HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB. EGA. Report. 400 S. Bayfront eagiwerd.m.g .geeer.6irorl GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FfD R PROPOS E D S I NGLE FAMI LY I)VVELLI NG LOCATED AT 400 S, BAY FRONT (Salbm Wand) N EWPORT 13 EACH. CAL I F 0 R N IA Presented lo, Waterpo i nte. Custom Ho me Bu iJ do ra, I nc. 6 10 Newporl Center Drive Suite F39D NevwW Beach. CA 92660 Attn: Chrislopher C21acci cc- Brsndon Architects Attn: Caitlin Srnith Prepared by: EGA Consullants, Inc. 375-C Monte Vista Avenui� Costa Mesa. Callifomila 92627 ph (-949) 842-9309 lax (949) 642-1290 July 5. 2018 P ruject No- WP 126.1 175-C M-D n r c V3'jta Avcnthe - Cost-' Nfe4z, ('A 92627 % (949) FAX (949) 642-1290 July 5. 201.8 -r n n s m1to a rr Projeel No VVP 126 1 PFUM800 8 1 11WO Famft Dw!p11linq: 400 & Bay F ront Newport Beach r a Island), Callillornia Execubiv-9 Slum Base'd on our geotechnica I study pf the sile. our revierw of avai la bh� reporl!3 EiRd litfff atu f eand our LMPWienr.e. it is our opi-nion tha� the PrQPQSL-d resi(Jancial develDpment P5 feag ib4e from a polnhri ical standpoint. There appear to b&no sqkillicant-qeotechnical cDnslraints qn-5ile ttiat cannot be milipt-ed by pioper planning. de5ign, aind utilization of sound cQnstruclion practices The L-rigineenrig propertie� Df IhL- soil and native matolrial:5, and 5u rface a rairiage Offeir flavara ble cond itions foir 5ure re-deyelopment. The lQ11gwirug Ke? elenienils.are rancl ug iGrps confirmed f mnn th 15 investigabon A ir"iew of-avarlable gaa"i-n recQn;I5 indicates that nd ar-live lau Its cross the subjecl� prippeq The-site 15 located in the sei 5m ically active SGulhern Californiia area. a nd Wrt4li n 2 kitornet-e-rs 0 the Ty� 8 NewpQrt-Pngile-wood Fault. As-&uc�h. lhe proposed development 511a 11 be designed in accoirdaince wirth rmisrn ic copsiderations specif ied in lhe 2016 California Building Co�de (COC)and 1he City of Newport Beauh requirements. Foundalicin specil`iQa1Lon!s nerein incluft-a added prvvisiions for potenlial I q uelpQ(iQn.on-sitL- per City policy C BC 1.80!1.11-12 SLI M MARY OF RE COMMEN DATI ONS De%i_qn Itern Rgeommendat" Fo undations Fc,aling Be-arOg Pfessure l?uildiing. continuous 2,250 p5f - pad loutings Passive Lateral Resimence 2�O P5F Pef fool Perime1er Fooling Widths- min. 16 imlve-s wilh two No. 5 bars lop and bamm Penimeler Fooling Depths. min. 24 inch-as below Idwest adjacent grade Intefior Slab Beam5' min. 24 inche:s Uelow lowast adjacent grade CcieffiQieni of Friction. 030 Mal Slab (OptiQn a I) min 12 inQhes with thiclK-ftnecll ed!�es (+ 15 inches) with no. 5 lbairs.a 12"o.c. each way. top and !:?-utilorn 5,ujl Expanaim 4Gn-Expainsirve 8aach $ani;15 S-ail 5uilfa� Contenil. Negligible Suildin�j Pad CNw-ExcavaWn. min. 2:4 ft. laelow existing grade, !tcarFfy bpttgrn Sanc� Soid Max. 0ensily 104 0 10 :5 % Opt. Moislure Building Slab-, COnCifete 51abs cast aga inst properly oompacted fill matero Is shall t>e a minimum of 5 inchas thpck (aqlveil�and reinf onmd NYrM No 4 ret;�ar al t 2 inches on cEntar Pn both dilrection:5. Dowel all lobting-s to walus with No. 4 ba rs at 24 inrhL-5 un center Coricirete bu ilding slah-.,, shall �e underia in 1by 2" cMari 5iand. u ridertapri by a mpn 15 rni I t-hiok moisture barriar, with all 'aP5 :5ealecr, -und-ailain by 4"of:K-irich grayel (cappllar� break). $efismic Voilues I per CHO 21116,ASCE 7.101: 8ibe Cla55 &efiniition (Table 1813.5 2) D Mapp6d SFAClral Reapon3e Aocelwatkm at-0 25 Pig-rigol. 5, 1.740 g Mapped Specir-al RespDnw Acoe4efWon at is Period. 1$, 0 643 g :Shprl Pigmigcl Site Coeffieisr)t al D.2 Fericid. F. 1.0 Long Per iOd Site CQeff icient al Is Periocl. F., 1.5 Adjusled Sipectral Re5ipdn:5e Acceleralion at 0.29 PerlDd. Ewa 1 740 g Aflju8led -Spmtral R eWnse Acc8l8raliqin-ut 1!3 PL-dod. 3,, D.D64 9 Cesig-ri Sp&ctral Resparpse A=eleration al 0.2s Par+Dc;L S., 1 161)g Dosign Spemal Resporisff AceuluratiDn at 13 Period. S,, (16349 PGArin = D.724 3 7-9-(.' -lion Ee Vi�ii a Ave n Lae, ' 4:4)51 A (949) 6-12-IMPY * FA X (949) 64 2-1290 July 5, 2018 Waterpointo Custom Home Builders, Ine- Project No. WP 1261 Aim: Chmru*her Calacci 610 NeWpOrl Gelltell' Drive, Suile 8-90 Newport Sea-ch. CA 92660 CIO. Brandoiri Architects, Attn- Caitlin Smith S ubject GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR PRO-POSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOFIVIIENT L 0 CATE D AT 40 0 SOUTH SAyr R 0 NT (5a lt>ua I slana) NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA De2r Mr Cal@cci. in accordance with your request and with the 2016 GBC, we have completed ouf- Geatechnilcal Investigation of the above referenced site This investigation was performed to determine the skte soil conditions and to provide geolechnical paraMeteF:3 for the proposed re-grading and -c�onstruclion at the subject site. It is our understanding that the proposed re-developmeoll shall include the dernolliti.on of the existing resdence and the, construction of a new residential dwelling with ass"iated impfovements- Thirs repartpresents the re:sults of the inve0gation (including Liquefaction Cumputations) Wong wilh grading and foundation recommendations peitaining to the development of the propciaed residential develiapment. This opportunity to be of wi-vice * appreckated. If you have any questiGns. please -Q@II. Very tFluily yours, NAL,� EGA Cottsuftanl.;, Ine. rp C 58 a64 DAVI D A. WO RTH I N GTON C EG 2124 PAUL DURANI�90a� Principal Engineering Geologist Sr. Project Engin CIV h- TEF? 4b -C cc: (4� Addkrulne 40FO 3'!.S-C Mcm cc V i�1 a AV-L n Lic & (. -- ., %1, , I % c�262 7 4 (949) 60.2.9�[)-g - FA X (949) .64 2-12911 July 5. 2018 Project No VVP126.1 GEOTIECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR FROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING LOCATED AT 400 S. BAY FRONT (Balboa Island) N EWPORT B EACH, CA L I FORN IA INTRODUCTION In response to your request and in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Building De pa rtment req uire ments, we have com plete�d a prul irni n-s ry geote0nii�al invevig ation at the su bject sft located at 400 South Bay Fro nt. i n the City of Newport Beach (Bal boa Island), State of California (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). The p u rpose of ou r invesN ation was to evaluate the exi sting gootechn ica I corLd itiorLs at th e su bject site a nd provide recom mendatio ns and gootechnicall pa ra meters for site re- deve lopment. earthwork. and lo u ndati-on design f or the proposed construction. We were a Iso req wested to eval uate the potential for on-site geolech n ica I hazards. Th is report presents the results of our findings, as well as our conclusions and recommend ations. SCOPE OF STU The scope Df c;ur investigation included the fcAllowing ta!sks: a Review of readiiy a-vallable published and unpublished repris; a Geologic reconnaissance and mapping; • Excavation a nd safnpl i ng of an exploratory bo ring to a total depth of 10 feet below existi ng g rad e J b.9-): • C oritinuous C one Penetration Test (C P T) soundings to a depth of 41.7 f eet bel-ow g rade at wh ich geolog ica I refusa I wa s met (res u Its of the C PT soundings are included herein),. • Laboratory testing of representative samples obtained from the exploratory bori ngs-, • Engineering and geologic analysis including seismicity coefterift in a ccorda nce with the 2015 Ca liforn ia Build i ng C od e (C 5C)'. Seismic and Liquefaction analysis and settlement computations (in accorda noe will h California Geollog ica I Survey, SP 11 7A): 2. P re pa ration of this rep ort presenti ng ou r f iind i ngs, conclusions i and recom me ndat'i on s. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS The aubjeQJ PFOperty is an approximate 30 ft. by 86 ft . parallelogram shaped lot located at 400 South Bay Front wiithiin the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange. The site is located on 1he western third of Balboa Island within the Newport Harbor. FDr the puf pow of cla rity in t h is report. the lot is bou n-d by Pearl Avenue to the West. by So uth B ay Front to th a north. by a pedestri a n wal kwa y to the s outh, and by !s i rni la r res idences to the east A seawall b-u Ik head and ch a n n al wale rs of th u Newport B ay ha rbu r are la cated approx irn a te ly 15 f eel to the so uthwesl of the subject lot. The P acific Oceia n s ho rel ine is located approximatel y 2.2 00 feet to the southwest of t he property- amoss th e B a I boa Peninsula (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). The subject I-ot coqslsts of a relatively flat, plana( lot with no Significant slopes on or adjacent to thesite- Currently, the lot is occupied by a two-stiory residential development situa�ed on a graded level pad. All strulctures aresupported -on continuous pell'iMetell' foofings with s lalb-cl n-g ria-de f loors The aite is leg al ly d escri bed as Lat 1 of P a rcell No. 1, B lock 7 of Ba lboa Is land Sect'i on 1. (APN 050-043-13). The exi!stlng layout of the property isshown herein (!sft Plot Plion, Figure 2). PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Detailed architectiulral plans were not available during 1he preparation of this report. However, based on the preliminary plans by the prDject archftct. Brandun Arc�hitects. the plroposed residential development shall include the -derriclRion of the existing structures. and the constructlim of a new three-story. single family dwelling with an attached two-car garage. No basement or relaining walls are planned. We assurrie that the proposed building will consist of wood-frame and masonry block construction or building materials of similar lype and load. The building foundations will consist of a combination of isolated and cuntinunusspread footings. Loads on the foolings are unknown. but are expected to be less than 2,250 and 1,750 pounds per square foot on the isolated and conlinuclus tooting& respectively. If actual loada 40il S.04vy-J:runL,KnLpoit L3%!arh I Uaftu h-lwidj.CdL Ulm Rqbm P4W N43.UIP1 26'1 hily 5.M I It exoaed these assu med valu es. we sh Du Id be co ntacted to eva luate whethe r fev is ions of th Is fepo rt a re nece:asary- It Is ou r u nde rstandin 9 th at the g ra d e of the site Is not expected to vary significantly. Based un the digital elevation mi;�del by NOAA National Centers for Environmental I nf ormati un (NC E 1) (NAVDBB- Last Mod if led September 2 3. 2 016). the s ite elevation is a pproxi mately 8 ft. above M S L (see refe re nce No- 10). Based on the p rel im inary plan S, the proposed finish floor elevation s h a 11 be 9+ ft above mean. se a level (MSL) to r.onf Grm with C ity a nd U nited States F EMA f lood elevation req u if ements. N ote, Tbe preGise determl n ation, meas u ri ng, a nd d oQume ntiln g of th e site e levatio ns. hub locations. prope rty b ou nd a ries. atc- I s th e re spon si bi lily of the p roject licensed I a nd su rveyor 3 U BSURFAC E EXP LOFLATIO N Our subsu rface exploration consisted of th e excavation of one eXplOFatGry bo ring (13-1) to a depth of 10 feet below grade (b.g.) and one CPT probe (CPT-1) to a depth of 41.7 ft. b g. (oontinuGus soil profile) at which refusal was met under a 500 ton point load. Prior to driffing. the underground detection and markup service (Underground Service Alert of Southern California) was Ordered and completed under DigAlert Confirmation No. A 1 81240904-00A_ Representative bulk and relatively undisturbed s�oil samples were obtained for labora- tory testing. Geologic�CPT logs of ffie $Oil bOFing)probe!s are included kn Appendix A. The borings were conlinuously logged by a registered geologist from our firm who obtained soil wmples for peolechnicial laboratory analysis. The approximate locations of the borings. 3Fe shown orl Figuire 2 (Plot Plan). Geotechnical soil sam p les were -o btai�ned us ing a mod if led Califor n ia samp ler f illed wl th 2 3y� inch diameter. 1-inch tall b(as a rings. Bulk sEi mp lers were obtai ned by collecting represenW t ive b ore ho le culti ngs Locati on a of geotechnical sa rnples a n d other data a re p re serLied on the bering logs in Append ix A. The sci ils voere v is ua Ily cl assif jed aQcordlng to tfte U n if ied Soil Classiftation System Classifications are shown on the boring logs included in Appendix A. LA�OORATORY TESTING Laboratory testkng wa!s performed on representative soil samples obtakned durifig UUr :aubsurface exploration The foilowing tests were per-formed: 400'Ej ljoy I;Ium,NLyf purl Bcwr�4Balkq 1�jmnd�CA S Lm I s.R upu ri I'IW;;L SO WHU.I July S.10 IN * Dry a nd Wet (Subm urged� De ns ity a nd Moistu re Co nten t (ASTM- D 2216) * Soil Classiftcation (AST M. D 2487) Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture CDnlent (ASTM: D 1567) Sulfate Content. (CA 417. ACI 318-14) Direct Shear (ASTM D 3080) All laboratofy testing was performed by our sub-contractor. G3SolIVVorks, Inc., of Costa Mesa. California. Geolechnical test results are include-d in Appendix B, herein. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITQ16 The site soil and geologic con&iions are as follows: Seepage and QqUnd!Nate According to the Orange County Water District (OCWD), lhere are no water v-tells �ocaled w0iin the general vicinity of the subject proporty. Channel waters of I he Newport Bay harbor are located app rux 1 m a te ly 15 f ee to the southwe st a n d approx ifin ate ly 1-000 feet no rth the su bject p roperly Th e Pa cif ic Ocean shorelli ne is loca ted a proximately 2.200 feet to the soul hwest of the prc?perly (a cross the Ba lboa Pen ins uila). Seepage or surface water pon-ding was not noted on lhe subject !site at the tirne of our study Our data indi-cates that the groundwater encountered is subject to significant tipdal fluctuations- Groundwater was encountered in our test excavallon at depth Df approximately 7"/z feet b.g-. Based on our review, the groundwater highs �ipproach the Wal highs in the bay. and groundwater lows drop slightly below mean sea level From a constru0ion atandpoint. any excavations advanced dfywn to within the tidal zones should be expected to experience severe caving. A tidal cha rt typ ica I foir the week of May 16, 2 0 18. '15 PlFese nted a:a F ig u re 4, 40D S.ismv rinyvi,Nmmn fk-"h%WkW Wmid 1.('A Sols Kqwrl rrojw ND Will 16.1 Jul) I..2DLA; here in. gA&gg_Wja ri�LT op qQ raRh y a nd Bath wrmet E levation s a cross the island ra nge fro rn B feet a lo ng t he bu I kh ead lin es at the seawa I I pe ri metere., asce nd ing to a Ini ost 14 f eel neiar t he centra I backbo ne of the I s land. Common area sand y be ach-es have been g roomed with im p ii rt san d s wh ic h leather gently to the bay wale rs. From th e b u Ik h"d and beach s ho re lines, the nearsh Dru Wy floo rs geneFally deace nds at an i nclinatio n of approximately 10,1 (horizo ntal to veftical), d Qwn to a pproxiirnate cievatic ns of -10 to -12 f eet along the cha n ne I I Im It I Ine (depend i ng on tidal fluctuations). Balboa Island EmO NiAppril: Bai Histm S im 1 lar to surro u nding is lands i n the Newporl Bay (e.g. L inda Is le a n d L ido Isla nd), Bal bc?a I Man d's su rface is p rim a ri ly m a n-made (9 rad ed a pp rox. 10 ft above the h 19 h-tide zo ne i n the 1 920's.�. However, the Island featu re is I ocaled on a natu ra I ly-formed, subaqueou s, back-b a rrier caasta I la ndmass. It is s itu�ited im the landward side of a coia sta I bar f orm ad by a transgressive sea and liftral cu rrenl:g at the seaward ed ge of a strea m delta or lag oon. The Newport 5 iay coasta I esl ua ry was orig Inall v f ormed as the lowe r reach of the Santa Ana River. However, in 1915, due lo severe silting that resulted from flooding of the ;Santa Ana River (and also the construction of man-made channel), the Santa Ana River was structumlly realigned. Consequently, the Newport Bay Is currently fed only by the San Diego Greek which drains a compairativelysmall area. The mouth of the San Diego Creek is I-ocated at the Jamboree Road bridge roughly 51/2 kilometers northeast of the subject Site (Upper Back Bay). Geologic Sqaft Regionally, the site is located within the western boundary of lhe Coastal Plain cirf Orange County. The Coasiall Plain Iles within the southwest portion of the Los Angeles Basil n a nd cons ists of serni-co naul Idated rn a ri ne and non-maf ine d uposils ranging In age f rom Miocene to recen t. The western bo u nda ry of the C oasta I Plain. i n whkrh the site is I ocaled, is refe rred to as the Tustl n Plain- It is bound by the 5 a nta Ana M ou ntains to the n oi-theast a nd the Sa n Joaquin Hills lo the southeast. Based on aval la b le geologic maps I he F.0 is undef lain by a thin manile of Fmml. NiL!wpKt ikmh jBilboa %oil%ftpwL HQ$'.:L NO WPM I Joy S.10 1 a estuarine (0e:01hyd ra u I ic sands an dfo( en g i nee red f 111. The shallow soil layer IS u nde rlain by Quate rn a ry-age o Id pia ra I iiz� d eposits (Oop) wh ich are desef ibed as medium d ense to very dense- oxi-d ized, f kn e to m ed 1 u m g ra ined, mod erate ly to vvel I-ce rnented sand and sl Ity sa nd (see rete rence No. 2). The old pa ra I ic d eposits are u n derl a 1 n by mass ive bed rork of the Mo nterey F Dri-natio n (Tm). Roads Ide exp Gsures of massive bedroc k of the M on te rey Formation (Tm) are visible on the inland side of Bayside Avenue (Dover Sholres bluffs) less t ha n '1/2 kiklo mete rs no rtheast of the n Ile. A Geolog ic Ma p is p resented as F iqu re 3, he re in (reteren re: Morton, D.M . a nd M I Iller, F.K., 2006). Based on the geollog ic m a p (F Lg u ra 3) cor(e lation with the o n-site C PT pfol�e adva n ced o n May 22, 2018, bedFOC k of th L- M u nterey Fo rmatio n jm) was I ikely -an counle red approx im atelly 2 8 feet be low g ra de. Fau"n A FOVieW of ava i lable geologi c record s ind icate5 that no active la u Its crDFs the subject pro pe rty (reference No. 2. a nd F igufe N o- 3)- The sei sm ic hazards m oF-t I ikely to I mpact the su bject sl te is ground shaking fall owi ng a large ea rthquake on th e Newport-1 nglewood (o rish ore), Pa los V8FCle:S (offshore). San Joagwin Hills Blind Thrust. Whittier-Elsinore, or Cucamonga Faultr, The fault distance:F�, probable magnitudes, and horizontal accelerations ar-e listed as follows- FAO LT DISTANCE FROM MAXIMUM CRFEDIBLe MAXIM IJIM �eiirs mic SUBJECT SITE r.ARTHOVAKE HOR IZONTAL OUFGO Ypi-) J K i10 iTi oWrs J MAGNITUDE ROCK ACCF-LERATION NI�Wport- 2 kilQmeters southwW 72 Inglewood (13) San Joaquin 5 kilometers lz�eneain 6 e g's Hills Blind lbe sile Thrust P7aLl It I �W I - 400 4 &5 Fmmi.N%:-ffipuf I DriWh I 1�qlboz ldand� CA S61%Ruptxi. ftJIMC No WPI26 3 July 5.20 lit ___7 PaJOS VL-ri;lig-5 15 KIJOMeterS 7 1 0.38 g's E3) soijthwig-5t C hiinq-Cental 4() kilo rneter3 nQrqhwst 6.7 0.14 g's A"riu-a �6) F;1.5irkw@. (8) 37 k1lomelerri MrUhsast 5A3 0 16.3s cucamoinga 50 kilomejer5 nolh- 70 0 14 .9 5 (A) ngi-theast T he max im um an t IC ipat-e-d bediroc k acce le rafion an the site is estimated to ll�e less than 0.69, based on a maximurn priabable earthquake an the Newpiart- Ingluwood Fault. The site is underlain by fill and clean t�each sands. For deskgn purposes, Iwo- �hlrd:s of the irnaximum anticipated bedr-ock acreliurallcin may be assumed for the irepeatable ground accelleralion. The effects of Feismic shaking can be m iti g ated by adfie(Ing to the 2 Q 16 Cal ifornia Bu i Iding Code or the sta nda rds of c a re estalal ish ed by the Structu ral E ngineers Associ ation of Ca I if orn i a. With respect to th Is hazard, the aite is c:om parable to others in this general area i n sim illar goo logir- sekti ngs The g rad ingVb u Idling specif ications outlined in t his report are in part, linten d ed to fn itig Eite sel sm ic shaking. Thew quidel Ines contorm to the indusiry standard of -care and from a geotechnical standpoint, no additional measures are warranted. Based on our review of the ­Seismii; Zone Map." published by 1he CalifornIE] Department of M 1 ries a nd Geology i n conjunctio n with Special P u bl Icati on 11 7A. there afe no ea rthquake I a nd al ide zon as o n or adjaoent to the siite. T he propos-ed developme nt 5h all be designed in accordance with seismic canside rations conN ined 1 ri the 2016 0 BC a nd ttie C Ity of N ewport Beach req u Ilremen ts. Based on Chapter 16 of the 20 16 C BC and on M a p s of Known Active N ear- Source Zo nes in Ca I if Dr5l a and Adj acent Portl o na of Nevad a (ASCE 7-10 SN nd a rd), the followi n g Parameters may be con skdered: 2036 CBC Seisrajc Design Par=erers S-11T ADDRESS: 400 S. Bay Fil'Ont, NrwpL?rL Beacli, CA 'Siiic uailcude(Dechinal Degrvus) 33.60605 Silo bunE itudc(NeLinal Degren) -117.89967 L Site Class Dc ludi F) 4W 5 8:my'From.N4%pm Und i Uallivo h-lond).CA 1, �-O*kPM Projed NLk WIP 126 1 MIS S_202 ktappM Spcctral Respowe A"elcrai im at 0.2s Pvriud, S, 1.740 Ni uppA 9pectraL RcspcHnse AMCkFill ICC C Is 11criad, S, �).64 3 Slvxi PCHud !S11c-Coefficieni eA 0.2 Period. Fa 1.00 Lung N-nod Sk C-DetlkLuni al Is PtriodL FV 1.50 AdjqLslcd Spmlra I RcWns�t A"u IL;raiian al 1D.2s Puiod. S,, 1.7110 Adjusied !SpLQtral Reiponn�Am WdLion At L s NH4 S,, U 96LI Design Spectml Ru5purile Acrcluahca Ed 13.2s PtFiudL-SL)§ 1-160 lh-Sigff SPCC4FELI Rmpunsu AA:cdcmiqon Ri I i PffiDd S:,, 0.643 IF) a ccordlanc*- wiith the Q SGS Desig n Maps. a nd assu ming 5 ite C lass D', the mea n peak g rou nd accele ratkon (PIGAm) per U SG S is 0 724 g. The stated PGAm is based on a 2% p ro ba b Vy of exceedance in a 50 yea r span (see copies of the USGS Design Maps Detailed Report, Appendix E), herein). FINDINGS Subsurface Sob As encounlered in our ta:at borings, the site is unCleflain by fill sands and native maierials as follows: Fill [Afi Fill sands were encountered in each of the berings t-u a depth of appruximately two feet The fill soils consist generially of lighl olive brown, moist, loose to medium dense, fine-grained sands with trace gray silts The expansion potential of the fill soils was judged t-D W -very low when exposed to an Increase in moislure content. HydraWlic-Native Sands Paralic Depo"s QQD) :�nd Bedrock (Trn Underlying the fill rnateriails are hydraulic and native sands as encountered in each of the teW boriings �13-1 and CPT-1). The native sands consi:st generally of light olive gray, moist to saturated, medium dense, non- cemented, fine- to rnedium-grained. sand and silty sand. The native wrids are underlain by esluarine (Qes) and old paralic (Qop) deposits, which are underlain by Monterey Formation (Tm) bedrock r_onsis�ing of medium dense to very dense. oxidized, fine to rnedium AWJ% 13m) FTLML h;:wpvL Bkmh i 13,iih4 Island).CA S 5 ails RR"L FM"l N4) WPI 26 1 Judy 1.2)0 111 g m ined, mod erately t.Q wel 1-cemented sand a n-d s i Itstone to I he max im u m -depths explored (4 1.7 ft b.9 Based on the goo logic map (F igure 3) co rre lati-o n with the on-sile CPT PFobe advanced on May 22. 2018. bed roc K of the Monterey Formation (Tm) was likely encountered approximately 26 feet below grade. Based on the laboratory resuft *�it%l June 7- 2 D 18. the &I te max im u m d ry d ensity is 104.0 p cf at an optimum rn oistiure conte nt ot 1 D.5% (per ASTM 0 1557) and the wet (submerged) density of the uppur 6 feet of is 118.5 pcf (the complete lab-oratory reports are presented in Appendix 13, hereln�. LIO UE FAC TION ANALY SIS (P-er S P1 1 7AI L iquef aQtlo n of soils can be caused by strong vib ratory motion in re:sp on se to earthquakes. Biath research and historical data indic�ale that loose, granular 5andy soils are susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability & rock, gravels, clays, and silts are not significantly affected by vibratory motOn. Liquefaction is generally known to occur only in saturated or near saturated granular soils. The site is underlain by fiWecillan sands, old paralic deposits. and bedirock of the Manteirey Formation. It is -our understandpng that the current Ckty policy, has assigned a seismic wttle ment potential of o ne (1-0) in ch in the u p per ten f eet, a nd �h ree (3.D) i ncher, f or soi I clepi hs of ten to f iffy f eel- I n the event settleme nt val ues exceed these th re sh old values, th en additional a na lysis andlor additional miltigal ion is req u i red. The CPT testilag was perf urmed 1 n acco rda nce wit h I;he "Standard Test Method for Performi n 9 E lectf onlic F ricti un Cone a nd P iezowne Pe netratio n Teal ing -of So Ills." (ASTM D57 78-12). T he seism lea Illy 1 nd uced seti lemen t fo r the proposed structure was evaluated based on the "Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes' by I.M. IdF155 and R.VV. Boulanger, dated September 8, 2008. The a na lysis war, provided by one 10-feet deep 4 " d i�i meter hand-a uge r bori ng, and a 41.7 feet deep 1.7" diameter CPT probe advanced on May 22. 201�3- The explorato ry borings a nd probe loc�gllons a re s hown 1 n the P lot P la n, Fkg u re 2, herein. The soil boirings were continuously logged by a oertified engineering geologist of our firm. The cornputatkon5 and Fesults of our UquefactkGn Analysis. based Dn CPT blow co u nts -of Baring C P1 -1- a re attac hed i n Ap pend ix D, herein The sei sm ica lly 400 5 1385 VW1. P%C!%%rk!CL ll[!Wh I lial"IAWW�.k in i 1:1 R L!PLNt hqW;;L Ki WP3.76 1 iuiy S.2U 1 a induced settlement analysis was evaluated based on methods published in the refere noes Nos. "a" through "ja (see -'Assocl ated Refe re noes", herein). T he liqueta chon a nd se is!ml r settlerneni calrulat ions i nd icate seism ic settleme nt (i nol udes d r� and satu rated sand s) I n the u pper 10 feet Is less Man I-0 Mches a n d in the u p per 41 .7 f eel i s less th a n 2.0 in ches, and h en Qe sh al low mitigation method s for I I uef actio n may be Imple roented Per 0 ity Code Po licy (N o. CBC 1803.5.11-2 last revised 71312014). Based on our liquefaction analysl:a, ond in accordance with the City of Newport Beach PoliGy No. CBC 1803.6.11-12 (NIBIVIC, Chapter 15) we recommend the following rnilligative methods to minimize the effects of shallow liquefaction- 1- Tie all pad footings wO grade beams. 2 All footings should be a mi.nirourn of 24 inches deep, below grade. 3. Continuous foolings should be reinfoirced with two No. 5 rebaf (two at the top and two �it the bottom). 4. Concrete slabs cast against properly cGmpacted fill materials shall be a mlln irourn of 5 i nch L-5 thil ck (actua 1) an d re inf orced with No. 4 rebar at 12 inches on center in buth directions. Tbe reinforoement :shall besuppofted on chaifs to insure lacpsliticining of the lreinfc�rcement at mid-center in the slab. 5. Dowel all f ootingB to sl a bs with N o 4 ba rs at 24 i nches o n ce nter 6. Addlitio na lly, to f u rt he r reduce the eff ects of the thin sha I low zurie a of pote ntial ly liq uef iiable soils, the bui id ing -,la b shall include 15" w by 24" -d inte rior g rade bea ms ("c(os a beani s") to ba reinf orced with twD No. 5 rebars (two at the top and two at the lauttern). 7. Add iti on a I ly, ex posed s a ndy so ils will be vigo rously f lo-o-ded during the ea rthworks process- Al so for cohesion treatmen r oF(he site sand Fills; soif-cemen( shall be used in the uppej� 3 feet. 'T o ach leve t h is. d u ri ng g rad ling - d ry bags uf Poftl a nd C eme nt sh a I I be m ixed kn the scarl f led o ve r- exi;avatlo n bottom s (6 -in ches below the over-excavation lim its) a n-d in to eig ch of the Gverl yi ng (i 11 As- The fo u ndati un !specificatio ns outl ined a bove wi I I a ct to d vQrease the potential settlement due to I iquef a cl Ion a nd1OF sei sm 1ca Illy induced late ra I defo r mation to toleriable am ounts. The above specif ications el im 1 nate the use of p iles �i nd a ssociated wnstruction vilb rati on a a nd g roundwateir d i splaceme nt induced by calisso n -d ri I ling o r pile-d rivi ng. If the al�ove spec if icat ions are incz rpora ted, the proposed structure shall be stable and adequate for the intended uses and the proposed construction will I n Gl: ad versely im pia Q1 the subject of adj a ren t Pirope rties. 400 S.Bay 1;re 11 L.Ncvom Hits 9 h(Hktm b I s I an d j.C Fruib RcTXA PT@jcd NLk WP 126 1 QJheF Geologic jqza-rk Ot he r g eol og ic hazards s uch as I a ndsl iding. or expa nsive soils. do niA appear to be evidem at the Fubject site. CONCLU:SIONS Based on our geotech n ica I study of th e s ite- ou r review of a vailab le reports and I itera tuf 6 and -o u r expe rience, it is ou r opinion th at the p roposed im provernents at t he si te a re f eas Ible f rorn a geotec h n Ica I standpoint, There appea r lo be no significant aotec h n ic a I constraLn ts on-s ite th at cannot be mittg ated by p ro pe r planni ng, desig n, and utilization of s-ound construction practices. The engineering properties of thes[�Il and natkve materials, and the surface drainage offeF favorable conditions for site Te- development RF-Q.QMMENDATIO" The following sections discuss the principle geulechnical concerns which should ll�e considered for proper sft re-devellopment E;R rthWOFk Grading a nd earthwork sh ou Id be peff orrried in accordance with the foil i owii ng recommendations and the Genefal Earthworkand Grading Guidelines included in Appendix C. it is ouir understanding that the majority of grzi-ding will be limited to the re-grading of the building pad for the prDposed constru0ion. In general, it is antiripated that the removal of the upper 2% feet within the t)uildinq footprint (slab-on-grade portion) will require removal and recompaction to prepare the site (or construction. The removals should be accomplished so that all fill and biackfill existing as part of the previaus site use and -demolition operations are rem oved Where f easible, the I imits of the pad fil I shall be defined by a 2 1/z f eet envelope e ncompassi ng I he builld ing footpri nt. Ca re s hou ld be ta ken to p rotect th e adjacent properly �mpfovements A minimum one foot thii;k fill blankel should be placed throughoul the exterior improvements (appcoachaF,. parking and planter areas). The fill blanket will be achieved by re-working (scarifying) the upper 12 inche:a of the existing grade. Reme-dial Qra�mng of Dry Sands Based -on the subsurfacia- logging and laboratury results, the beach sand soils above the water t@ble exhkbit low moilsture contents (dry sands with high 41DU S.W Franc.Nclhpnrq Lkudi tiimli-a IA11111 1.CA W.S Reparl Prujnl Nu.'WIP 126 1 JMI�S.ZWLS Of i ltration rates). To moistu re treat t he -d ry sand s. we recomm end continuou 5 and vigorous flooding of the excavation bottom$ and stockpiles during the pad 9 ra-d i ng. T h is s ha 11 be achieved u si ng h 19 h-p re ssure 2-kn ch d lametef hoses an dior hydro-probe,,5. Remedi 1LQ[AdL1n9L-_-SN1IQeMePt Due to i n situ dry sands, we recom mend a p p roxi rnately fou r (4) pal lets (40 bags d ry m ix., each weig hi ng 94 po u nds and a p p rGxI mately 1 .3 3 cvl�!Io yards) of Portland ceme nt be blend ed into the newly-pi aced f I 11. T he 1i rst appl ication of the Portland Ceme nt sh a 11 tw placed on the bottom of the sca rif ied over- excavatio n(s) T his opt Ion may be elli min ated or red uced if s u ita ble I mPort f il 15 are trucked in. S ite P re P a rat ion P rio r to earthwurk o r co nstructilon operatio n s�_ the site should be cleared of s u rtace structu res a n-d s u bsu rface obstructio ns and stripped of any vegetation in the a rea s p roposed for develop ment. Removed veqetatqor� a nd debris sh Du Id then be d I sposed of off-site- A m 1 n im u m of 2 1/z f eet of th e soi Is below existi nq g rade wi I I req u 1 re rem oval and recorri paction in the a rear, to receive 1�u ild I nq pad fill. Followiing rernoval- the excavatE-d sufface should be Inspected 1�y the sokIs en g i nee r OF h is des ignated repiresentative prior to the p lace roent of any f ill in footin g trerLQhes. H ole s o r pockets cif u n d ocume nted fill res ulti ng f ro rn removal of buried obstructions d isQovered d u ri ng t h is i nspeQtic n should be ti Red with suitable compacted tilt F i 1.15 The on-site soil s a re s u ita b le fo r FeUSe as compacted fill, p rovided �Iley are f me -of Drg a n ic rn aterials. debir IS, and mate ria 1!5 1 a rger th an six (6) i nch as I n d ia mele r. After remova I of any loose, icumpf es si b le sokl s. al I areas to receive fil I andle r other surfaQe 'improvements should be scacified to a minimum depth of 12 inches. brought to at least 2 perceni over uptimuol moiMure conditions and r.ompacted W at JeEiF.1 90 per-cent relative compaction (based on ASTM: D 1557). 11 necessary, import solls for near-surface fills should be predominately granular, possess a very low expansion potenlial. and be approved by the !geokechnical engineer Lift thicknesses will �be dependent on the size and type of equipment used. In general, fill should be placed In uniform lifts not exceeding 6 inches. Placement and compaction of fill should b-e in accordiance with local grading ordinance5 under the observation and testing of the geoterhnical consultant. We recommend that fill soils be placed at moisture contents at least 2 percent over 401)S.Bay FrOM.NCWTMH H4%Lh(Lioibmi Wtdidj.CA '5'(M I F kqW r4 Prqlao NLP YYVI 2-b I jpi�:S.21M-B - optimum (based on ASTM: D 1557). VVe recommend that oversize materials (materials over 6 inches) ahoold they be encountered, be stockpiled and removed From the site. Trenph Backfill ThE� on-site soils may be used as trench backlill provided they are screened ul rock sizes over 6 inches in dimension iand organic matter- Trench backfill should be c*mpacted in uniform lifts (not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness) by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM: D 1657). G"technicel Paramete The following Geotec:hnicall parameWrs may use�d in the design of the proposed structure (also- see "Liquefaction Analys ls� section, ab<we). Foundati )U.Qq§i�gn Structures on pruperly compa-uted fll[ may be supported by conventional, continuous or isolaWd spread footings. All footings should be a mini.mium of 24 inches deep (measured in the field beliyw lowest adjarent grade). Footing widths sha I I me a n m i n irnum 15 inches and 18 i nches for intedor cross beams and Perimeter footings respe-ctively. As stated above, aclUllonally, to further reduce the effi�cts of the thin zones of pote ntia I ly I iquefla ble soi1j6. the build ing sla b shall include 15" wide by 24" deep inkerior g rad e. beams to be re inforced with bNo No. 5 reba rs (two at the top a nd two at the bottom)- The cross beam locations shall be determined by the structural engineer. At th is depth (24 i nches) footi ngs f ou nded in fil I material:F� m ay be d asign ud f or an alllcywa ble beating va lue of 1,7 50 a nd 2,2 5D psf (fo r d L-ad-plus-five load) fo r contl n uo us wall and Isolated spread f ootings, respeckivelly. I hew values may be i ncreased by one-third for loads of short d uiration, i ncl ud ing wi nd or seismic forces. Re i nf orcernunt requireme nts may be increased if recom mended by the pfoject structural engineer. In no case should they be decreased from the previous recom mendations. 400 S.Ba).I;mllc.Ntlhl*rq 6emch(Babus ISIPMU). Fru I I I Repo n Pmjed NLk WF 126.1 July 5-ZIR9 Foundatig-n Desi�nQ�' nCl E)ue to a nticipated h ig h I ide waters and cohesin n less sa nd-, d u ring constru QkIon, a mat slab foundation system is u reco rnme nded opli Ion- Mat s lall�s feu nded in w rirkpacted f I I I or competent n ative male rialls may be de:signed for an a I'lowable bearing value of 2,250 psf (for dead-plus-live load). These values may be increused by one-third for loads of short duiration. including wind or Wismic forces. The actual design of the foundation and slabs should be completed by the structuri3l engineer. MIN DLZg_14 ITEM EEg�Q�F-14 D�AT I O�N S NlEkt ,allowahi-a beafing piesrure 2 250 psf passive iateraii resisLence. :250 psf per fqQt mal 9WIb thickneiss. m irl. 12 inches with thickened e-dges (-0 15 indhes� steel reinforcerinent no 15 bars @ 12" o c -each way tDp and k3oWn ui;iefficient of fFiclign 0.00 Modvius of Subgrade Reac�tion k, = 100 lb94'in Reinforcement requirements may be increased If recommended by the project structuiral engineer. In no ca!se should they be cleCTeased from the previous recom mendations. Ve f or Co nerete i n C or�jg�ctwith�On- �E a�rth M[ater Concrete mix design should be based onsulfate testing with Section 1904.2 of the 2016 CBG (in the event ef soil import. Folls shall be Wsted a specified k I 'is possess accordingly). Preliminary laboratory testing indicates the site sol negligible sulfale exposure. AC,1 318-14 BUIL INN5 CODE Talble 4-:2 1 - R EQUIR EMEN7S FOR QONCRE TE E XP05E D TO SU L FATE-CON TAIN I NQ SOLUTIONS 591111a.10 wmef suirale(50,1.in Cornaryl TWO m�i um water- minimurn Expoure !suirsie�SU.i in:bad 440mr ppm camigntflHius moftimi norrn.81-�Wiqht (ISO? pfl"rd oy%weight pubo. tpyvmi9hC, floPmel jr4 1�;IFH weighl. w"ht COMPets concriale. ps3 mqgiigibk� UDD SO,e-D 10 0-S $04 (51) Mqftlai.a D 10 $0. 0.21) '50'4:5()4'1 '&[* 0.50 4000 ISWS)Ylms� 11.11"WILIks?. I(SWINIS) 0.20 < 80, 2 Da 15W C:!SCP,dc V 045 4W (53) 1 D.Um WHY SPucire 2 W SAD,,, 10.M VVU 04$ 4N 5.H* FpDflt.Ncih"Ekaull tHaftp kowndj.CA .U14 mpm Projuii Nv WP 126 1 Jlgi�1.2W a As a conservative approach. a nd d u e to th a m ari ne enwronment, we recommend cement with a minimum strength f'c of 3.000 psi -be used for Qoncrete in contact with on-site earth materials. a 20 M ner I Utilizing the design fecornmendatbrip, presented herein. we anticipate thal i the majority of any post-grading settlement will OCCUr dUiring construction actwities. VVe ustimale that the total settlement for the pru-posed structure will be on the order of 1 inch. Differential settlement is not expeQled to exceed 1 inch in 40 feet. Theae settlement values are expected to be within tolerable limils for properly designed and conStiructed foundations. �aleral Load Resistance Footings founded in fill materials may be designed for a passive lateral bearing P reSSUFe of 2 50 po u nds per square f ool per foot of de pth- A coeff ic ient of friction agai n st s lid i ng between concrete a-nd so'PI ot 0.30 m ay be ass urned. CaRillary B s In accur-dance with the 2016 C�ilifornia Green Building Standards Code SectOn 4.505-2.1. we provide t he fo Illowi ng bu 1 Id Ing specificati on for the su bject site (living afea and garages slabs): Concrete building slabs shall be directly underlain by 2 inches Gf washed sa nd, u nde rIa in by a m In. 15 mil I h Ick v isqueen molstu re ba rrie r(e.g. "Stego Wrap"), wit h al I I a p a sea led. u nderlain by 4 inches of "/,-In ch g ravel. The a bo-ye s pecificiatio n meats or exceeds th a Section 4.505.2.1 req u i rement. E&rio r S labs-gn-_rad e LH9 rdscape Q____ Concrete slabs cast a 9 a 1 nst p roperly compacted f i 11 male ria Is shall be a minimurn of 4 inches, thick (acluall) and reinfijroed with No. 3 rebar at 18 Inches on center in both directions. The reinforoernent shall be supported on chairs to insure positioning -of the reinfOircernen.1; al mid-center in the slab. Control joints should be provided al a maximum spacing of 8 feet on cenlier �n two directions for slabs and at 6 (eet on cent-er for sidewalks. Control jointg are intended to direct cracking. E xpansilon o r felt jolnLs s ho u Id l;ie used at the i nterf ace of evte rio r slabs on 440 S.Ilmy 1;r-u 11 L.N tb&l*n Lk ac h t 114 Im ii I s I Rn d).C A &As Repo n Pmjed NLk WIP 126 1 hii�5-204; g rade and a ny f kxed st(udures to perm it relative movement. Som a -s lab CFacki ng d ue to sh ri n kage should be antiGipated Tlhe potentia I for the s lab crack Ing may be red uced by caref u I control of water/cement ratios. The contractor should take a p p ropriate -Qu ri ng preca uti uns d u ri nq the puu ri ng of concrete in hot weather to minimize cracking of slabs. $yrface Draina e Surface drainqe shall be controlled at all times. Positive sudace drainage should be provided to dire-0 surface water away from struclures and toward The street or suoable drainage facilities. Ponding of walershould be avoided adjace nt to the stf uctures. Recomni ended m I n im u m g ria d le nt Is 2 pe rcent for u n p Eived areas and on e perc�_-nt fo( concretelpaved areas. Roof gutter d Ischarge sh ou Id be d i rected away f rom t he bu i Id Ing a reas through sul Id PVC pi pes to s u itabi e discha r9e points. Area d rain a sh ou Id t)e p rGvide-d f or p lante r areas an d d ra i nage shall be d ifected away f rom the top of slopes. PRE PONSTRUCTION MEETING It is recommended 1hat no cleariflq of the 5ite or any grading operation be performed wilhokit I he presenre of a rep resenlative of th is off ice. An on sits pre-g rad Ing meeting shouLd be arranged between the soiilr3 en9i neer and the grad ing oniritracto r prior to an j -construction Q ECTE'Z�H NICAL 0 B SERVATI QpJ AN D TESTING DURI NO CON STRUQ!19-N- We recornmend that a q ualif ie-d geotechnicall consu Raril 1:ie retiained t-D provide geatechn ical enginsering services, 1 nrJuding geotech nica I obs-ervatLorlResting, d uring the con!slruckio n phase of lhe project This Is lo verif� the cum pl Ono@ with the de 5iigni, specifications and of recornmaindiations, a nd to allDw design rhaingas in the everit Ihat isubsurtace 00 rLditions d iff er from thow amicipated Gi3Gtechn ical o bserwati cinsite5ti nq should be performed at the f ollowing Slages: * During ANY g rading a peratiorks, 1 ncluding excavation, removal, Wiling, corin pacti on, and backfilling, el-r,- * After excavation& for footing r; (vr tin ickened edge5) :amlor grade beams veriFy the adequacy of underlying materinis * Aftar pre-soaking of new slab sub-grade eanh materrals i3nd placementoll'capiflary break. pla-stic membrane, prior to pouring can c rete. Dqj ring backf ill of drainage and util ily line Ifenches, to Y�?rify proper CDM PaCl 10M V^Wif iaoy unuqual geotechnical condiilions are encountered Prio r to slab poui­5 to en-su re propeT-su bg rade mm paction oln-0 motsture ba rri er5 Pleas e schedule an inspec tion with the geo to chnic-al consultan t prior to th 0 pouring of all interior and exterior slabs. 4@(1 S.B4n-Frim.N4,mWn kltaLh kBdImu Is1kndj.t' SQOS ktPorl Projed Nu 'WIP 126 1 LIMT8TIONS The g(ibbftch m-,al services dieser,bed heFein Inave been cgnOuCted in a manneF-Cinnsistent wilh the leval of rare and aill ond inarily exorciseLd 'by rinembars-of 11he gevh�chriical eng ineeriruj profession prarlicing coAtemporanewsly undef simikof uQn-ftLions in Ihe:5u1bjei;,I locality. Ii rider no-cif-cumstance i5 ainy WaFrOnty, expi-cmi;&j or implied. made in conrieclion voith the providing of servioe3-dewribed her-ain Dala, i nlerprelatioAs- and recgmi-inemdation s pre5entad heirein are ba5ed SOW? on infUlim0tiOn aVailable tQ INS cifilice at the time NuQrk was lo&rforrned EGA ConsulWinits wilil Nil be reSPwIn5liblO IlOr Other partie5, intarpf etailignis; or use of tile inhyrinatiDn developed in this r9port. The irktarpollatecl 5ij t�surf acau conditiari5 r;�hould be checked in IhE§ f iffid during cQnstruction lo� a representatrve Qf EGA Consuilants. VVa Yacom mend Ihail:all foundalign LmEavations.3 nd.9 rad in�j Opell'abOnS hL%Ob"Ned by a representallive uF tfik-s lirrn to ensure Ihat oninstruction i-5 perfoyrn&j in accgr-dance wvm the aKi:,Ffications oulliried! irk this report. VV*do noll direc.4 Ihe conliractof'a ciperations, ana we carinbl: he respon 5it?le f Dr the safety Of Qtll-aes The c*nIr3ctQF 51-ici-ild notify Me Qwrkef ill hEt Ouin!ooder5 any [)f Me recomme rided aGtions prewnted herein t-D IDe ufl5ale- 40D S.Bay From.Nt!;&Wri Dcao6ji MmiDo Islandl,CA :Sumls m4pnri PMjt!Ll NO W71 2* 1 )UI) �.21)lu 1 6 A&S&Cial-ed Relaffing" pa: LirpyeOacUon Anaiiysit Ek pec�al Putplicawin I 17A- GiLid-elines for Evvl uating and Mftojinq Sarsrnic Haunds in Califbrinia.' 4 the Calif iDmi�3 D�!partmenil of Cpnsarvation. California GeolNiical Surway. dffl�ed March I a. 1997: Revised �eptam ber 11. 2000. n 117 GuicjelinL-5 for "Rewnrirna%nded Proceduier. for I mpse-merktalion of DIVIG $veicral Publicalici ,Analyzing and Mitigaiing Liquefaclign Hazards in California,' by G.R MarLin -and M Lew, Uiniversily Gf $auth-atri CalifQrnia Eafir�quake (�ente%r dated March, 11399 ated Seplember U. 'Soil Lqv0aetion During Eavthqkjakes' Uy I M ldriss and R VV. Soulanger, d 21)c�o &d Augu:5t 4. 201-�. 'S&ls and FovndaWins. V EditiQn." 6V Cheng Liv and Jack B. 'Evett, dal e 'Evaluation of Satilement i-n !sands due to E a rtheluake Shak ing" by Kahapi Tak irrWlsu arw 4. Bolton si!8d, Dated ALigust 1!;67 f "Gvideli nas i!or EMLmaiiion of Sheaf Wave velocq Profilig-5- By Berna rch R wait, PasGn T. JW9. Tihornas Shantz Pacific EarlhQuake Engin-aering Re5earch Center, DELted 0ecarnber. 201Z 9. 'Slibsurface Explor-alion Using ihe Slandard Peneiraw Testarid 1he-Corh-. Peri-elir-orneler Test," b� J. David Ragiors, Env�rvrPmer4al & EngirmentriQ Goosc�once, pp 161-1 T9. -daled May. 2006. h. 'Hand�Qok of Gaotechnical Irivestigabon and Desig n Ta1Ule!5i!' By Burt G. Look. Data�d 200�7 1 "L)se 01 SPT Blow CDunts to Estimaie Shear Silrength PircparLies of Soilr;,: Eriorgy Ralaince Approach.' 4 Hif oshan HeNairach i-and Timothy Bro*n, h?6uma?qf GGWOGW�cv?and Goc.qnv�wm@ara�Engfnewk?y. ASC.E. pp. ;530-15�4 dated Jun-A, 20M. J. "Standard Te3t Methad f of Performi n!� Electrormc Ff iction Cone-and pliezurwa Penetration Testing of (AS7M D!577;5-12�, dated 202. RgFFERENCES 1. hUSGS Topographii; Map 7.5 minvte Quadrangle. Newport mach DE S. CaliFornia Ouadrongle,' dlarb�d 2015 2. 'GeQlogic Map of the $an Her-nardino and Santa Ana U' x ou Ouadranqle5 Califoir n ia,"veirr;icin 1.0, corinpiled t�y D*uglas M. Mpi-jork ancl Freo K Mililer daiied 20CH3- I 'Maximvm CirediW Rock Acceleraijon f rgrn Eaythqkjakes in Cal iforn ia,' by RCMJeF W. R.een5leldef dated 1(J74. 4. maps of Known Active r�au It Near-5guroe Zoines in CalFfgvn ia an()Adjaceril Portions of Nevada.' pr-epared by Calikirnia Npartment oll Conservalian Qivision of Mine5 and Geology. pu blisha�j bv iniernational CDnfere-nce of Buildin-g Officials. clkLted Fabruary, 5 "G%jide for Concrete Fbacir and S la U Cgins4rudon."by American Concrele I n 5titute.ACI 302 1 R- 04. daLad 2004 16 'California Building COW. Calilbfnia COGle 01 Regulations, TiVe 24. Parl 2.' b�Califi�rniia Building Standards Comrni55iqn, 2016. 7. -SgIsmic Hazard ZDna Reporl fi?r ttw Newport BeaQh 7 5-Mi nute QuaOrangilOS- Orange Q'Ourity. California ' 13V th-a C a lilornia Deparlinrient or CiDnse%rvation, 1997 "201:5 Lniernaiiional Ruilclirq� Code.' by the International Code (�buffi.l. d;ated J une, 5. 2014 ic Map of i:�alifornta, Santa Ana :ShE�61 ' Com pkial" by 7homaz� Fli Rogers. 1-965. fifth printing 19;3!� 10 'Digilal Elevation Model HAVD88 Mosaic.' by NOAA N alional Centers for Enyi ronimenLail Iriformixipw (NC E 1). Cnea*d August 20, 2(115, List M013illied! �.alptem ber 23, 20 1 1� 00 S My Fnw, 4r*W Umh 4001bue HIMU CA Suib.Rvppn F?qjc!9L'Ni3 WNMA Jul�-5.201 H 19 r 14 by LEw AM df qj�.TA srvm vf yr 40 4M_ e t4a Af 3 DOWDI)RD LI6 L A A6 ix t po I HAhkq JsLmo Yww P? E 96 4 4), 's 110.0 vATM my IF L bw 19 -qw izuu,orq - 3614 .t' %q Aramrl E I 1 4 f 16 SITE ci kOCATIQK NAY Dp� " 0 ?0'� 't L r, jM&W WHT&i Aw" PA Irl(L AN SAM C47-t FA4 ---------------------------------------- I PLAZA DEL N= Elk 2 nAV lAt 5W SERWW M GMMM M AY n rt I IL-- E 5 P%40 OBTAINF-D F R OM OT H E THOU AS GU 10 E" TH0MAS BROS. MAP15, ORAN 13E COUNTY RAN D MC14A L�Y& COM PANY, DATE D 20M EGA SITE LOCATION MAP Project No- wp I 2f;_I Consullawy 400 S BAY PRONT Dia te- —JULY 2018 enstnecring gcnk%-,c:hn31'AI ICA 101--1 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Figurie ND: I - I FjojVr CPT-1 u EXISTING EXISTING RESIDENCE RESIDENCE LU 5 LU 1.00 B-1 307, L LEGEND 'yf'A WA LC GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS BY EGA CONSULTANTS NEWPORT HA RBOR CC)N E P E N ETPATIO N TEST BY I(EHOE TES71NIS AND ENGINEERING EGA PLOT PLAN Prpiect NO; wp,126-1 Consultants 400 S BAY FRONT Date: —)U Ly 2018 el3HLll1!lmr3ng SLUIM11113LAI allrplival.-Uns NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA FlguecL NO: 2 00p dp Tes 0M es QOP 3- -QM- EallarL deposits(12dwflularapirl—Aukre or rKerilly.adym ON piralir ciftasits,Will! t JLprtw tu middle i2ind dunL�deposic�.;unL-ncisulldaced iand and!cabble�reWrV Dn 61-65 M C�Dlr CDarw lermLt! Axt!aboul 4EA.009 Vejas. Qrn MIFIrW dqpas�ift lists HakKenep—A[Eite or reCRntly;Ctive go pafalli:d*"slu,LlinH3 3-6,wadividled JlwW W btach dept6iis.und.urpcgnsolidatod. nmidd le Plt!i-�Cui:enel—5-h.pfiCl;irai :Dbblus.Dn 45.55 ri Eswerho dwo0tv�lw*HokiterW—SA-rid,Wc and Glayr Eeffaces Des unconsoolidaUd,cuntiift vaf idble ar-ioLprib�if-pr.62n iC ON paralic depus-iu�late io middle 1PIWIGPgriel cruerlain matter. 13-F aiikeAmll ilan dep*1Wz—()ld parair�depusih UpPeL L� Oak CQ pNr4kllC dtpNftf�.tkA 4(13N!113-middlEs 11114WAOWQ�— iandyadu4wl-fam d9posits. Silk.i2nd 2rpd wbblej ftiling-an IA-37-51-04M Mcsa t er ra C e.Ap 0 a bou 12 DD.000-3W.OM yva r s,. Uplwatw FCq6MwW*rL(whf 1016oconpand M k3.mn*] WrirLe sandyWne Siltslane f acit!!.—Sikstull*arid Old puirallc glwpodts�,Lhiftl(lite to Middle Pleiltownei— rriud�FWir.whiti!ta palL�gray-,mas6n;e co Cruilel�12edd-1. Sill.sand and coDbil?5 FeAing on 4546 en 1�iuq Hcming friabk!. c Ew ra ce.Am e a t�w 13 20.0M.W OM ye a r%. F— Mantarey-Formi-wtiork(Wacsnp)—Marine silutone and Kild ppFpllr diswub,LWO I(late Cc rhidale IPIALDWO— I jan(htonz;silimDo.and a awmabL�ft�. Siltr swd and conles cesbing gn 5S rn Parry Grave lerracEL Aip aMui JL1 3.0W ycar-s. NtDMM. U-M r aM Millef,F.K.Pri�iminary GeDlagX er?ap of the Mel Mm;rdlrkg anpd SandA And 39;16&ilqiadranloe�, Calffqmia. U.S.-GeoluN SurvW.Publisht!d ZW6.1:100.000 maW EGA GEOLOGIC MAP Project No: WK26-1 consuhants 400 5 BAY FRONT Dig te: JULY 20V9 eng1ruxr-iing gkmiculhu iva-L appl ical ltm, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA RgUre N a: Balboa Pier, Newport 13each, California Tide Chart Requested time: 2018-05-16 Wed 12:00 AM PDT _BMIb" PI&f "I'm I -FL LF-Q—LA T Lob gil.-L-6 W'W 05-ifi kdid CO-L6 MW *-V I.- O!Iri? Thu M-57 1hu M Pff, 4:43 WH PDT E I iNL PDT -9:34 FM FUT L 5LA Al, Fr- 12-M P9 PDT 9;!57 N PErr 7 FE fk 15 6 7 A S 670 § 1P111211141 r3c A 7 -8 9 J0 JJ J2 1 I I � I I L I 1BaJbQa Plier, Newport 'Beach. Callfornia ��.(�Coow ". 1:0.9000, W 2018,05-16 We-d 4!50 AM POT -1.1 feet Low 7ide 2018-05-16 Wed .5:50 AM PDT Su n rise 2DIE-05LI6 Wed I J:CA AM PDT 3.9 feet High T1,de 2D18-05-1 5 Wed 4,.14 PM PICIT I.S feet Low Tidd� 2DI-E-05-1 6 Wed 7;46 PM PCIT Sqjnset 2018-05-16 Wed 10:19 PM PDT 6.0 feet High Tide 201"5-17 Thu 5--38 AM POT .1.2 feet L-aw Tide 201-8�S-17 Th-u 5:49 AM POT Sunrisp 201.8-CS-17 Thu 12;02 PM PDT 3.7 feeL H iE h T�d e 201"5-17 Thu 4:57 PM PDT 1.8 feet Low Ti-de 201-8-05-17 Thu 7!46 PU PDT Sunset 201.0-05-17 Thu 11;03 PM PDT 5.9 leet High ride �01-R�S-I EL Fri 5:48 AM PD1r Sumise U. 201.8-0.5-1 El F ri r;o!32 AM POT -1.0 feet Low Tide 201.0-CS-19 Fri 1;()S PM POT .3-6 feet High Tide 2010--GS-IEL Fri 5:49 PM POT Z2 feet Low Tide 201".5-19 Fri 7:47 PM PUT Sunset 20 10-05-1 a F ri 11--5 3 PIM P DT 5-5 feet High T1de 2015-05-19 Sat 5;4a AM REIT SVnrise 2018-05-J!�SaL 7:33 AM POT .0.8 feet LQw Tide 2019-05-19 Sat 2!.Z4 PM PDT 3.6 f"t Hilgh Tide 2(119-05-1!) Sat 6;58 PM PDT �.5 feet Lavy Tide 2QJ&-05-19 Sat 7:48 PM POT Su n-sel 20 U5.05-20 Su n 12!54 AM PDT S.I f"t H lgih Ti-de EGA TIDAL CHART Project N D: W P1126.1 Comultants 400 S BAY FRONT Date- JULY 2018 L!31.Ki1bUi!r11'E snoLcdimeaL appfi-cal iuns N E W P 0 RT BEACH, CAL I FORNIA FiiEure No: 4 1 APFEND�X A GEOL GIC LOGS ibinid CFr Data RA rport by KOW h oe DrM Im& Tvsjl!�!B �B-1 armd CFT�l LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Sheet 1 of 1 oo Nom"r, WP126 1 E�uring No: 0.1 Project 4M S Bai�FrQnt, Newporl Eleach, CA Boning wcolion: !See Fi�um 2 WateMointe CU!IJQM HQME'S Date Starvid. 501W20 1 e Rig. Mob 4" eiu!�tera Date CompleUpd. 511W20 18 Orrtd Elwy NAVO-50 IF Tj on,.% Typ# ThnVVM 2.5' TLdM .19 I DA -5inrKksrd S$* sinfic V�WLW 0 Nil M &WqAe 110 15pwn 5*mop Tpbie x 9C.HJ DF_!4nRLPT1QN ELL. Upht qlivm brown P nesa-1d w?irace gray Vt LM SM and orggpoca. mist, lVw t-p medium dense ­5 692 IN 1) 31 a IC 5W. - /At 2 ft : Light olive-gray. fi-ne S;Pnd Vyith argarl-C-5 sp wirit lo wet, medium dense SO At 4 fl - Same. game, moist lo wet, rn*dium d*nse 199 5 SP Jo*en-5e At 6 11 . Be-,_omes-olive gray. fine g_and, salurat-ad. 230 SP At 7.5 ft: Graundwalor, deme Iriie sancl At B fl : Olive gray, saluraled, dorm, One sand Z19 51M At 10 ft t�ecarneg_DaFk Gray saturated, silty sari-J 1 D TOM Dtpilh' 1 Oft. Griaundwalwe at 7.5 ft. No caving 9 r p SP W Backrilled and Compmded 611 W20 T-8 20 26 - 35 - EGA Cars%jkaws A.I SUMMARY OF CONE PENETRATIONTEST DATA 40 D D;ay F ront Ave n ue Newport Heach, CA May 22. 2015 Mr. David Worthington EGA Consultants, L LC 3 7 5 Mo nte V i sto Avenue. Ste C Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Office (949) 642-9309 ? Fax (949) 642-1290 KVE KuoE TESTINC; & ENGINEERING M 15 IndLjptnal Qf NO HunbpigWn Bunch.CA 112649-1!5 18 off ice 1714�W1-7270?Fax('rIA)90 1-7209 Wi7w kahooLesUng.mm 16- SUMMARY OF C ON E PE N ETRATIoN TEST DATA 1. NTRODUCTION This report prasenils the results of-a Cone Penetration Test �GPT) 1piragram carried oul foi ilhe projecil 1praled -at 400 Bay Frvnt Avenue in Newpoet Seach. California. Tlia vmrk was Wor-med by Kahue Teuting & E ngineoting f KTE)on Ma� 22, Z01 8. The &Cope of work wv 5 perf orrined a3 Uireci-ad by EGA Cons u Itants. LLC perucinine 1. 2. 8 UMMAR Y OF F IEI-V VVO RK Tlhefi$WVMFk consisted of porf-pi-ming CPT sou ndi n�s al one location lo determine Lh La !aoil lithology. Groundwater me-asurarneinis and hole coplapse dqpth!� pruVided in TABLE 2.1 are (OF information only. The feadings indicate thE� appart-ril depth to WhiC4 the holo is open aind th-a apparanil "iler level (if a-nomjntan�d) in 11he CPT proM holig ail Lhe time of measurarneril �Jplun oom pleilion of 111% CP7. KTE doeg not warranty the awvracy cvf the measurelmenils and the reporteiJ w-2 Li�r leyel s may -iol r-D prosent the tru e-ur 5tabillized grou n-dwatEar leveil!3. DEPTH OF LOCATION CPT IN COMM�INTWNOTEG; C PTA R-of usM. hole i3p4an W:�5 1 (dry) TABLE 2.1 - Sunimary ol CPT Souinclings I FIELD EQUIPMENT & PROCEDURES Me CPT 5oundings wer-a carrwd aul by KTE using an int"r-ah�d alectrani-c cone sysiern ma-nufaGlured by Vertek. The CPT soundino Welre performed rn accorl�lance with A-STM starkdar-09 fD5778). Tl�a corn� penetrometers wer-e pushed using Ek 30-ton CRT iig. 'rhe cone u!aed during the pm9ram was a 15 cmIL2 cone artd mcDnded the following porameters at approximately 2.5 0M cl-apth inlerv-aJ5, Cone Regi!3(anoe (qc) $feeve Friclion (11s) Penetration Speed Dynamic Por@ Pressur-e (u) ThL- abova para rrmter-5 were reoorded -an-d vi-awii�d in real time usiny ;d lap Lop-computer. Oala is s1wed al the KTE off ice f or up L-b 2 years f or f uture anislys is -ari(f ref emince. A cam plele set of ba5ehne read'i n gs was ta�en prior to aach scmi ri(J.iq to determi ne tempe-ralljro 6-h if 1:5 anij an� zero load qff 5ets. Moniton nq base Irne readi ng 5 ensures that ilhe oone elecironi-cs. a m qperal3ng properly. ca > CL cc 6. dd dd a" ou co 95 450 L 01) LPAQU r- —T--T--T—T �M) Lpd BO .M :Z� =3- I k p I I I I o 1--i r m 't T S (4) Logo J2 P I (.kj) N 4LF r.j M -c c -W 1; 1 .3 M LP 41 3 Vv jj� a N w st P! Pt q (:4) Lpda6CI Impth(ft) qc(t5f) Is(W) SM KW*MJQ SPT N60 Conwbralried Dr(4b) pvklkm (bI&WAI Ft) mo&(ftf) angle(0) 1 01.71 0.94 7 5.56E-03 N SO.25 100 .47 2 158-53 0.73 7 3.12E-0 26 716.38 96 45 3 IS6.75 0.63 7 INFO bb 7-q 2.79 89 AS 4 2DO.-44 0.04 7 4.28eta 33 926-19 97 45 5 16S.44 0.62 6 2.69E-03 2B 813.5 05 44 6 154.B 0.42 7 3.04E-03 25 727134 79 43 7 149.12 0.42 6 2.38E-03 25 735.53 76 43 a 10.67 0.3 L 6 1.36E-03 21 652-31 67 42 9 93.46 0.3 L 6 .4.M&O4 is 1513.4 59 41 10 29.24 0.21 5 8-M-06 8 M2.71 .34 35 11 24.56 0.1 5 9-ME-06 7 326.L4 11 34 U 21.2 0.L 5 4ME-06 5 2U.47 29 33 13 103.28 0.3 L 6 4-77E,04 20 on-55 57 40 14 147.76 Q-W lb 6-62E-04 28 9 16." .57 42 Is 230.68 1.04 '5 1-5RE-03 40 L223.43 92 44 16 251.25 L.04 r� 2-12u-Q3 43 1264.38 B5 44 17 229.32 0.94 r� 14AE-113 40 QW.62 E* 43 is 248.64 0.84 6 2.67E-03 42 1200.n 82 44 1% 27().57 L.IS 6 2.03E-03 46 JZ�7�.37 84 44 D 231.31 1.15 6 9-94E-04 -42 1339.@9 77 4� 21 253.M L.04 6 IAJE-03 44 13M.72 &D 43 �2 IS3.9 0.72 6 '7,13E,04 35 1 U152 67 42 23 286.03 0.63 7 5-Bit-03 45 1198.85 04 44 24 27-6.63 1.04 6 2.0q-03 47 1400.05 0 L 44 25 256.89 0.94 6 1.6m-03 45 1345.54 77 43 21� 29Z.9z 1.04 6 2.37E,03 50 1442.59 132 44 27 314.64 L.70 6 LGM-02 97 1786M 03 44 16 321.04 2.19 6 61 1%0.19 83 44 29 3W.1m 1.67 7 2.78E-03 64 IW9.33 4S 30 301.15 0.9dk 7 7.7W-03 98 1514A 91 45 31 4M.42 1.36 7 4.79E-03 64 17413 9L2 45 N 415.5a 1.57 7 -q.MF,03 67 km.53 93 4S 33 407.U6 1.46 7 -q-ME-03 65 IM.85 91 45 34 391,29 1.46 7 3.23E-03 154 1 lW-09 8q 44 m 3ao-32 1.315 7 1.14 E-M sa 1780.21 07 44 36 3%.Bi 1.57 7 2.75E�03 66 IXR-65 87 44 37 417.C* 1.57 7 3.34E-D3 6s 193G-Bl 09 45 39 401.42 1.36 7 IVE-01 65 1035-37 87 44 39 +kO.�7 1.57 7 3.99E-03 71 1973.79 91 45 40 443.29 2.3 F� 1-72E-01 77 231-3.96 99 44 4 L 354-li 0 0 O.00E+00 too 5352.76 a 0 on-l. Gwo lrql qc(W Fs Lb* u Umn 011iiir lbq Rfl%%l NP Lc sar d-Irq KqgPpi Y9 ium qjj ft%j Iq Mi. CM B; Qt. IN kni wdsorn 1 191)) 5 4 1 P* L91;p 0*11 I.SZ kum a H a DM SIJ31? a IN 9 7 42 1 U *Ij-0 Pil lJogli ) 114 F; I n -N* D?- --in S; a*1 1. I.S? R&A 13 32 0 MY IW *Ili 4 ) US ?;F LP P1 FL 6*4 11"n I I&L 75 1 d.3 a 1,41 --&6?& 04 9 1.34 IL9 at *A * Lili N 5 *4 a ; 036 L.114 US VIPM b 103-3 ? 4 2M*4 a w kil r1w 20" 0 R 11. 1.0 Nil 40 *34 0 kq OOP &4 1 ; 0 34 L N 12S Pilk 9 D a lip 34 P 51 11511.114 am PrP 9 ilr� ;.w Rm a3e I rP 419 3F *j 9 *P w?4 a V 3 4 0.3? L H hA MM RIF IM11 r 4 Lbkks 2AZ 3.1 &V Lim L4 a V 11. 14 M*3; 9 H Q P)$ 42731 02? 1 ? 0 3? L*1 h13 YIS& DM I ME* r ; IAS2 3.4.1 PA 0 1 L49 0 031 1 40 111$N 043 0 DA2 WA 0211 a h 031 L d3 1-11 kft Sl� D% 140it r 4 1 All a 11 04 6?9 u90 0 N 1;F t!3 4S a 4? 0 DA? 2`51 31. 0.3a a 1 *11. L* RA IILW qI*I 144 Id ? 4 9 k-4 5 3el P$f *?q 9P 4; Q 14 d. I.? 51L.?Is 033 0 D.33 M 33 0 J4 I h *R) L* I.J3 111?9 *A I'tip ? 11 kp 24 3 11 1.% h7Q 14-316 Q)3 1 7 H 33F.9-5 934 a ELN qrpgs )I 1 5 0) L&I J.I* 40drr *1* 11 a& 4 l5i Y4 14.9 a 1 1.14 D.F11 Z"? 043 S. Y.3-11 Sal A a Ilm * *4M 1*) 4) 4 5 Q" L 4.3 3 13 P3.?4 cl 1.11 :&D 111. 4 4; 3,1.; al IA GLPI 21.j� a as Y 35 :01 TP 0 6A g P" N43 05-- 0 Ed 5 074 1 M a 3%l. .111?l DID 4,1." 1 13 IqIP.Z1 111 0V *0 ;*11�19 *3 1414 31.3 H d 34 a 0?A to)a a J.- 11 1 a*1 h ID 1.0 1 li" Mal- %lill" 1 14 14F X I IW " b" W;; 049 d. 1 3; ILI W ON a 1)41 k4P H 9-0 F I *qj %14. I-U Iw;P aQt L#kh I IS ?M41W1 51� IkP D�017 M H a da d. 1.43 38 R g ft 9 1;41* 20 Ild 4.41 4 d 4.3 51." 3 4. 21ILM bar MA& ? 111 251.351 3JX 3-M lk" 2511 H a+.1 1 J1 ;J4 IP 449 a 0 P) q;h H d4a P ll� 043 SIS I.K 2ffII.fP cl%6 IF"I d. ie A-k 3� 1.96 j A *^ J?9 H *0 1 41- lap 15; SM 3 0,N 331 34 -3 41 P ll� 963 ZZ I.d MAE gal M P.IP I I ;L4 FA W 14P 0;? 3M U 014 d. L 33 3aZ 43 I.M 3 1 n ZA 33 il J-1 9 4+1 1 1 PP RP44* 1;26 *1*0 JI 14 z1v S; 3.15. 3,91 D.11.2 V0 N 0.40 d. 1.341 IH!Id 1.13 -3 1 3 L W 15 4.63 104 F44 1 P? W4A *z* wr.% H 231.351 3.11 *M IM a3l 34 as a 1.43 IWW a P I I V 1414 0 q Q 4 ACI IKU IA? 20?3? CI 216 13�&26 A I 2n Idl a IX -k9i ;Lft hII1 13 wl R. 1 3) i�UX 513* 3 1 34 314 M a 4.3 D 1. 1A4 k-101 IA 2U 33 a ap %h3-A I A j IRLI.P G?I 4A 0 TIP% *4 1 4A 5120; L]. 1 1 3 M IM a 4 P 1� IN" k9l 1-2 00 12 q N i2qjr 3j ?%Ig I a 1?.$ COU ;*51 039 r LIN 1311.11.3 N.W a I:k M-v 3.N J, I)111 *91 1 n M4 N 01F I&et ;4 ??Lk3 1114. 3,112 D.w 2m; 0.14 r 1 32 ;i�3 ;Q P 1 4) IPq 44 S-IM D 1. 4A4 DM I.S? 3W III. as RV.3 1 A 51 2&*H I.W W* IQ jh*I� a P I H lip N 51.411 3 1 0 M U I kT D 1. 1.63. PM IA 2qu 03 W4P r III M�� I** k* I M 0 1* r !3-P 134 A4 334 1 1 54 3EN 1 JO IP 6 4�- 06 1 k$ Pli-Ld 931 10 515 J) N1414 �.?Ili "i 1 31.4)3 034 4. 1 311 121113 1.110 P I H TP4 I. I V $ 4 Alp W I 4fi 341 W *p 1310 AN 321414 j.IP M 1 J21 3.1 940 1" ;p*; ;4L, I I d,1 71L d. I d& D d. P.2 I D.?F 1 32 31093 9 a? MON r ?� 10 M W *?9 *1111 *q 159 a 4A ? L 33 IM34 3.7* 1. 1 P 329 311. 9� k C- k*l I�? n,1; 4120 1"Jill I Id 3111.3.11 Will. " Rth 3411 34 031 T I I lam 11 4 1 F I I I;L*4 1!J41. cl r IKE DA2 I ull H?N 4 H ZV4 r 11 4PI 42 ;A ikaS *.% AM� 9 P r 1.11 13;13 SAL P L N 334 a 9-P* 0 r PAI SUP I n no la 4 R IN 13 r 1) 41$L? 3 IJ Y42 &V 41.9)51 daL ? LIN I31A 3.W D I NO 331 V PA k P.qj *;* I P? W 14 a JA INdk I 11 JIQ F th NA& 70 DAN *3?33 Clig r 1 11 Q?1`3 199 k I% M 44 *K 0 F ty" 106 1 3? 311;33 439 UZA r J4 TP I..FP I All. N.2 q.?p jj I yp qjr r I� IV Ih )to b ?N IN IP DR D ? kft a?9 1.3 3M A3 1 R 114 3`1 T h M*J� I A 9 N9 *;? W43 4 1* ? 1.3 IXI 3.13, 1. 2 la 171 ra PA 1; r lk" V!i I!II M 0 11 7P Ilm IM r IJ. h"j; 3.Tl 9M CL;I 3*16 Ila d.W ? L 33 la Is 3.19 P 111 1*1 34 r *4 V� I III al.U 03 1hr4 r .10 1IFN 137 Rn US 41 r a 9 X P L 11 13113 JA b a IN dLL 5 a 1) r PAS D.?l 1.3 37134 03 114 N r J41 -111�11.42 I A OF *A MI L Sj 4 P+ I 111 13;13 3 311 P 34 173 IP* lk� 0 r kpn lk� I A ?15 S� I R wl ff r 34 *0 3) up �?$ *4P 440 4A a U ? Is 3W4 Urr P 2,p IlIdAA P* 1; k *^ *; 1 3; 111ill-" I tj In d r V 4031 11 ;11? 1L9 44343 OM ? L H 133-N J�m 0 2- IN" *R 0 $ lk$ 0 4a 1 311 3734.1 171 113 N r 43 Iftok D k Ul 0.114 341m 13 0 a P 1)M j 40 * ;4A 11404. 0 a a 1 043 4 H 134 PI ll�37 n4 3-1 0 WwLn I a . ChgNerc Coro"liort ror rcx&t Al B1 2409W-OCA T`q; WORTHY 10 ,wORTHY 1 O@AOL COM subject! 'DigAlert Goofirrnolior,lor rickffL Al 01 24ONA-WA D.01*: F-ri, "A.20 10 1:09 prn EMLCFM 81643A L15AS 05104/16 13:qY9;18 A10124G906-30A NORM NEW PLULY LREQ Thank yao for cont&Cting 'Undergraund Service Alert -of Southern California. This is an aut-Dmaticilly genep-ated con4irmatLun of yemr DigAle-t. Foi- your safety please excaVlt-e cark-fully around the marked utility llne�. Foe raore Info"atton regarding DigAl@rl's web pertals, mubil@ %pps and text messaging, plemse vj5st �fkw-digalert,o g -or text services to DIGALT (34425:9), This email comes from an amtomated program that IS NOT MONITORED. DO NOT REPLV ro THIS EWt- This is not a certified u*py of the tickelt. Ticket ! A2:9124090A Date-; 01�/04/15 Time: ln;05 Qpd�o; LtF Chani 1-off 01-d Tkt: A191240904 DBte; 05/04/15 Time! In:M Operi LLF Revision! -BOA C,:�mpany, KEHUE TEStING 5 ENGINEEFING Caller; )OHN-PALrL GURAM - E-GA CONSULT Co Addir, 5415 INDUSTRIAL OR CiqASt: HLFP47INC37ON BEACH, CA ZIP; 92(Ag 5�45: 949-274-1354 Ptwne: 9413-274-135A Fxt.: Call back; ANYTIME Formn: 3OHN-PAAJL DURAND O*Dne; 949-274-13S4 Emaili WORT HIrl NWU2L-_C�* Slate: CA County; ORANCE Place; NENPORT BEACH Delineated; Y Deitneated -method; WHJT�PAINT Address: 4108 Stfeei:s BAY VMT XIST I ; PLAHL AVE MPPA 1; MPA z-, LDCikt: Excay Enters Into 5V510ewal%! Y LatIlLong 31.6067M/417,09071D 3�.-5860551-117-097381 33,685905/-117,599457 33.6051901-117,59ME 011ar GPS,- Bol-jnf y Explosives: N VaCutw! N lVear: N RV-Mook! N Woek (1) CPT TEST (UPPER 5FT) Wktpnd N Night! N Woek -date! 05/1-0/18 lime; 09:00 PrIarity: I In5truct MARK BY Permit; N()T RE-QUIRED Done for Ef3A -EDN5ULTANTS Respons@ required! V Legal -date! -051IS118 Legal title; @r9;00 rkt Exp: 051-0111S oibrs ; AMSOUTH ATIT DISTRIBUTI0N - PHONE ATT QAKAGE PIREVEPOIC" HO 510-645-2929 NEWID1 C10F NEWPORT 9EikCH-S,W,T UTILITIES DIVISION 949-544-3-011 SCG2X-Q SC GAS - !�ANTA ONA LEAD OISPATCHER ICHLKK 1 809-$03-7-061& USCE01 UTILIQUEST FOR SCE - OR COAST SC EDISON PER304NEL UIWCSOFH� OTILITUEST 4 CHARTER - SO 0 Pf*t 8vailable N*t available 'View Inap at: =R11/newtiM4--Ly.0lyr%,0 gfneytinweblmlp_tkt.ri4kp�'rRG=2CI�a.DZg7mFcT6H --I� hlpb wol mmlymat%,nnil.slWen-uslPril"Melsage 112 APPENDIX 8 LABC RATORY R ESU LT 8 G3SOilWorks EGA Gonsulltantr3 June 7. 201;3 315-C IddiiL-a Vista Avenue Project No 114-496-10 Co!3ta Me:5& Cal iforriiho 92627 Alter)tion: Mr IDEkwi(i VVorminglon- C.E.G. S u tpjeGI: Lat�orailory-Tow R8su its 400 South Bayfronil Newport Beach. Calilarnia Do& Mr. Worthingilm: G3SQHWQFks. I n-c. performed the naquit-sted laocifatory tests on soil sp4cimiafls deliyered to our off ir* for 1he subjW projecl. The f asu Its of these leals are inclui:lud ar� an attachment to iti i5 vVe apprt-qatii� the opporlunity of proviClin� our services lo �ou cwl thi:5 projerl. Should you have any questium. plqasii� contact the undersigrked. Si ricerely. Wsaillworks, Inc. D 6011 ikawa. Psilink an M LW RGE 2726. Reg Exvire Allachment' Laboralory Tesi Ro5ults 550 Fischee Ave. Firont - Costa Me�& r-A,92626 IP: ?Pig 66A S&DO wYew.G3!5,u11W04ks"rn EGA Con sultants JunO 7, 2018 Laboratory Tesl Results Plrc�act No- I 14-4W-1 0 400 Souih 5ayffnnil Page 2 of:3 Newpori. Beach. C�alifornila LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Summarized !below aire Ma r-asulls Df reqwe!�ted lateratory teving or) samples 30miltso to QUF offic'e. Dry L�en!sljv and Moisture QonUmlt Tabalailed L�elcw ara ine requested re!sLilts of field dry densitV arid moi5ilura coriterits of undisturbed :5oil5 -sarnplas rewined in 2.42 - inch ipside -diamebar I)y one-inclh height li-ngs. Mcmiture only resukt5 were oblainail rrom -small bulk sarnple& sampift Dry Oenslity. Molatum contqrvll� Idenfifir.alion PC1 89.2 1!9.9 8-1 13.0. 23.0 B-1 "A Notx-s: Danalles smali bulk eamiple for Moisilluire OW(Ont tOsting OnIY- Soil Class if ic ation Requested -soil !�ampllgs welre clavaifiOd using ASTIVI 024-57 as, a gu�deline an� are based on visualand tL-O.M31 mathods only, Those cussirication5 -are shrowri below; Sample Idiainiffication Svil. Devorlptl*n Group Symbol vna sand - liiiph�-olivo �rown Mth P Ireice darkgraysitt ar4 Otganics B-1 (Q 4-01 Fine sand - I$gh�-Dlirva gray, organics SP B-I a 6.0, Finesand - ol" gray SIP MaKimum Dry Di�irialtv iond Optimum M0151ure Coat-ent Maximum dry denWy anEl optimum mmsturc, content te5i war. performed in wumdance Willi ASTM, D 1557. The resvils are-shown belqw Conte n I Sampla Identification Maximum Dry Density Opt i Mu M MO i!91 U r (Pgfl B-1 M F ISGfieF AYO. Front - OnSto I'Also.CA 926215 P 714 6159 5600 wYo.G3SoilWqrks.corn E-CA Consultants Jvne 7. 201-1� Laijofuiiary Test Results Project No, 114-496-10 A Cx� South Sayfroril. Page 3 of Newport Be.9ch. CalifDrMa 311 Hate C 0 Me PI A 5eleclod bkAk 5,ample, was le:sted 6ot solRilble sLiffate conlenil in accordance WIth Hisch pfocedufo. The test result i:s 5hown below: Sarnpl L- I de ntif i-c-ation Watp�r Solu ble S ulfat4- i n Soi I SLIlfate I�XFIIDSUre cla5!5 (Perve ntage by welig hil: (%)) (ACI 315-14. Tabli� 19,111)_ B-1 .0061 Wel. D*nsity A corrkpDsito of :sarnplar, identified es 5-1 @ 4 arid 6 feet was remolded to ilhig dry -den:sily owained from a-I @ 2:5 lout. Thi5i soil specimen w-as then Soaked wid mweighed an(I trio resulting wet de nsily pr t[jis sample wa-5 dotom Irwid to b�e 1184 pef Di,mvt Shear The re5wmi Df i3irecl whear tes1pn@ (A-STM MOW) are p1med w �-'iqure S-1. Soil specimens weresaake-d in a confired stati� aind shearei� undur varied ICN9�15 iran!�incj from 1.0 k5l' LD 4.0 ksf with a direct !i1hea( machine !aet aL a controllod ral:e of guain of-0.005 inch. por Miclute. SSO FisrFwr Ave. Feont Costa Mesa CA 926215 , P- 7 M 660 56DO - Yyww.i3 H-oi Mrdrik sx-orn DIRECT SHEAR TEST Undisturbed 4.Wl) 50 15GO 3.Wo 2.75U 2.�Q() LL rL . . . . . . to 2.250 2000 1.760 Ld ul 1.5013 750 500 1.W() 1.500 2.Wo 2.500 3.000 3.5w 4 0 0 C- NORMALL STRESS, PSF 40(�S. Bj3yfn�rm.lqewporl BEq3ch CCME810M 25 p:sf. FRICTION ANC�LE 31 0 degr-h-- baring i �5­01 FIGURE S-1 2.5 DIRECT SHEAR TEST PN 1144WIg R�-IJOR r DA M:W21201a G3SO' [Works Ph....(I- APPENDIX C GENERAL EARTHWORKS AND GRADIRG GUIDELINES G EN ERAL EART HWQRK AN D-GMID I NG Gtj I DE LI INES GENERA These 9 uidelpne 5 prose nt ganeral procedure s and recl ui rements f or grad ing a nd ea rthworik including prepa ration of a reas to h* f il led. Via-ce rrie nt of fill, i nstal latiorl of s ubdrai na, and excavations The recom mandati Dris co rktainso i n the 90!Dtechnica I report are a pa ri of th e earthwork and g rading %pecFrications and -should 9 upersede Ihe prgyisions contai ned herei P: i r) I he caso of oorif lkr-t. Eval vall ion-s perf orm ed by time cons ultant during (tie -courw of g radi ng ma y result i n flow feco mn-Ne rkdations wh ich ca uld 5upersede thess specif ical ion-S or the recomfi-iien-datiorks Of the 9 eatechri ical lepart. �ARTHVVQRK 0 BS ERVATION AN D TE ST I N Prio r to -cornm sn cement of grading, a q uaiif ied geotech nical consultant should be e rnployed for the purpose of obserying ea rthwork pir acedure:s ancr testing lha fills for cc Morma rkc* w& the recomm endWion-s of the geolechnrc�al repGrt a nd these specif icatiaos. The consu�tarit i s to provide :adeQu;pte testi ng and a bwryati on so that he may diatermine th at the work was acoornplishad as specified- It ehould be the responaib4lity of ltis contractor to assist lhB con!5ultant and keep him apprised of work ecrLed ule s and cha nges so that the G-Drisulta ril may schedu le hiS perso n no I accord ing ly. The contractor is to proMde adiequj3�e eq ui pm ent a nd method s to accom pl i!3h the work i r. a cc:ordianca with appli cabl�e g radiing wdes or agency ordi nances, and the se !3pec ificati on!s If i n the opi nion of the consult@ nt. unsatisFa clory DDriditioin s are res u Ring i n a q uallity of work less than requqred in these speciflealions. the con s vllani may reject I he worK a nd Terom mend that oon sil rvf�tion be slopped uni'll the mriditiona aFe rectified. Maxi mu rn dry denSity ile:�% used to determine t rie d 99 ree of compacti on sh ou Id be perf ormeO in accordance wil h the American Society la r Testi nq ano M ate nal 5 Test A fH)S 9 F Po nA,N u Yqw ri R4w h(rd ki No rc;I mn A C A Skmh-Kraim Fmj"c%a WP 126 1 yui� S.10 1 a M81hDd ASTM: 1) 15:57. PREPAWlQN OF AREAS TO SE FtUFD- 1. Clearing and Grut)bincy All bfusft. vegetation. and debris should be removed :And ollherwise di5posed of 2. Processm : The exr9ting gr-Dund which Is evaluated to be satisfactory for support of fill -should be s-carified to a minimum deph of 6 inches. Existing gtound whi-ch is not qatisfactory -should be overexr-avated 3:5 sPecified Irk the follGwing soation. Scarificallan should continue until the soils are brol�en dcwn and free of large clay I um ps or clods and u ntil the working su rf ace is reasonably unif orm and (fee of urieven features yybich wDuld inhibit uniform compaction- :3. o�n: Sott. dry. s-pongy, a r oth erwise un-sv ijable g rou rhd, extending to suoh a depth Met sLifface proce s!si nq c-annot adequately im prove the cond Mon, should be over excavoilled d own to f i rrn g rouirid. approved k)y the consulta nt 4. Mok5turQ Qo diitioning Ova r excavated afld pror-e55ed soil!s sh DU Id be wata red. -dried-laack, blended. andior mixed ;as necessary to attain a unif-orr-n moisture content near opill Irri um. 5. Rem nqA-,rti�qn: Over excavated and procassed solks whiO have beein properly mixed and moisture-conditioned shokild be remmpacled lo a minimum relative c,ompachon of 90 perGeni. 6 U!�An�in . Where fills are to be placed on ground wirth slope% steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to verlical unft). the ground si-Pould tmB t>enched. 7he lowest benuh ehould be IN minimu m of 15 feel wide. and :at least 2 feet dIeep. expose rM material, and be approved by the con4soltani. 01tier benches should be exravated in firm materi,al for a mi�ni mum widilh of 4 feet Ground sloping Patter than 5:1 should be benched Dr otl�ie rvow over excayated when considered ne-cessary by 400 5 BFF R".N�wpori UcLjA:h�ftboj 1519nd�.CA 5011�Rwri Projed NL% WP12-5 I jwi�5-21M the consultant. 7. Appro , AJI areias to receive fill. including processed arejj:6. rernowal areas. and toe-of-fill benohas should be approved by the consullant prior lo fill placement. IV. FILL MATERIAL 1. Gerwa M atermiall to be placed as fill should ti�.-free of o n�janic irriatter a nd other d elets rio us substances a nd shou Id be a pproved by tvie con s ultant. -Soils of poor grad atkon. ex pansi.-on, or strangi h characte rir3ti(-.s should be placed in areas designated by the consulltaint or mqxed with other :soile unlil suitable to -serve as sati sf actory fi 11 materi al- 2 Overs ize Oveirsize material defined as rock. o r other i rreducibie Majeria I with a rn aximurn dirneir�s ion gireater than 12 Pnches, 9 hould not I�e b�vried a r placed i n fill. Q Ness the I ocation, rn ate rials, and d isposal methods are s pec4i-Gall Y aPPf Ofued bY I he consuttant. Overs ize d isposa I operailions should be such that nesti ng of oversize material does nal ocrur. and such thal the civeirsiza rinaterial is completely surrounded t>y -cornpac�ted or densified fkll. Ovorsize material ShovId not be place-d wilhin 1() feet vertically of finirh grade or withirt thie range of Uure utililies or underground constructiwon, unless specifioal!ly approved by the Consultant. 3. IMp : If importing of fill rnalerial Ls neoessary for grading, the import material shoold be approved t>y the gootechnical wnsultant. V FILL P1L&QEMf.NT AND COMEAQj1_QN 1. Fill Lifts: Approved fill matairial should be lAaced in areas PFeparecl lo receive fill in near-horizontal I;ayers not exceeding 6 inCAOS iii compacted thickness. The c."suftant miay approve thicker I ifte if testing indicates the giradi ng proced ure!a 61re such thal adequale oompaction is being a-clhievad with lifts of greater thicknass Ea-ch layer shall ll�e spread evenly and should be thoroughly mixed duiring 4DO 5 139�tR)nl. '%-!WpLn I]IL!3rh kL1 albin 1-dwitij.CA ,%pi14 RepucL NqML 11-0 WPj 7.6 L JULY S.20 1 a spreadi ng to attai�n u nif Drmity of m alerial a rW molmra in ea-ch layer. 2 Fill Mqislui -- Fill layers at a moisture conleni less than optimum Shol.11d be watered and mixed. and wet fill layers should be aerat-ed by scarifiCaliOn DF blended with drier majerial. Moisture-conditionirig and! mixing of fill layers shquld continue uAll the fill mateirial is at a uniform rrIOI&`tUF8 conlent al or near optimum 3. C om r)action of F il I- After each layer has been evenly s pre;p(% rno isturs- cond 04aned, a rid rni xed it should be unif orm ly com pacied to nol less 0-i an 90 pe rce rit of rna):im um dry de nsity Compa ctiori equipm ant should be adeq uOilely sized and eithe r specif ical ly des ig riel� for soil; com padion air of proven rell abil ity. to efficiently achieve Me specified degfoe of compachan. 4 ELLQ12M: Com pacti ng of slopes sho uld be accom pl ishe(% in qddi�iion to norm al oDimpacting pro-cedure-s. by backfolling of slopes witih Sheepstool rollers al f req uent incre rne nts of 2 to 3 feet in fill elevation gain, of by other rn eth ods ;>roducing sati sf adory results At Ihe cDm pletion -of grading. the ral ative c:ompaclion af 1he slops out zo the slope f ace s hal I be at least 90 pe rce n t 5 Q ornpLaction Tes�iing: F!ield tests jo check the f 111 moistuire and deg ree of com pa-ction wil I t;mo perl'ofmad by the -consultant. The Ichcation and frsq ue noy of telal s s hould be at the consullanirs di scretion. I n general, I ho tests !3 ho u Id 13.9 ta ken al gin inte rvi3l not exceedi ng 2 feet in vertica I Rse a ndlor 1,000 cubic V ards of embanikme nt- VI SUBORAIN IN-STALOTION Subdrain systams. if required. should be installed [n approyed ground and should noT be ohanged or modified withoul the approval of the conavltani. The coriaultanl, howaver, may recommend and upon appmal. direrA changes in 5ubdrain line, grade, or mate rimal. 40I)N 1`1 u F r.ra n 1. 1%.c�%pj i C 84-;P.h(V3 Pd bW U lan d 1.k A S Lit I I Rq�= Pmjed NLk WPI 26 1 2*19 Vil EXCAVATION Ex-cavations and cut slope 5 should be examined during grad ing I f direcle-d by the consultant. f urther excavalion or ove removatiGn and fefi 11 ing Gf cut areas should be perFa rmed. and�c r remedial grad ing of cut s lopes perf ormed. Whe re fill-Over-ccit sl upe-5 are to be graded, un less othe rwise a pproved. the c ut portion of the slope should be m ads and approved by the ooinvu liani prior to placem ent of m ateriaPs f or construCtion of the fill portion of the Wope. 4%S Bw Fpank.Nn-pon Htuh(Oilbat u1iindo.CA 543i Is Rrpw Fmim Nia.WP 12&1: MY 5.M I a .5 A PPENOIX D tjSGS Dip@ I-an Maps Det�lled ROPGrt Z,LkqO oesign Maps Summary Report U-&er-!5pei:ifiied Input R-elp-ort Title 400 5 ELOV Front, New por Btach. CA !iiii lyly 5. 10 LA I H:20-J.- U% 8L.Iiii;ting colde Referenc4a Doudme�nt ASCE 7-H] StIkard :WhiLh E111Lt, I ic��jc; L,dal u 4qjjiibw in mos 1 Site CoordirubtWill J�-6060941N. 117.89967*W -51te soil Classif I cibbon SO Class D 'Stiff 50ilm Risk Category 1�qlitll 45NPIL W4"r iLcpl WW IC I'Aj I FF W I HUM Itington 0 goo CcmtA M eia M4111,11on V14je Naiiiiiii MAN eake F*r*zt ,(LI IT Al .3 V iepo A 'Lfi-qu Ila qVi Lll.s-i5s-Provicled Outpult S q m 1.7409 -740 -9 &Q g S, w 0 643 g SIL 0-96el 9 Sol a 0-1W g FQF informirtion on hooy thir SS and S I Yaluffis abpve Mve bmn calculated frurn Probabillsuc(rIA-targored)and deterministic groyino rrintlans in the illreizon*f MlbAiFnLIM T%Wzcintal reWrise, please Fqftirn tp the applicabon and selout the 'ZD09 NEHRP'buildling wd* reretence docoment MCUN Rempliam Spin'trUTE -- ---------- 44 h. Jt UPP mA- lu- IN- 3-di -�Iqi ..3.. i-q- Il- 14- IM 114- 3111 WO rnibi,I Lno For PGA-. TL. C,,, DP4 C,, vOlues. 131"fic Y1629 the dLwtb'l" RZ- Aii,hcmr mik iorpenzrior.is 2o proLduci:or trie U.s. survey."pmvide m*wfant-e.cKprei!Peu Ur ifilolii-i! AS.1:3 I-It! &:I:Ur4p:V io irii-4wo rnr-rainizLd tMN!ln Thip qcvjl r&rim iii subsboLube for techeacal iwbW!-ffr%wno-r knjWLdgL MUM Diesign Map!5 Detailed Report ASCE 7-10 Standard (33.60605-Ni. 117.89867-W) 13it.t CI.BSS 0 - �Stjff Boll", RiSk Category 111V ill 5ectLorli 11.4.1 — Mapped Accelieratlon Parameters Not-e- 15 rou na mcition va lu es. provi ded -below -are For tht die*Ction V maximu m hiairizontal SpeCtral Ve!SP�OnSe j3C[ej@FA�iOn- They ihi3ve Wen converted Frum corre5ippiriding gftrnetric rnean g rou nd mot Ions computed 1by the USG5 by 6pply Ing factivs cif 1.1 �to OLain Sj aind I-:� (to obtain 5 1)- maps i n the 20 10 A$,CE-7 Standard -Pre pmvlde'J for 5ft r'lass.S. *djustmenitr. roe 01her glite CjassL-5 are rnader as ri-eeded, in Secticirk 11.4-:�- From FjgjjjjCL_;L" L 1 9 From figiv rO S, 0.1543 g Section 11.4.2 — Site Cla5:5 The autho nty hawi ng ju-n saic6cin (not the LF5G S)i s�tit-spei:if Ic geotechniCal diptar andjor the diefaull has CI.&Sslejed t" rite a:; site class 0, based on the site soil pr.00ert*5 In b"ordance with Chapter 70. Table 2U. I Sifte!Classilicai;:-Dr Site Class FY.0 r NL 5. A. Hard Rack ;-23,000 fV$ N!A 14JA 0 RuCk 2,500 to S.000 fV5 NIA Nf A C. Vgry<Jen-Se soil ap-d soft roCk 1,200 ta 2.50 ft/5 >50 >2,000 psf D Stiff So I Wo to 1.200 ft/s 15 to so LOGO to 2.OaO psf E. 2poft clay &oil <C3 O-D tV s .4 ILS c:I.DOO psF Any prof il-e with rnGf e timn 10 Ft of&oil rm%.iinq the Chavactef Istics' * PlaViCity lndE!X P1 -.Nl 20, * MOIStUFE! coeiitent w � 40%, aind Uncirained sinear StFgngth s. .4 SOU of F Suilt requiring site rvs-punse� Sipe Scdpom 20-3.1 airialvisms in MCCUFdarLea wlbh Section 21.-1 FQF.Sj: I" E 13.3U.48 M�5 IltVrt3 m 1D.0479 VNIM2 5ectiorl 11-4.3 - S Ite Coeff icimeots -a nd Ri s k-Ta rgetv� M ax i rn u m Coos ide red E a r-thquake Spectr-al Resporl Se Accele rat ion Ra ra metei­5 Table I L-4-k: Sile Coevic.elm f. site class ma pp ed MCIE , Specral ReWariis*Accaleratio n Paramete r at 431hort. Peiriod S, 5 0�25 S, - 0.50 5j = (1.75 S, . 1-00 S� 2 1.25 A 0.8 0.6 0.8 il.8 I).% B 1.0 L.0 1.0 1.0 1.1) .c 1.2 L.2 1.1 1A) 1.0 -D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 IF 2.5 1.7 1.2 G.9 0-1) F See $eOm 11-4.7 of ASCE 7 Note; Use stra ig ht-line interpqlatia n IGr inteFrned late valuas 43F 5,. For Sitm Class = 0 spi-d S� = 1.740 g, F. m 1,009 Table 11.4-2! Site Coefficient F. s,te Class Map"d MCE , SoAdral ReSpCnse A"eleration ParameLer at k-r. P@iriod 's 0-110 S. - 0-20 S.. = 0.30 Fi. = -Q.40 SL 2t 0-50 A 0.6 0,131 0.8 0.8 0.15 19 JA I.-D I-D 1.0 I.G c 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 D 2.4 2.0 1.9 1.6 1-S I E 2.5 3.2 2.0 �.A 2.4 F So* Seccion L 1.4.7 QF ASC:E 7 Note! use straight-line interpvlation for irktemecilate valoes Gf 51 FOF 911ft C14191 = D Orkd 5� 0 JP,643 W, F, m LSIDO Equation (11.4-1), -F.S, . 1.000 x 1-740 I.-W 9 Equation (11.4-2)+ !S-: F,51 z t.500 x 0.64 3 41.964 g Sectlon 11,4.4 — Design Spectral Atceler-atlon Parameters Eq u atlo n (I L 4-.3): x 1.740 - 1.160 9 Cquation (11.4-4), M Sw, 0:9154 w (1.64 a Section 11,4,5 — VeSign RL-SpDnSeSpeCtrum From 09ure 22-1 111 'T- secords Figuire 11.4-1: GegqfL Respomw SpqdtruM T 4 T3::5. DA 4-0.5 T e 7, 1 A, T.ITS TO. S. TIL-s T r.TL:S*z S..IT T3-TL S.&S,3.T. e Tz M. rwrW,T�i Sectio n 11.4.6 — Risk-Targ eted Ma x I mu m Consi dered Earthqu a ke (MCER) Resloonse Spectrum The MCE,Reipacim S"Uturn is dm-errnineil try woAlplying the ijc*ign rz:sppD$t Spearurn akklve by 1 74W I lo-I" I FrMod�T tPer, Section 11.8-3 - Addition a I Geotech nical In vestigatio rN Re po rt Req u irements for Sei Sm ic Daskjn -Categoirie5 V through F Fro M E19 v re- �,2-7 PGA = Q.724 Equation (I 1,;S-IL PCA. a F,,_,PGA = 1.000 x -0.7 24 0-7 24 lr4t,ie t L.-B-L. Site Coefficient F., 51W Mappec MCE (3eometeir Meim Pleak Ground Accelerptli)n, PGA cla SE P[�A .5 PGA PGA PGA PGA 0.10 0-20 0.31) 0.40 0.51) A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1-0 3.0 D 1.6 1.4 1.2 L-1 1.0 1E 2-5 1.7 1-2 .0.9 0.9 F See Fireotion. 11.4.7 OF ASCE 7 Note! Use stroight -LjrLc interp-51ation for i-ntermadi8e values of PCA Pij.r Ske CIMMS E 0 and PGA = G.724 % FP,, w 1.000 Sectio n 2 - M ethod I (from Chapter 2 1 - S ite-5pecific G ra U nd Moti on Proced ures fo r Seismic Design) r-rorn figure 22-1 E*3 CDs 0.591 from figure 2:2-:IQ CIL, 0.907 Sectlon 11-6 — Seismic Desigin CategcPrY Table 11.6-1 'Salsdnic Di::gign Caiegory Basea an ryhon Ptriod Regpbns-e Acceleration Pw�irrie:'&r RISK CATEGORY VALUE OF %r. I or 11 111 IV 9" < 0.167g A A A D-167U ng 9,, < 0,330 lb- B C 0,33g :s Sil" -K 0.50jp C C D 0-5og r. S" D D D ftr Ft1sk Opitolpary = I afflid s�, t 1.1iso g, Swismir Demign CAMigairy w 0 Table L L.6-2 Seismic Dqvgn Qrtmg D,y Bds-ed on I;-5 Period Rcspanse Accelei ar. ar vararrietcr RISK CATEGORY VALUE OF 5c.. Z11 IV 0.067g A A S" < 0.1-33g 5 C 0-1:�3gi 2; St,:1 4 0.2ag 1Z D ------------ 0-20g f. 13L D D F,or Rlw.k Catiag" = 1 and 1511. M OrS413'ge Smllamk Demig n W4eg ury Nobe: When 5, is greater Uia-n 0: eQUal KQ 0-7Sgr the Se-s-nic Design 1;ategory is E fQr I.tvildirigis In Risk CategUFieS [, F1, and III, and F fj3F thost ir% Risk i�ategory IV. irrespcWye. of the atw%�e- S-pisrnic De!519in Category x 'the rnore -&evere desigro category J!n acrQrdance with Talb le 11.6-1 Qr 11.6-2' = D Note; See Sectiork 11.6 f or ailLernativot jkpIpirvacher. to calculatin-; Seism ir- Desig ri Cate-po ry. Ref e rei-lice5 L. Fipuro 22-1: Mps,i/earthqua kr u sg G.-govi haaa rds/.de-signmaps!do%unLoad5/pdfs./20 10-A!5GE-7_Fig ore_2 2- i.pdf 2. Agvre 22-2: kjtjpS.//eavthq Ua ke-u sq i3wn106d5/pdf5/20 J().�E r 7-Figurft�-2 2- 2.1pdf 3. Figure ZZ-JZ! 12.OF 4- Ffgure22-7; h-LtIPS:Ilearthquake.usgs.qovinazard:51derignmaps�-download!s�NW2010 A5CE-7-Fldpre�---Z2- 7.pdf S. Figvre22-27: https;�/earthquake-usgr...gGv�lhazards�desi-griTnap2i�downic�adr,/OdF%�2010_AsCE-7_Figure-22- 17.pdf 6. F�qLfre 22-j 8: hlrt�ps://ea rthqu-ake.us-�s.gov/hazards�desi gri rnajps�dowri IoadVpdfr,/21D 11D_ASCE-7_Flgu re_:Z2- I B.ipdf APPENDIX E LIQU�FACTIQN ANALYSE S;S.ETTLE M EKT C OMP UTATION < W � ELI 40 q-1 ry 4T P� P� E% 4- L�- %0 M-W Lq qr W LA M a 1:;o i;; W i� t- N 43 %0 a� r- A Ln a 4D &I d- EY VI Gn v l7i r.* %F 'd- o 6 — 4 4 - -4 e-P, m Fri 4r v mr v 10 13 -4� L-n -!P = C� -d- 0 6Fl ri r,; �4 a qA 1:3 -42- ::PL i%a rri m qr w %6 1 L w 0 'Ir Q ea 1; 3- M e% CD m m r, 1, v m �'z m W, wi 1� 1:5 rrl 9:r .0 ELL 6-1 gd- e 0 0 0 ul, LA LA Ln qA M 0 M 0 m w m 3D ri mm 0 C3 0 L6 LM LA Lg LA 0 Wj 0 LM LA qA LA WL M 0 a 0 Z 0 43 %P 0 go 4 0 0 %G Q %0 4D %0 90 mP -D %0 LI; %e. �o U� mo %D M3 �o F %�h eq 9D m W-� ID V Mir i-#t I, lw ll IvIl :Wffl V1 z �o c'; LA qA w m r- e64 M3 :66 2 N Im rt 9dr 9E r1l -74 N m ap -At go �o ;6r EL U, .13 Iq rn L.R qA 43 %0 116 r-L -E LE '9 fq C! M 17� C4 :0! lz� N N 1%3 m m LA Lq kr. N W, V? 0 M W1 4 t� 0 76 1.3- Ud r%l ki C6 ro CL g 3c ip 6ri rn ;:J� 1-% LA M n q.f rg rl -I F: F,! R4 M m Pri ?Q E14 0 0 G% OR 4� P% cp�, qt - - 1:9 q. ir qp 4D m rg j ! F� A.; ,�3 mWO 110% rF-w EZ rj, -M 1 0-% 1; -lr� m %b Lfl qp �n M P% 0 er� N Q c%! P! e— I VI 0 6� IR V� r4 10 eA m -t 0� vi -Q 114 Am IZ --r W-� 40 0 a, Q 9 Ln 0 m M 0 N r� m m F4 elk 0 M! fn m m w pi V; kd Ir qr rq LA uli %G -D I P F 2 9 v% Lm LA wi. %m o &n :k C�l a� al 176 im 0 -6 C; CR q T� 0 %P LA 0 Ln w 0 Lm 0 &M m 0 % LA a ko do %D 4; %a 19 LO %0 10 %a 10 %P 10 %c %P 10 %a a %G N P4 F4 .1L 13 Ll Ln r.9 Ln 13 Q�- kA Qt vi Wi. vi cr� 3 0 qA r- 6m 0 r- - N T I h� t M -d- * ml- 0 V� 4D %0 19 ;IJ q3 10 '1:6 4 t6 ej Ull r-4 rr% ed6. -d- Lfl V) Lir I- L� & M 47� IF% 1:� M, :� - Ll IM N cr: U5 & 0 a? V� k� L6_ L6_ [V IM IN ::k �5 D 1� 0 cd ul N N N m N M rrl m rr% ep, EY! Fri �r E E toL X, F'� 'ki T-1 1* A 4.6 LIA N 10 ;:� ch "I N rq ed6 J5 �n Cl 0 JZ3 C;�. 6n 0 73 7�- 0 a G 122 q - . C� q G� 0 15 �m q 0 a 42 b a 0 0 r. lz 'a 0 a 6 b Q ja E qr M 6P. N N e,* N -Fla N 0 -;a G; m Je C U) 0 .13 C3 0 N r., C'* EP 15 C� 0 Cl e,Z N -rk r%3 N 4V N :i m fZ N rl " N " �C: r, LA 15 -n CIO 0 43 0 q q q q -n 0 C3 1� 42 N N m N m N m MR IR15 mq MR r- r- W� t� N 0 rN- Irv-, d 6 Q Z 7� 13% 0% 4r m cr V� 0 0 -6 C; ttf -11 N 610 G; Wl ;:J� N 4 q- N q - -m Ln V61 q 7� r- Ln 06 [p QI 4r qr� rn v t ;6. 4r �3 m M w M w M re 31 , M M M M rri Lr' L tZ L fn a 0 U 1* ; W M LA &A �l 06 Q �4 .0 1* N m UP 17� q- 41- 0% .4 ai e4 M M w G -W M M 4N N M 5 �! m 4( 13> Ir 10 ;? & eq r%l E� �5 15 t3 0 4� 0 0 G; e 15 .5 0 c6 �5 0 0 q q ;a q 0 C3 0 b C3 0- Q :r G; M 0 0 0 'M Q -D OL 6 z .n 0 C3 0 1:3 4� 0 Q 1;; 0 C3 0 43 0 0 Q �5 M cl q 0 R 0 Q G; 0 q 0 C3 0 0 GR &4 N elk PQ N fq N N N N -F,3 N N P4 N N rl* N m LL eo M IM 9:;� 45 15 C� 13 C3 IR GI 1;, q C3 q G; 0 r-4 r4 r-4 vQ rk� fq mi rJ 0 0 0 0- 0 N fq r-4 N j N N I, N M M e6.d N N N I!P 15 -E eft W L6 61; 6FJ M 0 0 lr� 0 10 '?- !3 1� 42 G; V Gn 0 C:i t_— ,6 0 'D M M 'D 'M ZD 13 Q c;; 45 0 06 V .. .. w M rt E66 q� a im 0 Q C3 :;i M M N 466 -d- e� 4* M M -13 0 C3 0 4-63 Lo LC d- 0 e N Q r4 N 4� r- qr 0 1; b�6 lq Lf! 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