HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA1140..'.Mail1ng Addres",2300Universit,y Drive :~pe:rtl'0-"""..Newport Costa Mesa YMCA' ··.·Ml!l.itin"Address 2300 Ofliven ity Drive Newport Beach,CA 92§§L _ II I I >',~'-:-:',-::;::-- ilppu<:ant (prill'.:)Newport-Costa Mesa YMCA -Jim de BoomPhon"--,6",4...2.::.~9""9",9,,,Q _ Phone.,642-9990 Newport Beach,CA 92660!--_.- .'Present Use YMCA'Athletic Facili.!L._ n An "'Jent Illi!ly '"dgn for the owner if written "uthor~.•"tion fro...the n"or&OWl'let'b ..Hl<i1d with tlMI llwUCliltJml. _______________________""'_--__---__>40 ,'..,-.......---,.,.__-__00_--__..__."___""_""_~...,_ ~---...._"'------~-~--------_._- i'tl0Un<,!Oat"_.______~il Oat"'••.._• ...•."':c.l\ction~~ib<.,,'A ",_._.__.. ':'t·,..~1 __._._.C.C.ll,u.dn'l__ .l\otion ._ Date --_._- Dat":.....• !'lanning l"ly 9, Agenda Item Mo..~~~_ CITY OF NE'WORTBEACH TO: 'PROH:Planning Department SUBJECT,A.Use Permit No.1128 (j\J!tended)(Publ it:1f2:,~_I,L:"21 Request to amend a previously approved UB(o p~rlTlit which permitted the establishment 0f a YMCAf~cility I,n the R-l District.The proposed amendrn~n.t involv~g a request to construct a 44,564±sq.ft.ndr1ltiQn that includes y~uth and family fitness faciliti~~,a gymrlas- tics center,a child care center,offices,a c~Jnity rne~ting center and an illuminated roof t()!.J joqging/ex- ercise area.Toe proposal also includes ~modificatior to the Zoning Code so as to allow:a fY:irtion of the propo~;cd building,an enclosed trash ar(!£j.Mld .'1 6 foot high wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback;a portion of the required parkIng spaces to be cor.tpact spaces;and to allow t'.tiO •..ad 1 mounte~ identification signs ir:excess of 2 sq.ft. AND B.Variance No.1140 (Public Hearing) Request to allow alterations and additions to the eXisting YMCAfacility which will exceed th ..maximum al:l.owable building height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Parcel No.1 of Parcel Map No.3-35 'R~subdivision No. 215),located at 2300 University Drive.on the north- erly side of University Drive.easterly of ~Jstin Ave- nue in the West Bay Area. ZO!IE:R-l APPLICANT,Newport Costa Mesa YMCA ,MNER,Same as applicant Applications These applications involve a request to amend a previously approved us",permit whichP<'>!1llitted the establishment of s YMCAfacility in the R-l District.The proposed amendment involves a request to construct a 44,5641 sq.ft.addition ~atincludes .youth and h ..Uy fitness fa",iH.ties ,s,9Yl11nl!llltics.cenwr,schild .carec<lnwr ,,,,ffices,a 'l'O :COMmission -2.• ~omrnunity meeting cen~er and an illuminated roof top jogging/exercise area.The proposal ~lgo includes:a variance to allow th~~lt~rations and additi.ons to exceed the maximum allowable bUilding hrdqnt in t.he 24/28 Poot H~ight LiMitation District;a modificatinn to tht~Zoning Cocte so as to <1110 ....a portion of th~proposed bUilding;ar,enclosed ":rash area It:1d a 6 hiqh foot wall to encroach int.o the r"-"1uirerl 20 foot front yard setback;a portion of the requir2d parkinq spaces to be compact ~paces:and to allow two wall mounted identificntion signs in e>:Cf':oBRof 2 sq.ft.Use:permIt procedures are Sf~t fcrth In Chapter 20.80 and vf\riance procedures an'~et forth in Chaptr!T 2'0.82 of the Ne~~rt 8eact Municipal Code. Background At its meeting of May S,1983,tht.!Planning Com."TliS8ion (Jpproved a proposed expansion of the r~y.isting Newport Costa MeA:l.'IMCA (then called the Orange Coast YMeA).Said action included th~"lpproval of the following application9: 1\Acceptance of a Triiffic Study prepared PUTfWljflt to Chapter 15 ..c:0 of thr:>N~wport Ftt'ilch Municipal Code {"'t'r"rf).r:=Phasing f)rdindnce'"and City Policy 5-1 (IIAdminiatrtjtiv~Guidelines for :implementing tho 'rf t.I ff i c Phasing OrdifJanc:~"'). The proposal also included modifications to the Zoning Code AD as to allow a portion of the propos~d building,a new t.rash enclosure,and a six foot wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback,a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces,and to allow two wall mounted identification signs in excess of 2 sq.ft. 7.)Acceptance of an Initial Study and Negativ(!D~claration as having been prepared in compliance with the California Env.~.ronmen~al Qua]i ty Act (CEQA),the tlStat~CEQ1\,Guide- linl.!s"and City Polie'l K-3. 3)Th~approval of an amen~~nt to Use Permit No~1]28 flO as to allow the construction of a 44,564±sq.ft.addition that included youth and family fitness facilities,a gymnastics center,a child care center,offices,a community me\!tinq center,and an illuminated roof top jogging/exercise area. 4)The approval of Variance No.1098 to allow a portion of the proposed addition to exceed the maximum allowable height in the 24/28 Foot Height Li~itation District. In accordance with Sections 20.80.090,20.81.090,and 20.82.090 of the Municipal Code,UBe permits,modifications and variances automatically expire after 24 months from the effective date of approval if a bUilding permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and sUbsequently construction ill diligently p",Jrsued to cOlIIpletion. Inasmuch as no building permits wore i$sued for the project within 24 months of thQ effective·(late of approval for UseE-emit No.1128 (/\mended),Variance No.1098 and related modifications,sdd applica- tions expired on May 27,1985 (two years 21 day TO:?l~ing Commission -1.• 'I'h~apprc'/I;>C!Traffic Study ':A'il1 E.>xpire on December 10,l'j[P "mless p .....T!l''l]ts have not ~)~p.n i!'lsu,.~d anrl construct i0n begun on '!I'l p.r0P'o(Js(~d dev(~j I}r;n;t_'nt prine to that da.t~.Attached [f)r the Pl,')tlIllr,fl CQr1'l1':1is- :sion'!~inf0rmation is an ~xcerpt o~the Pli.onning Comnd~,rd',n mif.~lt(>c. for U.s~Permit.:No.1128 {Amr·nded)and ·larianc~No.J!jrH~,rli3~('~] April 23,1983 and May 5,1~8j. Tn conjunction with the Planning Comrnis!=.:irm's consider-Himt of the preViOtlfl Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)and Variance Nt).1()9B,an r n 1.t i;;;1 Stuny was prepared and it wa!":>determined that th~proj-:,ct wou l.d flot have a e igni ficant envi ronmental impact.Bi!ifi~d upon the in formatic:1 f;ontaincd in the In i tia 1 Study and SUggCB tHI mi t j gat ion m'?asures,t.he Planning Commis~1on accepted a Negative Declaration for the previous project. fnC\smuch as t.her~have b~~n no changes in the sub1oct:Pl:'"oj~ct and further t.hat there are no significant environmental imp:v.:tf:T~st:ltinq from the t::urrent project that '-'ere not considered j n nll~pr€'JiQUB Initial Study,nn further envfronmo.nt.a!review is require,,)(It:thin time!'and thf"prcvious accepted environrne~ntal document sh.,11 apply in this ca8t'~.A (;opy of the previous envir-onrnental dOCUmf'.."nf;it~f1ttar.:hed :or the:Planning Cormnission's information. r:onfomance with the General Plan and the-Local Coastal Pn'Jqrarn The Lund Use Elem(mt of the General Plan and the Local Constal Proqra'!i designl.1t!:the site for "('.1OV'ernmental,Educational,and !nl?titutional Facilities"uses.The existing YMCA complex on th~rrope~ty in question falls within the us~"permitted. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Uses The Newport Coasta Mesa YMCA cOr.tplex is locat~d on th"site.The <l?xiating development is constructed on a pad approximately 15 feet above the adjoining properties.Tn the north9ast is the Anniversary F.~tat~A Ringle family r.esidential development;to the southeast is an afficf"complex;to the 90uthwc1;t,across the University Drive right-of-wr1y,ts vacant property;and to the northwC'st,across a 28 foot wide alley,ill an attC1ched multi-fami.ly residential area. Analysis The applicant is now propodng to continue with the project and has requested consideration of a n~w use perait and variance.The proj- ect,an reflected in the new applications is identical to the previous project approved by the Planning COJlllllissionon May 5,1983.Said project consists of a 44,564±sq.ft.expansion of the oXisting 15,7691 aq.ft.'{MCA facility.The addition will include youth and family fitness facilities,a gymnastics center,a child car~center,office", •cO!!lI!\unity",eeting center and an illuJllinated·root top jog- ging/ey.erciBc area. The following outline ref1@cts the major characteristics of the proposp.d.d'tvelo!~.nt' COIlIOIission-4. LOT srZE:175,677:1:sq.ft. BUILDINGSET~£KS:RequiI.'ed PropoBed Front:20 ft.min.8 ft.(at corner of went addition) Sides,4 ft.29 ft.and 47 ft. Rear:10 ft.1I5t fto BUILDABLEAREA:15B,351±sq.ft. 2 x BUILDABLEAREA, (permitted in the R-l District) 316,702±sq.ft. PROPOSEDGtlOSSSTRUCTURALAREA:60,333:1:sq.ft. Existing Structure: Ea"t Addition: West Addition: 15,769 sq.ft 14,380 sq.ft. 30,184 sq.ft. TOTAr.60,333 sq.ft. FLOORAREARATIO:.38 x buildable area PARKING: Proposed:181 spaces (142 standard spaces,35 compact spaces, 4 handicapped spaces) Required:See details below BUILD:J:NGllEIG/lT'!!!!.~AVerage Permitted:29 ft.24 ft. Proposed:See details below See details below proposed Encroachments into Required Front Yard Setback The applicant is also requesting a modification to the Zoning Code so as to pennit various .structural encroacl>.ments.into the required 20 footfrcmtya.rd·setback adjacent.to UniversityPrive.Said.encroach- ments'include.a·.SlIIIlll.polO'tion of,,the westerly ,addition which en- croachestowithin ,9 feet of the f·lO'ontproperty.line;.a.trash .e.nclo- sure thatencroachell towith!n 6·feet of the •.front propelCtyllneJ!'nd a ,,6 foot.hi9h wall,that,encroaches.to.wi thin ..,.8•feet ()fthe "front property ·line.Staff bas .no .objections ,to.·.theprOJ?Osed ..jtncroacblilentll ina"'!'Ucb alltheyue winor in ,nature and.will not.bl.ockany,views fromadjacentproperties. TO:C""""i~~i(')n -5.• Pr~posed Identification Logos Two SO±sq.ft.logos depictinq a "y"are p!"0PO::';l';dt.o r;r~lnstctlh'd on thp front and westerly Ride walls of the west additiorl of ".he faci~ity 'Wherr~only a 2 sq.f+.ident'ification gign is permit:t~d ~r;thf?:<-1 District.Staff f~~ds that tne prcposad siqr.::;a!'e rear;rA',lLlro fr-.r th," institutional use on the site.H"wl?ver,staff feels t:hiif"+;hr>5ir.,n!1 should not be illuminatedl so as to be mor~comPlJ~H.Jp to thn. adjoining residential uses to the northwest of the sit~. Gymn.,sium Sheet 4A,Section A &B f/aries ·0 ft.- 35 ft.to top of parapet. Variance Request The applicant is again requesting approval of a varianr:~~00 as to allow c portion of the proposed addition to exceed the maximum allow- able height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District.As showr,on the attached elevations and !=\cctions,the highest ;:>oytion of the proposed west ::addition will be the par~pct walla around the-rooftop joggin'1/excrcise area.The maxirlll.lm height of t.his portiotl of the structure is 1St ft.above existing grnde (see Section B on Sheet No. A-4 of thn attached plans).Other portions of th~prr;p')f":"(l ndditions 'Will exceed the maximum permitted heiqht a:~well.T!'),)(;;::;int the ?lann1ng Commission in identifYing these areas on the >~'Jhmi U:f:'d plans, !';taff has prepared the following table which sets forth lht'!'!ari0Us h'Jilding heights and the corresponding locati()fj-;')f €<lch p{'.>rt1on of the building as shown on the attached plans. Portion of Building Sheet No. Multi-Purpose Room Sheet 4A,Section A 28%ft.to top of parapet; 30 ft.(average) to midpoint of insulated sky- lightR. Racketball Courts Sheet 4A,Section C 28%ft.to top of parapet. The Zoning Code requires that in order to grar,t any variance,the Planning COJ11ITllssionmust find that the applicant has est.ahlished the grounds for ..variance set forth in Chapter 20.82 (Sect inn 20.82.020 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code), 1.That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applying to land,bUilding or Use referred to in the appli- cation,which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land,buildings and/or Uses in th4 ".dis-trict.• TO,COOIIltlssion.-6. 2.That the granting of the application is necesury for the preservation and enjoymen~of substantial property rights of t.he applicant. 3.That the granting of such application will not"under the circumstances of the particular case,b~materV,,11y detrimental to the health,safety,peace,c~1mfcrt,mnd general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant and will not under the circumstances of the particular caM b""'<'lteridly detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to pl'Op<>rty improvementsin the neighborhood. Ap'0licant's Statements of Support The applicant has submitted the following statements In support ofthisapplication. Hardship invohed? The property is irregularly shaped and alignment of new expansion with existing facility requires one corner of the qymnas1.u.mto project into front setback.The present R-I zone is somewhat unreasonable in its application to an ir.etitutional building, especially regarding building height. What exceptional circumstances apply to the property? The required dimensions and height of a regulation size gymna.ium are extraordinary to the use of this property and do not apply to other R-I zoned properties and other properties in the vicinity • •Whyis a variance necessary to preserve property rights? ..'l'he h"iqht and front setback encroachment cannot be reduced in size .without destroying the integrity cf the proposed Use. ~lithout the deVelopment of these facilities the YMCAprogram ~ould not offer the types of progr~s required to sustain itself. It is s~aff's opinion that the requested height variance is both reason~le and warranted inaSMuchas the proposed additions could not reasonably be placed on other portions of the property without I11so el(ceedinqthe allowable height limits.It should also be noted that.tha required dimensions and heights.of a regUlation si2.e9YJllriasium.are extraordinary .to the use of .this property and do not·apply.to adjacent parcels.The proposed structure is also located at least 47 feet from the westerly side property l~ne and the.adjacent residential dev<!l<')pmentto the northwest is separated from the site by an eXisting alley..,'.....,".---.'-.'"-,'-.. Off-Street.Park~ The Municipal Code has no specific parleing requireoaents for insti- tutions A1mllar to the YMCA.If each space within the·expanded tacili ty WErrllcalculated on an individUAl ba.ds,.apprOXUllltely 350· parkin9'spacelll .woulc1be requIred •.~ver,baH40n inforJilllt:1011.f_.•,,,.c':;',...",-,.;'.-».•/>,••;::..".:.;,.',:,":,"-,-,',-:.'','.',:',.','on"._;.;',,-...Co"..,••',"",. ~~e YMCA ztaff,the gymnasium,~ffices,the rnulti-r~rpos~room,and other facilities will never be occupied to maximum occupan~1~~at the same time. !n conjunction with the consideration of the 1983 applieQt ion cf Use Permi.t No.1128 (Amended)"the YMCA staff had subr.!itttJr1 a rather extensi ve parking survey for the eXisting-faci Ii ty.'nw"park ing survey indicated that the maximumnumber of cars park.ed lat att hourly average occupied at the noon hour,was approximately S6 dut~m~bi~eg. Although these parking figures are over four years old,thn YMCA staff have indicated that its mel!l.bership has remained relatlvely the saroe since 1983 and thAt the previous parking demand for the facilIty has not changed signifi<::antly.Staff has recently visited th..3fte on several occasions"including visits during the noon hour,and it 1s our opinion that the figures included in the previous parking stud}. are reasonably representative of the current parking situation on the ~ubject property (see attached copy of 19B3 parking study). f,S shown on the attached mite plan,the applicant is proposing 181 on-site parking spaces in conjunction with the propo3ml mtp:;lns!on. Said parking plan includes 142 standard spacen,35 comp~ct ~pnces and 4 handica.PIJed spaces.1'hle is the same n~er of por.k 1rJq spaces previously approvPd by the Planning Commission.The Clt,.y Traffic Engineer has indica tad all additional handicap parking space be provided on-site.He has also suggested that the Propos'''l compact parking spaces be redistributed within the parking lot to his satigfaction. It is staff's opinion that the nul!l.b"r of parking spacea is adequate for the proposed expansion,provided that the applicant lI\onitors its programs in the YMCAso as not to exceed the capacity of the parking. The nul!l.ber of compact spaces (19\)is also consistent with the other similar requests that have been approved by the Planning Commission. Specific Findings and Recommendation Section 20.80.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit,the Planning Commission shall find that the establiRhment,maintenance,or operation of the use or building applied for will not,under thc circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health,safety,peace,morals,co"'fort,and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injuriou3 to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of t.he City. Staff recollllllends the approval of Use Permit No,1128 (/\mended)and Variance No.1140 and suggests that the Planning Commission take such action,with the findings and subject to the cO'lditions set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". PLANNIllGDEPARTl·1EN'!' JAJ.IES rEWI<.:XER,Dire TO:c""",bsion -8. Attachments.exhibi1:-A- Vicinity Map Information submitted by the Applicant Parking Study Pr~vlOUGly accepted Environmental DocUMent Excerpts of the Planning Commission Minutes dated April 21,1983 and May 5,1993 Plot Plan,Floor Plans,Elevations and S~ctionm EXHIBIT "'1\. FINDINGS AND CONOIT!Of>1S OF APPRG~l".I. !'Oil USE PERl4IT00.1128 (AMEllDF'LI AND V~~IANCENO.1140 A.Use Permit No.1128 lAz.ended) FIlll>IIIGS: 1.That the proposed use is consistent With the t.01I:10 Use El .......nts of the GeMr"l Plan and th..Local Coastal Program,and is compatible with surround- ing land UseR. 2.That the propased number of COMpact car.spaces constitutes 19 percent of the perking requirements which is within limits generally accept.ed by the Planninq Ccmmission relative to pre"Jim.ui similaz- applications • 3.That the proposed use of compact pary.~llg space-g, the front yard encroodment5 and prop'j~(1od 1.dent i- fication siqt".s will not,under the c1rcummt ..mr.::es of the this particular ca~e.be det.ri~nt.l to the heal th,safety,peace!,c<mfort.,It'1d general welfare of persons residing or working in the neiqhborhood of such proposed une or b<l detri- mental or injurious to pro[J'!rty and improvement" in the neighborhood or the genera 1 weI fare of the City and furtl'er that the propos ..d roodification" are consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of this Code. 4.That the'project.will """,,ply with aU <lpplicable City and"State Building Codes and Zoning require- Lents for new building applicable to the district it:which ~.he proposed project i"located,except those items requested in conjunction with the proposed modifications. 5.That the project lot size conforms to the Zoning Code area requirements. 6.That ..<lequat..off ·"treet parking and related vehicular circulation are being proVided in conjunction ·with thE'proposed development. 7.That all dqnificant envirolllll<!ntal concerns for theproposedcprt'ject have !><Ien addressed in a previouf'ly'eertifi",d·..n'firorllMntal document,and further,·that are·no additional reaso,.able should !><I TO, >~ ~nning Commission -10 •• 8.That based on the information contain(>o in the previous Initial St,udy and Negative Declaration, the project incorporates suffici0nt rnJtlgation Measures to redu~e potenti~lly significant en- vironmental effects,and that ~~~proje~t will n0t result in siqnificant environmental impl1rtr{. 9.That thp.approval of Use Permit Uo.11L~(Atr,Imdll1d) wi 11 not.under the cirClll'!!stances of th J"CIUW bf' detrimental to the health,safety,Pf'it1'-::,."moraIn, comfort and general welfare of perBon~residing and working in the neighborhood or be <l~trl"",ntal or injuTiou~to property or impr'ovenwHit q in the neighborhood or the general welfare of tJlt!'City~ CONDITIONS: 1.That development nhall be in substantt ...f1 confor- mance with the Approved plot plan,floor plans, elev"Itinna and sections,excppt as TlOt.,.,,}helow. 2.That all shall be adjoining mechanical screened properties. equipment and tranh areas from University Drive and 3 _That all improvem'-nts be constructed de;required by Ordinance an~the Public Works Department. 4.That vehicular access be providea to the eXisting stonn drain eaSf!Ment access road located at the northnasterly corner of the parcel to the satis- faction of the Public Works Department. 5.That the on-site vehicular and pedestrian circu- lation systems be subject to further review by the Public Works Department,including the design of the proposed service driveways. 6.That prior to the ~ccupancy of the proposed project!the circulation system it':'lprovements described in the Traffic Study dated April.1983 on Paqe 10 preparf!d by JEF Enqinp.~rinq,Inc., shall have been accomplished unless subsequent project approvals reqUire modifications thereto. (The ultimate design ot the intersection shall be subject to the approval of the City Tra.fic Engineer)• 7.That the existinq deteriorated drive apron and gutter on the University Drive trontag..be re- placed under an encroachment permit iSDued by the Public Work.Department. TO,COlIIIliBsion-11.• 8.That pribr to the issuance of a.building ~rndt, the applicant shall demonst:rate to th,..flat;i afac- tion of the Planning Department and th~Public Works Department,that eewer faciliU"'r;will bt, available for the project at thfo Uw·"f n,'r'll'" pancy. 13.The grading permit shall include,if required,a description of haul routes,access points to th(!o site,watering,and sweeping program de-signed to minimize impact of haul operations. (.....That arrangements be made "'i th the J-ljbJ it;W(.Jr~g Department to guarantee satisfactory c~~rl~tlon of the public improvements. 10.That a master plan of sewer,water and storm drain faclli ties be prepared and approved by the Public Works OC9artment prior to issuanc~of any building permits. 11.Development of site shall be 5ubjc~t to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning DepartmentP. 12.That a grading plan,if required.ah ..:d 1 in(""lude a complete plan for temporary a.nd peJ"l!\,lnr~nt.drainage facilities,to minimize any potential imparts frv~ silt,debria,and other water pollut~ntB. 14.An erosion,siltation and dust control plan.if required,shall be submitted and be suhject to the approval of the Bu ilding Department and a copy "hall be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control BO&rd,Santa Ana Region. 15.The velocity of concentrated run-off from the project shall be evaluated and erosive velocities controlled as part of the project design. 16.That grading shall be conducted in accordance with plans prepared by a Ci vll Engineer and based on recommendations of a 80il engineer and an enqi- neering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and qeoloqic investigation of the site.Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Bull t"grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Building Depart- ment. 17.That erosion control measures shall be done on any eXpOsed slopes within thirty days after grading or as approved by 'the Gradinq £ngineor. TO:COIIZission -12.• lB.A landscape and irriqation plan fcr the project Rhall be prepared by a licensed l.~r>dn-(;.'l~~rchi- tect.Thp.landscape plan shall i~·n~r~te and phase t.he installation of landsc-:spJ n'l with th,., proposed construction Gchedule.q'rlf,r to t.he occupancy of any structure,the licenant1 landscap~ architect shall certify to toe Plannlflq fJnpartlMont that the landscaping has been install~~in accor- dance with the prepared plan). 19.The landscape plan shall be subject tIJ the:!review of the Park!;,Beaches and Recrteatif)fi I~partment. and approval of the Planning Department. 20.The landscape plan shall include a m"int~na.nce program whi~h controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 21.The land~cape plan shall place he.","!Htrlf)hasis on the use of drought.-re!'listant nativ,,~'1Nftltation and be irrigated with a system deGi'..;r'l~t1 to avoid ~urface runoff and over-watering. 22.The landscape-plan shall place heaor/"'mphasis on fire-retardant vegetation.The finnl landscape plan shall be designed so as to ir:t"nsify the landscaping for screening purpose!:),ildjacent to the Anniversary Lane Tract,and UJ 1ncr~aBe the "'all and landscaping at the northwesterly corner of the site where the foot traffic Is occuning, 60 as to prenlude persons from qaining "'CC~88 at thio location. 23.Landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris.All vegetation shall be regu- larly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 24.That any roof top or other mechanical equipment shall be sound attenuated in such a manner as to achieve a maxim:.mt sound level of 5S dBA at the property line. 25.That any mechanical equipment and e1Mrgency power generators shall be screened fraD '.liav and noise associated with said installations shall be sound attenuated to a~ceptable levels in receptor areas. The latter shall be baaed upon the recommendations of a licensed enqineer or a professional engineer practicing in acoustics,and be approved by the Pl:ninq Department. 26.That all buildings on th"project site shall be equipped uith fire s~ppre&sion systems approved by the Fire Depar~nt. 27.That all acces~to the buildinq ~aprr0v~d by the Fire DepartP1ent. 28.That:fire vehicular access,includinlJ ,.b,~propo~;n.d planter islands,shall be appro·/ed 'iJ'I the r i re Department. 29.Final design of the project shall provid~for the incorporation of water-saving devices rur project lavatories and other water-using facilities. 30.That the lighting system within the structure and in the off-street parking lot shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light 9pilla'1"and glare to the adjacent residential uses.The plans shall be prepared and signed by a Licensed Elec- trical Engineer;with a letter from th..Engineer stating that,in his opinion,this requirement has been ~t. 31.That the final design for the parking area be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 32.That a minimUlllof 181 parking spaces be provided on-site at all times. 33.That the location of the compact parking spaces shall be redistributoo within the parking lot to the satisfaction of the.City Traffic EngiMer. 34.That five handicap parking spaces shall be pro- vided .0n"'i1ite unless otherwise permitted by the l3uilding Department •.. 35.That a JlW(imUl!l.of.19\:1;.(35 space,,)of the parking on-site lUy be compact p<lrking spaces. 36.That the service driveways shall be subject to further review and apprOVal of the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. 37.That no nighttilllGliqhting shall be permitted on the runningtrack/exer~i$e area,except for pacing light!>01).therunninqtra.:k. 38.Thatno·permanent ""pIified paqinq sy"tOllls shall be permitted in any outdoor ar"a on the subjectproperty. 39.That the two proposed·';'''U·''lqns shall not be illuminated. TO: 40.It shall be the responsibility of th'1'"{MCA to monitor its programs for the prop(,sed facility so a~to not exceed the capaci ty of tht;proposed parking lot.If it is determined by th"Planning Departm#!nt that proqraDlS excell'Jd'thQ on-si te parking spaces,they shall be modified hv the YMCA in a manner approved by the Planning Dep~rtment. 41.That a gate shall be required across the driveway to close off the parking lot during the non-busi-ness hours. 42.That this UFe permit shall expire unle ...exercised within 24 month"from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090 A of th"lIewport8eachMunicipalCode. Variance lIo.1140 PIllDIIlGS: 1.That there are excerc10nal or extraordinary circumstances applying to the land.building.and use proposed in this application.Which circum- stance"and conditions do not geMrally apply to land.bUilding.and/or uses in the SllIIIedistrict inasmuch as the YMCA's gymnasium requires specific dimensions and height that do not apply to adja- cent properties in the vicinity. 2.Th!lt t!t~granting"of 'a variance to the height requirementlSneeessaX'Y"for the pre""rvation end enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicant,.irUi.lIIlSI1ChaswithoUt the height.the YMCA eould hot"offer programs necessary to sustain itself and serve the community. 3.That the e8tablishment.maintenance.and operation of the use.property.and bUilding will not.under the circumstances of the particular case,be detrilll<lntalt6th~health.safety.peace,comfort, and geheralwelfare of persons redding or working in the neighborhOOd of such proposed use or detrimental or injurious to property and improve- IMnts'in the neighborhOod or the ,,"""ral welfareoftheCity. CONDITIONS: 1.Thatdev"lopment shall be'in substantilll1 !l1lIncewi th the approved plot That all applicable conditions of Use.Perm!\:110. 1128 (Amended)shall be fulfilled. 3.That the height of the parapet wan f,~hnll b~ limited to that required by Code,is 4.1.ifJGhl?S~ The propoEed stairwells shall be no Iii ;th~r !':han the approved height of th~parapet wall" II, I l!I'II,III II I L'I '~==--:-:-=-" II 1_---n. Iii,i'"!"i .,!,j •I yl I I L__-, II ! (I Ii I III~II JAr ---=~-:-:-=::-::-I II II I I "~~...III Z,III,..,,0: _.. Ii::, ~0 "- ..J.-"I-~'"O.d 0..I Wo,~'"nq ilLlfOA~"'1i~Nrm J:I§0 H~ wen -i-- I, I ~ I iI, I ! ~","...~-,,,.....~ ORANGE COAST YMCA fACILITY EXPANSION PROGRAM OEFINATION The Orange Coast YMCA seeks to add 45.000 square feet to its existing 1&.000 square foot facility which is located at 2300 University Drive,Newport Beach.Here beluw are listed the program spaces along with program defination. GYMNASUIM -primarly to house existing programs such as aerobic fltne,'which is offered five times a day un the outdoor slab;ski fitness offered twice a week; men's basketball offered twice a week at noon and other times court is vacant; youth phyiscal education offered after school;'YBA leag"e for children currently offered six days a week in afternoons.Gymnasuim would allow us to serve our pre- sent ~mbers without concern for weather which causes class loss and income loss. GYMNASTIC CENTEIl -would take the place of our lobby located mult}-purpose room In which we offer movement education for children 3 months and older;gYlOIiastics for older children;self defense,judo,Karate for adults;ballet and dance classesforchildrenandadults. FOUR RACQUETBALL COURTS would allow the YMCA and allow for more youth time on the courts. and tournaments on a regular basis plus some to retain more of it-,existin9 members We would also be able to offer leagues new programs such a,wallevbalI. TWO NEW LOCKER ROOMS would allow us to provide seperate change room and shower facilities for our existing members based on age and SeX.Currently women and girls have one locker facility and men and boys have another.~eperate facilities for each of the four groups would be provided. WEIGHT ROOH this new ro.Offiwould replace the existing faci Iity which would be turne<l into a maintance centerwIthshop equipment.The new fael lity WDuld house CAM I Iand0IympicweightroomequIpl11ent. P.E.STORAGE &OFFICE SPACE would be used to house eXisting staff and store existing equipment.Some new equipment for gymnastics would be requi"ed. TWO P.E.AREA MEET IfiG ROOMS adjacent to the Gym and pool area would house meetings of existing groups such as scuba classes.life saving classes,Healthy Back,lead- ership training near the faci I ity of use rather than in the chapel or,red room. MEW S FITNESS CENTER a new faei I ity for our 320 men Fi tness Center members whi Ie .~men would use the existing facility.Both groups would have access to their center while the YHCA Is open rather than on limited time basis.We would have a shared exerc i se area and exerel se equi pment. MULTI-PURPOSE ROOH for large group meetings that are often now held out doors or in a stuffed lobby area.Room would also be available for AYSO,Boy Scouts,etc to USe. KITCHEN to replace existing kitchen facility wIth large,more functional food service preparation and service facility.We would be able to prepare meals and snacks for group which we currently have to buy outside the V and have brought in. FAMILY CRISIS CEHTER OffiCES to house existing staff which is currently located at First Methodist Church In Costa Heu and·wll I result In a reductIon of in ~nd out trips betw.flenthe existing facilities.Annual family case.load of.Center staff Is90fillllilies,.., •page 2 HEETING ROOMS'STAFF OFFICES to house existing staff and to provid,additional space for groups which currently meet at the YHCA.Currently our parent-child proqram lebdership groups meet at the Y,often tighly scheduled around other meet- ings In the same two rooms,i.e.healthy back class. NURSERY AREA currently we provide care for 40-50 children each day in one of our meetlrog rooms for parents who wish to have a work out or.participate in a YHCA class.The nusery area would allow for more room for the children as well as an outdoor play area. The YMCA currently has over 12,000 member/participants on an annual basis partici- pating In a variety of classes.organized programs and drop In activities.We see addltitonal participants In such things as aerobic fitness classes,but basically from our exlstinimemberShlp/particlpants.The new participants will generate In- come to pay for acilities and staffing costs. The amount of time that a person might stay at the YMCA would Increase as more programs are offered,but we do not see the same person making more than one trip per day to the YMCA.The av~rage length of stay would increas~from I hour to 1 hour 40 minutes. The only facilities where we would have increase membership In are current members proposed members Men I s FI tness Center 330 4$0 Women's Fitness Center 150 450 The YMCA facilities are croWded ROW.per our members.If expansion is not done in the next 12-18 months.our membership/participation ..ill drop frOO!the 12.000 mark back to the mid-1970's number of 6 to 7.000 people annually. TRAFFIC STUDY DAILY LOG 01 RECTI ON 01 RECTI ONTYPEOFVEHICLEFROMCOINC 0'"wa:..'"w ..w C>0 0 0 0 '"..:...J z Z '"Z '"a:......w ..'":>...'".l-.I-0::O...J 0w:z:'"...J ...J '"...J ...J '":>:z:u z...w ..:II>II>II>II>0 ..:•I->..0::0:::c w:z::z:u '"w w ~w w ~C>W<...J ...J Z Z Z Z ...~>...J.....J <~<<:r ...J I->~...J ~>...J I-...""I-DATE 0 :>()0 a:.....0::w 0 >w 0u...l-I-0 0 I-<....... TUESOAY.F,BP-UARY 15.1983 212 96 308 458 128 107 73 105 122 81 428 II;0 WEDNESDAY.FEBRUARY 16,1983 172 104 276 403 112 102 64 95 116 70 374i Ii 6 THURSDAY,FEBP-UARY 17,1983 230 121 351 M7 131 119 91 105 -125 95 480 II;2 FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 18,1983 146 105 251 31.8 II;86 71 75 101 71 Itlll!Ii 2••SATURDAy,FEBRUARY 19,1983 22 15 15 29 15 100 13/4 0 SUIjOAY,FEBRUARY 20,1ge3 20 13 38 '39 13 15 9 12 15 10 62 it 0 110NDAY,l'EBRUARY 21,1983 il2 72 184 238 71 66 49 57 67 62 356 .............- I/,y .<0...,If 0 /I IJ I!I,I\f,C'...,SI1I:l., 6'10 I tD 3.:3.It i:_n.'I 10 (; i:1<>If /()£" t"""')./,5 /2 II t>:~"7 '~"S .,'"""7/7 Ie-/9 • '1:,0 /7 5 ;;l,o II 10'.4 1<1 1'-Ie 1'1 10:10 6 /0 't 10 II :00 /1 17 /'1 /7 ":10 7 ;to'7A.b.,;,...~l'i ,7 33 If ,1:10 77 go g- J:(X)3 16?~o ,:ro ¢~/I J7 "'7,)6 6 r I'J. 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Id 7!~[~cJ.(!1j1f If 6.6 5.1{ A fr 7 ~7<,o .'I 6 3.6 b" 'l,'I t((:o~.,'ft 3 ;l...5-'/~'}..,.~1/5;'t /flJ /.ff 5.2... Sj6 (7)f ri !5'•q 5.' pfpl .7 ...•¢';·il P ,~.:l.. +~&1•.I::...,.;..".~+'f.~.llx·1f2>-0.J.I--·tS ·+-"'+·.....,"~+;.....,~'.7C'-i7~~~""'lf!~.:,.F7:..f· • 6'''0 ")~~ -"'10 ~;"O f<l<> "t '00 'l !10 ,O!Do'"'~"1/:#~ ":~ 1~(4"Aloe"! /:l!'" I '-de "fJe ¢ ¢ I11 6 !5' 3 65 6 I{.'"I I ~~,,~ .,.,~G ~~ce 1'Jll '1'-(1" >l{:1fJ S~()O'.r;,Q.,40 ,t']"", ':00 '1'10 l?:oo s'10~·oo '1"30 Of!JP6G (OlIn CfI1(/(jRflrflC :>rIJ..Dy .-..~,.;~h?el'$· 56,II si SO I.trII'q!f ~). ·"·,. • ;,"I \I \ I "I \\ \ April n,1983 of New,nry,t Beach MlNUHS ROil CAli INDEx Traffic StooL (Public /learing) Request to c-::>nsider a Traffic Study in CClfljlmction With a 45,000 sq.ft.addition to the YMCA facility. AND Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)(Public Hearing) Request to amend a previously approveG us"permit that perlRitt<id the establishment of a YI'.cA flidHty in the R-1 District.The proposed amendment i3 4 request to construct Ll 45,000 :f:sq..ft.addition that includes youth and family fitness facilities,Q qymnastica center,a child care center,offices,q community meeting center and an illuminated roof top j099'inq/exercise area.The propos.-.l alst'.,l lncludes a modification to the Zoning Code b'"iin to allow a portion of the proposed bUildiny,all enclosed trash area,and a 6 foot wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback,a portion of tho required parking spaces to be compact spaces,and to allow a wall mounted identification sign in exc",ss of 2 sq. ft~)and the acceptance of an environment~J document. AND Variance No.1098 (Public Hearing) Request to .allow"a:portion of the proposed add i.tion to the Orange Coast YMCAto exceed the t1aximum allowable height in the 24/28 Poet Height Limit.ation District. LOCATION:Parcel No.1 of Parcel Map Ha.3-35 (Resubdivision No.215)ioc.t"d at 2300 University Drive,on the r.rJrtherly side of University Drive,easterly of Tustin Avenue in the West Bay area* Items No. 7,8 and 9 ALL COl4TIlWED TO MAY 5,1983 ZONE:R-1 APPLICANT:Orange Coast YMCA,Newport Beach OWNER:Same as applicant April 21,1'383 MINUTES City of Newport Beachrou.CAli Agenda Itema No.7.8 and 9 wp.ze heilrd Cf'.)lwlJrT(1'l'.1 y.due to their rela.tionship. The public hearing opened .In cGnnectj.cm wt t h th~!'H'! items and Mr.James d~Boom,Executive DireCluc (tiC the Oral\ge Coast YMCA.and resident:ot Ncwpof...itt H~'u}ch, appeared before the Commission.Mr.d~Boom d«liv@r~d a slide presentation which depicted the various programs which are offered by the Orange Coast YMCA. Mr.de Iloom stated that.the current facility contains approxi .....t.ely 16,000 square feet which services approxiJM.tely 13,000 F.ersons..He statri that the objective of the proposed expansion i~to provid~ additional space to servt>its -=urCf2'nt ~mtJf~tr;mor(' adequately.He ntated that he has th~following questions on several of the condition~listed in Exhibit "A"for th~use permit approval: Mr.de BoOla referred to Condition No~7.nela:ting to the vehicula.r access to be prOVided to th~eXifiting storr.t drain easement access road.and an:kf:d if the eXisting parking spaces at this location will }~lost. Mr.Donald Webb,City Engin~er.stated that vehicular access to the atom dr«in is needed for rnaint.enance purposes,but that the existing parkinq nf-sces wouldnot.be lost. Mr.de Boom referred to Condition No..6,re::~at.ing to the replace ....nt.of the det.eriorat.ed drive apron,and stated that they feel t.hat.the responsibility lies with £guidon which utilized heavy eqUipment on tho driveway. Mr..Webb stated that the Public Works DepartJ1'lcntdoes not care who replaces the drive apron and gutter,as lonq as it qets replaced. Mr.de Boom referred to Conditicn No..25,relating to the fire suppression syst~mg,and asked uhat &9cncy has control over the sprinkler system..Plannlnq Director Hewick.er stated that the .r-'1 reo Depar~nthas lIiJthorlty over the fire suppression systems to be utilized~ Mr..de Boom referred to Cond1ti0f}No.33,which prohibits niqhtti ....lightinq on the runnJ.nq trackl exercise area,and litated that they "r~d(~mirous 'of installing knee-high ",..lk"",light.s around the insid"of the track ~ 1t-lDEX Hr.de Boom stated that they would liy.~to be able to utilize the track area until 10:00 p.m.,at the latest. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the staff was concerned with the close proximity of th~t.rack area to the surrounding residential area and the impacts which the niqhttizle use of the track area ""-'1 ,"",e upon the surrounding residential area. Chairman King asked if it would be possible to pattern the lighting On the track to not e"tend Ii.bove the parapet wall.P!annin9 Director Hewicker Btated that even if the lighting is patterned in au,,11a manner, there will still be activity On the tea"k dUring the eve:s~in9 hours,which may be o!f'!Jllgtve to the surroundinq residential ares. Planning Director Hewicker stated that during the s .......r IlOnths,it remains li9ht untll 9:00 p.m.He stated that d~ring the winter months,it qets dark much earlier and is ...ch colder.Therefore,he stated that the seasons can dictate how late in the evening the track can be utilized,rather than installing nighttime liqhting. Mr.de Boom stated that the airport officials have requested that a soft red light be iMtalled on the top of the roof.Planning Director Hewicker stated an aircraft warning liqht would be acceptable. Mr.de Boom referred to Condition Uo.34,prohibiting an amplified pa'Jing systl!l!l in any outdoor area.and asked if a portable public address sy.tern would be allowed for the Saturday Dl<'rningswim ""'er.s and during the evening in the campfire circle.Planning Director Hewicker stated that Condition No.34 could be modified to read,"That no permanent amplified pe'l'1ing systems shall be permitted in any outdoor ar~a on the subject property .... Hr.de E10011lreferred to Condition No.16,relating to program monitorin9 of the proposed facility,and sU9gested that the following wording b~in.erted in the last sentenee,"the programs shall be modl,fi"d by t.he YMCAin a manner approved by the Planning Department," Planning Director Hewicker stated that it is not the Planning Department's intent to modify the programs of the YMCA. April 21,1983 t Beach COM/INSSJO-B.S April 21,19tH MlNUHS t Beach Hr.de Boom referred to Page 4 of the ~t,l!f!r0p!:H't which addre!'lses inconsistencies wi th tho,·"'p'prov~d conditions of approval in conjunct.ioll «Ii 1.h thf~(~j('i st inq development.He stated that th~masonry wall ~djaccnt to the Anniverdary Lane tract was const nl,.:tf!d in 19tB and was ",pproved by a City inspector.Ile stated that the outdoor basketball court and playground is enclosed by a 10 foot high fence.rather than a 5 f'JOt high fence.He stated t~at the revolving doors to the pool and the weather dome are stored in the outdoor storaqe area.Chairman King stated that this area would be replaced by the proposed expansion. Mr.de Boomstated that the 4 foot high light standards were continually being destroyed by chi,ldren on bicycles.He statfltd that over a year iJqo,two of the YMCAvolunteers fnntaj led the higher light standards for safety and security purposes for the members. Mr.de Boom reforred to Condition No.29,relating to too lighting system.and stated that they will comply with said condition.He stated that they are also willing to comply with the landscaping conditions which have .been recommended in the staff report. In rasponse to a question posed by Chair~dh kinq~Mr. de Boom stated that the four foot high light standards have been un~ired and would be removed fo~the proposed expansion; Commissione~Ralalis asked Mr.de Boomif the YMCAhas considered using sat.elite facili ties within the community,rather than combining the proqr~s into onp facility.Mr.de 800m stated tha~th~y have con»1dcred the Gateli te conc(optI but the costs invol J i nq lartd" additional facilitiel:i and staff have liot proven feasible. Commissioner Balalh state<l that the area located around the OASIS facility or the Corona del Mar elementary School site would be ideal for offering the programs of the YMCA.Il~.de Boom shted that '.th,'y have explored the Corona del Mar Elementnry School site,but there does not appear to be sufficient c....uni ty support.financially or progr"'"wi""..to support thl!!'operation of a YMCAextension'at this locat1.on. April 21,1993 City of NeWOC:lrt Beach MINUTES ROU CAll Hr.de Boom Btatf"d that the YMCAoffera orl-r;it.£:fitnesr; proqraDtS for the e.ployees at ~e Ford Anronutr-onicn complex and swimming instructions ~,dpartment cnmplexes within the canmunity.He 6ti1t~1 t.hat thp.: Orange COAst YMCA members are equally ';Jllit b(~t.....een Newport Beach and Costa Mesa resider\t~,with the balance of the IlM!mbers who are ern-'loye(f iT.tht!airport area and reside in various cities. In response to 4 question posed by Commissioner Ba1a115,Mr.de Boom stated that thn facility is generally utilized by the follO'..,ing groupe of persons during a typical day:6:00 ~.m.to 9:00 ~.m.-~orking adults;9;00 a.~.t.o noon hOU3Clo(lVJH:I./;nd senior citizens;noon to 1130 p.m.local b\Jtd',~ssmen;late afternoon children~!):oo to 7:00 p.M.working adults1 and,7:00 p.m.to 10:00 p.m.-lo~nl residents. In response to 8 question posed by Commissioner 8ala116,Mr.de Boom stated that the running track will be constrlJcted with an artificial surface over lightweight concrete.which will help to eliminate the naiae.Cornmissionp.r McLau9hlln state.d that she is concerned with the noise which will be g~nerated by the perHons utilizing the runhi:--q trock,not.naccaSBr ily the noise of the running 8urf~ce. In response to a question posed by CommisEioner McLaughlin,Mr.de Boom stated that th~Corona del ~~r Elementary School site was considered for latch key children,but there was not sufficip.nt interest to support an after-school program at thifi loc~tion. Commissioner Goff stat~d ":hat since the running track could ~utilized until 9:00 p.m.during the summer mo~chs~~thout the benefit of illumination,he asked if the adjoining resident.s would find i t ac~epta.ble to illuminate the running track until 9:00 p ....dun.fig the wlnt.p,r I1\Onths.Chairman King suggested that pt:rhaps recessed lighting could be installed in tne parapet vall on the running track which may not bo offensive to the surrounding residents. Mr.de Boom referred to a model of th~requested development which depicted the proposed layout. ,!"o£X April 21,1983 NeMXlr1t Beach MlNJTES ROIl CAU Commissioner McLaughlin asked Mr.de Boom lr they had eons idered placing a portion of th..r"ci li ty underground or lowerinq tht'facil!ty an ":;~riot to exceed the maximum allowable height.Mr.de Boom stated that this concept had been discu&C.f:d,however the costs of ~~e prnject would increase h~cauae of the amount af soil exeavation which would be t'lecessary. Chairman King stated that beeause the project would be developed with donations and matching gr.nt funds,the applicant is trying to keep the costs at a minimum~ Mr.Raleigh Pusard,resident of 2139 Anr.iver8ary Lane and retired Director of t.he YMCA,apPC..l)r(!ldbefore the C01nmission.He stated that the YMCA ::Ir.H"~ratp.s from program memberships,community fun~s and donations.He stated that the National YMCA has stringent regulations for their professionally trained and college educated staff members.He stated that important income is derived from adult physical education memberships.He stated that the proposed development is needed in order to more adequately serve the ~mbers of the ~ommunity. He stated that the concerns of the surrounding residents and the concerns which have been expressed,can be resolved. Commissioner Winburn asked if the wall,adjacent to the Anniversary Lane tract,·which was constructed originally 1968,was constructed atth"r.i.nil!lU1Dheight, rather than 5 feet in height becaus"of a lack of funds.Mr.Pusard stated that funds 'Wp.relacking in 196B,but that the residents of the area workil!dwith the YMCA in resolVing the problems which drOS~4 Mr.John Shear,resident of 2128 Mesa Drive.suggested that the handball court be constructed u~erqround.He stated that ",variance to exceed the height.is n,,,t warranted because of the lack of funds.lie st,lted thi)t the proposed development can be cut down i1J size·and still aCCommodate the needs of the facility.He stated that the blinking pacing light on the running track are objectiontible and that an amplified paging system should not be allowed during the eveninq hours.lie also expressed his concern that the proposed development ....y wa.rrant the·expansion of Universi tyDriveinthefuture. -43- COMN April 21,1983 MINUTES Cit of New t Beach Chairman King stat.ed that pacing liqht;tc whi ch tlfJ hllf; observed at other f.a.cilitieK are not not tc~ablf!t untj J the runner himself approdches the light. Ms.Margaret Polson,resident of th~,P'our Pours Condominium Association,and out-goinq Pr~hjdent of the Association,appeared before the Commission.Ms. Polson stated that the members of the-lUJ!lot:iati(Jo ar~ not fully ll.ware of the impact.l1 of the proposed development.She expressed their conc~rns relatin?to the proposed lightiT~,pacing light.,lnnd&caping, noise,traffic,and the general imphdts upon the community.She requested that.this i t-#m he continued so that the members of the Association t:~n become more familiar with the proposed development. MS.Polson stat.1!d that the '('-teA d'.divered a iJresentati.on to the Fe,..;uFours Associlltion lllst week, but not all members of the AS50C!Ation were in attendance for the presentation. Chairman King asked if it would be pOssible to locate the pacing lights in the parapet walls.Planning Director Hcwicker stated that the only enclosure of the parapet 'Walls is in the corners,with an opocn railing in between. Mr.Dave Lorenzini,the architect for the project, stated that the parapet wall will be lOC<1ted approximately 18 to 24 inches above the surface of the running track,which can ar:commodatc th~proposed walkway lighting.fie stated that the pacin9 lights utilize very low voltage dnt:!because of the hcigh~of the bUildlng,the adjacent residentG would not be able to gee the lights. Chairman King stated that lenses of t.he p.Jcinq lights are similar to traffic lights,which can not be seen unless a person is viewing them from a head on position,rather than a aide bngle.Hr.T..oren¥ini stated that the pacing lights do not rl~nh nnd are not bright.He stated that the pacing light.n are covered wit.h colored lemu~1i ''IS descdb ....d by Chfiirmiltl y'ing. INDEX April 21,1983 •MlNUHS IN[)£XROllCAli City of NeNport Beach In response to a question posed by COf!ltfilN.r;ionf!cGaff lMr-l..<>renzl.ni further explained th(~dr>f.dqn of the parapet walL Mr.Lorenzini stated that the irJtent is to keep the height of the parapet wn]1 iSn low as possihle,in order to keep the bulk of t.hl!hUilding as low as posn:ible.HE'stat.cd t.hat the ligt,ts will he located in the sidewall of the parapet wo'111.lie stated that only the open railing will be abow~th~parapet wall.fie stated that the lights will ty!installed to only 18 inches above th~running surf",c~.He stated that the walkway lights will only cast ~glow upon the runninq surface and will not be visible!ftC'fn adjoining residents. Ms.Cynthia Bro-"m,resider.t of 2275 (~')ldlCl'j Circle, located directly behind tho YMCA,app'i!iJ;rr.obefore the Corrar.ission.Ms.Brown stated that sn~w~u;opposed to lighting which was requested at the Ilj7e hearing on this matter.However,she stated that tho lighting was installed and .:...t is very objectionable to her.She expressed her concerns relating to the tra~h which is deposited upon her property,the loudspeaKers which ar~ utili:ted and the maintenance of the landRc~pin9.She stated that ,the mass of the proposed c1~velopment bl objectionable and that she is opposed to the height limit being exc~ded. Chairman King stated that one of the suggestions is that the parking lot be closed off when the facility is clo&ed,80 that unauthorized persons can not gain access to the parking lot.COmRliss.ioncr 8alalis stated that increasing the height of the wall may be helpful to the adj~c-ent residents.He also stated th"t landsCAping conditions are beinq pruposed fOT the facility.Ms.Brown stated that the higher the ~ull is built,the more the sun is blocKod froM her property. In raspon!:le to II que~tiQn posed by Conu:nir.Gloncr Allen, M.s.Brewn stated that she-re(tli?e~;thllt the light source from the light standards can be concealed, however I Ms.Brown stated that she is Oppos(!d to the illumination which is generated frnm the parking lot lighting. -45- COMNdSSK:NRS • April 21,1983 City of Ne'lNOl1r't Beach ROll CAU MlNUTES INDEX Ms.Martha Durkee,l'f!'sident of 2031 1 {"Yfir('!1~r.tr(!'f>t:(HId President.of the Hack Bay ASf;ociat.ion,4fiJjn.tT~rl l.f?!or!'t the Connlos1on,and stated that the lne:nb(H~of the Und'. Bay Association \fere never inform~d or the YIt'(;A proposal.Ms.Durkee stated that they 4~~in favor of developme~t ot the YMCA.However,she otbt~d that they are concerned with the following:the noig~generht~d from the amplified speakers,the m~intenance and landscaping of the area,and the height 6f the propoE~d facility,She stated that the excess h~19ht would set a precedencu for the area.She furth~T stated that they feel S6 though the proposed runnlnl)track would not be necessary,because of the many r\lt1f11nqtrails in the Back aay an~a.She suggested thllt th'?site be graded in order to construct the prr,Jpnned facit1 ty low~r on the site.She requested thdt the items be continued in order for further study by tht!members of the BaCK Bay Associbtion. Mrs-_Batham,resident of 10451 Upper Bay Drive, appeared before the Commission.Mrs.BIlth4rn statp.d that she is in favor of the YMCA,however,she 1s concern~d with the excessive height of the proposed fsetH ty.She stated that eight hO"",8 on Mesa Dd ve will be adversely affected by the proposed height.Sh~ expressed her concern relating to the increase in traffic on University Drive and questioned how a 'Wl?st bound lane could be adde<l to the intersection. In response to Planning Director will be required Commission. a question posed by Mrs.Barham, Hewicker stated that thb;bppliclttion to obtain approval from the Coastal Mrs.8ntham stated that public noticeu of the he~ring should have been mailed to all of the condOfltinium residents,rath~r than just the Prm~irlent of the condominium association.She requcnted that these items be continued until such notices Gr~mailed. Commissioner Allen requested that Mrs.bdtham submit " list of the addreti&ea on Mesa Drive to the Planning Department.She stated that the staff will also send public notices to the affected community as~ociations. Planning Director Hewicker stated that public notices are normally not sent beyond the 300 foot legal limit. ~CAll April 21 ;198,3 NAiNnCyt Beach Mr.Donald Webb,City Engin~cr,regpGnd~~t.o Mr~. Batha.m'5 concern relating to the additS(Jn of a westbound right turn lane on Universlty Drive.He stated that the street is of sufficient width to rcstzipe,which would allow for a t.hird ItHH~iH,tlliG loca-cion. Planning Director Hewicker ntated that public notices were sent to all owners of th<e condomirdurtl project which were within the 300 foot limit,which iro dpproxi~~tely one-half ot the condominium vwner~. Chairman King sugg~5ted that the remainder of the condominium owners be noti fied of tht1'proposf;d developMent. Planning Director I1ewicr:cr stated th~t the elimirldtion of the proposed running tr~ck will not golv~t~e height problem.He stated that height of thn propoBed gytrt.nasilJ.:nl'Ilone,exceeds the allowable hei qht in the 2./28 Foot Height Limitation District. Mr.ne Boom stated that appr~y.~rn~tely35 m~mb~rR of th~ F()ur Fours Condrnn.intum Association mP.t ltt the YMCA o!". 7~~O p.m."Ii April 12th I tc/d:"5cl.r;r,.th~:proposf·d development.He stated t.hat ~he propoced liqhtinq and traffic were .",Iso diftt."ussed.lie stated t:Of1t.the YMCA had agreed to chain the driveway aft<irlO:OO p.m.in order t~exclude vehicles frcm entering the parking lot after hours.He stated t~at they also agreed to place a stop sign-acro8Bthe ~xit path and that th~eXisting stop sign would be relocated to be mol'f!vi sible..He ztated that -::'heYMCA also had a prelir.dnilry li,~eting with the Board of Directors of the As!.oci1Jt it:ln to discaas the propos~d deviP.loptncnt. Commissioner Goff stated that the ch,'Jinlng of parking lotn haa presented problcmR in the Pdst_Mr.de Boom suggested that a gate ccmld be utilized t0501ve the proble",. Mr ~de Bo(")rnstated tha.t many of the concerns (!xpresscd relating to tbe noise generated by the YMCA,will be greatly reduced with the proposed development because most of the activities can then be held indoors,U1thu than outaid(1. COM (er MlNUH:S ROll CALl INDEX Motion All "ye~'"x X X X X X April 21,1983 City of ~lPOrt Beach Connissioner Balalis S\l9qe:~tcd th4t th,).1.rchit.~ct C'onsider the possibility of lowering ttl~'tmj 1111nq.Pc also SU9geGtcd that the YMCA noti.1y Oleo imll1(.dL,t(' rQsidents of the area and float hnlloons to thp proposed height of the structure.Me.de Boom concurred and gtated that this can be .'i(.'compl ished on Saturday,Apri 1 30th.He stat".'d t-hut he o.,.i 11 distribute flyers to the Anniversary TInct,Hesa Drive and condominium residents.He stated th4t he will also take photographs of the balloon deU.I()nntrdtion.He stated that the YMCAwants to contiOJ.~(!to be a good neighbor. Commissioner Goff stated that the concH tiona or.the original use permit were specific in thot no outdoor 9",me courts or activities of a noisy ro.,,~\ln~were to he permitted without first obtaining ,;a use perm!t. Hcy"I(~.....er,he 5tat~d that the testimony linn revealed that noisy outdoor activities do take place.fie stated that many of the noisy outdoor activitien will be moved inside the facility with approval of the proposed development.He further stated that if the proposed development were to be approved,the YMCAwould be required to adhere to the conditions relating to the lighting systems and landscaping. Chairman Kin9 stated that the staff wnuld not have to send additional public notices to the ~~rsons who have already been notified of the public hearing,but only to those pQrsons and associations who have been previously mentioned as not having received a public notice. M.otion was Commission CARRIED. made to continue these item:,to the Planning Meeting of May 5,1983,which MOTION ••• -48- COM~RS •Hay 5,1983 •MINUTES Items No. S,C (;7 ALL APPIlOVED~- TIONALLY ROll CAl.l lewoort Beach Traffic Study (Continued Public Hearing) Request to consider a Tr4ffi,~Study in conjur1ct:lon wit.h a 45,000 sq.rt.addition to ~he YMCA facility. AtlD Uge Permi t No.1128 (1Imended)(Col1t1nulltd PublicHearlnq) Request to amEnd a previously approved UCr ...permit that p.!nnitted the establishment of a YMCAfacility in the R-l District.Th~proposed amendrrrentin tI request to construct a 45,000 ±sq.ft.addition t.hat includes youth and f~mily fitnes~facilities,n gyMnastics center,a child care center,officee,h community meeting cellter and an illuminated roof top jogging/exercise area.The proposal alQfJ includes 4 modification to the Zoning Code 508ft to allow a portion of the proposed building.an enclosecl trash area,and a 6 foot wall to encroach into t.he required 20 foot front yard setback:,a portion ot thl!'!required parking spaces to b2 compact spaces,and to allow oS wall mounted identi fication sign in excess of 2 sq. ft.;and the acceptance of an environmental document. AND Variance No.1098 (Continued Public H~aring) Request to allow a portion of the pr.opo~~d addition to the Orange Coast YMCAto exceed the maxi,mum allowable height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. LOCATION:Parcel No.1 of Parcel Map No.3-35 (Resubdivision No.215)located at 2300 University Drive,on the northerly side of University Drive.eauterly of Tustin Avenue in the West Bay area. ZONE:R-l Ai'PLICANT:Orange Coast YMCA,Newport Beach OWNER:Sarna as applicant -16- !lay 5,1983 ~lInOrt Beach Agenda Items No.5,6 and 7 were heard (;'fmeurrently. due to th~ir relationship. The public hearing opened in connection wi th these items and Mr.James de Boom,Exec~tive Dir~ctor for the Orang~Coast YMCA"and resident 01 N~rt Beach, appear~d before the Commission.Mr.d~D{}Offtsta.ted that the YMCA held an open house on April 30,1983,to demonstrate the height of the proposed structure to all interested parties.He stated that oop fil!iqhhor,'=me Planning COll1Il1issionerand several of the YMCA staff members attended the demonstration.He then submitted to the Planning Commission the invitation&which were circulnted to the surrounding n~iqhborhood and a subsequent letter which was circulated which advised that the height of the proposed bulldlr:g would he reduced.He alsC'submitted a pet ition containing approximately 93 signatures in support of the YMCA request and a petition containing 4 siqnatures opposed to the YMCA request. Mr.de Boom delivered a slide presentation which depicted the existing facility and demoMtrated with balloons,the reduced height of the propns"d structure in relationship to adjacent properties,1ncluding Ms. Brown's residence,the Four Fours Condominium alte,andMesaDrive. Mr.de Boom stated that they are now proposing to lower the height of theprOI'Csed structur"by dropping the structure into .the ground by approximat"ly 30 inches which will cost approximately $20,000.00.He stated that in order to lower the structure 49 inches into the ground,the cost would be approximately S109,500 ..00. He stated that it would not be feasible to lower the st.ructure 49 inches into the ground because extensive excavation and haulinq of earth would be te!quired,it uould be located below the water line,water-proofing would be necessa.ry,additional drc"linaqe~catch basin sy~terriS .and additional handicapped ramping wol11d hav~to be installed. Hr.de Boom stat~d that the staff repott indicates the revised heights in relationship to the originally requested beights.He stated that the proposed gymnasium parapet has been reduced to 29 teet a""the root has been reduced to 28 feet 10 inches,He stated that the corner e;".tension has been reduced from 39 feet to 34 feet 10 inches. COMN6SICNRS •l14y 5,1983 •Ml!'UT[S Cit t Beach Mr.dp Boom stated that the pl"()pos~d hf'Jtjhts are necessary in order to have a gymnasium facilJty that is usable for basketball and vclleyba.ll comy.,1t.iorl.lie stated that the requested gymnasiu.:a height o1()'Hi not set a precedent for office buildings in the dre4. In response to a question posed by Comaissicner McLaughlin,Mr.de Boom stated th3t the revised roof height of 28 feet 10 i nch~s,includes loworinq the structure into the ground by a.pproxiIMtely )0 inches. He stated that.if the structure were to be lowered more than 30 inches,water-prooflnq of the 9}'BnaJJiUlll floor would continuously be 3 problem. CommiGS10n~r McLaughlin asked vhy the corOP-T extensions are e5fj~ntial to the design of the facility.Mr.de Boom stDted that the corner cxt-t"'nsions Are rloc@ssary in order to bre&k up th~design of the flat roof for the runninf:J track. Mr.Roy knutson,resident of 2504 Unive~s1ty Drive and nn officer of the Four Fours Condominium Association, appeared before the Commission.Mr.Knutson expressed his concern with th"traffic iJIIpacts which "ill be generated by the proposed expansion.He questioned the assumptions of the Traffic Study in general,and tho.e relatinq to the intersection of I rvine Avenue and Santiago Drive.He further questioned the right turn l""e solution on Univ"rsity Drive and stated that the traffic on University Drive viII adversely impact the surrounding residential uses. In reRponse to a question posed by Hr".Knutson,Kr. Donald Webb,City Engineer,stated that the adjacent office condominium was included in the traffic counts and the leu calculations of the Traffic Study. Comrnissiori.cr Goff aSKed Mr.Wehb to C'onwtW!ntOn the assumptions for thC'intersection of Irvine Avenue and SantL.,go Drive/22nd Street ~Hr.Webb stated that the assumptions do constitut~a fine ]ioo,but that the analysis was performed under the same rules as apply to other devdopments. -18- COM..v6SlCNRS May 5,1983 •M1NlTfES C'I'\AAJrVYt Beach ROlL CAll M.s.Cynthia Brown,resident of 2275 Golden Circle, located directly behind the Yl'I::A,appeared before the Commission.Ms.Brown stated that she .ht.tended the open house and that the YMCA has reaponded to her concerns.However,she stated that the:proposed expansion will adversely affect her residence and the value of her propert.y.She str -ell that she has experienced securi ty problems v~·.~...'tlroperty and stated that she concurs wi th t .d landscape plan for the back wall on her pr,,~~h..""9gested that the landscaping be heaV"j'enouq ..0 pr"vent perJOOns frOll1gaining access to her property.sn..urged thlot the YMCAparki n9 lot be required to b"...cured by a gate durin9 non-business hours.She furth~r expressed her concern with the height and the mass of th~ proposed facility. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Winburn,Ms.Brewn stated Ulat her propert)'1s currently.sparsely landscaped on the back wall.lis. Brown stated that the proposed landscaping plan should be able to give her privacy,yet be able to filter light through to her property. MS.Kay Weist.resident of 2499 Anniversary Lane. appeared before the C"""'ission and stated that the Yw::A provides a needed service for the entirl.e<mmtnity. She stated that the current YMCAfacility needs expansion for their programs.She further stated that the traffic problems have expanded in all areas of the City,not just in the area of the YMCA. Planning Director Hewicker referred to the Traffic Study and explained the sensitivIty of the trip generation and the assignment of traffic to the intersection of Irvine Avenue and Santiago Drive..He stated that there are three aeparate tests which each intersection goes through in a Traffic Study.He stated th4t in this partiCUlar Traffic Study,it was d~termined that it passed the first test .. Mrs.Bath.....resident of 20451 Upper 8;!y Drive. appear~d before the Commission.Mrs.Bathem expressed her concern with the hdght of the proposed facility and the proposed ~kylights.She referred to the mitigation measur~s And stated that When ~lific4tions are being considered for the proposed fa''i.l1ty,the COMJWSSIO-:i.RS ..... [~ei"_., •May 5,1983 •MINUTES City of NIPWloor:t Beach ROIl CAU public should be notified of S41"i.e..She furtht1r At ..t~d that the State of California requirf1$Ulnt any counselinq facility be sound attenuated to ,1 1f'!vel of 45 dba. Ms.Ada Taylor,resident of 2514 UnitJf;:cfjity Drive, 5tated that she is i~favor of the YMCA as an organization.However,she expre~sed her Cnhc&rn with the t.raffic impacts of the propoF.ed cxp.aruJ!on and the aenthetics of the project.She £tated that the lar~scapinq of the current facility needs improvement. She asked how the new conditions of approvGl relating to the landscaping plan will be enforced. In response to 4 question posed by Mn.Tuylor,~13nninq Director Hewicker disc~s5ed how lan~scQpl~9 con~jtlons of approval are enforced by the City.He Btat~d that a complaint or a violation can be reported to the City's Code Enforcement Officer which will foll""up on the complaint. MS.Beverly Mullen,resident of 2031 Mesa Drive in Santa Ana Hei9ht~,stated that she is in favor ~f the YMCA,however.she is opposed to the propo8&d requ~sts. She stated that the proposal is situat~in the unique, ecologically sensitive Upper Bay area.She stated that the proposed signs would be offensive to the Upper Bay environment.She further expressed Mr.con("ern with the excessive height of the proposed building and stated that it will be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood.She stated that the structure should not be allowed to exceed the 28 foot height limit. Me.Dave Lorenzini,the ~,rchiteet for the proJect, stated that 97%of the perimeter of tilt'!parap~t vall will be established at 28 feet in height above the grade.fie stated that the corner cxtP.nr.lone and railings will ~approximately 7 feet above the parapet. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Ralalis,Ms.Mullen stated that she is opposed to the structure exceeding the 28 foot heiqht limit.She state<!that the corner cxtensior.n and open railings will be at a height of 35 feet,which iB objectionable for d residential area.She statp.d thitt th~running track st::Quld not be located on the proposed 9ymnasium. ROll CAll Kay 5,1983 •MINUTES' INDEX t Beach Ms.Marguerite Butler,resident of tt~four Fours Condominium A~sociation,s~aLed that she 1~in favor of the proposed expansion of the YMCA facility.~he expressed her concern with the height of t.he parapet, however,she stated that the YMCAhas trlf>:<1 to conform to the ocncerns expressed by the residents. Mr_Eli Elman,resident of Balbod P~~l~vard and President of the Y-Knots,a YMCA or9anl7.3t~on,appeared before the Coam1ssion.Hr.Elaan 8tated that the residents of the City .,ill be utiliz1nq the expanded YMCAfacility.He stated that the adjacent office condominium will gener4te three times th@ traffic than that of the YMCAfacility.He stated that the YMCII fa,=ility w1ll not generate a large voltJM of traffic durinq the peak traffic hours.He atat(}d th4t the p~oPOl3(?1.expansion will enl-c-anc<!the communi ty and not be detrimental to the community. Mr.Michael Ashe,resident of 106 Via Xanthe and Chairman of the Board for the Oranqc Coast YMCA, appeared before the Commission.Hr.Ashe atated that the YMCAhas worked hard to propo.e a viable project for the c~unity.He stated that dup to is lack.of funds in 1965,the -;rymnasium.could not be confttruct~d at that time.He stated that the propr..)1i(~dheight request is not unreasonable. M~.Sam Estonson~resident of 1770 W~$t Balboa Boulevard,stGt~d that the propc.h~d ~y.panB1on wi 11 allow him and his wife to utilize the fa.cil j ty al the Sdme time during the evening hours,which ~ill help to alleviate some of the traffic in the area. Mr.Don Gilium,~csident of ]3272 We;~th Court, expressed his concern with the future expansion of Uni.versity Drive.Mr.Don Webb,City En9in~('r,$tated thl1t the J.en.gth of the ciqht turn]itr.e wi 11 be a,pproximJ!tely 100 feet in lenqth at.the I'lUlximum.He stdted that the City's Local Coast .....l t)lan does not provide for the extension of University Orive,however, the City I 5 Circulation F.lement does provide for this. He stated that he can not say when,or if,t".his will happen.H~also stated that he does not anticipate the widening ~f University Drive on the southerly side. -21- COM~RS MINUTES ROllCAll ••Hay 5,1983 Cit of ~roort Beach Kr.David Tosh,resident of Corona d(jl Mar,and the for~er Chai~n of the Board for the Ora~~~Con3t YMCA, stated that he supports the proposed eXl'~iJ,.;;;jofl for theYMCAfacility. Mrs.Batham reiterated that she is not (Jt~JA"J!;p.d to the YMCA itself,hut she is opposed to the r,r0r~aed heiqht of the fa.cility.She stated that the City has state-d that it will maintain a low profile on th~Lay and the beaches.She stated that the proposed lighting st~uld be conditioned at four feet so as not to adverselyaffectthesurroundingarea. MS.Cynthia Bro""n nd l~rdted that sht"is f!f;1H:""rfiedwith the height and the mass of the proposed ~.t.rut;:tlJr(>.She suggested that th~funds be raised in ord~r tc l0'4er the structure further into the ground. Mr.de Boom stated that the way in which the gymn-8sium has been designed,the corner extensions ~i]l not make the entire struct.ure appear higher than the 28.{',:oct. He referred to the landscape plan which also provides for the concerns expressed by Ms..Brown..fk:~tatec1 that they are also willing to increase the helght of the block wall in the corner to 5 feet.He stated that the proposed expaJlsion is needed in ord(~r to serve its%l..embers. Me..de Boom stated that they are in concurrence with Condition No.29,~hich relates to the liqhting system. He stated that p!lcking lot lighting is necessary in order to ensure th~sat~ty and security of its members dU;:ing the evening hours.He stated that the propo3(~d signs are cnly SO square feet in size whi ch wi 1]bf:" recessed into the wall and not ill~inatEd.He reiterated that it would not be feasible to lower the structure further into the ground because watEr-proofing ~nd the qymnasium floor Would continuously be a problem. Cornmi.ssioner Winburn stated that many of the r(!'sidp.nts are Opposed to the height ot"th~c:nrn(!r Cy.tensions for the prorX:)!H~dgymnasium and asked why t:he running track 1s necessary.as proposed.Hr.nltvid Hardinq. Associate Executive DirectQr of the Ocanqo Coact YMCA, COMMISSIONERS May 5,1993 Ci MINUTES ROll CAli NeAlPOrt Beach explained that the organized joggJnq ptr~raas are geared towards per.sons who have und6r~on~cardiac operations.He explained the importane~that such programs mu&t.b~monitored closely by rnettlb~rs of the ltaff and held in a controlled environment.He stated that jogging around the eXisting dirt track or the gymnasium floor does not provide for a qU~11ty jogging program.Mr.ve Boom stated ~hat aCceS8 to the running track will be controlled by electronic Bccurity cards. In respc.mse to a question posed by C("AI'W:1issioner Balalis,Mr~Harding stated that the runfllnq t.rack \till be utilized by cftrdi~c parti-::ipants an ..nIl aft other members of the YMCA inter.ested in jOfJqlnq fitness classes.Mr.Ifttrding stated that thp.jf)f19inqfitness classes attract many participants,which is why the Jogging track is n~cessary~ Commissioner Balalis dsk~d if it would b0 feasible to construct the running track at ground ll!vel ~Mr.de Boom stated that locating the running track around the pool would not be feasible with the amount of children utilizing the pool facllttie". Commissioner Balalis stated that if 4 cardiac participant were to experience problems,It.would be difficult to transport the person to the k""er level of the facility and to the hospital.Mr.Harding reiterated that a controlled environment .t iJ;necessary in order for the staff to monitor the jogging participants,so that injuries are preF~ntr~d. Commissioner 8alalis askE.d why the 7 tOOt.high corner extensions hre necessary,other than for ~rch1tectural purposes ~Mr~Harding stated that th~corner p.xtensions are necessary to prevent tho runners from feeling as though they will run off of the rooftop. Commissi.oner Ballilis l)sked if a minimum h(!ight of 42 inches would serve the same purpose.Mr.Harding statr:d that thi s may bo acceptable I howev(!r,he stated that the height of the-f;tairwell is at thu height of the corner extension'S which tie the buildihg together. Commissioner Goff asked if it would be feasible to locate ~he running track in an area of the Bite which is currently set aside for landscaping./olr.Harding .tated that most of the landscaped areas "'ill include INDEX ROll CAll •May Sf 1983 'l:"0",.s '">-;<;;->:-City of"<>>""-~s •n ;.~,-;~'"::i , MINUTES INDEX. t Beach parking spaces and sidewalks.He 5tat~~i HUll locating the running track in these areas would h4t provide for a controlled atmosphere.H('statf:>d t.h.,t lh@r~is no contiguous,lAnobstructed area on the s1tt1 10 which the running track could be located.1ft:stat~th.at re~tripin9 the parking lot would not bt1'feasible or n:~501vethe problem. Mr.de Boom stntfOd that in order to l!¥iJo:'f!the project more viable,they would be Willing to r~duce the corner oxtensions to the height of the railing.Chairman Xing stated that Harbor View fElls overloo~"the running track at The Sporting ilouse and to his knt.l....l~dge,there have been no complaints rec(!!ved fr0f1\t.hl"!adjacent residential uses regarding the running tr6ck. In resr~nse to ~que~tion posed by CQmmi~sioner McLaughlin,Planning Director Hewicker ~titter)th-tJt the open railing is illustrated on the plans a3 heing an open pipe rai.ling with hori.zontal members appr0Xifl'l6tel\' one foot apart. Planning Director Hewicker slated that the heights for the various zone classifications are generaily determined by the types of uses which would normally be found in the zones.He stated that uses such as churclles,governmental buildings and institutional utes are permitted in residential zones,subj~ct to securing a use permit.He stated that there are no different regulations for greater height 1imi ts which apply to such uses.However,he stated that !O:uchUSf20S are generally not designed as that of residential U5~~. Jil",nning Director fI~....icker st.l1ted that the proposed SO t;qulJrc foot sign,;are one-ft:>urth of th{"nize of a sign whirh would automatically be p~rmitted in a conmvtrcial district. Planning Director Hewickcr stated th&t it has been demonstrated at this facillty in the pant,that parking lot lighting at 4 feet in height is not feasible.lie stilted that current parking lot lightirlg technology can provide hiqher lighting for security I<hich would be more compdtibl.n with ~,e surrounding residential uses. COMN4S~RS COMN6SK:NRS May 5,1983 e-Mlr-uTES IN[)[X City of N€\Ivoort Beach 1 n response to a question posed by Comtif;!;!oncr Goff. Me.Wer-b stated that reduction or the corner extensions to the height of the railing,r~duces the height of the bUilding from 35 feet to 31 feet 6inches. I n response to a question posed by eonnlssioner McLaughlin,Planning Director H~wicker Rt~tod that the u?>(!permit has been condt tinm:od so th(lt.Uwr~will he no illumination of the proposed 61gns. COU61'lissioner Kurlande:t asked if a 5 foot high wall ~ould b~required where the 4 f~Jt high wall currently exi!1ts.Planning Director Hewicker stated t.hat adding one foot to the existir-,g wall could be 4 problem in matching the brick and mortar.He st"'ted that J.n some instances,a wall becou~s more unsightly wh~n brick and ~rtar are added at a later date. Commies loner Kurlander stated that a higher wall may be necessary for security purposes for the sur'rounding residential uses.Chairman King stated tr9t an alternative would be to intensify the dona!ty vf the landscaping at this particular location. In tesponse to a question posed by Co~issioner J<urland~r,Planning Director Hewickec atl'tted that time limitations are not isnpo5ed upon Traffic Study approvals.He stated that the City's TrAffic Phasing Ordin~nce procedures would have to be dmehd~d in order to do 80..He stated that uses such as churches and institutions rely upon private donations for their construction,which mQkes it irnp~actic~l to 9uarantee the time frame in which the project will be completed. Hay 5,1geJ of NeAlOOrt Beach ROU (AU Motion .1;..11 Ayes x X X X X • 1'RAFFIC STUDY Motion was made for approva.l of th'!Trlllffit:5tudYf subject to the following findings and conditian.which !lOTION CARRIED: FINDINGS, 1.That a Traffic Study ha.been prepared """ch analyzes the !8pact of the proposed project on tne circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the 'fewport Beach Municipal C<X!..and CityPolicy$-1. 2.That the Traffic Study in<licates that the project- generated traffic will be greater than one ~rc@nt of the eXisting traffic during the 2.5 hour ""ak period on any leq of the criti~al interaEctlontf, and will add to an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at crit:Jt.:'al intersect-ion whjch will ha.ve an Intersection Capacity Utilization of qr ....terthan.90. 3.That the Traffic Studies sugge"t a circulation system improvement which will improve the level of traffic service to an acceptable level at all critical interGQCtiorts. 4.That the proposed project.including e1rculation system improvements "'ill neither.cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory le"el of traffic service on any "major","primary-modified"'or "primary"strep.t. CONDITION: 1 •That prior to the occupancy of the proposed project the circulation system improvements described in the Traffic Study dated April 1983 on Page 10 prepared by JEP'Engineering.Inc ••shall ha"e been accomplished unless suh""quent project approvals require modification~thereto.(The ultimate design ot the intersection shall he subject to the approval of the City TrafficEnqilleer). -26- MNJrESMay5,1983 of t~·~t Beach USE PERMI1'NO.1128 (A!l£IIDED) Motion All Ayes Motion was made for a.pproval of Use Penalt ~o.1128 (Amend"d),subject to the following findings dIld conditions,with Condition No.21 to be k""'nded 'to reflect that the YMCAwill intensify the landscaping adjacent to the Anniversary Lane Tract,And increase the wall and landscaping at tha northwesterly ~~rner of the site where the fOO!:traffic is occurrinl}which will preclude persona from qainin/}access at this location, Condition No.34 be """"nde<l to inc1u<l<t till'wordin9, "pa""'anent"amplified paging systaftlS,ComdHI"n No.36 be amended to reflect that the proqramh ~h~ll be modified by the YMCAin a man""r appWYsd by the Planning Depa.rtment:and,an additional eondHJ.on which would reflect that a gate be provided 4~roas the driveway to close off the parkin9 lot during the non-business hours,which MOTIONCAP~IEDI x X X •X X FINDINGS: 1.'.!'hal:an Initial Study and Negati ""ll<:claration have been prepared in compliance with t.."ie California Enviro.-ntal Qualil:y Act,and tha' their contents have been c",nsidere"in tho <l<tcisions on this project. 2.That based on the information cont.ained in the Negative Declaration,the project incorporate£ sufficient mi.tigation measur(!s to reduct'> potentially significant enviro~ntal effects.and that the project will not re-sult in tdqnificant. environmental impacts. J.The project will comply with all applicable City and State BUilding Codes and Zoning r~uire.ments for new building applicable to the district in which the proposed project I ~located,except those it_requested in conjunction with the pr(:'>sed modifications. 4.That the Proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element of the Gen.,ral Plan,and is coq;>atible wi th surroundinq land uses. -27- Hay 5,1963 Cit t Beach M!l\UTES 5.The project lot siz.e conforms to the 1...o111w-l Co&? area requirements. 6.The Pol~ce Department has indicated that it d<,'".not ~ontemplate any problems. 7.Adequate off-street parking and relat<>d V41htCl.llar circulation are bein9 provided in conjunction withtheproposeddevelopment. O.The proposed number of cOlllp4ct car spaces cQnstitutes 19 percent of the parki~requLrements which is within limits generally conddered acceptable by the City Traffic Engineer. 9.The approval of US"Permit No.1120 (AMndedl will not,under the circumstances of thJn ease be detrimental to the health,safety,peace,morals, comfort and general welfare of P<'EOOnf&residing and working in the nei9hborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. COliDITIOlfS: 1.That development shall be in subStantial conformance with the approved plot plan,floor plans,rp.vised elevations and sections,except asnotedbelOw• 2.That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from University Drive andadjoiningproperties. 3.That all improvements be constructed as t'equired by Ordinance and the PUblic Works Department. 4.That vehicular access be provided to the eXisting storm drain easement access road locltted at the northeasterly corner of the parcel to thE'" satisfaction of the PUblic Works ~partmont. 5.That the on-site vehicular circulation systems be subject by the Public Worka Department. and pedestrian to further review Kay 5,1983 t .....Beach MlNUHS IQ.l·CAU G.That th"eXisting deteriorated <lriv.apron and gutter on the University Drivf':frontage be replaced under an encroactunent r~l'll1!t i g!'fupd bythePublicWork!;Department. 7.That prior to the issuance of d bU1!din9 pomit, the applicant shall demonstue"to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and the Public Works Department,tha~se"'"r facilities will be available for the project et the time ofOCCUpancy. 8.That arranq ......nts be made ",ith th"P'I!>licWorks Department to guarantee satisfactcJry ct.JMplf!'tlonofthepublicimprovements. 9.That a master plan of sewer,water and t:torm drain facilities be prepared and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of any bulldi"9permits. 10.Development of site shall be subject to a gradinq pomit to be approved by the Building and PlanninqDepartments. 11.That a grading plan,if required,shall include a complete plan for temporary and ponnartent dr'linage faciliti~s,to.minimize any potential impacts from silt,debris,and other water pollutant •• 12.The grading permit shall inclUde,if requir~d,a desc.ciption of haul routes,iJCcess PO;lOts to the site,watering,and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. 13..An erosion,siltation and dust control plan,if required,shall be submitted and be SUbject t~the approval of the 8uUding Depart"",nt ar.d a copy shall be forwarded to the California Regior~l Water Quality Control Board,Santa Ana Region. 14..The velocity of concentrated run-off f~cm the project shaU be evaluated and erosive velocitl.es controlled as part of the project design. -29- •COMM\SSKNRS •HayS,1983 Ci of Ne\MXlrlt Beach M1!'UTE5 15.'that 9rading shall be conducted in aCCf)Tdimc€-with plane prepared by a Civil Engineer 4'1<1 based on recoanendations of lJ soil engirle'f')'r and oItn engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site.Permanent reproducible cor,lea of the -Approved as Built-grading plans on stand«cd size sheets shall be furnished to the BUildingDepartlft.l!nt. 16.That erosion control meAsures shall be done on any exposed slopes within thirty days atter grading Or 48 approved by the Grading Engineer. 17.A la.ndscape and irrigation plan for th't project shall be prepared by a licen'''d landscape architect.The landscape plan shall intc9rate and phase the installation of landscaping "lth the proposed construction schedule.(Prior to the occupancy of any structure,the licen.e~l~ndscape architect shall certify to the Planning Department that thP.landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan). 18.The landscape plan shall be subject to th~reVlew of the Parks,Beaches and R~crc4t:ion Department and approval of the Planning Oeparbbent. 19.The landscape plan shall inclwJe a aaintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers andpesticides. 20.The landscape plan shall place heaVy -phasic on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated with a systP.~detiqned to a~otd surface runoff and over-watering. n.The landscape plan shall place heaVy emphuis on fire-retardant vegetation.The final landscape plan shall be designed so as to intensity the landscaping for screening purposes,adjacent to the Anniversary Lane Tract,and to increaso the Wo.'lllClnd landscaping at the northwesterly corner of the site where the foot traffic is OCcurring. so as to preclude persons from 9&in1n9 access atthislocation.. COM ( Hay 5,1983 MINUTES ROllCAll INDEX t Beach 22.Landscaping shall be regularly _ir,I s I oed free of ..eeds and debris.All vegetdt i on shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 23.That any roof top or other mechanical equipment shall be sound attenuated in such IJ manner a6 to achieve a maximum sound level of !JS DbA at the property line. 24.That any mechanical equipment and ......'gency po..er generators sha.ll be screened from view and noise associated ..ith said installation"sholl be sound attenuated to acceptable levels 1n roc~ptor areAS. The latter shall b~based upon the rocov.mendations of a qwU.i..fied acoustical en9infller,and be approve~by the Planning Department. 25.That all buildin9s 0,.the project nl te shall be equipped with fire suppression syste~napproved by the Fire DepartJ:1ent. 26.That all access to the buildings be approved by the Fire Department. 27.That fire vehicle access,includi"9 the proposed planter islands,shall be approved by the Fire Department. 28.Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving dp.vicea for project lavQtorles and other water-using faCilities. 29.That the lighting system with~n the 8tI~cture and in the off-street parkin9 lot shall be desi9ned and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the li9ht source and to minimize 119ht spillage and qlnre to the adjacent residential u!es.TIle planz shall be prepared and si9ned by a Licensed Electrical Engineer,..ith a letter from the Engineer stating that,in his opinion,this requirement ha~been met. 30.Thdt the final desi9n for the parking area be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 31.That a Dlinilllumof 181 parkin9 spac:es be provided on-sito at all times. Il~.. "I,-,,,",",-,'",C'ft.f~ir . lI&y 5.1983 IOI:CAll 32.That a aax1lllulllof l~:I:135 spaces)of the parkinq on-site ...y be compact parkinq spaces, 33.That no niqhtt1llle l!qhtinq shall be p&rIIIitted on the runninq track/exercise a"ea.exc"pt for pacinq l1qhts on the runninq track. That no pertaanantampl1fied paqinq GyM:......shall be permitted in any outdoor area on the BUbjectproperty. 35.That the two proposed wall 8iqM shall not be i llUlDinated. 36.It shall be the responsibility of tOO YMCAto IllOnitor its proqr....for the proposed facil!ty so 4S to,not exceed the capacity of the prop>sed pa"ltillq lot.If it,is determined hythe Planninq 'DepArtment t1iat proq"....exceed the on-site parkinq llpaces,they shall be JIOOditi-..by the YMCA in,a1lWUlerapprOVedby the Planninq llepartsllrlnt. 31.'1'llIitaqates~ll~required across 'theddveway ,to close,8ff the parkinq lot'durinq .the non-business hours. COMMSSICNRS •MayS,1983 •MINUTES t Beach VARIANCE NO.1098 Motion was aade for approval of VarianCf!No.1098, subject to the following findings and comi tions.with an additional condition that the height of the parapet valls be lilllited to that required by Co<Iewhich would be 42 inches,which MOTION CARRIED: Motion All Ayes x X X X • YINDINGS: 1.That there are exceptlonal or extraordinary circua.tances applying to the lAnd.bul.lding.and use proposed in this applicdUon.wIlich circumstances and conditions do not generally apply to land.building,and/or uses In the saas district inasmuch as the YMCA's 9ymn4~1u.requires specific diJllensions and height tbat do not apply to adjacent properties in the vicinity. 2.That,the qrantinq of a variance to the height requir~nt is necessary for the preftervation and enj~nt of substantial property rights of the applicant,inaS1llUchas without the height.the YMCA could not offer programs necessary to sustain i tse If and serve the CODIIIUn!ty • 3.That the establishment,maintenance,and operation of the use.property,and building w111 not.under the cirCUIIstances of the particular cas~,be detrimental to tht!health,saf"ety,peace,cOlitort, and "general welfare of persons residing or workinq in the neighborhood of such proposed use or detrimental or injurious to property and improve- ments in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1.That develo_nt shall be in substantial confoll'Mnee with the approved plot plan,floor plans,revised elevations and sections.~xc~pt as noted below. 2.That all applicable conditions of Use Pet1llit No. 1128 (Amended)shall be fulfilled. 3.That the heiqht of the parapet walls shall be limited to that reqUired by Code,whle"would be 42 inches.The proposed stairwells 'shall be no higher than the approved height "tile parapeit walle.•*• ~EGATlV[DECLARATION ~Attachment NO.3 [-'_~J Se(~et3ry for Resources \400 Tenth Street )a,ramento.CA 95814 (r)lJntj (led: PublJc Servi~es Divlslon ~l.O.[;0',(838 )"nta Ana,CA 92702 Planning Uepilrlment City of New~,rt Beach 3300 Newport fY)',]evard Newport Beac;'.CA 92663 f NAME OF PRO-JECT: I OMNGE COAST YMCA PROJECT LOCATiON:2300 Univcr5~ty Drive Newpoet Beach,Californiis The proposed CXp~flg.ion of an ~y.istinCJ Yt1CA that includes youth <"ifldfamily fit:1ess facilities,a gYI1J1ilstics center,it child care cente:",offices,a co.'l3lunity meeting Ci!nter and associated f,ttr.::ilitics and servi(.;(~!::.. l I FINDING:yursuant to the provisions of City Council Policy K-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California En'lironmental QualIty Act,the Environmental Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effectontheenvironment. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: MITIGATION HfASURES: S~e attached li~t. INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY:City of Newport Beach INITIAL ~TUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT:3300 Newport Bouleva~d.Newport Beach,CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: APl'ENDIX II March 25,1983IEt.,FU.,d,-..-.:_ Envlro~ental Information ~orm (To be coapletcd by applicant) GENI::RAL INFORMATION \.Nameand address of developer or project sponaer: Orange Coast YMCA 2.Address or project:2300 University Drive,~rt Il!i:ach Asaessor'a Block and Lot JrUiiibir -------- 3.Name,address,and telephone number of person to be contacted concern1l\&thlll project:James de Boo~~,2300 l!!:'J!!r..li.tl Ori,"'v"'e...._Newport Beach,CA 714/642-9990 .-_ q.Indleate nu=ber of the permlt application for the project to which thls fora pertalns: $.lOuE arid descrllii any otheZ'related peralta and other public approvals requlred for thls project,lncludlne t~ae required bl city,reslonall.atate alllS fe<Seral asenclu:I\l!IeIl_nt to Use Permit, Variances,and ~oastal Commission Approyals 6.Exlstlng zonlng <Slstrlct:__~R~-~I .... 7;'Pl'opoee<suse Of a1te (Pl'oJectf01'Which thls rem 111rUed), ...Addition and alteration to YMCAfacilities,jllCludlNl wes,sj~ PROJECTDESCRIPTION site il!ljlrov_ts, 8.Site sIze.370~x 488' 9.Sq~rc rootage.180,560t sq.ft. H...~1I..ber of rIoors of construcUon.Two and roof. I I •AMountof off-street parklne;!'I·ovided.183 cars. j .,,.ht.Lach plalls.- I I .Pr"posed ..S.Ch."clu.l1n&,C()llII1ellce.cOnstruct ion Octoller 1983. J".Associat.ed proJect:.!. 1~.Ant1cipated 1n..re~ental devc!o~.cnt. ••2 l!re31dentlal. 31u3.rantt"ot....peet ..d. include the nUMber or unite,scnto~uJt.of aal.prle ..~or rent3.and type or hou3ehold 11.It eOOBere1al.Incl1catc the type,"hether nelghbort,,,oo.e1ty or rellonally orIented.aquare tootage of 8&le3 area,and loadIng raelUUe.. 16.xr Indu3trlal.Indicate t7Jle.eatlmated employa.nt per ah1rt.and loading tacilitiea. 19.Il Inatltutlonal.Indicate the "Jor lunctlon ....tl.-tedemplo,.ent per &hlrt ••att-ated occupancy.loadIng r.clIltl .... and e_nlty benefIta to be de ..lved rro-the proJeet.Athletic facilities; 20 employees.•200 occupants at peak use.Serves health and recreation needs of?O.Ir the project Involve ••varl.nce.condItIonal ua.or ....zonlftJ Harbor appllc.tlon.atate thla.nd Indlcate clearlY."h{the .PRll~tlon.Area.la requlr.d.Variances for front setback and ~Igh .~e attacned varIance justification.Ar ..the following Item ••pplleable to the proJ ..et or It.erfecta! 01acuaa below .11 It...checked y.a (attach .ddltlonal ahe.ta .a nn ....rY). m !!!L .!.... X X X X X 21.Chang.In exlatlng r..turea of any bay..t14e1anc1...beach.a.lakea or hl1la.or aubatantial alteratlon orgroundcontoura. 22.Ch.nae In acenlc vlewa or vlaua rrOfll.xlatlngr...ldentlal a ..oll or publlc la"da or roada. 23.Chana.In pattern.aeal.0 ..ChaNCt ...or aeneralar.a or project. 24.SIgnlflc.nt a.ount3 of 30l1d wa3tc or litter. 25.Change In dust ••lIh.3aok ...fumes or odors InviCinity. 26.Change in oce~n~bay,lak~.3tream or ground ~atrrqualityorquantIty..or alt ..ratlon or eXi.~lng drainagepatterns. X 2·'.Substantial change in f!xlstllip;.o.Jlac or vlblodt.lonlevel~In the vicInity. X_;>8.Site on tilled land or on "lope or 10 p{'rccnt or Clo,·e. ..L 29.UGe of dhpo"al or potentially hazardous IIl3t<:l'lah•sueh as toxic subatanc ..s.fla...bles or exploslvc3. •• llj x ~O.SUD5lalllHtl change 1n (.l'~n~n(j t'lt'""mlJ!il~lv;}l :.l,r ....lct:~ (pollce~f1re,water,:u:wagt..etc.). x 31.Substant1ally lncrease ros~11 fuel COrt&uMptlon(electrlclty.011,natural ga~.etc.). 32 -Relat10hshlp to a larger project or serl."ofprojects. ~ONHEJII'AL SETTING x )3.oeac ..lbe the proJect ,,It.e as it e.-ht.s before t..",proJect.,Inc ll.\cll,,&Infor_Uon on topography.soli st.ablllt.y,"lallt.sand animal ..,and any cultural,hlstorJcal or acenlc aspeete.OCscrJbe any exlstlng st.ructurea on the clte.and the use of the structures. Attach photosrapha of the sJte.Snapshot.s or polaroId photos wll1 be accepted.Existing facility already on site.New con.truction will accomoddte activities currently conducted outdoors.3~.Describe the surroundlng propertles.IncludlO&Informatlon on plants and anl~ls and any cultural,hJatorlcal or leenlc n~pccta,Xndlcat.e the ty~of land use (realclentlal,commerc1al. eta.),Int.enslty of land uae (one-famJly.apartment houses."hopa, de parL,"ent st.ores,etc.).and seale of dev"lopment (heIght, fronta"",aet-back.rear yard.etc.).Attach photo~raphs of the vicinity,Snapshot.or polarold photo"wJII be accepted.Surrounding properties multi-family residential and office structures.Senlc views of Back Bay. ~i:~T\~dlbWrowt !nf,~'l-~WaC~rm~'t~iNiMes~n~e~~melBP9I'l'lhl>d abOvo ana In the attached exhlbJt ..preacl.t Ute data and Infor- l"3tlon "equlred for thll1 1nltlal evaluatlon t.o Ute beat or ay abll1ty.and that the facts.state_ntll.and Jnfo .....tlQt\(.resented are "rue and correct to the best of ay Icnowled&e and ball"l'. 1'01'Orange Coast YMCA {);t te March 25,1983 •,"••l·..h ...1 ~PPE"OIX I FNVIRnNMENTAL CHECYLIST FeRM Ellvironm",ntdl CheckliH Forl'!'l (To Le Co-plf'te:d By lead Agency) r.Po.1C k y round 1.~ame 0 f Propoflen t 2.Address and Phone ~ua:!.-er of Proponent ---- 3.Date of Cheockli.t Submission 4.Aleney Ilequirina Checkli.t ~.JI•••of Propo ••l.if .ppt ie.ble II.Env ironfl~nt.l Imp.ct.a (Explanations of all "yell!and ....ayhe"an.v~rs _rt>r~ql;'red on .,ttached.heeta.) ~YES IlAYIIE I.EArth.IIi 11 the propos.,1 relu 1t in: I.Unltable earth condition.or inchan,.a in I.oloric .ubltructur ••?lL b.niaruptioos.diaplace-enta,com- paction or ov.rco~erin.of the soil?.:L c.Chan,."in topol.aphy or ground aurfaee reli.f feature.?..:JL d.The ~e.tt'uction,covering or aodi- fication of any unique ,eologic or phYlical f.ature.? e.Any incre.~e in wind or vat~r erosion of soilm.eith~r on or ofl the site! f.Cho1ngp.5 in deposit ion Or erosion of beach sanda.or chan~e.in siltation. depolition or erosion which may MOJify the channel of •river or stream or th~ Md of thr.ocean or Any biY.ir:'ll~t or lalre? •••~·•""VBI.NO5l·l(l,o·..r~'lit people or P~OP"'II I •• ~~olo~,(~lh~zard$such ~~l~'th- f)".:..,.....1.)IH1-..1idt"".mud ...lJ.l.·...,i:r'J.,..d f"I".,.0''.iail.lr h.az.lrd.' y. 2.At.r.\Jill the proposal rt!~ult ~n_ a.Substantial air eml:J.sionll or tlrte:ri- oration of .abient air quality? b.The creation of objectionable odors'! c..Alter.ation of .ir Iftovelllent.moistun,' or temperature,or ~ny change in cli~.te.-.ither locally or ~egionally? J.Water..Will the proposal ~e.ult in: a..ChaRles in currents.or the COU.SP.oc direction of vater .ove~entl,in eith~r ~.rine or freah waters? b.OIanges in absorption r.at~8,f drainage patt~rns,or the rate and a~ount of surface runoff? c.Alterationa to the course of flow of flood "otero?(x-d.Change in the a~ount of surface ~~tef in any water body? e.Disch.rge into surf.ce vater.or in any ~lter.tion of lurf.ce ~ater quatity~including but not limited to teaperature,di ••olved oxygen or turbidity? f.Alteration of the direction Or rate of flow of ground water,? g.o.an1i.f!'in the quant ity of groul ~ ~aterJ,either throu&h direct ~ddi- tions or withdr.wal$~or through interception of an 4quifer by cut~ or eltC3V<1CLons? h.Sub"tanti.l reducc.ion it\the ;U:lOOOI; of vater otherwise .vail.~te for public water lu?plies?•I_is.- i.Exposure of people or property to wat.r tet~tcd haz~rd,luch as flooding or tidal w.ves? 14 •• Yf.!.i KAYflF I !III I I 1...Pl.mt Life.will the proposAl H'5ulc In: I .a.Olallge in the divt"rsity of r.pt"Cit's. cr n\JfY\ber of auy speocies of pl",nt~ (includin~trees.shrub"gr~ss. crops.and aquatic pt.nts)? b.fi:eduction of the null'be-ra of "ny unique.rare or en4angered .p~cie. of plants! c.Introduction of nev .pecie.of plants into an .re~)or in a barrier to the normal replenisbaent of e~i,ting Ipeciest d.Reduction in .creAse of any aaricultural crop?y.-'- ~.Ani~.l Life.Will the propo ••l result in: \ ••Change in the diveraity of .peeie.,or nUMber.of any .peeie.of ani ••l. (birda,land ani••la includin,reptile., fi.~and shellfish,benthic or~.ni •••• or in.ect.)? b.Reduction of the nUMber.of any unique, rare or end.nsered Ipeciel of ani.als? c.Introduction of n~v lpecie.of .ni- mals into an area.or result tn a barrier to tbe .ietation or .ove-ent of ani ..ala? d.Deterio[ation to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6.Noi.e.Will the P[opol.l r~.ult in: a.Incrtases in exiltin,noise levels? b.Exposure of people to aeVr[e noise levels? 1.Lirht and Glare.Will the propos.I produce nev 1 Lght or y,h;;re?L 8.Land U~e.Will the propo ••l rr3ult in 3 lubltenti.l alteration of the present or planned land u~e of an 5real ~ 7 iI.Incr~ase in the rate of us~of any natural resource$? b.SubsLan[ial depletion of noy non- renp~~ble natural resourc~? 10.P.is1l:of l'pset..Does the propos.,1 involvf" a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardo~s substances (including,but not liait~d to.oil,pesticide.,che.icals or radiation)in the event of an accident or upset conditions? IJ.Popul~tion.Will the propcsal alter th~ location,distribution,density,or growth rate of ~he human population of an area? 17.~~.Will the proposal affect exi.ting housing,or create a demand for additional housinr.? 13.Transportation/Circulation.Will the proposal r~sult in: a.r.pn~rntion of substantial additional vehicular-movement? b.ff!ects on exi9ting parking or dem:an~.for ne,~"p~r;kin&? c.Subst,a,nt(al,~mp~et;~~~~~~~sting traf1sporta'tion By.teas? facil iti'!'s, "y:.. ox.. d.~lteration.;to p~~sent p3tterns of circulation'or mov~ment of people and lor ¥oodst x e.~lterati~ns to waterborne,rail or air ,tra.fHc? f.Incre,a_s~_in traffic hazi1rdous to nO:~r v~hicles,bicyclists or o:>rlf!'c;tr'if.lns? II.,.1"ublic !·I"(vicc<."l,.'i:11 the rro,p:osi11 havt;all;f{;-;;'-'~7PO;~r'n':wlt \;0 a nfPd for nc"or ~1t:-!reo1 ,-o_ve(n",~;ntlll ser"iC,f's,in4ny ofth:> fo'i.r:-'./;I'i.'i!~:"'·,~::>.; ns ~.Fic~protection? d.Parks or other re~l'eatiQlnal facilities? b.Police pcot~ction1 c.Schools? e.Maintenance of public facilities. including roads? f.Other govecnaental .er¥i~e.t 1~.EnerBY.Yill the propos.l re.ult In: a.Ule of .ub.tanti.l _ta of fuel or .n.rIY? b.Subualitial iocr....in deaand upon exi.tin&.ource.of enerlY.or require the deve1opll&ntof ...v .OUre..of ....rU?x 16.Utiliti.s.Yill the propo ••l r••ult i•• n••d for DeW.yet ....Or .ub.teati.t . •It.r.tio...to thafolloviaa utilitie.: -••Pover orutunl •••? b.ea..ucie.tio....y.t...? c.Y.ter? d.Sever or ••ptict ....?. ••Stora v.t.r drai••S.? f.Solid V.lt ....d di.po ••l? 17.Hu.sn H.s1th.witl the propo••l r••ult in: a.Creation of any health hazard or pot.nti.l healthh.z.rd (eKelUdiril ..ental health)?. b.Expo.lOr.of people to potenthl health huard.? 18.Ae.theties.Will the propo.al re.ult in the oto.tructio..of ...y .ee.ie ~iat.Or vi.vopen to the public.Or vUl'thepr0Po ••l r....lt· in the creation of a.....th.tieally oU ...eh.dt.Opall to public .vi.v? YES 19.Recreation.Will the pronoaal result in an iOP4Ct UPOh [he quality or Quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20.Archeologic-ll/Hisrorical.llilt u ...· proposal result in ag alteracion of a sirnificant archeolo&ical or historicdl site,structure,object or buildinx? 21.~andAto~y FindinX8 cf SiFnificance. a.Does the project have the potential to deg~ade tlte quality of,tlte e".,iro"",ent. aubatantially reduce the Itabitat of a fiah or wildlife apeciea.cause a fiah or wildlife population to drop belou .elf-.uataining,llOYd.,tltreaten to eli.inate a plant or an1 ...1 eomnunity_.. reduce the nu.ber or re.trice the ran,e C)f,..•:I'are:-or"ettdanaered plant or ani ••}or eli.inate important cx4taple.of the ••jar periods of California hiatory or prehi.tory?x b.Does the projec:t Itave the potential to "ltieve ahort:-,ter...,to the diaaclU$\tage of long-teno.,envirollllental &""107,(A .hort-term iapact on tlte environment i. one which Occ:urain a relatively,brief .definitive period of time while l ....g- t ....iapacta will .ndur",vellinto .the future.) c.DOes the I'roject Itave.i.pacta whiclt are individually 1iai~.c1.,but.~'!"'u- l.tive!y considerable?(Aproject ••1 imPiet on two or .or~I.parate resources where the i_pact on each resource i.rel.tiv~ly .~~11,but ""ere the etfact of the total of thoge~",pa~,t~o~,the,environment is.i,ni Heant.). d.Does the ,project h.ve.envi~on",.nt.l ,.ffect.vhichwill cau'e .ub.~.nti.l, lldversf!effects on hum."i11~ein~s~ either directly or indirectly? ~,' Ill.ni~(:ussion()t fnvironm.el'to1l Evaluation I\'.f)ptrrmift.ariot1 <";'0 or ~o..pkt~~bYtheJ,.,.d),e,ncy)~. 7.construction of the project will increase tho glare associated with the existing use. measures to reduce this impact to a level of cance will be incorporated into the project. light and Specific insignifi- DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVAWATIQH 1.The proposed project will result in the construction of new buildings on the existing YMCA site.These struc- tures will cover areas which are currently V3cant.and may require grading of the site.since the site \" adjacent to Upper Newport Bay,erosion of the site could occur during construction which may result in soil entering the Bay.Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project which will reduce any potential geologic of erosion impacts to a level of insignificance. 3.The increase in impermeable surfaces which will result from the construction of new buildings on the subject property will increase the peak storm runoff.The potential impact will be mitigated to a level of insignificance by measures incorporated into theproject. 6.Additional activity on the site will increase the potential for noise increases in the vicinity.Mitiga- ti"n measures addressing noise which will rezult from me<.;hanicalequipment reduce this potential to a level of insignificance.The noise which may result from increased use of the property is considered an insignif- icant adverse effect. 13.Additional use of the site will result in a demand tor additional parking facilities.The project will be required to provide parking adequate for the proposed use on-site,resulting in no significant environmental effect. 14.Implementation of the project may increase the demand for tire protection services.This potential effect will be reduced to a level af insignificance by mitiga- tion measures incorporated into the project. 19.Th~project will opportunities in the beneficial effect of provide additional recreational vicinity of the project.This Is a the project. •• 10 On th~h:ui,of this inuial eVlil~r:ion; ~I find t~at the pro?Oled project COULD NOT hav~3 ~'gnific3nt ~ff~<t on the .n"iro~nt.aDd •II[C4TiV£DfC'....UTl(Jtl 'oIlll be pl"~r.Hed. EX}1 fia4 that al thoulh the propoaed projec t could h.v~•~iJrti f ie.flt effect on the enviroD_eat.tbere will not b •••i,nificant effc(t i~ thi.c...te becaule the .iti •.-tioQ ....Iurrs de.cribed 01\an .atr..cned .heet h."e been added to the project.A IlECATIVtIl£CURATlONwi \I b.prepared.o 1 fiDd the propoeed project !lAY b..,e ••ic"ifiunt effect on tit. 'Dviro~nt.eed .n IMVI'~AL IMPACT.EPO.T i.,~uired. nata Si,••ture 'or II ("ote:Tllia h only.,uIIC••ted fo .... th.ir 0Vll for.at for initial .tudi •••) Public .,.nc i.••art free to devil. MITIGATIONMEASURESFORTHE ORANGE COAST YMCA 2300 University Drive,Newport Beach Use Permit No.1128 (Amended) (Attachment to Neqative Declaration dated Apc!l 1,JftU)) 1.Thclt development shall be in substantial confOntl.'Jn~fl ....ith the approved plot plan,f looe plan,elevations and ~'wtion,.,.exceptasnotedbelow. 2.That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shi:r.J)h(!m.creen~d from University Drive and adjoining properties. ).Thdt all.improvements be constructed as requic(!d by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 4.That vehicular access be provided to the eXi5t~nq storm drain easement access road located at the northeasterly corner of the parcel to the satIsfaction of the Public Work~~p~rtm~nt. >.That the on-;'it(~vehIcular .:tnd p~.!de5trian clrcu)o'-1on ~YGtem5 he subJect to further r~~Vll!"w by the Puhlic WO!'k.s DcP,'SHmI'nt. (.).ThCtt the cx~stin9 deteriorated drive apron and qlJttf?T on the University Drive frontage be replaced und~r an ~ncro~c~~~t permit issued by the Puhlic Works Depart~nt. J.That prior to the issuance of a bUilding peX11lit.th"applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and the Public Wor~s Oepartment.that sewer facilities will be available for the project at the time of occupan~/. 9.That arrangelltents be ""'de with the Public Works Oepartment to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements. 9.That a master plan of sewer,water and storm drain facilities be prepared and approved by the PubI ic Works Depact.J'4ent prior to issuance of any building permits. 10.Development of site shall be subject to it qradinq ~rmit to be approved by the BUilding and Planning Depart~~nts. 11.That a grading plan.if required.sh&ll include a complete plan for temporary bnd permanent drain&ge facilities,to minimize any potential imP3CtS frpn silt.debris,and other water pollutants. 12.The 9t"adinq permit shall include,if required,a description of haul routes,access points to U,e site,watering,and sweeping program desiqned to minl.i~e impact of haul operations. 13.An erosion,Siltation and dust control plan,if required,shall be submi tted and be subject to the approval of the Iluildinq Departloent and a copy shall be forwarded to the Call fornla R....ional Water Quality Control Board,Sant"II....lle9ion. • MITIGATION HBASURES ORANGE COAST YMCA P..lqe 2. [4.The veloCl ty of concentrated run-off from the evaluated and ~rosive velocltieG controlled project deSIgn. pc!'.)J'~ct sha!1 ~.: dS p.,rt of th(~ 1'1.That gradlng shall b(;c(..nduct~:d .ill accordance WIth ;';}'I~I~prepared by a CiVIl .Engineer clnd based on recoanendation3 of iJ.5011 engineer and dn cnq1ncerinq qeologist SubS(~tiNIt.to the completion of a comprehenslve soi 1 and geologic lnvf!~;Ugation of the site.Pf:rn~nent reproducible copies of th~"Approved as Built"grading plans on standard size sheets Sh.,11 rHi furnished to the Building Depdrtm~nt. 16.That erosiun conteol measures shull be done on any flX,.oor;ed !>lopes within thirty ddys itft'-~r qradinq or <l!i appro'..ed by to(>Gradingr:ngineer. '"I.fI.1.1ndsC'';lp*:"a.nd lfciqiltH.HI pldn for the project !.h.:dJ '~('pn"'pared by <l licensed Idtldsccspe dcchl teet.The 1andf:..iCl:lp~pI an shall intngratc and phGse the ltmtallation of lo1ndscapirlq wi t.h tt!(" proposed construction schedule.(Prior to the OCcupancy of any structure,the licensed landscupe architect shdll r,(.rtify to th(> Planning Dep""rtment that the landscaping-hils b~en lnstllill~d inaccordancewiththepreparedplan). 18.The landscape plan shall be SUbject to the review Of th(.!Slo(lrks, Beaches and Recreation 04:!par~"'ncnt and approval of th!'!'PlanningOepartment. 19.The landscape plan shall include a D;aintcnance pn'9cam which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 20.The lands<:upe plan shell placE.heavy emphasis on tht:t use of drought-resistant natIve vcget~tion and b~irrigated wit.h d ~ystcrn dcslgned to aVoid surfdcC runoff and over-waterIng. 21.The landscape.:plan shall place heavy emphaSIS on fic'O"-r("t.:.rdantvegetation. 22.Landscaping nhall be requlllrly maintainN3 free of weeds and debris.All vegetation shall he rcgularly trul',ned ilnd kept in ithed1thycond1.tion. 23..That any roof top or other mechanical equipment shall be sound attenuated itl such tl Manner as to 4chieve a maximum sound levelofSSOb~~t thA pro~~rty lin~. H:TICATION MeASURES O!'.ANG£COIlST YHCA Page 3 ~ 24.That any mechanical ~quipment and emergency f)(',;\rU,.r generators shall be screen~d from view and noise a.ssoc:;ltt~11 with said installations shall be sound attenuat.ed to accept..-dJh",levels in receptor areas.The latter sha.ll be htl!'&f:id uf;,{.In the reca.mmendations of a qualified acoustical engintci.!:1t 1 an!!be approved by the Planning Oepart~nt. /s.That all bUildings on the project site shall be {'qtHJjl~d with fire suppr~ssion systems approved by the Fire Depart~nL l6.That all ilccess to the buildings be appro"J'cd !.rl the FireDepartl'l"..enl. 27<That fire vehicle access~including the proposed planter is~ands, shall be approved by the Fire Depart~nt. 2"8.Final design of the project nhall provid~for ~:h(,i .'lfJ,'rporation of Wdtec-:;avi.ng dC'/lce3 for project lav<ltorie5 ii1t1fJ ,...t.hee water-u51ng fdcilitics. 29.That the lighting system sh.iJll be de~i9ned and mi1in1:,drl(~d in such a rndnfW,[uS to conceal the light sauce'?and to minimize light spi t li~ge and glare to the adjacent residential USe'§.The plans shall bo prepared and sign~d by a Licensed Electric~\i Engineer; with a letter from the Engineer statin9 that,in his opinion,this requirement has been met. 30.That the final design for the parking area be approved by theCityTrafficEngineer. 31.That ..minill1Umof 181 parking spaces be provided on-site at aUtimes.. l?That a ~~ximum of 19'f (35 spaces)of the parking on-site may becompactp~rking spaces. 33.That no nighttime lighting snaIl be ~rm.itted on the running track/exercise area,except for pacing lights on t.he runnin9trade 3~.That no amplified pagi.nq systems shall be ~rmitted in any outdoor «rea on the subject pro~rty. J,.That the two proposed wall signs shall not be illuminated. 36.It shall be the rE.:sponsibility of the YMCA to aonitor itsprogramsfortheproposedfacilitysoastonotexceedthecapacityoftheproposedoff-street parking lot.If it isdetf~r.mined by the exceed theon-site CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 9,1987 at a minimum of five off-stref~t p.arkirl'-j spaces 1 be required in conjunr.tion with th~proposedon. 4.That shall park f)f;-site. INDEX Item 110.8 llP1l28 ~ !lpproved ROLL CALL 5.That the Plann or lIlOdify condi tions of ap val to thb use permit,or recomend to the Ci Council the revocation of this use permit,upon determination that the operation which is the suij ct of this us~permit cause£injury,or 1s detri to the health, safety,peace,morals,cONfort,generAl welfare of the community. 6.This use permit shall '...i thin 24 months f rom the da te of appro specified in Section 20.60.090 A of 'he N Beach Municipal Code. A.Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)(Public Hearing) Request to amend a previously approvea use permit Which permitted the establis'-nt of a YMCAfacility in the R-I District.The proposed amendment involves • request to construct a 44,5641 Ilq.ft.addition that inCludes youth and f ....11y fitness faciHei<os,a qylIllaS- tiC8 center.a child care center,offices,a c.-mity Meting center .and an illUlllinated roof top jogging/ex- ercise area.The proposal a180 includes a modification t.o the Zoning Code so as to allow:a portion of the proposed building,an enclosed trash area,and 4 6 foot high wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback,a portion of the required parking spaces to be cOlllpact spaces,and to allow two wall mounted identification siqns in excess oC ~sq.ft. AND B.Variance No.1140 (Public Hearinsl Request to aUow alterations and addition.to the ex~st1nq YMCAfacility ...hich will exc:eed the ...x~ allOW'able buUdinq height in the 24/28 root Height Li~tation District. ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES July ..,1987 I...DEX Motion x Parcel No.1 of Parcel Hap j'ln.J-J5 (Resubdivision No.2IS',lOtated at 2JQO University Drive,em th~_~north- erly side of Univernity Drive,easterly of Tustin Avenue in the West BAy Area. ZONE:R-l APPLICANT:Newport Costa Mesa YMCA OWNER:Same as applicant The yYblic hearing was opened in connection with this item,and Mr.Jamea de Boom,Exee~~iveDirector for th~ Newport Costa Mega YMCA appeared before r~e C~ission. Mr.de Boom stated his concurr~nce with th~staff report and the findings and conditionH ()f approval contained in Exhibit reA." In response to a query by Conrnissioner Winburn,Mr.de Boom said that the Newport Costa MeBa YI-1CAoperated several sites throughout the City and Berv~d some 16,000 persons. C.-ussioner Debay opined that the completion of the proposed project would add greatly to youth facilities in the City. Commissioner Winburn,in answer to a query by eo.mis- sioner Debay,explained that becauee of previous objections to the height of the structure,it was being lowered 30 inches into the ground,and any further lowering would be cost prohibitive to the project. Motion was made to Variance No.1140 conditions contained approve Use Permit subject to the in Exhibit "A." NO.1128 and f indi rlqs and There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing wns closed at this time. In recalling t:h"last time thet the proposed project was heard before the Planning COIIlOli..ion.Planning Director Hewicker stated ~t often time.institution. such as the YMCA,churchuB,etc.,have re"ei ved ap- proval for their reepective projects,and then,due to various reasons,are unable to ~et the project started before the 24 month expiration period.TIIltrefore,if the Planning c.-ission wishes to extend the two year COMMISSIONERS .• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .1,,11'9,1987 ROLL CALL INDEX AmendllEut to Motioll All Ayes period as it applies to the pro.r.osed PTr ..')tJ~:'-1 'the COan..isRion could do so ,.,lth 4n amen&r.ent tt";t h,.P-'Otion on the floor.Mr.Hp.W'icker also clarl t1~iJ that an extension of the permit period would n<;t ,gffl!!!'c~the approved Traffic Study which expires cn Ot:i'f'flr.\ber 10,1987. The motion on the floor was amended to includ~chan9ing Condition No.42 to read GThat this use-~n'fttt ahall expire unless exercised Within 36 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.0~J A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code."Motion voted on. MQI'ION CARRIED. A.Use Permit No.1128 (Amended) FINDIIIGS: 1.That the proposed use is consittent \11th thl!'land Use Elements of the (',.enera.l Plan and tht.Local Coastal Program,and is compatible with 8urround-ing land uses. 2.That the propoaed number of cOlllpact car spaces constitutes 19 percent of the parki~r~ulrement$ which is within limits '.!enerally ace~d by the Planning C.,.,isBion relative to pr_i<>us silllilar applications. 3.That the propolhtd use of ccepaet parking spaces, the front yard encroachments L~proposed identi- fication signa will not,uncler the cirCUllllltanc.... of the this particular "ase,be detrimental to the health,safety,peace,comfort,and qeneral welfare of persons residing or workin'.!in the neighborhood of such proposed use or bs detri- mental or injUrious to property and iJ:Iprov.....nts in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City and further that the proposed mo<lifications are consistent wIth the legislative intent of Title 20 of this Code. 4.That the project will comply with ell applicable City and State Building COdes and Zoning require- ments for new building applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located,except those itelllll requeatea in conjunction with the proposed mo<lifications. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 5.That the project lot size confoI1!".s tf.~Uj<.;Zoning Code are~requirements. 6.That adeq-,..1.IJ.te off-stree~purklnq Mit1 related vehicular circulation are being prl')1J~ded in conjunction ~ith the proposed develoIXM~nt. 7.That all eigrtificant environmental conChfnF.>for the propose:d project have been l.ddreafu~d in a previously certi fied environmental docuznt.<,llt,and further,that there are-no additional relHJonable alternative or ~itigation measures thbt "hould be considered in conjunction with said project. B.That based on the information contained in the previ.m.m Initial Stl ..dy and N'~gatjvfJ D~('l,aration, the project incorporates stlff1cil1r,~;mitigation measure£.to reduce pot-':!ntial1y Sigid.f 1r.:ant en- vironmentil offects,and that the prQject will not result irl 8.ignificant environmental impl1ct£>. 9.That the approval of Use Permit No.1128 (Amended) will not,under the circumstances of thlH ~lse be detrimental to th~health,safety,peac~,morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvementa in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS, 1.That development shall be in substantial confor- mance with the approved plot plan,floor plans, elevations and sections,except as noted below. 2.That all mechanical shall be screened adjoining properties. equipment and tranh areas from University Drive and July 9,1987 ROLL CALL INDEX 3.That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Work.Department. 4.That vehicular access be provided to th~existinq storm drain easement aCcess road locAted at t.he northeasterly corner of the parcel to the satis- faction of the Public Works Department. July 9,1987•• ROLL CALL INDEX CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 5.That the on-site vehicular and :~Hl('(;it:ri '-lL ci rcu- lation syster:-,s he subject tr.!t c;rtb::r revie"" by the Publ ic \o:taks Dep,.'uttr,·\t,t.Hll,;l'.;t.':.I.ng thf' design of the proposed serv1cp dTiv~WdY~. 6.T:'1at prior to the oCC\.i.parH~;Y ')i t.hf~proposed project,the circulatioTJ &yt~tettl improvements described in the Traffic Study {lC1U~dJI..pril.198J on Page 10 prepared by Jt:F f:nqlrl.eerin9,!nc., ahall have been accomplished unless subsequent project approvals requi r~modi t teat iona then~·to. (The ultimat~deRign of the 1~tcr"ectio~~hal1 be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer). 7.That the f:~:isting det.eriorated dx-ive "FTon and gutter on the Univer!;;it.y [)rlV~~fr,r,nf:i"l •.·he re- placed under an encroi\chmt?nt pf'Jrr-lit 1 r~:il.l(.·d by the Public Work.s i1epartment. 8.That prior to the issuance of a buildin'-;i po;~rm.it, the applicant shall demonst.rate to th~cbt-isfac- tion of the Planning Department and thl!Public Works Department,that sewer faciliti.rtz will be available for the yroject.at t~he tiJ!'l"~of occu- pancy. 9.That arrange_nts be IMde with the Public Worh Department to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements. 10.That a master plan of sewer"water and 1;torm drain facilities be prepared and approved by the Public Works Department prior to iss~ance of any building permits. 11.Development of sHe shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 12.That a grading plan,if required,shall include a complete plan for temporary and p."nMnent drainage fac~lities,to minimize any potential impacts from silt,debris,and other vater pollutantg. 13.The grading permit shall include,if r"'luired,a description of haul routes,access:pointn t.o the s1 te,watering,and sweeping progr1Ulldeo1gnld to minimize impact of haul operations. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 14.An ero!'iion,siltation and du~t:Cfmtrol t,lllltl,if required,shall be submitt.ed Md]be c.;L;l,jf~~;'~.to the approval of the nuildir:;J .t;f~f.ilutm.er:t {:J;l:r!tl co-py shall be forwardf!c to the Cljl ifon:i",j.'''-''q1()na.1 Water Qual i ty Control F:,Qard,S~.f;t.a l~nt.1 ~.{~(J ir;'n. 15.The velocity project shall controlled as of concentrated nUi-off fnlm the be evalr.o:ated .and ~rogive vklocities part of the project degig~. 16.That grading shall be c()nd~ctl2d in acCOrdiH}Ce with plans pre.t)ared by a.civil Engim:er alnd hased on recommendations:of a $oi1 enqiru:~er art-d ~n enqi- ne~rin9 geologist subsequent to th€completion of a comprehenmlve soil dr,d g~oloqic inv€'stiql1lltion of the site.Permnent r~priJoducl.ble copies of the "Approved I!Hi Built'·grading plllnrn f)fl,r<J.tandard size sheets shall be f,.;.rnished to th~)BuDdin')n~part- rr.ent. 17.That erosion control measures shtlll be done on any exposed slopes within thirty dbYS after grading or as approved by the Grading Enqine~r. 18.A landscape and irrigation plan for th~project shall be prepared by a licen""d l ..roa.cape archi- tect.The landscape plan .hall integrate and pha....the installation of lar>dacapifl'l with the propoHd construction schedule.(Prior to the occupancy of any str ..cture,th<!lic""Hd landsc~ architect shall certify to the Planning D~rtment that the landscaping has been installed in accor- dance with th~prepared plan). 19.Th~landscape plan shall ~subject to the review of the Parks,Beaches and Recreation t>epar-tment and approval of the Planning Department. 20.The 1andscape pla.n sha 1.') program which controls tt~ pe9ticid"s. Include a t>taintenance use of fertilizers ar~ 21.The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-reaistant native vegetation and be irrigated with a symtelll designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 22.The landSCApeplan shall place heavy emphasis on fir,,-retardeflt ",e'1eUtion.The final landscapa -25- July 9,1""'1 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 'j,1987 INDEX plan shall r-.e dE:signed gO as tv In'''fHdf-,.t.he landscaping for ~creening p;;.rposes."ll~j i~(':r.t t.0 the Anniversary Lane Tz dct,and t,0 1:.r,rt!llg~ttoe wall and landscaping at the north'''''f~ut~lr 1'I t:orn~r of the site whf::rf~the foot traffic i:,or:curring, so as to pr~ch.de !>€rson5 from gair~irlfj <JcceS5 at this l'Jcation. 23.Landscaping shall be regularly maintahi~d fn ..e of weeds and debris.All vegetation sha}1 be req-.;- larly trirr:ned and kept in a healthy conditie:n. 24 ~That any reof top or other mechanica 1 ~qt.ii~nt shall be sound attenuated in such .\mann,-~r as tr-, achieve a r.aximum sound level of 55 aHA at th1!! property line. 25.Th(lt.a"1Y mechanictl f.:quiprnerlt.and cmf:rrJI~n("y r.....J'4~r generators shall b,.~£>creened from view and nr.Jis.o associated with said installations shall be ~Y~nd attenuated to acceptc.ble levels in recf!!)tr)r 9rf'!'Zl&. The latter shall hf:lbased upon the recOD'Imf:tloll.tions of a licensed engineer or a professional enqlnp-er practicing in acoustics,and be a:pprovif!dby the Planning Department. 26.That all buildin<3"on the project .1t"shall be equipped with fir~suppression sy9temR approved by the Fire Department. 27.That all access to the building be approved by the Fire Department. 28.That fire vehicular access,including th~proposed planter islands,Shall be approved by thp.Fire DepartIr.ent. 29.Final design of the project shall p~ovide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilit.ies. )0.That the lighting "y"tem within the structur"and in the off-street parking lot shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses.The plans shall be prepared and signed by a Licensed Elec- trical Engineer,with "letter frOlll the Engineer stating that,in his opinion,this requireroent has been met. COMMISSIONERS ROLL CALL July 9,1987 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX 31.That th~final design for the pa '-".l ro'f i!t"l:a be approved by the City Tr;lffic Engin~-!(_'r. 32.That 0.minlmwi'l of 181 parking spac(~:::.bt,provided on-site at.illl.t~f;. 33.That the location of the compact patk i ri'1 spaces shall be redistrib~ted within the parking lot to the satisfaction of the City Traffic ETiqin~(.'r. 34.That.five handicap parking spaces r}hhll b~pro- vlded on-site unles!;otherwise perl!'l tted by the auilding Department. 35.Thnt a maxImumof 19't 05 spaceo)of tho parking un-8it~adf be compact parking SyaCch. 36.That the service driveways shall lw r;t~bject t.o further review and approval of the City ~:ngineer and City Traffic Engineer. 37.That no nighttime lighting shall be ~rrnitted on the running track/exercise area,except for pacing lights on the running track. 38.That no pc=ent amplified pagIng ~y.t""g shall be permitted in any outdoor area on the subject property. 39.That the two proposed wall signs allall not be illuminated. 40.It shall be the responsibility of the YMCAto monitor its prog~ams for the proposed facility 50 as to not exceed the capacity of the proPQsed parking lot.If it is determined by the Planning Department tfu'1t programs tlxceed the on-site parking spaces,they shall be modified by the YMCA in a ~~nner approved by the Planning Department. 41.That 4 gate shall be required across the driveway to cloYe off the narking lot during the non-busi- ness hours. 42.That this use permit shall expire unless exercised within 36 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090 A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. R<X..L CALL ,July 9,1987• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX Variance No.1140 FINDINGS: 1.That there are exceptional or extnanrdlnary circumstances applying ...0 the land,building,an~ use proposed.in this application,which circum- stances and conditions do not generally apply to land,building,and/or uses in the same dlntrict inasMUch as the YMCA's gymnasium requires specific dimensions and height that do not ~pp~y to adja- cent properties in the vicinity. 2.That the qranting of a variance to the height requirement is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property right B of t.he applicant,inasmuch as without the height,the YMCA could not offer programs neceusory to 8ustain itself and serve the community. 3.That the establishment,maintenance,and operation of the use,property,and building will not,under the circumstances of the particular CAS8,be detrimental tc the health#safety,peace,comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or ~orkinq in the neighborhood of such proposed use or detrimental or injurious to property and 1Joprove- menta in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1.That de'Jelopme:.ltshall bE in substant.ial confor- mance with the approved plot plan,floor plans, revised elevations and sections,except as noted below. 2.That all eppl1C"able conditions of Use Permit No. 1128 (Amended)shall be fulfilled. J.That the height of the parapet walls shall be limited to that required by COde,is 42 inches. The proposed stairwells shall be no higher than the approved height of the parapet WAnS • ••• CITY'OF llEWPOR'I'Br.ACH PI.A!flI!!fG Dl!PAR'I'HE!lT PLk~~'IEW P~QUEST • Date June 16,1987XADVANCEPLAlmINGDIVISION X=PURLIC WORKS DEPARTHENT X TRAPFIC <:IIGUlE!':R X nPE DEPAR1"MEllT X:Pl.A!1 REVIEW DIVISION P~~.KS &RECRP.ATION --POLICE DEPARTMENT -HARmE Sl,PETY X GRADING PLAN'S ON F'H.F.in j·'r,AllrlING DEP'!'. APPLICATION OP:Newport Costa Mesa YMCA FOR:Variance 110.1140 REQUEST TO:AlloW'alterations and additions to the eXistlwj Newport Costa Mesa YMCAfacility which will exceed the maY-imumallowab1"building height in the 24/2B 1'00t Height Limitation District. wr..ATION:2300 University Drl.ve REPORT ~EQUESTED BY:~1une 26,JrJB7 CO~~IssrONREVIP.W:,luly 9,198~ COM!lElITS:_ Signature Date Notice 18 hereby given that the Planning e.-J.ssi=of the City of Newport Ilea"'"wilLho14.public hearing on theapt>lication of ",CJ' ____________for USEPERMIT,RESUBDIVISIOIf,_ VARIAJlCEc--AIlE!lDIlEh'T T.ENTATIVETRACT1lAP 0'I'HERc-_ on property located at~_ Request to _ r--1rhis project has been reviewed,and it has been determined that it ift categorically exemptL.Junder the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. DNOTICEIS REREBYFURTHERGIVENthat a Negative Declaration has bean prQpared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above.Th..Negative Declaration states that,the subject developlllent will not result in a significant effect on the environment.It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and" supporting dOCUlllents.This is not to be construed as either approval or denial by th"City of the subject application.The City encourages IIleJIIbersof the'general public to revi_and commenton this do~ntation.Copies of the Negative Declaration and SUpporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department,City of """POrt Beach,3300 Newport BouleVard,Newport Beach,California,92658-8915 (714)644-3225. NOTICEIS HEREBYFURTHERGIVENthat an Environmental Illpact Report has been preparod in connection with the application noted above.It is the present intention of the City to accept the Envirolllllental Illpact'Report and supporting dOCUlllents.The City enCOUrages llIellIbersof the general public to review and COIIDenton this dOCUlllentetion.Cop!es of the EnVironmental Impact Report and SUpporting doeuIIents are available for public rev!_and inspection at the Planning Department,City of Newport Beach,3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach,California,92658-8915 (714)644-3225. NOTICEIS HEREBYFURTHERGIVENthat all significant environmental concerns for the propo3ed project have been addressed in a previously certified enviro""",ntal dOCUlllent,and that the City of Newport Beach intends to U8e said document for the above noted project,and furuner that there are no additional reasonable alternative or aitigation measures that should be considered in conjunction with said project.Copies of the previously prepared environmental document are aVailable for public review and inspaction at the Pl"nning Department,City of Newport Beach,3300 Newport Boul,vard,Newport Beach,C8~ifornia,92658-8915 (714)644-3200. Notice 1&hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the day of==-=-.'i.---:::::;1ge1,at the hour of,~p.a.in the Council Chamberaof the Newport Beach, City H~ll,3300Jlewport Boulevard"Jlewpor.Beach,california,at vlIicll tiae and placo My and all peraons intereated ...y awear and be heard thereon.1I'0r information call (714)644-3200. George Ochsner 1834 leeward r..m.. NeIoport Beach,ca 92660 439-301-08 Richard Dinkins 2416 Ur~versity Dri>~ NeIoport Beach,Ca 92660 439-301-19 Nahnood Sharef f 2926 Silver lane Nc""f;ort Beach,ca 92660 119-252-08 First Jlmerican Trust Co P.O.!lOX 267 Santa Ana,ca 92702 439-301-09 Earl 5aw-jcr 535 Via Lido Sotrl NeIoport !le<lch,Ca 92660 439-301-20 Jeffery Pierose 408 Fda Street 8ois",Iel 83702 119-252-10 John Wells 5720 14Ot:h Street Bellevue,wa 98006 439-301-21 rear E.a'l1and 2422 University Drive NeIoport Beach,ca 92660 439-301-10 Fdward 'Ihrum 2291 Golden Circle New£.ort !le<lch,ca 92660 119-252-11 Doris M Hope 2416 University Drive Ne\-.port !le<lch,ca 92660 439-301-11 Bank of Anerica 801 N.Main Street Santa IIn....,ca 92701 439-301-22 sally Brown 2285 Cc1den Circle NeIoport !le<lch,ca 92660 119-252-12 Brian I'b:d 2900 Paper lane Newport Beach,ca 92660 119-251-13 Grace A.Jordan 2402'University Drive Ne1opor l !le<lch,('..a 92660 439-301-12 Hla 'Iin 2281 Golden Circle Newport !le<lch,ca 92660119-252-13 Richard Carr 2904 Paper lane Newport Eeach,Ca 92660 119-251-14 G1.ad'jS Banis 2404 Universtiy Drive Nell/pOL l Beach,Ca 92660 439-301-13 Cynthia B=-m 2275 Golden Circle Newport Beach,Ca 92660 119-252-14 Richard Beckner 2909 Silver l~ Newport Beach,ca 92660119-252-03 John Sigrist 1801 Glenwood Lane -Newport Beach,ca 92660 439-301-14 Patricia Mazur 2269 Golden Circle Newport Beach,ca 92660 119-252-15 .Jotm Wright 2408 University Drive .Newport Beach,Ca 92660 I 439-301-15I;,~" Hobert Holland 2905 Silver lane Newport P.r""ch,ca 92660119-252-04 Ronald Gem 2261 Golden Circle Newport !leach,ca 92660 119-252-16 .~len M•.Jotmson 2410 University Drive Newport Beach,Ca 92660 <439-30i-16 Richard teyton 2900 Silver lane Newport Beach,ca 92660 119-252-05 Janes COOper 2253 Golden Circle~~:i_~Ileach~"ca 92660 ·.:::J o..v-'_•:J6-<-~.1"a~, ::t"'~A./,;?..j/(4i/0~.-e __·,.r rJ .........-.,,--'!-7'..';-:"".~--"/1'-(_c.(.....Jv.._...(C!-T.( 1.'07/,- D.IJ!!e Golden Circle Newport Beach,Ca 92660 119-253-02 Ara <Erezoglu 2250 Golden Circle Newport Beach,Ca 92660 119-253-03 Dunacan /ot:Intosh P.O.BOX1337 Newport Beach,Ca 92660 119-253-04 /' Millicent Rolle 2268 Golden Circle Newport Beach,Ca 92660 119-253-05 John Van:±an 1724 W.Ne'lIpOrt Hills Drive Newport Beach,Ca 9'~660 119-253-06 John !-bsher 2231 Aniversary Lane NewportBeach,Ca 92660 119.,.253-07 ';{';\:,l'}"_.;'~::"._:,_~',::/",::,;::,"::~:,:;"-',:, TiITot:hy Shepard 2215 Aniversary lane Newport Beach,ca 92660 119-253-08 • ......----•" .;.,~.~~-:-','/ ~,"-"-6., }..•.i "'. 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