HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Amending the Newport Beach Municipal Code Restrictions for Short Term Lodging - CorrespondenceReceived After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Donabrams <don@abramscoastal.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:22 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rental ordinance [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please submit my below letter for the July 14 Meeting on this subject. Please confirm receipt. Don Abrams DONALD L. ABRAMS Broker C 714.325.9055 O 949.675.4822 ME Begin forwarded message: From: Donald Abrams <don@abramscoastal.com> Date: July 3, 2020 at 3:25:14 PM PDT To: Diane Dixon <ddixon@dixonfornewport.com>, Joy Brenner <jbrenner@newportbeachca.gov>, Jeff Herdman <jherd man@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Seimone Jurjis <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>, Aaron Harp <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>, Craig Batley <cbatley@burrwhite.com>, Will O'Neill <oneill4newport@gmail.com>, Brad Avery <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>, Kevin Muldoon <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>, Duffy Duffield <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Yesterday's Ad Hoc Meeting Dear Diane, Joy, Jeff, Seimone, and Aaron: I want to again let you know how concerned I am regarding the Ad Hoc Committee's Plans regarding Short Term Rentals. I'm sorry if my comments at yesterday's meeting may have seemed overly aggressive and argumentative. However, tone aside, I truly believe that the Committee's new Ordinance and intention to shift some of the issues to the Planning Commission, will have as a consequence, intended or not, of seriously damaging the vacation rental business, which in my case, I have spent 22 years building. To re -state my concerns: 1. The new "Ordinance" had a "first reading" on June 23. There was no advance notice to interested property managers or vacation rental owners and there was no true reading. In fact, almost the entire discussion centered on problems regarding Newport Island which is an isolated case, but one which the Council permitted to go on for over an hour. I don't know what is going to go on at the second and final reading on July 23, but typically this is a rubber stamp 2. The Newport Island case is being used as the "poster boy" for vacation rentals and those that would put vacation rentals out of business. I've now attended dozens of Council meetings and Study Sessions over the last few years about vacation rentals. At each one there are a handful of complainers about vacation rentals who are trotted out as examples of the magnitude of problems associated with vacationing guests. The true facts, as has also been shown at these meetings, is there there have been a handful of complaints about vacation rentals amid tens of thousands of guest stays. 3. The new ordinance is overwhelmingly negative. It starts at the "whereas" portion where the Ordinance talks about the "burden on city services," "disruption of quiet neighborhoods", "noise, traffic, refuse" etc. Nowhere does it mention the $1 million of TOT added to the City's budget or that vacation rentals have been part of the fabric of the City for over a hundred years. 4. The entire tone of the new Ordinance is punitive. Under the "purpose and findings" section, the drafter of the legislation tries to lay out a case for punitive provisions, again citing demand on city services, noise, disruption, peace and safety, parking etc. This is all a prelude to punitive provisions like "administrative subpoenas", "suspensions and revocations", "finance director investigations", requiring owners to produce "nuisance plans" for each unit" and allowing "city inspections". 5. The new Ordinance is just the beginning. Your Committee is then asking the Council on July 23rd to "kick the can" to the Planning Commission for more punitive measures such as 6 -night minimums for non -owner occupied units (which is over 90% of all units), limiting the number of new vacation rentals*, and requiring a parking space per unit (even on grandfathered units that cannot comply), and other provisions. While this was explained as a palliative way to handle these items, the truth of the matter is that these items are likely subject to Coastal Commission approval and their inclusion in the Ordinance could well lead to its being invalidated. Craig Batley and I have sat through a few meetings with your Committee to try to give you some insight as to how to make things work better. However, the vast majority of the provisions I mention above, and those you seek to send to the Planning Commission, were never discussed. I am very disappointed in how this was handled, to say the least. z As I mentioned when I spoke at the last Council Meeting, I believe some members of the Council are seeking to demonize vacation rentals just like the handful of citizen complainants. As I also said, the only complaint I've had about the 35 vacation rentals my company manages, was from someone who complained about a loud gathering outside her rental home, which turned out to be a homeowner several doors down. Before I conclude, I have to wonder why this Committee is picking on vacation rentals and not hotels. Vacation rentals cater to families who typically stay 3 nights to several weeks, keep their cars parked in the garage, and add to the local economy. Hotels cater to thousands of transients and individuals who stay for one or two nights and drive all over town taking up valuable parking. Why not a minimum stay for hotel guests, some administrative searches, nuisance plans, requirement to keep cars at the hotel, fines etc. I'm sure you can see where this is headed. By discriminating against short term vacation rentals, you are favoring hotels and motels. I believe this is illegal and plain wrong. Thank you for listening. Don Abrams, Owner and Broker of Abrams Coastal Properties and Little Balboa Island Resident for 28 years. *In March, the Council held up NEW vacation rental licenses under its emergency powers. For some reason, this has continued, even though vacation rentals have now been allowed to continue leasing with 3 -day minimum stays. What is the "emergency" justification for holding up new licenses? When I asked the Ad Hoc Committee yesterday, no one could answer. In my view, there is no justification; this is also illegal and wrong and should not be allowed to continue. 3 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:10 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Please stop short term rentals on Balboa Island From: Alice Brownell Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:09:34 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Please stop short term rentals on Balboa Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Short term rentals have changed the dynamics of living on Balboa Island. We have lived and owned homes for 43 years on Balboa Island. The short term rentals have impacted our living on the Island. The noise, traffic, congestion, and the rudeness as of the people who rent these short term rentals is appalling. They have no concern or regard for the residents of the island. Please limit the permits and short short term rentals that impact our lifestyle and home values. Thank you Alice abrownell Sent from my iPhone Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Roderick Adams (US - IFS) <roderick.adams@pwc.com> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2020 8:28 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Maggie Rock (US - IFS) Subject: Short Term Rental Ordinance [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello ... I am a homeowner in Newport Island with a short term rental permit. I am writing concerning the proposed change to the Newport Beach Municipal Code relating to Short Term lodging. In general I take issue with the tenor of the ordinance. Specifically, 1) It describes the tourists who visit our City as "burdens" 2) It says that Police and Fire Departments "Frequently" respond to complaints of noise, disturbances. This is categorically untrue and the City Council themselves have refuted this claim in the past, but now it's being added into the wording on this ordinance. Police logs also prove that a much lower percentage of STR guests receive calls than long term renters. 3) The ordinance continues on disparaging STR's and falsely asserting that there are "Numerous incidents involving excessive noise, disorderly conduct, vandalism, overcrowding, traffic congestion, illegal vehicle parking and accumulation of refuse." How many is "numerous"? What is the percentage compared to long term renters and owners of properties? The long term renters/owners on our block are much more disruptive and require police attention more frequently than STRs. 4) The recycling of the "complainers" toward vacation rentals gives a skewed view of short term rentals and creates the perception that there is a problem - or bigger problem - than there actually is. We appreciate your attention to this matter and efforts to make Newport Beach an exceptional place to live and destination spot. Best, Rod Rod Adams PwCJUS & Mexico Talent Acquisition Leader Cell: (312) 925-6518 Email: roderick.adams(cDpwc.com PricewaterhouseCoopers 1 North Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 6o6o6 http: ��]•1'�••1`�•V.�.)ZVC.COIl]�Ciil'C;el'S To find out what it's like to work at PwC, follow me on Twitter (a )work�N ithrod Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Nancy Alston <nanalston@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:06 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Newport Beach to decide on tightening short-term rental rules [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. OC Register Vacationing in Newport Beach? City to decide on tightening short-term rental rules • Laylan Connelly • PUBLISHED: July 10, 2020 at 6:37 a.m. I UPDATED: July 10, 2020 at 6:37 a.m. Signs advertise vacation rentals on Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach on Tuesday, March 39, 2020. The city is discussing tightening rules for rentals in the seaside city. (Photo by Leonard Ortiz, Orange County Register/SCNG) Looking for a seaside vacation in Newport Beach? You may be greeted with new rules as you check into your short-term rental. City officials are continuing discussions about tightening short-term rental rules to balance demand as a vacation destination with the quality of life for residents who live in the popular beach town. The city for months has been talking about the surge seen in short-term rentals, a booming business that has grown in recent years but has caused tension in neighborhoods. Discussions on June 23 about added regulations gives a glimpse of what may be approved by officials on Tuesday, July 14, when the council could vote to finalize proposed additional rules. If approved, operators who manage short-term rental properties will have to meet parking requirements, limit the number of people inside the rentals and there will be a central answering service for complaints. The city's short-term lodging permit ordinance dates back to 1992, well before popular online sites such as Airbnb and VRBO led to a market explosion around the globe. It is one of the cities in Southern California with the most short-term rentals. Nearby Huntington Beach is among the communities that don't allow short-term rentals, while other popular coastal towns have tighter rules and regulations on permitting than Newport Beach. The city has 1,545 active permits for short-term rentals, defined by the city as a lodging unit occupied for less than 30 consecutive days. That's not including rouge rentals on online websites that are not in the city's system. 3 d9S'A+f,fi�tt�: r . as .tCRfaP p(rni:fa AY Sh;+t•wirm� '`, fA?it}3Y'Litr.:,eArli91'Cii'+911tB1uX+c'6 S Wlta_ rieq of MiwPwr O.A::A: GSr" 4 Scott Carpenter, owner and general manager of iTrip Newport Beach, said there's a lot of good operators in the city, but also some that cause issues. Some of the proposed rules are common sense, he said, like the parking space requirements and limits on the number of people. A two-bedroom condo that advertises its sleeps 10 people is too many people for that small of a place, he said. "It does create some challenges for some of the neighbors," he said. "There's some good rules already on the books, but the city isn't making the investment they need to enforce the rules." The added restrictions could mean an increase in staff resources for enforcement, as well as an outsourced answering service expected to cost about $27,000, not including first-year implementation costs. Those costs may be offset by additional permit fees to the lodging operators, a staff report to the City Council said. Short-term rentals typically generate about $4 million in annual transient occupancy tax revenue, officials said. Some additional rules include no rentals to people under 21 to minimize the number of parties, and operators must have a "Nuisance Response Plan" to ensure owners take responsibility for issues with their customers and say how they would deal with unruly guests. The city formed an ad hoc committee last July to review the short-term lodging regulations — it held several community events and meetings. The city discussed modifying the short-term lodging regulations at a meeting in mid-February, but the committee was asked to do more public outreach and refine its recommendations. Shortly after, the coronavirus pandemic hit with the city opting to shut down all short-term rentals for several weeks. It started allowing overnight stays again in mid-May. Councilwoman Joy Brenner, who sits on the city committee, said if approved, the changes would go into affect by mid-August. There's been a freeze during this time on taking new rental applications. "We're hoping to get to the point where we can figure out what we are doing," she said. "How we can effectively enforce, will be a work in progress." The outsourced answering service would collect complaints with a requirement that there has to be a person for the rental, whether it's an owner or manager, able to get to the property within 30 minutes following a complaint. "It's as close as we can get to having an on-site manager for these `unmanaged hotels,"' Brenner said. The new rules would hopefully "keep the good operators and weed out the bad so our people can enjoy their own quality of life in their own neighborhood again," she said. For the tighter restrictions on how many people can be in a home, the new rules would go by the fire code based on the square footage of the property. A new rule was passed in June for rentals on Newport Island, requiring a minimum four -night stay to curb high turnover on the quaint, bayside community. Mark Markos, who lives on Newport Island, said it was a good compromise for now. "If we can get things under control and clean up some of the rentals that were a little bit more loose than others ... and we work with short-term owners to abide by that and we all work together, I think there's a way to find a middle ground," he said. "I want to truly find a balance for (Newport Island) to make residents happy and at the same time be fair to the short-term rental owners, if they work with us." From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: for the STL item Seimone Begin forwarded message: Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 Jurjis, Seimone Friday, July 10, 2020 4A7 PM Brown, Leilani Fwd: July 14 City Council vote pertaining to short term rentals and more BVP_NightPatrolFlyerforprint.pdf, ATT00001.htm From: Connie Adnoff <connie@beachviewrealty.com> Date: July 10, 2020 at 2:30:41 PM PDT To: "O'Neill, William" <woneill@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: "Dixon, Diane" <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>, "Avery, Brad" <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>, "Duffield, Duffy" <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>, "Muldoon, Kevin" <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>, "Herdman, Jeff' <jherdman@newportbeachca.gov>, "Brenner, Joy" <JBrenner@ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: FW: July 14 City Council vote pertaining to short term rentals and more [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT COCK finks or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the Newport Beach City Council Members & Staff - Re: Ordinance 2020-15: While we welcome enforcement of common sense and orderly vacation rental operations within our community - which has been Beachview's primary reason for existence - we are concerned about the potential over -reach by the City toward those of us who are already conducting business responsibly. Our message to the Council would be to stop adding more restrictions to those of us who are operating responsibly (and you know who we are); and go after the few who are creating chronic disruptions (and we believe you know who they are). The City has already set up the authority to revoke a Short Term Lodging Permit and shut down rental operations for non-compliance. Let's have some enforcement of what already exists! More on that below. Until recently, the City was able to effect positive change on the peninsula for the last 15-20 years with their enforcement of the Noise Ordinance via the DAC & L.U.G.O. protocols. The enforcement was clear, consistent and effective. It put the "fear of God" in winter tenants, long term tenants, property owners and management companies. During those same years, Beachview owners took a risk and introduced year-round vacation rentals instead of traditionally renting to college students during the winter months, and we saw a great improvement in our neighborhood by attacking the "war zone" mentality that we peninsula residents despise. But for some reason, we have seen little to no enforcement of the Noise Ordinance by City authorities. For the past 2 years or more, it has been nearly impossible to get NBPD to cite loud, drunk & unruly party groups in our neighborhood when we have called to complain about properties that aren't being properly managed; the majority of incidents have been merely "advised" by officers when the situation clearly warranted a citation based on the DAC or L.U.G.O. policies. (By the way, contrary to City opinion, these disturbances are typically created by long term lease properties/tenants — especially winter college students, who are not being properly managed by one of the longest -tenured management companies in town.) Instead, we are told by City Staff that short term lodging units have "...over -burdened the City's resources of Police & Fire Departments with noise disturbances, disorderly conduct and other illegal activity..." This is definitely worthy of further discussion, but it seems more than a coincidental excuse, given the lapse of any citations or enforcement of effective ordinances already in existence. And now we wonder who is going to enforce and pay for all of these new requirements and restrictions in Ordinance 2020-15, with more to come? And now we are experiencing the negative effects of the faceless online vacation rental platforms who have little to no local management presence; or absentee owners who market their properties online without any oversight of who stays there, which have ramped up problems again, thus creating a culture of anti -vacation rentals within our community. They are ruining it for everyone. So rather than enforce the many existing codes pertaining to short term rentals, which would easily target and expose those "bad apples" that do not comply with the existing codes (noise ordinance, short term lodging permits, tax remittance, etc.) the City of Newport Beach is seeking to adopt even more restrictions and requirements for everyone across the board. Many times, the City Council has commended the good examples of those individuals or professional management companies, including Beachview, that actually manage their guests in an attentive manner, for the betterment of our community. So it is disheartening to see the overly -aggressive direction of both the language and mandates of Ordinance 2020-15. Some of the newly -proposed requirements have always been a standard part of our business (minimum age requirement; maximum # of allowed occupants; no subletting; no events or commercial endeavors such as bachelor parties, weddings or film projects; etc.) But there are other items that are concerning and potentially heading in the wrong direction. For example (to list a few): - City inspections of any short term rental properties. - Carte Blanche requirements can be added by the Finance Director as is deemed "reasonably necessary." - "Administrative Subpoenas" by the City can regularly require copies of rental agreements for their inspection of the verbiage/rules, names of guests, length of stay and price paid. (Guest information is proprietary, and Beachview will not provide that information; but the City is always welcome to look at our books — we must operate under the strictest of trust accounting rules. ) - Carte Blanche requirements can be added by the City Manager "as necessary to achieve the objectives of this chapter." - Emphasis of City placing responsibility for enforcement of City Ordinances on property owners and managers, rather than local law enforcement, who have been our only back-up in difficult situations — especially when excessive drinking or drugs have been involved. We, as managers, need to know what this will look like. Property Values: We have been told that short term rentals cause property values to decrease. On the contrary. We are seeing values go down already with the threat of a cap on short term lodging permits and the apparent unofficial moratorium that seems to be in place. Several potential buyers of income property that we know of, have backed out of deals or have put their purchase on hold while the City decides how to proceed. In the meantime, sellers are scrambling to lower their prices to entice other offers. So many property owners choose to operate their properties as short term rentals for the ability of their own family to enjoy use of their vacation home when vacationers aren't booked. It's the only way for the majority of folks to afford homes here. The long term lease business model for income property buyers is not favorable to them given the unreasonable tenant laws in California, the substandard long-term clientele that can afford to live near the ocean (namely groups of single "adults" that pile into long-term rentals and then sneak in their significant others plus pets — not to mention all their vehicles that take up our street parking); much -preferred families can rarely afford to lease here; the inability for their own family to use the property. Newport Island: After the June 23rd Council Meeting, I took a walk throughout Newport Island to see where the "nuisance" short term rentals were located. There was no signage on any buildings to identify the 16-18 properties that are currently operating as short term rentals. Why isn't this required? A management sign with a contact number and name for accountability is not unsightly. That way we all know who to call for issues; AND it will make it possible to identify the bad operators or owners for everyone. The City would not have to hire an answering service. Other Problem Areas: The precedent set by the City Council for special conditions on Newport Island brings up other possibilities for further discussion. We agree that certain areas within our diverse city are not conducive for Short Term Rental operations: CDM, Newport Island, Peninsula Point and other conclaves. Clearly, there are special circumstances such as lack of parking; limited ingress/egress; high density & congestion with each of those neighborhoods that would logistically create extreme problems for residents; and we agree that the disruptions of the quality of life in those areas are valid complaints. It's why our company has chosen to not operate vacation rentals in those areas. To approach them differently from the more tourist -friendly areas like the Peninsula might be advisable. (Not sure about Balboa Island). There will always be NIMBY's in every area. My husband and I chose to raise our own family on the 100 block of 35' Street on the Peninsula, in the middle of all property types. So we know first-hand the areas that work and those that don't; likewise, we also know what companies properly operate both long AND short term rentals and those that don't. All residents here know. It's why we're so passionate about trying to do it right! It's our neighborhood too. Future Proposal Concerns: - Non -Owner Occupied STL unit (Single Family Unit) — 6 -Night Minimum Bookings (We need clarification if this also includes Duplex or Multi -Family Units; we think it does). Currently, our properties' off-season bread & butter revenue comes from 3 -night minimum bookings. To require 6 minimum nights will change the face of year-round vacation rentals, and only encourage more properties to go back to 9 -month winter college students, which would be disastrous for our community. We've worked hard to change that culture for 20+ years by introducing the year-round vacation rental model to the peninsula. Would we rather have nice vacationing families or folks on business trips, or college frat parties? This proposal would derail all of the improvements that have been put in place during the off-season. Owner Occupied STL (Duplex or Multi -Family Units) — 3 -Night Minimum Bookings. Our suggestion would be to require this model ONLY IF there is no local professional management utilized to maintain accountability of City Ordinances. - To rely upon other cities' policies, such as Santa Monica, is not a helpful reference point for what we have in Newport. It is irresponsible to take on a one -size -fits -all approach. - We feel an answering service is not the answer. Would the answering service be funded only by Short Term Rental fees? Will complaint calls for Long Term or Winter lease rentals also be directed to the answering service? If so, why will Short Term Rentals bear the financial burden? If not, do we still attempt to get action from NBPD to control Long Term & Winter rental nuisances? Beachview Announcement: To end on a positive note of agreement, we wanted to let you know about the inauguration of our Night Patrol program for the Newport/Balboa Peninsula, where the majority of our Short Term and Long Term Rentals are located. This program has been on our "wish list" of services for years in order to provide consistent eyes and ears throughout our community after business hours on the most active nights of the week. It is completely coincidental that our Night Patrol program is finally "rolling out" right when the City is going to weigh in on requiring a "Nuisance Response Plan" from all property owners and agents in order to renew a Short Term Lodging Permit annually. We have hired a security -certified Beachview employee who patrols on an electric bike throughout the areas where our vacation rentals are located on the Peninsula to ensure that our guests are complying with all House Rules, as well as City Ordinances. For guests who need a "friendly reminder" of what we 3 expect, our patrol ambassador will encourage guests with a courteous verbal reminder, accompanied by a "Good Neighbor" flyer which lists the most important items that may need their attention. (see Flyer attachment) Likewise, our Night Patrol will be able to see if our guests are being disturbed by neighbors who are (or aren't) being managed by someone else. Please note that our Night Patrol employee is strictly a messenger, ambassador and fact -finder: NOT an enforcer. He will circle back around to check on the status of the guests that were given a flyer, and then report any further issues to our in-house, 24/7 emergency responders; and if necessary, to the Newport Beach Police. Inaugural Run: Last Night! July 9, 2020 Patrols: Every Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon Time: 8:00 pm to 12:00 midnight My apologies for such a lengthy message, but 18 pages of Ordinance 2020-15 covers quite a bit of territory! Thank you so much for your time — it truly is appreciated! Connie Adnoff (949) 466-7542 personal cell Beachview Realty 4 BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR QUIET ZONE PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF RESIDENTS AND NEIGHBORS We want you to have a great vacation while also respecting the neighbors around you. BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR QUIET ZONE PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF RESIDENTS AND NEIGHBORS We want you to have a great vacation while also respecting the neighbors around you. BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR QUIET ZONE PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF RESIDENTS AND NEIGHBORS We want you to have a great vacation while also respecting the neighbors around you. 24 HOURS A DAY & 24 HOURS A DAY 5 24 HOURS A DAY & ESPECIALLY AFTER 9 PM ESPECIALLY AFTER 9 PM ESPECIALLY AFTER 9 PM t=001 ZERO TOLERANCE • Loud Music • Excessive Noise • Drinking Games • Rude or Drunken Behavior • Constant Yelling or Profanity • Crowds beyond maximum capacity TO AVOID SIZABLE FINES OR EVICTION All guests & day visitors must comply with all House Rules and the City's Noise Ordinance throughout the occupancy period. QUESTIONS? Coll our office: 949.673.2627 Review your signed Rental Agreement Review the City's Noise Ordinance BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR Thank. befididew, �i-n!ia�IFAv! 31.1 OLD NEWPORT BLVD I NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 W W W.BEACHVIEWVACATIOI•IS.COM ZERO TOLERANCE • loud Music • Excessive Noise • Drinking Games • Rude or Drunken Behavior • Constant Yelling or Profanity • Crowds beyond maximum capacity TO AVOID SIZABLE FINES OR EVICTION All guests & day visitors must comply with all House Rules and the City's Noise Ordinance throughout the occupancy period. QUESTIONS? Call our office: 949.673.2627 Review your signed Rental Agreement Review the City's Noise Ordinance BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR Thank. beachuiew . lr :•�i�Av� 314 OLD NEWPORT BLVD I NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 W W W.BEACHV IE'AVACATIONs.COM ZERO TOLERANCE • loud Music • Excessive Noise • Drinking Games • Rude or Drunken Behavior • Constant Yelling or Profanity • Crowds beyond maximum capacity TO AVOID SIZABLE FINES OR EVICTION All guests & day visitors must comply with all House Rules and the City's Noise Ordinance throughout the occupancy period. QUESTIONS? Call our office: 949.673.2627 Review your signed Rental Agreement Review the City's Noise Ordinance BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR Thank. beachuiew.]-.. 314 OLD NEWPORT BLVD I NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 W W W.BEACHVIE W VACATION5.COM Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 July 11, 2020 Re: Short term rental code revisions- Owner 118 401h Street To whom it may concern Recently we've heard that there may be changes to the short term rental code but I have not been notified or able to attend any meetings because of the coronavirus. We have been renting our property through Burr White Realty for almost 20 years. Burr White rents to families who respect our property and so many families come back year after year because of the wonderful summer memories they make. If there is any chance of revising the code to eliminate weekly rentals, then you need to know the disastrous impact it would have on ALL the properties on the Newport peninsula. If there is a big sell-off of income properties, the flood of properties for sale will drive down the demand and values will decline significantly. If there are stricter enforcements needed, we would be in favor of that especially since I'm sure not all property managers are as careful as Burr White. Or, if there is a "good neighbor" policy that is in the works, we'd be happy to enforce it through Burr White. On a personal note, if you were to eliminate weekly summer rentals, we would need to sell our properties. We depend on the additional income from summer to help fund our retirement since my husband and I are both over 65 and retired. We have pride of ownership and maintained our properties as if we lived in them ourselves. We have paid our taxes to the city in a timely manner. If there are any revisions to the code coming up, we ask that you delay any discussions until we can all participate in person instead of risking our health and well-being at this time. Sincerely, Jill & David Paul, Askin Newport LLC Rieff, Kim From: Barbara A Barry <barbaraabarry@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:45 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I support the short term rental ordinance you are voting on tomorrow. Barbara A. Barry Cell: 310-617-7302 429 Narcissus Ave. Corona Del Mar, Ca BarbaraABarry@gmail.com Mulvey, Jennifer From: Randy Beck <rc@clubbeck.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:33 PM To: DIANEBDIXON; jherdman2O4@icloud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad; Harp, Aaron; Jurjis, Seimone; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin; Duffield, Duffy Subject: Part 2 of Short -Term Lodging Revisions [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe Hello to all of our devoted city council members, I have been a Newport Beach resident since 1988, and have lived on both the beachfront and bayfront. I currently have a second home on the beachfront that my family uses for both family enjoyment, and income as a short-term rental. In the eight years we have offered our home as a short-term rental, we have not had one violation. I have been listening and participating at recent city council meetings, and it is my understanding that the following terms are the main revisions to be made to the current short-term lodging permits. • 3 -night minimum stay per reservation. • A "good -neighbor" policy to be clear for the landlords to understand. • Being fined per violation, rather than losing your license after a certain number; assuming that there are clear guidelines in place to specify an actual violation. I moved from an rl to an r2 lot in order to be able to both enjoy the home with my family, and rent it out as well. Please understand it cost me two -million dollars to do so, and without the ability to short-term lease it; I will need to sell. I have heard from several sources that the most complaints have come from people who are new to Newport and the Peninsula. I don't think it is fair for a couple "newbie" residents to come in and try to pressure and manipulate the city, just because they aren't happy with the long-standing atmosphere of the beach/peninsula. Many of the short-term rental landlords have lived in Newport for decades, and played active roles in positively building the community. Please don't let a small group of people come in and ruin it for the rest of us, who have planned our, and our family's futures around the ability to short-term rent our properties. If I have misunderstood please let me know, however please do not continue to add changes that landlords are not informed of. I have just been made aware that there is a Plan 2 of revisions to the short-term lodging permits. I, along with many others, would be very appreciative if the council would hold off on passing any further changes until they can be reviewed and discussed. Thank You, Randy Beck Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:14 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: STR Proposed Ordinance From: Andre Brysha Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:13:22 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: STR Proposed Ordinance [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please amend the parking restrictions in the proposed STR Ordinance. The parking restrictions are unfair to legally zoned R-2 properties and enforcement will be impossible. Best Regards, Andre Brysha andre@brysha.net 1949-254-3296 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:21 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Str ordinance From: Laura Brown Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:20:37 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Str ordinance [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I'm writing with respect to the proposed str ordinance up for adoption tomorrow. I'm just seeing this for the first time and am wondering if this language is new. I don't see any language from the June meeting. If this language - which is quite extensive - is new, seems like homeowners should have more time to absorb and provide appropriate and informed feedback. As such, I'm asking for a delay on the approval of the ordinance such that there can be reasonable time for feedback. Sincerely, Laura Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Alice Brownell <alicebrownell@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 9:56 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: We are against short term rentals on Balboa Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. We have been Home owners on Balboa Island for 43 years. The awful change that has happened to our neighborhood since short term rentals have come into our neighborhood have been so many rude people who have no regard for the families that live here. Noisy and late night parties. I am a real estate broker and know the impact in property values that short term rentals have on neighboring homes. They totally change the dynamics of the island neighborhood. Please vote against short term rentals. It is unfortunate that our council representative has a short term rental on the Island and he should not be able to vote on this issue As it is a conflict of interest. Short term rentals do not belong in residential neighborhoods like Balboa Island or in Newport Beach. Alice Brownell Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:55 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short term rentals From: AL BRUDER Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:55:07 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am a landlord that has short term rental on Balboa Island. It is not a crazy booze infested place, but more sedate and peaceful. In no way can it compare to the 'Party peninsula'. One day notice is not fair either. People are booked for 2 weeks at a time for the summer.... Do I evict them in accordance with your decisions?? Owners can get their permits revoked because trash cans are left out incorrectly or not put away in a timely manner. We never leave trash cans out. - Owners are to provide a copy of the "good neighbor policy" (what is this?) - Owners are to provide a "nuisance response plan" (what is this?) - Getting a police call on a permitted property during a winter lease tenant vs. a guest on a less than 31 night stay - should not count towards short term permit penalties. In 8 years of rentals I have NEVER had police called to property for nuisance call. - And many other changes with ZERO input from the 1,500 stakeholders in the City. Can you answer my concerns? PLEASE All Bruder Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:30 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Island and Short Term Rentals -----Original Message ----- From: Alfred Christensen <saybrook@mac.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:19 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Island and Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning, My wife and I have been homeowners and full-time residents of Newport Island since 1998. Members of my wife's family have been homeowners and full-time residents since 1950. My wife's grandparents, the Edwards, donated the land that is now Newport Island Park to the city many years ago. I'm writing today to voice my opposition to the proliferation of STRs in our RESIDENTIAL community. There are now over 16 STRs in our neighborhood of 100+ homes. By allowing these permits you are essentially allowing hotel businesses to operate in what is a residentially zoned and developed community. In the last couple of years as more of these permits have been allowed it's been our experience that these short term renters show little respect for the people who live here. lust in the last couple of weeks I've been awakened in the middle of the night by drunken people outside our windows screaming that they are lost and can't find their way home. Not to mention the fireworks that seem to occur more and more frequently (with the apparent lack of interest from the NBPD). The quality of life suffers tremendously in a neighborhood where these STRs are allowed. I get it - Newport Beach has virtually no economy beyond tourism. But these permits should not be allowed in traditionally residential neighborhoods that had no history. Keep them where they've always been - further down the Peninsula and the ocean side of Balboa Boulevard. Please don't give in to the STR owners and politically connected businesses that support them. One of the charms of Newport Island for us has always been it's supportive community vibe. The STRs have most definitely had a negative impact on the neighborhood. At least try to preserve the quality of life for some portions Newport Beach. Keep businesses where they belong - keep them off Newport Island please! Regards, Alfred (Chris) Christensen 3905 Channel Place Sent from my iPad Rieff, Kim From: Doug Foster <dfoster@teleport.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:58 PM To: City Clerk's Office Cc: dburns@teleport.com; Doug Foster Subject: Proposed Ordinance Amendment for Short Term Lodging within the City [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. As many people have just recently been informed of this proposal, please delay voting until owners have sufficient time to fully review. One day notice is not sufficient time as many lawyers are not available for counsel. Kind Regards, Diane Burns Virus -free. wvvw, avast. corn Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:37 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Villa Rentals - Input for July 14, 2020 City Council Meeting - Short Term Lodging Ordinance Revisions From: Pat Chamberlain Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:36:44 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Cc: Navarrete, Monique Subject: Villa Rentals - Input for July 14, 2020 City Council Meeting - Short Term Lodging Ordinance Revisions [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello - I just wanted to send a quick email with some thoughts on the proposed revisions/amendments to the current ordinances in place. Third Party Online Platforms 1. Villa Rentals takes pride in not only providing a memorable vacation for our guests but more importantly maintaining the quiet enjoyment of the community. We spend most of our time vetting each request and actually turn away potential reservations more than you would think. With that being said, I feel the most glaring issue in today's vacation rental market is an operators limitations on turning down unwanted reservations from the third party platforms. We have listed our properties on Airbnb, Expedia, TripAdvisor and Booking.com and no longer use them as they frown upon cancelling or turning away reservations. They are very guest heavy in all areas and really restrict a hosts ability to deal with problems leaving the guest feeling empowered in their actions. I feel that the proposed amendments will be fine but don't really attack the root of what needs to happen. The third party companies handicapping a hosts ability to properly vet and cancel is really what needs to be regulated. All these third party platforms care about is their bottom line ... not the community in which they operate. The only one we still use is VRBO and that is because they allow us to operate as a hosts should by allowing us to have complete control of who we finally rent to. I understand your desire to ultimately make the owner of the property responsible for who they rent to but my experience is that they (whether they use an agent or they do it themselves) aren't' really the ones in control. Without using the above mentioned platforms now ... I am in complete control. Real Time Enforcement Education: 1. 1 feel that the Newport Beach Police Officers aren't educated in the short term lodging laws. I say this because we did have an incident where a large party was going on (Airbnb booking of course) and I asked for police back up to kick the guests out. The officers on scene were saying it was a civil matter and that I had to go through the courts etc etc. The guests were in violation of multiple ordinances and should have been issued a DAC and or a LUGO. The officers would not enforce either one leaving me high and dry in my ability to remedy the situation in real time. I count on the officers support when remedying a situation in real time ... whether its to get them to fall in line or be removed and this situation exploited a huge hole in an operators ability to do what you are asking us to do. Having a 24 hour on call person that can come down and remedy a situation doesn't really do any good if the officers aren't willing to aid in that process. Furthermore, I feel the officers are hesitant to issue LUGOS or DACS and I'm not really quite sure. It only seems to be something they do if it is in the early morning hours but there are times when guests are really rowdy in the early afternoon and need to be dealt with. My situation was at about 7pm. DACALIGO Paperwork: 2. One thing I have noticed the last few years is that the owners are receiving DAC or LUGO notifications months after the satiation occurs. This is a huge problem as we rely on that paperwork to enforce the violations per the terms of the agreement. In some cases ... the paperwork is never actually sent. Code enforcement is quick to send a fine per the short term lodging guidelines but that is the first time an owner actually finds out there was a violation. Also, there seems to be a disconnect in the code as it pertains to a unit with a short term lodging permit. I have properties that are 9 month rentals from September to June and then are short term vacation rentals in the summer months. Code enforcement issued a fine per the short term rental guidelines even though it was in February during a long term tenancy. I'm still waiting on clarity from code enforcement with regard to this issue. 3. 1 bring all of this up because without the supporting paperwork flowing swiftly to the owner ... they may not be aware of problems that occurred until months later not allowing them the time to remedy problems per your proposed amendments in tomorrow's meeting. They could have 3 or 4 violations but not even know about it due to the severe lag time in the notices sent and then the permit gets suspended??? I appreciate your time in reviewing my concerns above. Patrick Chamberlain Villa Rentals, Inc. 427 311t Street Newport Beach CA 92663 949-675-4912 Office 949-795-4038 Cell Villarentalsinc.com 3 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Harp, Aaron Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:34 AM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: Short term Lodging Ordinance- owner/permit holder concerns about weekly rental opportunities being abolished - From: Lisa Clifford <cliffl@me.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:56 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; jherdman204@icloud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Lisa Clifford <cliffl@me.com> Subject: Short term Lodging Ordinance- owner/permit holder concerns about weekly rental opportunities being abolished - [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Newport Beach City Council Members, I am a long time property owner, of a family home filled with heart, soul, hard work and memories, that is also a short term weekly rental property/permit holder here on the peninsula. It has just come to my attention that there is a major rewrite of the Short Term lodging Newport Beach municipal code that would drastically impact my ability to keep using this family home and bring my long time orange county resident multigenerational family together yearly, between short term rentals, to enjoy and relive old memories, and to create new ones with the younger generation in our home. We are able to enjoy it and the history of the area that we were a part of creating, and pass these experiences on to our younger family members to carry forward by being able to weekly rent our property short term to off set costs of keeping and maintaining the property and keep some open time for us. My child hood vacation home, after I transitioned to my ownership as I did everything I could to save it for the family, has been a short term rental for about 15 years I believe-- we have life long friendships with other vacation rental families that return year after year to our sweet neighborhood. That is how my family fell in love with the area over 70 years ago, renting the same place for 38 years and eventually buying our own family vacation home.lt is shocking that the sweet little neighborhoods of small children splashing and growing up in the bay on their yearly tradition beach house rental vacation trip would cease! And that I also, with all of the hard work I've done, to manage finances, schedules and to short term weekly rent to keep this home and tradition in my family for generations to come may come to a stop! I am a cancer survivor— I come to this home in between vacation renters to heal and do my check up scans at our wonderful Hoag Hospital. This home, and the short term rental agreement, schedule and rental income is part of my livelihood, my college plans for my daughter, my health and healing, and my total retirement plan. I cannot make my mortgage payments, or home improvements on the property, without the short term rental income to offset it, and I cannot enjoy my home which has been in my family between generations without the short term weekly rental approach. The families that rent my house come year after year, their children are growing up here and creating their own memories here and they are part of our wonderful neighborhood. My short term weekly renters have not damaged or defaced or littered the streets and beaches. We have never had an incident violating any good neighbor understanding or policy. I have never had an official complaint from the neighbors ( who have my personal contact info and would definitely call if there was ever a problem) of loud parties, too much noise or too much commotion or litter or destruction. Never. In fact, what I usually get from my neighbors is wonderful reports about the sweet little polite family and darling children who stayed, and hoping they will come back again next year. And reports of friendships developing with my returning tenants -- they look forward to my tenants returning! I pay for my permit and I pay my TOT tax timely. I of course am in favor of strict rules to protect my home and my neighbors, and wanting all who rent their homes to hold permits, pay the proper fees and taxes and follow the rules, but rules that do not limit my ability to rent it to weekly vacationers who have been physically greeted, vetted and signed the proper contracts and are looking forward to taking care of the place so that they can come back next year too. For me personally-- not being able to short term weekly rent my home would cause family disruption, incredible financial destruction, destroy my retirement plan, completely impact negatively my ability to pay my mortgage on this property and my full time home, greatly impact my ability to pay for my child's ADA learning disability education costs and future college education, and put and end to years of family gatherings and traditions at our sweet bay beach, not allow me a place for personal healing and a place to stay during my cancer check ups and scans, and personally crush every goal I have worked so hard for for 30 years to save this home for myself and the family, by turning this home into a short term rental, so that I could keep it in the family, share it with the family and provide the above. I am crushed. I am crushed by the thought of short term weekly rentals ceasing in the area. Not only crushed, but now completely worried about my health and financial future and the future of my child. What I see in the area is obvious and certain destruction and nuisances caused by day use visitors. There seems to be a growing disregard and disrespect by day use visitors for both private property and the public beaches with trash, vape pens, cigarettes, profanity and drinking on the beach. I see day use visitors bring dogs and alcohol to the public beaches, smoking cigarettes and vape pens on the beach, guzzling beers, blaring offensive music riddled with profanity ( all are prohibited) ( and tossing their cigarettes and trash on the beach as if our beach is their personal ash tray for the day), swearing loudly and profusely right in front of me and my daughter and other, you can tell, short term rental vacationing families with their little kids playing in the sand. And I watch the police and the lifeguards walk or drive RIGHT by these disruptive duos, small groups, or even large gatherings, ignoring their disregard and violation of the clearly posted city ordinances, without saying a word- not even a stop and a warning. I would LOVE to see very strict rules enforced for day visitors. I would love to see a policeman get out of his truck and say " NO DOGS ON THE BEACH AT NOON" and boom write a ticket, and say" NO SMOKING ON THE BEACH" and boom write a ticket, and say" NO ALCOHOL ON THE BEACH MAY I SEE YOUR ID" and boom write a ticket and save a life, maybe many. And, I don't want to be afraid to ask a group of loud, drinking, smoking, swearing visitors to stop yelling profanity constantly so every person and child within 500 feet can hear the F word 250 times by the time they go home and having to move our blankets to get away from the cigarette and vape smoke ( this is no exaggeration). Why aren't the police stopping this abusive and destructive in clear violation of POSTED city ordinance day use behavior? Why aren't they stopping and fining this bad in -violation behavior? I am a dog owner, but short term and long term residents KNOW the rules about dogs on the beach and comply and support it. Day use visitors with a dog on the beach at noon tied to their cooler of beers, clearly do not. Short term vacationers who come back year after year do not want garbage on their vacation beach either and therefore short term vacationers/renters take care of things. Where major work needs to be done by the city to protect our wonderful and clean community ( but I notice is getting less clean with these unruly and trash tossing day visitors who no one is warning or stopping or ticketing), is with enforcing the rules with day visitors and their coolers of booze, clouds of cigarette and vape smoke, use it and lose it trash tossed on the beach, and the bar scene... not by keeping sweet little families with babies building sand castles away from a weekly summer vacation tradition of splashing at the beach and spending vacation dollars on dinners, salt water taffy, souvenir t shirts, and Balboa Bars. Please delay any major revisions of code to the Short Term Lease (STL) ordinance 2020 especially during the coronavirus surges preventing me from being at the council meeting in person. Please do discuss the problem of unruly day use visitors to the area and the lack of enforcement of clearly posted city ordinances at the entrance to every Newport Beach access walk way. Beginning here, on enforcing current ordinances, would be a great place to start for some major beach and behavior clean up and control and the maintaining of the clean and safe and family oriented beach culture Newport has offered for generations. NOT PERMITTED: Glass containers, caterers and other commercial businesses may not operate on the beach, picnic area, or parking lots. NO amplified sound or music, food/drink or product sales, displays, or giveaway's, smoking, bounce houses, water slides, fireworks, and tents. 10.04.010 Drinking in Public. No person shall drink or consume any alcoholic beverage, or possess any can, bottle or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed, in or on any public street or alley, public sidewalk, public or private parking lot, public restroom, public pier, private pier open to the public upon the payment of any fee, public beach, vacant lot, or public park...... Thank you Lisa Clifford Peninsula home owner/Short term lodging permit holder Lisa Clifford Art Direction I Design 408.656.6411 cliff 1(a)-me.com Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Maxine Cohen <maxxxxcohen@icloud.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 3:11 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: AirBnB [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I live in the Flower Streets. We are a crowded community. As you know, many lots have 2 units and some have 3, many of which are rentals. This is an upscale bedroom community and the transience and added noise created by short-term rentals diminishes the quality of life of the residents. Because of the high density, noise carries easily. I would hope that in a city like Newport Beach, the quality of life of its residents would be by far its number one priority. Sent from my Phone Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:32 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short term rental restrictions slated for discussion and vote Tuesday evening Importance: High From: Charles Cortright Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:32:12 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office; O'Neill, William; Brenner, Joy; Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Herdman, Jeff; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin Cc: Angela Cortright Subject: Short term rental restrictions slated for discussion and vote Tuesday evening [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To City of Newport Beach City Council Members: Really not sure how this thing was able on get on the agenda. It is totally unreasonable. Please do not vote for or support this. Thanks in advance for your positive assistance on this. Regards, Chuck Cortright, founder/owner Spa Gregorie's (949)933-0455 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: gfelik@aol.com Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 10:33 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: short term rental [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it may concern: Please do not ban short term leasing. During this covid crisis, we need all of the help that we can get to generate income to support our families. The area in Newport that short term leasing occurs, is dependent on tourism. By banning short-term rentals, you are further exasperating an already very difficult situation for homeowners in Newport and the businesses that rely on the revenue that vacationers bring to our community. Please do not ban short term leasing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all need the revenue to survive this pandemic Greg and Gina Felikian 216 21 St Street Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Nicole Felikian <nfelikian@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:33 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Newport Beach Hosting Laws [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Newport Beach City Clerk, I am writing to you on behalf of my family as we are Newport Beach homeowners that are against the banning of short- term rentals in the area. As a LIC Irvine alumn, I am very familiar with the area and have experience in both short term and long term rentals in Newport Beach. With the recent impacts of the pandemic, each city and industry have seen the decline of tourism this summer. Although we would like to remain optimistic about the virus, the likelihood that families and travelers will resume their annual vacations in hotels seems like a thing of the past. Now, more than ever, people are paying more attention to who they interact with, where they are choosing to stay and the level of risk that some hotels pose when thinking about cleanliness and even central air systems that are shared in hotel buildings. By eliminating the availability of short term rentals, not only will the city be suffering from a decline in hotel visits, but more restaurants and retail stores that rely on these high seasons will also be forced out of business because there are not enough customers passing through their doors. By allowing people to book short-term rentals, it helps aid the "staycation" travelers, feel more at home by enjoying the beautiful city of Newport Beach. Short term rental owners know that there is a strict guideline for noise nuisance and aim to respect their neighbors. Those rental owners that do not abide by these rules should be penalized, but don't let the actions of a few dictate the future of the majority. Whether the property is a single-family or multi -family home, there should be short-term rentals allowed in order to help the homeowners of these properties, but also to encourage foot -traffic in the small businesses in the area that really need it. Thank you, Nicole Felikian 562-652-1083 1 NFelikian(aD-gmail.com Rieff, Kim From: nancy gardner <ngardner636@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 11:20 AM To: Dept - City Council; City Clerk's Office Subject: STIR Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members: I had hoped to be at the meeting, but with the recent uptick in COVID cases I am hunkering down again. Most --or maybe all -of you do not live next to a Short Term Rental. In my case, I didn't move next to one. I lived thirty odd years with owner -occupied dwellings on each side. That changed, and it is not a pleasant experience. I await each weekend with trepidation. Will it be a nice family next to me, or will I be driven to close all the windows, put on noise -canceling headphones and be a prisoner? In both situations the owner takes in the rent money. In the latter, I pay the price. I have listened to Mr. Batley and others describe how they actively manage their rentals. Unfortunately, there are a lot of rentals out there that do not have that kind of management, so please provide the tools to protect the quiet enjoyment of our homes. On another note, it is distressing to all of us to see the surge in cases and the impacts this causes. Every health authority I have read says masks help stop the spread of the virus. I don't know why this has become a political issue in some areas, but I urge you to set an example and wear masks at the council sessions. It's easy enough to pull down the masks when you want to speak. Nancy Gardner I Rieff, Kim From: trvintoomuch@aol.com Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:08 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: intdncr@aol.com; msm619@ymail.com Subject: Ref; Newport Island STR Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the city council of Newport Beach: As homeowners who are full time residence at 405 39th street on Newport Island, we are 100% opposed to allowing STR. Given the amount of construction on our small island, congestion has been a terrible inconvenience but accepted as something which will result in improving our community. How does STR improve the value of our community? Allowing it to be part of the war zone is not a value added strategy. The city has expended money with a complete renovation of our park. Patterson Construction is nearing completing on 3 water front properties being marketed at $61VI each. There is one newly constructed house on the market, 4 houses under construction with 2 planned for demolition. At most there are only 100 physical properties with 10% having construction related workers and equipment daily for another 1-2 years. We have very limited parking and the new construction has extended into the alley and further limited parking behind the structures. Allowing STR will only add to the restricted parking, increase the traffic congestion, noise and potentially an element which would not treat the park in the manner that a residence would. The city has not been able to control the dozens of youths that jump daily off the bridge, how does it plan to control the addition of STR. Please do not allow this to proceed. Larry Stolzenberg Carol Ghelarducci Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:33 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Short Term Rentals on Newport Island From: Penny Gilbert <peennyg@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:32 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short Term Rentals on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am writing to you today to suggest that you adopt the Short Term Rental ordinance before you. I am the owner of 409 38th St., a property that has been owned by the Gilbert family since 1946. Currently my son and his young family live there with me and since we are surrounded on both sides by short term rentals, even before the Coronavirus pandemic, his children have not had the freedom of movement that he and his sister had growing up due to the transient nature of the rentals. Now even from our patios and decks do we feel in danger of the virus when outside as the properties in question are only 3 feet away from my property line. Many times we have been disturbed by noise and talking after 10:00 PM. If you'll look at the police log you'll see that each week there are calls to the 400 block on 38th St. due to "talking". The lower unit at 411 38th St. seems to be rented to persons under the age of 21 who spend each evening in their patio talking, drinking and inconsiderately partying. The upper unit is rented at the moment to a group of persons who are motorcycle enthusiasts and travel in a pack. Both units have been temporarily leased for 3 months or longer so that they no longer need to conform to the Short Term rules but the permits are still active. It is imperative that you continue to protect our neighborhoods. The Short Term Rental business is NOT compatible with properties that are only 6 feet apart with the current setbacks. Please note that many of the letters that have been submitted opposed to the ordinance before you are also from Real Estate professionals and absentee owners who make a business of renting their properties and not the pensioners that need the additional income and have owned the property for many years. Perhaps those who have multiple permits could be considered hotels. Sincerely, Penelope Gilbert 409 38th St. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (760) 861-2499 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Walter Gonzales (ELCA) <wagonzales@expediagroup.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:14 AM To: Avery, Brad; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Herdman, Jeff, Brenner, Joy; Muldoon, Kevin; O'Neill, William Cc: Jurjis, Seimone; City Clerk's Office; Walter Gonzales (ELCA) Subject: Newport Beach City Council July 1S Hearing - Item #3 Short -Term Lodging Attachments: Newport Beach STIR Proposal Letter 071420.pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor O'Neill and Members of the Newport Beach City Council, Thank you for the continued opportunity to comment on the City of Newport Beach's efforts to regulate short-term rentals (STRs). We are grateful for the on-going dialogue with city staff. We are supportive of Newport Beach's proposed STIR ordinance and grateful for the cooperative nature of our on-going discussions. We commend you and your colleagues on your willingness to collaborate with us on the hosting platform responsibilities. It is important to note that this proposal states hosting platform obligations will arise only when the Finance Director contacts the hosting platform in writing. Because the criteria the Finance Director will use to determine which hosting platforms to contact and related timing of the contact are unclear, hosting platforms may be required to engage with the Finance Director to understand how to reconcile the legislation's obligations with their current business model. Again, we are deeply grateful for the City's efforts to engage with Expedia Group as part of this process. We look forward to continuing our work with you to identify sustainable, workable, and legal ways to assist Newport Beach's efforts to increase compliance with local regulations. Please feel free to contact me at wagonzales@exp diagroup.com or 512-505- 1615 with any questions. Sincerely, Walter R. Gonzales Government Affairs Manager, Southwest Region 1 1920 Alterra Parkway Austin, Texas 78758 Direct: 512.505.1615 wagonzales@expediagroup.com CoExpedio fJ Hotvlls.c:orn' %MAP, o- i" ir$ EGENCIA" tri 'go travelocity hwtwire c,�ny�PWP July 14, 2020 Newport Beach City Council Will O'Neill, Mayor City Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mayor O'Neill and Members of the Newport Beach City Council, Thank you for the continued opportunity to comment on the City of Newport Beach's efforts to regulate short-term rentals (STRs). We are grateful for the on- going dialogue with city staff. We are supportive of Newport Beach's proposed STIR ordinance and grateful for the cooperative nature of our on-going discussions. We commend you and your colleagues on your willingness to collaborate with us on the hosting platform re- sponsibilities. It is important to note that this proposal states hosting platform obligations will arise only when the Finance Director contacts the hosting platform in writing. Be- cause the criteria the Finance Director will use to determine which hosting plat- forms to contact and related timing of the contact are unclear, hosting platforms may be required to engage with the Finance Director to understand how to rec- oncile the legislation's obligations with their current business model. Again, we are deeply grateful for the City's efforts to engage with Expedia Group as part of this process. We look forward to continuing our work with you to iden- tify sustainable, workable, and legal ways to assist Newport Beach's efforts to in- crease compliance with local regulations. Please feel free to contact me at y a ,n,;.. ,Ls_�u7`xor 512-505-1615 with any questions. Sincerely, Walter R. Gonzales Government Affairs Manager Expedia Group Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Peter Guyer <peter@athenaintl.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 11:19 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short-term rentals - potential new ordinance Importance: High [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Newport Beach City Council, I was informed that there will be a vote tomorrow on banning short-term rentals in Newport Beach. As an owner of two homes on Balboa Island for over 20 years, I am adamantly opposed to banning short-term rentals. Please do NOT pass this ordinance to ban short term rentals in Newport Beach. My Mother lived on Balboa Island for over 20 years, and recently had to be re -located to a dementia assisted living facility. The only way we can pay for this expensive facility is to rent her former home on Balboa Island to short-term guests. If we are prevented from offering short-term rentals, then we will not be able to afford my Mother's facility. This would cause great stress on our family, and may require job losses in order to care for my Mother. Please do NOT pass an ordinance to ban short-term rentals in Newport Beach. We have paid a lot of property taxes — and continue to do so — and we will not be able to remain in Newport Beach if short-term rentals are banned. Thank you. Peter Guyer Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Lori Hamel <lorihamel@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:42 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Oridinance 2020-15 Short Term Lodging [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. RE ORDINANCE 2020-15 Dear City Council Members, I am a resident and homeowner in CDM in the flower streets with a STL unit in my back unit and I live in the front. I am not even sure where to begin with the issues with the new proposed ordinance. It is not well -thought out or well -worded. It is also not conducive to a city that depends heavily on tourism with revenue from transient taxes as well as other revenue from shopping, eating, parking, etc. of such tourists. It seems from the tone that the city is basically out to revoke all STL permits by including some unreasonable provisions that are impossible for permit holders to enforce or obey. Here are some specific examples of areas that I have issues with: 5.95.047 — B How exactly is it UNLAWFUL for a transient user to ever park on a street (if there is an available parking spot)? And if it is, then how do you expect me to enforce this with the transient user? And which streets are unlawful exactly? So, a transient user could not even park on the street to unload their items? Or park on a city street near a restaurant while not at the rental? This must be re -worded as it's unclear and unfair. 5.95.045 - 13 According to this, I would not be able to park in my own garage as I have to ensure ALL available parking spots are available for the transient user. I currently share half the garage with my transient user. This has to be removed. 5.95.045 — 17 It is unbelievable that a transient user can't make any sounds until 10am when the city allows construction to start at lam. 5.95.045 — 20- B and 5.95.045 — 9 A According to this provision, I SHALL RESPOND TO ANY CALL RELATED TO THE UNITL WITHIN 30 MINTUES." This is ridiculous. So, I must have a phone next to my side at all times and respond immediately... for example when sleeping in the middle of the night or during an hour-long work call during the day. If don't respond to it in 30 minutes then that would be a violation - and if that happened twice then I could have my permit suspended? This is a VERY unreasonable condition to put on us. 5.95.045-9A According to this specific wording, I "MUST BE LOCATED WITHING 25 MILES" of my rental at all times. So, if I drove to Long Beach for a few hours, then I would be violation according to this ordinance. 5.95.045 — 20- B The city manager can make up any new standards they want? I am not okay with giving them that authority. 5.95.030 G There is no guidance on the NUISANCE RESPONSE PLAN we must provide, however a plan deemed inadequate by the Finance Director may deny us getting a permit. 5,95.045-3 We book rentals on a hosting platform such as AirBnB, so how are we supposed to enter into a specific WRITTEN AGREEMENT for each SLT rental? Is it allowed to just have this info posted on the listing? This is very unclear and problematic. 5.95.045-2 Why does a transient user have to be 21? They can vote or go to war at age 18. We use feedback and other criteria ourselves to monitor transient users that want to rent. Age alone should not prohibit a rental. Answering service: There is discussion of increased costs for an answering service in the city staff report, but it is not spelled out in ordinance or explained what such service will provide and why it's necessary and the cost increase to the lodging permit fee is not available. Can you please provide us with more information about this idea and why it's necessary to spend over $27,000 a year for it. Good Neighbor Policy I have searched for the Good Neighbor Policy (mentioned in ordinance) on the city website and I can't find it. Notices and Input I was at the city council meeting in February (regarding the last revision of this ordinance) and also wrote in letters. It was my understanding the committee was going to reach out to us specifically for input and not only did they not, but they came up with this new ordinance and no notice was sent to any of permit holders of such new proposed changes. How is that even possible that you don't have to notice us as existing permit holders? As a resident and permit holder, should it be my burden to check the city agenda EVERY two weeks to see if you are proposing any changes for our permits? If a house near us is pulling a permit, then we are sent notices. The same should be true if you want to change the ordinance for existing STL permit holders. Or at least make STL permits a specific opt -in item on sign-up for notices on the website. Lori Hamel 711 Jasmine Ave CDM Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Albert <a1berthanna714@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 1:17 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I understand the city and the homeowners concern however it is my livelihood and my only retirement income, it is only for couple of month out of the year and it was always a summer fun spot for the last 50 years. It would be a tremendous loss to me and my family and the city and the vendors and the taxes would be lost if you deprive us from this income. As I have lived here since 1973 living on the ocean front most of my neighbors and the home owners on the peninsula, they use it as a second home and sometimes they don't show up for years at a time. I hope you take this in consideration. Thank you for understanding and may God keep your family city in good health. 1 -with this be a public hearing or I can speak, may I attend? 2 -Will this be a temporary order due to COVID-19 or will this be a long-term resolution? 3 -will the city compensate or subsidize the loss of income at this time? Albert Hanna 714-448-0126 Sent from my Whone Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Lin He <neterch@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 10:57 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Opposition of minimum of 4 -night stay [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Whom It May Concern, I am a resident and a short-term rental owner in Newport Beach. I oppose the limit of 4 -day minimum stay as it is an artificial number and makes no significant difference to the well being of the city's residents. Thanks, Lin "Design * Build * Investment" hftt)://www.RellionDBI.com Cell: (949) 209-9896 Office: (949) 209-9610 LHe@Rellionlnc.com DRE #- 01872102 CSL6 #: 996937 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:23 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Delay vote on short term lodging and give homeowners a chance to give input From: Jennifer Hofer Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:22:38 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Delay vote on short term lodging and give homeowners a chance to give input [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. We just bought a new construction home this year, 218 Onyx on Balboa Island, in a 1031 Tax Exchange. The Federal Government gave us a property tax break on our previous home sale in order to buy a commercial property. A home for short term rentals is one of them. May short term lodging permit holders suggest additions, omissions, and examples of real life renting experiences before there are changes? Jen Hofer 949/285-3757 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 3:39 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Ordinance 2020-15 From: Colleen Howes Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 3:38:58 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Brenner, Joy; City Clerk's Office; Harp, Aaron Cc: O'Neill, William; Avery, Brad; Herdman, Jeff; Muldoon, Kevin; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Jurjis, Seimone; Jacobs, Carol; Leung, Grace Subject: Ordinance 2020-15 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the Newport Beach City Council member regarding ordinance 2020-15. I strongly urge you to vote to reject ordinance 2020-15 at the July 14th meeting. I am honestly baffled at the relentless attempts to make it difficult for the legitimate short term lodging permit holders in this city to continue as responsible citizens, especially considering these harsh times when many of us have lost substantial revenue due to Covid-19. There are several items that I agree with but the overall mood of the ordinance is punitive and many assumptions are not substantiated. It describes the tourists who visit our City as "burdens" and that Police and Fire Departments "Frequently" respond to complaints of noise, disturbances. But it does not say what "frequently" means. There are no numbers put to this, no study done to show that these claims are true. These claims are categorically untrue and the City Council themselves have refuted these claims in the past, but now they are adding it into the wording on this ordinance. Police logs also bear this out to be true that STR guests percentage -wise receive far fewer calls than long term renters. The ordinance continues disparaging STR's and falsely asserting that there are "Numerous incidents involving excessive noise, disorderly conduct, vandalism, overcrowding, traffic congestion, illegal vehicle parking and accumulation of refuse". If passed the ordinance would require all renters to be over the age of 21- seriously? Once you are 18 you can be sent to war to defend our country and you have the right to vote but the City of Newport Beach doesn't want them renting in their City? There is wording that states all STL permit holders must have on-site parking available for the renters. This simply is not possible with many areas including Balboa Island. Will the city revoke the permits of those who do not have on site parking? How on earth can this requirement be justified for short term rental when it is not required for monthly renters? Again a very unjust burden on STL permit holders. There is also a provision to hire an outsourced answering service which is anticipated to cost $27,000 per year (not including first year implementation costs). To offset the increase in any additional costs, staff will complete fee study and return to City Council with a revised short term lodging permit fee from the current amount of $103 per year. HOW MUCH?? Not included of course. As I read on, I see that the City Manager will have the power to insist on an inspection of your property and will have the right to make a permit holder replace, modify and repair, unspecified items and if the homeowner does not comply, there can be fines levied or permits revoked. This whole ordinance screams inequality and government over -reaching of power. I honestly wonder why the City Council or at least a few of the Council members want to dissuade and penalize the honest permit Holders? Last year alone the fees and taxes on STL generated nearly $4million !! If we all decide to go back to 30 day plus rentals, the city would not get any of that revenue. What on earth are you thinking? I urge you to stop the never ending attack on the legitimate Short Term Lodging permit holders in the City of Newport and vote no on this ordinance. Respectfully, Colleen Howes Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:37 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Ordinance 2020-15 From: Colleen Howes Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:36:23 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Cc: O'Neill, William; Brenner, Joy; Avery, Brad; Duffield, Duffy; Dixon, Diane; Herdman, Jeff; Muldoon, Kevin Subject: Ordinance 2020-15 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the Newport Beach City Council Re: Ordinance 2020-15 I would like to strongly recommend the City Council does NOT pass ordinance 2020-15 this evening. While I understand the Council is under pressure to make some changes to the current short term lodging ordinance, there are several items in this current proposed ordinance that concern me, especially Chapter 5.95 Section 5.95.045 item 13. "13. The owner shall ensure that all available parking spaces onsite, which may include garage, carport, and driveway spaces, as well as tandem parking are available for the transient user, occupant or guest of the short term lodging unit. The owner shall disclose the number of parking spaces available onsite and shall inform the transient user, occupant and/or guest that street parking may not be available. I would like to respectfully ask to change this item to exempt all owner -occupied units from the required on-site parking regulation. I believe this is an invasion of privacy and unsafe for the homeowner, as most of us also have personal belongings in our garages. If the lodgers are parked in our garage, are we to park on the street? This would not solve any parking issues. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Colleen Howes- Aresponsible STL permit holder in Corona del Mar. Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Alex Izbicki <alexforhomes@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 10:01 AM To: City Clerk's Office Cc: Jodi Patrich Subject: Short term rentals in Newport Beach [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, as a resident of Newport Beach I must say that I find your review of short term rentals in Newport Beach to be completely out of line and encroaching upon property owners right to do as they please with their properties, as long as it falls under the guidelines of zoning laws. If someone wants to rent a home out for even one day 7 days or 7 hours, it's is their right. We have rules and regulations as well as a police force in place to make sure that whoever is occupying the property adheres to the laws of Newport Beach. Bringing forth anything that encroaches upon a property owners right to do as they please with the property,Again, as long as it falls within the guidelines of zoning laws is absolutely egregious and out of line with the purpose of our city laws. If a homeowner wants to take the risk and put their home in a position where it might be damaged that is their prerogative. Again, we have laws and a police force to make sure that nothing that takes place in the property ever gets out of hand. This is the way it is and this is the way it should remain. Most importantly, many Newport Beach property owners are seniors who depend on rental income to supplement the meager Social Security payments and retirement they receive. Changing this dynamic would have a harsh impact on seniors who depend on cash flow for in-house care, grocery delivery and other amenities that are not cheap. For these reasons, I urge you to a vote resounding "No" regarding ANY changes to laws impacting property owners and their right to utilize their properties as they please as long as it complies with zoning regulations. For these reasons above I urge you to vote a resounding NO on any changes to current property owners rights in respects to renting of their property. Thank you for your time, Alex Izbicki 301 Onyx Ave. Newport Beach, CA 92662 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Patricia Janssen <wwrealty@aol.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:55 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please make sure this is submitted to the meeting tomorrow. I am sending it now before the 5:00 pm deadline. I am asking the City Council to pass an ordinance not allowing short term rentals especially on Balboa Island. Our island has turned into Coney Island. I live here and the residents have been negatively impacted by daily and weekly rentals. One parking space which usually isn't provided is not enough for 8-10 guests. On our street alone there are as many as five cars for one rental. The full time residents have no where to park their guests cars. In addition this type of use brings noise, parties and disrespectful behaviors. I know that the bed tax revenue to the city is an incentive to allow this type of hotel use but it is not fair to the residents that live here. The areas in the City that these rentals exist are not in a commercial zone. Let the hotels get the occupancy and the city will see an increase on the bed tax revenue where it should be. I have attended other meetings on this subject and heard the City will set up a hotline to have people call in with issues or non compliance with the rules. We were also told to call the police also. It doesn't make economic sense to have the City get in the property management business nor is it the police department's job to be a babysitter. Also there will be no way to control the parking problems. This is a serious problem that is out of control. There are more short term rentals then ever before. It has negatively impacted so many areas that the cities of Huntington and Laguna Beaches have passed ordinances not allowing this use. Owners have a thirty day minimum on rentals. Many homeowners associations have this requirement in place to avoid the hotel type of use. Please seriously consider my request. I speak on behalf of many. If you have any questions I can be reached at 949-683-7327. Thank you. Patti Janssen Sent from my iPad Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:46 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Staff Report Agenda Item #3 and Attachment A - Ordinance No 2020 - 15 From: Steve Jones Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:45:36 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Staff Report Agenda Item #3 and Attachment A - Ordinance No 2020 - 15 [EXTERNAL EMALL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. One days notice is unfair - Please delay this agenda item so we have a chance to review and consider what is being proposed. Thank you Steve Jones 600 E Ocean Front Balboa, CA 92661 7 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:08 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Ordinance 2020-15 STR From: Kimberley Keirstead <kim.keirstead@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:07 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Ordinance 2020-15 STR [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe_ Dear City Council Members: Please take the positive step and adopt Ordinance 20215 regarding Short Term Rentals. Please make your decision tonight based upon actual residents of Newport Beach. Our neighborhoods and our city needs your support. The issues I have personally witnesses many times: • Reckless driving • Limited or no parking • Loud parties, drunk in public • Overcrowding • Trash • Entitlement (I'm on vacation, I can do whatever I want) • Etc. The issue here is a lack of respect and absentee owners. If the owner lived on the property the issues would be gone. Hotels do not belong in residential neighborhoods. Thank you again for your consideration, this year has been one to remember. It seems like this is one thing that could be done to improve our quality of life. The ad hoc committee spend a good amount of time putting these suggestions together, please vote to implement them. Thank you, Kim Keirstead Sent from Mail for Windows 10 2 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:14 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: STR Attachments: White Sail jpg From: Kimberley Keirstead <kim.keirstead@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:12 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: STR [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please take a minute to look at White Sail's policy, this is am image from their website. You cannot convince me that they care about our community if it says "No wild parties (unless management is invited)!". Sent from Mail for Windows 10 isTM 9 g w o � U Ham"„ U V U � V � a O O v M � h .L v N O7 0 U Z as n 9 g Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 8:58 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Ban Short term renting?? From: H Louise Kistner Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 8:58:03 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Ban Short term renting?? [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi, I have received information that Newport Beach city Council is considering banning short term rentals?! I find this hard to believe, that makes absolutely no sense!! I don't rent out my property short term, but I sometimes like to rent short term rentals for friends and family when needed... Hotels is simply not the best solution for everyone at all times! I hope you will !et us keep Newport Beach short term rentals as it is! Blessings, Louise Kistner Newport Beach Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-15 From: Ana Rosandich Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:56:52 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office; O'Neill, William; Brenner, Joy; Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Herdman, Jeff; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin Subject: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-15 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I want to say a few words about ORDINANCE NO. 2020-15 and then will pose some solutions upon completion Sadly, this contains misleading, unsupported or wrong information, and conjecture. You state, "Numerous incidents involving excessive noise, disorderly conduct, vandalism, overcrowding, traffic congestion, illegal vehicle parking and accumulation of refuse are directly related to short term lodging units, which increasingly require response". And earlier, you said "the Police and Fire Departments frequently respond to complaints of noise disturbances, disorderly conduct and other illegal activity at short term lodging". So you went from "frequently" to "numerous" without presenting any facts or figures and later you talk about illegal short term rentals ... are you lumping them in too? Do you assume we don't vet who we rent to? That we're slumlords? Do you even know the process? It's our property. And if our property is damaged, nobody would want to rent it. We get reviews. People read the reviews prior to rental. If our property is damaged, we bear the cost of repair. So you think we just rent to anyone? Why don't we really find out how many times the police get called because I personally know of quite a few underage parties that were thrown by the children of permanent residents when their parents were out of town where the police had to respond. Let's talk about parking. You have a greater demand for parking from the long-term and permanent residents. I did an informal Pre- COVID 19 survey and 80% of the permanent and longterm residents park one or more cars on the street in the two neighborhoods we have properties with the more drivers in the house, the greater the need for street parking. Our guests, on the other hand, either arrive by Uber or in one vehicle. So, what you are really trying to do is preserve the free parking on the street for permanent and long term residents who need overflow. We pay taxes too and are just as entitled to the same privileges as permanent and long term residents, including the use of street parking. In fact, we also collect a transient tax for the city and our guests contribute to the local economy. Nowhere are the positives taken into account. That they spend their money, then leave. Nowhere is there a discussion of the economic impact of the permanent and long term residents, such as the percentage of taxes that we have to pay to educate the children of permanent and long term residents or the fact that permanent and long term residents have an impact 12 months out of the year when it comes to infrastructure. Look, when this crisis hit, we immediately stopped the short term rental of our properties and opened them up to health care providers only and then subsidized their stay in our area beginning in March. We still have one of those healthcare providers staying in one of those properties until the end of August at a loss to us. Did any of you open your homes up to health care providers when all of this happened and continue to do so? There are positives to what we are doing besides just the positive economic impact we and our guests provide. As for a few ideas, you do want to have a 2 or 3 night minimum. Also if you do have a problem with absentee owners, I don't know the legality, but you could see about limiting the number of short term rental properties that any one owner can have. Ana Alfaro and Harrison Lebowitz Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:09 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Airbnb From: Karena Love Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:08:47 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Airbnb [EXTERNAL. EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK finks or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please ban Airbnb from Newport Beach. I have seen first hand, trash left behind as well as used condoms in the driveway of a unit in Sea Island, Bay Cove, that has been granted a permit. The renters are charged about $60 per night. The license plates indicate out of the area residents. Airbnb does nothing to help Newport Beach. At a time when our local hotels are facing bankruptcy, please do not take revenue from them by allowing Airbnb's to exist in the same area. Also local hotels provide all types of badly needed local jobs. Airbnb employ no one and do not even come in and clean up afterward, as I have personally witnessed. Please keep the $60 night people in the type of hotels they can afford. Please Leave our neighborhoods safe and protected from the unscreened Airbnb denizens. You would not want one next to you, with trash and used condoms strewn about near your front door. We do not pay extra rich property taxes in Newport Beach to be next door to a cheap rental with at least 6 renters staying there at a time. You were elected to protect Newport Beach. Please take your job seriously. No more used condoms, please. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:30 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Short term rentals -----Original Message ----- From: Robin macgillivray <robinmacgillivray@att.net> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:16 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. My husband and I are residents of Newport Island. Since purchasing our home in 2009, we have seen a tremendous increase in short term rental activity here. This increase correlates to more noise, traffic, trash, cars and people on our island throughout the year, and especially in the summer months. Our streets are narrow, we have only one two-way road onto the island, parking is extremely limited, our homes are very close to each other, we have no front yards, we cool our homes by leaving windows open, and our residents include very young children as well as senior citizens. These Newport Island characteristics are not compatible with the large and rowdy groups that congregate in the short term rental properties. I join my fellow island residents who have written and spoken to you expressing objection to the proliferation of STRs and the related problems. We strongly urge you to take action that reduces the number of units on our island that can be rented out on a short term basis, increases the number of nights that constitute 'short term,' limits the number of people and cars allowed per property, requires parking permits year round, restricts parties and activities that spill into our streets, expands patrols by law enforcement and penalizes excessive noise, music, profanity and trash. Thank you for your support! Robin Macgillivray Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:17 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: masks From: marjaneh makarechi <mzmakarechi@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:15 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: masks [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 11:16:22 -0700 Subject: masks 434 Begonia Ave Corona Del Mar, Ca 92625 July 14, 2020 Dear Newport Beach City Council Members, As a resident of Orange County for the last 35 years, I urge the council to mandate the wearing of masks in all public areas, as well as any and all evidence -based guidelines regarding social distancing, the closing of indoor businesses, and the banning of large gatherings. While Orange County residents have a healthy independent streak, the science on these measures is clear. It's increasingly clear that, regarding the coronavirus pandemic, the path Orange County is on is not sustainable. Not mandating these measures will result in greater loss of life and longer term economic suffering. It's absolutely true that we need to support our local businesses and get our children to school as soon as possible, but we need to do so in the manner most likely to preserve life and long-term commercial viability. Otherwise, we will be opening and closing off and on, wreaking even more havoc on our business owners, employees, and children, all while allowing more and more people to get sick with an often debilitating disease. Orange County can become a leader, and show the country that we don't have to barrel down the same path that has, to date, left our economy devastated and claimed thousands of lives. sincerely, Marjaneh Makarechi Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:12 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: STR's From: Mark Markos <msm619@ymail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:09 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: STR's [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK finks or attachments u mess you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear mayor and honorable Councilman &Councilwoman I have walked around Newport Island and spoke with every neighbor nearby one of our hotels (STR's) on the island as they are the ones most affected. They are done! They don't believe that this situation will change and that money and business always win over residents rights. I represent the island and as much as I want to believe that this ordinance and its conditions will solve the massive problem we have, I believe ft is just a band aid to have us (the ones most affected) go away. The real solution is the only one that is working on our island currently which is the owner occupied STR's who truly care about who their guest (neighbor) is! This ordinance should pass unanimously and then enforced with everything the city has or we will be back in force to make the necessary changes happen. Please do the right thing and protect this beautiful island which is a neighborhood to over 80+% of its residents. Thank you, Mark Markos Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Pat Marquis <pat@aspen4sale.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 1:44 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the City Clerk of Newport Beach, Calif. I support short term rentals in Newport Beach of single family homes. Renters should not be banned from renting short-term rentals, I agree that owners should obtain a permit and submit a nuisance response plan I am in agreement that short term rentals be a minimum of 4 nights. Patricia Marquis 232 Agate Avenue Newport Beach, Calif. 92662 970-925-4200 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:56 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: proposed ordinance amendment for Short Term Lodging From: Steve Marshall Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:55:50 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: proposed ordinance amendment for Short Term Lodging [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please sway your vote on this. I have a property on Opal Ave on balboa island. This was not a reasonable amount of time to be prepared for input on this, not to mention we are in the middle of a world pandemic. This could affect our livelihood. Please delay this vote Thank you, Steve Marshall Sent from my Whone Mulvey, Jennifer From: Harp, Aaron Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:37 AM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: July 14th Newport Beach City Council Meeting RE Short Term Lodging Ordinance Importance: High From: Lisa Mauck <Imauck@buschgroup.org> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:17 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; jherdman204@icloud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steph Busch <sbusch@buschfirm.com>; Lisa Mauck <Imauck@buschgroup.org> Subject: July 14th Newport Beach City Council Meeting RE Short Term Lodging Ordinance Importance: High [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members: My sister and I own our parents family home located at 5911 Seashore Drive, Newport Beach. Both of our parents are deceased and over the years, our family has been enjoying the home and renting it as well. We have one 9 month winter tenant (for the past 5 years a physician) and during the summer several families rent the house typically staying for 2 weeks per year. Many of these families have been returning for 10+ years and enjoy wonderful relationships with our neighbors. To my knowledge we have not had any incidents violating a good neighbor policy. We rent to families and professionals that respect our home, our neighbors and the City of Newport Beach. We depend on the income from this property to subsidize our retirement income, maintain our home and pay the property taxes. We are in good standing and pay our taxes and bills on a timely basis. Should the short term lodging ordinance be amended to a reduced term for less than 30 days at a time, it would have a major negative impact on our cash flow. We love our family home, but could be forced to consider selling the property due to a decrease in rental income. Please reconsider and delay any revisions to the ordinance at this trying time. Best Regards, Lisa Mauck Email: Lmauck@buschgroup__.org Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Madelon Maupin <madelon@madelonmaupininc.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 4:09 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I just read of the vote on July 14th and want to speak AGAINST short term rentals like Air BNB. We have one right across the street and there is already a huge parking shortage in the summer that this adds to greatly. We've also been dealing with so many firecrackers like cherry bombs this Fourth of July week -- all from short term renters it appears. PLEASE keep our neighborhoods with families and singles who are committed to being here and see it as more than a playground where they can let loose! Madeton Maupin Bible Roads 3419 Via Lido, Suite 263 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Tet: (949) 200-5990 www.BibteRoads.com Fi- Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Steve McCoy <steve@themccoyproperties.net> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:37 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Ordinance No. 2020-15 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Newport Beach City Council As a vacation rental owner on Balboa Island, which as been hosting guests for over eleven years, I strongly urge you to vote against Ordinance No, 2020-15. Our home not only provides a welcoming destination for vacationers, or people just looking to get away, but it has helped to support the local economy. Citing examples of being a burden on city services such as sewage and other concerns seems fetched and grasping at straws... almost a solution looking for a problem. Depriving local businesses of the income short-term renters provide would only exacerbate the economic hardship they've endured during the COVID 19 shutdown. I don't understand where this push is coming from, or why it somehow bypasses hotels. For over a century Balboa Island has been a relaxing destination for generations of people, and there is no reason why this should be changed. Please join me in opposing this proposal. Sincerely - Steve McCoy 116 %: Pearl Ave Balboa Island, Ca 92662 818 434 2869 cell Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:33 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: STR on Newport Island From: Patrick McCracken <patrickmccrackenl@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:32 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: STR on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, I have been a 23 year resident on Newport Island and our Family has owned this house since 1975. 1 have never seen it this bad until this summer 2020. There are so many STR this year. There is a loud party pretty much every night. There is absolutely no parking on the Island now. People now encroach into the driveways of homes. You can 't park. Just last night a guy got all upset when I asked his Girlfriend to move the car from impeding our driveway. He cussed me out and moved Her car. He was threatening in His behavior. I know how Newport Beach gets in the summertime, but this is getting ridiculous. Best regards, Please consider a minimum 1 year Lease. Patrick McCracken 11 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:17 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short Term Rentals From: Brenda McCroskey Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:17:03 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Why can't these be done on an area by area ordinance, instead of City-wide? ie. STR are fairly well tolerated on Balboa Island and Peninsula, as they've been a way of life for years, but in Corona del Mar, and I would imagine the rest of Newport Beach, more of a rare and newer issue, and most residents are very unhappy about them. Brenda McCroskey - Brenda McCroskey Team REALTOR® DRE#: 01869273 LA Times Favorite OC Realtor 2.0'18 NextDoor Neighborhood Favorite - 3 Years a Star Professional Favorite Corona del Mar Realtor - 6 Years 341 Bayside Dr Newport Beach CA 92660 m: 949.280.5563 e: brenda.mccroskeyCa)_compass. com *** PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS N Aspen The Homptons Santa Barbara & Montecito composs.com 0 Atlanta Houston San Francisco Bay Area Q Austin Los Angeles & Orange County San Diego d Greater Boston Miami & Fort Lauderdale Seattle Chicago Naples Washington. DC Area • • Dallos Nashville Westchester, NY Denver U Greenwich, CT New York City Philadelphia 0 0 1 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 10:48 PM To: Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Navarrete, Monique; Muldoon, Kevin; Brenner, Joy; Herdman, Jeff, O'Neill, William; Jacobs, Carol; Jurjis, Seimone; Avery, Brad; Leung, Grace; Murray, John; Dept - City Council; Brenan, Ellen; Moss, Heidi Cc: 'Mark Markos'; Chris Harano; Larry Leifer; Jeff Friedman; ken@eclecticfinishes.co m; Martin O'Hea; newportislandjim@gmail.com; mundocane@yahoo.com; Mike Veal; Barry Mycorn; Bud Reveley; roger@catalinacomponents.com; Richard Wolpow; acooperz@gmail.com; penny reveley Subject: Newport Island STR Ban, Short Term Rental Ordinances, SeaBreeze Example [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Distinguished City Council City Manager and City Staff, I hope all is well! We appreciate your support for Newport Island as it is a residential Island with over 80 percent single-family lot utilization, versus other neighborhood's that may have over 50 percent of the lots utilized as rental duplexes. Newport Island is different in many ways from the surrounding areas, in addition to the fact that it is still a residential neighborhood. Around 80 homes are located on the water and just over 40 are located off the water. Newport Island is shaped in a triangle, which is the worst possible shape for parking and safe streets. Our streets are single lane with a fire lane and easily blocked by illegally parked short-term renters ( STR's ), their friends and family, construction workers, bridge jumpers, bridge jump bystanders and parents, delivery trucks, Uber's, etc. Let's not forget all the blocked sidewalks, making it even more unsafe for the Newport Island residents. The SPON, CDMCA and Newport Island Home Owners survey all overwhelmingly show that people don't want STR's in their Newport Beach neighborhoods. The Edwards family had a big presence on Newport Island, and the island was well looked after for years. There was very little official business to do on the island after the only bridge, underground utilities, park improvements, etc. were complete. Newport Island Association Island was pretty much involved with social activities at the park until Newport Island was recently taken over by short term rental permits. The number of STR's permitted in such a short period of time and the ongoing problems and diminished quality of life that the STR permits produced changed everything. The overwhelming majority of long-term residents have stepped up to stop STR's before Newport Island becomes the other side of the bridge. STR rental hell, if you are an owner -occupied holdout. Balboa Coves just across the channel on PCH does not allow STR's. STR's should not be allowed on Newport Island either, which is obvious to anyone who lives there or has spent much time visiting. STR's have been a disaster -- parties, illegal fireworks, noise over water, close proximity, held hostage to STR's sleep hours, parking, illegal parking, threats, arrest, disrespect, etc. If we cannot get a permanent STR ban now without going to the Coastal Commission, then we should receive immediate relief from the Newport Beach City Council by proposing and passing owner occupied STR's like other cities recently have as soon as possible. Whether to permit STR's should be each neighborhood's decision in the rest of the city as well. There seems to be many neighborhoods in the area that are mostly STR's because there are very few owners left on a permanent basis, That's why the city needs to end STR's on Newport Island. We are a residential Island and it is the City of Newport beach's responsibility to protect that, with overwhelming support from the island residents to keep it that way. With over 80 houses on the water we have even more challenges with STR's. It is not only the STR's on the Island but the STR's across the channels from our houses in the Finley neighborhood, etc.. When you look down the Channel after 10:00 PM it is usually the STR's with all the lights on being loud and inconsiderate of the vast majority who are permanent residents that have to get up for jobs, kids and other obligations. The same people renting these STR's would be complaining if they were at home and not on vacation. With the small lots and being located on the water it only takes two inconsiderate or uneducated by the STR operators to keep the neighbors up all night. It is up to the owners and operators to enforce and manage, as STR permits are only a privilege and not a property right to make sure each STR does not impact the immediate or distant neighbors. Long term rentals over 30 days also have to be held accountable, especially if they are still holding a STIR permit. I see a lot STR employee vehicles cleaning their properties. Why can't they also use the vehicles to patrol and physically check people in to make sure there are not too many people and educate them on noise and neighbor respect. Why are we paying or the police to do it? We don't want them and we do not want to pay their expenses. The STR's should be charged for any police calls if they don't want to monitor themselves. The fines and penalties are extremely low and not sufficiently punitive based upon the income the STR operators are generating vs. the STL hell the neighbors have to live with on a daily basis. The police have not been putting the STR addresses in the police reports, so there has not been sufficient accountability and they have not been losing their permits. Illegal parking should also count as a strike against the STR permit for revocation. A two- bedroom house or condo with one space should not be allowed to have more than 5 people at that house — this is a proven disaster regarding noise and behavior. 10:00 PM at the latest should be drop dead quiet time for STR's. We have previously talked about the bad operators such as AvantStay since last November, but they are still in business and no other operators have done anything to stop the bad practices that I am aware of. Why would the Newport Beach City Council give the STR operators any more time to stall any new ordinances that are long overdue? So, the impacted neighborhoods can continue to suffer why the STR owners and operators continue to count their cash? They can sleep while we police their properties. We have STR owners that live off the Island with an exception of less than maybe 2, if that many. The vast majority of the island residents want to ban STR's immediately. I have not seen or heard of any proposal or email from STR owners or operators on Newport Island that call for any rules or regulations that would be custom to their properties other than whatever the current STR ordinances are.. Why do we have to do their job and they make all the money and we get all the noise and disruption? We often hear threats to the City Council from SeaBreeze out of La Jolla, California about litigation, etc.. Somehow, they are a victim in Newport Beach because we don't want STR's to ruin our quality of life. The residents in the residential neighborhoods are the victims when STR owners and operators run a business next to our homes in our neighborhoods. They don't care about the neighborhoods they are impacting or they would already have taken responsibility without being forced by the City of Newport Beach to comply to some simple ordinances and common decency that should have been in place when the City of Newport Beach started issuing STL permits. It's all about cramming as many people into a house that they can so they can charge more money. It's all about the money! The STL owners and operators don't take into account (or maybe they do and don't care, like Avantsay ) all the other overflow friends, friends of friends and family. Unlike a hotel, there is no on -premise security or someone checking them in to see what they are 2 dealing with. The City of Newport Beach should take care of its neighborhoods first. Isn't that why we all live here? The City Council should be supporting our hotels that are not located in residential neighborhoods. Last week a group of people rented a SeaBreeze STR house across the Channel. Next to it was another house that was sold to be torn down ( sited today by Code Enforcement for no STR permit ). There were two separate large groups raging next to them throughout last week and the 4th of July weekend but they were also out late making noise. The SeaBreeze house is a two-bedroom house with a permit for 6 and a website ad that says 7. It had many more people than 6 but I let it go for the 4th even though they were outside until 2:00 AM on occasion. It did not stop Sunday night so I went to the SeaBreeze website. No link for complaints. Tried to message but it was closed until business hours which I think is around 5:00 PM or so. No response so I called. There is no menu item for complaints. Eventually, I spoke with a SeaBreeze operator that said she can only email the main office. There is no one to talk to. Left my info. No call back from SeaBreeze. Sent a complaint to the general guest email again. Said it would be taken care of. It wasn't. Said next time they would be out. Emailed to complain about them being out late again yesterday and no response all day. Then a generic response email that it was being handled, with a person's name. I called for the person and they seemed uncomfortable I was calling and wanted to talk to a specific person. She said she would leave a message and have him call me. No call back no emails? People are still there as of this morning with less people but still out after 10:00 PM. There were over 20 people over there yesterday and last night. This same house is on the water and has a jacuzzi that people love to stay in late night talking, laughing and having a great time, while across the water we are getting up at 5:30 AM to go to work. Add a long-term rental unit and 3 Duffy's on its dock which two are paying the owner for dock space so you get to hear them come and go whenever they or their friends and possibly other sub -rentals want. They make all the money and we hear all the noise. Please see SeaBreeze details below in the attachments or links. No one at any of the STR companies, owners, renters, City Staff and City Council would want an STR next door to them in their permanent neighborhood. So let's do the right thing and correct the error the City of Newport Beach created on Newport Island. am challenging the Newport Beach City Council, City Staff, STR owners and Staff to locate a specific Seabreeze or similar STR Operator property and call or go to their website as if you were filing a complaint after not being able to sleep for days. Let's see if you are satisfied with the customer service experience that you have been hearing about from all the STR operators that have chimed in saying that they walk on water and is only a few bad operators. They are only the best and everyone loves them. Reality is every new STR check in is like ground hog day in your own house, in your own neighborhood wondering how you are going to get relief from a permit that is a privilege and not a right. Just ask all the other cities who banned, heavily restricted or made the owner have skin in the game by living there.to have the privilege to rent. Thank you or being responsible in helping the citizens of Newport Island solve the recent STR problem that they did not create. Homeowners and long-term rentals sleep and quality of life should not be dictated by short term rental businesses in their neighborhood. https://www.seabreezevacationrentals.com/vacation-rentals/nb-517a-stunning-channel-front-home- wprivate-spaduffy-boat 3 5J--- Best regards, ScottW4cFettem 714-343-1657 JB-517A-Stunning Channel Front Home��[)0D����y/�� 'm�f� u����/���Jf�" ��m�nfy | ""'' ''"="= ~�,^=�� ''� `�~^�`' | SeaBreeze Vacation Rentals Enjoy soak inthe spa while watching Gondolas pass you bvMore beaudfu|views ofthe Newport Back Bay. Aerial view of private patio with spa, dining, and private dock with Duffy Boat (Available hzrent) Duffy boat available to rent for, your stay! Outside dining can seat 8 guests with beautiful waterfront views Views looking out of the living room oithe canal This open living room 4 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:25 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Corona Virus/STR's From: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:23 PM To: O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Herdman, Jeff <jherd man@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Corona Virus/STR's [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK Finks or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Will, Kevin, Diane, Joy, Jeff, Duffy and Brad, I hope your day is going well beyond the recent order! Thank you for all that you do. Will the City of Newport Beach be closing down STR's again due to the governor's new order? The question has been coming up. Everyone on Newport Island is becoming better educated on long term STIR solutions and will be pushing hard for an owner -occupied solution for Newport Island because anything else will take too long to get through coastal commission and almost everyone wants immediate relief. All the new permits on the Island and on the channel are finally negatively impacting the Islands quality of life. No one trusts that enforcement will work or that the owners and operators will take responsibility. The SPON, CDMRA and Newport Island Surveys also support our owner -occupied position. Newport Island still has over 80% single family usage on the Island. It is not like other places in the city and we are not going to give up. Any suggestions would be appreciated and helpful. Has anyone called or contacted SeaBreeze or another STR operator to see how it would be on a Sunday night to get a noise or other issue resolved? Thank you once again! Best regards, Scott McFetters 714-343-1657 Rieff, Kim From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:06 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: VRBO/Airbnb Issues From: perry melnick Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:05:59 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: VRBO/Airbnb Issues [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it may concern. I live on the 200 block but f 33rd st. Our block has been overrun by rowdy partygoer/tenants over the past few months. Addresses 207, 209, and 215 have had way more than the allowed occupancy on a regular basis. People hangin off roof and creating an unbelievable amount of noise and disruptions on a daily basis. I have called the police on two occasions with little resulting from my efforts or the police. Please advise as to what I may do to make this situation better. Perry Sent from my Whone Rieff, Kim From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:09 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Airbnb and short-term rentals in Newport Beach California From: linda mellen Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:09:13 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Airbnb and short-term rentals in Newport Beach California [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I have lived on the Balboa peninsula for 35 years and we have many short-term rentals and leases and Airbnbs. The short-term rentals, leases and Airbnb are party central and a nuisance. They need to be over -regulated and treated like hotels. When you give a permit to a hotel do they have to provide designated parking? I'm sure there are many other rules for hotels. Thank you Linda Mellen 1 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:23 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: short term rentals From: Carol Minoux Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:23:02 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. My Husband and I own a duplex on Balboa Island. We are in our late 70's and bought this home years ago. We thought it would be a great income for us. No one can live on Medicare. We will not be able to keep our home without our rental income from our duplex.Please consider We are not the only ones in our situation Carol Minoux Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Jurjis, Seimone Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:51 AM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: 3112 w oceanfront _From: Bob--Moore-<bobmoore27@gmaitcorn> Sent: Sunday, July 12, 20201:35 PM To: Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 3112 w oceanfront [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. V I've owned a second home 3112 w oceanfront in Newport Beach for the past 35 years it is a mixture of vacation rental and vacation home for my family. My 35 year old daughter just had a baby and we were lucky enough to spend a week just before her birth. Also we are in the process of passing on this property to her for her family. We have never had any issues with our renters, mostly families who want to enjoy the beach. This new proposal would hamper our ability to continue to pay the taxes, upkeep and loan on the building. We have paid both county and city taxes since we bought this property. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts Bob Bob Moore I President, Sports USA P:(213)219-9856 bmoore@sportsusamedia.com bobmoore27Co)gmail.com http:/Iwww.soortsusamedia.com/ Rieff, Kim From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:16 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: AirBnB From: Melinda Morgan Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:15:30 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: AirBnB [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it may Concern. I am the HOA President of the beautiful and quiet guard gated community in Newport Beach. Most of our residents are in the age group of 60 to 90 yrs old. We have an owner who purchased one of our condos and flipped it and can't sell it so he is now Air BnB the 3 bedroom unit. The issues we have is he does this totally online so he has no idea who he is renting to. We have had renters for one night to a week or more and some come in just for photo shoots and others to party . The most disturbing was last weekend when a car load of 6 20ish year olds came in. The following morning there were used condoms, vaginal wipes and assorted packaging in our guest parking and on the lawn and bench area of one of our green belts. This is disgusting and the owner doesn't have to clean it up. Our community is in complete agreement that we do not want to be part of the Air BnB rental club. Pleases be more selective as to stronger restrictions so that our community doesn't have to worry about who is driving around our streets. There are no outdoor amenities in our community that guest can use and we with an aging group feel that these rotations of strangers is upsetting and unsafe. We look forward to abolishing Air BnB in Guard gated communities. Best regards, Melinda Morgan HOA President Sea Island 949-338-7706 Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:49 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: air bnb From: Melinda Morgan Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:48:58 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: air bnb [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. It is 10:30 pm on Monday evening and I have received two calls from our guard gate that there are 3 teenagers running around our community and into private areas. They are climbing our slops to get to the next street up and are smoking weed and running from our guards. These are boy that are staying at the Air BnB in our community. Each week we have something like this going on because it is all done thru the internet and no one knows who is coming in. This is dangerous and puts our community at risk if something happens to these kids while they are running around our slops and streets at night. Please STOP this AIR B N B in a guard gated community. Melinda Morgan HOA President Sea Island 949-338-7706 Sent from my Whone Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:48 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Three day rentals From: Lauren Mushegain Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:47:18 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Three day rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. We own a home at 12131st Street. The three day rentals are causing a great deal of disruption on the street. The groups that Are coming in are often having 20-30 maskless people in a day. A few weekends ago one family had a huge 16th birthday celebration with At least 20 teens, plus many of their parents. In on Thursday, out on Sunday. This over crowding occurred again on the 4th of July weekend—and each weekend since, I must say, because people can get out and about and go home with no consequence of their behavior and disturbance to our homes. There are a number of short term rental houses in our neighborhood. It is a constant merry-go-round of people in and people out. They are blocking our driveways—even to the point of threatening our families and neighbors because we ask them to move their cars so we can use our own garages. We are use to summer rentals but in the past it was once a week, moving in on Friday or Saturday and out Friday or Saturday. This is a constant—one is not able to contact the rental agencies—for example the rental at 122 31st street is shown on Expedia for daily rentals. I tried to reach out to Expedia to voice my concerns and there was no response—thus no responsibility. When the units were operated by local agencies one had an ability to voice concerns. I beg you please stop this 3 -day rental fiasco. It is making our life a well as our neighbors lives very uncomfortable and dangerous in these very uncertain times. Thank you, Lauren Mushegain 5 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:23 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: 400 38th Newport Island From: Barry Mycorn Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:23:21 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Cc: Scott McFetters Subject: 400 38th Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear mayor and honorable Councilman &Councilwoman I have lived on the Newport island for five years and love it! It's so so special It horrible with short term renters coming in droves more each year most reserved Internet or Airbnb everything about the peace quiet and caring neighbors and children that live is destroyed by short term renters please don't fool yourself and come to party city noon the party they have new management company responsible they reserved it over the Internet and they just don't care !they stay up parting on there patios with zero respect for there neighbors they work and need get up in the morning or children to have to get up and go to school, The parking even with passes is out of control mini mini times I come home and my garage is blocked and I have to call the police have to spend money that's fair money to come out and cite them or Tow the vehicle I live directly across across the Chanel from the infamous short term rentals in the are 308 & 310The Rialto for 2 rental properties side by side Both are in terrible condition owned by one investor who will rent to 10 people or more, I have reach out to him but no return calls. If you looked into the NB Police logs the past 5 years I have been forced to call and request police assistance, when usually does no good I cannot control anything off Newport Island Parking I think it's important for you to go and look into how they break the rules how the penalties are high enough anyways I really thank you for listening to me I love living in this island I beg of you please do not let short term rentals become what they are on the other side of the bridge on the peninsula for your information I lived on the peninsula for over 40 years in this wonderful city for over 60 years and I love it here and I think you for listening to me respectfully Barry Mycorn 400 38th street Newport Beach 92663 7142407706 Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Oridinance 2020-15 Short Term Lodging From: Roya NA <nasr.roya@kmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:36 PM To: Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.kov>; Herdman, Jeff <Iherdman@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: FW: Oridinance 2020-15 Short Term Lodging [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mr. City Attorney, Mayor O'Neil, and Council members of city of Newport Beach, Please read my comments below on the proposed law: Paragraph J, seems to be so vague as to both (1) not provide clear rules and guidelines for homeowners, and (2) allow for arbitrary abuse of this provision. 5.95.030 Application for Permit. J. Such other information as the Finance Director deems reasonably necessary to administer this chapter. The nuisance response plan is deemed inadequate by the Finance Director is so vague! There should be clear guidelines if this provision is discussed. 5.95.035 Denial of Permit. If permits are available for issuance, no application filed by an owner for an annual permit or renewal of a permit for a unit eligible to be used as a short term lodging unit, as provided for in Section 5.95.015 and this Code, shall be denied unless: the owner does not have a current valid business license; the owner has failed to pay transient occupancy tax, the visitor service fee, a penalty, a fine or inspection cost, due and owing to the City; the nuisance response plan is deemed inadequate by the Finance Director; or the short term lodging permit for the same unit and issued to the same owner has been revoked. Paragraphs 9a and 9e below:: it is unreasonable to ask an owner or an agent to be at all times at 25 miles of the guest and answer within 30 minutes! This seems to be a condition that is placed to just penalize anyone, under any circumstances even if the owner has abided by all rules. a. The name of the local contact person(s) and phone number at which that person(s) may be reached on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. The local person(s) must be located within twenty-five (25) miles of the unit and shall respond to any call related to the unit within thirty (30) minutes; Even though my rental agreement strictly forbids guest from any noise at any time of the day, making this paragraph a law is so unfair. My next door neighbor's construction noise left us with no sleep for over two years from 7 am to 7 pm. e. Notification that no amplified sound or reproduced sound is allowed outside or audible from the property line between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.; and Paragraph 12 below: 25 mile range is such a short distance that the owner or the agent might as well live at the site. 12. The owner shall provide the City with the name and twenty-four (24) hour phone number of a local contact person(s) (who reside within twenty-five (25) miles of the property) who shall respond to contacts from the answering service, respond to any call related to the unit within thirty (30) minutes, and ensure compliance with this chapter in a timely manner. The owner or agent must provide a new local contact person and his or her phone number within five (5) business days, if there is a change in the local contact person(s). Paragraph 13 below: if parking spaces are such an issue in the CDM community, you should impose this to all residents and not only the STL permit holders. Some of these residents use their garages as a storage and park in the street. If it is treated equaly to all CDM residents, this will make sense, but not when you are only nit picking on STL permit holders. 13. The owner shall ensure that all available parking spaces onsite, which may include garage, carport, and driveway spaces, as well as tandem parking are available for the transient user, occupant or guest of the short term lodging unit. The owner shall disclose the number of parking spaces available onsite and shall inform the transient user, occupant and/or guest that street parking may not be available. Paragraph B: how do you expect the owner or the agent to enforce such a thing? A STL permit holder is not able to prohibit a renter not to do something that is already allowed by ALL OTHER members of the public. Additionally, if STLs were not occupying the house, a regular renter would, and those regular renters would also be able to take up the same number of spots. So this is not a problem unique to STLs. 5.95.047 Violations of Permit Conditions by Transient User, Occupant or Guest. B. Use street parking prior to utilizing all available onsite parking space(s) for the lodging unit. Roya Nasr @ 949-300-7258 NOTICE: The information contained in this message is proprietary and/or confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are hereby notified to: (i) delete the message and all copies; (ii) do not disclose, distribute or use the message in any manner, and (iii) notify the sender immediately Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 2020-15 - Comments for consideration - Short Term Lodging From: Chris Nielson Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:33:51 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: 2020-15 - Comments for consideration - Short Term Lodging [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members — We currently have 8 residential units that are in full compliance with all of the proposed regulations related to on site management, parking, noise and general good neighbor behavior. I am not aware of any violations we have received over the past 5 years that we have owned and operated these rentals. have personally been very active in the encouragement of enforcing of the rules and regulations across all permitted short term rentals and in favor of the closure of all non -permitted properties that are located in R1 zones and are not abiding by city rules and not remitting transient occupancy tax (TOT). The non -enforcement of these properties places those of us that do abide by the city rules and do pay TOT at a real disadvantage. I do not like the language in 5.95.045 20 B that reads "The City Manager shall have the authority to impose additional standard conditions, applicable to all short term lodging units, as necessary to achieve the objectives of the chapter". This is not a trust issue of the current city manager, it is just not good practice to highly define the "shalls" and "shall nots" and then add language that is so undefined as to scope and ability. I believe this language should be removed from the ordinance. I also suggest not having the "platforms" collect and remit the TOT. This becomes an accounting nightmare for us as owners/operators and introducing a third party to hold monies that are the responsibility of us as owners to collect and remit I believe opens the city and us as owners/operators to increased liability and confusion. We sincerely appreciate all your service to our city. Keep the beaches and the short term rentals open. We are operating smartly and safely and doing much good together for the families that love Newport Beach! Sincerely, Chris and Heidi Nielson Doyle's Beach and Boardwalk 2004 West Oceanfront 2002 West Oceanfront 2001 Court Street Chris Nielson CD Nielson 571 East 600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 801-598-3320 cell chris@cdnielson.com Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:32 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: STR - Newport Island -----Original Message ----- From: Martin O'Hea <mohea@bixbyland.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:31 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: STR - Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I'm sure the money (vacation rental companies and permit holders) are bombarding you with theirs selfish reasons to back away on doing what is right for a year round residential community such as Newport Island but we need the city council to stand up for our rights as homeowners and families and ratify all of the agreed upon policies and procedures to crack down on the STR madness that has degraded our neighborhood. As a 35 year resident of the Island I'm counting on the city council to protect our neighborhood. Marty O'Hea Treasurer of the Newport Island Community Association Sent from my Phone Rieff, Kim From: Chris Parr <chrisparr@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 1:15 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: STR in Newport Beach Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good afternoon, As a homeowner and resident in Newport since 1999. Our city has been overrun with STIR with 2-3 bedroom units allowing 15+ people to reside in our beach community without adequate parking. I'm not for a total ban- however there should be no more than 2 people allowed per bedroom and 1 LEGAL parking spot per bedroom allowed with a 4 night minimum. Please consider this when considering changes to the current ordinance /code. Thanks, Christopher Parr 4820 Seashore Drive, Newport Beach CA 92663 949-293-2395 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Parr, Christopher <Christopher.Parr@elIiman.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 1:45 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: STR ordinance [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please help our peninsula from being overrun with instant hotels. The property next-door to mine allows 15+ people in a 2 bedroom unit without adequate parking. This has become extremely disturbing and has change the quality of life on the peninsula. The last couple years it has become out of control. Please helpH L)ttr is_: 1. `":1=it ci. 2:"`.i'� Christooher. Parr(cr�.elliman.com 2 ., i rir't.}( i;7 PLAZA titil?. , Ga,:.}... POR" iSs t:'.. . .t ORE # Q1272772 MY LISTINGS FACEBOOK / TWITTER / YOUTUBE / INSTAGRAM / LINKEDIN At Douglas Elliman, we won't ask you for your social security number, bank account or other highly confidential information over email. "Wire Fraud is Real'. Before wiring ANY money, call the intended recipient at a number you know is valid to confirm the instructions. Additionally, please note that the sender does not have the authority to bind a third party to a real estate contract via written or verbal communication. This email is for the use of the intended recipient(s) only. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete it. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not keep, use, disclose, copy or distribute this email without the author's prior permission. We will never send or ask for sensitive or non-public information via e-mail, including bank account, social security information or wire information. We have taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. The information contained in this communication may be confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are the intended recipient and you do not wish to receive similar electronic messages from us in the future then please respond to the sender to this effect. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Company. Douglas Elliman may engage a third party vendor to answer telephone, email, text, and internet inquiries. This vendor acts as an agent for Douglas Elliman, and keeps all information confidential. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:14 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: short term rentals From: Ray Peden <pedenlink@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:58 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: short term rentals [EXTERNAL ENWL] DO NOT CUCK rinks or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Counsel, We kindly call to your attention the issues that we, along with our fellow neighbors, too often face with the tenants of the short term rentals in our area. We called in to the last meeting and therefore won't go into every detail again. Rather, we believe it is in everyone's interest to institute the very reasonable enhanced regulations before you in their entirety. Setting clear expectations and enforcing offenders is the only way to improve this terrible situation. We as owner - occupiers are being forced to the front lines, calling and turning in one group, only to have to do it again as soon as another group comes in. Repeat as necessary. We are tired of the disrespectful and downright dangerous behaviors of these transient tenets and the absolute lack of support from the property managers and owners. Many of these properties are old and decrepit, lacking years of maintenance. The owners simply do not care what happens to them. Never, not once, have we seen a property manager proactively drive by to check on a property at night, when trouble is more likely to brew. Never have they stopped a disturbance before a phone call from an impacted neighbor. We heard they want to be good neighbors but their track record says otherwise. If they do, then they would support these reasonable measures. We implore you to pass this ordinance in its entirety for the sake of your residents. Kind Regards, Ray and Sabrina Peden Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Tony and Marie Pierotti <pierottifamily@yahoo.com> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 1:33 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: July 14 City Council Meeting - Ordinance No. 2020-15 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor O'Neil and Members of the City Council, We are the owners of a duplex in the Balboa Village area. We have short term lodging permits for both units. The property was originally in an R-3 zone, but was rezoned in 1989 to R-1. Section 5.95.015 contained in the new ordinance will preserve the right of these units to have short term lodging (STL) permits given permits have been previously issued for the units and have not been subsequently revoked. The property is in escrow and the potential buyer has been informed by City staff that it will be unable to be reissued STL permits in its name due to Emergency Ordinance 2020-004. This looks to be in conflict with new Ordinance No. 2020-15, and I would have expected that the permits would be reissued to the buyer following close of escrow, especially given (i) reissuance is consistent with new Ordinance 2020-15, (ii) the units have existing STL permits that have not been suspended or revoked, (iii) the reissued permits would just be the replacement of existing permits and the reissuance does not result in any increase in the existing number of STL permits above the current approximately 1,530 currently outstanding permits, and (iv) the buyer, as the holder of the reissued permits, would be subject to all of the same restrictions on short term rentals as the other STL permit holders in the City. We would request consideration of adding language to Ordinance No. 2020-15 clarifying that existing licensed STL units that remain qualified to be licensed under the new ordinance can be relicensed in a buyer's name following a property transfer, provided that the units remain subject to all of the same restrictions on short term rentals as the other STL permit holders in the City. Thank you, Anthony and Marie Pierotti 314 Alvarado Place, Balboa Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Bud Reveley <budreveley@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:41 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Chris Harano; Margie Armstrong; Mike Reveley; Penny Reveley; Scott McFetters Subject: STRS on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe My name is Jennings Reveley and I live on Newport island having moved here from West Newport in 1995. The reason I moved from West Newport was because I found drunks sleeping behind my garage on occasions. Also the many drug deals that went down each night on in West Newport troubled me due to having children exposed. On the very first day that I purchased my property I was to meet a backhoe operator in front of my house on Newport Island. I waited 45 minutes for him to appear but was shocked to see that no cars passed my car on the street during that entire 45 minute. Today you're going to find two or three cars going by your house probably in about every 45 seconds. In those days you could keep the windows open in your bedroom and receive the sea breezes instead of loud noises from music and people talking loud and setting off explosive devices in their patio. Now our quiet wonderful beautiful safe neighborhood has been invaded by people who don't give a crap about the people who live here permanently and try to get some rest and go to work in the morning. If you complain they hurl curses at you and if you ask for the police to come they do a drive-by and then do nothing. We're sick of this. If you lived here you would be sick of it to. We are asking our elected officials to take a view of what's going on here and how it's going to get much worse in the future. This is not a residential Hotel facility area like other places where people vacation. Unfortunately they treat it that way. They are here to party all night if they feel like it. In addition they bring friends who have no skin in the game either and party with them. May I remind you that you are our elected representatives and are in a powerful position to help us. Please do something. I would prefer to see a total shut down of short term rentals and have only 30 day rentals plus. Even better would be to make it illegal unless it's a year-long rental. Some cities in Southern California have stepped up to the plate . Now you need to do the same! In addition I hope we never see another Fourth of July July as we saw this year. I was told a 100 officers were out that same night and they made just two arrests. That's ridiculous! Even last night I had to quiet down a group in their patio making loud noises after 10pm. Whatever you do must come with enforcement AND fines. Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: NF REYNOLDS <nfreynolds@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 3:47 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: On short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Does the City make so much money on STRs that they want to keep the number at the 1500+ level? With Huntington not allowing them, I really think NB should never let this number grow, and it should shrink over time! Why not make a laddered permanent reduction year by year to a more manageable level, with a reduction of permits allowed in each neighborhood? Do not renew permits where there was more than 2 problems. Do not renew permits for owners who have more than one address/property with STRs. Cut permits by a few each year. This problem has gotten out of hand, which is why NB is discussing it and trying to find ways to chang the rules. Owners probably cannot deal with an overnight change, and it sounds like the changes are more "cosmetic" than enforceable at this point. So why not mandate (today) a way to reduce the number of STRs for the next 10 years to a fixed level after that? Anyway, my 2 cents, for what it is worth. Nicole Reynolds Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:19 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Anna and Larry Robinson, Newport Island From: Anna Robinson <msannapalmer@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:18 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Anna and Larry Robinson, Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning. I understand that you are again addressing the issue of STRs at tonight's meeting. Please remember how disruptive these units are to tax paying residents who want to enjoy their neighborhood. They bring unnecessary noise, parking issues, partying and non compliance to basic rules. For example, I have sent in pictures of people sleeping on air mattresses in garages and shopping carts in our alley ways... all courtesy of STR guests. It is making life on the island intolerable and it is the city councils job to protect our interests! Please imagine yourself in our position... imagine being woken up by people yelling for no reason, or someone blocking your driveway! It feels like the only way to improve the situation is to institute harsher fines and consequences to the owners so they will begin to police their tenants. We personally would love to see nothing shorter than a 3 month rental period enacted. We have some wonderful neighbors who rent year to year and are invested in the neighborhood. If people come down for a short visit, they bring loads of people and just create chaos! Thank you for your time! Anna and Larry Robinson, 405 40th St Mulvey, Jennifer From: Francis Rowland <francis@nexbelt.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:30 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; jherdman204@icloud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad; Harp, Aaron; Jurjis, Seimone; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin; Duffield, Duffy Subject: STL ordinance 2020 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, I write to you today regarding an ordinance you are considering in hopes you will understand the severity the outcome to owners will be. We ask you consider our written words because we are unable to appear before you to plead out case. My family and I have owned our property at 129 G Street, Newport Beach for more than 40 years. My parents rely on this rental income to subsidize their very limited income as they are in their 80's. When the property is not being rented, we as a family have used it to enjoy the beautiful Newport community. My parents would be financially devasted should this ordinance pass. They have been able to remain financially sound due to the income this property produces. We as a family would be gravely impacted to not be able to use the property for family getaways as we would have to sell the property that we have lovingly called out Beach getaway for so many years. We did not even learn of this possible ordinance until just yesterday from a local friend who asked how we felt about it and was concerned on how it would affect our family. We have never been cited for ANY violations and have always paid any and all city fees and taxes on time. We have made friends with many of our neighbors and feel at home when we are there. Of course protecting the neighborhood is very important to us and always has been since it is our neighborhood as well. We ask that you please consider the ramifications of this ordinance on many family such as ours and allow us more time to fully understand STL ordinance 2020 especially given the fact we are unable to appear at the council meeting. Sincerely, Francis Rowland OFFICE: 909.758.0079 FAX: 866.610.4573 francis@nexbelt.com Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Short Term Lodging Ordinance From: Katie Scheffey <katherinedwyer@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 1:12 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Herdman, Jeff <6herd man@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjuriis@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short Term Lodging Ordinance [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members - I am writing today on behalf of my family who owns 406 E. Ocean Front on the Peninsula. The property has been in our family since approx. 1978. Originally purchased by my grandparents and parents and then in 2005 my uncle bought my grandparent's interest. My father recently passed away and now my sisters and I inherit his interest. Newport beach has always been a second home to us. At 44 years of age, my time there has always been the best memories: birthdays, thanksgivings so big we had to rent the neighbors home just so we could cook all the food, it's where I learned to ride a bike, spending all the money we made on the lemonade stand at the fun zone etc. I know I am not alone in the memories this beach creates for families. Over the years I have met people who used to rent our home and they speak of the same memories. I have 22 month old twin toddlers and have been so anxious to start the same traditions for them that I had. We have always relied on the short term income to pay the mortgage, maintain the property (new construction as of 2006), pay property taxes AND the TOT tax quarterly. In the 40+ years we have been renting our home, we have never had any incidents of violating the good neighbor policy. We rent to families who respect our property and neighbors. Many of our renters come back every year- they consider it their home as well. We ask that you delay any major revision of the code until we can understand the STL Ordinance 2020. We feel we should have been notified or invited to participate in the process of revising the code.. The current pandemic and previous restriction on short term rentals has impacted our ability to secure renters and we do not want to have to sell the property. The coronavirus prevents us from appearing in person at the council meeting. While we are in favor of stricter enforcement to protect our neighbors, we need to but not limit our ability to rent our property short term. Thank you for your time. with kind regards, Katie Scheffey, Richard Dwyer, Sharon Tucker, Lisa Atckison & Kelly Stone. 406 E. Ocean Front Newport Beach Rieff, Kim From: Carolyn Seastrom <clseastrom@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:45 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Letter to Mr. Herdman Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 13, 2020 Dear Mr. Herdman, It has come to my attention that the City Council will be voting on an ordinance to ban single family home short term rentals. My brother and I now own our family beach house on Balboa Island as our mother just passed away. It is now being used as a short term rental. We need the income from the rentals to maintain and keep it in our family. It has been in our family for almost 40 years. Newport and Balboa have been a part of our summer vacation for our entire lives. Our parents also grew up visiting and staying on the Island. Thanks to the short term rentals in our past for summer vacations, we all grew to love Balboa Island, Those rentals gave us the chance to experience the wonderful environment of the Island. My parents loved it so much they purchased our beach house. I urge you to maintain short term rentals of single family homes without stay limits. Without the income we will be forced to lose a home that has been part of our family for decades. Sincerely, Carolyn Seastrom 118 Ruby Avenue clseastrom@gmail.com 1 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Bob Seastrom <Bob_Seastrom@seastrom-mfg.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:25 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Regarding vote on short term rentals on Balboa Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 13, 2020 Dear Mr. Herdman, It has come to my attention that the City Council will be voting on an ordinance to ban single family home short term rentals. My brother and I now own our family beach house on Balboa Island as our motherjust passed away. It is now being used as a short term rental. We need the income from the rentals to maintain and keep it in our family. It has been in our family for almost 40 years. Newport and Balboa have been a part of our summer vacation for our entire lives. Our parents also grew up visiting and staying on the Island. Thanks to the short term rentals in our past for summer vacations, we all grew to love Balboa Island. Those rentals gave us the chance to experience the wonderful environment of the Island. My parents loved it so much they purchased our beach house. I urge you to maintain short term rentals of single family homes without stay limits. Without the income we will be forced to lose a home that has been part of our family for decades. Sincerely, Bob Seastrom 118 Ruby Avenue bob seastrom@seastrom-mfg.com Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Rawa Shamroukh <rsham4@hotmail.com> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2020 10:47 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Proposed change to the Newport Beach Municipal Code relating to Short Term lodging. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council members, Newport Beach's tradition has always been inviting short term renters to the city; however the tone of the new Proposed Ordinance is completely punitive in nature. The recycling of the "complainers" toward vacation rentals gives a skewed view of short term rentals. In reality, the percentage of problems resulting from short term renters is an EXTREMELY low percentage. We strongly ask you to keep Newport Beach tradition by Not implementing changes to the Newport Beach Municipal Code relating to Short Term lodging. We know that you will listen to our voice and concerns and make the right decision. Regards, Rawa Shamroukh Newport Beach Property Owner Sent from my iPhone Rieff, Kim From: Dawn Small <dawnsmall@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:00 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I would like this to stay anonymous. I have lived on Newport Island for 25 yrs. I rent and have lived in 4 different locations on the island. My most recent location is near rentals that have all been horrible. Noise parties parking illegally during the week on the weekend. I lived in the war zone for a short time and could not wait to move on the island. The entire island has changed. No parking, parties that go on every night, and the duplex that I share an alley with because the owners garages are made for smart cars. People leaving me nasty notes on my car which is parked legally behind my house or banging on the door asking for my keys so they could move my car to get theirs out (when it was an Airb&b). It is really sad and upsetting that what was once a neighborhood is turning into just another party zone. I repeat I want to remain anonymous. The only way is to fine landlords enough to make a difference or 3 strikes your out. Sent from my iPhone 1 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:37 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Staff report agenda item #3 & attachment A Ordinance No 2020-15 From: Shelly Smith Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:37:18 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Staff report agenda item #3 & attachment A Ordinance No 2020-15 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please DELAY, we have heard nothing of this... and we are going through a pandemic... Thank you, Michelle Smith Sent from my Whone Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:33 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short term rentals From: Susan Stoneburner Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:33:15 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am against short term rentals. Since Covid, there has been gross overcrowding in the rentals. Susan Stoneburner 112 Emerald Balboa Island Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8. P Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:30 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer, Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short term rentals From: KAREN TEASLEY Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:30:11 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am interested in finding out what the plans are for regulation of rentals as I own a VRBO on the peninsula Where can I find out what's happening? Thank you Karen Teasley Sent from my iPhone Rieff, Kim From: Mike Torrey <jmtorrey@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:52 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term Lodging Ordinance - Short Notice... Please Delay! [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I just learned today of your intension to schedule a meeting and possibly adopt an ordinance that effects short term rentals, their property managers and owners. One day is not adequate notice to review and respond to the numerous items in the ordinance. I respectively request that you delay the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, July 14th at 5pm. Thank you, Mike Torrey, owner 217 Diamond Balboa Island, CA 92662 Rieff, Kim From: Kathy Torrey < mktorrey@earthlink.net> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:49 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: DELAY [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please delay the short term lodging proposed ordinance. This affects 1, 500 owner operators in the City and giving everyone I days notice in the middle of a pandernic seems a bit unfair The key problems are: - Owners can get their permits revoked because trash cans are left out incorrectly or not put away in a timely manner. - Owners are to provide a copy of the "good neighbor policy" (what is this?) - Owners are to provide a "nuisance response plan" (???,) - Getting a police call on a permitted property during a winter lease tenant vs. a guest on a less than 31 night stay - should not count towards short term permit penalties. - And many other changes with ZERO input from the 1,500 stakeholders in the City. Thank you, Kathy Torrey 1 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: tvallance@aol.com Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 8:56 PM To: Jurjis, Seimone Cc: cityclerk@newpoetbeachca.gov; Brown, Leilani; Contino, Brian; Leung, Grace; Jacobs, Carol [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am contacting you today as a constituent and 23 year resident of Corona del Mar. I am writing today asking you to reconsider ORDINANCE NO. 2020-15, the flawed municipal code relating to short term lodging. A couple flaws in the Ordnance: "WHEREAS, this influx of tourist burdens the city... Actually, this influx of tourists contributes to a healthy Newport Beach economy. Not only directly to our local business owners but also to our local and Federal governments with the tax revenue generated by beach activities. "WHEREAS, the Police and Fire Departments frequently respond to complaints of noise disturbances, disorderly conduct and other illegal activity at short term lodging units" THIS is also inaccurate according to the Newport Beach Police Departments City Wide Crime Statistics Reports: 2019 2018 2017 Liquor Violation -32% -37% 8% Drunkenness -17% 11% -33% Disorderly Conduct -24% -13% -16% "WHEREAS, a large number of short term lodging units are located in residential areas..... residents are adversely impacted by the noise, traffic, refuse and demand for parking resulting from occupancy of short term lodging units". THIS is completely false. Short Term Lodgers utilize the Balboa Peninsula Trolley, Uber and Lyft, lessening the pressure on traffic and parking. Also, if the council is so concerned about the lack of parking maybe they should require their own family members who own duplexes in CDM to park both of their cars in their garage instead of using it for storage. And require their yearly tenants to double up with their cars and park in their garage. We all know that this is the NUMBER 1 parking issue everywhere in Newport Beach, home owners using the garage as a storage unit and not a parking the cars. Also the constant construction robs us of our street parking. "WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered ........ and all transient occupancy taxes and visitor service fees are properly collected and remitted to the City." If the City of Newport Beach is so concerned about collecting these fees, WHY NOT HAVE THE RENTAL PLATFORM COLLET THE TAXES AND FEES AND REMIT TO THE CITY DIRECTLY?? Many cities operate in this fashion and it's a win-win for the city and the host. The city receives all the taxes and fees directly when incurred and the host doesn't worry about missing records. I had a STR in Palm Desert and this is how taxes and fees are handled. A large number of STL permit holders live on the property exercising direct supervision and control of guests. Please recognize that we have ALL been adversely impacted by Covid-19. I for one have permanently lost my job and I've also lost months of STL income due to the cities ban. This is now my only source of income. I like most STL holders in CDM live on the property and monitor my guest's behavior. Many small businesses, shops and restaurants in NBP are struggling to remain open. Is this really the time we want to pound that last nail in their coffin? My STL guests spend money dining out 3 meals a day and shopping. We live in paradise, a paradise that up until this council embraced tourists. STL has always been allowed in NPB and everyone who purchases a home here knows that. The never-ending construction of 2 condos on each R2 zoned lot is lessening the available pool of STL opportunities. Each set of condos comes with an HOA and a standard HOA agreement bans the rental of either condo for less than 30 days, which seems like what this council is working toward. I ask you to please reconsider Ordinance No. 2020-15. All STL permit holders agree that the bad operators need to go. And if this council would follow though the offer made to work together after Ordinance 2020-8, 1 think we could develop an Ordinance that promotes a healthy balance. Sincerely, Tracy Vallance Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:39 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: STR regulations on Newport Island Importance: High From: Mike Veal <mike@goldcoastglass.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:37 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: STR regulations on Newport Island Importance: High [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning Newport Beach city council members It is my understanding one of the items on the docket this evening is the STR allowable rental time frames and possible new regulations. I sincerely hope that the idea of a hotel revolving door mentality (without adequate security of course and eviction consequences) is finally addressed. After all, motel or hotel establishments do not allow rude and unruly behavior to continue all hours of the night. I would think that license revocation would be used as an deterrent by the authorities in those cases, along with strict adherence guidelines. I'm all for owners of their individual, or in some cases multiple, properties to achieve additional income. I'm not inclined to look past the problems that STR seem to create. I would think a minimum of 30 days if it is a not an owner occupied dwelling would be sufficient. If it is an owner occupied requirement, similar to Santa Monica, I'm certain the problems that come along with an STR would evaporate overnight. I doubt an owner occupant would put up with the abhorrent behavior we have experienced and continue to experience due to the proliferation of these STR "income" properties. All at the expense of the full time residents of Newport Island. You can only make so many phone calls to authorities, being sure to note to dispatch it is an STR, and possibly see a drive by a black and white, maybe. Then have to follow up later about a citation to the owner. Good luck contacting the owner or the rental agency assigned to the property by the owner! They are not responsive regardless of the stated literature. I'm certain you get the point. I'm one of the 80% of the resident owners of Newport Island that have been writing, attending meetings about the same damn subject for more then a year now? What seems to be the major malfunction in tightening up these regulations? This has nothing to do with people that rent on a full time basis, or semi annually basis. This is strictly about short term rentals and the inherent problems that accompany them. Additionally, now that there is new shut down order from Gov. Newsome, in Orange County, is the city going to apply additional restrictions? Curious about that as well. Regards Mike Veal 3714 Channel Place, Newport Beach, Ca 92663 President Gold Coast Glass & Mirror, Inc. 306 East Alton mike@goldcoastglass.com 10 From: Harp, Aaron Sent: Monday, July 13, 202012:06 PM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: Short Term Lodging Ordinance Consideration From: robin voss <robindvoss@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 202011:51 AM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; jherdman204@icioud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Bruce Voss <wbrucevoss@gmail.com> Subject: Short Term Lodging Ordinance Consideration Dear Members of the Newport Beach City Council; My name is Robin Voss and first and foremost, I want to thank you for the service that you give to the community in Newport Beach. I can't imagine how challenging it must be as a public servant in today's environment. There are many concerns you face and often the need for policy change is juxtaposed with inflexibility on the part of those promoting or protecting their interests. This can place important issues into a zero sum game where compromise gets lost. I write today regarding one of these issues as a STL owner of a home that I grew up in and inherited on Newport Island. I love this city and the tremendous community 1 have been so fortunate to be a part of for 64 years. As a long term resident, I attended Newport Elementary K-6, Horace Ensign, Newport Harbor High School, OCC, and graduated from CSU F with a degree in business in 1977. My husband attended Corona del Mar High School the first year it opened in 1962. He has been a practicing lawyer in Newport Beach for 46 years. We raised five children who also grew up and thrived in this community and now watch as our grandchildren do the same. I do appreciate you taking the time to consider what I have to say on the possible revisions to the STL codes because this impacts many rivelihoods in our community at a time where economic instability, safety, and quality of life are being greatly challenged. First, I am very much in favor of protecting the neighbors in close proximity to a STL from the inconvenience of parking, noise, and any !Regal activity. It is why I chose to use the property management company, Burr White to handle the STL rental of my home, and this is not an advertisement for them. I only want to rent to families that respect my property and that of the other residents. By consciously using a company with long term standing in the community coupled with high screening standards imposing rules and regulations, in 6 years my STL has avoided any scenarios of police intervention, destruction of property, and parking problems that have occurred where these types of rentals are being executed solely via the internet. I believe handling it this way is a responsible and accountable way protecting neighborhoods and the needed myriad income flows these renters bring to the City of Newport Beach. My family and I love this home and we fervently want to be able to keep it in our family. My husband and I use the income to subsidize our retirement. We often spend time and enjoy the house together, and implore you not to make major revisions in the STL codes that would not only cut-off much needed revenue to us, but to our community at large. In this great time of uncertainty, please delay any major revisions of the codes. I realize how difficult it is to hearthe many voices in this time of extreme distancing, but this is such an important issue affecting so many people. All sides must be equally heard and considered, and compromise does exist that respects the quality of renters, owners, and business in our wonderful city. Sincerely, Robin Voss Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Rieff, Kim Item No. 3 From: Jurjis, Seimone Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:49 AM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: FW: Ordinance No. 2020 ----Kekwaterman <kelly@kellywa_termanphoto.com> Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 4:46 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; jherdman204@icioud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@ newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; oneil14newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dd uffield @newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Ordinance No. 1020 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Newport Beach City Council Members, My name is Kelly Waterman and I, along with my husband, have owned a duplex on the peninsula at 122 36"' St. for the last 22 years. I am writing this letter to voice my concern about the proposed amendment of chapter 5.95 of Title 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal and how it may negatively affect myself, my family and hundreds of other property owners. My husband is a recently retired firefighter and we depend on the revenue from our property to subsidize our income and make our mortgage payment. It is used jointly as a STL rental and vacation home. We just completed (Oct'19—July'20) a major renovation of this property with the ltd purpose of generating more rental income. The renovation cost was substantial. Our family looks forward to visiting us here and the beach when in town and it is our legacy to leave for our children. Now after reading the proposed amendment it looks like this might be in jeopardy. Some terms and phrases used in the amendment that threaten suspensions and revocations of the STL permit are troubling to say the least. The inability to rent our property as vacation rental would be an economic hardship for my family. We have used this property as a STL for the last 20+ years and have never had any city complaints registered against us. The company we use to manage our property only rents to families with children and has a comprehensive vetting system in place to verify this. The guests are respectful to the neighbors and surrounding areas. The transient occupancy tax is always collected and paid on time by the management company. Because of the major implications of this amendment and the inability to appear in person at the council meeting because of the Coronavirus the revisions to this amendment should be delayed. I believe we should be allowed to physically attend the council meeting and have our concerns heard. Kelly Waterman Owner/Photographer Kelly Waterman Photography p: 949-2940794 w: www.kellvwatermanohoto com e: kellYO-kellvwatermanohoto com a: 1048 Irvine Ave #1088 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:07 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Short Term Rental Ordinance: Newport Island -----Original Message ----- From: Winfield Wells <winfieldwells@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:06 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short Term Rental Ordinance: Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members I am writing you to encourage passage of the ordinance regarding short term rentals that is on your agenda for tonight. I have lived on Newport Island as my primary residence for over 5 years now. When we first moved in the Island was a family friendly neighborhood where many people knew each other, families often went to the small park with kids to play, and it was common to run into neighbors while walking your dog. The Island was quiet and there were seldom if ever parking issues. Unfortunately much of that has changed in the last couple of years. We now have three short term rental properties within 5 houses of ours. As a result we have had numerous instances where the renters were disrespectful of the surrounding neighbors. This has included partying late into the evening with loud music and shouting, often with foul unwelcome language. We have also had persistent illegal parking on our cul-de-sac street. When asked to move some of the renters have argued that they are entitled to park where they are even though it is clearly illegal. In one instance a renter became belligerent and threatening. Many weekends my day starts with calling NBPD and asking for Parking Control to come over and tow a car away from the front of our driveways. This takes time and is aggravating. I wonder how each of those on the council would feel if that was the start of their weekend time to relax and enjoy being home? It is clearly the case that the density of short term rental properties on Newport Island is out of control and inconsistent with the spirit of protecting those who are full time residents. How all the permits were granted needs to be reviewed and corrected. Meanwhile please pass the ordinances on the agenda tonight to give those of us that live on the Island full time the peace and tranquility you would want in your neighborhood . Respectfully Winfield Wells 3710 Channel Place Newport Beach, CA 92663 Sent from my iPhone Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Ron White <rawhite06O4@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:42 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Newport Island Short Term Leases - fEXTERNAL EMAIL} -DO -NOT CLICK links or attachments unless -you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello All, I am writing this email to voice my strong opposition to the existing and any future expansion of Short Term Leases on Newport Island. I am a homeowner on the island. Newport Island is a purely residential community so the comparisons to the peninsula as it relates to short term rentals are irrelevant. The peninsula is home to, hundreds of bars and restaurants and has a much closer proximity to the beach so I strongly disagree with the proponents of short term rentals who lump Newport Island in with the peninsula and whine about unfair treatment. I don't understand how a handful of homeowners have the power to drive zoning policy and make our lives miserable. We will not stand idly by and watch our calm quiet island turn into even more of a fraternity house than it already is. I also don't understand how the City Counsel does not even have ordinances on the books related to short term rentals. It cannot be that difficult to set up ordinances and fines to curb bad behavior. The proliferation of short term rentals is not a new phenomenon. I experienced a somewhat similar situation in a prior home where my city counsel representative was not listening to the needs of the community. I got involved in a grass roots effort to bring about change that involved massive attendance at all city counsel meetings and also at individual city counsel members town hall type gatherings. In that instance, we were successful because council members concluded that if they did not represent the needs of the larger community, as they were elected to do, they were going to get voted out of office. Question: I am curious as to how many short term leasing permits are held by city council members and if the existence of such creates a conflict of interest. Is that information part of the public record and if not, would the application of the Freedom of Information Act be applicable? Similarly are short term rentals allowed in council member's neighborhoods, ie Newport Coast, Newport Heights, Irvine Terrace, CDM? This situation has become unbearable. Residents on Newport Island have the drive, determination and resources to fight the proliferation of short term leases and we are united in this effort. Frankly, the short term rental problem is not unique to Newport Island. Homeowners on the peninsula are fed up with it as well and it would not take much of a community organizing effort to make this the number one issue for voters when they cast their votes. I have yet to hear a good reason why our community suffers through this short term rental situation when our beachside neighbors to the north and south have a small fraction of short term rentals. The answer I usually hear is "Newport Beach has always had a lot of short term rentals". That a really poor answer and response to what has become a big problem. Thank you for hearing me out and thank you for your service to the community. Best regards, Ron White 414-614-8411 500 39th Street Unit A Newport Beach, CA 92663 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Margi <mowilliams@cox.net> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 3:26 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short term rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am a longtime resident of Corona Del Mar and believe it is important to maintain the charm and character that attracts so many to the flower streets. Short term vacation rentals detract from the village feel of this community. People who are vacationing for a few days or a few weeks are simply not invested in being good neighbors. They can be loud, messy and inconsiderate without consequence and this changes the friendly feel of our community. I believe that short term rentals will also have a negative impact on property values. People don't want to buy in a neighborhood with revolving and unpredictable renters. I urge you to act responsibly for the permanent residents of Corona Del Mar and stop short term vacation rentals. Sincerely, Margi Williams Sent from my iPhone Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Municipal code changes From: Wendy Word <wendy@wendyworddesign.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:30 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com; iherdman204@icloud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Jurjis, Seimone <sjuriis@newportbeachca.gov>; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Municipal code changes [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe Dear Council and Interested Parties: We were quite concerned to hear that our permit to short-term lease is at risk or is being negatively affected by major re -writing of the municipal code. We were also surprised and disappointed we were never contacted/notified to participate and have a voice in this process. I am writing on behalf of my mother, Nancy Lynch. She is a 79 year-old widow and this is her primary source of income We have read the code and our property has been in good standing with the city for over 30 years, in compliance with all of the terms, and maintaining the highest standards. Our property, 1028 W Oceanfront, has always been managed by an established and reputable local property management agency to mitigate all of the issues mentioned as the burdens to Newport Beach. We have ample parking ( 4 spots), updated plumbing to support sewage and three paid trash containers to manage proper trash disposal. We have no history of noise, disruption or illegal activity. We have preserved and improved the home to be at or above the equivalent of the residential surroundings. The families who rent are respectful to our home and neighborhood- many of these families are repeat guests who come back to enjoy Newport Beach year after year. We are in favor of and promote the good neighbor policy as it is equitable to ALL residents. Our family is part of this neighborhood and enjoy our home personally when we do not have a family booked through our agency. Threatening the ability for us to rent our home short-term will jeopardize our ability to keep the home. With no history of incidents violating the policies in place, we request to continue practicing under the current policies we have followed for over 30 years. It is unclear as written how these new proposed revisions and possible code infractions would result in revocation... if there still a meeting to revamp this code, we request to attend and therefore please delay as we cannot attend the July 14th meeting due to concerns and heath history risks of COVID- 19. Please advise. Respectfully, Wendy Lynch Word WENDY WORD www.wendyworddesign.com T: 310.567.1106 Received After Agenda Printed July 14, 2020 Item No. 3 From: Mark Younglove <markyounglove@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:13 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Short Term Rental proposed code change [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Council members: I am, along with with my parents, owner of the duplex at 517 36th St. We short term rent and use for ourselves the lower unit and have a long term renter in the upper unit. I am writing to object to the negative language in the proposed code change regarding short term rentals. My experience with short term renters as an owner and as a person who has spent a lot of time in Newport Beach since I was a child has been consistently positive. The vast majority of people who rent short term in Newport are solid family people coming to enjoy our beautiful beaches and city. My understanding is the number of police calls and other problems produced by short term renters is quite small. The revenue generated to the city is nearly 4 million dollars which certainly is much, much more than any costs to the city specifically from short term renters. I'm sure the money spent by these renters at our local bars, restaurants and merchants is considerable. Newport Beach has a strict loud party ordinance which very effectively controls this potential problem. I suggest that the short term rental business in Newport Beach is a very positive element in our city not only for the owners of those rentals but for the city as a whole. I ask you to encourage and support these rental small businesses rot discourage them. Thank you, Mark Younglove 951 212 5984 markyounglove@Rmail.com #3 Subject: FW: STL Ordinance 2020 From: Marlene Youpel <marleneyouRel_@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:58 PM To: dianebdixon@gmail.com Cc: iherdman204@icloud.com; joybrenner@me.com; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachca gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <siuriis@newportbeachca.gov>; oneill4newport@gmail.com; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: STL Ordinance 2020 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. We have just become aware that there is a major rewrite to Newport Beach Short -Term Lodging municipal code and are concerned that the proposed ordinance may negatively affect our future ability to rent our property short term for less than 30 days at a time. We are completely in favor of a "good neighbor" policy. Is there one written that the city endorses? We are also in favor of stricter enforcement to protect ourselves and our neighbors, but not to limit our ability to rent our property short term. We don't want to be forced into selling our property thereby preventing our family from also enjoying our own family vacations! As Newport Beach homeowners since 2002, we implore you to it will greatly reduce our annual income. Our home has been managed by a locally owned management company for 18 years. The management company sees to it that our home complies with all city regulations, including collecting and paying for TOT to the city. They see to it that the home is rented to families only and does not endanger the neighborhood residents. As Seniors with limited resources, the income that our home generates provides us with the ability to pay for its mortgage and affords us the necessary income to support ourselves during the year. William A Youpel Marlene P Youpel 490 West Bluff Avenue Fresno, CA 93711 559-696-0773 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: NEWPORT ISLAND Short Term Rentals From: gohea <gohea@road runner.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:23 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: NEWPORT ISLAND Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members, Thank you for your time! It's been painful to watch the changes to this formerly family oriented neighborhood as it has become a full on party zone over my 31 years of residence here (especially so in the last two years). The City of Newport Beach would like to see each of our residential neighborhoods retain its residential character -- meaning that parking is managed, commercial activities are limited, and neighbors respect neighbors (in terms of noise, clutter, debris, secondhand smoke, profanity, and other nuisances). Here is one vivid incident. I returned from my evening choir rehearsal one hot September evening two years ago and my daughters were grossed out from the 70(ish) year old couple who'd been having vigorous sex, accompanied by slapping and the woman repeatedly yelling "You F'd Doris Day! You F'd Doris Day!" Only she didn't say F! As I was not home to go pound on the door when it was happening, my only defense was to play Doris Day at full volume the following day. In general, the parking is notorious on our fair island, and the "guests" who use these short term rentals see no need for staying off sidewalks, cramming cars everywhere, and blocking personal driveways and residents whose cars are in street ends. Also the speeding around our little, triangular island has increased 30 fold and I am fearful with kids coming out of alleys and on the streets running, or on their little bikes. On our first Friday back with street sweeping, the streets were filthy and I was pre -sweeping 40th street as my neighbors waited patiently to park after the sweeper arrived. No tickets were given as it got past one, and a STIR buzzed in and gave me a challenging "look" when I was shocked by his behavior. But hey, why should he care about our streets or neighbors? My husband and I regularly pick up trash around Newport Island left by the STR's parties and our park/beach users. The front of our island is a huge eyesore and liability as they also add scores to the numbers jumping off our bridge. So far a kid deeply sliced his foot on something in the bottom (requiring 16 stitches at Hoag) and another kid hit his hand on my neighbor's Duffy as it went under the bridge (scaring my neighbors!) Sorry so long winded --just pining for our residential neighborhood to REGAIN its residential character! Very truly yours, Gail O'Hea 4001 Marcus Ave. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Tonights Council Meeting Attachments: D6BA4C29-13632-413D2-B13136-8 D4B640A4C73 jpeg From: Gary Cruz <gcruz@ushand baILorg> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:45 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tonights Council Meeting [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members, Thanks again for your service to the community. I know the STR issue is a hot item. As a resident of Newport Island, I have expressed my views on the amount of construction, lack of parking, increased STR and increased poor behavior. It is not my place to cast all the blame on STR but certainly much of it is related to the increased in numbers of STR. However probably our worse culprit is currently a house that is a long term rental. I know the police have been there multiple times and I look forward to the date they move. This past July 4 was the worst I have seen since the late 80's. From what I hear it was not limited to Newport but was SoCal wide. We had fireworks up to 2 am. I would like to relay something I saw on the date. Somewhere around 10:45 pm, the police came on the island when fireworks were being set off at the park. They had been going off since 7 pm or earlier. I was in the alley and watched the culprits scatter. Where did they flee to ... short term rentals and the long term rental house mentioned above. After the police left, the fireworks resumed. I called it in and when the police returned, the culprits scattered again, going into the same homes as before. At least one of these STR are managed by the same company that spoke at the last council meeting about what a great job they do vetting out their tenants. I certainly would support a limitation on STR but code enforcement is the next best step. I have attached wording from the Newport website that reflects what I feel most residents want. I also have looked at codes and see that LUGO is on the books. http://www.nbpd.org/insidenbpd/services/lugo dac.asp Enforcement of those violations would be a step in the right direction. It is my hope that Newport Island returns to being a neighborhood and a place to live and not an investment and a place of business. Thanks again for your time and attention to this serious matter. Gary and Gina Cruz 503 38" St Newport Island (a u7 n > -- sasfl lel;uap!SUH anaaJ Ja uatjefnUaa s,Al!j agI mage eJUW weak of molaq paMu!l sluawnoop agi ash •uo!iewiom ajow job Z lied pue � lied :sajeg:D Mo!d AeW eajy uo!s!n!pgnS pjepuelsuoN 'pjepuelS dd`d •ooe!d ui Ams of i!wjad ash e lab of pey sjojejado 'sawog 6u!1s!xe Auew jo j •sasn !e!luap!saj dnoj6 Auew ale!nbaj aM AeM ag} pa6uego Jegj (50-8002 aoueu!pjp) aoueuipjo Mau e paldope !!ounoo Al!o ayl '8002 Ajenuep •Panjasejd aq }snw Apnwwoo jno ui sooeds a!gel!gey 'ales '!e6aj ui ap!saj of suosjad pa!ges!p jo sly6ia agl Jeg} ana!!aq os!e aM •(seoueslnu jaylo pue 'Apejojd '9� ows puegpuooas 's!jgap 'ja}jn!o 'as!ou jo swja} u!) sjogg6ieu loadsaj sjogg6!au pue 'paI!w!! aje sa!l!n110e !epawwoo 'pabeuew s! 6ul�jed jeg} 6UIUeaw -- jaloejego !e!juap!saj s}! u!ejaj spoogjogg6!au !e!luappej jno jo goee eas of 9� !! p!noM goea8 jjodMaN 10 43 agl •awoq ajeo jap!a ue pue 'awog 6u!n!! jagos e 'awog Ajanooaj POSUaol!-aje}S a „'!e}uaj uolunaje 'wjop e 'asno 6u!p o� pal!w!! a�jou �nq apnpu! dew s!g�-�iun �6!a�01 oq a!6u!s !euo!I!p s0 !e!}uap!sa�j dnojE) e sjap!suoo Al!o aqj 'A!!ejauaE) -sash !e!ivap!sa�j dnojE) jo sjagwnu lueo!j!u6!s peg aneg goea8:podMaN Jo died 53111113VA A33AO333 so 1VI1N3aIS38 0U111OHOV-AX) az.S;uoA jaew�oog � aaegS �oegpaaj �uiad SE)wOH dnojE) uoisiniQ JuawaoJoJu3 @poo « }uawdo!anap Al!unwwoo a S1NDNi2JVd�]a « luawuJano!D HOV38IdOdM3N Ao6-eogoeagjaodnnau g de 'I--1 '' 60:1.1. Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:46 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Island STR Ban, Short Term Rental Ordinances, SeaBreeze Example From: Roger Saxton <roger@catalinacomponents.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:03 PM To: Scott McFetters <smcfetters@outlook.com> Cc: Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Navarrete, Monique <MNava rrete@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <J Brenner@ newportbeachca.gov>; Herdman, Jeff <jherd man@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Jacobs, Carol <cjacobs@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Leung, Grace <gleung@newportbeachca.gov>; Murray, John <jmurray@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenan, Ellen <EBrenan@newportbeachca.gov>; Moss, Heidi <HMoss@nbpd.org>; Mark Markos <msm619@ymail.com>; Chris Harano <chris@harano.com>; Larry Leifer <lawrelei@gmail.com>; Jeff Friedman <jfriedman@turnerfiber.com>; ken@eclecticfinishes.com; Martin O'Hea <mohea@bixbyland.com>; newportislandjim@gmail.com; mundocane@yahoo.com; Mike Veal <mike@goldcoastglass.com>; Barry Mycorn <rlmequitiesl@gmail.com>; Bud Reveley <budreveley@gmaii.com>; Richard Wolpow <rwoIpow@pocnettech.com>; acooperz@gmail.com; penny reveley <pennyreveley@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Newport Island STR Ban, Short Term Rental Ordinances, SeaBreeze Example [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor and Council Members, My name is Roger Saxton & I moved to Newport Island 6 years ago to get away from the circus atmosphere of the peninsula. Weekly rentals, without a doubt, create markedly different living experience. With it comes a lack of concern for the permanent residents including disregard for parking, noise, trash and so on. With all that said, I can tell you that my main concern is safety. My son has a peanut allergy that is lethal & has been rushed to the hospital several times in anaphylactic shock. Every second counts to save his life & I can tell you that renters 3808 Channel Place routinely park infant of my garage. I have also seen EMTs not be able to get to my neighbors house last year when he needed regular assistance towards the end of his life. Safety is by far my biggest concern. Beyond that, I can tell you that 3808 Channel Place has run a temporary "all night business" out of there. Had people racing up and down Channel at 2-3 AM, too many people shoehorned into it and disregard for the COVID measures put in place pertaining to temporary no STR. Yes you read that correctly, racing on Channel Place. As preposterous as it sounds, that is a fact. As for enforcement, it has proven to be utterly ineffective. We have balled to 18 from I think what was 3 when I moved here. We have the most uniquely qualified neighborhood to have an owner occupied community. It makes complete and total sense. If someone is unable to get emergency help needed due to a disregard to this common sense request, I am afraid it will be a disaster for everyone. Bottom line OWNER OCCUPIED MAKES SENSE & it is what we had. It was taken from us & we respectfully ask for it back. Please look out for us and care about our communities, the rental agents certainly do not. 3 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 7:06 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Short Term Rentals From: Gary Schniepp <gdschniepp@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:57 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK kinks or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. My name Is Gary Schniepp, my wife Jo Ann and I moved to Newport Island in 1967. We have had the best of times living on the island. My neighbors have covered well all issues with Short Term Rentals. I support fully the things they expressed. It is the lack of responsible management practices by Property mangers and owners that seems to be the heart of the problem. Enforcement of existing ordinances would certainly help. Thank you for your consideration, Gary and Jo Ann Schniepp Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:47 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short Term Lodging From: Tresa Rowe Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:47:18 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Cc: Trina Audley Subject: Short Term Lodging [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello City Council: I'm writing to ask that you support existing short term rentals on the Balboa Peninsula when you vote at tonight's meeting. My sister and I own one unit, a single family dwelling, in the Lido Marina area. We screen our renters carefully and are available 24/7 to help with concerns. We purchased the home as a final residence for our 83 year old father when the time comes. Hoag is less than a mile away and he will be able to walk everywhere. To cover expenses, and provide a (always available) spot for dad in an emergency, we are temporarily operating the house as an airbnb. But our long-term goal for the home mandates that we operate judiciously. We only rent to guests who have reviews stating they respect property and neighborhood. We feel this is the only option for our family and we are not abusive operators! When you vote tonight, please consider the following: • We personally screen and manage each guest. Which is not the case with large "hands-off" agencies. • We have a 5 -star rating and dozens of good reviews - one guest even mentioned how welcoming our neighbors a re. • 95% of our guests are small families who have vacationed in Newport for generations. Our home is popular with grandparents/grandkids. • We are permitted for 8, but we only allow families of 6 — housed in three bedrooms (no sofa sleepers). • It is unfair to group us with large agencies and abusive operators when we've had NO problems. It's unfair to us, our guests, and our father. • Arbitrarily penalizing us after we purchased a permit, carefully follow STR rules, pay our TOT, ensure good relations with neighbors, and have never gotten a complaint is unjustifiable. • Our rental promotes the city of Newport Beach and local businesses. With our rental listing content, materials we leave inside the house for guests, and with the personal ambassadorship we convey in private messages. • Balboa has been a vacation rental destination since the 1920's. It is part of Balboa's character and a huge source of its revenue. We chose our home's location because of the vacation atmosphere and proximity to Hoag. Thank you, Tresa Holloway A sampling of our reviews: "We absolutely loved your charming beach cottage it couldn't have been more perfect! All of your special touches did not go unnoticed. You literally thought of everything to make it the perfect stay. By far the best Air B&B we have ever stayed! We loved it from the minute we pulled up. The charming front porch with the blue floral ottomans and blooming bougainvilleas , obsessed with the white and tan basket planter and the bucket to wash your sandy feet ... genius. Also just wanted to mention how sweet your neighbors were (the three girls next door) They were so nice and welcoming to us! We loved the whole time we spent there and we hope we get to stay again soon." -The Harris Family "Thank you again for making it possible for my sister and nieces to stay close by their husband/father during his rehab at Hoag Hospital. Your thoughtful touches meant a lot to them. They loved your stylish home and it's location near beach, marina, shops, and restaurants. The girls were thrilled with the bikes and the ability to walk to the beach. My sister appreciated the cleanliness and comfort of your home. They were beyond impressed. Thank you so much!! -Sincerely, Tami Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:23 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Ordinance 2020-15 & NBMC 5.95 From: Colleen Howes Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:23:13 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Harp, Aaron; O'Neill, William; City Clerk's Office; Brenner, Joy; Muldoon, Kevin; Duffield, Duffy; Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Herdman, Jeff Subject: Ordinance 2020-15 & NBMC 5.95 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To the Newport Beach City Council, I was on the City website and noticed that the NBMC 5.95 is already posted as pertinent municipal code. Is this even legal before the second reading and final vote to adopt the ordinance at tonight's meeting? Again I urge you not to vote to pass this flawed ordinance. https://www.newportbeachca.gov/gov_ernment/departments/finance/revenue-division/short-term-rentals/remember- these-rules Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:14 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: STRS on Newport Island From: Bud Reveley <budreveley@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:09 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: STRS on Newport Island [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 9:40 AM Bud Reveley <budreveley@gmail.com> wrote: My name is Jennings Reveley and I live on Newport Island having moved here from West Newport in 1995. The reason I moved from West Newport was because I found drunks sleeping behind my garage on occasions. Also the many drug deals that went down each night on in West Newport troubled me due to having children exposed. On the very first day that I purchased my property I was to meet a backhoe operator in front of my house on Newport Island. I waited 45 minutes for him to appear but was shocked to see that no cars passed my car on the street during that entire 45 minute. Today you're going to find two or three cars going by your house probably in about every 45 seconds. In those days you could keep the windows open in your bedroom and receive the sea breezes instead of loud noises from music and people talking loud and setting off explosive devices in their patio. Now our quiet wonderful beautiful safe neighborhood has been invaded by people who don't give a crap about the people who live here permanently and try to get some rest and go to work in the morning. If you complain they hurl curses at you and if you ask for the police to come they do a drive-by and then do nothing. We're sick of this. If you lived here you would be sick of it to. We are asking our elected officials to take a view of what's going on here and how it's going to get much worse in the future. This is not a residential Hotel facility area like other places where people vacation. Unfortunately they treat it that way. They are here to party all night if they feel like it. In addition they bring friends who have no skin in the game either and party with them. May I remind you that you are our elected representatives and are in a powerful position to help us. Please do something. I would prefer to see a total shut down of short term rentals and have only 30 day rentals plus. Even better would be to make it illegal unless it's a year-long rental. Some cities in Southern California have stepped up to the plate . Now you need to do the same! In addition I hope we never see another Fourth of July July as we saw this year. I was told a 100 officers were out that same night and they made just two arrests. That's ridiculous! Even last night I had to quiet down a group in their patio making loud noises after 10pm. Whatever you do must come with enforcement AND fines. Mulvev, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 7:06 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Island Resident Opinion on Short Term Rentals From: Joe Bowerbank <jbowerbank@profunditymarketing.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:00 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: Newport Island Resident Opinion on Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Newport Beach City Council: My wife and I are residents of Newport Island and have ben for nearly a decade. The number of STRs that the island exploded to in the last few of years has completely changed the dynamic of the island. We moved here to raise our son; now we want to move off. The level of traffic, number of ongoing parking violations, noise issues, crude language, partying, disturbances, and more that STRs have single handedly brought to the neighborhood has almost completely canceled out the feeling of living in a residential neighborhood and family-oriented community. My wife and I are in complete support of putting an end to this torture. Interestingly, we remember a day when some residents (including ourselves) took offense to Newport Island being bucketed as a Safety Enhancement Zone during the 4th of July. Now, however, and as a direct result of the increasing number of STRs on the island, I believe that the City of Newport Beach is well on its way to creating a War Zone 2.0. Newport Island is now a Party Zone starting in the spring, all summer long, and into the fall --- as summer rentals and partiers take our neighborhood over. If the city doesn't get STRs under control, we're simply going to move and get away from this trashy area. I motion that the city change the Name of the Newport Island to either "Vacation Island" or "Party Island." It's much more befitting as to the current state. Real estate agents need to stop selling this as a quiet community, for it is no longer. If I bought in Newport Island under the impression that it's a quiet, family-oriented atmosphere, I would 100% sue the real estate agent for false representations. I know one resident that is already talking about suing. Below is a picture of a summer renter/partier urinating on our garage last month. When my wife heard the stream of urine, she looked at the window and said something to this weirdo. He looked up and used an expletive. Nothing shocking, as it's nothing new. Thank you for your time, Joe and Mona Bowerbank 4007 Marcus Avenue Newport Island, CA 92663 949-378-9685 � 2 - �� s ■t �:� =�3 � ,® � Set za_�;� �\ r � y Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 9:42 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Short Term Rentals From: Michelle Clark Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 9:42:10 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: Short Term Rentals [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK Links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Clerk: I would like to see a blanket document that must be distributed to all persons involved in STRs that specifically states: 1. The noise ordinance of 10:00 p.m. will be in force at all times; 2. And if the police are called to your residence three times or more, a $1,500.00 citation will be issued. I understand that these terms currently exist, but they are not emphasized or specifically discussed in most rental situations. There are two houses on the other block that do not even consider theses issues. If the tickets were issued as (I believe) the ordinance reads, then we may see a lot more renters and owners adhering to the policy. Thank you. Michelle A. Clark