 Info ,cdmra.org I www.cdmra.org cis ac_14�1(( &rma- Ghcl N& SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING R[ s l D r-. N,r s A s s O C 1 AT I O N crs MARCH -APRIL 2020 c -a RESULTS AS OF APRIL 30 2020 Survey Conclusion There was a clear majority preference for every question asked, ranging from 66%-96%, which leads us to conclude that additional restrictions to the City's existing STL ordinance would be supported by residents in our community. Restrictions such as capping occupancy based on number of bedrooms (96%), requiring on-site parking (90%), requiring rentals to be at least 3 days in duration (75%) and capping and/or decreasing the number of permits (76-82%) received the highest majority opinions. This survey was taken just at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we know more today than we did at its start. One finding that is consistent across the globe is that higher -density areas are harder hit by infectious diseases than low-density ones. If we took the survey again today, we would expect to see resulting majority opinions even higher when weighing in on restrictions that focus on reducing density. Confidence Level We can conclude that the survey results are statistically significant for all Corona del Mar households given our sample size and the consistently high majority opinion on restrictions. We have a 95% confidence level that survey answers represent CdM residents within a 6% margin of error. Allow NEW STL permits? 76% No ...... 19% Yes ...... 5% No opinion Require operator to provide at least one parking space @ property? 90% Yes ...... 6% No ...... 4% No opinion Cap STL permits? 82% Yes ...... 14% No ...... 4% No opinion Allow permit transfer to new owner when property sold? 68% No ...... 24% Yes ...... 8% No opinion Cap occupancy: 2 per bedroom + 2? 96% Yes ...... 2% No ...... 2% No opinion Require rental be a minimum of three (3) consecutive days? 75% Yes ...... 14% No ...... 11% No opinion Decrease the number of STL permits whenever possible? 72% Yes ...... 22% No ...... 6% No opinion Page 2 cis CdMRA I P.O. Box 15001 Corona del Mar CA 92625 Info(a)cdmra.org I www.cdmra.org crs 6romy del CUar RFsIDENTS ASSOCIATION SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING cs MARCH -APRIL 2020 cQ SURVEY RESULTS - March -April 2020 Residence Zip Code? 092625 0 92657 92660 92661 092662 0 92663 092627 Audience awareness of a STL Ordinance? 66% Yes 30% No 4% Don't Recall Page 3 eq CdMRA I P.O. Box 1500 1 Corona del Mar CA 926251 lnfoCWcdmra.orq I www.cdmra.orq cis Coro IGS del c -W Y RrSIDFNTS ASSOCIATION Allow NEW STL permits? 76% No 19% Yes 5% No opinion SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING cs MARCH -APRIL 2020 coa Require operator to provide at least one parking space @ property? 90% Yes 6% No 4% No opinion Page 4 crs CdMRA I P.O. Box 1500 1 Corona del Mar CA 926251 lnfo(aDcdmra.org I www.cdmra.org cis el(1311_��*_W 6row del C%War RLSIDGNTS ASSOCIATION Cap STL permits? 82% Yes 14% No 4% No opinion SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING cs MARCH -APRIL 2020 ca Allow permit transfer to new owner when property sold? 68% No 24% Yes 8% No opinion Page 5 crs CdMRA I P.O. Box 1500 1 Corona del Mar CA 926251 lnfo(@cdmra.org I www.cdmra.org cis ac_14�1(( Coronc del C�Vyr RrstD[NTs AsSOCIATION Cap occupancy: 2 per bedroom + 2? 96% Yes 2% No 2% No opinion SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING c,3 MARCH -APRIL 2020 caa Require rental be a minimum of three (3) consecutive days? 75% Yes 14% No 11 % No opinion Page 6 cis CdMRA I P.O. Box 1500 1 Corona del Mar CA 926251 Info .cdmra.org I www.cdmra.org cis C6Y6w dcl Car RESIDEN"rS ASSOCIATION SURVEY: SHORT-TERM LODGING cis MARCH -APRIL 2020 cat Decrease the number of STL permits whenever possible? 72% Yes 22% No 6% No opinion Page 7 cis CdMRA I P.O. Box 1500 1 Corona del Mar CA 926251 Info u.cdmra.org I www.cdmra.orq cis Survey: Short-term Lodging * Required 6 iorna del C RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Green marks indicate 1,536 existing city -issued short-term lodging permits in Newport Beach Vol41 Are f` �I�a:sz ry r IeiJCYf NT01 LIaLa[il. C 1 7 rvv� '• II , Si�lgd Irvbv louiv ul�•�.Prnnrnvi, ' �. f'K u.iH n 6� Current Newport Beach Ordinance The current Newport Beach short-term lodging ("STL'') ordinance .. . 1. Defines STL as a dwelling rented for at least 1 day, but not more than 30 continuous days 2. Does NOT allow STL permits in single-family neighborhoods (zoned R-1) 3. Does ALLOW STL permits in neighborhoods zoned for condos and duplexes (R-2) 4. Does NOT cover rentals of 31 or more continuous days; those are "long-term" rentals and outside the scope of this ordinance Survey closes May 1, 2020. Our Privacy Policy Your personal information is not shared or sold. It is used exclusively by CdMRA for the purposes of this survey. When we publish the Survey Summary, only your Zip Code and survey answers will be included. We will not publish your name or email address. 1. First Name * 2. Last Name * 3. Email Address (If you want a Survey Recap) 4. Your residence zip code * Mark only one oval. 92625 92657 192660 92661 92662 92663 Other: 5. Were you aware of the short-term lodging ordinance before receiving our survey? * Mark only one oval. Yes No Don't recall 6. Should the City allow any NEW short-term lodging units in the City? * Mark only one oval. Yes M No preference or opinion 7. Should the City require the operator to have at least one parking space at their property prior to the City authorizing short-term lodging at the property? * Mark only one oval. Yes No No preference or opinion 8. Should the City set a cap on the number of short-term lodging permits, thereby limiting the total number of operators in the City? * Note: There are currently 1,536 short-term lodging permits issued by the City Mark only one oval. Yes No No preference or opinion 9. Should the City allow a short-term lodging owner to transfer the permit to a new owner when they sell the property? * Mark only one oval. Yes No No preference or opinion 10. Should the City limit the number of occupants of a short-term lodging unit to two people per bedroom plus two people? Example: No more than six people would be allowed in a two-bedroom unit. * Mark only one oval. Yes No No preference or opinion 11. Should the City require the operator of short-term lodging unit to rent for a minimum of three consecutive days? * Mark only one oval. Yes No No preference or opinion 12. Should the city make every effort to decrease the number of short-term lodging permits in Newport Beach when possible? * Mark only one oval. Yes No No preference or opinion 13. Your comments (Optional) CdMRA Short -Tenn Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you away Should the Should the Should the 4 Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your COmments (Optional) No preference 3/26/2020 11:19:20 92625 Yes No Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes I think rentals should be limited to historic rental neighborhoods, r2 only No No preference preference Short term rentals are OK as long as the city's regulations are followed and 3/26/202011:21:12 92625 Yes Yes Yes or opinion or opinion Yes No No taxes paid. Regarding number of occupants allowed per unit ... limit to number of beds available? Don't count children under 5 or 6. All occupants should be members of same family. Just suggestions. LIMIT # OF STIR WITHIN A 3/26/2020 11:23:16 92625 Yes INo Yes Yes No Yes lYes Yes GIVEN BLOCK. Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on this! the fact that this is a world class tourist destination can and should add to the quality of life of long term residents. visitors help our local businesses, enable No No No our friends and relatives to visit and contribute tax revenue. could the revenue preference preference preference be used to give a tangible benefit to existing residents: eg fund a car free trolley 3/26/202011:24:01 92625 Yes Yes or opinion or opinion or opinion Yes Yes No or bike paths? No preference 3/26/20201125:06 92625 Yes Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes Reduce the number of permits to below 1,000. Tao many people make for too much traffic which ruins the charm of the city 3/26/202011:26.18 92625 Don't recall No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes and makes it hard to get around, especially for seniors I do not oppose short term rentals of at least one week on the peninsula or No Balboa island if the property owners there want it. But I think any rental less preference than 30 days should not be permitted anywhere else in the city, including 3/26/202011:27:20 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes Corona Del Mar. We are already so impacted in Corona Del Mar. Between residents and 3/26/202011:27:20 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes businesses we are living like a Can of sardines! No more!! Please. No I live in Cameo and there should be no short term rentals in our area. I agree preference that the duplex's and multiple occupancy places along the ocean front are the 3/26/2020 11:27:25 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes best for short term rentals. Cameo has no multiple family dwellings 3/26/2020 11:28:12 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank you for addressing this important neighborhood issue. This is not uniform across the city... I am sure there are some areas of Newport where there could be more flexiblilty but in the Flower streets west of the highway in Corona Del Mar, Peninsula Point and Lido I do not see why there should be any short term rentals as it is inconsistent with the area, its history, 3/26/202011:28.36 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes etc 3/26/202011:28.40 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No none I am NOT very sympathetic with owners who feel that we residents should allow them to have a STL so they can afford to pay for their property. Why does our quality of life have to suffer for that? It's simple- if they can't afford it, don't buy it. I would prefer to see no STL's in the City at all and would like to 3/26/2020 11:29:49 92626 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes have an ordinance that totally eliminates them and phases them out over time. 3/26/202011:29.51 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank you for the survey STL is changing the face of our town, and not for the better! Better supervision 3/26/202011:31:02 62626 jves No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes and controls are important. I'll submit to CDM friends to also sign. 1 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the C Should the Should the I Should the I Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) �No I'm fine with Balboa Island short-term rentals - that's the character & history of 3/26/2020 11:31:09 92625 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No the Island. But I am not in favor of them in traditional neighborhoods. 3/26/202011:32.10 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Having an ordinance in place will improve our lives. 3/26/202011:33:27 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes We have enough short term lodging. In these trying times it seems like this is a terrible time to impose more restriction on the citizens of Newport Beach. It will only help out the Hotel 3/26/202011:35:09 92625 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No industry. No preference 3/26/2020 11:35.22 92625 No No Yes or opinion No Yes Yes Yes I have completed the survey The short term lodging permits should not include HOA neighborhoods, nor 3/26/202011:35.59 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes should they include R-2 zoning. Only multiple housing should be allowed. No No I know there are short term rental units in my neighborhood but they haven't preference preference or bothered me. Parking should be required, however, since our streets are 3/26/202011:37:12 92625 No or opinion Yes Yes No Yes Yes opinion already packed with parked cars in the summer I would prefer to see a 1 week minimum & 2 people only per bedroom / no additional. Also like idea of Landlord's phone # & police # posted on front of 3/26/202011:37:57 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes house. 3/26/202011:38:34 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank You for the survey. My wife & I reside at 2711 Point del Mar, CDM and have for 30+ years. The house at the comer of Femleaf & 5th has become a hotel. They rent to groups of "younger people" and use the hot tub on their roof - which looks into our bedroom. It has taken away the community feeling with unknown people with no responsibilities to our neighborhood. In the Flower streets there should be a 3/26/202011:39:58 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 14 -day minimum rental. (949) 302-1498. 1 am in favor of decreasing as much as possible, given that there already are so many, the number of properties available for short-term rental. We are high density enough with just the residents. The amount of crowdedness impacts 3/26/2020 11:40.13 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes the quality of all of our lives. 3/26/2020 11:40.36 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes I don't have anything to add There should be onerous penalties for those who violate our city's STL rules: 3/26/2020 11:40:49 92625 Don't recall No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes don't get a permit, don't report accurately, rent to overly large groups, etc. 3/26/202011:41:14 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes none No preference 3/26/2020 11:45:56 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes None There are more short term rentals out there that have no permits thru the City. One person should not be able to rent out more than one property for short �N. term. There is one owner that has been renting out 6 units on air b&b until the 3/26/2020 11:46:34 92625 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes virus shut it down. 2 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you away Should the C Should the Should the Should the Should the Should the Should the cl Your comments (Optional) The City really needs to cut down on all of the illegal short term rentals as well. Our neighbor turned his 4,000 sq foot house into one for the last seven years and Code Enforcement did very little to stop him. Our other neighbor down the street continues to do this to this day. In fact, they rent it out to people with dogs and allow their dogs to defecate on all of the homeowners lawns. They double park on the street (the homeowners who turned these into illegal SFR's don't allow them to park in the garage!). Strider rules really need to be put in place. They all lie and state that they are "friends" staying there or they are staying there for 30+ days (except they leave after a week). It should be a strict 30+ day policy and the homeowner should have to provide onsite 3/26/202011:47:19 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes parking(garage or driveway). Thank you for looking into this. 3/26/202011:48.01 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes none No preference The city should decrease number of existing short term parking permits to limit 3/26/202011:50.47 92625 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes noise, cars that require parking spaces. I think 30 days should be the time frame for a short term rental. They come, 3/26/202011:51.05 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes friends come and they party and all the parking is taken. No No preference preference 3/26/202011:52.10 92625 Yes No Yes or opinion or opinion Yes Yes Yes thank you 3/26/2020 11:59:53 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Owner contact number and occupant limitations should be visible on unit. I would prohibit short term rentals in CDM. In other areas I would require a one 3/26/202012:02:49 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes week minimum. Owners should be required to have proper insurance 3/26/202012:06.46 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes None 3/26/202012:08:48 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes none No preference 3/26/202012:15:25 92625 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes optional, I thought! If we don't limit short term, the Flower Streets and the peninsula will become unlivable for residents. There should be 2 parking spaces for three bedroom 3/26/202012:17:11 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes units. No Preference 3/26/2020 12:20:31 92625 Yes Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes Thank you for reaching out to the community No No preference preference or 3/26/2020 12:23.59 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion opinion Thanks you for reaching out to the community Short-term rentals change the feel of a neighborhood. We need to restrict as 3/26/202012:24:16 92625 Don't recall No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes much as legally possible. 3/26/202012:25:32 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Says this is optional! No preference We may need noise control ordinance and phone # for neighbors to have 3/26/202012:26:46 1 92625 Yes No Yes Yes ;No Yes or opinion Yes access to if needed. 3 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd lWere you away Should the( Should the Should the 4 Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) No preference 3/26/202012:28:38 92625 Yes No Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes Yes Thank you! There needs to be a hard cap on the number of short term rental permits, plus 3/26/2020 12:29:16 92625 Don't recall Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No enforcement on short term rental properties without permits. I would really like to minimize these type of stays.... longer term rentals far the summer seem to be fine.. no need for short term rentals like this... just will 3/26/2020 12:31:40 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes cause more issues to our community... No on almost all of this No No No preference preference preference or 3/26/202012:33:56 92625 Yes or opinion Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes opinion There is no RIGHT answer/solution 3/26/202012:35:31 92625 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No NA 1.) newport beach has managed short term rentals fairly and equitably for years ... unlike many other cities. most of the current owners have factored into their financial decisions their ability to live comfortably, rent & manage properties based on their specific zoning allowances and limitations. to change dramatically their zoning restrictions now would be equal to buying a property well below market value near the airport impacted by noise, and then trying to forbid planes. 2.) owners should be responsible for obeying all current rules and public nuisance laws, and assuring that their tenants are responsible. at the same time, current rules and laws should be enforced immediately & consisitently before any new rules are enacted. 3.) our experience has been No that short term visitors have fewer cars, drive less, and require less parking preference than full time tenants. a family that vacations in NB rents/drives one car, versus 3/26/2020 12:39:52 92625 Yes Yes Yes No or opinion Yes No No 2-3 roommates that each have a car and drive to work each day. 3/26/2020 12:50:48 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Please put a limit on the unites and a minimum number of days The permit must stay with the address, not the owner. If a home sells and No there are future bookings, it would be impossible to navigate cancelling guests. preference How much revenue does NPB receive? 3/26/202012:53:18 92625 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes oropinion No No No Fix the parking problem in Old Corona. Refuse to go there to visit friends; can't preference preference get through any of the streets with my SUV. simple solution: paint one side of 3/26/2020 12:57.53 92625 Don't recall Yes or opinion or opinion Yes No No No every street red. 3/26/202013:09:23 92625 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Short term rentals should be a minimum of 7 consecutive days. 3/26/2020 13:12:00 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No response I think the occupancy should be no more than two people per legal bedroom 3/26/202013:14:58 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes unit. 3/26/202013:15:28 92625 No No Yes Ives No Yes Yes Yes Limit short term rentals. Not good for the neighborhood. 3/26/2020 13:28:00 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank you for looking into this. It's an issue especially in CDM Village The city does not have the infrastructure for short-term lodging. The biggest issue is parking, and the lack of it, followed by the increased traffic caused by visitors and residents looking for parking. I find that this increase reduces the 3/26/2020 13:28:20 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes walkabilityof the community, which is a major draw for visitors and residents. 3/26/202013:33:19 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank you for addressing this issue. 4of26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you.war Should the Should the Should the Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) No No No No preference preference preference preference Current short term renters should be grandfathered in, and should be able to 3/26/2020 13.40.32 92625 Yes or opinion or opinion or opinion Yes or opinion No No keep their permits indefinitely if they are acting in accordance with the law. I am against any short term lodging in Corona del Mar as I currently feel with several on my block that I am living in a Motel 6. This was a once beautiful community and now it has been ruined with short term rentals. No one in the City ever asked if I wanted short term rentals in my neighborhood and I pay my taxes which supports the City and I feel the City has sold me out for a few dollars.Appears that many real estate sales people have enhanced their sales by selling to people that put in short term rentals as a way to afford the mortgage and make some money and that is just plain GREEDY. Wake up City 3/26/2020 13:54.41 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes of Newport Beach and Consider your residents for a change. 3/26/2020 14:00.08 92625 No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Allow and tax similar to hotels. 3/26/2020 14:10.07 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes We do not need anymore traffic, tourists and party goers! 3/26/202014:11:56 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Im against all short term lodging, hope i completed this to reflect that Unfortunately short term lodging 1-3days and the number of people to stay in a No unit creates a parking problem and property care problem., not to mention preference parties. It effects the census and voting from the absentee owner. At least this 3/26/2020 14:36:43 92625 No No or opinion Yes No Yes Yes Yes has been my experience. I am not averse to STL in NPB, but I do think the owner should be responsible 3/26/2020 14:39.39 92625 No No No Yes No Yes No No for the actions of its renters and, thus, should vet renters well. No preference I fear that too many short term rental tenants are here to party and have no 3/26/2020 14:43:30 92625 Yes No Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes regard for neighbors. We are in danger of losing the residential character of our neighborhoods entirely unless this is stopped. We will become Party Central for a transient population with no ties to our community, in properties owned by investors 3/26/2020 14:45:32 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes instead of neighbors. Disastrous. 3/26/202014:51.31 92625 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No n/a I believe the STR permits already issued should be grandfather in if the city decides to ban STR's in the future. Owners who provide STR's do so to supplement their income and don't want to jeopardize this by allowing parties and unruly tenants. There should be no requirement to providing 1 parking space as we know most rentals don't necessary provide a parking spot and most are cluttered and not used as parking. Parking is not the issue. Lastly, before targeting a section of the community let's pull police calls for service or track calls for service to prove or disprove the problems associated with STR's. Do your homework before jumping into an important decision that 3/26/202015:04:48 92625 Yes Yes No 'Yes Yes Yes No No affects responsible homeowners who care about their properties. Thank you. 3/26/202015:10:15 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Too much congestion in the area already. 3/26/2020 15:11:58 92625 IN. Yes Yes No lYes Yes Yes No No additional comments 5 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd lWere you awar Should the Should the Should the 4 Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) No NoNo preference preference preference 3/26/2020 15:17:46 92625 Don't recall Yes or opinion No Yes or opinion or opinion No I see no reason to limit the use. 3/261202015:35:38 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes None Short term not acceptable for SFR, condo and 2-4 unit areas. That should be in 3/26/2020 15.51.37 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes hotel or apartment zoning. No preference or 3126/202015:52:22 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No opinion N/A 3/26/202015:59:16 92625 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No preference 3/26/2020 16:03:55 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes 3/26/202016:10:06 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes I would prefer that our city does not approve any lodging less that 30 days. No preference 3/261202016:12.18 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes No preference 3/26/202016:21.21 92625 No or opinion Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 3/26/202016:47:06 92625 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No 3/261202016:48:32 92625 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No 3/26/202016:49:44 92625 Yes Yes No No Yes lYes No No The limit of people should be 2 per bedroom, period. If there are going to be 6 people per unit the city should require TWO parking spaces, free of the owner's 3/26/2020 16:54:13 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes cars.No permits should be issued on the PCH side of Bayside Drive. The limits proposed in the questions above are too liberal. There should be no short term rentals in Newport Beach. All short term rental permits should be eliminated and terminated On an incremental random lottery basis over a three year period. We have owned properties on both the peninsula and in Corona Del Mar for more than 25 years. In our experience short term rentals and even long-term apartment rentals have brought nothing but problems including police and safety issues vandalism And problems with maintenance and blight. They need to be eliminated and you cannot start on it soon enough just slop the 3/26/202016:56:31 92625 Yea No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes degradation of our community 3/26/202016:56:42 92625 Yes No Yes lYes No Yes Yes Yes 6 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the Should the Should the Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) Newport Beach, including CDM, has traditionally been a vacation beach town. That's how short term rentals got started. I believe that that practice should continue, but with limits, guidelines and specific restrictions, particularly length of stay, number of persons occupying the rental, and parking space, etc. Because of a special event, we recently rented a cottage on Balboa Island for a No No week to accommodate additional family members. We were informed of the preference preference current restrictions. We observed those restrictions and we had a great time 3/26/202017:07:26 92625 Yes oropinion Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes No celebrating a family reunion both on Balboa Island and at our CDM home. No preference or 3/26/202017:14:56 92625 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes opinion No preference 3/26/202017.19.38 92625 Yes Yes oropinion No Yes Yes Yes No Short term lodging help our economy and keeps the city live. 3/26/202017:23:00 92625 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes We are retired and we do count on the income from the rental of our home. We 3/26/202017:27:56 92625 Yes lYes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No feel that 31 day is unreasonable. This is our home and we want to use it too. 3/26/202018:19:03 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No preference preference 3/26/202018:25.56 92625 No No Yes Yes oropinion Yes oropinion Yes 3/26/2020 19:00.55 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No short term lodging please 3/26/202019:19:25 92625 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No preference preference 3/26/202019:57:46 92625 No oropinion Yes oropinion No Yes Yes Yes 3/26/2020 20:00:08 92625 No INo Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Short term housing is disruptive to local residents, especially in R-2 zones. We are not fond of having any short term lodging in our neighborhood. We prefer our neighborhood to be stable and safe and to actually know our �11- neighbors which is hardly possible if it's transient. Short term lodging should be 3/26/2020 20:21:58 92625 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes left to the hospitality industry! 3/26/202020:55.58 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes �N. No No No preference preference preference or 31261202020:56.43 92625 oropinion Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes opinion 3/26/2020 23:45:57 92625 jYes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Lets not allow any more than we have now. We have a converted apartment building across the street and at times it is like a motel - not the feel I want for the neighborhood. To large of a concentration in 3/27/2020 0:49.56 92625 jYes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes a small area. Sho t term lodging is a blight on our neighborhoods and dangerous for our families. There is an increase in noise, trash, over crowded parking and public 3/27/20201:07:15 92625 No No Yes Yes No YesYes Yes drunkenness. 3/27/20206:39:39 92625 �No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 7 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd iwere you ewer Should the Should the Should the tShould the I Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) California is in a state-wide housing shortage crisis, caused by economic lack of affordability. Asking broad NIMBY population of OC if they'd rather block AirBnB's here is a foregone certain predictable dogwhistle that will yield 3/27/2020 8:14:51 92625 No Yes No No Yes Yes No No entrenched homeowners opposing any NIMBY'not in my back yard' change In general, I'm not opposed to short term lodging if the owner does it in a manner respectful of his neighbors and the lodgers are well behaved. I'd rather see short-term lodging and enforceable and enforced penalties on bad actors 3/27/2020 8:28:56 92625 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No than unduly restrict what people can do with their properties. No preference I think Corona del Mar is very different from the Peninsula and Balboa Island 3/27/2020 9:43:02 92625 Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes and would like to see short term rentals eliminated in CdM. Short term lodging should only be used to promote tourism. Keep it close to 3/27/2020 10:55:16 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes the beach. 3/27/202011:25:14 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 3/27/2020 12:25:09 92625 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes 3/27/202012:30:53 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 3/27/202013:49:11 92625 Yes Yes Yes No or opinion Yes No No Thank You! When people come into a neighborhood for a short term they are "on vacation." Their neighbors are not. The noise and cars make owners and long term 3/27/202015:11:34 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes renters lives miserable. The survey is a good idea. But the issues that need to be addressed is what type of management (on-site, off-site) is available, having code enforcement or police available, what fines are charged to irresponsible operators. The Loud and Unruly Ordinance was successful in minimizing large parties in the beach areas because the fines were large enough and impacted owner and visitors. Same principle needs to apply here. A party with 6 people can be loud, or it can be quiet. It depends on the people involved, and what they understand as consequences for poor behavior. SLT can be self-limiting. My neighbors in CdM who have tried it have met with No mixed success. Some have continued. Others went back to renting out their �N. preference units for long term tenants, and then sold the unit because they moved from the 3/27/2020 16:26:27 92625 Yes Yes No Yes Yes or opinion No area. No No No Curious why the survey didn't address specific areas where ShortTerm lodging preference 'preference preference or rules may/may not apply. I would hope all current permits would be 3/27/202018:01:36 92625 Yes oropinion Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes opinion grandfathered. No preference or 3/27/202018:48:46 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes opinion 3/28/2020 8:50:34 92625 No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference or 3/28/20208:50:38 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes lYes opinion 8 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you ewer Should the C Should the Should the fSho.ld the I Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) No No No preference preference preference 3/28/20208:52:28 92625 No Yes or opinion No Yes or opinion or opinion No Less bureaucracy The City should not allow short-term rentals for any residence that shares a wall with another residence. If you approve short-term permits it should only be for stand alone houses. Also, there needs to be a process for neighbors to report noise and other disturbances to the city that will result in the cancellation 3/28/2020 8:55:16 92625 Don't recall No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes of that owner's short-term rental permit. increase the minimum to 5 days, parking big problem in short-term areas, 3/28/2020 9:18:17 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes stronger enforcement budget for compliance 3/28/2020 9:19:47 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No I do not think STL is a major problems for CDM residents. No preference 3/28/2020 9:22:36 92625 Yes Yes or opinion No Yes Yes No No City Council should be mindful of a couple of issues; First, Duplex property values have been affected as a result of STL opportunities generally increasing values of many properties that were normally less desirable, e.g. a duplex on a busy street has gained value because it is desirable by vacationing guests. Removing them from STL permit holders could dramatically negatively effect the resale value of the property. Likewise, not being able to transfer the STL permit to a new owner would also dramatically diminish the property's value and either farce Owner to sell at a loss to hold the property which could also create a hardship for the Owner. Also, requiring a minimum of one parking is in many cases, better, that what exists with non STL permit holders since many owners, if not most, do not utilize their onsite parking availablity and use the free public street parking. Lastly, puffing a cap on number of permits issued, limiting the "eligible" areas that allow STL should be based on solid meaningful metrics, not just an arbitrary number like 1,600 or only properties on the ocean side of Coast No Highway. This can be discriminatory and open up the city to litigation. preference City Council should be cautious on any ruling that limits or restricts property 3/28/202010:12.25 92625 Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes No No owner rights. Thank you Short term lodging frequently becomes burden/irritation to neighboring residents. Issues regarding parking, noise/parties and lodgers not being aware of local ordinances. The density of short term lodging in Newport Beach is 3/28/202010:19:21 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes shocking! 3/28/202010:36:05 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Some short term renters don't respect the R&R and we loose the beauty that 3/28/2020 10:56:51 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes we all enjoy in CDM. I No preferenceShort term rentals are PARTY HOUSES. They have a negative effect on 3/28/2020 11:48:09 92626 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes neighand sense of community 9 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you away Should the Should the Should the Should the I Should the Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) I believe that there should be some limitations for short term rentals, however, also believe that if a homeowner has an R-1 lot they too should be allowed to 3/28/2020 11:50:57 92625 Yes Yes No No No Yes No No have the opportunity for short term rental (1-30 days). 3/28/202012:16:18 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3/28/202013.34.21 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Our community already suffers from an increasing influx of transient visitors, preference without the addition of more via short-term lodging. We would like to exist as 3/28/202013:56:16 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes much as possible in a stable residential environment. 3/28/202013:59:18 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes I don't believe short-term rentals belong in our neighborhoods. 3/28/2020 14:12:03 92625 Don't recall No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Decrease short term parking We live at 700 Poinsettia Ave. At the property next door to us, 702, the new owner who lives in Anaheim has rented his unit at 702 1/2 Poinsettia Ave. to an Airbnb operator who rents to noisy late-night transients. These transients walk on our shared sidewalk between the two properties and stare into our house, bring dogs that poop and bark, have midnight arguments and throw out trash that they brought with them from somewhere else. The tenant/Airbnb operator Penner tells us that the back area of the shared sidewalk is her property and only for her business, and we need to stay away. She moved in only 3 months ago and thinks that she is now making up the new rules. The owner Laslo is slow to respond and says it is not his problem. Laslo may hold the STL permit, but the tenant Penner is operating the Airbnb and impacting the neighborhood. It must be difficult for the City to accurately control and tax the Airbnb industry i the permit holder is not accountable and has no desire to oversee the Airbnb operics, not just an arbitrary number like 1,600 or only properties on the ocean 3/28/202014:52:51 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes side of Coast Highway. This can be discriminatory and open up the city All of the CDM Village is zoned R2. Short term rentals have the ability of changing the character of the entire neighborhood. Rentals should be for no less than 1 week. Much more controls should be placed on neighborhood disturbance. Much larger penalties for violations. Warning, $1,000. Then 3/28/2020 14:59:39 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes $2,500. Then loss of permit. And $5,000 fine. 3/28/202017:21.50 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Even if the short-term renters are quiet and responsible, in my opinion, short term rentals ruin neighborhoods and reduce safety. Instead of having real neighbors who know each other, chat or even socialize, and have a general idea of who resides in the area and who does not belong there, you have never ending series of renters. Every week or even every few days is moving day �No No with unloading and reloading of vehicles. There essentially is no way to preference contact the owner if there is an issue. It Tums residential neighborhoods into 3/29/2020 7:28:09 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes hotel/motel zones and reduces housing stock. 3/29/20208:08:56 92625 No No Yes Yes iNo Yes Yes Yes Corona del Mar is more of a family community and ordinance should recognize 3/29/2020 13:48:01 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes this. 10 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the Should the 1 Should the Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) No preference 3/29/202014:16:23 92625 Yes or opinion Yes No Yes Yes Yes No I think the minimum length of stay should be 7 days for short term rentals and that no more short term rental permits should be allow in Newport Beach 3/30/2020 9:03:15 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes without significant restrictions. I like a rent minimum of one week. That allows for vacation rental income, but 3/30/2020 9:32.53 92625 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No keeps the transience down. No preference or 3/30/2020 9:35:14 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes opinion We have a viable hotel industry in Newport Beach, having STL in residential areas disrupt the neighbors and are competitive with the hotels. The horror stories that come from neighbors of STLs are unbelievable. At every meeting when horror stories are told, the realtors claim they didn't know. The fact is they don't care. Property owners have every opportunity to rent their units. Additionally, the STLs contribute to the housing shortage by removing units 3/30/2020 11:04:16 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes from the long term rental market. 3/30/202011:30:22 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes I would like the city to ban short term rentals. Many local HOAs and cities have a minimum limit of 30 days, I am told Crystal Cove HOA is minimum 60 days. I own a duplex in the a Flower Streets and have little protection from these short term rentals. There is one in the back unit next door which has caused us man sleepless nights. We need protection and relief for our family and for our long term tenants in our back unit. Our buildings are only 6 feet apart. We are suffering from this nightly intrusion of our peace and tranquillity. Every night there is a turnover, it is truly a hotel not a home. Please help us with this life disturbing situation and ban these "hotels" in our residential neighborhood. 3/30/2020 13:17.35 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank you City Council. 3/30/202014:46:57 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 3/30/202021:58:21 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No preference preference or 3/31/202010:21:15 92625 No or opinion Yes Yes No Yes Yes opinion No preference 3/31/202017:21:29 92625 INo No Yes Yes No or opinion Yes Yes No preference 4/1/202013:16:10 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes `Every New Owner that buys a property with Short Term Rentals..... needs to re apply and go through a criminal background check and a FICA Response. No Each region of the city needs to set limits on the number of Short Term Rentals preference and this should go through the Planning Commission and City Council for 4/2/2020 9:05:44 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes Approvals. 11 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you ewer Should the C Should the tShould the Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) I own a property that I used to abb inside a STL area in CDM, I'm doing it until I live there full time, I would NOT have purchased the property if I could not abb it, I chose to live in an area that ALLOWED STL if I didn't want to do STL I could have moved to an area that NB does not allow STL. I think there should be a cap but I think that NB did it right, only allow STL in the areas that you 4/2/2020 9:50:58 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No have designated it. The city collects a tax on each rental. That benefits all of us. I don't know why we still have so much overnight on -street parking in CDM. A few decades ago it was often because homeowners rented their garage as an apartment! Is that still an issue? 4/2/202010:06:42 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 4/2/2020 10:34:29 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Airbnb has gone too far No No preference preference 4/2/202010:36:53 92625 Dont recall No Yes or opinion Yes No or opinion No No No No preference preference preference or 4/2/202011:32:39 92625 No No Yes or opinion No Yes or opinion opinion 4/2/202012:49:25 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/2/202013:05:21 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No The city needs to better enforce current regulations and not create more preference preference regulations. My understanding of the rules is there are penalties in place for 4/2/2020 13:08:40 92625 Yes or opinion or opinion No Yes Yes Yes No Issues, why not enforce them? 4/2/202013:36.35 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/2/202014:18.09 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes No Short term units remove much needed long term housing stock and can have preference negative impacts on surrounding residents. The City should plan for and 4/2/2020 14:32:55 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes encourage short term accommodations in commercial zones. MANY other tourist destinations across the country require property owners to follow strict guidelines if they are allowed to have short term rental permits. We need to provide residents of Newport Beach (and selfishly Corona del Mar) with quality of life. The parking situation and traffic situation is already 4/2/2020 15:a6:06 92625 fives No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes overboard. Lets try and reduce the impact on our residents! No Problems occur re. noise and trash. Owner should have permit revoked if preference there are more than 2 complaints to the city. My preference would be that NO 4/2/2020 15:20.13 92625 YesNo Yes Yes No or opinion Yes Yes short term lodging is permitted. We have used multiple STL places in various cities across the nation, and No greatly appreciate the convenience and comfort they provide. Please be P,eference careful not to over do regulations on the whole. Target those places who have 4/2/2020 15:43:30 92625 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes or opinion No poor track records; e.g. 2 or 3 complaints, and they loose their permit. 12 of 26 Cr�'c� fit' CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd were you away Should the Should the Should the Should the i Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) i The advent of easily booked shore term lodging has destroyed the character of some CDM neighborhoods. Uncaring landlords consistently fail to address concerns of tax paying residents. Police are called, wasting resources, with the same situation occurring over and over. People pay a lot of money to enjoy the ambiance of Newport Beach, and contribute significant tax revenues to the city, and work to make their homes beautiful. Having a bunch of renters pile in for a drunken weekend party making noise, taking up parking, and being obnoxious is not welcome. Many people have considered selling and moving away due to the influx of short-term renters. Newport Beach is way behind the curve with 4/2/2020 15:58:03 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes respect to controlling this situation. Three days is far too short. Our city is already impacted beyond capacity. It 4/2/2020 16:02:48 92625 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes should be a 30 day minimum. 4/2/202017:46:48 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Our neighborhoods are becoming commercial/hotel zones. We already live on top of each other. These STL's (as you call them) create challenges to the homeowners who have to re -"educate" every new short-term renter who's coming in for a few fun vacation days while the rest of us who live here have to get early and go to work. All we want to do is come home to some peace and quiet. We don't want to hear the neighbors partying and/or staying up at all hours because they're on vacation while the rest of us aren't. THATS what hotels are for. There is a REASON why hotels are separated from residential areas. It's called No excess noise and disturbances. Between the STL and the Rehab Centers, this preference area is becoming increasingly more difficult and less enjoyable to live in! We 4/2/2020 17:50:16 92625 No No Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes pay waaay too many taxes to have to put up with this. 4/2/202017:58:13 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/2/202018:39:57 92625 No No Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes The peninsula and balboa island have had weekly summer rental since i young. these properties have been bought sold on this basis, so to change that would wildly disrupt the economics for many people. I have one in CDM and my neighbors are fine with it and has caused zero disruption because i manage it, and live in the front. It is the absentee owners that cause the problems, because no one is there to supervise. i am in favor of severe fines for violating No the rules or excessive noise, but the city does not have the resources to preference manage the day to day of 1500 STRs. and we dont want the city to build up a 4/2/2020 18:57:15 1 92625 Yes Yes Yes Yes loropinion Yes iNo INo lhuge staff and expense for the taxpayer to do micro management. 13 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the C Should the Should the Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) We have too many STL in the city. it's become intolerable & should be BANNED or at least restricted! Instead of residential neighborhoods with actual NEIGHBORS we have become a Village of Streets with Weekend Party Hotels (actually BUSINESSES, NOT "Homes" at all) with strangers coming & going. This is certainly NOT the CdM our family envisioned & think following other cities ban of STL is a brilliant idea, thus restoring Village charm & neighborliness. Visitors are always welcome to stay in one of our beautiful 4/2/2020 21:30:59 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes hotels or nearby campgrounds instead! 4/2/202022:16:15 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/2/2020 22:23:15 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Short term renters contribute to a deterioration of the neighborhoods. They typically do not care about the upkeep of the properties or the surrounding neighborhoods. They do not care if they disturb other neighbors as they do are not permanent residents. If owners want to rent their properties they should be allowed to do that under long term lease contract only to preserve 4/3/2020 9:32:10 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes the quality of the neighborhoods. Short term renters do not take any responsibility for maintaining the quality of 4/3/2020 9:35:21 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes the properties or the neighborhoods! 4/3/202010:55:03 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/3/202011:29:21 92625 Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No preference STL takes too many rental units off the market and allows rentals that change 4/3/2020 13:15:03 92625 Yes No Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes neighborhood, making party houses and renting out each bedroom. This place could become party city like it is on the Peninsula if we allow short 4/3/2020 13:28.43 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes term rentals. 4/3/202015:30:28 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/3/202017:35:41 92625 No No Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes Yes 4/3/202023:57.34 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/4/2020 7:08.34 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes I am the owner of a long-term single family residence in CDM and would embrace the idea of stricter regulations with short term rentals. What I observe with the guests in short-term rentals is a lack of understanding our community's rules & regulations. Particularly when it comes to trash & recycling. Noise abatement is also a concern in term of loud parties and large group gatherings. I support any and all efforts to minimize or reduce the number of short-term 4/4/2020 9:07:00 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes rental units in our community. 4/4/202010:26:37 92625 No No Yes Yes INo Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/4/202011:22:10 92625 Yes Yes Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes No 'No Stop rentals of less than 30 days (permanently) in Corona Del Mar - regardless 4/4/2020 12:43:42 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes of zoning. 14 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you ewer Should the Should the Should the I Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) Stop rentals of 30 days or less permanently in Corona Del Mar (regardless of 4/4/202012:45.09 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes zone!) This micro managing of personal property is anti American and is elitist. The only lodging in this town is expensive and providing less expensive options for 4/4/2020 13:34.17 92625 Yes Yes No No Yes No No No people to visit this beautiful place is morally wrong. 4/4/202015:05.18 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes I lived in a short-term rental on Balboa Island from September 2019 until January 2020, so I have clearly benefited from the city allowing such terms. (The unit rents monthly in the winter, weekly in the summer.) I am a long-time Newport resident, going through a divorce, and the rental provided a transitional home for me, which I greatly appreciated. Next door was another short-term unit that had turnover every 3 days to one week. In effect, I had new neighbors every few days. These people were on vacation, while I was working from home. Some played loud music, some smoked on their patio, but the bottom line is, all were strangers. Living alone, I felt extremely uncomfortable having a constant flow of new renters next door. It is one of several reasons I moved to the Flower Streets, where there are far fewer short-term rentals. My quality of life was negatively impacted by short-term lodging, even though I was a (relatively) short-term renter myself. I realize that living near short-term rental units is partople and one is marginally a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom (8) people. That puts 14 people with dogs and guests in 2519 square feet. One car garage 4/5/2020 9:28:05 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes each. This puts 20 extra people plus 2 cars or 4/5/202011:28:56 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/6/2020 9:42:31 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thank you for asking our opinion Short term lodging negatively impacts the quality of life in tight neighborhoods such as CDM, creating noise, traffic congestion, crime, and disrespect for the 4/6/202011:23:52 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes neighborhood. I believe that short term rentals under 30 days should not be allowed at all in the Flower Street R2 area of old CDM, and that existing permits should all be 4/6/2020 13:27:39 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes revoked therein. 4/6/202013:29:01 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes No No The owners of property rented for short-term lodging pay property taxes plus a city mandated bed tax. And the people renting the property pay sales tax on their grocery store and souvenir purchases and restaurant visits. All these taxes pay many of the City's expenses.The property rights of owners should 4/6/2020 20:02.50 92625 Yes Yes Yes NoYes Yes Yes No not be restricted. 4/8/202011:54:56 92625 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 4/8/202014:19:56 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes lYes 15 of 26 CC�e� Cl' CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the C Should the iSh..Id the 4 Should the should the c should the should the c YuUr COmmentS (Optional) FYI, own original cottages in CdM (currently STRs) and live on the premises. From my experience, Corona del Mar attracts a very different type of guest compared to Balboa Island or the Peninsula - Almost always couples between the ages of 55 - 85 who have a current or prior connection to CdM (Lived here, visiting kids who live here, grandkids, etc.) They want to stay here because it is QUIET, and they are RESPECTFUL of the neighborhood and the neighbors. I care about my neighbors too much to EVER subject them to anything annoying. All guests must agree to house rules before booking, and again„ I believe it is a good thing in general for Owners to BE ON THE PREMISES (maybe something to consider for CdM, since it is a more quiet neighborhood). I agree that parking can be an issue in certain areas, especially on the beach side ... This is not just caused by STIRS ... It is mostly caused by non-residents that refuse to pay for beach parking, so they park on residential streets. Permit parking + 2 hour street parkople and one is marginally a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom (8) people. That puts 14 people with dogs and guests in 2519 square feet. One car garage each. This puts 20 extra people plus 2 cars or large SUVs. In addition they usually have dogs and do t obey the regulated hours and leash laws. The parking is already impossible because of the beaches and the short term renters move in and out on Saturdays as well as the cleaning crews that double park on Saturdays. As you can see, I am violently opposed to STLs. Many buyers of properties are buying under the STL RULES OF WHUCH PROPERTIES THEY WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD OTHERWISE. No preference 4/8/202017:35.16 92625 Yes oropinion Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No preference 4/8/202018:11:25 92625 Don't recall or opinion Yes No Yes Yes No No No The city already has strong ordinance in place for short term rentals. I'm also preference quite certain the city enjoys the tax revenue that comes from the STR's. The 4/8/2020 19:14:18 92626 jYes Yes Yes No No or opinion No No city should not micromanage private citizens property. 4/8/202018:26:06 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No I'd like to see a yearly lottery of permits. So it would change who received preference or income from this permit and it would move the impact around. The impact 4/9/2020 9:14.42 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No No No opinion being both good and bad... 4/9/2020 9:35.32 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/9/202018:18:11 92625 Yes No Yes YesYes Yes No No 4/10/202014:24:14 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/10/202014:37.09 92625 No No Yes !Yes No Yes Yes Yes Two years ago our neighborhood had a Home that was using Airbnb... It was a disaster. cars were parking in the middle of the alley... They were having parties... And our area is very quiet with families with young children.... Not a good experience. We did call the city and they handled the situation so we no 4/11/2020 9:19:23 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes [longer have that going on. 16 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCtl Were you awar Should the C Should the Should the Should the 1 Should the Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) If a property owner uses their property for STL which does not objectively impact neighbors, I am in favor. If a STL property owner allows completely unbridled use of their property for one day or thirty days, fines or other consequences should be levied. Since a permit is not "owned" by a property owner, I do not see why the property owner would have jurisdiction over who possesses it. A new owner would need to purchase a property for their own use or for that of standard rental use and not be purchasing property after property to increase the prevalence of STLs in a certain area. I significant barrier to annoying STL would be, as suggested in your questions above, limiting and enforcing the limit to STL occupancy. If this is done, it is unnecessary to then regulate the available onsite parking slots; public parking is, by definition open to the public and we appear to have plenty of businesses with little to no parking slots of their own so why treat residential private property owners any differently. Asirics, not just an arbitrary number like 1,600 or only properties on the ocean side of Coast Highway. This can be discriminatory and open up the city to litigation. City Council should be cautious on any ruling that limits or restricts property owner rights. Thank youw feet away from, 2 nightly rentals. It's like a cheap motel! Everything was fine until my neighbor decided to rent out both units through Airbnb after his property fell out of escrow almost 6 years ago. I have had to sleep on the sofa in my living room many nights because of the noise, and sometimes they're not even breaking the law, just being inconsiderate because they're leaving soon anyway and don't care about their neighbors. Short term 4/11/2020 1119:24 92625 Yes Yes No No No Yes No No renters Come here to party; they aren't getting up to go to work in the morning. Short term rentals are not conducive to healthy residential neighborhoods & although the City may receive some revenue from them, ultimately full-time residents or at least long term renters will return much more to the City and the neighborhoods both in revenue and quality participation. Newport Beach & surrounding cities provide plenty of hotels & other lodging accommodations for 4/17/202010:39:23 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes short term visits. You are not asking the correct questions. I my opinion the question first is what are neighbors complaining about and then address those issues in the survey. Perhaps that has happpened here but it wasn't explained in that fashion. Is it pets barking all night, is it loud parties say after 10 PM, is it parking so some 4/19/2020 14:30:11 92625 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No other Issues. Recommend Parking - 1 space required PER 2 people authorised Minimum Stay - 5 days �N. None within 1000 Feet of School or Day Care - prevents ease of access for 4/23/2020 8:35.38 92625 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Child predators 17 of 26 OG�G_ ' CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you ewer Should the(Should the Should the 4 Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) It is VERY difficult for local and new residents to find long-term (year -lease etc) housing. I cannot believe this many rentals are permitted when we have a housing issue, especially for smaller sized apartments (1-2 BR). This drives up housing prices for people who are simply trying to earn a living and save money for retirement, without having to have to live elsewhere. I am curious why do we want to give preference to short-term guests, versus residents who work and spend their money year-round in Newport Beach and its surrounding areas? There are plenty of hotels for out of town guests and tourists. Aren't 4/25/2020 9:04:22 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes there? No preference 4/25/2020 15:34:36 92625 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes or opinion Yes In Corona Del Mar we property owners do not operate businesses out of our home, these are residences and should not be for-profit business zones. The short term rentals have been an absolute nuisance and result in much hassle of residents and the police department having to manage all the late night partying, trash & garbage strewn everywhere, dog feces not picked up and destruction of adjacent properties. These short term rentals must be more closely monitored and managed by the property owners and the city granting the permits. Thank you for conducting the survey! DO SOMETHING WE 4/25/202017:27:13 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes NEED HELP!!! 18 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you away Should the C Should the Should the 4 Should the I Should the Should the IShould the c Your comments (Optional) nightmare. Although currently the owner has 2 1 -year long leases living his duplex, he is still talking about reverting back to Airbnb. The nightly rentals were awful! Groups of people hauling in coolers of beer, pit bulls off leash (I have a small dog), pot smoking outside, parties, fireworks set off over my roof on the 4th of July, drunken couples sitting outside late at night... about 4 feet from my bedroom wall, talking loudly, or renters routinely parking in my driveway. I have complained to the police, who rarely came in time to witness the infraction, or the noise would start again as soon as they left, and they RARELY left a citation, so the permits were never taken away. It has been awful. I live on the inland side of PCH, where we didn't have vacation rentals before. Code enforcement didn't help me, nor did the police, or the city council. It is shameful that I have had to live next door to a flop house. (It was foople and one is marginally a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom (8) people. That puts 14 people with dogs and guests in 2519 square feet. One car garage each. This puts 20 extra people plus 2 cars or large SUVs. In addition they usually have dogs and do t obey the regulated hours and leash laws. The parking is already impossible because of the beaches and the short term renters move in and out on Saturdays as well as the cleaning crews that double park on Saturdays. As you can see, I am violently opposed to STLs. Many buyers of properties are buying under the STL RULES OF WHUCH PROPERTIES THEY WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD OTHERWISE. 4/25/202021:51:04 92625 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Short term lodging has been part of Newport & CdM culture for about 100 years but it should not take over our city or any one neighborhood. It is suggested to cap permits at 1700 units, --10% increase. When units sell, permits should go to next on waiting list. Those with permits should be 4/27/2020 10:07:30 92626 Yes Yes Yes 'Yes No Yes No No required to show X minimum rental days per year or forfeit permit. 4/27/202014:02:40 92625 Yes No Yes Yes :No Yes Yes Yes 19 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Tinnestamp ZipCd Were you ewer Should the Should the Should the Should the 1 Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) Newport Beach is a resort city, and, not everyone who desires to stay here can afford to spend upwards of $400 plus per night (or more) for one room in a hotel. In addition, many vacationers prefer to rent a home or condo, thus affording them all the comforts of home, particularly if one is traveling with family. I see no reason to limit the number of STL to the current number, however, I do think its a good idea to have a 3 night minimum, to reduce the adverse effects of rapid turnovers on surrounding permanent homeowners. In addition, placing a limit on the number of guests per bedroom will prevent overcrowding and reduce noise, which would also benefit the surrounding 4/28/2020 9:20:40 92625 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No homeowners. No No preference preference or 5/1/202013:00:31 92625 No No Yes Yes oropinion Yes No opinion 5/3/2020 9:51:11 92625 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5/10/2020 6:48:32 92625 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Housing is the largest issue facing everyone & restrictions should be waived 3/26/202011:18:00 92627 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No during this time 4/27/202012:06:49 92657 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Me senior mother has lived in CDM for 35 years and when her next door neighbor of 35 years passed away the new owner has allowed his tenant to rent her unit out as an air B and B. He has looked the other way. Now my mother has to deal with new random people loudly coming and going in the middle of the night, people parrying and being loud and obnoxious and smoking. Her house shares a walkway (as many do in the flower streets) and No her bedroom window is right there. Her quiet, quaint home in the flower streets preference has turned into an loud illegal party zone. She shouldn't have to live like that. 3/28/202014:16:13 92660 Yes No or opinion Yes No Yes Yes Yes Something needs to be done. Parking and noise are the biggest issue. Maybe a guest permit fee for those who own property without parking that are doing this. A short term noise No ordinance where the landlord can lose their right to rent for a time if they preference repeatedly have rowdy tenants. This will make them choose tenants wisely 3/29/2020 9:49:33 92660 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes or opinion No regardless of the term. 4/2/2020 0:11:16 92660 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Pray this will pass 4/2/2020 8:43.50 92660 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/2/2020 9:03:30 92660 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference or 4/2/2020 9:31:34 92660 Yes No Yes Yes lYes Yes Yes opinion We realize this is a resort beach community but it is also our place of residence - where we have save to sacrificed to live and raise our family. there are hotels 4/2/2020 10:29:46 92660 Don'trecall No Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes Yes and resorts (Pelican and many hotels in the area 4/2/202010:40:26 92660 Yes No Yes Yes NoYes Yes Yes 4/2/202011:59:33 92660 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/2/202012:40:10 92660 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 20 of 26 CdMRA Short -Tenn Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you ewer Should the C Should the I Should the tShould the 1 Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) Since tourism is an integral part of NB's revenue, I understand the importance of being vacation-rental/short term lodging friendly HOWEVER our city council must also consider the citizens/residents of NB who not only contribute to the tax base but also raise their families and support the local economy in an infinite amount of ways. A balance must be upheld but more importantly, we must prioritize our future plans and place the safety, quality of life, and value of our properties of NB locals above all!! Very reasonable to require a 3 night minimum; very reasonable to require a limit on occupancy and to require the parking quota. Many municipalities around the country and the globe ( France/Europe for example) have limitations in place that protect the quality of fife of its locals. Let's do it!! I've been a "Newporter" since 1972 and am behind these initiatives ONE HUNDRED PERCENTI! Thank you for asking our 4/2/202012:41:51 92660 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes opinion. 4/2/2020 14:26:43 92660 Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No rentals during this crisis Eliminate ALL short term rentals. Why destroy our lucrative (Bed Tax) 4/2/2020 14:52:57 92660 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes hotelflodging businesses? 4/2/202016:15:27 92660 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Newport Beach has far too many short term rentals. There should be an 4/11/2020 16:10:51 92660 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes immediate reduction effort and more oversight of those currently permitted. No No preference preference or 4/15/202022:03:47 92660 Yes No Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes opinion 4/15/202022:18:56 92660 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/15/202023:04:21 92660 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/16/20200:15:28 92660 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes 4/16/2020 7:18:46 92660 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Huge fines if the home's owner doesn't comply with the laws No preference 4/27/202010:18:03 92660 Yes No Yes Yes or opinion Yes Yes Yes That map is amazing. I had no clue there were that many short term rental 4/27/2020 17:28:03 92660 Yes No Yes YesIN. No Yes Yes Yes properties! The visual helps the numeric statistic sink in. Lake Arrowhead does a far better job of protecting its residents. All STIRS should provide parking for all vehicles on site or in a City paid parking 4/2/2020 7:11:50 92661 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes lot. 21 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the Should the Should the Should the I Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) I live in a neighborhood of R-1 on my side of the street and R-2 across the street as many streets ARE in Balboa Peninsula. The R-2 side of the street has 10 structures and 7 short-term rentals. Yes the # of STLs should be limited in neighborhoods and should have a City limit of half of what it is. Newport is the highest by double in OC. MANY BEACH CITIES IN LA ARE GETTING RID OF STI -s. As far as the # of occupants putting 2 people on couches is disgusting. Permits should be restricted to 2 persons per bedroom. The tenants invite their friends and family anyway and stuff as many people as they can in the units plus extra cars. My view across the street is of people in pajamas (or less) flopping around on makeshift beds. Short term rentals have turned an upscale City into a low class beach City. Of the 3 STIRS across from my home: One building is a two bedroom (barely the size of a double mattress each) and 1 bathroom (6 people) The other building has two units: one is a two bedroom 1 bathr000m (6) people and one is marginally a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom (8) people. That puts 14 people with dogs and guests in 2519 square feet. One car garage each. This puts 20 extra people plus 2 cars or large SUVs. In addition they usually have dogs and do t obey the regulated hours and leash laws. The parking is already impossible because of the beaches and the short term renters move in and out on Saturdays as well as the deaning crews that double park on Saturdays. As you can see, I am violently opposed to STI -s. Many buyers of properties are buying under the STL No RULES OF WHUCH PROPERTIES THEY WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO preference AFFORD OTHERWISE. 4/2/2020 7:43:27 92661 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes In contrast to a number of other tourist -based cities, Newport residential neighborhoods are comprised of many 'ongoing" Residents where their property is their home( whether it be by full or part time). It is critical that the City apply Ordinance parameters that prevent operators from churning people in and out with no onsite management. This has become not only an issue of miniimizing nuisances, but actually HEALTH AND SAFETY.. A 34 night minimum would go a long way to inherently improving quality and control of 4/2/2020 8:53:20 92661 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes renters. Thank you. Too many cars in neighborhoods as it is since most long term owners and tenants have increased number of residents per household due to high rents/mortgages. Limited garage parking so increased number of cars per 4/2/202010:11:16 92661 No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes house taking street parking creating challenging street parking for residents. Please consider R-2 owners like us purchased these properties specifically as an income source to supplement our retirement. Changing these policies would 4/4/2020 12:35.42 92661 Yes Yes No No lYes Yes No Yes have considerable negative financial impact on our lives. 4/4/202015:45:50 92661 Yes Yes NoYes Yes Yes No No 4/4/2020 15:49:09 92661 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Shut the whole short term rental market down. 5/14/202012:09:21 92661 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 22 of 26 CdMRA Short -Tenn Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp zipCd Were you ewer Should the CShould the Should the Should the I Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) I am in favor of the short term rental policy currently in place - no need to restrict the number of permits and setting a min 3 day rental is a problem since many people rent for a day or two for business and the weekend in the non - No summer months the city will be losing significant tax revenue form this one preference change and causing many operators and hosts to lose money as well. I am in 3/26/2020 14:14:16 92663 ves Yes Yes No or opinion Yes No No favor of the parking restriction and limiting the number of occupants and beds No No I think people should be able to STR with their property if necessary. I also preference preference think the property owners need to be resonsable and make higher 3/26/2020 16:23:01 92663 Yes Yes or opinion No Yes Yes or opinion No Consequences for guest who cause trouble. 3/28/202011:51:00 92663 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 3/29/2020 13:01:54 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Please place an immediate moratorium on any new permits for Newport Island. Newport Island has too many short term rentals. It's a residential 3/29/2020 13:05.10 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes neighborhood and it's ruining the neighborhood. They should eliminate short term rentals in certain areas such as Newport Island for multiple reasons including out dated zoning, safety, etc. All short 3/30/202014:48:05 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes term rentals should be suspended due to the Corona Virus. You need to enforce the number of people and provide at least 1 parking space 3/30/202015:12.22 92663 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No per 4persons. My property is surrounded on both sides by short term rentals and this has caused innumerable problems with illegal parking, noise and lack of respect for my family. My grandchildren do not have the same freedom of movement my 3/30/2020 15:18:56 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes own children had growing up due to the many transients. 3/30/202015:47:01 92663 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes During the Pandemic there should be no short term rentals allowed in the city. The occupancy limit should be decreased and enforced. If occupancy limits are not observed, the permit should be revoked immediately. If more than one complaint is issued the permit should be revoked immediate. If any permits are issued in error, they should be revoked immediately. Short term rentals are bad for communities. Families that don't observe the occupancy limit, college students who come to party, etc. If they are allowed they need to be enforced. 3/30/2020 18:22:29 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Rental Companies and absentee owners should not Control our communities. �Yes Should have to supply one parking spot for every bedroom. Should limit the 3/30/2020 19:22:20 92663 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes number of people to 2 per bedroom. We paid $1200/sqft to live in a community with neighbors. But we don't have many neighbors anymore. Countless nights we wake up to loud short term renters. Parking and traffic became ridiculous. The amount of garbage they 3/31/2020 13:42:43 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes produce is out of control. The city needs to put regulations in place asap! ! These people are not our neighbors. Most do not respect our city, residents, or 4/1/202018:55:49 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes ves ves the beach environment. 4/2/20201:26:32 92663 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 23 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the OShould the Should the Should the 1 Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) No Better enforcement; if PD shows up to the property more than 3 times suspend preference the permit for 1year; also limit the number of guests to only 2 per bedroom 4/2/2020 7:24:19 92663 Yes Yes No Yes oropinion Yes Yes No period. Not an additional 2 "Floaters". A 2br would only have 4 persons max. 4/2/202010:56:16 92663 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes There are way too many STIR and winter -only leases in Newport. It's making it significantly harder for those of us who live and work in the community to find housing, and increases the number of non -locals that don't respect the 4/2/2020 11:27.13 92663 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes beaches and surrounding areas. No preference 4/2/202012:29:08 92663 No No Yes Yes No Yes oropinion Yes No preference 4/2/202012:4141 92663 No No Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes Yes 4/2/2020 13:15:36 92663 Don't recall No Yes Yes iNo Yes Yes No Please put a moratorium on short term lodging in our city immediately. We can revisit this short term lodging topic after the health crisis has fully subsided. Short term lodging is taking a toll on our infrastructure now when our vital services are needed by us residents. Stay Al Home orders must be strictly followed NOW in order to stop the pandemic. The WHO first warned us about the seriousness of COVID-19 on December 31, 2019. We ignored that warning. Gavin Newsom issued a Stay At Home order on March 19, 2020. Our parks and beaches filled up with visitors. They left trash cans overflowing causing sanitation problems for local residents. Short term lodging should have already been terminated. Newport Beach boasts the highest per capita by far (4 times as many cases as Irvine and Anaheim! We still do not have adequate testing supplies to confirm actual undetected additional cases. Please shut down short term lodging today! Thank you. 4/2/202013:33.37 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes There are just to many of them. Our street is almost 50 per cent str, no parking, noise, litter, and the service trucks park wherever they want with interest for the 4/2/2020 14:26:08 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes local community I think all short term rentals should be stopped while the shelter in place rules No No are in effect. We don't need to go from the most per capita cases in orange preference �N, preference preference or county to the most per capita cases of covid-19 cases in the state or the US. 4/2/2020 15:70:10 92663 Yes or opinion Yes or opinion 'No Yes Yes opinion people from out of town increase the probability of spreading covid-19. 4/2/202015:43:47 92663 Yes No Yes lYes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/2/202016:21:09 1 92663 Yes No I Yes Yes oropinion Yes Yes Yes 24 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the Should the Should the Should the i Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) I feel this recent saturation of short term lodging permits throughout CDM, the No Balboa Peninsula and Balboa Island is adversely changing the character and preference safety of our residential neighborhoods. There's so much more that I could say, 4/2/2020 18:17:17 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes or opinion Yes but I wouldn't know where to stop! 4/2/2020 19:10:12 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes We have more short term permits than any other city in Southern California We need to place emphasis on ENFORCEMENT not more rules. Two per 4/3/2020 7:22:57 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No room, including Toddlers and older. When you allow fewer homes and require a longer stay (min 6 nights) the affects would be amazing. The peninsula would become more adult and family Orientated. We would see a drop in the Frat House type guests. During The pandemic you must stop all STIR under 30 days, this is a given, allowing 6000 people to flood our streets, beaches and stores will only prolong the OC infection rate. 4/3/202011:54:35 92663 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Short term rentals on Newport Island are out of control! What used to be a family friendly residential community, 10 years later, has become a junior high/high school/college fraternity party non-stop with no adult supervision. There are sometimes 30 people next door on the patio in a 3 bedroom short term rental house. I live next door to constant loud music, chain smokers, yelling/shouting foul language, inappropriate talk for children, peeing in the street, loud talking in streets at 3am, trash and cars parked on next door neighbors property. They even rent out their docks for extra money to short term renters that have huge boats who hire professional DJ's on boats to party. It is absolutely incrediblel! You would not believe it until you actually see it happen. I do not like my young kids being raised in an environment like this. It 4/3/2020 14:59:44 92663 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes used to be nice living here, but not anymore. The occupancy limit should reflect what the impact of a permanent renter or tenant would be on the property: 1-2 people/ bedroom; no extras (ex: 2 bedroom=2-4 guests). Over crowding is the biggest problem. Cut occupancy No and it will dear up the problem and decrease number of STIRS. Please make preference sure new ordinance covers ALL of Newport not just pocket areas. One area 4/4/2020 9:16:54 92663 Yes No or opinion Yes No No Yes Yes should not carry the burden of STIRS for the entire city! No �N. fYes preference or 4/4/202013:34:02 92663 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes opinion STL's, with the owner/resident present during the rental, can provide a much No No needed double benefit. Income for the owner/resident and affordable lodging preference preference or for visitors. We're not owners of the Coast to the exclusion of others, but 4/6/2020 21:38:01 92663 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes or opinion opinion stewards to insure access to all. Yes, decrease short term permits that aren't being used. For an example; If Owner went back to renting long term. I would suggest minimum 2 days stays 4/8/2020 12:49.23 92663 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes for weekend travelers. 1 live on Newport Island! We are suffering as a result of all of the short term 4/11/202013:23:01 92663 INo No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes rentals. Please help! 25 of 26 CdMRA Short -Term Lodging Rental Survey March -April 2020 Timestamp ZipCd Were you awar Should the Should the Should the 4 Should the Should the C Should the Should the c Your comments (Optional) I am for STIRS but we need stricter rules and regulations. It should be mandatory for properties to have a manager that can be on site within 20 min should there be an emergency. Too many owners are managing properties from out of the area and they have no idea what's going on - parties, occupancy limits exceeded, etc. There should be a strict occupancy max (2 per bed) for sleeping. Add 2 for daytime property use. Up the price of the yearly rental permit to $500. Then use the excess funds to create an enforcement department. Three violations and you lose your permit. This will make owners pay closer attention to their rentals and abide by the rules all while bringing 4/12/2020 9:29.22 92663 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No more money to the city of NB. The amount of STL's in NB is far greater than our neighbor cities. We should 4/15/2020 21:16:30 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes ratchet it down. Other coastal cities have less or no short term lodging units. We should drastically reduce or completely eliminate these units. 4/15/2020 21:51.35 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No preference 4/15/202022:20:21 92663 Yes or opinion Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Newport is my home. Not a corporation of stockholders putting bottomline 4/15/2020 22:53:20 92663 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes profits above life. Please protect my home. 4/15/202022:56.05 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Thanks for watching over us residents This question is misleading: Should the City limit the number of occupants of a No short-term lodging unit to two people per bedroom plus two people? Example: preference No more than six people would be allowed in a two-bedroom unit.. The 4/15/2020 23:34.22 92663 No No Yes or opinion Yes Yes No Yes preference is for a limit of two occupants per bedroom. 4/16/2020 9:27:58 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Less units and require longer stays, maybe a week minimum 4/16/2020 9:40:14 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4/17/20208:28:20 92663 Yes No Yes lYes No Yes Yes Yes 4/27/202013:01:14 92663 No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Spacing is needed to prevent STL density cluster except on beach facing 4/30/202016:18:36 92663 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes properties 26 of 26 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Lori Bowman <lorib425@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 12:19 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Comments in Favor of Lifting Ban on STR on Newport Island re: Ordinance #2020-15 (Item #19 on June 23 NB City Council Meeting Agenda) Categories: Kim [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Newport Beach City Council Members, I am writing in favor of removing the ban on short-term rentals on Newport Island. (Re: Item #19 on the upcoming June 23 Council Meeting Agenda: Ordinance # 2020-15). The home I currently own on Newport Island has been in my family for over 80 years. I currently own the property with my siblings and we often use the home for family vacations and get-togethers with relatives and friends. We also occasionally rent the house on a short-term basis and rely on the rental income to help with the cost of home maintenance, repair and other property -related expenses. We are responsible renters and do not rent to parties who cause disturbances or damage property. We understand the need to temporarily ban short-term rentals during the Covid pandemic but feel it's extremely unfair and inequitable to lift the STR ban in Newport Beach with the exception of Newport Island. The reasons given for keeping the ban in effect on the Island — parking problems, density of homes, narrow streets, disturbances by short-term renters — are the same problems that all other areas in Newport Beach have experienced with short term -rentals. We are amenable to the need to put additional restrictions in place but don't see the reasoning or fairness in banning STR on Newport Island altogether. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, Lori Bowman Co-owner, 506 38th St., Newport Island Cell Phone: (310) 621-1237 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Mark Markos <msm619@ymail.com> Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 11:42 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Chris Harano; Scott McFetters; Marty O'hea; Larry Leifer, Jeff Friedman; Richard Wolpow; Ken Keirstead; Jim Miller Subject: Newport Island Community Association Survey on island life and STR's Attachments: Data_Q1_200618.pdf, Data_Q2_200618.pdf, Data_Q3_200618.pdf; Data_Q4_200618.pdf, Data_Q5_200618.pdf, Data_Q6_200618.pdf, Data_Q7_200618.pdf, Data_Q8_200618.pdf, Data_Q9_200618.pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Members of the Newport Beach City Council: The Newport Island Community Association, formerly known as Newport Island Inc, has existed since 1952. The Association has served to represent the residents of the Island as a sounding board on important issues that affect our community. In the past the Association has served as an information source to help the City determine the way forward on many issues. Because our West Newport Beach area was notorious for out of control July 4th celebrations our neighborhood association, along with other neighborhood groups, successfully worked to develop a family oriented celebration that changed from an unruly mob environment to a calmer more enjoyable holiday observance. Our association has also worked with the City on several major projects directly affecting the island such as the undergrounding of island utilities, replacement of our original concrete street paving and street lighting replacement, the improvement of the water quality surrounding our island, our bridge entrance improvements and most recently, the total renovation of Newport Island Park. Over the last fews years the board was less active in the absence of major issues but the park refurbishment activity and the controversial issue of Short Term Rentals has reignited our residents interest and concern about our community. Lately things have become heated between residents and the STR owners so the Board of Newport Island Community Association decided to survey resident opinion to help us better understand how the residents of Newport Island feel about their island living among STR's situated proximate to their homes. We believe that the results of the survey (65 responses) attached provide a meaningful representation as to where the island community stands in regards to the STIR issue. Thank you for your kind attention, Respectfully, Mark Markos, President Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: chris@harano.com Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 7:58 AM To: Mark Markos Cc: Dept - City Council; Scott McFetters; Marty O'Hea; Larry Leifer; Jeff Friedman; Richard Wolpow; Ken Keirstead; Jim Miller Subject: Re: Newport Island Community Association Survey on island life and STR's [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor, City Council, City Managers and Residents, I also live on Newport Island and I share Mark's concerns. I also wanted to circulate some data I recently collected on the historical number of STR permits issued on Newport Island. Last year the number more than doubled (see below) I have lived on the peninsula (34ht street), Central Balboa (Lindo Ave.) and now Newport Island. Without a doubt the parking issue is substantially worse on Newport Island than other areas of the peninsula. I believe it has to do with the fact that the majority of residences on the Newport Island are bay front, with driveways instead of curbside. Thus the amount of curb space available for parking spots is much less than other areas of the peninsula. This combination of parking shortage plus the dramatic increase in short term rental permits (many of whom do not operate within the restrictions specified in the permits) is creating a neighborhood crisis on Newport Island. Please stop issuing new permits as its is degrading the quality of life this area of Newport Bech. Thank you, Chris Harano 4 2 C) r-� r -I "I r-1 v-4. r -i sr -q v-4 WIN m r—1 On Jun 20, 2020, at 11:41 AM, Mark Markos <msm619@ymaii.com> wrote: pi Honorable Members of the Newport Beach City Council: The Newport Island Community Association, formerly known as Newport Island Inc, has existed since 1952. The Association has served to represent the residents of the Island as a sounding board on important issues that affect our community. In the past the Association has served as an information source to help the City determine the way forward on many issues. Because our West Newport Beach area was notorious for out of control July 4th celebrations our neighborhood association, along with other neighborhood groups, successfully worked to develop a family oriented celebration that changed from an unruly mob environment to a calmer more enjoyable holiday observance. Our association has also worked with the City on several major projects directly affecting the island such as the undergrounding of island utilities, replacement of our original concrete street paving and street lighting replacement, the improvement of the water quality surrounding our island, our bridge entrance improvements and most recently, the total renovation of Newport Island Park. Over the last fews years the board was less active in the absence of major issues but the park refurbishment activity and the controversial issue of Short Term Rentals has reignited our residents interest and concern about our community. Lately things have become heated between residents and the STR owners so the Board of Newport Island Community Association decided to survey resident opinion to help us better understand how the residents of Newport Island feel about their island living among STR's situated proximate to their homes. We believe that the results of the survey (65 responses) attached provide a meaningful representation as to where the island community stands in regards to the STR issue. Thank you for your kind attention, Respectfully, Mark Markos, President <Data_Q1_200618. pdf><Data_Q2_200618. pdf><Data_Q3_200618. pdf><Data_Q4_200618. pdf><Data_Q 5_200618. pdf><Data_Q6_200618. pdf><Data_Q7_200618. pdf><Data_Q8_200618. pdf><Data_Q9_20061 8.pdf> Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Ron White <rawhite0604@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 10:50 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Newport Island Short -Term Rental's- we need restrictions [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I am a home owner on Newport Island. We are full time, year round residents. I am very concerned regarding the increase in short-term rentals on Newport Island. The renters (partygoers)are not respectful of their neighbors, they take up already limited parking, they drive their cars way too fast, they party all night long and they shoot off fireworks and their dogs bark and torment resident dogs on the island. I believe our island at this point has about 10% of the houses set up as short-term rentals. That is a highly disproportionate percentage when compared to the rest of the peninsula and Newport Beach. I don't understand why Newport Beach has 1,500?? short-term rentals when neighboring beach communities have a fraction of that amount. I have often wondered if it has to do with the strength of the real estate development lobby within and outside of our city counsel. I fully support the proposed curbs on Newport Island and frankly, I don't think they go far enough. My wife and I both vote. Thanks Ron and Meg White 500 39th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 414-614-8411 Sent from my iPhone Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Jurjis, Seimone Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:23 PM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: Tuesday - Newport Beach STR Hearing For item #19 From: John Choi <iohn.choi@airbnb.com> Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 10:18 PM To: Tseng, Evelyn <ETseng@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Benjamin Lee <ben.clee@airbnb.com>; Toral Patel <toral.patel@airbnb.com>; Matt Middlebrook <matt.middlebrook@airbnb.com>; Leslie Lao <leslie.lao@airbnb.com> Subject: Tuesday - Newport Beach STR Hearing [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Evelyn, I saw that the City Council will be discussing its STR rules on Tuesday. We hope to be in a position to support and recommend to our hosts to also support these recommendations, but need clarity on a few items. Would be great to discuss these questions on a call if you are available on Monday or Tuesday prior to the Council hearing on Tuesday night. 1. The staff report recommends the Council introduce on first read the revised STR ordinance and schedule for 2nd read on July 14th. The report later outlines under "Next Steps" that the Planning Commission will consider additional ad hoc committee recommendations at its meeting on July 23 related to the City's zoning code and local coastal implementation plan and that a recommendation from the Planning Commission will be scheduled in City Council in September. Could you help clarify these actions? Are all of the recommendations of the ad hoc committee as presented in the staff report and scheduled for council this Tuesday also being sent to the planning commission for review/approval before being brought back to Council again? In other words, does the entire ordinance need to be taken back through the Planning Commission again before it is fully adopted? 2. What does the City envision to be the law's effective date? We hope to have a chance to discuss the timeline to develop administrative guidelines, launch the registration and compliance window, and the city's expectations related to platform compliance with the regulations. 3. Limit on Permits - prior drafts set the citywide limit at 1600, but the latest draft ordinance does not include any language limiting the number of permits citywide. However, the ad hoc committee staff report recommends the planning commission consider a cap but does not specifically address the number. It also recommends against phasing out STR permits outside of the coastal zone. If approved as drafted currently, would there be a limit on the number of permits citywide? 4. Tax Collection - rather than require tax collection, the ordinance now reflects that platforms must collect if notified by the City. Can you help us understand the City's intent in changing this provision? Does the City intend to notify all online platforms including Airbnb, along with its other competitors of this requirement to collect and remit TOT? 5. Prohibition in single family homes, or areas with specific plans, planned community plan, or planned residential district unless a permit was previously issued - generally what portion of the City does this allow STR in? Does the City's GIS mappin tool ool reflect the areas of the City that would be eligible for STR use under these restrictions? 6. STR Emergency Order - sets a 4 night minimum requirement except for purposes of housing first responders on Newport Island. What are the unique challenges in Newport Island that require these additional restrictions? Is the minimum night requirement limited only to the duration of the emergency order or will it be a permanent part of the City's STR regulations? Thank you so much for your consideration of these questions. We look forward to hearing from you. John Choi Public Policy Los Angeles Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Jurjis, Seimone Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:23 PM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: Technical questions from Expedia Group Importance: High For item #19 �arpoRr e m GCN, �tFOR��P Community Development Department Community Development Director s%urlls@newportbeachca. aov 949-644-3282 SAN "ZiNewwport, %-,z F zogetne� c From: Kris Murray <kris@madaffer.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:22 PM To: Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Technical questions from Expedia Group Importance: High [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Seimone, Expedia Group has the following technical questions about the proposed ordinance changes: (1) It appears that the licensing requirements apply only to properties in residential areas. Will all short-term rental properties need a license or just those in residential areas — is that a correct interpretation? Sec. 5.95.015, Sec. 5.95.020. (2) It appears the City will not issue any new licenses for single-family homes in an R-1 residential area. Is that your understanding of the requirement? Sec. 5.95.015. (3) The tax collection provision also includes collecting "visitor services fees." Can you clarify what those fees refer to? Will those fees be collected by the city or by the property owners/platforms? I will give you a call to discuss —just wanted you to have the specific questions to consider in advance. 1 Thanks so much, Kris Kris Murray Madaffer Enterprises C. 949-981-3743 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:40 PM To: Muldoon, Kevin; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; O'Neill, William; Navarrete, Monique; Contino, Brian; Jurjis, Seimone; Rieff, Kim; Moss, Heidi; Brenner, Joy; Martin O'Hea; chris@harano.com; 'Mark Markos'; Larry Leifer; Richard Wolpow; Jeff Friedman; newportislandjim@gmail.com; ken@eclecticfinishes.com; Herdman, Jeff; Maglinti, Avery; roger@catalinacomponents.com; Dept - City Council; Mike Veal Subject: Short -Term Lodging Pictures on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable City Council, City Manager and City Staff, I hope everyone had a great Father's Day weekend! Now back to the theme of our pain is your pain. Would you want a business next to your home? Especially when not currently accountable. A second email later with more pictures will follow. I am forwarding a previous email that was sent to some of you regarding short term renters who are allowed to bring dogs without a fenced in back yard at 3717 Channel and then let them loose into our channel during low tide or other times with no disregard as if it is their personal back yard. There have been multiple dogs more than 3 or times in the last year. Some dogs run around including on my dock at low tide and others jump in after the ducks, stingrays and whatever else. Please see the pictures of what they leave behind. How is bringing transient, irresponsible short-term rental on the water without appropriate fencing or yard any type of restrictions positive for the charter of the Coastal Commission? The Newport Island residents on the channel cannot do any work without a permit from Coastal Commission but short-term rentals can allow habitat destruction and leave. They are the same dogs that bark because they are not used to the area and can see anything that goes by including the wildlife, boats, kayakers, etc. Why the short-term renters leave the dogs in a new environment lock up inside or with the backdoor open all day why they are having fun we the permanent neighbors get to listen to them bark and moan all day. have notified Advanstay,com. and Code Enforcement and sent pictures and all we get is more multiple dog situations. The same people trespassed on my property to wash the channel mud of my deck and dock while we were on our boat so we would not see it happened. I noticed right away and contacted AvantStay.com. They did nothing. The owner is also aware but nonresponsive and wants me to talk to his attorney with any issues. This is the same person listed in the Newport Beach Short Term City directory as a contact with his phone number. Please ban short term rentals on Newport Island. in the interim if there is and in the interim, please hold the owners and operators responsible by making them be owner occupied ( Santa Monica and other cities ), much higher fines, inspections, limit the amount of total people to 7 or less depending on the size of the lot, house and real bedrooms. Illegal parking, fireworks, etc. should count towards a permit infraction. Eliminate subleases for short term rentals where the owner is off the hook. If DAC ( Disturbance Activation Card ) is 8 or more people than allowing permits over 7 occupants are asking for a party on Newport Island. It is a neighborhood not STR hub. There are many more restrictions not mentioned in this email. Make it easy for Code Enforcement to enforce and pull permits. Make STIR fees and fines more expensive to cover the costs of having dedicated police to enforce the STR's 24 hours a day. The hotels have to bear that expense whey do the STIR owners have no skin in the game. They make money and the neighbors suffer in our own neighborhoods. Our pain should be the owner, operator, short term renter pain. Any further residential pain should be eliminated immediately. We live there and the almost all the owners of the STR's don't. Best regards, Scott McFetters 714-343-1657 Get Outlook for iOS From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:03:12 AM To: Contino, Brian <BContino@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island Last time dogs stayed at 3717 Channel. No gates to keep them in. Get Outlook for iOS From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 1:51 PM To: Jurjis, Seimone; Campbell, Jim; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Tseng, Evelyn; Navarrete, Monique; Contino, Brian; Rieff, Kim Subject: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island I hope all is well! I wanted to give you an update and send you some pictures and video from 3717 Channel this weekend. I think two parking citations were given out Thursday and Saturday. I called to complain about them being out until midnight in the back deck and having two big dogs out at 6:30 am in the morning which woke up the neighbors who live on the water along with them talking. I came back yesterday on our boat and dogs had been on my back deck, dock and all offer the channel around the sea wall during the low tide. 2 INMBWW �7o 'fw 40 !IOWAN" low a 'Wow i I m 3 Two piles of dog feces that are now part of our channel water supply. Probably killed a bunch of eel grass, etc. The dogs have been barking or making noise When they leave they put them in the house and they bark when anyone goes outside including this weekend! Thank you for the support: I will be out of town this week along with some other neighbors. However we should still be represented. Best regards, Scott 714-343-1657 Get Outlook for iOS From: Rodriguez, Clarivel Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 12:21:36 PM To: Rodriguez, Clarivel <CRodriguez@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Campbell, Jim <JCampbell@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Tseng, Evelyn <ETseng@newportbeachca.gov>; Navarrete, Monique <MNava rrete@newportbeachca.gov>; Contino, Brian <BContino@newportbeachca.gov>;'Scott McFetters' <smcfetters@outlook.com>; Rieff, Kim <KRieff@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island When: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 11:00 AM -12:00 PM. Where: Mtg Room -Crystal Cove(Bay 2D, Max 26 A/V) The purpose of the meeting is to discuss short-term lodging issues on Newport Island, specifically at 38th St. and Channel Place. From: Rodriguez, Clarivel Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 12:21:36 PM To: Rodriguez, Clarivel <CRodriguez@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Campbell, Jim <JCampbell@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Tseng, Evelyn <ETseng@newportbeachca.gov>; Navarrete, Monique <MNava rrete@ newportbeachca.gov>; Contino, Brian <BContino@newportbeachca.gov>;'Scott McFetters' <smcfetters@outlook.com>; Rieff, Kim <KRieff@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island When: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 11:00 AM -12:00 PM. Where: Mtg Room -Crystal Cove(Bay 2D, Max 26 A/V) The purpose of the meeting is to discuss short-term lodging issues on Newport Island, specifically at 38th St. and Channel Place. From: Rodriguez, Clarivel Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 12:21:36 PM To: Rodriguez, Clarivel <CRodriguez@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Campbell, Jim <JCampbell@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Tseng, Evelyn <ETseng@newportbeachca.gov>; Navarrete, Monique <MNava rrete@ newportbeachca.gov>; Contino, Brian <BContino@newportbeachca.gov>;'Scott McFetters' <smcfetters@outlook.com>; Rieff, Kim <KRieff@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island When: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 11:00 AM -12:00 PM. Where: Mtg Room -Crystal Cove(Bay 2D, Max 26 A/V) The purpose of the meeting is to discuss short-term lodging issues on Newport Island, specifically at 381h St. and Channel Place. Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Sanjay Agarwal <sagstl@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:49 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short-term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I have been renting my house intermittently for short-term rentals, and I believe we provide a very valuable resource to the community in general but also to Newport Beach specifically. Unfortunately, it is not feasible for a lot of families to be able to afford multiple hotel rooms anywhere near the beach in Newport, and by providing these families a more affordable option, it allows families to vacation in Newport Beach bringing in a great deal of money into the local economy. It also helps increase positive awareness of Newport Beach, which is good for all residents as it improves property values overall. I feel that the process Newport Beach has put into place is more than adequate, and I would highly recommend not changing anything right now especially given the tumultuousness in the local economy due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic as well as recent political issues. Thank you Sanjay Agarwal Sent from my Phone Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Kim Stechman <brooks2627@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:50 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: I support short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Kim Hauck 310 990-9907 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 19 From: Brenda Adams Condon <brendacondon@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:21 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please advise us on how we can have input on tomorrow's meeting. We have an apartment above our garage, that we have been renting out for four years. We have a business license and have paid taxes. We are on site as we live in the front house. Our Airbnb has a 5 star rating and we have always had a 4 night minimum. We host a lot of post op surgery patients from Dr.Chun as well. Most of our guests fly in and use Uber or have one car. We park both of our cars in the garage. There is no difference if it's our car or the guest car parked on the street. We have owned our home since 1982. My husband was born and raised on Balboa Island, where his parents still reside on Ruby and Bayfront. That property has been in the family since 1921. We reside on 421 Iris, the coast side of pacific coast hwy. We are in agreement that all short term rentals should have a 4 day minimum and have a business license. We enjoy our Airbnb guests and would hate to see any of this taken away from us. Our neighbors are mostly rental apartments and we are directly across from Gina's Pizza and Smart and Final. We are not in a traditional residential setting. Thank you for your time in reading this and please let us know that you have received this email. Blake and Brenda Childs Rieff, Kim From: Matina Soutsos <matina@matinadenver.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:16 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rental issues Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I have been operating my short term rental legally and property for the past 7 years. I know that you were implementing new guidelines regarding parking. Notifications, licenses etc... I am all for that. But to limit us to a 4 day minimum would be detrimental. I dont get single night requests but I do get a lot of people that can only afford 2 or 3 days. This would be a huge impact on my business. Even the 3 night minimum is affecting me now. But I am living with it. I feel that the council needs to address this in baby steps. See how it goes with your previous issues and work on them for a year and come back to the table to see what worked and did not work. But to continuously change the rules on us nonstop is not effective. When you put a ban on Airbnb's until May 20th, this was very taxing. We are now just getting back to business with more rules and compliance issues. I honestly wonder if the city council wants to ban airbnb and this is their way of doing it. I will have to say, that if this new issue passes of 4 day minimum, then I will be forced to sell and invest in a vacation city that welcomes Airbnb clientel, airbnb hosts and a city that appreciates the tax revenue that comes in. Please dont make many owners leave. Your new restrictions on already a compromised market due to COVID has been taxing on us enough. Thank you Matina Soutsos Get Outlook for Android Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 19 From: stephaniemedia@t-online.de Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:14 PM To: City Clerk's Office [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it may concern, As a resident of Newport Beach, I ask that the council does NOT impose the following regulations, because I won't be able to afford a mortgage: • Ban short-term rentals in single family homes • Ban renters from short-term renting • Require owners to obtain a business license and submit a nuisance response plan when applying Thank you, Stephanie Lippert 1 Rieff, Kim From: Rona Graf <rona@graceblu.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:10 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: AIR BnB Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is,safe. To Whom It May Concern: It is my understanding that the City Council is meeting to discuss the future of short term rentals in Newport Beach. I occasionally rent out my townhome in Newport Beach, which is in the Newport Terrace community off of 19th Street in Westside Costa Mesa. My community has a community pool, basketball court and is the perfect spot for guests that want a retreat from their homes and to feel like they are close enough to the beach, yet far away enough from the beach in a nature area. I am highly against the city putting a stop to short term rentals, as this is a significant help to my income and mortgage. I would like my voice to be known that I AM AGAINST putting a stop to short term rentals. I feel that this provides people with families that chance to visit Newport Beach that may not be able to stay in a hotel and want the home feel. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help prevent this from occurring. Kindly, Rona Graf 1 Windsong Court Newport Beach, CA 92663 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 Rieff, Kim From: Navarrete, Monique Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:00 PM To: Brown, Leilani Cc: Jurjis, Seimone; Brenan, Ellen; Tseng, Evelyn Subject: FW: thoughts on STL for meeting tomorrow Attachments: WNBA Short Term Rental Survey (1).docx Monique Navarrete City of Newport Beach License Supervisor 949-644-3146 From: Lisa Li <li.lisa@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:04 PM To: Navarrete, Monique<MNava rrete@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenan, Ellen <EBrenan@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: thoughts on STL for meeting tomorrow [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Monique, I've sent my thoughts before but never really get any response back. Maybe some of these views will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow? I am a vacation rental owner and resident of Newport Beach. I'd like to tell you a little bit about the experience I have with full time residents since so much emphasis is on the vacation rental residents. We have a rental at 121 37th Street and 7205 Seashore Drive. From day one of opening my doors 6 years ago as a vacation rental I've had several neighbors (home owners) thank me for renovating the property and inviting such nice families to the house. Many of them have now gone into the vacation rental business too and are able to supplement their income by renting part of their home. We all look out for each other, notify each other if groups look like they might be too loud, etc ... The biggest problem we all have "in our neighborhood" and I stress in "our neighborhood" because everyone has different circumstances and one bad vacation rental does not mean all vacation rentals are bad. Anyway ... we have a constant problem with long term rentals around us being occupied by way more people than should be in a space and often times these are young partiers, sometimes college houses with 4 kids to a room. Its ridiculous! They leave their trash all over the street, throw their cigarettes all over, use foul language all day long, and constantly have parties. In fact, a few times, I've had people call me thinking it must be our vacation rental making noise, only for me to drive to our rental and see that it's a long term rental near us partying again. So often times we take the blame for issues in the neighborhood that have nothing to do with us, people just assume we are the culprit because we are a vacation rental. I have managed to create listings on Airbnb and VRBO that discourage young people and partiers from making a reservation. It is really easy. In the ad, you make it clear up front that your age requirement must be met ( my age requirement is 30 yrs ), I also state many times over that there is no partying, no visitors to the house, no parking behind the garage, I re -iterate the maximum number of people permitted to stay, I discourage people from bringing multiple vehicles, etc..) And after a reservation is made, I re -iterate all of that and again and ask them to confirm that ALL people coming to the house understand and can comply with all of my rules. I also let them know I will be personally checking them in. I believe this has helped me from attracting the wrong types of renters and thus my neighbors have no problems with us. I could tell you stories and stories of problems I've had with my neighbors though. From the drug addict living in the garage roaming around defecating in the alleys and smoking drugs on our steps, to the drug dealer who gets quite chatty with all of my guests and kind of scares them, to the party houses, the college kids that move out and leave all of their belongings in the alley every summer leaving us to call for pick up and have to look at it all for week, it goes on and on. I regularly clean the streets around us of the trash, cigarettes and all kinds of yukky stuff I don't want to mention. My neighbors thank me all the time. Before I check in a guest I have to do all of this, otherwise they would look out their dining room window and see it all, their kids would step on the glass and they would never want to come back to Newport. Interestingly my property at 7205 Seashore does not have as many of these issues with the long term renters. We have mostly home owners occupying the houses around us at this property and these neighbors have also been welcoming to us. They all have my telephone number and we communicate well. They see how hard I work to check people in -quickly and smoothly. Making sure people get unpacked quickly and cars parked so they don't block the alley. I have signs on our balcony stating the hours for noise on balcony (and I remind them that my beach front neighbors all have bedrooms on the alley, etc..) I have had problems with our neighbors parking behind their own garages so that my renters can't get their car out of our garage, but I make very sure that my tenants never do that to them. Things like this happen to us all of the time but no one really cares because we are just a business and it seems that the same rules don't apply to them because they are full time occupants. They don't fear losing a business license if they park behind us and block us in or have a party and keep our guests up all night, etc ... but again we don't experience as many problems at this property. I also think if the city didn't make renovations and repairs so difficult in our area that more people would spend money on keeping up their houses and we would start to attract long term renters that care about their surroundings. As it is now, everyone is scared to death to update anything for fear of the code enforcers / inspectors coming out and finding a million other things that need to be brought up to code or each one tells you something different costing you a TON of time, money and frustration. But this is an entirely different subject. In closing, I do think there are many things we can do to regulate the vacation rental business that would possibly make those "bad" ones behave more responsibly or lose their license if warranted, but I don't think random rules made up by people that have never run a vacation rental in Newport Beach or rely on this income to feed their families should just arbitrarily make up these rules. And .... We are not Santa Monica, San Francisco or Washington D.C. so I don't think we can adopt their same rules to deal with the unique problems that we have. Newport Beach was founded on these vacation homes and many people have been coming here for 30 + years enjoying the ocean and a well deserved family vacation. There are very few places left where you can rent a home on the beach and many families can't afford to rent a hotel for a large family. Don't ruin years of great memories for these families because someone had a bad experience with a vacation rental. Penalize the problem vacation rental not all of us. And ... If the city was able to clean up the long term rentals around our vacation rentals we all would be better off. Newport Beach should also focus on it's long term rentals that have ZERO rules imposed on them. Too many people per room, dilapidated buildings, all night parties, trash all over the streets, it's ruining our city! Thank you for listening and I'd be happy to share my thoughts and experience if anyone is interested. I've attached a letter I received from the West Newport Beach Association for your information. This is what I'm basing my letter to you on. And I've copied and pasted the questions they thought should be answered for tomorrow's meeting below. 1. Why did you move to West Newport? To be near the beach 2. Would you like to live next door to a short-term rental? Why or why not? Silly question ... no one will answer yes to this question. SERIOUSLY?! 3. What regulations would you like to see adopted to mitigate the problems caused by short term rentals? Vacation rentals should have a property manager to check in every guest. Vacation rentals should have at least 1 parking spot per unit. Vacation rentals should have higher minimum age limits (at least 25 but I prefer 30) Vacation rentals should always provide trash bags for guests and show them where the trash cans are. Vacation rentals should state clearly the noise rules for patios/balconies. Vacation rentals should state clearly the number of people permitted per room. Vacation rentals should state clearly no parties of any kind and no visitors to the house without prior permission. Vacation rentals should have property manager telephone numbers on signs in at least two locations on the building. Vacation rentals that consistently have issues should lose their license. Best wishes, Lisa Li Owner/Property Manager Cell 949-874-6418 June 17, 2020 To West Newport Association Members: The West Newport Beach association is gathering input relating to problems with short- term rentals in the City of Newport Beach. The City Council will address the issue on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. We have been getting complaints from residents about short- term rentals. One neighbor wrote: "It has gotten even worse than just the neighbors simply having a party now. On Wednesday around 6PM, our neighbor who rents out the house as a short-term rental was raided by the police. All of a sudden more than a dozen police officers with their guns drawn, wearing bulletproof vests with a search warrant at hand stormed the house and arrested the tenants. It was truly a scary event! With sadness I sent away my granddaughter to return back to her home in San Francisco due to safety." "I am a full time resident and I am fearful to live here. I was told they confiscated kilos of drugs and guns. We live in a nice neighborhood and the rest of us ill this area have been full-time residents for over a decade. I am sure if they rented out to yearly tenants the neighborhood would be a much safer place to live. Is there any way we could take away their short-term rental permit? Please help!!" The City of Santa Monica adopted a new law making it illegal to rent out your entire home for short term rentals. The owner must also live on the premises. The United States District Court upheld the law and did not find it in violation with the Coastal Act. With the owner on the premises, there is less chance of being awakened by partying when you have to go to work and your children have to go to school the next day. The Santa Monica City website explained their reasons for the new law. "Why can't I rent my own property for a short period while I'm away?" The City answered, "Vacation rentals can have detrimental impacts on the character of residential neighborhoods by turning homes into de facto hostels or hotels, by leading to excessive noise and safety concerns, and by monopolizing available parking. The City has a responsibility to mitigate these impacts..." "The law applies to all zoning districts, limits occupancy to two persons per bedroom and fines start at $1000 per day per violation." Cities from San Francisco to Washington D.C. have researched the problems and found short-term rentals "Create a concentration of what are effectively unsafe hotels, upsetting quiet residential neighborhoods with more traffic and persons who don't care about the neighborhood. They alter neighborhood character while introducing new safety risks and force neighborhoods and cities to bear the costs of their business." In short, hosts get the money and residents get the noise, traffic and degradation of the neighborhood. Many cities now limit short-term rentals to 60 or 90 days a year. Please reply to this email with your views today or A.S.A.P so we can help protect our quality of life in West Newport Beach. Please share this survey with your friends and neighbors. 1. Why did you move to West Newport? 2. Would you like to live next door to a short-term rental? Why or why not? 3. What regulations would you like to see adopted to mitigate the problems caused by short term rentals? Thank you, West Newport Beach Association Board of Directors "Please return this survey to wnbasecretary(aD_gmail.com Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:27 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Newport Beach hosting laws From: Pam Muth Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 3:27:05 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Newport Beach hosting laws [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I understand the council is voting on rules surrounding short term rentals in Newport tomorrow. I have a duplex in Newport on 35th Street that I rent out for vacation rentals and that is my sole source of income. I'm very concerned about making it permanently mandatory to have a minimum stay of 4 days. From Sept - May, I allow 3 day rentals. In the summer, I only have a 4 -day minimum because more people are coming for a summer vacation versus a weekend getaway during the rest of the months. I only allow 3 -day rentals in the summer if I end up with a gap after getting booked with the longer stays. Last summer, for example, I only had 4 3 -day reservations in all of June/July/August and I was sold out during those three months. In 2019, 1 had a total of 116 reservations between the two units and 35 of those were for 3 days - that represents 30% of my reservations. I don't want to lose that business. During September - May, many people come for Thurs-Sun. I've been renting my duplex for two years now and have never had a nuisance complaint. I check in regularly with my neighbors (on both sides and across the street) to ensure they are having no concerns about my rentals. They have been very supportive. Anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents to the discussion. I really want the option to still offer three-day rentals. Sincerely, 1 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Ana Rosandich <alfaro.lebowitz@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:07 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Two Ordinances - Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the Newport Beach City Council: We are writing because we need the city council's support for fair regulations and support of short-term rentals. We are distraught that the city council continues to work to ban short-term rentals in the city of Newport Beach. We are a small business and have kept moving forward with our business plans and rentals based on representation that the city of Newport Beach has made. We comply with all the rules and regulations you require, and have spoken repeatedly with Ellen Brenan to ensure that we follow all the rules the city imposes. Every time you make a change, we have adjusted. We are now doing three-day rentals only. We stopped the short -term -rentals when you had the ordinance in April -May, brought in health workers and SUBSIDIZED the rent at a loss for us. Did any of you open your homes to health workers during the crisis? If your concern is about big companies taking many leases and renting huge numbers of properties, please note that we are local with only 2 properties. Do not let those big companies affect people that have few properties and are conscientious like us. Limit the number of properties that companies can rent short-term. If management companies can rent short-terrm, why can't we? Why is what we do different from management companies? We care deeply about the kinds of guests we have at our two properties making sure we are good neighbors and excellent hosts. We have responsibilities to our landlord and are responsible for any damages. We make sure our guests are vetted, that there are no parties, that noise levels are kept low between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. It appears you make blanket assumptions that short-term rentals are not good for the city, and that the people that do short-term rentals are somehow undesirable, slum lords or uncaring absentee landlords. We are the opposite of this. Our business thrives based on managing the two properties with care and personalized attention. We love what we do, and it is truly disconcerting that the city council continues to work on destroying the century -long legacy of rentals in the city of Newport Beach. In advance, we thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ana Rosandich and Harrison Lebowitz LoCale Pacific Stays Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Mark Markos <msm619@ymail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:11 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Short Term Rentals on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO:NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know. the °content is safe. To all City Council Members, I find myself in the middle of a very heated battle between the owners of the STR's and the residents of Newport Island as do you. I am the current President of the newly reignited community association and it is my responsibility to act in the best interest of our island community and preserve the quality of life for the families and residents that live here. One of the first things we did over the last 2 - 3 weeks is put out a survey to see how our residents felt about our island life and community as a whole and what they thought about STR's on the island. The results (not surprisingly) were very pro island life and community and very pro toward controlling STR's to 30 days or more (thus attracting a different caliber of rental guest). I do want to say that there are some good players that respect the island community and their neighbors when renting short term (some owners live in the front unit and rent out the back unit, they thoroughly vet the guests, they impose strict rules and even loss of deposits and they provides adequate parking), unfortunately there are several bad actors that don't live there, never lived here or forgot was it was like to live here and completely disrespect their neighbors and the island as a whole. We thought we could find a balance between the STR's and the community, but this seems to be more of a challenge than originally anticipated because we don't know what 17 short term rentals at the same time looks like (most of these permits were just approved in the 12-18 months and this would have been the first season but COVID hit and shut them down). Prior to the shut down we were being hit from every angle with more problems than we ever had before (parking, speeding, noise, out of control parties, disrespectful guests, urinating in public, dogs in the channel, guests passed out on the patios, multiple calls to the police, etc.). This island has prided itself in being a strong residential community , very tight knit with people that know one another and care about the health and well being of their neighbors and their kids. Now we are on the verge of being overrun by a transient population to a level which this small island has never seen before and we are truly concerned on what this will look like if allowed to continue without serious changes. We would prefer 30+ rentals to attract a better clientele along with stricter enforcement of noise and nuisance laws with heavy penalties for abusing these laws, when these rules are broken code enforcement is present or available (all hours) to issue violations and then suspensions and revoking of licenses is enforced. Capping the permits so that no more can be issued. Parking requirements, guests to bedroom ratios enforced, noise monitoring by the management group, management available to handle problems within 25-45 minutes of complaints. We need the city council to help us get our island back and if these STR's are to continue we want it cleaned up or we will continue to press the issue. All of these STR owners live in nice neighborhoods just like you and I guarantee that you nor they would want to be going through what we are facing. I know of one Newport Island STIR owner who just had Short term rentals banned from his city because of the same problems we are having. So it appears it is OK to have them in my neighborhood, but not his. Actually, no one wants this nonsense ruining their neighborhood and destroying their quality of life, including NEWPORT ISLAND RESIDENTS! Lastly, there are three groups making money on these STR's, the management companies 20-25%, the owners even more than the management companies, and the city through fees, permits and license , yet the only ones paying the price are the owners and residents of Newport Island. My questions to you Would you put up with this in your neighborhood? Do you think it is fair to the owners and residents of Newport Island? Thank you for your time Mark Markos Rieff, Kim From: Alex Izbicki <alexforhomes@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:28 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term Rentals on Balboa Island Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am writing the city clerks office this note is to show my disapproval of any sort of legislation or rules regarding the regulations of short term rentals on Balboa Island. Many seniors with restricted incomes depend on this income when they rent out their granny flats and putting any restrictions on such a rental income only hurts the people that have made this community so wonderful over the past few generations. It is not the job of our city leaders to regulate how people earn their money with properties that they own. It is a job of city legislatures to legislate in order to protect and better enable the right to the persist of happiness those who live here and pay their taxes into the system. As far as my personal experience, the Airbnb system and other short term networks work efficiently screen potential tenants effectively and the personal business of a property owner is no business of our city legislatures. In fact putting limitations on their ability to earn a living with their own properties I s an infringement upon their constitutional rights of free enterprise. I urge you to vote no against any restrictions regarding short term rentals on Balboa island. Thank you, Alex Izbicki 301 Onyx Avenue Newport Beach CA 92662 949-554-5523 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Gary Cruz <gcruz@ushandball.org> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:38 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Council Meeting [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I will try to attend and if not attend, call in. Dear Council Members, Thanks again for your service to the community. Short term housing: My position has changed some. I used to think that the problem was solely a problem of short term rentals, but recently I have seen that the problem is proper vetting out of the tenants, both short term and month to month. I know of one property that seems to have shifted from STR to month to month and the month to month tenants are worse than most of the STR tenants. What I see is that all homeowners or vacation rental property managers are not equal. Rental property that has homeowners on site, don't generate the nuisances that a rental property that is managed off site create. I want to inquire about enforcement for code violators. The police are coming out to break up parties at the same house, time after time. Are they being fined? Are they paying the fine? Bridge congestion: The police are coming out time and time again to ADVISE the kids not to jump off the bridge. Why are they not being CITED? The kids are back within 20 minutes. I feel that the absence of enforcement is fueling their behavior. Is it possible to assign these code violations to some other department other than the police department? We can't expect the police to monitor this all day. I'm sure they have other duties that warrant their attention. We are all hoping that no serious injury occurs but between the jumping and the congestion, I fear something will happen. Gary and Gina Cruz Newport Island Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Frank Mancini <frankbellabacci@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:38 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: 2 ordinances for short term rentals, as an owner/resident and host in Newport Beach [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. • Ban short-term rentals in single family homes -- this I do not agree with, me and many of my friends and neighbors do this for extra income, so all the traffic will now come from the multi family units? Or does it mean that if you already have a permit, you are allowed? section 5.95.015 Please clarify • Ban renters from short-term renting -- agree • Require owners to obtain a business license and submit a nuisance response plan when applying - agree • Require all short-term stays on Newport Island to be a minimum of 4 nights - agree thank you Frank Mancini 1 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: todd tullett <tdtullett@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:40 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good evening, I understand short term renting has been an issue for many permanent residents on the peninsula and island. I realize at times, residents may be confronted with unfortunate issues which over time can result in you determining whether the city should still allow short term rentals. I would say let's not let a few situations ruin it for everyone else. There will always be parking issues. There will always be people not being respectful as we would like. I believe the focus should be better vetting of incoming guests. Let guests know parties are banned. Have the city make sure citations are issued to those guests if they do not obey the rules. Set the minimum night stay to 3 night should help the possibility of any parties. I mean isn't this what its really about. Traffic and parties. The homes are a huge revenue source for the city. I dont see the need to ban the program. Sincerely, Todd Tullett Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Sarah Ruybalid <sarah@commercialwest.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:44 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Phil Berry Subject: Letter to City Council for Meeting: 6/23/20 re: Non -conforming signs Attachments: Letter To City Council - Non -Conforming Signs (Mtg 06232020).pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, Please find attached letter from Phil Berry, property owner at 2443 E Coast Hwy, Corona Del Mar. Mr. Berry is landlord to key tenants including The Bungalow Restaurant, Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt, and Commercial West Brokerage Inc. This letter is in reference to Ordinance (2020-16) Introduction of a Nonconforming Sign Code Amendment [PA2019- 184] ). Thank you for consideration on this important issue. Sarah Ruybalid t 949 723 7300 f 949 723 7301 View our properties 1, Listings Page See what we're cel; to Instagram 2443 East Coast Hwy Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 sarah@coriimercialwest.com www.commercialwest.com commercial west brokerage A Real Estate Company 1 2443 EAST COAST HIGHWAY, LLC City Council Meeting City of Newport Beach Attn: Mayor and City Council Members June 22, 2020 RE: Non -Conforming Sign Amendment The City of Newport Beach knows the importance of appearances — especially when it comes to keeping our community appealing for residents and attractive to tourists and new businesses. Small-town charm defines Corona Del Mar. Our historic buildings, unique architecture, and distinctive personality provide a welcoming aesthetic to residents and visitors alike. Part of that charm comes from the unique signage found on buildings on Pacific Coast Highway. What keeps Corona Del Mar from feeling like an over -planned city void of personality is that not everything looks alike. As a property owner, resident, and landlord of Corona Del Mar, I strongly disagree with the City's plan to require non -conforming signs to be removed. Specifically, I support an amendment to eliminate the deadline for removal of non -conforming signs. Now more than ever, small businesses need the support of our community. I urge City Council to allow businesses to standout and leave their mark with the existing signage that has made Corona Del Mar the unique place it is today. Best Regards, Phil Berry G" EN! SPOON N 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 PH: 949-723-7300 FX: 949-723-7301 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Mike Veal <mike@goldcoastglass.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:45 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Newport Island short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good afternoon. I live at 3714 Channel Place and have for the last 20 years. I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the upcoming meeting June 23rd, specifically my thoughts on this ongoing saga that seems to permeate Newport Island. I am not opposed in any way to "absentee" owners renting the property they own responsibly for profit, why would anyone. That should include basic rules or safeguards however. I have read the wording for the June 23, 2020 agenda No. 19. 1 am troubled about the parking problems, I live directly across the street from 3717 Channel. That home has maybe a 1 car garage! If the cars are compact. Yet it is listed as a 4 or 5 bedroom house? NO PARKING for 8-12 people because it is surrounded by red curbs? Constant parking issues. The problems that occur with short term rentals, be it 3 or 4 day are in no particular order, unruly and barking dogs left unattended and allowed to do their business without regard of clean up, blocking streets (see 3717) or at red curbs, inhibiting driveway ingress and egress, blocking sidewalks (see 3717) so that they are impassible, parking at or blocking fire hydrants etc. you surely get the idea. STIR tenants DO NO CARE about a parking ticket, or animal control, but just wait until a fire truck or ambulance can't get by, then all hell will break loose. Also the unruly gatherings and AMPLIFIED sound well after 10:OOPM seems to go on and on without any enforcement, and the inability to contact the rental firms used by the absentee owners is an issue. It does seem that the rental firms don't bother to vet the STIR tenants. The lack of enforcement by the City of Newport Beach is quite troubling in regards to parking and police enforcement, as well as inspections and actual vetting of the properties? My opinion 3-4 day STIR are problematic, make the parking on this particular portion of Newport Beach impossible to navigate safely. A 30 day minimum at least makes sense, and allows those tenants to get the feeling of the neighborhood that has deteriorated in the last few years which are the very reasons I moved to Newport Island. Regards Mike Veal President Gold Coast Glass & Mirror, Inc. 306 East Alton Santa Ana, Ca 92707 mike(@Roldcoast2lass.com 714-557-7212 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Subject: Short -Term Lodging Pictures on Newport Island Honorable City Council, City Manager and City Staff, [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:40 PM To: Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Navarrete, Monique<MNavarrete@newportbeachca.gov>; Contino, Brian <BContino@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Rieff, Kim <KRieff@newportbeachca.gov>; Moss, Heidi <HMoss@nbpd.org>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Martin O'Hea <mohea@bixbyland.com>; chris@harano.com; 'Mark Markos' <msm619@ymail.com>; Larry Leifer <lawrelei@gmail.com>; Richard Wolpow <rwolpow@pocnettech.com>; Jeff Friedman <jfriedman@turnerfiber.com>; newportislandjim@gmail.com; ken@eclecticfinishes.com; Herdman, Jeff <jherdman @newportbeachca.gov>; Maglinti, Avery <AMaglinti@newportbeachca.gov>; roger@catalinacomponents.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Mike Veal <mike@goldcoastglass.com> I hope all is well! I wanted to give you an update and send you some pictures and video from 3717 Channel this weekend. I think two parking citations were given out Thursday and Saturday. I called to complain about them being out until midnight in the back deck and having two big dogs out at 6:30 am in the morning which woke up the neighbors who live on the water along with them talking. I hope everyone had a great Father's Day weekend! Now back to the theme of our pain is your pain. Would you want a business next to your home? Especially when not currently accountable. A second email later with more pictures will follow. I am forwarding a previous email that was sent to some of you regarding short term renters who are allowed to bring dogs without a fenced in back yard at 3717 Channel and then let them loose into our channel during low tide or other times with no disregard as if it is their personal back yard. There have been multiple dogs more than 3 or times in the last year. Some dogs run around including on my dock at low tide and others jump in after the ducks, stingrays and whatever else. Please see the pictures of what they leave behind. How is bringing transient, irresponsible short-term rental on the water without appropriate fencing or yard any type of restrictions positive for the charter of the Coastal Commission? The Newport Island residents on the channel cannot do any work without a permit from Coastal Commission but short-term rentals can allow habitat destruction and leave. They are the same dogs that bark because they are not used to the area and can see anything that goes by including the wildlife, boats, kayakers, etc. Why the short-term renters leave the dogs in a new environment lock up inside or with the backdoor open all day why they are having fun we the permanent neighbors get to listen to them bark and moan all day. I have notified Advanstay,com. and Code Enforcement and sent pictures and all we get is more multiple dog situations. The same people trespassed on my property to wash the channel mud of my deck and dock while we were on our boat so we would not see it happened. I noticed right away and contacted AvantStay.com. They did nothing. The owner is also aware but nonresponsive and wants me to talk to his attorney with any issues. This is the same person listed in the Newport Beach Short Term City directory as a contact with his phone number. Please ban short term rentals on Newport Island. in the interim if there is and in the interim, please hold the owners and operators responsible by making them be owner occupied ( Santa Monica and other cities ), much higher fines, inspections, limit the amount of total people to 7 or less depending on the size of the lot, house and real bedrooms. Illegal parking, fireworks, etc. should count towards a permit infraction. Eliminate subleases for short term rentals where the owner is off the hook. If DAC ( Disturbance Activation Card ) is 8 or more people than allowing permits over 7 occupants are asking for a party on Newport Island. It is a neighborhood not STIR hub. There are many more restrictions not mentioned in this email. Make it easy for Code Enforcement to enforce and pull permits. Make STIR fees and fines more expensive to cover the costs of having dedicated police to enforce the STR's 24 hours a day. The hotels have to bear that expense whey do the STIR owners have no skin in the game. They make money and the neighbors suffer in our own neighborhoods. Our pain should be the owner, operator, short term renter pain. Any further residential pain should be eliminated immediately. We live there and the almost all the owners of the STR's don't. Best regards, Scott McFetters 714-343-1657 Get Outlook for iOS From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:03:12 AM To: Contino, Brian <BContino@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island Last time dogs stayed at 3717 Channel. No gates to keep them in. Get Outlook for iOS From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 1:51 PM To: Jurjis, Seimone; Campbell, Jim; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Tseng, Evelyn; Navarrete, Monique; Contino, Brian; Rieff, Kim Subject: Short -Term Lodging on Newport Island - IJ - w .9- _: r' rw t ��-- • L '^' _ , _ ��V r'� . 1 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 19 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 6:12 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short term rentals From: Tresa Rowe Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 6:11:37 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Cc: Trina Audley Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello City of Newport Beach. I am writing to voice my support for short term rentals. My sister and I bought our first Newport Beach property this past January. We purchased it as a part-time home for our elderly father. He lives in Spain half the year and needs lodging in Newport during the months he's here. The only way we can afford this solution for him is if we rent the home 3 months per year. Although it would be ideal, a long term (monthly tenant) for 3 months is not feasible - given the new tenant -rights laws in California. Also, at his age, we need a home that will be available to our dad on short notice, if he is injured or ill. The ultimate goal is for this house to eventually become his permanent home. Because of this plan, we are very selective about who we rent to. Guests must abide by strict house rules protecting the home and its neighbors. We only advertise on sites that pre-screen guests and allow us to interview potential renters. We believe that a harmonious balance can be established between STL owners and their surrounding residential neighbors. Especially when the owners' goal is not pure profit - as in our case. Balboa has been renting cottages since the 1920's, and the tourism that followed benefited all of Orange County. Likewise, the tax revenue from this long tradition funds Newport's many civic interests. The city needs this money now more than ever! Please consider these points, and the challenge of owners like us, before making any rash decision on the future of Short Term Lodging. Thank you, Tresa Holloway Trina Audley 519 35th Street. Sent from my iPhone Rieff, Kim From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 5:10 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Let Short term Rental's Be Freedom of Speech!! From: Lourdes Preciado Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 5:09:27 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Let Short term Rental's Be Freedom of Speech!! Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Home Owners have justice and Freedom!! Fluter Properties Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 19 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 5:08 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Owner of home on Clubhouse and many others. From: Lourdes Preciado Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 5:07:32 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Owner of home on Clubhouse and many others. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Short term rentals we support! Just no Noise allowed. Rieff, Kim From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 5:01 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Meeting input - Short Term Rental regulations From: Deborah Gubernick Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 5:00:30 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Meeting input - Short Term Rental regulations Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Do NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. The short term rental situation is out of control. Even as an owner of a short term rental myself, I am now against it and have not rented out my short term rental this season and do not plan to. I write in favor of banning the short term rentals going forward. I also write in favor of additional policing/enforcement of the maximum capacity at short term rentals to prevent excess guests and unwanted parties. An increasingly popular use of the rentals is for parties of all kinds (graduation, bachelorette, birthday, sweet 16 and many others). While the maximum capacity might be observed during sleeping hours, I have witnessed that the maximum capacity is far exceeded during the day/evening for parties. This creates parking issues, noise issues, and overall frustration and interference with the use and enjoyment of our property for those of us who need this neighborhood to resemble a residential neighborhood rather than a party scene/hotel lobby. Thank you, Debbie Gubernick Peninsula Resident/Homeowner Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 19 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:54 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Comments on Short-term rental ordinances From: Lin He Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 4:53:59 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Comments on Short-term rental ordinances [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Whom It May Concern, As a Newport Beach resident and property owner, I would like to express my opinions on the two new ordinances pertinent to short-term rentals. Generally speaking, I support the short-term rental business in the city as our city is a tourist destination and many residents rely on short -rental income, which in turn support property values. I also support measures that minimize negative impact on neighborhoods. • Ban short-term rentals in single-family homes: OPPOSE. There should be measures in place to minimize any negative impact. Single-family houses shouldn't be treated differently than condos/townhouses. if there were any difference, it should be more lax as neighbors are not on top of each other. • Ban renters from short-term renting. OPPOSE. As long as the rentals are operated properly, it is not government's responsibility to tell people how to run their business. In this case, an power may want to rent a property to a long-term tenant like a triple -net lease for the ease of management, then a renter, who may be a property manage company, is willing to take on a more active role and sub -lease it as a short-term rental. As long as the short-term rental is run properly, they should be left alone. • Require owners to obtain a business license and submit a nuisance response plan when applying. SUPPORT. Again, we need to make sure that rentals, long-term or short-term need to be run properly. • Require all short-term stays on Newport Island to be a minimum of 4 nights. Somewhat OPPOSE. I don't know the specifics, but generally speaking, everyone should be treated the same way. Your thoughtful consideration will be much appreciated. Lin He Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Andy Lingle <andylingle@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:06 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 23, 2020 Re: Short Term Rentals Dear City Council, I'm writing to express a concern about short term rentals in Newport Beach. In addition to all the other issues associated with STRs, including affordability, I worry that as these lucrative units begin to proliferate the number of dwelling units that are counted toward meeting our RHNA obligation decreases. As you undoubtedly know 4800 additional dwellings need to be found, and every time a property is converted from being a residence into a short term rental it is no longer counted as part of our housing stock for RHNA purposes. Thank you, Andrea (Andy) Lingle andylingle@gmail.com 1 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Kirsten Schmieder <krschmieder@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 202011:26 AM To: City Clerk's Office; Dept - City Council Subject: Short -Term Lodging [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Clerk and Council Members, I understand that the City Council will be discussing rules that would impact Short -Term Lodging in Newport Beach this afternoon. Per Airbnb and VRBO, items to be discussed today are the following: • Ban short-term rentals in single-family homes - Please BAN CONDOS from being STL's since most CC&R's prohibit them from doing this. Prior to the City issuing them permits we had year-round residents living on our streets. Now, many of these properties have been sold to investors who use management companies to rent them as vacation rentals. It's sad to see these properties vacant during the winter months. We miss having full-time neighbors. • Ban renters from short-term renting - Please do not. There is a market for vacation properties on the Peninsula but they should be better regulated. No more than two people per bedroom and maybe two extra in a living room. Strict rules on visiting guests, etc,.. • Require owners to obtain a business license and submit a nuisance response plan when applying. All owners should have a business license and STL permit. No need for a nuisance plan if the owners/managers are following the rules in screening their tenants properly. NBPD should communicate each disturbance call on STL's to Code Enforcement and STL permits should not be renewed if more than 3 complaints have been made on a property. • Require all short-term stays on Newport Island to be a minimum of 4 nights - Newport Island should not allow short-term lodging at all, nor should any of the islands be allowed to offer stays shorter than 30 days. The islands throughout Newport Beach have long been known as family neighborhoods. Short - Term properties do not need to operate there. We want full-time residents living here. As a full-time Peninsula resident, property owner, and onsite property manager of a vacation rental since 2008, 1 have first-hand witnessed changes in the local Short Term Lodging industry and our neighborhood. When we first began renting our 1 bedroom/1 bathroom rental short-term Burr White Realty did me a favor in denying me their management services. They claimed to not manage any properties on the two hundred blocks of the Peninsula (no market for it), thus prompting me to get my own business license and STL Permit. -Clearly times have changed; I was forced to manage my own place but by doing so, I know my guests, take pride in my property, and promote the local businesses to my guests. I can attest that the problems with STL's are first and foremost due to poor property mismanagement and two, the City of Newport Beach granting STL's to properties that should never have become vacation rentals. I do hope that changes will be made and implemented properly. We have a beautiful community here but we need full- time residents with pride of ownership not just investors buying properties to make them vacation rentals. Sincerely, Kirsten Schmieder 29th Street Resident/Owner T. 949.903.2533 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Penny Gilbert <peennyg@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:53 AM To: City Clerk's Office; Dixon, Diane; msm619@ymail.com Subject: Short Term Rentals on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am the owner of 409 38th St. Newport Beach. The property has been owned by my family since 1946 and over the years we have seen many changes. My property is located between two short term rentals and I saw that the police have answered several calls over the past week in the 400 block of 38th St for Party disturbances. Unfortunately I am isolated in Palm Desert at this time due to the virus however my son and his family are living on my property and have advised me of numerous problems with noise and parking. In fact the property at 407 38th St. has a hot tub on the roof and people party in it at all hours of the night. I was under the impression that one of the property owners lived in the back unit of said property however does nothing to bring an end to the noise. Parking has been a problem recently due to the loss of spaces given to new construction. The Short Term Rentals contribute to the situation. We property owners and tax payers are becoming second class citizens and our rights are being ignored. Please hear out the property owners who appear tonight expressing problems with the proliferation of Short Term Rentals in Newport Beach and do something to alleviate the problems. Penelope Gilbert 409 381h St. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (760) 861-2499 Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Bob Smith <mybeach949@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:27 PM To: Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin; Herdman, Jeff; Brenner, Joy; O'Neill, William; City Clerk's Office Subject: Complete "BAN" On Short Term Rental - STOP DESTROYING OUR COMMUNITY! Bring Neighbors and Neighborhoods "Back" to Newport Beach!!! [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am Calling for a Complete "BAN" on Short Term Rentals Indefinitely In Newport Beach! They are Destroying Our Neighborhoods and OUR Home and They MUST STOP!! We the "Local" Residents of Newport Beach, are "Your" Constituents, NOT THESE OUT OF TOWN SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTY INVESTORS!! This is PUBLIC INFORMATION, and "We" Want to Know - "HOW MANY "OWNERS" OF THESE SHORT TERM RENTAL PERMITS, ARE "PERMANENT NEWPORT BEACH RESIDENTS?"" How is it Possible for THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL to Place the "PROFITS" of these "Out -Of - Town" Short Term Rental Owners, Over the Health, Safety, and OVERWHELMING "DESIRE" of the RESIDENTS YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE REPRESENTING?? DURING A PANDEMIC? Many of these STIR "Owners", DO NOT RESIDE, and are NON-RESIDENTS of Newport Beach! Many are From Foriegn Countries, and Only "USE" and "DESTROY" Newport Beach for their Own "PROFITS". NB CC, Please Remember Many Of these STIR Owners are NON- VOTING, NOW RESIDENTS, and "YOU" NB CC are capitulating to the Demands of these SHORT TERM RENTAL COMPANIES, and Ignoring those who VOTE FOR YOU!!" DURING A PANDEMIC!!! If it is "Impossible" for the Local Residents of Newport Beach to Safely Social Distance "6" FEET APART AT "OUR" OWN HOMES (OUR "SANCTUARY" From this Vlrus), because our Homes are less than 6 Feet Away, then ALL STR's SHOULD BE BANNED Until it is Possible, or their is a Vaccine!! Newport Beach City Council, "You" Chose Previously to "ONLY" Protect, Marine Ave, Balboa Island, The Letter Streets Down (On Pen) and Lido Island with "Resident Only Parking", Now you are going to make Special Ordinances for Newport Island!! had to "Verify" this, but it appears that the "Local" Residents of the Newport Beach Peninsula have a case against the Newport Beach City Council as you are in Direct Violation of the, " Equal Protection" Clause in the California Constitution! ""(ARTICLE I DECLARATION OF RIGHTS [SECTION 1 - SEC. 32] SEC. 7. ""(b) A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens. Privileges or immunities granted by the Legislature may be altered or revoked."" You The NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL are Picking and Choosing Who you are Protecting During this Pandemic, and You Diane Dixon and Will Oneill are Sending the Message LOUD AND CLEAR, That The Local Residents that Live One the Peninsula.... 1. NB CC Will "NOT" Protect You, and ONLY CARES ABOUT.... OUT OF TOWN PROFITS! 2. NB CC Refuses to Recognize that the "NUMBERED" Streets on the Peninsula, are the "Most" Impacted and "Most" At Risk from these Out of Town Tourists flying in 2-3x a Week 6ft From Our Homes! NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WILL NOT PROTECT YOU!! 3. NB CC Cares MORE about Short Term Rentals "Profits" over the Health and Safety of its "LOCAL" Residents!! I believe that there was Collusion between the Newport Beach City Council and these Short Term Rental Companies to Lift the Emergency Ordinance Early! I sent this email to Diane Dixon May 15, 2020, and NEVER RECEIVED A RESPONSE SO I ASK AGAIN!...... 1. Which Newport Beach Citizen brought The Motion to Vote to "Remove" the STR Ban during this Pandemic 2. Provide the Outcomes of the Violations during this Ban! What are the Addresses of the Units that "We" as Local Residents Reported, who Violated the STR BAN. How many violations were Reported and How many were given out! I have 2 on my street that multiple neighbors reported different sets of Renters, which is 2x violations.. = Revocation For 1 Year How Many and fWhat are the Name and Address and the Violators that You REVOKED THEIR PERMITS! 3. How many of the People on the STR Permit Lists who have STR Permits are "ACTUAL RESIDENTS" of Newport Beach! 4. Was there Prior Knowledge Given to the STR companies PRIOR TO THE VOTE On Tuesday, that "You" & NB CC would be overturning the ban? (Because they were all filled up, before the Ban was Lifted) May 15, 2020, (This is Public Information) I believe We Need an INVESTIGATION Into the Newport Beach City Council! Especially, Will O'Neil, Diane Dixon, and Kevin Muldoon) Regarding the Collusion between the NB CC and STR Companies and the Early Removal of the "Temporary Ban On STR's) During this Pandemic! Finally, You as The Newport Beach City Council should be ashamed, Trying to Pass "Permanent" Short Term Rental Changes... 1. During a Pandemic 2. A little over a Week Before 4th Of July, Where "I" am SERIOUSLY Concerned about the VIOLENCE, SOCIAL UNREST, and Riots that are Coming on the 4th Of July In NB. 3. While There are Riots Going On across the Country 4. While Santa Ana is Having "Social Unrest" (TODAY) and has Implemented a Curfew, That Can Easily Spread to NB 5. While NB CC Has Directed the NBPD to NOT Enforce OUR LAWS- My NEIGHBORS AND I Have "NEVER" seen this level of Lawlessness On the Peninsula Before, MY WHOLE LIFE! 6. NB CC can NOT, Or "Refuses" To Safely Protect Its Residents From the CRIME and THIS VIRUS!!! 7. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL and You Are FAILING US!! hope You as the Newport Beach City Council, think of THE PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR YOU, The "LOCAL" Residents of Newport Beach; "BEFORE" the Short Term PROFITS of these OUT OF TOWN Property Investors! Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Michael Zuccato <mzuccato@mac.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1:18 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Please end Newport Island STIR ban immediately. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members, As a longtime resident of Newport Island and STIR owner, I Just wanted to reiterate my strong feelings on this issue and ask that you reinstate our ability to rent with a 3 night minimum as all other STRs in Newport Beach can do. Some of us are a little concerned about social distancing at the City Council today but we will be calling in and watching online. Thanks again for your kind consideration. Best Regards, Michael Zuccato Received After Agenda Printed June 23, 2020 Item No. 19 From: Meredith May <may_meredith@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 2:07 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED: SHORT TERM RENTALS on NEWPORT ISLAND [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear NB City Council Members: have been a NI resident since 2009. My opinions have not changed since my prior email I submitted a few months ago in February 2020 (see below email) before COVD-19, in fact I feel even more strongly that the STR should be banned on NI not only due to the constant parking and noise issues, but also being a public health issue. Back in 2009 when I moved here, NI was a quiet peaceful family neighborhood which is why I decided to move here rather than be closer to the beach. I also specifically remember that the sellers took my offer over another since they wanted someone to live there and not make it into a rental. I was single then with 2 dogs, but now I am raising my young family here. I have a 4 and 5 year old and we could NOT use our patio last summer. I did not want my young children to be subjected to the constant smoke from cigarettes and marijuana use along with all the terrible loud foul language. I could not even keep my windows open and I do not have A/C. Some weeks it was loud partying/music and drinking all night long on the patio and dock. Additionally, practically every time I arrived to my house last summer, I could not park in front of my garage due to it being blocked by the STR tenants next door. I had to get out of my car leaving my 2 kids inside, walk next door and ask them to move their car so that I can park in front of my garage. This was a terrible inconvenience to me on a daily basis. Now with the COVID pandemic, I should not have to walk next door to ask them to move. Last summer, I complained on a weekly basis to both the owners of the STR and to Burr White Realty who managed it. I handled it the nice way and either called/sent texts with photos to them to deal with it personally instead of escalating the problem. I spoke with Joan Trout (owner of Burr White) a few times about it over the last few years. Last summer was the worst and this summer I will start logging complaints on the city website or call the police. I recently heard my STR next door is going to be rented for exactly 30 days starting July 1st to avoid being termed a STR. I foresee this to be a problem. I am open to options to deal with these issues such as one NI resident recently suggested following Santa Monica's STR policy to where the owner must be living on the premises in order to rent out their property nightly or weekly. I think this would really cut down on the STR issues. I guarantee the owners would hate living on the premises with the people they rent to. My husband and I talk about it, the owners are not the ones inconvenienced here, it is the residents who suffer. I appreciate your time in making sure my concerns are addressed at the city council meeting tonight. Thank you, Dr. Meredith May Newport Island Resident From: Meredith May <may_meredith@hotmail.com> Sent: Sunday, February 23, 202011:20 PM To: citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov <citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED: SHORT TERM RENTALS on NEWPORT ISLAND ATTN: NB City Council Below is my email I sent to Diane Dixon on 2/15/2020 and received no response. Unfortunately I cannot attend the city council meeting on Tuesday 2/25. Please use my email to voice my opinion/concerns. I live next door to a Newport Island short term rental on Marcus Avenue. This property has a huge patio on the water with a dock and it is a constant party everyday and night. NOT a good environment to raise my 2 young children. Thank you, Dr. Meredith May Begin forwarded message: From: Meredith May <may_meredith@hotmail.com> Date: February 15, 2020 at 8:47:28 PM HST To: "ddixon@newportbeachca.gov" <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED: SHORT TERM RENTALS on NEWPORT ISLAND Hello Diane, I attended the NB City Council Meeting on Tuesday 11 February 6:30PM as I was informed by a neighbor that short term rentals on Newport Island was on the agenda. I brought my 2 young children with me that night (no babysitter) and could not stay as I learned from the officers at the door that the regular meeting would not start until 7PM, but that the study session was not even completed. My husband and I decided that we could not sit through 30 minutes, let alone 2 hours with our 2 young children. I later heard from a neighbor that the issue was not addressed at the meeting until 9PM, so I am glad I did not stay. When will the short term rentals on Newport Island be addressed again with the city council? I want to make sure I attend and would like to know the time I should be there. Short term rentals on Newport Island is a major issue right now. I have lived here for 10 years and last summer was one of the worst. I live next door to a short term rental and it is a constant party everyday and every night! You expect this on the beach side over on Seashore, but not on Newport Island. That is what made this island so special. When I first moved here, I was told by my neighbors that everyone on the island either has dogs or kids which was true, but not anymore. The family quiet residential feel is gone. It is very unfortunate that we pay high taxes to live in a nice neighborhood that is now going downhill by all the rowdy teenagers and twenty something year old tenants that arrive weekly or for just a few nights. It is not normally families renting, it is groups of young adults in their twenties or an adult renting it out for younger kids who is not on the property. do not appreciate the bad language and cigarette/marjuana smoke next door to me and my small children all hours of the day. I do not have A/C since I live at the beach and now I cannot leave my windows open as we will be engulfed in 2nd hand smoke. Foul language, hiring DJ's to play on the patio, partying on huge boats with music blaring when tenants are allowed to also rent the boat slip from the property owner, loud music/yelling, peeing and smoking in the street, trash, etc, PARKING is a constant issue since the tenants think it is fine to park on neighbors property. I have contacted the owner of the rental property and Burr White rental management company multiple multiple times last summer with emails, phone calls and texts. It is a complete inconvenience for me and my family to have to deal with this on a daily basis. I should be able to come home and be able to park behind my garage to get my kids out of the car safely without having to ask the renters every day to move their car and every week to move their trash cans to their property. This summer, I am going straight to the city with my complaints and pictures. hope to hear from you soon as to how this issue is going to be addressed. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Dr. Meredith May Newport Island Resident Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Island Short Term Rentals From: Mike Ivey <mike@mimediaproductions.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:16 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Michael Zuccato <mzuccato@mac.com>; Mike Ivey <mike@mimediaproductions.com> Subject: Newport Island Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Newport City Council, Two years ago I purchased 3801 Marcus on Newport Island. My family and I purchased the home as a second residence, but also as a rental investment. Ever since I can remember, my brother and I would jump off the 38th street bridge, ride bikes to the Frog House and enjoy the beaches. If lucky, our parents would rent a home close to the beach - homes known as weeklys. Today, I own the home next to the bridge that kids jump off. I want to offer our home as a place other families like mine can enjoy. I've spent two years repairing and fixing the home so it can be a clean and respectful vacation home. We'd prepared the home for rental when the city ban on rentals was placed. We waited for the May 20th, 2020 ban to be lifted to realize the ban had been extended to only Newport Island. The rest of Newport Beach was open, but Newport Island was soloed out by a group of homeowner's using the COVID 19 Pandemic as an excuse for a hidden agenda. This island is no different than Balboa Island, it's same size streets and alleys, same lots sizes, and same density. It's even more crowded considering the only real access is a similar bridge with 10 times the occupants. Balboa Island has been given permission to rent, why not us. For those of us that need to rent due to financial hardships in business. We're being restricted from the same rights the rest of Newport Beach has been granted. want good renters, I don't want my home destroyed or guests creating chaos, but the over exaggeration of Daily Pilot articles and homeowners claims are inaccurate. I urge the City Council to lift the ban on Short Term Rentals so we can at least recover the losses we have already endured. Thank you for your consideration Mike Ivey 3801 Marcus, Newport Beach CA 92663 MiMedia Productions 16171 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 Office (949)679-4202 ext. 102 Direct (949)535-1928 I' (949)679-96o6 yell (949)293-7733 www.mimediaproductions.com