HomeMy WebLinkAboutLorenz 05-20-2019From: Lee, Amanda Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 7:39 AM To: Murillo, Jaime Subject: FW: 2019-060-ActivityVA2019-002 From: Lynn Lorenz <lynnierlo@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2019 2:31 PM To: Planning Commissioners <PlanningCommissioners@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 2019-060-ActivityVA2019-002 (Please forgive me if you have received multiple copies of this email. My old Mac kept wanting to add @aol to the end of the email addresses, particularly the copy to Jaime Murillo, which I finally sent to your email address, to his attention. I think all of the others came back to me) Honorable Planning Commissioners It has been brought to my attention from numerous sources that there is a piece of property that was recently purchased on 1113 King’s Road whose owners are asking for a considerable height variance from the City. If granted, this variance will result in the construction of a house that will interfere with the views of neighbors who generally speaking, have lived on King's Road for years. I cannot imagine making additions to my house that would interfere with my neighbors’ views/rights even if I didn’t need a variance to do so. I don’t think that individuals should expect favoritism from the city whether a house is 2,000 square feet or 10,000 square feet. Rules and codes were established for a reason and each time they are broken, it becomes easier to justify this unfair behavior the next time. Also, when favoritism is shown to some at the expense of others, respect is lost for the agency granting the favor. ALL of us in Newport Beach must work together and play by the rules to maintain the beauty and collegial life style that we now enjoy. Lynn Lorenz 434 Redlands Avenue Newport Beach, 92663 949 646 2054