HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEASE AGREEMENTLEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 260 J Restaurant and Marin~ LLC, a California limited 1iability company LANDLORD AND MAMA'SNPB, LP~ a Delaware limited partnership dba }dama ':s Comfort Food~ & Cocktails TENA.i"iT PA2019-026 LEAS~: AGREEMENT THIS LEASE is made mid <.."ntcrcd into effective as of the 291h day of January 2019 (the "'Effective Date"), by and bctw'ccn 2601 Restaurant and Marina, LLC~ a California limited liability company, hc.rcina&r referred to as .. Landlord" and MAMA.'S NPB, LP, a Dela\\'B.TI: limi~ partnership~ hereinafter .referred to as 11 Te11ant" .. Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. !J.K. For the Lease Tenn (as hereinaUer defined), I.anclloTd hereby leases to Tenant,, and Tenant hereby leases frum Landford~ the "'Premises'• (as heroinaftcr dctlnc-d) nas .. is and where-is'\ including any and all existing ea'1cmcnli;~ rights-of-way and encumbrances., tor the purpose of conducting thereon a full-service c.;usLW.I breakfu.1tt, 1uneh and dinner restaurant specializing iu comfi.rrt foud'if incluiling Thrifty ice t."'TCH'.m~ and specialty drinks for on premises consumption, all under the tlilllle ''Mama"s Comfi>rt Food & Cocktails'r ~ and all ill compliance with, subject and subordinate to the tenns~ condirionsf restrictions and other provisions of Conditional Use Pennit No. UP2-0I I-00I issued by the City of Newport Beach for the ope1·ation of a restaurant on the Premise:s {"CUPH), and for no other purpose without tbe prior written consent of Landlord .. w·hicl1 consent .shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall be bound by the terms,, conditions~ restrictions and other provisions of the CUP and shall!' whenever the City of Nev.port B,cach oT the I .a.ndlord may so demand~ execute, acknow·l.cdgc or consent to any 1118tru.mcnt evidencing such tcnn.s,, conditions, restrictions and othcv provisions of the CUP. Tenant rqm.-senti; and v.rarranf!; that it has made a detailed m8Jlccti<:>n of the Buildin{b Prenlises and an fumituret fixtures and equipment therein:-all lic~'iCs and permits .• including the CUP and ha..~ entered into t11is Lease based upon its independent inspections and not as the result of any statement~ or representations of the Landlord, except those which are expressly set .forth in this Le-.ase. 2. Prcmj313. The R".al property leased to Tenant~ together with the existing building (""Building") and otller appurtem'l11ces thereon, is bereillafter referred to as the "'Premisestll,..and is situated in the City ofNe\vport Beach,. Conacy of Orang~ State of California, commonly known ns 260l West 0.>mil Highway" Newport Beach~ C.alifornia. The Premi.~~ are legally dest..-ribed in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this ref~renre. 3. rmn. (a) The inilial term of this Lease {the "'Initial Term") shall commence on January 29~ 2019~ on which date the Tenant may take possessicm ofthe Premises and sha.ll end on the earlier of April 1, 2019 or the day on wruch the California Department of Aleoholic Beverage Control transfers to Tenant the existing 'Iypc 4 7 Full Liquor Liccm.~,. Lic!!nse No. 543747 for the Premises ("Liquor License"). TClli'mt.covcnants and %'Tees to U..°'\e an possible diligence and to do all other things required to expeditiously -1- PA2019-026 apply for and obtain the Tempo:rucy Pennil and Liquor Llcerise. (b) The base term of this I.case (the •~e Tenn"') shall be for eight (8} years commencing on the date that the Initial Term ends. (<i) The term "~sc Term'" shall mtan and Tcfor to coUecfrvely the Initial Term and the Base Term. 4. Purchase ofExjstin¥ Uwaor Lls;sm!U'.t-Tenant shall deposit into an cscrO\"\r designated by the Landlord eoncurrent with execution of this T.ca.'5c~ the sum ofFm1.y 'Thml$and Dt,llaTS ($40J.t00.00) a.,-. the purchase price for the Liquor License and in exchange Landlord agrees to transfer to Tenant the existing Liquor License currently held for the Premises. Tenant, upon request of landlord and in Landlonfs oolc discretion, coneurrcnt "ith the termination of the l..ca.5c, transfers and sells the Liquor License to Lmtllcm.l or Landlonrs designee, through 1lll escrow designated by Landlord frw that purpos~. 5. .B.£m. Tenant shaJJ puy to Landlord during the Lease Tcm:i a.lJ monthly rent ("Monthly Rent") for the Premises the following amounts: (a) During the Initial Tenn, no Monthly Rent shalt be payable. (b) During the Base Term, the Monthly Rent shall be as follow.s: (i) (ii) (iii) Years t-2: Y~ars 3-4; Years 5 .. 3: $14,000 per month $ l 68J)OO per year $18,000 per montll S216t000 per year $20,000 per month $240,000 per year In additiun tu the Monthly Rent, Tenant shall pay LandJmd a percentage rent (''Percentage Rcnf•) which ~hall be six percent ( 6%} of an gross sales ("'Gross Sale~t1 ) in excess uf tbe natwaal breakpoint ( .. Natural _Breakpoint"). The Natural Breakpoint shaH be c-atc.ulatcd a.c; the Monthly Rent divided by six percent (6%). For example. if !:ht: Gross Sales in a particular month during year one oftbc Ba51: T'-'TlTl is $275,000.00, the l 3crccntagc Rent would be calcul~tcd as foHowR: the Natural Breakpoint wotltd be the $14~000 Monthly Rent d1'\1idcd by 6%, which equals $233,333.33 and the excess Gross Sales would be $41,666.67 {$275:000.00 -$233.333.33}, thus t~ Percentage Rent would 6% of $4 t ,666.611 or the sum of $2,500.00. The Pcrccn.tagc Rent $hall be calculated for each month or fractional period of such month during the Bwi.e Tenn of the Lease. Should the Ba."ic Tenn of the Lease COJlllllCnC-C on a day ,,,bkh is not the first day of a calendar month, then the Percentage Rent for :such fust fractional mcmth shall be computed by using the Initial Prorated Monthly Rent (as, defined below) 1-atber than the Monthly Rent for that firs1 fractional momh to c.-alculate the Pc.rcentag_c Rent.. Similarly,,. if t'he Base Tenn ends on a day which il'!i not 1he last day of a calendar month, then the Percentage Rent for :such fast fractional month of the Ba."ie Tenn shall be computed by llsing the Final Prorated Monthly Rent (as defined below) rather than the Monfh1y Rent for that final fmcticmal monlh to calculate the Pcrc-entagc Rent. AH Percentage Rent :i;hall be paid for each calendar q,1a.rtcr or fractional period of such calendar qW1rler, without sctoff~ (k-,duction. priornot.ice or demand on the fifteenth ( t,Slh) day of the calcnd:.u month following -2- PA2019-026 the prior calendar quarter or fractional period of such prior calendar quarter tllid the Percentage Rent bccmne due. Each payment of Percentage Rent shaU be .accompanied by a detailed breakdown of each category of revenue received comprising the Gross Sal~ for the applicable calendar quarter or fr.:tctinnal calendar qunrter lo which the Pcn::cntage Rent applies, with a written certification by Tenant that each category of revenue and 11.e Gross 1m:-0m~ reported is comp lctc and accurate. (c) The term Gross Sales shall mean and refer to the total amount of all tevenu~ whether in t-ash ur c.redit (induding all mnounhi retained by credit card companie~ OT iS8uers), !,renentted or d.t.·rivcd from the conduct of any m.L"iin~ at or relating to the Premises or on the internet~ including without limitatiofl;, the sale of goodsJ services!' admissiom to the Premises" buy-oubi: of the Premise-ii, food~ be\lerd1~, on and off~ite catcrin_g1' merchandise, gift certificates, tickets, \·ending machines. video pmcs and A TM 1nacllines, and for each shall exclude an fedetal, stat~ and local sales and use taxes of any kind what'50CVcr. { d) The applic3blc Monthly Rent shall be payable on or before the frn,t day of each month during the Lease Tenn. Should the Base Term of this Lease commence on a day which is n.nt the first day of a calc:ndm month1 then the Mcmth1y Rent for-such fm;t fractional UJJonth shall be computed on a daily basis for the period from the commencement date of that first ti'acii.onal month to the last day of such calendar lllOnth and at an amount equal lo one thirtieth (1/3~.G.) of said Munlh1y Rent for ~h ofsueh <lays ("ln.itial Prorated Monthly Rcnf~), and thereafter shall he computed as the full Monthly Rent as st:1 forth in Article 5-(b). Jfthc Base Term ends on a day which is not the la.c;t day ofa calendar month, then the Monthly Rent for such last fractional month of the Base Tenn shall be computed on a daily bm;is for the pmod from tne fin;l calt:rn.htr day of that last fractional month to the last day of the of the Base PcriQd and at an amount equal to one thirtieth (ll3ff-b) ofsaid Monilily Rent for each of such days f"Final Prorated Monthly Rent"'), 6. Real Fsta.tc Taxes and Common Area Majnteuuuss tCAM} CJ:m,n,:es. During the Base Ter~ Tenant shall be responsible for payment of an assessed real property tax chavges {"Real Propmy Tax Pnym~t1 ),. with the right to audit. Annual property taxes arc estimated to be $65~000 for Fiscal Tax Year 2018/2019 which begins on July pt and ends on June 30th • Tt:mmt shall make twelve (12) equal monthly payments ("'Monthly Real Property Tax Payments'.'') to 1..3:ndlo-rd for such property tax~ a.~ ai;:."lc:ssed by the County of Orange, c(mc:urrent with and cm the ~a.me day as 01e payment of the Monthly Rent~ beginning: on the first month or partial month that Monthly Rent is due. Should the Base Term of this Lease commence on a day which is not the fi1'st day ofa calendar month or end on a day that is not last day of a calendar month, than a.~ to suc-h fmclimw] months the Monthly Rent for such fra.dicmal month shall be roinputed on a daily basis for the number of clays of the fractional month period and :.u an amount equal to one thirtieth (1/30llt) of the applicable Monthly Real Property Tax Payment for each day in the fractional month perii>d. Lmuilord represents there arc no CAM charges to Teru1:nt. 7. Sc~"Urity D;po.5jl. NONE. ,. -;,- PA2019-026 8. utilities. Landlonl sh.all be res,ponsible for providing all rcquircd utility loads and serviceM to the Premises, On or before its occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shaU atrdn~te for the utility accounts to be ~stahlished in Tcnant".s name and shaU pay .. before delinquency~ all charges for water~ sewer"' gas,. he.at:-electricity, power1 telephone ;service, lnllih picl-up and an other services and utilities. including any connection,, use or other f e.es required to be paid as a result of the me of tlle Premi~es by Tenant during the I.ca~ TCTTn, F.xcqJt for l.andlord's gmss ncgiigcnct; Landlord shall not be Jiable in damages or otherwise for any failure or ink."TTUpiion of any utility ~cc being fum.isb:cd to the Premises. and no such failure or inte!'mption shall entitle Tenant to terminate this Le~e OT withhold any Munth1y Rent, Percentage Rent, ft.fonthly-Rea! Prop-crtyTax Payments or any other sums due under the terms ofthis Lem;e. 9. £arkjn11 Am;em<.--nt"i. Tenant agrees to assume as..~gnmimt of two (2) existing p:.u:king agreements as .required b:!t"" the City of Ne\"\rport Beacbt pursuant to the C.."UP. 10. fmjs;cl Sj,;m,1;;. Te.nan! shall submit detailed ~-ignuge dntwin~ for umdlonlts rcvie\'\· and approval. whlch approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. Teoaut shall be solely responsible tor obtaining any permit required by the City of Newport Beach for any signnge nt OT on the Premise5 Oiat Tenant desires and which has been pre,,approved by the Landlord. I I. Ppnmpa] Pmma:t)' IM®· During the Base Term~ Tertcmt shall pay~ priot to delinquency, all tmcc.-s asses!ied against and lt."Vied upon the fixtures, furnishings~ equipment and any personal property of Tenant located in or at the Prcmi~, 12. 0211wct,ipn. Landlord shaU not be obligated to provide ur pay for any improvement work or scrvi.ccs related to the improvement of the Premises. T'--nant acknowledges that. Landlord ha.i;; made 110 represenmtitm or wartanty regarding the condition or the Premises or its suitability for a particular purpose. Tenant shall be ~olcly respQTisihJc fur the cos~ of.aU ai~ nnprov~menhi on or in tht! Pren1ises~ including any and all permit tc-cs. utility conncc.tio-n fees and charges, lic-L"llsc foes c)T other r~es or charges in connection with tlie 111.~ and improven1et1t oftllie Prem.i:SeS; by Tenant and the operation of Tcnant1s hu~i;s on or in the Premises. 1t is tmdcrstood thirt all nnprovcmcnl"l made fo the Premises ~ball be made purswml tn a hui1ding pennit~ if required by law!< duly issued by the City of NC\1t'JlOrt Beach, Tenant shall be responsible for paying for any n~sary work to or maintenance of the sewer or grease trap required by the City of Newport Beach or other governmental authority h;iving jurisdiction over the Premises wi a condition to Tenant's operating the restaurant business on the Premises. Tenant shall be TC!;pomriblc fo. monlhJy maintenanc~ of the groa.iie trap and regularmainterwm.::e oftht:: sewer system; Tenant shall be rcspon:siblc for any modific-.ations to the grease trap and/or sewer system a.5 the rewult uf the use of or its modification of the Pn::mises. 1.:L Altqrntjq:n§. During th~ Lease Term, Tenant shall have the right to make interior, non~stmetural alterations or additions to the Pn:m11ie~. Any alterations shall require Laru.11o~'s prior w1.'itten consent, whid1 consent shall not he unreasonably withheld~ delayed or conditioned. Tenant shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with any alterations or additions to the Prclllis~ pcrfonncd by or fur Tt."llan~ including any and all permit fees~ -4- PA2019-026 lice.nse f~:, utility charges or other fees or cbargt:s. Upon the expiration or earlierterminaticm oft.his Lease~ Tenant shuJJ not ren1ovc any partitions, electricaJ or plumbing; itcn1s or other alterations made by Tenant to the Premises. Tenant 1$ en.titled to remove its personal property and moveable equipment from the Premises. Any damage done to the Premises in connection with the removaJ by Tenant of any personal property oTmQVcablc-cquipment shall be repa~ at Tenant,s soJe cost and, expem;e. Tcn,.~nt shall not be required to remo\•e any such partition.~. elecfricaE or plumbing items or other alterations to the Pn;miscs made by Tenant which bav~ bt..--cn. pre-approved by the Landlord. Un l~s removed as specified in this Article 13, all such additx1m; to the Premises shall at the expiration or earlier tt:!rnlinaiiun of this I.ca5e become the property of Landlord and remain upon the Premise.."~ 14. Jlµjlding Maintenance and Repajr Su~fect to Article 25 of this u.-a"IC, Tcnffllt shall at all times during the I.emie T<.."ml,, and at Tffl3Dt's sole cost and expense!-keep, maintain and repafr the Premises and all improvements upon the Premises in good antl sanitary order and condition. including without limilatiun1 the rrmmtcnancc and repair of any interior walls~ store ftontj, glm:.s~ doors, window cascmcn~ glazing~ plumb~ pipcst electrical wiring and conduiti.~ and the heating and air conditioning systell'I, including Ch~ maintenance of a 8CTVicc contract with a bt:ating and air conditioning: contractor reasonably approved by Landlord .• and Tt.'11ant shall promptly replace any portion of the Premises, orany sy}ilem or equipmt..-nt in the Premises~ which cannot be fully n:pai~ with new or n:conditic.mcd equipment of like kind and quality. Tcnant:s.haUalso~atitssolccostand expens,e:o berespoasible for any alterations or improvements to the Premises necessitated as a result oftbe requirement of any municipal, state or federal authurity a.5 a result (lfTcn.ant"s u .. cte of the Premises. Tenant hereby waives all rights to make repairs at the expense of Landlord.,, aod T enar1t hereby waives all rights p!'ovided for by Section 1941 of the Civil Code of the State of California to make said repairs which Landlo:rd is obligated to make ~ndcr this Lease. Subjc-,ct to Article 25 of this t.case. Tenant agrees on the last day of the term of this Lease or sooner tcmililatiou of tllis Lease to liurremler the Pn..-mi.ses (with the Buildings and other appurtenances) in substantially the ~me condition as wben received_. reasonableuse and w~rthcrcofcxcepted. Tenant shall .install and maintain at Tenant's expense any tire protection :il:YS!.ter't\S for the grill~ det!p fry ;in.-.:m;, C.lVt.ml-~md C0(.1-king RR!~~ wbi,.:b ~:rt.'.! :n.-:t1t1iTdi,',!d by t-:i:ty. county and/or state tire ordinances. 15. Q2mQ)iaps;e WiJll 4Wti:- (a) Ge.pm,] Proyi{jjops. Tenant sliaTI, at its sole cost and expense, comply with the requirements of ~u municipal, state and fcdcr~l autboriti~ oow in force or which may hereafter be in force pertaining to Temmt•s lllie c:>fthe Premis~ incJuding compliance \~.ritn the Americans with Disabilities Act, and shall faithftdly observe in said use all municipal on:lim1n<."CS and. :!date and f cdcral statutes now in forec or which :Shan ht."I't,"lnafter he in ftm::u. Tenant agrees, to comply with all of the conditions of approval imposed by the CUP as to Tcna11t1K u.sc of the P'n..'1Tlist.'8 as well as any conditions imposed hy the C...alifomia C.mL.iilal Com.mission. (b} Umrrs pf Qvsrntjop. Landlord abrree.s to Tenant's proposed hours of c:ipcmtic;m bctv,•c<.~ 8:30 a. m. and I t :00 p.m. daily, subject lo approval by the City of Newport -5- PA2019-026 Beach to amend the CUP,. which cl.!TJ"eJitly limit"f the hours of operation. Any such application to• amend the CUP shall be at the sole cost and expen~ ofTem.mL Tenant und~-tands and a._~es that any dmial of the application to amend the CUP shall not be a basis for termination of the Lease or the withholding of,. or delay in making1 any payment~ of Monthly Rent. Petcentage Rent. Monthly Real Property Tax Payments or any other sums due under the tenns of the Lease. ( c) Hazardous MaterjalJ. Landlord has le$ed the Premis~ to another restaurant operator prior lo lhc commencement of this Lease and represents that, to the best of its know1~re, ihc Premi~cs arc tree of hazardous materials prior to de:nvc:zy to Tenant. Tenant shaJl not introduce hazardous materials to tht: PremiSl!S lhmu.gh tne cnnstnoc.iion of iL't impmvcmcnlli or the operation of its business. T~mmt shall not r.,.r;c., store or permit toxic v..--astc or other toxic or hazardou..'5 suhsfanccs or materials on the Prerni.ses during the Lease Term. in violatiotr of any "Envh·onmental Law"' { a.'i hereinafter dcfmed). Tc.ma11t shall deliver to T ..and.loTCl copies of all studies, reports and other inform.3tion submitted by Tenant to any governmental entity or agency regulating the use ofan.y toxic substuiCd, or materiat'i, concummtly with the delivery uf sam~ to such govcmmL-ntal entity or agency. Jn no event shall Tenant store any toxic chemicals or S11bstru1ccs in underground tanks .. The proposed use of any toxic chemicals or sub:stan-ces ~hall be appruv<.-.d, i fTequircd, by the Nc'W'port Beach Fire Department. In the cvc.nt that any toxic wa.,,.tes, suhsm11ccs or materials in violation of any Environmcmat Law arc heremafter found on, under or about the Premisi:::s, which tiubs.t:mct! is present as u result of any m:;t of Tenant:, Tenant shall mkc all nccc~ary and appropriate actions and shall spend aU :nc~cssary Sllms to cause the same to be cleaned up and immediately removed from and about the Premises.,.. and Landlord shall in no event be liable or responsible for any costs or expettSt::.s incmred in so doing. Tt-"nllllt i;ruill at all times observe and satisfy the rcq~ircmcnt':i o~ and main.bin the Premises in compliance with, all federal, state and local environmental protection, occupational, health and safety and ~imifar lawloi, onlinance.'i, rc~tri'--'"'lions, licenses and rcgulations1 including but not limited to. th~ Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq.), Resource Conservation and R~V~T}' Act {42 U.S.C. s~ction 690 I el seq.). Safe Drinking Water Ad (4-2 U.S.C. Section :3000(1) et seq.). Tox.ic Suhstnm."e'.s Control Act (15 U.S.C. Section 2601 el :seq.}, Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sedion 7401 ets~-t Community Environmental Response facilitation Act (42 U.S.C. Section 960t ct seq.), California llealth and Safety Code (Section 25100 et seq"7 Section 39()00 et seq.), and California Water C.ode (Secti,m 13000 et ~-) or any law or statute that ~uperned~, amood.'i or supplements any of tbe foregoing (each an "Environmental Law'"'), Should tenant at any time reot.-ivc any notice of violation of any Envirornm.."Tttal Law~ or be given a t."itation with respect thereto, Te.nant shall (i) .itnmcdiately notify Landlord of Sl1ch notice or citation. {iiJ provide Landlord witl1 a copy of liallle:, and {iii) commence to cure the deficiency set forth ll1 the n<Jticc or c-it.ation with.in thirty {30) days after the date of roccipt tht.""Tcof and diligently prosecute such cure tu completion or, altemati vely, contest the same~ in which event, if such deficiency is ·upheld, CQmmcncc to cure si1ch dcficicncy within thirty (30) days following final determination and thereafter diligently prosecute such cure to completion, Should Tenant at any tirne default in or fail to pt.."tfunn nr observe any of its obli,gations under this Article 15(cJ. landlord shall have the light. but not the duty, without limitation up(m any of Landlord's other rights pursuant to this Lease .• to pclform the same, and Tenant agnx.,.,_, to pay PA2019-026 to landlord~ within thirty (30) days of demand, all costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in conn~-tion thc..wro'With, together-with interest,. from the date of e.;tpemlib.tre-, at the ra.te of ten percent (10t11~) per annum but in no event at a higher interest rate than that allowed by law, Tenant h~y indemnifies Landlord ilml a~ to defend with counsel selected by Tenant and approved by Landlord. such approval not to be 11nrcasonahlywithhcldt and hold Landlord hann]e.i;s ·fit.ml any lc,..i;s incurred by or liability imposed on I..amDortl by reason ofTettartt's failure to perform or ,1bserve an:,· of ib; obligations or agreements under this Att.icle 15(c). Landford may c.,-ntcr the Premis~ at any time~ without notict; for the purpose of ascettaini.ng oomplia.nce by Tenant with the requirements of this Article l5(c). 16. Envirnmrnmtal Conditjon. landlcml represent.~ tlmt it has no knowledge of any environmental condition on the Premises whic-b violates any federal, slate or kx:i111aw. 17. Pmpcmr [&artH!J!!!!ii£... Outing the Base Tenn7 Tenant shall maint~ at its expense) propert)i"~ fire and extended coverage insuranc.c on the Pn."tmse.-; in an amount not lc:s.~ than the full replaceme.tit cost of the Premises, v,ritho1tt d¢duction for dcprecinticm1 including aU furniture. fixtt.n-cs ro,d cqtripmcnt. Such insurance sbaJl nan.re Landlord as an Additional Insured and shall contain a co,.instmmce or contribution ciau."ic, n n:placemen.t cost endorsement and detluctible."i not to e,'l(.ceed $5,000.00 per occurrence and shaU be home by Tenant. Such insurance shall include. ·without limitation, rental abatement insurance in the amount of not less than 12 months of pJOspcctlvc McnthJy Rent under this Le-ase. Landlord may, but sha11 not be obliged to, at its expense~ cany other insurance in additicm lo ih~ insurance required to be maintained by Tenant. In the event Tenant fails to maintain and pay for the insurance required to be maintlincd hy it pursuant to this Article 17 !' Landlord may~ but without obligation to do so~ procure such insurance and pay the premiums therefore~ in which event Tenant shall repay Landlord all sums. so paid by Landlonl within ltm ( I 0) days following; Landlord's WTittcn d~m.and to Tenant for sut;h payrnent. AU Sllch payments by Landford shall bea1· interest at t~ rate of tc1' percent ( I 0%) per annum Wl.til paid in foU. ts. Jmbamrification oft,angJord-Yahilny Imnmmce by Isrnuu. (a} Ienam's Ipsurance Requirement«;. During the Le.ase Term. other than the Initial Term., Tenant shall, at rts sole (.-.)st and expemie, procure, pay for and keep· in full fort-:e mid effect (i) Broad form oommerdal general liabili.1}'" insurance with TChJ)eCf. to the Prcmis~, product"i and curnpleted operations" contractual liability and indepcndcntcont1'3ctor.s, and the operations oforon bcoo.lfofTcnant in, on or about the Prcmiscs1 including but not limited to pcrs.onaJ injmy, product liability (if applicable), blanket contractual, owner's protccfr,•c., hruad. form property damag~ liability c.overage, host liquor liability, and owned and non~ov,'Dod automo,bile liability in an amount not less than S2,000i000.00 combined single limit pL'T oc~urrence. Such policy shall contain the following provisions.: .. 7 .. PA2019-026 B. Cros· .. ~ liability; mJd C. A provision tc, the effect that such insurance shall be primary m; re~-pects any liability or claims arisjn_g out of the occupancy of the Premises by the Tenant or Tenant's opemtiorlS, and any m})urancc carried by Landlord shall be excess and nonc.ontributory. (ii) Workds compc...-nsation insu:rancc as re.quired by law. {iii) lnsuran£e against vundalism1 rnalicfou.~ mi~chicf and such other additional perils, other than fire., as now are or hereafter may be included in 11 All Rjsks" coverage. (iv) AH policic-s of insurance required to b~ c.mritffl by Tc .. -nmit punm.ant to these requirements shall be written by res.pi:msible im:1urnncc companies autborized to do bu.sine..~~ and f'iadmittcd11 in the State of California, having an A, M. Be&.'tts Insurance rating of not less than BI VU AU such insurance required to be carried by Tenant hereunder may be furnished by Tenant undtt any blanket policy carried by it or under a separate policy therefor. A copy of each paid up policy evidencing such in.'iuran.~ or a certificate of inslll'ance evidencing sudi policy shall be delivered to Landlord prior to the cornmencernent of the Base Term~ and npon renewals" prior to th~ expin1tion of such coverage. {v) Each policy evidencing the iosur-anee requi~ to be carried by Tenant ptu'Suant to this Article 18 shaJI contain a provision including Landlcrrd and any other parties in interest rcMonably designated by Landlord as an additional insured or insureds, and a waiver by the T en:ant's insurer(s) of ariy right lo submgaticm against T.andlcmli itt; agcntsi employ~c:-.s and represents.ti vc~ which arises or might aris.c by rcasoJl of any payment under su,ch poli(..'Y or by reason of any act or omission of Landlord~ its agent~~ employee." or re:prest:ntalives. Lamfiord and Tenant shall be Co-Loss Payees ,,tith regard to the property insurance carried by Tenant under Article 17 f, above. Even though Laru:llord and Tenant are Cu- Loss Payees; except for proceeds of property ins.un.mce on Tenant's pcfflonal property and equipment which shall be paid to Tenant~ the proceeds of property insuranc.e shall be paid to Landlord; and Landlord shall make the pro~.eeilii available to T enanl to use solely .for the repair and reconstruction of the Premises in the cvt,~t Tenant is required to repair <,1-r restore any damage or destruction pursuant to .Article 25 and. shall be retained by Landlord :if Olis Lt.:ase is 1t:nninakd as tle:scribt.:d 111 Article 25 OT26. In the event that Tenant tails t.o maintain and pay for inS1.1ranc-c required by this Article 18, Landlord ro.1.y (but without obligation to do so) procure such insurnn.ce and pay the premiums therefor~ in which event Tena11t shall repay Landloid all sums so paid by T.Jtn:dford within ten ( IO) days following I.amUord1s written cl1:mand tt1 Tt:Irant for such -8- PA2019-026 payment. All such payment.,q by T.andfom shaU bcaT intCTcst at the mtc of ten percent (1 C1.'li>) per annum tmtil p~id in foll.. During the construction of any improvement in or on the Premises Tenant sbalJ carry Builder's Risk J nsurance in lieu uf the insur,mre required by Article J 7 and th1:; Article Ht 19. Jodemnitkation Tenant sllall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Landlord agµin:sl antl from all daim~, damages~ cosfa (indudmg Tea...rqmable aUcITT.1eys' fees anti court costs), judgments and liabilities arising from Tenant's use of the Premises or the conduct of its business arising from any ~ 11eglect, fault or omission of Tenant, or of its agents, empluyees,. cuntrootoni and invitees. 20. Damgn; .in Tenant's Pffil1Ytly. Lmdlmd shiill not be liable for any ilf\tury or damage to persons or property, including without limitation resulting fmm fire,. cxp1rn,;,m, faning p1a."1ler, stemn~ gm., electricity, water or rdin which may leak from any pru1 of the Premises or fron1 the pipes. appliances OT plumbing won:..~ th(.':T'em m from the roof, street or ~uhsurface or from any other place or ffi3"Ulting from dampness or any other patent or latent cause whatsoever. l.a.ndlor~ or it,<; agents shall not he liable foT interference wi.(b tlte 1ig11t or 0th.et incorporeal hereditament.s. Tenant shall give prompt notice to un.dtOTd in cn..5c of fire or nt.--cidents in OT at. the Prem.ise.s. 2 l. WaivcT of Subrogation. Landford and Tenant eada l1ereby waive any and all rights of reoovery against the other. or against the general pa:rtncr, mm,agcr, rn<,.."Tlllx.."TS, officers'! cmpfoyees1 agents and representafo1es of the other, tor loss of or damage to such wai\•ing party or its properly or She property of others uru:kr its control to the extent that !tl.lch loss or d,unage is fi.JUy in~urcd against undcr any insurance policy ui force at the time of such loss m-damages. Tcmar1t shall, upon obtaining the policies of murancc required ht..-reunder, give notice to the insurance carrier or earners that the foregoing mutual waivt:-r of subJ.x,gation is contained in this I.ca.~. 22. frsg ftom bl""US-Tenant shall krep the Premist:'S f~ from any Iienst ::iri.~ine out of any work pCTformcd 1 material furnished, or obligation incurred by or through Tenant. In the event a mechanic's or matcrialmcn';S lien 1s fil~ again...:;.t the Premises as a result of any wod performed by or through Tcnani Tenant shall promptly remove such lien either through payment in full or thmugh th!! recording of a release bond in the statutory amount Failure by Tenant to rc-rnovc the Jit:n withjn t1lil'ty {JO) daysaftcr'WTittcn demand from Landlord shall entitle Landlord to remove the lien u.sset forth in the preceding sentence, and Tenant shall within ten ( l 0) days after written notice from I.and!ord reimbllnie Landlot'd tor all costs and expenses (induding reasonable attorneys' foes) incurred by Lantllord in connection with the removal of the lien. AU su.c.h payments by Landlord shall bear intcn.tt{t at the rate often percen.t {10%) per annum until paid in fun. Landlord reserves the right_. at its option, to file notic-C:5 of non-T~ponsiliility relating to Tenant's con.stm<.,1ion of impn:ivt:ment on t'he Premises. 23. Abandonment Temmt shr:ill not abandon the Prcmlsc.~ at any time during the term of 1his Lease. The: Prcmii;cs shall be deemed abandoned by Tenant within the meaning of Section I 95 J .2 of the Caliibmia Civil Code. and this Least: shall terminate witho1rt -9- PA2019-026 prejudice to any of Lmuilord':s other rights hereunder if landlord gt\'{;S written notice of it~ belief of abandonment in complitn1ee with Sccti011 19:51.3 of the California Civil Code and Tenant fails to give Landlunl written notice of its in.tent not to abandon the Premises in compliance with Secticm 1951..3 of the CaUfomia Cival Cude. 24. Entcy apd Inspcctjqn. Upon reasonable advance notice, Tenant shall p,crmit la:ndlOTd and its agents to enter into and upon the Premises at all reasonable tim~ for the purpose ofinspecting the same. 25. Damages and Ucstmctjop or Prs:rmiw {a) Ism.mt"§ Ohljption t9 Restore. Tenant shall p1·omptly notify Landlord of any damage to, f.lr d~iruction of. the Premises resulting from fire many other ca.,,mlty. ln the event the Premises is damat,rcd or ~troycd. during the Lease Tcm".4 Tenant soon have the obligation to restore th~ Pn..-nnscs to substa.ntia.Uy the condition as existed prior to the damage or de..-..trudion to the cx~t permitted by Jaw unless one or more of the following ccmditicms is present (a} repairs canoot be reasonably completed within one hundrc--d eighty (180) days following i$.iiuam::e of the applicable building pcm:rlt for the repair or restoration of the darn.age; (h) the damage or destruction occuIS during the last twenty-four (24) months of the I.ca"ic Term~ OJ' (c} the damage or destruction is caused by earthquake. In .suc.h event •. Teoont ~ban have lhc right to terminate the Lease \\-itbin sixty (60) days following the date that the damage or liestrudicm occurs. Tn fhc event of tcnnin~tion of th.is Lease. Tenant shall pay over-lo Landlc.mJ any proceeds of any insurance paid to it relating to the datnah~ or dcstruc.tion of the Premises {but excluding any insuronce procet:ds \\·hic:h Tenant receives relating to Tenant's persona] property or "'quipmcnt) and hereby assigns to Landlord its right to .receive any :such ffl.!lunmcc pmccods. In the-event the Lease is not so terminate.d and in the event the n.~taurant bi£Sincss. is closed to the public as a result of such damage or destrucli<m, Monthly Rent shall be abated,. but not other amount~ payable by Tenant pursmmtto this Lease. from &he dat~ of !he occurrence of the damage or destruction lmti l the date (i) which is: seven (7) days aftL"li Tenant completes its repairs or reconstructioa, or (ii) Tenant reopens the ~"f:ii:aunmt business to the public., whichever occws first, but only to t1le extent Landlonl i.s paid the rental ab.at~ment pmcec.-d.'t under Article 18, above. (b) Waiver ofStatuJpcy Punei;:.iom1-The provisions nf!hi!i Lease, including this Artide 25~ constitute an express agreement bct\\•ccn Landlord and T cnant with respect to any and aU damage to, or d('.struction of~ all or any part of the Premire.i:;, and. any statute or regulation of the state in wl1ich the Premises are located with respect fo any righb;; or obliga6onli-concerning dam~ or dcstn.iction in the absence of an express agreement brnvccn the ps:mcs, and any other stanric or regulation, now or hereafter in effect shall have no application to this Lea.ire or any dama,bre UT ~lrucliun lo al1 or any part ofth!! Premi~e.'i. {a) Terminatjon of tlw Lease In the event that all the Premises are cond~mned by a governmental authority, this Lease shall tenninute l:ili of lhe date the ~ondcmning authority receives possession of the Premises. 1n the event that a portion of the Premises arc condemned by a governmental authority, but not all of too Premises arc so PA2019-026 c.oudemned~ Tenant shall haYe the right to t.cnninate this Lease up,m ,,vrittcn notice to l..andlord {a) ifany portion of the Building is taken oT (b) if more than twenty pen-ent (20%) of the Premises arc taken11 provided in either eventt the restaurant hu.5inc~s it is operating on the Premises would be su~ally and advenidy affected by such taking. 1n the evt.-nt of :such 'lea.lie tcm1ination!-this Lea.....e shall tcrmmatc as of the date the condemning authority rccoeives possessio,i of the portion of the Premise.<i. In the event that this Lease is tenninsk.d a.ct; providc;d in this Article, Lundlord !jhaH receive the portion of the award equal to its fee interest in the Premises and lhe value of the Building_., and Tenant shall rcx:civc the then unamortized pcmion of the cost of its itnprovement'li to the Premises. amortized O\.'er the initial eight (8) yeaTS of the Lease Term on a straight-line bas.is, goodwill mid relocation expenses. Both. Landlord and Ttmimt may make separate app1icatiom for their portion of the award and may participate in any court prot-eeding relating to the condemnation. (b) Im£ !s Not Iero)jpytc;d. In the event that less than all of the Premi~e.\i arc so ~ondenmcd by a gov~cntal authority but this Lease is not terminated ptmiuant to Article 26(a)~ this: Lease shalJ terminate as to the portion of the Premises so condemned as of the date the condemning authority rec~i v~ pns .. ~sion of such portion and shall remain in effect as to the balance of the Premises, Landlord shall roceivi: the L"lltire award for the condemm:Liion. In the event that a partial 1al;ng occurs and this Lease-is not tenninated7 the Monthly Rent sball be-adju."rnXl only if a portion of the Buildin~ i~ taken. In such -event, the Monthly Rent shaU he proportionately reduced {tlaat is~ the Monthly Rent sh:a.H be multiplied by a fi-a<..iion, the numerator of wliich is the square footage of the .8uildin.g. afte1' the taking and the denominator of which is the square footage of the Bwlding before the twcing). In the event a portion of the Building is taken but tlwi L~e is not tcnnimm.~ there sb-iaU be an adju.-;;tnumt of the Monthly Rent payable hereunder (which Monthly Rent is based un the square footage of the floor area of the Building). 27. Assi;nrosu1 Suhlcttina and fn5cumbranee. (a) Lmd]urd's Consimt Scgnjrgt Tenant shall not voluntarily or by operation of law a'{.litgn, sublet~ lkense, ftanc-llise1 transf~r, mortgage, hyp<)thce-,atc or othcn.,.isc encumber all 01· any part of Tt..-nant's interest in this Lease: or in the Pre.mises, \,1w•ithou£ the prior wnttcn consent of Landlord in e---JCh in.4ttam.:.e, imd any afu..mpted a.s.":iignmcnt~ subfoaisc, liccnSJC~ :franchise~ transfer, mortgage or (..'TJL'l.lmh.nmcc without such consent shall be wholly void and shall confer no right.s up('Jll any thfrd parties. ·The consent of Landlord retr;uired herein shaU not be 1.:mreasonably withheld, conditio11ed 1 err delayed, however Landlord shalt be under no obligatioti to approve 1:111y such a."signmcnt, sublca...~. or transtc.r to any party whose net wort1i and opera.ting capnal and restaurant operating experience is less Oum tha1 of the TCTiant, or whom Landlord roosonably believes i~ not qwtli fled to operate the Premises as a restaurant that is substantially similar to the restaurant Qpcratcd at the Pn::miscs by Tenant It shall be the obligation of Tenant to provide any and all documentation to Landlord~ including five (5) ycani of Federal and State Income Tax Returns of the proposed assign~ subksee or transfe.ree, as applicable, su that I..andlord can JlTOPCl"ly evaluate their net worth; operating capital and r~tauram operating cxpcricnc-c (b) A§§PIDPliWJ o[Obljpficms. Each ~signcc, ~bl~cc or transferee. other thim Landford oT a mortgagee of a mortgage or beneficiary of a deed of tmst (until the mortgagee or beneficiary becomes the knant und~ this Le-ase)1 shall as:sume in writing aU -11- PA2019-026 obligm.inn~ of Tenant under this L~e and shall bc-.romc liable for the payment ofMonthfy Rent~ Percentage Rent, Monthly Real P!'Operty Tax Paymt..'Tii.s and any other paymenls n::qum::d under this Lease and fi:n-the due pcrforma!K!e ofall lhe terms~ covenants~ conditions and agreements hen .. -in con1ained in tbis Lease un Tenant's part to be pcrfonned:, for the remainder of the Lease Tenn. N<> assignment or transfer sha11 be binding on I.andlord unless such as~i!+FI1CC. sublcscct or tmnsteree shall deliver to Landford an executed instrument reasonably sa.tisfact.c.ny to Landlord that the assignee~ suhlesee OT mmsfcrcc so bccomcs liable. The fai1tm: OTTCfusa.t of the assignee, s:uble.~ or tnm~fon.-e to ~ocutc sm:,h instrument ofassum.ption shall not release or dischaTg.C the Tenant or assjgnee; or sublesee or tnmsfen::c from liability under this l-C35c. In the event that at the lime uf the a,~ignmcnt, :s-ublcasc or tnmsfer the a~igncc., sublcsce or transferee lrus a net worth 2 computed in accordance with g,cn,eral accounting prindpJ~, equal to or greater than Ten Ma1lio-n OoUan; ($101000JM)0.00)1 adjus;too for increases in the cost of1iving w; hereinafter pmvidod, imd the assignee:> sublesee or transferee has experience in operating a restaurant business s.ubstantially equal to or greater than that ofTemmt, Tenant shall be released from any obligation to pay Monthly Rent and for the due pertormance of all other tt..'TTJlS, ooycnants~ conditions and agreements he.rdn co11tained in thiH L~c following the date of such assignment or transfer. The ru.lju~cnt of the nd worth requirement shall be made by the folluwing fo.rrnula: N ..,.. $1,000,000 x (B divided by l) ln such formula, N means the-net worth that the assig.neeT sublesee or tn1miferee must. have in ordt.."T for Tenant-to be released from liability"' I tneans. thi:: Consumer Price Index for the month prior to the date of this Lease and B means 1hc Consumer Price Index for the n1-0nth prior to the date of the propoHcd assignment, sublease or transfer. 28. l2smwl1-Ttmanl shall he in default hcrctmdCT and a default shall exist if any of th~ following "-vents occur: if Tenant fails to make any payment of Monthly Rent!' Percentage Rent, Monthly R(..-a[ Property ·rax Payment or otbe:r paymems required by the prm•isi.ons of this Lease-within five (5} days fol1ow1ng \1,Tittcn notice from I.andfo-rd to m.-1:kc such payment_~ ifTcnant fails within fifteen ( I 5) da)'5 after written not-ice from Landlord to correct any breach or default of the other covenants, tcffilS or conditions ofthls-Lease or such longer pe,riod if such event is capable ofbe.ing cured and if a longerf.ll,"Tlod is re.a.,qcmably noodcd to effectuate such cure; urifTemmt abandom-thc Premises before th-e end of the term La11dlord shall have the right at any time thereafter until the default is cured to elect to tennim,.te this Leru;e and Tenant1s right to possession hereun-ikr. Upon :Such k.'ffllination Landlord ~hall have the right to rectn•er against Tenant (a) The worth at the time ofaward of the unpaid payments due to Landlord which had been e.amed at the time of tc.':TTilination; (b} The worth at the time of award of the amimnt by which the unpaid puymenli4 due lo landlord which would have been earned after termination until the time of a,vard cxco..-..ds the amount of such renta1 loss that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; (c) The worth ut the lime of award of the amount by which the unpaid paymcntil due to L.1ndlord for the balaxtcc of the Lease Tenn after too time of award exceeds -12- PA2019-026 the amount of hi"Ueh rc.ntal loss that T cnant proves could be n..--asonably a voided; and ( d) The LiNorth at dlc time of award~. of t.he ainounl~ referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) above shali be CQmputed by aUowmg intc:rest at ten percent (10%) per annum, or the maximum allowed by law. The worth at the time of award of the amount referred to in paragraph (c) snail be computed by discounting such am,t1un:t at the discoUTii rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of award pll.18 <me pgccnt (1 %). Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the breach of this Lease by Tenan~ or an ahandomnent ofthe Promise.s by Tt!nant, shaH not constitute a termination of this Lease, or of T Lwnant·.s. right of posses-..1:ii,on hereunder.,. unlt:' ... 't~ and until Landlord elec:l!i: to du so~ and until such time, Landlord slla.U have the right to enforce aIJ of itli rights and remedies u..oder this Lease .. and otherwise at Jaw~ including the right t(> n:covcr Monthly Rent, Perec..-ntagc Rent1 Monthly Real Property Tax Payments and all other p--aymcnts to be made by T ~thereunder, as they become due. The parties hereto agree that acts of maintenance OT preservation ur effurt, to re .. lease .the Premi.iics~ or tbc appointtnenl of a recdvcr upon tile initiative of Landlord to pmted it') interest under tltis Lease, sh.all not constitute a k.-rrninatfon of this Lew;c orofTcnant's right of pns~e.i;.qfon for the purposes of this Sec.ti on unless accompanied by a 1.\ITittcn notice from Landlord to Tenant ofLandlonfs cfccdon to so terminate. In the event of a default ofany payment of Monthly Rent,, Percentage Rent, Monthly Real Property Tax Payrm:.nli:. or other payment due tu LandfoTd under this Lease1 Landlord may in Landlord's notice to Tenant of such default require that Tenant's payment lo cure default be in cashl' cashier's check or certified check. T .and.lord and Tenant a.brrcc that should Landf oTd so elect to require payment by cash, cashiers c-hcck or ccrtilied check in Landlord's notice to Tenant, a tender of money in imme nthcr form to cure the default shall be deemed. a failure to core the: default. Nothing contained in this Article 28 shall in any v..-ay diminish OT be constrned a.1t waiving any of Landlord's other remedies as provided elsc.whCTc in this Lease or by law or in cQuity. 29. S\Jm;pdey of Lease. The voluntaty or other surrender of thii:: I..casc by Tenant, or a mutual cancellation thereof. shall not work a merger, and shall, at the option of Landlord, t~rminatc all or any existing subleaioic..-s or subtcnandes, or may1 at the optfon of Landlord~ operate as an ~igmncnt to Landlord of any or all uf such subleases or subtenandes. 30. Hold Hl{mlgs; Attomeys' fro; Arhit[:qion. (a) ijotd Ha,m'\Jw If Landlord is involuntarily made a party defendant to rmy litig.ation concerning or arising out of or relating to this Lease or the Premise.'> by reason ofanyact or omission ofTenimt, then Tenant shall defend and hold harmk.~s landlord from all liabi1ifiG; by reason thereo[ (b) Attorneys' Fees. Jf either Landlord or Tenant or tht:ir succc:sso:rg and assign~ shal1 commence any legal proceedings either in court ('IT by arbitration against tlle -13- PA2019-026 other with respcet to the enforcement or intCJprctation of any of the terms and conditiuns of this Lease.1 tbe non-prevailing party therein shall pay to n,e other all expen~cs of said litigation, including reasonable attorneys' foes a5 may be fixed by the court or a1bitn1tor hi.·fving jurisdiction over the matter. (c) Arhjtrnlion. Any disput~ claim or controversy arising out of or relating to tfris Lease or the brcaclt, termination, en forcement7 ink:rprctation or validity thereot in.eluding the determination of the scope or applicability of thls paragraph, shaU be dotcm1i.ncd by arbitration in Or,1Tlb11::: County~ California~ pursuant to the Streamlined . . A.rbitration Rules and Pruc:~1.m:s of .TAMS. Judgu1cnt on the a\'\rard may be entered in any oourt having jurisdiction, The JAMS arbitrator is directed lo Iimi1 the discovery to be ronductcd by the partles following t11e disdosuTe of infurmation requircd by kutc 13 commensurate widi lheis.~uesraiscd bytbe panics and the amount in controversy, in the spirit of Rufe 16.2 of JAMS~ Comprehensive Amitration Ruic.~ and Proccdl.frCS. 3 I. Ifoldjni Over. Any holding over by Tenant after the expiration of the Lease Term, with the consent of landlord, shall be construed to he a tt..-rnmcy from month to month. cam.:dlable upon thirty (30) days written notice by either Landlord or Tenant given to the:: othcrµ,.art)\ upon the same terms and conditions a,., exist during the la..,;t year of the l.casc Te.nn. If Tenant. fail~ to sum.-ndcr the Premises upon the termination or expiration of this Lea~, in addition to any other liabilities to Landlord accruing therefrom, Tenant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord hannJess from loss or liability re.5uiting from such failure including, hut not limited toi any claims made by any succeeding tenant based upon Tcnanf:c: failure 10 $Urrcndcr, 32. ~ Al J notices required or permitted by this Lease shall be in writing and may be delivered in person (by hand dcli-.,·cry or profcs..~iona1 mcs!:i,Cllgcr service) to either party or may be !i.:.mt by registered or C(;rtificd mail, with postage prepaid, return receipt requested or delivered by Express Mail, the U.S. Postal Service or Express J\faj] oT any othc;r courier service guaranteeing overnight delivery, cbmgt.-s prcpai~ and arfdn.~st..-d IL~ follows: If to Landlord: With .a copy to: Tf to T'cmmt: Miktti Mo3.:h:,y~ili 2601 Restaurant and Muina~ LLC 36 TlccpSc-a Newport Beaehr CA 92657 James F. Mc~. Esq. Mt-"Gee & Associates 24 Corporate J>Jaza Drive, 2nd Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 Man1a.~s NPB, LP 3185 Ainvay Ave, Suite C2 Costa M~ CA 92626 -14- PA2019-026 With a C(IJlY to: Talley Law Group,, LLP Attn: Todd T. Tillman, F,}jq. 600 City Parkway West Suite 650 Orange, CA 92.868 Any such notice may b,c given by personal delivery to either party or any officer or other representative of the party tc1 he notified or may be s.wit by recognized over1tight' courier or cetti fied mail, return receipt requested, addrC5scd. postage prc?3id. Notices and demandii ~hall be deemed to have been ghrcn upon the date of delivery provid:ed that ihny party sh-all refuse delivery~ notices shall be deemed given when rnniled m-2 if made by personal delivery or ovt:might couricr, then upon the delivery-except that notice of change nf add~s for notices shall not be deemed m."ldc until received. Ally party either party may change its address for plll'poses of this Article by giving notice to the other party as herein provided. 33. Fgrce Maj5;yre. If eitht:T party h'--reto shall be delaye.d or prevented from the pcrfonn:mcc of any act required hereunder by reason of acts of Godj strikes~ lockouts labor troubles, inability to procure material~, -restrictive govemrmmtd luw5 or regulations or other cm1se v-.~thou! fault md beyond the control of the party obligated hereunder (financial inability excepted), performance of such act shall be excused for the period of the delay and the period for the perf ornmnce of any such act !thaU he extended for a period equivalent to the p(.,"l-iod of such delay; provided, however, nothing in this Article: 27 shall excuse Te.nant ftom the prompt payment of" Monthly Rent or other cbarge required of Tenant hereunder except as may be cxprt-,:ssl y provided elsewhere in this Lease. 34. partja1 Tnynljcijty lfany tcrm, covt.·mmt, condition orpn>vi1.itm of this Lcw;e is held by a court of comp,ctcnt jurisdiction to be invalid. void or uncnfurccahlc~ the remainder of the provisions hereof sl1aJ1 remain in full force mid effc:d and sliiJll in no way be affecte~ impaired or invalidated thereby. 35. Captjon, The various headings and numbers herein and the grouping of the ,PT0\11sions ofth;s Leare into ~-<t~t.e .iuricles. sections and p:uagmphs are for the puJJ1n.~ of convenience onfy and shall not be considered a part hereof. 36. Iim£. Time is of the essence oftbis Lease. 37. No PriO[ or Othg Agreements. This Lease contains an ap-ccmcnl({ hctwci:.-n the parties with r·espect to my matter mentioned herein and supcroodes aU prior or crmtcmpomncous oral m wntk..-n ~rrecm1.mL-.; or utha un~nstandings. 38. Estc.}'1pt;] Certificate,~. Upon the request of either party~ the other party,, within tw·enty {20) days thereafter, shaH deliver an cstopix:t ccrtifkme ccd.ifying (to the extent accurate) (a) that this Leaire is in full force and effect, {b) the term and the eum::nt monthly rent payable under the LcaseJ (c) that SU<:b party i~ not in dcfauJt of lhe tenns of this Lease nor bas. any event oocurred which with the ghring of notice or the pIDis.ilge of tir.ne or both wmdd become u default (ur specifying tll.e default or even~ if any), (d) that to it'I knowledge, the other party is. not in default i.mdcrthc terms. of this Lease nor has any event occur.red which -15- PA2019-026 Vlith the l,riving ofnotit..-e or the p1:n;.1,Bb,"e of lime or both would become a default ( or spr,ccifying the default or event 1 if any)1 ( e) that Tenant does not have any option to pure ha..~ the Pn.-mises or any part thereof OI a.ny right of fir.st refusal applicable to too Premisa:s or any pa.rt thereot: and (f) any other infonnation reasonably 1'equircd by the roq•Jcstmg party (the ~toppd certificate shall identify this •Lease and any and aU amcndmmt..;; or rnodifications thereto}. 3 9. faifure to M.aion,in Parking Bsmw by tne C'-5mdit;onaJ Use Permit. In the event that the City of Newport Beacb. gives notice to Tenant that it revokes, or intends to revoke. Tcnantrs right to operate a rustaur.iml on tba:: Premises because of a failure of Tcmmt to maintain the parking required by the CUP whfoh permits the operation of a restaurant on the Premises~ then Landlord shall have tlte option to terminate this l.easc by !iriving written notice to Tenant thereof. Upon such termination. each party 8hull be required to perform all obligations which have accrued under this Lease on or before the termination date, and both parties shall thereafter be freed and discharged of all further obligations. arising h-crcin after the termination date~~ except for those which by their express k,'lTJlS h.'1.lrvivt:: tlie expiration or earliertcm1mation. of-this T..ca.t;C Term. 40. S11hQ!"~ljnatiun. This Lease.:! is subject and subordimtw to all mortgages and dcc<l.H of trust ur other encumbrances which DO\V affect the Pn::mtses or any portion thcreo~ together with aH renewals, modifications~ consolidations, n.-plncem~nts and extensions tbereot: provided if tbc holder or holder.s of any such mortgage. deed of tru.i;t or any encumhr.i1:n1.:e shall advise Landlord that it or they de.sire to require this Lease to be pr.lo!' and superior thereto, upc.m ,...-ritten reque.qt of Landlord to Tena~ Tenant ngre~ to pmmptly execute,, acknowledge and dctivcrany and aU documents or instrument.~ which Landford or such les:sor-, holder or holders deem ncce&"fill)' or desirable for purpos,;-.s therefor. Any such [ender, shal1 provide tu Tenant a \vTittcn agreement by which T eoo.nt's po.ssc.~sion of the Prernises under tbis Lca.scforthcremaindt::r of the Lease Tenn :i:;hall not be disturbed so Jc.mg as Tenaril pays the Monthly Rent and all other payme.nts due to Landlord under this Lease and pcrfomu; all of the other terms_~ covenants, concli tiuns and agrc.cmcnts herein cc_mtaim:d un Tenant's part to be performed for the remainder of the L~ase Term. Such "'irittcu agrc,i...""TI'lcnt shall he reasonably satistactory to T ernmt · This Lease is forthe.'!l" ,;.nhjeet and m.hordinatc to (a} all cov~ftts. e1)t1-dition~~ rcf:trictfons. cas,.-"ments and any other matters or dc,CUT11enls of record~ together with an ren~wuls, modiffoati,oru;.~ consondations~ replacements and c:xtcn.~icms thereot; and (b) any wning laws of tlte city~ county and state where the Premises is situated. Tenant hereby covenants that Tenant, ancl all persons in. possession or holding under TenantJ wrn confomi to and will not violate the tcm1s c.,f said maU.ers ofrecord. So long a.5 the applicshl~ lender gives to ·tenant a non-disturbance agreement as hereinafter pmvidt:ru~ Landlord shall have the right tu cause this Lease to be and bea1me and r~mam subject and subordinate to any and all mortgagc.-s or deeds of trust or other encumbrances which may hereafter be exccute.d covering the Premises, for the-full amount of an advances made orto be made thereunder and witllout regard to the time or character of such advance, togcthc.~ with interest thereon. and subject tn all of the terms and provih;tm.'i th1L-rrof; and Te.nant agrees, within tt.w-n. ( lO) <lays after Landlord!s written re.quest tbercfor, to execute, acknowJcdgt! and deliver upon rcquc.-st uny and all doc11mcn~ or imitruments n..t:qu~ted by Landlord or necessary or proper toassurethc5ub0Tdinationoftbis l . .ca,,cto any -16- PA2019-026 such mortgages, deeds of* trus~ or ot'IN.."T t.~cumbranccs. Any such lender shall provide to Temmt a ~-rittcn agrocmcnt by which Tenant'8 posses!t'lon of the Premises under this Lease for the remainder of 6it:: Lt:a~ Tenn shall not be disturbed so kmg as Tenant pays the Monthly Rent and performs an of the otht..T terms .• covenants, conditions and a~,teernent":i hCTcin cont.aincd on Tenru1.t1s. part to b~ perfonncd for the remainder of the Lease Term. Such written a&rri::ement shall be reasonably satisfactory to Tenant N'O'lWltbstanding anything to the contrc1Ty set forth in this Article, Tcn:mt hcrc,by attoms and agrees to attorn to any pi:nmn, firm or cotp0ration purchasing or otbeiwise acquiring Landk•rd1s interest in Premises_.. at any sale or other proceeding or pursuant totl1iecx.ercise of any fights, poweR, c>r n:mcdics under such mortgages or deeds of trust or grourl:d ur underlying lc.ascs as if such. person, firm or corporation bad been namt,'d as Landlord herein~ it being, intended hereby that, ifthis L.ea.~esruill bctcnninatcd. e:utoft: or otherwise d~feated by reason of.any actor actions by the owner or holder of any such mortgage or deed of trust~ then this Lease shall conti11ue jn full for1.~e aml l!ffecl 41. Cioycmjn~.1a·. This Lease:-and all provisions hereof, shall be con..'ilrued in accordance with the Ia,1,rs of the Sta.le of f'.;alifomia. 42. Opiet Poyessigp Upon payment by Tenant of the Monthly Ran and all other pa)'ments due i4.l Landlord for the .Premises and the perfor.t.nanee of all of the oovenanhi~ conditions and provisions on Tenmil's part to he ~1bst.--nrcd and pcrforn:ied tmckr this Lease. Ttmanl shall have quiet possession of the Premises f01· the entire Lease Term, subject to all of the p1-ovisions of this Lease. 43. Succgsors and Assigns. 1n the event of any assignment or trm:sfer of T1:mant1s rights and obligations hereunder purnwmt to A rtic1c27, the rights, covenants. and obligations cQntaincd in this LC8sc on the pan of Tenant shall hmre to the benefit ot: and a.re binding o~ its successun; and ashigns. 44. Interpret6Ui91l Tite parties uclnowlt::dge th1:1t this I.ease is the ~ult of negotiation.Ii-between the pmtics and in construing this t .cac;:c~ o-r any amhiguity hereunder. no presumption. shall be made in favo. of eitlwr party. Thi~ Lease shalt not b~ con~.trw:d agaim;t ~ither party IDi a result of the drafting <lftm!\ l..ca..lfc or any portion thereof. 45. Crnmf£ftPff.Iir.t. This Lease may be executed in multiple counterparts. each of which shall eonstitutc an original_~ but all of whieh taken together shall constitute the same agi-eement. 46. ~ Time is of the es..-.;ence witli respect to the performance of eacll of the covenant.5 and agreements contained in this u:asc:~ 47. Tate CbDJ¥Cli Tenant hereby acl-nowJcdgcs that late paymcni by Tenant to Landlord of Monthly Rent~ Percentage Rent~ Monthly Real ProJJ'l.,--rt}' Tax Payments or o1hcr sums due hereu.nder win cause Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this Lease~ tile exact arocnmt ofwbicb i~ extremely difficult to ascertain. Such cQh1s include~ hut are not limited to 7 pn>eessing and accounting charges, attorneys~ tees and late charges which may be -17~ PA2019-026 imposed upon .Landford by too tcnn."i of any mortgage or deed of trust ooYcring the Prcmii:.c.~. Accordingly1 if any installment of Monthly Rent , Percentage Rent, Monthly Real Property Tax Payments or any other sum due from T~nant shall not be received by l.andlord or Landlord's designee within ten (10) days after the payment is, then Tenant shall pay to Landlord a late charge equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount due~ provided thul ~uch amount wiTI not exceed the maximwn rate peanittcd by law\ plu.i; any re1:1Sonable attorneys" foe:,; incurred by landlord:. The parties hereby agree thal ~Ji late charge represents a fair and reasonable ~timati:: of the costs that Landlord wiJI i11c11r by n.'mion of ihe late payment by Tenant Acceptance of sm:h late charge by Landlord shall in no event cons,titute a waiver of Tenant's default with re.~peet to such overdue amoun~ nQ. preve,nt Landlord from exercising auy of the othc.r right1;1 and remedies granted hereunder. 48. ijxcrdpation .. Notwithmanding any other provision hcrcofT neither-Landlord nor Landlord's constituent,. partners or m.embcm shall lutve any personal liability ht."TCUJld·t!r. If Land lo-rd shaJT fail to perfom1 any covenant. term or c-0ndition of this. Lease upon Landlord's part to be performed~ and if as a consequence uf such default Tenant shall rccove,r a money judgment again5t I ..andlonl, ~uch judgment s-hall be sa:tisficd only out of the proceeds of sale receiv-ed upon execution of such jut4.,~1ent and levied thereon a!_tram.1.il the right~ title and interest ofI.andlortl in the Premises andlor out of Monthly Rtml or other sums rccGivahlc h)\ or received by~ u.ndlonl punn.wnt to this Lease and/or out of the ccmsidemtion receivable by. or ri..~civcd by, LmdJonl from the sale or other di:!>position of aU or any part of l.Jmdlnrdts right. title and intc.."reSl in tlie Premises, and neither Land1urd nor its employees, officas, directors, partners, members\ shar~holdt--ra or affiliates shaU be liable for any deficiency~ exc-cpt pursuant to the expre~s terms of this Article 42. 49. Brokerage commission.,. NONE. LSignature Page followsj -18- PA2019-026 .IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have duly executed this Lease together with the Exhibits attached hereto and referred to herein~ on the date first written above. LANDLORD: MAMA ~s NPB, T.P1 a Delawan: limited partnership By: MAMA 1 S BOYS~ LLC;, a Delaware limited liability company Its: General Partner -19- PA2019-026 EXH18£1' "A ~1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Of PREMISES ·The following dt."!lcrihcd property in tbe City of Newpmt Beac~ Coumy of Orange_. State of California: ·ne Northwe.~terly 50 feet ofthe Southeasterly 1300 feet ofI.ot T-i of'Tract No. 919, as pcT map recorded in Book 29, pag~ 31 to 34 inclusive of MisccUanc,ou.~ Maps, records of Orange County, Californi~ ~aid 1300 feet being measured akmg tht: Southwesterly line of Lot H. the Northwcsll.-rly line of said Northwesterly 50 fcct be pamHd with the Northwe-.sterly line of said Lot H. The Southwesterly line of s.,id Lot H iH coinL"ldtml with the United States Bulkhead line in Newport Ila.rbor as shown on a Map entitled ~'Harbor Lines, New'J)ort Bay Harbor, CaJiforoia1 \ dated l'vfnrch 30, 1936~ File No. 958, on file in the U.S. Engineer1s Office Los Angeles. California, betw~ U.S. Bulkhead Stations 129 and t 30. -20- PA2019-026 EXfflllJT ttBtt SITE PLAN SHOWING DOCK 111 __ 1 • ➔ I ' • I -21- PA2019-026